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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Marvelockg on May 27, 2024, 10:11:37 AM

Title: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Marvelockg on May 27, 2024, 10:11:37 AM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Yatsan on May 27, 2024, 10:23:53 AM
Personally I prefer finding an investor. Well yes profit won't be as big as expected but at least it would be a safer option. Taking a loan would be a good thing if you really see huge potential to what you are trying to cook because it would be a gamble if you're pushing the risks up. If your investment won't generate enough to pay the interest then basically you are putting yourself in huge debt. This is why I believe finding an investor would at least balance risk and profit ratio, at least temporarily. Just depends on where you would be using the money actually. There are odds with taking a loan and same goes with finding an investor.

For example, you are aiming for a franchise. If that franchise has enough popularity and organic customer or client, then it would be fine taking a loan to start things up. But if it literally a start up, then you might consider the other option 'coz it will help you in all aspects; growing the business, and help with finances, bills, and capital.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Finestream on May 27, 2024, 10:57:27 AM
I would prefer to take the second option, find an investor who will finance your business idea and both of you will be business partners. This is actually a win-win situation because you are not going to lose any but only your time and efforts to your business, and as long as you are confident that your business idea will work and grow in the process, then the rate of success is higher.

However, if you want to solely run your business and suicide on taking a loan, I think that’s putting yourself and your business at a high risk. You will face bigger pressures instead, on making sure that your business will work so you can pay your loan, and on securing a back up plan where you will get your payment in case your business will fail which I believe has really high chances especially if the competition is stiff and you have not build yet a strong foundation of your business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Rruchi man on May 27, 2024, 11:27:42 AM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?
To get a loan, you need to have some kind of collateral that has some value for you to get a proper loan, and not every individual intending to start a business has that. But If it an investor, they can invest in you if they see your business plan as viable even without you having anything to give them yet.

An investor who you promise business returns periodically is a better choice than a bank loan.

On the other side of things if you intend to have a business where you are the sole owner who makes all the decisions without interference, a bank loan will be a better option because someone invests in your business means they have bought a share of your stock and to an extent they have an opinion in a decision making of your business. You will be lucky if you can get an investor who is not interested in poke nosing into the business, someone who is only interested in the profit you have promised them.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Zaguru12 on May 27, 2024, 11:49:43 AM

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

The option to take actual depends on the conditions given to you, firstly of all taking loan is the most risky thing to do most especially for a business that is just kick starting. The risk of the business collapsing and you haven to pay back the loan is the most worrisome factor in taking loan.
The reason why you even see lots of people going to take loan is because they don’t have anybody that wants to invest in them, so having this option is already a step ahead for them. Investors most at times comes with less risk and gives you more time than the loans.

My pick is seeking an investor but that depends on the conditions they take, most investors do not take liable of the risk in the business, they take far too much profits of the business and mostly leave the business runner with bearly nothing. So if the conditions too seems far too stretched then I would also abolish this and maybe seek out governments grants which are far better although very hard to get

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 27, 2024, 11:50:40 AM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

Investors don't really help out for a business to start, they are only interested in the expansion of the existing business model cause the chances of failing a new business startup is high compared to a start-up that exists already for a year.

Bank loan is the only choice now which is even more difficult if you don't have a good credit profile, collateral, and hundreds of documents.

There is another option which is partnership, if you have small capital like 1/10th of what you need then you can try to unite a group of 10 such people.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Reatim on May 27, 2024, 12:00:01 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?
Personally I would rather take a loan from a respected institution. All they will care about is whether I can pay back the loan or not and once it is all paid, they can finally leave me alone. It is much harder to make transaction with an actual person, in my opinion. They might also want to be involved in all decisions in the business which I would hate if it was all my idea in the first place.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Gozie51 on May 27, 2024, 12:14:27 PM

If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Well I don't believe that getting a loan is good for a new business rather it can be perfect for an already existing business because it already has market and customers from where the funds for both to service or repay the loan will be generated from. For a new business that has no coverage, patronage or customers, it will be difficult to grow with loan. Loan is suppose to be for already tasted business. However, some people try or risk it and survive but very few. So it is better to look for support and investors to build the new business because it will have no interest attached to the funds.

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

Both are good but to have a partner has to be with a special arrangements and agreement, best to be written down in black and white and the owner should have the larger part of capital which will give controlling right because the owner is the one that has the original dream of the business. If it is a business that can be started by personal savings then it is better to gradually build it.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Zlantann on May 27, 2024, 12:42:20 PM

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

My choice will depend on the conditions of the loan from the bank or the partner. Islamic Banks offer loans without interest which makes them attractive to business owners. Other bank's interest is so high that one might fall into debt if the business doesn't start making profits as projected.  Another problem of banks is that they also demand collateral, which some business owners don't have. One has to take all these into consideration before asking for loans.

Partnering with a sponsor will be a good idea, but it will also depend on the terms of the contract. If these partners are not greedy, it will be better to sign a deal with them instead of allowing the idea to die or become outdated. You just have to seek good legal advice to enable you to have an agreement that will favour you now and in the future.

Choosing any of these options has its consequences. Taking a loan from banks will make you bear the risk and gain alone. The partnership will make you share the gains and losses with your partner. So you have to consider which one that will be convenient. For me, I would prefer a partnership since I do not want to take business risks alone.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: WillyAp on May 27, 2024, 01:00:34 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Many ideas not good enough to scale or even realistic. Seed Money is good but every idea needs a plan in order to get it.
The person with the idea also has to in control of him/herself. No good to spend investment in cars and luxury and let developers do the rest for coffee and a bag of apples.

If you take a loan for the idea you signal to investors that you belief in your idea. That's a big plus.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 27, 2024, 01:45:57 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Currently, I have a business idea that requires about $50k, but I can't get a loan of such an amount from the bank because I will be required to provide sufficient collateral, which I have nothing much to offer unless I put my dad's house and my mom's business in line, and that's something I don't want to do. Although I have my own business, it's small, and I want a big company, which is what requires me to raise up to $50,000. If I can get serious investors and they agree with my terms for the percentage they will receive for some number of years, I will go with that option. If I can also get a low-interest loan from relative effort combined, that will also be cool. 

I can use a loan or investor money to start my business plan, depending on what is readily available and what makes me more comfortable. There are some loans you will take, and you will put yourself in some kind of mental trouble, especially if the business is not profitable as planned. 

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: rachael9385 on May 27, 2024, 01:53:44 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?
Personally I would rather take a loan from a respected institution. All they will care about is whether I can pay back the loan or not and once it is all paid, they can finally leave me alone. It is much harder to make transaction with an actual person, in my opinion. They might also want to be involved in all decisions in the business which I would hate if it was all my idea in the first place.
Using a loan money to start up a company is like a 50/50 deal and it's a bit risky also. One of the reasons I don't like using loan money for business service is because from the start of every new company, customers aren't coming in as excepted because you are just starting, and it takes months for people to know the company and also know the kind of service they renders. And loan money always comes with interest and if you want to do business with the loan money the interest will double up because everyone who's rendering loan to others believes that people who comes for loan fi start up company/businesses want to use their money to start up life, so most of them gives the loan with a risky condition and big interest so that if you as the loan collector starts the business you will take more time for you to pay back the loans and in every month interest increases. So for me I thinks that the best way is getting the am investors who can invest well on your company and you also make sure to do an agreement with them for a specific year.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: naira on May 27, 2024, 02:03:51 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.
What I do when I want to develop a business is to consider it over a long period of time. However even after a long period of time, I am still trying to develop this business personally, meaning that before making a decision to borrow or get funds from investors, the guaranteed thing is to find the weaknesses of this business and fix them completely in order to minimize losses. For example: I have a local craft business that is only able to meet demand in the nearest area, so I was given 3 months to work on it completely, evaluating any gaps, quality of goods, abundant supply of raw materials, everything must be checked carefully. The aim is that in the future, if production is expanded, all the materials needed will not experience problems such as a shortage of raw materials amidst high demand. This will create a stock of goods that is ready to be distributed on an ongoing basis with market demand that is truly able to meet it.

As for the involvement of third parties, for me there is no problem, whether you want to borrow or receive funds from investors, as long as you are able to carry out this according to a structured plan, there will be no obstacles in sharing profits.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: bittraffic on May 27, 2024, 02:34:52 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

You just said it's difficult to get a loan and even investors to power up a business. Both are hard to get with the kind of economy today. If you get investors, those guys are going to knock on your door now and then to ask whether you are doing your job because they are eager to profit. While if you also have a loan, it could be a heavy burden for you.

Little by little must be the way. And when you see the business is already working that's the time you may seek investors.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: moneystery on May 27, 2024, 02:47:02 PM
if at the start, it's better to get investment directly compared to a loan, that's because if you get investors then the money they invest can become capital and you won't have the responsibility to pay that capital, you just need to develop your company and provide results. according to what you promised. while on a loan, you need to pay it on time and there is a greater responsibility that you need to pay when you get a loan, not to mention you need to pay interest which is a burden.

because of this, it is better for me to be able to get investors in the early days of building a company, rather than a loan. but that doesn't mean a loan isn't needed, it's just that it's needed when your company is already getting stable income and you want to intend to grow the company bigger with your own resources.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Jawhead999 on May 27, 2024, 02:54:04 PM
If you think taking a loan from banks is hard since the borrower need to agree with so many strict terms, but I'm 100% believe looking for investors that want to invest in your start-up is way way way more harder than taking a loan from banks.

Let's say you're an investor, there will be a lot people reach you and ask you to fund them, but how you can be so sure if those people who run the start up aren't scammers? how you can be sure you will earn profit like their promise? you might not want to invest in someone project because you think it's better to invest in Bitcoin or your own business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Maus0728 on May 27, 2024, 02:57:20 PM
The issue with having an investor is that they will definitely try and meddle with your business decisions, that's why you don't see a lot of small entrepreneurs trying to get in with the investor way of growing their business because that's one of the causes and if the investors try to pull out their share, they might cause damage to your business. I guess it's a matter of which business are you, a big business or a small one because one can benefit a business if they're properly in the right place.

If you've got a good business and you know that a growth is what you'll need, I think that you'd benefit a lot with loans because that's basically making sure that you're doubling your profits as quick as possible.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Dunamisx on May 27, 2024, 03:16:24 PM
I will not advise for someone starting up a new business to take a loan for it, that is a bad way of starting, instead they can learn to earn and have or build up a start up capital for themself than borrowing, but the option of getting an investor is also not a bad idea in this regards, but when we have gotten one, we must be able to ensure that the terms and conditions involved are what we can comply with, lastly, we must not disappoint our investors by having a failure in what we do, so its a must that the business must be productive.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Smack That Ace on May 27, 2024, 03:27:56 PM
Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?

Both options you offer have pros and cons.

To be able to attract investors and receive their investment, you first need to have a unique business idea and I think this is much more difficult than getting a loan to start a business. But in return, if you successfully raise capital, you will minimize risks because you only spend effort and time, and almost no money is lost. Meanwhile, borrowing capital will become easier than raising capital because you can be more proactive without depending on others. But borrowing capital requires collateral and will have higher risks if your business idea is not as successful as expected.

Honestly, if it were me, I wouldn't rush to think about this, what I'm more concerned about is whether my business idea is truly unique to make a difference or not because creating a unique idea is not an easy thing that a normal person can do.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Casdinyard on May 27, 2024, 03:28:57 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
I say both are pretty much the same, but having a really strong angel investor behind your business/enterprise is going to do you a lot more favors than getting that loan check from the bank. Why? A couple of reasons really.

1. Added confidence among stakeholders and customers: Having a good angel investor with an established name in the industry you're in is going to put a lot of confidence to your business and product, people will think you know your shit because if this guy's in your back, you're technically as good as they come and you have a lot of potential/authenticity in your name.

2. Connections. One of the biggest things you would really need in business, no matter what type of industry you're in is getting connections to the biggest people in your field. Having a trusted angel investor not only entails money and support, but also putting your name up with their friends/connections who could expand your breadth and make your business/enterprise bigger than it is. After all, they most likely have a stake at your business, and would want to see it flourish and evolve cause that's their money on the line.

3. Lighter interest rates and terms. Businesses can be very flimsy sometimes, and this is where banks could fuck you over. Your business is down and you still owe them money? Not their problem, you still have to pay them the capital plus the interests rates. With angel investors however, you can try to negotiate the terms and see if you could have a more flexible type of plan with them, most of these investors would say no and will be on a take it or leave it situation, but that's way better than an upfront "no" from the bank per se.

So yeah, these are just a few reasons why I would always go for an angel investor rather than a bank. Maybe you guys have something to pitch or disagree with me on, just reply and perhaps further expand my knowledge considering I'm not really a business type guy.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: topbitcoin on May 27, 2024, 05:32:08 PM
Speaking of circumstances, I don't have any luxury items, lots of land or buildings that can be used as collateral to take out a loan from the bank. and if I have to take out a loan from a savings and loan cooperative, apart from being small the interest given is also quite high, and if I start a business using a loan from a cooperative it seems like it will only be burdensome and difficult. .

So another alternative so that I can still realize what I plan, working with investors seems better than deciding to take out a loan. Although it is true that finding investors who want to work with us is not easy and requires quite a long process. However, by getting funds from investors, we don't need to worry about paying back high-interest loans. Investors are usually rewarded with a share of the business's profits, rather than a fixed monthly payment. Getting investors means we have partners in business. which of course can open up many new opportunities and support the growth of our business more than just the funds provided.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Iroh on May 27, 2024, 06:00:12 PM
It would surely seem better on getting someone to invest in your startup than looking to the bank for a loan to startup. Loans require a collateral in equivalent to the sum being borrowed and asides all that, you startup has to look and feel promising to the bank in order for your loan to be approved. No bank would invest money in a business that they feel is bound to fail.

Same goes with an investor. I personally think while it’s better to source for an investor, it would be quite easier to acquire a loan from the bank for your startup. Like banks, investors aren’t necessarily going to put their monies into just any project especially a startup that is just coming off.
I would think they’re more likely to put their monies into something that has already started and is looking promising.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: avikz on May 27, 2024, 06:00:47 PM
I will prefer an investor and a mentor to join my startup rather than borrowing money from Banking institutions. Borrowed money needs to be repaid and banks will not support you in your business. An investor will not ask for loan repay, rather he will make money when you make money and suffer losses when you suffer losses.

But the twist here is that getting loan is easier than getting an investor. But with the growing startup ecosystem around the world, it's not too difficult either.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Alpha Marine on May 27, 2024, 07:09:52 PM
For me getting an investor is the best of the two. One simple reason is that if a business fails you still have to pay the the loan taken, but with an investor, you both share the loss. Losing a business and having so much debt to pay afterwards is a very difficult place to come out of.
Also, the amount of money you'll get from the investor(s) you'll most likely not get from a loan. Financial institutions won't want to fund the whole of your business, it's too much of a risk. They'll either give you part of the money or none at all.

Besides, I always wonder why people are opposed to getting investors for their businesses. If you really want that business to be as big as you want, you're going to sell shares eventually because you'll need those capitals from somewhere, so why be scared of a third party?

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: GideonGono on May 27, 2024, 11:06:14 PM
Investor would be the safer choice, business is so risky we don't even know if it would be successful or not, so it is better to be safe in finding investor at least the amount of money that you would risk would be lessen, unlike if you would take a loan for it.
If it succeed then the profit isn't much as like when you are the only one in the business, but you could always start a new one from your profit right away, unlike if you took a loan and it succeed you need to pay up first before starting up a new one not to mention the interest that would accumulate while paying it.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Wexnident on May 27, 2024, 11:08:33 PM
Probably getting an investor? They're a lot more flexible compared to a loan in a financial situation and you can adjust as well as long as both parties agree, which means you can probably get better advantages compared to taking a loan from institutions. Plus, an investor is a connection as well so going from there towards their connections then towards the connections of those connections, you'd basically be starting a way for you to grow your own network.

