Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling => Topic started by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 11, 2024, 03:04:50 PM

Title: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 11, 2024, 03:04:50 PM
Well, let me start by saying that this is nothing serious really, apperently, I was just scrolling down my reddit feeds and came across this post of a guy in a reddit gambling who said he was owning $6k as a result of sports betting, and obviously; he's not able to pay the money, and in other for him not to be disturbed by the lender, he changed his phone number, and he was asking for advice on what more to do to keep evading paying back that debt..

And another reddit user in the form of a comment chipped in an advice which after reading, I was really helpless with laughter 🤣🤣🤣, this is the funniest thing I comment I read on the internet today.

I just thought I should share, and maybe you guys have something to chip in too, find details in the shot posted below...

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Oshosondy on June 11, 2024, 03:19:56 PM
The advice is like an irony. Meaning that he should stop borrowing money to gamble to avoid bad consequences from it which is losses and people chasing after him to collect the money they lend him.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Kavelj22 on June 11, 2024, 03:28:08 PM
The story started out unfortunate but turned funny after reading that comic comment. His crisis will increase after reading the comment, especially since everyone will laugh at him.

Only those who suffer from gambling addiction may be led by their behavior to venture into debt in order to continue playing. Borrowing for the sake of gambling means that they have lost all their own money and all that remains for them is to gamble with other people’s money. Some who cannot find a loan, may consider stealing or defrauding to make money.

There is a basic rule in the fields of "trading" and "gambling" that says that you should never risk using money that you can't afford to lose because there is no guarantee that it will achieve returns. I do not consider either of them a real environment of investment because the degree of risk is high and the user may be involved in consequences that he is not able to bear.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: dansus021 on June 11, 2024, 03:36:10 PM
Hahhaha that isnt advice at all and he already said it all I mean this is just for fun purposes He said "you need to borrow 3K from someone else and need to win if you lose and you will it will build charachter and strengthen hidden skills"

Hahhaha I mean the this guy or people who give him advice are already tired too since this question didn't make any sense. But seriously tho I already said many time that don't play with people money or borrow someone money to do gamble it is totally high risk

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: coin-investor on June 11, 2024, 03:36:42 PM
There are actually people who do this they lend from one guy to another in the hope that they will win and pay all his lenders but these people do not go underground they just change their appearance.

I even stumble a guy who pretended he was crazy just to avoid paying his lenders and he was confined in a mental institution he later became crazy so he will not have to pay his lenders but he will need to act crazy all the time to avoid going out and avoid paying.  :D

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: acroman08 on June 11, 2024, 03:47:03 PM
the guy giving the advice is being sarcastic and trolling the OP of that post, I mean, he deserves it since the OP of that post is clearly being an asshole to the person he borrowed money from. only a moron would actually take the guy giving the advice seriously, but I am curious whether the OP of that post would actually take the guy's advice seriously😂

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Wiwo on June 11, 2024, 03:47:34 PM
Really funny,  whoever borrows a gambler money is doing so at their own risk, I think the lender have learn in the hard way by now not to lend gambler money for any reason.

As for his hiding, well Good with that, not as if the borrower is useful to the lender right now since he has no money to pay back the $6000 loan amount.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Nwada001 on June 11, 2024, 04:25:17 PM
The guy who gave him that advice deserves an award; he was indirectly advising and telling him what will become of him in the future if he doesn't change his ways, and changing his SIM card won't even be a solution because he will still end up getting caught someday, which he won't have an excuse to give. 
The guy should just look for a way to pay back that debt and get his life back, rather than trying to run away from what he caused himself.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Hispo on June 11, 2024, 04:33:57 PM
Well, it does not make me laugh, because I can feel empathy for the person oweing the money. Though, that reply to his situation and request for help is an obvious satirical or ironic way to tell him that borrowing money for gambling is a bad idea in the first place.
Notice how the person assured that even if he asked another 3000 dollars to try to gamble and win enough to pay both debts, he would inevitably lose the new loan again.

I have a good sense of irony and humor, but when it comes to the hardships of others and their managing with money, it is pretty difficult for me to laugh at them. Even in cases in which the one suffering is a bad person, still struggle to find amusement in their situation.
Keeping all that beside, thanks for sharing this information and image, hopefully it will keep some people around here from falling into the same mistakes that reddit user fell into.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Su-asa on June 11, 2024, 04:39:34 PM
The advice is like an irony. Meaning that he should stop borrowing money to gamble to avoid bad consequences from it which is losses and people chasing after him to collect the money they lend him.
Exactly what I was about to say.
It's important to know that it's not good to borrow money and gamble with it hoping that you might win and settle the dept bills. There's a lot of people that stays underground because they are surrounded by dept's, dept is a kind of things that one should not partake on when it's something that includes to gamble with it. Many gamblers who are on dept are running for there life's because of the kind of person they borrowed money from, some people who lend money to others are not people that can joke with their money and it has cost so many people's life because those people borrowed money and couldn't pay back.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Cantsay on June 11, 2024, 04:48:40 PM
The reason what made me laugh after reading the context in the image is the fact that it’s something that I’d also tell a friend if they should come to me for advice and they’ll instantly understand what my true intentions are which is for them not to continue borrowing money to gamble.

And again, the guy asked the wrong question - he asked how to evade the person he’s indebted to he never asked how or what means he could earn money to pay back, meaning the response he got was the best that fits his case.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: seoincorporation on June 11, 2024, 04:58:27 PM
lol, that was a funny one... taking loans to gamble and if it loses you take more loans, i mean, it could work, but the question here is Who is making money with this? The ones who win are the ones who give you the loan.

The problem comes when the user hits a bad streak and loses multiple times back to back, he will get to the point where no one would want to give him a loan, and getting out of that hole will be hard. That's why i think this is not a good strategy to follow at all.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: nakamura12 on June 11, 2024, 05:33:30 PM
The advice also explains why he/she shouldn't lend money again from another lender to use it for a chance to double it or triple the amount that this person borrowed. Honestly, this almost happen to me (which I change my mind and decided to cancel it right away) although except the part where the borrowed money is use for gambling for a chance to win more and use the winnings for both. Mine was borrow $25 to pay the borrowed amount and when I receive my payment from the campaign after the week is finish then that's when I will pay the other lender the money I owed. As I have said, the advice explains the consequence if you did what this person commented.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: iv4n on June 11, 2024, 05:35:17 PM
This is a sarcastic response to a really stupid post where the OP is asking for advice on how to continue evading his gambling debts. At the same time, a very true post about how some people fall into a magic circle from which it's very difficult to get out. It explains what will happen to him if he continues borrowing money for his gambling activities. I didn't laugh, because this comment is just a sad story about a guy who couldn't stop because of his gambling habits and ends up in the whole. Maybe OP will understand the point...

