Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: pawel7777 on July 13, 2024, 08:56:45 AM

Title: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: pawel7777 on July 13, 2024, 08:56:45 AM

I just came across this article and thought I'd share it as an ultimate reminder that being overly reactive and allowing panic to kick in is usually the worst that investors can do.

Be as calm and patient as dead people are and gains will come  ;D

Yes, you read that correctly. Fidelity, one of the biggest asset managers in the world, performed a study on their best-performing client brokerage accounts. Over a 10-year period, they found that the highest returns came from the ones where the account holder was dead. The second best were the ones that had forgotten they had investments. Of course, I don’t recommend dying as a good investment strategy.

Why is this the case?

Most of the time, the market rewards investors who get into position and then do nothing. While it seems simple, it’s a lot harder than it sounds. Successful investing can be extremely boring, and it can be hard not to watch the news and tinker with your investments to try and squeeze out every ounce of performance from your hard-earned capital. But the market rewards patience and punishes those who give into emotions. 

Dead investors aren’t usually reading the news and panic selling as investments go down, nor are they prone to panic buying as the market is soaring (...)

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: FinePoine0 on July 13, 2024, 02:12:38 PM
In any case, success is impossible without patience, usually with bitcoin investment you will definitely face losses if you are in a hurry. Bitcoin investing must be patient, it is best to buy dips at the moment and wait for the next bull run.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Moreno233 on July 13, 2024, 03:21:10 PM

I just came across this article and thought I'd share it as an ultimate reminder that being overly reactive and allowing panic to kick in is usually the worst that investors can do.

Be as calm and patient as dead people are and gains will come  ;D
I have seen remarkable improvement in my investing when I started applying the DCA method with some minor additions that makes it sustainable. Whenever I receive inflow of cash, I divide it into my money for my basic needs (40%), money for emergency funds (20%), reserve funds (20%) and investment funds for my DCA (20%). This way, I am investing 20% of whatever money I receive into Bitcoin while at the same time keeping some money aside as reserve and emergency as well to cover unplanned expenditures. I planned to keep these percentages until anything changes. Through this means, I can comfortably hold my Bitcoin for as long as possible more like the case being described in this post.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Solosanz on July 13, 2024, 03:54:46 PM
Of course best performing investors are dead because if they have insurance, their family will receive compensation their dead right?

But, if we talk about dead investors in Bitcoin, it's pointless because their family will not able to access the wallet. It's better for the family to never know if their parents have a lot Bitcoin, if they know, all they do is only regret and keep trying to access the wallet with any ways.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: BABY SHOES on July 13, 2024, 08:38:28 PM
The deceased will not be able to do anything, so his investment will still perform well. :P
I don't want to die, it's better for me to panic seeing the market situation that continues to be volatile. ;D

What's better is the second option where he forgets that he has investments, but don't forget like this, investments are part of our memories that will never be forgotten.

Still we have to HOLD on and be patient at the core.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Mr Reporter on July 13, 2024, 10:25:37 PM
If given the chance, the investors who pass away today would be the first to go check their investments; if not, I venture they won't miss it.

As a novice bitcoin trader, I do advise them to exercise patience. This is because, as they are just getting started in the world of cryptocurrency, the proverb "the patient's dog will surely eat the fatter done" is true. It seems to me that these same proverbs should be applied when making any kind of investment.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Adbitco on July 13, 2024, 10:53:50 PM
Sorry to say why not use a word that is more lighter than being 'dead' initially when I saw the topic I was like how could someone be dead about his investment then who then benefits from it after being dead lol.

Just had to finished up reading the whole to comprehend what you meant over here. On norm people shouldn't be the active with their investment provided the had already chosen the subscription plan like 10 years, 20 years or even 40 years depending on their initial age while making investment.

