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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Alpha Marine on June 05, 2024, 10:14:15 AM

Title: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 05, 2024, 10:14:15 AM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.

Another mistake people make is not defining and understanding the terms of the contract before signing. This is where lawyers come in handy. You're not expected to know every business law, so there are a few details you might miss, details that can be against you in the future. Also, laws differ from region to region, so a law that favours you in your region may be against you in the region where you're doing business.

Some people involved a lawyer when things have already started going south. This is also not wise. Having a lawyer from the beginning may protect you from trouble.
It's okay if you can't afford the most expensive lawyers or firms to represent you or your business, but just make sure whoever you're hiring is competent enough

Five reasons you should involve your attorney early in your business transactions.

1. To Solve Problems in Advance
2. To Make Due Diligence Easier
3. To Reduce Last-Minute Time Burdens on Your Team
4. Because “Business Terms” are Not Just Business Concerns
5. Because Hiring Them Earlier is Probably Not Going to Cost Any More Than Hiring Them Later
 Read more details here (

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Lida93 on June 07, 2024, 08:18:25 AM
The importance of an attorney in today's business activities can't be overemphasized with the nature of the business environment becoming more competitive with every tick-tock, businesses or firms ensuring to protect their interest and compliance from other party's in business not to unscrupulously want to take a smart advantage  of another in contracts and, in avoidance of possible legal hassles and litigations in the future for a successful business, it then makes an attorney's presence a necessity. There's that likelihood of people not overriding you in a matter when they are with the awareness of an attorney standing behind you - it makes procedures to followed in the way it should.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Coin_trader on June 07, 2024, 08:26:08 AM
It depends on the amount you are dealing and how big the business we are talking about. Legal fee is insane depending on what type of service you are  using them. For SMES hiring lawyer might cause a lot and your balance sheet might suffer for a partnership or deal that doesn’t involve not huge amount of money.

This can be solved by doing a partnership on a highly reputable person so that you can skip the lawyer part.

But in high value business li,e we are talking about millions then lawyer is always a must to protect your assets in case on of your partner turn rouge.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: pinggoki on June 07, 2024, 08:45:10 AM
It depends on the amount you are dealing and how big the business we are talking about. Legal fee is insane depending on what type of service you are  using them. For SMES hiring lawyer might cause a lot and your balance sheet might suffer for a partnership or deal that doesn’t involve not huge amount of money.

This can be solved by doing a partnership on a highly reputable person so that you can skip the lawyer part.

But in high value business li,e we are talking about millions then lawyer is always a must to protect your assets in case on of your partner turn rouge.
It doesn't matter in my opinion, as long as there's money involved in the deal, you don't want to be the sucker that will not have the lawyer and end up getting duped by your partner because you didn't read the contract because the value wasn't that a lot. Also, just because they're a reputable person to be partnered with, that doesn't mean that you can trust them. No matter how much the money that's involved in the contract, if you sign it without your lawyer and someone that's a part of that contract messes up, it's still grounds for lawsuits and more of your money being spent on the lawsuit because someone tried to brush it off as thinking that the small amount of money will not really hurt or anything like that, as much as we want to cut corners when it comes to using lawyers, the value you're getting at them is just phenomenal.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: X-ray on June 07, 2024, 10:57:52 AM
this is truly essential if someone really trying to make business deals and we are talking about some not measly amount of money where if you just not diligent enough to know that there's term that can cut you off your rights you gonna get in the losing side later on.
there's always reason why the big company always have legal department because they know that every business need someone that knows well about law and will oversee the legality from many aspects, you know sometime some people just ignore the importance of lawyer to skim through their contract to save some pennies ended up in unfavourable side because they don't even understand what they are signing.

spending some additional money is worth it for anything that involves large amount of capital, only people that have thoroughly learned about law will know that some term is trying to give advantage to the contract maker.
to be fair you can always use AI these days but its not guarantee, just letting AI do all the work will never give you high accuracy of how fair the contract is, some AI only fed with outdated data, regulation always changes, the AI can be outdated.
its always good to have someone help you take care of the law and regulation related thing even more so if that person is knowledgeable about the law and keep being updated.
but yes you gonna spend some additional money so always take that into account.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: uswa56 on June 07, 2024, 12:04:49 PM
The importance of an attorney in today's business activities can't be overemphasized with the nature of the business environment becoming more competitive with every tick-tock, businesses or firms ensuring to protect their interest and compliance from other party's in business not to unscrupulously want to take a smart advantage  of another in contracts and, in avoidance of possible legal hassles and litigations in the future for a successful business, it then makes an attorney's presence a necessity. There's that likelihood of people not overriding you in a matter when they are with the awareness of an attorney standing behind you - it makes procedures to followed in the way it should.
This really depends on how much money you want to transact, because hiring a lawyer is not an easy matter and will also cost a lot of money, so if we want to spend a lot of money, it's better if we have a lawyer beside us, because with them it will be very useful for us in reading and understanding the contract that we will be handling, so that if there are errors in the contents of the contract, someone will reprimand us not to do that.

However if on the contrary the money we spend is not too much, it is better in this case not to use a lawyer because it will be a waste of your money, it is better for you to go with your family in this transaction.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Lida93 on June 07, 2024, 12:42:36 PM
The importance of an attorney in today's business activities can't be overemphasized with the nature of the business environment becoming more competitive with every tick-tock, businesses or firms ensuring to protect their interest and compliance from other party's in business not to unscrupulously want to take a smart advantage  of another in contracts and, in avoidance of possible legal hassles and litigations in the future for a successful business, it then makes an attorney's presence a necessity. There's that likelihood of people not overriding you in a matter when they are with the awareness of an attorney standing behind you - it makes procedures to followed in the way it should.
This really depends on how much money you want to transact, because hiring a lawyer is not an easy matter and will also cost a lot of money, so if we want to spend a lot of money, it's better if we have a lawyer beside us, because with them it will be very useful for us in reading and understanding the contract that we will be handling, so that if there are errors in the contents of the contract, someone will reprimand us not to do that.

However if on the contrary the money we spend is not too much, it is better in this case not to use a lawyer because it will be a waste of your money, it is better for you to go with your family in this transaction.
Hmmmm... Hiring the services of a lawyer is not that much of an easy deal as some of us are expressing, just as the op said, you go for the lawyer that your money can afford it mustn't be an expensive one but who is still competent in his field. The problem with some growing business claiming not to be able to afford a lawyer services is because they want to employ the services of a popular and we'll recognized lawyer in their region. Look for the unpopular ones they will be willing to come in handy without being expensive instead of bringing in your family members. Family members can't take the role of a lawyer when things eventually go north... Even with family members and problems emanates due to a breach of contract you'll still require the service of a lawyer and that will be more expensive when a problem has set in already.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 07, 2024, 03:58:13 PM
However if on the contrary the money we spend is not too much, it is better in this case not to use a lawyer because it will be a waste of your money, it is better for you to go with your family in this transaction.

In my opinion, as somebody that does business, you should have a lawyer, so if you're doing any business deal with another party, even if that business deal is for a very small amount of money, your lawyer should be aware. Your lawyer should go through any contract before you sign it. A deal worth $1000 can result into a $100,000 lawsuit in the future.
It's expensive when you don't originally have a lawyer and for the sake of this particular deal you involve a lawyer, but if you already have a lawyer you're not hiring him again, he'll just be doing his job by going through the contract.

When business, assets and money is involved I can't trust family just like that. It's friends that betray, not enemies. But that aside, is your family qualified enough to see through the contract and shield your trouble in the future?

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Kryss191 on June 07, 2024, 04:23:58 PM
The importance of an attorney in today's business activities can't be overemphasized with the nature of the business environment becoming more competitive with every tick-tock, businesses or firms ensuring to protect their interest and compliance from other party's in business not to unscrupulously want to take a smart advantage  of another in contracts and, in avoidance of possible legal hassles and litigations in the future for a successful business, it then makes an attorney's presence a necessity. There's that likelihood of people not overriding you in a matter when they are with the awareness of an attorney standing behind you - it makes procedures to followed in the way it should.

Completely, the part of an lawyer in today's trade scene cannot be exaggerated. With the trade environment getting to be progressively competitive, it's pivotal for businesses to defend their interface and guarantee compliance. Having lawful representation not as it were ensures against deceitful parties looking for to abuse contracts but moreover makes a difference to dodge potential legitimate challenges and debate down the street, which are basic for keeping up a fruitful trade. The nearness of an lawyer gives a sense of confirmation and guarantees that methods are taken after accurately.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Richbased on June 07, 2024, 04:43:21 PM
Many a people care less about getting an attorney when making business deals with a company or firm and with the extreme to which individuals are becoming greedy and manipulative is better to involve a lawyer in any business dealings with anyone for reference purposes in the future because even if you document terms and conditions of a contract you have with people, they can deny it in the future but when a reputable lawyer is involved it will be difficult for such a thing to occur.

