Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Ben Barubal on June 05, 2024, 07:35:59 AM

Title: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Ben Barubal on June 05, 2024, 07:35:59 AM
     What should you do when you have a lot of money? This is one of the most important questions that we must give an important answer to. No matter how much money a person can earn, it is still possible for everyone to use it up if it is not managed properly. Just like what happened to the king of pop, Michael Jackson, even though he earned a lot of money in his career, it was still not enough because he had a lot of debt. As big as it is, it almost reached 500 million dollars in debt. And even the famous actor Nicholas Cage is also like that; there is a report that he reached 150 million dollars in net income, but it was still not enough; it also reached the point that it was all used up, and he also had a debt. And what we can learn from these events is that if you want to stay rich, you have to keep being humble. "Hard-earned money should be protected."

     We are both consumers and producers, and when we say producers, we mean that we provide services to people in exchange for money. As for employees, they receive wages from their work. Because they help the business owner's goal be executed. As for business owners, they make money from their businesses. Because they can help their customers with their products and services. In other words, [The more value you can produce, the more value you will get back."

    But the opposite of this is being a consumer. Yes, it's true that we will spend; it's normal because we have needs. There is also nothing wrong if we want to buy or acquire things. But if you always spend money, that's why, in this topic, I want to share here the things that should be done when we have a lot of money or income. Because since we are here with cryptocurrency or bitcoin, it is not really far for this to happen to us. Actually, even if we are not rich or earn a lot, we can do it because at least when the time comes when you become rich because of this cryptocurrency or bitcoin, you already know what to do.

And the following is what we should do:

1. Don't buy expensive things right away.

Most of us want to buy expensive things when we receive a lot of money. Because aside from the convenience and the fact that the fact that we can benefit from it for a long time, we also want to get the attention of other people. We also cannot deny when we can afford something that an ordinary person cannot afford. But sometimes, because we can afford something, we just end up spending it, and we forget to ask ourselves if we really need it. Or we just want to buy it because we want to impress other people. And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.

But the question is, what is our goal? to get rich to impress, or to get rich to have freedom? When you have a lot of money, you have nothing to prove to other people. Since you know that you are rich, it is a better idea not to let other people know that you are rich. One should just choose the simple life and live with a purpose.

2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.

3. Be prepared for big changes.

When you have a lot of money and you have changed the quality of your life, whether it is poor or rich, you need to be doubly careful because you can lose a lot of things. So it is very good that you are ready for this big change. And the preparation that you should do is the preparation of our new life. Let's design our new goal that we want to achieve, and what lifestyle do you want and what kind of person do you want to be with?

We need to do it more when you're rich, because you shouldn't settle for what we have achieved now. We still need to move on and pursue other meaningful things. We also need to grow, and we shouldn't be naïve in our behavior because many people will suddenly show up when they know they can get something from you.

4. Create a new goal.

Let's be grateful for our achievements and also be thankful that they came to you, but don't be satisfied that if you earn a lot of money now, be thankful. We should not be as greedy as possible. If we achieve our first goal, we make another goal, and so on.

Success is like cleaning; if you clean your house today, you will have to clean again tomorrow. And we'll do it every day, so we can keep a clean house, right? So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Plaguedeath on June 05, 2024, 07:49:05 AM
Most of nouveau riche are raised from poor or middle class people, they want to show everyone if they're successful and rich, unlike old money where their parents already teach money when they were young and they've enjoyed rich lifestyle.

It's why new money are in debt or back become poor, they don't high knowledge about money.

Even people have told them to invest their money and how to earn high amount money in the future, they don't realize it.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bluebit25 on June 05, 2024, 07:59:56 AM
Experience lets us know what mistakes/rights are appropriate for the life we ​​are living, I once saw a saying "poor people have money" yes in this situation I think it reflects this. there.

Lack of knowledge, skills... even if you have a lot of money but don't know how to spend it properly, you are no different from a poor person. But in essence, I see that most of us cannot avoid the seduction that money brings, it governs our behavior so that we have many choices that we have never satisfied, but at a certain point. that will also realize that it is just a means to help us find a fulfilling life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: kryptqnick on June 05, 2024, 08:40:27 AM
I believe it's okay to buy expensive things right away, as long as we need a small share of wealth to do so and such purchases won't endanger our condition by depriving us of resources we might need for other purposes. I do agree that it's good to ask yourself about the goal, and that buying stuff to impress other people isn't smart, but if it's something you really want, and it makes sense to you, it's okay to buy it.
Of course, if you have outstanding debt, I agree that it must be the first priority to pay it off, and it's not good to take more debt.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: DeathAngel on June 05, 2024, 08:48:46 AM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: 0t3p0t on June 05, 2024, 09:36:51 AM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.
That is actually the most common way most individuals from rags to riches do. I can even see people posting something they achieved in life on social media and I personally do not have any problem with that because it's their life not mine but yeah it all comes with risks we all know that. Lavish lifestyle could make us down again and showing off all of your wealth on social media could also pose threat to you and your family's safety so beware of it.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: serjent05 on June 05, 2024, 09:41:10 AM
To continue being rich one must make sure that his income is way more than his expenditures.  This way his cash flow won't be in negative and avoid reverting back to being poor. One should not be complacent when he suddenly becomes rich, instead should prioritize learning financial management while at looking for profitable investment ventures to produce more wealth.

I believe it's okay to buy expensive things right away, as long as we need a small share of wealth to do so and such purchases won't endanger our condition by depriving us of resources we might need for other purposes. I do agree that it's good to ask yourself about the goal, and that buying stuff to impress other people isn't smart, but if it's something you really want, and it makes sense to you, it's okay to buy it.
Of course, if you have outstanding debt, I agree that it must be the first priority to pay it off, and it's not good to take more debt.

I also agree that it is ok to buy expensive things but on the condition that the money spent does not exceed the profit.  This way the financial capability of a person won't be affected negatively, that is if the person wanted to maintaining its status of being rich.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: TheUltraElite on June 05, 2024, 09:56:52 AM
Getting all the debts or as much as possible should be the first objective, because debts inject a sense of panic and restlessness in the borrower and this leads to diseases. Next should be savings to be able to plan for the future if possible in a bank and some for buying bitcoin at the lower prices.

Next should be daily necessities and leading a humble life because you dont want to show the world you are rich and gain attention, that leads to disastrous results but continue in your lifestyle and gradually upgrade it.

Savings are very important, most people forget this and they instead spend more than they can afford.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on June 05, 2024, 10:00:36 AM
OP, you should also take into account that the people you cited as examples should not be compared with ordinary, average people. Public people who earn money simply by coming somewhere have a completely different way of thinking and attitude towards money. All the debts committed by Nicolas Cage are not the amount you imagine.
As for ordinary people, if you have the money to buy an expensive thing that will still be much superior in quality to a cheap one, then it’s worth buying. It will serve you longer than dozens of its fakes. However, as in everything else. If possible, you need to buy quality things, eat quality food, and live in good conditions. I think any normal person strives for this.
Constantly depriving yourself of everything, but at the same time having the opportunity to live better, you will turn into a miser who will completely lose all zest for life. Agree, that even poor people like to pamper themselves with expensive things.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: davis196 on June 05, 2024, 10:57:26 AM
Are you rich, OP? If you are not rich, what makes you think that you could give advice to rich people(or to poor people, who suddenly become rich)? Poor people giving advice to other poor people about becoming rich seems like a joke to me. How many rich people are using this forum? I really don't know the exact number, but I can assume that the truly rich people won't waste their time posting in a forum.
Rich people usually buy lots of real estate(expensive houses, etc.) which can be sold when they have financial difficulties.
I remember Nicolas Cage having problems paying his taxes in the USA, but Johnny Dep stepped in and paid Cage's taxes.
If you ever become rich, do whatever you can to find rich friends. ;D

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: WillyAp on June 05, 2024, 11:56:26 AM
create your goal comes first.
The biggest issue in making money is the spending site. You spend too much and you won't make it.
Spend too little and you never get off.
Wealth needs financial instruments. No business, less a digital, has all ($?)in one place.   

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: angrybirdy on June 05, 2024, 11:57:23 AM
Most of nouveau riche are raised from poor or middle class people, they want to show everyone if they're successful and rich, unlike old money where their parents already teach money when they were young and they've enjoyed rich lifestyle.

It's why new money are in debt or back become poor, they don't high knowledge about money.

Even people have told them to invest their money and how to earn high amount money in the future, they don't realize it.
maybe they just want to share with others what they have achieved now, there is nothing wrong with sharing them but for me it is better if we keep it to ourselves so that we can also stay away from other people who have bad intentions to us and of course it's valid if we enjoy the things we achieved in the beginning but we should be ready for the next things to do and that is the wise handling of the money we got, so that it doesn't run out quickly, let's avoid the one time big time mindset especially if we know that the money we have is limited.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: ultrloa on June 05, 2024, 12:46:37 PM
The common problem why people got broke when they experience a extravagant life is they usually buy those unnecessary things just to flex that they have money and to make theirselves in to the latest trend. If they have this attitude and waste their money for nonsense thing then for sure that getting to much problem financially will come on their way especially if they can't handle their situation especially if they don't have savings anymore.

Paying debts is I think not a problem anymore since for sure those guys would think about doing that at first since they have a lot of money to use. Maybe the common concern is the number 3 which is the big changes since for sure that those people who start from scratch might get overwhelmed on their situation and might they can't handle well the big changes happening on their life. Instead of they save more because they earn a lot of money know they became extravagant and buy luxurious things which exceed on what they earn. I don't mean everyone became like this but there are people just get surprise of what they are experience and spend a lot of things because they think that they are earning good and nothing can stop them anymore.

Some may forget to create new goal since they are earning good and fine with it that's why if their main source collapsed they get back to get broke and hunt again a opportunity again. To avoid this situation each of us should create new goal to improve more their current situation since we need something new to achieve so that we will be consistent on everything especially for getting multiple profits for ourselves to have more better life and future.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Yucky on June 05, 2024, 12:49:28 PM
The urge to upgrade your lifestyle is one major issue that comes along with being wealthy and most people end up being stagnant at that point become of this urge. When you've not heard money, it's easy to assume that ones the money comes you would be able to guide yourself into being cautious with your spending but it's a totally different ball game when you start seeing the money.

If you're unable to moderate and work on your mindset to becoming matured and capable of managing wealth, you will only end up being a rascal that got wealthy and squandered all his wealth out. The need to live below your means and make plans on how much you're to spend at your ach month can't be overemphasized caus the moment you get it wrong with that, you will mismanage your wealth which might almost take you back to square one.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: btc78 on June 05, 2024, 12:50:38 PM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.

Most of us want to buy expensive things when we receive a lot of money.
It’s also a possibility that people buy things the moment they have money because they reward themselves. Which I am not at all against however we need to look forward and see whether a little reward now would hurt or not in the future?

Like they say Happiness comes to those who wait , there will be a time where you can finally buy everything you want without repercussions.

4. Create a new goal.

Let's be grateful for our achievements and also be thankful that they came to you, but don't be satisfied that if you earn a lot of money now, be thankful. We should not be as greedy as possible. If we achieve our first goal, we make another goal, and so on.

Success is like cleaning; if you clean your house today, you will have to clean again tomorrow. And we'll do it every day, so we can keep a clean house, right? So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.
What really differentiates a rich person from a poor one is their ability to create more money after being given a handsome amount of it. Once they earn money, what can they do with it to ensure more money in the future? Investing is the key, here.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: DYOR+BTC on June 05, 2024, 12:54:51 PM
Some people today believe the moment the became rich that they are on top of the world. They think who so ever that get rich today will always remain rich for ever. No matter how rich you are, you most always avoid putting your mind or thinking of how you can always acquire expensive or costly things. Avoid living a luxurious life. A life that you will always want to get anything that comes your way. Weather those things are important to you or not.
Avoid spending without investing. So people are ever ready to spend millions of naira everyday without thinking about investing. It is very necessary we know how to manage our resources to avoid be broke.
Some people today because they believe they earn lot of money any time they don't have money at the moment they go borrowing simply because they want to meet up with their standard of living. Please we should avoid borrowing without any genuine reason why we are borrowing.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Peanutswar on June 05, 2024, 01:07:32 PM
If you came from the life that you can atleast sustain yourself into a daily routine and then come up when you have now a budget possible you might experience a lifestyle inflation that even all of your expenses increases too the same of the number of the money you earn now compare before one of the factor too. But if you are just quite neutral still struggling to have an earning seems you have a trouble with your financial budgeting if you have a debts ideally to make settle this if you have bills need no settle it's ideal so your other money will be use for your savings, self expendes and etc. it's better to have nothing if you need to buy something that doesn't necessarily it's ideal to think a week to consider to yourself to decide.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 05, 2024, 01:21:34 PM
Lifestyle creep and debt. 

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: alastantiger on June 05, 2024, 01:46:15 PM
Once I start earning a lot or become rich the first thing I would avoid a putting all my investment eggs in one basket. That is to say that rather than investing in one asset or one industry alone I would avoid it and rather diversified my investment portfolio to include assets and investment that I understand and would you have return money investment there by multiplying, protecting my wealth and minimizing the risk involved. The higher you earn, the higher your risk.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: slapper on June 05, 2024, 02:20:24 PM
Many people get distracted by bright goods and forget what important. Consider Michael Jackson and Nicolas Cage. They spent their money on disposable items. Wealth doesn't mean possessing a lot of expensive automobiles or trendy clothes. It takes a mindset to produce something lasting. Imagine marathon training. You wouldn't overdo the first mile, right? You'd pace, preserve energy, and think long-term. Same technique to build wealth

Instead of buying depreciating items like automobiles or clothes, invest in long-term assets. Bitcoin goes beyond digital currency. It hedges inflation and may produce generational wealth. Think about it. Investors in Bitcoin a few years ago would be rich now. Despite missing out, there are lots of other options. Be patient, research, and make good choices

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 05, 2024, 02:36:06 PM
It's not not what you make that makes you rich, it's what you keep. 

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Baki202 on June 05, 2024, 04:54:04 PM
People always want to look rich because they feel they need to satisfy their self since they already have money. Looking rich is not a bad idea because sometimes you need to look rich to get the attention of rich people because if you have an idea to share and you want them to look rich then you must be prepared to give a convincing appearance that you also have money but this only applies to those that have an idea that they want people to invest in.

Because they’re people that want to look rich just for oppression. And they will even buy things they don’t need and that is not a reasonable thing to do. I love the fact that the person should pay their debt and the same time avoiding debt it’s a good habit to maintain and also get ideas of investing not just spending alone have big investments idea won’t get you broke. Everyone have to plan now in other to survive in this economy.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: boyptc on June 05, 2024, 08:21:46 PM
2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.
That is true.

One thing I've in my life is to pay debts. Whether they're the old ones or those new ones. As long as you remember them and you didn't intend to default and run away from the person you've borrowed to, you have to pay your obligation.

Those people that have borrowed money from me and never paid at forgotten even telling hi or hello to me and talk about their debt, they always have a shortcoming.

I don't know but that's probably how fair life is for those that are taken advantaged to.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on June 05, 2024, 08:34:40 PM
           -   Perhaps I'm referring about clearing your debt and setting a new objective. Naturally, you are really wealthy, so there's no reason why you can't pay the debts we owe others.
This way, at least, they will realize that you respect their confidence in addition to your reputation.

Since this is a new chapter in our life, it makes sense to set or consider a new objective that you believe will help you develop and improve as a person while also changing your character.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: dunfida on June 05, 2024, 08:49:50 PM
2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.
That is true.

One thing I've in my life is to pay debts. Whether they're the old ones or those new ones. As long as you remember them and you didn't intend to default and run away from the person you've borrowed to, you have to pay your obligation.

Those people that have borrowed money from me and never paid at forgotten even telling hi or hello to me and talk about their debt, they always have a shortcoming.

I don't know but that's probably how fair life is for those that are taken advantaged to.
We do know that each person is really that different on which there are ones who do really mind about their obligations but there are ones who dont really care and just simply defaulted out the loan or they dont play simply.
Even if its your close friend or someone, they wont really be showing any care at all and thats indeed the reality but we do know that there's karma for those who dont pay up their debts or taking advantage into those people who had helped them specially on the time that they do ask out some loan or borrowing some money. Debts are something that should really be avoided but we do know that there are indeed times in our life
that we are really that in short in terms of finances or money on which it would really be causing up that borrowing money on which it would really be something that you would be doing.
Debts would really be only significant on the moment that you would really be tending to make some business or investment but on the moment that you would be making use of those debts into some useless
things like travelling or having that lavish life then this is where problems do really start.

As much as possible you should really be knowing on how to save up because on the moment that you do want on buying something then you could really be able to do so without any issues since
you do have the money that you could really be able to purchase on.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: el kaka22 on June 05, 2024, 08:56:03 PM
I would say these are not what to avoid but like what to be careful about instead? In the end, I think it's quite easy to just lose it all if you are not careful and that is why I believe that we are going to end up with more, and we should be careful. I believe that we do not have to worry about being rich and facing issues when we are not rich, it's really not that much of a big trouble.

Even if you just end up putting all your money into savings account and just live a good life, it would be enough and you should not be worried about how to handle it beforehand. The thing we need to worry about is not being rich, or at least facing financial situations, I have been on my worst economical year ever so far, so who cares about rich peoples problems.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on June 05, 2024, 09:19:30 PM
I would say these are not what to avoid but like what to be careful about instead? In the end, I think it's quite easy to just lose it all if you are not careful and that is why I believe that we are going to end up with more, and we should be careful. I believe that we do not have to worry about being rich and facing issues when we are not rich, it's really not that much of a big trouble.

Even if you just end up putting all your money into savings account and just live a good life, it would be enough and you should not be worried about how to handle it beforehand. The thing we need to worry about is not being rich, or at least facing financial situations, I have been on my worst economical year ever so far, so who cares about rich peoples problems.

Of course what OP stated are just points to be careful about when one suddenly comes into huge amount of money and one major thing to note is that money that is not invested properly would grow wings and fly away.
Even if the money just sits in the bank, if it isn't for a good plan, then some kind of misadventure or mishap may just be lurking in the corner to claim some of the funds for itself.

The discipline is what counts and that is what will determine how well the money is utilized both in fulfilling dreams and making investments that is bound to increase the income value that has been received .

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: boyptc on June 05, 2024, 09:23:52 PM
2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.
That is true.

One thing I've in my life is to pay debts. Whether they're the old ones or those new ones. As long as you remember them and you didn't intend to default and run away from the person you've borrowed to, you have to pay your obligation.

Those people that have borrowed money from me and never paid at forgotten even telling hi or hello to me and talk about their debt, they always have a shortcoming.

I don't know but that's probably how fair life is for those that are taken advantaged to.
We do know that each person is really that different on which there are ones who do really mind about their obligations but there are ones who dont really care and just simply defaulted out the loan or they dont play simply.
Even if its your close friend or someone, they wont really be showing any care at all and thats indeed the reality but we do know that there's karma for those who dont pay up their debts or taking advantage into those people who had helped them specially on the time that they do ask out some loan or borrowing some money. Debts are something that should really be avoided but we do know that there are indeed times in our life
that we are really that in short in terms of finances or money on which it would really be causing up that borrowing money on which it would really be something that you would be doing.
Debts would really be only significant on the moment that you would really be tending to make some business or investment but on the moment that you would be making use of those debts into some useless
things like travelling or having that lavish life then this is where problems do really start.

As much as possible you should really be knowing on how to save up because on the moment that you do want on buying something then you could really be able to do so without any issues since
you do have the money that you could really be able to purchase on.
That's the sad truth about life, when they are in need and you were there, they're happy. But when the time of payment is being asked on them, they almost no care at all.

Anyway, it's not a loss for me and the lenders that have been so good to their friends and relatives when they're in need.

That's the loss of the borrower and they can never find us again with that in their condition.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Wexnident on June 05, 2024, 09:33:40 PM

Agree with the change. It can definitely be overwhelming when you suddenly have a lot of money all of a sudden. Even if you consider it took a year or two to earn a life-changing amount, that's still pretty damn fast imo and can change a lot of how you view things. Personally, that's how I felt when I turned from some random college kid to a guy who earns about 600 USD per month (due to crypto). I had no concept of money and wasn't really greedy back then, but money changed me pretty badly lol. Luckily I managed to stop myself before going overboard, but it definitely was a bad experience imo.

And avoid subscriptions! #1 thing I hate lol.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: AYOBA on June 05, 2024, 09:49:52 PM
3. Be prepared for big changes.

When you have a lot of money and you have changed the quality of your life, whether it is poor or rich, you need to be doubly careful because you can lose a lot of things. So it is very good that you are ready for this big change. And the preparation that you should do is the preparation of our new life. Let's design our new goal that we want to achieve, and what lifestyle do you want and what kind of person do you want to be with?

Seriously it's very important for those that have already bless with so much money which are the richest people is good for them very careful with how they spend their or given child money to go and spend they like. Because no conditions is permanent and he/she who knows today don't know what tomorrow can born it's good advise for rich man to know there people's by the time they have, since it might happen that those poor you help today they might be the one help back tomorrow that's all about life

We need to do it more when you're rich, because you shouldn't settle for what we have achieved now. We still need to move on and pursue other meaningful things. We also need to grow, and we shouldn't be naïve in our behavior because many people will suddenly show up when they know they can get something from you.
Yes is good to know the type of people we're living with sometimes some only good in physical but have bad characters some are very selfish interest and that they type of people's that will only know you by the time have money they will be always request something from all the time. But the time that this you have yesterday has been taken away from you they will be the first people's that will far away from you, so in this case is good to know the type of person or people with grow with.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: uchegod-21 on June 05, 2024, 09:54:05 PM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.
You have actually summarized all that is needed by someone who became rich from the poor background. But we need to understand something, and that is the ability to change a lifestyle. Someone who has not experienced luxury life before would behave somehow experiencing the luxury life. While some people will approach their new style of living in a mannered way, others will just rush into their new life of extravagant living which will later cost them in the future. If you are spending a lot, it should be related to your well-being and comfortability and not buying things that are not necessary for your comfortability and well-being in order to impress the unknown audience.
In summary, when you become rich you need to avoid things that will make you return to poverty lifestyle. And one of those things is spending more than you earn.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: goaldigger on June 05, 2024, 09:58:54 PM
It's not not what you make that makes you rich, it's what you keep. 
Many said making Millions is easy but keeping it is very hard so you must be prepared when your time comes after all your hard work you must prioritize protecting your wealth. Becoming rich is the goal and staying rich should be the top goal, its not easy but its possible with the right discipline. Financial literacy is a must, so you must not forget to be more knowledgeable about how to handle your finances the right way and you should not rush making investments when you have already the money, always seek for guidance.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Winterfrost on June 05, 2024, 10:33:16 PM
You are in no way wrong from all you listed, becoming rich is everyone's dream and we all are working towards achieving such wealth, as we likely are aware of the benefits attached to being rich. It is very bad to be once known to be rich and then further in life due to lacking some personal qualities goes back  to being poor. Many people have been into same condition due to falling short for some of the points you listed especially that of not buying expensive things instead a person should be focused on growing more wealth rather than spending lavishly.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: ringgo96 on June 05, 2024, 11:16:23 PM
You are in no way wrong from all you listed, becoming rich is everyone's dream and we all are working towards achieving such wealth, as we likely are aware of the benefits attached to being rich. It is very bad to be once known to be rich and then further in life due to lacking some personal qualities goes back  to being poor. Many people have been into same condition due to falling short for some of the points you listed especially that of not buying expensive things instead a person should be focused on growing more wealth rather than spending lavishly.

