Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: alani123 on May 26, 2024, 08:26:46 AM

Title: Trump's big promises
Post by: alani123 on May 26, 2024, 08:26:46 AM
Trump spoke at the Libertarian party national convention the other day and delivered some promises that are quite big for crypto.
1. A day one commutation of Ross Ulbricht ('s life imprisonment sentence.
2. Ban federal agent involvement in limitation of speech.
3. Cancel the "Green new deal".
4. Drill for even more oil.
5. Support the right to self custody of crypto.
6. Ban CBDC in the U.S.

Potentially even more promises flying left and right.

Personally it sounds like a bit much. I'd rather be some consumer protection regulation applied to crypto so no more Celsius and FTX scams can happen out of the U.S. and also much of the rest of the population doesn't like us crypto folk that much. A presidential candidate talking so favorably about crypto might be doing more damage to his campaign in general even if he gets the whole crypto crowd on this single issue. For example miners would be very pleased by the counter-environmental measures, but not everyone is a miner and many people in the US have been affected very badly from climate change also. And also Biden already increased drilling licenses too much. At some point there should be a reduction rather than the opposite as per what most people believe for the environment at least.

What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Hispo on May 26, 2024, 10:45:15 AM
Well. I am completely sure he is over promising. by the way, if you check the lastest campaign with in the political cycles led by Trump, then you would realize he has repeatly lied and over promise for the sake of popularity, one and once again.
he promised a wall with mexico which would stop illegal inmigration, he also said he was going to replace Obama care with something better than more effective. I did not happen.
when comes to the implementation  of the CBDC, it would be foolish to assume only the president could stop de advance of such a system which is being pushed by big technological companies and intelligence agencies to surveil the population of the country. even if Trump had actual good intentions to protect the privacy of the Average american citizen, there will be always people in the congress and the house of representatives willing to sell out the people. it is not a coincidence many pokitical donors come from those huge companies (which profit with our personal information).

anyways, I call it over promising and nothing more.
if Trump wins, there will be some tax cuts and not much more after it.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: kentrolla on May 26, 2024, 11:17:24 AM
It's bull crap as usual and we cannot trust these politicians they can say anything and everything to come to power and sad situation for Americans as they don't have a good candidate and even if there is an prospect who is suitable for the role of president he don't get the spotlight.

Trump is just overpromising and saying anything to win the election just like his Indian friend modi. He is an hypocrite and people should heed to these overpromises.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: EluguHcman on May 26, 2024, 12:11:50 PM
Cryptocurrencies has been taken an influential key point for US politicians such as Donald Trumps who is being a strong hold of Bitcoin and crypto enthusiast to pegging his winning on structuring promises in the crypto industries.
Too much baselines of him being emphasized about this crypto.
My question is.... Does he really care that much that much and can he be able to fulfill all that social and media promises he is been speculating?
Well, since he is already an big dog of crypto enthusiastic, I would be left of no choice than giving him a winning support while hoping he let crypto adoptors freely enjoy the fundamental creation of crypto currencies.

But hear me all, I have this fear that if Trump fails to win the election, there could be more tension on cryptos because whoever emerges the winner may see crypto adoptors as an opposition who never wanted them to win because they supported Donald Trumps due to his promises over the crypto awarenesses.
So crypto my be termed to be doomed in the US were the crypto users might be faced with inconveniences in the crypto industry but we just hope on the best to come.

I am much concerned that if Trumps wins, let those crypto enthusiasts outside the jurisdiction of US such as Africa should also be paved way to enjoy a fair holding and trading with the crypto assets limiting the authorities from the their forces over cryptocurrencies in the regions.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: uneng on May 26, 2024, 06:14:00 PM
My question is.... Does he really care that much that much and can he be able to fulfill all that social and media promises he is been speculating?
Well, we can't access the depths of his inner-being to know with assurance how much he really cares about what he promises and defends, but if I could make I guess, I would say he doesn't care at all, since it's all about saying what he has to say to conquer what he desires to conquer. We live in the era of moral relativism, which is dominated by sophists. For these people truth doesn't matter, rather what matters is to convince people anything can be true, depending what is more interesting to them on the present moment.

