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Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: NotATether on July 07, 2024, 08:23:34 AM

Post by: NotATether on July 07, 2024, 08:23:34 AM

Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright Slapped With an Assets Freezing Order Over Libel Lawsuit
Daily Hodl Staff July 6, 2024 BITCOIN, REGULATORS

The High Court of the United Kingdom is freezing the assets of computer scientist and businessman Craig Wright, according to new legal documents.

The court issued a worldwide freezing order (WFO) upon the request of podcaster Peter McCormack with the aim of recouping his legal fees incurred when Wright sued him for defamation.

McCormack tells his 543,000 followers on the social media platform X that the order froze roughly 1.54 million British pounds ($1.9 million) worth of Wright’s assets, which could help him recoup his legal fees.

Says Justice James Mellor in his ruling,

“Wright was using the law of defamation … to silence anyone who dared to contend that Dr. Wright was not Satoshi or to question his claim… I was entirely satisfied that Mr. McCormack has a good arguable case (indeed a very strong case) for recovery of costs in the sum of £1.548 million.”

Wright proclaimed himself to be Satoshi Nakamoto for years. However, a judge ruled in March that there was overwhelming evidence that Wright is not actually Satoshi nor is he the author of the Bitcoin (BTC) white paper, the original thesis behind the digital asset.

Wright had sued McCormack, host of the What Bitcoin Did podcast, for libel after he called Wright a “fraud” when challenging the computer scientist’s claim that he was the pseudonymous Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

That's it guys, he's done. BSV is also finished.

Post by: ABCbits on July 07, 2024, 08:38:04 AM
And about 3 months ago, UK court did same thing on case COPA against him[1]. I agree that he's (especially on cryptocurrency world), although i bet he manage to hide small amount of asset/money which unreachable by UK court.

[1] (

Post by: Davidvictorson on July 07, 2024, 08:47:04 AM
And about 3 months ago, UK court did same thing on case COPA against him[1]. I agree that he's (especially on cryptocurrency world), although i bet he manage to hide small amount of asset/money which unreachable by UK court.
Yes, I remember reading about this at that time, which raised some questions.

- Can the court freeze his Bitcoin assets as well since it could be in a non-custodial wallet?

- When the court freezes rather than seizes an asset, under what conditions can it be unfrozen in this context?

Post by: shield132 on July 07, 2024, 08:49:12 AM
Some good news after so many wasted years. This man deserves more than this because he ruined the life of many people. He is the reason why had to remove Bitcoin Whitepaper for UK people, he abused the court's process for so many years. He is a fraudster who wanted to gain access to Satoshi's Bitcoin by getting approval from a judge and forcing Bitcoin Core developers to help him reclaim those million Bitcoins.

I hope not only his assets gets frozen but every asset that he held and moved on relative's names would get frozen too because it's cheating that people like him often do. Congrats Craig, you'll reap what you sow.

Post by: mindrust on July 07, 2024, 09:08:12 AM
Good but it did take too long. The damage is already done. He scammed thousands of people. Many people will lose their life savings because of him. Craig had enormous wealth and he delayed what's coming for him for a very long time. Some people though, probably deserved it for supporting BSV but I don't think all BSV supporters were lunatics like Craig. Some of them were probably just innocent fools. BSV has $721 million market cap at the moment. (bsv price: $36) Soon it will be much lower. It is as good as dead. BCH played this smarter than BSV. At least it is above LTC in terms of market cap at the moment.

Post by: Oshosondy on July 07, 2024, 09:11:25 AM
That's it guys, he's done. BSV is also finished.
BSV fall in price but it was when bitcoin and other coins were falling recently. As bitcoin and altcoins has been rising, it is following them. I will say BSV is in good state as for now.

But Craig Wright has been finished already. His bad actions of lies led him to this. People can know the beginning of a war but they can know the ending of the war until after the end. This is what happened to Craig Wright.

Nobody will pity the man at all.