Not that investors don't have their own downsides though. They can be a petty ass afaik.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: tsaroz on May 27, 2024, 11:15:34 PM
If I have a good idea and a will to do it and I believe I'll succeed in it, I'd go for a loan. The problem with getting an investor is I won't have full control over how I operate the startup. The investor might tell us they won't interfere and we are continue with the work but sooner or later, the investor would want ROI.
If I really believe in the idea and is scalable, I'll be committing on scaling it to as large as possible to tap the market. A good idea with limited market would soon get too many competition. Not scaling would lose your headstart and competitiveness. That makes loan a much better option but the problem with loan is its hard to get, specially when you are a startup and don't have a large collateral.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: X-ray on May 28, 2024, 01:57:09 AM
if you are newbie at building startup probably you should seek investor, why? because by having investor you also have better connections, better networking that could help you boost the growth of your startups, lets be frank here.
newbie at building startup usually just don't have something of significance to start with unless you're born with gold spoon then its gonna be difficult road ahead.
these investors could give you heads up, probably some of them even could be your mentor, because they are in the same boat as you wanted to see your thrive because they also betted their money on you, then big chance that they will also help you.
meanwhile if you took a loan just because you want to keep all the shares for you just because you don't have that idea to share the ownership of the startup with other people then you should know that its not gonna be easy.
there are so many scenarios where things can go wrong including your startup further tanks and you are in need to pay the debt while having absolutely nothing to your name.

but if you're so sure that you gonna make fortune with your startup getting a loan can be taken into consideration.
otherwise its just a big no no, many things can go wrong, not all startup will succeed what are the odds of your startup being that 10% remaining startup that gain success and foothold while lacking in various area.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: peter0425 on May 28, 2024, 02:00:57 AM
I wouldn't mind having another set of brains to help me propel the business forward. I think finding an investor that has credibility and knowledge about my field of business can be nothing but helpful. They would obviously want what is best for the business as their money is also at stake here. With this in mind, I am sure we can create a good and professional relationship together that could make the business succeed.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: ancafe on May 28, 2024, 05:14:40 AM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
This is a problem faced by many people because even though they have ideas and the ability to develop a business, not having capital support will prevent them from developing. Taking a loan is not a problem if you want to develop a business because we know that this decision must be made, and on the other hand, looking for capital support from investors will be a much more difficult burden. Taking money from investors would be very risky because from what I have seen, taking this opportunity will only make things worse when we work together to share profits.

I personally prefer to run a business on my own and if the business potential has long-term prospects, it would be much better to seek capital loans rather than expecting funds from investors. Third parties will always create problems in the future because when our business runs well there will be problems and it could be that they intend to control the business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: blckhawk on May 28, 2024, 05:27:27 AM
Loan would be better in my opinion but the best one is saving enough money so we can have some capital for when we want to create our start up, that way, it would reduce the amount of money that we're going to loan when we're planning to do it, less money to pay back and more money for yourself if the start up is a success. Regarding investors, maybe you can ask your parents or closest friends to chip in but a stranger investor is going to be a big no in my opinion.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: dothebeats on May 28, 2024, 06:13:48 AM
If I believe that my business idea and foundations are rock-solid, I would go the route of asking for a loan to fund my business and try to work out my interest rates/payment plan that will benefit me in the long run. I would gather investors later when I have established my business since my credentials are already established, and I have a working business where my investors can base their decisions on. The more figures I make, the more investors will come in to support my business and its expansion.

While it's not wrong to ask for investors early on, it's hard to really get them to agree into putting funds when they are not seeing any numbers. It's 100% risk on them and lessens the risk on you, hence it will be difficult to get them jump into a boat without knowing its foundations and whether it's going to sail far or sink fast.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: harapan on May 28, 2024, 06:41:00 AM
I would prefer to take the second option, find an investor who will finance your business idea and both of you will be business partners. This is actually a win-win situation because you are not going to lose any but only your time and efforts to your business, and as long as you are confident that your business idea will work and grow in the process, then the rate of success is higher.

However, if you want to solely run your business and suicide on taking a loan, I think that’s putting yourself and your business at a high risk. You will face bigger pressures instead, on making sure that your business will work so you can pay your loan, and on securing a back up plan where you will get your payment in case your business will fail which I believe has really high chances especially if the competition is stiff and you have not build yet a strong foundation of your business.
If not the difficulties that people have in raising money for their businesses,why would someone even consider to take a loan to start up a business.Its very risky for you and the business entirely.
The only advantage it has over you is that it helps you to start the journey;it helps you get started,and the excitement that it puts you into can make you forget about the conditions involved in it.
Personally I think its best to start a business with no debts and loans,if you borrow to start a business,you'll loose what you don't have.

I can say it is not wrong to start a business by borrowing or making a loan, but you need to think about the risks involved.The risks you'll face becomes a failure in the business already at its first stage.Start with what you have,encourage yourself,build it,seek advice's from financial experts and be in charge of your success.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on May 28, 2024, 10:38:24 AM
Firstly, you must understand that your idea is so unique that investors may also approve it, and getting a loan would not be a problem for you. For me, both are the same. Not a single competent investor will invest money in a business that is lost in advance, and if so, then you will remain in debt to him. So what's the difference? By taking out a loan, you will independently go through all stages of business development, step by step. Yes, it is slow, but for the investor, you will have to regularly provide results, which also does not seem convenient. The main thing, I believe, is the idea, its uniqueness, or originality, and your environment, connections with which you have provided yourself should be so diverse that your business can withstand all the unexpected.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: davis196 on May 28, 2024, 10:43:54 AM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

1.Usually 99% of the people, who think that they have "an incredible business idea" are fooling themselves and their "incredible business idea" kinda sucks.
2.Usually a big percentage of the people, who actually start a business around their "incredible idea" end up failing.
Getting a loan means that you take all the risk for you business, while getting an investor to buy shares of your company means that the investor will also take a part of the risk. The second option is better, but I don't see any small businesses outside the Silicon Valley getting funding from investors. Investing in startups is an extremely risky business, since most startups fail in the first 3 to 5 years of their existence.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: passwordnow on May 28, 2024, 10:58:38 AM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option
It depends on how huge your business idea is but you know what's the best thing to do? it's always to test the waters. Start small and that's it. You don't have to go with seeking funding on an instant just because you have a great idea. Ideas are there but the application of it and doing all the task and growing it is another thing. Start small with the least that you can put on that business. And if you're fortunate to grow it, you already have the results and investors will have no doubt investing to you because you have what it takes for you to grow their money as well through your business funding.

can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
This is only going to work if your business is already big and you already made a system that keeps you generating money and you can easily manage people. But as a start up, I wouldn't bring someone who's just there to contribute money. I want someone to contribute even with little money but mostly to the business itself and has got something to offer for the growth of it. IMO, it's not just always about the money but if you can handle to have onboarded with these kinds of people on your start up, you go ahead. Or might just find an angel investors that will also involve themselves to the business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: jaberwock on May 28, 2024, 03:02:01 PM
If you think taking a loan from banks is hard since the borrower need to agree with so many strict terms, but I'm 100% believe looking for investors that want to invest in your start-up is way way way more harder than taking a loan from banks.

Let's say you're an investor, there will be a lot people reach you and ask you to fund them, but how you can be so sure if those people who run the start up aren't scammers? how you can be sure you will earn profit like their promise? you might not want to invest in someone project because you think it's better to invest in Bitcoin or your own business.
A lot of people hesitate to invest in BTC thinking it won't grow up huge anymore. This is the advantage of investing in a start-up project, although the catch is the risk is also a bit higher.

We can only do some practice to enhance our chance like ask for a whitepaper or roadmap of their project, for us to know that there is truly a project that they are working on and they must prove that the documents was theirs because it's also easy to grab someone else work online. As for loaning money, we must realized that there are plenty of platforms or companies who are now offering it. We can always opt for them if we are having a hard time applying inside the banks.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: michellee on May 28, 2024, 03:41:34 PM
I prefer to use my money first for startups. After my business starts running and growing, I may think about getting a loan to develop my business. But as much as possible, I will not borrow money from third parties.

That's because I think about how hard it is to pay back the loan every month. Business will not always increase and sometimes business will look stagnant and not move at all because of competition. That's why if you want to get a loan to start a business, you have to think about it first.

We should start from the capital we have so we don't think about loan problems. Many people fail in running their businesses because they have difficulty paying their loans. But if you are confident in what you are doing, you can still get a loan.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: angrybirdy on May 28, 2024, 04:04:04 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

if there is an opportunity or an acquaintance who can be found to invest in the business we plan to do, let's not miss that chance and try to give a proposal, also make sure that the business you are planning is feasible so that they will be more interested in investing, but if we don't know anyone or can find anyone to invest, there is nothing wrong if we get a loan to use to build the business we want to do but it is risky because you are the only one liable to pay the money you borrow and of course the business will start , it is possible that there will be a big adjustment so it won't be that fast before the money you borrowed is returned.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: knowngunman on May 28, 2024, 05:03:12 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

If I have a well thought out business idea which I think is very genuine, getting a loan will not be a bad idea and as well, looking for an interested investor will also not be bad either but before taking the loan I will have to consider the terms and conditions been set by the loan giver whether it is what I will be able to cope with, if I can not cope with the terms and conditions or the interest rate, I will switch back to an investor who has like business idea as mine. However, the whole thing depends on someone's location because here in my place, no one will be interested to risk their money on your theory ideas as an investment. In such cases, loan will be the best option if one is ready to face whatever the outcome might be eventually.

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

Trying to start up the business with your own little effort will elongate the process and someone with a reasonable capital might steal and takeover that idea from you if care is not taken. I know it takes process to build an investment or any business but if the second option is available, I will definitely go for the second option and kickstart the business with a force. If the agreed percentage with someone ready to provide the capital is favorable, I will gladly accept. Providing capital for a business idea not your own is a risk that not everyone would like to venture into. If someone agrees to partner with me, I will go for that than to try to start with a little beginning.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: 0t3p0t on May 28, 2024, 05:12:39 PM
Personally I prefer finding an investor. Well yes profit won't be as big as expected but at least it would be a safer option. Taking a loan would be a good thing if you really see huge potential to what you are trying to cook because it would be a gamble if you're pushing the risks up. If your investment won't generate enough to pay the interest then basically you are putting yourself in huge debt. This is why I believe finding an investor would at least balance risk and profit ratio, at least temporarily. Just depends on where you would be using the money actually. There are odds with taking a loan and same goes with finding an investor.

For example, you are aiming for a franchise. If that franchise has enough popularity and organic customer or client, then it would be fine taking a loan to start things up. But if it literally a start up, then you might consider the other option 'coz it will help you in all aspects; growing the business, and help with finances, bills, and capital.
Agree. Too risky to get a loan if failure is inevitable since it's a start up business it needs trial and error to assess whether it's worth it to continue or notbecause here in my place a lot of businesses have failed for some reasons and what's interesting is that they use loan money for that and since it is a loan then it needs to be repaid and that's when they take another loan again and again and again. Option two would be better as investors will decide if your business is worth it to invest in and of course since you are looking for investors then I assume that you are ready enough to take risks and stuff to take advantage of the opportunities.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: el kaka22 on May 28, 2024, 06:33:52 PM
Finding an investor isn't always an "option" for many people. I mean I had so many business ideas before, just going around asking people to give you their hard earned money, for % of just your idea makes no sense. You ask them to pay you for your idea and that is just idea nothing more.

This is why most people can't find a way to get investors, since they have no working product to show. In that situation, most of them do not even look for a loan neither, they could ask for a loan from a bank, but they do not trust themselves, I didn't, that is why they get nothing. But if I know that something will make me some money, then I guarantee you that I would just straight up look for something like a loan, if possible for a long term, it would be a lot better.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 28, 2024, 06:51:55 PM
Finding an investor isn't always an "option" for many people. I mean I had so many business ideas before, just going around asking people to give you their hard earned money, for % of just your idea makes no sense. You ask them to pay you for your idea and that is just idea nothing more.

This just reminds me of another thread which is like I have so many ideas to become rich but I don't know how to do it and that's actually the problem we have to make everything right to achieve what we want to and in the financial journey getting capital is going to be hell for someone who doesn't have financial support from their family side. As I mentioned previously even if you made up your mind and getting loan still it is not going to be easy cause bank doesn't give loan to everyone especially for startups until they get some valid collateral as assurance so in that case od default they get something to seize and recover their lend amount.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Hamphser on May 28, 2024, 08:37:15 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
When trying out to materialize an idea that you do have in mind but you dont have that capital to start then speaking on physical world then you could potentially be that finding some potential investor but its not something that easy as it sounds on which you would really be needing to provide everything about the business and overall. This could really be done also in online but the main issue on online is that
you cant really be easily to find someone to invest into something that they cant be able to see nor having that kind of assurance or security of their funds. So it would really be having that better odds or chance on getting some investor on offline or physical but just like been said that its not something that would really be easy. You would be needing to prove out everything.

On the moment that there's someone who didnt been able to tend to invest then this is where you would be considering yourself on taking up a loan. It would be your last resort
and of course risks management is needed whether it would be something that worth the risks or not.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Fortify on May 28, 2024, 08:41:15 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

It depends what you're after really and how accessible funds are to you in particular. Banks are often quite skeptical and protective about lending large sums of money on untested ideas. If you went to them with just a plan on paper, you'd be lucky to get offered a loan but the rates would be extremely high too - if you're asking for say $50k+. If you go with an established business that just needs a bit more capital with a solid expansion plan in place, you'd probably be better going for a loan as you won't have to surrender any equity. If you get an outside investor, you're likely to have to give up a portion of the ownership, in the form of shares, as a trade - along with paying back all the borrowed capital and having a believable business plan too.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: bSpend on May 28, 2024, 10:33:18 PM

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
This is a very tricky one to be honest, but I think a smart way to look and answer this question is to first consider the type of business in question.

It is impotant for us to understand that business ideas are categorized, and what determines whether a business idea needs a loan or investors depends on the category of the idea, there are businesses an individual can manage or run successfully, this type of business need loan.
But a business an individual can not run alone, but needs alot of hands and ideas to come together to ensure success of the business, this one requires investors, and this type of businesses usually evolve to become a big company in the future.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: ancafe on May 29, 2024, 03:04:41 AM
This is a very tricky one to be honest, but I think a smart way to look and answer this question is to first consider the type of business in question.
Business mitigation is important so that when making the decision to take out a loan we don't have problems in the future and we must understand the business we want to run.

It is impotant for us to understand that business ideas are categorized, and what determines whether a business idea needs a loan or investors depends on the category of the idea, there are businesses an individual can manage or run successfully, this type of business need loan.
But a business an individual can not run alone, but needs alot of hands and ideas to come together to ensure success of the business, this one requires investors, and this type of businesses usually evolve to become a big company in the future.
On a small or large scale, we don't need third party investors to run the business, as long as we have capital that we can use. Unless the scale in question requires the support of other documents such as permits which are difficult to obtain, so in conditions like this we need another party as a person who is able to take care of all needs. Business ideas have a level of success and it must be seen according to our ability to develop.

I think we need to make mitigations and plans for the business we run so that when we want to make a move we know what steps to take. There are many business people who fail because they don't understand the business they are running so they are unable to see the adjustment steps to achieve success.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: barisbilgili on May 29, 2024, 03:54:43 AM

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
This is a very tricky one to be honest, but I think a smart way to look and answer this question is to first consider the type of business in question.

It is impotant for us to understand that business ideas are categorized, and what determines whether a business idea needs a loan or investors depends on the category of the idea, there are businesses an individual can manage or run successfully, this type of business need loan.
But a business an individual can not run alone, but needs alot of hands and ideas to come together to ensure success of the business, this one requires investors, and this type of businesses usually evolve to become a big company in the future.
In my opinion, this is more appropriate, because it is not always the right path to take in all things, as well as in terms of building a business, it could be that we are able to do it ourselves or have to work with a handful of groups, so in terms of boosting the business, sometimes we also need investors or in certain businesses we only need loans.
I think it all depends on how big or small the business is and because it can also calculate the risk so if we are able to face the risk then taking a loan is not a bad thing.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: adaseb on May 29, 2024, 04:42:47 AM
Most start ups would rather get loans but the problem is that most banks don’t want to lend out money to start ups because a large percentage of them fail and when it fails they don’t get their money back.

Getting a loan for an old business is different because those actually generate profits right away. Say somebody getting a loan to finance a McDonald’s location. That is pretty low risk to the bank. But a start up is completely different because it’s an idea which might not pan out.