Politicians act lead by this guideline. What is true for him today, might not be tomorrow anymore.

Moreover, of course he isn't going to fulfill these promises he is sharing on social medias right now, because it doesn't depend fully on one individual to become reality. There is a legislative house approving and disapproving laws and regulations. There is a judiciary system which exercises high influence over the other levels of power (legislative and executive). There is a media enforcing its agendas as well.

Lots of personal interests are involved on the process of ruling a country, and all these interests are infected by moral relativism, where each individual wants his necessities supplied, without caring at all about others who are around. Therefore you can be assured that a politican making such promises is very naive or is very elusive and manipulative. As we know Trump isn't naive in anyways, I guess he must belong to the second category then...

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: o48o on May 26, 2024, 07:08:36 PM
Trump spoke at the Libertarian party national convention the other day and delivered some promises that are quite big for crypto.
1. A day one commutation of Ross Ulbricht ('s life imprisonment sentence.
2. Ban federal agent involvement in limitation of speech.
What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?
Confirmed con artist wouldn't lie, now wouldn't he?

Rememebr how he didn't pardon Assange or Snowden either, but Ulbricht, for some reason he would, even though Trump wouldn't pardon him in his last term? This time is different why? BEcause he wants to pander his voters and lie to them in order to get their votes?

And key to this would be freeing Ulbricht? You know, that same Ulbricht, that tried to have 5-6 people murdered, that run the infamous site for drug dealing?
Trump, who has openly urged death penalty for drug dealers would gave a shit about this guy? Right. It must be true then. Jesus people who believe him are gullible.

So i guess nr 1 and 2 goes to same category as effort to get people murdered goes under freedom of speech in his mind.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: passwordnow on May 26, 2024, 08:39:16 PM
A presidential candidate talking so favorably about crypto might be doing more damage to his campaign in general even if he gets the whole crypto crowd on this single issue.
Trump is a politician and he has to convince once again the people of the US to push him back to the White House and that includes the people that are in crypto. Maybe he's doing it wrong or right at this time, I remember the last election when Andrew Yang did the same promises but his popularity wasn't just enough to attract votes so he had conceded IIRC. But if he's going to ban CBDCs and that's for real, we will never know the implications of it.

I remember last election, Biden has also told something the same about cryptos that he's going to do this and that but what happened? more wars instead of more crypto regulations and stuff.

What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?
I'm not sure with what's the sentiment of the Americans and even I am not from there, I guess that there's still just equal thought about retaining Biden and wanting Trump back. At the end of the day, he's still a politician and as such, they do most talks to convince people to like him.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: alani123 on May 26, 2024, 11:04:34 PM
Trump was said to have offered a conditional pardon to Assange if he revealed the source of the hack... And Assange did not budge. This was a very distasteful move by Trump and any freedom of speech advocate would have a hard time believing him the second time around.

As for a Snowden pardon, Trump had kept calling him a traitor. So indeed these promises seem too big. He doesn't seem one bit sorry for the harm he might have caused in the past to these innocent men with not pardoning them before... Hard to believe him now. But probably a better chance than Joe Biden in terms of anything of that magnitude.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Hispo on May 27, 2024, 12:06:47 AM
Trump was said to have offered a conditional pardon to Assange if he revealed the source of the hack... And Assange did not budge. This was a very distasteful move by Trump and any freedom of speech advocate would have a hard time believing him the second time around.

As for a Snowden pardon, Trump had kept calling him a traitor. So indeed these promises seem too big. He doesn't seem one bit sorry for the harm he might have caused in the past to these innocent men with not pardoning them before... Hard to believe him now. But probably a better chance than Joe Biden in terms of anything of that magnitude.

Are you surprised Trump would continue to call Assange a traitor? Trump will likely continue to believe he is one as long as Trump is alive. Trump stands with the big guy, for the big brother, taking care of the I formation about each one of the citizens in the country for the sake of alledged protection against terrorists.
look at this this way: people like Trump who are the wealthy and powerful are not afraid if surveillance, because traditionally they are the ones surveiling the their of the people, it would be either because political reasons or industrial espionage. you name it.
If your cared in the slightest about freedom of information and freedom of speech, then Assange would be within the United States since a long time ago, that is not the case.