In the area where I lived in my country, a lot of people have lost their properties simply because they didn't involve a lawyer when acquiring those properties and those people that sells those properties to them also resells to other people and this mostly happens to individuals that acquires a property and abandoned it without maintenance or always trying to check if those properties are still intact so some people takes advantage of that and sell those properties without the knowledge of the rightful owner and in a case of conflict and you don't have a good senior advocate losing those properties becomes so easy.

I know that the world we are now every thing literally depends on your financial capacity and wealth but sometimes we have to risk the money and secure our assets for the future so that no body can invade your business without your knowledge or consent as it will protect you from loss of your assets.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Churchillvv on June 07, 2024, 05:04:21 PM
Involving an attorney in a business transaction is as important as the business itself. sometimes naive people usually include some terms and conditions that are not good for you in a business intentionally to defraud you without your notice. some might even include some terms that you could be convicted for if eventually the transaction goes wrong that is why it's good to have a lawyer by your side to take actions that are necessary.

A simple step can save you from some trouble even though it might be some how expensive.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: 0t3p0t on June 07, 2024, 05:23:50 PM
I think this works best when we are buying real estate as properties are much more complicated for some people as not all of us don't have enough idea to cope with legalities and technicalities on transactions and we don't want to make mistakes on the dealings since we might spend more money when it happens so yeah much better to get one but for small business transactions I don't think there's a need of an attorney.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 07, 2024, 05:47:00 PM
I take this as serious advice from you, man. It is something that is usually neglected by so many people in some parts of the world, but just as the first comment has said, we really cannot overemphasize the importance of having a legal practitioner involved in any kind of business deal that we are involving ourselves in. 

This topic actually reminded me of two incidents that happened in my country. It was a case of land. There was this man who sold his land and used the money to travel abroad. The person who purchased the land abandoned the land because he was not yet ready to start any projects on it. After some years of leaving the land empty, some scammers went and sold the land to another rich man who had every necessary document processed with the help of a lawyer. 

Immediately after the second man bought the land, he started building a house there, and when the first person who bought the land found out, he raised a legal case against the second man for building on his land. The end point of this story was that both people had an attorney for that property, and the land was rightfully given to the first owner. In a situation where there is only one man with an attorney, he will definitely win the case over the real owner of that property. So, it is very necessary to have a lawyer on every business deal one is going into. 

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Moeda on June 07, 2024, 05:51:26 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.
Why do many people in business collaborations not involve lawyers, or there is no clear (written) business contract?
 Basically, many people start a business collaboration because they trust each other, because they are doing business with close friends. Good relationships have existed long before the business started. However, in general, when cooperation in business takes place, of course there is estrangement between the two, this can be caused by the emergence of mutual suspicion.
When this condition occurs, a business that is running well begins to slowly crumble. Not to mention the addition of a lawsuit which can use up a lot of the budget.
A written business contract is very important if the business is capitalized by more than one person.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Promocodeudo on June 07, 2024, 07:21:42 PM
OP, it depends on the business you want to venture into, a small scale business person may not be needing a lawyer because he or she may not be bouyant enough to hire a lawyer but on a general note every extablishment be it big or small needs to have an existing lawyer because the need may arise when is least expected, although in my country most locals do not involve lawyers in their business both in land buying and some other things, they prefer settling business dispute in a traditional way unless in some case where the matter has gone out hand, parties involved will have to resort to hiring lawyers to seek redress in court.
The truth is that involving a lawyer in every purchase or business deal is the right approach, it has been repeatedly said that having a legal backing of any business keeps the owner of such business on a safer side if ugly situation occurs but the limitation is the expenses involved, no matter how less expensive a lawyer service is, money is still involved and the truth remains that some persons may not afford it.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Fortify on June 07, 2024, 09:45:46 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.

Another mistake people make is not defining and understanding the terms of the contract before signing. This is where lawyers come in handy. You're not expected to know every business law, so there are a few details you might miss, details that can be against you in the future. Also, laws differ from region to region, so a law that favours you in your region may be against you in the region where you're doing business.

Some people involved a lawyer when things have already started going south. This is also not wise. Having a lawyer from the beginning may protect you from trouble.
It's okay if you can't afford the most expensive lawyers or firms to represent you or your business, but just make sure whoever you're hiring is competent enough

Five reasons you should involve your attorney early in your business transactions.

1. To Solve Problems in Advance
2. To Make Due Diligence Easier
3. To Reduce Last-Minute Time Burdens on Your Team
4. Because “Business Terms” are Not Just Business Concerns
5. Because Hiring Them Earlier is Probably Not Going to Cost Any More Than Hiring Them Later
 Read more details here (

There's actually a very fine line, which you may only get from personal and first hand experience, when it comes to involving outside professionals like attorneys. Often times they are glorified terms and conditions checkers who get pay a lot simply to read (& understand) content that anyone with time on their hands could interpret too. However, if it is your first time buying a house for example, and you are unfamiliar with the process, then you should consult the expert in the field. However if it's your 50th time buying a house and you've read through the same amount of documents as a regular attorney by that point - you may only hire them for 2 hours of time instead of 20, because you are well versed by that point.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Stepstowealth on June 07, 2024, 10:27:50 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.
Making enquiries from a lawyer about a business you want to start can give you a very good idea of the legal framework behind that business. The reason some people do not see it as important is because they're trying to cut cost thinking that it is not important to have lawyer in their business, or the consider their business too small to have a lawyer involved.
Starting a business is very important because a good business with a good foundation will last long, this is why it is important to have all legal documents required to have an operate a business in a country without problems, and only a lawyer can help you with these documents.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: oktana on June 07, 2024, 11:03:29 PM
Very true and important. Many think that lawyers are only invited when it’s a case or there is a problem. But lawyers are meant to always be involved so if there ever would be a case, you’ll sort it out smoothly. Having a lawyer also adds a sense of seriousness. An instance would be a contract. If you do not have a lawyer, the other party may be tempted to play around. But if you signed that same contract with a lawyer, the aura of everything automatically changes.

There’s so much reasons why you should always involve lawyers. Ranging from saving yourself of trouble you may never know was problematic, to defending yourself.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Ben Barubal on June 07, 2024, 11:44:54 PM
     Perhaps any deals that are discussed here, as long as they involve a large amount of money, there really should be an attorney in the agreement that is being discussed. Whether it's the title of the land, the sale of a car, or a house, there really should be an attorney.

     Like a deed of sale that needs to be notarized, and other important things. So that everything is fine and there will be no problems in the future and no distractions. And as for the business, if it's big, a lawyer is really needed, but if it's small, don't do it anyway.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: peter0425 on June 08, 2024, 04:45:08 AM
I agree that we should always have a lawyer at hand when dealing with contracts or anything that involves our signature and something that can be taken against us in the future. However I would suggest not to be too dependent on your lawyers. As a normal citizen, you probably wouldn’t understand every clause in the contract but it will still greatly help if you read it and try to at least understand some parts. Not all lawyers would be very loyal to you and you need to know whether your lawyer can be trusted or not.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Darker45 on June 08, 2024, 04:47:09 AM
You actually don't have to hire a lawyer all the time while doing business. If it's contract signing or something that needs the opinion of a legal expert, then a lawyer is necessary. Otherwise, lawyers are just additional expenses to your business. Remember that you pay every time you talk to a lawyer. And it's not cheap. You can't just do that each time you need an assurance that the business step you're taking is good. You might be spending too much on simple yeses and nos.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: batang_bitcoin on June 08, 2024, 05:11:43 AM
With small amounts and contracts, you can comprehend whether the contract you are signing is in favor of you or not. Otherwise, you really need to hire an attorney to guide and review the things that you are signing up which is very common for huge deals. But if this is like a common contract that you're having with, an understanding and reading the whole terms that are on your contract is already fine if there are no conditions listed that are up against your terms and your principles.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Halime Anatolia on June 08, 2024, 05:14:04 AM
With small amounts and contracts, you can comprehend whether the contract you are signing is in favor of you or not. Otherwise, you really need to hire an attorney to guide and review the things that you are signing up which is very common for huge deals. But if this is like a common contract that you're having with, an understanding and reading the whole terms that are on your contract is already fine if there are no conditions listed that are up against your terms and your principles.

