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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Kelward on May 29, 2024, 11:32:24 AM

Title: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Kelward on May 29, 2024, 11:32:24 AM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: robelneo on May 29, 2024, 11:39:08 AM
Since you mentioned urgently saving a life and if that life is someone I love I can easily swallow my pride but if its a donation or giveaway then I can say no, when it comes to urgent matters we have to think quickly or blame ourselves for not doing it quick once a life is loss.
It very much depends on the situation.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: acroman08 on May 29, 2024, 11:52:47 AM
But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
we can speculate all we want but we will never know until we actually witness it. Anyway, if the person refuses to accept the money because it came from gambling and prioritises their "moral integrity" over the life of someone, then, they should be ashamed of themselves.

So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
they should be more open-minded, a lot of people who condemn gambling usually assume that all the people who gamble are irresponsible, a sinner or a bad person.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: coin-investor on May 29, 2024, 12:06:02 PM
So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
Here in our country, some people will do anything to save the life of their loved ones so if it is a matter of life and death they should do away with their belief and do the necessary things to save a life not all gamblers are bad and there is a good side in gambling I support responsible gambling because, in our country, taxes coming from gambling have alleviated the lives of the poor people their basic needs and medical needs.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?

They may have reasons why they hate and condemn gambling and they are not educated about what gambling is and what it is not, but they are still entitled to their opinion and let time educate them one day that not all gamblers are bad people and gambling platforms also have a positive effect on people.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: target on May 29, 2024, 12:06:15 PM
That's a slap to the face. But you don't wanna do that to your worse enemies. When someone is in dire need of help, whether he's your friend or enemy, you don't stomp on the face of your enemy that has already fallen on the ground.  If you want to donate, just be a cheerful giver. Coz that's what the bible says be a cheerful giver.. Amen

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Oshosondy on May 29, 2024, 12:07:05 PM
Even if the money is stolen, they will not care to know the source of money, not to talk of it come from gambling or not. Only what that would be in their mind is that they should get the money and use it for the important thing they need it for. I know life and I know how people behave.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Wiwo on May 29, 2024, 12:07:35 PM
Just like similar situations that occur with me recently,  I have this federal civil servant close to me, and each time we get talking and discussions bring us to cryptocurrency he always make some misguided statements such as bitcoin I a scam and only scammers use bitcoin, despite knowing that I deal with bitcoin and in as much as a try to explain things to him,I discover that his mentality is low and full of assumptions.

Something happened recently,  he took a loan from the bank and when his salary was diverted into servicing those loans, he was left with nothing and in dear need of money to sort out something with family,  then he run to me to borrow him money to sort out his financial needs, at that point I blatantly told him that I don't borrow people money,he was disappointed,  but the truth os that, I don't want to help him out of what he hard already being criticising.

Some goes in this situation,  i can never loan anyone money won from gambling when themselves are anti gambling and also publicly critizing what they don't understand,  I will feel uses if I does that and I will never fall for such trap.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: EluguHcman on May 29, 2024, 12:14:25 PM
I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
Talking about emergency to the point of saving a life OP, this can even fume such an anti gambler to gamble with the least amount of affordable fund to give it a try if he/she maybe lucky to win as gamblers been speculating rumours that they bet with little fund and profited hugely.
Aside that, of course the anti gambler will take the money and definitely will come back to the gambler on regrets and apologies of being a gambling saboteur.

I am just trying to say that emergency needs can make you do an unusual just to get rid of it..

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge,
The morale of gambling condemnation is based on the fact that it posses an influence of ruining gamblers life and making them Irresponsible to the society.

So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
They are only being concerned that gamblers are intentionally loosing their funds while gambling but one thing they fails to understand is that we all have one or two occasions where we happily spend our money probably when we want to have funs.
So, they don't find gambling to be fun as that and they also don't know that gambling are basically gambling with affordable funds Incase it is lost.
What you do not practice would actually seem odd and interesting to you but does not warrant criticism like the gamblers are being engaged on prohibited activities.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: danherbias07 on May 29, 2024, 12:25:51 PM
Sure they are, sure they will.

It's not like they can be choosy on where the money came from especially if they are in need. It is not even illegal. There may be other traditional beliefs but I have not heard of someone yet who will not accept something that came from legal gambling.
I understand those people who will not receive the money from the people who earned it through drug pushing or other illegal means because they feel like it's dirty money. But whatever comes from gambling is not like bad money at all. First, we risk something before we win that. Second, as I said the first time, it was legally won. Finally, the lotto game is also gambling, and yet people are okay to receive money from those winners.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on May 29, 2024, 12:26:15 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
Well, first and foremost, there is a huge gap between what a person does to make money, and another person (supposedly an anti-gambler) needing money to save a life as you said, this two does not corrolate in the sense that, it is important for us to save a life when the opportunity calls and we know we are well positioned to do so, it's wrong to bring sentiments into such a matter, don't forget that money is money regardless of how it came or it's made.

If what we are talking about here was a mere issue like maybe the anti-gambler comes around to borrow money for some minor expenses from a gambler he has previously judged and mocked, then I did say that the gambler also will be right if he or she refuses to lend his or her money out, knowing fully well that it's through gambling he got the money, but when it comes to the issue of saving life, we should remove all sentiment and do what we have to do to save that life, because why? Anybody can find him or her self in a situation where he or she will need help from other people to save his or her life, including the gambler him or herself.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Odohu on May 29, 2024, 12:57:16 PM
Give them the money first and see if they will care about how you made it. That is how complex humans are and even those with their morals intact will only ask if the money is from a legal business,  in the case gambling is, then they will forget all their theories against gambling and accept the money. I have seen many anti gamblers who are actively gambling now after realising that gambling can actually fetch them money. Most of them are against gambling due to ignorance,  they just feel that gambling is hard to win so they conclude it is bad.

In the face of emergency, no one questions source of funds, so even people who are against gambling for whatever reason,  they will accept the proceed from gambling during emergency. 