That is also why we should not buy the story of Trump being pro Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency, he does not stand for the values of Satoshi or Assange, he only wants to have new options to grift more money from people who happen to be Bitcoin holders, that is all.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Zlantann on May 27, 2024, 03:11:38 PM
5. Support the right to self-custody of crypto.
6. Ban CBDC in the U.S.

What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?

Donald Trump's promises will not increase scams because he only promised to promote self-custody. This means people will be allowed to keep their coins in non-custodian wallets without restrictions. Celsius and FTX  bankruptcy was not as a result of self custody but centralized custodian services offered by these firms. So if Trump wants people to have the right to keep their coins, that's a good move towards decentralization.

Just checked unverified data from a website and discovered that close to 40% of Americans own crypto. This information might not be accurate, but a high number of US citizens support crypto. So Trump is targeting to gain the support of this crypto-friendly population.

The news that Bitcoin mining massively affects the environment negativity is mere propaganda to discredit the sector. Other activities have a massive effect on the environment than mining. I am sure that many US citizens are now aware that all the data on Bitcoin mining power consumption are overblown.

Politicians want to gather support from all the sectors of the country. Only the votes of the crypto community will not make him win elections. But it can add to the number of his votes which can make him elections.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: alani123 on May 27, 2024, 03:17:32 PM
5. Support the right to self-custody of crypto.
6. Ban CBDC in the U.S.

What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?

Donald Trump's promises will not increase scams because he only promised to promote self-custody. This means people will be allowed to keep their coins in non-custodian wallets without restrictions. Celsius and FTX  bankruptcy was not as a result of self custody but centralized custodian services offered by these firms. So if Trump wants people to have the right to keep their coins, that's a good move towards decentralization.
I am not gonna pretend that this is a democrat or republican issue because FTX and Celsius might have started under Trump but the Biden Admin had a lot of time to investigate them while they were in power and instead they just let them blow up on everyone's faces. So it's obvious that neither party is that serious about consumer protection in crypto. But at least under Biden the sec moved to enact some legislation.

I think if Trump goes into this sector with the mindset to cancel the already lackluster legislation then many people are going to have lots of trouble. Regulation is good to some extent. And for the most part already the legislation for financial institutions is very relaxed. In crypto it's not even applied for the most part.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Zanab247 on May 27, 2024, 04:06:43 PM
I guess Trump will make all those promises reality, if the opportunity be given to him to become U.S president because some of the things he promised are things that will make the U.S country to eliminate inflation that is disturbing people and businesses in the country, and if all those things come to reality, it will solve a lot of problems in the U.S country.

With this crypto promise, Trump made, do you think crypto users will not going to vote for him, they will vote for him because they know that Biden will not going to make such promises in his second tenure.

I believe Trump will win this election, because he have many things to use to campaign to win the hearts of the people and I have changed my mind to support trump base on the crypto donation promise he made during his campaign.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Three Millionth User on May 30, 2024, 06:45:19 PM
But at least under Biden the sec moved to enact some legislation.
Old candidates, new elections.

Anyone considering to vote for Biden should read the lyrics of her song WEX and consider if you want to vote for someone who is associating with someone like Cardi B.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Freeesta on May 30, 2024, 08:20:25 PM
Yes, judging by Trump’s words, one can come to the conclusion that Biden is not doing his job at all, because there is so much good that can be done for the people of America. But who knows what will happen when Trump comes to power, what if this was just his election program?

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Zoomic on May 31, 2024, 05:42:51 AM
Did you also get that part where he said he will be accepting donations for his campaign in cryptocurrency? ;D coming from a man who was never in support of cryptocurrency while he was president, what changed now?