Anyway, I hate when people borrow money and disappear... People shouldn't borrow money if they don't have a plan and the ability to return it, it just means inviting trouble.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Dunamisx on June 11, 2024, 06:00:08 PM
He his the one that seek for advise from the public and in such an open unregulated platform like that, you could discover as many as possible weird answers that can be funny as well as annoying, some are saying what they said because of catching fun with what is serious to you, we have to sometimes learn to play a deaf ears on some comments, as well as make sure we are on the right platform to seek for an open advise.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Coin_trader on June 11, 2024, 06:14:52 PM
Although sarcasm is intended, People is indeed doing that in real life especially in my country. I knew a guy that keeps loaning just to pay another loan until he can’t pay anymore all the loans due to interest built up over the time.

He is now just keep evading and no plan to pay since the interest of the loan per day is already equivalent to his salary for a month so he just to decided to hide. On his case, it’s just 6K which is not worthy to bury your life in the ground since he can earn it with few months of multiple menial job work.

He just needs to have an agreement with the lender to pay it in terms. That’s better than wasting life hiding.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Agbe on June 11, 2024, 06:30:09 PM
The advice is like an irony. Meaning that he should stop borrowing money to gamble to avoid bad consequences from it which is losses and people chasing after him to collect the money they lend him.
There are some gamblers that do what the adviser said. They would borrow money from someone to play games and loss all the money foe gambling and go and borrowed money again from another person thinking that would win the game so they can repay all the two loan and he would end up losing the second games and finally sell his properties to pay the loans. This has been happening in the society so it is not a new thing for many of us.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 11, 2024, 08:44:14 PM
Hahhaha that isnt advice at all and he already said it all I mean this is just for fun purposes He said "you need to borrow 3K from someone else and need to win if you lose and you will it will build charachter and strengthen hidden skills"

Hahhaha I mean the this guy or people who give him advice are already tired too since this question didn't make any sense. But seriously tho I already said many time that don't play with people money or borrow someone money to do gamble it is totally high risk
Lol, the thing really is, people never listen, or some of them often feel that what happened to the other person won't happen to them, and this is usually the beginning of issues for several of those who think like this.

Like I've mentioned in some of my previous comments, the best way to learn from experience is to pay attention to other people's experiences, and learn from that, that is, learn from other people's experience's because it's very risky for us to wait until something happens to us before we learn, reason being that we do not know if we can be able to coup with that that will happen when it does happen, for example, you tell someone to not over speed for it kills through accident, and they tell you they don't believe it except they have an accident themself, where they don't even know if their life will be spared after such accident, so they can learn.

Borrowing to gamble is a very bad gambling habit, and it's something we always advice against, but then, many can never really realize the dangers of this until they are in exactly same shoe as the person who asked how to evade his loan in the post I shared.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: sunsilk on June 11, 2024, 09:22:50 PM
I guess that guy is just sarcastic at all. And who's going to know who he is in real life on that subreddit, I'm pretty sure that guy who had given that advice is laughing as well while writing that reply to the OP.

But it can be double meaning at all that he's delivering a message that's actually happening in real life. Can't help with these situations but people really have to realize their stand when they gamble.

We've got plenty of threads out there giving reminders about not to take loans for gambling.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Fiatless on June 11, 2024, 09:34:16 PM
The advice is like an irony. Meaning that he should stop borrowing money to gamble to avoid bad consequences from it which is losses and people chasing after him to collect the money they lend him.
The guy's advice was just a mockery. He is just teasing the person for using borrowed funds for gambling. This is a funny situation indeed but it still has a clear moral lesson which is never to borrow money to gamble. If you mistakingly go into debt due to gambling the best option will be to seek viable avenues to pay it. Hiding from the creditors is not a good idea because you have to keep hiding since they will keep trailing you for the repayment. Taking a loan to gamble because you want to repay a past loan you lost from gambling is the highest rate of irresponsibility.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: passwordnow on June 11, 2024, 09:38:48 PM
He his the one that seek for advise from the public and in such an open unregulated platform like that, you could discover as many as possible weird answers that can be funny as well as annoying, some are saying what they said because of catching fun with what is serious to you, we have to sometimes learn to play a deaf ears on some comments
You know that it's reddit and many there are trolling when it's come to these subreddits that are asking for some advice. You don't expect everyone there to be real because that's what a forum is. While 99 folks there could be serious, one for sure is going to troll people around and will just make fun doing discussions while giving silly advices to a random guy that are asking seriously about it.

as well as make sure we are on the right platform to seek for an open advise.
While that one might be but it's just hard to stop these trolls around and you'd expect one to come when you ask for valid questions. Otherwise, someone who's in need of help and advises, better seek real people that they know about what they have to do and get some help from them. First, from their close friends and/or relatives or family and then if that's still won't be enough and no one's there to give them some, it's best to seek professional help that handles these matters and problems.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: 3kpk3 on June 12, 2024, 06:20:51 AM
Hilarious! Borrowing money for gambling is never a good idea and the dude who messed up was obviously well aware of that which is why I get why some people were trolling him and the fact that it's toxic reddit.

Those money lenders will probably chase him to the ends of the earth to try and get their money back. Dumb people!

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 12, 2024, 06:36:47 AM
Hilarious! Borrowing money for gambling is never a good idea and the dude who messed up was obviously well aware of that which is why I get why some people were trolling him and the fact that it's toxic reddit.

Those money lenders will probably chase him to the ends of the earth to try and get their money back. Dumb people!
Yeah, here in my country, it is practically impossible to run away forever from money lenders when you are owing them money, and it doesn't matter where you run to, or how often you change your phone number, the serious matter is that most of them are diabolical and will go to any extent to make sure they get back their money.

