Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Su-asa on July 16, 2024, 03:42:03 PM

Title: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Su-asa on July 16, 2024, 03:42:03 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Oshosondy on July 16, 2024, 03:49:28 PM
An addicted gambler will most likely be losing but if he is winning, he is also going to be addicted as he will continue to gamble. The main reason for the addiction is that he wants to make money from gambling but he will mostly like be losing but yet thinking that he can make money from gambling and continue to lose.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Franctoshi on July 16, 2024, 03:56:28 PM
Seeing gambling as a major source of income can result one into addiction, whereas it should be seen as a side hustle and a way to catch fun too.
Spending more time and more money than what you are capable of risking /loosing because when you've had a lot of losses, it definitely gonna triggered this part of you that will begin to chase your loses, this way you would no longer have gambling budget and plans, and when to call it day and quit regardless of any outcome, and be that responsible gambler which you're supposed to be.

A gamble addict is a gambler who has negate all the measures in place meant to put him on check while gambling and does everything out of control.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: famososMuertos on July 16, 2024, 03:58:50 PM
It is a psychosomatic condition, sometimes it doesn't even have to do with gambling, that is, you are mentally addicted, anything exposes you to addiction.

Losing or winning is not the main cause as it is always believed to be the main factor.

If you have doubts, do not seek advice on a forum, seek professional help in person, that exists and is as normal as having a normal routine physical health check-up, in this case it is mental health.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Richbased on July 16, 2024, 04:03:08 PM
Gambling addiction can happen to both someone who wins or losses because he can decide to play more after winning if he can win more money and at the end he can lose and try on recovering the losses but finds himself even losing more and for a gambler who loses bets most time can also get addicted either trying to win or by chasing losses however, being addicted to gambling is dependent on the perspective with which a gambler goes about their gambling habits.

The most causes of gambling addiction is trying to recover losses, trying to win huge amount of money and spending most of your time playing gambling or involving in gambling activities because if you give gambling less time you are unlikely to get into addiction. A gambler must understand that the more he spends time gambling, the more likely he will get addicted to it because whatever one spends so much time doing is going to turn into addiction since you will find it difficult to engage much in other activities.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: coin-investor on July 16, 2024, 04:04:52 PM

However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

It really depends on the personality. There are people who are driven by envy and think that they are better than people who always win, and there are gamblers who are challenged by struggle and loss and want to prove people wrong.

The majority of players who become addicted to gambling are those who have experienced winning a vast amount of money and are deceived into thinking that they can make a living in gambling, ignoring the facts about house edge and luck; they think they have discovered their own winning formula.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Samlucky O on July 16, 2024, 04:05:43 PM
Seeing gambling as a major source of income can result one into addiction, whereas it should be seen as a side hustle and a way to catch fun too.
Exactly! What causes addiction is just seeing it as a source of income just as you have said. And one thing that baffles me is that when addiction Starts, people hardly identify that they are addicted  because they continue to gamble until they see that they have nothing left with them because of hoping for uncertainty. Addicted Gamblers always see gambling as the last hope of a common man or a get rich quick scheme and they put all their hope on it. And when they lose they chase after loses and later lost it all.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Sim_card on July 16, 2024, 04:10:28 PM
Both winning and losing can make lead to addiction. The punchline is that when you are gambling for profit or see gamble as a mean to have a fortune you will definitely be addicted. This is because if you are winning or win huge, you will still continue gambling because you believe that you will continue to win more. And if you are losing, you will continue chasing your losses hoping that someday you will win big. It is easy to get addicted than to be free from addiction.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Hispo on July 16, 2024, 04:49:47 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

What makes a normal person to become addicted to gambling is Lossing and dreaming to win. It is simple and there is no-brainer about it, but that is only my personal opinion.
We could also consider that the only feeling of uncertainty one has while gambling can also trigger the production of some neurotransmitters within our brain which have much to do with the risk-reward mechanism of our mind, basically gambling messes up with the production of dopamine which brings us pleasure, hence why so many people can end up feeling addicted to it.

If it was as simple as winning or Lossing money, then it would not be so many scienfitic studies and research on this matter.

Some people may think winning does not make a gambler addict, there could be possibly some truth in it... but since casino games are supposed to be against the gambler in the long run, winning consistently is not possible.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Rruchi man on July 16, 2024, 04:51:37 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Maybe not one reason, but a tincture of both.

An individual can become addicted if they are almost winning each time they play but never winning—the near success syndrome.
An individual can also become addicted if they have won a couple of times from gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Gozie51 on July 16, 2024, 05:06:22 PM

What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both can make a gambler to be addicted. If a gambler is winning and he gets interested with the winning to the extent that nothing else matters to him then he will be addicted despite the win since other aspects of his life will be needing attention including his family. But the kind of addiction that people know as one is when you are losing because of the factors that surrounds loses and one of them is to keep chasing loses. So majority of gambling addiction is because someone is losing and they are probably annoyed, unhappy and transfers aggression to others for no good reason.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: aioc on July 16, 2024, 05:09:14 PM

What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

For many gamblers, it's winning. It is a different feeling when you win money and beat the house; you feel like you can do it again, so you keep coming back to try to duplicate your luck. Winning and the feeling of excitement are two things that make the gamblers come back, and they become addicted over time.

But I also know of people who become addicted to gambling because of losing but eventually recover their investment; winning or losing can make you addicted to gambling because of the production of dopamine, which is the reward mechanism that makes the players come back over and over again.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: LFC_Bitcoin on July 16, 2024, 05:17:45 PM
A gambler can become addicted due to a combination of psychological, biological and social factors. The thrill of winning and the desire to escape from negative emotions or stress can contribute to the development of addiction.
Our brain's reward system may become altered, leading to a compulsive need to gamble. Social factors such as peer pressure or exposure to gambling environments can also play a role. The addictive nature of gambling can result in financial and emotional consequences.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: 348Judah on July 16, 2024, 05:32:30 PM
Neither winning or losing makes a gambler to get addicted with gambling, but the way or reasoning and mentality with that same particular gambler towards gambling will determine whether he will be the addicted type or not, not everyone takes gambling for fun, the little one we have with the people who have seen it as having fun will never take it for granted and get addicted, but those who have the other way round mentality concerning gambling will always be running on chasing after losses and get addicted at the cause before realizing what they are into. 

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: bitbollo on July 16, 2024, 05:36:31 PM
Scientific literature on that argument (gambling addiction) is something that has been developed only in the last 30-40 years. It can be defined a very young field and I think that any assumption not based on scientific evidence is just anedoctal and doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.

please find below an abstract from one of the most cited papers on the argument:
Gambling disorder is characterized by a persistent, recurrent pattern of gambling that is associated with substantial distress or impairment. The prevalence of gambling disorder has been estimated at 0.5% of the adult population in the United States, with comparable or slightly higher estimates in other countries. The aetiology of gambling disorder is complex, with implicated genetic and environmental factors. Neurobiological studies have implicated cortico-striato-limbic structures and circuits in the pathophysiology of this disorder. Individuals with gambling disorder often go unrecognized and untreated, including within clinical settings. Gambling disorder frequently co-occurs with other conditions, particularly other psychiatric disorders. Behavioural interventions, particularly cognitive-behavioural therapy but also motivational interviewing and Gamblers Anonymous, are supported in the treatment of gambling disorder. No pharmacological therapy has a formal indication for the treatment of gambling disorder, although placebo-controlled trials suggest that some medications, such as opioid-receptor antagonists, may be helpful. Given the associations with poor quality of life and suicide, improved identification, prevention, policy and treatment efforts are needed to help people with gambling disorder.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: panjul07 on July 16, 2024, 05:41:33 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both losing and winning can make gambler become addicted, it depends on how the gamblers deal with the situation.
If gamblers can't control themselves while they are on winning on losing then high likely they will be addicted.
Winning may attract gamblers to play more and more because of the greed, while losing may attract gamblers to recover the losses.
Coming to the percentage, I guess losing has bigger percentage because the probability of losing is bigger so the probability for those who are losing to recover.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: avikz on July 16, 2024, 05:47:06 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Winnings! If you interview a couple of gamblers, you will get a better understanding. People won't get addicted if they are loosing constantly. It comes with winnings. Ask any gambler and they will tell you the same thing.

Most of the addicted gamblers had their lucky days where they have earned a lot of money. They just hope that such days come back to their life again. You will also see that addicted gamblers are also very superstitious. All goes to the same reason - winning!

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Falconer on July 16, 2024, 05:52:08 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?
Winning or losing is a normal thing in gambling, but what makes it addictive is your curiosity about a game and the great hope you have of winning. If your hope of winning is very high, then you will try to win and ignore defeat even though you have lost a lot. This is very different from someone who gambles for fun, at least they tend to be more responsible than gamblers who chase winnings.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: alegotardo on July 16, 2024, 05:52:13 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I believe that the main factors are two:

1. Possibility of getting rich playing.
This is certainly the biggest reason, people may believe this out of simple ignorance, believing that it is easy to make easy money with games, or because of some "success story" of a relative or family member who managed to earn a lot of money with games.

2. Trying to make up for something that is missing in your life with gambling.
Sometimes a person has a tiring or very stressful job, and when they get home all they want is something that brings them pleasure, and online games have the ability to provide that.
The lack of friends or social interaction can also cause the same, as someone who is not very social usually finds ways to satisfy this lack of contact online.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Odohu on July 16, 2024, 05:53:11 PM
People get addicted to gambling for different reasons; it could be their early big wins or the winning of others but losses can not possibly make one addicted unless the loss came after any of the aforementioned reasons has gotten a hold of the gambler,  in that case it becomes a case of chasing losses which is also an attribute of gambling addiction. What losses will create in the mind of a gambler is fear and not excitement. So it is either a winning or promise of it that makes people addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Zlantann on July 16, 2024, 05:58:10 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both winning and losing can make a gambler addicted. But the gambling disorder which is triggered by losses has a more negative effect on the gambler. When a bettor starts chasing losses it has both financial and psychological implications. Trying to cover losses can make a gambler gamble beyond his budget which will have adverse consequences. Having steady wins can also lead to gambling addiction because it could inculcate the belief that gambling will always lead to winning. This could be the case with first-time gamblers who won on their first attempt. They might keep gambling with the view that they will always win. Gambling addiction can be avoided by simply having a budget and gambling with what you can afford to lose.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: bakasabo on July 16, 2024, 06:02:37 PM
From my observation, access to easy money makes people addicted to using method they used to get them. As to addicted, it isnt enough to win, a gambler must make several consecutive large wins, the money spend must bring him lots of joy, and that will force him to return. If a person simply wins, he will either make several more bets or withdraw. Loosing does not cause addiction, it might only cause start of a chasing losses.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: m2017 on July 16, 2024, 06:07:49 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Another question that offers “or” as an answer. Whereas, the answer is somewhere in the middle. That is, in my opinion, the formation of addiction is influenced by a combination of factors, including gains (anticipation of victory and the pleasure of victory - positive incentives) and defeat (sadness, frustration - negative incentives). But there are also a number of other parameters, such as the formation of a habit due to everyday gambling.

In fact, I believe that this issue should be studied (they have probably already done this) by specialized specialists, such as doctors of medicine (psychiatrist, narcologist).

Here you will receive only completely superficial justifications for the formation of gambling addiction, based on the assumptions and guesses of ordinary people not related to the study of this problem.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Marykeller on July 16, 2024, 06:13:34 PM
For me, it's losing not winning. I will give a simple life experience to back my claim.
Let's take an instance, you are throwing up with the challenge of choosing between a game that is less difficult(not interesting at all) or a game very difficult(many interesting games filled in it). Which one would you choose? A game very difficult, I guess it's interesting, right?

Do you think if everyone wins their gambling bets always, do you think there will be people who will be addicted to it? People get addicted to something that they can't easily solve the puzzle, to win continuously.

Any interesting game that gives human beings the challenge to have winnings, you find many people drawn to it, to make sure they have won from it. The more they try to do that, the more eager they become, which can turn them to become addicted to what interests them the most.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: OgNasty on July 16, 2024, 06:14:38 PM
I’m not addicted to gambling so I really can only speculate, but my guess is that people get attached to the idea of winning a lot of money. Maybe they see gambling as the only way they can improve their financial situation or they feel they’ve invested so much that a payday is right around the corner. Regardless, the real winners in gambling are the ones that enjoy gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: bakasabo on July 16, 2024, 06:17:10 PM
For me, it's losing not winning.

But if you happen to win back what you have lost, you would probably withdraw, end your session with a total of 0 and be happy in the end. In case you start winning, I think you would agree, that it will be hard for you to find that point when you have won enough and stop gambling. With losing imo it is much simpler. Either stop gambling when you run out of money, or stop when you have reached chasing losses point.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: danherbias07 on July 16, 2024, 06:22:23 PM
I think it's because of losing and it's not based on a guess because I had the experience. Whenever I lose, I tend to deposit one more time and if that deposit loses again, I will do one more, and it's like a never-ending story. But, I get to think of what I have done and I know I am near the situation to become a gambling addict and so I stopped.
How? I swallowed the truth that all of those losses were gone and I might not get them back. Possibly. Accepting that truth made me realize that I had lost a lot of money and the only way to get back from that was to avoid it. I still gamble, but I do not go to an extent that I won't be able to handle the stress anymore. I set the amount I can afford to lose and that's it. No more gambling for the day or a week and just take the rest and play other games.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on July 16, 2024, 06:46:01 PM
I'm not sure that either winning or losing is what makes a gambler addicted.  Typically there's certain types of people whom simply get addicted to thing easier than others do.  I've seen quite a few friends over the years who get addicted to drugs and or alcohol and then start to pick up gambling as a hobby and end up getting addicted to that as well. It can just often seem like something that is a part of them.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Silberman on July 16, 2024, 06:46:33 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

There are many factors that come in play when it comes to this, but one of the most important is the random payout you receive, it has been proven that this is the fastest ways in which a person can learn a new behavior, so a person can go from never gambled on their life, to become addicted incredibly quickly, as they begin to pursue a win in their game of choice with a passion that we may have never seen them show for any other activity on the past.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 16, 2024, 06:55:22 PM
To be honest, I am one of the people who has experienced a gambling addiction, and in my case as I remember the addiction started when I managed to get several winning streaks in a few days which made me think that it seemed like I could rely on gambling to fulfill all my desires such as shopping or the other one, I understand it was a big mistake I made, but fortunately as time went by I managed to get out of the zone in a way that I created myself by spending quite a long time.

Returning to the topic being asked, perhaps with this I will say from my own point of view which is in accordance with my experience that in my opinion gambling addiction mostly starts from someone who succeeds in winning where they overreact to the winnings they managed to get. So in the end they do various things to get their winnings back and as time goes by they don't realize that they are addicted.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Odusko on July 16, 2024, 07:03:47 PM
Addictions is a long term impact of gambling on and individual, because before a gambler become addicted there are a number of things that should be considered to be the reason for the addictions, and one among such factors is the presence of greed in a gambler, because once you are greedy, you will take any step further to either make more winning, or chase your loses, this point you have a fixed expectations of what suppose to be the outcome of your games, by having that expectations you likely gamble more and at such a become addicted on the long run.
Another factors that is noticeable to be the casuse of gambling addictions is physiological and mental health of a gambler, because having a sick mental state will always lead addictions if you get in contact with gambling, so while seeking to have fun and ease off stress, you should also pay attention to how balance your mental health, some ill person should avoid gambling because research have it that they have high chances of becoming addicted.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dailyscript on July 16, 2024, 07:04:27 PM
I believe this question has been answered here in this board so many times.

OP, both can make a gambler addicted whether he loses or wins it depends on the gambler and the habit that got him addicted. Some people can say it is because of so many wins that made them look for more wins and this got them addicted. Other persons may say they want to get back the money they have been losing by so doing they find themselves gambling every single moment gambling and this makes them become addicts. Right now i won't choose but I know that if not cautiousness is not taken into gambling, any body can develop a bad habit due to wins or losses and become a gambling addict at the end of the day.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Mr.suevie on July 16, 2024, 07:12:05 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Losing and the feeling that you can actually recover it, so I guess the two feeling work hand in hand, you can be a winner and still get addicted and that would be on the concept of not letting go of your loses when winning and by this am talking about the human greed too. Whenever a gambler gets too greedy he is actually paving way for the spirit of addiction to crawl in because only a greedy gambler fails to know when to quit.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: acroman08 on July 16, 2024, 07:31:43 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

gamblers react differently between these two scenarios, some gamblers who lose decides to fully stop gambling and some gamblers decides to continue and chase their loses, as for the winning part, some gamblers decides to fully stop gambling and be satisfied after winning and some continue to gamble mostlikely hoping to win again. those who decides to continue gambling after winning or losing can develop addiction to gambling. in short, It's both, both of these scenarios can be addicting, there is no greater than the other.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Mahanton on July 16, 2024, 07:46:26 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Could be both but usually people do become addicted into the moment or time that he/she is winning on which the primary thing that comes up into your mind is on how you do make yourself do make winnings even more.
This is why it would really be that important that you should really be able to know on what are the things that you've been already doing and on how you would really be making out such control. Gamblers would really be that aiming for more profits considering that gambling is the fastest way on making money but same goes in losing too. On the moment that they are on a losing situation then this is where desperation would really be kicking in on which on the moment that it is really that indeed happening then this is where things becomes even more messy. Addiction doesnt only come at greed but rather it would be coming also because of desperation.

This is why on the time or moment that things going negative then you would really be having that kind of main consideration on chasing up those things whether winning or losing on which it would really be that just a normal approach to have by most gamblers. This is why it would really be that important that you should be able to bare up with those impulsive emotions and approach on things because it will really be just that giving
that kind of negative thoughts and views towards it.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: rachael9385 on July 16, 2024, 07:59:02 PM
Both winning and losing can make lead to addiction. The punchline is that when you are gambling for profit or see gamble as a mean to have a fortune you will definitely be addicted. This is because if you are winning or win huge, you will still continue gambling because you believe that you will continue to win more. And if you are losing, you will continue chasing your losses hoping that someday you will win big. It is easy to get addicted than to be free from addiction.
Correctly, both of them can make a gambler becomes addicted to gamble, but if also based on the kind of person the gambler is, if he's a kind of person that gambles with emotions he will likely ends up becoming addicted to gamble because he doesn't gamble for fun or gamble responsibly. No matter what one has becomes in gamble he should try and gamble responsible mostly when he don't have a lot of money and when they have money.
One thing is that when a gambler has lost his bet and money he will want to try again because he's thinking that he can be able to win and recover the money that he has lost. Yes the gambler might win but there is also a high chance of lose there.
Like the OP question, I would say that the both of these gamblers will become addicted and more additional to gamble because losing and winning are what makes a gambler to gamble more.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Mate2237 on July 16, 2024, 08:00:50 PM
You asked three questions at once and I will answer them one by one. At the addiction. When the gambler can't control himself then he will definitely becomes an addicted gambler so the best way to control addiction is to control yourself and that might be term as self-control in gambling. And secondly people lose because of greediness and out of luck. When they have won small amount but would not withdraw or rest but thinking to win big and that round would not be a lucky time for them. And people win because they have controlled themselves in gambling and also self-control and also have lucky at that time.

The above points might not be the same with others and those are some of the things I noticed.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Antotena on July 16, 2024, 08:57:02 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Addiction can comes from winning or losing. If you are winning and you are addicted, I will say it's because you love gambling because of the consistent winning and you might not have anything doing except to gamble all the time as money is involved. However, if you gamble and lose all the time and your plan is to recover back the money you have lost, you will be having hard time to see how bad it's and you will continue to be in that state continuesly losing yourself.

If you are gambling and you make a lot of money from it, I don't think or see that as a problem to begin with, it's when you become addicted with many loose. The more you play, the more you loss and the more you want to play even morr to recover the previous loses, meanwhile the casino is making money and you are running to debt. The wrong side of this addiction is that some people sell their properties, that tells you how bad gambling addiction is to people.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Rockstarguy on July 16, 2024, 09:01:40 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think what causes people to be addicted in gambling is not really winning or lose but the mindset and lack of understanding of gambling.  When people have the mindset of generating money from gambling it can lead to gambling addiction and when their is no better understanding on how gambling should be played it can also cause addiction. When someone have the wrong mindset of gambling they would want to win more in gambling and when they lose they would want to alos chase all their  loses, that is why I don't think winning or lose can be the reason for addiction.  Mindset is just everything in gambling,  it determine how one should play gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: $crypto$ on July 16, 2024, 09:18:47 PM
He felt the victory at the beginning easily...
He has a loss and tries to catch up with the loss...
He is curious that the next game will win ...

It is very easy actually for people to become addicted, especially when they have high curiosity when the game does not win but are sure that in the next game they will win, now this gambling can be addicted, there are many other factors that are clear when playing more gambling, it is certain that addiction will be attached to it.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: serjent05 on July 16, 2024, 09:19:04 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Getting addicted to gambling is not about losing or winning it is about having an uncontrollable urge to gamble.  It is losing control over oneself when engaging in gambling.  According to research, it stimulates the brain's reward system[1].  It is the thought or urge  of winning something that has yet to happen which often leads to reward chasing or chasing losses. Any gambler trapped in this thought and unable to differentiate the reality will eventually get addicted to gambling. 

I think what causes people to be addicted in gambling is not really winning or lose but the mindset and lack of understanding of gambling.  When people have the mindset of generating money from gambling it can lead to gambling addiction and when their is no better understanding on how gambling should be played it can also cause addiction. When someone have the wrong mindset of gambling they would want to win more in gambling and when they lose they would want to alos chase all their  loses, that is why I don't think winning or lose can be the reason for addiction.  Mindset is just everything in gambling,  it determine how one should play gambling.

I agree with you that it is not the losses and winnings that trigger gambling addiction.  However, I partially disagree that the lack of understanding of how gambling works triggers the addiction. People who have been engaged in gambling also become addicted if they fail to moderate themselves.


Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 16, 2024, 09:25:56 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

To answer this question is it's simplest form, I would say that both loss and win can drive a gambler into becoming a gambling addict, it completely depend on some factors, like the gambler him or herself, and also the circumstances at which he or she won or lost the money, and also depends on how the gambler chooses to treat gambling afterwards..