So they have no choice but to get investors and sell them some equity in the business. It’s because the investor is taking a huge risk in lending out money.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: OrangeII on May 29, 2024, 05:07:09 AM
Yes, both are very important things. Personally, I wouldn't want to build a business on loans, but if that was the choice, I would probably part with the money for development and attracting investors. After all, both are very important things. In fact, when we have developed a startup, I don't think it would have been successful without investors in it. However, attracting investors without a startup, I think it will be difficult to convince investors that this can be a very good project. However, it is too risky to borrow money for just one of them. It's best if you borrow money, think about how the startup can run, and have money left over to attract investors.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: wxa7115 on May 29, 2024, 06:48:22 AM

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
The bold part is why it is way better to get an investor over taking a direct loan, an investor will not only bring with him the money needed to make your idea a reality, they will bring expertise you do not have and a bunch of contacts you can use to make your idea grow.

Now it is true that you will have to give a significant portion of your business away, but taking into account that without their money and expertise your business idea may remain an idea forever, I think this is a fair trade.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: shield132 on May 29, 2024, 08:18:12 AM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
Loan interest is very high too in my region and for that reason, many people were unable to pay the credit that they have taken and ended with giving up on their business idea while having to pay the debt for years.
Banks have their place in business but for new businesses started by regular people, banks aren't the great choice because they are too risky for regular people. If you find an investor and business goes wrong, you aren't forced to pay the debt to an investor, the financial loss is on the investor but on the other hand, if a business succeeds, you will have to share the profit with the investor. If you use a bank, all profit stays with you but you carry all the responsibility too and most of the time it's very hard to pay the debt that a failed business leaves. I would choose to get an investor every day. Besides financial support, you get new connections and meet new people.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: kingvirtus09 on May 29, 2024, 08:46:29 AM
It depends on the person. If he has a business that he wants to build and knows that it is very small, it is better to just get a loan and use the loan to start the business that you want, because we are the only real ones. Who knows if we can really turn the business around or grow it?

Now, if you are worried about turning it around properly just because you heard that the business is good or trending now, I think it is better to find a business partner or investor; he is the capitalist, and you are the one who will manage the business, and it is in agreement with you where you agree.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Bobrox on May 29, 2024, 09:03:27 AM
Personally I prefer finding an investor. Well yes profit won't be as big as expected but at least it would be a safer option. Taking a loan would be a good thing if you really see huge potential to what you are trying to cook because it would be a gamble if you're pushing the risks up. If your investment won't generate enough to pay the interest then basically you are putting yourself in huge debt. This is why I believe finding an investor would at least balance risk and profit ratio, at least temporarily. Just depends on where you would be using the money actually. There are odds with taking a loan and same goes with finding an investor.

For example, you are aiming for a franchise. If that franchise has enough popularity and organic customer or client, then it would be fine taking a loan to start things up. But if it literally a start up, then you might consider the other option 'coz it will help you in all aspects; growing the business, and help with finances, bills, and capital.
For start up business better finding an investor than taking loan but not easy how to make investor believing with our start up business, need time and hard work progress to make an investor believing and want to invest their money. I think looking forward with start up business progress if has bigger ratio to earn much profitable in the future is not problem getting loan behind difficult to find an investor. In other side, has relationship with an investor we must spending profitable with them depend on agreement release usually around 50% for investor and left 50% for the start up business owner.

For me, prefer taking loan and earn fully profit for my self than finding an investor and must spending our profitable with them continues until how long our start up business running. You want to earn 100% profitable for your self its better looking for loan but want to spending profit of your start up business looking for investor support.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: arwin100 on May 29, 2024, 09:04:46 AM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
Loan interest is very high too in my region and for that reason, many people were unable to pay the credit that they have taken and ended with giving up on their business idea while having to pay the debt for years.
Banks have their place in business but for new businesses started by regular people, banks aren't the great choice because they are too risky for regular people. If you find an investor and business goes wrong, you aren't forced to pay the debt to an investor, the financial loss is on the investor but on the other hand, if a business succeeds, you will have to share the profit with the investor. If you use a bank, all profit stays with you but you carry all the responsibility too and most of the time it's very hard to pay the debt that a failed business leaves. I would choose to get an investor every day. Besides financial support, you get new connections and meet new people.

Hard to risk something using a money that we loan that's why for me this is not advisable to do especially if we are just starting up since we might fall down with that knowing that we need to pay our loaned amount on the agreed timeline with huge interest with it. That's why its good to have a open minded investor which is open up on everything and know the risk of what he's trying to enter. But also if the investor is greedy and doesn't know about there's a chance that you might fail then maybe you will get an issue with them. That's they make sure to have clear written agreement on the contract and be transparent of everything so that the investor would know about certain possibilities that they might face. But for sure they will not go on risky idea so we should offer something unique and useful so that we can catch their attention and success rate will go high so that we will be happy and the investor could gain something in return.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: CryptoBuds on May 29, 2024, 09:10:17 AM

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
The bold part is why it is way better to get an investor over taking a direct loan, an investor will not only bring with him the money needed to make your idea a reality, they will bring expertise you do not have and a bunch of contacts you can use to make your idea grow.

Now it is true that you will have to give a significant portion of your business away, but taking into account that without their money and expertise your business idea may remain an idea forever, I think this is a fair trade.

But I think convincing someone to believe in your idea and be willing to invest in you is extremely difficult compared to borrowing money and implementing that idea yourself. If you think you can leverage their expertise and relationships to make your business a reality, you need to pitch them an idea that is unique enough and commensurate with what they bring to you. Otherwise, no stupid investor will invest money in you and give you everything they have while you don't have anything special that they need. Not to mention, in case you have to depend on them for capital and you also depend on them for expertise and relationships, the profits you earn will certainly not be significant.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Yaqs15 on May 29, 2024, 12:42:47 PM
If I have a good idea and a will to do it and I believe I'll succeed in it, I'd go for a loan. The problem with getting an investor is I won't have full control over how I operate the startup. The investor might tell us they won't interfere and we are continue with the work but sooner or later, the investor would want ROI.
If I really believe in the idea and is scalable, I'll be committing on scaling it to as large as possible to tap the market. A good idea with limited market would soon get too many competition. Not scaling would lose your headstart and competitiveness. That makes loan a much better option but the problem with loan is its hard to get, specially when you are a startup and don't have a large collateral.
Freedom matters a lot for a responsible person. when I choose to go for a bank loan, I have the full support and control over it. I'm aware of the huge risks that are involve in going for a bank loan, if going for a loan will be more accessible and you have good ideas of what you are about to do with it, better take it and have the control and freedom.
If you are afraid of risk taking, those who take it will hire you to work for them.
So if I have technical ethics and business ethics, i will rather go for a loan.
But if you are afraid of taking risk and that is what will stop you from going for loan, then ask your investors if he or she has ever taking risk, that is loan? the answer will be capital Yes!! if that should be the case, then why can't you do same?
The entire life is all about ups and downs but when you don't quit, their is a very great potential that there is a light beyond the tunnel.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Iranus on May 29, 2024, 12:47:45 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
Loan interest is very high too in my region and for that reason, many people were unable to pay the credit that they have taken and ended with giving up on their business idea while having to pay the debt for years.
Banks have their place in business but for new businesses started by regular people, banks aren't the great choice because they are too risky for regular people. If you find an investor and business goes wrong, you aren't forced to pay the debt to an investor, the financial loss is on the investor but on the other hand, if a business succeeds, you will have to share the profit with the investor. If you use a bank, all profit stays with you but you carry all the responsibility too and most of the time it's very hard to pay the debt that a failed business leaves. I would choose to get an investor every day. Besides financial support, you get new connections and meet new people.

Hard to risk something using a money that we loan that's why for me this is not advisable to do especially if we are just starting up since we might fall down with that knowing that we need to pay our loaned amount on the agreed timeline with huge interest with it. That's why its good to have a open minded investor which is open up on everything and know the risk of what he's trying to enter. But also if the investor is greedy and doesn't know about there's a chance that you might fail then maybe you will get an issue with them. That's they make sure to have clear written agreement on the contract and be transparent of everything so that the investor would know about certain possibilities that they might face. But for sure they will not go on risky idea so we should offer something unique and useful so that we can catch their attention and success rate will go high so that we will be happy and the investor could gain something in return.

Not only you, but I see that many people also do not intend to borrow money to implement their ideas and that means we are not confident and certain about our ideas. We are afraid of failure and getting stuck if our ideas fail, but with that in mind, can we find investors who are open and willing to invest in our idea? As you said, the rich will not be so naive as not to make any commitments to us, while we are still not sure about our ideas. Therefore, implementing a business idea based on the investment of others is not feasible.

Personally, if I have a unique idea, I will risk borrowing money and doing it myself instead of having to rely on others. I find relying on other people's investment capital to be much riskier because no one is stupid to invest in us without any conditions.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Maslate on May 29, 2024, 01:00:56 PM
Finding an investor isn't always an "option" for many people. I mean I had so many business ideas before, just going around asking people to give you their hard earned money, for % of just your idea makes no sense. You ask them to pay you for your idea and that is just idea nothing more.

This is why most people can't find a way to get investors, since they have no working product to show. In that situation, most of them do not even look for a loan neither, they could ask for a loan from a bank, but they do not trust themselves, I didn't, that is why they get nothing. But if I know that something will make me some money, then I guarantee you that I would just straight up look for something like a loan, if possible for a long term, it would be a lot better.
I have to agree with you. Not all investors would easily trust your business idea that it’ll work and create profits. And if ever they will, they won’t treat you as a business partner but act as if they solely own the idea since it’s actually their own money that they’re going to risk. The reason why those with brilliant ideas never come into realization.

However, if I’m actually in this position being highly confident with my business idea that it will surely prosper, then if taking a loan would be disapproved, then maybe I have to try borrowing funds  from my family and friends and pay them with my monthly salary with interest. That way, I can move my brilliant idea into the next level, hoping that it would result into fruition.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Vinaa77 on May 29, 2024, 01:47:10 PM
It depends on the person. If he has a business that he wants to build and knows that it is very small, it is better to just get a loan and use the loan to start the business that you want, because we are the only real ones. Who knows if we can really turn the business around or grow it?

Now, if you are worried about turning it around properly just because you heard that the business is good or trending now, I think it is better to find a business partner or investor; he is the capitalist, and you are the one who will manage the business, and it is in agreement with you where you agree.
It's true, in this case it really depends on the person running the business, if they need capital and know very well that the business they are building will be able to run well of course they can take out a loan and must be able to pay off their loan.
If we ourselves are still worried about the business we are running then it is very unlikely that other people will be able to partner or invest their capital in the business we are going to run.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Promocodeudo on May 29, 2024, 02:10:50 PM
if at the start, it's better to get investment directly compared to a loan, that's because if you get investors then the money they invest can become capital and you won't have the responsibility to pay that capital, you just need to develop your company and provide results. according to what you promised. while on a loan, you need to pay it on time and there is a greater responsibility that you need to pay when you get a loan, not to mention you need to pay interest which is a burden.

because of this, it is better for me to be able to get investors in the early days of building a company, rather than a loan. but that doesn't mean a loan isn't needed, it's just that it's needed when your company is already getting stable income and you want to intend to grow the company bigger with your own resources.

You are very correct, for me there are reasons why I wouldnt want to approach a loan facility for a startup investment although it will all depend on their terms and conditions if I will be able to meet up, no matter how it is, collateral remains collateral and as a new investment one needs to be careful because once there is any form of default in the terms given to you by either the loaning bank or microfinance firms just have it in your mind that your collateral is gone, so the best way to start is to convince investors to invest so that profit can shared accordingly, it is not a good idea to risk many things at the same time, risk should be checked and minimized in other to avoid regret, every company started small so we shouldn't be tempted to make a wrong decision or step that may lead us into debt or losing the only valuable thing we own.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: livingfree on May 29, 2024, 02:18:09 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?
This varies on that thought for my business idea. If I think that it is going to click and I am willing to give time and effort for it, I might sell some of my stuff just to fund its few months of experiment and operation.

And if it doesn't work, that's fine. No loans, no heartbreaks but lessons will be there.

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
I like to do it first on my own.

If I think that I can't take it anymore then that's the time that I'll have someone to back me up and help me with it.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 29, 2024, 02:31:05 PM
if at the start, it's better to get investment directly compared to a loan, that's because if you get investors then the money they invest can become capital and you won't have the responsibility to pay that capital, you just need to develop your company and provide results. according to what you promised. while on a loan, you need to pay it on time and there is a greater responsibility that you need to pay when you get a loan, not to mention you need to pay interest which is a burden.

because of this, it is better for me to be able to get investors in the early days of building a company, rather than a loan. but that doesn't mean a loan isn't needed, it's just that it's needed when your company is already getting stable income and you want to intend to grow the company bigger with your own resources.

You are very correct, for me there are reasons why I wouldnt want to approach a loan facility for a startup investment although it will all depend on their terms and conditions if I will be able to meet up, no matter how it is, collateral remains collateral and as a new investment one needs to be careful because once there is any form of default in the terms given to you by either the loaning bank or microfinance firms just have it in your mind that your collateral is gone, so the best way to start is to convince investors to invest so that profit can shared accordingly, it is not a good idea to risk many things at the same time, risk should be checked and minimized in other to avoid regret, every company started small so we shouldn't be tempted to make a wrong decision or step that may lead us into debt or losing the only valuable thing we own.
Some loan companies would prefer to even fund the start-up themselves and share the profit until the loan borrowed is settled before allowing the startup owner breathe fully and compared against an investor or an angel investor, I would prefer to have an investor invest, in this way, I am not under pressure to deliver returns nor will I over stress myself thinking about how to pay back, because the amount to be paid back will be in smaller fractions or should I say it would be like dividend from investment in stocks and if the investor cares so much about the success of the business, I would have had an advisor already without needing to pay for one or seek advice from friends.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: EluguHcman on May 29, 2024, 02:47:41 PM
First we need to be entrepreneurly wise in such decision making, so let us think an aspect between both of the options that has the potentials of attracting productiveness to the firm and also consider the interests rate of returns amongst them also the T&C to be applied so that we can meet them up as much as we can to stay debt free.

So I personally would go by letting an investor in because the investor would stand as a stakeholder to the firm and by so doing, he would as well play some flexible tasks by which his awareness could play to spread the existence of the firm.

Anyhow, the Investor could also facilitate for the contract to get done and focus more on other sections that my maybe productive to him.
However, investor may have some level of understanding when you could not comply to pay in an agreed time due to the fact that he also understand the conditions of investment and trading while loaning institutions don't care whether your venture is doing well or not. All they expected is to abide to the agreement.

I summary, loaning institutions are too strict and T&C abiding while investors can at sometimes slightly adjust with level of understanding.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Davian144 on May 29, 2024, 04:08:10 PM
It depends on the person. If he has a business that he wants to build and knows that it is very small, it is better to just get a loan and use the loan to start the business that you want, because we are the only real ones. Who knows if we can really turn the business around or grow it?

Now, if you are worried about turning it around properly just because you heard that the business is good or trending now, I think it is better to find a business partner or investor; he is the capitalist, and you are the one who will manage the business, and it is in agreement with you where you agree.
In general, things like that really depend on the intentions of the person who owns the business because that person really intends to develop the business bigger. Of course he will look for ways to do this in order to develop it according to the tastes he wants and from the options you said, I think the option of looking for business partners and investors is a little more suitable than directly taking out a loan which might be felt by the business owner himself. Although logically taking a loan is not wrong, remember the aim is to make the business grow more.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: slapper on May 29, 2024, 04:38:25 PM
Loans, sure, they can be a bitch. Interest rates and conditions might be burdensome. But think of it like this: you're not simply taking out a loan, you're purchasing time. You have time to construct your product, prove your idea, and gain traction. If you play your cards well, you may use that loan to strengthen your position when talking to investors. You have a better story, greater leverage, and less equity to give up

Investors are different. These guys want the next big thing, not just a return on investment. They want to be part of something big that will affect the world. They want a big piece of the pie, too. You must choose partners wisely. You need investors who share your vision, have a track record, and can contribute more than money. Advice, skills, and connections are valuable

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: kryptqnick on May 29, 2024, 05:09:39 PM
When it comes to a startup, it's important to understand that no matter how passionate you personally feel about the project, there's a good chance it will fail to deliver what's expected from it. That makes taking a loan incredibly risky, as there's no guarantee you'll be able to return that money. As for investors, I think it's not a bad idea per se, as long as it's articulated in the contract that you cannot guarantee profit or even return of the invested money. Investment happens at the personal risk of investors. Ideally, I'd be looking for a third option, such as saving up money to give it a shot, or looking for a grant to kick-start the project. When you get a grant, you do usually need to report the results back, but you don't need to return money to anyone. Grantors are not going to profit from the result in any way, so there are no direct expectations in that regard.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Rockstarguy on May 29, 2024, 07:30:25 PM
Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
Why I would preferred an investor to join me to invest in my business is that an investor is ready to invest any amount of money just to make sure that the business becomes successful. Business like this their won't be  fears if the business won't do well but doing business alone and taking a loan from the bank, you may not want to take big amount just because you just want it easy to be able to pay back the loan and this amount of loan taken may not even be enough for the business.  When their is no good money at hand to put to invest in business,  the business struggles to grow.