Away from the above, the issue of borrowing money solely for gambling is something we've extensively discussed about on this forum, but then, I think it's something we will never stop talking about, because even as children and teenagers are coming up, those of them who are getting into gambling are likely to make this mistake, many have ended up killing themselves as a result of borrowing money to gamble, losing the money and not being able to pay back, borrowing to gamble is something we must do away with in our society, and how can we achieve this? By constantly talking and discussing the dangers of doing it.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Davidvictorson on June 12, 2024, 06:49:24 AM
And another reddit user in the form of a comment chipped in an advice which after reading, I was really helpless with laughter 🤣🤣🤣, this is the funniest thing I comment I read on the internet today.
The answer itself is a sarcastic one.

Imagine doing this and living with full blown anxiety disorder for the rest of your life because you always have to watch your back. You'll sleep with one eyes open and definitely underground because no human is truly hidden once a person is determined to find you, even if the person likes let them be hidden somewhere with a native tribe in the amazon rain in South-America, you will be found.

Don't be in debt and try to play smart. The embarrassment and social stigma will be unbearable.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: bettercrypto on June 12, 2024, 09:11:05 AM
It can be said that if it is bad advice, maybe the person who gives such advice is just a fool, and if there is someone who gives such advice to other people, it just means that the person does not really know anything.

We know that there is no good in gambling with gambling money that comes from debt; it's okay if it comes from our own money. It is not a wise strategy to borrow money and then gamble with the players or the gambler. It's like stabbing your own body.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: rodskee on June 12, 2024, 10:00:42 AM

And another reddit user in the form of a comment chipped in an advice which after reading, I was really helpless with laughter 🤣🤣🤣, this is the funniest thing I comment I read on the internet today.
indeed a funny one , not giving this much attention in something stupid specially in gambling
now I can't stop laughing reading this thread of yours and the image bellow lol.

I just thought I should share, and maybe you guys have something to chip in too, find details in the shot posted below...
is this really an advise ? or this is a sarcastic one  ;D ;D

he might come to decide like this but for sure that will only bring Him more lower in life an may
end losing his own life for that stupid resort.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Rruchi man on June 12, 2024, 10:42:30 AM
The advice is like an irony. Meaning that he should stop borrowing money to gamble to avoid bad consequences from it which is losses and people chasing after him to collect the money they lend him.
The guy's advice was just a mockery. He is just teasing the person for using borrowed funds for gambling. This is a funny situation indeed but it still has a clear moral lesson which is never to borrow money to gamble.
I had a good laugh to it. Some gamblers never learn, and to keep advising them to do something different does not yield any positive result. So, advising them to continue and leading them on to show how they will end up may be a better way to change their minds.

It is totally irresponsible behavior to ask for financial help to finance gambling. You will turn yourself into someone that no one will want to pay attention to next time, when you have a more serious need. Don't abuse people's generosity.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: freedomgo on June 12, 2024, 11:42:55 AM
Moral of the story..

don't borrow if you can't afford,
don't gamble if you can't afford.

Be responsible all the time as anything could happen to us if we don't pay our obligation, hiding because we can't pay our debts is getting the freedom we enjoy, it's even worst than a prisoner as you don't know who are after you, and worse if they are not afraid to take your life because you can't pay your debt.

It could be just a joke but it could happen in real life situation.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: ChiBitCTy on June 12, 2024, 08:19:15 PM
And this my friends is why loan sharks were created.  Pretty insane to post about the fact that you're a scummy person who's not honoring your promised obligations.  Changing a phone number could help you be scummy and stay scummy for a bit of time, but 6k is a nice amount and enough of an amount for a legit bookie.  If this person is dumb and cheap enough to pull shit like this, I'm pretty sure it won't be all that difficult to find out where they live.  Typically bookies won't take that kind of action without having some details on someone, at least as far as I've ever know/seen personally. 

If I was legit advising him, I'd ask to set up a payment plan.  Not ignore the guy forever.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: yahoo62278 on June 12, 2024, 11:17:55 PM
Well, let me start by saying that this is nothing serious really, apperently, I was just scrolling down my reddit feeds and came across this post of a guy in a reddit gambling who said he was owning $6k as a result of sports betting, and obviously; he's not able to pay the money, and in other for him not to be disturbed by the lender, he changed his phone number, and he was asking for advice on what more to do to keep evading paying back that debt..

And another reddit user in the form of a comment chipped in an advice which after reading, I was really helpless with laughter 🤣🤣🤣, this is the funniest thing I comment I read on the internet today.

I just thought I should share, and maybe you guys have something to chip in too, find details in the shot posted below...
Sadly that is how some gamblers are. They borrow and hide til they have the money and when they get too deep they kill themselves or get killed in some cases. Lenders know that they are taking a risk by lending to degenerates, so they prob don't let someone get too deep.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: btc78 on June 13, 2024, 02:55:26 AM
Lol. We caan't deny that reddit sometimes is funny despite a lot of foolish people around. I really don't understand op who was asking for some advice. What else can one do in his position but to pay the debt that he had consciously given himself?

Thank you to the comment who humbled op for thinking he was actually going to get some validation that running from his lenders is a good thing and that he should continue doing so while doing more things to hide himself from everyone.

No one can hide forever especially from someone who is very keen on finding you.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: adaseb on June 13, 2024, 04:05:45 AM
I am pretty sure both those posts are fake and they are clearly for entertainment only.

No bookie is just going to only keep your cell phone number as a way of contact. It would be way too easy for any losing bet to basically buy another sim card for $5 and get a brand new phone number. And same with the guy that replied. Owing money and he is suggesting to borrow more money and bet that money as a means of paying off both bets.