So, in essence, you can see that this is not a question that requires a direct answer, any one who is going to categorically tell you that it's a win that causes a gambler to get addicted to gambling, or that it's a loss that caused the same; simply does not know what he or she is saying, some people win huge amount of money, it enters their head and they believe they can win more if they play more, and so does their addiction come.
While other lose huge amount of money, and believing they can win that money back if they continue to play, causes them to start chasing after the loss, which eventually leads to them becoming addicted.
It's as simple as this.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Coyster on July 16, 2024, 09:37:17 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I don't think it has to do with either winning or losing, people become addicted when they find themselves unable to stop gambling, irrespective of the outcome of the games they are playing. Remember that in gambling, one cannot also win all the time or even most of the time, thus if you are addicted, you'd find yourself losing a lot of money, based on the fact that you are constantly gambling, if you win a couple of times, your losses would far outnumber your winnings and that is where responsibility should ordinarily come in.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: ajiz138 on July 16, 2024, 09:41:45 PM
These two factors can cause addiction to win/lose depending on how he feels about the game, Yeah gambling players are really easy to become addicted especially when you win you will definitely try to play again right?

I agree with other opinions where environmental factors also influence you in addiction, for example now gambling is widespread among friends because of the easy access to casinos to play, where you also feel curious and want to play because you are carried away by the atmosphere of your neighborhood friends.

That factor can cause addiction, but fortunately we ourselves can limit it.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Cantsay on July 16, 2024, 10:12:28 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I don’t know what others think but to me I feel it’s mostly cause by them losing - you know most gamblers when they start losing they’ll want to chase after their loses [if they are not properly disciplined] and during the process of them chasing the loses they’ll end up being exposed to addiction.

Once a gambler develops the mindset that “if I just make this deposit I’ll be able to win back what I lost in the previous game” just know that it’s only a matter of time before he’ll become addicted to it and not only will he be addicted but he’ll also spend recklessly on his gambling activities.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Taskford on July 16, 2024, 10:27:48 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Most likely for winning since it urges people more to gamble since that is their main goal to get and they just got frustrated and feel challenge when losing since the feeling for wanting to get back their money is there.

All of that is risky behavior to have by a gambler since for sure that they are heading into addiction if they can't help theirself to stop unnecessary things towards dealing their gambling activities. But usually gambling addictions occurs on early party of our gambling participation since people are commonly hot at that point and want to gamble more because they think that its entertaining and aside for that they have high chance to win a lot of money especially if they could ever to hit a jackpot for the casino games they are playing.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Wexnident on July 16, 2024, 10:36:46 PM
The fact that they can turn their life around,  so probably winning, or rather the chance to win. It's no joke why some movies and films portray gamblers with lines like "just one more time, and I can get everything back". They're all hoping for that one moment.

And after it happens, they start thinking it can happen again lol. Not that weird considering how most people think of (or want to) winning instead of losing. This can happen btw regardless of whether you've won big or not.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: TelolettOm on July 16, 2024, 10:52:46 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Starting from winning. This usually becomes a trap from the odds to attract gamblers to believe that they can win again and again.

Then, it was his curiosity and challenge that made his addiction grow bigger every time he lost. However, no matter what the circumstances, they have increasingly become one with gambling, with excessive curiosity and challenges, and in the end, they are truly trapped in an unhealthy gambling situation.

I say unhealthy here is because a person who is addicted to gambling always has in himself a very high level of confidence that one day he will be able to win a large amount and be able to return the money he has spent on gambling, that is every time he bets again and still hoping that in the next round, they really win. But again, this failure became even more never-ending.

Because, as we know based on research, even worse, an addicted gambler is not at all different from a drug addict, who has quite the same addictive characteristics and thoughts.
Here is the quote:
A 2005 German study using such a card game suggests problem gamblers—like drug addicts—have lost sensitivity to their high: when winning, subjects had lower than typical electrical activity in a key region of the brain's reward system. In a 2003 study at Yale University and a 2012 study at the University of Amsterdam, pathological gamblers taking tests that measured their impulsivity had unusually low levels of electrical activity in prefrontal brain regions that help people assess risks and suppress instincts. Drug addicts also often have a listless prefrontal cortex.

Source: How the Brain Gets Addicted to Gambling (

So, as long as the person is suffering from gambling addiction or compulsive gambling, what will happen is that you cannot stop betting and continue to do it like a habit and necessity that ordinary people do, such as eating and drinking, in the hope of extraordinary winning rewards. But what is certain is that no matter how much the gamblers get from gambling, they will then come back to use it for gambling again and again. It's a lie if they stop when they win, they will actually become more addicted to betting.
Source: How people become Compulsive gambling (

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: adultcrypto on July 16, 2024, 10:57:06 PM
I have read through many replies and it seems people think more that winning is the major cause of addiction, that I agree with but I also want to saying that losing can lead to gambling addiction and I will use my case as example. There was a time I was so desperate of winning so I decided to load my gambling account with about 30% of the total I had in my bank account, which was not enough for what I wanted to do with money then. Somehow I lost the money and out of anger I decided that I was going to get my money back even if it was going to cost me the entire money in my bank account. Hence, I kept making deposits and losing and continued until I lost everything. Even with the depression that followed, I never forgave the casino as I still had it in mind that my money would not be lost. It took me a great deal of efforts to forgive myself and the casinos, and that was how that desperation stopped. This experience made me realize that losing can make one addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on July 16, 2024, 11:09:19 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

What makes most people get addicted to gambling cannot be limited to just two factors, there are different reasons why most people get addicted to gambling, a lot has been mentioned already by members of the community, but basically one of the major factor is greed, as most gamblers don't know when to stop, and this can snowball into an unconscious addictive gambling lifestyle.

Between a lose or win. if you've lost too much in your betting, I think common sense should tell you that, you should stop and have a break before you go Bankrupt, because losses is not a good form of reinforcement or motivation.  

Winning is good form of motivation, so most persons can be addicted based on their frequent winnings ways, But when addiction is involved, it connotes a different meaning because the person's psychology has been affected and that is not good for anybodys mental health, so to a large extent, winning can build some form of addiction to a gambler.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Yatsan on July 16, 2024, 11:20:58 PM
Both are drives that could get you addicted. Winning could push a gambler to be greedy and want more profit. Even if they lose, they might crave for the experience of winning afterwards which hooks them to continue betting. Same thing's with losing wherein a bettor could get frustrated of winning. Greed and frustrations or regrets are simply emotions connected to both winning and losing that we should be avoiding and one way to do it is to accept how gambling really works not only for you but to all bettors. If you are lucky then you'd win. Condition is "IF" and that means without any assurance. There are times you'd win and instances you won't. Best thing is to manage oneself and the risk of losing bigger amount to also avoid getting emotionally affected by the results.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: robelneo on July 16, 2024, 11:49:54 PM

What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think it is more on the stimulation; I have seen people getting addicted even though they are not winning. They are just excited to be playing or betting, and the motivation to win just strengthens the stimulation.
You always want to feel the excitement over and over again regardless of the means to get it.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: AmoreJaz on July 16, 2024, 11:52:48 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think it is more on the stimulation; I have seen people getting addicted even though they are not winning. They are just excited to be playing or betting, and the motivation to win just strengthens the stimulation.
You always want to feel the excitement over and over again regardless of the means to get it.

Either way, they can provoke a gambler to be addicted to this activity. And it relies on the goals of the gambler why he is into gambling. If that gambler has nothing to do and gambling is the only thing that occupies his time, high likely that he will get too deep on this without him knowing about it.

Addiction will be tested by time. If the gambler won't sit down and assess his situation, he will go deep in this activity up until it is very hard for him to traverse a different path. Most addicts can't tell when he started to become one, because he was too busy playing that he was already too immersed he didn't know he's already an addict.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: traderethereum on July 17, 2024, 12:44:53 AM
People become addicted to gamble because they lose control when playing gambling and can not manage themselves for their gambling activities. They are not aware that gambling is not a making money place so when they lose, they thinks they can gets their money back if they still playing gambling.
If they lose, they become curious and want to keep playing gambling by depositing more money. They don't think that could increase their lose and makes them addicts to gambling.
They can become addicts to gambling when they win because if they win, their minds will telling them to continue playing gambling while they have their luck. Their minds will seduce them to spends more money even by using their wins money but they will still difficult to get the next winning.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: len01 on July 17, 2024, 02:35:14 AM
An gambler who can be addicted begins with the first win that drives his mind to assume if gambling can make money and after that they will bet again and become a bigger loser after that thinking of chasing the defeat and making addiction. But gambling addiction is also not just about losing or winning but also related to relieving emotions or depression of his life and spilling all his emotions in gambling and ignoring how much money they have spent on gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: crwth on July 17, 2024, 02:40:56 AM
I think, if we go down to the fundamentals of why people gamble it is that they want to profit and when they have some kind of reinforcing experience that they want, Like winning a big jackpot, Then it is Harder for someone to stop themselves since they have experienced it and they are thinking that it is possible to do it again hence the continuous cycle of a gambler.

If you could accept that, I think you already know that one of the reasons it is happening Is Because of that.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on July 17, 2024, 02:50:51 AM
I used to think a lot about what makes players become addicted. And I gradually came to the conclusion that elements of my worldview were pushing me towards this. Simply put, people believe that they can make a living through gambling. However, they do not have the appropriate skills and, moreover, people are not able to acquire these skills. In other words, we have a discrepancy between the difficult-to-realize desire to make a stable long-term profit through gambling on the one hand and the lack of strategy, risk and money management, skills to make a profit or, in other words, the lack of a high-quality gaming system on the other hand. The desire to make a profit from gambling and the lack of a gaming system that could realize this desire is difficult to realize. At the same time, the person himself is not fully aware of this.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Apocollapse on July 17, 2024, 03:18:09 AM
I don't understand what's the logic of this question, sounds like someone who want to gamble can choose whether they want to lose or win and avoid either of both, while both lose and win are inevitable in gambling.

I agree with other opinions where environmental factors also influence you in addiction, for example now gambling is widespread among friends because of the easy access to casinos to play, where you also feel curious and want to play because you are carried away by the atmosphere of your neighborhood friends.
Being curious and try something new isn't an addiction, it's really normal for someone to try what their friends doing. Even you and your friends are regularly gambling, but it can't be called as an addiction yet, you might only gamble when you meet your friends, which is called as social gambler.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Reatim on July 17, 2024, 04:02:59 AM
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I would say winning. Winning constantly would make someone more likely to keep gambling. It makes him happy and therefore he would continue to do it. If someone loses a gamble, yes he might continue in order to catch his losses but I think more people end up stopping gambling because of too much losses.

No one gets addicted to losing. It’s the winning that people crave the most.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Poker Player on July 17, 2024, 04:13:35 AM
Both. It's the emotional ups and downs that get you hooked. You're shitting yourself because you're not getting anything and then suddenly you have the rush of hitting the jackpot. In the end it's a kind of dopamine addiction, as there are many today, especially related to the Internet (addiction to likes, porn, online gaming, etc.).

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on July 17, 2024, 07:23:48 AM
Yes, I have seen addicted gamblers in my environment. These are people who once won a lot of money and spent it, one might say, down the drain. Having squandered everything and even more, the man was sure that he had found the button where he could get pretty easy money. His several attempts led to failure, but the story of a beautiful sum and a beautiful life haunts him to this day. However, there is no cash, and he borrows from friends. Everything turns into a cycle; when he wins, he pays off his debts and loses again.
But I also have the impression that not every person can become addicted to gambling since not everyone has sufficient funds, and there are also people who simply "help" others become addicted by lending money. Even if we exclude self-control when playing, regularly finding money to play is also not an easy task.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 17, 2024, 07:34:20 AM
Yes, I have seen addicted gamblers in my environment. These are people who once won a lot of money and spent it, one might say, down the drain. Having squandered everything and even more, the man was sure that he had found the button where he could get pretty easy money. His several attempts led to failure, but the story of a beautiful sum and a beautiful life haunts him to this day. However, there is no cash, and he borrows from friends. Everything turns into a cycle; when he wins, he pays off his debts and loses again.
But I also have the impression that not every person can become addicted to gambling since not everyone has sufficient funds, and there are also people who simply "help" others become addicted by lending money. Even if we exclude self-control when playing, regularly finding money to play is also not an easy task.
Well, that's a very sad situation there, and that is one of the reasons why I always say that some kind of winning can sometimes be a trap, and it takes being very conscious to avoid falling into such a trap.

I also have come across a few persons with exactly same situation as the man you talked about, I think two I know of are lottery winners, who won a lot of money, but squandered it on lavish living, one didn't even have a house even now, he spent all the money paying rent in expensive areas hoping he did never be poor again.
Today, he is so hooked to playing lottery, hoping he could make the same type of winning he did the last time, but the winning is yet to come even after having tried for about two years now.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Majestic-milf on July 17, 2024, 07:50:05 AM
 Like you said, they are addicted and for me an addicted person doesn't really need a reason. Although some will tell you it's because they win and there's this particular format they use to ensure they keep winning that's why they are playing, but the thing is they just get this rush knowing they've staked a game that they can be monitoring.
 Gambling, like any other thing that gives you adrenaline rush, has a way of getting to you and if not properly cjecked, can be harmful. I've known peeps who rarely win and the percentage of their win to loss ratio is 10/90 but they still have the belief that 'the third time's the charm'. These types have gone over the board and in order to meet this belief often end up in debts or go as far as stealing.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 17, 2024, 08:01:37 AM
Yes, I have seen addicted gamblers in my environment. These are people who once won a lot of money and spent it, one might say, down the drain. Having squandered everything and even more, the man was sure that he had found the button where he could get pretty easy money. His several attempts led to failure, but the story of a beautiful sum and a beautiful life haunts him to this day. However, there is no cash, and he borrows from friends. Everything turns into a cycle; when he wins, he pays off his debts and loses again.
But I also have the impression that not every person can become addicted to gambling since not everyone has sufficient funds, and there are also people who simply "help" others become addicted by lending money. Even if we exclude self-control when playing, regularly finding money to play is also not an easy task.
Well, that's a very sad situation there, and that is one of the reasons why I always say that some kind of winning can sometimes be a trap, and it takes being very conscious to avoid falling into such a trap.

I also have come across a few persons with exactly same situation as the man you talked about, I think two I know of are lottery winners, who won a lot of money, but squandered it on lavish living, one didn't even have a house even now, he spent all the money paying rent in expensive areas hoping he did never be poor again.
Today, he is so hooked to playing lottery, hoping he could make the same type of winning he did the last time, but the winning is yet to come even after having tried for about two years now.
That makes sense, indeed those who cannot accept defeat will experience excessive pressure from the losses that occur and that can make them go deeper into gambling and make them trapped to the point where they become addicted and find it difficult to get out of it. In fact, things like this can be prevented by our own behavior in gambling, because it is our own behavior that will determine what the outcome will be, if we behave in the wrong way, such as not being able to accept defeat, what can happen is big losses. or addicted to gambling.
Two years is not a short time, with him wanting to win again like what he experienced, I don't think he can get rid of thinking about it so he can bet or play the game for a long time, besides that of course those who only think about winning will experiencing losses in the long term and with people you know, maybe that is one example.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 17, 2024, 09:59:13 AM
A will to return to casino more and more without thinks about the money he will use to playing gambling. No matter if he wins or lose, he can be addicted to gambling and that will makes him deeper in gambling even without he realizes what he already did. He will not thinks about how bad addiction can be for him because he will he found a fun thing by playing gambling. He found his passion in gambling so that makes him keeps playing gambling.

Losing and winning is just an outcome that he gets from gambling. But a will to return to casino that makes him finally often to playing gambling. Getting addicted to gambling is dangerous because he can risks his financial because he can use all of his money including his savings to playing gambling. If no one knows about what he does, he will lose everything and can't get it back.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hedgeh0g on July 17, 2024, 10:13:51 AM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

In my opinion, the most dangerous thing for any player is if he is allowed to win at the beginning of his journey. For example, a player won a large amount on the first day, of course, after this he will be the best client, because now he believes in his exclusivity and chosenness. Such a player will think that he has caught the luck of his life, but the fact is that he will not even notice how his big win will disappear before his eyes. But that's not all, this player will think that no matter what he wins, he will start borrowing money from friends and relatives, which will ultimately plunge him into huge debts. I have heard dozens of such stories, so I am sure that winning at the beginning, especially if it is huge, is the most dangerous thing for a new player.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Su-asa on July 17, 2024, 10:24:30 AM
Interesting comments.
It's not everyone one that can get addicted to gamble as it's not everyone that gamble. Few people becomes more of addicts to gamble because they felt that gamble is the easiest way to make quick money and they also figured out their own way to predict a gamble is a way that they can easily win. Gamble is more of winning and losing, it also involves fun, people with insufficient money can't gamble for long because they don't have enough money to keep on gambling. However winning can make a gambler to become addicted to gamble because at the moment he felt that he can win a lot of money he will likely deposit more money into his bet account and gamble till the money is finished. And if they lose they also keep on gambling because they are trying to recover their loses and they are not also aware that they might lose more if they keep on chasing their losses. Even if we have sufficient money to gamble it's safer not to gamble till we are satisfied because we might end up becoming more closer to gamble and it will not end well as a gambler.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: TravelMug on July 17, 2024, 10:27:30 AM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

More likely when they are losing and then they want to get their money back. And so they continue to deposit thinking that they can recoup what they have lost already. But low and behold, it's not like that, it's gambling and you don't know what the outcome will be and so there is this risk involved.

And once you can't get over the money that you have lost, then the addicted might set it. Will be a vicious cycle of depositing more money, targeting the money that you have lost and even if you are winning, it might not be enough as you might want to have that adrenaline rush. That feeling of you winning that big money and wanted to duplicate that feat.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: HONDACD125 on July 17, 2024, 10:59:58 AM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think the answer can be different for different people because some would get addicted to gambling after losing because they start chasing their losses after losing, and some might get addicted to it after winning because they would want to experience that again and again and this will make them gamble more and eventually become addicted to gambling.

For me, I'm not addicted to gambling nor have I ever been, but to answer the question according to my thoughts and mindset, I think wins can be more dangerous than losses for most people because it's a general instinct within humans that when they lose, they have a fear somewhere inside that they can lose again, and this fear might keep them away, it might not work for all but it would for most.

However, when we talk about wins, we know how greedy humans can be, so if someone wins a significant amount, they will start thinking that the same thing can be repeated again, and they will start chasing that win after a win, and this can lead them to excessive gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: EluguHcman on July 17, 2024, 11:14:28 AM
The both does. Loosing beyond affordability and tge gamblers inability to realize that the more gambling to recover the lost is the more more lost count be accounted has a potential possessions of gambling addition.

Winning on its own too has an attractiveness to addiction that if the gambler is being overexcited with the inability to acknowledge that gambling is a game of luck which winning possibilities would not always be at his luck might be so attracted to always chasing the profits as his luck keep shining until when the era of his winning has gone, he would not even realize anymore if he is loosing or winning and that comes the point of addiction at the course of winning.

Infact, they are neither both sides staking now to win a huge wager to increase their winning or to recover their winning but until then, they have become addict of gambling uncontrollably.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: lienfaye on July 17, 2024, 11:15:53 AM
Both. Losing can make a gambler become addicted if he's the type who's unable to accept the outcome and determine to recover the losses plus for wanting also to win huge. Winning on the other side is on the same page, since a gambler who don't have discipline and contentment will never stop playing for being greedy that he can gain more.

But this still depends on the gambler itself. Because any reason can cause any form of addiction if we don't have self-control hence this is not limited to gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on July 17, 2024, 11:35:54 AM
Both. Losing can make a gambler become addicted if he's the type who's unable to accept the outcome and determine to recover the losses plus for wanting also to win huge. Winning on the other side is on the same page, since a gambler who don't have discipline and contentment will never stop playing for being greedy that he can gain more.

But this still depends on the gambler itself. Because any reason can cause any form of addiction if we don't have self-control hence this is not limited to gambling.

Yes, it could be both, in the sense that winning and losing can be a trigger for addiction, but regarding defeat, I think it will not be too triggering, because the inability to accept the facts about defeat is more likely to lead to responsibility, in the sense that they are unable to take responsibility for the situation. the defeat they experienced. Addiction means being addicted to something and as we know that the object of winning in gambling is money which of course we all always need and want money, meaning that in my opinion addiction can most likely be triggered by winning in gambling.

Of course, the problem of addiction depends on how a person treats and responds to every activity they do. Simply put, if they come with a wrong understanding in the sense of thinking that gambling is a place to make money, then of course addiction is something that will definitely happen.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: dansus021 on July 17, 2024, 12:05:09 PM
What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning? If the question like this I could say both lose and winning can make a gambler become addicted why?

Winning can make a person get addicted to gambling because he just wants to make more and more money by doing simple tasks and basically a gambling like playing games in my opinion
Lose can also make a person get addicted why some people already taste the winning after that he lose the money and he just want to chase the losses that is why some people still play the game even tho he know that he already loss a lot from it

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Rampagoe004 on July 17, 2024, 12:07:02 PM

Well, that's a very sad situation there, and that is one of the reasons why I always say that some kind of winning can sometimes be a trap, and it takes being very conscious to avoid falling into such a trap.

I also have come across a few persons with exactly same situation as the man you talked about, I think two I know of are lottery winners, who won a lot of money, but squandered it on lavish living, one didn't even have a house even now, he spent all the money paying rent in expensive areas hoping he did never be poor again.
Today, he is so hooked to playing lottery, hoping he could make the same type of winning he did the last time, but the winning is yet to come even after having tried for about two years now.

This would be a problem if gamblers gambled to earn a lot of money in the hope of winning the lottery or jackpot. I understand such situations very well. When someone who has a low economy suddenly wins the lottery tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars then he will not know how to do good financial management. He only knows how to spend the money and he satisfies all his desires such as buying a lot of luxury items that they shouldn't need. My friend has also been in that situation. But luckily he has stopped being addicted to gambling and he said that the victory of a gambler is when you know that you will not get more money from gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: satscraper on July 17, 2024, 02:40:05 PM
When become a habit, all aspects of  gambling including its aftermath (either loss or winning)   stimulate a huge amount of brain cells resulting in stable positive coupling loop - the more you gamble the stronger a gambling fit.  This is the way of any addiction is developed.