But when you have investors around you to invest in your business,  money won't be a problem for the growth of the business. Many failed businesses is as a result of no good money. Sometimes taking loan to begin a business may not give you just what you want. The most important thing in business is for the business to stand. Partnerships is a good strategy to start a business that will stand.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Juse14 on May 29, 2024, 08:06:41 PM
If we talk about desires, rather than taking out a loan from a bank or anywhere where the interest is relatively high, of course I would prefer to collaborate with investors. However, the problem is, which investors are willing to work with beginners who still have minimal understanding and experience to enter the business world. Will they trust me enough to provide me with capital..?

For a beginner who has just entered the business world, it seems that looking for investors is not an easy thing, in contrast to those who have been in the business world for a long time, who have tasted the sweet and bitter tastes of the business world, whose understanding and experience are quite mature. Maybe it is not too difficult for them to get investors, because the prospects regarding the promised profits are clearer compared to investing in beginners.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: stomachgrowls on May 29, 2024, 08:38:58 PM
If we talk about desires, rather than taking out a loan from a bank or anywhere where the interest is relatively high, of course I would prefer to collaborate with investors. However, the problem is, which investors are willing to work with beginners who still have minimal understanding and experience to enter the business world. Will they trust me enough to provide me with capital..?

For a beginner who has just entered the business world, it seems that looking for investors is not an easy thing, in contrast to those who have been in the business world for a long time, who have tasted the sweet and bitter tastes of the business world, whose understanding and experience are quite mature. Maybe it is not too difficult for them to get investors, because the prospects regarding the promised profits are clearer compared to investing in beginners.
No matter which method or path you would really be taking on which its never been easy.

1. Getting investors?
How you would be doing it?
Where you would be finding?
Experience or inexperienced?

2. Taking a loan?
It would be feasible?
You could be able to reach ROI in time?
It would be sustainable?

These would really be the questions that you would really be able to encounter at the moment that you would
be tending to deal up with both things. Decisions be made will really be just that entirely be depending on how will you would
be able to handle up the risks in both possible options. Getting loan or trying to seek on investors?

Building up a business without some fund for start up would be a huge challenge whether you are lacking or just that too short on budget.
Then you could really be having those kind of options.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: dezoel on May 29, 2024, 09:09:52 PM
Different people will have different perspectives regarding this based on their understanding and thought processes. I would say it depends on how confident you are about your business idea. If you think that your business idea is great and the chances of it succeeding are way higher than it failing then I would say it is better to take a loan and fund your business with it because even though you might need to pay some interest, you will at least be the only owner of the business when it is all setup and running very well.

When you get an investor for your business on the agreement that they will get a certain percentage of share in the business, it can be a costly deal because once the business starts growing, you will have to give a larger percentage to the partner than you might have to give back as the repayment for the loan.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Reatim on May 30, 2024, 05:44:09 AM
You are very correct, for me there are reasons why I wouldnt want to approach a loan facility for a startup investment although it will all depend on their terms and conditions if I will be able to meet up, no matter how it is, collateral remains collateral and as a new investment one needs to be careful because once there is any form of default in the terms given to you by either the loaning bank or microfinance firms just have it in your mind that your collateral is gone, so the best way to start is to convince investors to invest so that profit can shared accordingly, it is not a good idea to risk many things at the same time, risk should be checked and minimized in other to avoid regret, every company started small so we shouldn't be tempted to make a wrong decision or step that may lead us into debt or losing the only valuable thing we own.
When we are deciding on a contract, do not become too overconfident and start listing too important things as your collateral because you are not afraid to lose them. All businesses go through rough times and no matter how good your idea is, it will most likely fall victim to different kinds of challenges too

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: X-ray on May 30, 2024, 06:05:51 AM
If we talk about desires, rather than taking out a loan from a bank or anywhere where the interest is relatively high, of course I would prefer to collaborate with investors. However, the problem is, which investors are willing to work with beginners who still have minimal understanding and experience to enter the business world. Will they trust me enough to provide me with capital..?

For a beginner who has just entered the business world, it seems that looking for investors is not an easy thing, in contrast to those who have been in the business world for a long time, who have tasted the sweet and bitter tastes of the business world, whose understanding and experience are quite mature. Maybe it is not too difficult for them to get investors, because the prospects regarding the promised profits are clearer compared to investing in beginners.
That is definitely the problem with amateur trying to find investors who truly want their project succeed and willing to spend some money into cultivating the project into some extent, when we are talking about money we talking about trust, we all know newbie with no experience of building startup and successfully carrying it into multi millions value always getting ignored, moreover if we trying to find some big investors that willing to spend big money with a lot of uncertainty to cultivate our startup it becomes even more difficult, lets be frank here reputation and alma mater matters a lot in giving that good first impression into people, even more obvious when we trying to find a deal about investment to our startups, they will first judge based on our academic background, if we graduated from ivy league, it instantly gives good impression at the first meeting.
after that they will judge based on our achievement, if we have zero experience quite literally with the startup building, they probably gonna refuse to spend some money investing in our startup.

its always good to start out business from scratch even with loan first, don't set the bar too high, a thriving business that make profit is already good enough, it can work as a portfolio in our end and can elevate the value and self worth in the eyes of other.
what people seem to forget though, investors does manage their risk, they will avoid funding startup if they see no potential, they will judge the product as well based on their experience and sees whether it is fitting to be funded.
but what matter most is whether the business making profit, it reminds me of people that invest in meme coin heavily, they don't care about the idea, they just care to grow their capital and thats it.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Kakmakr on May 30, 2024, 06:21:31 AM
It all depends what percentage of your control, you are willing to relinquish. The loan from a Bank will not give them any say in your day-to-day operations, because they are only interrested in the loan repayment at the end of the month.

When you get investors to invest money into your business, they want a share in the day-to-day operations and if they have a controlling percentage of the "shares" they can execute a hostile takeover of your business, when you become succesful or they can sabotage your decisions with their own agendas.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: iv4n on May 30, 2024, 08:32:10 AM
Different people will have different perspectives regarding this based on their understanding and thought processes. I would say it depends on how confident you are about your business idea. If you think that your business idea is great and the chances of it succeeding are way higher than it failing then I would say it is better to take a loan and fund your business with it because even though you might need to pay some interest, you will at least be the only owner of the business when it is all setup and running very well.

When you get an investor for your business on the agreement that they will get a certain percentage of share in the business, it can be a costly deal because once the business starts growing, you will have to give a larger percentage to the partner than you might have to give back as the repayment for the loan.

I think the same, a lot depends on how confident someone is in their idea. In addition, the idea itself is important, while some business plans require a lot of money for implementation and initial work, some plans can start more slowly and on a smaller scale... which provides a lot of time to upgrade over time.

So it's foolish to talk about who would do what in this case without knowing all the factors. It's nice to take a loan and have full control over your business plans, but it's not bad to have investors and share with them both the good and the bad... if the business takes off, there will be less profit, but if everything fails, you can't bear the full burden of it. Basically, without knowing all the factors and thinking everything through, it's hard to say anything more about this.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: batang_bitcoin on May 30, 2024, 09:55:57 AM
When you get investors to invest money into your business, they want a share in the day-to-day operations and if they have a controlling percentage of the "shares" they can execute a hostile takeover of your business, when you become succesful or they can sabotage your decisions with their own agendas.
Not all of the wants to get involved. I think there will be a few that just want to lay money and become an investor without doing anything. They're just there as funders but choose the ones that will contribute to the business if you're getting investors that can help your business thrive.
But be careful, because they might change the actual game plan of the business to what they think is right and you as the CEO or owner, still has got the final say with your operation processes.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: aioc on May 30, 2024, 12:12:58 PM

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?
If I have a good business plan then I'll take a risk on my idea by taking a loan and be responsible for how I oversee my business I am answerable to myself and I am more motivated since its my reputation is the one at stake here, no investor will come and ask the progress and the status of the business

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
If it's a start up I prefer to be on my own and when the project will be moving on the next level that will be the time that I will onboard people in my business but it has to be people who can contribute with ideas and not just money.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Baki202 on May 30, 2024, 12:17:45 PM
When it comes to a startup, it's important to understand that no matter how passionate you personally feel about the project, there's a good chance it will fail to deliver what's expected from it. That makes taking a loan incredibly risky, as there's no guarantee you'll be able to return that money. As for investors, I think it's not a bad idea per se, as long as it's articulated in the contract that you cannot guarantee profit or even return of the invested money. Investment happens at the personal risk of investors. Ideally, I'd be looking for a third option, such as saving up money to give it a shot, or looking for a grant to kick-start the project. When you get a grant, you do usually need to report the results back, but you don't need to return money to anyone. Grantors are not going to profit from the result in any way, so there are no direct expectations in that regard.

I think when we want to start up a business we should also have a lot of plans because just as you said what of the project did not go as planned a lot of business have crashed just because the person that established it did not make plans incase a challenge is encountered and their ia no way you can aviod challenges when you want to startup business. With the short analysis you gave and when the start up is based on loan and things did not go as planned then you become a loan defaulter because how do you pay back the loan when their are no plans made it will be better to get investors and their will be a share in percentage.

That's much more better than going to take loan. And talk of the interest attached to the loan the longer the duration the higher the profit. And investor will be considerate because they know how start ups are and everything will be legally documented so they know the risk when investing in start ups. The best advice will still for you to go for investors that. Taking loan.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Strongkored on May 30, 2024, 12:24:07 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?
Looking for investors is a safer choice because the risk is smaller than looking for a loan, with note that we must be prepared to get smaller profits and there is a chance that our business will be intervened by investors if the cooperation agreement is not clear
Taking loan when the business you are running is not going well we still have to pay off the debt, but for beginner both are things that are difficult to obtain, so beginners will always have difficulty financing their business unless that is the case. is a business that is already running just needs additional capital.
So what is better is to start the business with limited capital and after that it is developed and when the form is visible then we can start looking for investors or loans to make our business even bigger.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Zoomic on May 30, 2024, 01:12:25 PM
Nothing beats having your own capital where you alone have total control over the business. But, things don't always go as we desire it. Before going for any option of financing a business, it is very necessary that the entrepreneur reviews the terms and conditions of both options thoroughly before choosing. It is also necessary that whoever has an idea should have at least 50% of the needed capital while others comes from external sources.

For someone who loves to have total control over his/her business, getting an investor might become a problem in the future as personal interests, grudges and bias might set in. I think I fall into this category. It is better I start small with my small capital and a reasonable loan facility I can easily settle with ease than work hard to make profits that will be shared between I and a dormant partner. Those who can do better in partnerships can source for good investors and save themselves the stress of repaying loans and interests.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: milewilda on May 30, 2024, 01:39:14 PM
Nothing beats having your own capital where you alone have total control over the business. But, things don't always go as we desire it. Before going for any option of financing a business, it is very necessary that the entrepreneur reviews the terms and conditions of both options thoroughly before choosing. It is also necessary that whoever has an idea should have at least 50% of the needed capital while others comes from external sources.

For someone who loves to have total control over his/her business, getting an investor might become a problem in the future as personal interests, grudges and bias might set in. I think I fall into this category. It is better I start small with my small capital and a reasonable loan facility I can easily settle with ease than work hard to make profits that will be shared between I and a dormant partner. Those who can do better in partnerships can source for good investors and save themselves the stress of repaying loans and interests.
I would really be preferring myself to be a sole proprietor rather than on having tons of people who is also an owner of the said company or project but if you are really that in lacking up with some funds
then you wont really be having no choice but to bare up with those things that you dont like. The good thing on being a sole proprietor is that you could really be able to make yourself do the things that you do want
since  you do have that full control or rights then you arent that depending on someone or doesnt really on anything but rather yourself. There are really just that those instances that you are really that eager on trying out to materialize your idea but you dont have any options since you do lack money, you cant take up a loan nor be able to borrow to those people you do know.

Also, finding up investors online is never been easy even if you've been deciding to get one or a couple of investors but still it wont really be that a guarantee that you do get one due to some trust issues.
This is why at the moment that you have lost all of those possible options then you would really be just sitting down and just missed up those opportunities since you dont have any options.
There are really things which arent meant for us.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Porfirii on May 30, 2024, 02:05:44 PM
Nothing beats having your own capital where you alone have total control over the business. But, things don't always go as we desire it. Before going for any option of financing a business, it is very necessary that the entrepreneur reviews the terms and conditions of both options thoroughly before choosing. It is also necessary that whoever has an idea should have at least 50% of the needed capital while others comes from external sources.

For someone who loves to have total control over his/her business, getting an investor might become a problem in the future as personal interests, grudges and bias might set in. I think I fall into this category. It is better I start small with my small capital and a reasonable loan facility I can easily settle with ease than work hard to make profits that will be shared between I and a dormant partner. Those who can do better in partnerships can source for good investors and save themselves the stress of repaying loans and interests.
I would really be preferring myself to be a sole proprietor rather than on having tons of people who is also an owner of the said company or project but if you are really that in lacking up with some funds
then you wont really be having no choice but to bare up with those things that you dont like. The good thing on being a sole proprietor is that you could really be able to make yourself do the things that you do want
since  you do have that full control or rights then you arent that depending on someone or doesnt really on anything but rather yourself. There are really just that those instances that you are really that eager on trying out to materialize your idea but you dont have any options since you do lack money, you cant take up a loan nor be able to borrow to those people you do know.


It has been said before that everything depends on the circumstances. If you have the knowledge, motivation, money and time to build your own business, it is great! but we usually lack some of these resources, and that's when a partnership with others is advisable.

We focus on the case of the entrepreneur who lacks the money to build his/her business, but it can be also positive to have a partner who knows a lot about management in general, or a niche market in particular, or who knows influencial people, when the entrepreneur doesn't. Or viceversa, someone who has the money, contacts, know-how etc. but doesn't have time to run the business and needs a partner to work in the idea.

Without knowing about the skills, personality etc. of the partners, and the needs they have, we can't conclude whether it is better to build your business on your own, or accompanied.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: retreat on May 30, 2024, 02:20:09 PM
It has become commonplace for startups to try to get investors early in their development. Because by getting funding from investors, it allows startups to be able to develop their platforms in a more focused manner because usually investors will not only provide funding but also the network and support that startups need to be able to develop in the future. However, there are also startups that are trying to get a loan, but it will be riskier for them because they need to be responsible for their loan and are ready if their business becomes collateral for the loan.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Juse14 on May 31, 2024, 05:00:23 AM
That is definitely the problem with amateur trying to find investors who truly want their project succeed and willing to spend some money into cultivating the project into some extent, when we are talking about money we talking about trust, we all know newbie with no experience of building startup and successfully carrying it into multi millions value always getting ignored, moreover if we trying to find some big investors that willing to spend big money with a lot of uncertainty to cultivate our startup it becomes even more difficult, lets be frank here reputation and alma mater matters a lot in giving that good first impression into people, even more obvious when we trying to find a deal about investment to our startups, they will first judge based on our academic background, if we graduated from ivy league, it instantly gives good impression at the first meeting.
after that they will judge based on our achievement, if we have zero experience quite literally with the startup building, they probably gonna refuse to spend some money investing in our startup.

its always good to start out business from scratch even with loan first, don't set the bar too high, a thriving business that make profit is already good enough, it can work as a portfolio in our end and can elevate the value and self worth in the eyes of other.
what people seem to forget though, investors does manage their risk, they will avoid funding startup if they see no potential, they will judge the product as well based on their experience and sees whether it is fitting to be funded.
but what matter most is whether the business making profit, it reminds me of people that invest in meme coin heavily, they don't care about the idea, they just care to grow their capital and thats it.

