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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Zanab247 on June 14, 2024, 02:19:14 PM

Title: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Zanab247 on June 14, 2024, 02:19:14 PM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

But I disagree with them, that good people still live long to eat the fruit of their labor which they can be part of the good people in the society to eat the good fruits that attached to good people in the society, and they will live long to see the development and good of the society.

I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Mate2237 on June 14, 2024, 04:02:56 PM
Since you posted this in the political board then I will also answer it from the parliamentary system of government. In the parliament those who always speak the truth are edged out from the parliament or be killed by the corrupt leaders in the government because they (leaders) feel that the outspoken senators would exposed their bad behaviours so the bet thing to do is to remove them from the house by impeachment, or allegations to remove them. And that is the truth if someone is 100% truthful, that person will have problem in the society always but it is good to be truthful so that the government will also recognized you for that.

Truthful people in the society is not much. Those whom we think are truthful, have not done well when you give tham money to share in the public.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: JMBitcointernational on June 14, 2024, 05:04:40 PM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

But I disagree with them, that good people still live long to eat the fruit of their labor which they can be part of the good people in the society to eat the good fruits that attached to good people in the society, and they will live long to see the development and good of the society.

I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.
Obviously, that has been the problem of the society, people don't like others who are kindhearted and those who have the interest of others at heart, there are virtually young promising guys that have died prematurely because they are good and the reasons i don't know. There are communities where good people don't last long because the bad ones in the community don't want them to last long. while there are set of others who are evil people and are fond of committing all sorts of atrocities and they even stay longer than their age. this has actually kept me thinking because i recently realized that when you are good and are very kind with people your chances of death will be very close but when you are a bad people will be even scared to kill you .

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Kristiyana on June 14, 2024, 06:44:41 PM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

I disagree with anybody that says that good people do not live long because on the contrary they are actually the people that live more longer than the bad ones, however it seems the person has not gone out or watch news to see what bad people are going through, maybe he has his own definition of bad and good if not in this life to live longer is only if you keep yourself clean from anything bad, so who ever that gave the person that mindset is obviously getting it all wrong.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Marykeller on June 14, 2024, 07:33:58 PM
It is a wrong perception to think that good people don't live long in a society, whereby we all know that death is irrespective of no one. It can come knocking at anyone's door at any time, be he or her good or bad person.

However, what we have or see most in the lives of many, are people who are compassionate, kind, and honest. They are the ones that are mostly seen or have in society than the bad ones. Due to that "the good people been many" they are ones who got easily noticed in a society than the bad ones. Therefore, when they are faced with challenges or struggles in life, people gets to find out about that quickly because they are mostly seen or have in a society, while on the other hand, there are many left unknown who are succeeding, living longer, making a positive impact in the society they dwelled in.

In summary, It's not really about good people don't live long, they do and they succeeding too in all works of life

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: DeathAngel on June 14, 2024, 07:42:58 PM
No it’s not true that good people don't live long in society. The length of a persons life is influenced by a multitude of things including genetics, lifestyle choices & external circumstances. Some good people may face challenges or adversity but many good people live long fulfilling lives & make significant positive contributions to society.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: oktana on June 14, 2024, 11:40:07 PM
Death doesn’t care who’s good and who’s bad. This is why you can see someone who we may perceive as bad but they’ve lived their life happily and are aging with no illness or signs of kicking the bucket soon. But then you’ll notice it’s the same for the good people, some of them are just as healthy. People just die; good or bad, it doesn’t matter. Every other thing is just a myth. “The good die young” saying is because we pay attention to and notice that we lose the good ones than the bad ones, because we love the good people around us.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Hispo on June 15, 2024, 01:18:53 AM
The way I see it, bad things happen at any time to both good and bad people, at the moment we lest expect it to happen, death does not distinguish between the good and the bad, we are treated in the same way in that regard.
Though, people who we could categorize as "bad people" usually get involved in actives which are at the very least reckless and at the worst it could have much to do with the environment on illegal activities like drug trafficking and dealing with weapons,.counterfeiting, etc.
In that context is more likely a bad person partaking in such activities have violent encounters with police officers and end up being death.

