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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: pooya87 on June 08, 2024, 06:30:10 PM

Title: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: pooya87 on June 08, 2024, 06:30:10 PM

United Nations is starting to slowly but surely recognize Israel as what it truly is, a terrorist organization.

By placing the Zionist regime in the blacklist of organizations harming children (the list of child-murderers) that also includes other terrorist organizations including ISIS (Da'esh), Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram the United Nations took a very important first step.

In the past 200+ days the Israeli terrorists have murdered more than 36,000 Palestinians, including approximately 15,500 children and 10,300 women.
During this genocide, the Israeli terrorists have also wounded more than 80,000 people majority of which are children and women.

By the way these acts of terrorism and genocide are fully supported by the regimes of USA and other NATO countries...
And the weapons used to commit these crimes are paid for by the American and European taxpayers money...

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: DeathAngel on June 08, 2024, 06:38:16 PM
The persistent bombing killing women, children, innocent civilians needs to stop. A ceasefire must be reached or the powers that be have to stop them. They have gone far & beyond revenge for what Hamas did. Killing innocent civilians in the vain attempts to kill Hamas terrorists who may not even be in the specific area of interest is cold blooded murder. The Israeli leader should be locked up for war crimes.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Dunamisx on June 08, 2024, 06:42:51 PM
Honestly this is unpleasant to see, imagine how innocent children are paying for the cost of what they know nothing about, what a barbaric act, when will the mayhem of war between one country to another end, for how long are we going to keep to sharing disheartening information like this all because of our leaders incompetence's and selfishness, cant withhold tears from dropping off my eyes at this. 

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: pooya87 on June 08, 2024, 07:02:34 PM
Killing innocent civilians in the vain attempts to kill Hamas terrorists ~
People who are defending their homes against the foreign invaders are called "defenders" and "resistance", not terrorists!
Whether it the French resistance against Nazi invaders during WW2 or the Ukrainian resistance against the Russian invaders for the past 2 years or the Palestinian resistance against the Zionist invaders in the past 76 years.

The Palestinian resistance has also been acting according to UN Charter and the Geneva Convention, legitimately using armed force against invaders and occupiers of their homes.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: kentrolla on June 08, 2024, 08:00:28 PM
How does it really helps the innocent Palestinians who are bombed and uprooted from their own land ? UN needs to take strict action but we all know that USA controls UN and also the so called Arab leaders can just wait and see their fellow Arabs getting killed.

This has to end and criminals should be hanged like they did to Saddam Hussein. I don't think Palestinians will ever get justice as it's an unfair world but we have seen empires falling and Israel will surely fall.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Kavelj22 on June 08, 2024, 08:01:56 PM
What is happenning in Gaza Strip since October 7th have confirmed two important points for international public:

- The collapse of all claims calling for guaranteeing freedom and human rights that governments and regimes flaunt in front of their people and in front of the whole world after it has been proven that they are supporting Zionist occupier who kills civilians in cold blood. Today, no politicians dare to make statements claiming to support human rights or respect international agreements. What increased their embarrassing situation were the recent events of Iran targeting Israeli military sites inside Israel, and we saw how the international community jumped in to condemn the attack and study the possibility of responding to the Iranian attack in clear contradiction to all norms and values, as the same international community did not move a finger and not even a statement was issued condemning the attack launched by Israel on the Iranian embassy in Syria, even though this is a clear violation of Iranian sovereignty that caused the death of at least 13 people.

- The collapse of the lie of the so-called “Israeli Army” as many indicators have become clear that the so-called “Israeli Army” does not rise to the rank of a “regular army” in the military sense, but is almost only a large armed militia. For those who do not know, any Israeli citizen (except those belonging to extremist religious groups) is forced to spend two years in compulsory military service. This includes women as well as men and anyone who wants to obtain Israeli citizenship. Also, more than 80% of this so-called army are reserve soldiers who are called upon when needed. This means that Israel is forced to stop the entire economic cycle in order to be able to gather those who will join the battlefield. If it were not by the foreign aid (billions of dollars beyond all imaginations), the Israeli economy would have collapsed from the first week of confrontation. The final piece of evidence is a simple question: How can an army face all these difficulties against a small, poorly armed militia, Hamas? Is there a regular army with a gigantic military arsenal that resorts to killing civilians as a helpless response to a group of fighters whose numbers are incomparable to them?

