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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: bestcandy on June 27, 2024, 04:34:49 AM

Title: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: bestcandy on June 27, 2024, 04:34:49 AM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind, the reasoning, the character, the sociopolitical and the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. It's also like insurgent that can hold entire nation captive and any nation that is known for corruption is a fail nation that is encapsulate with darkness and suffering.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Fiatless on June 27, 2024, 07:49:30 AM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind, the reasoning, the character, the sociopolitical and the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. It's also like insurgent that can hold entire nation captive and any nation that is known for corruption is a fail nation that is encapsulate with darkness and suffering.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.
I don't know about other countries but in my country corruption has killed more people than diseases. When you consider the number of people who have died because of poor conditions in our hospitals you will understand what I am saying. Meanwhile, the funds allocated for the development, equipping, and effective running of these health facilities have been embezzled by corrupt government officials.

Most bad roads we have in my country have led to many accidents which have cost lives and properties. Meanwhile, the resources to fix them have been diverted to private pockets. Hunger and starvation have led to the death of many citizens of my country because these politicians have failed to create jobs.

The most painful part of it was when funds embarked to buy military equipment for our soldiers who are fighting internationally sponsored terrorists were stolen. This wicked act made these terrorists gain control of many cities where they began to kill citizens at will after they had successfully overpowered the poorly armed military force.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Marvell1 on June 27, 2024, 10:39:28 AM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind, the reasoning, the character, the sociopolitical and the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. It's also like insurgent that can hold entire nation captive and any nation that is known for corruption is a fail nation that is encapsulate with darkness and suffering.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.

In my opinion, human corruption and greed are the cause of all the bad things that happen in this world, and as long as human greed exists, our world will always be filled with all kinds of evils, diseases...and gradually our world will be destroyed by our own greed.

The fight against corruption is just an excuse to cover up the corrupt behavior of politicians, so don't naively think that they are fighting corruption when they themselves are corrupt.
We feel uncomfortable and helpless when politicians are corrupt, but what guarantees that if we become politicians, we will not be corrupt like them? Because greed is nature and part of humanity, so I don't think we can eliminate corruption and corruption will never disappear. We should accept that reality and adapt to it.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Hewlet on June 27, 2024, 10:57:23 AM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind, the reasoning, the character, the sociopolitical and the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. It's also like insurgent that can hold entire nation captive and any nation that is known for corruption is a fail nation that is encapsulate with darkness and suffering.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.
corruption has eaten deep into the fabrics of the society and it's no longer looked at as corruption but more of connection. It's now the easiest way to get things done and if you're not corrupt, it's almost impossible to get things done following the due process.

Most nations that have remained stagnant in terms of development and creation of job opportunities are in those state because of how corrupt it's citizens are and it's not just about the leaders but also the average man that's resident there. Right from homes, to the school to religious sectors and even the government, military sector, health sectors and literally any sector you can think of have become corrupt and selfish in discharging her duties and as long as you have the money, you can buy your way into almost anything and place you choose to.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: EluguHcman on June 27, 2024, 12:05:23 PM
Corruption is worse than disease in the sense that it enrolls with evil transformations in which it is either targeted to frustrate others, ruin them, kill them or oppressing them intentionally.

It is an affliction that endangers the societies with destructive orders and creating enemities amongst others by a projection of a cabinet which affects security infrastructures, political and economical infrastructures with all being panics to destroy positive being of the people.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: DeathAngel on June 27, 2024, 01:28:35 PM
Corruption is a significant problem, undermining fairness, transparency & accountability in society & government. It hampers development, perpetuates inequality, weakens institutions & fosters a culture of impunity. Addressing corruption requires strong measures & a culture of integrity.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: aioc on June 27, 2024, 02:28:52 PM
The disease can be cured with proper medication and timely diagnosis, but corruption deprives people who need it the most and deserve the country's wealth.

I've been living in a third-world country where corruption is very rampant. I have seen politicians exploiting the poor and robbing them of government allocation they rightly deserve; corruption stalled the nation's development and rendered the poor helpless to combat their poverty.

