Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ContentWriter on July 11, 2024, 09:55:16 AM

Title: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: ContentWriter on July 11, 2024, 09:55:16 AM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: pakhitheboss on July 11, 2024, 10:05:38 AM
I do feel that Trump will win the election as the IS media has suddenly started attacking President Biden. It is all about his fitness that they are attacking on which is true in every way.


Good to know that Trump is going to speak in the Bitcoin conference. I think he will be announcing what laws and regulations can be removed and what favourable laws will he come up for Bitcoin and altcoins.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: kryptqnick on July 11, 2024, 10:31:36 AM
Trump is interested in votes and money. Bitcoin can bring both because it's not hard to be pro-crypto following pretty harsh measures of the Biden administration, and since Bitcoin is money, you can (and that's what he's doing) fundraise more for your presidential campaign from Bitcoin enthusiasts.
I don't support Trump as a politician, his views are far from my own. But, more importantly, I truly don't believe that Trump is sincere with his pro-Bitcoin stance, considering that he was consistently anti-Bitcoin for all those years before, and it's a very convenient time to change your policy.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: ContentWriter on July 11, 2024, 11:05:18 AM
Trump is interested in votes and money. Bitcoin can bring both because it's not hard to be pro-crypto following pretty harsh measures of the Biden administration, and since Bitcoin is money, you can (and that's what he's doing) fundraise more for your presidential campaign from Bitcoin enthusiasts.
I don't support Trump as a politician, his views are far from my own. But, more importantly, I truly don't believe that Trump is sincere with his pro-Bitcoin stance, considering that he was consistently anti-Bitcoin for all those years before, and it's a very convenient time to change your policy.

Do you really think he changed for votes? I personally don't think so because people change their views as they learn more about the subject. Trump launched his own NFT a couple of years ago despite being anti-crypto years back. He wouldn't launch the Trump NFT if he still disliked crypto.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: pooya87 on July 11, 2024, 11:13:14 AM
In other words a convicted felon who has an international Red Notice issued for him is going to speak at a Bitcoin conference... where is the facepalm emoji when you need it...

He's smarter than Mr Biden.
A bag of rocks is smarter than Biden, that doesn't say much about Trump :D

Trump launched his own NFT a couple of years ago despite being anti-crypto years back. He wouldn't launch the Trump NFT if he still disliked crypto.
People like him are always against freedom and decentralization. Issuing a useless centralized shittoken to fill his own pockets with money doesn't change his views of Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency that HE cannot control.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Z-tight on July 11, 2024, 11:26:11 AM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto
Another topic about the U.S presidential candidates and BTC, how many more are we going to get. I don't know who invited Trump to speak at a BTC conference, he is surely not pro BTC and i am sure he does not fully understand that BTC network, he is simply going there to campaign, when will bitcoiners understand this, both Trump and Biden do not equally care about BTC, they only care about being president.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Kelward on July 11, 2024, 12:08:38 PM
Trump is interested in votes and money. Bitcoin can bring both because it's not hard to be pro-crypto following pretty harsh measures of the Biden administration, and since Bitcoin is money, you can (and that's what he's doing) fundraise more for your presidential campaign from Bitcoin enthusiasts.
I don't support Trump as a politician, his views are far from my own. But, more importantly, I truly don't believe that Trump is sincere with his pro-Bitcoin stance, considering that he was consistently anti-Bitcoin for all those years before, and it's a very convenient time to change your policy.
I wouldn't doubt that Donald trump's sudden massive interest in Bitcoin is because of what he stands to gain if he aligns with it. Money and votes are the two things that can get him the presidency and being a pro Bitcoin is one big way to achieve this aim, most young voters are Bitcoin compliant and his supporters can donate to his campaign with Bitcoin. I think that it's a smart move for him to speak at the Bitcoin conference, whether he promotes Bitcoin or not if he becomes president doesn't stop the massive adoption of the digital cash. Bitcoin has come this far without Trump and Biden, giving it deserved recognitions, so no notable individual can stop what Bitcoin stands for.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: peter0425 on July 11, 2024, 12:48:47 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto
Politics aside, I hope bitcoin does not get used for political agendas. It is not for that. It is a digital currency void of third parties and the government so if we associate Trump and his team to bitcoin then it beats the very purpose of bitcoin.