Post by: hd49728 on July 07, 2024, 09:18:04 AM
- Can the court freeze his Bitcoin assets as well since it could be in a non-custodial wallet?

- When the court freezes rather than seizes an asset, under what conditions can it be unfrozen in this context?
Government can seize his bitcoin but can not freeze his bitcoin if there is no suit to arrest him and force him to give private key to the court or government.

Freeze is only possible with altcoins, with smart contracts and support from projects' developer team. Freeze is impossible with Bitcoin, with non custodial wallets as only the owner has access to private keys.

PSA: Most Stablecoins Can Be Frozen, Even in Your Own Wallets (

BSV fall in price but it was when bitcoin and other coins were falling recently. As bitcoin and altcoins has been rising, it is following them. I will say BSV is in good state as for now.
BSV is pure manipulative game and how many people actually have demand to use BSV blockchain for storage and transaction?

It's risky. The BSV blockchain is less secured than Bitcoin blockchain and holding BSV can cause you loss too.

An old article on a comparative analysis of Bitcoin forks (

Post by: Oshosondy on July 07, 2024, 09:29:24 AM
BSV is pure manipulative game and how many people actually have demand to use BSV blockchain for storage and transaction?
Did I posted that BSV is a good coin? No. I only posted that it is not yet in bad state which is true. Most altcoins are manipulative games.

It's risky. The BSV blockchain is less secured than Bitcoin blockchain and holding BSV can cause you loss too.
I did not compare BSV with BTC. Even ethereum, BSC, solana and other blockchains are less secure than bitcoin blockchain.

Post by: yhiaali3 on July 07, 2024, 10:45:29 AM
A shameful end for Craig Wright (the fake Satoshi), he deserved this end after all this long time he occupied the judiciary and the Bitcoin community for years. Even though he knows he's lying.

I don't know what he really benefited from this empty claim. He lost his money and his reputation, as well as his BSV coin, which he claimed was the original Bitcoin according to Satoshi's vision. Did he really dream of winning one day?

Post by: SickDayIn on July 07, 2024, 10:59:40 AM
The article says that only $1.9 million USD worth of funds were frozen, which is a little misleading from your "worldwide" title. He claims to be a billionaire, referring to his Tulip trust which supposedly has 1.1 million BTC in it (worth $93 billion), so there's no doubt he will just skip, hop, jump and run away from this.

The truth is Craig Wright is a complete psychopath. There's no doubt he is wealthy, even if he is only a millionaire and not a billionaire as he alleges. Still think about, imagine deciding to sue others for defamation and try and destroy them in legal fees to claim that you are the creator of something you didn't make? Is it really still all just for money? The dude must have mental health issues to even do something like this.

Post by: MeGold666 on July 07, 2024, 11:00:08 AM
He wanted to scam the system, system scammed him.

His frozen assets are a good advertisement for cryptocurrency and non-custodial wallets.

He claims to be a billionaire..

Many people claim to have seen Jesus Christ himself.

Scammers often fake being rich to gain more credibility.

This tactic is being used by many fake gurus on YT like Robert Kiyosaki or Manny Khoshbin, they fake being rich to sell you useless books and lessons so they become truly rich and scam even more.

"Money attracts Money" is the name of the game.

Post by: kryptqnick on July 07, 2024, 11:03:42 AM
That's wonderful news. Craig has been a nuisance for many years, and there's finally a serious country with a strong court system setting things right. Just recently, COPA won a case against Craig, with a UK court deciding that he isn't Satoshi.
This asset freezing case isn't a major one, as it is just to get the legal fees out of him for another court case, but it became possible thanks to the former UK court's decision against Wright. What's lovely is that the legal system in the UK is that of precedent law, so it will be harder for the next Faketoshi to conduct similar activities.

Post by: NeuroticFish on July 07, 2024, 11:10:11 AM
That's it guys, he's done.

It's about time. He did a fair share of damage until this point, sadly. Now it's just fair to pay for all that.

It's quite refreshing to see the truth and unity did prevail after all.
As many have already said: welcome to the law, mother fucker!