In this life everyone wants to live a luxurious life and have a fantastic income to be able to own luxury goods, but some people use the wrong way to meet their living needs and they only look rich but all the goods they own are already in debt, so when the point in the example it is always the opposite so that the flow of life is full of ups and downs and you never feel happiness even though you have lots of luxury items, so in this life we ​​have to know each other's levels so that we don't feel difficulties in living this life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: STT on June 05, 2024, 11:28:17 PM
MJ bought a great music catalogue for example including the Beatles tunes with good royalty revenues but his big problem was overspending and it almost literally killed him trying to service that debt with his own labor while being too ill to perform at the level of his peak years.    Overspending is the easiest way to lose it all including your health, spend to your own level and it will be a far happier experience then trying to own everything; you cannot possibly enjoy all the expensive products all at once anyway.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: tabas on June 05, 2024, 11:39:23 PM
It's not not what you make that makes you rich, it's what you keep.  
True. It's the same with how much we earn and how much we keep, and the way we spend our money. On this thread, OP listed a lot of factors that can be a good guide for someone who's going to be overwhelmed with his crypto profits and then don't know how to manage it.
One that I can add is to have delayed gratifications. Not because you've earned a lot, you'll spend them wholly like a one day millionaire. It won't make you richer for having that mindset. I just find almost every factor when you're telling things to avoid and that's about creating a new goal and such. Or just change the title about "things to do when you earn a lot" and remove the "avoid".

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Distinctin on June 05, 2024, 11:56:56 PM
I believe it's okay to buy expensive things right away, as long as we need a small share of wealth to do so and such purchases won't endanger our condition by depriving us of resources we might need for other purposes. I do agree that it's good to ask yourself about the goal, and that buying stuff to impress other people isn't smart, but if it's something you really want, and it makes sense to you, it's okay to buy it.
Of course, if you have outstanding debt, I agree that it must be the first priority to pay it off, and it's not good to take more debt.
Buying yourself a reward after all your hardwork has paid off is never wrong. As long as you are capable to provide it for yourself by not putting your finances at risk, then that would be fine. But more than that, if you have unfinished business like paying your debt first or helping your parents with some financial assistance, then give more priority to that. Luxury can wait and you can buy a lot more when you are more capable to buy in the future.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: sekalitas on June 06, 2024, 03:56:04 AM
And the following is what we should do:

1. Don't buy expensive things right away.

Most of us want to buy expensive things when we receive a lot of money. Because aside from the convenience and the fact that the fact that we can benefit from it for a long time, we also want to get the attention of other people. We also cannot deny when we can afford something that an ordinary person cannot afford. But sometimes, because we can afford something, we just end up spending it, and we forget to ask ourselves if we really need it. Or we just want to buy it because we want to impress other people. And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.

But the question is, what is our goal? to get rich to impress, or to get rich to have freedom? When you have a lot of money, you have nothing to prove to other people. Since you know that you are rich, it is a better idea not to let other people know that you are rich. One should just choose the simple life and live with a purpose.

Thanks for sharing! I have a different take on a few things, though.

Here's a simple question that might help decide between wants and needs: "Is there a cheaper option that does the same thing?" That way, we're focused on what we actually need the item for.  Also, before buying anything pricey, I like to wait a few days. Sometimes the urge goes away, and I realize I didn't really need it.

With luxury items,sometimes there's no cheaper swap because it's all about the brand. But even then, spending on luxury  can be kind of like an investment. A fancy car might open doors to business deals or connections you wouldn't have otherwise.

2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.

 I think it's smart to pay down debt, but being completely debt-free isn't always the goal. Some debt can be a good thing, like when it's for a business, education, or a home. That kind of debt can help you earn more money or improve your life overall. So,it's all about managing your debt, not just getting rid of it.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Maus0728 on June 06, 2024, 04:30:15 AM
I find the last part, finding a new goal tiresome. What I mean is that I'm already well off financially and I can afford to just sleep without any worries, why would I need to strive for something more when there's already enough for me and that enough is already plenty in terms of how someone should live their life?

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: dezoel on June 06, 2024, 06:21:23 AM
maybe they just want to share with others what they have achieved now, there is nothing wrong with sharing them but for me it is better if we keep it to ourselves so that we can also stay away from other people who have bad intentions to us and of course it's valid if we enjoy the things we achieved in the beginning but we should be ready for the next things to do and that is the wise handling of the money we got, so that it doesn't run out quickly, let's avoid the one time big time mindset especially if we know that the money we have is limited.
Sharing is caring, so it's always better no matter what. Don't be scared about the bad ones because you still can do something with them like report them. It is possible to enjoy from start to finish, as long as you are well prepared and organized. Also, we must be faithful and pray that negativities will stay away from us.

This is one of the secrets of enjoying a good life, that can last a life-time. Indeed it's funny or crazy that it was usually the poor who also have a poor mindset like that, in terms of finances. But, I guess this is the reason on why they have that status. Not all of them though and then there are still rich who are like this and many of them have turned to be poor.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Iranus on June 06, 2024, 08:27:51 AM
Are you rich, OP? If you are not rich, what makes you think that you could give advice to rich people(or to poor people, who suddenly become rich)? Poor people giving advice to other poor people about becoming rich seems like a joke to me. How many rich people are using this forum? I really don't know the exact number, but I can assume that the truly rich people won't waste their time posting in a forum.
Rich people usually buy lots of real estate(expensive houses, etc.) which can be sold when they have financial difficulties.
I remember Nicolas Cage having problems paying his taxes in the USA, but Johnny Dep stepped in and paid Cage's taxes.
If you ever become rich, do whatever you can to find rich friends. ;D

I was also planning to ask OP this, I really want to know if he is rich or not? Or has he ever lived the life of a rich person for even a day? Because a poor person, a person who has never known what it feels like to be rich but likes to teach rich people how to spend money is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Not stopping there, many people even criticize the way rich people spend money, criticizing billionaires and calling them failures while they are unemployed and have low income...these things are strange to me  ;D ;D ;D.

The forum has many strange topics, teaching others to get rich, teaching rich people how to spend money, teaching rich people to save...while we ourselves are still struggling to earn a few dollars a day to cover our lives.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: barisbilgili on June 06, 2024, 08:55:20 AM
I was also planning to ask OP this, I really want to know if he is rich or not? Or has he ever lived the life of a rich person for even a day? Because a poor person, a person who has never known what it feels like to be rich but likes to teach rich people how to spend money is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Not stopping there, many people even criticize the way rich people spend money, criticizing billionaires and calling them failures while they are unemployed and have low income...these things are strange to me  ;D ;D ;D.

The forum has many strange topics, teaching others to get rich, teaching rich people how to spend money, teaching rich people to save...while we ourselves are still struggling to earn a few dollars a day to cover our lives.
That's true and I also feel this is very funny because basically we can only comment on things we haven't experienced, whereas if we have experienced them then these things will flow by themselves in their respective portions.
I think people who suggest a lot of things in that place then the person hasn't felt it.

Rich people advise poor people while they never feel it, as well as for some people who are not rich who try to give advice on saving and saving, this is very funny.  ;D

We will experience or do wherever we are and I think everyone will be different with different conditions.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Winterfrost on June 06, 2024, 10:05:15 AM
You are in no way wrong from all you listed, becoming rich is everyone's dream and we all are working towards achieving such wealth, as we likely are aware of the benefits attached to being rich. It is very bad to be once known to be rich and then further in life due to lacking some personal qualities goes back  to being poor. Many people have been into same condition due to falling short for some of the points you listed especially that of not buying expensive things instead a person should be focused on growing more wealth rather than spending lavishly.

In this life everyone wants to live a luxurious life and have a fantastic income to be able to own luxury goods, but some people use the wrong way to meet their living needs and they only look rich but all the goods they own are already in debt, so when the point in the example it is always the opposite so that the flow of life is full of ups and downs and you never feel happiness even though you have lots of luxury items, so in this life we ​​have to know each other's levels so that we don't feel difficulties in living this life.
If we are to clear the air on this, owning luxury for some reasons are not bad, we consider them good choices as long as the person have a purpose. Most of those expensive stuffs can be later on sold to give profit but it is best to have or create a steady flow of income other than investing on those expensive stuffs. Life can really be messy at times, someone who is outstanding today might end up becoming the receiver so we have to show discipline in our wealth.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Strongkored on June 06, 2024, 12:24:59 PM
The most difficult thing is when you can earn more money but still live like when you were still earning little, that's why people who earn a lot will start to change their lives because they want more, especially if their life cycle also changes so that they are now friends with other people. -people with the same economic level end up spending the same as what they earn, sometimes even more, for example by going into debt because they think their income will be sufficient to pay their debts even though they are starting to have difficulty paying. If you earn more then start investing and investing is not to make you rich so you can go on a spree but to make your life calmer.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: boty on June 06, 2024, 12:40:34 PM
If we are to clear the air on this, owning luxury for some reasons are not bad, we consider them good choices as long as the person have a purpose. Most of those expensive stuffs can be later on sold to give profit but it is best to have or create a steady flow of income other than investing on those expensive stuffs. Life can really be messy at times, someone who is outstanding today might end up becoming the receiver so we have to show discipline in our wealth.
It is true that there are some people who choose to have luxury because they want to get work from other people and the luxury items they usually use can provide benefits for them and most of them often change the items they use depending on their needs to get the job they need. they want.
Creating a source of income is of course very important and this will help us to get income that we can save to invest in our future. Someone who has financial discipline will of course be able to use the income they have on things that are useful for life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 06, 2024, 06:06:31 PM
If someone managed to become rich in the hard way then they are aware of this because if you try to look rich then it's something like digging your own grave. For rich Debt is a good thing that gives exceptions from tax payments but if they accumulate debt of partying that's bad, it's only good if they have potential of money making in that.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Bitstar_coin on June 06, 2024, 06:29:42 PM
Earning a lot of money by luck without planning for a steady source of continuous influx of money will end up pretty bad.
I think this type of situation mostly happens to crypto enthusiast who suddenly hit it big in an airdrop of a shitcoin pump, they get easily carried away and spend extravagantly forgetting to make plans for days ahead after the excitement has died down.
To me, having a proper plan even before earning big is very important so you don't get carried away.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Ever-young on June 06, 2024, 08:27:13 PM
Experience lets us know what mistakes/rights are appropriate for the life we ​​are living, I once saw a saying "poor people have money" yes in this situation I think it reflects this. there.

Lack of knowledge, skills... even if you have a lot of money but don't know how to spend it properly, you are no different from a poor person. But in essence, I see that most of us cannot avoid the seduction that money brings, it governs our behavior so that we have many choices that we have never satisfied, but at a certain point. that will also realize that it is just a means to help us find a fulfilling life.

For me, I think there are some people who don't deserve to be rich, they should just be average, not rich not poor because this set of people, when they become rich, they won't think about the welfare of their loved ones.

They first they will do is to buy expensive things, live an luxurious lifestyle, they forget they have a dream to fulfill, these people when they have money, they forget most important things to do like investing their money maybe in businesses and so on, and they might go bankrupt because of lack of management, reckless etc. because money comes with a kind of feelings that when you have it, you will forget those people and things that matter to you, so let's pray and have a good plan of money before it will lead to disastrous like death, etc.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: stadus on June 06, 2024, 08:58:55 PM
2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.
That is true.

One thing I've in my life is to pay debts. Whether they're the old ones or those new ones. As long as you remember them and you didn't intend to default and run away from the person you've borrowed to, you have to pay your obligation.

Those people that have borrowed money from me and never paid at forgotten even telling hi or hello to me and talk about their debt, they always have a shortcoming.

I don't know but that's probably how fair life is for those that are taken advantaged to.
Paying debt is always an obligation, and not just something that you can easily forget and leave. Otherwise, you are no longer different from scammers who just walk away after they have taken advantage from their target. While a lot of people ignore their debts and act like they’re not accountable for it, but it’s still a big impact if you care paying your debt voluntarily even if the one you borrowed is not talking about it anymore. Reputation cannot be bought, but its deeply earned and merited.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Maslate on June 06, 2024, 09:26:50 PM
The most difficult thing is when you can earn more money but still live like when you were still earning little, that's why people who earn a lot will start to change their lives because they want more, especially if their life cycle also changes so that they are now friends with other people. -people with the same economic level end up spending the same as what they earn, sometimes even more, for example by going into debt because they think their income will be sufficient to pay their debts even though they are starting to have difficulty paying. If you earn more then start investing and investing is not to make you rich so you can go on a spree but to make your life calmer.
People’s mindset when they start to earn big, they will also tend to level up their way of living. I believe a lot of us have seen or experienced it. That’s why instead of seeing ourselves in consistent progress, we end up experiencing pullbacks because of the wrong perspective we have.

Changes are needed and are definitely inevitable, but it should be on the right lead wherein we will continue to grow more and progress, and not on in every progress we gained, we also increase our expenses and debt that will eventually pull us back not to easily reach our target.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Mate2237 on June 06, 2024, 09:58:10 PM
Wow!!! This is nice, when I read the thread you just spoke my mind. I have seen people who won up to $10,000 and they thought the money was big and move into the supermarket and market place and hotels with girls and within one week everything is gone. But someone that has the prosperity mindset would first of all sit and think of what to buy or what business to do and not to live a extravagant lifestyle..

And another most important thing in human life is to clear your debt always if you are debtor. As for me I don't like debt because debt can make someone to be bankruptcy if you are not doy any job to pay back your debt on time. And one can plan big if he is debt free. And from there planning ahead to achieve new goal come to mind. Man with heavy debt can't plan life well. Well plan 4 objectives of life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Bananington on June 06, 2024, 10:10:39 PM
Surely everything our OP mentioned is valid, but there's always a margin to put into consideration, contingencies that may arise from certain choices not necessarily from us but from maybe a close family or relation that we may need to consider.

Also, rushing to invest should be carefully thought out and well mapped out because no one knows how an investment outcome might turn out to be in the end.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: GeorgeJohn on June 06, 2024, 10:49:55 PM
     What should you do when you have a lot of money?
From my perspective it's obvious that when you make alot of money your living style will automatically change, I know very well that their is some persons that will make money and you will not know that they have made such money in their entire life so why some persons too we make money and you notice that there have made money, the only thing I understand in life Is that you have your own life to live and you also be a manager of your life.

When I have money I will make sure that I Have diversify my source of income, for me I believe but we have to extend hour levels of place even income so another thing that is important when you make money is a security because when you made money you need to self guide yourself to your enemy so that you will not get harm at any point in time because your success or your progress will it be a someone's problem so you need to secure your business and they also secure your life this is two things that is important when you make money based on my own perspective.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: boyptc on June 06, 2024, 10:58:21 PM
2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.
That is true.

One thing I've in my life is to pay debts. Whether they're the old ones or those new ones. As long as you remember them and you didn't intend to default and run away from the person you've borrowed to, you have to pay your obligation.

Those people that have borrowed money from me and never paid at forgotten even telling hi or hello to me and talk about their debt, they always have a shortcoming.

I don't know but that's probably how fair life is for those that are taken advantaged to.
Paying debt is always an obligation, and not just something that you can easily forget and leave. Otherwise, you are no longer different from scammers who just walk away after they have taken advantage from their target. While a lot of people ignore their debts and act like they’re not accountable for it, but it’s still a big impact if you care paying your debt voluntarily even if the one you borrowed is not talking about it anymore. Reputation cannot be bought, but its deeply earned and merited.
As much as I don't want to say the word, you've already said and compared it to them. For which, those that have been asking money and forgets about it need to do something about it.

Those that ignores their debts, I know that they're also believers in karma and someday if they did it to the others, how I wish that it won't happen to them as well.

So, if they don't want to happen that to them and their family, they shouldn't do it and become responsible.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Stepstowealth on June 06, 2024, 11:01:38 PM
So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.
This is one of the most important thing to take note of when one achieves a level of financial independence because when someone becomes too satisfied and comfortable with their current financial position, there will not be enough motivation to push you to be better. The rich people who become wealthy are those that did not fail to set new financial targets for themselves each time they achieved one financial goal. The target is to keep going, and setting new goal is a means to achieving that.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: GeorgeJohn on June 06, 2024, 11:16:21 PM
So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.
This is one of the most important thing to take note of when one achieves a level of financial independence because when someone becomes too satisfied and comfortable with their current financial position, there will not be enough motivation to push you to be better. The rich people who become wealthy are those that did not fail to set new financial targets for themselves each time they achieved one financial goal. The target is to keep going, and setting new goal is a means to achieving that.
I have  stated it before in my first response, if you want to continue to get rich you have to strategies well, because some persons who believe on one source of income they are the one that regret in future, but if you're willing to continue to experience progress in future or continue to accelerate higher you have to diversify your source of generating income, many people who are rich before and later became poor is based on miscalculation of diversification of source of income, so what I know that brings someone down is when his concentration is one sided in generating income, when you spread you way of making money you will continue to accelerate or flourish in life. Secondly remember that investment is the most important key someone who wants to expand.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: passwordnow on June 06, 2024, 11:23:41 PM
So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.
This is one of the most important thing to take note of when one achieves a level of financial independence because when someone becomes too satisfied and comfortable with their current financial position, there will not be enough motivation to push you to be better.
People's desire never stops and that's when you're at the point of your life where you're in a cloud 9 or being successful, you'll find something new, a new target or goal that you want to achieve. That's why with financial freedom, you can set targets freely whether they're new, past or you just want to continue what you have stopped before. It's obvious that this can't be done by a commoner because we're all living most of our lives in order to survive and not set new goals. For the rich, the freedom is there and that's why all of us are doing hustles that can put us there someday in the future.

The rich people who become wealthy are those that did not fail to set new financial targets for themselves each time they achieved one financial goal. The target is to keep going, and setting new goal is a means to achieving that.
They are also the ones that never stopped pushing their goals for them to attain what they set as their targets. They're always motivated and hungry for success and one thing that they have in common is by being consistent. Consistent in all things and aspects that they do because people that are lazy reaches nothing and it shouldn't be an attitude for someone who wants to go to the top or trying to be rich and trying to achieve success. So for every achieved goal, for sure that the rich ones have their next goal that they already set replacing that one they've already achieved.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: rhodelmabanal on June 07, 2024, 02:23:48 AM
    What should you do when you have a lot of money? This is one of the most important questions that we must give an important answer to. No matter how much money a person can earn, it is still possible for everyone to use it up if it is not managed properly. Just like what happened to the king of pop, Michael Jackson, even though he earned a lot of money in his career, it was still not enough because he had a lot of debt. As big as it is, it almost reached 500 million dollars in debt. And even the famous actor Nicholas Cage is also like that; there is a report that he reached 150 million dollars in net income, but it was still not enough; it also reached the point that it was all used up, and he also had a debt. And what we can learn from these events is that if you want to stay rich, you have to keep being humble. "Hard-earned money should be protected."

     We are both consumers and producers, and when we say producers, we mean that we provide services to people in exchange for money. As for employees, they receive wages from their work. Because they help the business owner's goal be executed. As for business owners, they make money from their businesses. Because they can help their customers with their products and services. In other words, [The more value you can produce, the more value you will get back."

    But the opposite of this is being a consumer. Yes, it's true that we will spend; it's normal because we have needs. There is also nothing wrong if we want to buy or acquire things. But if you always spend money, that's why, in this topic, I want to share here the things that should be done when we have a lot of money or income. Because since we are here with cryptocurrency or bitcoin, it is not really far for this to happen to us. Actually, even if we are not rich or earn a lot, we can do it because at least when the time comes when you become rich because of this cryptocurrency or bitcoin, you already know what to do.

And the following is what we should do:

1. Don't buy expensive things right away.

Most of us want to buy expensive things when we receive a lot of money. Because aside from the convenience and the fact that the fact that we can benefit from it for a long time, we also want to get the attention of other people. We also cannot deny when we can afford something that an ordinary person cannot afford. But sometimes, because we can afford something, we just end up spending it, and we forget to ask ourselves if we really need it. Or we just want to buy it because we want to impress other people. And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.

But the question is, what is our goal? to get rich to impress, or to get rich to have freedom? When you have a lot of money, you have nothing to prove to other people. Since you know that you are rich, it is a better idea not to let other people know that you are rich. One should just choose the simple life and live with a purpose.

2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.

3. Be prepared for big changes.

When you have a lot of money and you have changed the quality of your life, whether it is poor or rich, you need to be doubly careful because you can lose a lot of things. So it is very good that you are ready for this big change. And the preparation that you should do is the preparation of our new life. Let's design our new goal that we want to achieve, and what lifestyle do you want and what kind of person do you want to be with?

We need to do it more when you're rich, because you shouldn't settle for what we have achieved now. We still need to move on and pursue other meaningful things. We also need to grow, and we shouldn't be naïve in our behavior because many people will suddenly show up when they know they can get something from you.

4. Create a new goal.

Let's be grateful for our achievements and also be thankful that they came to you, but don't be satisfied that if you earn a lot of money now, be thankful. We should not be as greedy as possible. If we achieve our first goal, we make another goal, and so on.

Success is like cleaning; if you clean your house today, you will have to clean again tomorrow. And we'll do it every day, so we can keep a clean house, right? So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.
Well this is good, in my part if i become a reach from poor status, i will keep it as a secret because peoples hates progress, i will keep it a secret even in my closest friend and family, they will never see me buying a lot of things and car houses etc., even of it is hard but in my calculation keeping it as a secret can make everything fine.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: pinggoki on June 07, 2024, 03:29:41 AM
This is one of the most important thing to take note of when one achieves a level of financial independence because when someone becomes too satisfied and comfortable with their current financial position, there will not be enough motivation to push you to be better. The rich people who become wealthy are those that did not fail to set new financial targets for themselves each time they achieved one financial goal. The target is to keep going, and setting new goal is a means to achieving that.
I don't know man, if I feel like I'm set for life, I'd rather just have more passive income and experience life more than anything, there's nothing more better than to improve your soul, character, and your experience, I don't want to be doing more money making because I have more money like what's the point of that? I'm already set for life, what would be the point of me trying to improve financially if the goal was reached a long time ago, that's why I don't get billionaires because they already can live on that much money already, why want more? Although I can agree with most of the stuff that's been said by OP, I'm against that part of the things that I have to avoid when I become a rich person.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bettercrypto on June 07, 2024, 06:28:38 AM
I have heard and watched many people on social media who went from being in a difficult situation to suddenly becoming rich, and most of them are lottery winners who became instant millionaires. For most of them, the million dollars that they got were short-lived. experienced a luxurious life.

Because almost all of their lottery winners bought expensive things right away because they are not ready for the new life they have, they lack financial management, and they don't make new goals in life, which should be like what people do when they suddenly have a lot of money. I hope that those who will have a lot of income in the coming rally of the bull run because of their holdings can follow these guidelines so that they can handle their money correctly.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: HajiBagi on June 07, 2024, 06:52:55 AM
Most of nouveau riche are raised from poor or middle class people, they want to show everyone if they're successful and rich, unlike old money where their parents already teach money when they were young and they've enjoyed rich lifestyle.

It's why new money are in debt or back become poor, they don't high knowledge about money.

Even people have told them to invest their money and how to earn high amount money in the future, they don't realize it.

Did we know that some poor people don’t think when they become successful people or they just get the small opportunity to become rich, I have begun to think that it is the poor people who don’t know how to manage money and when you advise them they will not listen because their eyes will be closed, have you heard a word that says the poor people don’t know the value of money if they make it, I have seen many people who have to make money but at the end, they end up being poor because they don’t have the knowledge and experience on how to invest or use it to do something meaningful that will make our lives better in the future.

As an individual who god has opened a door to become a successful person, the first thing you should think of is that who are you, what are going to do to make me happy in the future, and what types of things you will do even when you have a financial problem you can be happy to solve it, for me, investing and also having a business that will bring food to your table is the best thing but it also depends on individual decisions because some people don’t think than to enjoy their life when becoming rich, most especially the poor people who don’t have before a later been rich.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Iranus on June 07, 2024, 02:59:43 PM
I was also planning to ask OP this, I really want to know if he is rich or not? Or has he ever lived the life of a rich person for even a day? Because a poor person, a person who has never known what it feels like to be rich but likes to teach rich people how to spend money is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Not stopping there, many people even criticize the way rich people spend money, criticizing billionaires and calling them failures while they are unemployed and have low income...these things are strange to me  ;D ;D ;D.

The forum has many strange topics, teaching others to get rich, teaching rich people how to spend money, teaching rich people to save...while we ourselves are still struggling to earn a few dollars a day to cover our lives.
That's true and I also feel this is very funny because basically we can only comment on things we haven't experienced, whereas if we have experienced them then these things will flow by themselves in their respective portions.
I think people who suggest a lot of things in that place then the person hasn't felt it.

