Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Discussion => Topic started by: MeGold666 on May 24, 2024, 01:48:41 PM

Title: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 24, 2024, 01:48:41 PM
 I've got two DM's from reddit Bitcoin moderators after I posted comment on one of the posts titled:

Bitcoin is protection from your government.

And also got banned and comment removed, this was my comment:

Bitcoin is a surveillance coin, a wet dream of the government - a fully transparent database of transactions

Not once did I mention Monero and this is what I've got:

They are very insecure, Hilarious.

I agree there is illegal mining going on but so is in Bitcoin, with stolen hardware and stolen electricity as police catch them from time to time.
So it's a funny argument.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: btc78 on May 27, 2024, 06:56:55 AM
These moderators seem very biased are they supposed to be talking this way? Lol.

Reddit needs to closely monitor their moderators as well. Moderators are not reddit employees and most of the time just do whatever they want to do inside that community. I think it’s very harsh to be immediately banned permanently unless you don’t have the cleanest track record. A warning or a suspension for a couple of days would have been enough of a lesson.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 27, 2024, 09:12:21 AM
This was my first and only comment on /r/Bitcoin and my account never had any issues.

People say it's a common thing there.

You are only allowed to smile or they ban you, like in North Korea.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: HeRetiK on May 27, 2024, 10:55:06 AM
Classic Reddit. Mod behaviour varies wildly across subreddits, I wasn't aware that r/Bitcoin is one of the trigger happy ones that immediately hand out lifetime bans. Then again I haven't been on there for a long time and I feel like the sub's quality has strongly declined over the last few years. I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason is mods smothering the community. It's gotten to the point where I check r/Cryptocurrency over r/Bitcoin to see what's happening.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: kotajikikox on May 27, 2024, 11:45:31 AM
Classic Reddit. Mod behaviour varies wildly across subreddits, I wasn't aware that r/Bitcoin is one of the trigger happy ones that immediately hand out lifetime bans. Then again I haven't been on there for a long time and I feel like the sub's quality has strongly declined over the last few years.
I was honestly never active in reddit as I feel like it is just full of trolls and are often visited even by people not that knowledgeable with the topic. It also has been a running joke where no one basically takes reddit serious as it is full of weirdos of the internet community.
If they continue like this how do they expect for any kind of discussion to flourish over there.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: 348Judah on May 27, 2024, 11:53:43 AM
The first thing i suspect is if the quoted aspect was the only comment you made or there is more that is not included on the one you quoted, secondly, it might be that from what you said is what makes them reacted that way, knowing fully that governments are not even in support for bitcoin, so it's not a currency that government really accept for its adoption like, while some were already struggling hard to see that its banned.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: ABCbits on May 27, 2024, 12:09:29 PM
I remember Bitcoin subreddit receive many censorship accusation many years ago, although it seems to be true today. Anyway, it's crazy this forum doesn't ban known scammer, while that subreddit seems to ban those who critic Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: SickDayIn on May 27, 2024, 12:18:30 PM
Yikes that moderator is in a power trip and thinks they are in god mode. I don't necessarily agree with your comment 100%, but to jump to huge assumptions about you supporting shitcoins based on what you've said is insane. Also regardless, they shouldn't be banning anyone that disagrees with them, freedom of discussion with differing opinions is very important.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 27, 2024, 12:19:41 PM
If they continue like this how do they expect for any kind of discussion to flourish over there.

Exactly, all I wanted is to trigger discussion and have fun fighting arguments with fellow crypto people.

Discussions like this are educating if both sides are open minded and I always admit I'm wrong when I'm out of arguments.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: NotATether on May 27, 2024, 12:54:38 PM
This should make us thankful that we have an administrator on this website that allows all discussion, within reasonable limits.

A lot of communities end up becoming echo chambers if comments that dissent from the administrators opinion are always deleted.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: wxxyrqa on May 27, 2024, 01:03:54 PM
I've got two DM's from reddit Bitcoin moderators after I posted comment on one of the posts titled:

Bitcoin is protection from your government.

And also got banned and comment removed, this was my comment:

Bitcoin is a surveillance coin, a wet dream of the government - a fully transparent database of transactions

Not once did I mention Monero and this is what I've got:

They are very insecure, Hilarious.