Of course, contracts also have strings attached, I think what must be added is that if our investment is taking place and there is an extraordinary event, whether technical or non-technical, how should we handle it so that there is no certainty and one party suffers a loss.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Juse14 on June 08, 2024, 05:41:48 AM
A common mistake that many individuals make is entering into agreements or signing contracts without the presence of a legal representative, an act that can be deemed highly imprudent. Regardless of how well you believe you comprehend a contract, ensure that your attorney is briefed on all its aspects and has had the opportunity to thoroughly review and provide approval for it before appending your signature onto the document, even if you feel you have a good grasp on the terms presented within the agreement.

No matter the case, whether it be a start-up, expansion, acquisition, sale of asset or business; even down to signing a contract with another company, certain mistakes often find their way into the process. An additional oversight that frequently takes place is failing to clearly define and grasp the terms of an agreement before putting pen to paper. This is where legal personnel come in handy; seeking assistance from lawyers can be highly advantageous as they are able to guide you in sidestepping those ominous intricacies that might crop up at a later point post-contractual agreement.

Moreover, it is also not wise to involve a lawyer only when problems arise. The legal advice of the best lawyers can protect you from problems from the very beginning; for this reason, hire a lawyer but remember that it does not have to be the most expensive or prestigious, just make sure they are competent.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: batang_bitcoin on June 08, 2024, 05:47:29 AM
With small amounts and contracts, you can comprehend whether the contract you are signing is in favor of you or not. Otherwise, you really need to hire an attorney to guide and review the things that you are signing up which is very common for huge deals. But if this is like a common contract that you're having with, an understanding and reading the whole terms that are on your contract is already fine if there are no conditions listed that are up against your terms and your principles.

Of course, contracts also have strings attached, I think what must be added is that if our investment is taking place and there is an extraordinary event, whether technical or non-technical, how should we handle it so that there is no certainty and one party suffers a loss.
That's what are contracts for, to have string attachment and commitment and us signing these contracts will have to read them and we can understand what are the contents of it. I think in the legal process, you have to be the first one to understand your own contract before asking a legal counsel if something is wrong with it or none. Your loss will only happen if you keep on signing these deals without understanding what you're signing for.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: angrybirdy on June 08, 2024, 06:00:24 AM
I think this works best when we are buying real estate as properties are much more complicated for some people as not all of us don't have enough idea to cope with legalities and technicalities on transactions and we don't want to make mistakes on the dealings since we might spend more money when it happens so yeah much better to get one but for small business transactions I don't think there's a need of an attorney.

well that's true, when talking about real estates or buying properties, the help of an attorney is really necessary to know if a land for sale is legit and there are no other hidden issues, it's also good that there are witnesses who are attorneys so that we have a lot of evidence that a property has been sold to us. If it's just for simple businesses/ventures, their help is not needed, but if millions are involved, we should have professionals with us, not just an attorney, but also like other licensed authorities such as engineers or architects.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: btc78 on June 08, 2024, 06:32:02 AM
I think in the legal process, you have to be the first one to understand your own contract before asking a legal counsel if something is wrong with it or none.
You can also try and ask for an advice what should you add or remove from a contract. There are deals where you’re the one setting the conditions and you want to make sure that you will be able to maximize everything out of your deal to benefit you. So asking for a lawyer early on can help you in your decision making process.
Your loss will only happen if you keep on signing these deals without understanding what you're signing for.
Unfortunately in my country a lot of people are either illiterate or just lack basic literacy skills. Before we even blame them, we need to try and understand how can we help them so that they would not be taken advantage of.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: kryptqnick on June 08, 2024, 06:43:54 AM
Sometimes it depends on who you're dealing with and what kind of culture exists in your country. In my experience, I've signed contracts without involving lawyers, and they turned out okay. In case of work or business-related contracts, I always take time to read them carefully and think about the implications. If something sounds shady to me, I ask for changes in the contract, and if changes aren't implemented and no concessions are made, I refuse to sign. I'm not a lawyer, but I took a couple of law courses at university, and I feel capable to analyse contracts for myself most of the time.
But if it's something very serious and involving big finances, I agree it's better to consult with a lawyer than be sorry later.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: justdimin on June 08, 2024, 08:50:25 AM
this is truly essential if someone really trying to make business deals and we are talking about some not measly amount of money where if you just not diligent enough to know that there's term that can cut you off your rights you gonna get in the losing side later on.
there's always reason why the big company always have legal department because they know that every business need someone that knows well about law and will oversee the legality from many aspects, you know sometime some people just ignore the importance of lawyer to skim through their contract to save some pennies ended up in unfavourable side because they don't even understand what they are signing.

spending some additional money is worth it for anything that involves large amount of capital, only people that have thoroughly learned about law will know that some term is trying to give advantage to the contract maker.
to be fair you can always use AI these days but its not guarantee, just letting AI do all the work will never give you high accuracy of how fair the contract is, some AI only fed with outdated data, regulation always changes, the AI can be outdated.
its always good to have someone help you take care of the law and regulation related thing even more so if that person is knowledgeable about the law and keep being updated.
but yes you gonna spend some additional money so always take that into account.
I think the main reason for us not really "needing" an attorney usually ends up because we are talking about capital that is too small for any attorney. For example, I have NEVER invested into anything that required an attorney, because I have never invested that much of a large amount to any business at all, or had any dealings.

The biggest job I have is about 800 dollars and I do not think that it would have ever required attorney and I turned out to be right, been doing that for years and never had a single issue, been more than I could ever imagine levels of great. So, if you are focusing on something like this, you need to make sure that the capital you are dealing with is big enough that attorney would make sense for that deal.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: o48o on June 08, 2024, 12:06:21 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.

Another mistake people make is not defining and understanding the terms of the contract before signing. This is where lawyers come in handy. You're not expected to know every business law, so there are a few details you might miss, details that can be against you in the future. Also, laws differ from region to region, so a law that favours you in your region may be against you in the region where you're doing business.

Some people involved a lawyer when things have already started going south. This is also not wise. Having a lawyer from the beginning may protect you from trouble.
It's okay if you can't afford the most expensive lawyers or firms to represent you or your business, but just make sure whoever you're hiring is competent enough

Five reasons you should involve your attorney early in your business transactions.

1. To Solve Problems in Advance
2. To Make Due Diligence Easier
3. To Reduce Last-Minute Time Burdens on Your Team
4. Because “Business Terms” are Not Just Business Concerns
5. Because Hiring Them Earlier is Probably Not Going to Cost Any More Than Hiring Them Later
 Read more details here (
I completely agree with you, even though there are you need to evaluate situation and realize the fact that not all contracts need a lawyer. Lawyers cost a lot and in some cases they obviously save a fortune, but not all lawyers are alike, and not everyone is specialized on some fringe subject as well as it seems to outsider. You don't need a lawyer to sign a contract when you rent an office as in most regions there are already laws in place to prevent any lessees to be abusive. And some contracts that are made to be misleading are unlawful in the first place in some regions.

But as a rule of thumb, if there's more money involved, or could be involved as a growing company. Lawyering up is definitely step nr1, that should be endorsed by all parties involved and if someone says you don't need them, you definitely do.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Volimack on June 08, 2024, 01:09:32 PM
An attorney in business transactions is generally required for most businesses in all states. Sole proprietorships and general partnerships are exceptions. Each state's laws and regulations may vary, but having a registered agent is a common requirement across the country. A small business does not need an attorney, the individual can handle everything himself.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: WillyAp on June 08, 2024, 02:11:07 PM
In my opinion, as somebody that does business, you should have a lawyer, so if you're doing any business deal with another party, even if that business deal is for a very small amount of money, your lawyer should be aware.

People with lawyers are not more trustworthy that people without.
Luckily we have social networks where you can proof that you are who you are, that your dealings are straight forward, have history and not a day fly action.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Yaqs15 on June 08, 2024, 02:32:50 PM
The importance of an attorney in today's business activities can't be overemphasized with the nature of the business environment becoming more competitive with every tick-tock, businesses or firms ensuring to protect their interest and compliance from other party's in business not to unscrupulously want to take a smart advantage  of another in contracts and, in avoidance of possible legal hassles and litigations in the future for a successful business, it then makes an attorney's presence a necessity. There's that likelihood of people not overriding you in a matter when they are with the awareness of an attorney standing behind you - it makes procedures to followed in the way it should.
It is important for a business person to have legal backing in their business. Doing this will ensure security and strong protection for them and their business against some forms of misconducts from either their business partners or their customers. It enlighten them that are the owners of the business about their does and don't of the business. It will also teaches them their rights, duties and responsibilities. By applying for a legal backing like this, I know it will be costly but if one have the means to it, it is more better . It minimizes some problem that might arises at long run in the business.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Iranus on June 08, 2024, 02:55:01 PM
You actually don't have to hire a lawyer all the time while doing business. If it's contract signing or something that needs the opinion of a legal expert, then a lawyer is necessary. Otherwise, lawyers are just additional expenses to your business. Remember that you pay every time you talk to a lawyer. And it's not cheap. You can't just do that each time you need an assurance that the business step you're taking is good. You might be spending too much on simple yeses and nos.