It is true what you said, that many of them are beginners with good business ideas but are often ignored due to lack of experience and a strong background. Reputation and educational history can be a reference for providing an investor's assessment to beginners.

And if we still have a low reputation in the business world, and are not graduates of a well-known university, then it will really be quite difficult for us to get an investor. So in the end, in order to realize what has been planned, taking a loan is the last option.

However, even so, it is not a problem, starting a business with borrowed money. Because in the business world, it is better for us to have debt than to lose opportunities. And an entrepreneur must be able to take risks and dare to try every opportunity that comes. Because success will be born from big and bold steps.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: leonair on May 31, 2024, 05:17:16 AM
Running a business definitely requires a lot of capital which one cannot meet with just his own pocket money.  So everyone has to go towards more or less loans. Business loans are an important thing.  However, many types of calculations must be completed while taking this loan. one borrows more than necessary and wastes that money, then he will be in great danger and will not be able to profit from the business. His business will fail

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: tygeade on May 31, 2024, 05:58:52 PM
It has become commonplace for startups to try to get investors early in their development. Because by getting funding from investors, it allows startups to be able to develop their platforms in a more focused manner because usually investors will not only provide funding but also the network and support that startups need to be able to develop in the future. However, there are also startups that are trying to get a loan, but it will be riskier for them because they need to be responsible for their loan and are ready if their business becomes collateral for the loan.
As someone who has worked at startups before (not owned them, just employee) I can tell you that it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get investors to be involved with the company.

Even if you can find someone who would be able to invest, which is quite rare and usually 99% of the startups are just ideas and not even a project yet, if anyone could ever find an investor, the investor usually do not want to work for the company, they want to just fund it and then get rich from it, if they are going to work, then they would have started their own new business on the side. Networking and other stuff are not that easy thing to do, having that network doesn't mean that you want to use it all the time, money can be earned, but respect takes time.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Antotena on May 31, 2024, 08:21:58 PM
I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

My conclusions will depend on the terms and conditions that comes with the opportunity given. There are some countries that are really considerable with the interest rate that are granted for loans. In develop countries where government doesn't joke with MSMes, they make sure that the interest are small and they are given for long term so the business can expand and have enough money to pay back but in some countries where interest rate are high, I wouldn't go for loan, you will die making nothing even though the business succeed as you will spend the rest of your life paying back loan you took from the beginning.

If loan is not favorable, my best shot is Venture capitals, give them some equity percentage on the business, if my idea on the business is good, their input will help not just only me but the business and it will help it grow and also make some connections for expansion. Venture capitals are rally helpful if they are available and the share is favorable, not the one they will want to take 50% of the business because some of them are wicked.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: justdimin on May 31, 2024, 08:22:59 PM
Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;
Loans require sudden repayment structure, that's the biggest trouble. If there was an option of "take the loan now, start paying a year later" then I would say that it would be better to keep 100% of your company.

Plus, if we could just take the loan on the companies name, meaning that if we fail to pay then the company bankrupts, then that would be fine too because it would mean that the business did not work, but when we are talking about a new one, you won't get a loan under the business name, you take it personally which means even if the business fails, you still have to pay it. That's why I believe that we are going to end up with loan not being the best option, but to be fair you can't find an investor that easily neither.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Lanatsa on May 31, 2024, 08:35:59 PM
Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;
Loans require sudden repayment structure, that's the biggest trouble. If there was an option of "take the loan now, start paying a year later" then I would say that it would be better to keep 100% of your company.

Plus, if we could just take the loan on the companies name, meaning that if we fail to pay then the company bankrupts, then that would be fine too because it would mean that the business did not work, but when we are talking about a new one, you won't get a loan under the business name, you take it personally which means even if the business fails, you still have to pay it. That's why I believe that we are going to end up with loan not being the best option, but to be fair you can't find an investor that easily neither.
Banks would really be that giving out those terms on which they would really be at advantage which of course you would really be needing to pay up into those specific due dates. At first it would really be totally be explained on whats the payment structure. If you do find this to be a trouble then it would really be a take it or leave it kind of condition but honestly there's nothing that you could really be able to avoid
because no matter what the terms would be then you would really be needing to repay those loans in such time. This is why if you would really be deciding on taking up a loan on building up a business start up
then be sure that your company or business would really be that profitable or something that sustaining but since it would really be on its start up then it would really be hard to tell whether it would really be successful or not.

One of the biggest challenge is that on how you would really be that making that business to be successful. This is why every decisions would be made will really be that
acting to be a gamble or huge risks but of course if ever we do tend to have that kind of climbing up to success then we would be needing to try.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: AYOBA on May 31, 2024, 08:59:22 PM
Running a business definitely requires a lot of capital which one cannot meet with just his own pocket money.  So everyone has to go towards more or less loans. Business loans are an important thing.  However, many types of calculations must be completed while taking this loan. one borrows more than necessary and wastes that money, then he will be in great danger and will not be able to profit from the business. His business will fail
Honestly anyone that wanted to running a business and doesn't plan a big capital which means the person has never ready for business, because in this situations we're living in now every business deserves a big capital before starting. But will just go and start a business with a little amount of money without making a concrete arrangement and which is why many of people's lose to some of the business they try to put their self in too.

Morever, the main reason why some people's doesn't have a standard even though they start a business, some people's will go and apply for a loan amd if they ask them for which purposes they definitely said that for starting a business and and once the loans they applied as been granted they divide money into two they will take one part to to business and the other part to defferences things, and which is why most people's refuse to move forward in their business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: bitgolden on June 01, 2024, 02:51:56 PM
These days I am looking for basically something like this as well, and that makes sense. A lot of people do not have PC to do many of what AI can do, it requires some ram, and some gpu as well, and I am talking about video level stuff, not just images. I do not have time to learn a new skill, I do not have time to even do my own job these days, there are big medical emergencies in my life that requires me to go to hospital (not for myself, for a loved one) at any moment, today I got a call for example and had to go there, it was a terrible day, but I am back home now.

However, if I can buy a "great" PC, then people can send me their files, and my pc will work for me even when I am not at home. I am looking into this, because it would be a small income but still an income, a few hundred dollars per month but still money. I do not have any money at all, but an investor or a loan is what I will do, I just didn't have time to consider this yet. It is so funny that what I used to think, may now be actual question for me to, within just few days.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: kentrolla on June 01, 2024, 03:48:06 PM
It completely depends on the kind of startup and goals but I would rather prefer an investor instead of loans and paying the bank atrocious interest rate because that's one of the reason some promising startups have either gone bankrupt or taken over by bigger firms at fort cheap price. I think finding an investor would be better as we will have more flexibility though the profit margin would be reduced but this is better than taking loans.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Kelward on June 01, 2024, 04:46:59 PM
From my experience in business, I know that taking a loan to start up a new business is never a good option, and no bank or business minded individuals can give you money to start a business from scratch. It is either family and friends or people/NGOs that don't care about getting their money back, that can give money for a new startup. A new business should start first and know the demand for their products, only take a loan to increase stock on the areas that will sale fast,  so you can repay from your profit.

I support starting small and gradually begin to grow the business, although lack of funds can cripple a business before it picks up. So getting an investor is a good option in a startup business, so that the owner and investor will share in the profit and lose of the business, it's better to share profit with an investor, who will also bear loses with you, if it happens.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Crypto Library on June 01, 2024, 05:56:30 PM
If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
If investors are easily available around you or the business is easy to attract investors then I would say finding investors is better than taking a loan.
But getting investors to start a new startup is very difficult, so don't start your business late to find investors. In that case I would say that if you cannot find investors or live in an area where it is difficult to find investors then I would say taking a loan would be better. Because many times in business it becomes difficult to get success if not starting at the right time. I have seen lots of giant Business company in my region that they start with small and when they got knew the market with full confidence they take loans to increase their business and they succeed.
So now it depends on your business and also your region area's what should be best for your starting.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: johnsaributua on June 01, 2024, 11:14:02 PM
Indeed, the arrival of a new investor is 100% his decision to come and fund (even though there was a brief preview of a business before), even so as the owner of the company does not necessarily want to stand idly by the assets invested because for me the burden of responsibility and trust I also feel,

However, even though the loan only involves yourself, both the risk, use and rights of its obligations have more regular time / maturity that is determined ready or not ready.

The two sources of money are indeed contradictory, and I think using it in times of urgency for project growth needs is fine, as long as with good policies and calculations (making the back up bigger) than using it fully for the hype of a time.

Any project, even though it has been a long time, there must be a market shock, even careless use of money can slip into loss, especially new projects that are still in the growing stage. It is better to use your own assets as much as possible to research the market and strategy because the first 1 year is the adaptation period.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: AlphaBoy on June 01, 2024, 11:38:00 PM
well your question has two side at me.

I think that if you sure enough of your business success then you should take a loan (you must be at least 70% sure)

personally I never like debt or loan and it caused me psychological sensitivity, some time I go 2 days without a cigarette just because I refuse to but it on my tap.

but again, a loan is a loan once you paid it you are set I mean imagine the guy who created Burger King had a loan instead of investor?
he would die having double the money he had.
it's like buying a mystery box that either have a 1 kilo of gold or lead and you have 2 chance with it
1-you buy it and lose everything or win everything
2-you buy it with 50% discount but both of your loses and wining will be taken by 50%

the only thing that make investors better option is the fact that he might help with the business (this can be good or bad depending what is the business and how smart he is)

the best choice is a third one, you save money and buy it all alone.
but since not everyone can afford it then I think investors is better.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: angrybirdy on June 02, 2024, 02:35:06 AM
Running a business definitely requires a lot of capital which one cannot meet with just his own pocket money.  So everyone has to go towards more or less loans. Business loans are an important thing.  However, many types of calculations must be completed while taking this loan. one borrows more than necessary and wastes that money, then he will be in great danger and will not be able to profit from the business. His business will fail

exactly! unless you are born rich with generational wealth and capable to build a business even at your youngest age, but if you are just an ordinary person who earns minimum wage amount, i'll find it difficult for you to save money for your planned business, that's why having an investors is essential and if you haven't find any investors that are willing to invest in your project then loan is advisable as long as you are capable to pay the amount you owed.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: eightdots on June 02, 2024, 11:08:03 AM
Finding an investor isn't always an "option" for many people. I mean I had so many business ideas before, just going around asking people to give you their hard earned money, for % of just your idea makes no sense. You ask them to pay you for your idea and that is just idea nothing more.

This is why most people can't find a way to get investors, since they have no working product to show. In that situation, most of them do not even look for a loan neither, they could ask for a loan from a bank, but they do not trust themselves, I didn't, that is why they get nothing. But if I know that something will make me some money, then I guarantee you that I would just straight up look for something like a loan, if possible for a long term, it would be a lot better.

As you said, it is difficult to find investors. You need to be in the right place at the right time or people you know should be a reference for you to find investors. There can be many things like that, but in the end it is not easy to find investors.

An idea is always valuable, but finding the person who will invest in this idea is even more valuable. If we cannot find resources for our idea, we have to find investors. If we can't find investors, unfortunately the value of our idea decreases day by day.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: adiksau0414 on June 02, 2024, 12:54:05 PM
In the end, it comes down to personal circumstances and the particulars of the company project. A few things to think about include the required capital, the business's possible risks and rewards, the experience and track record of the entrepreneur, and the conditions of the loan or investment. It is crucial to thoroughly consider the advantages and disadvantages of each choice and base your choice on what will work best for your company's long-term growth.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on June 02, 2024, 05:53:07 PM

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

As for me, if I have any good idea for a business and I am 80% sure that I will be successful, I will prefer to go for a loan. However, if the conditions of the loan do not suit my business because of the interest, I will try to get interested partners who can support me financially. Partnership in business is very good because you will always get support from others and additional opportunities for boosting the business.

If In business, nobody is 100% guaranteed to be successful loan is too risk to startup business.but With partnership, the risk on me will be reduced in case anything goes wrong later in the business. I have seen some people be successful with their business, but due to natural disasters, sometimes things go wrong business start to collapse. Additionally, if your business involves a partnership, even if you are no longer alive, the business can continue and your family will surely be benefit from it.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: erep on June 02, 2024, 06:18:46 PM
exactly! unless you are born rich with generational wealth and capable to build a business even at your youngest age, but if you are just an ordinary person who earns minimum wage amount, i'll find it difficult for you to save money for your planned business, that's why having an investors is essential and if you haven't find any investors that are willing to invest in your project then loan is advisable as long as you are capable to pay the amount you owed.
You are right, we have a loan option to realize business plans that we hope to increase financial needs in the future, the loan option is not a bad decision as long as you can guarantee to pay every month without problems, but you have to understand the risks of business sometimes not being what we expected in fact we will despair if you are not ready to become a businessman, so make sure you have implemented every step to become a successful businessman, you have to go through many obstacles without giving up, when your business is successful then many investors will join your business.

Because partnering with investors is not as easy as we imagine, you must have a brand that is trusted and has a reputation in the market, then they will help increase your business reach more widely so that your business has the opportunity to compete in global business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: boyptc on June 02, 2024, 08:44:25 PM
Because partnering with investors is not as easy as we imagine, you must have a brand that is trusted and has a reputation in the market, then they will help increase your business reach more widely so that your business has the opportunity to compete in global business.
A startup don't have a brand yet and that's why it's not a problem for those that are proposing and trying to look for an investor.

Investors understand that but the struggle is there if the project owners or proponents won't get trust easily by the investors. The reputation is what at stake for the investors but they typically invest not only because of the potential of the business.

But also because they trust the proponents.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: mirakal on June 02, 2024, 11:59:06 PM
Because partnering with investors is not as easy as we imagine, you must have a brand that is trusted and has a reputation in the market, then they will help increase your business reach more widely so that your business has the opportunity to compete in global business.
A startup don't have a brand yet and that's why it's not a problem for those that are proposing and trying to look for an investor.

Investors understand that but the struggle is there if the project owners or proponents won't get trust easily by the investors. The reputation is what at stake for the investors but they typically invest not only because of the potential of the business.

But also because they trust the proponents.
That’s the hardest part, of course they also want to be secured knowing they will risk their own money for simply a startup. If I were a big investor, I would also be hesitant to invest in an uncertain project knowing that anytime it will fail and lose all my money invested.

That’s why If I have a brilliant business idea and I really think it will hit big in the future, then I have to suicide on it. I will definitely take a loan to make my investment possible, even if there’s still uncertainty if it will prosper or not.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Chilwell on June 03, 2024, 01:14:36 PM
It has become commonplace for startups to try to get investors early in their development. Because by getting funding from investors, it allows startups to be able to develop their platforms in a more focused manner because usually investors will not only provide funding but also the network and support that startups need to be able to develop in the future. However, there are also startups that are trying to get a loan, but it will be riskier for them because they need to be responsible for their loan and are ready if their business becomes collateral for the loan.

You will be 100% happy when nobody knows anything about you. When you are running your business without the interfere of anybody, you are secure to some extent. although, you can not do it alone but when you are the real boss of your self, you are free to decide what ever decision you want to take. when I choose to go for a bank loan, I have the full control over it. Yes I know there are huge risks that are involve in going for a bank loan, if going for a loan will be more accessible and you have good ideas of what you are about to do with it, better take it and have the control and freedom. If you are afraid of risk taking, those who take it will hire you to work for them. So if I have technical ethics and business ethics, i will rather go for a loan. But if you are afraid of taking risk and that is what will stop you from going for loan, then ask your investors if he or she has ever taking risk, that is loan? the answer will be capital Yes!! if that should be the case, then why can't you do same? Our life is full of risks. Is better you take it than to work for those that took it since we can do it again and again If you fail don't quit get up and learn from the past mistake by so doing, there's hope you are going to be successful in the end.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 03, 2024, 01:53:49 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
I think it is better to start a business by partnering with a like-minded person if you want to start a business risk-free initially. As the loan interest rates are high and I am not clear on how much profit your contemplated business will bring. After the business becomes dynamic it will be convenient to take a loan later to increase the scope of the business.