Donald Trump is a very smart politician, he knows the cryptocurrency community has grown, hence the need to buy their support by telling them what they need to hear. His promises are so good to be true. Even though I sense hypocrisy, it will be a welcome development for the US government and the world at large if all these promises are kept. Politicians can be funny and difficult to be trusted, we just  drum support for the one that gives the best speech ;D


Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: TwitchySeal on June 01, 2024, 05:58:44 AM
Trump spoke at the Libertarian party national convention the other day and delivered some promises that are quite big for crypto.
1. A day one commutation of Ross Ulbricht ('s life imprisonment sentence.
2. Ban federal agent involvement in limitation of speech.
3. Cancel the "Green new deal".
4. Drill for even more oil.
5. Support the right to self custody of crypto.
6. Ban CBDC in the U.S.

Potentially even more promises flying left and right.

Personally it sounds like a bit much. I'd rather be some consumer protection regulation applied to crypto so no more Celsius and FTX scams can happen out of the U.S. and also much of the rest of the population doesn't like us crypto folk that much. A presidential candidate talking so favorably about crypto might be doing more damage to his campaign in general even if he gets the whole crypto crowd on this single issue. For example miners would be very pleased by the counter-environmental measures, but not everyone is a miner and many people in the US have been affected very badly from climate change also. And also Biden already increased drilling licenses too much. At some point there should be a reduction rather than the opposite as per what most people believe for the environment at least.

What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?

Anytime Trump says something honest, it's just a coincidence.

He's promising to free Ross when he's in front of a bunch of libertarians because he figures that's his best shot at getting their vote.

When he was in NH where they're having serious opioid problems he said he would make drug dealers and king pins with federal convictions eligible for the death penalty.

He'll do whatever is best for him, and the second the polls close the Libertarians will have 0 value to him.  Maybe someone with leverage will figure out how to get him to free Ross.  Or maybe he'll have Ross shipped to some place that's even worse than where he is now as revenge for the libertarians booing him off the stage.  (Or maybe he won't win the elections and Ross will get to meet him in person)

Only thing we know for sure is he won't cancel the green new deal because it was never adopted and he has no clue wtf a CBDC is.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Bushdark on June 01, 2024, 09:07:36 AM
For now Donald Trump is my favorite assistant and I want him to win because so many things has been going wrong in the United States.
This man need to be the president so that do many things need to be fixed and the Americans lives can matter again.
I am very certain that if Trump becomes the next president of the United States for the second term, he would become a good president and help to remove the current problems and the war between the Ukraine and Russia.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: AVE5 on June 04, 2024, 08:04:19 AM
I guess Trump will make all those promises reality, if the opportunity be given to him to become U.S president because some of the things he promised are things that will make the U.S country to eliminate inflation that is disturbing people and businesses in the country, and if all those things come to reality, it will solve a lot of problems in the U.S country.

With this crypto promise, Trump made, do you think crypto users will not going to vote for him, they will vote for him because they know that Biden will not going to make such promises in his second tenure.

I believe Trump will win this election, because he have many things to use to campaign to win the hearts of the people and I have changed my mind to support trump base on the crypto donation promise he made during his campaign.

On a sincere note, it's not an assurance that Trump could do all that being promised but a convince able side of it is that he'd do better than other candidates if he emerges victory with the way he has been emphasizing on the global economy system in projecting bitcoin and the rest crytop currencies as the tool to hedge the challenges.
If Biden couldn't be so upright to prioritize his electorial campaign on cryptocurrencies then if he resumes office it might be some conditional effects for crypto holders with series of inconveniences policies.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: target on June 04, 2024, 12:07:49 PM

The reality is that Trump is winning regardless of all the big promises he says that we know he can't guarantee to keep. People like him so even if he just does one among the hundreds he promised for crypto, all Trump will say is sorry.

There isn't even an assurance that he could stop the war, just one of the things he promised. Trump is the most popular in the world, I think whatever he says people will believe in him.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: moneystery on June 04, 2024, 03:01:56 PM
6. Ban CBDC in the U.S.

i don't think he will ban cbdc since it is a product of many central banks globally. because eventually, most central banks globally will launch their own version of cbdc and all of this will be integrated into one network and make transactions easier both nationally and internationally. and as far as i know, the president also has limited authority in this matter, because the fed is independent and the president cannot control the institution directly. but if trump wants to influence the fed's decision, he might be able to do so, but it will be risky for his image, and i doubt that he would want to do that.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: legiteum on June 04, 2024, 03:37:12 PM
Trump's other, even BIGGER promises, based on his written platform and his past behavior include:

1. Immediately deporting 5% of the American workforce, causing massive economic upheaval and requiring a gigantic new national police force.

