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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: paxmao on May 23, 2024, 08:10:32 PM

Title: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: paxmao on May 23, 2024, 08:10:32 PM (

A here it goes the bluff of the "peaceful nation that only wishes peace and trade", China has invaded the air and waters of Taiwan massively - not the usual incursions. Ships are surrounding Taiwan.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: darkangel11 on May 23, 2024, 08:18:21 PM
So China sees the newly elected president as a separatist. AFAIK a separatist wants to separate the country, but Taiwan has been like that for decades. Wake up China, it's already an independent country and you know it since you can't dock your ships there or refuel your jets. If you're not allowed to come close to shore and a country protects its borders and air space it's already independent.
The way I see it they're provoking. They hope someone's finger will slip and they will be able to say China had to respond because it was attacked. That's all there is to it. They won't attack first but they're doing exactly what Russia is doing flying its jets into NATO air space.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: o48o on May 23, 2024, 10:16:04 PM
So China sees the newly elected president as a separatist. AFAIK a separatist wants to separate the country, but Taiwan has been like that for decades. Wake up China, it's already an independent country and you know it since you can't dock your ships there or refuel your jets. If you're not allowed to come close to shore and a country protects its borders and air space it's already independent.
The way I see it they're provoking. They hope someone's finger will slip and they will be able to say China had to respond because it was attacked. That's all there is to it. They won't attack first but they're doing exactly what Russia is doing flying its jets into NATO air space.
New president can grow taiwanese moral, so china is doing everything they can to demoralize taiwanese people. I am guessing this is just show of force and in CCP is signal that Taiwan and William Lai specifically are toothless and powerless if china decides to make a move. And undermining their authority like this was to be suspected. They are testing waters of defence pacts like Russia is testing Natos. At some point they will cross a line, and most likely situation is either Russian forces or China's forces are sunken or dropped from the sky, and we de-escalate from that, rather then going to full war. At least i hope so.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: YADAYADA on May 24, 2024, 12:28:19 AM
I wonder if either China or the US would even be interested in Taiwan if there was no semicionductor industry? They would probably just hold hands and go there on vacation together instead of all this idiocy.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: Hispo on May 24, 2024, 12:40:26 AM
I wonder if either China or the US would even be interested in Taiwan if there was no semicionductor industry? They would probably just hold hands and go there on vacation together instead of all this idiocy.

Actually, it is not only about the semiconductor industry established there in Taiwan. There is much more going on than what meets the eye when comes to a potential takeover of Taiwan by the Chinese Communist party.
I have a friend from China and Taiwan and he has examples to me that the dispute between both countries comes mostly because within the Chinese folklore and tradition, the ruler of China is supposed to have the power over all the "unified empire" for him to be proclaimed to be the one having the favor of heaven. So Taiwan could be just an insignificant islands with no industries and yet, China would try to claim it for herself because the millennial tradition which goes on to this day about the great unifier who is supposed to bring all the claimed territories of Chine together. Xi wants to leave a legacy behing of him, being that historical figure in the nooks of Chinese history.

That is also the reason why he keeps territorial disputes with India, over desolated land near the Himalayas.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: atookz on May 24, 2024, 06:44:02 AM (

A here it goes the bluff of the "peaceful nation that only wishes peace and trade", China has invaded the air and waters of Taiwan massively - not the usual incursions. Ships are surrounding Taiwan.

The Chinese government emphasizes that the joint military exercises of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Command around Taiwan Island are a necessary and legitimate step to crack down on the strength and activities of Taiwanese independence separatists. China still considers Taiwan a separatist province, so in my opinion these military exercises are aimed at frightening Taiwan and perhaps also providing a warning against provocations from external parties. Moreover, Taiwan has just inaugurated a new president and in his speech, he called on China to stop military intimidation. Maybe it was because of this speech that China held military exercises around Taiwan. Maybe this problem should be resolved by the UN seriously, because if it is left unchecked it will certainly result in war and this will spread to other countries.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: blckhawk on May 24, 2024, 08:05:15 AM
Wow, they're really inching slowly towards an invasion of Taiwan huh? It seems that an invasion is getting more and more imminent, I don't know if US or Taiwan's allies would do an attack or defense when that invasion happens because I'm sure that a war with China is going to be a battle of attrition, although their quality in terms of buildings and desperation to fill their quota is at an absolute low, there's still a lot of manpower to drive it home when it comes to invasion of Taiwan. Maybe Taiwan needs to start increasing their security and failsafe measure in their factory that's always been the target of China for a long time because that's the only thing that's on their mind, China doesn't have the advanced chipmaking capabilities so either they get this one or they're going to lose it when they invade Taiwan.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: Kelward on May 24, 2024, 08:37:12 AM
I wonder if either China or the US would even be interested in Taiwan if there was no semicionductor industry? They would probably just hold hands and go there on vacation together instead of all this idiocy.