In short, bad thing can happen to anyone, but we can minimize those chances of we are careful enough and make use of commen sense.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Essential10 on June 15, 2024, 03:10:24 AM
We do not know who will die when, but God Almighty decides how long both good and bad people will live in the society. Human life and mind are changeable, how a person lives in society depends on his character. It doesn't make sense to me that good people don't live long in society. When a good person makes good contributions to society, we expect a little more that he can continue these good contributions for a long time. When he died many felt he left the world too soon.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Roggeredek on June 15, 2024, 03:53:14 AM
It is important to remember that life and death are complex and often unpredictable, and that survival is entirely in the hands of the creator. When a good person dies unexpectedly or relatively young it can create a powerful emotional impact on those who knew them. This can lead to a perception that good people are taken from the earth too soon even though there are many good people who live long and fulfilling lives.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: bluebit25 on June 15, 2024, 08:11:25 AM
So what do you think is a good/bad person?

I think human nature exists, and that is just the adaptation of each individual to the surrounding environment so that they can survive biologically. Although I believe and understand reincarnation in life, I see that the issue of life/death is our own preconceptions, and inherently we are always transforming with every life. Biologically, I know that in 1 second there are many Many cells in the body die and are born, so if they are real we are changing in that 1 second.

But going back to this topic, I think no matter how you are living, accept life as it is, even if you know that tomorrow you die, live to the fullest with the remaining time. And it's true that we often have a fear of death, but we can't avoid it, so let's live with everything carefully and then we also have to face the things of nature.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on June 15, 2024, 10:35:25 AM
Since you posted this in the political board then I will also answer it from the parliamentary system of government. In the parliament those who always speak the truth are edged out from the parliament or be killed by the corrupt leaders in the government because they (leaders) feel that the outspoken senators would exposed their bad behaviours so the bet thing to do is to remove them from the house by impeachment, or allegations to remove them. And that is the truth if someone is 100% truthful, that person will have problem in the society always but it is good to be truthful so that the government will also recognized you for that.

Truthful people in the society is not much. Those whom we think are truthful, have not done well when you give tham money to share in the public.

Yes that is reality, it's now becoming a norns in our society that people who chooses the right thing to speak the truth is always Hunt and killed by evil men either by physical attack or use if diabolical means that is major reason people say those with truth not lasting long on earth, this Factor of been chase by those who is always kicking against truth by evil agenda mostly in the government sector of some work sector where the manager or some clicks so called cartel has team up to do something contrary to the original purpose of the company either by loot of embezzlement target any who may be as threat to revealed their hidden agenda by eliminating such personality has make truthful person not lasting in our society.

The side effects of this is that every one is afraid of standing on the truthful part even when it's the right thing to do many prefer to lies or join what they might not before just to be saved that is why allot of change character exist people who you know that is always good turn over night to become evil because of the phobia of been eliminated to prolonged their life on earth.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Zanab247 on June 15, 2024, 11:41:07 AM
Quote from: bluebit25
So what do you think is a good/bad person?
A good person is a someone that has the conscience not to do anything that will harm the society or the people of the society, and it will be difficult for you to see good person that is into power doing evil to others people because they believe that change is constant.

But bad person don't have conscience to the people and  society, because they only believe that bad person use to live long to continue doing evil that will make people in the society to continue afraid of them.

If you are a good person in the society, it will make the young children to wish to be like you when they grow up in the society because they see the good character that will make someone to live long in you, which is the good example of a good person.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Frankolala on June 15, 2024, 12:33:59 PM
Evil deeds shortens one's life, because your evil deed will catch up with you and you will suffer for it or pay with your life. While good deeds extend one's life. I disagree that the good people die younger than the evil ones, the reason why I said so is that, If Mr death is coming, he doesn't care if you are a good or bad person, he strikes.