2. Declaring abortion to be murder in all 50 states, and prosecuting doctors, women who have, or attempt to have abortions, and anybody who assists anybody in having an abortion in any way, including the financing of abortions or the financing of trips outside of the US, which will necessarily mean massive crackdowns on all forms of payment that can evade the police, most notably... Bitcoin.

3. Rampant, overt and fully accepted corruption. Trump famously pardoned criminals who ripped off is own supporters. Trump has shown that he sees the presidency the way any criminal would, e.g. as a way to make himself money. And the most lucrative thing for Trump himself and for his close associates would be the make Bitcoin illegal so he could replace it with a currency they personally own in full.

Bitcoin went up 500% under president Biden. Don't mess with success! What we need is stability so we can all keep going forward with our plans to expand the market, not massive change that will throw everybody's plans out the window.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on June 04, 2024, 04:31:12 PM

The reality is that Trump is winning regardless of all the big promises he says that we know he can't guarantee to keep. People like him so even if he just does one among the hundreds he promised for crypto, all Trump will say is sorry.

There isn't even an assurance that he could stop the war, just one of the things he promised. Trump is the most popular in the world, I think whatever he says people will believe in him.

I wouldn't say much but concur with you and  some vital news I do hear of him base on the facts that I don't reside there in US trump has gained popularity outside US love him, if not of some political exigency that kicked him out he would have continue, but still see his actions this time as medium to take back the seat , one thing we must keep to heart is that not all that proceeded out of the mouth of politician can be hold accountable but without been sentimental Trump will do more better even at point not fulfilling all his promises now in campaign.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: paxmao on June 05, 2024, 02:46:03 PM (

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: pawel7777 on June 07, 2024, 02:39:15 PM
I've seen some articles/videos speculating that support of of cryptocurrency investors (and there are millions of them in the US) could be a deciding factor in the upcoming presidential elections.
That's why Trump, who back in the days wasn't very enthusiastic towards Bitcoin (although I wouldn't say he was against it) has now become 100% pro-crypto.
It will be much harder for the Democrats and Biden to bring the crypto crowd on their side, given they were known for being outright hostile to the industry, with special mention to Elizabeth Warren, who, if I remember correctly, even proposed a tax on unrealised crypto-gains, which is insane.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: legiteum on June 07, 2024, 04:40:18 PM
I've seen some articles/videos speculating that support of of cryptocurrency investors (and there are millions of them in the US) could be a deciding factor in the upcoming presidential elections.
That's why Trump, who back in the days wasn't very enthusiastic towards Bitcoin (although I wouldn't say he was against it) has now become 100% pro-crypto.
It will be much harder for the Democrats and Biden to bring the crypto crowd on their side, given they were known for being outright hostile to the industry, with special mention to Elizabeth Warren, who, if I remember correctly, even proposed a tax on unrealised crypto-gains, which is insane.

Most people who want to take the secure route with their Bitcoin holders will vote for Biden. Trump promises massive change and disruption to the US economy, which will be bad for Bitcoin.

And no, Elizabeth Warren never proposed any sort of tax specifically on Bitcoin, nor would such a thing ever get anywhere near passing in the US Senate let alone Congress as a whole.

What Warren (and others) proposed is that Bitcoin and other cryptos be treated just like every other investment, which means that realized gains are taxed. Bitcoin does not deserve any special treatment by the government. Any Republican administration would want the same thing.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: BADecker on June 07, 2024, 07:29:35 PM
Another Trump promise is Social Security tax on employers and employees cut - Watch the video.


Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: alani123 on June 07, 2024, 08:50:44 PM
Funny, in the light of a potential Biden second term, Coinbase's CEO started a campaign called "Stand with crypto"...