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Lida93 on May 29, 2024, 01:24:01 PM
I have always told people that condemns gambling that they on the other side do engage in other things and activities that are way worse than gambling only difference is that those things they do the issue of battling with addiction are not there.

Nowadays people are only quick to condemn anything they don't flow with but aren't that quick to reject money gotten from same source they condemn which is why I can without an iota of doubt say that under any circumstance especially one of life and death those that condemn gambling won't hesitate to accept gamble won money to save the situation.

But would it bad of me to refusing to give out my money gotten through gambling to a person that is anti-gamble, that's one that always condemn my engagement with gambling despite how responsible I gamble. Because I feel like they have not reason to be worth giving money from something they are against? Maybe doing so can send a message for them not to condemn just anything for personal reasons.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Davidvictorson on May 29, 2024, 01:27:37 PM
I do not know why anyone would judge a gambler. They are human beings like us and as long as the money is not gotten through illegal means, I don't think that that should be a problem. Too many backlash on gamblers by non gamblers is definitely uncalled for. And I'll tell you that most folks don't care the source of wealth, as long as they are in need, they'll look the other way. It's how life works, the survival or preservation mechanism.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: TheUltraElite on May 29, 2024, 01:42:03 PM
If a gambler is giving money as loans, they are a loan shark, there is no shame in that. The source of money is less important but such sharks will not be able to sustain for long because of their gambling habits. So a long term shark usually does not spend their money recklessly but prey on individuals who might need money.

Of course there is no need to judge how they acquired the money in case of emergency, religion can do what it wishes to, someone's life being saved is way more important and is the next possible thing to redeeming yourself beyond what the narrow vision of religion can see.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Woodie on May 29, 2024, 01:45:50 PM
 I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
The problem with society today, we are quick to judge people or label them for what they aren't , but unfortunately when urgent help is needed and few people are available to give it out to them and they get to a desperate's always the unlikely people that will come to your aid and I believe such an anti gambler mentality will change as their  life will have a reality check that will make them not to judge people for what they aren't..

I guess the person would get the money as they desperately need it  8)

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
Gambling might seem like a bad thing to many, but trust me there is a whole lot of crazy stuff happening behind closed doors that would make gambling look like a picnic... besides gambling is something that is legally recognised in some places, so I wonder why people hate on it, unlike the illegal sh*T out there  ::)

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Synchronice on May 29, 2024, 01:53:36 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
Right now, you are mostly talking about the addicted person, not about the normal gambler. Gambler can be trusted with money but the addicted person, doesn't matter what's the cause of addiction, can't be trusted.
By the way, this is very interesting question. A situation, when family members blame the person for being gambling addicted and then this person luckily winning the jackpot. You know what happens in this case? This person with money, that was previously blamed, becomes an icon in the family. In 99% cases, that's the reality. Money buys many things. People don't follow their morals as well as they pretend.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Bravut on May 29, 2024, 01:57:43 PM
I won't conclude on this, there are many possibilities outside of your view, OP. People who condemn or throw shade are the wasters of energy because I see no need to leave what important and development needed in your life to look at some else.
Everyone is different with different decisions amd qualities, if you are against something and you consume what comes from such you are in support; Someone who eats a stolen product is a thief wether you are in support or not.
So if you are against something, hopefully you stand on it.
In terms of urgency as I said earlier we cannot conclude....

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Porfirii on May 29, 2024, 02:01:53 PM
You said that it happens sometimes because of religious beliefs, and I don't know many people who would act that way in decisive, life-or-death situations (I have known a few muslims in my life but they didn't scrupulously abide with many of the rules contained in the Quran).

One can have strong convictions against known industries, practices, etc. and if it's additionally illegal (by law or by faith) chances are that some people will say "no", but that's not my case accepting cash from gamblers, and I don't think it is the case either for anyone in my social circle.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: passwordnow on May 29, 2024, 02:07:24 PM
This is case to case basis. Not all gamblers have pure heart when it comes to someone asks them for help. While it's hard to put ourselves into someone's shoe, it's true that they shouldn't judge any gambler upon hearing and knowing that a person is a gambler, they already are in the impression that he or she is a bad person. Not at all, it may come as a hobby or as a source of living *this is another topic and long discussion* or just a pastime and earns partly from it.

I am sure that someone who is in dire need that gets a help from a gambler will not deny that help. Religious or not, that help won't come naturally if you decline that and you are not in the position to take your pride and shoo away that person that's trying to help you to get in a better situation. If that comes from a clean win, it doesn't matter but if it comes from an illegal way then I guess that it will be another story and decision to make. But if someone in desperation needed help, I am sure that there is no way that he'll push away that person who's willing to give money whether he's a gambler or not.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Zlantann on May 29, 2024, 02:11:48 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

Besides Islam, no religion has openly criticized gambling. You will never find in any religious holy book, where it is written that gambling is a sin beside the holy Quran. The truth is that everybody wants to take short cut to riches. If I am sure that a particular game will make me rich, I will gladly play it. If I know that singing a particular song will make me rich, I will gladly sing it. Nobody wants to labor for a long time before becoming rich. For me I desire to retire early, so I will be willing to do anything legal to become financially stable. Many people gamble for entertainment but If they win big, that's their luck

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

In such conditions, when someone's life is at stake, people don't usually consider where the money is coming from because what they want is just the money. They will gladly take the money from the gambler, tell him thank you, and even bless him with prayers. I watched a film sometime called John Q. The father had to kidnap doctors because he wanted to force them to perform surgery on his son. He achieved what he wanted and also went to jail. But he was a hero for saving his son's life.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?

They can only condemn gambling if it is against the law of the land, religious belief, or if the person is a gambling addict.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Jawhead999 on May 29, 2024, 02:12:41 PM
Even though in Islam they forbid to eat pork, but if you're in crisis, trouble or anything that make you can't find halal food to eat, you're allowed to eat pork or any other forbidden food. So if they're in dire financial needs, I'd say they will accept it if there's no way for them to collect money at that time.

