Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Pablo-wood on May 23, 2024, 03:20:48 PM

Title: Money addiction
Post by: Pablo-wood on May 23, 2024, 03:20:48 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: kentrolla on May 23, 2024, 04:08:30 PM
That's a very common story of most of us as we are more focused on earning money wherein some do it for survival while other just don't want to downgrade their standard of living and wants to keep improving it and then comes people who have greed of money but they don't maintain a good lifestyle. I am not saying that people shouldn't have greed for money as money is eventually everything but we need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and work life balance as some message up their personal life in greed of money and end up regretting it later when damage is done beyond repaid.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: target on May 23, 2024, 04:27:22 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: 0t3p0t on May 23, 2024, 04:34:47 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.
Plus one on this. Nowadays, money is for me the most common reason of stress, why? Because of debt, no emergency funds, not enough money to buy the family's needs that sometimes ends up trouble in every household. As in we need money to survive it is not about addiction but instead necessity. The only thing that you can say addiction is when you are greed enough to long for money and love for money and it's totally different.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 23, 2024, 04:54:17 PM
Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

With your logic, 90% of people should be rich, is it the reality?

Being addicted to money doesn't mean that you allow yourself to do anything to make money even if it's exploiting the resources of money and you get more benefits than those who are actually working for it.

Addicted to money is highly subjective, and it may varies according to every individual, we may need more description to the word addiction here to discuss anything further.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Lidger on May 23, 2024, 04:59:52 PM
Money is a very valuable thing in life so we must focus on money income. If someone is addicted to money income I would say that addict is not bad for him because when he doesn't have money he will fail 99% of the time.

Nowadays people are given respect based on financial aspects rather than merit. You go around for a day with empty pockets the world is very hard for you so you must earn money to survive in life. As human beings we always want more money. The amount of money we have we want to have more money we all try or expect to earn more money from our financial position.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: topbitcoin on May 23, 2024, 05:12:31 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Pursue lifestyle at any time certainly will not be fulfilled because the style is always adjusted to the new standards and our desire to see a lot that we have money, and that will not be stopped at any time and will never be enough any money we have, for example like Even the richest people because they have a luxurious lifestyle they never stop working and make money, solely just want to meet the needs of their style and standard of living at the top level of other humans, that is the mechanism of people who will continue to pursue lifestyle, From the outside there are some people who can make peace with their lives by having a little money but they live well and not many people pursue money.

But I also believe that many people are more pursuing money, until Papaun the way they do to have a lot of money to pursue the lifestyle they dream of to risk the reputation to their own life.

This is not a special problem but the problem of mindset, some of us are educated to be slaves by them rich and make us as their workers to get more money, while the money we make in the Inflation eating and the lifestyle of the life they show for us Follow so that the money we have is used to buy what they sell and strengthen the rich people themselves, truly a bad world system.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ndabagi01 on May 23, 2024, 05:22:37 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

The economic situation and impact in one’s life has made it a necessity to strive for more money and become deducted to it. I see it as something natural and not be related to anything anyone else might have thought about it. If you don’t strive for this money, your life will become miserable and you won’t have the chance to accomplish most of your lifetime goals. Money is important but should be made legally and also not at the expense of someone’s happiness.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

Most people that have this type of mindset mostly call it “national cake”. It means that the money is for everyone and when it gets to your turn when you’re in that position, you can also cut from the cake and loot the amount you deem satisfactory for yourself. Even at that, greed follows and those that occupy those positions fight to stay longer than expected. The truth is that, anything not legal always have a sad ending. I hope the younger generations don’t grow with that mindset of national cake of a thing, if not the stability of economy and addiction to money will be the doom of all.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: kryptqnick on May 23, 2024, 06:34:36 PM
A lot of people to focus too much on money-making, I agree with that. It's a problem of capitalism and of lack of education that would promote critical thinking. Money is important because it's a major resource in our lives. It can buy a lot of things and can help make well-being more likely. But money is not a goal, it's just a means. It's just numbers or papers, nothing useful on its own. So it's more important to know one's actual goals and also to understand that aside from money, there are other important things like a healthy work-life balance, strong relationships, and other enjoyable things in life that can't be replaced or compensated for by money. I wouldn't say it's addiction, but it can be an obsession.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: South Park on May 23, 2024, 07:07:15 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
An addiction is a physical dependency and compulsion towards something, do I think that 9 out of 10 people are addicted to money? Of course not, the pursuing of a higher level of wealth, and as a result to obtain a more comfortable and pleasurable life is something that everyone wants, but that does not really make a person addicted to money, as money by itself is very neutral and it does not cause too much of a reaction on the reward system in your brain.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: iv4n on May 23, 2024, 07:20:58 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.

Need for money, you said that right. We know that we can't do anything good without money so we work to get it, but it's never enough.

Well, there are places where we don't need money, but in those places, we need to have "real skills" if we want to survive. You don't go to live in nature without knowing many different things, from hunting to working with different tools. I watch some serials about those things on TV, except knowing many things and trades I think those people need to be mentally prepared to endure in the wilderness.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Gozie51 on May 23, 2024, 07:35:11 PM

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

It is a natural phenomenon of human to be corrupt because the tendency is there but it is the conscience that suppress it and that is why when someone do something very egregious you can talk about their conscience, if they have or not. People usually ask like, do you really have conscience? And that is because the other person has done something that is very bad in his sight.

But that suppression is not just by natural control but by the rules and regulations guiding the people. Like it has been said that if there was no law and punishment that human society would have been like state of nature, I think it is the idea of Thomas Hobbes. So it is so with corruption. Some people don't like to go into corruption because they are able to control themselves, they have conscience that they are looking at and therefore won't want to allow their conscience to beat them while some don't care about their conscience but only after the corrupt practices that will give them money and they can damn the consequences. They feel with the money, you can close up every corrupt cases opened against them. Thus, there is a place of morality and corruption.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Antotena on May 23, 2024, 08:05:04 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Can I ask you a question? Are you responsible or you trying to run from responsibility? As a responsible person to yourself, you need money to survive, it's not an addiction it's a must because without it you will not survive. Money didn't start today, it's way back even before the trade by barter era, you need money to feed, you need money to pay everything you need, you need money to be here because without internet cable subscription, you wouldn't have access to this forum.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

It's not adapting to the society, it's a necessity. You need money to do everything today, you need money to stay healthy. If not for money that you have to be able to buy some basic medications, I'm not sure if you will be alive to type today, it's money that you exchange for medication, you parents did the same thing to take care of you because they were able to raise money, they sent you to school because they have money, they feed you because they have money, you would have probably d**d without money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on May 23, 2024, 08:09:16 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
OP when you talk about looting, in what aspect are you referring to, or are you insinuating that a lot of the people are looting to survive.
Because there's no justification to this allegation that you are accusing against people. A lot of people in the society are living a modest life within their income, and they are not looting to survive.
Talking about addiction to making more money, lot of persons are only working to earn a living, so they can get money to buy the basic things they need, that shouldn't be seen as addiction. however hence your earning is high your spending too will follow suit. So for me you need to still explain the kind of looting method you're talking about that people use to survive.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Antotena on May 23, 2024, 08:11:20 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Can I ask you a question? Are you responsible or you trying to run from responsibility? As a responsible person to yourself, you need money to survive, it's not an addiction it's a must because without it you will not survive. Money didn't start today, it's way back even before the trade by barter era, you need money to feed, you need money to pay everything you need, you need money to be here because without internet cable subscription, you wouldn't have access to this forum.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

It's not adapting to the society, it's a necessity. You need money to do everything today, you need money to stay healthy. If not for money that you have to be able to buy some basic medications, I'm not sure if you will be alive to type today, it's money that you exchange for medication, you parents did the same thing to take care of you because they were able to raise money, they sent you to school because they have money, they feed you because they have money, you would have probably d**d without money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 23, 2024, 08:29:39 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
The quest for money has rained globally no one survives without money and as a medium of exchange it has practically affected every sphere of life, we are in the society where money has become answers to major viral problems, even in the scripture for most of us that are Christians, it is rightly quoted that money answers all things which invariably implies that we need money for our survival. Op i might not say that the quest for money is actually addiction, because people need money for survival and most people work so hard to earn money while some loot money just like you earlier mentioned for them to remain in their position.

No country survives without money because the citizens solely depend on the circulation of money for survival, practically the society has been stratified into different classes the rich, middle, poor just because of money, money commands influence and brings you closer to a different level with different people. however, for me no one is addicted for money, but the insatiability of man turns money into addiction.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: peter0425 on May 23, 2024, 08:31:28 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society.
Isn’t that just normal, though?

I’d be more concerned if people didn’t want to earn any money and instead just spent their lives strolling around barely surviving. If someone has the ability to make money then they should and if they like it a little too much then what should be the harm?

We all want money at the end of the day.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Rruchi man on May 23, 2024, 09:01:10 PM
Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Easy with your assumptions; many people will loot if they have the opportunity, but assuming 90% is exaggerated.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.
The people who chose to steal or loot are mostly the ones who have chosen the easier option than trying to work legitimately either under someone or create jobs for themselves.

On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day.

Addiction to making money should not make you choose illegal means and ways; addiction to making money should force you to think creatively outside the box on ways to make money, even in a harsh economy.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: batang_bitcoin on May 23, 2024, 09:21:00 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day.
That because life today is more serious and tough than past years. And you're not going to survive if you don't start making money, we all need to make ends meet and bring food to our table. That's why we need to make as much as we can but don't call it as an addiction because making money is a must thing to do unless you are born with golden or silver spoon, you don't need any of it as you're going to inherit businesses and assets but us, commoners, we need to work hard.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: stomachgrowls on May 23, 2024, 09:42:53 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
We are living in world that prices are continously uprising on which it would really be just that normal for a human being or part of our instincts that we would really be needing to look for more or other methods on which we could be able to earn money no matter what the cost and no matter what the ways or methods. Some do find themselves into those good opportunities but there are ones who do end up on going into those illegal stuffs or something which is really that indeed happening. We do need money because if we dont have then surviving on day to day living would really be that a huge struggle.How much more if you do have your own family to raise? or simply having those dependents? You would definitely be having that kind of approach on things and desperation which is normal.

The only thing that be putting up into your minds that never ever make yourself get involved with illegal things or something that unethical or not really that right if you dont like
to have that problems into your life. Its better to have less money but having no problems rather have tons but you do make yourself hiding.  8)

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: passwordnow on May 23, 2024, 09:54:28 PM
Call someone who's not addicted in making money who works harder each day and those that are jobless are the ones that are not addicted to it. There's a problem between addressing the two, someone who is a casual worker works for his/her family isn't addicted to it but that's obligation. And someone who's not addicted to making money because he/she is jobless is dealing with difficulty finding a job that suits their need. But in today's situation, you don't have to look for opportunities that you like but the opportunity that is there and can provide your needs.

I've forgotten the rich business people and they are creating more jobs so as they have become addicted to making more money, they contribute largely to economy and they create more people that shall fill those jobs so that there will be more people that are going to be addicted in making money. In a crazy world, there's always been the issue that someone's doing whether he work hard or not but I think there's a negative thought that comes to our mind when we hear the word "addiction" maybe needed to fix that OP.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: oktana on May 23, 2024, 09:55:13 PM
I wouldn’t call that addiction of money. If you gave the chance so people wouldn’t work, almost everyone would take it. But you can’t be caught slacking because poverty is usually around the corner of lazy people. You do not want to appear as one. What can we do today without money? Money solves a lot of problems and without it, the problems are usually more weighty and multiple. There’s really need for striving to make money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Assface16678 on May 23, 2024, 11:38:20 PM
I wouldn’t call that addiction of money. If you gave the chance so people wouldn’t work, almost everyone would take it. But you can’t be caught slacking because poverty is usually around the corner of lazy people. You do not want to appear as one. What can we do today without money? Money solves a lot of problems and without it, the problems are usually more weighty and multiple. There’s really need for striving to make money.
I agree, all people want to earn money and everyone is finding its way to earn money into different things that's why there are a lot of ways discovered in order to earn money and one of it is crypto currency, I honestly admit that I also obsessed in earning koney but of course with proper procedure, what I mean is that I do things to earn money in a right way and in a good way, I think what we can be considered to be addicted in money is those greedy people that will do anything in order to eanr koney, they can do bad things and bad stuff in order to have the wealth they want, for example scamming people, stealing and many more, but for those hard working people who do anything to earn of course with the right way, is I think should not be called addicted to money, they are just doing what they can in order to survive everyday and have a proper life that they are dreaming of.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Vaskiy on May 24, 2024, 12:00:11 AM
As most users said, 90% were behind on money. This is not out of interest but out of compulsion, as they're already committed. The remaining 10% used to be passionate about what they did without expecting any return on their efforts. This, in the long run, gives the best return, whereas the same isn't possible for everyone, as they have more responsibilities and no savings. In the present economic situation, without money, it is very hard to survive, and the same keeps people running behind money even though they're interested in something else.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: pinggoki on May 24, 2024, 02:22:08 AM
I'd probably be dead by now because being addicted to making money means that I would disregard my sleeping schedule to the point of exhaustion and that I would be disregarding my health and I would have a hard time with keeping up with people that I care the most, so far, I can still have a good night sleep and I can still socialize and I don't get sick because of my work so I would say that I'm still around 4 or 5 at best, I don't think that I'm addicted to money making though, if you've got a really good foundation about wanting and needing material things, you won't probably get to the point that you would be addicted to it or obsessed that you end up dying or getting sick because of your obsession. I don't agree with your assessment though, 9 out of 10 are in addicted to money making? Who said that? What data are you pulling this out? If this is only a conjecture then it's possible that you might be wrong about things, and if you form that opinion out of observation in this forum then you're not seeing the bigger picture that the forum is probably not something that really takes so much of the time of many people.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: ancafe on May 24, 2024, 04:00:32 AM
Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
I don't really agree with the percentage figures you gave and even though currently people are having difficulty finding money to fulfill their lives. Looting occurs because someone does not have the ability to think and they do it for reasons that are far from rational. If the reason is not having money then there are people who currently don't have a job but they don't loot even though life is difficult. Generally, people who commit these crimes are because they are lazy about working and I think there are jobs that we can do even though the salary is not very big.

The problem occurs because people are proud of work and they choose to work in sectors that are much lighter and earn more money, but if thoughts like that are embedded in people's lives then I am sure their lives will be much more difficult. Choosing the wrong path by looting other people's property is a bad decision and is not a good choice for anyone.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Sebas.tian on May 24, 2024, 04:18:26 AM
I think, some wealthy men deserved what you are seeing around them, because it has been long they have be into some investments that is bringing income for them to use to create other companies that is increasing their income today. They work hard to achieved their wealth in a genuine way, which many investors are working for every night and day to ensure they make millions from decentralized currency to be counted among the millionaires in the environment, which they will definitely achieve their goal in the future.  Those that adopted crypto investment, I don't think they are experiencing what other people are experiencing in this inflation season, because crypto investors don't know inflation and those that invested in crypto grow their income every bullish season to handle any challenges that may come their way.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ever-young on May 24, 2024, 04:54:25 AM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.

Money has really be part of our lifestyle, as it has been mostly used in this century, I don't think that we do in our daily activities that don't require money, we can't eat or get educated without money being involved, although money is not actually everything but without money in our lives, we can be comfortably in some areas of our life and there are things in this life, that if we don't have money, we won't achieve it, so that is why money is mostly needed in this lifetime.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: AirtelBuzz on May 24, 2024, 05:15:07 AM
Money is the most essential thing in life. OP What you mentioned I can also call it money addiction and need money. The prices of the things that we need to live are increasing day by day but our income is not increasing, due to which everyone is now mad for the need of money and how to earn more money.
Economic recession has occurred in various countries of the world which has affected various working people. People living very simple lives are now running out of all the money they earn from their jobs to support their families and pay rent. As a result people are looking for ways to make more money and focus on making more money, which you consider as money addiction.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: mich on May 24, 2024, 05:42:10 AM
Well we must always make it so we can have money. It is 1 thing we must have in this life if we want to survive. We need it for our food for the families and for a shelter over our head.
And for that reason I think we do have this addiction to money. People does such horrible things in this world to have money. There is so much evil for money because of the addiction and need to have it.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: AicecreaME on May 24, 2024, 05:52:19 AM
It's a necessity, not an addiction.

We need money in our everyday lives to support ourselves if we're single or to support our own family if we're married. Especially in urban areas, where everything has its own price no matter how small it is. Unlike in countryside, you could plant your own vegetables and other crops, you can even ask your neighbor for some vegetables for free, that you can't do it urban areas.

Money is everything in this world, because it can buy anything you wanted. Money is power, that's why big people belittling the poor people always.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: peter0425 on May 24, 2024, 06:25:38 AM
Well we must always make it so we can have money. It is 1 thing we must have in this life if we want to survive. We need it for our food for the families and for a shelter over our head.
And for that reason I think we do have this addiction to money. People does such horrible things in this world to have money. There is so much evil for money because of the addiction and need to have it.
That’s true and maybe that is where it becomes problematic. If you are willing to commit crimes, or to inconvenience other people harm them for your own good just for money then that is already something you need to reflect on.

Other addictions just like gambling or drugs may be overlapped and coexist with addiction with money. It’s all kind of related if you think about it and one needs to be stopped in order to stop the other.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 24, 2024, 06:56:16 AM
Well we must always make it so we can have money. It is 1 thing we must have in this life if we want to survive. We need it for our food for the families and for a shelter over our head.
And for that reason I think we do have this addiction to money. People does such horrible things in this world to have money. There is so much evil for money because of the addiction and need to have it.
That’s true and maybe that is where it becomes problematic. If you are willing to commit crimes, or to inconvenience other people harm them for your own good just for money then that is already something you need to reflect on.

Other addictions just like gambling or drugs may be overlapped and coexist with addiction with money. It’s all kind of related if you think about it and one needs to be stopped in order to stop the other.
Money addiction to me is just plain greed. While it may be dependent on the gravity of greed, it is the result of doing that thing or hustle or work more aggressively inorder to earn higher pay, while also doing other stuff as side hustle still, all just to increase ones earning.
 While this as I just stated is a sure way for everyone who wants to get rich and wealthy, it is the unhealthy way or practice that is followed to earn money, such that one can even kill or maim or deceive, just to get money or claim it from someone who has it, that makes this kind of greed or what we call money addiction in this context to be bad.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: bestcoins1 on May 24, 2024, 07:23:39 AM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.
It is quite reasonable to say that to ourselves because in reality it cannot be denied that everyone who lives in a crowd or in a place that is not remote always needs money for their own living expenses. And even though a small number of people call it a slave to money, I don't think it's a problem that should be thought about if they don't provide a solution to deal with the costs in life which are always needed by everyone. So I also quite agree with what you say because those who like to live in the city always have to work to earn money compared to those who live in remote places where they don't need to rely too much on money.

Money has really be part of our lifestyle, as it has been mostly used in this century, I don't think that we do in our daily activities that don't require money, we can't eat or get educated without money being involved, although money is not actually everything but without money in our lives, we can be comfortably in some areas of our life and there are things in this life, that if we don't have money, we won't achieve it, so that is why money is mostly needed in this lifetime.
In conclusion, money has become important for those who live in crowds or live in places where nothing is free without involving money. This means that as long as the environment we live in always relies more on money to get any service, of course everyone will continue to look for money without caring about what other people say about money. Because under normal conditions it is clear that no one will want to endure hunger just because that person doesn't work and doesn't have money to buy food every day.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Iranus on May 24, 2024, 08:06:51 AM
I wouldn’t call that addiction of money. If you gave the chance so people wouldn’t work, almost everyone would take it. But you can’t be caught slacking because poverty is usually around the corner of lazy people. You do not want to appear as one. What can we do today without money? Money solves a lot of problems and without it, the problems are usually more weighty and multiple. There’s really need for striving to make money.