Rich people advise poor people while they never feel it, as well as for some people who are not rich who try to give advice on saving and saving, this is very funny.  ;D

We will experience or do wherever we are and I think everyone will be different with different conditions.

In my area, even rich people do not dare to give advice to others including poor people, because they know that each person has different circumstances and challenges in life. What the poor are going through, the rich may have never experienced, so giving advice is not easy or arbitrary.

Furthermore, if we really want to help the poor by giving advice, we should share what we have experienced. Not the experiences we copy online and share with everyone saying they are our experiences. Like OP's advice, I don't see anything unique or feel like it's his experience and I guess we can easily find that advice online.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: dunfida on June 07, 2024, 03:55:13 PM
I was also planning to ask OP this, I really want to know if he is rich or not? Or has he ever lived the life of a rich person for even a day? Because a poor person, a person who has never known what it feels like to be rich but likes to teach rich people how to spend money is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Not stopping there, many people even criticize the way rich people spend money, criticizing billionaires and calling them failures while they are unemployed and have low income...these things are strange to me  ;D ;D ;D.

The forum has many strange topics, teaching others to get rich, teaching rich people how to spend money, teaching rich people to save...while we ourselves are still struggling to earn a few dollars a day to cover our lives.
That's true and I also feel this is very funny because basically we can only comment on things we haven't experienced, whereas if we have experienced them then these things will flow by themselves in their respective portions.
I think people who suggest a lot of things in that place then the person hasn't felt it.

Rich people advise poor people while they never feel it, as well as for some people who are not rich who try to give advice on saving and saving, this is very funny.  ;D

We will experience or do wherever we are and I think everyone will be different with different conditions.

In my area, even rich people do not dare to give advice to others including poor people, because they know that each person has different circumstances and challenges in life. What the poor are going through, the rich may have never experienced, so giving advice is not easy or arbitrary.

Furthermore, if we really want to help the poor by giving advice, we should share what we have experienced. Not the experiences we copy online and share with everyone saying they are our experiences. Like OP's advice, I don't see anything unique or feel like it's his experience and I guess we can easily find that advice online.
True, on which you cant really be able to generalized on which same as you said that life conditions would really be that different to each other and this is why making some advises on which you hadnt really been able to experience would really be something off and this is why rich people wouldnt really be giving out such specific advises on certain individual conditions but rather they would really be making it generally on which it would really be just that something that not bad to hear at. We do all really thrives on having that good life and this is why we are really that doing our very best on dealing up with investments and businesses.
This kind of path or journey isnt something simple that could really be able to succeed you up. You would be needing to pass up tons of challenges and other things along the way.

On the moment that you had made yourself that reached out the pinnacle of success then you would really be still thriving for more on which its a normal approach. To those who had reached out those
levels then it would be impossible that you would be making yourself that getting failures because of debts, yes you could really be still having debts but you do know already on how to utilize it.
Everything that you do would really be basing up on your experience.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: electronicash on June 07, 2024, 04:15:25 PM
if you are not rich or your family isn't rich then maybe just sit on your money for a while and not spend anything until you come up with a business to show the people around you that you didn't get your money from an instant get rich quick scheme.

seen many rich people actually just wear simple sneakers and just walk with shirts from a mall. less threat to his family after all no one knows they are really rich. less worry and stress-free for you as well. and you have peace of mind.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 07, 2024, 04:23:07 PM
Well, in my opinion, if someone starts getting money, the best thing to do is to save to invest or save to establish another source of income. Having only one source of income is no longer favorable to some people who have a large family, unless there are just a few people in their home (two kids and parents). 

Most rich people did not just become rich overnight; they started from scratch, so they understand the power of starting small and know how to grow their financial well so that they don't run dry. Those people who became rich with a little start always know how to grow their wealth, but those who got huge amounts of money in an abrupt manner are the ones that find it difficult to maintain and sustain the money.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: GideonGono on June 07, 2024, 05:45:18 PM
Don't brag or tell everyone about it, not all of them would be glad about your success some might be envious of it.
Avoid showing too much or spending too much when you are in gathering or meeting up with your friends or family.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Churchillvv on June 07, 2024, 05:45:25 PM
Most rich people did not just become rich overnight; they started from scratch, so they understand the power of starting small and know how to grow their financial well so that they don't run dry. Those people who became rich with a little start always know how to grow their wealth, but those who got huge amounts of money in an abrupt manner are the ones that find it difficult to maintain and sustain the money.
They say the level of information one consumes is one of the determinants of success and if you become rich and refuse to learn new things then surely you will go broke as soon as possible. Those who make money in an abrupt manner usually do not have enough knowledge of wealth creation and hence they don't follow the rules on how to avoid becoming broke again.

Investment is one thing that anyone with money can do to accumulate more income or stay rich but a lot of people do forget this fact and they rather spend on luxury which will end up not being an asset that grows their income. One thing my people do say is common sense is not always common so for people to have the initiative to create more source of income is always very difficult for them.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Volimack on June 07, 2024, 06:11:48 PM
There are many rich people who earn money but can't use the money properly indulge in luxury and end it all then the next life becomes difficult for them. Consider investing as a way to build real wealth for yourself and build wealth for your family for generations. You can get rich through it but you have to take big risks and wait a long time. But you will get good results.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: mindrust on June 07, 2024, 06:13:26 PM
You definitely don’t want to gather too much attention on yourself. You’ll have many problems when people discover you and your wealth. Long story short you will become a target. Scammers, hackers, gold diggers, fake friends, stupid relatives… The moment they know about it, you’ll be getting calls from your friends which you haven’t seen for 20 facken years. Some of them will want to borrow money, some of them will use their mom’s sickness for an excuse… In the end you’ll hate yourself for being rich unless… you play that smart and live a low-key life.

Obviously you shouldn’t look like you are living in poverty but let’s say that you shouldn’t drive a lambo but a benz or audi is probably going to be OK.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Silberman on June 07, 2024, 06:14:17 PM
Most rich people did not just become rich overnight; they started from scratch, so they understand the power of starting small and know how to grow their financial well so that they don't run dry. Those people who became rich with a little start always know how to grow their wealth, but those who got huge amounts of money in an abrupt manner are the ones that find it difficult to maintain and sustain the money.
They say the level of information one consumes is one of the determinants of success and if you become rich and refuse to learn new things then surely you will go broke as soon as possible. Those who make money in an abrupt manner usually do not have enough knowledge of wealth creation and hence they don't follow the rules on how to avoid becoming broke again.

Investment is one thing that anyone with money can do to accumulate more income or stay rich but a lot of people do forget this fact and they rather spend on luxury which will end up not being an asset that grows their income. One thing my people do say is common sense is not always common so for people to have the initiative to create more source of income is always very difficult for them.
In my opinion one of the most important things you need to avoid when reaching a comfortable level of wealth is the people that may like to take advantage of that and suddenly they want to become your best friend, so it is important to remain skeptical about such people, as if they are unable to get anything out of you for a time, it is likely they will get tired of waiting and their true colors will come out, allowing you to see them for who they really are.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Juse14 on June 08, 2024, 07:18:54 PM
Appreciate every achievement we have achieved and our hard work to achieve this. Because being able to gain financial freedom is certainly not an easy thing. Therefore, be wise in managing your finances and expenses, even if you have unlimited wealth. Don't feel like because you can afford it, you buy all the things you want. Because this behavior will only lead you to financial ruin.

Success is not the end of everything, sometimes maintaining success is more difficult than achieving it. There are still many challenges and difficulties that you will face, and be prepared for them all.

And for those of you who are still struggling to gain financial freedom, keep your enthusiasm and never give up, because failure is not the end of everything, but the beginning of your long journey.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Egii Nna on June 08, 2024, 08:18:01 PM

There is something that I am still not clear of. From the subject of the topic, you wrote, “Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich,” but down in the context, you are emphasising things that you should do when you start becoming rich. Am I the only one who still doesn’t understand or what? Because if you are explaining what to avoid when you become rich, I was expecting to see things like stop gambling, stop womanising, avoid pride, and many others, but I see you are emphasising on things that you should be encouraged to do when you become rich. I was confused, so I decided to ask. Although everyone makes mistakes and is serious, you are not new to the forum, which was the reason for the question.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: indah rezqi on June 08, 2024, 08:28:27 PM
Appreciate every achievement we have achieved and our hard work to achieve this. Because being able to gain financial freedom is certainly not an easy thing. Therefore, be wise in managing your finances and expenses, even if you have unlimited wealth. Don't feel like because you can afford it, you buy all the things you want. Because this behavior will only lead you to financial ruin.

Success is not the end of everything, sometimes maintaining success is more difficult than achieving it. There are still many challenges and difficulties that you will face, and be prepared for them all.

And for those of you who are still struggling to gain financial freedom, keep your enthusiasm and never give up, because failure is not the end of everything, but the beginning of your long journey.
Correct, maintaining success is much more difficult than achieving it, and in many cases many people fail again after reaching a certain point in their lives. Basically we have to keep learning, so that we can adapt to the situations and realities around us, simply put, we have to be wise enough to position ourselves. There will always be an urge to spend the money we have other than for basic needs, in this case we must be very wise in managing our wants and needs. By understanding financial management correctly, we have calculations when we want to spend money.

On the other hand, only a handful of people can actually achieve a level of true financial freedom, but we can potentially follow in their footsteps by continuing to try. There is no other way to achieve financial freedom, other than continuing to learn and being consistent in the work we are doing. It's true, at any time we will be faced with various kinds of challenges, which if we respond incorrectly will lead us back to the brink of poverty. Quoting what the OP said, be a grateful person and don't be greedy, then plan for the ideal future and adapt to existing changes.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Hanadawa on June 08, 2024, 09:17:09 PM
Furthermore, if we really want to help the poor by giving advice, we should share what we have experienced. Not the experiences we copy online and share with everyone saying they are our experiences. Like OP's advice, I don't see anything unique or feel like it's his experience and I guess we can easily find that advice online.
Most rich people who give advice about how to become successful haven't actually experienced what they say. They want to get public attention by making themselves appear as if they are hard workers who have achieved success. I see a lot of young rich people who provide motivation in the seminars they hold. They say that they can be successful because they work hard and don't give up. The funny thing is that they don't mention the privileges they get. They have connections with banks so they can ask for bank loans to open a business. If they fail, they can still pay it off and start a new business.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: ChiBitCTy on June 08, 2024, 09:18:50 PM
I remember shopping with my father once when I was younger.  We were shopping at Target (kind of like Walmart for those unfamiliar).  I remember running in to a man who had a handful of coupons.  He was a friend of my fathers and they had a nice chat and he went on his way.  I'll never forget my father saying "that is the richest man in our state, and even he clips coupons"  "those who get rich stay rich by making careful money and investing decisions".  He couldn't have been more right.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: mirakal on June 08, 2024, 09:36:09 PM
Well, in my opinion, if someone starts getting money, the best thing to do is to save to invest or save to establish another source of income. Having only one source of income is no longer favorable to some people who have a large family, unless there are just a few people in their home (two kids and parents). 

Most rich people did not just become rich overnight; they started from scratch, so they understand the power of starting small and know how to grow their financial well so that they don't run dry. Those people who became rich with a little start always know how to grow their wealth, but those who got huge amounts of money in an abrupt manner are the ones that find it difficult to maintain and sustain the money.
People who became rich out from hardwork and sacrifices, they don’t actually stop there and just settle on their present wealth. Instead, they set and work for a new goal to achieve, not just to grow their funds, but to increase their source of income as well so that if ever one business ends up into failure, at least there are still some left that would be reliable to generate profits. That’s how open minded the rich people are, they don’t wait for opportunities to come knocking at their door, but they always look and grab every opportunity as much as possible.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Viscore on June 08, 2024, 09:42:27 PM
I remember shopping with my father once when I was younger.  We were shopping at Target (kind of like Walmart for those unfamiliar).  I remember running in to a man who had a handful of coupons.  He was a friend of my fathers and they had a nice chat and he went on his way.  I'll never forget my father saying "that is the richest man in our state, and even he clips coupons"  "those who get rich stay rich by making careful money and investing decisions".  He couldn't have been more right.
That only proves that rich people even become more thrifty in order to save more than to spend more. For me, that is a great mindset if you want to stay rich. And by staying rich it’s not necessarily that you need to make all out investments, sometimes even by saving a little out from your expenses will help you to remain rich by not spending a lot on your purchases, but by saving big when you spend big.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: oktana on June 08, 2024, 11:50:06 PM
1. This is one big mistake people make! Once they start earning a lot, they begin to squander the money on luxurious things forgetting that there was a moment they had nothing. A song writer says, “when you’re at the top, prepare for the landing”. If only people knew this secret, they will make the most out of their very first salaries.

2. You should even owe anyone. Try as much to never owe so you don’t have any debt to pay. It is important so you don’t end up using all your salary to keep paying debt.

3. Same thing as 1.

4. It’s a flexible decision. It’s based on what the person is pursuing in life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 08, 2024, 11:52:56 PM
I remember shopping with my father once when I was younger.  We were shopping at Target (kind of like Walmart for those unfamiliar).  I remember running in to a man who had a handful of coupons.  He was a friend of my fathers and they had a nice chat and he went on his way.  I'll never forget my father saying "that is the richest man in our state, and even he clips coupons"  "those who get rich stay rich by making careful money and investing decisions".  He couldn't have been more right.


When you start thinking of and treating your money as an appreciable asset rather than just something to spend on goods a services, your entire life changes.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 08, 2024, 11:59:16 PM
1. This is one big mistake people make! Once they start earning a lot, they begin to squander the money on luxurious things forgetting that there was a moment they had nothing. A song writer says, “when you’re at the top, prepare for the landing”. If only people knew this secret, they will make the most out of their very first salaries.

Lifestyle creep.

2. You should even owe anyone. Try as much to never owe so you don’t have any debt to pay. It is important so you don’t end up using all your salary to keep paying debt.

"The rich shall rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender" - Solomon, son of David, king of Israel. 

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: STT on June 08, 2024, 11:59:45 PM
Nothing worse then someone who suddenly becomes rich and has no real experience in how to stay rich for the entirety of their life.   Then you have peaked and are only in decline from that moment of acquiring the wealth.    The best choice with wealth is security, its the one point I'm returned to continually that is entirely relevant to economics as I believe it drives the whole of capitalism in a big money sense at least.

The security of money is paramount or you really aren't rich at all, if you cannot sleep safe and secure knowing you can eat next week next month and be safe then you arent rich at all you merely have cash today.  Hence its all about security of your long term wealth that matters;  a vital lesson to learn.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: X-ray on June 09, 2024, 07:14:59 AM
Nothing worse then someone who suddenly becomes rich and has no real experience in how to stay rich for the entirety of their life.   Then you have peaked and are only in decline from that moment of acquiring the wealth.    The best choice with wealth is security, its the one point I'm returned to continually that is entirely relevant to economics as I believe it drives the whole of capitalism in a big money sense at least.

The security of money is paramount or you really aren't rich at all, if you cannot sleep safe and secure knowing you can eat next week next month and be safe then you arent rich at all you merely have cash today.  Hence its all about security of your long term wealth that matters;  a vital lesson to learn.
honestly if someone is so financially illiterate they are just few steps away from meeting some fund management if they are rich enough and then their wealth already guaranteed being managed by professionals and are.
but in some cases I agree with you though some people are just so financially illiterate they just never think about keeping their money from declining by overspend and what they think is just sports car, buying luxurious things and all, i personally even if i suddenly become rich but don't have any means of income that could at least guarantee my wealth safety i'd be anxious and will strive to make some come of income to compensate such as passive income by investing the money only then I can rest assured that the wealth gonna lasts for long and make sure the money gonna be working for me.

i've seen plenty of former celebrities and so on where they accumulate wealth so much the first time they get famous only to later on struggle financially, there are many cases of that and its not only limited to celebrities as a profession, any profession that doesn't guarantee income until the old age or at least until the age of retirement is always subject of financial struggle when they gets old since there's no means for them to earn and becoming self sufficient.

the fact that we need to reinvest thing to survive is essential for the low income people, for the rich with many wealth, its important to invest in order to keep wealth from declining, investing is always a necessity.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Mrbluntzy on June 09, 2024, 10:00:24 AM
Everything you said is correct but you didn't discuss about investing wisely. Investment is very important in the life of any individual that has started working to earn money. There's a saying "nothing last forever" If someone is earning money from a job and they believe they can work on that job for their entire life, they can get disappointed when table turn against them but if they invest while working they can enjoy the investment when they are no longer strong to work  hard. I just want to specifically say that investment is very good. While earning, don't fail to invest.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on June 09, 2024, 10:20:25 AM
That only proves that rich people even become more thrifty in order to save more than to spend more. For me, that is a great mindset if you want to stay rich. And by staying rich it’s not necessarily that you need to make all out investments, sometimes even by saving a little out from your expenses will help you to remain rich by not spending a lot on your purchases, but by saving big when you spend big.

Rich people have enough money so they don't focus on saving but they prefer investment as it can give them more money besides their income. I think if those individuals who don't have enough money work hard by spending less and saving more then they can also change their financial system with the help of their planning.

Nothing is hard if a person works for it therefore saving should be assumed as a compulsory strategy of life. The condition of nobody can change in a day so work for it and follow your planning until you become satisfied with your financial condition that becomes favorable due to your efforts.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 09, 2024, 10:37:10 AM
Your labor is a finite resource.  There are only so many hours in a day and so many days in a lifetime.  Your ability to exchange your labor for money is not scalable or infinite.

Your money, when invested, can work 24/7/365 making you even more money and it is infinitely scalable.

Most of us who started with nothing have no choice but to work for our initial money to invest (capitol).  The late Charlie Munger summed it up best:

"The first $100,000 is a bitch, but you gotta do it. I don’t care what you have to do – if it means walking everywhere and not eating anything that wasn’t purchased with a coupon, find a way to get your hands on $100,000. After that, you can ease off the gas a little bit." - Charlie Munger

Once you are no longer living paycheck to paycheck, the game changes dramatically and the way you view money changes forever. 

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Iranus on June 09, 2024, 12:05:49 PM
Furthermore, if we really want to help the poor by giving advice, we should share what we have experienced. Not the experiences we copy online and share with everyone saying they are our experiences. Like OP's advice, I don't see anything unique or feel like it's his experience and I guess we can easily find that advice online.
Most rich people who give advice about how to become successful haven't actually experienced what they say. They want to get public attention by making themselves appear as if they are hard workers who have achieved success. I see a lot of young rich people who provide motivation in the seminars they hold. They say that they can be successful because they work hard and don't give up. The funny thing is that they don't mention the privileges they get. They have connections with banks so they can ask for bank loans to open a business. If they fail, they can still pay it off and start a new business.

It cannot be denied that there are many young people who can succeed early and become rich but that does not mean they can give advice to others to get rich because as I also said. Each person has a different life situation, different life challenges and more importantly, our starting line is different. Therefore, truly experienced and mature people will not arbitrarily give advice to anyone, or try to brag about their success.

For me, giving financial and investment advice to others is a huge risk, let alone getting rich or teaching someone how to spend money. If someone can get rich with their own hands, with their own efforts, then they are not stupid enough to not know how to manage their finances and need someone else to teach them.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Yatsan on June 09, 2024, 04:28:18 PM
I remember an ideology which says that if you move to level three (pertaining to net worth) don't be in a rush to upgrade your lifestyle as well on the same level. For me it simply means to create a margin with how much you have and how much you would spend because if it would be equal, then nothing will change. Personally, whenever I am planning to buy new things like a new phone, I do check if I could buy it 10x first before actually making a purchase, which works for me and allows me to not be on a financial burden for the next days or months. Becoming rich indeed is a wonderful thing to happen in everyone's life and for sure it would be tempting to buy anything you would want to however if things won't be consistent you have to consider managing your cashflow still.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Gaza13 on June 09, 2024, 05:44:08 PM
Don't brag or tell everyone about it, not all of them would be glad about your success some might be envious of it.
Avoid showing too much or spending too much when you are in gathering or meeting up with your friends or family.
Yes, it would be good if we had sufficient income in this case, it would be better if we didn't look too flashy when we socialize in society and look as simple as possible. Use your finances as wisely as possible, what you have obtained so far has been full of struggle for a long time. Take advantage of what you have achieved so far and continue to get other sources of income.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bitgolden on June 09, 2024, 06:20:32 PM
From what I understand by looking at all the rich people, the thing that most rich people avoid (and the most common one) is taxes. I do understand that rich people do not want to pay taxes because the amount they are paying is huge compared to anyone else, but without that money going to government, a nation can't be sustained, so nations do end up charging even higher taxes to middle income or basically any salary worker.

All in all, I believe that tax is something everyone should pay, even if you have to pay billions because you are rich, you should. Avoiding silly investments just because you want to, is the number one thing that they should avoid, we have seen how it works so far and I think it will not be all that simple for wealthy to stop being silly with their money.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 09, 2024, 07:00:35 PM
From what I understand by looking at all the rich people, the thing that most rich people avoid (and the most common one) is taxes. I do understand that rich people do not want to pay taxes because the amount they are paying is huge compared to anyone else, but without that money going to government, a nation can't be sustained, so nations do end up charging even higher taxes to middle income or basically any salary worker.

All in all, I believe that tax is something everyone should pay, even if you have to pay billions because you are rich, you should. Avoiding silly investments just because you want to, is the number one thing that they should avoid, we have seen how it works so far and I think it will not be all that simple for wealthy to stop being silly with their money.

It doesn't (and can't) work that way.  Investors create the jobs for workers to have.  Workers pay the vast majority of taxes. If you remove the incentive to invest in jobs, the wealth will simply move to another, more profitable, investment.  The wealthy (investment class) have options that simply are not available to the poor (working class).  Any government attempting to screw the rich will find itself broke, out of power, and dealing with a failed economy.   

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: |MINER| on June 09, 2024, 07:31:22 PM
Most people become ostentatious after becoming rich.  It means they want to show everyone that they have a lot. And this is a disaster for them. Because they get so caught up in the show-off game that they buy things beyond their means. This puts them in debt. More debt is the cause of their emotional pain.  Turns out. Everyone should plan to live a normal life. Live within their means. And pay off debt and live a healthy life.  If we notice, we will see that many rich people own a lot of debt. And everyone should have a plan to use it properly after earning a lot of money and arrange how to get profit from that money. Otherwise, they will sit and eat.  Money will run out one day.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: SmartCharpa on June 09, 2024, 07:35:25 PM
2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.

Having a debt without paying it back is not a good behavior. Though I believe that many people are used to borrowing money, there's nothing they can do without borrowing money from others, and after getting the money they want, they become stronger than the owner. Someone who is in debt can never be satisfied with their life since any little amount of money they receive will be used to pay the person to who they owe it. Bad debt normally leads people to suffer, let's avoid debt with anyone, and if we do, borrow only what we can afford to repay because it will damage our image.

That's the sad truth about life, when they are in need and you were there, they're happy. But when the time of payment is being asked on them, they almost no care at all.

Anyway, it's not a loss for me and the lenders that have been so good to their friends and relatives when they're in need.

That's the loss of the borrower and they can never find us again with that in their condition.

That is natural in life, most of us have experienced it, some of our friends will take advantage of our good deeds to borrow money from us, but when the time comes to repay, they don't care. It's true, some of my friends borrowed money from me and refuse to repay me. So one day, I requested one of them to borrowed me some money, which was less than what he owed me. After receiving the money from him, I didn't care that he owed me money, I paid him back and he didn't think of paying me back again. They will never come to me for money again.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: electronicash on June 09, 2024, 07:46:16 PM
2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.

Having a debt without paying it back is not a good behavior. Though I believe that many people are used to borrowing money, there's nothing they can do without borrowing money from others, and after getting the money they want, they become stronger than the owner. Someone who is in debt can never be satisfied with their life since any little amount of money they receive will be used to pay the person to who they owe it. Bad debt normally leads people to suffer, let's avoid debt with anyone, and if we do, borrow only what we can afford to repay because it will damage our image.