His frozen assets are a good advertisement for cryptocurrency and non-custodial wallets.

LOL, very good point! However, I'll make a small correction/addition: non custodial wallets on a decentralized proper cryptocurrency. (Let's not count BSV, USDT and such.)

Post by: yazher on July 07, 2024, 11:29:53 AM
The problem with him is he was gathering funds from his fanatics fans who believes that he was really Satoshi and they gave him whatever he ask for and now they obviously regret their decision.

This is good news because someone will quickly move his assets somewhere safe after he got busted and to freeze everything means they cannot benefit in it anymore and to those who blindly followed him, they will have a chance to get their funds back with enough proof they have.

Post by: MeGold666 on July 07, 2024, 11:32:13 AM
...and to those who blindly followed him, they will have a chance to get their funds back with enough proof they have.

And lose their money to the next scammer in line, people like this never learn.

Post by: Churchillvv on July 07, 2024, 12:56:12 PM
Craig is a fraud with political power, although time has caught up with him now.

One thing people like him do forget is that no matter the political backup you have once it's broken nobody can save you. that dude was a scammer was a scammer with authoritative power to even oppress people who knows the truth.

You can't keep fooling people, in my local proverbs that says everyday for the thief one day for the owner, his days are over.

Post by: Taskford on July 07, 2024, 01:06:31 PM
This is the consequences of his past stunts made and he create a trouble for his self for exposing to much his identity also his activities on crypto scene.

Now with that being said I think Craig Wright is done and for sure he cannot spread anything lies then also for sure they lose again his credibility for that situation. His influence didn't save him and I guess many people are done with his scam claims also his circus over the internet.

If this is the karma of scamming people and claiming that he is Satoshi Nakamoto? Well I guess yes so he learn a lesson for all he do in a hard way.

Post by: pakhitheboss on July 07, 2024, 01:10:22 PM
Craig Wright is facing some serious legal troubles! His assets have been frozen twice this year, amounting to millions! If, I am correct with the news I am following about him. The first time was in March after a court battle where he claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin.

However, the judge didn't believe him and ordered him to pay much. I am not certain about it, but it was a big! To ensure that he pays, the court froze some of his cash. Then, his assets were frozen again in July due to a separate lawsuit.

A podcaster he sued for defamation is concerned that Wright may be unable to cover legal fees if he loses, so the court put a hold on his assets again. Essentially, these freezes are like putting a lock on his wallet until these court cases are resolved.

Post by: SamReomo on July 07, 2024, 01:11:06 PM
I would feel very bad for him but since he's a known liar and that's why I'm totally unemotional for that guy. Finally, the self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator has got some good treatment by a court.

Although, most of his assets that are known by government will be frozen but that guy isn't a naive person and he should've kept some assets hidden from government which he may use when needed.

But, at least it sounds good to hear that all his visible and legal assets are now frozen and I also believe he won't be able to create any fud now or in future.

Post by: Faisal2202 on July 07, 2024, 01:46:10 PM
I don't think asset freezing lawsuit is going to stop him because this is not enough BSV will still exist as long as the BSV community is supporting it. And he has already been proven not to be a real satoshi by the UK government which means he lost his trust at that time but people are still supported him. I think he must be making some money from these cringe cases. I am happy that he got what he deserved not because he is faking himself as Satoshi but because he sued the podcaster and cost him money.

He is a businessman and a computer expert which also means he don't have to worry about the funds being frozen.

Post by: Zoomic on July 07, 2024, 02:23:07 PM
With all this that is happening to Craig Wright right now, you all will agree that Satoshi made the right decision when he disappeared and made himself (or themselves) unknown to all. Satoshi would have gotten himself in many troubles just like Craig Wright with the government and even his close competitors if he didn't leave when he did.

I just hope Craig Wright rests now from all the lies he is instigating against himself, drop the pride and save himself from further legal troubles as all his acts of deceit over the years has not really been in his favour. We just hope the court's ruling marks the end of Craig Wright's entanglement with Bitcoin.