I don’t want people to associate bitcoin enthusiasts as Trump supporters. It doesn’t mean that he “supports” bitcoin is he will actually still support if elected so you all shouldn’t be too happy about him winning because we never know what he’ll actually do.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Haunebu on July 11, 2024, 01:21:17 PM
How brain-dead and gullible are you people? I keep seeing these 'Trump supporting BTC' threads quite often recently in this board which baffles me since no one in their right mind would believe shitbag Trump in this context.

Both Trump and Biden are two of the dumbest fools on earth which is why Michelle Obama stands a better chance at winning than these fools if she actually ran for President.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: philipma1957 on July 11, 2024, 01:27:53 PM
How brain-dead and gullible are you people? I keep seeing these 'Trump supporting BTC' threads quite often recently in this board which baffles me since no one in their right mind would believe shitbag Trump in this context.

Both Trump and Biden are two of the dumbest fools on earth which is why Michelle Obama stands a better chance at winning than these fools if she actually ran for President.

USA is pretty much doomed if they allow Biden Trump election to continue.

Neither one is qualified. It is pretty much a case of insane leadership (LOL) on both sides.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Majestic-milf on July 11, 2024, 01:36:09 PM
 Frankly if I were Trump, I won't be happy that I have a competition in Joe Biden. The guy's 81 for Pete's sakes!! ...I do wonder what Trump's going to talk about at the Bitcoin conference, though? His decorated plans on how to push the adoption rate of Bitcoin in the US? C'mon, gimme a break! I think he's taking this pro Bitcoin farce too far.
 What do I expect, the guy's gonna milk this opportunity for his benefit. Believe me when I say " never trust a politician".

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: avikz on July 11, 2024, 01:45:10 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto

I am really not liking where it is going. Trump is a shrewd man and if he starts using Bitcoin as one of his political agendas, the entire situation may not and well for Bitcoin and crypto community.

Do not believe a politician. So I would request people not to get excited after seeing this news. You never know where it is going to end up and whether it is going to be positive or negative!

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: snerd on July 11, 2024, 02:53:22 PM
How brain-dead and gullible are you people? I keep seeing these 'Trump supporting BTC' threads quite often recently in this board which baffles me since no one in their right mind would believe shitbag Trump in this context.

Both Trump and Biden are two of the dumbest fools on earth which is why Michelle Obama stands a better chance at winning than these fools if she actually ran for President.
Haha! You should stick to Bitcoin, as your political commentary prowess is quite lacking. Michelle Obama lolol

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: B00TY_MASHER on July 11, 2024, 04:52:18 PM
I wish people would stop trying to align Bitcoin with politics, religion, etc. to fulfill their own agenda. People saying that Trump is now pro Bitcoin because of his NFT’s, you don’t think he’s converting those coins into $ and cashing out?!

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: re-start on July 11, 2024, 05:36:37 PM
Don't you think that all these speeches and BTC conferences are for votes?
Trump has no understanding of Bitcoin and the Blockchain network, and he will certainly forget all these speeches after becoming the President of the USA and will not care about Bitcoin enthusiasts. For him, only money is important!

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Antotena on July 11, 2024, 06:06:31 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto

Hey everyone, Donald Trump one of the past incumbent of the president of united state will be speaking on Bitcoin and he want our votes, please be there because Bitcoin will be going to $1M ;D mitcheww, misplaced priority. Man is just using the moment to campaign and promise nothing because he would go there and nothing is ever going to change, like how do we even forgot how this guy was during his last government and rude he was to many things in the US.