Our engagement is life and people that we mingle with, our environment, sickness and diseases, your generic and many more can lead to early death.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Dunamisx on June 15, 2024, 02:28:52 PM
I don't want to believe i this assumption for the reason that, if the good people don't live long, then we will virtually be left with he bad ones in the society and it not going to be conducive for us all to live i peacefully, if we were surrounded by the wrong minds, if people die and we heard about them, we are going to feel sorry for them because its not a thing of joy to hear that someone die, even if we are not at easer with them, we will definitely feel the remorseful about the occasion of hearing of their demise, these are maybe from those close to us or relatives and friends we often see, except for those that we all know to have engaged in bad acts against human nature we will hear about their exit and still feel not bad.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: peter0425 on June 15, 2024, 02:55:03 PM
My country also believes in such mindset. I almost believe it because the people I know who were good people were lives that were taken away the earliest. Too early. They say it is because God takes them away instead of the evil people. You can also observe that it is the evil people who live the longest and continue to spread evil in the world.

But personally I don't think this is true. I think that it is all just a coincidence but your character has nothing to do with your time ending. We should live with a kind character both to ourselves and to others as well.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on June 15, 2024, 07:14:39 PM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

But I disagree with them, that good people still live long to eat the fruit of their labor which they can be part of the good people in the society to eat the good fruits that attached to good people in the society, and they will live long to see the development and good of the society.

I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.
Death doesn't select your behavior, wether your good or bad. There are a lot of people in the society that are good who still live long. Hence your into bad things, it is always likely that you might not live long, because your evil deeds will always hurnt you. Surely it is good to have good character, not even because of what people will say when you die, but good character will definitely be speak for you and your household even when your alive, some times the rewards are Earthly before your ascension to heaven.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: jrrsparkles on June 15, 2024, 07:46:17 PM
Good or bad is highly subjective.

Death is inevitable.

So anyone who was born has to die someday and it can be at a young age or they lived a long time, there will be always people who say these things when someone dies or at their funeral and it's like a to-do thing for people.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Ever-young on June 15, 2024, 10:02:24 PM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

I disagree with anybody that says that good people do not live long because on the contrary they are actually the people that live more longer than the bad ones, however it seems the person has not gone out or watch news to see what bad people are going through, maybe he has his own definition of bad and good if not in this life to live longer is only if you keep yourself clean from anything bad, so who ever that gave the person that mindset is obviously getting it all wrong.

You are absolutely right, and I also think people die on their own time, it doesn't matter if they are good or not as far they are human, they will surely die, that's nature.

Our only prayer should be that we should die untimely and also try to live rightly, so that we won't be in problem, that will lead us to our death and always remember to ask God for his protection because death is inevitable, it can come at anytime as well.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Hopila on June 16, 2024, 06:01:04 PM
I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth,
Your perspective on this topic is insightful and holds a lot of truth. It is a common misconception that only bad people live long or that good people are doomed to suffer untimely deaths. In reality, the concept of good and bad people living longer or shorter lives is not based on any factual evidence.

I agree with you:
Death is Unbiased: Death is a natural part of life and does not discriminate based on whether a person is good or bad. It is important to treat every individual with empathy and compassion, regardless of their actions or character.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: passwordnow on June 16, 2024, 08:18:22 PM
because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming
This is true. Death will honor no person as long as you're destined for it. If you're believing in the bible, it's said that we're all destined to die and there's no specific age that's mentioned there. And that means that everyone will have to go through with that and this is the reality of life. If a young person becomes mature, this is one of the realizations that he'll get to understand once he's older and that is, life is too short.

And as for the bible verse that tells that we're all destined for it;

Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment

it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.
That is for sure. They'd remember your goodness and how you have interacted with them. While for the bad people, it's still going to be half thoughts by people. Those that are happy that a bad person dies and those that are not and they'd thought that those types of people are still needed to change and they need that chance to become better in life but then, maybe their time has come and that chance is already on them but they took it for granted.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Hewlet on June 17, 2024, 03:43:51 PM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

But I disagree with them, that good people still live long to eat the fruit of their labor which they can be part of the good people in the society to eat the good fruits that attached to good people in the society, and they will live long to see the development and good of the society.