So, it's not about sin or bad anymore, when in trouble and have no choice, you're forced to pick it.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Assface16678 on May 29, 2024, 02:18:38 PM

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
You do have a point. For me as a gambler or an individual who does gambling, gambling entirely is not a bad thing; it is created, or the gambling games are created solely for entertainment, and it is only called gambling because later on it is associated with money or staking and the concept of winner and loser. The sin we called those people who commit it—I mean, if a person or individual does unimaginable things, affecting themselves and other people around them negatively. So for me, gambling is not a sin; the sin or bad thing is what gamblers do just because they can't control themselves anymore, and that results in negative events. Really, people want to blame something that is not alive, like gambling, gambling games, or whatever. What they should blame are those people who cannot control themselves and are doing things that should not be done.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: panjul07 on May 29, 2024, 02:39:28 PM
Tricky situation and it will be always depending on the one who is considered as "anti gamblers".
Probably someone may not accept cash from gamblers although he/she needs the money hardly, and he/she will try to find other people.
At the other situation, someone who declare himself as anti gamblers may accept the money if there is no other option for him.
This is why I say it is as a tricky situation becasu we never know what people will do in various situation because it will always back to the person.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: harapan on May 29, 2024, 02:51:52 PM
Even if the money is stolen, they will not care to know the source of money, not to talk of it come from gambling or not. Only what that would be in their mind is that they should get the money and use it for the important thing they need it for. I know life and I know how people behave.

Mmm  well some people's believe can sink deep into them that even in their last state of survival twgey would refuse such help cause they think it's sin and  and an abuse to their believe.i know definitely what I'm saying I had this neighbors that are so confidant in their religious beliefs that anything gambling or alcohol is  a sin to them and you that's involved in it you will be avoided.
So the husband was hospitalized even to a point of debt and she don't have penny on her for them to carry on treatment in her but her brother in-law was offering her money for support she bluntly refused it even afteruch persuasion from people around.all because she knows he gambles and all that.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Zanab247 on May 29, 2024, 02:56:37 PM
Even though you tell the anti gambler that the money you want to give them to solve their problems is from gambling,they will collect the money, because they need the money urgently and they will not care if they have condemned gambling in your presence.

I will not blame the people that is condemning gambling, because they have seen some gamblers that Sold their property just to gamble, and there are some that killed someone just to collect the money to gamble which is the reason the anti gambler use to condemned gambling.

Those that gamble in a responsible way, it will be difficult for anti gambler to see them because they don't use to show themselves in public and even though they won from gambling center you will not know but those that addicted to gambling, once they loss in gambling the news will go viral for anti gambler to believe that gambling is bad.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Jody.Drummer on May 29, 2024, 03:01:31 PM
Yes I understand that there are always some people who condemn gambling or who have a very bad stigma towards gambling so that they see a gambler as irresponsible or who has a very bad personality, but on the other hand I think it depends on the situation, if for example the situation is really very urgent which could cost someone's life if we don't immediately make a decision to take advantage of help from others then I think there is definitely nothing wrong with taking help money from others even though basically the money is the result of winning in gambling.
I think it's okay to take it because after all even though you have a very bad stigma against people who are involved in gambling but if it is only their help that can save someone's life then why not take quick action to utilize the help? What we have to see in this context is that even though they are a gambler but they have very good and sincere intentions to help you save someone's life.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: bitzizzix on May 29, 2024, 03:02:00 PM
In my opinion, money from gambling is haram. However, if gambling money is used to help people or do good, that's okay because the sinner is still the gambler, not the person in need, as long as it is really used to help that person and provide it according to their needs.
Logically, the person comes to the gambler to borrow money because God knows he will help him and show it to the gambler and the problem will be resolved. And I'm sure the guy has tried here and there before but to no avail, and his last resort was to become a gambler and she helped him. So whatever happens is with the permission of the Almighty and shown to the right people.
And nowadays no one cares where the money comes from and if it was really important, they would still use it to solve their problems.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Apocollapse on May 29, 2024, 03:26:47 PM
Obviously they will accept it.

People will not think anymore when they get offered something that really need it, let's say you haven't eat for 2 weeks and you're very hungry, someone offer you his leftover food, will you reject it? I really doubt it.

It's human nature, especially money is the most important thing now.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: aioc on May 29, 2024, 03:34:54 PM
It's not hard to decide if the reason is this
So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery.

If there's no other way but to accept cash but only this option, then he should forever carry the burden of guilt, but if there's another way he should not accept it because he will also feel guilty knowing that it's against his principles when the life of your love one's is at stake pride and principle should not interfere.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: livingfree on May 29, 2024, 03:38:31 PM
IMO, this quote "for every rule, there is an exception" can be applied for some situations that we may deal with.

There is no law about gamblers donating money to the people that are in need of immediate help. I think in religious laws, they won't accept it but again, there's always the contemplation about the situation.

So, if there's no law about such, you're free to accept it and just be grateful that you're chosen and decided to receive that in-kind.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: nimogsm on May 29, 2024, 03:38:49 PM
That's a slap to the face. But you don't wanna do that to your worse enemies. When someone is in dire need of help, whether he's your friend or enemy, you don't stomp on the face of your enemy that has already fallen on the ground.  If you want to donate, just be a cheerful giver. Coz that's what the bible says be a cheerful giver.. Amen
sometimes we can help even our worst enemy, life is full of surprises. I think that if a person finds himself in a critical situation, in 99% of cases he will not care where these funds come from if they can affect his future life right now. In such situations, the question of faith and principles is definitely fades into the background.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Awaklara on May 29, 2024, 03:40:55 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

even though I actually hid my gambling activities. but I really had such an experience.
That's what my neighbor said when he was anti-gambling when he was gathering and talking about someone who was having problems related to gambling addiction.
of course, my neighbors don't know that I am a gambler. but he borrowed money from me several times for urgent needs.
I don't know how would feel if my neighbors knew that I was also a gambler. but I won't tell him anything, just for convenience so that no one is disturbed.