I agree there is illegal mining going on but so is in Bitcoin, with stolen hardware and stolen electricity as police catch them from time to time.
So it's a funny argument.
In general, if you made publications from a new account or the account has a low rating, then this happens all the time, and regardless of the content of the text, the text is deleted and the account is banned. Moderators always cite violations of community rules, but as a result, these are excuses not to correct the mistakes.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: buwaytress on May 27, 2024, 01:08:04 PM
To be fair, I see new accounts post random things on this forum and I report it. I see unfamiliar comments on self-moderated threads, I generally have to convince myself not to delete. Your comment on this forum would invite similar backlash (though not outright banning... yet?).

It's less about censorship than about cultivating constructive commenting. Threads can easily turn into megaspamthreads. That said, the mod's comments to you seems to be more about the former.

P.S. I like Monero too, if only with a fraction of the like I have for Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 27, 2024, 01:25:56 PM
I can see plenty of new accounts talking there no problem, so the ban was not solely because of being new but because reddit moderators didn't like my comment, stalked my account and didn't like the fact that I participated in other projects.

They felt personally threatened, that's why I wrote they must be insecure and probably shouldn't be moderating at all.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: Knight Hider on May 27, 2024, 01:47:35 PM
Stay away from sites that censored your opinion, even if your opinion is wrong.

Exactly, all I wanted is to trigger discussion and have fun fighting arguments with fellow crypto people.

Discussions like this are educating if both sides are open minded and I always admit I'm wrong when I'm out of arguments.
Let's fight! You're wrong. Knowing all transactions is not the same as knowing who made them.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 27, 2024, 01:54:50 PM
Stay away from sites that censored your opinion, even if your opinion is wrong.
True, that's a very good point.

Let's fight! You're wrong. Knowing all transactions is not the same as knowing who made them.

That's the attitude! ;D

Maybe in some different thread and a bit later we will discuss it, I'm out of juice right now  ;)


Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: bittraffic on May 27, 2024, 02:17:18 PM

The sub is moderated as they have their forum politics. I remember someone posted a meme photo about CSW, that user got negative karma. There is a limit to freedom of speech they say, I guess they categorized what you said as just one of the limits. So they are serious when the sub says Bitcoin then maybe its really just for BTC.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: retreat on May 27, 2024, 02:32:49 PM
Reddit moderators are like that, most of them do not accept criticism and opinions that are contrary to what they believe. Luckily, our forum can still be said to be quite democratic, where you can still say what you want to say without any discrimination from the moderators. Even when your post directly criticizes Bitcoin, the moderators will let it slide, the most the OP will get is a rebuttal from other users, which is very normal in forums. And forums should run like this, especially when it comes to Bitcoin, which should be more open and democratic for everyone.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: Wonder Work on May 27, 2024, 02:54:31 PM
Yikes that moderator is in a power trip and thinks they are in god mode. I don't necessarily agree with your comment 100%, but to jump to huge assumptions about you supporting shitcoins based on what you've said is insane. Also regardless, they shouldn't be banning anyone that disagrees with them, freedom of discussion with differing opinions is very important.
Yes, you're ticking that the moderators on Reddit think they're too big. If there is a slight difference in their opinion, they ban him. Freedom to discuss different opinions is very important, but it is not possible because they do not agree to discuss freely.

Exactly, all I wanted is to trigger discussion and have fun fighting arguments with fellow crypto people. Discussions like this are educating if both sides are open minded and I always admit I'm wrong when I'm out of arguments.
Discussing with people who know about crypto is good learning, but dear brother, you need to be in the right place, Karan. It's not possible on Reddit. They do everything their way. I like your discussion on this forum very much. Here, everyone can have an open-minded discussion about helpful crypto. Ask the set if you need help understanding something, and the experts will explain it nicely.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 27, 2024, 02:54:53 PM
Reddit moderators are like that, most of them do not accept criticism and opinions that are contrary to what they believe. Luckily, our forum can still be said to be quite democratic, where you can still say what you want to say without any discrimination from the moderators. Even when your post directly criticizes Bitcoin, the moderators will let it slide, the most the OP will get is a rebuttal from other users, which is very normal in forums. And forums should run like this, especially when it comes to Bitcoin, which should be more open and democratic for everyone.