If we have a lot of money and are involved in large-scale business activities, hiring a lawyer is necessary, and even having a team of expert consultants to assist us in doing so. But for small transactions or businesses, hiring a lawyer is really a waste.

In addition, when signing any business contract, if we do not define and understand the terms of the contract, how can we participate in signing the contract? If I were a business owner, I would not sign any contract even if I had a lawyer as my advisor. As a business owner, as an entrepreneur, we must equip ourselves with full knowledge and clearly understand the terms of the contract because it will directly affect our business operations. Don't always ask for help from lawyers and advisors. Because if anything happens, the person who will suffer the most is our business, ourselves.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: dezoel on June 09, 2024, 04:54:32 PM
I think this works best when we are buying real estate as properties are much more complicated for some people as not all of us don't have enough idea to cope with legalities and technicalities on transactions and we don't want to make mistakes on the dealings since we might spend more money when it happens so yeah much better to get one but for small business transactions I don't think there's a need of an attorney.
well that's true, when talking about real estates or buying properties, the help of an attorney is really necessary to know if a land for sale is legit and there are no other hidden issues, it's also good that there are witnesses who are attorneys so that we have a lot of evidence that a property has been sold to us. If it's just for simple businesses/ventures, their help is not needed, but if millions are involved, we should have professionals with us, not just an attorney, but also like other licensed authorities such as engineers or architects.
Okay that's interesting. Didn't knew buying or investing in real estate is that complex. That made me appreciate crypto more because we are free here. I guess being decentralized is also another factor that made it possible. There are still scams here but it may not really be a big deal since we can choose to invest and lose only small amounts too.

I think that a business or a venture relating to real estates, will still need a lawyer because they sound so formal too and this is for us to avoid troubles. They can be costly but it can be nothing if mullions and more dollars are involved in the deal and who says we can't get our ROI? We can, if we will get successful.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: davis196 on June 10, 2024, 10:37:42 AM
That's good advice, but why is this forum thread in the Economics forum? Maybe you should move it to another forum.
This topic isn't about Economics and finance. It's about hiring lawyers/attorneys for your business.
I don't think that many forum members have an actual business and I don't think that they are dealing with signing contracts with other businesses. I personally don't own a business and I don't plan registering a company anytime soon.
Lawyers are expensive as hell where I live. Maybe that's why many small business owners don't want to get a lawyer.
What is this rblaw website? Is this website yours?

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 10, 2024, 12:34:43 PM
That's good advice, but why is this forum thread in the Economics forum? Maybe you should move it to another forum.
This topic isn't about Economics and finance. It's about hiring lawyers/attorneys for your business.

Moderators can move it to the appropriate board if its not supposed to be here. The topic may not directly talk about economic and finance, but it talks about business and business discussions are allowed in the economic board.

I don't think that many forum members have an actual business and I don't think that they are dealing with signing contracts with other businesses. I personally don't own a business and I don't plan registering a company anytime soon.
Lawyers are expensive as hell where I live. Maybe that's why many small business owners don't want to get a lawyer.
You never really know though. Something happened and that led me decide to share this here. I don't know anybody from this forum. There may be people who need lawyers both for their business and other wise. For future purposes too, people here may require the services of a lawyer.
Lawyers are expensive almost everywhere, but in some cases they're necessary.

What is this rblaw website? Is this website yours?
No, it's not my website. I used them as a reference to what I listed in the OP.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Casdinyard on June 10, 2024, 01:48:47 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.

Another mistake people make is not defining and understanding the terms of the contract before signing. This is where lawyers come in handy. You're not expected to know every business law, so there are a few details you might miss, details that can be against you in the future. Also, laws differ from region to region, so a law that favours you in your region may be against you in the region where you're doing business.

Some people involved a lawyer when things have already started going south. This is also not wise. Having a lawyer from the beginning may protect you from trouble.
It's okay if you can't afford the most expensive lawyers or firms to represent you or your business, but just make sure whoever you're hiring is competent enough

Five reasons you should involve your attorney early in your business transactions.

1. To Solve Problems in Advance
2. To Make Due Diligence Easier
3. To Reduce Last-Minute Time Burdens on Your Team
4. Because “Business Terms” are Not Just Business Concerns
5. Because Hiring Them Earlier is Probably Not Going to Cost Any More Than Hiring Them Later
 Read more details here (
You are so good for this. A lot of micro-business owners dismiss the necessity of having a good attorney when talking about business dealings, and sadly I was also a victim of this.

Back in the heydays of NFTs a multimedia offering company tapped us to ask about business dealings and if we could collaborate, failing to have a good lawyer on my side who would read the stipulations and decide whether it was smart for us to do this or not, I ended up forking over a couple thousand dollars which is a heavy-handed deal if I do say so myself. In the end we lost a lot of money from the dealing, and we didn't even break even with the NFT sales, while they had a safety net. From then on I made it a point to always have someone who would read the documents for us, and translate it in laymen's terms, preferably a lawyer.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Agbamoni on June 10, 2024, 04:05:30 PM
You actually don't have to hire a lawyer all the time while doing business. If it's contract signing or something that needs the opinion of a legal expert, then a lawyer is necessary. Otherwise, lawyers are just additional expenses to your business. Remember that you pay every time you talk to a lawyer. And it's not cheap. You can't just do that each time you need an assurance that the business step you're taking is good. You might be spending too much on simple yeses and nos.
I think it is necessary you need a lawyer no matter how small the scope of business we are doing. Perhaps in your country there are lots of good people who is willing to keep to the agreement without any legal binding. But in my country, you don't have to take the risk of trusting people when it comes to business. To avoid unnecessary drama, argument or conflict along the line it is good there is a signed document legally binding the agreement from the two parties. So that when matter arises the agreement will be there to make things clear and know who have gone against the agreement and who did not.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Chilwell on June 11, 2024, 06:10:06 AM

Okay that's interesting. Didn't knew buying or investing in real estate is that complex. That made me appreciate crypto more because we are free here. I guess being decentralized is also another factor that made it possible. There are still scams here but it may not really be a big deal since we can choose to invest and lose only small amounts too.

I think that a business or a venture relating to real estates, will still need a lawyer because they sound so formal too and this is for us to avoid troubles. They can be costly but it can be nothing if mullions and more dollars are involved in the deal and who says we can't get our ROI? We can, if we will get successful.
Today, almost everywhere, scammers are trying to dupe innocent individuals by all means. It's left for everybody to take heed of these scammers and protect him or her self by all means. Business people need to protect their business at all costs to make sure he or she isn't duped by these unscrupulous individuals. One of the best ways by which business people protect their business is by having a legal backing. That's, by employing lawyers to involve in any kind of transactions that they are going to carry out.
This will also make them to understand what law says about their business and entire life. it makes them to know their duties, right and responsibilities.
It also teaches them to know their does and don't.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on June 11, 2024, 07:21:26 AM
Involving an attorney in a business transaction is as important as the business itself. sometimes naive people usually include some terms and conditions that are not good for you in a business intentionally to defraud you without your notice. some might even include some terms that you could be convicted for if eventually the transaction goes wrong that is why it's good to have a lawyer by your side to take actions that are necessary.

A simple step can save you from some trouble even though it might be some how expensive.

You see no body can sign a contract or documents without going through the terms and conditions of the contract or business and it is even risky for anyone who isn't lettered to sign a business document or hire the service of a lawyer to sign such an agreement that is why education is very important for everyone so that they can read and write very well because even if you employ the service of a lawyer to sign an agreement without you knowing the contents in that agreement, it is very risky.
However, even if you will seek an attorney in any business transactions that you are doing with people but it is also important that you have proper knowledge of what the business is all about, ignorance is never an excuse in the sight of the law.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Fortify on June 11, 2024, 08:00:49 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.