I still consider the United Nations' position to be too late, given the damage it has caused to a defenseless people since the 1940s.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Zwei on June 08, 2024, 09:51:13 PM
too little, too late.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: pooya87 on June 09, 2024, 02:45:50 AM
too little, too late.
UN was never expected to do anything against US regime's interests. It has been like this from day one. Yes literally from day one. The first example is Iran which is literally the first country to have sent UN the first official complaint after WW2 because Allies were still occupying the country and weren't leaving (yes the Allies not the Axis, the occupiers were US+UK+USSR coalition). Iran being 2000 km away from the war wasn't even in the WW2, they just occupied the country to steal the resources for their own war in Europe which they falsely refer to as "world" war. UN did absolutely nothing. Things have never changed ever since the inception of UN.

But at the same time, moves like this are still good because it helps the population wake up and start seeking the truth. Maybe start looking into what Zionism is and how it has nothing to do with Judaism. If anything Zionism is closer to Fascisms. This is why Israel hiding behind Jews and calling any protest against their terrorism "anti-Semitic" no longer has the effect it used to.

We can already see the effects of moves like this (actions by UN, ICC, ICJ, ...) in the West as the protests are growing. This is exactly why in the past 24 hours they put up fences around White House and upped the security as Americans surrounded the heart of their government, protesting its support of Genocide.

This increasing pressure in the West by the public is helping reduce the support their governments give the Zionists which in turn gets us closer to the end of ethnically cleansing of Palestinians. Already many universities and corporations were forced to cut ties with the Zionists and the "people deriver sanctions" are increasing. Even if all this means 1 less bullet is being sent to the Zionists, that could mean 1 less child murdered.

So I wouldn't take this lightly. Although UN actions itself are indeed too little and too late but it will still lead to a chain of events as I explained that can have a positive outcome.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: AVE5 on June 09, 2024, 07:56:58 AM

United Nations is starting to slowly but surely recognize Israel as what it truly is, a terrorist organization.

By placing the Zionist regime in the blacklist of organizations harming children (the list of child-murderers) that also includes other terrorist organizations including ISIS (Da'esh), Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram the United Nations took a very important first step.

In the past 200+ days the Israeli terrorists have murdered more than 36,000 Palestinians, including approximately 15,500 children and 10,300 women.
During this genocide, the Israeli terrorists have also wounded more than 80,000 people majority of which are children and women.

By the way these acts of terrorism and genocide are fully supported by the regimes of USA and other NATO countries...
And the weapons used to commit these crimes are paid for by the American and European taxpayers money...

Pronouncing any of the above terrorism organizations isn't the solution to what would make the world a better and peaceful place, after tagging a group terrorist without an effort to dispense proper measures to secure the society not to be inflicted with their terrorism influences is just as clamouring for ceremonial parties.
There had been lot of mentioned terrorism organizations but the UN had done nothing but politicizing every of It.
Instead of placing Israel on terrorism organizations why not use the energymatic scope to diague on the unrest peace in the regions.
Even the UN doesn't feel trustworthy because every system of government is corrupted.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Marvelockg on June 09, 2024, 05:01:42 PM
So I wouldn't take this lightly. Although UN actions itself are indeed too little and too late but it will still lead to a chain of events as I explained that can have a positive outcome.
it bothered me right from those moments when the methord of going about the bombardment by the Israeli soldiers went from distruction of properties to killing of young and innocent children. They never wanted to make any serious statement at those times even when it was obvious that that the Israeli soldiers weren't following international law of war and were taking the case too far. They've not really been actively involved in most cases as this even in the past but only try to look too political and diplomatic with all thier actions.

So my concern is that after placing Israel as being of same nature like the boko Haram and isis, what next? Would they still allow the anhiliation and killing to continue? This is same with what's going on in those territories that's controlled by the boko Haram. It's been years since they've been seen globally as a terrorist group but yet, they still continue in the kipnap and killing of children and youths in those region. Making such statement isn't bad and would spark some sort of positive reaction and talks from different medias and will lead to some physical event playing out but if at the end of the day the killing continues, then it's best they never say a thing.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Minor Miner on June 10, 2024, 03:00:17 AM

Even the American people recognize the brutality of the Israeli military and the misguided support from the Biden administration, but sadly, many believe that Israel only fights terrorism and supports Israel's terrorist actions. They fight terrorism by bombing children and women?

By the way these acts of terrorism and genocide are fully supported by the regimes of USA and other NATO countries...
And the weapons used to commit these crimes are paid for by the American and European taxpayers money...