Actually, it is not only about the semiconductor industry established there in Taiwan. There is much more going on than what meets the eye when comes to a potential takeover of Taiwan by the Chinese Communist party.
I have a friend from China and Taiwan and he has examples to me that the dispute between both countries comes mostly because within the Chinese folklore and tradition, the ruler of China is supposed to have the power over all the "unified empire" for him to be proclaimed to be the one having the favor of heaven. So Taiwan could be just an insignificant islands with no industries and yet, China would try to claim it for herself because the millennial tradition which goes on to this day about the great unifier who is supposed to bring all the claimed territories of Chine together. Xi wants to leave a legacy behing of him, being that historical figure in the nooks of Chinese history.

That is also the reason why he keeps territorial disputes with India, over desolated land near the Himalayas.
You've really given a new meaning to this China, obsession to conquer and Lord over the sovereign territories around it's borders, meaning that they want to fulfill their mythical desires. This is just so baseless in this modern age, China, is already a country that has it all, landmarks, population and technology, a country that is very powerful and no nation can mess with, with their achievements it's totally unnecessary to bother about Taiwan, or any other countries or territories around them. The army and warships that are deployed around Taiwan, are mere drills to show their millitery mights, nothing more, as far as I'm concerned. Taiwan has a president and that makes it a sovereign nation, whether they're weak or strong.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: paxmao on May 24, 2024, 10:00:30 AM
I wonder if either China or the US would even be interested in Taiwan if there was no semicionductor industry? They would probably just hold hands and go there on vacation together instead of all this idiocy.

Actually, it is not only about the semiconductor industry established there in Taiwan. There is much more going on than what meets the eye when comes to a potential takeover of Taiwan by the Chinese Communist party.
I have a friend from China and Taiwan and he has examples to me that the dispute between both countries comes mostly because within the Chinese folklore and tradition, the ruler of China is supposed to have the power over all the "unified empire" for him to be proclaimed to be the one having the favor of heaven. So Taiwan could be just an insignificant islands with no industries and yet, China would try to claim it for herself because the millennial tradition which goes on to this day about the great unifier who is supposed to bring all the claimed territories of Chine together. Xi wants to leave a legacy behing of him, being that historical figure in the nooks of Chinese history.

That is also the reason why he keeps territorial disputes with India, over desolated land near the Himalayas.
You've really given a new meaning to this China, obsession to conquer and Lord over the sovereign territories around it's borders, meaning that they want to fulfill their mythical desires. This is just so baseless in this modern age, China, is already a country that has it all, landmarks, population and technology, a country that is very powerful and no nation can mess with, with their achievements it's totally unnecessary to bother about Taiwan, or any other countries or territories around them. The army and warships that are deployed around Taiwan, are mere drills to show their millitery mights, nothing more, as far as I'm concerned. Taiwan has a president and that makes it a sovereign nation, whether they're weak or strong.

Human ambition is limitless... not even stupidity stops it.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: moneystery on May 24, 2024, 03:20:10 PM
this is what happens when you are still fixated on stories from the past about being able to unite china into one mainland, even though it is clear that china taiwan is its own territory developed by the taiwanese people themselves. but with mainland china getting bigger, it makes their egos higher and more arbitrary towards china taiwan. and i don't understand why the international world is still silent on this, but they are playing double standards on the israeli-palestinian issue. if palestine has been recognized as a legitimate country by the international community, why can't china taiwan be completely independent? that's still a question for me.

*i use "china" for taiwan, because that is their official name. also because they are chinese and at the same time they are also taiwanese who have different views from mainland china.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: coolcoinz on May 24, 2024, 06:38:28 PM
New president can grow taiwanese moral, so china is doing everything they can to demoralize taiwanese people. I am guessing this is just show of force and in CCP is signal that Taiwan and William Lai specifically are toothless and powerless if china decides to make a move. And undermining their authority like this was to be suspected. They are testing waters of defence pacts like Russia is testing Natos. At some point they will cross a line, and most likely situation is either Russian forces or China's forces are sunken or dropped from the sky, and we de-escalate from that, rather then going to full war. At least i hope so.

Taiwan is in a worse situation than NATO with Russia because if you compare military firepower NATO is much stronger than Russia. Putin even said it himself that the US alone is spending much more on military every year than Russia, so they will not seek a conflict they cannot win. Even NATO without the US is much stronger than Russia, especially in the air.