Thus the key word here is the habit.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 17, 2024, 05:22:52 PM
Greed can make a gambler addicted, for example, when the gambler wants to beat the house or when the person thinks he can beat the house without realizing that the house edge is mostly in favor of the casino. Another thing that can make a gambler addicted is when they are bent on handling gambling as a source of income. Coupled with what I already said, losses are another thing that can make a gambler addicted because they want to keep gambling and chasing losses. 

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 17, 2024, 06:19:23 PM
Greed can make a gambler addicted, for example, when the gambler wants to beat the house or when the person thinks he can beat the house without realizing that the house edge is mostly in favor of the casino. Another thing that can make a gambler addicted is when they are bent on handling gambling as a source of income. Coupled with what I already said, losses are another thing that can make a gambler addicted because they want to keep gambling and chasing losses. 

That's right, or vice versa, where addiction is most likely triggered because of greed in a gambler, and as we know, greed will always lead someone to do everything excessively to get everything they hope for, and believe me, it's not there is the final word when it comes to greed, or what this means is the characteristic that humans have that will never know the word end. And if we talk about gambling then usually when a gambler wins $100 then they will then increase their desire again to $1000, however gambling is not only about the chance of winning, but of course the risk of losing will always be a part of it.

Therefore, if a gambler comes with the intention of earning then in the end what will happen is that they will suffer more losses, and that is truly proven. If we are ordinary gamblers then we will never be able to beat the casino, because after all, all the games provided are owned by them, in the sense that they are the ones who control your winnings and losses, so it doesn't make sense if we intend to beat the casino in terms of winning. winnings, and I would say that there is only one way if you want to get a lot of profit from gambling in the long run, that is, you have to become the owner of the casino itself.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Nwada001 on July 17, 2024, 06:32:42 PM
Like you said, they are addicted and for me an addicted person doesn't really need a reason. Although some will tell you it's because they win and there's this particular format they use to ensure they keep winning that's why they are playing, but the thing is they just get this rush knowing they've staked a game that they can be monitoring.

If the person places a bet and is always visiting the gambling site or live score to check on the game that they have played to know the progress, that type of behaviour can't lead to addiction, in my pinion,  as long as they are just constantly checking and don't place another bet as they do that.

Gambling, like any other thing that gives you adrenaline rush, has a way of getting to you and if not properly cjecked, can be harmful. I've known peeps who rarely win and the percentage of their win to loss ratio is 10/90 but they still have the belief that 'the third time's the charm'. These types have gone over the board and in order to meet this belief often end up in debts or go as far as stealing.

One thing that I see as what drives most people into getting addicted to gambling is that they believe that their next game will be successful; that thing keeps on pushing them, and it takes away the idea of stopping from them and gives them the hope that the next one might be the lucky one, which that day might never come, and they will keep on losing money and will not want to stop placing bets any single day, gradually getting addicted to the game.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Pandorak on July 17, 2024, 06:39:34 PM
[...] What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Basically what makes a gambler addicted is the sensation he/she gets from gambling, that's the beginning, it doesn't matter whether he/she wins or loses. Then as time goes by & experiences loss, an addicted gambler no longer cares about the entertainment of gambling, and is more looking to get the money he/she has lost.

This is my friend's experience & the results of my observations of him. Whatever happens, keep gambling as entertainment, don't use it as a way to make a living, because you will regret it someday.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Jaycoinz on July 17, 2024, 06:43:42 PM
Greed can make a gambler addicted, for example, when the gambler wants to beat the house or when the person thinks he can beat the house without realizing that the house edge is mostly in favor of the casino. Another thing that can make a gambler addicted is when they are bent on handling gambling as a source of income. Coupled with what I already said, losses are another thing that can make a gambler addicted because they want to keep gambling and chasing losses. 
If not anything at all the one thing that's most certain of making you an addict would be the fact that you are going after your loses and the major factor also that causes that is the greed that men develop overtime when gambling. People can get so greedy so as forget everything that might happen if they get too deeply involved in the act, what gambler fail to know is that a little pause when losing can actually save you from alot of stress.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Hatchy on July 17, 2024, 09:00:48 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I guess most times its winning that turns one into an addict. When one gets into gambling for the first time, then hits a really huge jackpot or make good profits. He gets this mindset that gambling is as easy as it is. Then he has already created the wrong perspective for him self. Not that it was a bad thing to make a first huge win upon first trial. But then that user will want to risk even more the next time he plays. Then maybe he ends up losing on his next rounds. He keeps motivating himself that he missed something and would try on his next. And thus this cycle continues. He gets upset with his gambling loss as he tries to get back all he lost but actually ends up being addicted.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 17, 2024, 09:06:13 PM
winnings, and I would say that there is only one way if you want to get a lot of profit from gambling in the long run, that is, you have to become the owner of the casino itself.

Another way one can make money from casino without gambling is by working for the casino (being a staff) or doing some affiliate marketing for the casino such as paid promotions etc or streaming and getting paid. Apart from that, I don't think there's any way a gambler can have the chance of winning more than the casino.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Lida93 on July 17, 2024, 09:16:43 PM
An addicted gambler will most likely be losing but if he is winning, he is also going to be addicted as he will continue to gamble. The main reason for the addiction is that he wants to make money from gambling but he will mostly like be losing but yet thinking that he can make money from gambling and continue to lose.
Yeah, when people think that they can start making money from gambling that's where the gambling addiction begin to interplay in their life. Let's take for example a newbie gambler who for the first time of staking a bet, had a win and made some money from that bet. It can create the impression in him that he can start making money through making more bets and before they will realize it they are caught in between addiction and loss. Hence,aside from losing, winning also has a way of coiling a gambler into addiction if there's no self-caution at the very beginning.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: TastyChillySauce00 on July 17, 2024, 11:55:27 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both, lose or winning.

When you lose, you feel responsible for recovering your loss. This makes you more addicted to gambling and you get addicted. This is happening mostly in my environment. Let's say someone loses a few thousand from gambling. Then, he tried to recover it by betting more. He hoped he could get back the money he lost. But again, there's no guarantee for him to make it happen, and he once again losses his money. And the same cycle is always repeated then.

When you win, you feel happy. It pushes you to imagine getting money through easy ways like gambling. This will also make you lose to your greed. Then, you can get addicted to keep gambling to win more. But, you'll lose it all at the end.

In the end, It doesn't matter where you are or whether you win or lose. These can still make you addicted.  

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 18, 2024, 01:02:45 AM
Yeah, when people think that they can start making money from gambling that's where the gambling addiction begin to interplay in their life. Let's take for example a newbie gambler who for the first time of staking a bet, had a win and made some money from that bet. It can create the impression in him that he can start making money through making more bets and before they will realize it they are caught in between addiction and loss. Hence,aside from losing, winning also has a way of coiling a gambler into addiction if there's no self-caution at the very beginning.
People who think that they can make money from gambling are people who are wrong in their mindset towards gambling. because with the wrong mindset it will make them addicted to the wrong mindset because the uncertain victory will continue to haunt them to continue gambling because the great desire to win will also encourage them to continue. and of course sooner or later it will affect their lives as you said, initially maybe their finances will become irregular and after that there will be other problems.
Of course, beginners who place bets and succeed in getting a win may think that from this gambling they can win, and when that happens to them, even though in the next gambling they tend to experience defeat, they may not care about it and still continue gambling. , but it will become a bad habit because wrong thinking is the cause that will make them addicted to gambling and it will be difficult for them to recover.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Samlucky O on July 18, 2024, 01:23:57 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I guess most times its winning that turns one into an addict. When one gets into gambling for the first time, then hits a really huge jackpot or make good profits. He gets this mindset that gambling is as easy as it is. Then he has already created the wrong perspective for him self. Not that it was a bad thing to make a first huge win upon first trial. But then that user will want to risk even more the next time he plays. Then maybe he ends up losing on his next rounds. He keeps motivating himself that he missed something and would try on his next. And thus this cycle continues. He gets upset with his gambling loss as he tries to get back all he lost but actually ends up being addicted.
You have explained it all.That is the story of every gambler that got addicted. They start with wining and end up losing. Because if they start with losing they would have given up. so the wining drags them in and they later became addicted. Though it could be that the first time they started they lose but later won but the winning has more power than lose. It makes you feel like there is a great hope or light at the end of the tunnel, only to discover that you are on the road to no return lolz. I could remember when I was small I never knew what gambling was all about, I heard people stake some small amounts and win big so I played the game my dad gave me although it was a local game pools to be precise, and I won the very first time. I felt it was an easy way of making money. So I was triggered to try Next time, but I failed countless time before I could win again. And before I could win, I have lost a total amount equivalent to what I won before and even more.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: junder on July 18, 2024, 03:40:19 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

losing or winning both can attract them deeper into gambling and become addicted to gambling, I think what determines whether they become addicted is their own mindset, there are two thoughts that can occur in gambling.
wrong thinking or wrong perception of gambling, such as thinking that gambling is a means that can make us make money for sure, or we believe that we can make money for sure in every gambling we do, usually this happens at the beginning of gambling and we succeed in winning. Beginners who are still unstable will usually win and these positive results can make them think that they will indeed be able to make money by gambling. However, sometimes they often don't think about the risk side, where losses will occur more often, but because of their wrong perception of gambling, this will make them continue to gamble, moreover, they will not easily be able to accept the losses that occur well.

good thinking, where we have the right thoughts or perceptions, such as gambling appropriately, just to seek entertainment, where money is exchanged for the sensations that will occur and be felt by us. or maybe you do it because it is to fill your free time, with thoughts like this of course there will be no adrenaline that is attracted so strongly. However, I can be sure that there are more people who gamble with wrong perceptions or thoughts, which makes many people become addicted to gambling and find it difficult to get out of it, besides that there are fewer people who gamble correctly or healthily.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on July 18, 2024, 10:40:29 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I guess most times its winning that turns one into an addict. When one gets into gambling for the first time, then hits a really huge jackpot or make good profits. He gets this mindset that gambling is as easy as it is. Then he has already created the wrong perspective for him self. Not that it was a bad thing to make a first huge win upon first trial. But then that user will want to risk even more the next time he plays. Then maybe he ends up losing on his next rounds. He keeps motivating himself that he missed something and would try on his next. And thus this cycle continues. He gets upset with his gambling loss as he tries to get back all he lost but actually ends up being addicted.
You have explained it all.That is the story of every gambler that got addicted. They start with wining and end up losing. Because if they start with losing they would have given up. so the wining drags them in and they later became addicted. Though it could be that the first time they started they lose but later won but the winning has more power than lose. It makes you feel like there is a great hope or light at the end of the tunnel, only to discover that you are on the road to no return lolz. I could remember when I was small I never knew what gambling was all about, I heard people stake some small amounts and win big so I played the game my dad gave me although it was a local game pools to be precise, and I won the very first time. I felt it was an easy way of making money. So I was triggered to try Next time, but I failed countless time before I could win again. And before I could win, I have lost a total amount equivalent to what I won before and even more.

Exactly, I agree with that, addiction means someone who is addicted to something and we can see that it is clear that the object of winning in gambling is money, meaning that it is very likely that addiction is triggered by a situation when a gambler manages to win which in the end they are trapped in wrong thought patterns that ultimately make them fall and be carried away by the current.

On the other hand, as you said, winning has greater power than losing, and that is clear because after all, everyone would rather earn money than lose money, and winning indirectly increases the hope and confidence of a gambler without them realizing it. , and in the end, of course, they will be trapped in an addictive cycle where they chase victory to restore previous losses. So in fact it might be correct to say that the initial win is nothing more than just a lure to make gamblers more interested, and after that they will experience a lot of decline in the sense of losing more often than winning, meaning I am sure that something is triggering the addiction. that is, victory.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 18, 2024, 01:38:44 PM
An addicted gambler will most likely be losing but if he is winning, he is also going to be addicted as he will continue to gamble. The main reason for the addiction is that he wants to make money from gambling but he will mostly like be losing but yet thinking that he can make money from gambling and continue to lose.
Yeah, when people think that they can start making money from gambling that's where the gambling addiction begin to interplay in their life. Let's take for example a newbie gambler who for the first time of staking a bet, had a win and made some money from that bet. It can create the impression in him that he can start making money through making more bets and before they will realize it they are caught in between addiction and loss. Hence,aside from losing, winning also has a way of coiling a gambler into addiction if there's no self-caution at the very beginning.
No matter what they gets from gambling, they will still playing gambling and try to wins more money. That's normal if they thinks like that because their minds will still thinks about gambling because they are curious with gambling and wants to wins more money. If they realizes that gambling will not gives them the wins easily, they will not trying so hard to playing gambling or force themselves to use more money because they will know what is the outcome that they can gets from gambling.

Someone becomes addicted not just because their winning or losing but they can be curious with the games that they can't wins. That makes them wants to keeps trying to playing gambling to wins the games. But once they can wins the games, that will not stops from playing the other gambling games so they will still return to casino and playing other gambling games.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: sompitonov on July 18, 2024, 01:51:28 PM
Many factors influence a player when he makes a bet, starting from psychological pressure and ending with his dreams of a huge win, the field of which he will never have to work. After such thoughts, he is ready to bet very often. Sometimes players come up with various excuses in their heads just to convince themselves to make another bet. I often see how a player promises himself that this is the last bet and if he doesn’t win, he bets again. That is, he constantly deceives himself and those around him if only they would lend him money to play. This is one of the first signs when a player turns into an addict. Sometimes I observe my friends and their behavior in order to understand the subtleties and non-obvious points.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: summonerrk on July 18, 2024, 01:57:54 PM
Many factors influence a player when he makes a bet, starting from psychological pressure and ending with his dreams of a huge win, the field of which he will never have to work. After such thoughts, he is ready to bet very often. Sometimes players come up with various excuses in their heads just to convince themselves to make another bet. I often see how a player promises himself that this is the last bet and if he doesn’t win, he bets again. That is, he constantly deceives himself and those around him if only they would lend him money to play. This is one of the first signs when a player turns into an addict. Sometimes I observe my friends and their behavior in order to understand the subtleties and non-obvious points.

This is exactly the case, which is why you often want to compare a problem gambler to a donkey running after a carrot.  Such a gambler always says to himself: “this is the last time.” But then he betrays himself and his promises and suffers because of this, and continues to gamble. 
And this is bad, because addiction seems to divide the gambler within himself into two personalities who fight and argue with each other.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Kelward on July 18, 2024, 02:33:59 PM

What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both can make a gambler to be addicted. If a gambler is winning and he gets interested with the winning to the extent that nothing else matters to him then he will be addicted despite the win since other aspects of his life will be needing attention including his family. But the kind of addiction that people know as one is when you are losing because of the factors that surrounds loses and one of them is to keep chasing loses. So majority of gambling addiction is because someone is losing and they are probably annoyed, unhappy and transfers aggression to others for no good reason.
Both winning and losing can make a gambler to become addicted, it is mostly the desperate mindset that degenerates to addiction. A gambler can become obsessed with winnings that he wouldn't know how to stop, the greed to win more can lead to uncontrolled gambling addiction. Loses can also lead to addiction, when a gambler begins to chase loses to the extent that they can spend all day doing so. And when a gambler is ready to use all his money and even borrow to chase loses, then he is an addict. If you compare gamblers who gets addicted because of winnings to the ones who gets addicted because of loses, the ones that gets addicted by losing and chasing the loses are more.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Gheka on July 18, 2024, 02:35:52 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

losing or winning both can attract them deeper into gambling and become addicted to gambling, I think what determines whether they become addicted is their own mindset, there are two thoughts that can occur in gambling.
wrong thinking or wrong perception of gambling, such as thinking that gambling is a means that can make us make money for sure, or we believe that we can make money for sure in every gambling we do, usually this happens at the beginning of gambling and we succeed in winning. Beginners who are still unstable will usually win and these positive results can make them think that they will indeed be able to make money by gambling. However, sometimes they often don't think about the risk side, where losses will occur more often, but because of their wrong perception of gambling, this will make them continue to gamble, moreover, they will not easily be able to accept the losses that occur well.

good thinking, where we have the right thoughts or perceptions, such as gambling appropriately, just to seek entertainment, where money is exchanged for the sensations that will occur and be felt by us. or maybe you do it because it is to fill your free time, with thoughts like this of course there will be no adrenaline that is attracted so strongly. However, I can be sure that there are more people who gamble with wrong perceptions or thoughts, which makes many people become addicted to gambling and find it difficult to get out of it, besides that there are fewer people who gamble correctly or healthily.
Indeed, losing or winning are just returns after a period that we have exchanged to receive, addiction is not related to the result, although that may be the cause of the unsightly results but that's the back story, not the beginning of addiction, and to be honest, addiction is just a hole in the psyche, it's the frequency and intensity with which we engage in one thing. By aspiring to a distant goal, the hole slowly cracks wider, increasing the time involved and as the initial premise, the unsightly results that come from such scenarios

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Findingnemo on July 18, 2024, 03:52:47 PM
The urge to gamble is what we call as gambling addiction so it isn't really about winning or losing.

But deep down the root cause maybe something else that lead them to gambling for example someone is at the verge of financial crisis and they are down to their last $1000 so they choose to gamble with the hope of making it 10x in short term and for someone else they were just started out as fun ad over the period of time it becomes a habit that they can't live without it and such like hundred other instances can be gives for someone to go addicted for something which is not just limited to gambling alone.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Lida93 on July 18, 2024, 05:38:26 PM
Yeah, when people think that they can start making money from gambling that's where the gambling addiction begin to interplay in their life. Let's take for example a newbie gambler who for the first time of staking a bet, had a win and made some money from that bet. It can create the impression in him that he can start making money through making more bets and before they will realize it they are caught in between addiction and loss. Hence,aside from losing, winning also has a way of coiling a gambler into addiction if there's no self-caution at the very beginning.
People who think that they can make money from gambling are people who are wrong in their mindset towards gambling. because with the wrong mindset it will make them addicted to the wrong mindset because the uncertain victory will continue to haunt them to continue gambling because the great desire to win will also encourage them to continue. and of course sooner or later it will affect their lives as you said, initially maybe their finances will become irregular and after that there will be other problems.
Of course, beginners who place bets and succeed in getting a win may think that from this gambling they can win, and when that happens to them, even though in the next gambling they tend to experience defeat, they may not care about it and still continue gambling. , but it will become a bad habit because wrong thinking is the cause that will make them addicted to gambling and it will be difficult for them to recover.
In a way, if we get to look at how some newbie gambler's who in the beginning of their gambling where lucky to have earn several wins before they started getting some losses and due to that they finds it hard to accept that losing is also a part of gambling too, out of concern we may wanna wish they had incurred losses instead from the very beginning of their gambling to serve as a caveat to create a better understanding of how every gambling results whether win or lose should be taken lightly to avoid developing addictive tendencies out of subjective thought of win win only.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 18, 2024, 05:58:41 PM
winnings, and I would say that there is only one way if you want to get a lot of profit from gambling in the long run, that is, you have to become the owner of the casino itself.

Another way one can make money from casino without gambling is by working for the casino (being a staff) or doing some affiliate marketing for the casino such as paid promotions etc or streaming and getting paid. Apart from that, I don't think there's any way a gambler can have the chance of winning more than the casino.

Yes, I forgot to say that, or I mean I also agree that being a streamer or affiliate can be another way besides being a casino owner to earn a lot of money without being involved with the general risks that exist in gambling, such as losing which we often experience.

But maybe if we compare it with the turnover when we become the owner of a casino compared to being a stremer or affiliate who collaborates with the casino, but yes of course I also understand that becoming the owner of a casino is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand because of course you have to do a lot. What you have to prepare is especially large capital, and yes the point is of course this is a more sensible way to make more money than just being an ordinary gambler who depends on luck.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hahay on July 18, 2024, 06:44:19 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think that losing or winning is not the main factor for someone to become addicted to gambling, but I think may bebecause of the great interest in gambling games and the feeling of pleasure when making bets that will trigger someone will become to addiction.  So,I think it's not just about losing or winning because of course there will be a process for them also to become addicted. Because ofcourse, they will also notbecome gambling addicts in a short time just because they receive a loss or win at a certain moment and they have to become addicts.

Because I believe, gambling addiction is not an option because of course, if they realize the impact of addiction that will arise from gambling, then most likely they will also avoid  gambling from the start. So yes, because it is about the habit of betting every day, then the habit makes them become addicted to gambling and it is not related to losing or winning, because the trigger is about habit.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Webetcoins on July 18, 2024, 07:29:23 PM
Gambling is not a secret anymore, especially now that online gambling is now very popular. By this, the rate of addicted gamblers have now skyrocketed and it's easy for us to see a gambling addict anywhere but mostly we can see them online like on this forum. On what is said earlier, we can be one of those addicts but indeed that some are fortunate to change it while some are still the same.

I feel sorry for them. Now to answer your question, I think both of it, though I think winning can have a little higher rating, it's because this can be a reason for the many to try their luck again but for those who doesn't experience to win a big amount yet, they will think that they are only being scammed and they won't let this idiocy to happen again to them.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: stomachgrowls on July 18, 2024, 08:38:45 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Winning but actually it could really be both because even on losing state then you would really be molding up those kind of thoughts that you would really be needing up to chase up those loses
and would really be trying out to recover on which it would really be that something a common approach to be done by someone because we do hate on losing. There are people who do even expect
that they could really be able to make easy money with gambling and doesnt mind nor having that kind of realistic approach towards it. On the moment that you do let your greed kick in then
it would really be that hard to stop yourself on playing more, specially if you are someone who do knows that you do still have money on your pocket.

Its not bad to gamble as long you do make yourself that responsible. This is why it would really be that better that you should really know on what you are doing and not really
just that make yourself being that impulsive on which we know that this could really be that ending up on a disaster if you wont really be that careful.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 18, 2024, 08:57:54 PM
winnings, and I would say that there is only one way if you want to get a lot of profit from gambling in the long run, that is, you have to become the owner of the casino itself.