The desire to have a lot of money is not called addiction but just to be able to survive because without money we cannot survive in a pragmatic society like today. I believe that if our world was not so harsh, we could survive without too much money, people would definitely choose that path. But clearly, we have no other choice but to have a lot of money if we still want to survive in this world. Look at what's going on, how quickly commodity prices are rising, and if we don't find ways to increase our income, how will our families live?
For me, making money is a responsibility, a mandatory obligation whether we want it or not.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: aylabadia05 on May 24, 2024, 09:46:26 AM

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.
Not a claim, but people's habits of prioritizing desires over needs. People tend to force themselves to earn a lot of money to fulfill their desires, not their needs.
For example, smartphones and other outfits such as clothes and watches or other things to look fashionable and updated.
If people in managing money prioritized the principles of needs and benefits, I think addiction to money would be different.
This is what I understand the OP's meaning.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: HajiBagi on May 24, 2024, 11:24:42 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

Making more money is most important to everyone most especially the young youth, making more money is a way to make life easier for everyone, the reason why people can’t stop making money is that every day the prices of food and other items get more expensive, and for you to survive you have to make the money to buy what you need, many people have committed crimes today all in the name of money, even the salary earners are not okay with what they paid them monthly that is why every government you go to do something they will ask for a bribe even if it is a small amount and I never blame them because they are also finding way to get money to take care of their families.

The world has become something else, in the old days you would find it difficult for people to complain about money but these days even a 10-year-old girl and boy are looking for money just to take care of themselves and make a good life for themselves, out of 100% of the world the 100% are looking for more money because even the richest man in the world is still working hard to make money just to keep shining that he is the richest man in the world, life has been so hard to many people and the only that can make it easy is the government.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Yaunfitda on May 24, 2024, 11:34:01 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
That's a bad term though, I don't think that people are addicted to making more money, I mean yeah, we work and we go established business to earn and make a living and live a good life. But it doesn't mean that we are addicted. Perhaps the right term is attracted. And it really depends on the lifestyle, the rule is that you don't spend more than you spend. And with that, anyone here can live lavishly according to the money that he attracted to himself/herself. But if you spend more, then that's where the problem arises and as if you wanted more money and become addicted to it because you wanted to sustain your lifestyle. However, it's the wrong kind of attitude though, because sooner or later it will realized that it i not feasible, unless you win a lottery and become a instant millionaire, but that chance are very slim.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: angrybirdy on May 24, 2024, 12:38:33 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
That's a bad term though, I don't think that people are addicted to making more money, I mean yeah, we work and we go established business to earn and make a living and live a good life. But it doesn't mean that we are addicted. Perhaps the right term is attracted. And it really depends on the lifestyle, the rule is that you don't spend more than you spend. And with that, anyone here can live lavishly according to the money that he attracted to himself/herself. But if you spend more, then that's where the problem arises and as if you wanted more money and become addicted to it because you wanted to sustain your lifestyle. However, it's the wrong kind of attitude though, because sooner or later it will realized that it i not feasible, unless you win a lottery and become a instant millionaire, but that chance are very slim.

I don't see anything wrong with the word used because that is the truth, people today have a serious obsession with money, they will really find a way to earn a large amount of money even if the exchange is not desirable things. If you are just a normal citizen, you really have the desire to earn a large amount of money because you have not lived with generational wealth to look forward to, many have a stable income but keep looking for another source just to earn more money .

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Volimack on May 24, 2024, 12:40:27 PM
People earn money through hard work and effort it cannot be called addiction if a person is addicted to money he has to work hard to earn money. Earning more money will make him rich easily because you either grew up in poverty or you grew up in privilege. Most of the middle class are not overly materialistic. They have enough to meet their needs but they understand that not all their needs can be bought with cash. Privileged people are just trying to make money to maintain a lifestyle.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Zlantann on May 24, 2024, 12:45:20 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

Anyone who fails to make more money in this current economic condition might not have enough to cover his needs. The cost of goods and services is going high every day, which is making people seek alternative means to make extra money since the minimum wage in some countries still remains the same. I don't see this situation as an addiction to make more money but a struggle to survive. I don't think people will want to work themselves to death because they want to be rich but many will do it just to survive.

You didn't back your view with any research work so I don't think your view that 90% of people will steal if they have the opportunity. There are still many people who have integrity even in the face of poverty. There is news of a cab driver who returned a huge amount a passenger forgot in his car. If you check the internet, you will see more news of how very poor people refused to steal when they had a clear chance of becoming rich fraudulently. I will agree that many people will loot if they have the privilege but they might not be ninety percent like you indicated.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: bots1 on May 24, 2024, 02:19:17 PM
In my opinion, there is no one who doesn't want a lot of money because that is human nature. Especially in this era, to survive you need money. Therefore, if asked, everyone definitely wants a lot of money, it just depends on how they can make a lot of money to meet their needs or want to achieve certain goals.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: moneystery on May 24, 2024, 02:35:57 PM
when you need money to meet your needs, it's not an addiction to money, but rather you need money to survive. never mind 9 out of 10 people, i think that 10 out of 10 people will also have the same opinion that if given the opportunity they would make more money than they can get, because that is their need. especially in today's difficult times and the prices of necessities are increasingly expensive, it requires people to be smarter in making money for their needs or the needs of their families. unless they have a little error in their brains, maybe they won't worry about money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Marvell1 on May 24, 2024, 02:59:04 PM
Money addiction

In my opinion, when we talk about the word "addiction", we are talking about bad things and evils in society. Meanwhile, making money is to meet life's needs and to survive in this world, so I wouldn't call making money an addiction.

Making money is an extremely difficult and sometimes even life-threatening task in high-risk jobs. So in your opinion, is anyone stupid enough to be addicted to things that can get them into trouble, even endanger their lives? Making money is our only way if we don't want to be eliminated from this world.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on May 24, 2024, 03:00:11 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style

This statistics isn't correct but there's no doubt that people will choose making more money instead of reducing their expenses to stay on budget in life. Being hungry for more money isn't a bad things when it makes you to double your hustle in the right ways than doing things illegal just to get the money. As my friend always says, having a problem of too much money is better than having a problem of not having enough money. If you do the right things and get more money, you can determine how you'll spend the money either giving it away to charity or increasing your investment to retain your wealths. Price of commodity are raising because of inflation and you can fight that by making the right investment and not having to work more for money but make your money work for you.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

This is a choice, having to do unethical things to make money isn't the last option of a man and incase anybody reading this is thinking about doing the same just know "A good name is better than silver and gold". Money isn't everything life should be about, your reputation is as important as the money you want to have. If you're doing the ethical things and getting money, I won't call that addiction as addiction is mostly associated with negative outcomes.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Dunamisx on May 24, 2024, 03:08:14 PM
Those they should be called money addicts are those that make use of illegal means to achieve having money, because by nature, everyone of us seems to have desires and interest for money, because we will need money to make life and fulfil dreams, but those that got it in the from way are such that are addicted with it, they can use any means to make sure they have money even at the cost of others.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 24, 2024, 03:17:36 PM
Being frugal is a good trait and there is a difference between being a miser and being frugal about spending even though these two words come up as synonyms in books.

In order to adapt to rising costs and livelihood, the people who have become frugal are only a small fraction of the earning population. Most of them are getting a job and spending as much as they earn. They have not become frugal rather they are addicted to spending.

But this is good for us bitcoiners, because are frugal by nature of bitcoin. Our stashes will increase in price as time passes.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Hamphser on May 24, 2024, 03:19:08 PM
Those they should be called money addicts are those that make use of illegal means to achieve having money, because by nature, everyone of us seems to have desires and interest for money, because we will need money to make life and fulfil dreams, but those that got it in the from way are such that are addicted with it, they can use any means to make sure they have money even at the cost of others.
Doing things on earning money isnt really that wrong as long it would be legal or on the right way then it should really be just that fine but on the moment that you are already doing illegal things then this is where shit things happen. Money addiction? Honestly, we are all trying out very best on accumulating money as much and as possibly as we could because we do know that if we do have tons of money then we can buy all the money that we do like and this is something that we are really that thriving or hoping for. Im not saying it is really that a form of addiction or some sort but rather this would really be just that a very common step that someone would really be making because we do love on earning money and buying all the things that we do want. This is the main reason on why we do work, making business or investment
is to earn more money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: MetaMii on May 24, 2024, 04:24:44 PM
I wouldn't say money addiction, I would say quest to live a comfortable life. We have to work continuously non stop to earn a living if not we will starve and won't be able to provide our necessary needs as humans. Commodities keep increasing in price everyday so therefore we have to double the hustle to be able to purchase them. And one needs more money because more problems keep piling up.
   An average married man with 6 kids will have to double his work in order to be able to fend for his home.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: nngella on May 24, 2024, 04:27:32 PM
ahmm, i think by making this kind of claim it would be wise to cite any references to make your claim credible.  That aside, I think people just want to attain something and most of those things need money.  You want good health? you need money for membership in the gym , buy a bike, get running shoes, eat healthy food.  You want to sleep early at night? you need to have sufficient money to stop grinding or working overtime.  It is really difficult to get what you want without money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: MiF on May 24, 2024, 07:11:19 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
. I think you already know why we are addicted on money or finding more money, it is because money is everything, you will not survive if you don't have money to buy your needs even small children know that before they matured, that is why when they grow older it is registered in thier mind that money is very important and the next thing is they will become addicted on finding more and more money like no ending and it will end up on addiction of finding money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: iBaba on May 24, 2024, 07:37:20 PM
Money addiction

In my opinion, when we talk about the word "addiction", we are talking about bad things and evils in society. Meanwhile, making money is to meet life's needs and to survive in this world, so I wouldn't call making money an addiction.

Making money is an extremely difficult and sometimes even life-threatening task in high-risk jobs. So in your opinion, is anyone stupid enough to be addicted to things that can get them into trouble, even endanger their lives? Making money is our only way if we don't want to be eliminated from this world.

OPs mindset towards money spending or 'addiction' in money like he tagged the word words to cannot be applied in anyone's financial life and management. First and foremost, the real essence why people look for money and engage in many activities that will bring them money is simply to be able to solve problems with it because over time money has become the most essential commodity of life in the sense that you practically cannot achieve any milestones if you lack money in today's world.

What I'm saying now is that, due to the essential need of money in our lives today, you cannot do without spending money. The only aspect we can continue to advocate about is the investment aspect. And when you ask, I will say that we all invest with one goal at the end of the day and it is to have something to spend when you no longer have anything to spend.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: electronicash on May 24, 2024, 07:54:18 PM

can a person really be addicted to money? if you are a poor person and have no means to make lots of money i guess you can not be addicted to it.

but he definitely going to need a lot of money to make his life comfortable but so are we. we all need money wherever we go, you can't survive without money. you have got to work and pay bills, it's a weight to carry every person today as a grim reality.  its a necessity for a person to find a job and earn money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mahanton on May 24, 2024, 07:54:33 PM
Money addiction

In my opinion, when we talk about the word "addiction", we are talking about bad things and evils in society. Meanwhile, making money is to meet life's needs and to survive in this world, so I wouldn't call making money an addiction.

Making money is an extremely difficult and sometimes even life-threatening task in high-risk jobs. So in your opinion, is anyone stupid enough to be addicted to things that can get them into trouble, even endanger their lives? Making money is our only way if we don't want to be eliminated from this world.

OPs mindset towards money spending or 'addiction' in money like he tagged the word words to cannot be applied in anyone's financial life and management. First and foremost, the real essence why people look for money and engage in many activities that will bring them money is simply to be able to solve problems with it because over time money has become the most essential commodity of life in the sense that you practically cannot achieve any milestones if you lack money in today's world.

What I'm saying now is that, due to the essential need of money in our lives today, you cannot do without spending money. The only aspect we can continue to advocate about is the investment aspect. And when you ask, I will say that we all invest with one goal at the end of the day and it is to have something to spend when you no longer have anything to spend.
Most essential commodity indeed, because if we dont have this. Then how we would really be able to survive? We are hoping or wishing in a life to have that proper shelter,food,clothing and other stuffs on which for you to have comfortable living on which everything could be possibly if you do have the money. This is why people would really be thriving on acquiring or getting or earning money as much as they could no matter what are the things that they would really be doing as long they would be earning. This isnt some sort of addiction considering that this is really just that a normal way of living on trying to earning something. If earning money or getting
it will be a form of addiction then everyone is already addicted considering that we are working or having a business because we are really that targeting or aiming to have that more or lots of money.

Just as what others been saying above that it isnt really that wrong as long you are earning on the legal way on which you arent affecting someone nor really that getting into those non legal stuffs because this is a
different story considering that everything turns out to be that not right anymore on how you do acquire money. I dont really see the addiction on this one but rather that extreme greedy if people would really be
going into those far extents just for them to have that kind of earning. Greed is never been good and we should really be that knowing to have that contentment on the things that we do have
but since we are just human beings then having more money and tons of money will really be out primary target or goal in life which its normal.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Hyphen(-) on May 24, 2024, 09:01:27 PM
Money is not everything but it is needed for survival in this life. Economy is going downward in some countries due to inflation and lack of proper management, and our marketers are very strict as they use all opportunities they have to make money from their fellow citizens.

Money addiction is general for both the rich and the poor because they both have needs for money and they cannot survive without money; therefore, money addiction is general.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Some leaders are very good and have qualities of leadership, while some leaders are just there to loot money that is why in some countries where the leaders are selfish, there is always less development in the country.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: goaldigger on May 24, 2024, 09:18:27 PM

can a person really be addicted to money? if you are a poor person and have no means to make lots of money i guess you can not be addicted to it.

but he definitely going to need a lot of money to make his life comfortable but so are we. we all need money wherever we go, you can't survive without money. you have got to work and pay bills, it's a weight to carry every person today as a grim reality.  its a necessity for a person to find a job and earn money.
Maybe we can just categorize this as a good addiction or a bad addiction, and if you are aiming to make more money to live a better life then I consider that as a good addiction but if you do make money illegally just to satisfy your need, then that can be a bad addiction which can lead into more greed and will put you on a bigger risk.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: stadus on May 24, 2024, 09:31:07 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.
Yes, I also prefer not to call it money addiction but it’s more on the extreme need for money because without money, it’s hard to see yourself survive in a community where money is almost everything. However, it’s not a requirement to make a lot of money to see yourself alive. But if you have aims and goals in life that you want to achieve so you can live a comfortable and convenient life, then work hard to get a decent amount of income. Money is not freely given, it’s something that an individual should work hard to be well compensated.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Wiwo on May 24, 2024, 09:32:48 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style

This statistics isn't correct but there's no doubt that people will choose making more money instead of reducing their expenses to stay on budget in life. Being hungry for more money isn't a bad things when it makes you to double your hustle in the right ways than doing things illegal just to get the money. As my friend always says, having a problem of too much money is better than having a problem of not having enough money. If you do the right things and get more money, you can determine how you'll spend the money either giving it away to charity or increasing your investment to retain your wealths. Price of commodity are raising because of inflation and you can fight that by making the right investment and not having to work more for money but make your money work for you.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

This is a choice, having to do unethical things to make money isn't the last option of a man and incase anybody reading this is thinking about doing the same just know "A good name is better than silver and gold". Money isn't everything life should be about, your reputation is as important as the money you want to have. If you're doing the ethical things and getting money, I won't call that addiction as addiction is mostly associated with negative outcomes.
Both of you did a nice job by allowing us to know the need for more money vs how we make those money,  and other realities of time and how it goes,  the fact is that money is a chain and it most move around from ha d to hand, when you hodle the movement of money then you are abusing the chain connection,  this is why we have to make money in the right way and with the right mindset, I always say that before you make money, make sense,  this is the adage I use to survive most of the Time, because money is just a number and no one have the highest so the level of your financial freedom is determined by your knowledge on how to make money and also spend the money  correctly,  because it is easy to make money buy hard to control or spend money.

Try as much as possible to make more investment and buy only assets that increase in value instead of saving money in the bank, making the right financial decision is a path to way to financial freedom.,, addiction on the other hand is a totally different ball game, and  won't call money as an addiction,  but rather as greed level, because it is only greed that will make someone to involve on illegal means to get money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ultegra134 on May 24, 2024, 09:41:01 PM
I'm not sure whether or not to call it a money addiction. In my opinion, I believe that humans are greedy creatures by nature; we'll always crave more, and the same thing also applies to money; we're never satisfied; we keep wanting something extra. Unfortunately, the economy has gone downhill on a worldwide scale. It's pretty reasonable for money to be a primary goal in our lives, but ultimately, it's proven that money is capable of making you happier up to a specific degree. Living a comfortable and stress-free life should be our priority, not constantly maximizing our income.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Maslate on May 24, 2024, 09:59:11 PM
In my opinion, there is no one who doesn't want a lot of money because that is human nature. Especially in this era, to survive you need money. Therefore, if asked, everyone definitely wants a lot of money, it just depends on how they can make a lot of money to meet their needs or want to achieve certain goals.
Money is the ultimate goal why people work so hard and invest a lot of time so they can end up having a sufficient amount of income. Otherwise, if you stop on working and earning money, you will definitely struggle on living your life and survival would be at risk. That’s why people keep chasing to make more money, not actually to live a luxurious life but even if it means for survival only.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: ChiBitCTy on May 24, 2024, 10:35:31 PM
This is simply not true, and really just a bunch of conjecture.  I mean where did you even get this number from? Being a financial advisor and working with all walks of life, I can promise you that 9 out of 10 people are NOT obsessed with money.  I would say it's not even close to that.  Maybe somewhere around 4 out of every 10, if that.

Really though, where did you get this number from.  What makes you think this??

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Wakate on May 24, 2024, 10:47:59 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Maybe you are right or wrong but you just don't think everybody is like you that believe that every opportunity in life need to be utilized to steal funds and do something imoral. People are not actually like this. You just don't judge thinking everything has the potential to think like you. It is true that we all wants to make money but not everybody wants to make.monwy from the wrong path. We need to sensitize people that have such mentality of stealing and taking what does not belong to them just to make extra money. We need to make the world a better place for the young ones coming up so they would not have to believe that doing illegal things or participating in fraud is the only way forward.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on May 25, 2024, 03:55:33 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Maybe you are right or wrong but you just don't think everybody is like you that believe that every opportunity in life need to be utilized to steal funds and do something imoral. People are not actually like this. You just don't judge thinking everything has the potential to think like you. It is true that we all wants to make money but not everybody wants to make.monwy from the wrong path. We need to sensitize people that have such mentality of stealing and taking what does not belong to them just to make extra money. We need to make the world a better place for the young ones coming up so they would not have to believe that doing illegal things or participating in fraud is the only way forward.
There are people who only look for blessings in everything they do, this is related to their belief and confidence that it can make their life happier and feel sufficient. It's different with the nature of someone who wants to pursue a lifestyle, so whatever he does is to cover up a lifestyle that he's proud of, such as seeking approval from other people, and I'm sure that kind of person will actually make his life's burden heavier. therefore religious values need to be applied

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Jatiluhung on May 25, 2024, 05:04:46 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Nowadays money has become a major need. because even to fulfill primary needs such as food, we need money to get it. Moreover, if we live in urban areas, if we don't have money then we might starve because we won't be able to buy food. But living in a village that is far from urban areas means money is also needed, but there people are not too addicted to money. Because to be able to eat we actually have to work in the fields and plant crops to harvest. I even found a remote village in Indonesia that did not use money for transactions. They still barter. that is, exchanging goods for goods. they seem isolated from world progress. But strangely, I saw that their smiles were much more beautiful than the smiles of people who live using technology. I saw genuine happiness on their faces. And for them money means nothing.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mame89 on May 25, 2024, 05:05:36 AM
Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

With your logic, 90% of people should be rich, is it the reality?