Most of the wars in the world are related to them and they are even the ones behind pulling the strings to create those wars. That is why I always support a multipolar world instead of a world dominated and manipulated by a single force.

too little, too late.

The war has lasted nine months, 36,000 Palestinians have died, and now the United Nations is recognizing Israel's brutality. It's really too late.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Zwei on June 10, 2024, 03:51:16 AM
The war has lasted nine months, 36,000 Palestinians have died, and now the United Nations is recognizing Israel's brutality. It's really too late.

not 9 months, but 76 years.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Essential10 on June 10, 2024, 08:11:24 AM

United Nations is starting to slowly but surely recognize Israel as what it truly is, a terrorist organization.

By placing the Zionist regime in the blacklist of organizations harming children (the list of child-murderers) that also includes other terrorist organizations including ISIS (Da'esh), Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram the United Nations took a very important first step.

In the past 200+ days the Israeli terrorists have murdered more than 36,000 Palestinians, including approximately 15,500 children and 10,300 women.
During this genocide, the Israeli terrorists have also wounded more than 80,000 people majority of which are children and women.

By the way these acts of terrorism and genocide are fully supported by the regimes of USA and other NATO countries...
And the weapons used to commit these crimes are paid for by the American and European taxpayers money...
I'm taking it lightly whether or not the UN calls Israel a terrorist organization because I've noticed one thing before, do the big countries listen to the UN? They don't. The United Nations as a nominal body cannot do anything. When a war breaks out between countries, the UN says they are working on a ceasefire, I mean no matter how hard they try, why are there is no progress.

Israel has become such a big terrorist organization that they have people with them who will continue to carry out terrorist activities, no matter what anyone says, it will not work.

The Israeli regime will not stop they will do it, they will kill more children they will kill more innocent people until they achieve their goal.

The United States wants to control the economic minerals of the Middle East because if they can control it, they will rule the world alone. American allies are using Israel as a trump card. Now we have nothing to do but count more bodies.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Kavelj22 on June 11, 2024, 06:36:42 PM
Even the American people recognize the brutality of the Israeli military and the misguided support from the Biden administration, but sadly, many believe that Israel only fights terrorism and supports Israel's terrorist actions. They fight terrorism by bombing children and women?

Biden administration is not the only administration that has supported Israel. It can be said that all successive administrations in the White House since 1948 (the date on which the establishment of the State of Israel was announced) have supported Israel in all the wars it has fought. The argument has always been the same, which is to support Israel as an ally in the face of its enemies who want to attack it (the Arabs), in complete disregard for all the violations carried out by Israel against the Palestinian people and even in all of its settlement plans (the occupation of Sinai, the Syrian Golan, and southern Lebanon). American taxpayers were unaware of what was really happening and believed what their governments told them.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Die_empty on June 11, 2024, 07:30:45 PM
Even the American people recognize the brutality of the Israeli military and the misguided support from the Biden administration, but sadly, many believe that Israel only fights terrorism and supports Israel's terrorist actions. They fight terrorism by bombing children and women?
The population of people who believe that Israel is fighting terrorists have declined since this invasion started. In the US I think many people now view Israel as the real terrorist. People who still support Israel are mainly a few politicians and those who are blinded by religious sentiments.

Even Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows that the reputation of Israel is been destroyed but his hands are currently tied by greed and power. There have been constant protests in Israel opposing his poor handling of the war. He has also lost the support of two important retired army generals Gadi Eisenkot and Benny Gantz who were part of his war cabinet. But his continued bombing of Gaza is because he doesn't want to lose his position as prime minister. These two ultranationalist leaders Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich have vowed to bring down Netanyahu's government if he accepts a cease-fire. If these two wicked extremists withdraw their support from the government, Netanyahu will not have the 64 votes required to secure the majority in the Parliament. So what we are seeing now is just an attempt by a man to retain his position with the blood of innocent people.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: aoluain on June 11, 2024, 09:31:08 PM
I dont like the use of "war" its more an assault or invasion.

Look I still cannot understand why its taking so long to get a ceasfire? while politicians and
diplomats talk Palestinians die at the hands of the IDF.

Its slow but eventually things will come to a head for Israel. Last week or so Spain, Ireland
and Norway officially recognised the state of Palestine based on the 1967 borders.

146 of the 193 member states of the UN recognise the Palestinian state. Israel is actually
alienating itself, the next step is trade sanctions but again its all taking too much time.


Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: pooya87 on June 12, 2024, 03:32:56 AM
So my concern is that after placing Israel as being of same nature like the boko Haram and isis, what next? Would they still allow the anhiliation and killing to continue?
UN is a useless American organization so it won't be able to actually stop the genocide. Even if it goes to the security council, it will be vetoed by US very easily.

Things have been the same with ISIS. It was not stopped because UN placed it in whatever list. It stopped when the Fatwa came in Iraq to rise up and defend against the US backed multi-national terrorists that were advancing and also because Iran and the rest of the "Resistance Front" got involved and beat them back.

Israel as another US-backed multi-national terrorist organization will be dismantled in the same fashion.

Look I still cannot understand why its taking so long to get a ceasfire?
They are trying to keep project Israel alive and secure some sort of future for it. Otherwise the project ended on October 7, 2023 and they are in denial.
Israel has always been their proxy in West Asia and all the terrorist attacks (Beirut explosion, bombs in Iranian infrastructure, assassination of scientists, etc.) have been done by this organization for the West, specifically with the US orders.
If the organization is dismantled, they'll lose that proxy and won't be able to perform said attacks, won't be able to destabilize West Asia the way they could before, ... most importantly a lot of dictatorships could start falling (eg. the Saudi family that is ensuring Petrodollar scam)...

P.S. The thing that I don't understand is why is NATO going down with the ship?
Israel is a sinking ship, there is no way for it to go back to pre-October 7, which means it can no longer be that proxy or the wild dog they had in West Asia. And yet NATO and specifically the US regime is insisting on supporting it and with that they've turned America to a pariah state as well. On top of it they are paying a heavy price on the ground as well.

Speaking of sinking ships and heavy prices, how much longer can they censor their casualties on the ground (eg. the Delta Force unit that got wiped out on day one) and damages/casualties in the sea (USS Laboon, USS Carney, USS Eisenhower, HMS Diamond, Hessen, etc.)?
For example the damage USS Eisenhower sustained last week was the latest but not the first or the last. Who would have thought to attack a USN aircraft carrier before they started supporting Israel? When will that support stop? When US Navy is at the bottom of the sea?
I've been saying this for months that these attacks on US Military are not going to continue taking place using lighter munitions. They'll continue getting more and more serious. That's when you wake up some day and hear something like US Carrier groups are no longer afloat.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: kaya11 on June 12, 2024, 11:41:50 AM
So my concern is that after placing Israel as being of same nature like the boko Haram and isis, what next? Would they still allow the anhiliation and killing to continue?
UN is a useless American organization so it won't be able to actually stop the genocide. Even if it goes to the security council, it will be vetoed by US very easily.

Things have been the same with ISIS. It was not stopped because UN placed it in whatever list. It stopped when the Fatwa came in Iraq to rise up and defend against the US backed multi-national terrorists that were advancing and also because Iran and the rest of the "Resistance Front" got involved and beat them back.

Israel as another US-backed multi-national terrorist organization will be dismantled in the same fashion.

Look I still cannot understand why its taking so long to get a ceasfire?
They are trying to keep project Israel alive and secure some sort of future for it. Otherwise the project ended on October 7, 2023 and they are in denial.
Israel has always been their proxy in West Asia and all the terrorist attacks (Beirut explosion, bombs in Iranian infrastructure, assassination of scientists, etc.) have been done by this organization for the West, specifically with the US orders.
If the organization is dismantled, they'll lose that proxy and won't be able to perform said attacks, won't be able to destabilize West Asia the way they could before, ... most importantly a lot of dictatorships could start falling (eg. the Saudi family that is ensuring Petrodollar scam)...

P.S. The thing that I don't understand is why is NATO going down with the ship?
Israel is a sinking ship, there is no way for it to go back to pre-October 7, which means it can no longer be that proxy or the wild dog they had in West Asia. And yet NATO and specifically the US regime is insisting on supporting it and with that they've turned America to a pariah state as well. On top of it they are paying a heavy price on the ground as well.

Speaking of sinking ships and heavy prices, how much longer can they censor their casualties on the ground (eg. the Delta Force unit that got wiped out on day one) and damages/casualties in the sea (USS Laboon, USS Carney, USS Eisenhower, HMS Diamond, Hessen, etc.)?
For example the damage USS Eisenhower sustained last week was the latest but not the first or the last. Who would have thought to attack a USN aircraft carrier before they started supporting Israel? When will that support stop? When US Navy is at the bottom of the sea?
I've been saying this for months that these attacks on US Military are not going to continue taking place using lighter munitions. They'll continue getting more and more serious. That's when you wake up some day and hear something like US Carrier groups are no longer afloat.