Another mistake people make is not defining and understanding the terms of the contract before signing. This is where lawyers come in handy. You're not expected to know every business law, so there are a few details you might miss, details that can be against you in the future. Also, laws differ from region to region, so a law that favours you in your region may be against you in the region where you're doing business.

Some people involved a lawyer when things have already started going south. This is also not wise. Having a lawyer from the beginning may protect you from trouble.
It's okay if you can't afford the most expensive lawyers or firms to represent you or your business, but just make sure whoever you're hiring is competent enough

Five reasons you should involve your attorney early in your business transactions.

1. To Solve Problems in Advance
2. To Make Due Diligence Easier
3. To Reduce Last-Minute Time Burdens on Your Team
4. Because “Business Terms” are Not Just Business Concerns
5. Because Hiring Them Earlier is Probably Not Going to Cost Any More Than Hiring Them Later
 Read more details here (

If you're talking about big money, beyond low four digits, it is probably advisable to have a lawyer looking over the documents. In some cases it'll even be mandatory, like having a lawyer vet the documents before a mortgage is requested from a bank to ensure all your money is legitimate and then looking through all the small details involved with the house you are buying as well. Anything in the lower range however, unless it's some sort of court or will settlement, is probably going to cost you the same amount in legal fees than you might be benefitting. You should also be doing your own basic research because you want to have a rough idea of what the process looks like.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: boyptc on June 11, 2024, 10:12:33 PM
IMO, you can call this term black and white. Everything will be documented and on paper when you've got some dealings to do.

And that's really the first thing to do when things go south and that's to seek legal counsel that will help you how to resolve these matters or how to counter that deal that went against your contract.

I've been into many business deals and fortunately, I didn't have to come up with this kind of situation.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: AmoreJaz on June 11, 2024, 11:51:39 PM
IMO, you can call this term black and white. Everything will be documented and on paper when you've got some dealings to do.

And that's really the first thing to do when things go south and that's to seek legal counsel that will help you how to resolve these matters or how to counter that deal that went against your contract.

I've been into many business deals and fortunately, I didn't have to come up with this kind of situation.

If you know that you are dealing with good amount of money and a lot is at stake, a lawyer is indeed needed in your transactions. I can understand if you are only doing small business as you can manage it on your own. But if there are other stakeholders and they have vested interest in your business, it is better to have a lawyer that you can go to. You'll never know what will come up later on. You may need them even for consultancy services.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: WillyAp on June 12, 2024, 12:15:54 AM
You certainly need to reach a level.
If you sell a website of $150 your attorney takes most likely all you earned.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Wexnident on June 12, 2024, 02:03:29 AM
Depends honestly? If it was something heavy and well, big on money, I'd definitely hire a lawyer to check on the proceedings of the contract signing. If not, then I don't think there's a need to. Lawyers can be a costly hire after all. And well, not exactly sure how long you're supposed to take to sign a contract but if it's not in a rush, I reckon the other party can give you time to read and contemplate the contract details before signing it. Pretty sure plenty enough time to scrutinize the contract details, especially if it's not as heavy as an instance like where you do need a lawyer.

Personally have no experience with it though. I've had contracts but just some freelancing stuff plus my job contract as well, nothing too complicated.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Sebas.tian on June 12, 2024, 06:09:52 AM
I agree with you OP, many investors has loss their contract and capital, because they went ahead to sign some documents they don't understand in the agreement paper that made them stupid in the front of judges in the court of law which some investors will never allow such mistakes to happen again. I know that some investors ignore lawyers in their investment or contract base on the funds that will going to involve, because the lawyer will charge you base on how massive the investment or contract is and he will settle down to going through the rules and conditions in the agreement paper and explain it. If I have investment or contract in the future, I think I will have like two permanent lawyers that will be helping me to verify and cross check all my investments and contract documents.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Mr.sprin on June 12, 2024, 06:49:12 AM
I agree with you OP, many investors has loss their contract and capital, because they went ahead to sign some documents they don't understand in the agreement paper that made them stupid in the front of judges in the court of law which some investors will never allow such mistakes to happen again. I know that some investors ignore lawyers in their investment or contract base on the funds that will going to involve, because the lawyer will charge you base on how massive the investment or contract is and he will settle down to going through the rules and conditions in the agreement paper and explain it. If I have investment or contract in the future, I think I will have like two permanent lawyers that will be helping me to verify and cross check all my investments and contract documents.

Yes bro, I agree with your opinion, when our business starts to develop we need a lawyer to always accompany us to ensure that undesirable things don't happen, because loyal investors who want to collaborate with us will definitely have prepared their respective lawyers to ensure things run smoothly so that there is no manipulation of data and documents, they help us so that agreements and cooperation are not misused by falsifying files, in my opinion this is very important for us as our business has developed and collaborates with large investors .

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: kotajikikox on June 12, 2024, 08:11:38 AM
I think it is necessary you need a lawyer no matter how small the scope of business we are doing. Perhaps in your country there are lots of good people who is willing to keep to the agreement without any legal binding. But in my country, you don't have to take the risk of trusting people when it comes to business. To avoid unnecessary drama, argument or conflict along the line it is good there is a signed document legally binding the agreement from the two parties. So that when matter arises the agreement will be there to make things clear and know who have gone against the agreement and who did not.
It is quite common in my country that two parties end up consulting legal advices AFTER one party did not follow through the supposedly conditions. Now it's harder for the aggravated party to fight in court because they never consulted any legal consultant beforehand and they never realized that there is actually some conditions that do not go his or her way.

To avoid such things from happening, no matter what you guys are settling make sure that a professional can read through your contract and check if there should be any changes

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Dailyscript on June 12, 2024, 08:35:56 AM
Involving an attorney in a business transaction is as important as the business itself. sometimes naive people usually include some terms and conditions that are not good for you in a business intentionally to defraud you without your notice. some might even include some terms that you could be convicted for if eventually the transaction goes wrong that is why it's good to have a lawyer by your side to take actions that are necessary.

A simple step can save you from some trouble even though it might be some how expensive.
Why would someone in his right sense sign a document without reading at the terms and conditions, i know it may seem rare but it literally happens in the society. And at the end of the day they will accuse the other person for defrauding them when they were ignorant of reading what the document contains. The purpose of signing a contract or document for a business is because you and the other/organization needs to be speaking the same mind and have come to the same agreement. Which is a must that you read the document and if you do not agree with what it conveys then dont sign until an agreement has been made and written with ink on paper.

Another mistake that usually lead people into trouble is the fact that they refuse to take a copy of the agreement immediately, which is risky. Dont forge that is is paper and ink they could make changes to it if you do no have an original document for yourself. Evil does manipulate signatures and a lot of things these days using modern technology so we shouldn't fall victim of such mistake. I just feel that some people really need to here this i just said.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: AVE5 on June 12, 2024, 08:49:36 AM
It depends on the amount you are dealing and how big the business we are talking about. Legal fee is insane depending on what type of service you are  using them. For SMES hiring lawyer might cause a lot and your balance sheet might suffer for a partnership or deal that doesn’t involve not huge amount of money.

This can be solved by doing a partnership on a highly reputable person so that you can skip the lawyer part.

But in high value business li,e we are talking about millions then lawyer is always a must to protect your assets in case on of your partner turn rouge.

That's true. Dealing with reputable persons in a small scale income may actually not have such conviction effects but must be assured of the deals transparencies and how genuine it could be because considering the little profit might not even afford you to get the least lawyer.
But it's always advisable as a business person to be engaged with a lawyer that'd understand that you're still growing from a petty firm so that you can always have that legal backups on your affairs without being on distress to find a lawyer when you're handicapped already.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Maus0728 on June 12, 2024, 09:00:54 AM
Totally agree, as much as you don't want to hire a lawyer for your business dealings, they're probably the best one you can have because they'll give you the rundown on what you need to know when you're trying to sign a contract but you don't have the time to read it yourself and you can be sure that you're safe because they've got an oath to protect your interests when you hire them, that's why it's really important to have them, they're like the IT guys, you will not need them all the time but the moment that you do, you'd be thankful that they're there to help you out.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: fuguebtc on June 12, 2024, 10:04:52 AM
Involving an attorney in a business transaction is as important as the business itself. sometimes naive people usually include some terms and conditions that are not good for you in a business intentionally to defraud you without your notice. some might even include some terms that you could be convicted for if eventually the transaction goes wrong that is why it's good to have a lawyer by your side to take actions that are necessary.