Supposedly this is a collective effort to pressure the government to be more lenient on crypto and the regulation surrounding corporations in the space. Here it is:

Interestingly this has not been received well because Coinbase did not even bother to put in place any checks of humanity and the number shown is likely vastly exaggerated due to that. So the campaign has been relentlessly mocked and likely falls flat on its face in convincing anyone.
Like for example see below:

I doubt Biden is gonna take this particular campaign seriously. But he's well aware of the money and interests in crypto and surely might try to pander them a bit. All until enacting anti-mining regulation post election. So probably big crypto interests are gonna go with supporting a trump vote this election.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: BADecker on June 07, 2024, 09:13:47 PM
Trump's other, even BIGGER promises, based on his written platform and his past behavior include:

1. Immediately deporting 5% of the American workforce, causing massive economic upheaval and requiring a gigantic new national police force. - Some of the street people in LA and Frisco won't have any excuse for not going back to work.

2. Declaring abortion to be murder in all 50 states, and prosecuting doctors, women who have, or attempt to have abortions, and anybody who assists anybody in having an abortion in any way, including the financing of abortions or the financing of trips outside of the US, which will necessarily mean massive crackdowns on all forms of payment that can evade the police, most notably... Bitcoin. - But Trump also said that he would leave it up to the States. However, 60-million murdered people in America makes the whole country totally despicable in God's sight. If we get Trum, we have 4 more years of reprieve to move to a safer place before God destroys the whole country.

3. Rampant, overt and fully accepted corruption. Trump famously pardoned criminals who ripped off is own supporters. Trump has shown that he sees the presidency the way any criminal would, e.g. as a way to make himself money. And the most lucrative thing for Trump himself and for his close associates would be the make Bitcoin illegal so he could replace it with a currency they personally own in full. - This is a tiny thing, even if it is true. Biden's regime has caused the mass murder of foreign nations. Trump tried to get us out of wars in his first term. What do you want? There will always be trouble and corruption. Let's focus on getting rid of the big Biden corruption.

Bitcoin went up 500% under president Biden. Don't mess with success! What we need is stability so we can all keep going forward with our plans to expand the market, not massive change that will throw everybody's plans out the window.

Did you forget that Bitcoin reached the $65,000 range twice in the past? The reason why it went to $75,000 this time was because BTC ETF's were introduced to bring the US into the market that other countries were gobbling up because of their BTC ETF's.

None of this has to do with anything Biden did. But the failing economy is a direct result of the creation of new money sent to Ukraine.


Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Hispo on June 09, 2024, 12:37:28 AM

I doubt Biden is gonna take this particular campaign seriously. But he's well aware of the money and interests in crypto and surely might try to pander them a bit. All until enacting anti-mining regulation post election. So probably big crypto interests are gonna go with supporting a trump vote this election.

I think it would depend on whether his major donors are in Bitcoin or other alternative currencies. It is not a secret there have been a growth in the number of institutional investors and money managers. In the end, when it comes to American politics, donors have much weight in the regulation the elected candidates will take in consideration. and that is one of the most criticized aspects of how the politics works there in the United States.
Biden is a political and economical dinosaur, there is no doubt about it, he does not understand what Bitcoin is, as far as he knows it is something which cannot by controlled by the government and pollutes the environment, so in his agenda to stop it.
Trump could have more of an idea on what Bitcoin and decentralization is, but only to the extent it helps him to make more money and collect from his acolytes worldwide.
Nevertheless, I would indeed expect Trump to go softer on taxes to Crypto gains.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: legiteum on June 09, 2024, 03:48:38 AM

Nevertheless, I would indeed expect Trump to go softer on taxes to Crypto gains.

Gains are gains, regardless of what investment did it for you. There is not any distinction now between crypto gains and that from stocks or other investments, and I don't expect there ever will be. It would be too hard for them to figure out which is which, for starters (is the ETF a stock, or is it Bitcoin? [it's both]).

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: bluebit25 on June 09, 2024, 07:01:26 AM
(...)What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?

I have faith in Trump's promise, because I really feel like the term Trump has done is very much focused on his statements, but I also understand the issue of the race for the presidency promises may also be mentioned.