It's all about the resources, sacrificing innocent lives for the sake of their own good, human behavior and greed. There are so many factors that UN and it's allies are doing nothing to improve peace agreements between the two factions. It all comes down to money and nothing else, for example oil, and trade passage etc. This has been ongoing not just with the Palestinian people but with different ethnics too.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: aoluain on June 12, 2024, 08:56:58 PM
So my concern is that after placing Israel as being of same nature like the boko Haram and isis, what next? Would they still allow the anhiliation and killing to continue?
UN is a useless American organization so it won't be able to actually stop the genocide. Even if it goes to the security council, it will be vetoed by US very easily.

Things have been the same with ISIS. It was not stopped because UN placed it in whatever list. It stopped when the Fatwa came in Iraq to rise up and defend against the US backed multi-national terrorists that were advancing and also because Iran and the rest of the "Resistance Front" got involved and beat them back.

Israel as another US-backed multi-national terrorist organization will be dismantled in the same fashion.

Look I still cannot understand why its taking so long to get a ceasfire?
They are trying to keep project Israel alive and secure some sort of future for it. Otherwise the project ended on October 7, 2023 and they are in denial.
Israel has always been their proxy in West Asia and all the terrorist attacks (Beirut explosion, bombs in Iranian infrastructure, assassination of scientists, etc.) have been done by this organization for the West, specifically with the US orders.
If the organization is dismantled, they'll lose that proxy and won't be able to perform said attacks, won't be able to destabilize West Asia the way they could before, ... most importantly a lot of dictatorships could start falling (eg. the Saudi family that is ensuring Petrodollar scam)...

P.S. The thing that I don't understand is why is NATO going down with the ship?
Israel is a sinking ship, there is no way for it to go back to pre-October 7, which means it can no longer be that proxy or the wild dog they had in West Asia. And yet NATO and specifically the US regime is insisting on supporting it and with that they've turned America to a pariah state as well. On top of it they are paying a heavy price on the ground as well.

Speaking of sinking ships and heavy prices, how much longer can they censor their casualties on the ground (eg. the Delta Force unit that got wiped out on day one) and damages/casualties in the sea (USS Laboon, USS Carney, USS Eisenhower, HMS Diamond, Hessen, etc.)?
For example the damage USS Eisenhower sustained last week was the latest but not the first or the last. Who would have thought to attack a USN aircraft carrier before they started supporting Israel? When will that support stop? When US Navy is at the bottom of the sea?
I've been saying this for months that these attacks on US Military are not going to continue taking place using lighter munitions. They'll continue getting more and more serious. That's when you wake up some day and hear something like US Carrier groups are no longer afloat.

It's all about the resources, sacrificing innocent lives for the sake of their own good, human behavior and greed. There are so many factors that UN and it's allies are doing nothing to improve peace agreements between the two factions. It all comes down to money and nothing else, for example oil, and trade passage etc. This has been ongoing not just with the Palestinian people but with different ethnics too.

Money and territory!

Israel are definitely going to expand its "borders" into Gaza, at least thats their plan.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Hispo on June 13, 2024, 01:52:18 AM
Not trying to suppress your message or anything but perhaps it would have been kind of you to at least include a warning link, instead of embedding the picture of three deceased/badly injured children in full display on this original post.
I could get you are trying to use some shock value in order for the people to listen/read and consider your message on the situation between Hamas and Israel, but that does not completely excuse the uncalled for display of this children... may God helps them.

Maybe,.for future post which include sensitive materialmlike this one, It would be nice if you included a warning on the title of the thread/topic. It sounds like a little thing and it may have no sense to you, but there is people on the internet and probably in this forum.who is not mentally prepared to witness that and that picture could make them fall into depression or anxiety.