Anyone who had this projection can never be pulled or move by any heavy storm in the ocean except that investor(s) doesn't choose a long time subscription. And if they have gone for 20 years then I can such person is already been silent or let me use your word 'dead' otherwise to me I can consider it to be silent.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: TastyChillySauce00 on July 14, 2024, 07:02:20 AM
Make sense because i've seen plenty of stories of people that forgot they have BTC even to some extent they threw away their laptop and now their BTC holding worth millions  :D :D.

but mainly it's because some people are investing and getting influenced heavily by their emotion, like recent dips, had people bought at $60k around a month ago and see the price dumps into $54k they would've been freaking out but see right now price bounced back as if nothing happened  ;D.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Marvell1 on July 14, 2024, 07:51:00 AM
Make sense because i've seen plenty of stories of people that forgot they have BTC even to some extent they threw away their laptop and now their BTC holding worth millions  :D :D.

but mainly it's because some people are investing and getting influenced heavily by their emotion, like recent dips, had people bought at $60k around a month ago and see the price dumps into $54k they would've been freaking out but see right now price bounced back as if nothing happened  ;D.

It sounds like a very good strategy, but between saying and doing there is a huge gap and it is not easy. When we accidentally forget something and then one day suddenly find it again, we feel very relieved and simple. But it will be a difficult task if we deliberately forget something when it is the thing we care about most in life. For many people bitcoin is almost a part of life, we discuss and think about it every day, even bitcoin is the only thing on their minds. How can we forget when it's always on our minds? I bet no one can do that these days.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Alone055 on July 14, 2024, 10:38:31 AM
This is why people say that Bitcoin investors should make their investments and forget about it, which doesn't mean that they should literally forget about it but it means that they shouldn't touch their assets and keep holding, some even say that it is better if you don't look at the market very often if you have invested with the plan to hold it for long term because if market conditions aren't good even for a short term, you might have second thoughts and those thoughts might instigate you to sell your assets.

If you ask me, I do quite agree with that terminology about not touching your assets if you have made a long-term investment, but I believe one should always keep an eye on the market just to stay updated, and I'm not a type of a person who would say that one shouldn't sell their assets at all and keep holding because I believe you can make more money if you buy in a bear cycle, sell in the bull cycle, and repeat the process instead of buying and waiting for a decade or so.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: mirakal on July 14, 2024, 12:41:29 PM
That is actually how investing works. It never gives profit right away, not even for months but usually for many years. And those who are calm and patient without expecting much from it even receive more rewards.

If we are buying bitcoin this 2024, we may expect a profit by 2028 when the next bull season strikes again. That is too long to wait that impatient people can't wait but for patient people, that is not impossible as they believe it will come. That is why we don't always think about our investment as it only bothered us too much and might change our mind instead of forgetting about it. I think that is the easiest thing we can do.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Yatsan on July 14, 2024, 03:22:26 PM
Makes sense actually, the less you care the less you would worry and be firmed of your investment. The idea is that the market price of Bitcoin continuously increases over time and years. Holding it will result to profit basically but if you would be an active watcher of the market, high chances are present that you would be conscious or be affected by your emotions to make a move which is either to buy or sell in a sudden. Well, trading would maximize the profit however win rate won't be always high given how unpredictable the market is, in nature. It seems like those who are just holding and not doing anything, indeed, generates bigger profit than those who buys and sells on a daily basis. But if day trading works for you then that would be better still.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Marvelockg on July 14, 2024, 04:11:06 PM
Looking at the current economic challenge that's facing almost all the part of the world and has gone to place most persons at a dear disadvantage, it's very deficult to hold an asset and forget about it for so long a time most expecially when the worth of the asset is much. For those that have actually died or did forget it, if that's even possible, it's understandable that they don't even have a choice but when you're holding an asset for the long term and you're at position where the market isn't favourable for a long time, fear and a sort of anxiety is certainly going to set in and you can't comfortably blind yourself to those kind of reality.

I know we're all being positive with our investment and we're generally looking at an ideal case where after the said time, our asset gains a good value. But then, what happens if after you've left your asset as though you're not even the owner and latter find out that the value of the asset at the current time isn't even up to what you bought it. Or another situation happens mid way while you're still holding the asset and it goes almost 20x the value you bought it only to leave it till it goes down way too low at the time you intend selling? I feel that it's okay not to rush in selling your asset too early but totally being less concerned about what becomes of it till it has gotten to the stage we intend selling it isn't the best option for me.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: OgNasty on July 14, 2024, 06:09:29 PM
So you’re saying if I want to be one of the best investors…

The importance of understanding correlation and causality.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: STT on July 15, 2024, 05:37:36 PM
Private investors tend to sell their winners too early and keep their losing investments forever, till broke.      An unfortunate opposite of what should happen if you want to profit and the bias is true enough that it applies across generations.