I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.
there are major courses of death as long as existence is concerned and I haven't read or seen where being a good person will make you to die early. If you're a good person that's not just treating others well while treating yourself bad,  it will even help you to live much longer.

There is a huge difference between being a good person and allowing yourself to be used by people. If you want to be someone that's a blessing to his surrounding, you've got to ensure that you're treating yourself very well and then you can extend an helping hands to others. I have seen that when people die, you get to hear these kind of statement regarding how good people don't last and stuff like that. But the reality is that being a good person and fleeing from bad vices would save you from indulging in activities that could be detrimental to your health. It's not just by giving to people around you that makes you a good person. It's by actually living a life that's good not just in the open but in the private. Some of the people you envy and praise outside are going through a lot of things they can't even confide in anyone but when they step outside, people look at them and think that all is okay untill it hits them too hard and they eventually die and statement like this is used to refer to them. An addict could be seen outside as a good person but he knows holders better than the applaud he's receiving from people.tye thing is fgG you know yourself best wether you're an hypocritical good person who isn't doing  from an inner point of view.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on June 17, 2024, 09:09:53 PM
Death is a natural phenomenon and it is not centered at good people or bad people as it can take anyone unaware irrespective of age, how wealthy you are, how good you are to people or how cruel and evil you are but the mode of death that involves killing of another is what is not meant to be that way. Death is no respecter of anyone therefore it will be unethical for anyone to believe that good people don't live longer, like it is a very wrong believe because death is inevitable even though we pray to live longer and not to die young.
                             Yes of a truth, there are times when people we see to be good and kind to the society dies when people with evil deeds are still existing so in such situations, we shouldn't be too superstitious about their death because death is something no one can explain, it is mysterious and it is an appointment to all man by God that human must surely die so irrespective of when it comes, it has already be made known to humans that they will die.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Samlucky O on June 18, 2024, 02:03:15 AM
That statement " the good dies, why the bad survive" it's true and nothing more. If you check around your environment, you will discover that most of the good people are long gone. When you ask of some certain people, you will hear something like oooh.. he use to be a good man but his no more. Either in the political, judicial , military or religious sector. Each of this sector I have mentioned, the truthful people are few while the rest are liers. Definitely it is nearly impossible to stand up right in a truthful manner and still cope with people who are liers. They will expect you all to be thesame, but failure for you to agree with them, they plot a coop for you and that is the end. The statement "Money makes the world go round " is a parable which Leed people to do the unthinkable. Even the bible made it clear that the love of money is the root of all evil. So in summary the good always die before there time because lies has covered the world. only few are speaking the truth and those people are a threat to the liers.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Barikui1 on June 18, 2024, 09:23:05 AM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

But I disagree with them, that good people still live long to eat the fruit of their labor which they can be part of the good people in the society to eat the good fruits that attached to good people in the society, and they will live long to see the development and good of the society.

I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.

Actually, as for me, I don't really think that it's only good people that dies the most, young, old, rich, poor educated, uneducated, cheerful and even grumpy people dies too, just that we mostly feel the impact of someone that is good, and when the person dies, it will be as if it's only the good ones that are dieing, but that's not the case, everyone dies, regardless of wether you are good or not, because everything that has a beginning, also has an end, even life ends in a man too, it's only God that lives for ever.

Another thing in our society that makes people to die before their Time this days is too much pressure, mostly financially, because sometimes even success feels like a trap, because once you are successful, the financial pressure from external and internal families of the benefactor mostly kills faster than anything else.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Nathrixxx on June 18, 2024, 09:55:59 AM
We live long not by how good or perfect we are in life, we are only a product of destiny and what we have joined along with the way of our living which determines or constitutes the longevity of our lives, some have unintentionally drawn their live into ruine from the way of their living on daily activities, same way some have not been aware of things they do that also constitutes shortening of their life, at the end of it all, everyone must die, be it poor or rich, young or old, but before that comes, we have to live a kind of live worthy of emulation.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Ishicryptic on June 18, 2024, 10:57:15 AM

I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.