The fact that this post is not deleted and I am not banned is a testimony of free speech here.

Moderators and the community here is very open and does not act like a religious cult as oppose to reddit.

Keep it up my friends, a good project is 50% development 50% community (at least for me).
I never support projects with toxic community even if I know I could make more money, the same way as I don't visit stores with rude clerks.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: paid2 on May 27, 2024, 03:04:37 PM
This should make us thankful that we have an administrator on this website that allows all discussion, within reasonable limits.

A lot of communities end up becoming echo chambers if comments that dissent from the administrators opinion are always deleted.

To be fair theymos is one of the admin of r/Bitcoin too. And IMHO r/Bitcoin admins are doing bad as they hire drama-queens as mods/keep them once hired. So theymos is directly or indirectly one of the cause of this shit.

r/Bitcoin is a shitty place, badly moderated. I think this subreddit is just failing as most of people are going to post in r/btc (which is bch fanboys subreddit) because of nazi moderation. People comes to talk about BTC and finish on a BCH subreddit  :-\

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: Apocollapse on May 27, 2024, 03:18:21 PM
Yet people said this forum is harsh for newbie. :D

I can't imagine what are those people reaction when the moderators give a long explanation that disagree with their posts and attack them personally. :P

So far the moderators in this forum only pointed out the rules you broke and sometime sarcasm, they didn't hurt the users.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: Casdinyard on May 27, 2024, 04:17:42 PM
I've got two DM's from reddit Bitcoin moderators after I posted comment on one of the posts titled:

Bitcoin is protection from your government.

And also got banned and comment removed, this was my comment:

Bitcoin is a surveillance coin, a wet dream of the government - a fully transparent database of transactions

Not once did I mention Monero and this is what I've got:

They are very insecure, Hilarious.

I agree there is illegal mining going on but so is in Bitcoin, with stolen hardware and stolen electricity as police catch them from time to time.
So it's a funny argument.
Not trying to be the devil's advocate here but the thing is you didn't provide enough context to support your argument. It's easy to say that bitcoin's a surveillance machine, but it's hard to say how it's a surveillance machine by the government is it? Why not next time provide enough context to support your argument, and just stop being very ambiguous with what your saying so you can't be misconstrued by people, even those who are argumentative.

To flip the script though, it's fucking funny how these motherfuckers jumped into you being a monero apologist though, didn't see how that ties in with the comment you made or whatever and it just goes to show how fucking fragile Reddit has since become ever since 2015. You can't even make a sensible discussion in there without getting banned or stuck in post purgatory cause the mods are either lazy, snowflakes, or just flat out dead like the site itself. So sorry this happened to you too considering that was previously a hub for bitcointalk guys too in the past.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: mindrust on May 27, 2024, 04:22:16 PM
Reddit is a woke/democrat shithole. Never ever get into politics/anti-gov talks there. At best your comment will be buried to the magma. At worst, you'll get banned like you experienced. I occasionally find very good information there but I never read any of their views on politics because it is totally pointless to have a debate. They have made their mind and you did yours. It is kind of same in this forum too. (some people got negative trust ratings for their political views) The good thing is we don't have that downvote crap here. I remember some users proposed to have a de-merit feature in the past. Imagine the amount of censorship that would create.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 27, 2024, 04:30:13 PM
The good thing is we don't have that downvote crap here. I remember some users proposed to have a de-merit feature in the past. Imagine the amount of censorship that would create.

True, reddit is heavily attacked by bots this days who try to control the narrative.

Few of my friends had their comments downvoted for months, getting like -70 points regardless of the comment so it won't get displayed.

System like this is just asking to be abused by bad actors.

Not trying to be the devil's advocate here but the thing is you didn't provide enough context to support your argument.

Of course it doesn't prove itself in anything, I did hope to discuss it further.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: Hamza2424 on May 27, 2024, 04:50:11 PM
It's been a long time since I haven't used Reddit, almost around 2 years, a long time ago I was quite active there, reading and posting stuff. TBH Reddit was fun but with time when I got familiar with the forum, haha Reddit slowly got swapped with the forum activity, there are many reasons this forum is better than Reddit for discussing anything related to Bitcoin and crypto, and one of the reasons is mentioned by Op inefficient moderation nd stupid community rules.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: ABCbits on May 28, 2024, 08:45:40 AM
This should make us thankful that we have an administrator on this website that allows all discussion, within reasonable limits.