Taiwan on the other hand is much weaker than China. It's more of a David vs Goliath situation. It can't even be compared to Ukraine VS Russia. It's more like if Russia was fighting Finland before it joined NATO.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: YADAYADA on May 24, 2024, 10:16:09 PM
Chinese folklore and tradition, the ruler of China is supposed to have the power over all the "unified empire" for him to be proclaimed to be the one having the favor of heaven.

I am pretty certain there is no rabid marxist commie on the face of our creator's earth who would find favour in heaven unless they are planning on getting rid of the commie gang and declaring a state of democracy where the religious and others are no longer persecuted. So commies believe in "folklore" fairy tales yet have no belief in G_D. Almost akin to atheists who dismiss G_D as a foolish superstition while they make an appointment with the psychic palm reader.

They are truly deluded. Only doing the will of G_D and obeying his commandments will find favour with the real powers that be. I like any Chinese people I have ever met and they are like anyone else. It is overbearing guberments who are becoming too large all over the world including in so called democracies spending every cent of taxpayers money servicing unsustainable borrowing for extremist policies that are of no benefit to citizens.

Guberment needs to be curtailed all over the globe and taxpayers money used only for infrastructure such as roads,bridges,schools and hospitals etc instead of wasting it on bloated beauracracy draining the wealth of nations into the hands of the few while ensuring guberment remains large and scary enough to enforce such theft.

When you have 10 dollar parts being used in a nations assets while charging 1000 dollars for installing it and a 10k consultation fee to shoot the breeze then you know the end is nigh and war is the only way out.

Guberments are the enemy and footstool of G_D yet a nescessary evil due to human nature and propensity towards wickedness. Basically guberment is like any gangland criminal who shakes down the local businesses on its patch for protection money except a lot more highly organised and scarier. Guberment needs to serve the people and not the other way around.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: Hispo on May 25, 2024, 12:35:59 AM
I wonder if either China or the US would even be interested in Taiwan if there was no semicionductor industry? They would probably just hold hands and go there on vacation together instead of all this idiocy.

Actually, it is not only about the semiconductor industry established there in Taiwan. There is much more going on than what meets the eye when comes to a potential takeover of Taiwan by the Chinese Communist party.
I have a friend from China and Taiwan and he has examples to me that the dispute between both countries comes mostly because within the Chinese folklore and tradition, the ruler of China is supposed to have the power over all the "unified empire" for him to be proclaimed to be the one having the favor of heaven. So Taiwan could be just an insignificant islands with no industries and yet, China would try to claim it for herself because the millennial tradition which goes on to this day about the great unifier who is supposed to bring all the claimed territories of Chine together. Xi wants to leave a legacy behing of him, being that historical figure in the nooks of Chinese history.

That is also the reason why he keeps territorial disputes with India, over desolated land near the Himalayas.
You've really given a new meaning to this China, obsession to conquer and Lord over the sovereign territories around it's borders, meaning that they want to fulfill their mythical desires. This is just so baseless in this modern age, China, is already a country that has it all, landmarks, population and technology, a country that is very powerful and no nation can mess with, with their achievements it's totally unnecessary to bother about Taiwan, or any other countries or territories around them. The army and warships that are deployed around Taiwan, are mere drills to show their millitery mights, nothing more, as far as I'm concerned. Taiwan has a president and that makes it a sovereign nation, whether they're weak or strong.

That is the worst part about this conflict, in my opinion, the lack of necessity China has over the conquer of a tiny nation and island as Taiwan. That only shows they invasion of Taiwan would be only for purely political purposes, not even because the pursue and access to natural resources.
Though, I agree this is just a demonstration of force by China, however, we should also consider this to be a smart tactic by China to drain the economical capabilities of the United States. The USA could have a bad time defending Israel, Ukraine and also Taiwan at the same time, it would be problematic for the congress and the American taxpayer to fun military equipment and ammo for three nations...
It is like opening several battle fronts, so the enemy won't have enough men and weapons to cover it all... It reminds me the first and second world war.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: Mr. Tom on May 25, 2024, 07:02:35 AM (

A here it goes the bluff of the "peaceful nation that only wishes peace and trade", China has invaded the air and waters of Taiwan massively - not the usual incursions. Ships are surrounding Taiwan.

It's a different thing about attacking other nation or defending its own land. They are not attacking other independent nations like NATO does.
The island of Taiwan is China where a separatist movement has been growing. It's a good idea to capture it by force than let it slip to enemy forces that plans to destroy the nation of China. China has every right to defend its land. I'm surprised why they still talk about peaceful means when it's already confirmed that the occupying force in Taiwan are openly welcoming the enemy to Chinese land.
Maybe they are not capable enough to wage a war or trying to save human life but sometimes it's more noble and righteous to destroy to create.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: passwordnow on May 25, 2024, 07:14:50 AM
I wonder if either China or the US would even be interested in Taiwan if there was no semicionductor industry? They would probably just hold hands and go there on vacation together instead of all this idiocy.
That's true, if Taiwan isn't the world leader for semiconductor supply and production, they won't step their foot there but this is only for the US. While for China, they have been interested of taking them over since decades ago but could have been the same reason as Taiwan have become a rich country today.