I just think we can have different beliefs and thoughts. but at least we don't condemn other people's ugliness so badly.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: crwth on May 29, 2024, 03:44:43 PM
Hmm. This is quite a dilemma knowing that if you need money, it doesn't matter where it comes from as long as it solves the problem in a way that money could. Maybe it has something to do with hospital stuff. The moral dilemma wouldn't matter as much IMO since it's a dire need. But I think if it's an evil way like stealing, it might be a different case. Winnings from a gambling habit might not be that hard or something.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Hewlet on May 29, 2024, 05:33:01 PM
The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
this reminds m of what happened between my friend and his dad while we were still in high school. So from our religious standpoint, examination malpractice is a condemnable act that's seriously frawned at and seen as something that shows lack of faith and God and a general compromise of the highest order. My friend's dad was into examination malpractice and used the money gotten from it to train and take care of the family and even though they all knew that, they enjoyed all the money but were not in the same school of thought that what the dad was doing was right. A day came when his dad asked him to come help him write an exam for somebody and my friend refused citing that it's wrong for him to write exams for someone since it's a sin there religious context. The dad asked  why he never rejected all the money he has been bringing at home all this while and the guy was just mute at that time.

The truth is that we're quick to condemn things and then when we're in a tight corner we tend to bring out excuses to justify our actions. If you're against something, be totally against it at time. If you can compromise when things gets tough, then there is no point of kicking against it in the first place. Gambling generally isn't bad and there exist lots of gambling activities we've actively gotten involved in without even knowing it. I know when someone's life is at stake, anything that's more like a solution is rushed after but that's never to say that you should now go into an act you've longed kicked against.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Yatsan on May 29, 2024, 06:08:56 PM
Yes of course, some people could be hypocrites in any way. Also has something to do with them being "anti". Some people are just not into gambling activities or that they don't support it and that's just fine. Whie others are totally against not only in the activity but also with gamblers themselves. Some of these anti-gambling wouldn't accept the money even if they are in dire situation but it will all boil down to individual differences and personal beliefs.
That's a slap to the face. But you don't wanna do that to your worse enemies. When someone is in dire need of help, whether he's your friend or enemy, you don't stomp on the face of your enemy that has already fallen on the ground.  If you want to donate, just be a cheerful giver. Coz that's what the bible says be a cheerful giver.. Amen
sometimes we can help even our worst enemy, life is full of surprises. I think that if a person finds himself in a critical situation, in 99% of cases he will not care where these funds come from if they can affect his future life right now. In such situations, the question of faith and principles is definitely fades into the background.
I agree, some people could swallow their pride if they will be weighing the situation they are in. We cannot be not logical at all times. If setting aside your ego will lead to the betterment of the situation, and you still did not, then it's on you to aid things on your own.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: BABY SHOES on May 29, 2024, 06:39:10 PM
Do not be hypocritical when an emergency requires from a gambler who is said to be financial to save their lives then take that option you do not need to think about the source from where it is clear that your focus is on saving these lives and after all normal conditions you just pay back if you borrow him the gambler gives just say thank you.

For me that's enough.

But there are always people who think gambling is bad even if they don't want to accept it if the person is religious, I can't say much about this but clearly in an emergency whatever it is more important even other religions teach what should be needed with someone's help indiscriminately.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: sompitonov on May 29, 2024, 06:48:30 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
There are indeed many words in your reasoning OP that I agree with. But I would not touch religion, because this is a very fine line for so many people. I would say that everyone decides for themselves what to do and is responsible for their life and for their loved ones. I don’t mind them playing, but as soon as an addicted player cannot pay off his debts and has to pay his wife and child or sick mother for it, then this sounds terrible to me. However, the same can be said about irresponsibility when a drunk driver gets behind the wheel, he does not think about the lives of other people, he just drives, but at this time he is a potential killer, even if he does not want it. Therefore, in the end, everything is correct, irresponsible people are everywhere, there are just a lot of them in gambling.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 29, 2024, 07:01:51 PM
But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
If it is a life or death situation there is no need trying to prove a point even if it did not like gambling. You really regret it if the person you are trying to save their life dies because you are trying to prove a point that gambling is bad and that you would not accept money from a gambler, that will be foolish.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
If you condemn gambling, keep your opinions personal to yourself and do not say it publicly for everyone to know so you do not sound foolish when you find yourself in this kind situation where you can make yourself a clown.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Justbillywitt on May 29, 2024, 07:03:18 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
It's simple they are all hypocrites who are condeming people who are just living their lives. It's not even about life savings situations that will make them ask you for money. The moment they hear that you have won a substantial sum of money from gambling they will start calling you on the phone and sending you series of messages soliciting for financial assistance from you. They are only religious in their lips but they don't practice what they preach. I have been in several situations like this, when I am losing bets it's mine alone and you will hear several defaming words about you, but the moment you win money it becomes everybody money. Relatives who condemned the gambling habits will line up and be asking for money. Since my childhood I haven't seen anyone rejected money just because the money was won from gambling. So I don't think anyone will reject money from gambling at anytime.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: rahmad2nd on May 29, 2024, 07:04:17 PM
"Can anti-gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial need"

Of course yes, but it all comes back to the recipient. The question is whether he is willing to receive donations or gifts from the proceeds of someone's gambling. the answers are very relative and varied, some are happy to accept it even though they know that the money was obtained from gambling winnings. quite a few are reluctant to accept it for reasons of their principles and beliefs. The point is, everything is possible. Moreover, if we talk about money, whether the source comes from, the name of the gift given or received is very sensitive. The question is, who really doesn't need money? well, I highly doubt it no one cares about money. I am speaking generally, not to certain people or groups. So related to your thread, the answer depends relatively on each person who needs it even if he is an anti-gambling person. but it doesn't rule out the possibility that if they are given money, even if they earn money from gambling, they won't hesitate to accept it. especially, like the story example in your post. Usually, when people are in an urgent situation, they will make various efforts including doing something extreme. especially if someone needs regular surgery, and the money he gets from donations from gambling winnings. Most likely, someone will receive it no matter the source of the money.