A lot of communities end up becoming echo chambers if comments that dissent from the administrators opinion are always deleted.

To be fair theymos is one of the admin of r/Bitcoin too. And IMHO r/Bitcoin admins are doing bad as they hire drama-queens as mods/keep them once hired. So theymos is directly or indirectly one of the cause of this shit.

r/Bitcoin is a shitty place, badly moderated. I think this subreddit is just failing as most of people are going to post in r/btc (which is bch fanboys subreddit) because of nazi moderation. People comes to talk about BTC and finish on a BCH subreddit  :-\

Do we know whether theymos is still moderator on Bitcoin subreddit? Do we even know list of moderator on Bitcoin subreddit? I just visited it, but couldn't find such list (maybe i missed it).

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: paid2 on May 28, 2024, 08:52:44 AM
Do we know whether theymos is still moderator on Bitcoin subreddit? Do we even know list of moderator on Bitcoin subreddit? I just visited it, but couldn't find such list (maybe i missed it).

You can find the full list from the app, sorry I didn't find how to share the page inside the app, so here it 2 screenshots:

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: dkbit98 on May 28, 2024, 08:58:18 AM
And also got banned and comment removed
Not sure if theymos is still active there, but he is one of the moderators ;)
I don't like what Reddit is doing, they recently became very restrictive, they don't even allow reading of reddit posts for people who are using Tor and vpn.
Only way you can freely browse reddit now is if you are using Redlib or some alternative frontend, and this could be gone soon.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: MeGold666 on May 28, 2024, 09:17:23 AM
That's a long list of moderators, maybe too long  ;)

I gave up on reddit, too North Korean for my taste.

I doubt you can even fix it as this moderators send this messages anonymously, I don't see any signature.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: ABCbits on May 28, 2024, 09:57:34 AM
Do we know whether theymos is still moderator on Bitcoin subreddit? Do we even know list of moderator on Bitcoin subreddit? I just visited it, but couldn't find such list (maybe i missed it).

You can find the full list from the app, sorry I didn't find how to share the page inside the app, so here it 2 screenshots:

Thanks for the screenshot. Anyway, almost 30 seems a lot since i don't feel there are many post created on that subreddit.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: HeRetiK on May 28, 2024, 04:00:37 PM
Not sure if theymos is still active there, but he is one of the moderators ;)

Theymos' last Reddit posts were more than 2 years ago, so I guess he isn't paying much attention to the sub these days.

Thanks for the screenshot. Anyway, almost 30 seems a lot since i don't feel there are many post created on that subreddit.

How else are they supposed to keep public opinion in line?  :P

To be fair, it does seem to roughly track for a sub of this size.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: NotATether on May 30, 2024, 01:30:31 PM
That's a long list of moderators, maybe too long  ;)

That is definitely too many. It's more than two dozen moderators for one subreddit. In fact I think half of them are not even active any more, so why keep them around?

Although I don't expect shrinking the moderation team will actually fix the problem, since the people who stay on will most likely be the ones who banned OP because they don't want to hear bad talk about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Reddit Bitcoin moderators tantrum
Post by: Maus0728 on May 31, 2024, 05:03:45 PM
These moderators seem very biased are they supposed to be talking this way? Lol.

Reddit needs to closely monitor their moderators as well. Moderators are not reddit employees and most of the time just do whatever they want to do inside that community. I think it’s very harsh to be immediately banned permanently unless you don’t have the cleanest track record. A warning or a suspension for a couple of days would have been enough of a lesson.
You can't expect that kind of thing in Reddit, that's why it's really difficult to have a discussion there, the moderators in most subreddit are pretty much childish and they can't handle the smoke that's included with the discussion especially if it's a heated one, it's also really weird that moderators are allowed to say that kind of thing, I mean is there like any other way that you can have the ban handed to the person without being a piece of shit? Pretty sure that everyone knows how to do that but it seems that this moderator don't seem to know what they're doing. I've recently visited the subreddit and although it looks like there's some discussions here and there, you really can't disagree on the views of other people there, most of the people there don't seem to have a really good conversation with others because disagreements are so heavily restricted.