Doing all this for the camera yet Bitcoin has never moved because of all his talks. I bet if the like of Warren Buffet becomes Bitcoin pro, we will see Bitcoin do 2x in a week, this shows you how influential money makers are helpful to Bitcoin than the usual politicians that lie in every opportunity, they are nothing but manipulators including Biden and every other democratic party that is using Bitcoin to push his campaign promises.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: OgNasty on July 11, 2024, 09:53:00 PM
Regardless of your feelings for Donald Trump, you have to be excited about the amount of attention being shined on Bitcoin right now. No doubt having a Presidential candidate making Bitcoin such a large part of his campaign is a positive for Bitcoiners. I think this has the potential to bring in some new users for Bitcoin as Trump is extremely influential.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: nelson4lov on July 11, 2024, 10:13:50 PM
I don't know how Trump's last administration went but from my observations as a non-US citizen, I'd say it was pretty decent albeit some shortcomings here and there. Personally, I'm a big fan of Trump and will prefer him to win since he is a proactive leader vs Biden who is mostly takes passive approaches to solve problems which hasn't cut it thus far.

We can only hope that Trump makes good on his Bitcoin promises when he eventually wins. If he does, we are in for massive adoption on that regard.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: mirakal on July 11, 2024, 11:10:40 PM
Trump is interested in votes and money. Bitcoin can bring both because it's not hard to be pro-crypto following pretty harsh measures of the Biden administration, and since Bitcoin is money, you can (and that's what he's doing) fundraise more for your presidential campaign from Bitcoin enthusiasts.
I don't support Trump as a politician, his views are far from my own. But, more importantly, I truly don't believe that Trump is sincere with his pro-Bitcoin stance, considering that he was consistently anti-Bitcoin for all those years before, and it's a very convenient time to change your policy.
Most probably, Trump is a two-faced when it comes to bitcoin, he can hate it at the beginning, but now he can love it an instant. Just like how he handled politics. If he can win through winning the hearts of the people, then he can use bitcoin at its highest advantage to make people believe how he changed his stance on bitcoin, but we all know in reality it's difficult to change when you have cursed it in the beginning.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Darker45 on July 12, 2024, 12:37:17 AM
How is it interesting? Just because Trump is sweet-talking the Bitcoin or crypto community doesn't mean he deserves to win. Don't you have other bases in choosing the next president? Suddenly praising Bitcoin doesn't mean he is smart. Well, he probably is a bit smart because he was able to fool a number of voters merely because of his insincere pro-Bitcoin pronouncements.

On the other hand, this speaks a lot about Bitcoin Conference. Are the organizers really Bitcoin supporters or are they simply Trump supporters? Are they serious Bitcoin supporters? Or are they giving too much importance on shilling for Bitcoin that it doesn't anymore matter to them who speaks for as long as it adds popularity to Bitcoin? They seem desperate in inviting just anybody. My goodness, they're bringing in politicians! They're the least trustworthy people of all. I've read that some solid Bitcoin supporters are already losing interest in this annual conference.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: philipma1957 on July 12, 2024, 01:18:11 AM
Regardless of your feelings for Donald Trump, you have to be excited about the amount of attention being shined on Bitcoin right now. No doubt having a Presidential candidate making Bitcoin such a large part of his campaign is a positive for Bitcoiners. I think this has the potential to bring in some new users for Bitcoin as Trump is extremely influential.

How bout this one Biden resigns.

Kamala is the prez as of July 15 2024

She picks (wait for it) Liz Cheney as her vp in the spirt of USA unification.

She debates Trump and says will you commit to being removed if you become the

prez and get sick like Joe did.

This will mean by by Trump as trump will never commit to easy removal of

himself if he gets back in.

Cheney sucks up the sane republican vote Kamala gets the left and cent votes.

And we have a brown black and white executive branch with both prez and vp under 60

This is a mortal lock for the Democrats to win if they simply follow this plan I laid out.

any other way and Trump wins.

I purchased a new jar of Orville Revenbacker's  pop your own popcorn and I am waiting to the above all unfold.