Now I ask again, what is the essence of what you posted in this thread?
After all, human behavior tends to change according to situations and conditions. It doesn't matter if someone condemns gambling, when he is in trouble and the only solution is to receive money from gambling. Psychologically, human beings, their beliefs will shake them with the pressure that befalls them. Well, actually this thread has nothing to do with games, betting or discussions related to games. but okay, at least we can discuss anything related to gambling.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Zackz5000 on May 29, 2024, 07:12:23 PM
Yes of course, people are desperate when it comes to Money, anti gambler will definitely accept Money from gambler expecially when they are badly in need of it. I have a friend of mine that is always against me when ever am gambling sometimes when I place a bet and loss he will sometimes mock at me but when ever am lucky and I won a bet he will always want me to give him little cash sometimes too I will just show him some love by giving some little cash which I won from betting even I think he will say no that it is from gambling he won't even say no but he will just accept at the end what he will say is that things are hard.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: coolcoinz on May 29, 2024, 07:39:11 PM
There's a saying that "money talks" which means that you can have your disagreements, but many things change when there's money on the table.

I know so many stories when my own family members who did not like each other and did not talk for years suddenly came together to settle because there was some money to be made from inheritance or they had a piece of land that none of them used and a buyer came around and gave them good price. Suddenly the disagreements disappeared and they sat at one table, talking and joking, but when the deal was done there was no more talking.

Yes people who hate you, be it for gambling or not, will eventually come to ask you for a favor and it's up to you whether you help them or not.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Findingnemo on May 29, 2024, 07:44:26 PM
No one will deny money even if it has blood stains on it, trust me. :)

People may have their own opinion about gambling and the people who do it and it's perfectly fine but it doesn't mean you have to use this as advantage to mock someone when they are in real need, just let go of ego and help them if you can or just let him clear that you won't cause playing with people's feelings especially when they are low is worst crime though which isn't funny.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: dunfida on May 29, 2024, 07:59:17 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
On the moment that we are talking about life and death situations then for sure you wont really be tending to get in line with those religious or whatever impressions you do have with those gamblers.
You would definitely eat your words on the moment that you would really be in need of money. Sometimes people are really that too judgmental just because on what they have seen.
On the moment that you are on such condition then you would definitely be having no choice but to ask money or support no matter which person you do know.
It is really just that a shame into your part that you do really end up on asking help for those people whom you had judged.

Some might really be that swallowing their pride and ego because they dont have no choice since your loved ones life is at risks on which its normal but pretty sure
that after that on being anti-gambler/gambling person will really be changed up accordingly on the moment that you've seen that they had helped you once.
People would really be learning up life lessons based up on what they had experienced.This is why its really that bad to make judgment.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Issa56 on May 29, 2024, 08:07:23 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.
Seriously, whenever some people say something’s about gambling, I do feel bad because I know they don’t just really understand what gambling is all about, because it’s only addiction I know which is very bad. If anyone tells me that gambling is bad because it’s against their religion, then I don’t have any problem with that, but it annoys me whenever I see that people do call gamblers irresponsible sets of people. There is nothing bad about gambling, just that the addicted gamblers are the ones who are irresponsible, so we shouldn’t generalize it.

So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
If you want to know someone’s true character, then test them with money. I know some religious people are going to reject the money even if it’s needed urgently, but I will tell you that some are still going to accept the money. All those people who are saying bad things about gambling will definitely accept the money, they won’t remember that gambling is an irresponsible activity. If most of them have the opportunity to win constantly from gambling, they will also be gambling.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: YOSHIE on May 29, 2024, 08:09:03 PM
Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
In general, if people push hard, especially in the financial/economic field, most will do and receive anything, including money from gambling, even high interest money.

People are urgent, meaning they need it immediately, if they don't get it, it could end, generally they no longer look at morals or shame, they will bear the shame. The important thing is that they can get the money.

We understand that everyone has a different view in assessing money from gambling, but that doesn't mean they don't accept it, as long as they are useful for themselves, regardless of gambling money or anything else.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: hedgeh0g on May 29, 2024, 08:19:41 PM
I am almost sure that about 90% or more will ask for help from those people and give up their beliefs, because they will want to survive at any cost. But there will also be those who strongly believe in their religion and they will most likely refuse help. Each person has their own choice and I am not going to judge them for this opinion. Everyone chooses how to live, there is even a saying in our area: Do not judge anyone and you will not be judged. I hope many people understood the essence of these words.

Some people often say the same words when in a certain situation, but when life puts them in the narrow framework of other situations, they will say the completely opposite, life happens according to such rules and unfortunately nothing can be done about it.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: angrybirdy on May 29, 2024, 08:21:11 PM
That's a slap to the face. But you don't wanna do that to your worse enemies. When someone is in dire need of help, whether he's your friend or enemy, you don't stomp on the face of your enemy that has already fallen on the ground.  If you want to donate, just be a cheerful giver. Coz that's what the bible says be a cheerful giver.. Amen

i love the last part! Haha kidding aside, that's true, shame on a person that the person they judge and say some kind of ugly words will help them in their time of need. We have experienced this scenario before, especially with my relatives, the amount of judgment they say to my and my family when they find out that I gamble, they are the reason why I pushed myself to become a responsible gambler because I don't want the judgments they throw at me to come true, then when they needed help especially in financial matters, they came to me, they just ate their pride because they knew what they did before, and because we are kind, of course I helped somehow and I just thought that It's just like that, sometimes we can't say no when someone asks us for help, especially if we see that it's really necessary.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Zigabel on May 29, 2024, 08:36:07 PM

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
Gambling in itself has never been a bad thing but what has been is the attitude and the character of the gambler because this where most persons tend to drag their judgments from and eventually generalize it and they are sometimes wrong but then its not such that should be considered so much of a problem, in essence im sayin gambling proceeds shouldn't be seen as a bad or ill gotten funds as in the long run it was actually gotten from an illegal source as gambling is legalized in some of these countries so money gotten from gambling can not be termed as ill gotten because its not at all.