Another way one can make money from casino without gambling is by working for the casino (being a staff) or doing some affiliate marketing for the casino such as paid promotions etc or streaming and getting paid. Apart from that, I don't think there's any way a gambler can have the chance of winning more than the casino.

Yes, I forgot to say that, or I mean I also agree that being a streamer or affiliate can be another way besides being a casino owner to earn a lot of money without being involved with the general risks that exist in gambling, such as losing which we often experience.

But maybe if we compare it with the turnover when we become the owner of a casino compared to being a stremer or affiliate who collaborates with the casino, but yes of course I also understand that becoming the owner of a casino is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand because of course you have to do a lot. What you have to prepare is especially large capital, and yes the point is of course this is a more sensible way to make more money than just being an ordinary gambler who depends on luck.

Yea, I am glad you already know that owning a casino is not just so easy. It requires a lot of money, and if you don't have the money to start it, you need to have a lot of investors. A gambler should keep in mind that a casino cannot guarantee winning all the time; winning is a probability. Most people are addicted because they feel gambling is an investment that can give them a double of what was invested in great assurance, while it doesn't work like that. You might luckily have doubled your stake, but the next day you gamble, you could still lose it. 

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Zoomic on July 18, 2024, 09:04:09 PM
It is easier for someone who tried gambling for the first time and lost to lose interest in gambling quickly than someone who tried for the first time and won. It becomes even worst if the first timer won consecutively that period, quitting will become too difficult even when he is beginning to get losses. I have seen people who quit gambling because they felt they weren't getting any benefits from gambling, all they've been able to acquire were accumulated losses. I am yet to see anyone quit because they felt they've won some huge figures that will last them for a very long time or maybe they've won for too long and it's time to go slowly with gambling.

Anyone can get addicted to gambling but winning on its own is addictive. People get motivated whenever they win to push harder and this is not different when it comes to gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: uneng on July 18, 2024, 09:08:20 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Greed for profit and difficult to control emotions make someone become addicted to gambling. Losing or winning is irrelevant, because doesn't matter if an addicted gambler loses or wins small or big amounts of money, he will be an addicted anyway. Addiction development goes beyond being lucky or unlucky in gambling. It's about being an insatiable person who can never get enough.

You can give 1$ million dollars to an addicted gambler and he will still put all this money at stake, willing for more profit. And even if he manages growing those funds, he will continue gambling until losing the last penny. On when he is left with nothing else he will stop gambling.

Addiction is a devastating disease, so avoid being contaminated by this at all costs.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Miles2006 on July 18, 2024, 09:37:47 PM
Not all gamblers can actually resist the urge when it comes to addiction, gambling addiction is actually difficult and different in essence quitting so easily can be difficult. Concerning the question, both winning and losing can develop an addict so easily mostly when it’s done with the aim of earning for necessary needs etc. I believe any new gambler who always lose will be carried away with emotion and decide to gamble again likewise winning, most time considering a day as your lucky day is good but definitely no one can win always so let’s consider a mere gambler gambling and expecting a win always on daily basis gradually such gambler is becoming an addict.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: mirakal on July 18, 2024, 09:51:12 PM
Both can lead to gambling addiction. The repetitive order of winning, losing, winning again will eventually make a gambler becomes more excited and addicted to gambling. Until he find out in the end that he's losing more than his wins, but since the addiction has already developed, it's hard for him to resist gambling and won't gamble anymore.

Gambling caters a lot of emotions, there is happy and excitement, anger, mad, depressed, frustrated, and all of these will contribute to the development of gambling addiction. Because this do not happen instantly, but it's more of a repetitive sequence, until gambling addiction becomes irresistible anymore.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: AYOBA on July 18, 2024, 10:05:30 PM
What some of people pass through in gambling is not something that a per person can repeated here honestly, because many of people are talking a gambling of their way of income that’s why they will not go and look for another way of income, and they always wining whenever ever they place a bet that’s why most people are directly lead to gambling addicted. And once it already be addicting to their blood what ever the advice a person given them, it will very hard for them to abounded a gambling. Furthermore and you those that are easily lost in gambling the type of peoples that just jumped into the gambling without required a knowledge or experience of gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on July 18, 2024, 10:22:01 PM
winning and losing can make a gambler addicted in its own patterns. When you are winning, you tend to get very greedy and in the process you gamble excessively trying to maximize your wins, continuous repeat of this pattern leads to addiction in no distant time and leaves you very vulnerable when the losing streak sets in because you have developed the mindset that winning is your right.

while in a losing streak, you tend to chase your loses to recover, and in the process expend a lot of funds. Chasing your losses is where you make a very big mistake as the more you chase it, the more you loose and the more you are being seriously addicted. This addiction i losses can be a product of uncontrolled gambling habits when you were winning, so you are unable to accept defeat when you are now losing, and your addiction is progressively perfected.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: irhact on July 18, 2024, 11:03:04 PM
Not all gamblers can actually resist the urge when it comes to addiction, gambling addiction is actually difficult and different in essence quitting so easily can be difficult. Concerning the question, both winning and losing can develop an addict so easily mostly when it’s done with the aim of earning for necessary needs etc. I believe any new gambler who always lose will be carried away with emotion and decide to gamble again likewise winning, most time considering a day as your lucky day is good but definitely no one can win always so let’s consider a mere gambler gambling and expecting a win always on daily basis gradually such gambler is becoming an addict.

New gamblers always think that they're better gamblers and not going to get addicted but it can come in different ways. Some individuals can get addicted from winning and it makes them to not stop gambling as they keep enjoying the games they're betting on without knowing the repercussions they are going to received from over gambling. When they're losing they become more addicted to gambling and when they're winning, greediness wouldn't allow them to enjoy the profits they have already made. As a gambler you have to be careful both when you're winning or losing to avoid getting distracted and becoming an addict.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Kavelj22 on July 18, 2024, 11:31:07 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Sometimes winning can make people want to keep gambling, especially if they are consecutive profits over a relatively short period of time. When someone wins a lot of money or does well the first time they gamble, they may think it's easy and keep wanting to win more. There are those who believe that they are luckier than anyone else and that they will never lose more than they win. This can lead to taking greater risks and ultimately losing. They may continue trying to regain what they lost, which may lead to gambling addiction. In general, the situations are not similar, although there is a pattern that unites them all, which is the desire to satisfy oneself with the least effort on the basis of preference.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Rockstarguy on July 19, 2024, 12:04:13 AM
Not all gamblers can actually resist the urge when it comes to addiction, gambling addiction is actually difficult and different in essence quitting so easily can be difficult. Concerning the question, both winning and losing can develop an addict so easily mostly when it’s done with the aim of earning for necessary needs etc. I believe any new gambler who always lose will be carried away with emotion and decide to gamble again likewise winning, most time considering a day as your lucky day is good but definitely no one can win always so let’s consider a mere gambler gambling and expecting a win always on daily basis gradually such gambler is becoming an addict.
that is gambling for you,  just one particular thing can cause someone to be addicted that is why one needs to be very careful with gambling not to fall victim of addiction. Just having the mindset if making money from gambling all the time can even cause one to be addicted, to avoid addiction in gambling it is better never to take it serious, just gamble to have fun. Winning or losing can really make a gambler to be very addicted more.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on July 19, 2024, 02:50:59 AM
When we are talking about addiction, it has to do with emotions and even though sometimes we also get emotional when things are going the right way but in most cases, emotional feeling does with a bad situation which means that addiction is more attached to someone who is not doing things the right way, so a gambler becomes more addicted when losing than winning because a gambler can just walk into a gambling office and wins a bet then decides to walk away with the winning but it's not the same for someone who lost a bet since he will have that feeling that if he gambles more he may win or a loser will consider to recover losses and in the process loses more and that is exactly where the addiction begins to come in since they will spend more time in gambling chasing losses.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Solosanz on July 19, 2024, 04:20:09 AM
What makes them becomes addicted is money.

They don't really care whether they win or lose, if losing the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to lose, if winning the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to win. If you remove "money" in gambling, some people might still get addicted to gambling, but I'm sure the number would be really low.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on July 19, 2024, 04:53:49 AM
Actually, and I've said it in similar threads, winning is what gets you hooked. Nobody gets hooked if they go to the casino for the first time, and nothing comes out of it. But when you win your first jackpot you get a big rush feeling, which is what you try to get afterwards.

What makes them becomes addicted is money.

They don't really care whether they win or lose, if losing the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to lose, if winning the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to win. If you remove "money" in gambling, some people might still get addicted to gambling, but I'm sure the number would be really low.

Exactly, because the thrill of winning money, especially if it is a lot of money, is not comparable to playing for no money.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 19, 2024, 06:35:39 AM
What makes them becomes addicted is money.

They don't really care whether they win or lose, if losing the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to lose, if winning the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to win. If you remove "money" in gambling, some people might still get addicted to gambling, but I'm sure the number would be really low.
You are right because they only want to playing gambling without care with their money or the outcomes that they will gets it later. When they playing gambling, they feels their passion and don't want to let it go no matter what is the outcomes. Their gambling addiction can becomes deeper if they can't stops for a while and reflect of what they did before or no one reminds them about their gambling activities.

They will still busy in gambling and not thinks about the other things that they can do although other things can gives benefits to them. We never know how much money they will spend in gambling because they will not tells about that. They will busy to playing gambling and if they wins, they will be happy and thinks that they can still playing gambling and use more money to gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Ultegra134 on July 19, 2024, 08:55:18 AM
What makes them becomes addicted is money.

They don't really care whether they win or lose, if losing the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to lose, if winning the game makes them to earn money, they will choose to win. If you remove "money" in gambling, some people might still get addicted to gambling, but I'm sure the number would be really low.
That's extremely accurate and one of the most spot-on replies so far. I'd add the inability to control themselves. The outcome doesn't matter; it'll lead to the same behavior. If they lose, they'll continue gambling till they can score a large win or recoup their losses; if they're winning, on the other hand, greediness gets the best of them and makes them feel unstoppable, and instead of taking the win and withdrawing their winnings, they'll eventually end up blowing them away. It goes without saying that it's the money aspect is what keeps everyone so addicted.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on July 19, 2024, 09:30:26 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both losing and winning could be addictive, my friend, addiction to gambling means that you have the uncontrollable urge to continue to gamble. In losses, the urge could be to try more luck if it would work for you, and to some, it is a revenge spree that will lead to more losses. It gets aggravated when the person will not relent in days or weeks but tries to continue to revenge. But to others, it could be that they've believed they will become rich through gambling as their last hope. All these can infest us psychologically and cause addictions.

As for the winning, although, this is not a bad addiction provided the gambler stays in profits, unfortunately, I've seen this turn to greed and cause a winner to be setback to be a loser in betting. Regardless, the main gist in this context is that when you are productive with a thing, will you want to leave that thing? That is what is happening with the positive gambling as well. This is earning meaning for you, so no matter what you do, there will be this urge that keeps pushing you to it often to make the money the more. Of course, this can't happen without deriving your happiness in it which is good and more reason why you will be addicted to gambling more when the winning kees coming.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 19, 2024, 10:43:21 AM
In a way, if we get to look at how some newbie gambler's who in the beginning of their gambling where lucky to have earn several wins before they started getting some losses and due to that they finds it hard to accept that losing is also a part of gambling too, out of concern we may wanna wish they had incurred losses instead from the very beginning of their gambling to serve as a caveat to create a better understanding of how every gambling results whether win or lose should be taken lightly to avoid developing addictive tendencies out of subjective thought of win win only.
It's true, sometimes when they have won, they can forget that defeat will still happen because with the opportunities that the players have, the chance is only to lose, not win. and when they experience defeat, they may not be able to accept it, but this will actually trigger their emotions which will make them gamble again and again until it can become an impulsive action that they already realize is wrong but still do it.
Winning or losing definitely has its own charm, for example, if you have experienced defeat and are playing on social media, there will definitely be advertisements scattered about gambling and that can make them return to their gambling addiction. This is what must be avoided, we must be able to assume that everything is over when we win and lose and that is where gambling is profitable, even though the profits we get are not much. When we can gamble well by accepting defeat, we can minimize the risk of gambling addiction. In fact, it is not the gambling that must be avoided, but the bad behavior that must be avoided because that is the problem, not the gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: retreat on July 19, 2024, 11:29:17 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think that a person usually gets stuck in that addiction when he faces losses and wants to chase wins. He keeps trying to win even though the percentage of losses is greater than the percentage of wins. He only thought about how he could win and got lost in gambling - and without realizing it, he was trapped in a gambling addiction because he couldn't control himself enough to stop gambling his money, even when he had lost a lot. There are many examples of how a gambler becomes addicted due to chasing his losses and his irresponsible gambling activities, and as a result of this it is important for a gambler to be able to pay attention to their gambling habits and not to overdo it in chasing losses.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: sunsilk on July 19, 2024, 11:36:59 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Money and emotion.

You want to recover when you've lost a lot of money already and at the same time, the triggering factor of your emotion wants you to do more even if you can't do it any longer and your brain wants you to stop.

Unfortunately, that's how most gamblers end up being addicted. They are gambling based on their emotions and that's hard to control and when they are able to notice it, it's already too late to control.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: $weetne$$ on July 19, 2024, 11:58:20 AM
That is gambling for you,  just one particular thing can cause someone to be addicted that is why one needs to be very careful with gambling not to fall victim of addiction. Just having the mindset if making money from gambling all the time can even cause one to be addicted, to avoid addiction in gambling it is better never to take it serious, just gamble to have fun. Winning or losing can really make a gambler to be very addicted more.

Having the mindset of making money from gambling will not just make you to be addicted because there are many gamblers that are only doing it to make money but they are not addicted. Addiction comes from your mindset of not accepting defeat when you have one and retiring to try again another day. Addiction come from not being satisfied with your wins, addiction come from having greed as any money you win will not be alright for you. If you do not know how to control your emotions you are going to get addicted. Anybody can gamble for any reason that he wants and if he has everything under control, he can gamble for many years and still not get addicted. Just know you can not always win and become comfortable with the small wins  that you are receiving and with time you can win more money or hit a jackpot.  Do not be too concerned about winning  aways and just be enjoy yourself.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: shield132 on July 19, 2024, 12:57:45 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

It's not winning or losing that makes a person addicted to gambling, it's the rush that they feel during the process. When you gamble, massive amounts of feel-good chemicals are released in your brain that revive the sense of euphoria. When you win, you want to win more because the sky is the limit but when you lose, you want to win to cover your losses. I have seen many people who lost what they won and then they swore that they would stop gambling if they got their money back, they gambled to just win back what they lost but in the end, since the house always wins, they lost even more and more. This is what makes you addicted. You have to gamble for fun and never step into this circle where you think about getting back your losses to fix your financial problems.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on July 19, 2024, 01:35:43 PM
That is gambling for you,  just one particular thing can cause someone to be addicted that is why one needs to be very careful with gambling not to fall victim of addiction. Just having the mindset if making money from gambling all the time can even cause one to be addicted, to avoid addiction in gambling it is better never to take it serious, just gamble to have fun. Winning or losing can really make a gambler to be very addicted more.

Having the mindset of making money from gambling will not just make you to be addicted because there are many gamblers that are only doing it to make money but they are not addicted. Addiction comes from your mindset of not accepting defeat when you have one and retiring to try again another day. Addiction come from not being satisfied with your wins, addiction come from having greed as any money you win will not be alright for you. If you do not know how to control your emotions you are going to get addicted. Anybody can gamble for any reason that he wants and if he has everything under control, he can gamble for many years and still not get addicted. Just know you can not always win and become comfortable with the small wins  that you are receiving and with time you can win more money or hit a jackpot.  Do not be too concerned about winning  aways and just be enjoy yourself.

It makes a little sense, but I think when someone has the intention and purpose to produce then the potential for addiction can be greater than when you don't have the intention to produce. As you said, addiction comes from a person's inability to control himself and addiction also comes from someone who always uses greed. But I think we can imagine that when you have the intention to produce then it will certainly be very difficult for you to ignore the greed within you.

That's different from when you gamble for entertainment and not money, because there will be no greed if your goal is not money. I would say that actually the meaning of addiction is that you are addicted to always doing an activity because of a certain goal, meaning that even though for example you are able to be satisfied with small wins and not apply greed but when your goal is to make money then I think that is considered an addiction too, and on the other hand I am sure that over time you will become dependent on these activities when your goal is to earn.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Peanutswar on July 19, 2024, 01:48:48 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.

This could be a possible two factor. One is they are already entertained upon playing gambling which is the reason why there's a gambling casino to give fun, excitement, and entertainment to its players it could be in different forms like satisfaction having good accommodation, perks, games or even food if they are in the physical casino and etc. The other one is they already experienced win a game and we know how to get too much temptation once you win a large amount of course you are hoping until where you can get with your luck and win a large amount but not all the gambler face the same faith some of them lose their money due to wrong decision making like being greedy.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: junder on July 19, 2024, 05:47:08 PM
Indeed, losing or winning are just returns after a period that we have exchanged to receive, addiction is not related to the result, although that may be the cause of the unsightly results but that's the back story, not the beginning of addiction, and to be honest, addiction is just a hole in the psyche, it's the frequency and intensity with which we engage in one thing. By aspiring to a distant goal, the hole slowly cracks wider, increasing the time involved and as the initial premise, the unsightly results that come from such scenarios
The results that occur don't really have a big influence, but here it is our thoughts that will determine it. If we think wrongly then what can happen is an addiction to gambling or something else that makes us unable to stop gambling. Apart from that, we must be able to manage our thinking to always think clearly, with good thinking there will be no thoughts of gambling excessively. The losses that are often unacceptable are because of their wrong thinking, where they have high hopes for gambling and the winnings that can be obtained, while the winnings in gambling are not certain, but with the wrong thinking, they cannot stop gambling because of their strong desire to win. encourage themselves to continue gambling.

Likewise, when we win, if our thinking is wrong what we will think about is an even bigger win. with wrong thinking when we win, we will feel that at that time luck is on our side and the risk of losing can be put aside even though what will definitely happen is defeat or loss, but this wrong thinking causes the risk side to be ignored so that the decision taken is to return. betting with winnings used as capital has a higher stake because you want an even bigger win.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: skarais on July 19, 2024, 06:04:19 PM

This could be a possible two factor. One is they are already entertained upon playing gambling which is the reason why there's a gambling casino to give fun, excitement, and entertainment to its players it could be in different forms like satisfaction having good accommodation, perks, games or even food if they are in the physical casino and etc. The other one is they already experienced win a game and we know how to get too much temptation once you win a large amount of course you are hoping until where you can get with your luck and win a large amount but not all the gambler face the same faith some of them lose their money due to wrong decision making like being greedy.
Winning or losing are two factors that can influence a gambler to return to the casino, whatever their actual reasons. I'm sure some gamblers don't admit that they gamble to win, while they reason to entertain themselves. Basically every time they return it is due to addiction, whether it is serious or not depends on how they control themselves and their finances.

We always feel curious about something we haven't won. All games are made like that so that in the end the players feel challenged to win, this is also adopted in every gambling game. The desire to win and get the maximum jackpot are some of the reasons why they come back, so it's not purely for fun.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Huppercase on July 19, 2024, 06:55:58 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think people that are not gambling today are not lucky but because they are educated about what gambling addiction is about and how it has affected people and this scare them from following the same steps if not most people here will be sending their weekly payment to casino just to gamble because gambling is money driving and when you put money before anything, you will like get affected with gambling addiction msot especially when you encounter losses.

If you are the type of person that find it difficult to avoid emotions when it comes to losses in gambling, then you have the tendency of becoming addicted person. Loss is inevitable in gambling and if you can over look it and just see it as norm, you wouldn't have any problem but if you can't and try to make that money by all means, you are likely to become addicted. If you are also gambling because of financial reasons problems, you are also likely to become addicted person.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: topbitcoin on July 19, 2024, 07:27:01 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.

This could be a possible two factor. One is they are already entertained upon playing gambling which is the reason why there's a gambling casino to give fun, excitement, and entertainment to its players it could be in different forms like satisfaction having good accommodation, perks, games or even food if they are in the physical casino and etc. The other one is they already experienced win a game and we know how to get too much temptation once you win a large amount of course you are hoping until where you can get with your luck and win a large amount but not all the gambler face the same faith some of them lose their money due to wrong decision making like being greedy.

I fully agree with you that indeed the gambler does become happy with his gambling with various facilities provided by the casino so that he is always addicted to gambling, I think that is indeed convincing why people gamble and then get addicted.

But for me personally, most people are addicted to it because they get a big win from gambling, especially for people who have a lazy mentality, when they get a big win from gambling they will always look for the next instant thing to feel or get a large amount of money with gambling games, accompanied by greed that makes them never win back like at the beginning of getting a win, I think someone needs to realize this before they have an addiction to gambling, especially for novice gamblers.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Juse14 on July 19, 2024, 07:41:53 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think people that are not gambling today are not lucky but because they are educated about what gambling addiction is about and how it has affected people and this scare them from following the same steps if not most people here will be sending their weekly payment to casino just to gamble because gambling is money driving and when you put money before anything, you will like get affected with gambling addiction msot especially when you encounter losses.

If you are the type of person that find it difficult to avoid emotions when it comes to losses in gambling, then you have the tendency of becoming addicted person. Loss is inevitable in gambling and if you can over look it and just see it as norm, you wouldn't have any problem but if you can't and try to make that money by all means, you are likely to become addicted. If you are also gambling because of financial reasons problems, you are also likely to become addicted person.

I understand your point. While it may appear that non-gamblers are missing out, in reality they are steering clear of the looming risk of gambling addiction which can have dire consequences. The clutches of gambling addiction can dismantle one's life, particularly if emotions are difficult to control upon facing losses.

Gambling losses: ubiquitous, unavoidable. If one can accept the losses without making an effort to chase wins, they might not get into addiction. However, a person gambling due to financial issues or one who continues in any way (even by throwing more money into it) to try recouping losses is at high risk of getting addicted.

Responsible gambling is therefore highly important: to know the risks involved and not shy away from seeking help if there are indications that you or someone else may have a gambling problem, do this before it spirals out of control.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 19, 2024, 07:50:36 PM
Yes, I forgot to say that, or I mean I also agree that being a streamer or affiliate can be another way besides being a casino owner to earn a lot of money without being involved with the general risks that exist in gambling, such as losing which we often experience.