He is just doing it for exposure and its funny but its definately fake.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: LogitechMouse on June 13, 2024, 05:03:20 AM
The sarcasm of that guy is at its peak, but I wonder if the user really followed that advice from that user. :D
Well, if he does then he will slowly dig his hole into the ground, and if he continuously does it, he will only have two options in his life - either pay all of his debts or commit... you know what it is. :)

Anyway, no need to be serious in the thread like what OP has shared. Advice like that isn't that rare especially when we are in the online world. What's rare is the number of people who will follow that kind of advice. Either or, I guess I need to use reddit more often to see advice like this, eh? Moral lesson on OP's post? Follow the guy's advice. :P

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 13, 2024, 06:02:01 AM
No one needs to be wise to know that this advice is foolish because even primary school pupils will advise better than that. Using risk to pay a debt is risky, so the advice should be the type one should consider dead on arrival. First, I blame the guy who would stoop so low to borrow money to gamble, that is a very bad idea, as for him to continue to borrow money to gamble may result in more losses and more debts. We all know gambling, which includes the parlay he was advised to bet, anything betting is not what you can guarantee, anyone may lose at any time. Luck is obviously needed here, especially when you are desperate for money, the fear will surely be there. But luck as it is is not what you can vouch for, it only visits those it blesses randomly.

My advice for the debtor is to stay calm and not get himself frustrated but find the right alternative to pay it back. The person who could borrow $6,000 should have a good income and a repayment plan. So he should try to chart his repayment plan even if it will take  After all, debt is not a criminal offence.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: davis196 on June 13, 2024, 06:07:13 AM
Please move this forum thread to the Gambling Discussion forum. The Gambling forum is more about Casino announcement threads. ;D
Ah yes, Reddit is full of helpful people. ;D I can agree that most gamblers aren't the smartest people on Earth and seeking advice for your debts and gambling addiction on Reddit is kinda hilarious. Jokes aside, the best advice would be "quit gambling, get a job, pay back your debts". This is easier said than done, but there's no way around. The gambling addict would be completely delusional, if he thinks that he will recover his losses and pay back his debts just by winning big on sports betting.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Mayor of ogba on June 13, 2024, 07:22:28 AM
the guy giving the advice is being sarcastic and trolling the OP of that post, I mean, he deserves it since the OP of that post is clearly being an asshole to the person he borrowed money from. only a moron would actually take the guy giving the advice seriously, but I am curious whether the OP of that post would actually take the guy's advice seriously😂
I like the response he got since he intentionally doesn't want to repay his debt and wants to keep evading. Since the OP of that post doesn't want the advice that will make him repay his $6k debt, the guy decides to advise the OP wrongly so that he will continue in such an act, and maybe he will be caught one day. The OP of that post will not want to take the guy's advice because he knows it will lead him to more problems that will be too big for him to solve.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on June 13, 2024, 07:40:22 AM
A gambling addict should not ask advice form none professionals. It's a serious disease and it requires professionals + support from loved ones to recover from it. 

Jokes aside, the best advice would be "quit gambling, get a job, pay back your debts". This is easier said than done, but there's no way around. The gambling addict would be completely delusional, if he thinks that he will recover his losses and pay back his debts just by winning big on sports betting.
That reddit user who replied gave the same advice but it was presented in a funny and interesting manners.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: bitterguy28 on June 13, 2024, 08:17:28 AM
Hilarious! Borrowing money for gambling is never a good idea and the dude who messed up was obviously well aware of that which is why I get why some people were trolling him and the fact that it's toxic reddit.
the only thing that a gambler must not do is to borrow money just to gamble because the fact that you risking not only your chance but also the lenders money that will be our obligation pay no matter what.
and also if ever you win then chance of paying them back is there but what if you lose? then you have multiple obligation.
Those money lenders will probably chase him to the ends of the earth to try and get their money back. Dumb people!
or else kill himself to free from that lenders and of course from the misery of gambling.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Slow death on June 13, 2024, 11:43:08 AM
I don't know in which country this guy who borrowed is living, but if he is living in a country where the central bank has criminalized loans made by unlicensed banks and by people who lend money and charge interest, then he can have the luxury of changing his phone number because the guy who lent money can't charge him with interest, but if the guy who lent him the money didn't charge interest and lent it to him as a friend, then the guy who lent money can report it to the police and they will arrest the person who borrowed money and doesn't want to pay. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be wiser for him to negotiate ways of paying the debt instead of changing his phone number, something like paying the debt in parts.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Volimack on June 13, 2024, 12:53:37 PM
Agreed, changing phone number is never a good idea or taking legal action will make things much more drastic. That's why I think never avoid lenders. It can increase the danger. Try to keep in touch with them it should never be assumed that they are not thinking of any countermeasures for you not picking up their phone or avoiding notifications. Tell them about your situation. They will at least try to repay the loan at your convenience.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Haunebu on June 13, 2024, 03:57:30 PM
I am pretty sure both those posts are fake and they are clearly for entertainment only.
Maybe. It did seem like that, but there is a possibility that the op of that particular thread was serious though the dude who replied was not serious at all since he knew that it was pointless trying to give any productive advice.

Also, don't underestimate the power of a phone number these days since it can replace expose a person's identity completely thanks to KYC etc.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Dunamisx on June 13, 2024, 05:43:45 PM
I am pretty sure both those posts are fake and they are clearly for entertainment only.
Maybe. It did seem like that, but there is a possibility that the op of that particular thread was serious though the dude who replied was not serious at all since he knew that it was pointless trying to give any productive advice.

Also, don't underestimate the power of a phone number these days since it can replace expose a person's identity completely thanks to KYC etc.

You're right i think, they may not be for for or instead, one for serious thing and the other catching cruise and fun with his seriousness and curiosity, this is social median and everyone is free of saying whatever thing they like, sometimes they wont even mind on the consequences of what that may implies on the recipient, all they do is to waste others peoples time together with their own by talking rubbish or being unserious.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 13, 2024, 05:52:10 PM
This sarcastic comment is more than enough to warn the OP against their gambling habit.  If the OP can not use his or her common sense to stay away from gambling, then let him keep getting more loans to gamble with. While trying to avoid the lenders, he might probably vanish, lol 😂.  If the OP of that topic really had sense, he probably would have just collected a small amount that he can easily pay off from his other sources of income but because of how addicted he has become, he only thinks of winning and when he unfortunately lose the money, that's when he is seeking for advice. That's madness.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: AmoreJaz on June 13, 2024, 06:51:38 PM
Agreed, changing phone number is never a good idea or taking legal action will make things much more drastic. That's why I think never avoid lenders. It can increase the danger. Try to keep in touch with them it should never be assumed that they are not thinking of any countermeasures for you not picking up their phone or avoiding notifications. Tell them about your situation. They will at least try to repay the loan at your convenience.