China is into one-China policy like what they did with Hong Kong and Macau. But with Taiwan, thanks to US for having on their side but will they really going to help if ever invasion become real? They've got military bases near to Taiwan and that's from the Philippines so, it's a very close range for both sides but China seems to be the one that's moving their pieces alone while Taiwan is on defensive side. At the same time, South Korea and Japan are also allies of the US so another war is probably to happen.

Whilst for China's allies, it's just above them, Russia which is also having its own war and North Korea.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: bluebit25 on May 25, 2024, 07:56:39 AM
I think it's just a matter of time and specific time for the war between China and Taiwan to happen, the Chinese government always wants to annex Taiwan into their territory. Although I don't want either side to argue that they are right/wrong, there is no doubt that war is the way to resolve this situation and it is also bad for any party involved.

But the information I read from this news source shows that Xi Jinping is showing great determination to annex Taiwan in the near future, some sources I heard may things will happen. In June and before the US election, perhaps all political calculations are considered at a sensitive time regarding the current world situation when there are many conflicts taking place globally.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: paxmao on May 25, 2024, 12:21:16 PM (

A here it goes the bluff of the "peaceful nation that only wishes peace and trade", China has invaded the air and waters of Taiwan massively - not the usual incursions. Ships are surrounding Taiwan.

It's a different thing about attacking other nation or defending its own land. They are not attacking other independent nations like NATO does.[...

Put one example of an independent nation attacked by NATO or apologize for spreading propaganda.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: Mr. Tom on May 25, 2024, 03:11:03 PM (

A here it goes the bluff of the "peaceful nation that only wishes peace and trade", China has invaded the air and waters of Taiwan massively - not the usual incursions. Ships are surrounding Taiwan.

It's a different thing about attacking other nation or defending its own land. They are not attacking other independent nations like NATO does.[...

Put one example of an independent nation attacked by NATO or apologize for spreading propaganda.

US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Italy were involved in invading Afghanistan, even if they don't call it a NATO invasion, they make up most of NATO and the resources used were NATO.

US, Canada, UK, Australia, Poland, Denmark, Spain, Italy, and Netherlands were involved in invading of Iraq.

Those are the things accepted by NATO, they don't declare a war but are involved. There are several other where they are involved without acknowledging and several of NATO funds used in staging coup around the world.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 25, 2024, 04:52:14 PM (

A here it goes the bluff of the "peaceful nation that only wishes peace and trade", China has invaded the air and waters of Taiwan massively - not the usual incursions. Ships are surrounding Taiwan.

It's a different thing about attacking other nation or defending its own land. They are not attacking other independent nations like NATO does.[...

Put one example of an independent nation attacked by NATO or apologize for spreading propaganda.

AFAIK, China consider Taiwas as part of their territory which is what he is been trying to say?...

China is known to do these things for many countries for different reasons and eventually they will get what they want but this is different since US and other countries are interested in protecting the Taiwas because they knew what will happen if China takes over this and they will become almost the monopoly of the semiconductor.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: kentrolla on May 25, 2024, 07:51:17 PM
The Chinese regime is evil they have to be stopped as mostly we see people criticizing western especially US government for meddling in internal affairs of other nations and launching wars but we forget the atrocities committed by Chinese government they have to be stopped at the earliest and they have already done this with East Turkistan and also eyeing on Arunachal Pradesh which is part of India, tried it in Sikkim.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: Volimack on May 26, 2024, 03:41:17 AM
Such initiatives by China are very worrying. Taiwan will bring the island nation under its rule even if it uses force as its territory and needs. Military aircraft and naval vessels are conducting exercises around Taiwan to test Taiwan's war fighting capabilities. Taiwan responded quickly after China announced the military drills saying it had deployed forces by sea, air and land to protect the country's independence and sovereignty. These activities will only destabilize regional peace and stability.

Title: Re: China deploys army around Taiwan
Post by: YADAYADA on June 10, 2024, 10:05:12 PM

The people living on the island of Taiwan should decide its future and nobody else. All islands should be able to go their own way if they choose to and that even includes Hawaii. No central guberment in a far off place should determine the fate of people who live on an island unless it is agreeable to them by a democratic referendum or voting process.