A simple step can save you from some trouble even though it might be some how expensive.
Why would someone in his right sense sign a document without reading at the terms and conditions, i know it may seem rare but it literally happens in the society. And at the end of the day they will accuse the other person for defrauding them when they were ignorant of reading what the document contains. The purpose of signing a contract or document for a business is because you and the other/organization needs to be speaking the same mind and have come to the same agreement. Which is a must that you read the document and if you do not agree with what it conveys then dont sign until an agreement has been made and written with ink on paper.

Another mistake that usually lead people into trouble is the fact that they refuse to take a copy of the agreement immediately, which is risky. Dont forge that is is paper and ink they could make changes to it if you do no have an original document for yourself. Evil does manipulate signatures and a lot of things these days using modern technology so we shouldn't fall victim of such mistake. I just feel that some people really need to here this i just said.

I have never seen a businessman so naive or stupid as to sign a contract without reading the terms of the contract. If you don't even care about protecting the rights of your business, how can you ensure the survival of your business? And who dares to invest and cooperate in the business you manage?

Not to mention, before the contract is signed and approved, the terms and requirements of both parties will be presented several months in advance for both parties to review and discuss before making a final agreement. Therefore, it would be ridiculous for a businessman to sign a contract without reading the terms.
I do not deny the role of lawyers and what I want to say is that we do not need to overestimate them and underestimate ourselves as business owners. And the fact that someone does not read the contract terms and rushes to sign only happens to normal people, people without expertise, and the contracts they sign are mainly insurance, retail sales...I have never seen such a thing happen to businesses.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: boyptc on June 12, 2024, 09:55:09 PM
IMO, you can call this term black and white. Everything will be documented and on paper when you've got some dealings to do.

And that's really the first thing to do when things go south and that's to seek legal counsel that will help you how to resolve these matters or how to counter that deal that went against your contract.

I've been into many business deals and fortunately, I didn't have to come up with this kind of situation.

If you know that you are dealing with good amount of money and a lot is at stake, a lawyer is indeed needed in your transactions. I can understand if you are only doing small business as you can manage it on your own. But if there are other stakeholders and they have vested interest in your business, it is better to have a lawyer that you can go to. You'll never know what will come up later on. You may need them even for consultancy services.
That's right.

You don't go into business dealings with involvement of a lot of money without having a lawyer. You are doing it in paper and as well as the black and white matter for these deals are real.

On the corporations type of deals, you have your hired lawyer or on call that you're always seeking counsel with it.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Xampeuu on June 13, 2024, 07:44:54 AM
IMO, you can call this term black and white. Everything will be documented and on paper when you've got some dealings to do.

And that's really the first thing to do when things go south and that's to seek legal counsel that will help you how to resolve these matters or how to counter that deal that went against your contract.

I've been into many business deals and fortunately, I didn't have to come up with this kind of situation.

If you know that you are dealing with good amount of money and a lot is at stake, a lawyer is indeed needed in your transactions. I can understand if you are only doing small business as you can manage it on your own. But if there are other stakeholders and they have vested interest in your business, it is better to have a lawyer that you can go to. You'll never know what will come up later on. You may need them even for consultancy services.
That's right.

You don't go into business dealings with involvement of a lot of money without having a lawyer. You are doing it in paper and as well as the black and white matter for these deals are real.

On the corporations type of deals, you have your hired lawyer or on call that you're always seeking counsel with it.
In a number of businesses that generate large amounts of money, personal lawyers are really needed, because fellow large-scale business people will of course be very careful with the applicable laws, which of course must be prepared if something happens that is not as desired so that it can be stated in the articles of the agreement. It is agreed that if this is not orderly it will usually be complicated in the future. Therefore, legal advisors are needed to anticipate future problems

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: wiss19 on June 13, 2024, 08:42:23 AM
this is truly essential if someone really trying to make business deals and we are talking about some not measly amount of money where if you just not diligent enough to know that there's term that can cut you off your rights you gonna get in the losing side later on.
there's always reason why the big company always have legal department because they know that every business need someone that knows well about law and will oversee the legality from many aspects, you know sometime some people just ignore the importance of lawyer to skim through their contract to save some pennies ended up in unfavourable side because they don't even understand what they are signing.

spending some additional money is worth it for anything that involves large amount of capital, only people that have thoroughly learned about law will know that some term is trying to give advantage to the contract maker.
to be fair you can always use AI these days but its not guarantee, just letting AI do all the work will never give you high accuracy of how fair the contract is, some AI only fed with outdated data, regulation always changes, the AI can be outdated.
its always good to have someone help you take care of the law and regulation related thing even more so if that person is knowledgeable about the law and keep being updated.
but yes you gonna spend some additional money so always take that into account.
Successful businesses are built on good policies, terms, and mutual trust. If you are doing business and you and your partner have the same amount of capital, chances are less that he will cheat on you. If anyone wants to run and carry his business successfully, he needs to act honestly and never cheat his partners as this will not only damage his own business but also others'. In my view, he will be suspicious forever. If all these things are left aside, it is better to take the legal route to avoid all this and never let this happen.

Many people don't go through the hoops of lawyers and courts before starting a business because they have to pay a good amount in taxes and lawyers' fees. It is very true that if we are saving a little of our money, we may be cheated and lose all our money. It is better to hire a good lawyer or prepare a stamp paper. It should be done with the signatures of both parties and legally verified so that no one could cheat.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: barisbilgili on June 13, 2024, 08:46:05 AM
In a number of businesses that generate large amounts of money, personal lawyers are really needed, because fellow large-scale business people will of course be very careful with the applicable laws, which of course must be prepared if something happens that is not as desired so that it can be stated in the articles of the agreement. It is agreed that if this is not orderly it will usually be complicated in the future. Therefore, legal advisors are needed to anticipate future problems
For large-scale businesses, of course this will be very important, but not for businesses that can be run on a small scale. Whether or not we need a lawyer in business matters all depends on the large or small scale of the business we run.
If it's a big business, of course it's very important to involve a lawyer because there are so many things related to law in a big business, so involving a lawyer will be able to minimize undesirable things.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 13, 2024, 02:18:52 PM
Hiring an attorney to make the business effective and efficient should be part of a strategic plan. Because the business scope must be considered before appointing an attorney otherwise the business objective will fail to be achieved. Therefore hiring an attorney for a business whose business scope is large and far-reaching will give much better results than other businesses and achieve business objectives as well as making profits faster.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: boyptc on June 13, 2024, 10:20:04 PM
That's right.

You don't go into business dealings with involvement of a lot of money without having a lawyer. You are doing it in paper and as well as the black and white matter for these deals are real.

On the corporations type of deals, you have your hired lawyer or on call that you're always seeking counsel with it.
In a number of businesses that generate large amounts of money, personal lawyers are really needed, because fellow large-scale business people will of course be very careful with the applicable laws, which of course must be prepared if something happens that is not as desired so that it can be stated in the articles of the agreement. It is agreed that if this is not orderly it will usually be complicated in the future. Therefore, legal advisors are needed to anticipate future problems
Yeah, in all aspects including labor codes and business practices and all of those things. They all have to get their own lawyer and not just a consultant.

Or maybe a consultant if ever they need that service to.

With that, they already have an inhouse lawyer for them for those needs and legal matters that they need to get into so that their business operations and deals won't get into trouble.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 14, 2024, 05:33:52 PM
Don't sign on anything without knowing what's written on the paper for that you need an attorney?

Nope, you can do that on your own and when you think there is something confusing or you didn't understand then seek the professional help but usually if you're running a business you may also have a consultant who are the one to seek in such situations.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: DeathAngel on June 15, 2024, 05:59:42 AM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 16, 2024, 05:41:07 AM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.
My cousin's father-in-law owned a pesticide dealership. But left the dealership ten years ago and some money remained with the company. Four years ago a letter came from the police station saying that if the money is not paid, it will go into police custody and the matter will get worse if the money is not paid on time. Within fifteen days the money was paid to the company. So now let's think about the company. All the money he had left in the market will surely come out like this. Again when the company was small no attorney was appointed so the money that was lying in the market did not come up and now the money is almost all coming up.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: God bless u on June 16, 2024, 08:52:36 AM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.

Another mistake people make is not defining and understanding the terms of the contract before signing. This is where lawyers come in handy. You're not expected to know every business law, so there are a few details you might miss, details that can be against you in the future. Also, laws differ from region to region, so a law that favours you in your region may be against you in the region where you're doing business.

Some people involved a lawyer when things have already started going south. This is also not wise. Having a lawyer from the beginning may protect you from trouble.
It's okay if you can't afford the most expensive lawyers or firms to represent you or your business, but just make sure whoever you're hiring is competent enough

Five reasons you should involve your attorney early in your business transactions.