He needs to face this lender no matter what. So yes, instead of avoiding this person, better talk to him about your real situation. Tell that you have plans to pay but you need more time. Don't be tempted to borrow again from someone else and use it to play. You will add another headache for sure.

The piece of advice is funny but for sure, a lot of gamblers are having this dilemma owed to their gambling activities. And more than likely, some are going to the route of borrowing again just to pay the lender. So in my opinion, this is actually happening to a lot of gamblers out there.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: paxmao on June 14, 2024, 03:35:05 AM
The advice, as stupid as it seems, may actually have a chance of getting the guy out of his own self-dug mudhole. If one of those "martingale" credits succeeds it may be enough for the guy to clear the debt and also to be honest, he guy giving the advice is also right in the sense that it may make no difference to owe 6000 or 12000 if the lender is keen on making you "pay one way or the other".

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Mrbluntzy on June 14, 2024, 04:13:45 PM
The attitude of that gambler shows that he has a very bad moral training. If he was a good  person, then he will see for advice on how to clear that loan but because of his bad attitude he is looking for a way to ghost himself so that the lender will not see him. In my opinion, he really deserved the answer he got.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Findingnemo on June 14, 2024, 05:41:52 PM
I am thinking the one who replied that comment did that in a sarcastic way or he said that on serious note. Internet is filled with different kinds of people so better not to seek their help in desperation because that could lead to further deep if someone with that likely mindset decided to take this approach.

Don't borrow money not only for gambling but avoid it even for the things like business because debt can eat the profits so it should not be taken for granted.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 14, 2024, 06:12:29 PM
I am thinking the one who replied that comment did that in a sarcastic way or he said that on serious note. Internet is filled with different kinds of people so better not to seek their help in desperation because that could lead to further deep if someone with that likely mindset decided to take this approach.

Haha. It's only a really stupid person who would read such advice and decide to with it, the poster himself (if he is very sensible) should already read that and know that the commenter was being sarcastic, even though all that he said was the actual truth; though in a very funny way.


Don't borrow money not only for gambling but avoid it even for the things like business because debt can eat the profits so it should not be taken for granted.
Soberly speaking myself, you are very correct, I personally have borrowed money to sort out some issues of life which at the end, I regretted going that route, I've promised myself never to borrow again as soon as I manage to get out of the one I am currently in, and it doesn't matter the type of issue I find myself, as far as it's not a matter that concerned a life being at stake.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: dunfida on June 14, 2024, 06:16:15 PM
Agreed, changing phone number is never a good idea or taking legal action will make things much more drastic. That's why I think never avoid lenders. It can increase the danger. Try to keep in touch with them it should never be assumed that they are not thinking of any countermeasures for you not picking up their phone or avoiding notifications. Tell them about your situation. They will at least try to repay the loan at your convenience.

He needs to face this lender no matter what. So yes, instead of avoiding this person, better talk to him about your real situation. Tell that you have plans to pay but you need more time. Don't be tempted to borrow again from someone else and use it to play. You will add another headache for sure.

The piece of advice is funny but for sure, a lot of gamblers are having this dilemma owed to their gambling activities. And more than likely, some are going to the route of borrowing again just to pay the lender. So in my opinion, this is actually happening to a lot of gamblers out there.
You had already made a mistake at the moment or time that you had considered on taking up some loan or borrowing money for the sake of gambling or betting. Going back into the situation on which i was supposed to say the same thing on which it do really looks like on being that sarcastic but we dont really know the actual thing yet it could be something serious too. As talking generally on trying to hide up because you dont like to pay up with your obligations then this is already that something or whatever reason it would be then this isnt really that right on any way. If you dont like on having that kind of hiding into the shadows and trying out to evade as much as you could because you dont like that you would be needing to pay up then it would be on your choice but i wont really be liking on having this kind of life.  8)

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Findingnemo on June 14, 2024, 07:03:57 PM
Don't borrow money not only for gambling but avoid it even for the things like business because debt can eat the profits so it should not be taken for granted.
Soberly speaking myself, you are very correct, I personally have borrowed money to sort out some issues of life which at the end, I regretted going that route, I've promised myself never to borrow again as soon as I manage to get out of the one I am currently in, and it doesn't matter the type of issue I find myself, as far as it's not a matter that concerned a life being at stake.
Debt is not for everyone, it is a trap for 90% of people so if you have debt then focus on paying it back even if it requires your last dime cause starting from zero is better than having the burden of debt on our shoulders all the time which stresses people saying this from personal experience and I already mentioned it earlier in the forum too if my memory serves right.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: adultcrypto on June 14, 2024, 07:34:12 PM
Well, let me start by saying that this is nothing serious really, apperently, I was just scrolling down my reddit feeds and came across this post of a guy in a reddit gambling who said he was owning $6k as a result of sports betting, and obviously; he's not able to pay the money, and in other for him not to be disturbed by the lender, he changed his phone number, and he was asking for advice on what more to do to keep evading paying back that debt..

And another reddit user in the form of a comment chipped in an advice which after reading, I was really helpless with laughter 🤣🤣🤣, this is the funniest thing I comment I read on the internet today.
As funny as this may seem, people still do it and the result is usually debt and more debts. Borrowing to gamble should be about the worst thing to do because it breeds anxiety that often lead to mistakes and ultimately losses. The stigmatization that comes with being called a debtor is another terrible thing for those with their conscience still alive and when someone is known to be a chronic debtor, it ruins the possibility of borrowing from other sources until the jackpot is hit, as suggested by the comment in that reddit post.  

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 14, 2024, 07:46:07 PM

Don't borrow money not only for gambling but avoid it even for the things like business because debt can eat the profits so it should not be taken for granted.

Borrowing money for gambling purposes is very risky and so shameful for someone to take in my country. In fact, if you tell someone that you took a loan to gamble in my country, they will see you as someone who is a bad influence on people around you because you cannot convince anyone to take a positive decision but rather to spend money on gambling. 

Loans should only be taken for the sake of legitimate business that is expected to generate better income and not gambling profit, which is usually not certain. 