Post by: stompix on July 07, 2024, 02:52:25 PM
I wonder how Bitcoiners will react if he will hide his assets in some counties that don't give a rat's ass about a UK decision!
The same people that cheered when the US couldn't seize anything probably will curse all day long seeing how CSW might get away too!

Let's see it's 1.5 mil now and 6.5 with COPA!
He still hasn't paid a dime of the $100 million to W&K in the Kleimna case, and I think he still has a lawsuit in the UK ongoing!
Since he's on a losing steak and obviously has no coins, I wonder if he's going to pay a thing or declare bankruptcy!

I don't think asset freezing lawsuit is going to stop him because this is not enough BSV will still exist as long as the BSV community is supporting it.

He needs 3 million BSV to pay all at current rates!  ;D

Post by: pooya87 on July 07, 2024, 02:58:22 PM
That's it guys, he's done. BSV is also finished.
BSV fall in price but it was when bitcoin and other coins were falling recently. As bitcoin and altcoins has been rising, it is following them. I will say BSV is in good state as for now.
I wouldn't call it "good state" but it is not going to go away that easily either. I've seen so many useless shitcoins that scammed their users and stuck around for a long time that I've lost count. BSV was centralized already and hadn't attracted that many traders specially since some big exchanges delisted it. So it will remain alive like a parasite on small and weird exchanges :D

Post by: PrivacyG on July 07, 2024, 03:02:27 PM
Imagine how much Craig could have done and won if he was an honest and respectable person.  Lying to the whole World and pretending to be who you are not in Court, falsifying records and doing all of that B S just to end up like the soggiest loser in the World right now.  All those Millions and no brain cell really.  Craig Wright is the living example that not every body who is a Millionaire is smart.

I am usually not happy to hear of an unfortunate event somebody else is living, but at this point Craig truly deserves what comes after him.

Post by: Die_empty on July 07, 2024, 05:52:48 PM
And about 3 months ago, UK court did same thing on case COPA against him[1]. I agree that he's (especially on cryptocurrency world), although i bet he manage to hide small amount of asset/money which unreachable by UK court.
Yes, I remember reading about this at that time, which raised some questions.
He was practically disgraced by the UK court and he lost the right to claim he was Satoshi. I thought the court would have ruled that he should pay all the legal fees incurred by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance. This would have devastated his finances.

- Can the court freeze his Bitcoin assets as well since it could be in a non-custodial wallet?
This is one of the benefits of decentralization. He can hide his funds from law enforcement agencies and it might never be discovered. They can only freeze the assets he has declared or those they can trace.

- When the court freezes rather than seizes an asset, under what conditions can it be unfrozen in this context?
The verdict can from a High Court so he still has the privilege of appealing the judgement in the Court of Appeal. He can secure a favorable government that can secure the unfreezing of his assets.

Post by: DooMAD on July 07, 2024, 05:59:37 PM
Imagine how much Craig could have done and won if he was an honest and respectable person. 

What actual skills does he have, though?  I figure without the deceit and the fraud, at best, he'd be a mid-tier IT worker.  Sociopathy disorder aside, there's nothing remarkable about him once you take away all the lies and misrepresentations.

Post by: Knight Hider on July 07, 2024, 06:00:13 PM

Post by: mindrust on July 07, 2024, 06:16:09 PM
Imagine how much Craig could have done and won if he was an honest and respectable person.  

What actual skills does he have, though?  I figure without the deceit and the fraud, at best, he'd be a mid-tier IT worker.  Sociopathy disorder aside, there's nothing remarkable about him once you take away all the lies and misrepresentations.

He definitely has some social skills but like you said it is probably a side effect of being a sociopath. You know, him being butt buddies with a billionaire like Calvin Ayre isn't something a random mid-tier IT worker could achieve. I don't know the current status of their relationship but they were acting together back in the day.