I believe there are two main benefits to having a like-minded person as an investor or partner in your business. The first is that it will be easier to raise business life which is capital and the second is that business thinking will be more widespread and developed. It is known to all that two heads work better than one head. Besides it will be possible to develop the business in a very beautiful and smooth manner by sharing the pressure of business activities.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Fredomago on June 03, 2024, 02:11:36 PM
Because partnering with investors is not as easy as we imagine, you must have a brand that is trusted and has a reputation in the market, then they will help increase your business reach more widely so that your business has the opportunity to compete in global business.
A startup don't have a brand yet and that's why it's not a problem for those that are proposing and trying to look for an investor.

Investors understand that but the struggle is there if the project owners or proponents won't get trust easily by the investors. The reputation is what at stake for the investors but they typically invest not only because of the potential of the business.

But also because they trust the proponents.

It's tough  to earn that trust and with that same sentiment with both of you, struggle is really something that's needed to overcome,  it's more on how the proposal will be presented and how that proposals will be executed,  I believe that most of those who will give that golden opportunities are risking their money,  but that kind of trust that they providing if the project succeed then as investors they will also manifest decent amount of profits.

Both investors and the owner of the business needs to established the trust between them, the success of the business is more on how they will execute all the set plans and how for the better success of the  business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Moreno233 on June 03, 2024, 02:22:46 PM
Taking a loan to start a business from scratch is a huge risk because most businesses takes minimum of five years to stabilize. Depending on the nature of the business, the first few years are always full of trial, surprises and a lot of things that can make the business fail. Imagine taking a loan and the business fail, that is depression knocking at the door. Most loans I see in my country matures in three years and at most five years. In this case, the possibility of defaulting on this loan is high which is not good for a new business. Therefore, I will prefer pitching my business ideas to investors on the agreement of a share of the business. With this, I will not be under any pressure to repay loans that the profit form the business cannot even carry. 

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Z_MBFM on June 03, 2024, 02:26:13 PM
It has become commonplace for startups to try to get investors early in their development. Because by getting funding from investors, it allows startups to be able to develop their platforms in a more focused manner because usually investors will not only provide funding but also the network and support that startups need to be able to develop in the future. However, there are also startups that are trying to get a loan, but it will be riskier for them because they need to be responsible for their loan and are ready if their business becomes collateral for the loan.

You will be 100% happy when nobody knows anything about you. When you are running your business without the interfere of anybody, you are secure to some extent. although, you can not do it alone but when you are the real boss of your self, you are free to decide what ever decision you want to take. when I choose to go for a bank loan, I have the full control over it. Yes I know there are huge risks that are involve in going for a bank loan, if going for a loan will be more accessible and you have good ideas of what you are about to do with it, better take it and have the control and freedom. If you are afraid of risk taking, those who take it will hire you to work for them. So if I have technical ethics and business ethics, i will rather go for a loan. But if you are afraid of taking risk and that is what will stop you from going for loan, then ask your investors if he or she has ever taking risk, that is loan? the answer will be capital Yes!! if that should be the case, then why can't you do same? Our life is full of risks. Is better you take it than to work for those that took it since we can do it again and again If you fail don't quit get up and learn from the past mistake by so doing, there's hope you are going to be successful in the end.
Bank loans are a common issue in business. But loans are not a big problem if the business is managed well. Business is a very competitive thing, there is a lot of competition, so if you want to improve your business by dealing with those competitors, you need to use many new strategies.  No big business can run without bank loans. all businesses have bank loans.  So if I start a business or become a businessman then I must take a loan from a bank. and I will use them in the proper way so that the loan does not trouble me.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on June 03, 2024, 05:05:49 PM

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

If not that some people are just too greedy when you involve them as business partners i would have suggested to partner with someone that have the funds for you to start up your business then become a shareholder because currently now, taking loans is very risky because you can take a loan and the business may not function the way you thought it would initially and loans have intervals within which you and the lender agreed for a refund with some percentage of interest so if the agreed date approaches and you don't pay back it becomes a problem to you.

The only advice I can offer now is that the best way to start up a business without having a capital is to approach someone who you know that has the money then you present your business idea/plan to them and also reach an agreement with them that you will be giving them some percentage from the proceeds of the business but don't get them involved to partner with you because what most people do now is that if they establish a business for you and sees that the business is bringing out a lot of profits what they do is to sideline you from the business and claim that they were the ones that funded the capital used in establishing of the business so instead of them becoming a shareholder it is better to open the business and you remit a percentage maybe every month or week till you have settled the exact capital used in starting up the business then you can claim full ownereship.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: boyptc on June 03, 2024, 08:56:54 PM
Because partnering with investors is not as easy as we imagine, you must have a brand that is trusted and has a reputation in the market, then they will help increase your business reach more widely so that your business has the opportunity to compete in global business.
A startup don't have a brand yet and that's why it's not a problem for those that are proposing and trying to look for an investor.

Investors understand that but the struggle is there if the project owners or proponents won't get trust easily by the investors. The reputation is what at stake for the investors but they typically invest not only because of the potential of the business.

But also because they trust the proponents.
That’s the hardest part, of course they also want to be secured knowing they will risk their own money for simply a startup. If I were a big investor, I would also be hesitant to invest in an uncertain project knowing that anytime it will fail and lose all my money invested.
That's what I am telling, they invest first to the investors and next to their proposal if the business is feasible.

That’s why If I have a brilliant business idea and I really think it will hit big in the future, then I have to suicide on it. I will definitely take a loan to make my investment possible, even if there’s still uncertainty if it will prosper or not.
The same thing for me. Just as how we have invested on Bitcoin when no one is on our back, this is the risk that we will take 100% without any doubt but as much as possible, I'll take the funding from my own pocket.

If the business starts to grow, and I can't sustain it with my own funds, that's when I'll take a loan.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: X-ray on June 04, 2024, 03:08:17 AM
Taking a loan to start a business from scratch is a huge risk because most businesses takes minimum of five years to stabilize. Depending on the nature of the business, the first few years are always full of trial, surprises and a lot of things that can make the business fail. Imagine taking a loan and the business fail, that is depression knocking at the door. Most loans I see in my country matures in three years and at most five years. In this case, the possibility of defaulting on this loan is high which is not good for a new business. Therefore, I will prefer pitching my business ideas to investors on the agreement of a share of the business. With this, I will not be under any pressure to repay loans that the profit form the business cannot even carry. 
startup usually on the side of a faster pace its unlike conventional business usually when there's MVP or product available it can go straight to the marketing trying to find as much user base as it can and then capitalize that amount to find an even bigger investor for the founder to increase the wealth and company valuation, I think they can eliminate the need to stabilize business, i mean current startup business model entirely depends on the massive money burning for gaining impressions and users anyway, its all about building brand that they can later on sell certain portion of the shares to the biggest investors.
so really in we are talking about the reality of building startup taking a loan won't cut it, thats not how most of the start up work, loan only works if we are building conventional business that requires scaling only then taking loan make sense.
but yeah, sometime loan just can be the worst idea ever when things are so uncertain we don't know what the direction our business gonna be taking.
its by far the most volatile and uncertain way to grow business but also the easiest way and the most profitable way to profit later on, no need to share the profit with anyone else.
i guess it just follows the common knowledge than the higher the risk the higher the rewards.

nonetheless, loan needed for a business also usually huge, there's no big money for people that aren't trustable by the banks so its another problem we need to face if we truly going down the path of getting all that profit for ourselves.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: cozytrade on June 06, 2024, 07:34:15 AM
Running a business definitely requires a lot of capital which one cannot meet with just his own pocket money.  So everyone has to go towards more or less loans. Business loans are an important thing.  However, many types of calculations must be completed while taking this loan. one borrows more than necessary and wastes that money, then he will be in great danger and will not be able to profit from the business. His business will fail
People who take loans to do business, most of the time spend extra money by borrowing extra money. They sometimes sell business goods to pay off the loan. We should borrow as much money as we need to do business.  Borrowing more than a few people will lead to problems. So those who have smart business sense will never covet for extra loans.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: boty on June 06, 2024, 01:00:33 PM
Running a business definitely requires a lot of capital which one cannot meet with just his own pocket money.  So everyone has to go towards more or less loans. Business loans are an important thing.  However, many types of calculations must be completed while taking this loan. one borrows more than necessary and wastes that money, then he will be in great danger and will not be able to profit from the business. His business will fail
People who take loans to do business, most of the time spend extra money by borrowing extra money. They sometimes sell business goods to pay off the loan. We should borrow as much money as we need to do business.  Borrowing more than a few people will lead to problems. So those who have smart business sense will never covet for extra loans.
I think it would be better if someone decided to take a loan for their business. It would be better for them to analyze first whether the business they are running will really develop well and if they think the business will continue to run well after they take out the loan and they will be able to pay off their loans and if they can't pay them off, it would be better for them to postpone the loan they want to take. You are right. Those who have business sense will certainly make decisions about their business and will never borrow beyond their means.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 07, 2024, 03:38:39 AM
Running a business definitely requires a lot of capital which one cannot meet with just his own pocket money.  So everyone has to go towards more or less loans. Business loans are an important thing.  However, many types of calculations must be completed while taking this loan. one borrows more than necessary and wastes that money, then he will be in great danger and will not be able to profit from the business. His business will fail
People who take loans to do business, most of the time spend extra money by borrowing extra money. They sometimes sell business goods to pay off the loan. We should borrow as much money as we need to do business.  Borrowing more than a few people will lead to problems. So those who have smart business sense will never covet for extra loans.
Nothing can be done more than necessity whether in debt food hatred or love because everything above necessity is harmful to us. In that case business is a more sensitive matter. So first of all we have to set our target and we should take as much loan as needed to achieve that target. Moreover if you have to bear the cost for that extra part, the greed of the business will decrease a lot and greed is a more terrible thing. So before starting our business we must have good and adequate knowledge about debt management.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Samlucky O on June 07, 2024, 05:04:21 AM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from either taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.
It's not advisable to take loan when you don't have a running business. I believe those that take loan are people who may have invested in a particular business for long, and know the gain they might be getting, so they may decides to take a loan to make more profit from their existing business. taken a loan when you don't know Much about the business will only put you into more depth. The business that requires to take a loan as a Start up is a kind of business you have done before and knows how it is operated or a business you know you must surely make profit before taken the loan. Or you can as well look for partner that you will introduce into the business, that will finance that business then when the money comes you both can share it accordingly on how you decide.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Xcode7 on June 07, 2024, 05:36:02 AM
Running a business definitely requires a lot of capital which one cannot meet with just his own pocket money.  So everyone has to go towards more or less loans. Business loans are an important thing.  However, many types of calculations must be completed while taking this loan. one borrows more than necessary and wastes that money, then he will be in great danger and will not be able to profit from the business. His business will fail
People who take loans to do business, most of the time spend extra money by borrowing extra money. They sometimes sell business goods to pay off the loan. We should borrow as much money as we need to do business.  Borrowing more than a few people will lead to problems. So those who have smart business sense will never covet for extra loans.
I think it would be better if someone decided to take a loan for their business. It would be better for them to analyze first whether the business they are running will really develop well and if they think the business will continue to run well after they take out the loan and they will be able to pay off their loans and if they can't pay them off, it would be better for them to postpone the loan they want to take. You are right. Those who have business sense will certainly make decisions about their business and will never borrow beyond their means.
It all depends on how big or small the business we are running and also a thorough risk calculation before deciding because looking for a loan and looking for an investor have very significant differences and also different risks.
Personally, I think we have to be astute in looking at all possible profits and also possible risks and if borrowing will pose a big risk to ourselves and also the business we run, I think looking for investors would be a much better and safer way.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: pinggoki on June 07, 2024, 05:52:20 AM
I'd much prefer a loan because with loans, I know that there's nothing they can do in my business decisions besides reminding me of the loan repayment or they will do some repossession of some kind, with investors especially if you're a startup, it's going to be a really difficult thing for you because you're making a vision for yourself and you can't really do that vision in your startup business if someone wants you to do this or that they want you to move this direction, it's a really difficult situation that's going to be really annoying for you when you mistake getting into it. Maybe you're a lucky one and you find an investor that's willing to fund your startup without any interference from them but that's not something that you'd see everyday.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on June 07, 2024, 06:35:14 AM
I will not advise for someone starting up a new business to take a loan for it, that is a bad way of starting, instead they can learn to earn and have or build up a start up capital for themself than borrowing, but the option of getting an investor is also not a bad idea in this regards, but when we have gotten one, we must be able to ensure that the terms and conditions involved are what we can comply with, lastly, we must not disappoint our investors by having a failure in what we do, so its a must that the business must be productive.

Yes I concur due to past experiences on loan to start up a new business, it's a wrong move by any business taccum most our society today where inflation is hitting hard and market keeps changing and individual keeps dropping on their demand on consumption, if the product is consumables such loan one may be running into loss as some may hit expiration date because many citizens has cut down their expenditure.

One advantage for get investor is cutting down the risk as it serves as a shared risk in terms of loss but one must keep to term and conditions justdunamisx has said put effort to actualize the dream not to relax since the source is not from him by only targeting it's benefits rather than to make reality unlike when the capital is coming from him.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: SmartCharpa on June 07, 2024, 08:37:24 AM
For me getting an investor is the best of the two. One simple reason is that if a business fails you still have to pay the the loan taken, but with an investor, you both share the loss. Losing a business and having so much debt to pay afterwards is a very difficult place to come out of.
Also, the amount of money you'll get from the investor(s) you'll most likely not get from a loan. Financial institutions won't want to fund the whole of your business, it's too much of a risk. They'll either give you part of the money or none at all.

Besides, I always wonder why people are opposed to getting investors for their businesses. If you really want that business to be as big as you want, you're going to sell shares eventually because you'll need those capitals from somewhere, so why be scared of a third party?

I think many people are afraid of third parties simply because they do not want to share their business with anyone. Some people may not have enough money to start a business, but they can decide to take a loan rather than work with an investor to start a business. We must understand that getting a loan from a bank is very risky because if you do not repay the loan on the repayment date, the bank will not extend the repayment date, and even if they do, they will still need additional profits in return. If the business fails, the bank is unconcerned about your losses, you will return their money or seize your property. Another advantage of working with an investor is that he may bring new ideas that will help the business grow. A bank cannot advise how to build your business because they are also in business, which is to give people loans to start their business and repay them with interest, and an investor will never request interest unless his share with the company.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: justdimin on June 07, 2024, 09:34:32 AM
People who take loans to do business, most of the time spend extra money by borrowing extra money. They sometimes sell business goods to pay off the loan. We should borrow as much money as we need to do business.  Borrowing more than a few people will lead to problems. So those who have smart business sense will never covet for extra loans.
I think it would be better if someone decided to take a loan for their business. It would be better for them to analyze first whether the business they are running will really develop well and if they think the business will continue to run well after they take out the loan and they will be able to pay off their loans and if they can't pay them off, it would be better for them to postpone the loan they want to take. You are right. Those who have business sense will certainly make decisions about their business and will never borrow beyond their means.
This is true in the sense that if you do not want to share ownership of your company then you would be doing a justice to them. I mean it's obvious that whenever someone gives control of their company then they are going to regret it when it fails, because they could have done better job. However, there are few situations like "wework" where the person sells parts of their company to investors and grow, and then sell the last part and be rich while the company goes under.

I think loans are quite good, it would make it possible for them to grow and keep growing, they are called "line of credit" meaning that they take whatever they need, whenever they need it, instead of getting a loan lump sum, which is why I think line of credits are great.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Fredomago on June 07, 2024, 10:16:38 AM
For me getting an investor is the best of the two. One simple reason is that if a business fails you still have to pay the the loan taken, but with an investor, you both share the loss. Losing a business and having so much debt to pay afterwards is a very difficult place to come out of.
Also, the amount of money you'll get from the investor(s) you'll most likely not get from a loan. Financial institutions won't want to fund the whole of your business, it's too much of a risk. They'll either give you part of the money or none at all.

Besides, I always wonder why people are opposed to getting investors for their businesses. If you really want that business to be as big as you want, you're going to sell shares eventually because you'll need those capitals from somewhere, so why be scared of a third party?