People are blinded by propaganda. The politicians know how to market themselves to make the poor believe that they are their savior

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: passwordnow on June 27, 2024, 04:33:27 PM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind, the reasoning, the character, the sociopolitical and the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. It's also like insurgent that can hold entire nation captive and any nation that is known for corruption is a fail nation that is encapsulate with darkness and suffering.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.
It's so hard when there's already a system of corruption to a country. Even if someone that comes to save that country, that person will just be stopped by the actual corruption that's happening there. A person that has political will might lessen it but it won't be eradicated because of the system that has been built there. It's like an entire zoo that's being controlled by the system and whether you want to be fed or not, you'll be forced to be feed by whoever controls that system. That's the reality of it and that's why those great people and leader are being stopped and killed despite their patriotic goals for their country, they can't just accomplish it because they're against the corrupted system and the people that are involved with it don't want it to be cleaned.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Hispo on June 28, 2024, 01:39:59 AM


Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.

Fighting against corruption does not have to be as expensive as you think, it only takes to have the right people in the right positions of power, so they can start to fight and remove the disease.
Also, I admit it takes to educate the population and new generations so they can recognize corruption and how it makes the life of all of us worse.
If you take a look a highly corrupted societies, you would realize how easily and how quick the youth and the children start to get used to corruption, in the form of bribes, nepotism... Because they look at their parents interacting with others and being corrupted or corrupting others.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Pauline oaranda on June 28, 2024, 09:09:05 AM
Corruption is everywhere, in families, politics and even in some of our religion. Corruption is very difficult to fight, we are currently living under majority, it will be difficult for one right man alone to bend the corrupt mind instead will be forced to compromise from his own standard moral.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: BitGoba on June 28, 2024, 09:19:20 AM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind, the reasoning, the character, the sociopolitical and the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. It's also like insurgent that can hold entire nation captive and any nation that is known for corruption is a fail nation that is encapsulate with darkness and suffering.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.

We were able to see high corruption in the US regarding the approval of ETH ETFs, it is clear to everyone that ETH was created as a pre-mine, with 70 million ETH sold in the initial public offering. Therefore, there is incontrovertible evidence that ETH is a security under American law. The SEC can only approve ETFs for commodities, not for securities. It is highly likely that the ETH ETF will be approved by the SEC, laws will be violated; this is a public example of high corruption where laws are not the same for everyone. The team of fraudsters gathered around Vitalik Buterin, who created ETH, has incredibly enriched themselves by selling pre-mined ETH and has enormous amounts of money with which they can bribe.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: ~speedx~ on June 28, 2024, 06:16:48 PM
Almost all countries in the world are corrupt.My country is no exception.  There is extreme corruption in my country. Because of this, my country is still lagging behind. Countries are lagging behind because of corruption. It is very difficult to control. It is like a kind of disease.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: bluebit25 on June 28, 2024, 07:24:30 PM
Yes, greed is translated into all types of roles in society, even those without power/power exist. I know that I am also a greedy person, and looking at everything around me is also revealing that truth. But maybe in this story I feel that corrupt behavior, but honestly, I don't hate those people but feel that they are really pitiful because after all, they will also receive the consequences they came.

Maybe on all sides of society people condemn, agree,... with these issues, but I see everything helps us all realize what we really need to do for ourselves. Individual/collective interests manipulate things they can control, and that clearly represents the chaotic atmosphere in which we are immersed.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Zoomic on June 30, 2024, 05:36:25 PM
Corruption obviously kills faster. Imagine dealing with insecurity, unemployment, low standards of living, frustration, depression and many others in the midst of plenty just because one selfish individual or group decides how resources that are meant for all the masses should be shared. If resources are concentrated in the hands of few rich people, the rest of the people will suffer it all.

Most times when we talk about corruption, everyone begins to point fingers at the political leaders, the government and those in authority, corruption goes beyond all this. Once anyone even from the grassroots and minority groups begin to practice nepotism, favoritism, cronyism, fraud etc, such a person is also promoting corruption in his environment.