I'm of the opinion that in such a situation, I'm optimistic in the fact that the gamblers donation or funds is most definitely goin to be accepted at that time not minding the religious background of the ones who need the funds art such a critical time because its crucial a need has to be met which is the main thing they will have to be focusing on at the moment and not how they are going to investigate the source of the funds.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Obim34 on May 29, 2024, 08:41:14 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
People alter their beliefs when in dere need, be it a matter of death and life, especially if the victim is closely related then there is every course to do stuffs contrarily, reference to those who condemns gambling will have no option other than to take from the available source whether a gambler or not. Meanwhile condemning gambling as a sin forgetting we buy and sell, go to eateries, do shopping and many interesting activities yet around those people who their beliefs do not match with ours, now comparing to asking financial aid from a gambler in a case of saving life.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: shivansps on May 29, 2024, 08:43:32 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?

A very interesting article and an unusual example.
I believe that every person makes a choice only for himself. If a person is religious, then it will be a sin for him to play, because his religion prohibits him. For a non-believer, this will not be something forbidden, because the law allows it. Relatively speaking, state law separates “sin” and “not sin”. If it does not violate state law, then it is not prohibited. I would say that I would not teach my children to gamble, but I also do not condemn those who gamble, it is their choice

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Mahanton on May 29, 2024, 08:57:25 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?

A very interesting article and an unusual example.
I believe that every person makes a choice only for himself. If a person is religious, then it will be a sin for him to play, because his religion prohibits him. For a non-believer, this will not be something forbidden, because the law allows it. Relatively speaking, state law separates “sin” and “not sin”. If it does not violate state law, then it is not prohibited. I would say that I would not teach my children to gamble, but I also do not condemn those who gamble, it is their choice
If you are someone whose really that strict when it comes on following on what scriptures say or something that getting in line about having those bad impressions and views towards gamblers or to those who are really that getting involve with it, then no matter how worst the condition or situation would be, then you wont really be finding  yourself touching up those gamblers funds and wont really be seeking any help from them but rather you would be finding other alternatives on which its true that there are still other ways that you could be able to borrow money like taking up some loan in banks or borrowing into other people or relatives on which arent gamblers. There are really just those people who would really be sticking into their principle no matter what on which it isnt really that bad.

For some people who do end up on having no chance on getting some help or other options then even if they do know that it is really that a sin then they would really be go diving with that last resort on which
i could say that this is something that you would really be doing. We are talking about our loved ones on here or something which is emergency and we cant really be always having that funds to support
those things on which not all would really be that ending up borrowing or taking up some loan.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Juse14 on May 29, 2024, 09:29:10 PM
Your viewpoint is rather intriguing and casts a broader light on the issue of gambling. In fact, a lot of people frown upon gambling due to religious or moral grounds, as well as their negative encounters with it. They might view gambling as an irresponsible or high-risk endeavor that has the potential to wreck an individual's existence.

On the other hand, as you mentioned, it is vital to not judge people based solely on one behavior. while gambling may have negative connotations, it is essential to take a holistic view of an individual and discern the context surrounding their actions. It is unjust to simply cast judgment on someone for being a gambler without delving into their underlying motives and other aspects of their behavior. By adopting a more open-minded and non-judgmental attitude, we stand to gain a richer understanding of human intricacies and the myriad paths people tread in their lives.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Slow death on May 29, 2024, 11:07:41 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?

To be honest, I think that these people who criticize gambling and use religion as the reason, in a way they are difficult people for us to understand their reasons, because looking at religious people, their behavior towards many things that have happened, it makes us question whether they are really religious people or not, it seems that people who use religion to avoid gambling are only doing so because they don't like gambling and not because they really believe that gambling be sin. What if a person who is participating in the lottery, for example

and this person one day won 10 million US dollars and became very rich, bought a house and a luxury car and posted on his social networks, we would see that many people who were talking bad about gambling would be looking for that lottery winner to talk to him, go for a walk with him and they would even accept money from the lottery winner. What we have today in society are false moralists who criticize something X but do that thing X. Nowadays people don't care about how person Z's money came from, they just want person Z to give them money too 

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Wexnident on May 29, 2024, 11:14:43 PM
People are able to judge others because they have the luxury to. You think at moments of desperation luxury is something that exists? Besides, yes it's not a crime to gamble, but neither is it to judge people no? It's just a cultural thing (if I were to describe it). There's absolutely no need to hate on them (nor like them) really, taking it to heart only serves to hurt you and not them. Don't mistake me though I'm all in it for trying to remove the negative image about gambling, just that getting stuck on them ourselves seem different to the goal here.

And in your example OP if the person puts his beliefs above someone else's life then somethings is fundamentally wrong with them, not because of a cultural difference lol. Not to mention that I don't think a person who hates gambling would have gamblers around them anyway.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: seoincorporation on May 29, 2024, 11:24:23 PM
When someone needs money doesn't matter the source at all, they will not say "i can't accept that money because is dirty". Maybe they will not agree with the source but in the end, they will accept the money just because they need it. But we can be sure they will not use the money for gambling and that's something good for them.

When people need money, they will do anything for it, even if it isn't ethical. as they say, corner the dog and his only option will be to bite you.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: alegotardo on May 29, 2024, 11:30:56 PM
But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

I think that every belief has limits, and when it involves the life of someone we love, we do everything, some would exchange their own life for another's.
In this case, certainly yes, these people would accept "dirty money" to save someone they love, even if to do so they would need to do a lot of penance later.