Being addicted to money doesn't mean that you allow yourself to do anything to make money even if it's exploiting the resources of money and you get more benefits than those who are actually working for it.

Addicted to money is highly subjective, and it may varies according to every individual, we may need more description to the word addiction here to discuss anything further.
This may or may not be true, it all depends on yourself in understanding money addiction. Because living in today's era is increasingly sophisticated and very competitive in all fields, making money and accumulating wealth is one of the factors that makes a person's life happy or can be called successful. But there are also some people whose success and happiness cannot be measured by money.

It cannot be denied that money is very important to be able to live a decent and healthy life, however if the desire to pursue money in any way without caring about how to get it in the right way then this can cause addiction so that it has a bad impact on someone who is addicted. One of the effects of addiction is that it makes us afraid of poverty, causing feelings of anxiety and stress.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: pusaka on May 25, 2024, 06:26:58 AM
This is simply not true, and really just a bunch of conjecture.  I mean where did you even get this number from? Being a financial advisor and working with all walks of life, I can promise you that 9 out of 10 people are NOT obsessed with money.  I would say it's not even close to that.  Maybe somewhere around 4 out of every 10, if that.

Really though, where did you get this number from.  What makes you think this??
I agree with you, that the numbers mentioned by the OP are not based on the results of research or surveys, and maybe if the OP said it was based on the results of a survey or research, then it would be better if the OP included the source that was the reference. So I agree with you that this is just conjecture, because there is no data that we can see.
However, I also won't blame what the OP said because maybe he could have said that because of his surroundings. But again, I think saying 9 out of 10 people is too much, I would agree more if it was 4 out of 10 people for example, as you said.
The reason is that if we look at what the OP said, there should be more bad people now. Although I cannot deny that crime is everywhere, if we compare it with the current human population, the figure will not reach 90%.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Alone055 on May 25, 2024, 06:56:08 AM
Nowadays money has become a major need. because even to fulfill primary needs such as food, we need money to get it. Moreover, if we live in urban areas, if we don't have money then we might starve because we won't be able to buy food. But living in a village that is far from urban areas means money is also needed, but there people are not too addicted to money. Because to be able to eat we actually have to work in the fields and plant crops to harvest. I even found a remote village in Indonesia that did not use money for transactions. They still barter. that is, exchanging goods for goods. they seem isolated from world progress. But strangely, I saw that their smiles were much more beautiful than the smiles of people who live using technology. I saw genuine happiness on their faces. And for them money means nothing.

The general desires of a person depend on how they have been living their lives from the beginning and how exposed the luxuries of the world are to them. A person who has been living in a place where there are a lot of luxuries around them but has no reach to them because they don't have enough money for it, such people would have a strong desire to have a lot of money so that they can also have access to the luxuries of life that others have access to.

On the other hand, a person living in a place like you mentioned where money doesn't have much value because all people living there have the same status, there are no rich or poor having differences in accessing different materialistic things based on their statuses. People living in such environments wouldn't care much about money because they are not exposed to things that they can have with money, so their general desires are limited to what they see and what they have been seeing throughout their lives.  :)

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Renampun on May 25, 2024, 07:37:23 AM
money has become a basic need for the majority of people in the world, so it is very natural that many people try hard to continue to earn money, it's just that many people take the wrong steps in making money, they do stupid things and are very greedy in their actions, but when everyone in a society that is greedy for money, there are many who feel that it is normal for money, in fact they don't want money too passionately, so I think the answer to your question will be very varied.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: mamesso on May 25, 2024, 08:53:48 AM
The desire to make more money is a common thing in human life, because wealth can provide a sense of financial security to protect oneself and one's family from all financial problems such as living expenses and retirement. Having a lot of money can also provide financial freedom to fulfill all your desires in life, such as pursuing hobbies and other dreams that may not be fulfilled by financial constraints.
People who want to make more money have big dreams in life, including a sense of responsibility to their family to build a legacy for their children so that their lives are more secure and away from hardship. Not everyone is lucky even though they try day and night, due to different levels of luck, we still find many poor people who are still trying to achieve a level of financial freedom in their lives.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Kelward on May 25, 2024, 12:01:43 PM

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Money addiction is very real and what you said is not far from the truth, people will do almost anything to increase their money, because human needs are insatiable, the more money you get the more your standard of living will increase. It's easy to say that I will never loot, when you've not been exposed to too much money, that if you pilfer some nobody will know, this is why there is so much corruption in high places, reason why many people wants to go into politics, because they can embezzle public funds and hide every evidence that can implicate them.
Although there are still few incorruptible individuals that their integrity will not allow them to steal.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: AVE5 on May 25, 2024, 01:59:19 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.

That's the reality fact. There's no one being addicted to money instead it's better slightly to greed of money.
We definitely have to keep chasing the money with every necessary reason to fit afford our needs which can be attained with the financial utilizations. We all do have bills and responsibilities which we needed money to balance them up.
Certainly the utilization of money is limited to some extends by which it's not needed. Moreover, we just have to keep chasing the money, accumulating them if possible without the thought of saying we've made more than enough because the economy situation of then has resulted to hardship of today and today's economy situation is a threat of the future. We we really have to work hard and hard to have this money in other to avoid certain restrictions and inability of not just reaching a goal but obtaining our essential needs.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 25, 2024, 03:01:02 PM
Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

With your logic, 90% of people should be rich, is it the reality?

Being addicted to money doesn't mean that you allow yourself to do anything to make money even if it's exploiting the resources of money and you get more benefits than those who are actually working for it.

Addicted to money is highly subjective, and it may varies according to every individual, we may need more description to the word addiction here to discuss anything further.
This may or may not be true, it all depends on yourself in understanding money addiction. Because living in today's era is increasingly sophisticated and very competitive in all fields, making money and accumulating wealth is one of the factors that makes a person's life happy or can be called successful. But there are also some people whose success and happiness cannot be measured by money.

It cannot be denied that money is very important to be able to live a decent and healthy life, however if the desire to pursue money in any way without caring about how to get it in the right way then this can cause addiction so that it has a bad impact on someone who is addicted. One of the effects of addiction is that it makes us afraid of poverty, causing feelings of anxiety and stress.

Money matter not how you made it, which is hard to accept but it is the reality and that's why someone working 16 hours a day if finding difficult to pay their rent while someone who snatch someone's money is living the life in the way they want. I am not saying working is bad and we should all concentrate on money but we also need to accept the hard truth.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: justdimin on May 25, 2024, 03:08:44 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
The best thing about money is that it's "never" enough, if you have 1000 dollars then that's not going ot be enough, if you have 100 billion dollars then it's still not going to be enough. Obviously to be able to live a decent life that's not the point, because if you have 100 billion dollars then you are not going to have a trouble when it comes to groceries, we all know that.

However, if you have that much then the return would be that you will want to start another business, or you will want to invest into something, basically you want to grow even more. That "addiction" is called greed, no matter how much money you have, then you are going to want some more and that's how it works. Only a few people are beyond that in life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: tsaroz on May 25, 2024, 03:35:37 PM
People need some amount of money in order to lead a quality life fulfilling the needs of food, shelter, education, health and well being. Any money more than that would either be useless or be used for non necessary expenses. It's not that people don't waste their money when they're poor, they do more so when the money comes easy.
The "looting" is both of ethical and legal matter. The illegal way of earning money is more prominent when the law are weak, there's no rule of law or the law enforcing and defining institutions are corrupt. It also is more prominent on the society that are ethically poor. The place which has high level of corruption generally have poor moral values. But with necessary strengthening of law and following it strictly and equally, people and societies can change.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Gaza13 on May 25, 2024, 03:43:36 PM
In my opinion, there is no one who doesn't want a lot of money because that is human nature. Especially in this era, to survive you need money. Therefore, if asked, everyone definitely wants a lot of money, it just depends on how they can make a lot of money to meet their needs or want to achieve certain goals.
Agree with what you say, we do not avoid or cannot escape the need for money every day to meet our daily needs, to just survive and to buy things, we definitely use money without money it would be difficult to survive in an era like now This.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Bitstar_coin on May 25, 2024, 04:16:22 PM
I know am not addicted to making money otherwise I would be rich by now  ;D
I love the idea of having enough money to sort out your pressing needs, but I don't have that much hunger to do whatever it takes to make money.
Besides I like to earn money in a healthy and legit way. People who don't care how they earn money are those who can be seen as addicted to making money by any means necessary.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: harapan on May 25, 2024, 04:30:46 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.
That's it mate,people have various and different beliefs,perspectives,directives over money.Having a very composed and nurtured habits towards money and savings/spendings should not be considered as an addiction..Indeed money can be used to achieve goals and enable us pursue our dreams that's why they effortlessly engage and improve and increase their hardwork.
Money addiction can cause one to overwork which occur as a results of too much financial responsibilities and pressures and struggles.The feelings of having too much needs,financial insecurity can generate addiction.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Jody.Drummer on May 25, 2024, 04:40:31 PM
money has become a basic need for the majority of people in the world, so it is very natural that many people try hard to continue to earn money, it's just that many people take the wrong steps in making money, they do stupid things and are very greedy in their actions, but when everyone in a society that is greedy for money, there are many who feel that it is normal for money, in fact they don't want money too passionately, so I think the answer to your question will be very varied.
That's right, money is an important thing in life, because of course we have to have money to survive, especially if we live in urban areas, where of course money is the most important thing, because if we don't have money in urban areas, of course we will have difficulties. various things, one of which is eating. We should all have to work hard to be able to have income or money because that is one way to survive. with those who are greedy for finances, of course they are people who do not have good thinking so they often take actions that carry big risks.

Of course, everyone has different perceptions, but what is clear is that everyone needs money to survive or to fulfill what they want. It's not strange that many people work hard until late at night just to support their families because of course, to survive we have to be able to have an income or have money. but it is true that there are people who are greedy for money or are addicted to money so that they can bring down their co-workers.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Roggeredek on May 25, 2024, 04:51:48 PM
When a person's income increases, the expenses of their personal life, in various areas, increase a lot because when people's income increases, on the opposite side the cost of living people's life increases a lot. Although most people adapt to everything at some point. But every person wants to earn more in the coming days than the present.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on May 25, 2024, 07:40:43 PM
Everyone is struggling to make money so they can comfortably manage their expenses and will not accept any wrong way to accumulate money to fulfil their needs. Actually people are getting lower salaries as compared to their expenses so surely they will adopt another good way of earning so their life may be easy.

People become addicted to money because in this world all our works become easy with the help of money and if you don't have money then you will beg in front of others or will use another bad way of earning. But sometimes people have enough money but still they are addicted to earning more money because they are not satisfied with their financial gain.

The condition of every country is getting worse because some are earning more money while others are deprived of getting their job due to limited seats so they often decide to steal money and materials from others because life without money becomes hard for them.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: adaseb on May 25, 2024, 07:47:18 PM
Everyone wants more money because more moneys means you have a greater life for yourself and your family. This isn’t to say that money will make you happy. But the general consensus is that money will in fact make it easier for you in life compared to having less money.

Those that are addicted to money and take risks with it are different. Many go and gamble their money because they are greedy and want more. There are many that take high leverage futures trades because they are greedy instead of just investing in spot. Or they don’t take profit from some alt coin that doubled in value because they think it might 10x. And it’s the greed which turns to fear.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on May 25, 2024, 08:43:43 PM
His words should probably be changed because regardless of anything this is probably more appropriate to the necessities of life not addiction because after all in this case money is a legitimate tool that is indeed the most important part of our daily lives and everyone needs it so it cannot be said to be an addiction because if it is defined as an addiction then indeed only a handful of people really want money but for now and from the beginning everyone needs money to live and that cannot be denied.

By looking at this condition, it is actually a natural situation if indeed we cannot live and move freely without money because indeed from the beginning since the creation of money it has been set to be the most important part to make us unable to be free so it is certain that there will be a need that continues to occur because indeed money is currently the primary part that becomes the benchmark of a person's life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Egii Nna on May 25, 2024, 09:01:27 PM

Those that are addicted to money and take risks with it are different. Many go and gamble their money because they are greedy and want more. There are many that take high leverage futures trades because they are greedy instead of just investing in spot. Or they don’t take profit from some alt coin that doubled in value because they think it might 10x. And it’s the greed which turns to fear.

Everyone has their own perception of how to increase their own money, you can’t terminate someone's perception or thinking. It is because they are greedy, and to me, I can just say that being addicted to money is like having the potential to make a lot of money, so when you want to make that much money, you have to join diverse ways and take risks, if not, you will hardly find it easy to be successful. 

Joining gambling or any source of risk is not greedy, it is just a process to get more than what you already have. Let me even ask you: How sure are you that if someone like that invests in sports, he won’t lose his money? Even the spot you are seeing is also riskier than gambling itself, so any risk carried by an investor or a rich person is not called greediness but just a source to increase your profile and income. 

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mrbluntzy on May 25, 2024, 09:40:02 PM
I don't know if it's right to use the word 'addiction' but I am not convinced that it is the right word to use. You can use word "inquisitive" Instead of addiction. People are really inquisitive to make money because money is what can be used to satisfy our needs. It becomes obvious that everyone needs money to be able to meet their end needs, people need to pay rent, pay school fee, buy house, buy car, live a healthy live, etc, so there is a wide need to be inquisitive for money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: oktana on May 25, 2024, 10:37:46 PM
I wouldn’t call that addiction of money. If you gave the chance so people wouldn’t work, almost everyone would take it. But you can’t be caught slacking because poverty is usually around the corner of lazy people. You do not want to appear as one. What can we do today without money? Money solves a lot of problems and without it, the problems are usually more weighty and multiple. There’s really need for striving to make money.
I agree, all people want to earn money and everyone is finding its way to earn money into different things that's why there are a lot of ways discovered in order to earn money and one of it is crypto currency, I honestly admit that I also obsessed in earning koney but of course with proper procedure, what I mean is that I do things to earn money in a right way and in a good way, I think what we can be considered to be addicted in money is those greedy people that will do anything in order to eanr koney, they can do bad things and bad stuff in order to have the wealth they want, for example scamming people, stealing and many more, but for those hard working people who do anything to earn of course with the right way, is I think should not be called addicted to money, they are just doing what they can in order to survive everyday and have a proper life that they are dreaming of.

Scamming people to make money is a really terrible thing to do. Not just to the person you’re scamming but to yourself. Many do not understand that there is an effect of properly working for your money. Asides from being on the run and always living with fear, you will never have experience because you too the short route. It’s smart to make money through due processes, learn how to grow, and even if something went wrong, with your experience you’re wealthy, because your wealth won’t be in your pocket but in your head.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Essential10 on May 26, 2024, 01:54:50 AM
There must be an addiction to money because without money you cannot move forward in life life will not be beautiful. Even if you think about the future life, you have to be addicted to money. Don't you see what is happening in your country?  Why are so many countries moving towards economic recession?  Don't you think some cliques of people in your country are looting all the money for personal gain. Your money, my money, people's money is being grabbed by political parties through power. If you look at the way of life of people in many countries of the African continent, what are the main reasons for the economic collapse of all those countries. Do you want to live like that country and its people, surely not. There is no guarantee that where the future life will be, there must be some alternative of money income from the beginning of life. If you have money you can eat, if you eat you can live.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Hispo on May 26, 2024, 02:21:42 AM
I believe it would be important for the sake of this discussion to make clear that there are many differences between addiction to money, greed and the necessity to get more money.
It would seem that in this current society, it does not matter the social or economical status people have, there is always a constant pursue to accumulate more capital, the people within the left political side will say that is not natural and it is a consequence of a predatory system, while people on the right political spectrum will say it is okey to have such a system, as helps to grow competition.

Feeling like having more money  is not a mental illness, because it obviously makes our life easier and better. The addiction of money to be is a synonym for greed. And greed can only lewd to evil, evil specifically committed fit the sake of accumulation of wealth.

Just think a bit about it, there are people in this planet who have enough money to live comfortably the rest of their life and the coming generations of their family and yet they to increase their value through devious means. That is what is supposed to be called out by us.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Yukyzu on May 26, 2024, 02:45:57 AM
There must be an addiction to money because without money you cannot move forward in life life will not be beautiful. Even if you think about the future life, you have to be addicted to money. Don't you see what is happening in your country?  Why are so many countries moving towards economic recession?  Don't you think some cliques of people in your country are looting all the money for personal gain. Your money, my money, people's money is being grabbed by political parties through power. If you look at the way of life of people in many countries of the African continent, what are the main reasons for the economic collapse of all those countries. Do you want to live like that country and its people, surely not. There is no guarantee that where the future life will be, there must be some alternative of money income from the beginning of life. If you have money you can eat, if you eat you can live.
In this life, of course, everyone needs money to be able to meet the needs they need and it is very unlikely that someone who doesn't have money will be able to meet their needs, so it is important for us to have a job that can provide us with income so that we can meet the needs we need.

It is true that there are some countries whose rulers are greedy and only care about a part of their group and the people in these countries will have economic difficulties and even the poverty level in these countries is very high and many people also have difficulty finding jobs that give them money to meet their needs.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: laijsica on May 26, 2024, 08:13:08 AM
Capitalist economic systems exist throughout the world where the majority of wealth is held by a few and the majority of people are largely poor or middle class. Those who have mountains of wealth are eager to get more wealth at any cost. They are exploiting the poor people in various ways like increasing the prices of goods. They are not paying proper wages to various lower and middle class people. Governments of different countries also continue to support them because they have a lot of resources. Ordinary people act only as usable agents. The rich class of people are enticing to make laws in their favor and increase their wealth even more by raising the prices of goods at every stage and reaping their profits.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Stablexcoin on May 26, 2024, 09:55:21 AM
I agree with you here because almost everyone has a high interest in making money in this world. There is no level of finance that this 9% will be satisfied with. The problem is that most of these people get to have more and more responsibility as time goes by and inflation increases every month I would say yearly. And it's so annoying that the monthly income or minimum wages of workers remain the same every single year and the government is not doing anything to harness the situation. Op, I wouldn't call it addiction because almost everyone wants the money and it is what it is. People in high places want more what do you think the poor and the middle class would do? There is no solution to money addiction and as time goes by the urge for money will continue to increase.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 26, 2024, 09:55:33 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Our needs influence our actions. So we are constantly working to meet our needs (which may increase due to social or economic reasons). Think back to a few decades ago when there was no such upward movement in market value, so people were not as desperate for extra income as they are today. As the price of everything is constantly increasing nowadays people are engaging in various activities for extra income. It even gives rise to crime. Another reason is that nowadays people are much more aware and worried about the future than in the past. Due to this almost everyone is addicted to making money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: adiksau0414 on May 26, 2024, 01:34:29 PM
it is normal. People live and need money to buy all the necessity needed for everyday life. I can say its 10 out of 10 scale, because all of wants money. In any means people will seek money. But as time goes by and everything changes in prices, more people are doing double time to make money. Even children are also more practical in choosing money rather than buying some toys. ( cause most of this children now are exposed in the reality of life)

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on May 26, 2024, 01:42:22 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10

Now that's just some seriously bad English, son.  You lost me with the first sentence, and I can't say that anything you wrote after that makes much more sense.  I'd say this was an AI-generated post, but it's missing the 'intelligence' component and I doubt an AI program would write something as nonsensical as this.