That's the sad truth about life, when they are in need and you were there, they're happy. But when the time of payment is being asked on them, they almost no care at all.

Anyway, it's not a loss for me and the lenders that have been so good to their friends and relatives when they're in need.

That's the loss of the borrower and they can never find us again with that in their condition.

That is natural in life, most of us have experienced it, some of our friends will take advantage of our good deeds to borrow money from us, but when the time comes to repay, they don't care. It's true, some of my friends borrowed money from me and refuse to repay me. So one day, I requested one of them to borrowed me some money, which was less than what he owed me. After receiving the money from him, I didn't care that he owed me money, I paid him back and he didn't think of paying me back again. They will never come to me for money again.

that's becoming generous. to which if one hears the story another friend of you will come to ask. don't be afraid to show that you are not nice. if you can say no, say it.

for me, i'd rather avoid showing that i have money, this at least will make them attempt to ask. i make sure they know i have no money and just wear the simplest clothes or just buy a second-hand car to avoid the impression that i'm rich.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Fortify on June 09, 2024, 07:53:13 PM
Getting all the debts or as much as possible should be the first objective, because debts inject a sense of panic and restlessness in the borrower and this leads to diseases. Next should be savings to be able to plan for the future if possible in a bank and some for buying bitcoin at the lower prices.

Next should be daily necessities and leading a humble life because you dont want to show the world you are rich and gain attention, that leads to disastrous results but continue in your lifestyle and gradually upgrade it.

Savings are very important, most people forget this and they instead spend more than they can afford.

Warren Buffett gives very good advice on this front, although you can often sometimes find contradictions in what he says and it changes over time. Basically the only good debt is a mortgage and even that is only acceptable when offered at a decent rate. A house will likely appreciate in value but if you're borrowing to fund a new car, you are literally losing thousands as you roll it out of the dealer. If you love cars, it's your hobby and you do it with eyes wide open - there's nothing wrong with that. However you'll often find that, the younger generation in particular, are bombarded with advertising all the time and will often stretch their finances to the limits in order to buy stuff they don't really need and that is very wasteful.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 09, 2024, 08:48:53 PM
Most people become ostentatious after becoming rich.  It means they want to show everyone that they have a lot...

No.  Most wealthy people do NOT show off.  Wanna bees who buy luxury items on credit to show off are the real market for such items.  Real wealth is usually vastly understated.

Fake it until you make it is a lie.  Faking it (debt) will stop you from making it.  New Cars are the biggest wealth killer in the world. 

In the words of Dave Ramsey "Don't spend money you don't have to buy things you don't need to try and impress people you don't like".

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Promocodeudo on June 09, 2024, 10:14:35 PM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.

I just believe that no matter how wealthy you are,  your utmost concern should be the sustenance of your wealth not showup or extravagant life style, some wealthy individuals are broke today despite how rich they were just because they failed to build a good channel for the continues existence of their wealth, as a wealthy person establishing more profitable firms or companies should always be your goal,  I somuch love it where you mentioned health, for me every healthy person is potentially wealthy, I said this because if you are not physically and mentally fit I don't think that you have any business with wealth even though you are wealthy and eventually you become sick, there is know guarantee that you will enjoy your wealth.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 10, 2024, 08:41:19 AM
People who became rich out from hardwork and sacrifices, they don’t actually stop there and just settle on their present wealth. Instead, they set and work for a new goal to achieve, not just to grow their funds, but to increase their source of income as well so that if ever one business ends up into failure, at least there are still some left that would be reliable to generate profits. That’s how open minded the rich people are, they don’t wait for opportunities to come knocking at their door, but they always look and grab every opportunity as much as possible.

Well, you are right. This time around opportunities don't even knock at the door of people again, people gat to stand on their feet and go look for the opportunity. Some of those rich people you are talking about who started from a hard way and finally made it to the top, they always seek to archive more goals and they also archive lot of diverse income streams and it also help them to retire on time and live longer because of how early they may retire to just keep on taking care of their self and eating from the fruit of their labor.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bestcoins1 on June 10, 2024, 09:46:08 AM
Surrounding yourself with the wrong people: It is crucial to surround yourself with positive and supportive individuals who have your best interests at heart. Avoiding toxic relationships and influences can help you maintain a healthy perspective on your newfound wealth.

I remember when I made my first hundred thousand. honestly the first thing that came to mind was friends,and the next thing was to join them in spending carelessly
Everyone who wants to be successful in any field, including business and other economic fields, must be able to see a good and positive friendship environment so that the person can find ways to increase their income. Especially passive income because when there is a rich person in our own environment, of course we have to be able to approach him and learn from him because there are definitely things that we don't know, but he knows so he has become rich and successful through his knowledge.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: iv4n on June 10, 2024, 10:03:43 AM
Most people become ostentatious after becoming rich.  It means they want to show everyone that they have a lot...

No.  Most wealthy people do NOT show off.  Wanna bees who buy luxury items on credit to show off are the real market for such items.  Real wealth is usually vastly understated.

Fake it until you make it is a lie.  Faking it (debt) will stop you from making it.  New Cars are the biggest wealth killer in the world.  

In the words of Dave Ramsey "Don't spend money you don't have to buy things you don't need to try and impress people you don't like".

Some people like to show off, and some people don't. Surely there are such people in all social classes, the common thing for such people is that they usually overspend on things they don't need... Ramsey said it nicely, people shouldn't do it, but many people will never stop with that, especially how modern society looks, it's all about prestige.

As always, people should be free to do what they want with their money. So it's OK if someone wants to show off and can afford it, but when it comes to all others "overspending" will get them nowhere (if they don't marry someone rich :)). In the long run, this is something that can lead to serious debts, and where there are serious debts, there are also serious problems. Without going into details, a lot of things can go wrong.
The conclusion was that we should not spend too much, whatever social class we are in, it is wise to take care of finances and try not to overspend on things we don't really need.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Casdinyard on June 10, 2024, 02:08:57 PM
Good list, but here's my two cents regarding this topic. The thing is there's nuances when it comes to buying expensive things. To me, buying expensive shit as a form of reward every now and again, is totally good and permissible, at the end of the day, you put in the effort and the hours that lead you up to that level of wealth, you can't just work and not live your life. Buy expensive shit as a form of reward, treat yourself and your day ones to new experiences, make the most out of the money you made. Money is made to be spent, not to be hoarded after all.

And of course, protect your money-making machine. You can't just quit it or leave it hanging out in the open as soon as it served its purpose and had made you wealthy already. Keep learning new things related to that craft, become more versed, protect your income and your income-maker, and you'll go far my friend!

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on June 10, 2024, 03:06:10 PM
Most people become ostentatious after becoming rich.  It means they want to show everyone that they have a lot. And this is a disaster for them. Because they get so caught up in the show-off game that they buy things beyond their means. This puts them in debt. More debt is the cause of their emotional pain.  Turns out. Everyone should plan to live a normal life. Live within their means. And pay off debt and live a healthy life.  If we notice, we will see that many rich people own a lot of debt. And everyone should have a plan to use it properly after earning a lot of money and arrange how to get profit from that money. Otherwise, they will sit and eat.  Money will run out one day.

There is the sentence that drag my attention most which you have spoken volume in my heart and this is,
PLANNING the saying that goes failure to planing is planning to fail that has become the most order of the day when many get Rich they forget the investment and cutting of coat according to their size and leave luxurious life style that leads them into debt, but if one first plan well no matter how the money enters and leaves one hand the person will not run into debt because any money that is replaceable is hard for person to run into debt because most if the course of the debt is not just leaving a luxurious life style but failure to plan the source in which the money will bounce back to handle the debt.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: rojan on June 10, 2024, 04:00:53 PM
Most people become ostentatious after becoming rich.  It means they want to show everyone that they have a lot. And this is a disaster for them. Because they get so caught up in the show-off game that they buy things beyond their means. This puts them in debt. More debt is the cause of their emotional pain.  Turns out. Everyone should plan to live a normal life. Live within their means. And pay off debt and live a healthy life.  If we notice, we will see that many rich people own a lot of debt. And everyone should have a plan to use it properly after earning a lot of money and arrange how to get profit from that money. Otherwise, they will sit and eat.  Money will run out one day.
When some people become rich suddenly, their behavior and behavior changes a lot. People who become rich in a short period of time often try to oppress people by telling them that they have a lot of money and that they are very rich. We should  No matter how much money we have, we have to treat everyone well and earn honestly. If we can live with our family with honest income, it is a big gain for us.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Kristiyana on June 10, 2024, 04:39:18 PM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.
That is actually the most common way most individuals from rags to riches do. I can even see people posting something they achieved in life on social media and I personally do not have any problem with that because it's their life not mine but yeah it all comes with risks we all know that.

Most people who normally post there success on the social media always fail to realize the risk it will bring to there life because on a normal they will feel that they are actually helping or motivating people on the things he go through before arriving were he is and there is nothing wrong with it but in other words he is actually telling people how wealthy and rich he is and possibly he could endanger himself by doing that, though is mostly common for those people who started with nothing and become rich later.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Lantind on June 10, 2024, 05:00:20 PM
Most people become ostentatious after becoming rich.  It means they want to show everyone that they have a lot. And this is a disaster for them. Because they get so caught up in the show-off game that they buy things beyond their means. This puts them in debt. More debt is the cause of their emotional pain.  Turns out. Everyone should plan to live a normal life. Live within their means. And pay off debt and live a healthy life.  If we notice, we will see that many rich people own a lot of debt. And everyone should have a plan to use it properly after earning a lot of money and arrange how to get profit from that money. Otherwise, they will sit and eat.  Money will run out one day.
When some people become rich suddenly, their behavior and behavior changes a lot. People who become rich in a short period of time often try to oppress people by telling them that they have a lot of money and that they are very rich. We should  No matter how much money we have, we have to treat everyone well and earn honestly. If we can live with our family with honest income, it is a big gain for us.
When someone can get their wealth easily and their behavior also changes, of course they have never experienced difficulty in making money so they think other people don't do anything to get money, really they are very arrogant about what they have managed to get and I think people like they won't be able to survive for long with what they have and other people will also dislike that person.

I agree with you, no matter how much wealth we have, we must still be able to treat other people regardless of their background and it would be better to treat everyone equally and not discriminate, by having an honest income this will certainly make life better. what we do is better and we don't have any burdens because the income we have is not in a way that violates the rules.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: beerlover on June 11, 2024, 03:09:52 AM
Some people like to show off, and some people don't. Surely there are such people in all social classes, the common thing for such people is that they usually overspend on things they don't need... Ramsey said it nicely, people shouldn't do it, but many people will never stop with that, especially how modern society looks, it's all about prestige.

As always, people should be free to do what they want with their money. So it's OK if someone wants to show off and can afford it, but when it comes to all others "overspending" will get them nowhere (if they don't marry someone rich :)). In the long run, this is something that can lead to serious debts, and where there are serious debts, there are also serious problems. Without going into details, a lot of things can go wrong.
The conclusion was that we should not spend too much, whatever social class we are in, it is wise to take care of finances and try not to overspend on things we don't really need.
I feel like that's a psychological thing where people who lack something, end up trying to show off in order to basically try to tell people that they do not have enough. I think it's quite clear that we are not going to end up with anything decent, we are going to end up with something much more tough if we are not careful and that's the most important part.

I believe that people should realize that if you are not happy, or if you are lacking something, trying to show off is just a way to make yourself feel better about yourself, I know a lot of people like that, one of my closest friends in the world is like that, I understand it and I love him the way he is, if it makes him feel better then I can't really judge him for his actions.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Chilwell on June 11, 2024, 05:39:52 AM
I remember an ideology which says that if you move to level three (pertaining to net worth) don't be in a rush to upgrade your lifestyle as well on the same level. For me it simply means to create a margin with how much you have and how much you would spend because if it would be equal, then nothing will change. Personally, whenever I am planning to buy new things like a new phone, I do check if I could buy it 10x first before actually making a purchase, which works for me and allows me to not be on a financial burden for the next days or months. Becoming rich indeed is a wonderful thing to happen in everyone's life and for sure it would be tempting to buy anything you would want to however if things won't be consistent you have to consider managing your cashflow still.

The journey of life is a continuous process. It means no matter what you are doing, no matter where you are. The only thing that you need is to rest at some point and then move on again. even if you seem to be the most educated person in the world, you must keep learning for you to be who you are. This means, even the richest person in the world will keep on struggling for more money for him to maintain that position of being the richest person in the world. Don't just because of the fact that you are rich already and relax.
Furthermore, keep it in mind that even if you are rich, you have to be humble and treat others with respect. Nobody is a island, everyone needs another person either directly or indirectly.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: boyptc on June 11, 2024, 08:44:42 AM
Most people who normally post there success on the social media always fail to realize the risk it will bring to there life because on a normal they will feel that they are actually helping or motivating people on the things he go through before arriving were he is and there is nothing wrong with it but in other words he is actually telling people how wealthy and rich he is and possibly he could endanger himself by doing that, though is mostly common for those people who started with nothing and become rich later.
I don't want to cut their fun when they are happily sharing their success on social media. That's what success means to them and they want to bring it out to people so that they will be recognized.

But I tell you what, real successful people, they won't be the one to proclaim that they are successful.

Instead, people who are seeing their riches and successes are the ones that will speak for them.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: knowngunman on June 11, 2024, 09:46:52 AM
I believe it's okay to buy expensive things right away, as long as we need a small share of wealth to do so and such purchases won't endanger our condition by depriving us of resources we might need for other purposes. I do agree that it's good to ask yourself about the goal, and that buying stuff to impress other people isn't smart, but if it's something you really want, and it makes sense to you, it's okay to buy it.
Of course, if you have outstanding debt, I agree that it must be the first priority to pay it off, and it's not good to take more debt.

I think we have the same opinion on this particular point. I read through the Op thread and there are valid points that need to be practiced to keep someone wealthy. Although doing these practices is not a guarantee but it will at least justify that you do the right things that should be done. However, the point that talk about buying expensive things is not convincing to me. Buying expensive things is never a problem and can not be avoided some time. What matters here is the purpose you're buying the expensive things for. Buying expensive things that are useful to you or that would probably bring in more income is a very necessary thing to do. At times, it may seem like show off to people but that should not stop one from buying expensive things when they actually need it to improve themselves.

On the other hand, debt is a disease that slow down progress. When someone becomes comfortable with debt, they hardly succeed because when you take a step forward, debt will pull you back one step. I understand that we can not entirely do away from debt due to circumstances some time but it is advisable to clear them if you can and if you can avoid it by any means, don't hesitate to avoid it.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Fara Chan on June 11, 2024, 10:24:54 AM
When some people become rich suddenly, their behavior and behavior changes a lot. People who become rich in a short period of time often try to oppress people by telling them that they have a lot of money and that they are very rich. We should  No matter how much money we have, we have to treat everyone well and earn honestly. If we can live with our family with honest income, it is a big gain for us.
It is very inappropriate to humiliate other people in any way, especially if the person being humiliated has never asked rich people like that for money or food. Because for me, people like that are not really rich people, but just stupid people whose instinct to look down on other people is still very strong, even though other people have never had anything wrong with that person. And if you have ever seen a rich person who can benefit many people in your environment, of course people who like to look down on other people because they have a little money is a very strange thing because it is a virus that must be eradicated.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Natalim on June 11, 2024, 03:49:36 PM
Most people who normally post there success on the social media always fail to realize the risk it will bring to there life because on a normal they will feel that they are actually helping or motivating people on the things he go through before arriving were he is and there is nothing wrong with it but in other words he is actually telling people how wealthy and rich he is and possibly he could endanger himself by doing that, though is mostly common for those people who started with nothing and become rich later.
I don't want to cut their fun when they are happily sharing their success on social media. That's what success means to them and they want to bring it out to people so that they will be recognized.

But I tell you what, real successful people, they won't be the one to proclaim that they are successful.

Instead, people who are seeing their riches and successes are the ones that will speak for them.
I would agree to that 100%. Those who are actually successful and wealthy do not want to expose theirselves and tell the people their achievements. Instead, they focus more on their own investments silently and adding more wealth in the process.

While those who have just taste the fruit of their success and just started to live in luxury, those are the people who often post more not really to inspire others but to get recognition from those people who are also in the same level with them.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on June 11, 2024, 05:49:33 PM

When some people become rich suddenly, their behavior and behavior changes a lot. People who become rich in a short period of time often try to oppress people by telling them that they have a lot of money and that they are very rich. We should  No matter how much money we have, we have to treat everyone well and earn honestly. If we can live with our family with honest income, it is a big gain for us.

Most of the people who earn huge money will differently act because they think that money is everything due to which they lose their relationships but one thing should be remembered that money does not persist always therefore don't change yourself because of wealth.

In current age every other person is earning a good amount of money but still people are not thankful for their situations and want to earn more so when their wishes become true and they become moneyed person then they start to show off for their money but they don't know that money is not everything but real happiness comes with better relationship and better life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Kriptogram14 on June 11, 2024, 06:05:46 PM
Most of the people who earn huge money will differently act because they think that money is everything due to which they lose their relationships but one thing should be remembered that money does not persist always therefore don't change yourself because of wealth.

In current age every other person is earning a good amount of money but still people are not thankful for their situations and want to earn more so when their wishes become true and they become moneyed person then they start to show off for their money but they don't know that money is not everything but real happiness comes with better relationship and better life.

When we are given more wealth, we must be grateful for what has been given to us, never feel that we are superior to people who do not have wealth like us, because wealth is a trust and a deposit that we must guard and use as best we can, still many other people are not as lucky as us.

When we have reached the point where we have enough or have more wealth, we must remember the people under us, we must help each other, use our wealth as best as possible, so that the wealth we have can remain with us, don't Have you ever felt arrogant when you have abundant wealth?

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: eightdots on June 11, 2024, 06:20:41 PM
That only proves that rich people even become more thrifty in order to save more than to spend more. For me, that is a great mindset if you want to stay rich. And by staying rich it’s not necessarily that you need to make all out investments, sometimes even by saving a little out from your expenses will help you to remain rich by not spending a lot on your purchases, but by saving big when you spend big.

Rich people have enough money so they don't focus on saving but they prefer investment as it can give them more money besides their income. I think if those individuals who don't have enough money work hard by spending less and saving more then they can also change their financial system with the help of their planning.

Nothing is hard if a person works for it therefore saving should be assumed as a compulsory strategy of life. The condition of nobody can change in a day so work for it and follow your planning until you become satisfied with your financial condition that becomes favorable due to your efforts.

Rich people generally prefer to invest, but people who have passed certain stages of becoming rich also know that they need to be careful with their spending. None of what we said applies to all rich people and they all have different lives. One of the things that rich people pay most attention to is staying rich. To stay rich, they have to maintain and increase the value of their money. That's why investment is their most preferred method.

I agree with you about acting in a planned manner. You cannot reach the level you want in one day. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to make efforts and act according to the plan.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: coolcoinz on June 11, 2024, 07:05:17 PM
I'd advise people who suddenly become rich, for instance from bitcoin, to keep living the way they do for a while. Don't go crazy, just live the way you lived, but make sure you withdraw enough money to have good food, access to medical care, clean and healthy environment. If you live with your parents, or share a flat with your friends, get your own place. Nothing fancy because you still don't know where you'll want to live, but make sure you have your own calm place where you can think of your next step.

It's very important not to buy things that will generate expenses on their own. For instance an expensive car will cost you. You'll try to keep it safe, you'll need a place to park it, preferably a garage, you'll need to maintain it, pay taxes and so on and it's going to lose value over time.

Buy things that you really need like food, clothing, spend money on a home where you'll feel safe and relaxed. Healthy environment is crucial.

Last but not least, don't tell everyone. Don't throw parties and don't lend money to people. I know you want to share your happiness with others, but be smart about it!

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on June 11, 2024, 07:10:34 PM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.

Most of us want to buy expensive things when we receive a lot of money. Because aside from the convenience and the fact that the fact that we can benefit from it for a long time, we also want to get the attention of other people. We also cannot deny when we can afford something that an ordinary person cannot afford. But sometimes, because we can afford something, we just end up spending it, and we forget to ask ourselves if we really need it. Or we just want to buy it because we want to impress other people. And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.

But the question is, what is our goal? to get rich to impress, or to get rich to have freedom? When you have a lot of money, you have nothing to prove to other people. Since you know that you are rich, it is a better idea not to let other people know that you are rich. One should just choose the simple life and live with a purpose.

This is true. Nowadays, many wealthy people don't buy things because they need them; many of them buy expensive things just to show that they also acquire them. and after letting people know that they have it, they will abandon such things. Although when you are rich, you would like to get what other people are getting who are also reaching like you, but I think this kind of competition should be applicable to wealthy people, not someone who just started earning a large amount of money, because most of us are buying something as if our eyes are close.

Sometimes when we have plenty of money with us, many of us don't really know what we need and what we want; we just buy things, both the ones that are important to our lives at the moment and both the ones that are not, which is bad.

2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So, your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.

To be sincere with you, debt is just like demotion. It is as if you are going forward, but something is dragging you back. When you are owing money, you will not be able to plan another thing that will benefit your life until you clear such debt, and you will be like some one who is not even getting the money at all. Although I know that some conditions require you to collect debt, sometimes it is not really to set some financial problems that come your way, but the real thing is to pay it back. 

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: justdimin on June 12, 2024, 11:39:41 AM
When some people become rich suddenly, their behavior and behavior changes a lot. People who become rich in a short period of time often try to oppress people by telling them that they have a lot of money and that they are very rich. We should  No matter how much money we have, we have to treat everyone well and earn honestly. If we can live with our family with honest income, it is a big gain for us.
It is very inappropriate to humiliate other people in any way, especially if the person being humiliated has never asked rich people like that for money or food. Because for me, people like that are not really rich people, but just stupid people whose instinct to look down on other people is still very strong, even though other people have never had anything wrong with that person. And if you have ever seen a rich person who can benefit many people in your environment, of course people who like to look down on other people because they have a little money is a very strange thing because it is a virus that must be eradicated.
I feel like that is something I can't really guarantee at all, I try to avoid saying stuff that has never happened. Like right now, if you ask me would you look at people differently if you had millions and millions of dollars? Then I would say of course not, but it has never happened and maybe I would change with money? I wouldn't know, it never happened. Of course sometimes you know what will happen, like if I am thrown from a flying airplane, I know I would be screaming, parachute or not :D.

But, some stuff are not know and usually a little bit more detailed. I spent my whole college years saying I do not care about the diploma or the grades, because I really didn't, I went to college to learn, for business purposes, not for diploma, and it has been more than a decade since I graduated and never used my diploma for once, not even a single time. But do you know what happened when I was given that diploma? I started to cry, would haven ever guessed, some stuff are shock to you too.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 13, 2024, 12:48:44 PM
To be sincere with you, debt is just like demotion. It is as if you are going forward, but something is dragging you back. When you are owing money, you will not be able to plan another thing that will benefit your life until you clear such debt, and you will be like some one who is not even getting the money at all. Although I know that some conditions require you to collect debt, sometimes it is not really to set some financial problems that come your way, but the real thing is to pay it back. 

To most, debt is a trap.  It's like being in a hole that the sides keep caving in - you have to expend effort just to keep even and even more of you want to get ahead.

In the United States, the biggest debt traps are student loans, new car loans, and credit cards.  Collectively, these will keep most people poor their entire lives. 

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Jody.Drummer on June 13, 2024, 02:02:39 PM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.
That is actually the most common way most individuals from rags to riches do. I can even see people posting something they achieved in life on social media and I personally do not have any problem with that because it's their life not mine but yeah it all comes with risks we all know that.

Most people who normally post there success on the social media always fail to realize the risk it will bring to there life because on a normal they will feel that they are actually helping or motivating people on the things he go through before arriving were he is and there is nothing wrong with it but in other words he is actually telling people how wealthy and rich he is and possibly he could endanger himself by doing that, though is mostly common for those people who started with nothing and become rich later.