Harris and Cheney would be a very powerful ticket.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: bitterguy28 on July 12, 2024, 01:43:16 AM
Frankly if I were Trump, I won't be happy that I have a competition in Joe Biden. The guy's 81 for Pete's sakes!!
biden is only 4 years older than trump

trump is not that young

i am sure the usa is not happy that both of its biggest running candidates for president are on the verge of life and death i mean surely there are fitter, smatter, fresher minds out there that are not in the brink of extinction
What do I expect, the guy's gonna milk this opportunity for his benefit. Believe me when I say " never trust a politician".
he is going to tell all his “plans” about crypto and tell everyone how good and innovative he finds crypto time can only tell if he will actually push through his plans

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: pooya87 on July 12, 2024, 04:18:07 AM
Both Trump and Biden are two of the dumbest fools on earth which is why Michelle Obama stands a better chance at winning than these fools if she actually ran for President.
The only way Americans would elect a woman to be president is if she ran against Biden, even that would be a close competition as sexist/racist Americans would rather have a senile man rule over them than an old black woman :D

you have to be excited about the amount of attention being shined on Bitcoin right now.
We don't care about attention, we care about the result of that attention.
Is it helping the price go up? No, the price has been dumping ever since this Trump nonsense began
Is it helping the adoption grow? I haven't seen any signs of it.

So why should we care about that attention?

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Franctoshi on July 12, 2024, 04:49:15 AM
Trump is interested in votes and money. Bitcoin can bring both because it's not hard to be pro-crypto following pretty harsh measures of the Biden administration, and since Bitcoin is money, you can (and that's what he's doing) fundraise more for your presidential campaign from Bitcoin enthusiasts.
I don't support Trump as a politician, his views are far from my own. But, more importantly, I truly don't believe that Trump is sincere with his pro-Bitcoin stance, considering that he was consistently anti-Bitcoin for all those years before, and it's a very convenient time to change your policy.
I totally agree with you on this, he's a business man and investor who understands what technology and investment is all about, and reason to embrace such a technology like Bitcoin and not kill it with bad policies and regulations,  it's good to have seen how Bitcoin has become so popular and focal point in this US presidential election for Donald Trump to be a participant in this 2024 Bitcoin conference that will be held in Nashville, Tennessee.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: electronicash on July 12, 2024, 05:03:42 AM
we don't see much of disagreement when blackrock got its ETF. these institutions are no different from Trump, they all lie to make profit. but at least Trump spread the word about BTC and tries to save people from CBDC.

give him some credit just as he deserve. this electtion is BTC election thanks to Trump, it wouldn't be this exiciting if it weren't for him. i'm sure he can do even just one of his crypto promise.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on July 12, 2024, 05:30:23 AM
Bitcoin doesn’t need validation from politicians like Trump and Bukele, or billionaires like Michael Saylor. I don’t understand the desire to hold people on a pedestal and never question anything they do. Trump in particular is severely flawed, but the amount of devotion and praise he draws, including by many bitcoiners and Bitcoin media companies, is strange and cult like.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Majestic-milf on July 12, 2024, 07:39:59 AM

biden is only 4 years older than trump

trump is not that young
Still, he's still got hope of performing than Biden. Well, what am I saying? A felon vs an old man who's health can't be trusted? They fit.
i am sure the usa is not happy that both of its biggest running candidates for president are on the verge of life and death i mean surely there are fitter, smatter, fresher minds out there that are not in the brink of extinction
That's politics for you. Most of these old guys feel they've got more to offer in terms of experience than the youths but they forget that they think they have in experience, the younger ones have it too and also the benefit of youthfulness.
he is going to tell all his “plans” about crypto and tell everyone how good and innovative he finds crypto time can only tell if he will actually push through his plans
Right. And maybe extend his proclamations to maybe saying he would make America a Bitcoin hub (if there isn't). That's taking it too far but with these politicians, nothing is impossible and for someone like Trump who is known for making big promises, this can't be far from him.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Smack That Ace on July 12, 2024, 08:01:27 AM
Trump is interested in votes and money. Bitcoin can bring both because it's not hard to be pro-crypto following pretty harsh measures of the Biden administration, and since Bitcoin is money, you can (and that's what he's doing) fundraise more for your presidential campaign from Bitcoin enthusiasts.
I don't support Trump as a politician, his views are far from my own. But, more importantly, I truly don't believe that Trump is sincere with his pro-Bitcoin stance, considering that he was consistently anti-Bitcoin for all those years before, and it's a very convenient time to change your policy.