Its so often true that its worth writing down or engraving even and putting over your desk.   I know I sold my Apple shares too soon and Microsoft, both of them were fairly solid dividend stocks at one point in a cheap bargain kind of way.  Now both run at a premium as most tech shares will tend to rate at vs their faster rate of growth then most traditional companies.

In terms of BTC I dont know holding it all forever is realistic or productive to the wider growth and usage of Bitcoin.   We all owe something to the first users who bothered to mess around with pennies worth for the fun of it like trading cards for fun.

   I dont fit the dead category but the forgotten about 'mistake'  I've done more then once.   In the early days of BTC, price in hundreds and wavering alot I did purchase some goods.   Theres a time limit and after that they assume you didnt want to buy, so sometimes I'd go to pay but it'd arrive too late; a mixup.   In the end my payment is returned back or other means to pay occurred.

  A bit messy anyway thats how I ended up with a small chunk left dormant for about 5 years or so.  That is long enough in BTC to gain alot hence I try not to think myself ever unlucky and always keep a similar amount around.

    I can think of another giant special case, wallets on phones etc.  that whole rabbit hole must be a warren of lost 'investment' by now

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: sunsilk on July 15, 2024, 08:42:10 PM
It is a simple reminder to not just invest but also enjoy the fruit of your investments. But don't feel bad when you do nothing and you think that you're preparing for your future.

The future is unknown and you'll never know what will come next. So what you have to do as an investor is to have a road map of when you'd hold your position and when you'd sell them.

Well, it's quite different from Bitcoin holders. We've got plans as well but it seems that there's no way that someone is going to get out of this market because it's here to stay. Other might not be encouraged to sell but when one needs it, don't feel the guilt on it because you deserve to enjoy.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: JeffBrad12 on July 17, 2024, 05:40:17 AM
Isn't this also inline with the fact that inflation inflate the price of goods and well some of investing means such as stocks?

the house price back then will definitely be less than the price today because inflation and housing price spike, I wonder if this article also take account of inflation and weigh the worth of the investment back then to now accordingly to its real value.

regardless, learning from bitcoin chart first hand, we know that the people that sold early got minimal profit and the people that hold on to their bitcoin holding dearly until now already making millions.
so it does hold truth, it just about waiting for a tech to mature and have high adoption.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: bitgolden on July 18, 2024, 03:59:34 PM
I don't get why it is so "hard" for so many people? I have always argued that it is literally the least you can do, and this basically proves it. Something even a dead person can do, and you are telling me that it is very hard to do? How hard could it be to do something that a dead person can do?

Are we insane to say that dead people can be better investors than alive ones? For what reason? Just because they can't? I mean while they can't, you have the option of not to do anything about it too. If you invest into some shit memetoken project then yeah you should sell your position and get out, I am not against that at all and I understand why you should.

But imagine a person who bought a lot of bitcoin and staying, why would you want to move that? I mean you have bitcoin, you can keep that for another 40 years and you will be richer every single time. Why would you want to move that money around? Why would you want to sell that and get out? What's going to happen, bitcoin crash to zero? I mean lets be real, selling is a weak move and it's clear that everyone should be holding, and holding is just another word for "do nothing". Just buy and do nothing after that, it's literally that simple.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Gozie51 on July 18, 2024, 07:46:58 PM

Yes, you read that correctly. Fidelity, one of the biggest asset managers in the world, performed a study on their best-performing client brokerage accounts. Over a 10-year period, they found that the highest returns came from the ones where the account holder was dead. The second best were the ones that had forgotten they had investments. Of course, I don’t recommend dying as a good investment strategy.

Why is this the case?

Most of the time, the market rewards investors who get into position and then do nothing. While it seems simple, it’s a lot harder than it sounds. Successful investing can be extremely boring, and it can be hard not to watch the news and tinker with your investments to try and squeeze out every ounce of performance from your hard-earned capital. But the market rewards patience and punishes those who give into emotions.  

Dead investors aren’t usually reading the news and panic selling as investments go down, nor are they prone to panic buying as the market is soaring (...)