I think there is nothing wrong with what they do by posting their success or success on social media where there are likely to be many people who see it, because after all what is shown can motivate others or raise the spirits of others who may at that time there are people who are experiencing failure and downturn. And for me the risk that will be felt by people who show their success is nothing more than social risk, or the point is that maybe in the next few days or months there will be many people who come like asking for help such as borrowing money or wanting to ask for directions or ways to be successful like him, and for that problem I think it is not a risk, because after all the name risk is when someone does something that tends to lead to mistakes that can threaten or endanger him such as taking a decision or doing something excessively, but if not then I think posting success on social media is a common thing that many people often do.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Marvell1 on June 13, 2024, 02:56:28 PM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.
That is actually the most common way most individuals from rags to riches do. I can even see people posting something they achieved in life on social media and I personally do not have any problem with that because it's their life not mine but yeah it all comes with risks we all know that.

Most people who normally post there success on the social media always fail to realize the risk it will bring to there life because on a normal they will feel that they are actually helping or motivating people on the things he go through before arriving were he is and there is nothing wrong with it but in other words he is actually telling people how wealthy and rich he is and possibly he could endanger himself by doing that, though is mostly common for those people who started with nothing and become rich later.

I think there is nothing wrong with what they do by posting their success or success on social media where there are likely to be many people who see it, because after all what is shown can motivate others or raise the spirits of others who may at that time there are people who are experiencing failure and downturn. And for me the risk that will be felt by people who show their success is nothing more than social risk, or the point is that maybe in the next few days or months there will be many people who come like asking for help such as borrowing money or wanting to ask for directions or ways to be successful like him, and for that problem I think it is not a risk, because after all the name risk is when someone does something that tends to lead to mistakes that can threaten or endanger him such as taking a decision or doing something excessively, but if not then I think posting success on social media is a common thing that many people often do.

I don't know what the lifestyle is like in your country, but in my country, poor people can hang out with rich people, but rich people will rarely work with poor people, and most rich people usually just cooperate and do business with rich people. Therefore, whether someone brags about their success or wants to prove that they have become rich has its own purpose. Some may want to assert themselves as talented people and want to set themselves as an example for others to make efforts as you said. But there are also some people who do it because they are looking for ways to expand better relationships to increase wealth.
In addition, perhaps the security situation in each country is different, and I don't see any risk in someone wanting to brag on social networks when they become rich in my country.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 13, 2024, 03:43:47 PM
As many fruitful trees as there are in the world when they are full of fruits their heads are low and when they are ripe they drop their fruits and distribute them to passers-by. But what would happen if gravity did not act on all those fruits?
Money has the power to change any person at any time. But if we as humans are not in control then the fall is inevitable. The human conscience should also work in favor of gravity. Money should be used in our life but if we do the opposite we will face problems.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: MainIbem on June 13, 2024, 05:32:46 PM
 Lots of people make such mistake of living an extravagante lifestyle when they finally stumbled on a big bag, that's very wrong. To them they'll feel like, I've been poor or broke for too long and now the world needs to see I've made it. No, that's wrong you don't live to impress anyone cause when you go broke again those people you're trying  to impress might not help you rise up again, they'll probably laugh at you or mock you for being foolish. A wise man once told me that the first thing i should think of, when i start earning is to invest my earnings into a good business or investment and that has really helped me in life, I'll always calculate before spending and it's help me to differentiate between my needs and wants. Another point i picked from the Op is paying of debt, it's very important for people to pay off debts when they've finally made money, the best thing that could happen to a man is being debt free, it saves one from unnecessary embarrassement and public disgrace.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: itorai on June 13, 2024, 05:45:09 PM
Once I start earning a lot or become rich the first thing I would avoid a putting all my investment eggs in one basket. That is to say that rather than investing in one asset or one industry alone I would avoid it and rather diversified my investment portfolio to include assets and investment that I understand and would you have return money investment there by multiplying, protecting my wealth and minimizing the risk involved. The higher you earn, the higher your risk.
It is clear that the higher the income, the higher the risk, but in real life there are unique things such as low income with high risk, and vice versa.
But of all that depends on the right management, with the right management we will know the benchmarks (actions) that must be done.
The conclusion is that the relationship between income and risk does not always go hand in hand. Good management is essential to determine the right steps to optimize revenue and manage risk.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on June 13, 2024, 06:26:58 PM
When we are given more wealth, we must be grateful for what has been given to us, never feel that we are superior to people who do not have wealth like us, because wealth is a trust and a deposit that we must guard and use as best we can, still many other people are not as lucky as us.

When we have reached the point where we have enough or have more wealth, we must remember the people under us, we must help each other, use our wealth as best as possible, so that the wealth we have can remain with us, don't Have you ever felt arrogant when you have abundant wealth?

Every person does not have the same opinion and if everyone thinks the same as you then there will be no greed and no jealousy and all the individuals will be considered the same. It is necessary that if we have lots of money then we should help those individuals who have a limited amount of money and when we have not enough money then be thankful for each and every situation because there are also lots of people who are deprived of such blessings.

Wealthy comes and goes but the real friendship and relationships once goes then never return back therefore give more time to the relationship and if your relative has not enough amount then it is our responsibility to give them some to help them and make them happy.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: RockBell on June 13, 2024, 07:43:02 PM
Lots of people make such mistake of living an extravagante lifestyle when they finally stumbled on a big bag, that's very wrong. To them they'll feel like, I've been poor or broke for too long and now the world needs to see I've made it. No, that's wrong you don't live to impress anyone cause when you go broke again those people you're trying  to impress might not help you rise up again, they'll probably laugh at you or mock you for being foolish. A wise man once told me that the first thing i should think of, when i start earning is to invest my earnings into a good business or investment and that has really helped me in life, I'll always calculate before spending and it's help me to differentiate between my needs and wants. Another point i picked from the Op is paying of debt, it's very important for people to pay off debts when they've finally made money, the best thing that could happen to a man is being debt free, it saves one from unnecessary embarrassement and public disgrace.

When you have money, it's nice to relax from time to time, but it doesn't mean you have to spend it all. If you want to spend money on lifestyle, there is no way you will get tired since you will not be pleased because as you buy, you will see more things. The greatest advise is to find something else to do with your money rather than spending it extravagantly. It will be a regrettable action. Because that's when you'll know you shouldn't have wasted money. And once people have money they want people to fell their presence and some of them will even want to oppress people with their wealth.

And in the process of oppression what if you go back to been broke what is now the difference and that is why composure is very important when you have money you don't allow your self to be driven by emotion. The good man gave you a good advice because the moment you start earning you have a lot of things in your mind so the best thing is to invest early  at least their are different places that you can invest your money into. A better decision on that will be helpful. And if their is any debt pay and then invest then whe you start making money you can fund your life style.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 13, 2024, 08:50:19 PM
Once I start earning a lot or become rich the first thing I would avoid a putting all my investment eggs in one basket. That is to say that rather than investing in one asset or one industry alone I would avoid it and rather diversified my investment portfolio to include assets and investment that I understand and would you have return money investment there by multiplying, protecting my wealth and minimizing the risk involved. The higher you earn, the higher your risk.
It is clear that the higher the income, the higher the risk, but in real life there are unique things such as low income with high risk, and vice versa.
But of all that depends on the right management, with the right management we will know the benchmarks (actions) that must be done.
The conclusion is that the relationship between income and risk does not always go hand in hand. Good management is essential to determine the right steps to optimize revenue and manage risk.

In real life it is not uncommon for me to see rich people who get out of luxury cars with a very simple appearance, only using sandals, shorts, plain t-shirts and carrying small bags without wearing any accessories on their bodies, this is a small example that can be concluded that even if for example you are a rich person who has a lot of money but that does not mean you have to buy various things that are not really needed, and it also indirectly tells and makes me realize that the real rich people are those who have very good financial management where they only spend their money on something that is important or needed.

I heard that those who are rich or who have high incomes in their lives only use a small portion of their income for their lives and their families, not that they are stingy, but they mostly use their money for everything that has the potential to bring greater profits in the long run such as business or whatever it is, and I think it is clear that because of that management and mindset that makes rich people richer. In conclusion, in real life or whatever it is, especially related to money, if we can manage it properly, everything will go well and be balanced.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Jody.Drummer on June 14, 2024, 02:25:22 PM

I think there is nothing wrong with what they do by posting their success or success on social media where there are likely to be many people who see it, because after all what is shown can motivate others or raise the spirits of others who may at that time there are people who are experiencing failure and downturn. And for me the risk that will be felt by people who show their success is nothing more than social risk, or the point is that maybe in the next few days or months there will be many people who come like asking for help such as borrowing money or wanting to ask for directions or ways to be successful like him, and for that problem I think it is not a risk, because after all the name risk is when someone does something that tends to lead to mistakes that can threaten or endanger him such as taking a decision or doing something excessively, but if not then I think posting success on social media is a common thing that many people often do.

I don't know what the lifestyle is like in your country, but in my country, poor people can hang out with rich people, but rich people will rarely work with poor people, and most rich people usually just cooperate and do business with rich people. Therefore, whether someone brags about their success or wants to prove that they have become rich has its own purpose. Some may want to assert themselves as talented people and want to set themselves as an example for others to make efforts as you said. But there are also some people who do it because they are looking for ways to expand better relationships to increase wealth.
In addition, perhaps the security situation in each country is different, and I don't see any risk in someone wanting to brag on social networks when they become rich in my country.

In my country most of them are people who managed to achieve wealth in their lives and then post it I don't know about how and what exactly their purpose is, whether it's for bragging rights or for promotional purposes so that many people or companies want to work with him or her or for something else, but usually I hear that the idea they often say is that they are nothing more than motivating other people who are in the process of struggling to keep their spirits up and prove that the process will never betray the results, and I think it is an idea and action that does make sense to raise the spirits of other people who see it. As I said above, I don't really know the actual purpose but yes, it may be true as you said that indirectly their actions can also be a way to find or open doors for new business opportunities such as building new relationships with other people to plan new businesses. For me the real risk that can happen when someone posts or brags about their wealth is that there might be some people who see it who have bad intentions such as cheating, robbing or whatever.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Fara Chan on June 14, 2024, 03:29:39 PM
It is clear that the higher the income, the higher the risk, but in real life there are unique things such as low income with high risk, and vice versa.
But of all that depends on the right management, with the right management we will know the benchmarks (actions) that must be done.
The conclusion is that the relationship between income and risk does not always go hand in hand. Good management is essential to determine the right steps to optimize revenue and manage risk.
I think your opinion regarding risk and income is quite correct because there are still some people who don't understand how to manage risk while these people can optimize their income. But on the one hand, such a person will also realize that he has to face greater risks with a lower level of income. Because basically these two things need to be well understood by everyone who is working in order to optimize their income by managing risks through the right steps as you said.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: itorai on June 14, 2024, 05:53:28 PM
Once I start earning a lot or become rich the first thing I would avoid a putting all my investment eggs in one basket. That is to say that rather than investing in one asset or one industry alone I would avoid it and rather diversified my investment portfolio to include assets and investment that I understand and would you have return money investment there by multiplying, protecting my wealth and minimizing the risk involved. The higher you earn, the higher your risk.
It is clear that the higher the income, the higher the risk, but in real life there are unique things such as low income with high risk, and vice versa.
But of all that depends on the right management, with the right management we will know the benchmarks (actions) that must be done.
The conclusion is that the relationship between income and risk does not always go hand in hand. Good management is essential to determine the right steps to optimize revenue and manage risk.

In real life it is not uncommon for me to see rich people who get out of luxury cars with a very simple appearance, only using sandals, shorts, plain t-shirts and carrying small bags without wearing any accessories on their bodies, this is a small example that can be concluded that even if for example you are a rich person who has a lot of money but that does not mean you have to buy various things that are not really needed, and it also indirectly tells and makes me realize that the real rich people are those who have very good financial management where they only spend their money on something that is important or needed.

I heard that those who are rich or who have high incomes in their lives only use a small portion of their income for their lives and their families, not that they are stingy, but they mostly use their money for everything that has the potential to bring greater profits in the long run such as business or whatever it is, and I think it is clear that because of that management and mindset that makes rich people richer. In conclusion, in real life or whatever it is, especially related to money, if we can manage it properly, everything will go well and be balanced.
I agree that if we can manage finances well and wisely then everything will go well and balanced. Because this balance is what makes them continue to grow forward, but different things with those "ordinary people" they often use money carelessly, for example, even though their income is mediocre they spend their money at the limit they have which in the end their money is always minus. It's true that we really need balance. And not just balance in managing finances but balance in every aspect i think needs balance.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Mame89 on June 14, 2024, 07:03:10 PM
In real life it is not uncommon for me to see rich people who get out of luxury cars with a very simple appearance, only using sandals, shorts, plain t-shirts and carrying small bags without wearing any accessories on their bodies, this is a small example that can be concluded that even if for example you are a rich person who has a lot of money but that does not mean you have to buy various things that are not really needed, and it also indirectly tells and makes me realize that the real rich people are those who have very good financial management where they only spend their money on something that is important or needed.

I heard that those who are rich or who have high incomes in their lives only use a small portion of their income for their lives and their families, not that they are stingy, but they mostly use their money for everything that has the potential to bring greater profits in the long run such as business or whatever it is, and I think it is clear that because of that management and mindset that makes rich people richer. In conclusion, in real life or whatever it is, especially related to money, if we can manage it properly, everything will go well and be balanced.
I agree that if we can manage finances well and wisely then everything will go well and balanced. Because this balance is what makes them continue to grow forward, but different things with those "ordinary people" they often use money carelessly, for example, even though their income is mediocre they spend their money at the limit they have which in the end their money is always minus. It's true that we really need balance. And not just balance in managing finances but balance in every aspect i think needs balance.
This means that we have to be wise in using money, not to maintain prestige.

Because it cannot be denied that when someone has a lot of money, what does that person think, what can he buy with that much money? and it often happens that he just buys something luxurious just to show off to other people that we have money.

Surely everyone likes luxury goods? But we also have to think first, can you take good care of these luxury items? It must be admitted that this is not the way to get rich, because you will only spend more money to maintain it.

So what the OP said is good, apart from that maybe don't think about or prioritize prestige if you have a lot of money because it's better to be wise. Use the money you have for things that are much more important, use that money for things that suit your needs. There are many things to avoid when we become rich, and usually rich people are wise in using their money. Their mindset is that money will work for him, not him working for money.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Dewi Aries on June 14, 2024, 07:15:47 PM

In real life it is not uncommon for me to see rich people who get out of luxury cars with a very simple appearance, only using sandals, shorts, plain t-shirts and carrying small bags without wearing any accessories on their bodies, this is a small example that can be concluded that even if for example you are a rich person who has a lot of money but that does not mean you have to buy various things that are not really needed, and it also indirectly tells and makes me realize that the real rich people are those who have very good financial management where they only spend their money on something that is important or needed.

I heard that those who are rich or who have high incomes in their lives only use a small portion of their income for their lives and their families, not that they are stingy, but they mostly use their money for everything that has the potential to bring greater profits in the long run such as business or whatever it is, and I think it is clear that because of that management and mindset that makes rich people richer. In conclusion, in real life or whatever it is, especially related to money, if we can manage it properly, everything will go well and be balanced.
I agree that if we can manage finances well and wisely then everything will go well and balanced. Because this balance is what makes them continue to grow forward, but different things with those "ordinary people" they often use money carelessly, for example, even though their income is mediocre they spend their money at the limit they have which in the end their money is always minus. It's true that we really need balance. And not just balance in managing finances but balance in every aspect i think needs balance.

I admit that the majority of people's habits are like wasting money, it is fun when you buy various things or whatever you want using the money you earn from work, and I would say that this is a habit that people have. - a person who will dedicate himself to always working all his life until he dies. Health is the most important thing, but everyone will enter an elderly phase in their life which is a phase of decreasing personal fitness, I am sure that most people want financial freedom in their old age, everything that will happen in the future depends on how and what actions do you take nowadays, meaning that if you don't want to enjoy old age by always having to work then that means you have to do something that people in their youth didn't usually do.

Differentiate yourself from other people your age, when other people buy something they want and don't need, you have to allocate some money outside of your needs for something that has the potential to produce greater profits in the future as provisions for your old age. like investments or whatever. I'm not criticizing it, but it's quite worrying when I see people who have low incomes but spend their money blindly on something they don't really need. Management is the main thing that must be prioritized over satisfaction.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: darkangel11 on June 14, 2024, 07:48:43 PM
Lots of people make such mistake of living an extravagante lifestyle when they finally stumbled on a big bag, that's very wrong. To them they'll feel like, I've been poor or broke for too long and now the world needs to see I've made it. No, that's wrong you don't live to impress anyone cause when you go broke again those people you're trying  to impress might not help you rise up again, they'll probably laugh at you or mock you for being foolish. A wise man once told me that the first thing i should think of, when i start earning is to invest my earnings into a good business or investment and that has really helped me in life, I'll always calculate before spending and it's help me to differentiate between my needs and wants. Another point i picked from the Op is paying of debt, it's very important for people to pay off debts when they've finally made money, the best thing that could happen to a man is being debt free, it saves one from unnecessary embarrassement and public disgrace.

I felt like that when I first made a lot of money. I wanted to show off, prove that I'm worth more now, that I'm successful. I wanted people to envy me... and then I slept on it, spent a few days doing nothing, thinking of next steps and came to the conclusion I would still be worthless to them. People who don't respect me wouldn't start to respect me because I made some money. They'd rather belittle my achievement to try to show themselves as more successful in comparison. People who like me could turn away from me because they'd see me as fake, trying to show the extravagant side of me that isn't real.
So I did nothing. I waited, just begun to save up less than I used to, spend my income instead of investing it because I had so much profit from investing I no longer needed to do that. My life improved, but my friends did not turn away from me because it was a slow and gradual improvement.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Wakate on June 14, 2024, 07:55:16 PM
Once I start earning a lot or become rich the first thing I would avoid a putting all my investment eggs in one basket. That is to say that rather than investing in one asset or one industry alone I would avoid it and rather diversified my investment portfolio to include assets and investment that I understand and would you have return money investment there by multiplying, protecting my wealth and minimizing the risk involved. The higher you earn, the higher your risk.
It is clear that the higher the income, the higher the risk, but in real life there are unique things such as low income with high risk, and vice versa.
But of all that depends on the right management, with the right management we will know the benchmarks (actions) that must be done.
The conclusion is that the relationship between income and risk does not always go hand in hand. Good management is essential to determine the right steps to optimize revenue and manage risk.
It is obvious that the more we become rich continuously, we become expensive and we don't eating or wearing those things that are quite common to us. Change is quite constant and everyone do dance to the music so it is a normal thing for us to become more expensive when money keeps flowing in. Planning is an important aspect we need to consider for us to keep making money from what we do so we don't go bankruptcy. Pride is a major factor that has made a lot to be so big before everyone since they felt like they are now rich and no one could talk to them or challenge especially in their own level or below. Money is a spirit that could make us go astray.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Marvell1 on June 15, 2024, 03:02:54 PM

I think there is nothing wrong with what they do by posting their success or success on social media where there are likely to be many people who see it, because after all what is shown can motivate others or raise the spirits of others who may at that time there are people who are experiencing failure and downturn. And for me the risk that will be felt by people who show their success is nothing more than social risk, or the point is that maybe in the next few days or months there will be many people who come like asking for help such as borrowing money or wanting to ask for directions or ways to be successful like him, and for that problem I think it is not a risk, because after all the name risk is when someone does something that tends to lead to mistakes that can threaten or endanger him such as taking a decision or doing something excessively, but if not then I think posting success on social media is a common thing that many people often do.

I don't know what the lifestyle is like in your country, but in my country, poor people can hang out with rich people, but rich people will rarely work with poor people, and most rich people usually just cooperate and do business with rich people. Therefore, whether someone brags about their success or wants to prove that they have become rich has its own purpose. Some may want to assert themselves as talented people and want to set themselves as an example for others to make efforts as you said. But there are also some people who do it because they are looking for ways to expand better relationships to increase wealth.
In addition, perhaps the security situation in each country is different, and I don't see any risk in someone wanting to brag on social networks when they become rich in my country.

In my country most of them are people who managed to achieve wealth in their lives and then post it I don't know about how and what exactly their purpose is, whether it's for bragging rights or for promotional purposes so that many people or companies want to work with him or her or for something else, but usually I hear that the idea they often say is that they are nothing more than motivating other people who are in the process of struggling to keep their spirits up and prove that the process will never betray the results, and I think it is an idea and action that does make sense to raise the spirits of other people who see it. As I said above, I don't really know the actual purpose but yes, it may be true as you said that indirectly their actions can also be a way to find or open doors for new business opportunities such as building new relationships with other people to plan new businesses. For me the real risk that can happen when someone posts or brags about their wealth is that there might be some people who see it who have bad intentions such as cheating, robbing or whatever.

As for bragging, I think we don't need to post pictures of ourselves holding a bunch of money, or showing off our bank account balance for everyone to see, or ridiculous pictures. We just need to post a little simpler photos to let everyone know that our lives are changing for the better after many hard days without having to brag too much. I think we won't face any risks, people are just exaggerating things more than necessary.
There is nothing wrong with us being proud and wanting everyone to know that our efforts have paid off, our choice was the right one.

In addition, our success is also the pride and honor of our parents, so it is not bad when our parents proudly talk about how successful we have been. Just like in the future, if our children are successful, we will show them off to our friends and be proud of them, which is a great joy for any parent.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 16, 2024, 06:48:26 AM
Once I start earning a lot or become rich the first thing I would avoid a putting all my investment eggs in one basket. That is to say that rather than investing in one asset or one industry alone I would avoid it and rather diversified my investment portfolio to include assets and investment that I understand and would you have return money investment there by multiplying, protecting my wealth and minimizing the risk involved. The higher you earn, the higher your risk.
It is clear that the higher the income, the higher the risk, but in real life there are unique things such as low income with high risk, and vice versa.
But of all that depends on the right management, with the right management we will know the benchmarks (actions) that must be done.
The conclusion is that the relationship between income and risk does not always go hand in hand. Good management is essential to determine the right steps to optimize revenue and manage risk.
It is obvious that the more we become rich continuously, we become expensive and we don't eating or wearing those things that are quite common to us. Change is quite constant and everyone do dance to the music so it is a normal thing for us to become more expensive when money keeps flowing in. Planning is an important aspect we need to consider for us to keep making money from what we do so we don't go bankruptcy. Pride is a major factor that has made a lot to be so big before everyone since they felt like they are now rich and no one could talk to them or challenge especially in their own level or below. Money is a spirit that could make us go astray.
When people earn more money, their needs increase day by day and people become more expensive. Being expensive is not a bad thing from my point of view as long as it doesn't lead to bad things. Because money has the power to slowly lead people down a bad path. Therefore if money can be used for self-expenditure in a controlled manner then there is nothing wrong with it and if some of it can be spent in the work of humanity, it will be able to bring about the spiritual liberation of people. So not getting infatuated with wealth is the main thing that we should avoid.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: dezoel on June 16, 2024, 08:53:54 AM
Everything you said is correct but you didn't discuss about investing wisely. Investment is very important in the life of any individual that has started working to earn money. There's a saying "nothing last forever" If someone is earning money from a job and they believe they can work on that job for their entire life, they can get disappointed when table turn against them but if they invest while working they can enjoy the investment when they are no longer strong to work  hard. I just want to specifically say that investment is very good. While earning, don't fail to invest.
Yes, that's right, there's no other choice. Man, I think that people who work hard in their youth, rotate above the salary base if they don't save and invest for their old age. So when they get old, they can't work, how do they live? Everyone has done some planning for their old age, and those who say that saving is useless to do and invest. They are the same people who, after getting old, are seen begging on the streets or staying in old-age homes, because I don't understand what other option there is.