And look at these replies that  This forum is going downhill faster than it was in 2017 or thereabouts.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Juse14 on May 27, 2024, 01:48:30 AM
I agree with you here because almost everyone has a high interest in making money in this world. There is no level of finance that this 9% will be satisfied with. The problem is that most of these people get to have more and more responsibility as time goes by and inflation increases every month I would say yearly. And it's so annoying that the monthly income or minimum wages of workers remain the same every single year and the government is not doing anything to harness the situation. Op, I wouldn't call it addiction because almost everyone wants the money and it is what it is. People in high places want more what do you think the poor and the middle class would do? There is no solution to money addiction and as time goes by the urge for money will continue to increase.

Your point is noted, indeed, the rising wave of financial discontent and difficulties that many face, struggling to keep their heads above water in a sea of mounting duties and inflation. While it is true that most seek ways to bump up their income in tandem with the ever-spiraling cost of living, reality often paints a different picture. As if stuck in stasis, incomes stagnate; meanwhile costs merrily pirouette upwards without restraint. This disparity exerts colossal pressure, particularly bearing down heavily upon the already burdened poor and middle class strata within society.

The problem is significant enough that the government needs to act but, typically, standalone actions by governments are inadequate. A minimum wage that does not keep up with inflation leads to erosion of people's purchasing power which in turn exacerbates the economic inequality. What has to be done with stronger determination is more pro-worker policies so as to lead people towards greater decent livelihood.

It is important, however, to appreciate that the aspiration for more wealth is not always negative. Money serves as a tool for satisfying our needs, attaining security and even contributing to societal well-being.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on May 27, 2024, 02:48:34 AM
Money has become a part of we humans just like without air we can't live and is normal to say without money things won't go the way we want (is ok to say we need money in our life), we have to push ourselves to that extra miles to make that money. Even after making that money we as humans can never be satisfied which means we need more money, to some they only need the money just to be financially stable.
When we get obsessed with money that thought of getting it will never leave our mind, it becomes difficult to only think of a positive way to get it, whichever way either by stealing or looting like the OP said will always be an option. Worries about money take up the emotional mental space of our life, things we do is all about calculating how or when to get it, staying with people around us becomes a problem and is like we need to meet up to the standard of thae world meanwhile we forget that is not everything that works the way we plan them, and we won't devote the little time we have to enjoy life and being with loved ones all in the name of how we feel about money and how to get it.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Yatsan on May 27, 2024, 03:58:36 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
A fact. From a better point of view, many people are just aware of how high the market price of marketable goods have increased and being addicted to "make money" became their coping mechanism. Many people by now are even having two to four jobs at the same time. Well, if it works for you then that's good but you should also be checking your health on a daily basis 'coz it might be taxed with that drive, if you're one of these people.

Many people are also becoming innovative and embracing the risk of starting up business and investment plans, to again generate a bigger source of income. Addiction on earning more money might sound good to some people but limitations should be always considered. Keep in mind that anything which is too much is bad. Addiction in any form should be conditioned or regulated by the one who's becoming problematic.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mr.sprin on May 27, 2024, 05:33:40 AM
A fact. From a better point of view, many people are just aware of how high the market price of marketable goods have increased and being addicted to "make money" became their coping mechanism. Many people by now are even having two to four jobs at the same time. Well, if it works for you then that's good but you should also be checking your health on a daily basis 'coz it might be taxed with that drive, if you're one of these people.

Many people are also becoming innovative and embracing the risk of starting up business and investment plans, to again generate a bigger source of income. Addiction on earning more money might sound good to some people but limitations should be always considered. Keep in mind that anything which is too much is bad. Addiction in any form should be conditioned or regulated by the one who's becoming problematic.

Yes, that's right, bro, excessive actions are not good, because anything that is done excessively will produce bad results, for example, excessive nights out and taking excessive drugs will also harm ourselves, because if we are addicted to excessive money, it will make us miserable, because there is nothing about money, all actions must be related to money, this is all the beginning of our own harm, look for enough money according to our needs, don't let everything about our social life disappear because we are addicted to money, money will also make us we will be in trouble, a lot of money will also make us uncomfortable with our condition, the most important thing is our health is the most important thing, it's useless to have a lot of money but if we are sick, over time the money will run out because we can no longer make money because our bodies are weak pain.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: OrangeII on May 27, 2024, 06:28:38 AM
I think it's a trait that almost everyone has. Wanting lots of money and wanting to continue earning it, even the richest people in the world do this. I think most people will try to make money until they achieve financial freedom. It's no secret that we want luxury items, and that all costs money. So, we need to make a lot of money so that we can let go of our desires about what we want.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: wiss19 on May 27, 2024, 06:39:24 AM
Maybe you are right or wrong but you just don't think everybody is like you that believe that every opportunity in life need to be utilized to steal funds and do something imoral. People are not actually like this. You just don't judge thinking everything has the potential to think like you. It is true that we all wants to make money but not everybody wants to make.monwy from the wrong path. We need to sensitize people that have such mentality of stealing and taking what does not belong to them just to make extra money. We need to make the world a better place for the young ones coming up so they would not have to believe that doing illegal things or participating in fraud is the only way forward.
There are people who only look for blessings in everything they do, this is related to their belief and confidence that it can make their life happier and feel sufficient. It's different with the nature of someone who wants to pursue a lifestyle, so whatever he does is to cover up a lifestyle that he's proud of, such as seeking approval from other people, and I'm sure that kind of person will actually make his life's burden heavier. therefore religious values need to be applied
Belief in terms of what? Religious? Or belief because of self-entitlement? But whatever belief was it, it is still wrong to have that kind of mindset you're telling. We must accept that not all things will fall into us. There are things in life that are better treated as a lifestyle because lifestyle can mean that we are still balancing things.

There are also things that does not necessarily need an approval from others. Religion is part of the human life but there are people who forgot to include it on their lifestyle. I think is one of the reasons on why they are miserable but it's not too late yet. They still can go back on worshiping their own gods again.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: glendall on May 27, 2024, 11:59:27 AM
addicted to money???
I think it's normal for people to actively earn money to meet their living needs and lifestyle, as long as they are willing to work and try, it doesn't matter, not by being lazy but wanting to live the same as that person is someone who can be said to be unreasonable and lazy.
Basically, money is everything for all sectors of life, so it is natural that everyone is active in seeking money for the prosperity of themselves and their families.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: dezoel on May 27, 2024, 01:12:02 PM
People who are looking to earn more money only because they aren't able to meet their basic requirements can't be called addicted to wanting more money because it's what they need to survive. If you are unable to make ends meet, you will have to find a different way to survive because you can't starve to death or make your family suffer. So, I don't think this can be considered a hunger for more money but it is one of the basic requirements for any human.

Addicted are those who have enough money but are still looking to make more money, look at the whales or those who have millions of dollars but are still looking to start new businesses and make more investments only to increase their wealth, they are the ones you can call addicted to money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: mirakal on May 27, 2024, 01:25:39 PM
addicted to money???
I think it's normal for people to actively earn money to meet their living needs and lifestyle, as long as they are willing to work and try, it doesn't matter, not by being lazy but wanting to live the same as that person is someone who can be said to be unreasonable and lazy.
Basically, money is everything for all sectors of life, so it is natural that everyone is active in seeking money for the prosperity of themselves and their families.
If prices of goods and services have been continuously rising so fast, then most likely in order to make ends meet, people will also strive harder to earn more money not only to live a comfortable life but mainly, for survival. So I think that’s never an addiction, but a normal human reaction in order to live and enjoy life the way they want it to be.

However, on the other hand I would also love seeing people getting into  money addiction if it really exists so that everyone will work hard and strive hard, and that laziness will not be practiced anymore which made the people missed opportunities to earn money. And as long as making more money is not done through illegal means, then I’m really fine with it.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Smack That Ace on May 27, 2024, 03:49:30 PM
addicted to money???
I think it's normal for people to actively earn money to meet their living needs and lifestyle, as long as they are willing to work and try, it doesn't matter, not by being lazy but wanting to live the same as that person is someone who can be said to be unreasonable and lazy.
Basically, money is everything for all sectors of life, so it is natural that everyone is active in seeking money for the prosperity of themselves and their families.

However, on the other hand I would also love seeing people getting into  money addiction if it really exists so that everyone will work hard and strive hard, and that laziness will not be practiced anymore which made the people missed opportunities to earn money. And as long as making more money is not done through illegal means, then I’m really fine with it.

It would be a good thing if people stopped being lazy and worked hard to make money because it would not only bring people a more prosperous life but also stimulate the economy to grow stronger. But there will also be disadvantages if people are truly addicted to money if it exists. Ignoring the factor of making illegal money, addiction to making money will sometimes create a more and more pragmatic society, I mean people will only know how to make money and make money and ignore other things like love, family, what's going on. As life becomes more and more hustle and bustle and money is put first, everyone only knows how to rush to make money and ignore the things around them, making society more and more pragmatic. Balancing everything is what we should do instead of being addicted to something and ignoring the rest.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Casdinyard on May 27, 2024, 04:04:07 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
Addiction is defined as something you do out of compulsion with no real benefit for you, hoarding money and earning it is not considered addiction cause at the end of the day, you need money, and a whole lot of it as a matter of fact, to sustain yourself and whoever depends upon you.

You already said it yourself, prices of shit keep rising and changing and we can't do anything about it. Will you call someone addicted to water cause they are very thirsty and are looking for the nearest water fountain to hydrate themselves?

You have a very skewed perspective on how things work and clearly you're still getting support from your people, which isn't necessarily bad, cause after all they fucked and made you without your permission in the first place, but you'll soon realize how wrong it is to think that everyone's "addicted to money" all because we need more of it to stay alive.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ben Barubal on May 27, 2024, 11:49:00 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

     There are many people at this age who have become like money or have been swallowed up by the money system. Those who pretend to have a lot of money so they can convince other people that they will cheat just so they can have money. 

     Pretending to be rich but not really—that's what happens when the wrong way of looking at money is used. Yes, we need money, and it is a part of our lives in this age, but we don't need to let money control us; instead, we should control money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: shinratensei_ on May 28, 2024, 03:01:23 AM
People who are looking to earn more money only because they aren't able to meet their basic requirements can't be called addicted to wanting more money because it's what they need to survive. If you are unable to make ends meet, you will have to find a different way to survive because you can't starve to death or make your family suffer. So, I don't think this can be considered a hunger for more money but it is one of the basic requirements for any human.

Addicted are those who have enough money but are still looking to make more money, look at the whales or those who have millions of dollars but are still looking to start new businesses and make more investments only to increase their wealth, they are the ones you can call addicted to money.
here I think there's no such thing as addicted to money, i think we already have the term for this which is workaholic where people just can't stop working because they always want to work.
but if my addiction is related to always having the urge to make money and keep making more and more, heck I think thats the best addiction there is because lets be frank here, society forces us to always makes money for ourselves.
the people that aren't productive are actually being valued low in the society, so this money addiction is kind of a big win honestly.

since honestly, there's nothing wrong with hoarding as much purchasing power as you can, with hoarding money it means you got more power since money can be used to buy literally anything these days.
so whats wrong with it, there's really nothing wrong.
there's reason why the billionaires keep making more and more company to boost their personal wealth, because making money is great and there's no downsides to it.

addicted to money???
I think it's normal for people to actively earn money to meet their living needs and lifestyle, as long as they are willing to work and try, it doesn't matter, not by being lazy but wanting to live the same as that person is someone who can be said to be unreasonable and lazy.
Basically, money is everything for all sectors of life, so it is natural that everyone is active in seeking money for the prosperity of themselves and their families.
If prices of goods and services have been continuously rising so fast, then most likely in order to make ends meet, people will also strive harder to earn more money not only to live a comfortable life but mainly, for survival. So I think that’s never an addiction, but a normal human reaction in order to live and enjoy life the way they want it to be.

However, on the other hand I would also love seeing people getting into  money addiction if it really exists so that everyone will work hard and strive hard, and that laziness will not be practiced anymore which made the people missed opportunities to earn money. And as long as making more money is not done through illegal means, then I’m really fine with it.
this is the truth, the fact that we keeps striving for better financial condition is the instinct to survive, where you can get basic needs from spending money, it means entire survivability depends on it.
that what most people should understand, the fact that some people are addicted to make money, means they just want to keep their survivability high.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Bloodseekers on May 28, 2024, 03:50:58 AM
If prices of goods and services have been continuously rising so fast, then most likely in order to make ends meet, people will also strive harder to earn more money not only to live a comfortable life but mainly, for survival. So I think that’s never an addiction, but a normal human reaction in order to live and enjoy life the way they want it to be.

However, on the other hand I would also love seeing people getting into  money addiction if it really exists so that everyone will work hard and strive hard, and that laziness will not be practiced anymore which made the people missed opportunities to earn money. And as long as making more money is not done through illegal means, then I’m really fine with it.
When the price of goods and services increases, of course everyone has to do more work than usual and if they are employees and the income they have is no longer enough to meet their needs, of course they have to look for additional income to be able to meet the needs they need, because if It is of course impossible to only rely on their salary to fulfill their needs because the prices of goods and services have increased.

Working hard is very important if we want all the needs we need to be met and those who are lazy to work will of course have difficulty meeting their needs, it is important for us to be able to have income not from illegal means if we don't want the life we live to have problems later on.

    There are many people at this age who have become like money or have been swallowed up by the money system. Those who pretend to have a lot of money so they can convince other people that they will cheat just so they can have money. 

     Pretending to be rich but not really—that's what happens when the wrong way of looking at money is used. Yes, we need money, and it is a part of our lives in this age, but we don't need to let money control us; instead, we should control money.
Those who choose cheating methods to make their money will of course one day have problems and they will have to be responsible for what they do and it is really not important for us to pretend to be rich and this does not have any benefits from it, for now of course everyone needs money and I agree with you, don't let money control us, of course we will do various things to make money and this will get us into trouble.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mr.sprin on May 28, 2024, 04:08:17 AM
When the price of goods and services increases, of course everyone has to do more work than usual and if they are employees and the income they have is no longer enough to meet their needs, of course they have to look for additional income to be able to meet the needs they need, because if It is of course impossible to only rely on their salary to fulfill their needs because the prices of goods and services have increased.

Working hard is very important if we want all the needs we need to be met and those who are lazy to work will of course have difficulty meeting their needs, it is important for us to be able to have income not from illegal means if we don't want the life we live to have problems later on.

I agree with what you said, we all have to work hard to meet all our needs, especially as heads of families, we have to meet all the needs of our children and wives, because it is our job to earn a living for our family, especially nowadays. everything is expensive, basic necessities are expensive, everything is expensive, we as the backbone of the family have to think of a way out so that we can fulfill all our household needs, don't be lazy by relying on our salary which is not enough, we have to think about how we can earn extra money In order to be able to provide for all of this, the method must be halal because it will affect the future of our own children.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: YUriy1991 on May 28, 2024, 04:14:44 AM
Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

All because these needs and needs usually have many characters, some are important not urgent and also urgent important that must be synchronized or normal and ordinary. Usually, the urgent important thing will always be the top priority.

Regarding the opportunity to get additional money, if it is related to current conditions, it is recognized that it is a bit heavy at this time where the opportunity is small and the competition is also high, but if the work model is ordinary without requiring special skills, there are many, it's just that the payment value is small compared to the special ones where we have to meet daily needs now, the dominance has gone up in price, especially if our lifestyle always follows the trend and does not want to be outdone with our friends/community.

To do bad actions like the model you mentioned above can also happen, but I think there are still many clear-minded people looking for more models.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: iamsange on May 28, 2024, 05:06:38 AM
    There are many people at this age who have become like money or have been swallowed up by the money system. Those who pretend to have a lot of money so they can convince other people that they will cheat just so they can have money. 

     Pretending to be rich but not really—that's what happens when the wrong way of looking at money is used. Yes, we need money, and it is a part of our lives in this age, but we don't need to let money control us; instead, we should control money.
The development of the times makes us have to be faced with money, because everything nowadays requires money, everyone will look for it for their own or family needs, we should not judge other people, because we have no right to it, while they work and waste the money is up to him, because it is the result of his hard work.

Currently we are thinking about how to ensure that our finances are sufficient to meet the needs of the family, of course the children we produce will be how we raise them with good finances, because with good parents' finances it will have a good impact on the children, of course at this time we have to work hard to meet our family's financial needs.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Dunamisx on May 28, 2024, 06:19:08 AM
Its only a greedy and stingy person that will be regarded as one who is addicted to money because everyone by default is expected to have interest in having money to spend and use for basic needs of life, we should know this and also expect that there are ways in which we can spend money without making it appear as if we are being addicted to it, especially when we engaged the use for the right and appropriate reasons.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: DeathAngel on May 28, 2024, 08:35:20 AM
People try to earn more money because more provides a sense of security & stability which allows people to meet their basic needs & alleviate financial stress. Earning money is equated with success & social status leading people to strive for wealth as a measure of personal achievement. Obviously money offers opportunities for experiences, material possessions & simply more options in life. It’s important to strike a balance & prioritise other aspects of life beyond financial gain such as relationships, health & personal fulfilment.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: rhodelmabanal on May 28, 2024, 09:15:42 AM
I think people are not addicted but they didn't have a choice because they need to find more money in order to survive, look at how the price of basic needs rise, high inflation, etc., almost everything are rising and it needs more money to survive that is why people are finding more money i think it is not an addiction it is thier way of handling the high inflation and basic needs price that rise every year that is why people are now hard working to get more money because if we don't work hard will surely suffer financial problem.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Majestic-milf on May 28, 2024, 09:33:55 AM
 Money rules the world and as such people will do anything to get it, either to at least lead comfortable lives or to have a lot of it, that's why you'd see people slaving away at their jobs just to achieve this.
Now there's those who aren't content with the little they have which is normal because human needs and wants are insatiable hence the feeling of addiction to money right?
The fact that we live in a world where things are ever increasing doesn't also help matters as we constantly justify our need for more money as a means to be able to cope with the ever increasing demands but deep down, it's somehow to assure ourselves that we are better than the next person.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: EarnOnVictor on May 28, 2024, 09:44:49 AM
Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
I was enjoying your reading until you spoiled it with this remark as shown above. What statistics gave you that effrontery to state that 90% of people have the tendency to loot? That is preposterous and it should be withdrawn because it is offensive and insults the collective integrity of humanity. Frankly, I don't like people running their months anyhow, especially on what they know little or nothing about. If at all, to back your claims, you should have attached a link for us to read better instead of insulting humanity this way.

Fine, your country may be very bad, and I think I know the country you are from, but I will not mention it because I know how you guys type. Nevertheless, you can't use the state of your country to judge other countries. As you call a 90% looting tendency, do you know there are many countries in Europe and the world generally that their looting tendency will be below 1%? That is so justified because you can read many resourceful articles online about some countries with a very low crime rate, and that have good living standards. They are happy.

See, what makes some people commit financial crimes and be desperate to loot is the state of their finances and the poor nature of their country. But in many countries, people are doing fine, and those who are not doing fine are still contented, so why the high looting rate you force upon everyone?

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: kawetsriyanto on May 28, 2024, 10:05:55 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money ~
How do you know this? Since it is related to the fact, you need to have a research before claiming it. Or you can get a reference from a reliable source. At least, you have data that can prove it.