1. To Solve Problems in Advance
2. To Make Due Diligence Easier
3. To Reduce Last-Minute Time Burdens on Your Team
4. Because “Business Terms” are Not Just Business Concerns
5. Because Hiring Them Earlier is Probably Not Going to Cost Any More Than Hiring Them Later
 Read more details here (
Yeah it's very crucial I mean if you want to make things clear for long term then you have to involve lawyers in it so that they can manage all the legal terms with  your partners. It's not very easy to understand all the term on your own as different business and sector have many complications.

Lawyers are made for this purpose and they'll seve you with the best services of course if you'll hire a good one then only.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: shinratensei_ on June 16, 2024, 11:07:05 AM
Hiring an attorney to make the business effective and efficient should be part of a strategic plan. Because the business scope must be considered before appointing an attorney otherwise the business objective will fail to be achieved. Therefore hiring an attorney for a business whose business scope is large and far-reaching will give much better results than other businesses and achieve business objectives as well as making profits faster.
it honestly should be prioritized, having attorney to oversee the legal side of the business is always what's essential helping to see possible catastrophic event of the business having legal problem in the future, pretty much a business without the helps of legal experts most of the time gonna be a hack and there are many implications that get overlooked.

even more so with the dealing of partnership and having contractual legal agreement its even more essential, to ensure that its fair.
but the question is how much should one pay for an attorney to oversee their legal activities though most of the time its gonna be high expense at the end of the day for small business.
inn my opinion if its just simple contract making just learning the basic will be enough.

Don't sign on anything without knowing what's written on the paper for that you need an attorney?

Nope, you can do that on your own and when you think there is something confusing or you didn't understand then seek the professional help but usually if you're running a business you may also have a consultant who are the one to seek in such situations.
honestly access to legal sector is more easier than ever there are so many people offering legal services online not even need to meet them in person, just consult via zoom or something it will suffice.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: wxxyrqa on June 16, 2024, 01:34:51 PM
do not forget that in practice there are often cases when the counterparty wants to terminate the contract, make changes to it, avoids fulfilling its obligations.
To minimize risks and protect yourself, it is better to entrust such work to a professional - a lawyer who deals with contracts.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: lizarder on June 16, 2024, 03:53:57 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.
I rarely find people using the services of a lawyer in small businesses and most of them actually make a work agreement on a stamp agreement. For a small scale business, a lawyer is not needed at all because you will only spend more money if you use their services. Lawyers are needed when you build a company and make cooperation with large contracts. We also have to measure the level of capital effectiveness when we want to use the services of a lawyer and if the business we run is small, I don't think it is needed.

Every exact contract agreement is in the manuscript and even though we use the services of a lawyer we should also read before signing. Successful people must have accuracy and cannot all be handed over to the lawyer because we also need to know the contents of the agreement. Lawyers will help us solve the problem but do not surrender everything to them if it is related to business.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: indah rezqi on June 16, 2024, 06:13:46 PM
A lot of people make the mistake of signing contracts or making business deals without involving a lawyer, which is not very prudent.

In whatever deal or contract you're getting into, make sure your lawyer is aware of it and make sure he/she has gone through the contract and gives you the go-ahead to sign before you sign, even if you feel you understand the contract very well.
It doesn't matter if it's a start-up, expansion, acquisition, selling of an asset or business, signing for a firm etc. Anything at all that involves you or your business and another party carrying out a business transaction.
I rarely find people using the services of a lawyer in small businesses and most of them actually make a work agreement on a stamp agreement. For a small scale business, a lawyer is not needed at all because you will only spend more money if you use their services. Lawyers are needed when you build a company and make cooperation with large contracts. We also have to measure the level of capital effectiveness when we want to use the services of a lawyer and if the business we run is small, I don't think it is needed.

Every exact contract agreement is in the manuscript and even though we use the services of a lawyer we should also read before signing. Successful people must have accuracy and cannot all be handed over to the lawyer because we also need to know the contents of the agreement. Lawyers will help us solve the problem but do not surrender everything to them if it is related to business.
Maybe this really depends on what type of business you are developing. Certain business scales and business ideas may require the help of such services, but not most small-scale businesses. In fact, I very rarely find my relatives or friends who use services like that to manage their business whose turnover reaches tens of thousands of dollars per month.

Whatever it is, prevention may be better than cure, but in business terms there are certainly reasons to hire them in the first place or not need them at all. I tend to like agreements signed on stamp duty for businesses that involve several team members. Of course this is about small businesses.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: mirakal on June 16, 2024, 11:58:44 PM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.
Exactly. Having an attorney is a must most especially when it involves with money and wealth. As it's hard to trust anyone these days concerning money, then it's best to hire an attorney first and foremost to avoid future problems that may arise with your dealings or business transactions. Also, dealing a business transaction with the presence of an attorney, not only everything will be put in legal, but it will also help you aware and your client become aware of your rights and duties as business partners and not to cross against with it.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: iv4n on June 17, 2024, 05:49:02 AM
I agree that a lawyer is very important whenever there is money involved, it is better to pay a lawyer and protect ourselves from some future costs that can be very serious. When we look at it that way, it is not expensive to pay a lawyer.

But what I learned in my life, unfortunately when it was too late, is that there are also many bad lawyers who do not know how to do their job. I bought a plot of land, the lawyer drew up a contract that was later notarized, and I paid all of it handsomely so that everything would be fine... but it was not fine, the lawyer did not do his job properly, the court process has been going on for 3 years (which costs extra) to prove who the plot should belong to. I'm probably going to lose, and all because of a stupid lawyer. So a lawyer is needed, but you should choose a good lawyer and not just any lawyer.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: lizarder on June 19, 2024, 01:08:40 PM
Maybe this really depends on what type of business you are developing. Certain business scales and business ideas may require the help of such services, but not most small-scale businesses. In fact, I very rarely find my relatives or friends who use services like that to manage their business whose turnover reaches tens of thousands of dollars per month.

Whatever it is, prevention may be better than cure, but in business terms there are certainly reasons to hire them in the first place or not need them at all. I tend to like agreements signed on stamp duty for businesses that involve several team members. Of course this is about small businesses.
In my area in particular, it is very rare to find business people who use such services, such as shops that sell building materials with an average capital of over one billion and they even work with suppliers of goods with a fairly large amount of capital. For certain types, such services are indeed needed, but it also depends on the area where we live. Because as far as I have seen, I have never found a business person who uses the services of a lawyer for his needs for the business that is run in the area where I live.

Agreements on stamps are common in my area and this also applies to banking with certain agreement clauses stated in the agreement. In terms of business, we use our own capital so we don't really need the services of a lawyer for any needs because every business actor must have insured their business with the aim of protecting their when a disaster, fire or other incident occurs

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: eightdots on June 20, 2024, 06:37:33 PM
Involving an attorney in a business transaction is as important as the business itself. sometimes naive people usually include some terms and conditions that are not good for you in a business intentionally to defraud you without your notice. some might even include some terms that you could be convicted for if eventually the transaction goes wrong that is why it's good to have a lawyer by your side to take actions that are necessary.

A simple step can save you from some trouble even though it might be some how expensive.
Why would someone in his right sense sign a document without reading at the terms and conditions, i know it may seem rare but it literally happens in the society. And at the end of the day they will accuse the other person for defrauding them when they were ignorant of reading what the document contains. The purpose of signing a contract or document for a business is because you and the other/organization needs to be speaking the same mind and have come to the same agreement. Which is a must that you read the document and if you do not agree with what it conveys then dont sign until an agreement has been made and written with ink on paper.

Another mistake that usually lead people into trouble is the fact that they refuse to take a copy of the agreement immediately, which is risky. Dont forge that is is paper and ink they could make changes to it if you do no have an original document for yourself. Evil does manipulate signatures and a lot of things these days using modern technology so we shouldn't fall victim of such mistake. I just feel that some people really need to here this i just said.

People sometimes act carelessly or do not take into account the possibility that people they trust may deceive them. The emergence of the legal profession is a result of such events. Everyone should know their rights and freedoms, but in some cases they may not know their rights. Not knowing their rights can cause them to be deceived. It may be necessary to read every document and every contract and ask for the problematic ones to be changed or choose not to sign them.