Just my two satoshis, anyways.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: pinggoki on June 13, 2024, 06:59:28 AM
Finale, they become what they fear which is the Hamas, basically this evens the playing field because this means that US will now have to supply Palestine and the Hamas with weapons too because that's the only way that they can keep being friends with Israel right? Although the recognition does matter, what's the point of UN anyway, I feel like their peacekeeping efforts only result with them standing on the UN embassy and watching the horrors develop right in front of their very eyes. Hopefully, people will care enough to stop Israel with it's genocide against the Palestinians, furthering the conflict will only build even more resentment towards the Israelis and we all know that revenge will be an eventuality in this kind of world so the cycle of violence will never stop.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: tsaroz on June 13, 2024, 08:38:33 AM
UN means nothing. The rich and powerful has been doing what they want and the international laws, war crimes are only applicable for the losing sides. I don't think Israel would be disowned by the superpower like US, Russia, France and Germany. Israel is also neutral to China. Even though they might reduce the weapons supplied to it, Israel would always be powerful enough to defend itself and attack gaza and west bank.
The right thing for the Middle east was to all come in favor of Gaza from the first day of invasion and blockade Israel but a divided Middle east meant many of them want favors from Israel in long run.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Hispo on June 14, 2024, 01:19:54 AM


It is not exactly about many countries in the middle east wanting to get favors from Israel, but rather they wanting to keep good political and commercial relations with the United States. The white house can be either occupied by a Republican or a Democrat, it does not matter. In the end, the most important ally of the United States will be Israel, thus those countries which want to keep some pragmatic way open for them to deal with the USA and the European Union find themselves in a position on which they have to be friendly towards Israel or at least not to show any kind of direct aggression against it.
Also, the United Nations may have some power, but it is limited... The real power stands within the presidency of the countries with the capabilities to deploy a high number of units abroad, and those which keep military bases around the planet. Anyways, time will tell how this nasty situation continues to develop.

A perpetual cease fire is very unlikely to happen, in my opinion, what Hamas did and what the IDF did to the innocent of Gaza won't be forgotten by neither of the sides.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Mate2237 on June 14, 2024, 04:47:53 PM
This is very bad and these are some of the factors or effects of war. According to a poet, "It is easy to start a war but hard to end it" "Old people to Start a War then Young people to end the war". War is not friendly for anyone but people still benefits from the dangerous war by supplying weapons to them that are in the war front and encouraging them instead of telling to stop.

This war has been existing before I was born and it is still continues. And the only way to stop this way is for Muslim to stop killing Christians. According to a poet again, "War only end when another war begins". War is endless but can maintain.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Kavelj22 on June 15, 2024, 07:49:55 PM


It is not exactly about many countries in the middle east wanting to get favors from Israel, but rather they wanting to keep good political and commercial relations with the United States. The white house can be either occupied by a Republican or a Democrat, it does not matter. In the end, the most important ally of the United States will be Israel, thus those countries which want to keep some pragmatic way open for them to deal with the USA and the European Union find themselves in a position on which they have to be friendly towards Israel or at least not to show any kind of direct aggression against it.

The refusal of the Arab countries to unite to confront Israel, or even to simply issue positions condemning Israel, is not only related to their being allies of America, given that the United States provides all of them with economic, military, and logistical support. I think this is also due to the fear of Western American intervention and the overthrow of its regimes. Over the past two decades, America has antagonized all regimes that declare their hostility to Israel. Since the ruling systems in the Arab countries are authoritarian systems that do not recognize the principle of pluralism or rotation of power, it is not in their interest to raise any problems with any party that could threaten their internal influence. We saw what happened with Saddam Hussein in Iraq, whose regime was overthrown and executed, in addition to a genocide in which a million Iraqi civilians were killed. Likewise, Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, whose regime was also overthrown and killed in a barbaric way. These two examples are enough to strike fear into the hearts of all Arab regimes and thus prevent them from intervening in any confrontation.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Hispo on June 23, 2024, 01:59:24 AM

Sounds like a reasonable enough analysis, I suppose.
It is true that most of them do not have a democratic political system, which seems not to be a problem for the United States. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are a good example of non-democratic governments which seem to remain in good terms with the USA and the west. They are more interested in allowing their economies to grow rather than doing what Iran does and pursue/aim for the destruction of the State of Israel in the long term. As it stands today, Iran is the most relevant Islamic country which openly calls for the unrecognition of the Statehood of Israel, the consequences are obvious, specially the restrictions on commerce and money wiring.

It would take something very serious and existential to happen for all Islamic republics and Emirates/regimes to come together.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Kavelj22 on June 25, 2024, 09:56:10 PM

Sounds like a reasonable enough analysis, I suppose.
It is true that most of them do not have a democratic political system, which seems not to be a problem for the United States. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are a good example of non-democratic governments which seem to remain in good terms with the USA and the west. They are more interested in allowing their economies to grow rather than doing what Iran does and pursue/aim for the destruction of the State of Israel in the long term. As it stands today, Iran is the most relevant Islamic country which openly calls for the unrecognition of the Statehood of Israel, the consequences are obvious, specially the restrictions on commerce and money wiring.

