Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Fullbear2222 on June 14, 2024, 05:40:43 PM

Title: Euro Will be cheaper If war start in eu then USA will pay the debt to eu back
Post by: Fullbear2222 on June 14, 2024, 05:40:43 PM
USA is always smart why pay when higher value of other currency they wait when cheaper then they pay back debt.
Situation with russia Will make euro weaker off course USA want to pay cheaper.
Countries who borrow money to others might go to war.
But i hold euro it's good to hold btc now when btc value going up and euro is falling i can get more euros then before.
Also the hedge funds are net short on euro i guess show will be start in Europe soon.

Title: Re: Euro Will be cheaper If war start in eu then USA will pay the debt to eu back
Post by: Squaremile777 on June 14, 2024, 05:43:34 PM
USA is always smart why pay when higher value of other currency they wait when cheaper then they pay back debt.
Situation with russia Will make euro weaker off course USA want to pay cheaper.
Countries who borrow money to others might go to war.
But i hold euro it's good to hold btc now when btc value going up and euro is falling i can get more euros then before.
Also the hedge funds are net short on euro i guess show will be start in Europe soon.

Interesting ...i just watched wef show the one notable hedge fund boss said he want to buy cheap EU properties he think that will be good opportunity soon.
I also looking to buy some cheap EU real estate i hope to see weak euro currency yes.

Title: Re: Euro Will be cheaper If war start in eu then USA will pay the debt to eu back
Post by: peter0425 on June 14, 2024, 08:56:45 PM
USA is always smart why pay when higher value of other currency they wait when cheaper then they pay back debt.
US dollar is very strong and has been for the past years, they can definitely make this beneficial to them by paying when their currency is high as the debt they are going to pay to other currencies would seem reduced.
But i hold euro it's good to hold btc now when btc value going up and euro is falling i can get more euros then before.
You can definitely use bitcoin as a hedge to inflation. It is a very valuable asset to own especially when your country is in a crisis. Any geopolitical situation has an effect to that country’s currency so bitcoin basically gives you just another option.

Title: Re: Euro Will be cheaper If war start in eu then USA will pay the debt to eu back
Post by: pooya87 on June 15, 2024, 04:43:39 AM
That's not how US debt works though. USA hasn't borrowed euro from Europeans. US has printed debt then the government has sold that debt to others including European governments in form of treasury bonds and that debt is in US dollar and is paid in US dollar. And US government has to pay interest on those "bonds" in US dollar to whoever bought it.
This means if euro dumps and they still bag hold the US debt and receiving interest in dollar, it still helps them assuming dollar itself hasn't crashed.

There is another thing to consider, if euro dumps and Europe is at war, they won't be able to keep purchasing US debt. That means USA will not be able to continue printing it like before so it is not so good for US economy.
Europeans may even start dumping those bonds to cover the cost of war which means US economy would suffer even more.

As for the war the reasons for it is not economical. It is just US using proxies to weaken everyone else to remain on top regardless of how weaker US itself is getting. All the others have to do is to avoid the wars US is trying to start....

Title: Re: Euro Will be cheaper If war start in eu then USA will pay the debt to eu back
Post by: Argoo on June 18, 2024, 01:27:01 PM
USA is always smart why pay when higher value of other currency they wait when cheaper then they pay back debt.
Situation with russia Will make euro weaker off course USA want to pay cheaper.
Countries who borrow money to others might go to war.
But i hold euro it's good to hold btc now when btc value going up and euro is falling i can get more euros then before.
Also the hedge funds are net short on euro i guess show will be start in Europe soon.
Only Russia can continue to incite war in Europe. So far, Russia, not the United States, has attacked Ukraine and continues to try to seize its territory. Also, Russia is now threatening war and committing various provocations against Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and other states. All economic consequences of these wars mainly depend on the current and subsequent actions of Russia. Of course, other states, including the United States, can benefit from this. Why not take advantage of the global mistakes of Putin’s Russia?