Yes and who is to be blamed for the low returns of the investment of the living? Is it fear or fud? Hahaha. Of course fear factor or fud are what characteristics that makes the living what they are. The blood that keeps flowing in the vain of the living interacts and also reacts to the market and the sentiment.

Naturally, there are factors that could put the living on their tools and make them temper with their investment to safe themselves of certain situation and those include but not excluding health challenges, economic hardship cum family financial burdens of which the dead don't have any business with that and so, their supposed left off investment would appreciate overtime. But the living can't leave out those investment because they want them to rise whilst they suffer degrading shame of hardship and deterioting health conditions. You see the difference regards the reason that the left off investment of the dead would make more return. Even, you have such bountiful returns when you just discover a lost wallet with lots of coins inside after a long time.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Rruchi man on July 18, 2024, 08:48:26 PM
Be as calm and patient as dead people are and gains will come  ;D
As a repetition of what I said on Altcoinstalks, playing dead is not an easy ability to master, but surely not something that cannot be done.  To become really calm, one needs to master their emotions and avoid triggers like the news or even friends who carry with them and share FUD.

To remain patient, you need to have other sources of income that you can channel to sort your expenses so you can patiently hoard your investment. You also need to be disciplined, because the temptation to enjoy your investment will come.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: TastyChillySauce00 on July 19, 2024, 04:14:36 AM
As a repetition of what I said on Altcoinstalks, playing dead is not an easy ability to master, but surely not something that cannot be done.  To become really calm, one needs to master their emotions and avoid triggers like the news or even friends who carry with them and share FUD.

To remain patient, you need to have other sources of income that you can channel to sort your expenses so you can patiently hoard your investment. You also need to be disciplined, because the temptation to enjoy your investment will come.

Honestly if what you put as an investment is money that you can afford to lose, disregarding the investment over the course of years could easily be done, the problem with majority of the people is that, they like to put the money that they can't afford to lose to an investment and at the slightest of market movement they become too excited or too afraid since they already imagining the scenario of what gonna happen if they can't make ends meet.

pretty fair reaction to have knowing that most of us have basic needs that we want to fulfill but a disastrous one for an investment :D.
the market volatility is pretty common and knowing that these are just distractions is one way of making the best investment decision ever.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Wexnident on July 19, 2024, 07:30:53 AM
I mean dead people don't have needs, wants, greed, or emergencies. It's no surprise they're the better ones. Heck I myself treat my investments as a sort of secondary emergency fund (I have a primary one but you know, just in case life slams a truck at you or something).

Gotta agree with it though. I mean my DCA has already brought me so much and it's only been 2 ish years. I've been touching it here and there to buy some alts but generally still in profit anyway so :P.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: legendbtc on July 19, 2024, 11:32:55 AM
As a repetition of what I said on Altcoinstalks, playing dead is not an easy ability to master, but surely not something that cannot be done.  To become really calm, one needs to master their emotions and avoid triggers like the news or even friends who carry with them and share FUD.

To remain patient, you need to have other sources of income that you can channel to sort your expenses so you can patiently hoard your investment. You also need to be disciplined, because the temptation to enjoy your investment will come.

Honestly if what you put as an investment is money that you can afford to lose, disregarding the investment over the course of years could easily be done, the problem with majority of the people is that, they like to put the money that they can't afford to lose to an investment and at the slightest of market movement they become too excited or too afraid since they already imagining the scenario of what gonna happen if they can't make ends meet.

pretty fair reaction to have knowing that most of us have basic needs that we want to fulfill but a disastrous one for an investment :D.
the market volatility is pretty common and knowing that these are just distractions is one way of making the best investment decision ever.

To be fair, who wants to lose money even if that money doesn't affect our lives? I bet no one wants to lose money and it's never easy to pretend to forget your money unless it's completely gone.

I agree with you that there are a lot of people who are using money they can't afford to lose to invest in bitcoin. But between saying and doing there is a huge gap. Even people who are rich and only invested a small amount of money in bitcoin will feel uncomfortable when they lose, let alone those who are not rich and have placed great faith in their investment.
It's easy to give advice or criticize others, but I suspect many of us aren't doing as well as we say we are.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: $weetne$$ on July 19, 2024, 01:35:26 PM
You read that correctly. Fidelity, one of the biggest asset managers in the world, performed a study on their best-performing client brokerage accounts. Over a 10-year period, they found that the highest returns came from the ones where the account holder was dead. The second best were the ones that had forgotten they had investments. Of course, I don’t recommend dying as a good investment strategy.