But maybe if we compare it with the turnover when we become the owner of a casino compared to being a stremer or affiliate who collaborates with the casino, but yes of course I also understand that becoming the owner of a casino is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand because of course you have to do a lot. What you have to prepare is especially large capital, and yes the point is of course this is a more sensible way to make more money than just being an ordinary gambler who depends on luck.

Yea, I am glad you already know that owning a casino is not just so easy. It requires a lot of money, and if you don't have the money to start it, you need to have a lot of investors. A gambler should keep in mind that a casino cannot guarantee winning all the time; winning is a probability. Most people are addicted because they feel gambling is an investment that can give them a double of what was invested in great assurance, while it doesn't work like that. You might luckily have doubled your stake, but the next day you gamble, you could still lose it. 

Yes and you have given other suggestions which are more suitable for people who do not have a good financial situation to become a casino owner, namely by becoming a stremer or affiliate who collaborates with the casino.

I like your idea about winning which is actually nothing more than a probability or possibility which in the sense has no guarantee or certainty that it can always happen, and I think this is a fact about gambling, because as we often experience, winning only happens. Coincidentally, sometimes when we really hope for victory but the result is losing, but on the contrary, when we don't have any hope at all but the result is winning.

And I think this scenario is really very normal to happen in gambling, because it wouldn't be called gambling if it turned out that the results could be predicted from the start. On the other hand, yes, I also agree with you that most people think that gambling can give them a lot of money. I understand that the chance of winning is really real, but what they don't know is that everything will always happen randomly, meaning that you will always lose. happens anytime.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Wakate on July 19, 2024, 07:57:37 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.

This could be a possible two factor. One is they are already entertained upon playing gambling which is the reason why there's a gambling casino to give fun, excitement, and entertainment to its players it could be in different forms like satisfaction having good accommodation, perks, games or even food if they are in the physical casino and etc. The other one is they already experienced win a game and we know how to get too much temptation once you win a large amount of course you are hoping until where you can get with your luck and win a large amount but not all the gambler face the same faith some of them lose their money due to wrong decision making like being greedy.
Addiction may be when we are trying to hard to make money from a casino and we are not getting the results we are looking for. Gambling is fun and it is good we keep trying to earn more money from ourselves. There are some times when we would be confidence to make money from bets but we end up not making any money for ourselves. Gambling is meant to be fun but not something we do to make sure that we make money by force. If we really want to make money from gambling and remove gambling addiction then we must be ready to take whatever outcome we get as a result our gambling activities. It is not everytime that we expect to make money from gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Juicyhome on July 19, 2024, 08:28:24 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.

This could be a possible two factor. One is they are already entertained upon playing gambling which is the reason why there's a gambling casino to give fun, excitement, and entertainment to its players it could be in different forms like satisfaction having good accommodation, perks, games or even food if they are in the physical casino and etc. The other one is they already experienced win a game and we know how to get too much temptation once you win a large amount of course you are hoping until where you can get with your luck and win a large amount but not all the gambler face the same faith some of them lose their money due to wrong decision making like being greedy.
Addiction may be when we are trying to hard to make money from a casino and we are not getting the results we are looking for. Gambling is fun and it is good we keep trying to earn more money from ourselves. There are some times when we would be confidence to make money from bets but we end up not making any money for ourselves. Gambling is meant to be fun but not something we do to make sure that we make money by force. If we really want to make money from gambling and remove gambling addiction then we must be ready to take whatever outcome we get as a result our gambling activities. It is not everytime that we expect to make money from gambling.
I don't get, why won't you expect to get money from gamble, why did you play or stake a bet its not to gain money, which one is that isn't everytime we should expect money from gamble, what then should we expect?  In asmuch as I know we never gonna tell the outcome of gamble it could be lost or winning, but we play with positive mind even when it turns out the other way. Consistency with good analysis will help you to win, also stake what you can Lose.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Issa56 on July 19, 2024, 08:51:24 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Seriously, both make’s people get addicted to gambling. After losing money from gambling, some people will want to win back the money they have lost, or some have seen some people win from gambling before, so they have the confidence that if they don’t give up, they are going to hit a jackpot in a day, and they will end up being addicted to gambling without even knowing it. Why after some people have won some reasonable amount of money from gambling, and they start losing, they will never stop gambling because they will think their winning period will be back if they don’t give up.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Egii Nna on July 19, 2024, 08:56:10 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both can contribute, that is the best true, but this is considered due to your emotions in reaction to different situations because if you are always winning, this will make you grow a higher level of confidence that will make you feel that you will never lose in gambling and it will still show you that you are the luckiest person ever, so that will tend to reduce your fear or risk of gambling and in no time you will be addicted to gambling. 
While if you also lose, you will grow a sense of casting after your loss and keep putting hope that one day you will definitely win, and in no time you will be addicted to gambling without you knowing, but if you are able to balance your emotions and your finances, then you are less likely to be involved in such a risk of addiction because you will be focused on the win, not on getting addicted. 

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fortify on July 19, 2024, 09:00:16 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Winning makes gamblers addicted, because everyone likes to win and the brain rewards activity in which we feel successful by releasing happy chemicals. Everyone likes to feel happy and many people are willing to exchange money for that happy feeling and the rush we get from winning. Adrenaline also gets released into the bloodstream which makes our heart beat faster and triggers lots of other pleasurable responses in the body. However some people are aware of these feelings and how they are triggered, so they know to only engage with it a little bit. Otherwise you start to form habitual behavior, which is the dangerous part - you return to the game, you add more to the wallet, you keep coming back session after session, day after day, week after week - always chasing that high you got the most from at the very beginning.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fredomago on July 19, 2024, 09:11:01 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Seriously, both make’s people get addicted to gambling. After losing money from gambling, some people will want to win back the money they have lost, or some have seen some people win from gambling before, so they have the confidence that if they don’t give up, they are going to hit a jackpot in a day, and they will end up being addicted to gambling without even knowing it. Why after some people have won some reasonable amount of money from gambling, and they start losing, they will never stop gambling because they will think their winning period will be back if they don’t give up.

Yes, both reasons can lead addiction to a person,  same with your sentiment if a gambler losses his initial bankroll he will think that by adding more he will manage to recover his losses,  and from that stand point his adrenaline is already increased his lust will keep him stay inside the house and will keep him trying to play and recover everything,  same deal with winning,  if he feels that he's lucky he will be greedy thinking that luck will always gave him more money,  that's also increased his adrenaline  and will keep him playing until he loses everything back to the house.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: KTChampions on July 19, 2024, 09:27:40 PM
Winning makes gamblers addicted, because everyone likes to win and the brain rewards activity in which we feel successful by releasing happy chemicals. Everyone likes to feel happy and many people are willing to exchange money for that happy feeling and the rush we get from winning. Adrenaline also gets released into the bloodstream which makes our heart beat faster and triggers lots of other pleasurable responses in the body. However some people are aware of these feelings and how they are triggered, so they know to only engage with it a little bit. Otherwise you start to form habitual behavior, which is the dangerous part - you return to the game, you add more to the wallet, you keep coming back session after session, day after day, week after week - always chasing that high you got the most from at the very beginning.

In fact, the state of addiction begins not at the moment when the player receives a win and subsequently wants to constantly experience the feeling of winning, but at the moment when it seems to him (and the casinos skillfully create this illusion) that he was close to winning. I've read studies on this topic. The closer the goal, the stronger our instincts force us to continue to achieve it. This is one of the factors in the emergence of addiction, then of course a habit is formed, and so on.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 20, 2024, 01:23:05 AM
Addiction may be when we are trying to hard to make money from a casino and we are not getting the results we are looking for. Gambling is fun and it is good we keep trying to earn more money from ourselves. There are some times when we would be confidence to make money from bets but we end up not making any money for ourselves. Gambling is meant to be fun but not something we do to make sure that we make money by force. If we really want to make money from gambling and remove gambling addiction then we must be ready to take whatever outcome we get as a result our gambling activities. It is not everytime that we expect to make money from gambling.
I think it's like that, the results that occurred and were obtained were not in accordance with the expectations we had. Also because of this, it can attract us to gamble again for longer and of course financially and time will be affected. getting money from gambling is something that can be said to be unlikely, because this is a business so there are no guaranteed profits, because gambling is a game where winning is uncertain. However, those who are addicted think that winning at gambling is something that will definitely happen and can be obtained. To be honest, the addiction was caused by them themselves.
In fact, it's not being able to accept the results that have already happened that in my opinion makes them addicted, because with an attitude like that it makes them want to continue gambling with the goal being to win, if when they lose and can't accept the results they will have thoughts of wanting to recover their losses. , whereas this will only make them addicted because they will be trapped deeper into gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 20, 2024, 01:42:46 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Seriously, both make’s people get addicted to gambling. After losing money from gambling, some people will want to win back the money they have lost, or some have seen some people win from gambling before, so they have the confidence that if they don’t give up, they are going to hit a jackpot in a day, and they will end up being addicted to gambling without even knowing it. Why after some people have won some reasonable amount of money from gambling, and they start losing, they will never stop gambling because they will think their winning period will be back if they don’t give up.

Yes, both reasons can lead addiction to a person,  same with your sentiment if a gambler losses his initial bankroll he will think that by adding more he will manage to recover his losses,  and from that stand point his adrenaline is already increased his lust will keep him stay inside the house and will keep him trying to play and recover everything,  same deal with winning,  if he feels that he's lucky he will be greedy thinking that luck will always gave him more money,  that's also increased his adrenaline  and will keep him playing until he loses everything back to the house.
You are right, and I completely agree with you, and since it's already established that both winning and losing can lead a gambler into becoming addicted to gambling, lets now conclude that it is the gambler's mindset, approach to gambling that determine if he or she will become addicted to gambling or not.

How a gambler choose to go about gambling after experiencing a good win, or after experiencing a huge loss, is ultimately what determines if that gambler will potentially become addicted to gambling, and this is why it's always very important for us all as gamblers to pay attention to our actions, most especially when ever such things as a major win or loss occurs/happens, we should do away wit any thing or action that might represent greed, and only do what we are sure will not affect us mentally.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: jcojci on July 20, 2024, 02:05:38 AM
I don't get, why won't you expect to get money from gamble, why did you play or stake a bet its not to gain money, which one is that isn't everytime we should expect money from gamble, what then should we expect?  In asmuch as I know we never gonna tell the outcome of gamble it could be lost or winning, but we play with positive mind even when it turns out the other way. Consistency with good analysis will help you to win, also stake what you can Lose.
They can not gain money from gambling because they lose in gambling. If they can thinks positive that gambling can not always gives the wins, that will not makes them gambling often and spend more  money. But we see many people still gambling and hopes they can wins some money and they don't use limitation in gambling so that can makes them have gambling addiction. The outcome can gives us wins and lose and that will happens like that so we must realizes that we must prevents the lose. We can not expect to get money from gambling because gambling is just for fun and not make money place so we must be careful in gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Davidvictorson on July 20, 2024, 04:18:52 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

In my own estimation, a gambler can be addicted to gamble based on other factors more just "winning" or "losing". If the person is from an environment where gambling thrives and no one cares if anyone becomes a addict, you will not need a win or loss to become one. I have mentions, the society, then comes family. A nonchalant, non-present gambling father or mother could be another factor that pushes a kid into gambling other than winning or losing. Further, an individual using gambling as coping from loneliness, separation can also become addicted to gambling too and I can go on and on about it.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Nrcewker on July 20, 2024, 05:09:12 AM
It varies from person to person. I have seen both cases: when a person is winning, he becomes addicted, and when a person is also losing, he also becomes addicted. But in the long run, the winning isn’t constant. You have to face losses only; hence, in these cases, as the gambler has tasted victory and winnings, the addition develops more to gamble and convert the loss into a win. Generally, gambling addiction is seen in rich people, and they gamble to defeat their egos and hence get into addiction. Addiction is really bad, and each person has different reasons to get addicted.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Coin_trader on July 20, 2024, 05:33:34 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both, A gambler can be addicted on gambling regardless of winning or losing because it can cause addiction both ways.

You can be addicted when winning since you will be eager to play more to get more profit. There’s an unexplainable feeling that will urge to play more due to our greediness. Same with winning, Losing is more notorious on making gambler addicted due to chasing loses that makes every gambler want to play more.

It’s very seldom to be addicted due to frequent winning since only few manage a consistent profit in gambling but both winning and losing can cause addiction.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on July 20, 2024, 11:03:23 AM
It varies from person to person. I have seen both cases: when a person is winning, he becomes addicted, and when a person is also losing, he also becomes addicted. But in the long run, the winning isn’t constant. You have to face losses only; hence, in these cases, as the gambler has tasted victory and winnings, the addition develops more to gamble and convert the loss into a win. Generally, gambling addiction is seen in rich people, and they gamble to defeat their egos and hence get into addiction. Addiction is really bad, and each person has different reasons to get addicted.

Yes, it varies, I also believe that defeat can make a person addicted, but usually defeat is an annoying situation which means it takes up more emotions due to the inability to accept results that are not in line with expectations. And overall, in my opinion, the biggest trigger for addiction is winning, as you said, when gamblers experience victory after victory, their addiction will grow.

One of the reasons why addiction is most likely caused by winning is because it is certain that winning is a very encouraging situation which will indirectly make gamblers increase their hope and confidence that in the future they will be able to win again in even larger amounts, and so that in the end they become dependent on these activities, but on the other hand, in terms of addiction, to be honest, I cannot exclude poor people here, because whoever you are, if you are involved in addiction, it does not mean that it is impossible for you to end up with an addiction.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 20, 2024, 01:25:17 PM
It varies from person to person. I have seen both cases: when a person is winning, he becomes addicted, and when a person is also losing, he also becomes addicted. But in the long run, the winning isn’t constant. You have to face losses only; hence, in these cases, as the gambler has tasted victory and winnings, the addition develops more to gamble and convert the loss into a win. Generally, gambling addiction is seen in rich people, and they gamble to defeat their egos and hence get into addiction. Addiction is really bad, and each person has different reasons to get addicted.
Both situation can make people becomes addicted to gambling so we must be careful and not lets us gets the same thing as them. We must feels enough to playing gambling after some time and must quit gambling before it's too late to realizes. Gambling addiction can comes anytime in any people especially if they can't control themselves when playing gambling. They will lost their money and secondly, they can becomes addicted to gambling.

That will not be realizes by them as they only see the fun things from gambling and they follows their emotion to keeps playing gambling without stop for a while. Gambling addiction can be seen in poor people because they still have a hope to wins the games and back to their home with a lot of money. That's a dream for many people who playing gambling but unfortunately, not many of them can gets their wins.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: mamesso on July 20, 2024, 02:24:17 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

When you are losing or winning, these two conditions you experience can cause you to become addicted.
In my opinion, the way to evaluate it is very simple, when you are losing, your curiosity about winning will increase and you will be obsessed with chasing the money that has been spent. On the other hand, when you win, your adrenaline will grow with a positive perspective, especially since you have succeeded in winning a large amount of money. The desire to continue playing will arise within you because there is a strong urge to win more, if at that time your winnings start to decrease due to losing in several rounds, you will feel challenged and want the money back.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Wiwo on July 20, 2024, 02:31:39 PM
To become addicted to gambling there are a few factors that trigger addictions in any person because it requires a long period of negative trends and mentality to develop addiction viruses in a person, in gambling one of the primary and most popular ways to get addicted is by being a greedy gambler, by the time you no longer gamble for fun and now gambling because you want to make profits or recover from your previous loses you have higher tendency to become addicted.

As far as you can remain decipline and follow your set principles, you can easily avoid becoming addicted, so I say greed is the primary cause of addiction in gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 20, 2024, 03:39:19 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

When you are losing or winning, these two conditions you experience can cause you to become addicted.
In my opinion, the way to evaluate it is very simple, when you are losing, your curiosity about winning will increase and you will be obsessed with chasing the money that has been spent. On the other hand, when you win, your adrenaline will grow with a positive perspective, especially since you have succeeded in winning a large amount of money. The desire to continue playing will arise within you because there is a strong urge to win more, if at that time your winnings start to decrease due to losing in several rounds, you will feel challenged and want the money back.

It's true, both of these situations can really trigger addiction, as you have explained in a simple way which I think is easy to understand. One of the reasons why someone can become addicted when they experience defeat is because they have a high level of curiosity which will continue to encourage them to continue the session until in the end they will only stop when all their money is gone.
And another thing about winning, you have explained the scenario that gamblers will experience and feel when they are in this situation, where it is very likely that hope and confidence will increase which will continue to encourage them to play in pursuit of a much bigger win. and this is a situation where gamblers will have difficulty ignoring their own greed. In conclusion, a losing situation can indeed make a gambler continue gambling, but this is not entirely based on them being addicted, but rather because they are curious and unable to accept the situation of losing.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Zigabel on July 20, 2024, 03:48:51 PM
When you are losing or winning, these two conditions you experience can cause you to become addicted.
In my opinion, the way to evaluate it is very simple, when you are losing, your curiosity about winning will increase and you will be obsessed with chasing the money that has been spent. On the other hand, when you win, your adrenaline will grow with a positive perspective, especially since you have succeeded in winning a large amount of money. The desire to continue playing will arise within you because there is a strong urge to win more, if at that time your winnings start to decrease due to losing in several rounds, you will feel challenged and want the money back.
How both ends could lead to addiction is really hard to deal with, because if it were to be that one will not and the other does then there will be expectations that if one happens, the gambler will see reason to exit and probably be safe from the repercussions of continually gambling.

For some I believe loosing at a stretch is most likely to be a deal breaker for them than when they are winning, this is most particular when the gambler probably has not won a game before, they get discouraged and may not want to continue but for the one who has won before and later lost, they will still remain curious and believe it's possible they can still win again.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: KTChampions on July 20, 2024, 03:55:54 PM
It’s very seldom to be addicted due to frequent winning since only few manage a consistent profit in gambling but both winning and losing can cause addiction.

Getting a large number of wins (overwhelmingly large relative to the number of losses) is quite simple, it all depends on the odds you bet on.
I remember playing dice with odds of 1.1. After the first unsuccessful throw of the dice, I doubled the bet tenfold and if I won, I returned to the original bet. If I lost twice in a row, I doubled my bet again. Thus, I increased the initial bet by 100 times and on average my winning percentage was >90%.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fredomago on July 20, 2024, 04:45:08 PM

You are right, and I completely agree with you, and since it's already established that both winning and losing can lead a gambler into becoming addicted to gambling, lets now conclude that it is the gambler's mindset, approach to gambling that determine if he or she will become addicted to gambling or not.

How a gambler choose to go about gambling after experiencing a good win, or after experiencing a huge loss, is ultimately what determines if that gambler will potentially become addicted to gambling, and this is why it's always very important for us all as gamblers to pay attention to our actions, most especially when ever such things as a major win or loss occurs/happens, we should do away wit any thing or action that might represent greed, and only do what we are sure will not affect us mentally.

How he embrace the situation will dictate his fate inside this industry, like what I've mentioned more on how a person adopt the environment even he lose if he try to push forward to recover then addiction may trigger and same with winning if he feels that he can do whatever he wants and think that there's always a possibility to win, then  expect that he might lose a lot and become addicted, it's always on how you take your responsibilities and a good control over your emotion and finances.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on July 20, 2024, 05:07:44 PM
      -     Even if you are not addicted to gambling, you still experience losing and winning, but what often happens is that we lose when playing gambling.

And sometimes the fact that a gambler won once becomes the reason for a player to go back and forth in gambling without realizing that the amount he is losing is already large.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: GxSTxV on July 20, 2024, 05:22:38 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

In reality, a gambling addicts are not driven by the result and outcome of winning or losing but rather, they are chasing the rush of dopamine and adrenaline that comes from risking their money. Do you think such an addict will ever stop after winning a significant amount? They typically continue gambling until losing everything, then chasing losses under the excuse of winning back what they have lost.

Many players who become addicted to gambling often struggle with other forms of addiction, making them more susceptible. The involvement of money boost the thrill and excitement, initially drawing people in. However, over time, they may raise their bets to maintain the same feeling as before, leading to significant losses and quick addiction. As we have seen many stories, between those who won big and spent that money again in casinos, or those who lost all their savings over one night.

The urge of winning big and the fantasy of hitting the jackpot can drive people to extremes and foolish moves. Mixed with the great advertising of the gambling industry in our time, addiction becomes more easier than before.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Casdinyard on July 20, 2024, 11:04:42 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

A gambler becomes addicted regardless of winning or losing when they start feeling like someone owes them shit, either the universe or the casino. Gambler's fallacy coming in on situations like this, as well as revenge gambling if they are losing. If they are on the other hand winning, they end up addicted after pressing their luck and losing all their shit, at that point all they really wanna do is win back whatever they lose, but they will never be able to do that.

So yeah, gambling addiction starts when people do stupid decisions on choices that otherwise do not need your entire brain's power to even make. You know you should've quit when you got that massive win, you know that you should've called it a day when you lose 3 times in a row and you're practically down a couple hundred dollars, but instead, you thought the universe or the casino owes you something so you're going to claim it, realizing that's not even on the table.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: DaNNy001 on July 20, 2024, 11:44:44 PM
I think both factor to a certain level can you someone a gambling addict because there is the stage of winning and then not knowing when to actually stop playing and if you are not careful enough you might just end up losing out and then there is the part that losing comes in place , I mean it's the hardest to stop when you know you are already at loss so it's takes the two together to actually get your mentality all fucked up for good.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Accardo on July 20, 2024, 11:50:13 PM
      -     Even if you are not addicted to gambling, you still experience losing and winning, but what often happens is that we lose when playing gambling.

And sometimes the fact that a gambler won once becomes the reason for a player to go back and forth in gambling without realizing that the amount he is losing is already large.