The interesting thing about corruption is, everyone feels its effects, both the corrupt people and the victims of corruption. So once people begin to do things out of their own selfish interests, they will definitely face its consequence through another means.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Oshio-man on June 30, 2024, 06:35:30 PM
Corruption destroy faster than disease, because is very easy for corruption to go round the country to cause hardship that will be taking people life while it take disease a long years before the disease will start taking people life little by little in the community, That is why people don't likely taking it easy with some corrupt leader because they don't wish the people well in the community and such people need to be ignore in any position they are coming out for in their party.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Albarq on July 03, 2024, 01:37:37 PM

Corruption does not look at people and nowadays it is difficult to find someone who is honest, so they want to seek instant wealth, and it is more dangerous than disease and images like that because the resulting effects are very broad, involving many people who will be harmed, which is considered very dangerous for survival and progress of the country.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: o48o on July 03, 2024, 05:19:12 PM

Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.

Fighting against corruption does not have to be as expensive as you think, it only takes to have the right people in the right positions of power, so they can start to fight and remove the disease.
Also, I admit it takes to educate the population and new generations so they can recognize corruption and how it makes the life of all of us worse.
If you take a look a highly corrupted societies, you would realize how easily and how quick the youth and the children start to get used to corruption, in the form of bribes, nepotism... Because they look at their parents interacting with others and being corrupted or corrupting others.
Depending what you mean by the bolded text, what these positions are and how would they use their power, it can be either fuel for corruption or normal route against corruption.
Because if such power, like deciding what's corruption and what's not, would be in the hands of the few, it would lead to more corruption.

Corruption can be only fought with transparency and regulations, and by forcing all companies, institutions and officials to follow same regulations.
This requires transparency in a way it guarantees auditability of said institutions, persons and companies. Distributing this regulatory power as much as possible and subjecting everyone unders same rules ensures everyone's accountability.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Dunamisx on July 03, 2024, 08:48:08 PM
Corruption is not good likewise is the invasion of any disease, there is no any good in what will harm human beings, we are to take care of ourselves and avoid any form of sickness because it leads to pain and threat of life, no one will ever want to get sick not to talk of how we can manage to see corrupt practices and withstand it, we should make life easy for everyone of us by doing the right thing without being supervised on it.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: coin-investor on July 04, 2024, 04:08:42 PM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind.
That's because the masses are easily deceived by propaganda by these corrupt politicians, they sell their sacred votes for a few bucks, and these corrupt officials are more than willing to pay because they know they are getting ten times what they are giving out, the masses are partly to blame for this culture.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.
Our country is one example of this; we have people who are clean and capable, but they prefer to cling to traditional corrupt officials because they do not want to take risks, thinking that the ones they do not know will be worse than the old ones they prefer. Again, the masses deserve the kind of governance they choose.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Jewan420 on July 04, 2024, 04:50:37 PM
Corruption is like epidemic that is more dangerous than the most dangerous disease recorded by mankind, it starve the development of the people and inflict the mind, the reasoning, the character, the sociopolitical and the socioeconomic wellbeing of the people. It's also like insurgent that can hold entire nation captive and any nation that is known for corruption is a fail nation that is encapsulate with darkness and suffering.
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.

Corruption is enough to destroy a nation. There is corruption in more or less all countries. But I know of some countries where corruption like usury, bribery, extortion and theft of people's money by the leader is open. As a result, even though there is no shortage of anything in that country, the country remains within the poverty line. I will blame the country's ruler for this corruption. A ruler is obliged to rule the country and the people of the country as they should be ruled. But if the ruler of any country is corrupt, then the destruction of that country is sure if the people are not aware.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Marykeller on July 09, 2024, 07:51:12 AM
Corruption undermines democracy and erodes trust, corruption is more deadly than sickness. Many people associate corruption with the government when we discuss it, forgetting that it begins with me and ends with us. Consider a scenario where a nearby farmer harvests grain from his land and sells it for three times the cost. A manager of a company will have an affair with his worker in exchange for a job, etc. The government is not to blame for any of these. Fighting corruption inside our ranks will make it easier for us to take on the government. Speaking of the government, there have been fatalities as a result of their inability to employ funds allotted for the development of decent roads, state hospitals with enough equipment, decent schools, etc. You will concur with me that corruption is more hazardous than disease if you contrast all of this with the onset of a particular ailment. Like diseases, which may be treated or managed if the specific cause is identified, corruption is impossible to completely eradicate since it involves all segments of society, including the wealthy, powerful, and the impoverished.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Hispo on July 12, 2024, 10:28:55 AM
Corruption undermines democracy and erodes trust, corruption is more deadly than sickness. Many people associate corruption with the government when we discuss it, forgetting that it begins with me and ends with us. Consider a scenario where a nearby farmer harvests grain from his land and sells it for three times the cost. A manager of a company will have an affair with his worker in exchange for a job, etc. The government is not to blame for any of these..