The biggest difference between humans and animals is consciousness. The creator has blessed humans with intelligence. Humans need to think and those humans also think about what they will do tomorrow and how their tomorrow can be better. Those who walk in their life as planned are never disgraced in time and never turn to be recognized. Those who only think of today and say tomorrow what will happen will be seen I have seen them struggle. While doing so, their lives and their families get into trouble because of their decisions.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: boty on June 16, 2024, 10:00:15 AM
When people earn more money, their needs increase day by day and people become more expensive. Being expensive is not a bad thing from my point of view as long as it doesn't lead to bad things. Because money has the power to slowly lead people down a bad path. Therefore if money can be used for self-expenditure in a controlled manner then there is nothing wrong with it and if some of it can be spent in the work of humanity, it will be able to bring about the spiritual liberation of people. So not getting infatuated with wealth is the main thing that we should avoid.
Indeed, there is nothing wrong with someone who already has a lot of money to spend it on things they really need and the most important thing is that they can make good use of the income they have. You are right. Those who cannot manage their finances well will certainly spend their income on things they really need. not needed, of course it will be very detrimental to ourselves because after working hard to make money, and I agree with you in being able to avoid being crazy about wealth which makes us tired of doing work.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: arwin100 on June 16, 2024, 11:08:27 AM
When people earn more money, their needs increase day by day and people become more expensive. Being expensive is not a bad thing from my point of view as long as it doesn't lead to bad things. Because money has the power to slowly lead people down a bad path. Therefore if money can be used for self-expenditure in a controlled manner then there is nothing wrong with it and if some of it can be spent in the work of humanity, it will be able to bring about the spiritual liberation of people. So not getting infatuated with wealth is the main thing that we should avoid.
Indeed, there is nothing wrong with someone who already has a lot of money to spend it on things they really need and the most important thing is that they can make good use of the income they have. You are right. Those who cannot manage their finances well will certainly spend their income on things they really need. not needed, of course it will be very detrimental to ourselves because after working hard to make money, and I agree with you in being able to avoid being crazy about wealth which makes us tired of doing work.

It will be good if he can assure that there's a good return on where he spend his money and there's nothing will be stagnant or dead investment since everything will be fine. But if he used the money to buy luxurious things or cars or houses which cannot generate him an income then the problem will start their since for sure he would have a liability that can also drain his finances. That's why we need to be smart on choosing on where to spend our money so that we can make sure that everything we do is good and we could ask some advices to the people we trust especially if they are good on handling their money or even businesses since provably we can also get an idea on how to improve more our lives with the advices we get from good people.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: CK485 on June 16, 2024, 02:34:22 PM

When people earn more money, their needs increase day by day and people become more expensive. Being expensive is not a bad thing from my point of view as long as it doesn't lead to bad things. Because money has the power to slowly lead people down a bad path. Therefore if money can be used for self-expenditure in a controlled manner then there is nothing wrong with it and if some of it can be spent in the work of humanity, it will be able to bring about the spiritual liberation of people. So not getting infatuated with wealth is the main thing that we should avoid.

As time goes by, our needs are always met with a high income, that's a very good stage for us to do useful things. It's really important to have good financial management, with self-appreciation, use the money to do things we like but with certain limits. Naturally, that's much better, by not being wasteful with expenses, at least you are saving for the long term, so you can avoid going crazy about the wealth you have worked so hard to obtain so far.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: KeenanEl19 on June 16, 2024, 04:36:15 PM
It is obvious that the more we become rich continuously, we become expensive and we don't eating or wearing those things that are quite common to us. Change is quite constant and everyone do dance to the music so it is a normal thing for us to become more expensive when money keeps flowing in. Planning is an important aspect we need to consider for us to keep making money from what we do so we don't go bankruptcy. Pride is a major factor that has made a lot to be so big before everyone since they felt like they are now rich and no one could talk to them or challenge especially in their own level or below. Money is a spirit that could make us go astray.

Indeed, as we get richer, our tastes will increase, and that applies to many things. for example, with food styles where when finances are mediocre, of course we will only buy food that adjusts to the financial situation, as well as with style. but sometimes there are people who impose a rich and luxurious style but in reality their financial situation is very bad. Also when wealth increases, of course it will affect lifestyle, for example, with the beginning who usually does not usually use watches, but because finances increase we can follow the increase by buying and owning watches and because it is a habit, of course, it will feel something is missing when not using watches.

Of course, the increasing financial structure will make lifestyle or others become expensive, apart from the economy also with the lifestyle will increase. When finances increase, having a plan is certainly important not to make unimportant expenses, things that must be avoided when finances increase are unimportant expenses that can make finances run out irregularly.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Huppercase on June 16, 2024, 05:29:26 PM
Let's be grateful for our achievements and also be thankful that they came to you, but don't be satisfied that if you earn a lot of money now, be thankful. We should not be as greedy as possible. If we achieve our first goal, we make another goal, and so on.

Success is like cleaning; if you clean your house today, you will have to clean again tomorrow. And we'll do it every day, so we can keep a clean house, right? So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target.

There are many things that fall man from achieving their goals in life but I think we ignore this ones a lot of the time even when it's obvious is the reason why many men don't make it in life. It's womanizing and spending money on Alcohol, these two might be subjective but if you are the kind of person that loves women a lot, you can't do a day without womanizing, you will remain where you are and probably make nothing your life because most often you will be spending money on them trying to impress them.

Another one that hinder men from making it is gambling, so many people are where they are today because they have wasted all their money into gambling trying to double the money they have worked so hard to get and sometimes they get influence because of friends and the money they don't see as money actually matter after you do the accumulation of the money they have spent in gambling. Not saying gambling is bad but it should be done moderately with amount that is nothing to you, not your savings until you remain broke.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: atookz on June 16, 2024, 06:23:43 PM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.
Maybe not only expensive things but also avoiding expensive habits continuously, such as buying expensive coffee, eating at expensive places, or something like that. Because surely we can also buy such things at a cheaper price. It is better to prioritize spending that provides long-term value. This can also prevent us from becoming impulsive buyers.

2.Pay your Debt

Having debt or bad debt is why most of us continue to suffer because it's like a weed that, if you don't cut the root, will grow again. And the debt, when you don't pay it, has interest compounding. So your number one expense is to pay off the debt when it earns a lot of money. Be responsible not to ignore the people we owe money to, talk to them, say thank you, and pay all the debt.

We should also know that our reputation also depends on it, and when we know how to pay, many people will trust you. And when you know how to pay off debt, you also show that we are not only thinking about ourselves.
Moreover, having consumptive debt that has high interest, this must be avoided because it can threaten finances to become worse. Someone with high consumptive debt tends to have difficulty owning and adding assets, this will hinder finances. Maybe if you have debt for business activities or something that has benefits, it could be better.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: jaberwock on June 16, 2024, 06:32:26 PM
To be sincere with you, debt is just like demotion. It is as if you are going forward, but something is dragging you back. When you are owing money, you will not be able to plan another thing that will benefit your life until you clear such debt, and you will be like some one who is not even getting the money at all. Although I know that some conditions require you to collect debt, sometimes it is not really to set some financial problems that come your way, but the real thing is to pay it back. 
To most, debt is a trap.  It's like being in a hole that the sides keep caving in - you have to expend effort just to keep even and even more of you want to get ahead.

In the United States, the biggest debt traps are student loans, new car loans, and credit cards.  Collectively, these will keep most people poor their entire lives. 
The problem is that most people do not realize how much they can pay back, and that causes their trouble. It's the same with me, thankfully my boss gave me a bonus this month, but I am near my entire salary for my debt, not because of luxury or anything, it's medical bills I am paying, but it is still terrible calculation on my behalf, I should have taken long term loan, I just wanted to pay it and be done with it quickly, so that was my mistake, but after a few more months of terrible period, I will be done in a couple of months.

In the end, calculate how much you can pay back, you can always get a loan there is nothing wrong with debt, just realize if you can pay it fine or not, if you can pay it fine without trouble then getting debt is fine.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: wiss19 on June 16, 2024, 08:16:55 PM
To most, debt is a trap.  It's like being in a hole that the sides keep caving in - you have to expend effort just to keep even and even more of you want to get ahead.
I think the ones who said that debt is a trap, are only the people who also don't take loans. Maybe there are still people who thinks that debt is risky or can give them a headache, though they have no choice but to still continue availing it because they also need the money for something important. I think this isn't totally wrong, and maybe if we are on their shoes, we will also do the same thing.

In the United States, the biggest debt traps are student loans, new car loans, and credit cards.  Collectively, these will keep most people poor their entire lives. 
Not only in the United States but I think it is also the same as other countries. Maybe they will struggle financially afterwards but they can say that at least, they are now enrolled and can study on their chosen school or courses, they can now drive that new car that they have been dreaming of, and they can now have that other items with the help of their credit cards.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: beerlover on June 18, 2024, 05:55:23 AM
I feel like that is something I can't really guarantee at all, I try to avoid saying stuff that has never happened. Like right now, if you ask me would you look at people differently if you had millions and millions of dollars? Then I would say of course not, but it has never happened and maybe I would change with money? I wouldn't know, it never happened. Of course sometimes you know what will happen, like if I am thrown from a flying airplane, I know I would be screaming, parachute or not :D.

But, some stuff are not know and usually a little bit more detailed. I spent my whole college years saying I do not care about the diploma or the grades, because I really didn't, I went to college to learn, for business purposes, not for diploma, and it has been more than a decade since I graduated and never used my diploma for once, not even a single time. But do you know what happened when I was given that diploma? I started to cry, would haven ever guessed, some stuff are shock to you too.
I feel like you would know a bit, okay maybe you do not know the whole 100% thing, but I think you know a bit. I have always been kind to waiters and any other service worker for my entire life, just because I make some money doesn't mean that I am going to change 180 degrees, I am going to be just fine. I may get a little bit more paranoid and try to act a little differently, but not entirely and I think it will not become a problem at all, it should be something that would be easy to handle.

All in all I believe that people can change, just not that much, like you said, you didn't care about diploma and you never used it, just a small teary eye moment isn't a huge change, that type of small things could happen but not great changes.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: wtsimis on June 18, 2024, 05:12:10 PM
Avoiding certain pitfalls is critical to maintaining personal wellness and financial health when owning more asssets or earning more . Overspending in life should be avoided as lifestyles inflation can quickly deplete assets. Also , stay away from investing without due diligence. Maintain genuine relationships. Moreover , avoid complacency and negligence in long term planning , including savings and retirement funds. Hold on to personal values ​​and ethics that will benefit you in your pursuit of new wealth.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Silberman on June 18, 2024, 06:25:17 PM
The problem is that most people do not realize how much they can pay back, and that causes their trouble. It's the same with me, thankfully my boss gave me a bonus this month, but I am near my entire salary for my debt, not because of luxury or anything, it's medical bills I am paying, but it is still terrible calculation on my behalf, I should have taken long term loan, I just wanted to pay it and be done with it quickly, so that was my mistake, but after a few more months of terrible period, I will be done in a couple of months.

In the end, calculate how much you can pay back, you can always get a loan there is nothing wrong with debt, just realize if you can pay it fine or not, if you can pay it fine without trouble then getting debt is fine.
Another problem is that people cannot distinguish between good debt and bad debt, a loan that you can get for a low interest rate, that you use to create a new source of income for yourself or in your health is a good debt, but most of the debt taken today by people is bad debt, as they have to pay high interest rates on it and they take it just to mindlessly consume things they do not even need or want, and yet they keep taking that kind of debt as they believe this is the way people are supposed to live their life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Pi-network314159 on June 19, 2024, 04:49:47 AM
Things to avoid when I become rich is as follows:
1. Pretend as if you are not yet rich to avoid people around you looking up to you as if they can't do without you.

2. Don't carry all responsibility of your family otherwise they will pull you down.

3. You'll learn to control yourself in expenses because when you upgrade in financial status your level of expenses also increases. Maybe if you normally spend $50 a week when you aim $500 a month you may not longer manage $50 a week when you start aiming $1500 in a month. The ability of maintaining the old strategy of spending even why you have upgraded will allow you save more money for other important things.

4. Of course paying loan is very important if actually you are owing there is need to pay in Oder for it not to keep increasing.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on June 19, 2024, 07:54:41 AM
The problem is that most people do not realize how much they can pay back, and that causes their trouble. It's the same with me, thankfully my boss gave me a bonus this month, but I am near my entire salary for my debt, not because of luxury or anything, it's medical bills I am paying, but it is still terrible calculation on my behalf, I should have taken long term loan, I just wanted to pay it and be done with it quickly, so that was my mistake, but after a few more months of terrible period, I will be done in a couple of months.

In the end, calculate how much you can pay back, you can always get a loan there is nothing wrong with debt, just realize if you can pay it fine or not, if you can pay it fine without trouble then getting debt is fine.

If you enter debt due to sickness it is another terrible problem someone can get himself into. although I know that some debt is just that there is not any other way than to take the loan, but the main thing is paying back. But you see your own problem is the medication, you know with the way things are going now maybe the loan will not even enough to get the medication you want to buy base one how expensive drugs are now. furthermore, the sickness may not be as one expect, so all this emergency stuffs are things that make someone go broke even if you are earning money.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bakasabo on June 19, 2024, 08:02:12 AM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.
Maybe not only expensive things but also avoiding expensive habits continuously, such as buying expensive coffee, eating at expensive places, or something like that. Because surely we can also buy such things at a cheaper price. It is better to prioritize spending that provides long-term value.

Something does not make sense. An item can not be simultaneously cheap and have a long-term value. From my experience, cheap things does not last long. But expensive ones are made with better quality and better materials. I would suggest to make a small research before making a purchase and plan how long and where you are going to use "thing".

For example you have mentioned coffee. Cheap coffee making machine wont work for a long time before breaking, however, if you dont drink coffee often, you might consider buying a cheaper one. However, cheapest coffee machines use coffee capsules, and 1 cup of coffee made with it will cost more than a coffee from beans. Also consider options of a coffee machine. Touch screen models are more expensive than the one with buttons.

So before buying something, always think how you are going to use it.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Smack That Ace on June 19, 2024, 08:32:21 AM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.
Maybe not only expensive things but also avoiding expensive habits continuously, such as buying expensive coffee, eating at expensive places, or something like that. Because surely we can also buy such things at a cheaper price. It is better to prioritize spending that provides long-term value.

Something does not make sense. An item can not be simultaneously cheap and have a long-term value. From my experience, cheap things does not last long. But expensive ones are made with better quality and better materials. I would suggest to make a small research before making a purchase and plan how long and where you are going to use "thing".

For example you have mentioned coffee. Cheap coffee making machine wont work for a long time before breaking, however, if you dont drink coffee often, you might consider buying a cheaper one. However, cheapest coffee machines use coffee capsules, and 1 cup of coffee made with it will cost more than a coffee from beans. Also consider options of a coffee machine. Touch screen models are more expensive than the one with buttons.

So before buying something, always think how you are going to use it.

Everything has its price, nothing is cheap but of high quality, this sounds absurd. Especially when it comes to food, there will be no food that is nutritious and clean but also cheap, which is not true in today's society.

Furthermore, why do we try to make a lot of money and become rich? What is the purpose of getting rich? Is it so we can have a better life? Therefore, it would be bad advice and idea when we become rich but do not dare to spend money on good food, beautiful clothes...or things that make our lives better. Instead of thinking of thousands of solutions to save money, why don't we think of ways to make more money and become richer?

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Xcode7 on June 19, 2024, 08:36:00 AM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.
Maybe not only expensive things but also avoiding expensive habits continuously, such as buying expensive coffee, eating at expensive places, or something like that. Because surely we can also buy such things at a cheaper price. It is better to prioritize spending that provides long-term value.

Something does not make sense. An item can not be simultaneously cheap and have a long-term value. From my experience, cheap things does not last long. But expensive ones are made with better quality and better materials. I would suggest to make a small research before making a purchase and plan how long and where you are going to use "thing".

For example you have mentioned coffee. Cheap coffee making machine wont work for a long time before breaking, however, if you dont drink coffee often, you might consider buying a cheaper one. However, cheapest coffee machines use coffee capsules, and 1 cup of coffee made with it will cost more than a coffee from beans. Also consider options of a coffee machine. Touch screen models are more expensive than the one with buttons.

So before buying something, always think how you are going to use it.
The point is, what we need is quality, regardless of whether the price is expensive or cheap, especially when you already have a lot of income or are already rich.
I think we don't need to be too thrifty or restrain ourselves from necessities except for buying useless things as long as we have money then we have to fulfill all our needs and desires with the best things.

When we are rich or have a large income it doesn't mean we have to save excessively, that's what we have to remember, giving the best things is also an appreciation for ourselves after being able to do many things, so I think it should be done for yourself.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bittraffic on June 19, 2024, 10:32:46 AM

Buying expensive things is like bragging to the public. You have to remember that every person today is affected by inflation, if they see you getting richer instead, the criminals will be watching you.

Always remember that Norwegian guy who owns a crypto business and brags about it on social media and one day the robbers learn where he lives.  He jumps out the window from the 2nd floor.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Roseline492 on June 19, 2024, 11:20:19 AM
Once I start earning a lot or become rich the first thing I would avoid a putting all my investment eggs in one basket. That is to say that rather than investing in one asset or one industry alone I would avoid it and rather diversified my investment portfolio to include assets and investment that I understand and would you have return money investment there by multiplying, protecting my wealth and minimizing the risk involved. The higher you earn, the higher your risk.

You are right because investing all your money in one assets could be sometimes be very wrong considering the fact that if something should happen to the investment you will not have something to fall back on because that's actually what most people failed to understand, so perhaps in as much as a particular investment may seem very promising but shouldn't be enough reason for someone to put everything on the investment, perhaps if we check very well most failure was as a result of someone not being able to diversify most of his investment into other things so that if in case the first one did not work out the second investment will help them to regain there fit, and also another thing that's not good when someone has money is bragging or trying to leave a luxurious life because no matter how rich someone would be but the moment they failed to manage there money well there is every chance of losing everything.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: slapper on June 19, 2024, 12:40:26 PM

Everything has its price, nothing is cheap but of high quality, this sounds absurd. Especially when it comes to food, there will be no food that is nutritious and clean but also cheap, which is not true in today's society.

Furthermore, why do we try to make a lot of money and become rich? What is the purpose of getting rich? Is it so we can have a better life? Therefore, it would be bad advice and idea when we become rich but do not dare to spend money on good food, beautiful clothes...or things that make our lives better. Instead of thinking of thousands of solutions to save money, why don't we think of ways to make more money and become richer?
Yeah, everything costs something, but does that mean expensive always equals better? Fuck no

Look at the organic food craze: sure, some of it's legit, but a lot of it's just fancy branding with a higher price tag. You want real quality? Talk to your local farmers' market, talk to the folks growing your food. You'll get more for your buck and probably learn something. Don't get sucked into the FOMO, think for yourself

Everyone wants a better life, right? But what does that mean? Does it involve new tech, showy cars, or better food? Or enjoying a proud, financially-free life? Think about it, man. Instead of buying the next big thing, invest in yourself. Maintain your health, learn something new, and spend time with loved ones. That's the real shit. And most of us aren't rolling in dough. Therefore, you must spend your money wisely. Don't buy goods to impress. Invest in things that add value to your life, that make you a better human being

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Finestream on June 19, 2024, 01:19:41 PM
Lots of people make such mistake of living an extravagante lifestyle when they finally stumbled on a big bag, that's very wrong. To them they'll feel like, I've been poor or broke for too long and now the world needs to see I've made it. No, that's wrong you don't live to impress anyone cause when you go broke again those people you're trying  to impress might not help you rise up again, they'll probably laugh at you or mock you for being foolish. A wise man once told me that the first thing i should think of, when i start earning is to invest my earnings into a good business or investment and that has really helped me in life, I'll always calculate before spending and it's help me to differentiate between my needs and wants. Another point i picked from the Op is paying of debt, it's very important for people to pay off debts when they've finally made money, the best thing that could happen to a man is being debt free, it saves one from unnecessary embarrassement and public disgrace.
It’s not wrong to reward yourself after an achievement like living a luxury life even just for a day, but keeping the luxury while you have money, that’s a very wrong mindset. Money will be easily used up in just a couple of days or months.  Instead, continue living a simple life and stay low key. Maintain your expenses so you can increase your savings and investments. That way, you will consistently prosper all throughout. However, if you keep increasing your expenses even without any investment just to experience a luxury life, you will find it hard to save your spare money but will eventually struggle with your finances in the long run.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Russlenat on June 19, 2024, 01:53:30 PM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.
Maybe not only expensive things but also avoiding expensive habits continuously, such as buying expensive coffee, eating at expensive places, or something like that. Because surely we can also buy such things at a cheaper price. It is better to prioritize spending that provides long-term value.

Something does not make sense. An item can not be simultaneously cheap and have a long-term value. From my experience, cheap things does not last long. But expensive ones are made with better quality and better materials. I would suggest to make a small research before making a purchase and plan how long and where you are going to use "thing".

For example you have mentioned coffee. Cheap coffee making machine wont work for a long time before breaking, however, if you dont drink coffee often, you might consider buying a cheaper one. However, cheapest coffee machines use coffee capsules, and 1 cup of coffee made with it will cost more than a coffee from beans. Also consider options of a coffee machine. Touch screen models are more expensive than the one with buttons.

So before buying something, always think how you are going to use it.
Most expensive things comes with great quality indeed. However, I don’t think buying an expensive stuff that you think will be of great use to you will still be an issue. One should not matter on the price, but on the quality itself that he will be able to use it for a longer period, and that definitely saves money and time.

However, I would go instead sorting out your needs from your wants. If you can prioritize your basic necessities more than your luxurious wants, you can actually save more money for your future investment. Just don’t overspend, but still stick to your budget. With that, you can avoid future problems.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Promocodeudo on June 19, 2024, 04:08:40 PM
Riches comes with different mindset, as far as you are rich and can conveniently afford some certain things that you want those will look like nothing to you hence you can buy them but unknowingly to you that those are lavishing habits that can get you into being broke, i dont want to be misunderstood, is not as if am against rich people spending their money in what they desire, am just making a point that excess of everything is not good, expenses should be curtailed, what makes you rich is the investment you own not how much you spent on things that you want.
Once I become Rich or start earning higher amount, I will avoid unnecessary expenses because it can lead me into debt, maintaining my level and upgrading to a higher side should be my priority and for me to do that I must learn how to invest in meaningful long term profitable assets.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: ~speedx~ on June 19, 2024, 05:30:43 PM
After owning money, everyone wants to show it. For this, many people want to buy or do a lot of things beyond their ability. Which has a very bad effect on their money. Because you should always keep your needs within your ability.. And by borrowing.Nothing should be done.I think that after owning the money, one should pay off the previous debts in such a way that one does not have to be in debt again.If you suddenly become rich, you will have to adapt yourself to the fact that there will be many changes in life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 19, 2024, 06:02:43 PM
After owning money, everyone wants to show it.

Incorrect. Most with wealth are very understated and have no desire to draw attention to themselves.  Most flashing the trappings of wealth are faking it. 

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Mr.sprin on June 19, 2024, 06:16:57 PM
Riches comes with different mindset, as far as you are rich and can conveniently afford some certain things that you want those will look like nothing to you hence you can buy them but unknowingly to you that those are lavishing habits that can get you into being broke, i dont want to be misunderstood, is not as if am against rich people spending their money in what they desire, am just making a point that excess of everything is not good, expenses should be curtailed, what makes you rich is the investment you own not how much you spent on things that you want.
Once I become Rich or start earning higher amount, I will avoid unnecessary expenses because it can lead me into debt, maintaining my level and upgrading to a higher side should be my priority and for me to do that I must learn how to invest in meaningful long term profitable assets.

Yes bro, I agree with your point of view, when we have a lot of assets and savings, it is better to increase the number of moving assets to generate profits for us, where the moving assets will always produce large profits every month, instead of buying goods that useless because mere lust can only make us run out of savings.

We don't need to show our wealth to other people, it's enough for us to know where we have wealth and to use it well and not waste money without knowing where it's going, by investing as much as possible we have kept our savings in a good place, and Our advantage is that we can help our brothers and sisters who need it without expecting help from the government, set aside a little of our wealth for our brothers and sisters who need it out there, in my opinion that is better than buying useless things just to show them off without any use.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: pusaka on June 19, 2024, 06:36:01 PM
After owning money, everyone wants to show it.