In June 2016, Andrew O'Hagan published a writer's account of the background behind Craig Wright publicly asserting himself to be Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin cryptocurrency, which made the news in May 2016. He revealed Ayre to be part of the business operation behind this affair, possibly even its ultimate organizer and the financial backer of the $30 million acquisition and development of Craig Wright's assets.[45] In August 2017, Ayre acquired cryptocurrency news site[46]

In 2020, Ayre sold his Bitcoin mining operations to Canadian firm TAAL Distributed Information Technologies Inc.[47]

Ayre briefly supported the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain[48] but withdrew his support in 2018 because the chain was preparing to make changes to the protocol that Ayre opposed. Ayre maintains that although Bitcoin SV (Satoshi Vision) trades under the ticker BSV, it is the original Bitcoin protocol because it hasn’t undergone the significant deviations from the Bitcoin white paper that have been imposed on the BCH and BTC blockchains.[49] Ayre predicted that the BTC token, which he refers to as “the Segwit coin that’s erroneously still called ‘bitcoin,’” would "go to zero value as it has no utility, it does not do anything and [its supporters] are intentionally anti-scaling.”[50]

He fought the court for years and I even once thought; "he might win" even though he was full of shit. I thought so because there are many evil people who have billions of dollars and they made that money by fucking people over. Why not one more? Somehow he failed. Good for us.

Post by: DaveF on July 07, 2024, 06:28:24 PM
Imagine how much Craig could have done and won if he was an honest and respectable person. 

What actual skills does he have, though?  I figure without the deceit and the fraud, at best, he'd be a mid-tier IT worker.  Sociopathy disorder aside, there's nothing remarkable about him once you take away all the lies and misrepresentations.

He scammed a lot of people for a lot of things over a long time. So he does have some real skill at being a slick snake oil salesmen.
Which is a skill set in and of itself. I know plenty of people who could not sell free money if their lives depended on it.
It's a shame really, since had he put his skill to good use, he probably could have been fairly wealthy as someone selling high end products.

Beyond that he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Post by: Upgrade00 on July 07, 2024, 06:55:45 PM
He is a businessman and a computer expert which also means he don't have to worry about the funds being frozen.
He is a scammer and a sociopath. I cannot imagine any legitimate business wanting to be associated with him after this recent rulings. BSV does not count as a legitimate business.

After years of most people ignoring his BS, it's good he was finally taking seriously as he wanted to be and with this we shouldn't be getting any fake satoshis popping up anytime soon.

Post by: MinoRaiola on July 07, 2024, 06:57:00 PM
I don't think asset freezing lawsuit is going to stop him because this is not enough BSV will still exist as long as the BSV community is supporting it. And he has already been proven not to be a real satoshi by the UK government which means he lost his trust at that time but people are still supported him. I think he must be making some money from these cringe cases. I am happy that he got what he deserved not because he is faking himself as Satoshi but because he sued the podcaster and cost him money.

He is a businessman and a computer expert which also means he don't have to worry about the funds being frozen.
I also believe that he is not completely defeated by this. Not only will BSV have brought him more money, there may be more coins that he hasnt talked about, or perhaps still does. There are certainly other people who support him and see Satoshi in him, but most of them will have understood that bitcoin must remain without a first person so that we can all continue to believe in bitcoin. If it had turned out differently, then the purpose of bitcoin would not have been the right one in the long term. so everything is okay with this news. Thank you.

Post by: Stalker22 on July 07, 2024, 06:59:49 PM
I dont usually wish people harm, but this guy deserves everything that comes his way. That Ayre guy too. He was the one who funded Wright in his illegal attempt to hijack Bitcoin from the people. They both deserve a beggar's stick, and BSV deserves to go to zero because of them.  I feel sorry for all the fools who fell for their lies and invested in that shitcoin, but ultimately, they have themselves to blame.

Post by: darkangel11 on July 07, 2024, 07:01:53 PM
Imagine how much Craig could have done and won if he was an honest and respectable person. 