Dead people do not have access to their investment therefore if we want to make profits like them we have to restrict access to our investment by forgetting about them. If you wanted to hodl Bitcoin for 10 years, always checking news and looking for what is happening to Bitcoin would not help you but playing dead and forgetting you ever had Bitcoin is the best strategy to use. For hodling to be successful, you have to be the type of individual that do not get scared that you are going to lose the money that you put into an investment. The strategy being shared is helpful but I would not support forgetting that you had Bitcoin before you will forget where you kept your private key and would not be capable of having access to the Bitcoin in your wallet. We have had stories of people that forgot about their Bitcoin and they can no longer have access to it, nobody wants to be in that type of situation.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: doomloop on July 19, 2024, 07:21:02 PM
I mean dead people don't have needs, wants, greed, or emergencies. It's no surprise they're the better ones. Heck I myself treat my investments as a sort of secondary emergency fund (I have a primary one but you know, just in case life slams a truck at you or something).

Gotta agree with it though. I mean my DCA has already brought me so much and it's only been 2 ish years. I've been touching it here and there to buy some alts but generally still in profit anyway so :P.
I believed for a long time that trading is the way to make money, and I tried my very best to make that work, but that did not happen for me and I think it is not going to end up with anything decent for that size at all. I believe that we can just focus on what to do and how to do it with what we have, the best way to go with this is something that will take a while, and eventually I believe that I was wrong and trading wasn't the way to go, at least for me.

I know that there are a lot of people who made a lot of money from trading, a lot of people used futures and got rich overnight too, seen people turn a thousand dollars into 70k in front of my eyes, I was there when they made it, so it is possible. But I am not that guy, I like to hold, and because of that I have been doing DCA for a while too and I have made a lot more DCA'in than when I was trading, much better way. I think we need to make sure that part works, if we can do that, things will be simpler.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Zlantann on July 20, 2024, 01:04:28 PM
Be as calm and patient as dead people are and gains will come  ;D
As a repetition of what I said on Altcoinstalks, playing dead is not an easy ability to master, but surely not something that cannot be done.  To become really calm, one needs to master their emotions and avoid triggers like the news or even friends who carry with them and share FUD.

To remain patient, you need to have other sources of income that you can channel to sort your expenses so you can patiently hoard your investment. You also need to be disciplined, because the temptation to enjoy your investment will come.

The dead don't have needs or emergencies which is why they can keep investments for a long time. I have been faithful in following my DCA plan but I had to make some adjustments recently. Due to inflation, my monthly income is not enough to cover my basic needs so I had to liquidate some of my hodlings. A dead man will not do that because he is sleeping comfortably in the grave where he needs nothing to survive. I agree that for one to be able to show patience and consistency, there is a need to have other sources of income. The way the prices for goods and services are going high, many people might be forced to sell off their investments prematurely.

The strategy being shared is helpful but I would not support forgetting that you had Bitcoin before you will forget where you kept your private key and would not be capable of having access to the Bitcoin in your wallet. We have had stories of people that forgot about their Bitcoin and they can no longer have access to it, nobody wants to be in that type of situation.
I think OP just used the dead as an illustration of how investors should exercise patience and don't be by moved by FUD.  Of course it will be better to sell your investment because of FUD than to misplace the private keys of the wallet. Forgetting about you investment should include avoiding news that is targeted at generating FUD. You are correct that we shouldn't misplace our private keys just because we want to act like a "dead investor".

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: DaNNy001 on July 21, 2024, 11:11:38 PM
You read that correctly. Fidelity, one of the biggest asset managers in the world, performed a study on their best-performing client brokerage accounts. Over a 10-year period, they found that the highest returns came from the ones where the account holder was dead. The second best were the ones that had forgotten they had investments. Of course, I don’t recommend dying as a good investment strategy.