Consistency is genuinely what leads to addiction. Repeating a gambling habit is the easiest road to getting compulsive. Win or lose, both, leads to addiction. But, it all relies on the player's mindset, preparations, and knowledge of gambling. However, a player's loss of money puts in the pressure of trying over and over, until it becomes a routine. Then, his challenges sets in with lack of money, control, and management. Which are three main factors that could make a gambler vulnerable to test any winning strategy offered to him. Moreover, whatever it is that convinces a player to chase losses remains the absolute cause of his gambling addiction. And the purpose for chasing after losses all differs for individual gambler.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Iranus on July 21, 2024, 03:44:41 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

When you are losing or winning, these two conditions you experience can cause you to become addicted.
In my opinion, the way to evaluate it is very simple, when you are losing, your curiosity about winning will increase and you will be obsessed with chasing the money that has been spent. On the other hand, when you win, your adrenaline will grow with a positive perspective, especially since you have succeeded in winning a large amount of money. The desire to continue playing will arise within you because there is a strong urge to win more, if at that time your winnings start to decrease due to losing in several rounds, you will feel challenged and want the money back.

Isn't it all about money and greed?  So I think what makes us addicted to gambling is not winning or losing but the fact that we cannot control our desires and greed. The winner will want to win more while the loser will feel challenged and want to get back the money.

Gambling is for entertainment but many people see it as a place to earn income, make money and some people are abusing it because they cannot control their desires. If they know how to control themselves and consider it entertainment, they will never be addicted, whether they win or lose.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 21, 2024, 05:32:38 AM
I think both factor to a certain level can you someone a gambling addict because there is the stage of winning and then not knowing when to actually stop playing and if you are not careful enough you might just end up losing out and then there is the part that losing comes in place , I mean it's the hardest to stop when you know you are already at loss so it's takes the two together to actually get your mentality all fucked up for good.
It's true that both of these factors can make us addicted, the temptation of gambling is strong and the end result of winning or losing can both make us addicted to gambling, especially if we can't control ourselves, especially when we win, of course the temptation will make us crazy. automatically have the thought that you can still get an even bigger win and with that of course you won't stop gambling, you don't even know when to stop, even when you have won, instead of cashing out you want to get more, while the risk is of course even bigger. The desire to win will return and also the feeling of annoyance that will make us want to recover losses will arise when the victory that has been obtained is lost.
When the result has occurred, whether it is winning or losing, and we take the wrong step in our thinking, it is very likely that the future will be a disaster. Gamblers will feel the difficulty of stopping gambling, in fact I am sure that everyone who has gambled has experienced something like this, but there are a small number of people who can calm their emotions and stop their desire to continue gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Su-asa on July 21, 2024, 06:17:20 AM
I think both factor to a certain level can you someone a gambling addict because there is the stage of winning and then not knowing when to actually stop playing and if you are not careful enough you might just end up losing out and then there is the part that losing comes in place , I mean it's the hardest to stop when you know you are already at loss so it's takes the two together to actually get your mentality all fucked up for good.
I also thought as much, so that the reason I bring up the thread to this board for others to say from their perception. When a gambler win he wouldn't want to stop trying until he lose and when the losing are much he will still continue because he might be thinking that he could recover what he has lost. Gamblers should know that gamble that gamble is luck based game, even if we predict we might get closer to the winning point but truth be told that without luck there is no winning.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Shinpako09 on July 21, 2024, 06:40:19 AM
Both. When you are winning, you think you can do it continuously, which is not true because after winning, here comes a loss. When you are losing, you keep thinking you can win it back, which is also not true because it will continue to fall until your bankroll is gone. The same cycle will happen every time you play. The more you play, the more you get addicted without realizing that it's hard to quit with those losses you've accumulated.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: junder on July 21, 2024, 07:27:35 AM
      -     Even if you are not addicted to gambling, you still experience losing and winning, but what often happens is that we lose when playing gambling.

And sometimes the fact that a gambler won once becomes the reason for a player to go back and forth in gambling without realizing that the amount he is losing is already large.
Losing is something that definitely happens in gambling because this is a business that has been developed whose aim is to make a profit from the many people who gamble and it is natural that we as players often only experience defeat because that is the strategy they play. . Apart from that, the fault of many people or players who play is that they cannot accept this fact, they do not accept it when the gambling they do ends in defeat so they have thoughts where they want to recover the losses that have occurred even though it is clear that no matter how the gambling is carried out, the chances are that it will only will end in defeat so this should be accepted.

when they have won their chances of going back to gambling are big, even though they immediately cashed in their winnings and left gambling it doesn't mean they will stop of course every once in a while there will be a feeling of wanting to gamble again because they feel they have won which is a sure thing. they are confident they will be able to win again. However, this indirectly makes them subconsciously continue to gamble even though they have experienced quite a big loss.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: jcojci on July 21, 2024, 09:28:34 AM
Both. When you are winning, you think you can do it continuously, which is not true because after winning, here comes a loss. When you are losing, you keep thinking you can win it back, which is also not true because it will continue to fall until your bankroll is gone. The same cycle will happen every time you play. The more you play, the more you get addicted without realizing that it's hard to quit with those losses you've accumulated.
Yeah, both can makes someone becomes addicted and lose his control because gambling can makes him come back to gambling. He will not hold the will to gambling if he doesn't have control over himself and will only follow his minds to still gambling. He must remember that gambling is only for enjoy his time so he must know when he need to quit gambling. If he play gambling more and more without stops for a while, that can makes him lose his control and will be deeper in gambling and that is difficult for him to leave gambling. That is why many people becomes addicted to gambling even if they win or lose so we really must avoids that for our own good.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: fuguebtc on July 21, 2024, 09:47:29 AM
Both. When you are winning, you think you can do it continuously, which is not true because after winning, here comes a loss. When you are losing, you keep thinking you can win it back, which is also not true because it will continue to fall until your bankroll is gone. The same cycle will happen every time you play. The more you play, the more you get addicted without realizing that it's hard to quit with those losses you've accumulated.

Why do people like to gamble, even addicted to gambling? Most of the answers are because of joy, money, or stimulation. Winners for fun, losers for money and stimulation.
If they win, Of course that person is not a gambling addict. Do you know the definition of gambling addiction? It is impossible for a winner in gambling to be an addict. Because winners always have a strong stance in gambling, they know how to play in the right place and stop at the right time.
As for those who lose, the more they lose, the more bitter they become. The more they lose, the more they want to continue playing, and have to play even bigger to get back what they lost. Even when they lose everything, they still desire to "burn themselves" into gambling pits day and night. The circle of addiction keeps spinning, with no end in sight.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: lienfaye on July 21, 2024, 11:00:46 AM
As for those who lose, the more they lose, the more bitter they become. The more they lose, the more they want to continue playing, and have to play even bigger to get back what they lost. Even when they lose everything, they still desire to "burn themselves" into gambling pits day and night. The circle of addiction keeps spinning, with no end in sight.
I agree. As a long time gambler, I know the feeling if you're in a losing streak (especially if your main desire is to win) it's depressing and getting back what you've lost is what you can only think of.

The reason why losing in gambling is closer for a player to become addicted if they don't have self-control and determine to recover the losses. Acceptance is necessary in gambling especially losing is inevitable even you're confident that you'll get a good result. Because luck is a major factor to win thus keep this in mind before using your hard-earned money and then will regret once you lose it.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Tmoonz on July 21, 2024, 11:17:40 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I guess most times its winning that turns one into an addict. When one gets into gambling for the first time, then hits a really huge jackpot or make good profits. He gets this mindset that gambling is as easy as it is. Then he has already created the wrong perspective for him self. Not that it was a bad thing to make a first huge win upon first trial. But then that user will want to risk even more the next time he plays. Then maybe he ends up losing on his next rounds. He keeps motivating himself that he missed something and would try on his next. And thus this cycle continues. He gets upset with his gambling loss as he tries to get back all he lost but actually ends up being addicted.

I would  say that both winning and Lossing have a unique way of influencing a gambler to become addicted, you have really made good points and I completely agree with you, I can remember winning a bet at my first time, it gave me more confidence to know that winning is possible thou i lost too on that very day one but i went home to come back the next with so much emotions of coming back to win back my lost money as a beginner not knowing that am hurting myself emotional because i was chasing losses and i lost even more, i went for a break for some time before attenting to gamble again. I usually gamble on football betting but now am better after understanding few gambling ethics which shouldn't be ignored.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: I_Anime on July 21, 2024, 01:46:22 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

One of the main causes of gambling addiction is having the mindset of getting rich quick through gambling, which may trigger the urge of wanting to be gambling more in order to hit the jackpot. So most time what can lead to one gambling without knowing when to stop I'd two things either he or she is losing or winning, most time the Reason why they keep going whenever they are losing is because they are trying to get what they have loss back while winning is when their greed kick off, when they are making some good win from gambling greed would literally affect their way of thinking at that moment what they will be thinking about is how to get more and more from and most time they will endup losing .

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 21, 2024, 03:03:22 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

One of the main causes of gambling addiction is having the mindset of getting rich quick through gambling, which may trigger the urge of wanting to be gambling more in order to hit the jackpot. So most time what can lead to one gambling without knowing when to stop I'd two things either he or she is losing or winning, most time the Reason why they keep going whenever they are losing is because they are trying to get what they have loss back while winning is when their greed kick off, when they are making some good win from gambling greed would literally affect their way of thinking at that moment what they will be thinking about is how to get more and more from and most time they will endup losing .

True, that is a misunderstanding that has quite a fatal impact and I am sure that quite a few gamblers end up addicted because they started their involvement in gambling by carrying assumptions and thoughts like that. And of course, when a gambler carries a mindset like that, they will certainly treat their gambling activities in various ways that tend to be excessive and I am sure that this approach will definitely create a lot of mental and psychological stress.

Thinking that gambling can make them rich will certainly make them gamble with the intention and purpose of making a profit where winning will always be a priority for them, and this is a mindset and approach that will ultimately lead them to the point of true addiction where there is no neither situation is good in itself, because as you have explained, when they lose they will try to recover their losses and when they win they will apply their greed, and in the long run this approach will actually create a bigger disaster for his life.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Su-asa on July 21, 2024, 03:12:35 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I guess most times its winning that turns one into an addict. When one gets into gambling for the first time, then hits a really huge jackpot or make good profits. He gets this mindset that gambling is as easy as it is. Then he has already created the wrong perspective for him self. Not that it was a bad thing to make a first huge win upon first trial. But then that user will want to risk even more the next time he plays. Then maybe he ends up losing on his next rounds. He keeps motivating himself that he missed something and would try on his next. And thus this cycle continues. He gets upset with his gambling loss as he tries to get back all he lost but actually ends up being addicted.

I would  say that both winning and Lossing have a unique way of influencing a gambler to become addicted, you have really made good points and I completely agree with you, I can remember winning a bet at my first time, it gave me more confidence to know that winning is possible thou i lost too on that very day one but i went home to come back the next with so much emotions of coming back to win back my lost money as a beginner not knowing that am hurting myself emotional because i was chasing losses and i lost even more, i went for a break for some time before attenting to gamble again. I usually gamble on football betting but now am better after understanding few gambling ethics which shouldn't be ignored.
Sometimes it just for a gambler to figure out the best way he can gamble so that he won't become addicted to it. From my opinion, gamble is fun and it could harm any gambler that doesn't understand its purpose of gambling. Sometimes too, we don't have to put it in mind that gamble can make us become rich or poor.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: pawanjain on July 21, 2024, 03:17:51 PM
In most caes, it's the sense of winning in gambling that makes a person get addicted to gambling.
Everyone likes to win and so some people go to any extent just so that they can win.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: on July 21, 2024, 03:31:51 PM
Sometimes it just for a gambler to figure out the best way he can gamble so that he won't become addicted to it. From my opinion, gamble is fun and it could harm any gambler that doesn't understand its purpose of gambling. Sometimes too, we don't have to put it in mind that gamble can make us become rich or poor.
I also quite agree with your opinion on this one because if someone who is gambling remembers how rich or poor he is after gambling, of course he will not be able to enjoy gambling and will not be able to focus while gambling. That is why everyone should enjoy gambling properly and there is no need to become addicted to gambling when you have lost, because losing when gambling is normal and does not need to be thought about repeatedly so that it can cause stress in our own minds.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on July 21, 2024, 05:14:50 PM
In most caes, it's the sense of winning in gambling that makes a person get addicted to gambling.
Everyone likes to win and so some people go to any extent just so that they can win.

That's right, I think logically what you say is very true, namely that gambling addiction is most likely caused by winning in gambling, everyone needs and wants money, meaning everyone likes money, while gambling provides opportunities for everyone to earn money. money in a short time, so they don't hesitate to do various things so that they can still gamble with the aim of realizing their hopes such as big wins.

Usually this addiction begins to appear when someone succeeds in winning, which as we know is a situation that can make someone very enthusiastic and also make their awareness decrease so that in the end they think that gambling is really worthy of being a place to search for money. income, and this is why many often do various actions blindly, namely because they want to win like before, but what they don't understand is that the percentage of wins is always much smaller than losses and because of this most gamblers always prefer losing more often than winning.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: bering on July 21, 2024, 07:19:15 PM
In some cases there are people who can be called as beginner luck because when they first time to gamble these kind of people had experience to gets huge winning several times and this makes them to starting to thinking they can gets easy money from gamble so they want to make gambling as their source of income and when these people were lost they didn't care about that because they still expect and very sure they will win and still continue to gamble especially they curious want to recoved their loses and usually they do this over and over again without realizing they have gambled too much and eventually these people has became an addicted so in my opinion what makes gamblers becomes addicted is because they do not have good self control when they win at gambling and start thinking that winning from gambling can happen in the long run

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Cookdata on July 21, 2024, 07:26:48 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I think addiction goes two ways, you can like a food and it becomes your favorite and a time might even come that you might not be able to do if you have not eaten that food. That example is too far, some people can't do without eating cookies a day or even chocolate. Eating chocolate isn't the problem, there are people that will eat as much as they like and wouldn't develop any effect from it and there people that constantly eating it will put their life in danger and they might not still stop eating, this can be related to gambling addiction

There are people that are addicted to gambling and a are making money like it's their birth right to win money from he casino and there are people that loss money most often and yet that doesn't stop them from gambling and they don't mind if they should go extra length to borrow money to do it. These are the people I think are suffering from gambling loss and usually become even more addicted as they will want to recoup all their money.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: darkangel11 on July 21, 2024, 07:29:36 PM
IMO only losing will only make you depressed. What makes people addicted is that right amount of losing and wining. Enough to keep them sane and playing, but also enough to never allow them to get rich. The best gambler is a gambler who is slightly in profit so he can continue playing and considers the casino he plays at to be lucky. That kind of player brings profit to the casino in the long run without even noticing. Addicts are the ones who play for a long time, not the ones that win or lose a lot of money and go away.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: khiholangkang on July 21, 2024, 07:36:09 PM
Both. When you are winning, you think you can do it continuously, which is not true because after winning, here comes a loss. When you are losing, you keep thinking you can win it back, which is also not true because it will continue to fall until your bankroll is gone. The same cycle will happen every time you play. The more you play, the more you get addicted without realizing that it's hard to quit with those losses you've accumulated.

Why do people like to gamble, even addicted to gambling? Most of the answers are because of joy, money, or stimulation. Winners for fun, losers for money and stimulation.
If they win, Of course that person is not a gambling addict. Do you know the definition of gambling addiction? It is impossible for a winner in gambling to be an addict. Because winners always have a strong stance in gambling, they know how to play in the right place and stop at the right time.
As for those who lose, the more they lose, the more bitter they become. The more they lose, the more they want to continue playing, and have to play even bigger to get back what they lost. Even when they lose everything, they still desire to "burn themselves" into gambling pits day and night. The circle of addiction keeps spinning, with no end in sight.

I think that's not right, the fact is that someone can want to win back after winning the previous time, regarding addiction it doesn't only happen to those who lose, it's those who win who are more vulnerable, because like what you said that the stimulus of money is obtained after getting a win, do you think that when doubling money at odds of 2.0 matches with just a matter of minutes, for example you put $100 and return to $200 when your bet wins, and in the game of luck you can win even up to $1000 in a matter of minutes, surely tomorrow you want to get back easy money like that.

I once saw a person who lost to gambling, and for the third time he did not get a win, which finally he gave up and no longer played gambling, then I asked, why not gamble again when you have spent a lot of money before, he said he did not have luck in gambling and it was very boring for him.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: bakasabo on July 21, 2024, 07:40:42 PM
In most caes, it's the sense of winning in gambling that makes a person get addicted to gambling.
Everyone likes to win and so some people go to any extent just so that they can win.

That is very true. When a person wins, he always wants to extent that victorious feeling, but nobody wants to extent a feeling of a loss. Those who lose, just want to get back what they have lost, this is where their gambling career should end. A positive feeling stimulate gamblers to return again and again. In fact, when person runs out of money, his game ends, and he no longer can continue, continue his addiction.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Accardo on July 21, 2024, 08:11:50 PM
Sometimes it just for a gambler to figure out the best way he can gamble so that he won't become addicted to it. From my opinion, gamble is fun and it could harm any gambler that doesn't understand its purpose of gambling. Sometimes too, we don't have to put it in mind that gamble can make us become rich or poor.
I also quite agree with your opinion on this one because if someone who is gambling remembers how rich or poor he is after gambling, of course he will not be able to enjoy gambling and will not be able to focus while gambling. That is why everyone should enjoy gambling properly and there is no need to become addicted to gambling when you have lost, because losing when gambling is normal and does not need to be thought about repeatedly so that it can cause stress in our own minds.

Interestingly, these underlying problems with gamblers paying much attention to losses and wins, gradually turns into a bigger trouble, as they ponder over it. Prediction games are thoroughly straightforward; win or loss. Players who can't forgo those resulting outcomes actually hit distractions. Alternatively, focusing on the game analysis and making selectively accurate predictions diminishes the distress most players pass through due to the unnecessary win or loss thoughts. Such attitude are classified as uncalled for, it doesn't help, but cause harm to a player's mental health. Understanding addiction is beyond mere thoughts of who wins or lose. Players must elevate their focus in all ramifications most importantly their mental health.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: DaNNy001 on July 21, 2024, 08:58:23 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both factors can make a gambler addicted, in the aspect of winning I always say that greed fuels the addiction, cause the more you win
The more you want to keep trying and once you have this mindset you will be trapped in the loop of making a lot of money and throwing it away
In the aspect of losing, this can also make people addicted, especially if they've won previously and made a little loss...the smartest thing to do in this case is to give it a break after losing cause if you don't you'll definitely want to start chasing your losses
Once your mind has been programmed to always chase your losses you are going to lose everything you have, it doesn't matter if you get it back, once you lose a little that feeling of always getting it back will make you throw all your money away
So in my opinion both winning and losing can make a gambler become addicted

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Blitzboy on July 21, 2024, 09:28:19 PM
True, that is a misunderstanding that has quite a fatal impact and I am sure that quite a few gamblers end up addicted because they started their involvement in gambling by carrying assumptions and thoughts like that. And of course, when a gambler carries a mindset like that, they will certainly treat their gambling activities in various ways that tend to be excessive and I am sure that this approach will definitely create a lot of mental and psychological stress.

Thinking that gambling can make them rich will certainly make them gamble with the intention and purpose of making a profit where winning will always be a priority for them, and this is a mindset and approach that will ultimately lead them to the point of true addiction where there is no neither situation is good in itself, because as you have explained, when they lose they will try to recover their losses and when they win they will apply their greed, and in the long run this approach will actually create a bigger disaster for his life.
Gambling for wealth? A loser's game. A total loser's game. I've watched that 1000 times. People get addicted, thinking they can beat the system and get rich quick. It never happens that way. The house always wins. Always.

I like winning. Everyone likes winning. Being addicted to winning is different from winning. You must know the odds. Be respectful to the game. Its about fun, not money.

Be smart when gambling. Set limits. Bet just what you can afford to lose. If it becomes more than enjoyable, leave. Winners do that. They know when to hold and fold.

All about mindset. Winners think winningly. They're willing to lose hands. The long game is their goal. They recognise that knowing when to quit can help them win.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: AliMan on July 21, 2024, 09:31:26 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Once a person was inspired from someones winning streak they'll become emotional and eagerness to win would become a desire. If there's huge amount of losing streaks also makes somebody have motivations to recover that lose but it's totally a wrong mindset. Because if we couldn't control that emotions, addictions will fall into place. It might become worst habit which ruins your financial status.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Hatchy on July 21, 2024, 09:41:22 PM
In most caes, it's the sense of winning in gambling that makes a person get addicted to gambling.
Everyone likes to win and so some people go to any extent just so that they can win.

Not just to the extent, they do all thy can to win. Gambling is a very Interesting experience. When we make our first wins gambling we have this inbuilt confidence in us that he's we are now profitable in gambling. Then gradually you start to make new plans on your next game. You find any means to make sure that your next round will also be like the last.but then when it eventually turns out bad, we just keep telling our self that we will win the next. Or the next we loss. Then it becomes the next and the one after. Unfortunately for such person he already is addicted. He won't stop even if he wins. That because he will want to get back all what he had lost.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 22, 2024, 01:18:34 AM
Gambling for wealth? A loser's game. A total loser's game. I've watched that 1000 times. People get addicted, thinking they can beat the system and get rich quick. It never happens that way. The house always wins. Always.

I like winning. Everyone likes winning. Being addicted to winning is different from winning. You must know the odds. Be respectful to the game. Its about fun, not money.

Be smart when gambling. Set limits. Bet just what you can afford to lose. If it becomes more than enjoyable, leave. Winners do that. They know when to hold and fold.

All about mindset. Winners think winningly. They're willing to lose hands. The long game is their goal. They recognise that knowing when to quit can help them win.
Gambling to get rich is the same as making us losers, because the fact that the house will always win cannot be changed. It is a definite rule that the house will always win, players will only experience losing money, even though occasionally players can win, it is very rare. People who are wise in gambling will not put in more money than they can afford, they will have limits applied, but those who gamble to get rich tend to put in more money than they can afford even though they have lost a lot of money but they still gamble. because rich thoughts are still in him.
It's true what you said, we have to be smart when gambling. because that is something that must be paid attention to in order to prevent greater losses or addiction that will trap you. Apart from that, we should gamble as best we can, don't force yourself to continue betting just because winning is uncertain. Honestly, winning is our own behavior.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: GreatArkansas on July 22, 2024, 01:46:55 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

For me, it's the combination. Because most of us don't just always lose or win.
The eager to win will make it as a factor also because you know you are profitable, that's why you still need to bet to increase your capital.
Next is the losing - where you want to make all back your losses, as long as you have money for capital, the eager you want to make it back is always there.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 22, 2024, 02:28:59 PM
True, that is a misunderstanding that has quite a fatal impact and I am sure that quite a few gamblers end up addicted because they started their involvement in gambling by carrying assumptions and thoughts like that. And of course, when a gambler carries a mindset like that, they will certainly treat their gambling activities in various ways that tend to be excessive and I am sure that this approach will definitely create a lot of mental and psychological stress.