Do you really think he changed for votes? I personally don't think so because people change their views as they learn more about the subject. Trump launched his own NFT a couple of years ago despite being anti-crypto years back. He wouldn't launch the Trump NFT if he still disliked crypto.

We should not be too stubborn when using other people's past to judge them in the present because things can change over time. It is normal for Mr. Trump to change his stance on bitcoin and cryptocurrency, as many of us also hate bitcoin and have changed our opinion on it. But personally I don't think he likes bitcoin as much as he shows, it's all about votes and not that he really wants to promote bitcoin like what he says. But his support for cryptocurrency will be better than what the current administration is doing, the Biden administration is hindering the growth of bitcoin.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: irhact on July 12, 2024, 08:44:10 AM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto

If Mr Trump wins it will be very bullish for Bitcoin as we can see new money coming into the market as many individuals their hope will be renewed on Bitcoin and they can trust that the market will not dump on them again and make them to lose. Donald trump is very bullish on Bitcoin recently and if this continues, his victory will bring about a new attention to the market. He should make himself available for all Bitcoin conference and assure the citizens of United States that he has their interests. No individual should be discouraged from investing in Bitcoin as they're making the people of US to miss out on the profits others are making by investing in cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Die_empty on July 12, 2024, 09:51:07 AM
Both Trump and Biden are two of the dumbest fools on earth which is why Michelle Obama stands a better chance at winning than these fools if she actually ran for President.
The only way Americans would elect a woman to be president is if she ran against Biden, even that would be a close competition as sexist/racist Americans would rather have a senile man rule over them than an old black woman :D
In her last quest to become the president, Kamala Harris dropped out of the Democrat's primaries because she couldn't get the support of Democrats. And I doubt if she could get it now. There is a slim chance that a colored female will be allowed to be president of the US. If the plot against Biden who recently introduced Volodymyr Zelensky as President Putin and referred to Kamala Harris as vice-president Trump succeeds democrats will definitely seek for a white male candidate.

you have to be excited about the amount of attention being shined on Bitcoin right now.
We don't care about attention, we care about the result of that attention.
Is it helping the price go up? No, the price has been dumping ever since this Trump nonsense began
Is it helping the adoption grow? I haven't seen any signs of it.

So why should we care about that attention?
The Bitcoin dump by the German government and the projected repayment of the Mt.Gox creditors have overshadowed Trump's positive sentiments about Bitcoin. Maybe the system might get the boast when he wins the election in November.

Regardless of your feelings for Donald Trump, you have to be excited about the amount of attention being shined on Bitcoin right now. No doubt having a Presidential candidate making Bitcoin such a large part of his campaign is a positive for Bitcoiners. I think this has the potential to bring in some new users for Bitcoin as Trump is extremely influential.
You are correct to a large extent. We all know that he is using Bitcoin to gain attention and support. But he Is also indirectly doing publicity for Bitcoin. Many people will be attracted to the Bitcoin network because of Trump's influence. But we also need to be careful about this kind of publicity. It could have a negative effect if the same perceived supporter begins to speak against Bitcoin in the future.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: fuguebtc on July 12, 2024, 10:46:49 AM
Frankly if I were Trump, I won't be happy that I have a competition in Joe Biden. The guy's 81 for Pete's sakes!!
biden is only 4 years older than trump

trump is not that young

i am sure the usa is not happy that both of its biggest running candidates for president are on the verge of life and death i mean surely there are fitter, smatter, fresher minds out there that are not in the brink of extinction

If it's not happy, why let the two oldest people run for president when both parties have many other young and enthusiastic candidates? In addition, the 4-year age difference is not small when it comes to the elderly, because 4 years ago Mr. Biden's situation was not as bad as it is now. If you watch the debate between the two, you will see that Mr. Trump is still much more alert than Mr. Biden even though the two are only 4 years apart as you said.