From childhood I have also been hearing that good people don't last that they always die before old age but I think that it is a wrong perception because I have seen a lot of good people that are very old. I think that why people feel this way is when a person that is known to have good character dies young, people will become very sympathetic and say that God took the person early so that his or her character will not be corrupted. Some people also believes that wicked people don't like good people and they will plot their downfall or death, so that their evil deeds will not be exposed by the righteous person. I know that death is no respecter of anybody so both the good and bad can die young or old, plots to kill an innocent person can fail and law of karma can visit the wicked early in life. We need to live healthy lifestyles and avoid troubles so that we can last long to reach old age.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: knowngunman on June 18, 2024, 04:32:55 PM
Since you posted this in the political board then I will also answer it from the parliamentary system of government. In the parliament those who always speak the truth are edged out from the parliament or be killed by the corrupt leaders in the government because they (leaders) feel that the outspoken senators would exposed their bad behaviours so the bet thing to do is to remove them from the house by impeachment, or allegations to remove them. And that is the truth if someone is 100% truthful, that person will have problem in the society always but it is good to be truthful so that the government will also recognized you for that.

Truthful people in the society is not much. Those whom we think are truthful, have not done well when you give tham money to share in the public.

You just remind me of what happened in our national assembly some few months ago when one among the senators raised an alarm of budget padding. The issue received serious attention from the public but instead of carrying out a thorough investigation, they end up suspending the senator who raised such alarm. Truth be told, if you want to be good among the evil people you will definitely go through some challenges that will probably cost your life because people don't like it when their evil is exposed.

Generally, it is widely believed that good people don't live long but that's just a mythical belief and not fact. How long you live has nothing to do with your character of either being good or bad to the society. Although, some characters that goes against the ethics of society and the authority might lead to premature death through punishment and sentences but that is not the case here. Good people are believed to be generally wiped out of the society so the bad people can continue with their wickedness and suffer the consequences together.

Despite the challenges faced by good people, society still recognize them but people don't want to be good to each other yet they want to enjoy the fruit of goodness. It pays to be good, people will avoid you and even set trap for you to fall but you will be remembered for good even when you are no more if you continue with your goodness. Society celebrate wickedness this days but yet cry out when it hit them back with the consequences.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Chilwell on June 19, 2024, 08:14:16 PM
We live long not by how good or perfect we are in life, we are only a product of destiny and what we have joined along with the way of our living which determines or constitutes the longevity of our lives, some have unintentionally drawn their live into ruine from the way of their living on daily activities, same way some have not been aware of things they do that also constitutes shortening of their life, at the end of it all, everyone must die, be it poor or rich, young or old, but before that comes, we have to live a kind of live worthy of emulation.
I don't think there is any thing like that, is a saying that you hear from the mouth of people. It has no any back up. That's to my own understanding. But still, let for example we have people that really believe it as so. If it is so then, this is how I think it is: It is Destiny. every individual is destined with four things which nothing can change. One of them is being wealthy or poor. right from the womb of our mothers this is written as either we are going to be a rich person or poor person. And if you are given birth to, then you continue to work towards your destiny. Second thing is either you are going to be good or bad person, the third one is either you going to be given birth to as female or male. And the fourth one is weather you are going to have a long living or you have Short live. The fourth one is our topic of discussion. So if we should have those with believe that it is the person's character that determines his lifetime duration, then, even if it's so, it's our destiny that makes us to work towards it. This means, even if their believe is so, then, person 's character becomes good or bad depending on his or her destiny.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Jegileman on June 22, 2024, 08:15:07 AM
Death is inevitable and it comes to anyone at anytime an it doesn’t care what type of life you’ve lived, the type of things you’ve done in the past or will like to do in the future. I see this as a superstitious belief or term used in the society. It is better these people that are always saying that and want to make it look like being the bad person will make you have a longer life to change that mindset. That mindset will corrupt the young ones in the society who are already there and these saying is already circulating in the society. The young ones should disassociate themselves from such belief and see things in a more realistic way. The law and order penalize the bad and leave the good ones alone and that is exactly how you should see things in order not to fall into a regretful state if you decide to be the bad one.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: uneng on June 22, 2024, 07:23:44 PM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.
From my experience, what I have seen is that people who cultivates good inside themselves tend to get away from society, that is, to get away from the collective to live more individually without taking part in worthless discussions and conflicts, or without having to go against their principles and values to please others around them.