Dead people do not have access to their investment therefore if we want to make profits like them we have to restrict access to our investment by forgetting about them. If you wanted to hodl Bitcoin for 10 years, always checking news and looking for what is happening to Bitcoin would not help you but playing dead and forgetting you ever had Bitcoin is the best strategy to use. For hodling to be successful, you have to be the type of individual that do not get scared that you are going to lose the money that you put into an investment. The strategy being shared is helpful but I would not support forgetting that you had Bitcoin before you will forget where you kept your private key and would not be capable of having access to the Bitcoin in your wallet. We have had stories of people that forgot about their Bitcoin and they can no longer have access to it, nobody wants to be in that type of situation.

Playing dead is the best way to actually go about any investment that one would have especially when it's Bitcoin but the thing is that playing dead to your investment is not as easy as we say it, because Bitcoin has so many seasons and so many things can actually influence and fluctuate it price and one of the reasons why people don't overcome this is when they don't actually plan the whole thing because if you are to start playing dead there are certain that you ought to have put in place like a good job that would cover all your needs so as you can easily forget the holding.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: jaberwock on July 22, 2024, 05:59:41 PM
Playing dead is the best way to actually go about any investment that one would have especially when it's Bitcoin but the thing is that playing dead to your investment is not as easy as we say it, because Bitcoin has so many seasons and so many things can actually influence and fluctuate it price and one of the reasons why people don't overcome this is when they don't actually plan the whole thing because if you are to start playing dead there are certain that you ought to have put in place like a good job that would cover all your needs so as you can easily forget the holding.
I disagree, that may sound like a good thing for individuals, and some people do that, it is not good for the market. I believe that we should try to make sure that the market has a constant influx of buyers AND sellers, we need those sellers in order to keep the market going. If you hold, and I hold, and he holds, and she olds, then who is selling?

If nobody is selling, then the market would eventually crash, because while it is good to have scarcity, buyers will eventually give up thinking it is too overpriced and that would crash the price. So we need to have juuust a bit more buyers than sellers, that way we still have sellers, but buyers are interested in just a bit more, not a whole lot more.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: taufik123 on July 22, 2024, 06:04:43 PM
Playing dead is the best way to actually go about any investment that one would have especially when it's Bitcoin but the thing is that playing dead to your investment is not as easy as we say it, because Bitcoin has so many seasons and so many things can actually influence and fluctuate it price and one of the reasons why people don't overcome this is when they don't actually plan the whole thing because if you are to start playing dead there are certain that you ought to have put in place like a good job that would cover all your needs so as you can easily forget the holding.
It's too much to pretend to be dead is the way you do it, maybe you just forget about it and assume you don't have any investment,
but with a record of all the keys and where you store your Bitcoins you have to remember.

Pretending to forget here means buying and then just ignoring it with the goal of the long term.
You don't need to look at the market so as not to be affected by the rise and fall of prices.

However, if you are really sure of the first purchase, then there will be a second purchase at a lower price.
doing DCA at any given time or when seeing the market drop drastically touching the Dips, it is the best opportunity to accumulate bitcoin holdings.
The main goal is of course long-term and will not change.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Natalim on July 22, 2024, 09:38:49 PM
Make sense because i've seen plenty of stories of people that forgot they have BTC even to some extent they threw away their laptop and now their BTC holding worth millions  :D :D.

but mainly it's because some people are investing and getting influenced heavily by their emotion, like recent dips, had people bought at $60k around a month ago and see the price dumps into $54k they would've been freaking out but see right now price bounced back as if nothing happened  ;D.
Well, that’s how profitable bitcoin is, despite how its investor lost his wallet or forgot it, still bitcoin investment ends up soaring high and become more profitable in time. Something that will be hardly achieved when the investor itself is very active and keeps monitoring the market, because even if we say patience is there, but once the market seems not to perform well and bitcoin price drops drastically, believe me, your emotions will certainly be triggered and end up with wrong decision making that one will only regret later on after doing that.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: justdimin on July 23, 2024, 08:35:03 AM
The dead don't have needs or emergencies which is why they can keep investments for a long time. I have been faithful in following my DCA plan but I had to make some adjustments recently. Due to inflation, my monthly income is not enough to cover my basic needs so I had to liquidate some of my hodlings. A dead man will not do that because he is sleeping comfortably in the grave where he needs nothing to survive. I agree that for one to be able to show patience and consistency, there is a need to have other sources of income. The way the prices for goods and services are going high, many people might be forced to sell off their investments prematurely.
This part is the one that many people end up missing. Sure, we can still keep our bitcoins and try to find some other way, but there are so many situations where we could help with people if we sell. Like for example I had so much more bitcoins, I have lost on tens of thousands of dollars in bitcoin, all because I had to pay for a loved ones medical bill, now could I have done something else?