What actual skills does he have, though?  I figure without the deceit and the fraud, at best, he'd be a mid-tier IT worker.  Sociopathy disorder aside, there's nothing remarkable about him once you take away all the lies and misrepresentations.

Skills? A professional liar, has a friend who's a millionaire, BA in political science, MA in labor and industrial relations, and of course PhD in theology...
If we combine all that he can tell you that God wanted him to lose the battle in court because he has more important things in mind for his subject Craig.
If Craig played his cards right and exchanged some of that BSV for BTC years ago, he could be set for the afterlife ;)

Post by: Silberman on July 07, 2024, 07:54:22 PM
I dont usually wish people harm, but this guy deserves everything that comes his way. That Ayre guy too. He was the one who funded Wright in his illegal attempt to hijack Bitcoin from the people. They both deserve a beggar's stick, and BSV deserves to go to zero because of them.  I feel sorry for all the fools who fell for their lies and invested in that shitcoin, but ultimately, they have themselves to blame.

We are not really wishing him harm, we just want justice, CW has being lying for too long and making the life of anyone that disagrees with his claims a living hell, so it is completely natural that anyone that cares about bitcoin and that has taken the time to look at the evidence to not be happy about this, since we have known that his claims are not really true for a long time, so this is just a confirmation we have been right all along and now CW has to pay for what he did.

Post by: cabron on July 07, 2024, 08:10:41 PM
So why are they doing this now to Craig Wright. Why now?

It's been known to the community he isn't the real author of Bitcoin whitepaper and he isn't Satoshi. This man has become controversial for a long time, and once upon a time, he was used to spreading fud and bringing prices down, and then all of a sudden this guy is just shut down like there is martial law.

Someone has to connect the dots to figure out what went wrong with Craig and his friends this time. Because I'm certain this guy is a big shot to them but now seem useless anymore.

Post by: Z-tight on July 07, 2024, 08:19:51 PM
I feel sorry for all the fools who fell for their lies and invested in that shitcoin, but ultimately, they have themselves to blame.
Yeah, they do have themselves to blame for believing a liar and a conman, Craig Wright deserves all the shit he is getting, how do you try for so long to deceive people into believing what you are not, dragging BTC developers to court and presenting false documents in court. People like Craig is proof that some humans can really be deceitful and go to any length to scam and i wish him all the worst.

Post by: PrivacyG on July 07, 2024, 08:37:42 PM
What actual skills does he have, though?  I figure without the deceit and the fraud, at best, he'd be a mid-tier IT worker.  Sociopathy disorder aside, there's nothing remarkable about him once you take away all the lies and misrepresentations.
Given every thing he tried to do to cover up his butt cheeks and lie and how well he managed to convince the more naive to Trust him and believe in him, I presume there are a few Skill sets he owns.  Agreed with DaveF, these are things not everybody can do.

Even with no Skills, with that much value sitting in your Assets you can still live a great life with zero trouble if you have the proper brain cells.  He used all these brain cells against himself and the false image he thought would earn him a lot of Respect actually ended up humiliating him.  It is baffling to see somebody going down like that to say the least.  In fact, I really believe a lot of Sociopaths and Psychopaths are particularly smart and intelligent.  Unfortunately, they just use the intelligence they possess the wrong way.

Post by: BoB_Bass on July 07, 2024, 08:42:13 PM
I have been following the CSW/BSV scam for quite a number of years now as I find it a fascinating study in human behaviour that goes far beyond the cryptocurrency scene.  I am new to this forum so I am not too clever at quoting several comments but I will try to reply to the main points brought up here.

Several comments mention that he is an intelligent guy who could have been successful if he wasn't so dishonest.  If one was to look into his history one would find that almost all of his businesses have failed, leaving unpaid bills and employees.  He was a mid-tier IT guy at best who was always  retrospectively trying to make himself into something bigger than he really was, by changing old blog posts, claiming titles and qualifications that he hadn't earned, and he seemed to have no qualms in using dead people to add to his tall tales in a way that he hoped wouldn't be questioned.