But, your report made me reflect on something: Do many of these people who do not tolerate gambling really believe that this is something dishonest or do they do it just because this is a belief that the society around them condemns, or else Does your religion prohibit it?
Wouldn't some of these people who say they "reject" gambling would like to be able to play without anyone knowing, wouldn't they just play in secret?

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: GideonGono on May 29, 2024, 11:33:17 PM
I've seen worse some people would even do something just to get through a dire financial situation.
There are some who sold their body organs in order to get money, there are other's who would let go of their pride and do something that they wouldn't normally do.
I've seen people change because of their financial problem, from being a honor student to something that they shouldn't be doing just to get money to study or continue to live.
So it is clear to me that when a dire situation or they are in financial crisis they would take it no matter what, unless they would find other way to get some cash.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: TelolettOm on May 29, 2024, 11:57:36 PM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.
I'm trying to view the positive side from this case. People who condemn gambling because of the mistakes of few gamblers. Honestly, I also hate bad gamblers who use other people's money for gambling and never repay the money. If the gamblers play gambling in a proper way, I think those people won't condemn gambling. There is nothing wrong with gambling games if it is mostly for fun purposes. Those irresponsible gamblers who should be blamed by them.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
Whether it is crime or not, it depends on the laws in the country. We can't generalize it!
We must admit that we have irresponsible gamblers. But it doesn't mean all gamblers are irresponsible. For the responsible gamblers, they don't make the mistakes. Those people can't blame the responsible gamblers.

For the people who condemn gambling, I actually don't care with them. As long as they don't bother my activity, I don't want to think about their action. In my opinion, they just don't understand what gambling should be. They only view it from the bad gamblers.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Samlucky O on May 30, 2024, 12:24:16 AM
The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
People that condemns gambling act are just those people that are misinformed about gambling and it's habits. I wouldn't really blame them because just like you have said there is always an irresponsible people in every areas of life, so there is always an opposition to what people do. Wether good or bad, so it's not a new things we should accept it in any way we see it. Because in what ever we do there must be critics in other hands they will still be looking for how to get something from the particular person in question without considering how they criticized such person before. So back to the question of the thread, yes an anti gambler can accept money from a gambler when they are really in need of money.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: wxa7115 on May 30, 2024, 02:46:35 AM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
I do not really care about them as I make an effort to not reveal too much about myself to people that do not know me.

However I am sure that some of the people that are the most vocal against gamblers, will be the first ones to ignore their previous complaints and accept that money if they really need it, but make no mistake, they will not do this because they had a change of heart, this is simply a matter of convenience and as soon as they are back on their feet, they will condemn you once again.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: lienfaye on May 30, 2024, 02:58:26 AM
So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
It's already an emergency situation to save life, even someone is an anti-gambler, I don't think he/she will refuse the money if saving the life of a loved one is more important than anything else. In times like this, if it happened to me and i'm against those gamblers spending their money in gambling, I will also swallow my pride and belief just to save the life of a person who's dear to me. It's between life and death so certainly what you can only think of is how to get money to save the life of the person.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Bitcoin_people on May 30, 2024, 03:16:38 AM
I've heard and seen people that condemns gambling, due to their religious believes, some because they think that gamblers are irresponsible people, while others are what they've heard about gambling addicts. This sets of people will tell you that gambling is sin, gamblers are people who wants to take shortcuts to riches and gamblers are not responsible or to be trusted with money.

Of course we have to admit that in every religion gambling and doing any bad thing is condemned. Although in my religion this gambling is never seen as good but it is seen as worst because of which people who are into gambling are looked down upon by the society. Most of the people don't like gambling people especially when we live in a society where elders never trust people who are addicted to gambling and they earn money it is haram. I also believe that all people who gamble must be committing sin, gambling is not a good thing at all, we have heard many people become addicted to gambling and their families have suffered a lot of losses. In that case I think every religion has said to refrain from such evil deeds and forbid gambling addiction as it is a sinful act hence gambling is haram. And the money that is earned by gambling is money and haram, although the gamblers do this to earn money, but it is not their good earnings at all. However most of the gamblers are not responsible but they take such gambles and lose their Money and gambling addicts are always condemned by the society.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Kelward on May 30, 2024, 05:08:07 AM

But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

To be clear, people with anti gambling belief condone the act of gambling, not the money made from gambling itself because it’s the same money that bein earn on salary and other ways. Gambling money is not a tainted money which means you are not doing something illegal.

I believe on your situation given. It’s no brainer that an anti gambler person will borrow money from the gmblee because he have no choice and also the money being borrowed doesn’t marked as gambling money so it’s very easy to accept it even with anti gambling purposes because you are just borrowing it.
From your point of view, an anti gambler can collect money from a gambler when in dire need, even though they condemn gambling, but they don't condemn the money that is earned from it. I think that will be hypocrisy, it means that the person can as well collect money from an armed robber who is a murderer, with the mindset that it doesn't matter how he made the money, that what matters is collecting the money, afterall it's the same with money that is earned in a salary.

I think that a person can collect money from a source that they don't approve of to save a life, but they should have that slight remorseful feeling that on a normal day, they wouldn't even consider collecting money from such a person. Money earned from a source that you approve of is not the same with the money earned from a source that you don't approve off, how money is earned matters a lot.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Reatim on May 30, 2024, 05:19:41 AM
I've seen worse some people would even do something just to get through a dire financial situation.
There are some who sold their body organs in order to get money, there are other's who would let go of their pride and do something that they wouldn't normally do.
I've seen people change because of their financial problem, from being a honor student to something that they shouldn't be doing just to get money to study or continue to live.
So it is clear to me that when a dire situation or they are in financial crisis they would take it no matter what, unless they would find other way to get some cash.
People underrate the effects of not having any money I feel like. It affects you in all aspects of your life. Physically and mentally, it drains out everything in you. So people turn crazy when they lose it. I can't blame them sometimes because it's extremely difficult to live without money.