Incorrect. Most with wealth are very understated and have no desire to draw attention to themselves.  Most flashing the trappings of wealth are faking it. 
Agree with you, that people who are truly rich will not want to look rich, even their appearance is ordinary. Those who look luxurious appear to show they are rich, in fact I question their wealth, or are they nouveau riche. So far that's what I see from what I've experienced.
Those who are truly rich, they look more simple and not excessive. I don't know why I always see this where someone who is actually simple wants to look luxurious, even though we know how they really are.
Usually rich people like that start really from 0, so they know what it's like to be in an unpleasant situation in the economy, so they will act more modestly like you said.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bakasabo on June 20, 2024, 09:59:32 AM
1. Don't buy expensive things right away.
Maybe not only expensive things but also avoiding expensive habits continuously, such as buying expensive coffee, eating at expensive places, or something like that. Because surely we can also buy such things at a cheaper price. It is better to prioritize spending that provides long-term value.

Something does not make sense. An item can not be simultaneously cheap and have a long-term value. From my experience, cheap things does not last long. But expensive ones are made with better quality and better materials. I would suggest to make a small research before making a purchase and plan how long and where you are going to use "thing".

For example you have mentioned coffee. Cheap coffee making machine wont work for a long time before breaking, however, if you dont drink coffee often, you might consider buying a cheaper one. However, cheapest coffee machines use coffee capsules, and 1 cup of coffee made with it will cost more than a coffee from beans. Also consider options of a coffee machine. Touch screen models are more expensive than the one with buttons.

So before buying something, always think how you are going to use it.
Most expensive things comes with great quality indeed. However, I don’t think buying an expensive stuff that you think will be of great use to you will still be an issue. One should not matter on the price, but on the quality itself that he will be able to use it for a longer period, and that definitely saves money and time.

However, I would go instead sorting out your needs from your wants. If you can prioritize your basic necessities more than your luxurious wants, you can actually save more money for your future investment. Just don’t overspend, but still stick to your budget. With that, you can avoid future problems.

You have your own priorities, I have my. My post was to show that it is really hard to get a high quality and long-term usage item. I wasnt trying to say that expensive things does not break. But from my experience, any tool that is used frequently, if it is cheap, it breaks fast. $1 t-shirt will become stretched faster and lose colors after several washes. Devices work longer. Also I have said that a person first must think how he is going to use that. That means I am not that person who buys one expensive cloth item and wear it for ages. That does not mean that I have bought golden Vertu and has been using it for decades.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: fuguebtc on June 20, 2024, 10:23:14 AM
After owning money, everyone wants to show it.

Incorrect. Most with wealth are very understated and have no desire to draw attention to themselves.  Most flashing the trappings of wealth are faking it. 
Agree with you, that people who are truly rich will not want to look rich, even their appearance is ordinary. Those who look luxurious appear to show they are rich, in fact I question their wealth, or are they nouveau riche. So far that's what I see from what I've experienced.
Those who are truly rich, they look more simple and not excessive. I don't know why I always see this where someone who is actually simple wants to look luxurious, even though we know how they really are.
Usually rich people like that start really from 0, so they know what it's like to be in an unpleasant situation in the economy, so they will act more modestly like you said.

That depends on each person's personality, each person has different interests and lifestyles, and we cannot rely on just a few people we meet to equate them all.

There are also many people who become rich from zero but are very arrogant, like to brag or compare themselves with others. Meanwhile, there are many rich people who don't want others to know they are rich, they live simply and modestly and always try to avoid becoming the center of public opinion. The proof is that my neighbors also have people like that, some people always like to brag, some people choose a modest lifestyle. I don't know why they like to show off or hide their wealth, but one thing I know is that they don't like each other and always avoid meeting each other under any circumstances.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: ndutndut on June 20, 2024, 10:43:11 AM
After owning money, everyone wants to show it.

Incorrect. Most with wealth are very understated and have no desire to draw attention to themselves.  Most flashing the trappings of wealth are faking it. 
Agree with you, that people who are truly rich will not want to look rich, even their appearance is ordinary. Those who look luxurious appear to show they are rich, in fact I question their wealth, or are they nouveau riche. So far that's what I see from what I've experienced.
Those who are truly rich, they look more simple and not excessive. I don't know why I always see this where someone who is actually simple wants to look luxurious, even though we know how they really are.
Usually rich people like that start really from 0, so they know what it's like to be in an unpleasant situation in the economy, so they will act more modestly like you said.
I also agree with your opinion. Rich people are actually not people who like to look luxurious, instead they look simple. Maybe that's how successful people always pay attention and maintain balance in any situation. Simple but elegant in playing every role in life so that his mindset remains proactive and constructive. It's true that usually rich people are like this, starting from the bottom, not immediately becoming rich and having to go through a lot of struggle. Of course with this mentality they can avoid things like the OP said.

However, lately we have come across a lot of flexible content circulating both from Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube and other social media platforms and the reasons vary, from providing motivation to hoping for validation. Usually people like this need to admit that they are rich, and quite a few of them are actually not that rich, they just pretend to be rich by showing off their money and luxury goods just to influence their social media followers.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: uswa56 on June 20, 2024, 12:51:44 PM
That depends on each person's personality, each person has different interests and lifestyles, and we cannot rely on just a few people we meet to equate them all.

There are also many people who become rich from zero but are very arrogant, like to brag or compare themselves with others. Meanwhile, there are many rich people who don't want others to know they are rich, they live simply and modestly and always try to avoid becoming the center of public opinion. The proof is that my neighbors also have people like that, some people always like to brag, some people choose a modest lifestyle. I don't know why they like to show off or hide their wealth, but one thing I know is that they don't like each other and always avoid meeting each other under any circumstances.
If we equate everyone with some people we have just met, of course this is very inaccurate because it could be that the people we have just met do not display their personality well and they display things that are not as usual, so in this case we cannot like every new person we meet.

You are right, a person's arrogance really depends on a person's personality and also the extent of their knowledge about this life and for some people who have a good understanding of the life they live will certainly never boast about themselves because what they have achieved now will not last long if they brag about themselves.

And those who already have a lot of wealth and still choose to live simply, I think they have been able to use their wealth properly and they use the wealth they have on things they really need and also they are very comfortable with their simple life so they don't have to spend money. much to meet their needs.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Justbillywitt on June 20, 2024, 03:05:56 PM
After owning money, everyone wants to show it.

Incorrect. Most with wealth are very understated and have no desire to draw attention to themselves.  Most flashing the trappings of wealth are faking it. 
Agree with you, that people who are truly rich will not want to look rich, even their appearance is ordinary. Those who look luxurious appear to show they are rich, in fact I question their wealth, or are they nouveau riche. So far that's what I see from what I've experienced.
Those who are truly rich, they look more simple and not excessive. I don't know why I always see this where someone who is actually simple wants to look luxurious, even though we know how they really are.
Usually rich people like that start really from 0, so they know what it's like to be in an unpleasant situation in the economy, so they will act more modestly like you said.
It's about your orientation and mindset. If I eventually become very rich tomorrow I will appear rich, I will buy luxurious things that I can afford and put on my body. If you are rich people will know no matter how you want to hide it, I'm the who make the money so spending it on things that will make me look good shouldn't be an issue. I will drive the best cars, live in the best neighborhood in town, wear designers clothes. People will always address you according to your appearance. I will eat good food and go to vacations whenever I can. My reason is that I have laboured very had to get to that level, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. If I leave the world those that didn't know how you suffered for the money will be the ones to spend it on things they want.
You don't even have to question the source of wealth of people who dress in a luxurious way, some of them have really suffered to make their money, they have legitimate business. It also depends on the kind of lifestyle you live fancy. Just imagine a celebrity that has money and be dressing like a poor person. We all see life differently what
you consider as unnecessary and common, might actually be a big deal for others.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: JoyMarsha on June 20, 2024, 06:57:03 PM
When you earn too much or become rich, the first thing that should come to your mind is investment. You invest the money into the right business so that it will continue to generate more money for future use. Money, they say comes and goes. As a rich person, you should avoid buying on impulse, and go for the most important needs. Pay up your debt, don't allow it to accumulate. Buy affordable luxury, don't spend to impress anyone. A rich man can also become a poor man tomorrow. Spend wisely

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: C10H15N on June 20, 2024, 07:35:16 PM
When you earn too much or become rich, the first thing that should come to your mind is investment. You invest the money into the right business so that it will continue to generate more money for future use. Money, they say comes and goes. As a rich person, you should avoid buying on impulse, and go for the most important needs. Pay up your debt, don't allow it to accumulate. Buy affordable luxury, don't spend to impress anyone. A rich man can also become a poor man tomorrow. Spend wisely

Most will never become rich from working.  Very few jobs pay enough to do that.  Most wealth is built from investing earned income to start the process while reinvesting dividends and capital appreciation - a process that takes decades to start snowballing.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Rockstarguy on June 21, 2024, 11:21:56 AM
After owning money, everyone wants to show it.

Incorrect. Most with wealth are very understated and have no desire to draw attention to themselves.  Most flashing the trappings of wealth are faking it. 
Agree with you, that people who are truly rich will not want to look rich, even their appearance is ordinary. Those who look luxurious appear to show they are rich, in fact I question their wealth, or are they nouveau riche. So far that's what I see from what I've experienced.
Those who are truly rich, they look more simple and not excessive. I don't know why I always see this where someone who is actually simple wants to look luxurious, even though we know how they really are.
Usually rich people like that start really from 0, so they know what it's like to be in an unpleasant situation in the economy, so they will act more modestly like you said.
You are correct. The rich people understand how to control their money and how to live with a life style that will generate more money. Those who claim to rich focuses on how to get flashy and luxurious things to give people the impression that they have the money but the real rich people are very simple in the of doing things, they only think of way how they can be able to generate more money that is why they keep on become rich because they understand how to obtain wealth and they know living a luxurious lifestyle is just a way of spending money on things that won't bring any good value .

Avoiding expensive and luxurious lifestyle truly sustain wealth, people who live the luxurious lifestyle would always want to give people the impression that they have money to spend even if the money is not their to be spend.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: FanEagle on June 21, 2024, 12:18:33 PM
The point is, what we need is quality, regardless of whether the price is expensive or cheap, especially when you already have a lot of income or are already rich.
I think we don't need to be too thrifty or restrain ourselves from necessities except for buying useless things as long as we have money then we have to fulfill all our needs and desires with the best things.

When we are rich or have a large income it doesn't mean we have to save excessively, that's what we have to remember, giving the best things is also an appreciation for ourselves after being able to do many things, so I think it should be done for yourself.
I feel like buying one expensive high quality thing, is better than buying ten cheap low quality thing. Because if you buy once, and keep using it for many years, then you are actually getting cheaper per usage from it.

For example I have one item of clothing, that I owned for ten years now, still as good as brand new, and yet we are talking about something that is so expensive, it was nearly like one month salary back in those days, probably worths around the same now as well. If I had bought something else, something very cheap, then I would have probably ruin it by now, and would have to end up buying many more times, which is why I think it is smarter to just one high quality thing for once and not repeat it again.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: lizarder on June 21, 2024, 12:36:53 PM
Success is like cleaning; if you clean your house today, you will have to clean again tomorrow. And we'll do it every day, so we can keep a clean house, right? So, when we are living a rich life, we have to set a new target
At least we must try to save money and not spend a lot of money in unnecessary places. Buying expensive goods will make our finances reduced, especially if we just build financial power in business and investment. Most people are too pursuing a luxurious life without thinking about the adjustment between income and expenses. To achieve a better life we must have a plan and develop financial to be more productive.

Be this life as a step to achieve the stage of financial freedom and try to live more efficiently in order to reduce unnecessary expenses. There is no easy life without being prepared and make a target to achieve success as we want.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Hanadawa on June 21, 2024, 01:33:07 PM
When someone becomes a billionaire and is very rich, he will no longer care about appearance and must follow market trends. Someone who just wants to look rich will try any way to get people to see him as rich. But someone who is truly very rich does not need recognition from others. He will appear as himself. He wouldn't care about other people's judgments. You can see someone who is on the Forbes list and they only wear plain t-shirts.

But I think there is nothing wrong if a billionaire shows his wealth by posting photos on a luxury yacht or villa. As I said before, when someone becomes super rich they won't care about other people's judgments and only care about their own personality.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: CageMabok on June 21, 2024, 02:10:08 PM
When you earn too much or become rich, the first thing that should come to your mind is investment. You invest the money into the right business so that it will continue to generate more money for future use. Money, they say comes and goes. As a rich person, you should avoid buying on impulse, and go for the most important needs. Pay up your debt, don't allow it to accumulate. Buy affordable luxury, don't spend to impress anyone. A rich man can also become a poor man tomorrow. Spend wisely

Rich people who are smart and wise usually will not use money carelessly on things that are not important, so they will only consider important things to use their money, such as in business and also in investments that can give them more money in the future. Your advice is good enough for everyone even though the point is for rich people, because I am also not surprised when I see there are rich people who are still wasteful in their lives by not considering anything when using their own money.

However, this also needs to be seen as a bad option by poor people who are struggling to become rich in their lives, that they must be able to make the right decision when they want to spend money on something. And the most important thing is that there must be a business and also an investment for the future that can help himself when he is old.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on June 21, 2024, 04:41:40 PM
Some of the rich people we have today are doing these things you're saying the rich shouldn't do but still they don't go dry, they invest to keep the money coming and buy expensive things to show how rich they are and they don't lose in any way, the money keeps coming from all angles.
Is it that they're lucky to always stay rich no matter how they spend? Does staying rich has to do with both the idea of managing your wealth and luck at the same time?
The whole thing to me has to do with luck if you ask me, while investing some might fall in the wrong hands while trying to do business that will be profitable and they lose everything while some get it right by doing business with legit business men and things will be cool with them.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Antotena on June 21, 2024, 04:46:25 PM
When you earn too much or become rich, the first thing that should come to your mind is investment. You invest the money into the right business so that it will continue to generate more money for future use. Money, they say comes and goes. As a rich person, you should avoid buying on impulse, and go for the most important needs. Pay up your debt, don't allow it to accumulate. Buy affordable luxury, don't spend to impress anyone. A rich man can also become a poor man tomorrow. Spend wisely

Investment is good but when you become rich, the first thing you need to do is to cut off the liabilities that you have on you, remove anything that you don't need for that moment and cut down your expenses then you can now start investment. If you don't do this and run into investment, you will be destabilize financially and you will begin to take from your investment because you don't have anything to use as alternative because your liability is more than your account balance.

If you are going to invest, make sure you are giving all into it and if possible look for external source of income because for business to succeed, it takes time. This is the problem many new investors and business people don't understand, just because you made an investment doesn't mean you will succeed in it. It's a risk and its either it favour you or it doesn't go as plan, this is why you must be prepared before you start invest.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: RockBell on June 21, 2024, 04:47:04 PM
When someone becomes a billionaire and is very rich, he will no longer care about appearance and must follow market trends. Someone who just wants to look rich will try any way to get people to see him as rich. But someone who is truly very rich does not need recognition from others. He will appear as himself. He wouldn't care about other people's judgments. You can see someone who is on the Forbes list and they only wear plain t-shirts.

But I think there is nothing wrong if a billionaire shows his wealth by posting photos on a luxury yacht or villa. As I said before, when someone becomes super rich they won't care about other people's judgments and only care about their own personality.

If you look at billionaires they don't dress all that simple because they need to show some appearance he other to get the attention of other rich people, as a rich person you will need to do business with other rich people so their is no way you won't look rich. Money on its own will push you to do things, you will want to have a good ranking for your self. So that you can have business deals come your way. The problem is even if you don’t want to get recognized their is now way they won't recognize you, even as simple as people might think mark is a simple i bet he as a lots of luxurious items maybe a yacht becomes billionaires love yacht when they go for holiday or even vacations.
People that are rich are also human and just because of of those attentions so times criminals start to look for ways to want to rob them, so they have to even provide their self with extra security for the safety of them and their families. Been rich comes with a lot of responsibility. Despite the responsibility it is far better than been poor.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: GeorgeJohn on June 21, 2024, 09:49:35 PM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.
every person have it on Theory and its own way of operation so I believe that in this theory every person must go have a a definition to present, so for my own Theory people out the way they feel like when they are rich based on the character that is embedded in them through a genetic information so with that it is how people process information to control whenever they are rich, so avoiding people it is a personal character that is already in you it is not something that you emulate from someone else so it is written all over you from the genetic transmission

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on June 22, 2024, 02:34:18 AM
If you’re lucky enough to become rich you should avoid excessive materialism, flaunting your wealth & surrounding yourself with money focused individuals. It's important to prioritise financial responsibility, seek genuine relationships & make informed investment decisions. You should avoid neglecting your personal well being & prioritise mental & physical health. By avoiding these pitfalls you can maintain a balanced & fulfilling life as a wealthy person.
every person have it on Theory and its own way of operation so I believe that in this theory every person must go have a a definition to present, so for my own Theory people out the way they feel like when they are rich based on the character that is embedded in them through a genetic information so with that it is how people process information to control whenever they are rich, so avoiding people it is a personal character that is already in you it is not something that you emulate from someone else so it is written all over you from the genetic transmission
I think style is also needed to balance relationships, of course this is to increase self-confidence to build relationships and can also make other people believe in our abilities so that many orders will come to us, but a simple personality is really needed to maintain personal stability. So we must be able to position ourselves according to our use, so that other people look at us with reluctance, and if that happens, we wear whatever clothes other people will still respect us.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Bright0515 on June 22, 2024, 07:52:27 AM
Yeah your points are very clear. Some young people who see money at their early age barely think of something reasonable to do with it because they believe they still have a long way to go but forgetting that opportunity may just come but once, just as you have listed paying your debt and buying of expensive things young people today see expensive things as another means to show that you are wealthy not even thinking of investing. I have someone I call a boss this man has shops a hotel and many more investment but still die of hunger why because he misuses the money when ever it is available it is also wise to be wise in your spending.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: avp2306 on June 22, 2024, 08:52:32 AM
At least now we got an idea on what are those things we need to avoid so that we can maintain our earned wealth.

Since there are people who change immediately their lifestyle then live an extravagant life that's why majority of those people who already experience to get rich got broke because they spend a lot exceed which exceed to their earnings.

So to avoid getting into this situation people still need to have.

1. Proper budgeting this is basic but most effective method which people could able to use and for sure if they know how to properly execute this they will not exceed to their monthly budget and will have a lot of extra money to use for savings or investment.

2. Don't buy expensive unnecessary things because if we always want to show up or flaunt our wealth for sure there would be a time that we will get broke because of those habit for buying nonsense things.

3. Spend a lot of money for vices and engage with a lot of girls. This is sinful act and for sure we cannot get any positive impact on this since with those thigs for sure we will spend a lot of money just to satisfy those people we meet.

This is few reasons to avoid but for sure we can get a learnings from this since this is common distractor of people.

Living a simple life is cool and for sure that we can make our earned wealth last long and if we became more strategic in terms of our financial gains for sure we will live a more happier life.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: OrangeII on June 22, 2024, 09:04:45 AM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: uswa56 on June 22, 2024, 09:46:19 AM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.
If they already have a lot of money and cannot use it properly, of course this is very unfortunate and it is also important for them to be able to learn about financial management so that they can use the money they have well and also think about investing for the future. their future because by preparing investments for the future of course this will be able to prevent them from having financial problems.

If you have held large amounts of money and can use it well, of course you have a good understanding of financial management. Of course, not everyone can do that and most people who have just held large amounts of money will usually spend it all. their desires and very few people think about investing, so you are very lucky to have a good understanding of financial management.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: CageMabok on June 22, 2024, 11:19:08 AM
I think style is also needed to balance relationships, of course this is to increase self-confidence to build relationships and can also make other people believe in our abilities so that many orders will come to us, but a simple personality is really needed to maintain personal stability. So we must be able to position ourselves according to our use, so that other people look at us with reluctance, and if that happens, we wear whatever clothes other people will still respect us.

The style you are referring to is more about a person's appearance when they meet and encounter any relationship in their life, which will have its own assessment from the person who sees it. I quite understand this because a simple appearance and keeping it clean is the key to attracting the attention of many people and can also make our trustworthiness better in the eyes of other people as long as it is not excessive and does not seek recognition from many people.

Because some people still really want to be recognized as rich and recognized as smart by other people by wearing whatever other people like, even though they themselves don't like the item. For business people who want to open more networks and better relationships, of course they must still appear excellent and clean in front of everyone so that they can be considered important by other people without having to hunt for recognition from other people. Because basically everyone can judge from their own glasses when they see someone who is important to them, unless that person is really stupid in judging other people.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: benalexis12 on June 22, 2024, 03:02:21 PM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.

Those are the people who are used to hardship and then suddenly become rich because they hit the lottery or any other game that can make them instantly rich. And when they become rich, it's like they themselves are shocked, so whatever they can think of to buy, they buy immediately without thinking if it will help them in the long term or just temporarily.

They don't immediately think of what financial management is called, and then they feel like they will never run out of money, but they don't notice that they are wasting a lot of money that just goes to useless things instead of being smart about spending.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 23, 2024, 07:08:01 AM
When people earn more money, their needs increase day by day and people become more expensive. Being expensive is not a bad thing from my point of view as long as it doesn't lead to bad things. Because money has the power to slowly lead people down a bad path. Therefore if money can be used for self-expenditure in a controlled manner then there is nothing wrong with it and if some of it can be spent in the work of humanity, it will be able to bring about the spiritual liberation of people. So not getting infatuated with wealth is the main thing that we should avoid.
Indeed, there is nothing wrong with someone who already has a lot of money to spend it on things they really need and the most important thing is that they can make good use of the income they have. You are right. Those who cannot manage their finances well will certainly spend their income on things they really need. not needed, of course it will be very detrimental to ourselves because after working hard to make money, and I agree with you in being able to avoid being crazy about wealth which makes us tired of doing work.
If we ensure good use of income we will get financial liberation along with mental liberation. So first of all we have to plan income and expenditure patterns which will protect the balance of our life and livelihood as well as our human liberation will be possible. If we can ensure our peace of mind our income path will be more smooth.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Localhostspeed on June 23, 2024, 08:17:52 AM
You should also learn to keep quiet sometime about your progress in life, it's not everything you do you must tell people that you want to do or you are trying to achieve. When people get to know your plans, they may feel jealous and may do something that will stop you from reaching success. Some friends have killed eachother because they refused to keep somethings to their self, been a private person save you from a lot of things.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: tygeade on June 23, 2024, 12:58:25 PM
Excessive materialism is something that most people will face when you are getting rich, specially if you are married. No matter how much money you have, there are always things that you can see online and want to buy, and your spouse may want to just keep on buying more and more the more money you make. I can make a million dollars a month right now, and my wife would still find a way to spend all of it, even make some debt.

This is why I think it's basically a thirst that you need to squash for a while before you could continue. That goes on for a while, but after a while you just realize that materialistic approach doesn't really help all that much and you stop. That initial part is your whole life if you never get rich enough to go beyond that.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: legendbtc on June 23, 2024, 01:30:12 PM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.
If they already have a lot of money and cannot use it properly, of course this is very unfortunate and it is also important for them to be able to learn about financial management so that they can use the money they have well and also think about investing for the future. their future because by preparing investments for the future of course this will be able to prevent them from having financial problems.

If you have held large amounts of money and can use it well, of course you have a good understanding of financial management. Of course, not everyone can do that and most people who have just held large amounts of money will usually spend it all. their desires and very few people think about investing, so you are very lucky to have a good understanding of financial management.