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Stable090 on June 14, 2024, 08:11:05 PM
he's not able to pay the money, and in other for him not to be disturbed by the lender, he changed his phone number, and he was asking for advice on what more to do to keep evading paying back that debt..
No matter how you try to hide, you can’t hide forever. When you are indebted, the best thing to do is just for you to look for a way to pay back your loan. I will never be comfortable when I am owing money, I will rather keep on begging the person who lends me the money instead of trying to hide.

And another reddit user in the form of a comment chipped in an advice which after reading, I was really helpless with laughter 🤣🤣🤣, this is the funniest thing I comment I read on the internet today.
The comment is just so funny, I can’t just stop laughing. I love the advice that was given to him, the gambler should keep on taking loans and gambling with them, if he loses, then he should look for someone else to take loan from, whenever he wins, then he will pay back all the loans back,  and if he doesn’t win, then he should keep on taking loan. It’s crazy to me when I see people taking loans just to gamble. If you are taking loan to gamble, then you should have a source of income so that you will be able to pay back your loan even if you lose.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Oshosondy on June 15, 2024, 05:46:58 AM
As funny as this may seem, people still do it and the result is usually debt and more debts. Borrowing to gamble should be about the worst thing to do because it breeds anxiety that often lead to mistakes and ultimately losses. The stigmatization that comes with being called a debtor is another terrible thing for those with their conscience still alive and when someone is known to be a chronic debtor, it ruins the possibility of borrowing from other sources until the jackpot is hit, as suggested by the comment in that reddit post.  
There was a payment processor that is in my country called Quickteller. I do make use of the payment processor and I later have an account with them. They just set me message one day that I can borrow up to an amount of money. I quickly went to borrow it and I was given the money in less than one or two seconds. I use the money to gamble and doubled it but later but before the night I lost the money that I won and I lost the money that I borrowed. I was addicted to gambling during that time. After I collected my monthly salary I borrowed another amount of money but more than the previous one after I paid the one that I borrowed before. I also lost it to gambling. It took me more than a year to pay back that loan. Addiction is not good at all. Borrowing money should be because of something like business. It should not be because if gambling.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Hamphser on June 15, 2024, 05:42:09 PM

Don't borrow money not only for gambling but avoid it even for the things like business because debt can eat the profits so it should not be taken for granted.

Borrowing money for gambling purposes is very risky and so shameful for someone to take in my country. In fact, if you tell someone that you took a loan to gamble in my country, they will see you as someone who is a bad influence on people around you because you cannot convince anyone to take a positive decision but rather to spend money on gambling.

Loans should only be taken for the sake of legitimate business that is expected to generate better income and not gambling profit, which is usually not certain.
Its pretty basic but surprisingly there are tons of people who do really still that not be able to do such thing just because they are really that trying out to thrive on something which is really that impossible that could really be able to be sustainable. If ever you have managed to win up a particular gambling session then it would really be just that right that you should really be repaying up the loan that you have committed and not really just that simply trying out to evade as much as you could just because you dont really like for you to pay it up full in the first place? You are just basically making yourself having that kind of problem.
Basing up on that guys response then i would really be taking it as some sort of sarcastic approach on which its really that laughable.

On the moment that you would be trying out to avoid paying up some loan then consider yourself just like everyone else who are really that escaping with their
responsibility which is really indeed a shame.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: uneng on June 15, 2024, 06:33:57 PM
There are indeed people who make a living from scam schemes in a recurrent basis. Unfortunatelly, I've already had the displeasure of meeting some on my way... At first point, you really don't think they can do this for real for a long time, but surprisingly they can. These people are educated on the tricks of being a professional scammer. They don't have any belongings and patrimony on their names, so even if the scammed victim sues the scammer on the court, he will claim to be bankrupted, therefore, he can't pay his debt.

Probably he will be forced by the court to pay with his personal labor force, but these people are slippery and will never fulfill what they are supposed to, so in the end they are just going to make the lender lose his time, money and energy expecting something in counterpart. It's also pretty common these scammers live constantly escaping from the cities and addresses where they are registered, so the creditors can never find them.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Dunamisx on June 15, 2024, 06:40:47 PM
The attitude of that gambler shows that he has a very bad moral training. If he was a good  person, then he will see for advice on how to clear that loan but because of his bad attitude he is looking for a way to ghost himself so that the lender will not see him. In my opinion, he really deserved the answer he got.

Well we can have this with the benefit of doubt, that in every nonsense come with a trace of sense in disguise, maybe we should also see it in the way you have said here, if there is a possibility for it to the actual way out, anything is possible, somethings that works it our may not actually look like it, even the gambling we place bets on, we all don't know the outcome for anytime until the final result is out.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: jakelyson on June 15, 2024, 07:45:04 PM
Well, let me start by saying that this is nothing serious really, apperently, I was just scrolling down my reddit feeds and came across this post of a guy in a reddit gambling who said he was owning $6k as a result of sports betting, and obviously; he's not able to pay the money, and in other for him not to be disturbed by the lender, he changed his phone number, and he was asking for advice on what more to do to keep evading paying back that debt..

And another reddit user in the form of a comment chipped in an advice which after reading, I was really helpless with laughter 🤣🤣🤣, this is the funniest thing I comment I read on the internet today.

I just thought I should share, and maybe you guys have something to chip in too, find details in the shot posted below...

Just like you have said it was all for laughs but with that advice he can surely try it good luck if he can win instantly like that because instead of winning it big he will have a huge amount of debt when the time has come for him or if he becomes lucky then maybe he can pull through a win and return the $6K debt that he has from the initial lend that he makes but it can also make that $6k debt into a larger debt for sure.

I don't know in which country this guy who borrowed is living, but if he is living in a country where the central bank has criminalized loans made by unlicensed banks and by people who lend money and charge interest, then he can have the luxury of changing his phone number because the guy who lent money can't charge him with interest, but if the guy who lent him the money didn't charge interest and lent it to him as a friend, then the guy who lent money can report it to the police and they will arrest the person who borrowed money and doesn't want to pay. Therefore, in my opinion, it would be wiser for him to negotiate ways of paying the debt instead of changing his phone number, something like paying the debt in parts.