I think it depends on where we live. If it is in the big city, surely people will have high chance to be addicted to money because everything needs money in the city. But in the village, people don't fully depend on the money, they can use natural resources to survive. Since villagers have an alternative, they don't fully depend on the money.

We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.
Inflation, pandemic, wars, and the expensive price of fuel are some factors that trigger the increases of commodity prices. It is unavoidable situation, everyone is forced to deal with the worse economic. Since there is no choice but to have more money, nowadays it becomes easier to be addicted to money. This makes people to do everything in order to have more earnings. In this modern life, most of our activities are involved with money. So, it results in the mindset of among people to associate everything with money. I agree that this situation leads to a more addiction among people.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Fuso.hp on May 28, 2024, 10:50:45 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
No one is happy in their position, you consider nine out of ten people who try to grow their money but I would say 10 out of ten people want to grow their money. You have a good job and you want to work in an organization like the one where you are working but it is natural that a person who is unemployed wants to work in an organization like yours. No matter how good a position we are in, we always look to what is above us and we try to get to his position. We will be content when we follow those who are in our lowest position. Today I have a car I will be thinking about buying a sports car at Target next and when I own the sports car I will be thinking about buying a private jet with a luxury car. But if we try to increase money by working extra hard in honest way then it is not bad for us because money is needed a lot in the way of life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: AirtelBuzz on May 28, 2024, 12:10:40 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
No one is happy in their position, you consider nine out of ten people who try to grow their money but I would say 10 out of ten people want to grow their money. You have a good job and you want to work in an organization like the one where you are working but it is natural that a person who is unemployed wants to work in an organization like yours. No matter how good a position we are in, we always look to what is above us and we try to get to his position. We will be content when we follow those who are in our lowest position. Today I have a car I will be thinking about buying a sports car at Target next and when I own the sports car I will be thinking about buying a private jet with a luxury car. But if we try to increase money by working extra hard in honest way then it is not bad for us because money is needed a lot in the way of life.
There is definitely a need for money in life, but some earn it the right way and some earn it the wrong way. The subject you mentioned is the goal of man because if a man is in a low position then it is his goal to go to a higher position. For example, in the field of employment, if someone joins as a general worker, his next goal is to become a manager one day.
Do you know what is the biggest addiction in a person's life, it is the addiction of money. People all over the world are now just running and running because of money addiction. The addiction of money has consumed people in such a way that people are now unable to judge between good and bad. Now the competition has started among people all over the world who will be richer or who will have more money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: GideonGono on May 28, 2024, 12:49:20 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

There are places where you don't need money but it would be in the most remote areas where the community lives in a slow lane.
I also think it is not addiction, but it would depend on how they would earn their money.
For me addiction is when they are bound to destroy their life, so if they are earning the right way or without illegal activities then it wouldn't be addiction, they are striving for a better life.
Honestly, if I could I would rather stay at remote areas to have simple life than to overwork myself.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 28, 2024, 01:07:44 PM
That is exaggerating term to use that 9 out of 10 are addicted in making money?yeah everyone are making their way to make money but this is not about addiction instead about being obligated so try not to fell from this mistake and try to be more cautious about the word you use ,there might be people that addicted to make money but they are small part of the humanities.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on May 28, 2024, 02:18:57 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Even though human wants can never be satisfied but the inquisitiveness of making more money became more obvious in recent years because in the past majority of people were contented with what they were making as their income and were not much interested in making extra money from other works but now some people can even manage 4 to 5 jobs a day just to increase their earnings and sometimes it is just as a result of greed, while in most cases it is as a result of the economy because the cost of living is high and if you don't chase after numerous works to earn a living you will look frustrated if peradventure the only one you depended on crashes and the urge to make more money each day have also made us become more stronger than we were before.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: SmartCharpa on May 28, 2024, 02:43:37 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

If you have money, many people would consider you as an important person. There's a saying that money is the root of all evil and I disagree with that because having money will make you happier than being poor in this life, and money will save you from some embarrassment. It's not money addiction, it is just that in our generation, making money has become our top priority since no one wants to be in debt, we need money to solve our problems, even in our houses, we need money to survive. I'm not sure if you've ever been in a situation where you needed money as an emergency and had no one to turn to. These days, you must stand on your own and earn this money since you will not know those who love you unless you have a problem that money can solve.

No matter what the situation is, we do not need to steal from someone to survive, and we don't have to take someone else joy to make ourselves happy. However, many people do not care about what they have to do before making money, all they need is to make money. Many people have gotten themselves into bad situations because they want to be like others. Making money is to find a stable source of income that will earn you good money to meet your needs, not becoming wealthy by taking what belongs to others.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: bitgolden on May 28, 2024, 05:15:53 PM
We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself. A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.

Like if you have 700 million dollars, then there are VERY few things in the world that you can't do, you can do almost anything you want, and that's why I believe that people do not really love the money itself, that's just a number. They just like to be able to have more than the other person and they like to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, at least have that option. Money is made up, money itself means nothing, money is fake, it's the things you can do with money that we get addicted to.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Awwal08 on May 28, 2024, 07:59:43 PM
They shouldn’t be money addiction, because as long as you need to survive, earn money as much as you can, it is substantial in our life, because there is nothing an individual want and succeed in getting it, unless they involve money, making more money is not an issue because a lot of people have many responsibilities to take care of, you need money to provide shelter, foods, fees and clothes. And small amount of it is not enough to fulfill these responsibilities. Money brings a lot of respect to someone reputation, some people know that their wish of becoming a billionaire can never be fulfilled, but they keep struggling to make sure that they always get the chance to put food on their table if you don’t have money you will never be able to pursue your dreams. It is a want that everyone need.

Everything is affordable to you when you have money, we can’t survive in our economy without money.

It is only billionaire that are addicted in making money because they always wish that they should keep earning and never lost, and it affect some of them mentally, physically and spiritually.
Making money is not an issue as long as you can meet your goals or life desire, it is not money addiction.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Lanatsa on May 28, 2024, 08:32:12 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

If you have money, many people would consider you as an important person. There's a saying that money is the root of all evil and I disagree with that because having money will make you happier than being poor in this life, and money will save you from some embarrassment. It's not money addiction, it is just that in our generation, making money has become our top priority since no one wants to be in debt, we need money to solve our problems, even in our houses, we need money to survive. I'm not sure if you've ever been in a situation where you needed money as an emergency and had no one to turn to. These days, you must stand on your own and earn this money since you will not know those who love you unless you have a problem that money can solve.

No matter what the situation is, we do not need to steal from someone to survive, and we don't have to take someone else joy to make ourselves happy. However, many people do not care about what they have to do before making money, all they need is to make money. Many people have gotten themselves into bad situations because they want to be like others. Making money is to find a stable source of income that will earn you good money to meet your needs, not becoming wealthy by taking what belongs to others.
Addicted or not, people would really be having that normal approach on things on which they would really be having that kind of intent in terms of earning money on which this is really that part of main consideration since we do know that when it comes to condition that we do have in life. The more money you do have the more better life you do have on which it is really that a normal thing that people will really be focusing on trying out to earn as much as possible. I dont see for this one to be an addiction. The only moment that i would really be seeing to be an addiction is on the moment that you would be
doing unethical things or really that be trying out to take advantage of other people for the sake of making or earning money. As long you are really that earning on a legal and clean way then i dont see a problem with this.

It would really be just that normal that human beings would really be thriving out their very best on searching for earning money which it is really the main thing that you would be needing on surviving up on this world because everything comes with a price. If you dont have the money then surviving would really be an issue. So it would really be just that a matter of choice whether you would be contented
with the current earning you do have or you would be adding up even more or looking for other ways?

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Finestream on May 28, 2024, 09:27:20 PM
We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself. A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.

Like if you have 700 million dollars, then there are VERY few things in the world that you can't do, you can do almost anything you want, and that's why I believe that people do not really love the money itself, that's just a number. They just like to be able to have more than the other person and they like to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, at least have that option. Money is made up, money itself means nothing, money is fake, it's the things you can do with money that we get addicted to.
Precisely. People get addicted of what money can do, its effects to people’s lives and significance. When there’s a lot of money, the joy and satisfaction are unlimited, that’s why people love the idea of having a lot of money. But when we say people has this money addiction, it denotes a different view. Money is what we need the most this time since everything got their price, and if you got no money, it’s rare to see you surviving in this getting expensive world’s stuffs.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Rockstarguy on May 28, 2024, 10:43:18 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.
Money is necessity,  the basic thing that people needs in life and can't do without. This days  it just seems as if all what one needs to do in the everyday life money must be involved. I don't really blame people for getting addicted to money, the truth is that we really need to get this money in our pocket to meet up with things. Before now people were living okay and not bothering so much about money but the inflation in the market has cost everything to be difficult for people which people have no choice to do anything just to double their income.

Focusing on money is very important and which should not be taking for granted because if people don't think on how money can be raised, life will be be extreme difficult.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: boyptc on May 28, 2024, 10:55:17 PM
Because that 9 out of 10 people are working people. If not, a businessmen.

We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself.
No, we're not addicted to the idea of it but we actually need it in our daily survival and living.

A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.
We all want money so that we can buy all of the necessities that we need. It's part of our daily living unless you're living in a huge farm where you can get everything and has a clean river or lake for your water.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: boty on May 29, 2024, 04:52:36 AM
We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself. A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.

Like if you have 700 million dollars, then there are VERY few things in the world that you can't do, you can do almost anything you want, and that's why I believe that people do not really love the money itself, that's just a number. They just like to be able to have more than the other person and they like to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, at least have that option. Money is made up, money itself means nothing, money is fake, it's the things you can do with money that we get addicted to.
Precisely. People get addicted of what money can do, its effects to people’s lives and significance. When there’s a lot of money, the joy and satisfaction are unlimited, that’s why people love the idea of having a lot of money. But when we say people has this money addiction, it denotes a different view. Money is what we need the most this time since everything got their price, and if you got no money, it’s rare to see you surviving in this getting expensive world’s stuffs.
We all certainly know well the benefits of money and it is very important to have money to be able to fulfill whatever desires and needs we need, with money we will easily be able to achieve happiness because they can easily fulfill all their desires. Without money, it will be very difficult for someone to achieve happiness and fulfill their desires, so it is very important for us to be able to have an income that can provide income to meet our needs.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Gladitorcomeback on May 29, 2024, 05:53:21 AM
Its only a greedy and stingy person that will be regarded as one who is addicted to money because everyone by default is expected to have interest in having money to spend and use for basic needs of life, we should know this and also expect that there are ways in which we can spend money without making it appear as if we are being addicted to it, especially when we engaged the use for the right and appropriate reasons.

Addiction to money is when a person already has enough money but they still want to have more, however, it's not always wrong trying to earn more money by working as long as you are doing everything in the right way. There are billionaires and millionaires all around the world who don't stop working once they earn a lot of money because they want to continue working even if it's not for money.

Money is an extreme necessity these days, you can't do anything without money, but then again, if you already have enough money that you know you can live your life easily and have your future secured, you shouldn't try extremely hard to earn more money, as long as you are earning some, it should be enough for you.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ben Barubal on May 29, 2024, 07:34:29 AM
Its only a greedy and stingy person that will be regarded as one who is addicted to money because everyone by default is expected to have interest in having money to spend and use for basic needs of life, we should know this and also expect that there are ways in which we can spend money without making it appear as if we are being addicted to it, especially when we engaged the use for the right and appropriate reasons.

Addiction to money is when a person already has enough money but they still want to have more, however, it's not always wrong trying to earn more money by working as long as you are doing everything in the right way. There are billionaires and millionaires all around the world who don't stop working once they earn a lot of money because they want to continue working even if it's not for money.

Money is an extreme necessity these days, you can't do anything without money, but then again, if you already have enough money that you know you can live your life easily and have your future secured, you shouldn't try extremely hard to earn more money, as long as you are earning some, it should be enough for you.

     That depends on how an individual treats money; others are not rich, but they are controlled by the money. In what sense? For example, because they were poor, others thought they should rob a bank, steal money from people, or do illegal things for money.

     So that means, in making money, there are always only two types, and this is that we can get money in good and bad ways. That's all, right? Although you were right when you said that other people who are already rich are getting richer,.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: viananda2525 on May 29, 2024, 08:06:30 AM
Its only a greedy and stingy person that will be regarded as one who is addicted to money because everyone by default is expected to have interest in having money to spend and use for basic needs of life, we should know this and also expect that there are ways in which we can spend money without making it appear as if we are being addicted to it, especially when we engaged the use for the right and appropriate reasons.

Addiction to money is when a person already has enough money but they still want to have more, however, it's not always wrong trying to earn more money by working as long as you are doing everything in the right way. There are billionaires and millionaires all around the world who don't stop working once they earn a lot of money because they want to continue working even if it's not for money.

Money is an extreme necessity these days, you can't do anything without money, but then again, if you already have enough money that you know you can live your life easily and have your future secured, you shouldn't try extremely hard to earn more money, as long as you are earning some, it should be enough for you.
As long as the earth doesn't stop, money will always be a priority. It's very strange if someone stops looking for money even though they already have money. A person's way of thinking is not the same, an active person will have no reason to stop working. We can see that entrepreneurs continue to expand their business even though they already have everything. So the person who continues to collect money is not because he has a greedy and greedy nature but because he has a business mindset that continues to develop all the time. In fact, the country really wants to see its citizens become the richest people and that will have a positive impact on the country.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Fuso.hp on May 29, 2024, 11:19:30 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
No one is happy in their position, you consider nine out of ten people who try to grow their money but I would say 10 out of ten people want to grow their money. You have a good job and you want to work in an organization like the one where you are working but it is natural that a person who is unemployed wants to work in an organization like yours. No matter how good a position we are in, we always look to what is above us and we try to get to his position. We will be content when we follow those who are in our lowest position. Today I have a car I will be thinking about buying a sports car at Target next and when I own the sports car I will be thinking about buying a private jet with a luxury car. But if we try to increase money by working extra hard in honest way then it is not bad for us because money is needed a lot in the way of life.
There is definitely a need for money in life, but some earn it the right way and some earn it the wrong way. The subject you mentioned is the goal of man because if a man is in a low position then it is his goal to go to a higher position. For example, in the field of employment, if someone joins as a general worker, his next goal is to become a manager one day.
Do you know what is the biggest addiction in a person's life, it is the addiction of money. People all over the world are now just running and running because of money addiction. The addiction of money has consumed people in such a way that people are now unable to judge between good and bad. Now the competition has started among people all over the world who will be richer or who will have more money.
As long as you earn money by working hard in the right way and earning money is not bad for you when it becomes your addiction but when you take wrong path to earn money then addiction is bad for you. 

People who are extra big or have extra money will only tell you that money is not everything in life but they will gasp when you ask them to get out of their financial situation and walk the world one day. Based on your wealth you will gain more respect in the area and you will become a respectable person among the society. 

A person who completes graduation but is unemployed on the other hand an uneducated person who owns a lot of money in the same event will see these two people being evaluated in two ways. The one who has enough money is seated in the chief guest's chair while the one who has no money but is seen as educated sits in front to listen to the chief guest's speech. So no matter what you say money is very valuable in life and we should give utmost importance to money income.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: junmisakiro on May 29, 2024, 11:44:13 AM
Its only a greedy and stingy person that will be regarded as one who is addicted to money because everyone by default is expected to have interest in having money to spend and use for basic needs of life, we should know this and also expect that there are ways in which we can spend money without making it appear as if we are being addicted to it, especially when we engaged the use for the right and appropriate reasons.

Addiction to money is when a person already has enough money but they still want to have more, however, it's not always wrong trying to earn more money by working as long as you are doing everything in the right way. There are billionaires and millionaires all around the world who don't stop working once they earn a lot of money because they want to continue working even if it's not for money.

As long as the earth doesn't stop, money will always be a priority. It's very strange if someone stops looking for money even though they already have money. A person's way of thinking is not the same, an active person will have no reason to stop working. We can see that entrepreneurs continue to expand their business even though they already have everything. So the person who continues to collect money is not because he has a greedy and greedy nature but because he has a business mindset that continues to develop all the time. In fact, the country really wants to see its citizens become the richest people and that will have a positive impact on the country.

There is a saying "Money is not everything, but everything requires money".
This illustrates the important role of money in life. However, don't let money be the most important thing in your life, so getting it justifies any means, thereby giving rise to greed in your life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: coinerer on May 29, 2024, 12:08:18 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.
To live a good life you must own a lot of money.  In every case you have to use money. And this is why we are behind money. the higher the demand, the higher the amount of money needed. And we have a lot of greed for money due to which we become very attracted to money. And people do not hesitate to do any evil for money. Because living a luxurious life must require a lot of money. And I don't think there are people in the world who don't want to earn money or are not greedy for money

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Yaqs15 on May 29, 2024, 12:34:06 PM
We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself. A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.

Like if you have 700 million dollars, then there are VERY few things in the world that you can't do, you can do almost anything you want, and that's why I believe that people do not really love the money itself, that's just a number. They just like to be able to have more than the other person and they like to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, at least have that option. Money is made up, money itself means nothing, money is fake, it's the things you can do with money that we get addicted to.
Money is worth being addicted to, because everything today is all about money. they said when the money speaks, the law is blind. Our major competition today is on money. Have everything today but no money nobody will listen to you. money rules the world. as far as you are still living, you can not do without money. many people are considered because of their bank account. Even to go to school, medical fees, shelter, feeding today you will need a huge amount of money. everything today is too expensive to the extent of even a dead body will still need money for proper burial. So why one will not need it.
Every aspect of our lives money plays a very big role in it. you will be popular if you want to when you have money let say bill gates,  Elon musk today, most of people are familiar with the names but even their pictures they have not seen before why? the answer is money. Mansa Musa have died years back but his name is still existing why? MONEY. because he not the only King but the most richest ever so far.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on May 29, 2024, 02:38:41 PM
We all certainly know well the benefits of money and it is very important to have money to be able to fulfill whatever desires and needs we need, with money we will easily be able to achieve happiness because they can easily fulfill all their desires. Without money, it will be very difficult for someone to achieve happiness and fulfill their desires, so it is very important for us to be able to have an income that can provide income to meet our needs.

Yes, man. Money is only an intermediary in transacting and making payments. For now, money is like a king for those of us who are economically weak in always needed in general. There are many events that are beyond our expectations that are difficult for us to accept when there is no money, whether they have a family or not.

But, money is not everything that will change our lives and livelihoods, there is a true higher that we should pursue in this life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: tengui on May 29, 2024, 03:00:01 PM
you say 9 out of 10 are addicted to increasing wealth, then the remaining 1 person is not interested in becoming rich? I think everyone is interested in getting rich. However, only a small number of people succeed in becoming rich, maybe only 1 person out of 100 people. but everyone must work hard because the main purpose of working hard is not to become rich but for the welfare of oneself and one's family.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: slapper on May 29, 2024, 03:45:54 PM
We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself. A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.

Like if you have 700 million dollars, then there are VERY few things in the world that you can't do, you can do almost anything you want, and that's why I believe that people do not really love the money itself, that's just a number. They just like to be able to have more than the other person and they like to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, at least have that option. Money is made up, money itself means nothing, money is fake, it's the things you can do with money that we get addicted to.
Money is worth being addicted to, because everything today is all about money. they said when the money speaks, the law is blind. Our major competition today is on money. Have everything today but no money nobody will listen to you. money rules the world. as far as you are still living, you can not do without money. many people are considered because of their bank account. Even to go to school, medical fees, shelter, feeding today you will need a huge amount of money. everything today is too expensive to the extent of even a dead body will still need money for proper burial. So why one will not need it.
Every aspect of our lives money plays a very big role in it. you will be popular if you want to when you have money let say bill gates,  Elon musk today, most of people are familiar with the names but even their pictures they have not seen before why? the answer is money. Mansa Musa have died years back but his name is still existing why? MONEY. because he not the only King but the most richest ever so far.