What do I expect, the guy's gonna milk this opportunity for his benefit. Believe me when I say " never trust a politician".
he is going to tell all his “plans” about crypto and tell everyone how good and innovative he finds crypto time can only tell if he will actually push through his plans
In fact, both Trump and Biden cannot be trusted because no politician is a good person, all they want is power and they will do anything to achieve their goals. But the question is do we have any other choice? Can we eliminate both of these candidates and propose someone better? Even Mr. Biden, will he really keep his promise if elected? All politicians are equally bad.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on July 12, 2024, 01:29:38 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto

If Mr Trump wins it will be very bullish for Bitcoin as we can see new money coming into the market as many individuals their hope will be renewed on Bitcoin and they can trust that the market will not dump on them again and make them to lose. Donald trump is very bullish on Bitcoin recently and if this continues, his victory will bring about a new attention to the market. He should make himself available for all Bitcoin conference and assure the citizens of United States that he has their interests. No individual should be discouraged from investing in Bitcoin as they're making the people of US to miss out on the profits others are making by investing in cryptocurrency.
Politicians will always be politicians even to the point of patronizing favorite interest like Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.
Donald Trump is one of the favorites to win the presidential election aside from Joe Biden who is likely to win a second time. Still, I think that his speaking at the Bitcoin conference will help bolster the prospects of Bitcoin being more bullish and adopted as a currency of choice for payments and transactions.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Iranus on July 12, 2024, 02:26:27 PM

If Mr Trump wins it will be very bullish for Bitcoin as we can see new money coming into the market as many individuals their hope will be renewed on Bitcoin and they can trust that the market will not dump on them again and make them to lose. Donald trump is very bullish on Bitcoin recently and if this continues, his victory will bring about a new attention to the market. He should make himself available for all Bitcoin conference and assure the citizens of United States that he has their interests. No individual should be discouraged from investing in Bitcoin as they're making the people of US to miss out on the profits others are making by investing in cryptocurrency.
Politicians will always be politicians even to the point of patronizing favorite interest like Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general.
Donald Trump is one of the favorites to win the presidential election aside from Joe Biden who is likely to win a second time. Still, I think that his speaking at the Bitcoin conference will help bolster the prospects of Bitcoin being more bullish and adopted as a currency of choice for payments and transactions.

Even if Mr. Trump is elected, we should not expect too much that bitcoin can become a currency and be used as a means of payment. You don't forget that Mr. Trump's top goal in this election campaign is to make America great again, and turning bitcoin into currency does not help him do that.
If I'm not mistaken, he never said he would turn bitcoin into currency because that would weaken the USD, I just remember that he once announced that he wanted to use bitcoin to back USD but I don't believe that. Don't be too naive and easy to believe what politicians promise, what they want is our support and votes so they are willing to say anything to please us and vote for them.


Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: pooya87 on July 12, 2024, 05:21:32 PM
If the plot against Biden who recently introduced Volodymyr Zelensky as President Putin
The most embarrassing part of that whole situation that went unnoticed was when Zelensky shook his head at Biden while pressing his lips trying not to laugh out loud

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Z-tight on July 12, 2024, 06:18:09 PM
Regardless of your feelings for Donald Trump, you have to be excited about the amount of attention being shined on Bitcoin right now. No doubt having a Presidential candidate making Bitcoin such a large part of his campaign is a positive for Bitcoiners. I think this has the potential to bring in some new users for Bitcoin as Trump is extremely influential.
The attention does nothing to help the BTC network, he is only doing all of this to boost his campaign for presidency. The way i look at it, it is Trump that is benefiting from all of this and this attention he is initiating is only helping his campaign and not the other way round. I am not excited about anything concerning this, people are being deceived that Trump cares about BTC, when he does not, i wish more people know politicians for what they actually are.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: OcTradism on July 13, 2024, 04:54:16 AM
The most embarrassing part of that whole situation that went unnoticed was when Zelensky shook his head at Biden while pressing his lips trying not to laugh out loud
Even he and his nation need support from the USA., their president in charge Biden, he is human and such a shocked moment is not easy to control his emotion, surprise and reaction. He simply reacted naturally and I watched some shots with reactions of other national leaders. Some of them show surprising reactions too but it's all naturally.