In different countries, there are different penalties and Punishment for people that has a loan and aren't able to pay it up well some countries will have the help of the police or the Lending in their law just to prevent people from doing bad stuff, and as I mention there are countries that have different punishments there are certain countries that will give the loaner jail time, and sometimes they will need to pay up for the right amount and will be given a deadline for it to finish the debt.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 15, 2024, 08:29:00 PM
The attitude of that gambler shows that he has a very bad moral training. If he was a good  person, then he will see for advice on how to clear that loan but because of his bad attitude he is looking for a way to ghost himself so that the lender will not see him. In my opinion, he really deserved the answer he got.

Well we can have this with the benefit of doubt, that in every nonsense come with a trace of sense in disguise, maybe we should also see it in the way you have said here, if there is a possibility for it to the actual way out, anything is possible, somethings that works it our may not actually look like it, even the gambling we place bets on, we all don't know the outcome for anytime until the final result is out.
Quite far from what the other user said but generally, I think you are right, sometime, or should I say most times, the game that end up making us winners usually don't look like it from the very beginning, while on the other hand, we tend to lose games that we had high hope of winning.

But going back to what the other user said about that gambler not being someone with a good moral training, what I do have to say is that we can't really say for sure, he might have posted that for jokes, just exactly like the reply he got.
Or maybe indeed, he's a morally derailed person, either way, he can not owe such amount of money and run forever, except he travels out of his country and never return.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on June 20, 2024, 01:03:32 PM
The advice is like an irony. Meaning that he should stop borrowing money to gamble to avoid bad consequences from it which is losses and people chasing after him to collect the money they lend him.
Exactly what I was about to say.
It's important to know that it's not good to borrow money and gamble with it hoping that you might win and settle the dept bills. There's a lot of people that stays underground because they are surrounded by dept's, dept is a kind of things that one should not partake on when it's something that includes to gamble with it. Many gamblers who are on dept are running for there life's because of the kind of person they borrowed money from, some people who lend money to others are not people that can joke with their money and it has cost so many people's life because those people borrowed money and couldn't pay back.
Borrowing money to pay other debts is a stupid and evil practice that will lead 99% of people to financial ruin. I agree that there are 1% of people who can win back on borrowed funds, but such people are so few that they are all semi-legends. In general, it is some kind of pathology to perceive new debts as a means of paying off old debts. If it were so simple, then there would not be the very fact of growing debts for this person. As a matter of fact, if I can use gambling to double the size of my bankroll within a year or six months. Why should I take out a loan in the first place? It is enough for me to accumulate a small capital as a result of hired work and gradually increase it without going into debt.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: btc78 on June 25, 2024, 11:27:31 AM
The attitude of that gambler shows that he has a very bad moral training. If he was a good  person, then he will see for advice on how to clear that loan but because of his bad attitude he is looking for a way to ghost himself so that the lender will not see him. In my opinion, he really deserved the answer he got.

Well we can have this with the benefit of doubt, that in every nonsense come with a trace of sense in disguise, maybe we should also see it in the way you have said here, if there is a possibility for it to the actual way out, anything is possible, somethings that works it our may not actually look like it, even the gambling we place bets on, we all don't know the outcome for anytime until the final result is out.
gambling is pure speculative (even sportsbetting has this behavior) in which nothing is certain not until the result comes.

just gamble with care and gamble for fun.

never let gambling gives you hope to become millionaire , work for it .

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: worldofcoins on June 25, 2024, 12:00:30 PM

"burying you another 6 feet will be nothing"  ;D

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Poker Player on June 25, 2024, 02:28:03 PM
That kind of ironic response is right up my alley. I mean, a moron does what he shouldn't do, which is borrow money to gamble, loses it, and then asks for advice on how to continue without getting caught? He's playing with gambling, and he's lucky he can hide it on the internet. In the time of the mafia this was solved with a baseball bat.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Haunebu on June 25, 2024, 02:48:24 PM
The advice, as stupid as it seems, may actually have a chance of getting the guy out of his own self-dug mudhole. If one of those "martingale" credits succeeds it may be enough for the guy to clear the debt and also to be honest, he guy giving the advice is also right in the sense that it may make no difference to owe 6000 or 12000 if the lender is keen on making you "pay one way or the other".
Trusting martingale strategy out of all the strategies out there to try and clear debt in this case would be the most insanely dumb move period since it's easily one of the worst negative progression strategies out there.

Instead, it would be better to go all in(Yolo gambling) on a sports bet that the punter is confident about if you ask me.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Zadicar on June 25, 2024, 05:13:44 PM
The advice, as stupid as it seems, may actually have a chance of getting the guy out of his own self-dug mudhole. If one of those "martingale" credits succeeds it may be enough for the guy to clear the debt and also to be honest, he guy giving the advice is also right in the sense that it may make no difference to owe 6000 or 12000 if the lender is keen on making you "pay one way or the other".
Trusting martingale strategy out of all the strategies out there to try and clear debt in this case would be the most insanely dumb move period since it's easily one of the worst negative progression strategies out there.

Instead, it would be better to go all in(Yolo gambling) on a sports bet that the punter is confident about if you ask me.
But they cant really be just that too confident on doing that YOLO bet because they do know that once it lost all then there's no way for recovery, on which it would really be that totally if they would be making use up some strategy on which at least it would really be lengthen up their gambling session considering that it would really be neither giving up that positive or winning results or with those loses.
Regarding on the advice and just like on everyone is saying that it is really that ironic on which it would really be that common sense that it should really be the other way around.
It is really just that there are people who cant really be able to think up well on what are the things that they should really be that doing but instead they would really be that pursuing
into the things on what comes up into their minds. If they would really be trying out to make money with gambling and even taking up some loan and not repaying it will really be
just that depending into someones choice.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Dunamisx on June 25, 2024, 06:54:16 PM
The attitude of that gambler shows that he has a very bad moral training. If he was a good  person, then he will see for advice on how to clear that loan but because of his bad attitude he is looking for a way to ghost himself so that the lender will not see him. In my opinion, he really deserved the answer he got.

