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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Waldorf77 on June 19, 2024, 09:59:43 AM

Title: Trump not happy what the Biden and nato have done but trump will change
Post by: Waldorf77 on June 19, 2024, 09:59:43 AM
World leaders are like kids who was making mess when trump was away.
The nato allmost started the war it would't be never happened If trump was in power.
Off course world leaders might be afraid If trump coming he will create his own special forcement to clean up all the world corruption and crime.
I guess trump will tell to NATO that they need to stop this what they doing it.
But a lot corrupted leaders bankers and other ones now are afraid If trump comes in power he might give orders to arrest many of corruotped officials not just in USA but around the world and i think trump will work together with Putin to make Europe on order i guess USA will send FBI and CIA to make world on order again.
What we see now it's grazy NATO allmost started world war trump not happy about it and trump might make Stoltenberg to be counteble and might take Stoltenberg to USA court.
But yes world corrupted leaders are now afraid of trump becouse when trump get in power first thing he will do he will clean up the world of corruption and bad things.
Those who are good people nothing to be afraid of trump but those who not they know that trump Will go after them and expose to the world.
Maybe trump Will take Biden to the court also
Also trump might tell to middle East they need to stop attacking israel only Biden was allowing this trump Will go to middle East probably will send army there to make law and order again in place.

Title: Re: Trump not happy what the Biden and nato have done but trump will change
Post by: PhillipDe78 on June 19, 2024, 12:52:07 PM
Before becoming president, Trump may make some statements and take a different course of action. I believe that international cooperation is essential and unilateral actions are not the way to go. Personally, I hope that Trump can help calm the volatile world by reaching agreements with other leaders. However, nothing happens with the wave of a magic wand. It takes time and effort to achieve anything worthwhile.

Title: Re: Trump not happy what the Biden and nato have done but trump will change
Post by: Hispo on June 20, 2024, 09:29:12 AM
What you are saying does not make any sense to me, OP. First of all, let us assume Donald Trump indeed had good intentions and wants the world to become a better place, with less corruption, in reality, the presidency of the United States does not have enough jurisdiction to prosecute all those criminals who may be operating from overseas. The United States, even if wanted to be the police of the world, I cannot be so easily. They can only do exceptions when comes to special operations like the one who was carried out to kill Osama Bin laden.

on the other hand, Trump himself is not the beacon of morality and fight against corruption, he has been indicted for several felonies and at least found guilty of one felony, is that the kind of person who one believes will take care of the corruption in the planet?  I think not.

Title: Re: Trump not happy what the Biden and nato have done but trump will change
Post by: legiteum on June 21, 2024, 07:12:15 PM
Maybe they don't report the details about what is actually going on here in the USA where you are from, so I'll give you an update:

Trump is a convicted criminal who will be going to jail soon.

Maybe try actually reading the US news before you make postings like this? Just a suggestion. Most of what you read about the US in foreign social media is propaganda put out by the Kremlin.