Yes, money talks and can purchase influence, open doors, and bend regulations. But when you say "money is worth being addicted to," I have to stop. I understand. Society runs on money. Essentials like food, housing, and healthcare require it. And yes, more options mean more freedom. It's alluring, right?

Money addiction changes your outlook. Dollars and cents become your standard for everything. Now the individual with the biggest bank account is most valuable and essential. How about your inspiration teacher? Artist who moved you? Your constant friend? Because they have less money, are they worth less?

People, money is only a tool. This helps you build and make a difference. Not only is it not the only measure of success, it shouldn't be the only source of enjoyment.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: justdimin on May 29, 2024, 03:48:23 PM
As long as the earth doesn't stop, money will always be a priority. It's very strange if someone stops looking for money even though they already have money. A person's way of thinking is not the same, an active person will have no reason to stop working. We can see that entrepreneurs continue to expand their business even though they already have everything. So the person who continues to collect money is not because he has a greedy and greedy nature but because he has a business mindset that continues to develop all the time. In fact, the country really wants to see its citizens become the richest people and that will have a positive impact on the country.
Yes true, but there is also limitations to it. I have met with a lot of people who made "enough" money and stopped. Of course that is not a small amount, I am not talking about just a few thousand dollars, I am talking about people who sold their company for a few million dollars and stopped.

I knew a guy who sold his company for 2.2 million dollars, which is A LOT but then he didn't made any more money on top of that, put his money into savings and earned interest, the most boring method ever, but he felt safe that way. Then he just started his retirement at early age. Wakes up, breakfast, newspaper, coffee, some tv, nap, wake up , a little jog, shower, dinner, some more tv and sleep, for nearly two decades now. So not everyone wants more and more.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Distinctin on May 29, 2024, 04:19:17 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.
Money is necessity,  the basic thing that people needs in life and can't do without. This days  it just seems as if all what one needs to do in the everyday life money must be involved. I don't really blame people for getting addicted to money, the truth is that we really need to get this money in our pocket to meet up with things. Before now people were living okay and not bothering so much about money but the inflation in the market has cost everything to be difficult for people which people have no choice to do anything just to double their income.

Focusing on money is very important and which should not be taking for granted because if people don't think on how money can be raised, life will be be extreme difficult.
As much as we want to get rid of any addiction, but I think when it comes to money, there’s no way it’ll be possible. Money is what makes us surviving these days, without money, it’s impossible to meet all our basic necessities. Because of that, we can’t blame the people to rush over money, or to get addicted on earning money just like OP says. What else can we do, money almost turns everything into possibility. And even with people who have no life’s direction, once you offer them money, it will turn like they have a lot of life’s plans all of a sudden, something that only money can do.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: lizarder on May 29, 2024, 05:07:02 PM
Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
If you look further at why this happens and what are the main causes for people to loot like the discussion you are trying to review. Let's look more simply and whose responsibility is this problem? Humans find it difficult to find work so they cannot earn money for life's necessities and their only recourse is to carry out stupid actions to plunder every corner they see as having an opportunity. This is caused by hunger for unmet needs or it could be because life is influenced by alcohol or something similar.

Take good care of our family and make them responsible for not committing any crimes. Teach how to make steady money even if the amount is small. At least a small income can enable them to survive and not commit any crimes. Sometimes people commit crimes because of opportunities and it should be the duty of the immediate family to teach the best.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: |MINER| on May 29, 2024, 07:18:37 PM
Almost everyone is addicted to money. Everyone is desperately running after money day and night. Some earn by honest means and some also adopt dishonest ways to earn more with honest means. But almost people of the world are dishonest to live a better life than their prosperous life.  Take the road. Most of them do not know how to steal. However, everyone has an addiction to money. It is a sign of a good person to live life by saving it.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: cozytrade on May 29, 2024, 07:21:30 PM

To live a good life you must own a lot of money.  In every case you have to use money. And this is why we are behind money. the higher the demand, the higher the amount of money needed. And we have a lot of greed for money due to which we become very attracted to money. And people do not hesitate to do any evil for money. Because living a luxurious life must require a lot of money. And I don't think there are people in the world who don't want to earn money or are not greedy for money

I would say that all people in the world are greedy for money. Those who are more greedy for money, even if they can do good things in their life, they are not happy in their life. We have to keep our greed for money just enough so that we can spend our life happily and peacefully. There are some people in the world who  They are not afraid to take people's lives for money. Yes, money is needed to live happily and peacefully in life. For that, some people choose bad jobs. I don't like them because they engage in bad jobs for money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: leonair on May 29, 2024, 08:00:52 PM
Almost everyone is addicted to money. Everyone is desperately running after money day and night. Some earn by honest means and some also adopt dishonest ways to earn more with honest means. But almost people of the world are dishonest to live a better life than their prosperous life.  Take the road. Most of them do not know how to steal. However, everyone has an addiction to money. It is a sign of a good person to live life by saving it.
Yes everyone needs money and everyone is addicted to money. I agree with you that many earn money legally but many of them earn a lot of money illegally because they need a luxurious life.  Everyone dreams of enjoying a luxurious life and because of this everyone gets addicted to money very quickly. all the addictive times in the world, but it is not possible for anyone to get addicted to money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: ndutndut on May 29, 2024, 09:02:47 PM
Money is necessity,  the basic thing that people needs in life and can't do without. This days  it just seems as if all what one needs to do in the everyday life money must be involved. I don't really blame people for getting addicted to money, the truth is that we really need to get this money in our pocket to meet up with things. Before now people were living okay and not bothering so much about money but the inflation in the market has cost everything to be difficult for people which people have no choice to do anything just to double their income.

Focusing on money is very important and which should not be taking for granted because if people don't think on how money can be raised, life will be be extreme difficult.
Money has become a necessity in life, living without money there is not much we can do, even now to fulfill our living needs we need money. In my opinion, money can also be used as a treatment for stress, to be honest, that's what I feel, that's why I try to control the money that comes in and goes out (both). It's not just one thing, for example we manage our money but don't focus enough on making money, the money we have keeps decreasing because our income doesn't increase.

But money addiction can also cause stress. Because we cannot enjoy life because in our minds we are constantly thinking about money and we are afraid that if our money runs out we will become poor. Actually being addicted to money is not good, so treat your money as it should be. The problem is, the word "addiction" has a negative nature, so everything related to addiction must be eliminated. Because money does not necessarily provide happiness, but at least having money can provide a sense of security to survive.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: lalabotax on May 29, 2024, 09:46:38 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.
I can't confirm whether all the people who keep looking for money and keep looking for money are addicted or not. But what's certain is that I can confirm that they are looking for money because they need it. We need to know that each person's needs are different. Primary, secondary, tertiary and other needs are different. Maybe we see that other people buy something that is not what we need. But from that person's point of view, it is their need. So we can't judge whether it's important or not for us, but whether it's important or not for them, for ourselves. So it's better to focus on yourself.

And there must be a reason for this need. because that's why every person will definitely try to make money, and this is not an addiction, but there are indeed different ways for us to fulfill our needs, to fulfill the eagerness to gain money and other things.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Lanatsa on May 29, 2024, 09:52:17 PM
Money is necessity,  the basic thing that people needs in life and can't do without. This days  it just seems as if all what one needs to do in the everyday life money must be involved. I don't really blame people for getting addicted to money, the truth is that we really need to get this money in our pocket to meet up with things. Before now people were living okay and not bothering so much about money but the inflation in the market has cost everything to be difficult for people which people have no choice to do anything just to double their income.

Focusing on money is very important and which should not be taking for granted because if people don't think on how money can be raised, life will be be extreme difficult.
Money has become a necessity in life, living without money there is not much we can do, even now to fulfill our living needs we need money. In my opinion, money can also be used as a treatment for stress, to be honest, that's what I feel, that's why I try to control the money that comes in and goes out (both). It's not just one thing, for example we manage our money but don't focus enough on making money, the money we have keeps decreasing because our income doesn't increase.

But money addiction can also cause stress. Because we cannot enjoy life because in our minds we are constantly thinking about money and we are afraid that if our money runs out we will become poor. Actually being addicted to money is not good, so treat your money as it should be. The problem is, the word "addiction" has a negative nature, so everything related to addiction must be eliminated. Because money does not necessarily provide happiness, but at least having money can provide a sense of security to survive.
Its indeed a necessity on which we wont really be able to survive if we dont have money and this is why it would really be that a normal approach that you would really be finding yourself
to earn as much as possible because we know that this is something that we do need for us to have a comfortable living if we do have lots of money.It isnt really that a form of addiction since
it would really be just that a normal part of routine on which people would be finding methods or ways that they could be able to earn money. There are really just that those people who would really be
that too eager on finding up methods or ways to earn more. It might really be looking up to be greedy but since this is a money earning thing then it should really be just that fine.

We are living in a world on which economical status getting even more worst as years passing on which if you wont really be finding any ways or things that make your living better
then you would be ending up on having that miserable life on which this is something that we dont really like to happen. So as much as possible we would really be finding
up ways for more potential income or earning.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Winterfrost on May 29, 2024, 10:26:14 PM
Almost everyone is addicted to money. Everyone is desperately running after money day and night. Some earn by honest means and some also adopt dishonest ways to earn more with honest means. But almost people of the world are dishonest to live a better life than their prosperous life.  Take the road. Most of them do not know how to steal. However, everyone has an addiction to money. It is a sign of a good person to live life by saving it.
Yes everyone needs money and everyone is addicted to money. I agree with you that many earn money legally but many of them earn a lot of money illegally because they need a luxurious life.  Everyone dreams of enjoying a luxurious life and because of this everyone gets addicted to money very quickly. all the addictive times in the world, but it is not possible for anyone to get addicted to money.
Money is everything, in this generation being poor is not an option or something any one will want to see himself into. Many are going for it legally while some are embarking on it illegally, all in the same context of earning a living even the means of earning the money is limited and this is contributing to why people now choose a more dangerous source. Living a luxurious life should be everyone's dream but that shouldn't encourage us partake in illegal deals, as the punishment won't be reduced based on given reason as to why commit such actions.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Russlenat on May 29, 2024, 11:30:35 PM
Almost everyone is addicted to money. Everyone is desperately running after money day and night. Some earn by honest means and some also adopt dishonest ways to earn more with honest means. But almost people of the world are dishonest to live a better life than their prosperous life.  Take the road. Most of them do not know how to steal. However, everyone has an addiction to money. It is a sign of a good person to live life by saving it.
I don’t think its termed money addiction. Because for all we know, money is a must requirement in order to live our life, so we are obliged to earn money for ourselves, regardless if it’s through honest or dishonest means. But somehow, if you are a responsible citizen, you will stick to only what’s proper and avoid all those illegal means of earning money. Where there’s vast opportunities to earn money, surely people will eventually rush taking advantage on it, that’s how essential money is.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Samlucky O on May 29, 2024, 11:54:32 PM

It's not money addiction, it's the need for money. You can't turn on your lights and gas if you have no money. We are slaves to work constantly because of the need to have money to live.

Yes the right word to use in this context is " the need for money" though he is not far from the truth each passing day goods keep skyrocketing making it difficult or almost impossible for a common man to feed and that has risen the level of hustle though I am not certain about the %90 increase but I believe that the level at which people find money has doubled or tripled so there is need to increase our coast. Not only because of inflation but to make sure we are able to settle prepare our self against old age because now we are young is the best time to hustle sothat it will not be difficult at old age.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Vinaa77 on May 30, 2024, 02:45:08 AM
Money is everything, in this generation being poor is not an option or something any one will want to see himself into. Many are going for it legally while some are embarking on it illegally, all in the same context of earning a living even the means of earning the money is limited and this is contributing to why people now choose a more dangerous source. Living a luxurious life should be everyone's dream but that shouldn't encourage us partake in illegal deals, as the punishment won't be reduced based on given reason as to why commit such actions.
Everything we need of course has to have money so we can pay for it before we can get what we want. Without money, it's impossible to get it. Currently, there are some people who use various ways to get money, and there are even those who are willing to do it. Illegal ways to get money and this will really depend on a person's choice and most of the illegal ways will make it easy for them to get money but have big risks and if we have to deal with security forces we could lose all the money we have have.
Everyone certainly has the desire to live in luxury, but if they choose illegal methods, of course they have chosen the wrong path and they will not be able to survive for long with the luxuries obtained through illegal methods.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Kriptogram14 on May 30, 2024, 07:00:02 AM
Everything we need of course has to have money so we can pay for it before we can get what we want. Without money, it's impossible to get it. Currently, there are some people who use various ways to get money, and there are even those who are willing to do it. Illegal ways to get money and this will really depend on a person's choice and most of the illegal ways will make it easy for them to get money but have big risks and if we have to deal with security forces we could lose all the money we have have.
Everyone certainly has the desire to live in luxury, but if they choose illegal methods, of course they have chosen the wrong path and they will not be able to survive for long with the luxuries obtained through illegal methods.

Yes, bro, surely everyone wants to live in luxury, when they want anything, everything can be achieved, every human being's dream is to live in luxury and have lots of savings, so they don't have to stress about thinking about where else to look for a loan so that all their desires can be achieved.

But it's all a process to reach a point where we have sufficient wealth and a glamorous life, don't let us choose the wrong path so that we can quickly reach that point, which in the end will be at risk to ourselves, just take the safe route so that we can enjoy it all with a feeling of calm and serenity, not facing problems where later we will also have to bear the consequences of our own actions.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: AirtelBuzz on May 30, 2024, 09:44:53 AM
As long as you earn money by working hard in the right way and earning money is not bad for you when it becomes your addiction but when you take wrong path to earn money then addiction is bad for you.  

People who are extra big or have extra money will only tell you that money is not everything in life but they will gasp when you ask them to get out of their financial situation and walk the world one day. Based on your wealth you will gain more respect in the area and you will become a respectable person among the society.  

A person who completes graduation but is unemployed on the other hand an uneducated person who owns a lot of money in the same event will see these two people being evaluated in two ways. The one who has enough money is seated in the chief guest's chair while the one who has no money but is seen as educated sits in front to listen to the chief guest's speech. So no matter what you say money is very valuable in life and we should give utmost importance to money income.
I say now money is power, money is respect. Everyone wants to earn money in the right way but those who are not able to earn money in the right way jump to earn money in the wrong way to save themselves and improve their quality of life. No one blocks the way to earn money, everyone wants to earn more.
According to what you mentioned, it is proved that money increases people's respect, if there is no money, people's respect decreases. Unless you have a bachelor's degree or higher and don't own a lot of money, you won't be seated in the chief guest chair at any event. But if you have a lot of money, even if you don't have a bachelor's degree or higher, you will still be honored and can sit in the chair of the chief guest at any event. Nowadays people respect money, not person.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: trendcoin on May 30, 2024, 11:15:44 AM
We need money to live our lives better because that's how the system works. This is where our addiction to money starts, but some people turn their addiction to money into a passion for accumulating money. I can't blame them because I see myself as one of them... I'm very sensitive about saving money, I'm careful about my spending, I do everything possible to gain my economic freedom as soon as possible... I'm addicted to money in this part of my life and I don't find it strange. I don't even take seriously people who would condemn me for that...

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Strongkored on May 30, 2024, 12:38:44 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money
Looking for more money is not an addiction but a necessity because to fulfill life's needs everything requires money so money is important, and what is no less important is how we get it, there are those who still choose the good way even though it is difficult to get more but there are those who choose the cheating way because the focus is only on how to get money.
If there are people who don't want to have more money, maybe they have problems in their heads  ;D.
You can see that even very rich people never stop making money because it is part of our lives because getting money is by working and humans are obliged to work.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: cozytrade on May 30, 2024, 12:48:05 PM
Yes everyone needs money and everyone is addicted to money. I agree with you that many earn money legally but many of them earn a lot of money illegally because they need a luxurious life.  Everyone dreams of enjoying a luxurious life and because of this everyone gets addicted to money very quickly. all the addictive times in the world, but it is not possible for anyone to get addicted to money.
Money is needed to live a luxurious life. Everyone wants to live happily and peacefully with family. I also want to enjoy my life luxuriously but not by earning money illegally. I want to earn money legally and live happily and peacefully with my family.  Just as money can give people happiness and peace, money can also take away happiness and peace.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Moeda on May 30, 2024, 05:28:20 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds
If the numbers are 1-10, then I give a score of 9.9 to people who want to make more money. But of this great desire, only 1% managed to earn a lot of money, 29% succeeded in fulfilling their lifestyle, and the rest suffered from "always living in poverty."

Although many people have the drive to make more money, only a small percentage actually succeed in achieving that goal. While others may be able to maintain their desired lifestyle, there are still a large number who continue to struggle with deprivation and economic limitations.

Of course, in conditions like this, the government has an important role to play in achieving equality in people's lives. If the government does not have policies that side with the community, then this condition will be difficult to overcome. Sometimes great desires are locked into something that society finds difficult to let go of.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: odunybiz on May 30, 2024, 07:14:59 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

Of course, in conditions like this, the government has an important role to play in achieving equality in people's lives. If the government does not have policies that side with the community, then this condition will be difficult to overcome. Sometimes great desires are locked into something that society finds difficult to let go of.

This depends on the country. Depending on the government to do things right can remain impossible in some country. This is because in some country, their government are just there for their selfish interest. In such countries, I don't believe the government have any good thing to offer, rather than the citizen to work on himself/herself and check what he/she can do to improve his/her earnings.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ever-young on May 30, 2024, 08:43:53 PM
In the world we are today, everyone needs money, that is why most people work earnestly just to make money, not that they are addicted to it but they are just trying to survive because it's not easy, someone can't really survive in this world without spending, either buying or selling but in one way or the other, one must spend, especially for married couples, it's not really easy for them to stay or take care of their family without money, so they need to make more money even if they have where they are working to earn for a living but still they will need a side work to support their hustle, to make sure they meet their ends meet.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mate2237 on May 30, 2024, 08:56:35 PM
Op that scale of analysis is correct but you have to know that everyone in the world is want to make more money and the only people who are not interested to make money are the wealthy people and who is the wealthiest man in the world is unknown. But we have world richest person and the world richest person too is still looking for more money so nobody is exempted. Rich people work to maintain their rich. So money is something that makes people to be addicted because we must survive.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ben Barubal on May 30, 2024, 09:36:23 PM
Op that scale of analysis is correct but you have to know that everyone in the world is want to make more money and the only people who are not interested to make money are the wealthy people and who is the wealthiest man in the world is unknown. But we have world richest person and the world richest person too is still looking for more money so nobody is exempted. Rich people work to maintain their rich. So money is something that makes people to be addicted because we must survive.

     It's sad to think about, but most people at this age, because of the difficulty of life that most people are facing, have come to see gambling as an opportunity to get some source of income. And it will be even more difficult for them to leave when they experience winning here with only easy money.

     And of course, when others experience winning money because of gambling, they seem to be encouraged and hope that when they win gambling, they can easily get out of the hardships of life that they have right now.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on May 31, 2024, 03:40:21 AM
I don’t think its termed money addiction. Because for all we know, money is a must requirement in order to live our life, so we are obliged to earn money for ourselves, regardless if it’s through honest or dishonest means. But somehow, if you are a responsible citizen, you will stick to only what’s proper and avoid all those illegal means of earning money. Where there’s vast opportunities to earn money, surely people will eventually rush taking advantage on it, that’s how essential money is.