The shame is from Biden who needs to realize his issues and need to proactively step down as soon as possible. Ageing problems come to everybody and with Biden, he must admit his issues and do a right thing, for himself and more important for his country.

Some lately priceless speeches of Biden.

Calling Kamala as "Vice President Trump"
Calling the President of Ukraine "President Putin"

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on July 13, 2024, 05:05:41 AM
Yes, well, despite all the scepticism, I'd rather a US presidential candidate, who is ahead in the polls, be clearly pro-bitcoin, even if it's for electoral interest, than spend the campaign saying he's going to ban mining, impose strict kyc regulations and push CBDCs.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Z-tight on July 13, 2024, 12:07:05 PM
Yes, well, despite all the scepticism, I'd rather a US presidential candidate, who is ahead in the polls, be clearly pro-bitcoin, even if it's for electoral interest, than spend the campaign saying he's going to ban mining, impose strict kyc regulations and push CBDCs.
Okay, so you will rather he deceive people that he is pro BTC only for the purpose of the election, only to do all what you have said above when he is finally elected, whose loss is that? Isn't it that of the network. What positive side is there to politicians claiming they are pro BTC just to score cheap points in the election, the community should surely know better.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: acroman08 on July 13, 2024, 12:19:02 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto
I remember him being against bitcoin, he even called bitcoin a "scam", I wonder what changed  ::)

if you ask me, none of the presidential candidates is better than the other, both of them are equally bad, and both of them only care about the interest they have and the interest of the people who are heavily invested in their campaigns.

In other words a convicted felon who has an international Red Notice issued for him is going to speak at a Bitcoin conference... where is the facepalm emoji when you need it...
here 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️ hahaha

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Marvell1 on July 13, 2024, 12:38:40 PM
Yes, well, despite all the scepticism, I'd rather a US presidential candidate, who is ahead in the polls, be clearly pro-bitcoin, even if it's for electoral interest, than spend the campaign saying he's going to ban mining, impose strict kyc regulations and push CBDCs.

If Biden continues as president, what is happening will certainly continue and he will even seek to crack down on cryptocurrencies even more in the next term. But as for the remaining candidate, though we cannot guarantee that he will actually fulfill the promises he has made to us. At least we have a chance to change things in a more positive direction, a slim chance is better than nothing.

Of course, to vote for a candidate we need to consider many different factors, but here we are only talking about cryptocurrencies. I'm not from the US but frankly speaking as a cryptocurrency investor, I have no reason to vote for Mr. Biden who is trying to oppose and prevent the development of the cryptocurrency industry.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: NotATether on July 13, 2024, 12:52:41 PM
I wish people would stop trying to align Bitcoin with politics, religion, etc. to fulfill their own agenda. People saying that Trump is now pro Bitcoin because of his NFT’s, you don’t think he’s converting those coins into $ and cashing out?!

NFTs are not even part of Bitcoin (!)

Ordinals and Runes do not count, Trump does not own any of those.

It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto
I remember him being against bitcoin, he even called bitcoin a "scam", I wonder what changed  ::)

What changed is that his opinions are now for sale at 50 million dollars a piece.

No, it is not news.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: stadus on July 13, 2024, 01:52:20 PM
Frankly if I were Trump, I won't be happy that I have a competition in Joe Biden. The guy's 81 for Pete's sakes!!
biden is only 4 years older than trump