Thinking that gambling can make them rich will certainly make them gamble with the intention and purpose of making a profit where winning will always be a priority for them, and this is a mindset and approach that will ultimately lead them to the point of true addiction where there is no neither situation is good in itself, because as you have explained, when they lose they will try to recover their losses and when they win they will apply their greed, and in the long run this approach will actually create a bigger disaster for his life.
Gambling for wealth? A loser's game. A total loser's game. I've watched that 1000 times. People get addicted, thinking they can beat the system and get rich quick. It never happens that way. The house always wins. Always.

I like winning. Everyone likes winning. Being addicted to winning is different from winning. You must know the odds. Be respectful to the game. Its about fun, not money.

Be smart when gambling. Set limits. Bet just what you can afford to lose. If it becomes more than enjoyable, leave. Winners do that. They know when to hold and fold.

All about mindset. Winners think winningly. They're willing to lose hands. The long game is their goal. They recognise that knowing when to quit can help them win.

Surprisingly, they don't think that all the games provided are developed or made by the casino itself, which means that the one who has full control is the casino itself and which also regulates every portion of the winnings for the gamblers, meaning it is impossible for you to beat the other party. build or create the game yourself.

Yes of course everyone likes winning because after all money is something we always need in life, but of course addiction is a different thing, and when someone focuses on prioritizing winning then addiction is a sure thing and I think we all have know about what kind of negative impacts will arise when someone has entered the addiction phase.

If from the start a gambler uses common sense and a rational point of view in assessing and responding to what and how gambling really is then I am sure that they will not make money or winning their main priority.

Basically I believe that the fate of a gambler in the future depends on their mindset today, or I mean depends on how they evaluate gambling from the start.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: YOSHIE on July 22, 2024, 03:27:31 PM
What makes a gambler addicted? Lose/winning?
Winning and losing, in my understanding, is not one factor that leads someone into the trap of gambling addiction, there are many aspects that cause someone to become addicted, especially in gambling, where if someone has gotten satisfaction in the game their brain will have a strong stimulus to play again, they don't care about winning or losing, they can feel individual satisfaction in gambling.

As well as environmental patterns or friends, these problems can also make someone addicted to gambling, other factors such as stress, Loneliness can also be addictive where when they come to the gambling arena they will find the opposite and other things that make them addicted apart from losing.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Blitzboy on July 22, 2024, 03:32:04 PM
Gambling for wealth? A loser's game. A total loser's game. I've watched that 1000 times. People get addicted, thinking they can beat the system and get rich quick. It never happens that way. The house always wins. Always.

I like winning. Everyone likes winning. Being addicted to winning is different from winning. You must know the odds. Be respectful to the game. Its about fun, not money.

Be smart when gambling. Set limits. Bet just what you can afford to lose. If it becomes more than enjoyable, leave. Winners do that. They know when to hold and fold.

All about mindset. Winners think winningly. They're willing to lose hands. The long game is their goal. They recognise that knowing when to quit can help them win.
Gambling to get rich is the same as making us losers, because the fact that the house will always win cannot be changed. It is a definite rule that the house will always win, players will only experience losing money, even though occasionally players can win, it is very rare. People who are wise in gambling will not put in more money than they can afford, they will have limits applied, but those who gamble to get rich tend to put in more money than they can afford even though they have lost a lot of money but they still gamble. because rich thoughts are still in him.
It's true what you said, we have to be smart when gambling. because that is something that must be paid attention to in order to prevent greater losses or addiction that will trap you. Apart from that, we should gamble as best we can, don't force yourself to continue betting just because winning is uncertain. Honestly, winning is our own behavior.
People, gambling as a get-rich-quick plan is simply fiction. That is a game for losers. The house always comes out ahead. always. Its arithmetic; it is not luck. From the time you enter a casino or place a wager online, the odds are stacked against you.

I have a good time. Not incorrect here. You have to be clever about it though. Not an investment, gambling is entertainment. Establish a boundary, keep to it, and know when to go. You're deceiving yourself if you believe you'll outperform the house. You are acting exactly in their hands.

Those that grasp this are the actual winners. They manage their money, not the other way around. Their gambling is more for the excitement of the game than for the prospect of wealth. That is the wise approach of playing. That is the Trump approach of playing. Its not about winning or losing. Its about knowledge of your limitations, discipline, and self-control. True power resides there.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Zigabel on July 22, 2024, 03:46:48 PM
For me, it's the combination. Because most of us don't just always lose or win.
The eager to win will make it as a factor also because you know you are profitable, that's why you still need to bet to increase your capital.
Next is the losing - where you want to make all back your losses, as long as you have money for capital, the eager you want to make it back is always there.
Just like you have said, both really do have a way to affect the way a gambler is really going to get addicted to the habit or if it will rather make you be a better gambler or even quit totally but then you may not relay get to quit especially when addiction is about setting in as a gambler. Trying really hard to increase your capital to help increase your chances and probably get on with higher stakes can really be messy with the mind because that may increase your propensity to wanting to may be lose and get addicted chasing looses.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Mr.right85 on July 22, 2024, 03:51:49 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

For me, it's the combination.
If am to scale it, I’ll say winning.

Your more likely to gamble even more when you win. You play the game because you hope to win and be entertained. I get the part we’re some gamblers get to chase there lose but, should you be able to over come that, the winning becomes a more driving force to gamble since, you’ve evolved such a gambling habit that gives you a high winning tendency.

Little wonder why some people take gambling for a profession. These are the real gamblers. These are the persons you can call addicts to the game. It’s what they live to do and before you get to this stage in gambling, you must have made some wins and know your way around several gambling markets, seasons to virtual games and real games.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: erep on July 22, 2024, 04:01:31 PM
Just like you have said, both really do have a way to affect the way a gambler is really going to get addicted to the habit or if it will rather make you be a better gambler or even quit totally but then you may not relay get to quit especially when addiction is about setting in as a gambler. Trying really hard to increase your capital to help increase your chances and probably get on with higher stakes can really be messy with the mind because that may increase your propensity to wanting to may be lose and get addicted chasing looses.
The gambling addiction factor is caused by gambling without capital limits and excessive desire to win or they want to recover their losses. If we can avoid these three behaviors in gambling then they will not be addicted and they can still control themselves to avoid high losses. If you don't agree that gambling is entertainment then don't let your gambling addiction take over your self-control, the risks of gambling are very varied and can affect psychological disorders, mental health and stress. So avoid any actions that can influence someone to become addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: tread93 on July 22, 2024, 08:50:08 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I suppose both can make you addicted. You lose and lose and lose you think eventually you have to win so you keep on going. Then you win win win and keep playing like you’ll never lose. I feel like it’s easy for anyone to get addicted to this sort of thing jt all comes down to self control.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: rachael9385 on July 22, 2024, 09:13:08 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I suppose both can make you addicted. You lose and lose and lose you think eventually you have to win so you keep on going. Then you win win win and keep playing like you’ll never lose. I feel like it’s easy for anyone to get addicted to this sort of thing jt all comes down to self control.
However, it's simple as ABC because winning and losing are things that makes a gambler to become addicted to gamble. If the gambler is winning he will likely get freed and think of winning more money and forgets that he might lose those money he won. And if he's losing, he will start thinking that he might win the next round which is not even guaranteed. So in this case, both winning and losing can also make a gambler becomes addictive to gamble. And lastly, it also depends on the kind of person the gambler is.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: I_Anime on July 22, 2024, 09:14:25 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I suppose both can make you addicted. You lose and lose and lose you think eventually you have to win so you keep on going. Then you win win win and keep playing like you’ll never lose. I feel like it’s easy for anyone to get addicted to this sort of thing jt all comes down to self control.

That's just it . Self-control play a vital role in gambling because greed can come in anytime either when you are winning or losing, especially when you are losing , because when one is is losing he or she easily loss self control which will lead to them making rash decision, and when one is winning , greed of wanting more always come locking at the door , but with better self-control he or she can literally overcome such urge.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Mahanton on July 22, 2024, 09:39:31 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Both situations on which i could say.

When you are winning- then you would really be having that kind of urge on playing more because the primary thing that comes up into your mind is on the time or moment that you are on such state or winning condition
then you would really be that definitely be having that consideration to play even more because that kind of adrenaline rush that would really be able to felt out on which you would really be telling into yourself that
you might be able to win up even more if you do further continue. This is the moment or time that your emotion and your mind will really be getting in line in terms of the things that they will really be wanting to do.
Plus we do know that human being is naturally greedy in terms of money on which on the moment that you've seen those opportunities or chances then you would really be diving in.

When you are losing- Then this is the time or moment you would really be thriving yourself on trying to cope up with those loses on which you would really be trying to get those loses back
or would be trying to break even.On the moment or time that you do find yourself on such chasing up situation then it will really be just that making the situation even more worst.
This is why you should really be mindful and careful with your actions.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Nwada001 on July 22, 2024, 10:54:30 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I suppose both can make you addicted. You lose and lose and lose you think eventually you have to win so you keep on going. Then you win win win and keep playing like you’ll never lose. I feel like it’s easy for anyone to get addicted to this sort of thing jt all comes down to self control.
Exactly. If you have self-control, then addiction can be overcome, but if you're easily lost, then every little thing can get you lost, and the person will easily get addicted. 
It's not always about how he plays, what type of game he plays, or if the person wins or loses. No matter what they do, once they start gaining pleasure and a high desire for it, the addiction will come, and their blindness to how they will consider it something they do for fun won't allow them to see it.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: junder on July 23, 2024, 07:54:11 AM
Exactly. If you have self-control, then addiction can be overcome, but if you're easily lost, then every little thing can get you lost, and the person will easily get addicted. 
It's not always about how he plays, what type of game he plays, or if the person wins or loses. No matter what they do, once they start gaining pleasure and a high desire for it, the addiction will come, and their blindness to how they will consider it something they do for fun won't allow them to see it.
Having self-control when gambling is indeed something that must be taken into consideration, because they don't have self-control, I think it's because they respond wrongly to gambling, where their perception of gambling is that they assume that they can make money gambling with certainty, while winning is not certain. . If there is good self-control, it is impossible for there to be wrong thoughts in gambling, including perceptions of the purpose of the gambling carried out.

The impact of this lack of self-control is very complicated, because addiction will occur. We need to look at our own abilities, because even though the goal is to have fun, sometimes there are strong temptations that make us shake our self-control. This is where the importance of having good perception, persisting consistently with positive thoughts. We must be able to continue to maintain the self-control that we already have and must be able to continue to hone it to become even better.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 23, 2024, 07:58:03 AM
I would  say that both winning and Lossing have a unique way of influencing a gambler to become addicted, you have really made good points and I completely agree with you, I can remember winning a bet at my first time, it gave me more confidence to know that winning is possible thou i lost too on that very day one but i went home to come back the next with so much emotions of coming back to win back my lost money as a beginner not knowing that am hurting myself emotional because i was chasing losses and i lost even more, i went for a break for some time before attenting to gamble again. I usually gamble on football betting but now am better after understanding few gambling ethics which shouldn't be ignored.
What you need to remember is that gambling has a strong attraction, so when you lose or win, the temptation and attraction will be there and after that it depends on what the players are like, if they can't control themselves then they could be attracted to gambling again and do gambling. something else that shouldn't be done. The first win we get usually makes us more confident, but it must be noted that being too confident when gambling is not a good thing because it can lead us to losses because excessive self-confidence makes it possible to ignore losses that occur and make We are still confident that we can win by continuing gambling again.
There are many things that must be considered carefully to avoid undesirable things such as addiction and financial losses. Taking a break when you lose is a pretty good choice, because it has to be like that, the aim in my opinion is to calm the emotions that might be provoked if you continue to gamble non-stop because the losses that occur are not acceptable.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: ethereumhunter on July 23, 2024, 08:36:14 AM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I suppose both can make you addicted. You lose and lose and lose you think eventually you have to win so you keep on going. Then you win win win and keep playing like you’ll never lose. I feel like it’s easy for anyone to get addicted to this sort of thing jt all comes down to self control.
Exactly. If you have self-control, then addiction can be overcome, but if you're easily lost, then every little thing can get you lost, and the person will easily get addicted. 
It's not always about how he plays, what type of game he plays, or if the person wins or loses. No matter what they do, once they start gaining pleasure and a high desire for it, the addiction will come, and their blindness to how they will consider it something they do for fun won't allow them to see it.
Both can be a trigger for someone becomes addicted to gambling and that person will not know if he become gambling addiction. The more you playing gambling, the more chances you can gets gambling addiction without you realizes. The thing you can do is always use limitation, have self control, not have a will to wins more or recover your lost money. You playing gambling because you want to spend your spare time in gambling so you don't have any intention to achieve anything in gambling.

Gamblers can becomes addicted to gambling easily but they have their chance to avoids the gambling addiction. Many people already become addicted to gambling but you can avoid that for your own good by using many things that will helps you to stay away from the gambling addiction.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: dezoel on July 23, 2024, 09:41:55 AM
To become addicted to gambling there are a few factors that trigger addictions in any person because it requires a long period of negative trends and mentality to develop addiction viruses in a person, in gambling one of the primary and most popular ways to get addicted is by being a greedy gambler, by the time you no longer gamble for fun and now gambling because you want to make profits or recover from your previous loses you have higher tendency to become addicted.

As far as you can remain decipline and follow your set principles, you can easily avoid becoming addicted, so I say greed is the primary cause of addiction in gambling.
Yeah, greed is probably on the top of the list of things that make a person addicted to gambling because it's greed that makes you gamble more and more, it's the hope of winning something significant that makes you spend a lot of money on your gambling activities, and it's greed that makes a person want to have a win repeated even if it's not possible in gambling since the results cannot be as per our hopes and wishes but they are based on our luck.

Many people get into gambling without the intention of spending a lot of money on it, they think they will gamble for just a little bit and then stop, but what happens is they eventually become addicted to gambling because they win some money at the beginning and then they want to have the same results again, so they gamble more and more.

When that happens to a person, they can't control the urge after that, and it becomes difficult for them to keep themselves away from gambling. Even if they lose after that, the first win will have their minds covered.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: knowngunman on July 23, 2024, 10:12:21 AM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Losing or winning can actually be a reason for someone's addiction but there are so many factors that contribute to addiction. All of us here would have been an addict because we've experienced both winning and losing before. In spite of all other factors, it revolve around lack of self control.

Some people become addicted by chasing their lose in order to recover lost money while others become addicted for the win and think it will always be in their favor. To some, society or peer group influence them while others are addicted because of the availability and easier access to gambling.

Self control is a weapon to overcome all of these factors and maintain a good gambling habit. Exposing one's self to other things than sitting idle is the first step to start with.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fredomago on July 23, 2024, 12:47:35 PM
I would  say that both winning and Lossing have a unique way of influencing a gambler to become addicted, you have really made good points and I completely agree with you, I can remember winning a bet at my first time, it gave me more confidence to know that winning is possible thou i lost too on that very day one but i went home to come back the next with so much emotions of coming back to win back my lost money as a beginner not knowing that am hurting myself emotional because i was chasing losses and i lost even more, i went for a break for some time before attenting to gamble again. I usually gamble on football betting but now am better after understanding few gambling ethics which shouldn't be ignored.
What you need to remember is that gambling has a strong attraction, so when you lose or win, the temptation and attraction will be there and after that it depends on what the players are like, if they can't control themselves then they could be attracted to gambling again and do gambling. something else that shouldn't be done. The first win we get usually makes us more confident, but it must be noted that being too confident when gambling is not a good thing because it can lead us to losses because excessive self-confidence makes it possible to ignore losses that occur and make We are still confident that we can win by continuing gambling again.
There are many things that must be considered carefully to avoid undesirable things such as addiction and financial losses. Taking a break when you lose is a pretty good choice, because it has to be like that, the aim in my opinion is to calm the emotions that might be provoked if you continue to gamble non-stop because the losses that occur are not acceptable.

Yeah that attracts emotions and if the gambler unable to handle that feelings then he might bring his focus in it and that's where addiction will start conquering his mindset, and same with your sentiment both side either win or lose you'll push yourself forward to please that feeling and desire inside you, addiction begins when you unable to control your emotions, you'll put everything at stake jsut to keep yourself in and there's nothing that can hold you aside from your own decision and the resources that you have those are factors that affects things when you already attached and become addicted.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Altryist on July 23, 2024, 01:49:00 PM
The gambling addiction factor is caused by gambling without capital limits and excessive desire to win or they want to recover their losses. If we can avoid these three behaviors in gambling then they will not be addicted and they can still control themselves to avoid high losses. If you don't agree that gambling is entertainment then don't let your gambling addiction take over your self-control, the risks of gambling are very varied and can affect psychological disorders, mental health and stress. So avoid any actions that can influence someone to become addicted to gambling.
The development of addiction to gambling, it seems to me that this is a long process, but you are right that gambling can influence mental aspects, even bets on not very large amounts, which will often lead to losses, can influence a person’s mood and his environment. Therefore, gambling is not suitable for everyone, and before you get carried away with it, you need to understand how you can perceive it. This is a difficult moment with which not everyone can be frank, but in the end it will be obvious, the only question is how quickly the player can admit it to himself.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Gheka on July 23, 2024, 01:58:53 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

Losing or winning can actually be a reason for someone's addiction but there are so many factors that contribute to addiction. All of us here would have been an addict because we've experienced both winning and losing before. In spite of all other factors, it revolve around lack of self control.

Some people become addicted by chasing their lose in order to recover lost money while others become addicted for the win and think it will always be in their favor. To some, society or peer group influence them while others are addicted because of the availability and easier access to gambling.

Self control is a weapon to overcome all of these factors and maintain a good gambling habit. Exposing one's self to other things than sitting idle is the first step to start with.
Looking objectively, it is a circle without an end that gamblers create, why is there only winning and losing while there are other shortcuts and turns that exist? Gamblers have set their own limits with two fixed options and the limitation is in the mind like that, once we lose, we will try to turn around to win and vice versa, it can be said that gamblers are almost immortal in this dimension. One day, the dimension was broken by a little glitch, people returned to reality but everything was too unfamiliar to the gambler and once again, the gambler returns to the dimension they tried to escape

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 23, 2024, 05:02:35 PM
So far I remain convinced that one of the biggest triggers for addiction is winning. Logically, everyone likes winning or getting money and everyone certainly doesn't like losing money. And as we know, winning is a situation which can trigger an increase in dopamine levels in the brain which often leads a gambler to various impulsive actions such as applying greed due to decreased awareness due to being carried away by a very exciting win.

This means that winning is a situation that can cause an increase in a gambler's interest, confidence and hope in winning, which in the end they are unconsciously addicted to. And regarding defeat, I see many people here who say that defeat can also be a trigger for addiction, yes maybe that's true, but I think that's not quite right, because logically the situation of defeat is more directed at a person's emotions, no one hopes to always experience defeat, and the meaning of addiction is "addiction to something", and I think it is very correct to say that it is "victory".

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: cryptoWODL on July 23, 2024, 05:04:11 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I myself saw a gambling addict who was a grocer by profession. Despite his profession, he over-addicted himself to gambling which led to his initial debt and he was struggling to support the family. On that day he borrows money again and starts gambling again with that money but luckily he wins his gambling game and even gets the total amount. After he got a lot of money he paid off all the money he owed and now he's very independent maybe he was lucky with gambling money only.

Whenever I hear people say it, I ask myself how people get so much money together and even win in gambling. Because I could never win at gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 24, 2024, 04:28:31 AM
What you need to remember is that gambling has a strong attraction, so when you lose or win, the temptation and attraction will be there and after that it depends on what the players are like, if they can't control themselves then they could be attracted to gambling again and do gambling. something else that shouldn't be done. The first win we get usually makes us more confident, but it must be noted that being too confident when gambling is not a good thing because it can lead us to losses because excessive self-confidence makes it possible to ignore losses that occur and make We are still confident that we can win by continuing gambling again.
There are many things that must be considered carefully to avoid undesirable things such as addiction and financial losses. Taking a break when you lose is a pretty good choice, because it has to be like that, the aim in my opinion is to calm the emotions that might be provoked if you continue to gamble non-stop because the losses that occur are not acceptable.

Yeah that attracts emotions and if the gambler unable to handle that feelings then he might bring his focus in it and that's where addiction will start conquering his mindset, and same with your sentiment both side either win or lose you'll push yourself forward to please that feeling and desire inside you, addiction begins when you unable to control your emotions, you'll put everything at stake jsut to keep yourself in and there's nothing that can hold you aside from your own decision and the resources that you have those are factors that affects things when you already attached and become addicted.
Indeed, they become addicted to it because their thoughts are too carried away by the atmosphere of gambling, one of which is that they only think about winning, they are too obsessed with winning at gambling which they think they can get for sure. The feeling of wanting to win in their thoughts leads them to continue gambling, whereas their feelings only follow their thoughts. It's not surprising that many people are addicted and experience losses because the uncertainty of winning makes their emotions overflow.
It's true what you said, when they are addicted, they can risk everything they have, including the assets and property they own, some even have debts just because they want to gamble again when they have experienced defeat and make them lose all the money they have. It is very difficult when you are addicted to be able to minimize the risks, because when you are addicted they tend to insist on doing risky things because they are driven by their thinking which only wants to win. even when addicted it may be difficult to find a way to cure it if not from yourself.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: junder on July 24, 2024, 04:54:46 AM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I myself saw a gambling addict who was a grocer by profession. Despite his profession, he over-addicted himself to gambling which led to his initial debt and he was struggling to support the family. On that day he borrows money again and starts gambling again with that money but luckily he wins his gambling game and even gets the total amount. After he got a lot of money he paid off all the money he owed and now he's very independent maybe he was lucky with gambling money only.