Except for those who suddenly become rich through inheritance or winning the lottery, the remaining people are rich thanks to their tireless efforts. Do you think they won't know how to manage finances and money? If they don't know the basics of finance, do you think they will become rich? Just like you, you are not rich yet but when you become rich, do you think you will be stupid enough to waste money on useless things without a plan? So I think we should stop giving advice to rich people or stop thinking that they are bad at financial management because if they were that bad then they wouldn't be rich.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: hyudien on June 23, 2024, 05:57:15 PM
Except for those who suddenly become rich through inheritance or winning the lottery, the remaining people are rich thanks to their tireless efforts. Do you think they won't know how to manage finances and money? If they don't know the basics of finance, do you think they will become rich? Just like you, you are not rich yet but when you become rich, do you think you will be stupid enough to waste money on useless things without a plan? So I think we should stop giving advice to rich people or stop thinking that they are bad at financial management because if they were that bad then they wouldn't be rich.
What you say makes perfect sense, because logically when they become rich it can be said that they are successful in managing their finances, unless it is said that they are rich because of an inheritance or winning a lottery which suddenly makes them very rich.
But I think what we're talking about here has to do with something that makes someone suddenly rich, and in the OP's question on his first page, with the question "What should you do when you have a lot of money?". So in my opinion, this is a situation where we are invited to speculate about when we will become very rich in the future.
However, what I see is that some people are rich because they are rich because they inherited their parents' property or are rich because of inheritance, be it companies or other things. So perhaps this is also advice to those with very wealthy families that they will likely inherit their parents' wealth.
The important point is that we don't need to question who this advice is for, but we have to take the positive side.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: dezoel on June 23, 2024, 06:52:42 PM
You should also learn to keep quiet sometime about your progress in life, it's not everything you do you must tell people that you want to do or you are trying to achieve. When people get to know your plans, they may feel jealous and may do something that will stop you from reaching success. Some friends have killed eachother because they refused to keep somethings to their self, been a private person save you from a lot of things.
Yes, indeed a person who cannot keep his own secret cannot be kept by anyone else.
There are some things that you don't have to tell everyone, there are some secrets that you just have to keep to yourself, especially when you get older and you start earning, then your friendships, you have to think about everything you share so that nothing gets you into trouble later.

Suppose we are very rich and our friend needs money or our relatives and we make a strategy that where and how we should spend our money and how to make money from money at that time. If someone asks us for help, we will become a player if we help him, and if we do not help, we will be cut off from everyone and become bad in the eyes of everyone. That is, from the very beginning, our secrets should be kept to ourselves. How much we earn, where we earn, where we spend, all this should be limited to us.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: legendbtc on June 24, 2024, 09:40:58 AM
Except for those who suddenly become rich through inheritance or winning the lottery, the remaining people are rich thanks to their tireless efforts. Do you think they won't know how to manage finances and money? If they don't know the basics of finance, do you think they will become rich? Just like you, you are not rich yet but when you become rich, do you think you will be stupid enough to waste money on useless things without a plan? So I think we should stop giving advice to rich people or stop thinking that they are bad at financial management because if they were that bad then they wouldn't be rich.
What you say makes perfect sense, because logically when they become rich it can be said that they are successful in managing their finances, unless it is said that they are rich because of an inheritance or winning a lottery which suddenly makes them very rich.
But I think what we're talking about here has to do with something that makes someone suddenly rich, and in the OP's question on his first page, with the question "What should you do when you have a lot of money?". So in my opinion, this is a situation where we are invited to speculate about when we will become very rich in the future.
However, what I see is that some people are rich because they are rich because they inherited their parents' property or are rich because of inheritance, be it companies or other things. So perhaps this is also advice to those with very wealthy families that they will likely inherit their parents' wealth.
The important point is that we don't need to question who this advice is for, but we have to take the positive side.

To be honest, we are not rich yet and none of us has any experience managing huge assets nor any experience in managing a business. So the fact that we give people advice to the rich, is that right? We should give advice from our own experiences and experiences instead of just experiences collected from the internet or movies.

In addition, rich families have very good financial management experience, so even if their children inherit, I think they have passed on all their experience or have made arrangements for their children. We should not give advice indiscriminately when we have never experienced similar things.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Gozie51 on June 24, 2024, 06:09:27 PM

And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.

Some people are spendthrift and there is nothing any one can say or do about it. Those spending doesn't really mean that they are rich but it is just there life style and that is the way they will be without changing, except they have someone maybe a couple who can balance it off for them. But to spend isn't about being rich or poor but the way people live there life. So therefore, there are rich people who are not good spenders, they are not wired that way while some poor people or average people live the life as if they have all the resources that supports the way they spend money. It is a lifestyle though can be balanced and curtailed.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Silberman on June 24, 2024, 06:56:17 PM

And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.

Some people are spendthrift and there is nothing any one can say or do about it. Those spending doesn't really mean that they are rich but it is just there life style and that is the way they will be without changing, except they have someone maybe a couple who can balance it off for them. But to spend isn't about being rich or poor but the way people live there life. So therefore, there are rich people who are not good spenders, they are not wired that way while some poor people or average people live the life as if they have all the resources that supports the way they spend money. It is a lifestyle though can be balanced and curtailed.
For what I see there are many people that want to enjoy the lifestyle of the rich but without the wealth that this requires, so while for the rich buying a luxury item is something they can do without thinking too much about it, someone that does not have that level of wealth should not even think about acquiring such items, but they do and they do so to a great cost to themselves, as they have to get a massive amount of debt in order to sustain that lifestyle, but the problem comes when it is the time to pay and they have to spend decades doing so.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: eightdots on June 24, 2024, 09:31:05 PM

And due to a lack of spending awareness, we become impulse buyers. Until this habit becomes our second nature or the worst, we base our spending on what we want other people to see in us.

Some people are spendthrift and there is nothing any one can say or do about it. Those spending doesn't really mean that they are rich but it is just there life style and that is the way they will be without changing, except they have someone maybe a couple who can balance it off for them. But to spend isn't about being rich or poor but the way people live there life. So therefore, there are rich people who are not good spenders, they are not wired that way while some poor people or average people live the life as if they have all the resources that supports the way they spend money. It is a lifestyle though can be balanced and curtailed.
For what I see there are many people that want to enjoy the lifestyle of the rich but without the wealth that this requires, so while for the rich buying a luxury item is something they can do without thinking too much about it, someone that does not have that level of wealth should not even think about acquiring such items, but they do and they do so to a great cost to themselves, as they have to get a massive amount of debt in order to sustain that lifestyle, but the problem comes when it is the time to pay and they have to spend decades doing so.

The rate of shopping done to show off to others is quite high. Most of the expenses are made just to buy something, not out of necessity. This madness must stop. Making such purchases also causes prices to increase.

Spending does not indicate whether a person is poor or rich. This is more a matter of habit. Trying to live like the rich without being rich will cause both debt and a negative situation for the future. Everything we have said can be improved if we become conscious individuals and our economic habits can become better.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on June 24, 2024, 09:58:21 PM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.

That is the reason why people should plan ahead of time when they are expecting money or if they have started earning huge amount of money because there are times when you will just become so confused on the kind of investment you want to venture into but if you had plan earlier before the money starts coming it will help you to direct your finances on that useful projects instead of spending extravagantly while still contemplating on the kind of business to venture into and before you know it the money must have reduced so much such that you can even lose interest in starting up an investment.
There's one thing about getting money before planning, it makes you become confused on where to invest the money and you can begin to think of living some luxurious lifestyle that will end up eating your money because at that stage your taste of material things will increase and you begin to seek for pleasures because you will feel that the money will continue to be there but a day will come when you will realize that you have made a terrible mistake of which you may not completely heal for life. I have seen people make money and live larvish lifestyle without investment but at the end they return back to square one.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: livingfree on June 24, 2024, 10:52:17 PM
I will buy expensive things that I truly need. When I am rich and money is not a problem, I will spoil myself and my family.

That is what I am going to do when life my so tough before and we cannot avoid things that we want and need years ago.

I do not have a lot of debt so I am spared with that one and I can easily move with the next step of life when I have become wealthy and rich.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: reagansimms on June 25, 2024, 03:41:16 AM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.
Having the thought that money will never run out is a big mistake someone can make, every day there are needs that must be met which drain the pockets. If expenses are not balanced with income, slowly the wealth owned will continue to decrease and over time the wealth will run out. The first thing that needs to be done is to balance income with expenses, it is necessary to innovate with his wealth to generate profits such as building a business and investing.

Next, always prioritize needs over desires, this method will prevent overspending and indirectly build good financial management. There are so many ways you can increase your wealth, every daily expense or weekly expense will be covered from business profits and investments, in this way you can meet every need without having to disturb the wealth you have so far.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Minor Miner on June 25, 2024, 12:52:57 PM
I will buy expensive things that I truly need. When I am rich and money is not a problem, I will spoil myself and my family.

That is what I am going to do when life my so tough before and we cannot avoid things that we want and need years ago.

Those who think buying expensive things is a waste are people who are not really rich because that is the dream of any poor person, and when we are really rich there is no reason why we should not buy them. We try to earn more money every day and becoming rich is to make our lives better so there is no reason we have to continue living in poverty when our accounts are already too much money.
Personally, I will not hesitate to spend on expensive things, delicious food...when I am rich and I will find ways to make more money instead of saving and continuing the life of a poor person.

I do not have a lot of debt so I am spared with that one and I can easily move with the next step of life when I have become wealthy and rich.

Once one is called rich, I think that person no longer has any debt, if someone still owes a large amount of money, I don't call them truly rich, they are just fake rich.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Gaza13 on June 26, 2024, 04:49:10 PM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.
These new rich people have at least been in the process for quite a long time to get everything that they had never felt or obtained before. If he buys luxury goods, I think he is pampering himself. I think that's a normal thing. It is impossible for someone who has achieved all of this or someone who is newly rich to not manage their finances well, and of course they have thought carefully about how the wealth they have achieved or experienced at that time can be used to build other sources of income and it is impossible for them to throw it away for nothing.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: slapper on June 26, 2024, 05:52:43 PM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.
Having the thought that money will never run out is a big mistake someone can make, every day there are needs that must be met which drain the pockets. If expenses are not balanced with income, slowly the wealth owned will continue to decrease and over time the wealth will run out. The first thing that needs to be done is to balance income with expenses, it is necessary to innovate with his wealth to generate profits such as building a business and investing.

Next, always prioritize needs over desires, this method will prevent overspending and indirectly build good financial management. There are so many ways you can increase your wealth, every daily expense or weekly expense will be covered from business profits and investments, in this way you can meet every need without having to disturb the wealth you have so far.
The money is not going to last forever, man. That much is obvious. We do, however, behave as though it were. Like we can keep scooping from this endless hole. Hilarious, really. What if we gave up treating money as something we had to save? What would happen if we handled it like a damn seed? Plant it, and see how it grows. I'm not only talking about equities and real estate. I'm talking about investing in ideas

Think big, guy. Launch a problem-solving business. Profit and change the world at the same time. Spending money is a vote for the kind of society you choose to live in. Purchase from regional companies and back environmentally friendly goods. This is about life balance as much as checkbook balance. You build a legacy and avoid debt by living within your means. Your money ain't just for you. It's a tool to build a better world. Use it wisely

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: eightdots on June 26, 2024, 06:08:06 PM
Well, sometimes new rich people or people who have just gotten a lot of money, don't know what they are going to do with that money, and think that it will continue to be there. Many people buy expensive things, or don't pay attention to the investment or business they are building, so they spend the money for nothing. This is usually realized when their income starts to decrease, or their money will soon run out.
However, I have also felt this way, when holding quite a lot of money, but I was lucky that I had time to pay attention to several investments which currently still continue to provide me with income, although not that much.
Having the thought that money will never run out is a big mistake someone can make, every day there are needs that must be met which drain the pockets. If expenses are not balanced with income, slowly the wealth owned will continue to decrease and over time the wealth will run out. The first thing that needs to be done is to balance income with expenses, it is necessary to innovate with his wealth to generate profits such as building a business and investing.

Next, always prioritize needs over desires, this method will prevent overspending and indirectly build good financial management. There are so many ways you can increase your wealth, every daily expense or weekly expense will be covered from business profits and investments, in this way you can meet every need without having to disturb the wealth you have so far.
The money is not going to last forever, man. That much is obvious. We do, however, behave as though it were. Like we can keep scooping from this endless hole. Hilarious, really. What if we gave up treating money as something we had to save? What would happen if we handled it like a damn seed? Plant it, and see how it grows. I'm not only talking about equities and real estate. I'm talking about investing in ideas

Think big, guy. Launch a problem-solving business. Profit and change the world at the same time. Spending money is a vote for the kind of society you choose to live in. Purchase from regional companies and back environmentally friendly goods. This is about life balance as much as checkbook balance. You build a legacy and avoid debt by living within your means. Your money ain't just for you. It's a tool to build a better world. Use it wisely

To stay rich, you need to keep doing the right things you did while making money. Being rich is not always permanent and requires sustainability. That's why many wealthy people seek advice from advisors. Everyone wants their wealth to be sustainable. They are afraid of temporary wealth.

When you are rich, it may not be right to fulfill all your desires at once. You need to work to make your wealth permanent. This business should be in a plan and we should constantly increase our income. Some wealth of fixed value is temporary. Money needs to increase and become regular.

I agree with what you say about investing in ideas. Investment should always be diversified.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Belarge on June 27, 2024, 09:52:58 PM
To stay rich, you need to keep doing the right things you did while making money. Being rich is not always permanent and requires sustainability. That's why many wealthy people seek advice from advisors. Everyone wants their wealth to be sustainable. They are afraid of temporary wealth.

When you are rich, it may not be right to fulfill all your desires at once. You need to work to make your wealth permanent. This business should be in a plan and we should constantly increase our income. Some wealth of fixed value is temporary. Money needs to increase and become regular.

I agree with what you say about investing in ideas. Investment should always be diversified.
Investment is important for everyone, one of the dependable streams to use as backup. Wealth is generally a priority for everyone but we should also stick to making principles that will elevate one to reach the top. To become rich, one need to make crucial sacrifice to get to this phase and maintaining it becomes stable for promising streams.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: GeorgeJohn on June 28, 2024, 09:44:50 PM
This is like a personal suggestion to anyone because it is something that has to do with the occurrence of life to the society but from my own perspective and point of view I understood that whenever you are rich you have a lot of responsibilities and it is obvious that he reaches does not have a hidden agenda or hide under things, so you must be open to people depends your current attitude so I believe that when is someone became rich it will affect the mentality of the person's characteristics but it is only a few individuals on Earth that can be able to have a control over power of Riches

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Agbamoni on June 28, 2024, 11:25:58 PM
This is like a personal suggestion to anyone because it is something that has to do with the occurrence of life to the society but from my own perspective and point of view I understood that whenever you are rich you have a lot of responsibilities and it is obvious that he reaches does not have a hidden agenda or hide under things, so you must be open to people depends your current attitude so I believe that when is someone became rich it will affect the mentality of the person's characteristics but it is only a few individuals on Earth that can be able to have a control over power of Riches
OP, is looking at things from a general point of view. Have you ever asked yourself that whenever you are rich there are lots of responsibilities that come it doesn't mean those responsibilities were not there when you were poor. Many would say why now? What I'll tell you here is that the responsibilities were there when you were poor, but you don't look at it as a responsibility. Immediately you get rich you tend to see those things as your responsibilities and accept them. If we can see things at the same way we looked at when we were poor, we will surely make good use of our money when we were rich.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Smartvirus on June 28, 2024, 11:40:32 PM
Most persons are concerned about earning money, they just want to earn money which is a good thing but, the and most important thing that accompanies having to earn money is; you having to keep that money. I’m tact, earning comes cheap and easy to some persons but managing this money, using it in a way that it could last you for the time it needs to have a top up and even acquire some luxury is the real deal.

This is why you find people having personal accountants. Go look up on their assets and I form them when they are doing badly and when things are just in line with the plan. You need a good management strategy should you want to stay rich as, haven’t got and then results to lack is one of the worst things that could happen to a person.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Jody.Drummer on June 29, 2024, 05:40:07 PM
indeed managing finances is not easy, not everyone can manage finances well, there are people who already have a lot of money or a clear source of income but they still experience financial problems and I think that's because they can't manage their finances well so they often run out of money even though their income is more than enough, expenses that are not too important are what they have to pay attention to when they already have a lot of money or already have a clear source of income. For some people they are very lucky because they can make money easily but that doesn't mean they can spend the money they have without consideration. everything must be considered as carefully as possible.

saving or saving must be done, many people do not pay attention to this even though saving is a very important thing because by saving they will have a certain amount of money for the future where there is no certainty about the future, they could experience bad events such as illness that requires medical costs, by having savings, emergencies like this can be handled without borrowing or borrowing money.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: Qiubell5 on June 29, 2024, 07:35:08 PM
indeed managing finances is not easy, not everyone can manage finances well, there are people who already have a lot of money or a clear source of income but they still experience financial problems and I think that's because they can't manage their finances well so they often run out of money even though their income is more than enough, expenses that are not too important are what they have to pay attention to when they already have a lot of money or already have a clear source of income. For some people they are very lucky because they can make money easily but that doesn't mean they can spend the money they have without consideration. everything must be considered as carefully as possible.

saving or saving must be done, many people do not pay attention to this even though saving is a very important thing because by saving they will have a certain amount of money for the future where there is no certainty about the future, they could experience bad events such as illness that requires medical costs, by having savings, emergencies like this can be handled without borrowing or borrowing money.
From my point of view, it would be better if we had a lot of wealth by being able to manage our finances, wisely, of course we have to think from a low level and the process of getting the wealth that we earned from the beginning with difficulty is by thinking like that, making it possible to spend money. or invest it very carefully because we remember how difficult it is for us to start life from the bottom and that makes it a lesson that is hard to forget. The success we have achieved now makes it the best teacher for every experience we have and it is very important not to spend,
money that we get without careful consideration.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: johnsaributua on June 29, 2024, 11:32:16 PM
Money is like mineral water that we have and can not feel heavy when spending it, even a class of companies / big figures can stumble with large expenses, both for needs and covering holes during operations. The point of the root is that even the smallest expenditure starts from the individual himself, can manage well and minimise. Although sometimes when saving a lot of wealth too freely on the pretext of urgent interests, that's how I feel. :D . I don't see when the income/profit comes fantastically, but I feel when opportunities are quiet, market competition or natural obstacles that allow me to lack jobs, being wise in managing assets such as being in a crisis is better than being wasteful. Of course, I will focus on increasing my portfolio and other physical asset wealth. Indeed, this is a simple technical theory that enters the human brain, avoiding the proverbial big peg than the tihang, but everyone's fortune has its allotment and is arranged by God, there is an allotment of wealth levels with the opportunity we only try and look for.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bitvestorhacked on June 30, 2024, 01:51:44 AM
Anyone can try to give advise on this topic, the same principle do not apply to everyone, i can say that for sure, it is not about rules to not go broke or rules to maintain your riches, money is meant to be spent, you are supposed to enjoy it as we do not have forever on this planet earth, but planning is what matters, poor planning and bad advises will surely ruin you and if you are in the company of people who give you bad advises constantly you will indeed lose your fortune regardless of what rules you are asked to follow, this influences holds greater control, but then again if a broke person with such friends will find it difficult to break out from such people when they get rich. How to get rich and stay rich? The simple answer is from experience, Get rich, be stupid go broke, work hard again and get rich, believe me this time Experience will teach you to be scared and wise at the same time.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: CK485 on July 01, 2024, 07:31:27 AM
Money is like mineral water that we have and can not feel heavy when spending it, even a class of companies / big figures can stumble with large expenses, both for needs and covering holes during operations. The point of the root is that even the smallest expenditure starts from the individual himself, can manage well and minimise. Although sometimes when saving a lot of wealth too freely on the pretext of urgent interests, that's how I feel. :D . I don't see when the income/profit comes fantastically, but I feel when opportunities are quiet, market competition or natural obstacles that allow me to lack jobs, being wise in managing assets such as being in a crisis is better than being wasteful. Of course, I will focus on increasing my portfolio and other physical asset wealth. Indeed, this is a simple technical theory that enters the human brain, avoiding the proverbial big peg than the tihang, but everyone's fortune has its allotment and is arranged by God, there is an allotment of wealth levels with the opportunity we only try and look for.

Yes, it's true that expenses and income have to be balanced, maybe it's not right to fulfill all the desires we hope for. Not being wasteful is the most difficult thing to do when we have a lot of money, even though it's a very good opportunity to have savings and that opportunity is difficult to come by. Again, even though we have a lot of wealth, if we don't manage it well with a mindset to be more advanced in the future, everything we have will certainly decrease, but it all depends on the person's principles. I'm sure everyone has their own thoughts on how to respond to all of this wisely.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: kuriboh on July 01, 2024, 07:39:46 AM
Money is like mineral water that we have and can not feel heavy when spending it, even a class of companies / big figures can stumble with large expenses, both for needs and covering holes during operations. The point of the root is that even the smallest expenditure starts from the individual himself, can manage well and minimise. Although sometimes when saving a lot of wealth too freely on the pretext of urgent interests, that's how I feel. :D . I don't see when the income/profit comes fantastically, but I feel when opportunities are quiet, market competition or natural obstacles that allow me to lack jobs, being wise in managing assets such as being in a crisis is better than being wasteful. Of course, I will focus on increasing my portfolio and other physical asset wealth. Indeed, this is a simple technical theory that enters the human brain, avoiding the proverbial big peg than the tihang, but everyone's fortune has its allotment and is arranged by God, there is an allotment of wealth levels with the opportunity we only try and look for.
Earning money is very difficult, but investing this money properly is even more difficult. I have many friends who earn a lot of money, but they don't have any regular expenses, and at the end of the day, they have to borrow. But they earn a lot of money. If their management is not correct, it cannot be retained.
If I say from my side, then after earning money, it should be managed appropriately; otherwise, it cannot be reined in because if there is money in the pocket, it will be spent. There is no end to human needs, so there is a need for proper guidelines to plan and spend carefully. Only then can we move towards a setting where we must be careful about spending money. If I speak for myself, I deposit a small portion of my earnings into Bitcoin investments.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: bestcoins1 on July 01, 2024, 08:19:42 AM
Investment is important for everyone, one of the dependable streams to use as backup. Wealth is generally a priority for everyone but we should also stick to making principles that will elevate one to reach the top. To become rich, one need to make crucial sacrifice to get to this phase and maintaining it becomes stable for promising streams.
Everyone must realize that investment is an important thing in their life because investment can also help everyone who wants to do it consistently in the economic sector that can provide the best value for them. Now it is becoming increasingly difficult to become rich, even though every year there are always poor people who become rich after undergoing a previous investment period. Because now to become rich it is not enough to just work and save, but it must also be accompanied by clearer investments such as Bitcoin, real estate and others.

Title: Re: Things to avoid when you earn a lot or become rich
Post by: leonair on July 02, 2024, 03:43:55 AM
Money is like mineral water that we have and can not feel heavy when spending it, even a class of companies / big figures can stumble with large expenses, both for needs and covering holes during operations. The point of the root is that even the smallest expenditure starts from the individual himself, can manage well and minimise. Although sometimes when saving a lot of wealth too freely on the pretext of urgent interests, that's how I feel. :D . I don't see when the income/profit comes fantastically, but I feel when opportunities are quiet, market competition or natural obstacles that allow me to lack jobs, being wise in managing assets such as being in a crisis is better than being wasteful. Of course, I will focus on increasing my portfolio and other physical asset wealth. Indeed, this is a simple technical theory that enters the human brain, avoiding the proverbial big peg than the tihang, but everyone's fortune has its allotment and is arranged by God, there is an allotment of wealth levels with the opportunity we only try and look for.
Earning money is very difficult, but investing this money properly is even more difficult. I have many friends who earn a lot of money, but they don't have any regular expenses, and at the end of the day, they have to borrow. But they earn a lot of money. If their management is not correct, it cannot be retained.
If I say from my side, then after earning money, it should be managed appropriately; otherwise, it cannot be reined in because if there is money in the pocket, it will be spent. There is no end to human needs, so there is a need for proper guidelines to plan and spend carefully. Only then can we move towards a setting where we must be careful about spending money. If I speak for myself, I deposit a small portion of my earnings into Bitcoin investments.
Keeping the money is harder than making money. So I think it would be good for us if after earning money we can invest it properly in the right place. My advice to your friends who earn a lot of money.  That is, they have to calculate and spend money every month. Extra money cannot be wasted for any work. Besides, they can invest in good altcoins including good bitcoin.