trump is not that young

i am sure the usa is not happy that both of its biggest running candidates for president are on the verge of life and death i mean surely there are fitter, smatter, fresher minds out there that are not in the brink of extinction
What do I expect, the guy's gonna milk this opportunity for his benefit. Believe me when I say " never trust a politician".
he is going to tell all his “plans” about crypto and tell everyone how good and innovative he finds crypto time can only tell if he will actually push through his plans
This is actually a smart move for Trump to involve bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in his campaign platforms, but this won’t still guarantee if the bitcoin community will favor Trump over Biden since its community population is diversed and some would want younger leaders knowing there are more millennials or young professionals involved in this bitcoin community. So let’s say how will Trump is going to manage this kind of community.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: m2017 on July 13, 2024, 02:02:01 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto
Nothing interesting. Trump wants the votes of the BTC-community in the elections. I don’t know if Trump Biden is smarter, but younger (although a 4-year difference is not such an impressive difference), that’s for sure. Trump became a supporter of cryptocurrencies in time, when it turned out to be beneficial for him. It should not be assumed that representatives of governments at this level suddenly become BTC-enthusiasts without good reason. But still, let's listen to what he says at the Bitcoin Conference.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: pooya87 on July 13, 2024, 02:20:28 PM
Yes, well, despite all the scepticism, I'd rather a US presidential candidate, who is ahead in the polls, be clearly pro-bitcoin, even if it's for electoral interest, than spend the campaign saying he's going to ban mining, impose strict kyc regulations and push CBDCs.
Yeah who cares that he is going to start a tariff war with China by bumping it to 60% and cause massive inflation in US and then force Europe to follow which would extend the inflation there as well.

Who cares that his "buddies" like Pompeo are all the biggest warmongers in the world who would expand the existing armed conflicts in Europe, Asia, Africa and possibly even America itself.

Who cares that during his previous term he isolated United States by pushing all US allies away...

Who cares that his own generals compared him with Hitler while he was in office and were worried he is going to declare war on another country just to stay in power and also pull a "Reichstag Moment" as his Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff called it as he was effectively stripping him off of all his powers as commander in chief.

Yeah all that matters is that he claimed to be pro bitcoin :D
This is why I "love" democracy /s

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: TheUltraElite on July 13, 2024, 02:34:06 PM
Trump has his own objectives which is far cunning for us to understand at this stage. He is the stakeowner in many of the casinos and is thus running a good profit from them and his hotels. It is a booming business for him and he is likely to upscale it, maybe using crypto by some means. Who knows maybe he might endorse some other new shitcoin.

Talk in a conference or what not, most people visit them for the free lunch. Lets see what actually happens.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Outhue on July 13, 2024, 02:53:40 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto
Another topic about the U.S presidential candidates and BTC, how many more are we going to get. I don't know who invited Trump to speak at a BTC conference, he is surely not pro BTC and i am sure he does not fully understand that BTC network, he is simply going there to campaign, when will bitcoiners understand this, both Trump and Biden do not equally care about BTC, they only care about being president.
To me I feel he doesn't need to know much about Bitcoin, maybe just the basics?

This are leaders not blockchain masters, even if they have great idea for crypto lovers they will need block chain experts to carry the idea out, presidents have a lot of responsibility on them, learning more about Bitcoin doesn't count.

At this point in time, people only need their supports and that's all.

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Z-tight on July 13, 2024, 03:03:20 PM
At this point in time, people only need their supports and that's all.
So what do bitcoiners really need their support for, it would not change how the U.S government is indirectly attacking BTC through privacy solutions, it would not stop the sec from waging war against crypto services and companies. I am not excited about anything concerning this, because how can you trust Trump and what do you think he will do to improve the BTC network if he becomes president?

Title: Re: US presidential candidate Donald Trump will speak at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference
Post by: Maslate on July 13, 2024, 04:54:31 PM
It's getting interesting. I hope Mr Trump wins. He's smarter than Mr Biden. Not just because of crypto
Nothing interesting. Trump wants the votes of the BTC-community in the elections. I don’t know if Trump Biden is smarter, but younger (although a 4-year difference is not such an impressive difference), that’s for sure. Trump became a supporter of cryptocurrencies in time, when it turned out to be beneficial for him. It should not be assumed that representatives of governments at this level suddenly become BTC-enthusiasts without good reason. But still, let's listen to what he says at the Bitcoin Conference.
The sudden shift of interest is a strategic move of Trump so he can win the hearts of the crypto community, something that a wise politician would do. Because if not, sticking to his old perspective about bitcoin will not put him in a bitcoin spotlight, and most likely he will be beaten easily by Biden.

It’s crystal clear that Trump is only doing this for the sake of winning the election, and not to promote crypto or bitcoin if he gains the Presidential position. So it’s up to the crypto community if they will go with Trump, or go against him and favor Biden.