Money is a must in our daily life and we can only live a better life if we are earning a good sum of money but most of the people don't think about the means of income but want to be a part of it whether it's good or bad so this thing should be avoided in terms of earning money.

Majority of people first think about the means of income so if the source is forbidden then they don't take profit from such a source and such a person is showing a good example of humanity. We should not think only about earning money but we should also focus more on the opportunity that provides us income because sometimes the way is not good but we just want money from it without thinking about its adverse effects on our life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Lantind on May 31, 2024, 03:55:01 AM
Op that scale of analysis is correct but you have to know that everyone in the world is want to make more money and the only people who are not interested to make money are the wealthy people and who is the wealthiest man in the world is unknown. But we have world richest person and the world richest person too is still looking for more money so nobody is exempted. Rich people work to maintain their rich. So money is something that makes people to be addicted because we must survive.
     It's sad to think about, but most people at this age, because of the difficulty of life that most people are facing, have come to see gambling as an opportunity to get some source of income. And it will be even more difficult for them to leave when they experience winning here with only easy money.

     And of course, when others experience winning money because of gambling, they seem to be encouraged and hope that when they win gambling, they can easily get out of the hardships of life that they have right now.
The difficulty of earning money nowadays means that we have to try harder to get a job that can give us an income. I never thought that by gambling we would be able to earn an income because it is very difficult to win gambling and only luck can we get to win gambling and It would be better for them to look for skills that can provide them with an income to learn and I think this is better than deciding to gamble, because there are many bad effects that can occur for someone when they are addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: X-ray on May 31, 2024, 04:05:44 AM
In the world we are today, everyone needs money, that is why most people work earnestly just to make money, not that they are addicted to it but they are just trying to survive because it's not easy, someone can't really survive in this world without spending, either buying or selling but in one way or the other, one must spend, especially for married couples, it's not really easy for them to stay or take care of their family without money, so they need to make more money even if they have where they are working to earn for a living but still they will need a side work to support their hustle, to make sure they meet their ends meet.
More money means more life security anyway, without money we can't afford good insurance, without money we can't really survive as you stated depending on the welfare program isn't really a solution either, we as a citizen expected to make contribution through taxes.
so its rather understandable that someone will try hard to secure their life, trying to prevent whatever bad thing might be happening to them through earning more and more money, the entire system world wide depends on the monetary system meaning the more money we got then we are probably on the winning sides.
can't really blame people to really favour money when its the thing that truly needed to live in current economic system.

Op that scale of analysis is correct but you have to know that everyone in the world is want to make more money and the only people who are not interested to make money are the wealthy people and who is the wealthiest man in the world is unknown. But we have world richest person and the world richest person too is still looking for more money so nobody is exempted. Rich people work to maintain their rich. So money is something that makes people to be addicted because we must survive.
its not that wealthy people don't really seek money but its just that they are seeking money on a grander scale, the small left over money doesn't matter to them that much anymore because probably their dream is already different than most of ordinary people.
you know its probably because when they are rich they quite literally can buy anything they don't consider luxurious stuff as something they sought after anymore.
at that point as you said they just probably just trying to maintain their wealth and that's it.

but frankly, there are still many billionaires out there that keeping seeking more and more money and probably trying to set a record.
overall, their purpose is already differ compared to normal people probably they just want to be over achiever even though they already are.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: viananda2525 on May 31, 2024, 09:11:59 AM
I don’t think its termed money addiction. Because for all we know, money is a must requirement in order to live our life, so we are obliged to earn money for ourselves, regardless if it’s through honest or dishonest means. But somehow, if you are a responsible citizen, you will stick to only what’s proper and avoid all those illegal means of earning money. Where there’s vast opportunities to earn money, surely people will eventually rush taking advantage on it, that’s how essential money is.

Money is a must in our daily life and we can only live a better life if we are earning a good sum of money but most of the people don't think about the means of income but want to be a part of it whether it's good or bad so this thing should be avoided in terms of earning money.

Majority of people first think about the means of income so if the source is forbidden then they don't take profit from such a source and such a person is showing a good example of humanity. We should not think only about earning money but we should also focus more on the opportunity that provides us income because sometimes the way is not good but we just want money from it without thinking about its adverse effects on our life.
Everyone works to make money to fulfill their daily lives. When economic conditions are chaotic and it is difficult to find work, sometimes it makes people think in unwise directions, even though this should not happen. I quite understand that if someone doesn't have a job then his mind will wander so that he dares to do activities that are prohibited and this should be avoided because it is quite risky. So it is appropriate for us to help each other and invite weak people to be given jobs to fulfill their lives.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Winterfrost on May 31, 2024, 09:13:52 AM
Money is everything, in this generation being poor is not an option or something any one will want to see himself into. Many are going for it legally while some are embarking on it illegally, all in the same context of earning a living even the means of earning the money is limited and this is contributing to why people now choose a more dangerous source. Living a luxurious life should be everyone's dream but that shouldn't encourage us partake in illegal deals, as the punishment won't be reduced based on given reason as to why commit such actions.
Everything we need of course has to have money so we can pay for it before we can get what we want. Without money, it's impossible to get it. Currently, there are some people who use various ways to get money, and there are even those who are willing to do it. Illegal ways to get money and this will really depend on a person's choice and most of the illegal ways will make it easy for them to get money but have big risks and if we have to deal with security forces we could lose all the money we have have.
Everyone certainly has the desire to live in luxury, but if they choose illegal methods, of course they have chosen the wrong path and they will not be able to survive for long with the luxuries obtained through illegal methods.
Money is the most vital necessity that determines who we are and what we can get, without money we tend to be left aside in the society and experience certain discomfort that should have been waved out by what we get to offer (money), that is why more people are now focused on getting money than any other thing, some do not consider the risk involved be it legal or illegal. Everyone deserves a good living and money is the only connection to it.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: eightdots on June 01, 2024, 12:30:26 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Even though human wants can never be satisfied but the inquisitiveness of making more money became more obvious in recent years because in the past majority of people were contented with what they were making as their income and were not much interested in making extra money from other works but now some people can even manage 4 to 5 jobs a day just to increase their earnings and sometimes it is just as a result of greed, while in most cases it is as a result of the economy because the cost of living is high and if you don't chase after numerous works to earn a living you will look frustrated if peradventure the only one you depended on crashes and the urge to make more money each day have also made us become more stronger than we were before.

The reason why people did not want to earn extra money from other jobs was that the money they earned was enough for the things they wanted to do. Nowadays, human needs have changed and many different things have emerged. Therefore, the need for money increased even more.

Nowadays, those who earn a normal income have started to do other jobs to increase their income. With the development of technology, many different job resources have emerged. Dependence on money is increasing due to the constantly increasing human needs.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: CoinMin3r on June 01, 2024, 12:45:50 PM
People are ambitious and always want more that's why people have developed so much in every sector. Ambition can be quoted as addiction but that make people different from other creatures. Money also can not be sidelined for any reason. It fulfills people's desire and necessity. And people's do have endless desire making/encouraging them earn more and more and more. Even a trillionaire keep thinking of making another trillion by any means.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: wxxyrqa on June 01, 2024, 01:22:47 PM
People are ambitious and always want more that's why people have developed so much in every sector. Ambition can be quoted as addiction but that make people different from other creatures. Money also can not be sidelined for any reason. It fulfills people's desire and necessity. And people's do have endless desire making/encouraging them earn more and more and more. Even a trillionaire keep thinking of making another trillion by any means.
People always have problems with lack of money or dependence on money. If someone says that he has enough of everything, then this is deceit. People often have complexes about this. Negative thoughts, modesty, indecisiveness and thoughts like “I already have enough of this” destroy your connection with the money egregor and block the energy of money. But when everything gets better financially, dependence and fear of losing appear.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: CK485 on June 01, 2024, 02:40:30 PM

I don’t think its termed money addiction. Because for all we know, money is a must requirement in order to live our life, so we are obliged to earn money for ourselves, regardless if it’s through honest or dishonest means. But somehow, if you are a responsible citizen, you will stick to only what’s proper and avoid all those illegal means of earning money. Where there’s vast opportunities to earn money, surely people will eventually rush taking advantage on it, that’s how essential money is.

in our minds there is always money wherever we go maybe all the time because it is so important in this life that it is difficult for us to let go because now more people are focused on getting money because what we feel now is like that, by working in any sector we are always forced to be willing to work hard even though it goes along with it time running out to work with our source of income to maintain this life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on June 01, 2024, 03:14:28 PM
Op that scale of analysis is correct but you have to know that everyone in the world is want to make more money and the only people who are not interested to make money are the wealthy people and who is the wealthiest man in the world is unknown. But we have world richest person and the world richest person too is still looking for more money so nobody is exempted. Rich people work to maintain their rich. So money is something that makes people to be addicted because we must survive.

          -   Money is just part of the things we need or want to get, but that doesn't mean that if you don't have money, you will die of hunger. That's not true. There are so many people around us or on the streets who have no money, but they can still survive even without money.

So what does that mean? It is the wrong mindset of others that if you don't have money, you won't last long in this world and you will die of hunger. This is a wrong mindset, but of course, if you have dreams in life, you can't be without money. Money is really just a part of having a good life.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Mr.sprin on June 01, 2024, 03:30:01 PM

          -   Money is just part of the things we need or want to get, but that doesn't mean that if you don't have money, you will die of hunger. That's not true. There are so many people around us or on the streets who have no money, but they can still survive even without money.

So what does that mean? It is the wrong mindset of others that if you don't have money, you won't last long in this world and you will die of hunger. This is a wrong mindset, but of course, if you have dreams in life, you can't be without money. Money is really just a part of having a good life.

Yes bro, money is not everything but everything needs money, especially as we live in this day and age where money has to be prioritized everywhere, even if you pee in a public toilet you have to pay, nothing is free in this day and age, everything has to be done with money, and that's very important. It's a shame that there are a lot of brokers appearing in various places, in the administration office we now use smootheners with money in front of them so that our materials are finished quickly, that's what's unfortunate at the moment, the middle and lower classes of society are burdened with this so that complaints arise from various communities, that's what I think -approximate the current value of money.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Dunamisx on June 01, 2024, 03:30:51 PM
No matter how addicted we are with money, we should also learn to make good use of the opportunity of having it because its by chance that we got everything we have and we should not expect everything to last long like that, money answers to many things and we cant afford to be a liability with the use of money which we get, instead we have to work more harder to maintain having it consistently.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Fiasem20 on June 01, 2024, 11:04:28 PM
Money addiction like you said it's kinda of complicated because an addiction is a something you find yourself so devoted at,and money is what we use to purchase goods and sort out bills.And money is so important to us that it can be an addiction.So money is what everyone ought be addicted to but the addiction of money shouldn't lead to destruction....
The high price of commodities in the society has made people to double their hustle in order to survive.Something similar to survival of the fittest,the unfit species are eliminated and the fit species dominants.In order for us to survive we gat engage in more than one source of income and many more.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 02, 2024, 03:56:58 PM
We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself. A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.

Like if you have 700 million dollars, then there are VERY few things in the world that you can't do, you can do almost anything you want, and that's why I believe that people do not really love the money itself, that's just a number. They just like to be able to have more than the other person and they like to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, at least have that option. Money is made up, money itself means nothing, money is fake, it's the things you can do with money that we get addicted to.
Money is worth being addicted to, because everything today is all about money. they said when the money speaks, the law is blind. Our major competition today is on money. Have everything today but no money nobody will listen to you. money rules the world. as far as you are still living, you can not do without money. many people are considered because of their bank account. Even to go to school, medical fees, shelter, feeding today you will need a huge amount of money. everything today is too expensive to the extent of even a dead body will still need money for proper burial. So why one will not need it.
Every aspect of our lives money plays a very big role in it. you will be popular if you want to when you have money let say bill gates,  Elon musk today, most of people are familiar with the names but even their pictures they have not seen before why? the answer is money. Mansa Musa have died years back but his name is still existing why? MONEY. because he not the only King but the most richest ever so far.

Yes, money talks and can purchase influence, open doors, and bend regulations. But when you say "money is worth being addicted to," I have to stop. I understand. Society runs on money. Essentials like food, housing, and healthcare require it. And yes, more options mean more freedom. It's alluring, right?

Money addiction changes your outlook. Dollars and cents become your standard for everything. Now the individual with the biggest bank account is most valuable and essential. How about your inspiration teacher? Artist who moved you? Your constant friend? Because they have less money, are they worth less?

People, money is only a tool. This helps you build and make a difference. Not only is it not the only measure of success, it shouldn't be the only source of enjoyment.
Very well said and effective that we should definitely give us pause when it comes to addiction. Because we know that when we are sick we have to use medicine or drugs in moderation but when we use any drugs without sickness it has a bad effect on our body. Similarly when money is used for people's needs or earn money for the needs of the people, it will definitely have a good effect on the economy. On the other hand when money becomes the subject of people's addiction then people must become blind to money then their conscience dies and money becomes their everything. So we should think about it seriously and change our attitude accordingly.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: seanskie18 on June 02, 2024, 03:58:03 PM
Many people feel the need to try to make a lot of money in the expectation of finding security. It persuades people to 'purchase products they don't need with money they don't have, sometimes in order to impress people they don't like. You may not believe that you are addicted to money. But consider this: Is money, or what money can buy, an important topic of your discussion? Do you put a lot of importance on money? Do you excuse your desire for it by claiming that your perspective is normal? There is no denying that falling under the spell of money and becoming its slave is dangerous.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: hafiztalha on June 02, 2024, 07:10:58 PM
Money is everything, in this generation being poor is not an option or something any one will want to see himself into. Many are going for it legally while some are embarking on it illegally, all in the same context of earning a living even the means of earning the money is limited and this is contributing to why people now choose a more dangerous source. Living a luxurious life should be everyone's dream but that shouldn't encourage us partake in illegal deals, as the punishment won't be reduced based on given reason as to why commit such actions.
Everything we need of course has to have money so we can pay for it before we can get what we want. Without money, it's impossible to get it. Currently, there are some people who use various ways to get money, and there are even those who are willing to do it. Illegal ways to get money and this will really depend on a person's choice and most of the illegal ways will make it easy for them to get money but have big risks and if we have to deal with security forces we could lose all the money we have have.
Everyone certainly has the desire to live in luxury, but if they choose illegal methods, of course they have chosen the wrong path and they will not be able to survive for long with the luxuries obtained through illegal methods.
Money is the most vital necessity that determines who we are and what we can get, without money we tend to be left aside in the society and experience certain discomfort that should have been waved out by what we get to offer (money), that is why more people are now focused on getting money than any other thing, some do not consider the risk involved be it legal or illegal. Everyone deserves a good living and money is the only connection to it.
Money is not important in life as comparison to peace . But mostly people disturb their peace to get money and mostly people prefer money because people judge us by our income,  our job and bank account money. But money is important to live life because every person want good lifestyle, shelter and good food . One person focus on peace because peace is more important in life . Person need money to pay electricity bill ,gas bill and for clothing. But man should not be greedy for the money because more money is more burden on person and  people become jealous with you have more money .

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Huppercase on June 02, 2024, 07:32:59 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

You are quoting numbers and percentage and you are not giving references to your claims, who does that? What you should do is give citation on your numbers and the reference to the page where you get your information from and everyone would believe what you are saying is actually a fact and your opinion align with your findings but you don't have any and for that I would only take your talk as opinion and not a fact.

Regarding money, if you don't look for money, what else are you expected to be doing? You want to sit at home on a couch and be watching film, even that alone would cost you money, you need money to make a living and you need money to survive in the society, you need money to get power, you need money to make more money, you need money to even start a family and it's the same money that gave you a room for knowledge to communicate about money here.

Looting has nothing to with looking for money, it's just a greed that makes people to loot public money and people are that are fond of this are politicians most often, an average person is just looking for a way to keep his family fit from financial crisis.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Freeesta on June 02, 2024, 08:24:29 PM
This is the essence of man! The needs are constantly growing. If yesterday a person just wanted to eat and pay for his apartment, then today a person already wants to have a good rest, buy not just clothes, but clothes of good quality, and so a person’s appetites grow every day. If today we earned a certain amount of money, then tomorrow we want to earn more and this is a vicious circle. This is neither good nor bad, this is our life...

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: sekalitas on June 03, 2024, 06:32:17 AM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

I agree that money is essential for many things in life, including buying goods, achieving status, and sometimes even influencing others. However, I disagree that the majority of people are addicted to money. My definition of money addiction aligns with addiction to drugs or alcohol. It's when a person's drives and identity become so intertwined with money—whether it's having it, accumulating it, spending it, or even giving it away—that they lose sight of who they are without it.

In my observations, many people still work simply to stay active and don't prioritize income as long as their basic needs are met. They appear content and happy. Therefore, I don't agree with the statement that 9 out of 10 people are addicted to money.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

In my opinion, the problem isn't that people don't have enough money to survive, but rather that they focus on wants instead of needs and prioritize appearances. They choose lifestyles beyond their means, and some resort to harmful actions like theft. Ultimately, the issue isn't a lack of money but rather greed and misplaced priorities.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Velemir Sava on June 03, 2024, 08:22:25 AM
In my opinion, the problem isn't that people don't have enough money to survive, but rather that they focus on wants instead of needs and prioritize appearances. They choose lifestyles beyond their means, and some resort to harmful actions like theft. Ultimately, the issue isn't a lack of money but rather greed and misplaced priorities.

If we live in an environment like that, it is very possible for bad events to happen, but if we live in an ordinary environment without any fear of missing out on our lifestyle, I think it won't be too affected.

It is only the influence of our mentality and moral burden on how to survive living with a financial condition that can only accommodate 50% of the income from our monthly needs in our daily lives.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: eightdots on June 04, 2024, 12:37:30 PM
No matter how addicted we are with money, we should also learn to make good use of the opportunity of having it because its by chance that we got everything we have and we should not expect everything to last long like that, money answers to many things and we cant afford to be a liability with the use of money which we get, instead we have to work more harder to maintain having it consistently.

Stability makes a lot of sense economically. People who may or may not be addicted to money may make or lose money in their lives. The important thing is to know how to make money and to protect the money you earn. The important thing is to be economically stable.

We must learn to make money so that we can be ready for any situation. Information is needed to evaluate money-making opportunities. If people are knowledgeable in a field or really good at something, they will not miss the opportunity to have money when the time comes.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: zaim7413 on June 04, 2024, 02:15:51 PM
Money is a tool that every human being needs, everyone will always work in their own way with the same goal, to get money. Without money you are nothing, there is nothing you can do when you don't have money. So money is not an addiction, but a necessity.
The level of inflation that occurs is commonly felt by everyone, relatively small incomes will find it difficult to offset expenses due to increasingly higher purchasing prices. You have to be more creative in making money. If all this time you have had one source of income, now you have to look for other sources of income to increase the amount of income to survive economic difficulties.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Xampeuu on June 05, 2024, 04:50:15 AM
No matter how addicted we are with money, we should also learn to make good use of the opportunity of having it because its by chance that we got everything we have and we should not expect everything to last long like that, money answers to many things and we cant afford to be a liability with the use of money which we get, instead we have to work more harder to maintain having it consistently.

Stability makes a lot of sense economically. People who may or may not be addicted to money may make or lose money in their lives. The important thing is to know how to make money and to protect the money you earn. The important thing is to be economically stable.