You know, that is not a suitable example for us to talk about corruption, it is rather an example of speculation. In reality, the prices of the open market would not allow a farmer to sell their products for the triple of the price as easily as you portrait.
A better example for corruption would be a police person abusing of their power for financial gain, that is the simplest example. Though, I would agree with you that corruption does not start and end with big position in government, it also starts with the common people like you and I.

Your example of the speculating farmer reminds me of some countries which went hrough socialism, by the way, in which people who worked the land were forced to sell their crops to the government.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Franctoshi on July 12, 2024, 08:14:09 PM
Obviously corruption can in other terms be defined as an enemy of progress of a nation because those countries where I have seen corruption have had little or no success after that corruption began to make its way in such nations, it really dangerous than disease in the sense that in a country where there is a high rate of corruption, there is definitely going to be increased rate of poverty in such country and which results to many things, where we will have people face/ suffer different kind of issues due to bad government.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: AYOBA on July 12, 2024, 09:19:34 PM
Corruption destroy faster than disease, because is very easy for corruption to go round the country to cause hardship that will be taking people life while it take disease a long years before the disease will start taking people life little by little in the community, That is why people don't likely taking it easy with some corrupt leader because they don't wish the people well in the community and such people need to be ignore in any position they are coming out for in their party.
Actually you on the point Mate, corruption is very faster to surround the society by killing people's I can even say that corruption is faster than speed of light, because even in our country now the way corruption is dealing with so much of people's taking their life is something that government his self the consider, but him over look without take any solutions.
A disease has his own part with cannot compare disease with the corruption, and the main people's that are the middle of corruption are leaders because their the one that supposed to prevent the corruption from circulate the country but they couldn't, that why the country cam never remains in peace and the numbers of poverty will be increased.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: BADecker on July 13, 2024, 01:55:09 PM
First two main laws. If you don't do these perfectly you are corrupt.

1. Love God above all things.
2. Love everybody else as much as you love yourself.


Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Asiska02 on July 13, 2024, 05:48:11 PM
Fighting a war against corruption is very severe and expensive because you have to fight the mindset of the people and also the people. Many countries in the world today have everything it takes to facilitate development and  improve the standard of living of the people but corruption has held them captive to the mercy of poverty, diseases and suffering.

Everything you’ve said is right and you can’t take that away from everyone no matter how you try to. Corruption is like a disease and when it’s instill into people, it can take forever lifetime before you can take that away from them. Corruption will always prevail over every other thing if the people who are responsible to end it are also the main perpetrators of it. Corruption has caused more harm than good and in the years to come it’ll always be in that manner. The beginning of corruption from the tender age is the end of it all for a nation where a person with even an iota of corruption in them is given the chance to lead them. For a leader to be given a position, investigations should be done that if he/she has ever been going of corruption should not be given that position and that’s the best for every nation if they knew.

Title: Re: Corruption is more dangerous than disease
Post by: Chilwell on July 13, 2024, 07:21:59 PM
Obviously corruption can in other terms be defined as an enemy of progress of a nation because those countries where I have seen corruption have had little or no success after that corruption began to make its way in such nations, it really dangerous than disease in the sense that in a country where there is a high rate of corruption, there is definitely going to be increased rate of poverty in such country and which results to many things, where we will have people face/ suffer different kind of issues due to bad government.
Indeed you said the truth because when a society is facing corruption definitely they will be a lot of crime in that society because there laws and order will not be very effective. I prefer diseases than corruption because disease is curable, take for instance corona virus is a wide spread virus that causes a lot of shot down of every nation all over the world, during that time it was like will we be out of this forever but to my surprise they finally find it cure, but when we talk of corruption it spread faster than disease because with just a single phone call everything will change.