Although both Trump and Biden are the dominant players in the upcoming presidential position, in my opinion, no matter who becomes president, the change in strategies for the economy will be affected, and especially issues related to conflicts of many different regions.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: TwitchySeal on June 09, 2024, 01:17:57 PM
(...)What do you think of all this? Did Trump overpromise? Do you think these promises give him hope for winning the presidential race?

I have faith in Trump's promise, because I really feel like the term Trump has done is very much focused on his statements, but I also understand the issue of the race for the presidency promises may also be mentioned.

Although both Trump and Biden are the dominant players in the upcoming presidential position, in my opinion, no matter who becomes president, the change in strategies for the economy will be affected, and especially issues related to conflicts of many different regions.

I think it's time to update your AI.

Anyway, here are some of the promises Trump made but didn't keep during the 2016 campaign.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: BADecker on June 09, 2024, 02:39:38 PM
The interesting thing about the promises that Trump made for his first term is, he was able to keep a lot of them. These promises generally did good for the people of the United States.

Biden kept a lot of his promises, too. And look at the state of the nation, now.

Let's get Trump back so that we get some more of his good promises.

Check the good Trump did for the people, here -


Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: legiteum on June 09, 2024, 02:57:19 PM

Biden kept a lot of his promises, too. And look at the state of the nation, now.

Bitcoin went up 500% under Biden.

Post-covid inflation has been tamed and is almost back to normal.

Unemployment is at an all-time low.

The markets are stable and we're able to do business as normal.

I get that you need the USA to be terrible so your team to win, but the facts simply don't match that. No matter how hard to you try to make American into a hellhole, the fact is that things are pretty good right now, and they are getting better.

And yet Republicans want radical change--changing from the good times we're currently having to instability and turmoil.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: BADecker on June 09, 2024, 03:05:24 PM

Biden kept a lot of his promises, too. And look at the state of the nation, now.

Bitcoin went up 500% under Biden.

Post-covid inflation has been tamed and is almost back to normal.

Unemployment is at an all-time low.

The markets are stable and we're able to do business as normal.

I get that you need the USA to be terrible so your team to win, but the facts simply don't match that. No matter how hard to you try to make American into a hellhole, the fact is that things are pretty good right now, and they are getting better.

And yet Republicans want radical change--changing from the good times we're currently having to instability and turmoil.

Bitcoin went up from 0% long before Trump or Biden had anything to do with it. Note that, BTC hit $65,000 twice in the past, and dumped back down again.

There will always be some who thrive while others lose. All you need to do is go to a Trump rally sponsored by Blacks and Hispanics to see how the Biden Regime has failed them.


Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Zanab247 on June 09, 2024, 04:14:55 PM
Quote from: target

The reality is that Trump is winning regardless of all the big promises he says that we know he can't guarantee to keep. People like him so even if he just does one among the hundreds he promised for crypto, all Trump will say is sorry.
Donald Trump is a wealthy politician and he is capable to fulfill all his promises he has made so far when he resume the office, and if you can still remember some of the things he promised during his first tenure, he fulfilled all before Joe Biden took over from him.

With what Donald Trump has promise to do when he step into the office, I believe he will going to get plenty vote that will make him to win this election because all the crypto users will vote for him for the promise he made concerning the crypto adoption.
There isn't even an assurance that he could stop the war, just one of the things he promised. Trump is the most popular in the world, I think whatever he says people will believe in him.
You think, Donald Trump will not have the power or the influence to stop the war? As a president, if you cannot stop a war within a year show that people in the government office have hand in it, and it will not take Donald Trump few months to eliminate any thing that will make the war to continue from the country.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: alani123 on June 09, 2024, 09:32:45 PM
Trump has made a ton of promised and didn't mind to keep most of them but sith crypto and his promises on the matter I truly tend to believe that with some of them he will be honest to some extent because quick profit and de regulation, especially to serve large interests fit his style well.

So trump might as well de regulate crypto but this again would open up holes in consumer safety that allowed FTX to collapse in the first place. Not that Biden was better, but now it might become even worse.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: BADecker on June 10, 2024, 12:12:01 AM
^^^ Crypto is not regulated by government. It's certain activities of people that are regulated by government.