Well we can have this with the benefit of doubt, that in every nonsense come with a trace of sense in disguise, maybe we should also see it in the way you have said here, if there is a possibility for it to the actual way out, anything is possible, somethings that works it our may not actually look like it, even the gambling we place bets on, we all don't know the outcome for anytime until the final result is out.
gambling is pure speculative (even sportsbetting has this behavior) in which nothing is certain not until the result comes.

just gamble with care and gamble for fun.

never let gambling gives you hope to become millionaire , work for it .

And with this reason you have given in addition, we have to also remember that in gambling, we cant always be on a win win side, sometimes we might be wrong on our predictions while thinking that we are doing the right thing whereas its totally wrong, though gambling is for fun, but we can be in many ways far ahead by being close to the proximity of accuracy in what we do, just to make the fun to the full.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: _BlackStar on June 25, 2024, 07:11:15 PM
That kind of ironic response is right up my alley. I mean, a moron does what he shouldn't do, which is borrow money to gamble, loses it, and then asks for advice on how to continue without getting caught? He's playing with gambling, and he's lucky he can hide it on the internet. In the time of the mafia this was solved with a baseball bat.
Really – I'm impressed by your wise advice, it's certainly not a good idea to gamble with borrowed money if you can't be responsible. Most gamblers fail to pay their loan due to losses and simply run away from debt collectors – this is embarrassing. Another most embarrassing thing is when they ask how to hide to escape their responsibility to pay the loan.

It's still a good idea if they pay off the loan and continue gambling with the remaining fund. It is honesty that reflects good morals - but who cares about morals when his situation is so desperate, especially if he can no longer afford his loans.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Wiwo on June 25, 2024, 07:15:33 PM
And with this reason you have given in addition, we have to also remember that in gambling, we cant always be on a win win side, sometimes we might be wrong on our predictions while thinking that we are doing the right thing whereas its totally wrong, though gambling is for fun, but we can be in many ways far ahead by being close to the proximity of accuracy in what we do, just to make the fun to the full.
Gambling should be done based on fun that is why we all should stake only amount we can afford to lose and still be OK to continue with our gambling  quest,  unlike allowing greed to take over us to think that we can't win all the time there by forgetting that the house will always be at advantage with the house edge in place.

The fact is that one can not have an accurate predictions that is why we lose and win an an interval but.the ultimate thing is that we should not gamble above our limits.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: Amphenomenon on June 25, 2024, 07:52:27 PM
That kind of ironic response is right up my alley. I mean, a moron does what he shouldn't do, which is borrow money to gamble, loses it, and then asks for advice on how to continue without getting caught? He's playing with gambling, and he's lucky he can hide it on the internet. In the time of the mafia this was solved with a baseball bat.
Really – I'm impressed by your wise advice, it's certainly not a good idea to gamble with borrowed money if you can't be responsible. Most gamblers fail to pay their loan due to losses and simply run away from debt collectors – this is embarrassing. Another most embarrassing thing is when they ask how to hide to escape their responsibility to pay the loan.

For him to be owing $6k shows he has gotten himself into a big mess outside the debt and as Ironic as it seems this is the best advice someone can give to him especially from the fact that he is thinking of ways to avoid his mess.

It's still a good idea if they pay off the loan and continue gambling with the remaining fund. It is honesty that reflects good morals - but who cares about morals when his situation is so desperate, especially if he can no longer afford his loans.
I wonder how someone was able lend such huge amount to him without knowing the goal of the person or at least know much about this guy since he was somehow able to hide from him because I don`t think he will be able to payback base on how he is trying to evade repayment I guessed we can agree that he is still in other mess and possibly finding it difficult to cater for his basic needs.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: adultcrypto on June 25, 2024, 09:50:38 PM
The advice, as stupid as it seems, may actually have a chance of getting the guy out of his own self-dug mudhole. If one of those "martingale" credits succeeds it may be enough for the guy to clear the debt and also to be honest, he guy giving the advice is also right in the sense that it may make no difference to owe 6000 or 12000 if the lender is keen on making you "pay one way or the other".
Trusting martingale strategy out of all the strategies out there to try and clear debt in this case would be the most insanely dumb move period since it's easily one of the worst negative progression strategies out there.

Instead, it would be better to go all in(Yolo gambling) on a sports bet that the punter is confident about if you ask me.
The moment debt is attached to the gamble, any method used or event chosen to follow will likely produce bad result. It was a wrong move from the beginning to borrow money for gambling with the hope of paying back from the winning.

Meanwhile, I don't think there is anything called sure games be it in casino or sportsbook irrespective of the odds or confidence of the pundits. Everything is just luck and accepting this reality will go a long way in helping the gambler. That is to say that having the mindset that nothing is sure in gambling is a good practice that will ensure we gamble with care and not to invest what we cannot afford to lose.

Title: Re: [Just For Laugh] What kind of advice is this? 😂 🤣 🤣
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 27, 2024, 05:39:29 AM
And with this reason you have given in addition, we have to also remember that in gambling, we cant always be on a win win side, sometimes we might be wrong on our predictions while thinking that we are doing the right thing whereas its totally wrong, though gambling is for fun, but we can be in many ways far ahead by being close to the proximity of accuracy in what we do, just to make the fun to the full.
Gambling should be done based on fun that is why we all should stake only amount we can afford to lose and still be OK to continue with our gambling  quest,  unlike allowing greed to take over us to think that we can't win all the time there by forgetting that the house will always be at advantage with the house edge in place.

The fact is that one can not have an accurate predictions that is why we lose and win an an interval but.the ultimate thing is that we should not gamble above our limits.
This is very good advice and I hope any gambler can take it, but unfortunately, it is just like a plaque, no matter what some gamblers know or hear as the right thing to do, they will still do otherwise. It is just like trading, gambling moves people like a controlling spirit, and it takes wisdom and a strong mind to say no at a time like that. Still, I absolved gambling of all wrongs but the people gambling who are either not ready for it when they started, as people do not prepare for what they meet while gambling, or it is not just possible to gamble rightly by them due to their nature.

Such people can never gamble without any issues, especially if their nature is emotional or greedy, they will always gamble in error and get frustrated often which will lead to more gambling complications with a long varied list. That is why the possibility of gambling for fun or being neutral (as I preach often) is almost impossible for so many people. In all, anyone gambling should ensure that he first have the right preparation for it, the learning is so important to know the pros and cons, and our susceptibility to it to guard against any issue.