I think many people are afraid of third parties simply because they do not want to share their business with anyone. Some people may not have enough money to start a business, but they can decide to take a loan rather than work with an investor to start a business. We must understand that getting a loan from a bank is very risky because if you do not repay the loan on the repayment date, the bank will not extend the repayment date, and even if they do, they will still need additional profits in return. If the business fails, the bank is unconcerned about your losses, you will return their money or seize your property. Another advantage of working with an investor is that he may bring new ideas that will help the business grow. A bank cannot advise how to build your business because they are also in business, which is to give people loans to start their business and repay them with interest, and an investor will never request interest unless his share with the company.

There are both risk and advantages in terms of that both side, more likely the point is how you trust your idea and how will you deal in selling it with the investors, or, how good you think the potentials and work with barrowing or loaning the finances thru banking, there's always fessibility studies that you need to conduct before you decide if which path you'll want to resort your finances, I like that idea about investors who can shares idea on how you can improve your business, unlike with banks where the intention is to gain profits alone, but with investors since they also risking their money, there's chance that they will also put some fresh ideas that will let you to link or to adopt with good adjsutments for the betterment of the business.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: tygeade on June 09, 2024, 05:53:05 AM
There are both risk and advantages in terms of that both side, more likely the point is how you trust your idea and how will you deal in selling it with the investors, or, how good you think the potentials and work with barrowing or loaning the finances thru banking, there's always fessibility studies that you need to conduct before you decide if which path you'll want to resort your finances, I like that idea about investors who can shares idea on how you can improve your business, unlike with banks where the intention is to gain profits alone, but with investors since they also risking their money, there's chance that they will also put some fresh ideas that will let you to link or to adopt with good adjsutments for the betterment of the business.
The bigger risk is at the investor. The person who is working on making their "dream" come true, or even just making a business that they want to try, isn't spending anything but their time, that's it, their time, and they are even getting paid for it, by the investors basically. Investor on the other hand is putting up their money, and that is the risk we are talking about.

I have seen people get thousands of dollars for basically doing nothing and promising everything in the crypto world, go look at launchpads and the highest funded ones, you will see that most have nothing at all but promise to be better in the future. That is a risk by investors not risk by the devs of those projects because they are risking nothing at all.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: sekalitas on June 13, 2024, 04:15:31 AM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

I'll choose to get an investor because I don't yet have experience running a profitable business with positive cash flow. By finding an investor, I must prepare a pitch deck, which forces me to continuously improve and verify my ideas. I also learn how to convince investors. This is a very good experience. So, besides getting a cash injection , I can learn more about the potential of my ideas because I need to convince investors by answering their concerns.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: btc78 on June 13, 2024, 02:14:18 PM
I'll choose to get an investor because I don't yet have experience running a profitable business with positive cash flow. By finding an investor, I must prepare a pitch deck, which forces me to continuously improve and verify my ideas. I also learn how to convince investors. This is a very good experience. So, besides getting a cash injection , I can learn more about the potential of my ideas because I need to convince investors by answering their concerns.
That is actually quite smart but how hard could it be to try and learn things by yourself first before trying to bring in other people to meddle with your own business? Consultants are okay but once you start bringing people in that could alter the direction of your business, it might become too complicated.

There is no shame in being a beginner and learning how things work first and maybe even making a few mistakes. Seems better than letting the decisions be ran by other people who might even do some work before your back.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: mirakal on June 14, 2024, 12:03:30 AM
Finding an investor isn't always an "option" for many people. I mean I had so many business ideas before, just going around asking people to give you their hard earned money, for % of just your idea makes no sense. You ask them to pay you for your idea and that is just idea nothing more.

This is why most people can't find a way to get investors, since they have no working product to show. In that situation, most of them do not even look for a loan neither, they could ask for a loan from a bank, but they do not trust themselves, I didn't, that is why they get nothing. But if I know that something will make me some money, then I guarantee you that I would just straight up look for something like a loan, if possible for a long term, it would be a lot better.

As you said, it is difficult to find investors. You need to be in the right place at the right time or people you know should be a reference for you to find investors. There can be many things like that, but in the end it is not easy to find investors.

An idea is always valuable, but finding the person who will invest in this idea is even more valuable. If we cannot find resources for our idea, we have to find investors. If we can't find investors, unfortunately the value of our idea decreases day by day.
Investors can only be hard to find if they think your business idea is not valuable enough and not worthy to risk of their funds. As much as your own idea is priceless, the money they are going to risk is even more valuable than what you think. So it’s always the concern of the investors first that you are going to prioritize rather than putting your idea at its highest value. If you can easily adjust to that, you will end up looking for investors easily as long as you go directly asking to its potential investors, not on the fake ones.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Baki202 on June 14, 2024, 09:33:10 PM
I'll choose to get an investor because I don't yet have experience running a profitable business with positive cash flow. By finding an investor, I must prepare a pitch deck, which forces me to continuously improve and verify my ideas. I also learn how to convince investors. This is a very good experience. So, besides getting a cash injection , I can learn more about the potential of my ideas because I need to convince investors by answering their concerns.
And another thing is that you can start from gathering information about the investment, and talk to people that are in similar businesses, because business you need information to be able to operate. And start first won’t be easy since their is no experience, the challenges you face will be were you will start getting your own experience from. Because even with your research what you experience will be the teacher you need. And having the idea and an investor at the same time just makes everything very easy. That is exactly were the work is to convince investors to invest in your idea, if the business is from the scratch then you need a lot to convince them to invest, they will be scared and also be in a state of confusion either to risk it or not but majority of this investment have experience and they know a good idea when they see one so they won’t just spend their money on ideas that won’t fetch them money. So if you are going with investors then you need to do your research well and have a good convincing spirit.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: oktana on June 14, 2024, 11:54:12 PM
It depends on the contract. If you can find an investor that isn’t greedy, then that’s a great option because investors are usually better than loans. When you have an investor, if anything goes wrong, it’s his money that goes, you’re not held responsible as he knew the risk. If you take a loan, they don’t care what you did to the money, you have to pay it back. But there are some contracts with investors that can make you consider a loan that you would an investor.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Renampun on June 15, 2024, 05:00:36 PM
I often watch YouTube videos that discuss this, the majority of the discussions explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both and from watching videos on YouTube that discuss this, I see that waiting for investors is much better than making loans to banks, especially when start-ups have There is a big risk of loss, so borrowing money from the bank to start a start-up is the wrong thing to do.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Winterfrost on June 15, 2024, 05:25:03 PM
I often watch YouTube videos that discuss this, the majority of the discussions explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of both and from watching videos on YouTube that discuss this, I see that waiting for investors is much better than making loans to banks, especially when start-ups have There is a big risk of loss, so borrowing money from the bank to start a start-up is the wrong thing to do.
You are right, anything associated with loan conveys an interest fee attached to the loaned amount and In some cases there is a very big interest rate on the loaned amount which the borrower might find it difficult to easily meet up the demand for the repayment schedule as agreed by both parties, pushing the borrower to a very difficult situation where he/she would have to work beyond measures just to meet up. Investors are the best measures to grow a firm or business, only percentage of profit to be shared will be agreed on giving the business owner enough space to work on the business easier and be more efficient.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Fredomago on June 18, 2024, 07:18:01 PM
There are both risk and advantages in terms of that both side, more likely the point is how you trust your idea and how will you deal in selling it with the investors, or, how good you think the potentials and work with barrowing or loaning the finances thru banking, there's always fessibility studies that you need to conduct before you decide if which path you'll want to resort your finances, I like that idea about investors who can shares idea on how you can improve your business, unlike with banks where the intention is to gain profits alone, but with investors since they also risking their money, there's chance that they will also put some fresh ideas that will let you to link or to adopt with good adjsutments for the betterment of the business.
The bigger risk is at the investor. The person who is working on making their "dream" come true, or even just making a business that they want to try, isn't spending anything but their time, that's it, their time, and they are even getting paid for it, by the investors basically. Investor on the other hand is putting up their money, and that is the risk we are talking about.

I have seen people get thousands of dollars for basically doing nothing and promising everything in the crypto world, go look at launchpads and the highest funded ones, you will see that most have nothing at all but promise to be better in the future. That is a risk by investors not risk by the devs of those projects because they are risking nothing at all.

And it's true as the chance that developers will runaway with the money is possible to happen, the risk for those investors to lose after entrusting their money to those people behind the project can take place, same with what you mentioned,  it's easy for those developers to propose and seek for investors trust but the outcome is not assure that the investors will surely gain,  though if in case the project succeed,  then that risk will be converted to a decent amount of profits.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: stomachgrowls on June 18, 2024, 07:47:09 PM
There are both risk and advantages in terms of that both side, more likely the point is how you trust your idea and how will you deal in selling it with the investors, or, how good you think the potentials and work with barrowing or loaning the finances thru banking, there's always fessibility studies that you need to conduct before you decide if which path you'll want to resort your finances, I like that idea about investors who can shares idea on how you can improve your business, unlike with banks where the intention is to gain profits alone, but with investors since they also risking their money, there's chance that they will also put some fresh ideas that will let you to link or to adopt with good adjsutments for the betterment of the business.
The bigger risk is at the investor. The person who is working on making their "dream" come true, or even just making a business that they want to try, isn't spending anything but their time, that's it, their time, and they are even getting paid for it, by the investors basically. Investor on the other hand is putting up their money, and that is the risk we are talking about.

I have seen people get thousands of dollars for basically doing nothing and promising everything in the crypto world, go look at launchpads and the highest funded ones, you will see that most have nothing at all but promise to be better in the future. That is a risk by investors not risk by the devs of those projects because they are risking nothing at all.

And it's true as the chance that developers will runaway with the money is possible to happen, the risk for those investors to lose after entrusting their money to those people behind the project can take place, same with what you mentioned,  it's easy for those developers to propose and seek for investors trust but the outcome is not assure that the investors will surely gain,  though if in case the project succeed,  then that risk will be converted to a decent amount of profits.
Thats why there were no instances that there are some funding or having those kind of corporation in between building a new project on which we know that scams and frauds could really happen into these kind of transactions and this is why investors cant really be able to trust up specially online on which that devs arent that Doxxed or know. So there would really be no assurance that you would really be able to have as an investor. So it would really be just that common sense that you wouldnt really be that making yourself having that security then it would be common sense that you cant really just that trust them up. So it would
really be better that you should really know on what you are dealing with.

If you are someone who do tend to make a business or investment then its impossible that you could get some investor online. So the nearest option that
you could really be having is on that you should really be taking up some loan neither on your relatives or loved ones or your last resort would really be on banks or
financing. So it would really be just that on your own choice.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Natalim on June 18, 2024, 08:28:25 PM
It depends on the contract. If you can find an investor that isn’t greedy, then that’s a great option because investors are usually better than loans. When you have an investor, if anything goes wrong, it’s his money that goes, you’re not held responsible as he knew the risk. If you take a loan, they don’t care what you did to the money, you have to pay it back. But there are some contracts with investors that can make you consider a loan that you would an investor.
Of course having a contract is a must.You should never do any business with anybody if there is no possible contract, that way everything will put into legality with the presence of a licensed attorney.

Now investors are actually greedy since it’s their money that are being risked in the first place. However, your responsibility here is to act as a business partner, so that you can ensure that everything in your business idea is followed so that the success will be certain, unless if the investor itself will find his own way on achieving the business’ success.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Cookdata on June 18, 2024, 08:49:14 PM
I'll choose to get an investor because I don't yet have experience running a profitable business with positive cash flow. By finding an investor, I must prepare a pitch deck, which forces me to continuously improve and verify my ideas. I also learn how to convince investors. This is a very good experience. So, besides getting a cash injection , I can learn more about the potential of my ideas because I need to convince investors by answering their concerns.

I have not seen where loan is giving in a favorable condition, but if you are getting a loan from someone who is God fearing with interest rate and conditions looks cool, you will enjoy loan as well but as I said, the loan interest rate and other conditions has to be favorable. Have you look at it in a way that you have a place you will have interest rate less than 10% with long term payback, you will run that business with rest of mind and wouldn't mind the zigzag movement that may come later, your aim is to succeed.

Don't forget that investors are mean people, they might agree to give you money but it comes with a cost, they may ask you to give them some of the business equity before they can loan you money whether a cash flow or fixed cash. You will be the one to run the business and you must succeed but after everything, they take their own percentage at the end of the day. Nothing is easy when it comes to running a business buddy.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: oktana on June 18, 2024, 11:08:28 PM
It depends on the contract. If you can find an investor that isn’t greedy, then that’s a great option because investors are usually better than loans. When you have an investor, if anything goes wrong, it’s his money that goes, you’re not held responsible as he knew the risk. If you take a loan, they don’t care what you did to the money, you have to pay it back. But there are some contracts with investors that can make you consider a loan that you would an investor.
Of course having a contract is a must.You should never do any business with anybody if there is no possible contract, that way everything will put into legality with the presence of a licensed attorney.

Now investors are actually greedy since it’s their money that are being risked in the first place. However, your responsibility here is to act as a business partner, so that you can ensure that everything in your business idea is followed so that the success will be certain, unless if the investor itself will find his own way on achieving the business’ success.

Indeed, that’s all it cost when you have an investor, that’s the major point with which we can say that investors are better than loan because all you have to apply is as much as your intellectual property of the said business, if it fails, you just have to prove that you did your best. But it would be great if you could make it work out because it’ll leave a track record that you’ve done something with an investor and it went well. Just in case you have future ideas and would need investors again. It is something that would boost their confidence.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: STT on June 18, 2024, 11:48:49 PM
This would be the question of equity or debt, I think startups need all the help they can get so investor and equity.   Its also true when you have another investor you are selling part of the business so be comfortable with that and they may not always agree with your strategy while spending the businesses money.

A great many disagreements can occur in investments, I would still prefer someone involved over a bank over my head circling me like a vulture.   Debt also ranks over equity, you have alot less leeway on a debt owed.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: wiss19 on June 19, 2024, 09:18:10 AM
I'll choose to get an investor because I don't yet have experience running a profitable business with positive cash flow. By finding an investor, I must prepare a pitch deck, which forces me to continuously improve and verify my ideas. I also learn how to convince investors. This is a very good experience. So, besides getting a cash injection , I can learn more about the potential of my ideas because I need to convince investors by answering their concerns.
That is actually quite smart but how hard could it be to try and learn things by yourself first before trying to bring in other people to meddle with your own business? Consultants are okay but once you start bringing people in that could alter the direction of your business, it might become too complicated.

There is no shame in being a beginner and learning how things work first and maybe even making a few mistakes. Seems better than letting the decisions be ran by other people who might even do some work before your back.
Having an investor is not like doing a partnership. You may not understand, but if you borrow money from someone or someone else invests money in your business, then you set a profit limit in which you have to give the profit to your investor. Yes, if you have a partner in your profit, then he can interfere in your business and you can say that your business is in the hands of someone else. But if you have good investors, you only have to give benefits to your investors and not involve them in your business.

I think it is much better than borrowing to find good investors who keep giving them a fixed amount because debt is something that once a person takes, he can never get out of debt. If you borrow from someone and he stipulates that you have to pay interest on it, it can be more dangerous for you. I don't think his business can be more successful than if you have a good investor and you decide that they will have a profit in your business, then you give them that much money every month.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: slapper on June 19, 2024, 02:14:00 PM
Having an investor is not like doing a partnership. You may not understand, but if you borrow money from someone or someone else invests money in your business, then you set a profit limit in which you have to give the profit to your investor. Yes, if you have a partner in your profit, then he can interfere in your business and you can say that your business is in the hands of someone else. But if you have good investors, you only have to give benefits to your investors and not involve them in your business.