Especially nowadays where nothing is free anymore and prices are skyrocketing, to go around without money is impossible. It is even worse if you are not only worrying about yourself, and you also have a family to look and care for.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: bitterguy28 on May 30, 2024, 05:35:19 AM
Not sure if they will be doing this directly mate but What i do believe is that churches accepts donations from anyone even from drug lords and gambling lords .. I am not saying all of those churches and religions do such but i have seen this in several occasions specially in small churches that the well known gamblers donating regularly and yeah they are accepting .

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: jrrsparkles on May 30, 2024, 06:49:19 AM
Money is money no matter it comes from legal source or as a payment of illegal activity, as long as it is useful for saving a life I won't criticise accepting the donation even if it's against their practice because even in the religious perspective every sins will be forgiven if they ask for forgiveness so they are doing for a good reason so instead of blaming them, saving the life should be the priority.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: klidex on May 30, 2024, 08:33:51 AM
Most people in society usually think that gambling is bad and condemn gambling and there are also those who judge people who gamble because they feel that gambling is a dangerous game, even though whether gambling is bad or not depends on how much responsibility a person has when playing gambling and not necessarily everything. people who play gambling are bad, there are also those who care and like to help others, so it's clear that what's bad is not the game but the character of the person. When the situation is urgent, we can't think long enough other than to say yes to people who can help us, even though at first we hate them, but when it comes to money, someone's character will come out as you say.

In my country, even though gambling is illegal, the fact is that there are still people who gamble, but no one judges because they gamble with their own money, but if someone is addicted, it will only be a bad example for others so that no one will be like that, as long as the gambling is responsible and not It's not a problem to harm other people, after all we live in a society with different characters and traits. There are also those who are diligent in worship but don't like to help, but people who look sinful can actually help.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: boyptc on May 30, 2024, 09:05:20 AM
Not sure if they will be doing this directly mate but What i do believe is that churches accepts donations from anyone even from drug lords and gambling lords .. I am not saying all of those churches and religions do such but i have seen this in several occasions specially in small churches that the well known gamblers donating regularly and yeah they are accepting .
If they are in a bad situation and they need the money, they will accept it. And we don't know the story behind any acceptance even if they know that it might have came from something bad.

As for churches or individuals, you know what to do and no one needs a validation from other people if you'll accept or decline.

Just be responsible for accepting and giving that donation and whatever is in your conscience.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: rodskee on May 30, 2024, 01:08:54 PM
Money is the most important part or materials of living so meaning by all means
everyone cannot deny that to accept specially when you are in badly needed and even
religion and everything will be needing money.
I remember Robinhood in which robbing rich people just to help poorer but he is
being loved by everyone because of what he is doing.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: SamReomo on May 30, 2024, 06:14:58 PM
If someone is against gambling due to religious views then I believe that's their choice and we can't do anything to convince them that gambling isn't as bad as they consider it, but if someone is against gambling because they believe that it can cause addiction and destroy someone's life then we can at least tell them about responsible gambling.

I believe that someone who's in need of money will take cash from gamblers because a human will never reject the money which he/she gets when they need it, but it's also true that there are some people who will never accept such type of money because of their belief system. Those people will rather die than take cash from someone who earns income via gambling.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 31, 2024, 07:52:09 PM
So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.

Well, it depends on how faithful and disciplined the person is to their religion or principles. Some people who are really indebted and dedicated to their beliefs may not want to take such money. Some people too are just anti-gamblers for no serious reason, probably because they see that people lose so much in gambling and they decide to hate gambling, hate and criticize gamblers, but if they are in any serious mess, they would definitely accept money from gamblers to sort out their problems. 

I am trying to remember a topic I saw on this forum about a year ago, where the OP talked about a man who refused to accept the money that his son had won from gambling. If you have time to search on this board, you might find that topic. That's to say that some people will not accept money from a gambler. 

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: bluebit25 on June 01, 2024, 06:01:49 AM
(...)So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?

They are also correct in their argument about gambling bringing many crimes. Perhaps the things they know about gambling are just bad things. I respect everyone's thoughts and it doesn't matter if they are steadfast in their thoughts, because it doesn't affect me.

But perhaps what I see is that most of us always like to blame things outside of life, and refuse to accept the truth that all sins are caused by ourselves. If someone did not use gambling as a means to an evil end, there would be no evil. Like if someone is stubborn about their opinion when it's explained, and they still hold on to it, then that's their problem, like I can't blame the evil knife when it can cause damage, but it's just a tool in the kitchen, so it depends on our attitude towards every tool in life.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: BADecker on June 01, 2024, 03:35:45 PM
You can't get away from gambling. Try getting out of bed in the morning on the other side.


Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: peter0425 on June 01, 2024, 11:05:43 PM
But when trouble comes, that is the best time to judge people's characters, it's then that you will know whether they practice what they preach. So I'm wondering in a scenerio where people with these anti gambling believes and mindset finds themselves in a situation where they perhaps needed to save a life urgently and what is needed is money for quick surgery. And the only person that volunteered to give the money is someone that says he/she won the money in gambling, I wonder if the anti gambling person in dire need will collect the money.
People when faced with a very high pressure situation will do anything even if it’s things they never thought they will do. This is why they say cash is king. Anyone kneels and worships money. When you are in a dire need of it, you might just forget about your own principles and morals.
The morale in this story is that people that condemns gambling should not judge, because it's not a crime to gamble. Although we have irresponsible gamblers, but then there are irresponsible people in every areas of life. So what do you think about the people that condemns gambling?
I think we should let people have their own opinions. If one thinks gambling is bad then so be it because it might be part of their religion. If you disagree then you can keep it to yourself.

Title: Re: Can anti gamblers accept cash from gamblers when they're in dire financial needs
Post by: moneystery on June 03, 2024, 02:09:24 PM
when someone is in trouble, they should not care where the money comes from, whether it is from a drug addict, a gambler, or even a sex worker, because all they think about is how they can get money for their problems and that's it. maybe not everyone is like this, but there's no need to be too hypocritical, when there is a problem someone should think about how they can solve the problem and not think too much about where they get the money.