This situation of loneliness and isolation can lead the individuals to depression and other illnesses which can totally impact their life quality, anticipating their passing. That is why it's important to be surrounded by people who have things in common with you, people who you feel rewarded for having around, so you won't feel like you need to isolate yourself from your environment.

Lucky are the people who live in an environment where everyone "speaks the same language", pursue goals of the same kind, share the same concepts of life and morals. It brings harmony and realization to the individuals.

The world is so chaotic nowadays because people want to mix themselves with other people who have nothing to do with their lifestyle, beliefs, morals, culture in the name of a far-fetched diversity. And those who resist have to pay the price by living like hermits, although instead of mountains and forests, the modern hermits live cloistered inside dark rooms in front of computer screens.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Gozie51 on June 22, 2024, 09:16:58 PM

I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.

This believe has been long existing especially in African society but whether it is true or not is left for what we want to believe but for me, I don't think that generalization of that will make sense because we have different belief and they are upheld by believers. Someone can be sick of certain chronic disease that third party don't know about whilst the person was still maintaining the status of a good person. So in such cases, the people who don't know of the health status of the person would think he suddenly died without the adequate knowledge of what happened to the person who died.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Bananington on June 22, 2024, 11:46:48 PM
I told them that bad people use to die young in the society too, because death didn't recognize good person or bad person on earth, but if the death is coming, it is better to meet you in a good character because people around you will going to talk about your good on earth and you will surely get rewards from heaven too. What is your options on this topic.

Death won't discriminate it is going to come for anybody that it is his turn to leave earth but why people say good people die young is because they do too much good that people begin to take advantage to use them for their own benefits without caring about what is happening to them.

Good people get attacks becaue people don't fear them but a bad people is always being feared by everybody and they won't cross their part because they know the bad person will always fight back. Good people are those that forgive because of their soft heart but an evil man will always pay you back evil for evil. We shouldn't stop being good but we shouldn't overdo our good behaviour so we don't get disrespected, we should be careful so people don't take advantage of our good hearts to do us harm.
Sometimes it is okay to pay back evil for evil, when you this the respect is going to be restored and you can live happily knowing you won't be joked with again because now people know you do not mind getting your hands dirty sometimes.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Oshio-man on June 24, 2024, 07:30:30 PM
Even though good people don't live long in the community, you can break the record by doing what will make you to live long to show example, by helping those who cannot help themselves and make contribution to community project for the people in that community will be using to pray for you.

Title: Re: Is it true that good people don't live long in the society?
Post by: Scarlett_23 on June 25, 2024, 02:25:15 AM
Something bad happened in my area that made me to bring this topic for we to discuss and correct some people mind set, because people where saying that good people don't live long these days, that they want to turn to a bas people in the society so that they can live long to continue their evil habits in the society.

Every human being comes into the world with a fixed life.  When death comes it does not count good or bad.  When death comes as it is written. I don't think good people ever die.  Although good people die physically, good people live in the world through their actions for ages. There are some great people in the world whom we remember with respect.  There are some good people living in our society that many bad people cannot tolerate. Because for good people, these bad people cannot do corruption or injustice.  These bad people become the boss of violence and remove good people from power or kill them.