It would take something very serious and existential to happen for all Islamic republics and Emirates/regimes to come together.

I believe that it has become almost impossible for the Arab countries to unite in the face of any common enemy, especially Israel, which was formed as a strong entity (economically and politically) in the region with the support of its allies among the world’s major economies. The intersection of international interests has now made it almost impossible for Arabs to take any step that does not serve Western interests. An example of this is the failure of the Arab countries to create a regional bloc (such as the European Union) that allows economic unity between them and facilitates the movement of goods and people. This is due to the endless internal tensions within each country and the killing of everyone who called for this (Gaddafi and Saddam, and before them Abd Al-Nasser who quickly abandoned the idea.

It is unfortunate that at the beginning of the nineties, Saddam moved his forces towards Kuwait to occupy it (instead of directing them to Israel). The Arab countries agreed to an alliance to confront the Iraqi aggression against Kuwait at the same time that they did not unite to move their forces against Israel when it occupied the Egyptian Sinai and the Syrian Golan and Lebanese Shebaa Farms.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: pooya87 on June 27, 2024, 03:54:34 AM
I believe that it has become almost impossible for the Arab countries to unite in the face of any common enemy
This is not an accurate statement.

When you say Arab countries, there is the Arab regimes and the Arab people.
The problem is that most of these regimes are dictatorships installed and/or backed by USA. These authoritarian regimes depend on US so they will obey any orders that comes from Washington and Washington supports the Zionists because US is controlled by them.

But then there is people who don't follow their dictators. For example we have been seeing this in Jordan. The dictator Abdullah (or as Arabs call him کلب إسرائیل) supports the Zionists but not Jordanian people. We see the mass protests in these countries. We have even seen military personnel from Egypt and I think Jordan too enter occupied Palestine and eliminate dozens of Zionist terrorists before being martyred themselves.

What you are also forgetting is what some refer to as the United States of Resistance. Majority of the Resistance are Arabs and they are well united with an unbreakable bond.
Take their latest operations in the past week, Yemen from 1500+ km away, Iraq from 500-600 km away and Lebanon from 50 km away are cooperating in hitting Targets in occupied Haifa and Mediterranean sea. I believe Yemen is launching hypersonic missiles while Iraq overwhelms radars using drones and Lebanon provides reconnaissance in a beautifully synchronized operation. And they are all Arabs, and what I said is just a small part of it.

It is unfortunate that at the beginning of the nineties, Saddam moved his forces towards Kuwait to occupy it (instead of directing them to Israel). The Arab countries agreed to an alliance to confront the Iraqi aggression against Kuwait at the same time that they did not unite to move their forces against Israel when it occupied the Egyptian Sinai and the Syrian Golan and Lebanese Shebaa Farms.
Exactly what I said above. The dictators obey US regime's orders. Before Saddam moved on Kuwait, he moved on Iran. US orders were to support that invasion but then US orders were against the other invasion (Kuwait) this is why the dictators acted completely differently, they supported and supplied the first but opposed the second.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Bright0515 on June 27, 2024, 05:15:17 AM
First of all the numbers of killings highlighted in the post here is too much a whooping 36,000 numbers which 15,500 are children it's to much to talk about for a God owned country like isreal.
But for me concerning the inclusion in the same list as the Boko Haram and the isis by the UN is not a nice one because these people are killed not because of terrorism but it is happening because of the war between the Israeli and the Palestine's. Basically Israeli where not known for destruction. So to end this all why won't the United Nations look for a way to resolve this issues between these two countries and help stop the killing rather than taking a (wrong step).it is war and the UN are formed for peace so why not look into the matter to restore peace between them.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Kavelj22 on June 27, 2024, 09:39:33 PM
I believe that it has become almost impossible for the Arab countries to unite in the face of any common enemy
This is not an accurate statement.

When you say Arab countries, there is the Arab regimes and the Arab people.
The problem is that most of these regimes are dictatorships installed and/or backed by USA. These authoritarian regimes depend on US so they will obey any orders that comes from Washington and Washington supports the Zionists because US is controlled by them.