One of the reasons I find CSW so interesting is that he used a similar M.O. to Trump in how he tried to find supporters. Like Trump he tried to portray himself as a conservative Christian, somehow morally superior to others despite a long history of dishonesty and corruption.  One of the most fanatical CSW supporters on social media is a fundamentalist Christian of the worst type.  Also, like Trump, CSW liked to portray himself as fighting a powerful, insidious enemy, the "elite", in CSW's case his supporters claimed that Greg Maxwell, Adam Back and others were part of some fantastic Epstien, Mastercard, Illuminati type conspiracy with wealthy bankers and judges supporting them.  While in reality CSW had a very wealthy guy backing him using the legal system to try and destroy the lives of regular people who spoke out honestly about him and who couldn't match his spending in the law courts.  Similar to how Trump supporters claim that he is fighting these "Elites" when he is in fact a guy that was born into great wealth and has never had to work in his life.

Another way that CSW attracted support was the old favourite of crypto scammers who try to convince people who didn't get into bitcoin early that their shitcoin is going to be the "next bitcoin", except in BSVs case Craig had the added claim that his coin was the "real bitcoin" and that one day the rest of the world would realise that and they were all going to be very rich.  And if that didn't work he was just going to sue everybody until they saw the light and bought BSV.  Who knows how many people fell for this and sold all their bitcoin to buy BSV instead, thinking it was the smartest financial decision ever.  An additional irony is that if CSW and his benefactor Calvin Ayre had just bought and held Bitcoin instead of launching a competing currency and embarking on a massive round of global litigation ( estimated at $100M) they would be amongst the wealthiest Bitcoiners in the world right now.

One more thing I would like to add is that the Faketoshi scam was not a great masterplan from the beginning.  It started with a bit of tax rebate fraud in Australia, Craig tried to tie Bitcoin into his explanation when he got caught out there, and as time went on he had to keep coming up with bigger lies to stay out of prison.  Claiming to be Satoshi and starting a rival cryptocurrency were never the original plan but as time went on and the lies multiplied the stories became more and more bizarre.  It looks like he has finally painted himself into a corner that he can't get out of now.

If anybody is interested in learning more about the Faketoshi scam Arthur Van Pelt on Twitter and Medium has probably the best, most thorough writing on the subject.  The Satoshi Affair by Andrew O' Hagan is also a great introduction to the early days of the scam.

Edit.  Many thanks to Foxpup for my first merits.

Post by: Liliana1304 on July 07, 2024, 09:14:20 PM
At last! His aim to silence the Bitcoin community and those who were against his claim of being Satoshi has come to naught and he's left with frozen assets? What a surprising turn of events. Remembered when he had that lawsuit filed against crypto podcaster, Peter McCormack for defamation simply because the latter was really calling him out to be the fake that he is.
It's a wonderful news indeed and Peter McCormack will be getting his settlement of $1.9m else Craig's assets will remain frozen but what about the many that have been blinded by this man? Do they get recompense?
This guy really got another thing coming if he thinks he can lay claim to all or part of the Bitcoin attributed to Satoshi by claiming he is the Satoshi? What a dreamer!
This lawsuit is another win for the crypto space at large because this guy has been a thorn in the side of as many who as much as have a different opinion about him not being the founder of Bitcoin.

Post by: Casdinyard on July 07, 2024, 10:28:18 PM

Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright Slapped With an Assets Freezing Order Over Libel Lawsuit
Daily Hodl Staff July 6, 2024 BITCOIN, REGULATORS

The High Court of the United Kingdom is freezing the assets of computer scientist and businessman Craig Wright, according to new legal documents.

The court issued a worldwide freezing order (WFO) upon the request of podcaster Peter McCormack with the aim of recouping his legal fees incurred when Wright sued him for defamation.

McCormack tells his 543,000 followers on the social media platform X that the order froze roughly 1.54 million British pounds ($1.9 million) worth of Wright’s assets, which could help him recoup his legal fees.