Well, I could have put my car for collateral and get loan from the bank to pay that bill, which would have worked, and I would have a little hard time paying the debt back, but in that case instead of selling all of my bitcoin at once, I would have sold it small by small, to pay the debt each month. That is not how it happened, I mean from trying to have a baby, to having a funeral, it took me less than a year, my life went from great to terrible from just September to July, it's been terrible, keeping bitcoin would have not served any purpose in these trying times, it would have just caused me excessive headache. Instead, I just sold it, and paid all my debts aside a few, and in a few months I will have nearly zero debt, very small amount. That is something I would prefer, because it made my life easier.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: fullhdpixel on July 25, 2024, 05:16:31 PM
Dead people do not have access to their investment therefore if we want to make profits like them we have to restrict access to our investment by forgetting about them. If you wanted to hodl Bitcoin for 10 years, always checking news and looking for what is happening to Bitcoin would not help you but playing dead and forgetting you ever had Bitcoin is the best strategy to use. For hodling to be successful, you have to be the type of individual that do not get scared that you are going to lose the money that you put into an investment. The strategy being shared is helpful but I would not support forgetting that you had Bitcoin before you will forget where you kept your private key and would not be capable of having access to the Bitcoin in your wallet. We have had stories of people that forgot about their Bitcoin and they can no longer have access to it, nobody wants to be in that type of situation.
There are only two cases where someone buys and forgets their bitcoins, either someone who is very rich and has so much money that they don't know where they have their property, or who does not need money. Also, it is not possible for a person to invest his money somewhere and not remember about it or does not want to remember.

A businessman opens his wallet a thousand times a day and checks. I always have four to five computers on which I always note the ups and downs of the market, so I don't think any trader can forget after buying bitcoins or anyone in this day and age. There won't be anyone who has not checked his wallet for years.

And I don't think it's wise for someone to buy Bitcoin and hold it for so long that they forget about Bitcoin. Those who buy and hold earn more than those who just buy and hold for a long time because the market is subject to ups and downs, how often the market goes up and how often it goes down. There are thousands of opportunities in a month that we buy and then sell and then buy. That way we can earn as much profit by staying updated and active as we can't earn by just holding.

Everyone else has their own thoughts, their own opinions, and their own principles of trading. We cannot force anyone, nor will anyone follow our advice, because everyone has their own mind and their own strategic planning.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Coyster on July 25, 2024, 06:31:50 PM
Of course we don't want to die without reaping the benefits of our investments, but the message of this thread is very clear, be as patient as possible. So many people put themselves through a lot of stress trying to figure out what is happening when there is a dump, confused whether to sell or not and more often than not they end up making mistakes.

Hodl your bitcoins, the price can only fall for a short time. Investing in bitcoin for the long term is the right thing to do as an investor, because it is easier to make ROI in the long term than in the short term.

Title: Re: The best performing investors are ones who are dead
Post by: Franctoshi on July 25, 2024, 07:02:11 PM
Be as calm and patient as dead people are and gains will come  ;D
As a repetition of what I said on Altcoinstalks, playing dead is not an easy ability to master, but surely not something that cannot be done.  To become really calm, one needs to master their emotions and avoid triggers like the news or even friends who carry with them and share FUD.

To remain patient, you need to have other sources of income that you can channel to sort your expenses so you can patiently hoard your investment. You also need to be disciplined, because the temptation to enjoy your investment will come.
You've made some points here, Aside that, another thing is that your investment should be base on plan and target, don't just invest because one sees that others are investing and you rush in to invest without you having a proper plan in place and not knowing what that led to those investors to invest, before investing try like ask yourself, would I be needing this money from this so time to this so time without touching it? this way you will limit the temptations that will definitely happen along the line.