But then there is people who don't follow their dictators. For example we have been seeing this in Jordan. The dictator Abdullah (or as Arabs call him کلب إسرائیل) supports the Zionists but not Jordanian people. We see the mass protests in these countries. We have even seen military personnel from Egypt and I think Jordan too enter occupied Palestine and eliminate dozens of Zionist terrorists before being martyred themselves.

What you are also forgetting is what some refer to as the United States of Resistance. Majority of the Resistance are Arabs and they are well united with an unbreakable bond.
Take their latest operations in the past week, Yemen from 1500+ km away, Iraq from 500-600 km away and Lebanon from 50 km away are cooperating in hitting Targets in occupied Haifa and Mediterranean sea. I believe Yemen is launching hypersonic missiles while Iraq overwhelms radars using drones and Lebanon provides reconnaissance in a beautifully synchronized operation. And they are all Arabs, and what I said is just a small part of it.

There are no people who move outside the will of their rulers, even in countries that claim democracy and freedom. Even if Israel failed to achieve normal relations with the peoples of the countries of the region, she is more interested in achieving strategic cooperation with governments, as happened with the countries that announced normalization (Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, and Bahrain).
I agree with you that people are completely in conflict with their rulers, but this does not mean that they will go against their will, especially since they do not have the tools for that (weapons and equipment).

As for the examples you mentioned, they are armed groups supported by Iran which is openly hostile to Israel. The Houthi group in Yemen or the Lebanese Hezbollah are nothing but groups hostile to the ruling systems in their countries and subservient to the dictates of Iran.
Even if the peoples agree on hostility to Israel (supporting Palestine), they cannot ally to confront it militarily unless they all succeed in changing their loyalties (meaning changing their rulers), which they have not succeeded in throughout their history.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: uche6215 on June 27, 2024, 09:55:37 PM
The persistent bombing killing women, children, innocent civilians needs to stop. A ceasefire must be reached or the powers that be have to stop them. They have gone far & beyond revenge for what Hamas did. Killing innocent civilians in the vain attempts to kill Hamas terrorists who may not even be in the specific area of interest is cold blooded murder. The Israeli leader should be locked up for war crimes.
Killing women and children in war is not good. Though there are time it is because of the anger army people does that but those armies who have human sympathy do not kill minors in war.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: pooya87 on June 28, 2024, 03:45:23 AM
I agree with you that people are completely in conflict with their rulers, but this does not mean that they will go against their will, especially since they do not have the tools for that (weapons and equipment).
That's what the dictatorships think until they are toppled. An interesting example is Iran. Back in the 70's when the Arabs sanctioned the West and were fighting the Zionists, the dictator of Iran was supplying the Zionists with oil with a massive discount (IIRC 80% discount).
In less than a decade he was overthrown by people.

As for the examples you mentioned, they are armed groups supported by Iran which is openly hostile to Israel. The Houthi group in Yemen or the Lebanese Hezbollah are nothing but groups hostile to the ruling systems in their countries and subservient to the dictates of Iran.
That's what the US propaganda wants you to believe.
For example Hezbollah is not a group. It is a political party that is part and parcel of the Lebanese government and it has seats in the parliament (about a quarter of the seats as the Shi'a party) and it also has a branch of the military defending the country against foreign invaders. Like how they fought the Zionist occupiers who had reached Beirut and kicked them out.

Same with Ansarollah, another political party that is in Yemen that has fought foreign invaders. Notably the Saudi led invasion of and genocide in Yemen over the past 9 years.

Iran doesn't dictate anything to any of them. There is an alliance among them because they've been fighting a common enemy. For example all those who you call "groups" have fought against a common enemy called Da'esh or ISIL in the past two decades. So obviously Iran as the most militarily capable country in the region helps them by transferring technologies to fight radicalism, terrorism, separatism and foreign invaders.
Once it is against the Islamic State (ISIL) another time it is against Zionist State (Israel) another time it is against smaller groups like Al-Qaeda, and so on.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Meineliebe on June 28, 2024, 11:18:35 AM
Why did they do this? This organization is stupid, they always go against logic and meaning.

Title: Re: UN placed Israel in the same list as ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram
Post by: Scarlett_23 on June 30, 2024, 04:39:57 AM
These are completely inhuman acts.  What we are doing as a civilized society, civilized nation, civilized people is not visible to the eyes.  One has to have the heart to understand that the picture of children published here is really painful.  Humanity does not exist only when the big bully of humanity is covered.  Before doing these, you should think at least once that if this happens to your children, your brothers and sisters, your relatives, how would you feel?Any race or country should think twice before committing such inhuman torture on children.