Says Justice James Mellor in his ruling,

“Wright was using the law of defamation … to silence anyone who dared to contend that Dr. Wright was not Satoshi or to question his claim… I was entirely satisfied that Mr. McCormack has a good arguable case (indeed a very strong case) for recovery of costs in the sum of £1.548 million.”

Wright proclaimed himself to be Satoshi Nakamoto for years. However, a judge ruled in March that there was overwhelming evidence that Wright is not actually Satoshi nor is he the author of the Bitcoin (BTC) white paper, the original thesis behind the digital asset.

Wright had sued McCormack, host of the What Bitcoin Did podcast, for libel after he called Wright a “fraud” when challenging the computer scientist’s claim that he was the pseudonymous Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto.

That's it guys, he's done. BSV is also finished.
This is amazing news if I do say so myself. For years we've been trying to debunk and clown on this stupid fuck's face without fail and it's actually at the very least great that we have the government protecting the general welfare of the public.

The fact of the matter is that this clown's trying to claim he's Satoshi so he could launch shit under the fame of the pseudonym and make bank off of all gullible fucks out there just like when Elon tried to make bank by going all ham on bitcoin and crypto on all his social media.

Only question that I have in mind at this point is whether this is admissible to the highest degree. His assets are frozen, but how could it be if in any case his shit is in a non-custodial wallet? In which case wouldn't it be better to just seize his assets altogether?

Anyone who could explain it better to me?

Post by: PX-Z on July 07, 2024, 10:31:15 PM
Now, i can say that's a good news. He actually deserves it. I wonder what he still on his sleeves. Better someone will go rise again and sues again and again this man for good until he has nothing. I remember lots of bitcoin devs where frightened and back out supporting because of him, now its pay back time lol.

Post by: Sandra_hakeem on July 07, 2024, 10:35:52 PM
That's it guys, he's done. BSV is also finished.
That maniac better gets a good dish of the atrocious deeds he's committed already.... Why should anyone put up such a false identity with so much confidence and pride? He was even willing to spend more just to prove his fuckin' ass. he's no SATOSHI and we all know the truth now. [I mean, we already knew but, it took the government so much time that he's done alot already]
Since he's on a losing steak and obviously has no coins, I wonder if he's going to pay a thing or declare bankruptcy!
I'd be in doubt if he claims to not have a fair amount of the Bitcoins regardless of his false claims, impersonation and attack. So, whatever the case is, he'll have to tender his priv.keys in court.
And about 3 months ago, UK court did same thing on case COPA against him[1].
I'm just wondering how he thought he could get away with all the false claims; 85% of the legal cost isn't paid yet, he's got his ass frozen already.

Post by: Mr.right85 on July 07, 2024, 10:42:56 PM
Now, i can say that's a good news. He actually deserves it. I wonder what he still on his sleeves. Better someone will go rise again and sues again and again this man for good until he has nothing. I remember lots of bitcoin devs where frightened and back out supporting because of him, now its pay back time lol.
He finally gets what he deserves! His bee  a torn in the flesh of many who dared to question him, leveraged on what legacy that was left unproven or protected, gained fame from this and tried to steal from every Bitcoiner the right to be Satoshi Nakamoto as, we all individually serve as a stronghold to the innovation.

This calls for a review of all previous rulings that might has been in his favour and his going to get more than a mouthful of what he has been giving for years.
It's indeed a delightful news.

Post by: davis196 on July 09, 2024, 05:47:26 AM
Why do we have to still pay attention to this guy? He wanted to prove that he is Satoshi. The best way to prove this is to gain access over Satoshi's 1 million BTC holdings and sell a part of them. Wright couldn't do this, so he's not Satoshi. The entire BTC community knew this years ago, and yet we still keep paying attention to this clown and his ridiculous claims. Finally he will get what he deserves.
I don't think that BSV is done. There will always be pump&dump altcoins traders manipulating the BSV price and there will always be crypto noobs wanting to make a quick buck by buying and selling shitcoins.