I think it is much better than borrowing to find good investors who keep giving them a fixed amount because debt is something that once a person takes, he can never get out of debt. If you borrow from someone and he stipulates that you have to pay interest on it, it can be more dangerous for you. I don't think his business can be more successful than if you have a good investor and you decide that they will have a profit in your business, then you give them that much money every month.
You're looking at this investor against debt situation as if it were some sort of cage match. Perhaps, though, debt isn't the devil you believe. convertible notes? It's like you perform as expected; it becomes equity. Use it wisely, debt can be the fuel for the rocket ship

Now, investors? Indeed, they write checks, but they're not only throwing money at you. They got expectations, man. They are looking for development and profits. That can mess with your headspace, just like any debt deal. Don't fool yourself; think of investor money as equivalent to complete independence. Their influence is there, brother, whether they got a board seat or not

The truth is that every route to money comes with guidelines of their own. Not a free lunch, but you have to choose the game you want to play

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: ~speedx~ on June 19, 2024, 06:56:11 PM
Rather than starting a business with a loan, it is better to save money and then do business. But not everyone may have such an opportunity and situation. In that case, you can start a business with a loan. But it should be seen how much percent interest will be taken by this lending institution or person.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: milewilda on June 19, 2024, 07:17:53 PM
I'll choose to get an investor because I don't yet have experience running a profitable business with positive cash flow. By finding an investor, I must prepare a pitch deck, which forces me to continuously improve and verify my ideas. I also learn how to convince investors. This is a very good experience. So, besides getting a cash injection , I can learn more about the potential of my ideas because I need to convince investors by answering their concerns.
That is actually quite smart but how hard could it be to try and learn things by yourself first before trying to bring in other people to meddle with your own business? Consultants are okay but once you start bringing people in that could alter the direction of your business, it might become too complicated.

There is no shame in being a beginner and learning how things work first and maybe even making a few mistakes. Seems better than letting the decisions be ran by other people who might even do some work before your back.
Having an investor is not like doing a partnership. You may not understand, but if you borrow money from someone or someone else invests money in your business, then you set a profit limit in which you have to give the profit to your investor. Yes, if you have a partner in your profit, then he can interfere in your business and you can say that your business is in the hands of someone else. But if you have good investors, you only have to give benefits to your investors and not involve them in your business.

I think it is much better than borrowing to find good investors who keep giving them a fixed amount because debt is something that once a person takes, he can never get out of debt. If you borrow from someone and he stipulates that you have to pay interest on it, it can be more dangerous for you. I don't think his business can be more successful than if you have a good investor and you decide that they will have a profit in your business, then you give them that much money every month.
Some people would really be thinking that being an investor would really be automatically considered out to be that some sort of partnership on which its true somehow on the sense that they are part of the foundation
considering on the amount or financial approach but its true that if you would really be that tending to make up some agreement or really just that simply trying clarify that they arent that your partners but rather they are just purely investors who would really be that getting a percentage in speaking about on the profits that they are making and not really that totally have that kind of rights and control on how business operates or on how they would really be working. There's really indeed a difference in between things on which you would really be needing up to clarify if you wont really be liking any hassle about these kind of stuffs.

Going back into the possibility on getting investors online would really be that tough. Why? trust issues would really be the main issues on this one because
dealing up with things or investment in online world would really be that risky specially if you wont be able to know someone whose really that asking for.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Fortify on June 19, 2024, 08:47:55 PM
One of the major problem an average person that has an incredible business idea faces is the ability to raise the initial capital that's required to bring his ideas to life. and in solving this challenge, the available option has always ranged from iether taking a loan from a financial institution or seeking for investors that will take a particular percentage of the company and will in return provide the necessary financial support.

Considering these two options that's one of the easiest to get, taking a loan sometimes comes with a whole lot of strict terms and conditions and  with the high interest rate expecially in my region, it's even deficult to put that as an option. Looking at the case with most investors who are just looking for ways to double there already dormant funds, and care little about the owner of the business, it seems to be another problem dealing with them as most of the ratio they intend getting from you seems to be too big expecially when they already know that your proposed business have an higher chance of doing well in the long run.

I know that as a start-up, these sources could potentially help your business to upscale at a very sharp pace and that from the angle of allowing an investor to buy into your business, you could get other added advantage like getting advice and connection that will help boost your business but I'm just curious to ask;

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

A loan would probably be the preferred choice, but both of these options come with unique advantages and disadvantages. Loans will sometimes be a tad more expensive and require you to put up your personal belongings, like a house, as collateral - depending on the amount of money you need to raise. If everything goes well with the money, you get to keep the whole business and pay down the debt with hopefully a lot more equity at the end of it. However an investor will often want a large cut of the business but are more willing to take a risk, if you don't have collateral to offer they stand to lose a lot more potentially so it is somewhat fair. They can also give tailored tips and advice because it is in their interests to see their investment flourish.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on June 19, 2024, 08:58:42 PM

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
Looking at the current situation I seem to prefer to do it by embracing investors rather than borrowing for business ideas.

I have experienced the option of making loans to the business that I did even though it was classified as not too failed but when we do it with loans then of course we will be chased to repay the debts that we do which is not a comfort. Although it is true that debt is not bad for doing business, when we cannot control debt properly then indeed this will make a difficult situation for us to go through so that this will have an impact on the business you are doing.

Instead of something like this happening, it will be more possible if you do business maximizing personal capital first and if possible there are investors this is also a good addition because apart from capital support at least with the presence of investors we will be more able to make some good solutions, especially for internal business problems we become have a big responsibility because it is not only about our capital but about the capital of others who become our investors.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Fredomago on June 20, 2024, 12:27:46 PM
It depends on the contract. If you can find an investor that isn’t greedy, then that’s a great option because investors are usually better than loans. When you have an investor, if anything goes wrong, it’s his money that goes, you’re not held responsible as he knew the risk. If you take a loan, they don’t care what you did to the money, you have to pay it back. But there are some contracts with investors that can make you consider a loan that you would an investor.
Of course having a contract is a must.You should never do any business with anybody if there is no possible contract, that way everything will put into legality with the presence of a licensed attorney.

Now investors are actually greedy since it’s their money that are being risked in the first place. However, your responsibility here is to act as a business partner, so that you can ensure that everything in your business idea is followed so that the success will be certain, unless if the investor itself will find his own way on achieving the business’ success.

Indeed, that’s all it cost when you have an investor, that’s the major point with which we can say that investors are better than loan because all you have to apply is as much as your intellectual property of the said business, if it fails, you just have to prove that you did your best. But it would be great if you could make it work out because it’ll leave a track record that you’ve done something with an investor and it went well. Just in case you have future ideas and would need investors again. It is something that would boost their confidence.

If you failed ut manage to prove that you already did everything according to your road map then you don't have any liabilities with your investors, unlike with loaning your start up capital, if you failed you need to repay your loan and you are subjected to return the money or else legal actions will take place against you.

It's important to understand the trust you have from your ideas, if you think that there's a big chance that it will prosper along the way, then barrowing money is your option that will allow you to earn everything after the success, unlike with investors they have that percentages with the earnings that your project earns.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Orekelewa Ade on June 20, 2024, 12:47:21 PM
I see loaning as set back
I would get an investor to start the business with rather than getting a loan
I know what loaning has done to my parents and I don’t intend getting myself involved with anything pertaining loan .
I’m staying clear off it fr

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Kriptogram14 on June 20, 2024, 04:21:06 PM
I see loaning as set back
I would get an investor to start the business with rather than getting a loan
I know what loaning has done to my parents and I don’t intend getting myself involved with anything pertaining loan .
I’m staying clear off it fr

Borrowing money will make us uneasy with loans and will also make us a burden on our minds, where when we start investing but haven't made a profit, we will continue to be haunted by loan collections. Over time, we will feel uncomfortable with continuous collections. It's safer when we get investors where the profits are shared by both of us as well as the losses we bear equally, and the advantages of our investors are continuously monitored and given good input for our good in trading.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: stomachgrowls on June 20, 2024, 04:41:53 PM
I see loaning as set back
I would get an investor to start the business with rather than getting a loan
I know what loaning has done to my parents and I don’t intend getting myself involved with anything pertaining loan .
I’m staying clear off it fr

Borrowing money will make us uneasy with loans and will also make us a burden on our minds, where when we start investing but haven't made a profit, we will continue to be haunted by loan collections. Over time, we will feel uncomfortable with continuous collections. It's safer when we get investors where the profits are shared by both of us as well as the losses we bear equally, and the advantages of our investors are continuously monitored and given good input for our good in trading.
If you wont really be having no option or choice then you would really be needing to take up some loan. Just like the rest been saying that getting any investors on line would really be that so hard on which we know that they cant trust up easily people who do make out some propositions about a project that tends to be created or be mold up. No matter how good it would be but still the confidence and assurance would really be something that will really be in question. This is why on the moment that you dont have any thing that you could really be able to go into then you would really be considering on taking up some loan and would
really be that embracing on the risks involved with it, but thats if you are really that serious on making that project into work or would really be something that will be realized.

On the moment that you are really that still that hesitating on such manner then it would really be wise that you shouldnt be pursuing it but rather you do just simply sit and skip
out on trying to make things happen and pursue on other plans that you do have in mind.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: letteredhub on June 20, 2024, 05:17:01 PM

 If you have a well thought out business idea but don't have the needed capital to keep it functional, is getting a loan the best option or looking for interested investors?

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
A well thought business with integrity to grow it to actualization is very challenging and a lack of finance can be very destabilizing to an individual. From the point of view of my environment I'll say taking a loan wouldn't be a great option for me, just the hassles alone pass through to access the loan seems discouraging not to talk of the conditions attached, and all of these can put the individual in a tight pressure corner while struggling to fast meet up in repaying the loan for a new business that is expected to grow from strength to strength gradually which in some cases could take a few years.

I'll prefer to work with investors that have the funds to invest in to my idea and are very much interested in making sure the idea thrive and with patient. They can as well bring in their won recommendations where necessary in guiding the business idea moving forward unlike the banks or any loan source that it's priority is foremost is in the loan and percentage interest only. The investor can also act as co-members or partners, that's what I think.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: uswa56 on June 20, 2024, 07:46:09 PM
Borrowing money will make us uneasy with loans and will also make us a burden on our minds, where when we start investing but haven't made a profit, we will continue to be haunted by loan collections. Over time, we will feel uncomfortable with continuous collections. It's safer when we get investors where the profits are shared by both of us as well as the losses we bear equally, and the advantages of our investors are continuously monitored and given good input for our good in trading.
When someone takes out a loan without having a clear goal then what they do is certainly not reasonable, but someone who takes out a loan must first have a clear goal before deciding to take out a loan and there are some people who decide to take out a loan to develop their business. If their business is running well, this is very good and in this way the business we are running can develop into a better one and will also be able to pay off the loan well.

Having investors who can help us with funds for business needs will of course make it very easy for us to develop the business we are running to further develop, but they certainly know well that the business we are running will have the potential to gain profits, because every investor certainly has it would be impossible for them to be willing to spend capital on something they could not get a profit from.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Bright0515 on June 20, 2024, 09:09:11 PM
It is true that taking loan to start up a business is not that encouraging but depending on the business one ventures into. You have to consider the business state, the capital and the profit and lose you will make in the business not every business needs money to grow it up, as a person applying for a loan to start up a business you have to strategically plan know how much profit you will make and how much loss before the period you are meant to pay back you can't make a profit of 100% and pay a loan of 80% it will shake your business.

When you talk about investing do you mean becoming a shareholder or partnering with somebody?

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: oktana on June 20, 2024, 10:40:36 PM
It depends on the contract. If you can find an investor that isn’t greedy, then that’s a great option because investors are usually better than loans. When you have an investor, if anything goes wrong, it’s his money that goes, you’re not held responsible as he knew the risk. If you take a loan, they don’t care what you did to the money, you have to pay it back. But there are some contracts with investors that can make you consider a loan that you would an investor.
Of course having a contract is a must.You should never do any business with anybody if there is no possible contract, that way everything will put into legality with the presence of a licensed attorney.

Now investors are actually greedy since it’s their money that are being risked in the first place. However, your responsibility here is to act as a business partner, so that you can ensure that everything in your business idea is followed so that the success will be certain, unless if the investor itself will find his own way on achieving the business’ success.

Indeed, that’s all it cost when you have an investor, that’s the major point with which we can say that investors are better than loan because all you have to apply is as much as your intellectual property of the said business, if it fails, you just have to prove that you did your best. But it would be great if you could make it work out because it’ll leave a track record that you’ve done something with an investor and it went well. Just in case you have future ideas and would need investors again. It is something that would boost their confidence.

If you failed ut manage to prove that you already did everything according to your road map then you don't have any liabilities with your investors, unlike with loaning your start up capital, if you failed you need to repay your loan and you are subjected to return the money or else legal actions will take place against you.

It's important to understand the trust you have from your ideas, if you think that there's a big chance that it will prosper along the way, then barrowing money is your option that will allow you to earn everything after the success, unlike with investors they have that percentages with the earnings that your project earns.

Who doesn’t think their idea is a big one? If it isn’t, why then would they pitch the idea? For someone to talk about finding investors or taking loan, they are already confident in the idea, after all, you will have to convince the investor that it can be a very successful project before he/she will invest. So everyone always has that trust. Instead you should talk of risk level. Despite how big you think the idea is, you have to consider the risk involved and compare if it’s worth the possible result in the end, etc.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 23, 2024, 08:21:18 AM

Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?
Looking at the current situation I seem to prefer to do it by embracing investors rather than borrowing for business ideas.

I have experienced the option of making loans to the business that I did even though it was classified as not too failed but when we do it with loans then of course we will be chased to repay the debts that we do which is not a comfort. Although it is true that debt is not bad for doing business, when we cannot control debt properly then indeed this will make a difficult situation for us to go through so that this will have an impact on the business you are doing.

Instead of something like this happening, it will be more possible if you do business maximizing personal capital first and if possible there are investors this is also a good addition because apart from capital support at least with the presence of investors we will be more able to make some good solutions, especially for internal business problems we become have a big responsibility because it is not only about our capital but about the capital of others who become our investors.

Getting someone as an investor for a business is very difficult. But since it is not impossible dealing with investors should be the first priority. If like-minded people are not available as business partners or investors we must resort to debt. Through this we can speed up our business and repay the debt with the profits derived from it. And gradually in this way later again the business scope can be improved by speeding up the loan and repayment of the loan.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: TheUltraElite on June 23, 2024, 08:57:22 AM
Loans to start it off, once that money is being paid off meaning the startup is being successful, look for angel investors and then go for public investments. However the plans should be clear from the beginning because failure to pay of debts means a huge loss any company and potentially the idea gets wasted until someone else takes over.

This again depends on the scale, how big you expect the business to be. A smaller one might be enough to be completed on a loan and additional next stage funding might be needed only for expansion if necessary.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Egii Nna on June 23, 2024, 05:48:33 PM
Would trying to start up the business in your own little way the best option or can you consider bringing a third party into the business who will just serve as a partner that contributes just money?

The best solution is to get a loan if they can give you the amount you want because if you start up with a third party investing in your business, that means he has a share in the business, and any day that he wishes to take back his share, you are capable of losing everything, even if you know nothing about business. I know you will understand this that I will explain. Take an instance of a rich man. They always collect loans so that they will create a passive income business, especially those that engage in real estate. Most of them are not that rich, as it seems like they only lived on loans and no one’s known until after they died. That is when you will know that everything they own belongs to a bank or any loan organisation that they most have loans with. 

So in economics, the approved collect loan to start a business is risky in the sense that if that business doesn’t work, you will end up selling all your valuable items in order to pay off all the loans that have been collected to start up the business. 

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: Fredomago on June 23, 2024, 11:28:58 PM

Who doesn’t think their idea is a big one? If it isn’t, why then would they pitch the idea? For someone to talk about finding investors or taking loan, they are already confident in the idea, after all, you will have to convince the investor that it can be a very successful project before he/she will invest. So everyone always has that trust. Instead you should talk of risk level. Despite how big you think the idea is, you have to consider the risk involved and compare if it’s worth the possible result in the end, etc.

Good point, as for my reply, more on the focus for the risk if what will happen after if you failed that's why I mentioned about the liabilities, but I get your point that for soeone who believes on his idea he will push for it, either to get investors or to barrow money, as he believes that good chance or big potentials is already on it he just need to proceed and see the outcome, and in terms of getting the interest of investors aside from potentials, there's a big need of providing also the risk and make it understandable that it's possible to take place.

Title: Re: Would you prefer getting a loan for a startup or getting an investor?
Post by: SemiSharma on June 24, 2024, 02:17:51 AM
I've been checking out the discussion here about venture capital consulting (, and it's pretty interesting. I think it's cool how people are sharing their experiences and ideas about getting funding for new projects. For anyone wondering about it, venture capital consulting is basically about helping startups and businesses get investment from big investors who are looking for the next big thing.

From what I've read, it seems like there are pros and cons to using these services. On one hand, they can open doors to funding opportunities that might not be available otherwise. On the other hand, there's always the question of whether the fees and terms are worth it in the long run.