If you keep Bitcoin in a private wallet on your computer, and send some bitcoins privately to a friend, government doesn't regulate you. Test this by having 2 wallets on your computer, and by sending bitcoins back and forth between them. Government doesn't care.

It's when you do some of your transactions publicly that government has a duty to take a look at it... and regulate it to an extent.


Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: EluguHcman on June 18, 2024, 01:32:36 PM
My question is.... Does he really care that much that much and can he be able to fulfill all that social and media promises he is been speculating?
Well, we can't access the depths of his inner-being to know with assurance how much he really cares about what he promises and defends, but if I could make I guess, I would say he doesn't care at all, since it's all about saying what he has to say to conquer what he desires to conquer. We live in the era of moral relativism, which is dominated by sophists. For these people truth doesn't matter, rather what matters is to convince people anything can be true, depending what is more interesting to them on the present moment.

Politicians act lead by this guideline. What is true for him today, might not be tomorrow anymore.

Moreover, of course he isn't going to fulfill these promises he is sharing on social medias right now, because it doesn't depend fully on one individual to become reality. There is a legislative house approving and disapproving laws and regulations. There is a judiciary system which exercises high influence over the other levels of power (legislative and executive). There is a media enforcing its agendas as well.

Lots of personal interests are involved on the process of ruling a country, and all these interests are infected by moral relativism, where each individual wants his necessities supplied, without caring at all about others who are around. Therefore you can be assured that a politican making such promises is very naive or is very elusive and manipulative. As we know Trump isn't naive in anyways, I guess he must belong to the second category then...
It is al fact of personal interest in politics which you have just been outlined. So the politicians would always say whatever they want think they can just to convince the people by airing empty promises just to buy favour from the masses.

Actually the reason why politicians and the medias lies mostly is because the masses are not interested to hear the truth but want to hear what they wanted.
This became the origin of politicians with impossible promises even when knowing that even if they gets into power, there are legislated jurisdiction superceding the executive power and whatever implementation by the executive order has to be approved by a senatorial body that is to so .... Even when it Trump's might really mean to execute all those promises, he will need to pass through legislative law and if it is not approved then it all becomes impossible for him to fulfill his promises.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Hispo on June 18, 2024, 04:24:16 PM
.... Government doesn't care.

It's when you do some of your transactions publicly that government has a duty to take a look at it... and regulate it to an extent.

It seems to me the governments indeed care about it, otherwise they would not have tried to develop tracking tools and Blockchain analysis programs for them to be able to link the addresses of Bitcoin to specific individuals and institutions.
Also, by definition, all Transactions done through the use of the Bitcoin mainnet (Blockchain) are one hundred percent public, since anyone can look at the ledger and take a look on the addresses interacting with one another, if you decided to use some Bitcoin to tip a person, it would be public, for anyone who knows the basics of Blockchain browsing.

Title: Re: Trump's big promises
Post by: Majestic-milf on June 19, 2024, 07:48:53 AM

Confirmed con artist wouldn't lie, now wouldn't he?

Rememebr how he didn't pardon Assange or Snowden either, but Ulbricht, for some reason he would, even though Trump wouldn't pardon him in his last term? This time is different why? BEcause he wants to pander his voters and lie to them in order to get their votes?

And key to this would be freeing Ulbricht? You know, that same Ulbricht, that tried to have 5-6 people murdered, that run the infamous site for drug dealing?
Trump, who has openly urged death penalty for drug dealers would gave a shit about this guy? Right. It must be true then. Jesus people who believe him are gullible.

So i guess nr 1 and 2 goes to same category as effort to get people murdered goes under freedom of speech in his mind.
Maybe he's had a change of heart, don't you think? ;D..cut the guy some slack, he's trying to renew trust in himself from his followers and what other way to milk the public than to make insane promises even he knows he won't keep? The ways of politicians are dirty and you seldom can find any trutg in them?
 Remember when he was campaigning for presidential spot in 2016 where he made a promise to open up libel laws.. sheesh, the dude did nada. So what makes us feel he'd give Ross Ulbricht the time of day?
Infact you can check up on the list of things the guy didn't do when trying to come into power back then in 2016 and maybe we can compare it of they are similar to his actions now.  check here  (