No matter what job you do, it is very important to know your rights. If you don't know your rights, a lawyer can always help. Since lawyer fees are very high in some countries, people try to solve their problems with their own means. Whether the business is large or small, it is necessary to pay attention to many legal issues.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Russlenat on June 20, 2024, 10:07:48 PM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.
Whatever attempt that you want to be legalized, then having an attorney is the key. That’s their purpose why they exist. If you want to ensure that your business transaction won’t end up with a scam, then there should be an attorney that will prevent that from happening. Otherwise, if you only rely on the contract without due legality, and without no reliable witness in front of a lawyer or an attorney, that contract would be meaningless and   valueless.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 22, 2024, 05:29:54 PM
Hiring an attorney to make the business effective and efficient should be part of a strategic plan. Because the business scope must be considered before appointing an attorney otherwise the business objective will fail to be achieved. Therefore hiring an attorney for a business whose business scope is large and far-reaching will give much better results than other businesses and achieve business objectives as well as making profits faster.
it honestly should be prioritized, having attorney to oversee the legal side of the business is always what's essential helping to see possible catastrophic event of the business having legal problem in the future, pretty much a business without the helps of legal experts most of the time gonna be a hack and there are many implications that get overlooked.

even more so with the dealing of partnership and having contractual legal agreement its even more essential, to ensure that its fair.
but the question is how much should one pay for an attorney to oversee their legal activities though most of the time its gonna be high expense at the end of the day for small business.
inn my opinion if its just simple contract making just learning the basic will be enough.

Don't sign on anything without knowing what's written on the paper for that you need an attorney?

Nope, you can do that on your own and when you think there is something confusing or you didn't understand then seek the professional help but usually if you're running a business you may also have a consultant who are the one to seek in such situations.
honestly access to legal sector is more easier than ever there are so many people offering legal services online not even need to meet them in person, just consult via zoom or something it will suffice.
Yes it is very reasonable and timely to hire an attorney considering the scope of the business. Because hiring an attorney can be a costly affair for a relatively small business, there are solutions as clearly demonstrated by your attitude that it is important to have a virtual attorney or legal counsel that will help the business provide full benefits.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: indah rezqi on June 22, 2024, 06:11:08 PM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.
Whatever attempt that you want to be legalized, then having an attorney is the key. That’s their purpose why they exist. If you want to ensure that your business transaction won’t end up with a scam, then there should be an attorney that will prevent that from happening. Otherwise, if you only rely on the contract without due legality, and without no reliable witness in front of a lawyer or an attorney, that contract would be meaningless and   valueless.
In general, we must be able to determine the right lawyer, taking into account his work reputation and also his honorarium. Usually lawyers who have expertise in the business sector are paid quite expensively, this is in accordance with the level of difficulty and benefits that we can get by using their services. Usually the presence of a lawyer in business matters is temporary, for example when someone needs a solution to a legal problem, after the problem is resolved the contract with the lawyer will also be completed. However, there are also long term ones, such as personal or corporate lawyers, which is paid to always be by our side.

I think the main purpose of involving lawyers in business matters is to avoid the risk of losses arising from regulations. The lawyer expertise can see legal loopholes that can benefit and protect the business. I think one of the highest paid professions today is business lawyers, that's according to their skills. Meanwhile, it would be very good if a businessman learns about the legal policies of a place, because this can provide an idea for determining the right lawyer.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: N.O on June 23, 2024, 07:26:37 PM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.
Whatever attempt that you want to be legalized, then having an attorney is the key. That’s their purpose why they exist. If you want to ensure that your business transaction won’t end up with a scam, then there should be an attorney that will prevent that from happening. Otherwise, if you only rely on the contract without due legality, and without no reliable witness in front of a lawyer or an attorney, that contract would be meaningless and   valueless.
In general, we must be able to determine the right lawyer, taking into account his work reputation and also his honorarium. Usually lawyers who have expertise in the business sector are paid quite expensively, this is in accordance with the level of difficulty and benefits that we can get by using their services. Usually the presence of a lawyer in business matters is temporary, for example when someone needs a solution to a legal problem, after the problem is resolved the contract with the lawyer will also be completed. However, there are also long term ones, such as personal or corporate lawyers, which is paid to always be by our side.

I think the main purpose of involving lawyers in business matters is to avoid the risk of losses arising from regulations. The lawyer expertise can see legal loopholes that can benefit and protect the business. I think one of the highest paid professions today is business lawyers, that's according to their skills. Meanwhile, it would be very good if a businessman learns about the legal policies of a place, because this can provide an idea for determining the right lawyer.
I think Advocate or attorney are dangerous in all aspects. Because their fee are very high and small business owner can't bear this and only big business owners like factory owners can afford Advocate in business dealing. I suggest  every small business to do research online and get the knowledge of laws because knowledge of Law is very important in life and small business owner will be in trouble if they will higher best advocate.

But they are safe if you are multi business owner and you have not enough time to study the law of country and should have excessive amount of money and you want your employee who will advice you when you are concerning with business.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Qiubell5 on June 24, 2024, 08:16:32 AM

I think Advocate or attorney are dangerous in all aspects. Because their fee are very high and small business owner can't bear this and only big business owners like factory owners can afford Advocate in business dealing. I suggest  every small business to do research online and get the knowledge of laws because knowledge of Law is very important in life and small business owner will be in trouble if they will higher best advocate.

But they are safe if you are multi business owner and you have not enough time to study the law of country and should have excessive amount of money and you want your employee who will advice you when you are concerning with business.

when we stumble upon legal problems, it is difficult for us to sort it all out, even though we are right there are many things that are difficult for us to explain,we need the support of advocates or lawyers to win the problems we face, or provide advice on defense through legal channels to the court process, even so we need to spend a lot Finances depend to a large extent on the severity of the legal case we are undergoing, but actually we can resolve our own case much better by seeking help from friends and family,that was what needed to be done for that moment.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Baki202 on June 24, 2024, 08:59:01 AM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.

A lot of people don't take things seriously and that is why they get themselves into problems they can not defend, as a business person you don't need a lawyer to protect cases alone but also for advice to know the right steps to take sometimes, their folks that might think they are doing the right thing until they get in touch with a lawyer then that way they will be able to know that they are breaking the law and even before any establishment.  because the business you want to establish needs to submit some documents to get approval, especially in industries where there are policies so an EIA report must be submitted. and when you also making deals lawyers can be available for proper briefing and documentation of the contract. in case there is any violation of the contract you can sue the person in court with a piece of clear evidence, to be able to nail the person before people preferred to do a verbal contract but now people are becoming smarter than that and are going for a signed paper contract that way they can be able to document it.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: Jody.Drummer on June 24, 2024, 12:20:51 PM
Yes involving an attorney in your business dealings is generally a good idea. Attorneys can provide valuable legal advice & guidance to help you navigate complex legal issues & ensure that your business is compliant with laws & regulations. They can review contracts, negotiate deals & protect your interests in legal disputes. By having an attorney on your side you can minimise potential risks, make informed decisions & safeguard your business from legal pitfalls. The need for an attorney may vary depending on the nature & size of your business dealings.
Whatever attempt that you want to be legalized, then having an attorney is the key. That’s their purpose why they exist. If you want to ensure that your business transaction won’t end up with a scam, then there should be an attorney that will prevent that from happening. Otherwise, if you only rely on the contract without due legality, and without no reliable witness in front of a lawyer or an attorney, that contract would be meaningless and   valueless.
The role of a lawyer in a business is important, especially since the business being run is a large business that involves many people and may even collaborate with other large companies, so the role of lawyers here is really needed to ensure legal certainty. The reason is that when it comes to business, this is something that I think is sensitive, because in a business there are no such things as friends, family and others. When you do business and something gets stuck, it doesn't matter if it's family or not, because business is business.

It may be true that everything is fine, the lawyer will probably just give legal advice and such, and that is sometimes underestimated. However, when there is a problem, a lawyer will definitely be at the front to solve it. So don't let us realize that when the problem comes, it would be better to prepare everything before something unexpected happens.

Title: Re: Involve an attorney in your business dealings.
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 24, 2024, 04:34:44 PM
Don't sign on anything without knowing what's written on the paper for that you need an attorney?

Nope, you can do that on your own and when you think there is something confusing or you didn't understand then seek the professional help but usually if you're running a business you may also have a consultant who are the one to seek in such situations.
honestly access to legal sector is more easier than ever there are so many people offering legal services online not even need to meet them in person, just consult via zoom or something it will suffice.

I meant to say we don't need an attorney, sorry for the typo.

Online consultation is convenient but I will not trust them that much because we can't even find their authenticity or they even an attorney or just a con artist?

But google reviews can help them to identify so they can be useful for one time hing but for long term prefer someone from your town who may know things well than someone from different part of state/country.