We must learn to make money so that we can be ready for any situation. Information is needed to evaluate money-making opportunities. If people are knowledgeable in a field or really good at something, they will not miss the opportunity to have money when the time comes.
The most comfortable lifestyle is living according to our abilities, because ultimately money is the parameter. We can observe that many people live as if they are enslaved to money, so that they forget to eat, rest and take care of their health, until they end up sick and can no longer earn money, therefore we must have a balanced mindset so that our physical and spiritual health remains healthy. , because we will also lose ourselves later

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: xmonkeyx on June 05, 2024, 03:32:47 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

I don't agree with you. The phenomenon of money addiction is a real thing in today's modern society, especially in the ever-changing economic dynamics and increasing costs of living. Many people now want to earn additional income so they can maintain and improve their quality of life. However, for 9 out of 10 people who are addicted to money, further consideration is needed, namely: Not everyone increases their income because they are addicted to money, but also because of their basic needs, the desire to provide a better life for their family. or long-term goals such as children's education. And 90% who stated that there was looting was an exaggerated opinion, because the majority of people still uphold moral ethics in supporting their legitimate finances. It can be concluded that although the desire to increase money is commonplace in society, categorizing it as an addiction and linking it with the potential for looting is not appropriate.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 07, 2024, 01:57:29 AM
Money is a tool that every human being needs, everyone will always work in their own way with the same goal, to get money. Without money you are nothing, there is nothing you can do when you don't have money. So money is not an addiction, but a necessity.
The level of inflation that occurs is commonly felt by everyone, relatively small incomes will find it difficult to offset expenses due to increasingly higher purchasing prices. You have to be more creative in making money. If all this time you have had one source of income, now you have to look for other sources of income to increase the amount of income to survive economic difficulties.

Absolutely correct, if money is used to meet the needs of life or if every person in society moves with the mentality that money is for the needs of life, then that society will be more beautiful and orderly. The good health of people will be maintained. But if earning money is seen as an addiction then the person will be constantly immersed in thoughts which will rob a person of sleep and lead to health complications. So everyone should earn and use money by diversifying the earning field as needed.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: boty on June 07, 2024, 03:56:25 AM
The most comfortable lifestyle is living according to our abilities, because ultimately money is the parameter. We can observe that many people live as if they are enslaved to money, so that they forget to eat, rest and take care of their health, until they end up sick and can no longer earn money, therefore we must have a balanced mindset so that our physical and spiritual health remains healthy. , because we will also lose ourselves later
If someone decides to live according to their abilities it will certainly not be a burden on them in living their life, because if they force themselves to earn money they will not necessarily be able to get it according to their desires and if we can live according to the abilities we have, of course the income we will get from work will be able to meet the necessary needs, those who continue to work without thinking about their health, of course this is very detrimental because it is not certain that what they get from their work can treat the illness they experience and I agree with you so that we have the same mindset. balanced so that we can balance work time and time to rest because health is very important for us.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: bitterguy28 on June 07, 2024, 07:13:02 AM
We aren't really "addicted" to money, we just addicted to idea of money, not the money itself. A lot of people just want money to be able to do stuff, even if they do not do it, they want to be able to say that they are capable of it if they want to.

Like if you have 700 million dollars, then there are VERY few things in the world that you can't do, you can do almost anything you want, and that's why I believe that people do not really love the money itself, that's just a number. They just like to be able to have more than the other person and they like to be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, at least have that option. Money is made up, money itself means nothing, money is fake, it's the things you can do with money that we get addicted to.
Precisely. People get addicted of what money can do, its effects to people’s lives and significance. When there’s a lot of money, the joy and satisfaction are unlimited, that’s why people love the idea of having a lot of money. But when we say people has this money addiction, it denotes a different view. Money is what we need the most this time since everything got their price, and if you got no money, it’s rare to see you surviving in this getting expensive world’s stuffs.
Every addiction is not good for people and the world because when you call addiction meaning this is something that u controllable and no stopping,with that sense we must not join that money addiction or any form of being addicted.
Try to prevent yourself to engage in anything that can lead to become addicted either drugs,gambling,liquor ,smoke and money making .

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: dezoel on June 07, 2024, 08:10:24 AM
This is the essence of man! The needs are constantly growing. If yesterday a person just wanted to eat and pay for his apartment, then today a person already wants to have a good rest, buy not just clothes, but clothes of good quality, and so a person’s appetites grow every day. If today we earned a certain amount of money, then tomorrow we want to earn more and this is a vicious circle. This is neither good nor bad, this is our life...
I think it would be better to say that in earlier times, there was not so much competition, and everything was not so expensive, but in this age of inflation and selfishness it is becoming very difficult for a person to live. In this era, the importance of man and humanity has become less and the importance of money has become more important. Money is necessary to live and more money is necessary to live a good life. This fact cannot be turned away from.

Where competition is tough, hard work is required to win, survive and thrive. In today's age, money has become the basic need of a man, without which man cannot even imagine living. It is a bitter truth that we are living in an era where no one helps anyone, one has to provide everything by oneself, and one has to always prepare oneself for every good and bad situation.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Litzki1990 on June 07, 2024, 11:00:36 AM
All of us have been chasing money since we were born. Some of us may earn money through illegal means and some of us may earn money through honest means but no matter what we do, the goal of work is to earn money. A man whose childhood has been spent in poverty and poverty has been his companion will certainly want to get out of that situation and improve his position. If a person is addicted to earning money to improve his position then there is nothing wrong because he can do it. Every work requires money and money is a very valuable element in our life. We need money from birth to death and when people die they still need money to bury them according to their respective religions. If you don't have money yourself, you can understand how hard the world is and then even if I want, I don't get financial help from others, so we should have addiction to money income.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: rangga28 on June 07, 2024, 02:14:18 PM
The most comfortable lifestyle is living according to our abilities, because ultimately money is the parameter. We can observe that many people live as if they are enslaved to money, so that they forget to eat, rest and take care of their health, until they end up sick and can no longer earn money, therefore we must have a balanced mindset so that our physical and spiritual health remains healthy. , because we will also lose ourselves later
If someone decides to live according to their abilities it will certainly not be a burden on them in living their life, because if they force themselves to earn money they will not necessarily be able to get it according to their desires and if we can live according to the abilities we have, of course the income we will get from work will be able to meet the necessary needs, those who continue to work without thinking about their health, of course this is very detrimental because it is not certain that what they get from their work can treat the illness they experience and I agree with you so that we have the same mindset. balanced so that we can balance work time and time to rest because health is very important for us.
Living a life of work and worship is a necessity for humans, there is no reason for every human being who has a healthy body and mind not to carry out these two obligations. However, when it comes to making money, everyone has different abilities and mindsets. Of course, not everyone has to work full time continuously and only focus on income, there are other things that need to be set aside time in life. Normally people work 12 hours a day and divide the other 12 hours into resting and chatting with family. But if someone works for more than that amount of time then it is already above the normal limit and might be said to be addicted.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Volimack on June 07, 2024, 02:18:41 PM
In my opinion, the problem isn't that people don't have enough money to survive, but rather that they focus on wants instead of needs and prioritize appearances. They choose lifestyles beyond their means, and some resort to harmful actions like theft. Ultimately, the issue isn't a lack of money but rather greed and misplaced priorities.

If we live in an environment like that, it is very possible for bad events to happen, but if we live in an ordinary environment without any fear of missing out on our lifestyle, I think it won't be too affected.

It is only the influence of our mentality and moral burden on how to survive living with a financial condition that can only accommodate 50% of the income from our monthly needs in our daily lives.
In fact, it is normal to happen when the environment is bad so it is impossible to move forward in a certain direction without a goal with your mind to live a good life financially. While setting goals is easy it will be easier to keep moving towards them. It is necessary to move towards specific goals slowly and monitor your progress all the time.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Rasa nanas on June 07, 2024, 02:27:52 PM
they are addicted to making more money not only because they want to be rich, but also because they want to meet their increasing needs in life. as you said, the cost of living continues to increase because the prices of basic goods continue to increase, and because of this they are required to earn more money. Another possibility if they are not able to make more money is that they are forced to adapt by reducing expenses.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: bestcoins1 on June 07, 2024, 02:48:04 PM
In fact, it is normal to happen when the environment is bad so it is impossible to move forward in a certain direction without a goal with your mind to live a good life financially. While setting goals is easy it will be easier to keep moving towards them. It is necessary to move towards specific goals slowly and monitor your progress all the time.

Everyone is taught to keep moving in order to see the results after we ourselves make a plan before moving, because without making a plan where to move would be quite silly for anyone, especially in conditions that are not easy like now. So each of us has to make a plan where we will move and what keys we will use to get results from the work we are going to do so that we ourselves can evaluate it when the results we get do not match expectations.

So I also quite agree with keeping moving and working without having to become a coward because I'm afraid to try something that could produce results, but first make sure the plan is neatly arranged so that the direction can be clear and not chaotic when you want to move. Because as I said, moving without a prepared plan will also be in vain.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: martinex on June 08, 2024, 03:53:18 AM
Op that scale of analysis is correct but you have to know that everyone in the world is want to make more money and the only people who are not interested to make money are the wealthy people and who is the wealthiest man in the world is unknown. But we have world richest person and the world richest person too is still looking for more money so nobody is exempted. Rich people work to maintain their rich. So money is something that makes people to be addicted because we must survive.

 ;D ;D. That good analisys. If they have stopped looking for money and don't want any more because what they are trying feels quite new, in fact that is what rich people really are, but if they are still chasing and continuing to accumulate so that their 7 descendants don't run out, for me they are just ordinary people just like us, just different case.

People continue to look for money because they want to support themselves and their families so that their minimum standard of living is the same as that of other people. For now that's what many people think.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Ngemmeng on June 09, 2024, 03:50:46 PM
Crime can happen because there is intention and will, but for me the figure of 90% is too high because I am sure that the majority of them do not have the intention to do evil even though they are in difficult conditions. only a small percentage have the intention and then carry out looting, and in the end this action will harm themselves. The number of people continues to increase and the prices of commodity goods continue to increase, making competition for survival increasingly fierce. There are two solutions, namely trying harder to increase your income or reducing purchases to reduce expenses.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 09, 2024, 06:22:14 PM
The most comfortable lifestyle is living according to our abilities, because ultimately money is the parameter. We can observe that many people live as if they are enslaved to money, so that they forget to eat, rest and take care of their health, until they end up sick and can no longer earn money, therefore we must have a balanced mindset so that our physical and spiritual health remains healthy. , because we will also lose ourselves later
If someone decides to live according to their abilities it will certainly not be a burden on them in living their life, because if they force themselves to earn money they will not necessarily be able to get it according to their desires and if we can live according to the abilities we have, of course the income we will get from work will be able to meet the necessary needs, those who continue to work without thinking about their health, of course this is very detrimental because it is not certain that what they get from their work can treat the illness they experience and I agree with you so that we have the same mindset. balanced so that we can balance work time and time to rest because health is very important for us.
A very good point of view has come out of your speech if you think about living according to your ability then life will surely be free of burdens. If any burden is lightened from the head, the functional capacity of the brain will increase, which will speed up the process of our money collection. We hear that the more simplicity is accepted in life the less complex it becomes. But there are people in the world who do not focus on any work without pressure. Balancing life becomes very difficult for such people.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: odunybiz on June 09, 2024, 11:56:58 PM
On a scale of 1-10 I will say 9 out of every 10 are addicted to making more money even though not everyone attain this height at the end of the day. We live in an every hiking economic society. Prices of commodities keep changing as each day passes by. This has invariably triggered the addiction to more money as the usual earnings is no longer enough to maintain once life style.

I agree that money is essential for many things in life, including buying goods, achieving status, and sometimes even influencing others. However, I disagree that the majority of people are addicted to money. My definition of money addiction aligns with addiction to drugs or alcohol. It's when a person's drives and identity become so intertwined with money—whether it's having it, accumulating it, spending it, or even giving it away—that they lose sight of who they are without it.

In my observations, many people still work simply to stay active and don't prioritize income as long as their basic needs are met. They appear content and happy. Therefore, I don't agree with the statement that 9 out of 10 people are addicted to money.

Many have been forced into adapting to their current spending ability, others have deviced means to earn more so as to meet up others has choosen the looting method just to survive.

Based on this Ninety percent of people in every sector of life has higher chances of looting only that most people are not privileged to get the opportunity to carryout what's in their minds

In my opinion, the problem isn't that people don't have enough money to survive, but rather that they focus on wants instead of needs and prioritize appearances. They choose lifestyles beyond their means, and some resort to harmful actions like theft. Ultimately, the issue isn't a lack of money but rather greed and misplaced priorities.

Hmmm..., this is indeed the main factor affecting humans. Not everything you want, you should acquire because your needs should stand as priority for you against your want if you want to have a meanful life. This is why making a scale of preference to your want is important.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Egii Nna on June 10, 2024, 07:00:41 AM
I see no reason why you, as a human being, won’t be addicted to money. Money is the main source of life when we are small. They usually tell us that health is the main thing, but not due to the inflation in the country. All I can say is that money is before health because even if you are sick, you need money for treatment. Although everyone in Nigeria is focused on the way to make money, to me, it is a good thing for everyone to be addicted to money, not only for the sake of addiction but also for the sake of survival. and you can't reach a stage and say the money you have is enough for you because you will continue to have more needs until after your death, so to me, people who are addicted to money are not at fault because money stops nonsense. 
Moreover, poverty is not smiling, so it is better to focus on making money than on noting and staying poor, or end up worshipping the rich. 

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on June 10, 2024, 09:33:12 AM
Crime can happen because there is intention and will, but for me the figure of 90% is too high because I am sure that the majority of them do not have the intention to do evil even though they are in difficult conditions. only a small percentage have the intention and then carry out looting, and in the end this action will harm themselves. The number of people continues to increase and the prices of commodity goods continue to increase, making competition for survival increasingly fierce. There are two solutions, namely trying harder to increase your income or reducing purchases to reduce expenses.

I believe is because of the way goods/food stuff have increase that also makes most people to involve in crime, if there's no money to buy what they need it changes their mindset and you saying work harder will help I feel it doesn't. Some people struggle their sweat out just to make something to at least feed for a day not to talk of being comfortable but still they don't get it. When you have a low pay I don't see why majority of those working won't go for an illegal way of making it big just to be comfortable, the society we find ourselves has a way of causing the citizens to think negative.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: TheUltraElite on June 10, 2024, 09:40:18 AM
Matching the status to get cars, drink alcohol and rich food might be one reason why some are addicted to making money but you can leave out the first and still be frugal about spending.

The people who aim for a higher state of living should also be able to earn that big and not just dream otherwise they go for unfair means to make money which is bad

However savings and control over spending can save a good amount too. This is what most people find difficult to achieve.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: asarfiar on June 12, 2024, 06:40:55 AM
Money is the root of all misdeeds, it can be clear if you shed some light. Most people do it not for any reason, but out of greed. You will notice that earning money is considered challenging especially nowadays by most of the people. Money is such a tempting thing that lures a person to resort to any kind of evil ways to get it. But money plays an essential important role to survive in life or meet basic needs. Suppose you are starving and broke, in this case you will need money.It can be said that people in the society resort to any kind of evil means to earn more money by substances like oil, alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc. But money is of immense importance for survival whether it is earned through honest means or dishonest means.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 14, 2024, 10:55:40 AM
Money is the root of all misdeeds, it can be clear if you shed some light. Most people do it not for any reason, but out of greed. You will notice that earning money is considered challenging especially nowadays by most of the people. Money is such a tempting thing that lures a person to resort to any kind of evil ways to get it. But money plays an essential important role to survive in life or meet basic needs. Suppose you are starving and broke, in this case you will need money.It can be said that people in the society resort to any kind of evil means to earn more money by substances like oil, alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc. But money is of immense importance for survival whether it is earned through honest means or dishonest means.
Money is the name of a strange type of content. Without money human life is stagnant then money becomes very necessary or a good thing and addiction to money makes people blind then it becomes very bad and is considered as the head of all vices.
Sometimes money and people seem to me to have similar characteristics. Let's make it clear - Man is the best living being in the world for using good manners and that man is considered the worst living being in the world when people do horrible things. Similarly money is the same, money is very good and the main means of life when it is used by people for welfare of people. And when evil is done for money then money is the root of all destruction.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: uswa56 on June 14, 2024, 11:44:11 PM
Matching the status to get cars, drink alcohol and rich food might be one reason why some are addicted to making money but you can leave out the first and still be frugal about spending.

The people who aim for a higher state of living should also be able to earn that big and not just dream otherwise they go for unfair means to make money which is bad

However savings and control over spending can save a good amount too. This is what most people find difficult to achieve.
When someone has the desire to be able to get what they want, of course this will make them do work to fulfill their desires and if they leave spending their money on things they don't need, of course they will be able to save and invest for their future. Of course this will be better in preparing for the future.

If someone has a big dream that they want to achieve, of course they have to do their work seriously and also have to do it in a fair way and must avoid doing it in a bad way so that they don't have problems in the future, you really save money. It's not an easy thing for many people to do and maybe only some people can do it because currently most people prefer to live in luxury rather than controlling their expenses.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: Albarq on June 24, 2024, 10:22:48 AM

When someone has the desire to be able to get what they want, of course this will make them do work to fulfill their desires and if they leave spending their money on things they don't need, of course they will be able to save and invest for their future. Of course this will be better in preparing for the future.

If someone has a big dream that they want to achieve, of course they have to do their work seriously and also have to do it in a fair way and must avoid doing it in a bad way so that they don't have problems in the future, you really save money. It's not an easy thing for many people to do and maybe only some people can do it because currently most people prefer to live in luxury rather than controlling their expenses.

every life requires a commitment, to get adequate finances of course by working hard, money is everything for now but regarding happiness it cannot be measured by money, often misinterpreted as in remote villages far from wisdom at some point they don't need money because they use an exchange system when wanting an item so money is not needed there, only for forward-thinking people.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: $anounimus$ on June 24, 2024, 11:38:33 AM
Money is the root of all misdeeds, it can be clear if you shed some light. Most people do it not for any reason, but out of greed. You will notice that earning money is considered challenging especially nowadays by most of the people. Money is such a tempting thing that lures a person to resort to any kind of evil ways to get it. But money plays an essential important role to survive in life or meet basic needs. Suppose you are starving and broke, in this case you will need money.It can be said that people in the society resort to any kind of evil means to earn more money by substances like oil, alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc. But money is of immense importance for survival whether it is earned through honest means or dishonest means.
Nowadays, to meet life's needs, you must have money. Everyone has their own way of earning money but if you do it normally then it is very honorable. We don't need to think about the negative things that some people do to get money because that method is very cruel. Every country has laws and actions that lead to crime will still be subject to law. So there is no need to think about anything else apart from focusing on work to achieve life support needs. There are quite a lot of ways if we have creativity to make money in a respectable way.

Title: Re: Money addiction
Post by: mirakal on June 24, 2024, 04:40:10 PM
Matching the status to get cars, drink alcohol and rich food might be one reason why some are addicted to making money but you can leave out the first and still be frugal about spending.

The people who aim for a higher state of living should also be able to earn that big and not just dream otherwise they go for unfair means to make money which is bad

However savings and control over spending can save a good amount too. This is what most people find difficult to achieve.
If you aim for a more comfortable life or even fuel your dreams and ambitions, obviously you have to be more addicted with earning money so you can save a lot of funds to invest. Also, if you have some vices to maintain, then you need to earn a good amount to keep them. Otherwise, if you fail to earn at a constant basis, aside that you can't support anymore your vices, your dreams and goals to become well-off in the future will never be realized. Apart from that, you need to consistently earn money in order to survive, as living a life demands a lot of unstoppable expenses and is expensive.