Whenever I hear people say it, I ask myself how people get so much money together and even win in gambling. Because I could never win at gambling.
Anyone can become addicted to gambling and it happens because their thinking may be wrong. I say this because of the experience where I experienced as you described by experiencing addiction and finally having debt and succeeded in turning things around because of the winnings obtained with an amount that was many times the capital that had been lost. This happens because our minds are full of only thinking about winning, even though we have experienced defeat, we still think we can win at the next gambling game, so even though we have run out of money, we use other ways to make money and bet again, one of which is borrowing money and betting again. That's because there is an acute urge to win that cannot be eliminated.

with those of you who have never won big or earned a lot of money, I hope you can control yourself by not only thinking about winning, because thinking like that will lead you to misery. I have learned from experience and there is no harm in sharing experiences that might be used as an example not to gamble blindly, also with the experience that has happened I am now not really chasing wins, gambling on a limited basis is what I do now.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fredomago on July 24, 2024, 01:09:30 PM

Indeed, they become addicted to it because their thoughts are too carried away by the atmosphere of gambling, one of which is that they only think about winning, they are too obsessed with winning at gambling which they think they can get for sure. The feeling of wanting to win in their thoughts leads them to continue gambling, whereas their feelings only follow their thoughts. It's not surprising that many people are addicted and experience losses because the uncertainty of winning makes their emotions overflow.
It's true what you said, when they are addicted, they can risk everything they have, including the assets and property they own, some even have debts just because they want to gamble again when they have experienced defeat and make them lose all the money they have. It is very difficult when you are addicted to be able to minimize the risks, because when you are addicted they tend to insist on doing risky things because they are driven by their thinking which only wants to win. even when addicted it may be difficult to find a way to cure it if not from yourself.

Which the main goal of most of those gamblers if not all, can exempt those who treat as source of entertainment though for sure it's more entertaining if they win, moving forward, that obsessions really leads them to keep playing either they are in the winning or in the losing side they just keeps adding the urge since they are feeling that kind of adrenaline rush to keep betting and not to messed up with their opportunities to win.

I see the point where being out of control can send you over into a deeper addictions, which really making it hard to adjust and to escape from keep asking for more.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: slapper on July 24, 2024, 04:46:27 PM
Anyone can become addicted to gambling and it happens because their thinking may be wrong. I say this because of the experience where I experienced as you described by experiencing addiction and finally having debt and succeeded in turning things around because of the winnings obtained with an amount that was many times the capital that had been lost. This happens because our minds are full of only thinking about winning, even though we have experienced defeat, we still think we can win at the next gambling game, so even though we have run out of money, we use other ways to make money and bet again, one of which is borrowing money and betting again. That's because there is an acute urge to win that cannot be eliminated.

with those of you who have never won big or earned a lot of money, I hope you can control yourself by not only thinking about winning, because thinking like that will lead you to misery. I have learned from experience and there is no harm in sharing experiences that might be used as an example not to gamble blindly, also with the experience that has happened I am now not really chasing wins, gambling on a limited basis is what I do now.
Even if it hurts, we are driven to follow that high. Our minds seem to be designed to fade. And that's a risky game, man, particularly if you're waggering more than just money. You are risking everything in your whole damned life. Good for you; you're dabbling now rather than jumping headfirst. Still, that represents only the top of the iceberg. You have to go deep, guy, figure out why you need this rush. Is it more about winning than about anything else? Though it may also be a tool of self-destruction, gambling can be entertaining. Let it not blow your life, your relationships, your pleasure. Be sincere with yourself, guy; then, grab control

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: pawanjain on July 24, 2024, 05:06:41 PM
In most caes, it's the sense of winning in gambling that makes a person get addicted to gambling.
Everyone likes to win and so some people go to any extent just so that they can win.

Not just to the extent, they do all thy can to win. Gambling is a very Interesting experience. When we make our first wins gambling we have this inbuilt confidence in us that he's we are now profitable in gambling. Then gradually you start to make new plans on your next game. You find any means to make sure that your next round will also be like the last.but then when it eventually turns out bad, we just keep telling our self that we will win the next. Or the next we loss. Then it becomes the next and the one after. Unfortunately for such person he already is addicted. He won't stop even if he wins. That because he will want to get back all what he had lost.

The first thing is that gambling is easy whether we win money in it or lose.
So when people win easy money they get addicted of doing it again and again.
When they lose money they get into chasing loses and since that process is easy they keep repeating it.
They don't realize how easily they are losing their money and hence they end up losing it all.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: junder on July 25, 2024, 01:41:33 AM
Anyone can become addicted to gambling and it happens because their thinking may be wrong. I say this because of the experience where I experienced as you described by experiencing addiction and finally having debt and succeeded in turning things around because of the winnings obtained with an amount that was many times the capital that had been lost. This happens because our minds are full of only thinking about winning, even though we have experienced defeat, we still think we can win at the next gambling game, so even though we have run out of money, we use other ways to make money and bet again, one of which is borrowing money and betting again. That's because there is an acute urge to win that cannot be eliminated.

with those of you who have never won big or earned a lot of money, I hope you can control yourself by not only thinking about winning, because thinking like that will lead you to misery. I have learned from experience and there is no harm in sharing experiences that might be used as an example not to gamble blindly, also with the experience that has happened I am now not really chasing wins, gambling on a limited basis is what I do now.
Even if it hurts, we are driven to follow that high. Our minds seem to be designed to fade. And that's a risky game, man, particularly if you're waggering more than just money. You are risking everything in your whole damned life. Good for you; you're dabbling now rather than jumping headfirst. Still, that represents only the top of the iceberg. You have to go deep, guy, figure out why you need this rush. Is it more about winning than about anything else? Though it may also be a tool of self-destruction, gambling can be entertaining. Let it not blow your life, your relationships, your pleasure. Be sincere with yourself, guy; then, grab control
Gambling is clearly a risky thing, therefore as much as possible we must be able to do it with awareness and set limits whose aim is to prevent addiction which can harm us financially or mentally. with the absence of limits and awareness, players tend to make big risky decisions such as risking everything including their savings, of course this would not happen if there was awareness and limits set so I think everyone when they get to know gambling already knows that it is something that at risk, they just need to correct their wrong thinking.

Of course, gambling is not just about winning or losing, it involves thinking that can determine the future. Apart from that, survival is determined by what kind of gambling is done, if someone is only full of thinking about winning, then that is a wrong start and can make them addicted. What you say is correct, gambling is entertainment, therefore we have to do it in moderation, do it within limits so that it doesn't destroy our lives in the future.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 25, 2024, 02:12:40 AM
Which the main goal of most of those gamblers if not all, can exempt those who treat as source of entertainment though for sure it's more entertaining if they win, moving forward, that obsessions really leads them to keep playing either they are in the winning or in the losing side they just keeps adding the urge since they are feeling that kind of adrenaline rush to keep betting and not to messed up with their opportunities to win.

I see the point where being out of control can send you over into a deeper addictions, which really making it hard to adjust and to escape from keep asking for more.
They will of course get a sense of entertainment if they can gamble, in fact, in their view, it is nothing more than entertainment. and of course the aim of the gambling carried out is not all the same, it's just that perhaps more of them are those who aim to make money, whereas with such a goal it is possible to make them more disappointed when the results that occur do not match expectations with the aim being to make money, however The result that occurs and is obtained is that defeat tends to make their emotions provoked.
If they think too much about winning or only think about winning, of course it will be difficult for them to stop, because their adrenaline is provoked to continue gambling because there is victory waiting for them on their minds. However, this needs to be addressed because it is impossible for them to continue playing so that they can win for sure. there are many triggers that make wrong feelings happen and make them take wrong decisions and lead to addiction.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fredomago on July 25, 2024, 12:15:19 PM
Which the main goal of most of those gamblers if not all, can exempt those who treat as source of entertainment though for sure it's more entertaining if they win, moving forward, that obsessions really leads them to keep playing either they are in the winning or in the losing side they just keeps adding the urge since they are feeling that kind of adrenaline rush to keep betting and not to messed up with their opportunities to win.

I see the point where being out of control can send you over into a deeper addictions, which really making it hard to adjust and to escape from keep asking for more.
They will of course get a sense of entertainment if they can gamble, in fact, in their view, it is nothing more than entertainment. and of course the aim of the gambling carried out is not all the same, it's just that perhaps more of them are those who aim to make money, whereas with such a goal it is possible to make them more disappointed when the results that occur do not match expectations with the aim being to make money, however The result that occurs and is obtained is that defeat tends to make their emotions provoked.
If they think too much about winning or only think about winning, of course it will be difficult for them to stop, because their adrenaline is provoked to continue gambling because there is victory waiting for them on their minds. However, this needs to be addressed because it is impossible for them to continue playing so that they can win for sure. there are many triggers that make wrong feelings happen and make them take wrong decisions and lead to addiction.

Indeed, there's more pressure when you lose as inside gambler's mind there's always hope that once you try again luck might trigger and allow you to recover, it's just a repeated actions that will give you that urge to keep bringing yourself in and try betting in each sessions that you'll have that chance to make money, I guess the fun always been replace by greed as intention to make more keeps you getting excited and let your feelings unable to control yourself and always push forward to try making things happened.
Gambling though can also excite you when you are winning that kind of experienced also attracts more attention and the chance that getting addicted is also possible.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: hyudien on July 26, 2024, 06:21:21 AM
They will of course get a sense of entertainment if they can gamble, in fact, in their view, it is nothing more than entertainment. and of course the aim of the gambling carried out is not all the same, it's just that perhaps more of them are those who aim to make money, whereas with such a goal it is possible to make them more disappointed when the results that occur do not match expectations with the aim being to make money, however The result that occurs and is obtained is that defeat tends to make their emotions provoked.
If they think too much about winning or only think about winning, of course it will be difficult for them to stop, because their adrenaline is provoked to continue gambling because there is victory waiting for them on their minds. However, this needs to be addressed because it is impossible for them to continue playing so that they can win for sure. there are many triggers that make wrong feelings happen and make them take wrong decisions and lead to addiction.

Indeed, there's more pressure when you lose as inside gambler's mind there's always hope that once you try again luck might trigger and allow you to recover, it's just a repeated actions that will give you that urge to keep bringing yourself in and try betting in each sessions that you'll have that chance to make money, I guess the fun always been replace by greed as intention to make more keeps you getting excited and let your feelings unable to control yourself and always push forward to try making things happened.
Gambling though can also excite you when you are winning that kind of experienced also attracts more attention and the chance that getting addicted is also possible.
If the purpose of gambling is only for entertainment, maybe the pressure will not be a problem because the thought of aiming for victory is what creates pressure and makes us want to continue gambling or indeed want to recover losses. what you said is true, the possibility of pleasure will be replaced by greed when gambling is indeed done with the aim of making money. the urge that will arise to continue to force oneself to gamble will occur with the thought of gambling to make money.
losing or winning is the same, it can draw us deeper into gambling if the goal is wrong, so what makes us addicted is our own thoughts and behavior if we look at losing and winning I don't think it has a big effect if the thought and purpose of gambling itself is indeed only for entertainment. saying that victory can be more interesting makes sense because the victory that has been obtained can make us think that we can still produce even greater victories and of course that will make us gamble longer.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Zigabel on July 26, 2024, 09:01:55 AM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

If I'm to give a straight answer, I will just say greed is what get some gamblers addicted. If one can get their greed in check they will be able to get their addictive tendencies in check too such that they are not only going to reduce it but may not even get to that point in the nearest future. Winning or loosing isn't supposed to make gamblers addicted these are mere effects of gambling so following up with them in any extreme gets you addicted.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Silberman on July 27, 2024, 07:17:33 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

If I'm to give a straight answer, I will just say greed is what get some gamblers addicted. If one can get their greed in check they will be able to get their addictive tendencies in check too such that they are not only going to reduce it but may not even get to that point in the nearest future. Winning or loosing isn't supposed to make gamblers addicted these are mere effects of gambling so following up with them in any extreme gets you addicted.
The games themselves are geared to get people to play as much as possible, which should not be surprising as everything is geared to try to increase the consumption of their products, it is just that when it comes to casinos, they have mastered this to the point many other businesses can only dream about, but it is precisely because of this that we need to be very careful when we gamble, as just a few mistakes on our part could be enough to cause a long term addiction that will be very difficult to overcome.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Stable090 on July 27, 2024, 07:41:40 PM
So far I remain convinced that one of the biggest triggers for addiction is winning. Logically, everyone likes winning or getting money and everyone certainly doesn't like losing money.
I have seen some gamblers in my locality, they haven’t won any reasonable amount of money from gambling, and they are already addicted to gambling. Most of them are pushed to keep on gambling just because of the stories they hear, they see people around them winning, which is always motivating them to keep on gambling, hoping they are going to hit a jackpot if they don’t give up. Also addicted gamblers do motivate each other not to give up because their time to hit a jackpot might be close.
So I won’t really say it’s only winning that makes people addicted to gambling, but it’s both. Just that if you have won some good amount of money before, then you will find it very difficult to get back to your right senses, but if you haven’t won any good money, you will find it kind of easy.
But the best thing is to just try to stay away from addiction, make sure you understand what gambling is all about before joining, avoid having the mindset of making money from gambling, just gamble for fun, and that’s all. If you are looking for a way to make money, then get yourself a job and work.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on July 27, 2024, 07:44:37 PM
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

I can say that just as gambling have become very common this days, and with the use of smartphone and an internet connection, one could be able to gamble anytime at anywhere around the world. So when it comes to what makes a gambler gets addicted, I will say they are as follows;
1. Easy Accessibility: This is when a person due to easy access to gamble from phone tends to keep on gambling always and as such, may lose control and gets addicted.

2. Unemployment/Poverty: This is another reason likely to make people get addicted to gambling, because when a person is unemployed and poor they tend to look up to gambling as the only means to get them out of poverty if they are lucky to win a jackpot. And when a jackpot tends not to come, they keep gambling more, with the mindset they will someday win that life changing jackpot.

So these are the two reasons I was able to remember today.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: bangjoe on July 27, 2024, 08:30:10 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

If I'm to give a straight answer, I will just say greed is what get some gamblers addicted. If one can get their greed in check they will be able to get their addictive tendencies in check too such that they are not only going to reduce it but may not even get to that point in the nearest future. Winning or loosing isn't supposed to make gamblers addicted these are mere effects of gambling so following up with them in any extreme gets you addicted.
I think winning and losing is one of the main factors why someone can be addicted or can have a greedy nature over gambling, because if the opinion is reversed, it is impossible for a gambler to be greedy to lose, right? Then the greed comes when having a win, when having money earned from gambling and thinking about getting more money from gambling and that's what makes someone addicted to gambling.

The correlation is very clear that people who have big wins always want to get big things from gambling, and that causes gambling, greed occurs because they have won, not experienced defeat.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Mate2237 on July 27, 2024, 08:44:00 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

If I'm to give a straight answer, I will just say greed is what get some gamblers addicted. If one can get their greed in check they will be able to get their addictive tendencies in check too such that they are not only going to reduce it but may not even get to that point in the nearest future. Winning or loosing isn't supposed to make gamblers addicted these are mere effects of gambling so following up with them in any extreme gets you addicted.
I think winning and losing is one of the main factors why someone can be addicted or can have a greedy nature over gambling, because if the opinion is reversed, it is impossible for a gambler to be greedy to lose, right? Then the greed comes when having a win, when having money earned from gambling and thinking about getting more money from gambling and that's what makes someone addicted to gambling.

The correlation is very clear that people who have big wins always want to get big things from gambling, and that causes gambling, greed occurs because they have won, not experienced defeat.
In gambling the more you win the more you want to win more so it has no end and it is a continuous thing and that causes the addiction of gamblers. And also those who lose always want to regain their loses so it always a continuous gambling and hoping that one day they will win their lose and also that can lead to addiction. Therefore I believed the losing and winning can lead a gambler to become addicted.  But if you look at it very well it is the winning that lead the two.

It is the winning that makes people to be addicted because as you win, you are happy to continue gambling but if you lose, you might be angry and leave gambling for good but winning will make you to play gamble continuesly.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: $weetne$$ on July 27, 2024, 09:16:32 PM
If I'm to give a straight answer, I will just say greed is what get some gamblers addicted. If one can get their greed in check they will be able to get their addictive tendencies in check too such that they are not only going to reduce it but may not even get to that point in the nearest future. Winning or loosing isn't supposed to make gamblers addicted these are mere effects of gambling so following up with them in any extreme gets you addicted.

I do not think only greed leads to gambling addiction because there are other habits that can lead to addiction. Gambling addiction cam happen when you are winning and when you are losing and greed can not happen in both situations. Greed happens when you are winning and revenge happens when you are losing. As you are losing you will get frustrated and want to win back your lose money by gambling more and this can lead to addiction because when you are always gambling, you will get use to gambling all the time without having control over how you spend therefore you will get addicted to gambling without knowing. As gamblers we need to watch ourselves to know when we are over gambling because there is nobody that is going to inform us because we obviously do not have gambling buddy.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: bangjoe on July 27, 2024, 09:21:25 PM
I think winning and losing is one of the main factors why someone can be addicted or can have a greedy nature over gambling, because if the opinion is reversed, it is impossible for a gambler to be greedy to lose, right? Then the greed comes when having a win, when having money earned from gambling and thinking about getting more money from gambling and that's what makes someone addicted to gambling.

The correlation is very clear that people who have big wins always want to get big things from gambling, and that causes gambling, greed occurs because they have won, not experienced defeat.
In gambling the more you win the more you want to win more so it has no end and it is a continuous thing and that causes the addiction of gamblers. And also those who lose always want to regain their loses so it always a continuous gambling and hoping that one day they will win their lose and also that can lead to addiction. Therefore I believed the losing and winning can lead a gambler to become addicted.  But if you look at it very well it is the winning that lead the two.

It is the winning that makes people to be addicted because as you win, you are happy to continue gambling but if you lose, you might be angry and leave gambling for good but winning will make you to play gamble continuesly.
But if those who have lost in gambling continuously and never get a win even from bets or games that are done I think they will not pursue their losses even though they spend a lot of money, unless the person has won from gambling, once he has won, it will make him think that maybe he will get lucky if he continues to gamble and will return the money he has lost before.

I wouldn't even allow myself to lose more money if I never got a single win from gambling, and neither would anyone else, because it's like having no hope of luck in gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: shivansps on July 27, 2024, 09:29:36 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

It is not the winning or losing that makes a person addicted to gambling, but the emotions that a person experiences during the game. I think that winning or losing is important as a person experiences during the game. I am not an expert, but in fact, the topic of addiction is most likely not easy to answer in one message, reducing everything to only losing or winning.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Obim34 on July 27, 2024, 09:33:00 PM
If I'm to give a straight answer, I will just say greed is what get some gamblers addicted. If one can get their greed in check they will be able to get their addictive tendencies in check too such that they are not only going to reduce it but may not even get to that point in the nearest future. Winning or loosing isn't supposed to make gamblers addicted these are mere effects of gambling so following up with them in any extreme gets you addicted.

I do not think only greed leads to gambling addiction because there are other habits that can lead to addiction. Gambling addiction cam happen when you are winning and when you are losing and greed can not happen in both situations. Greed happens when you are winning and revenge happens when you are losing. As you are losing you will get frustrated and want to win back your lose money by gambling more and this can lead to addiction because when you are always gambling, you will get use to gambling all the time without having control over how you spend therefore you will get addicted to gambling without knowing. As gamblers we need to watch ourselves to know when we are over gambling because there is nobody that is going to inform us because we obviously do not have gambling buddy.
Nothing much to deliberate on, including greed, loses and winning can make a gambler get addicted. Firstly, greed plays a negative role to addiction by always wanting more profits out of what was gambled especially when having a good consecutive win. Greed pops up the idea of either doubling or trippling the staking power to win more and on that same motive, if the gambler fails to win as what was hoped for, it causes him/her to remain consistent in pursuit of that desired outcome which stimulates the mind to put in more effort, time and resources into gambling, ending as a case of addiction.

These three factors works together, one leads to the other, that is why we are supposed to restrain from falling on any of them, everything should be kept on minimal, either we find ourselves losing consecutively or winning nothing should change from what/how we gamble.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Dewi Aries on July 27, 2024, 09:51:10 PM
So far I remain convinced that one of the biggest triggers for addiction is winning. Logically, everyone likes winning or getting money and everyone certainly doesn't like losing money.
I have seen some gamblers in my locality, they haven’t won any reasonable amount of money from gambling, and they are already addicted to gambling. Most of them are pushed to keep on gambling just because of the stories they hear, they see people around them winning, which is always motivating them to keep on gambling, hoping they are going to hit a jackpot if they don’t give up. Also addicted gamblers do motivate each other not to give up because their time to hit a jackpot might be close.
So I won’t really say it’s only winning that makes people addicted to gambling, but it’s both. Just that if you have won some good amount of money before, then you will find it very difficult to get back to your right senses, but if you haven’t won any good money, you will find it kind of easy.
But the best thing is to just try to stay away from addiction, make sure you understand what gambling is all about before joining, avoid having the mindset of making money from gambling, just gamble for fun, and that’s all. If you are looking for a way to make money, then get yourself a job and work.

Everyone has their own perspective in terms of responding to everything, meaning I respect your opinion my friend and maybe it can be justified enough, but after I read about the scenario you told about the gamblers in your area for me it is not an addiction but rather feeling "tempted" by the victory produced by other people they see which indirectly attracts their attention so that they gamble to get the same victory as other people.

For me and in my opinion addiction means someone who is addicted to something, like those who have managed to win a certain amount and in the end they continue to gamble in the hope of getting the same victory as before, so in my opinion addiction is something that cannot be described but you can only feel it which makes you always want it which happens because of an increase in interest in yourself.

I can't be sure that my opinion is completely correct because as I said everyone has their own perspective according to their way of thinking, or maybe I would also say that winning has a greater chance of making a gambler addicted than losing, so I can also say that your opinion could also be right, in the end the best thing is yes as you said that when we want to get involved in gambling then as much as possible we should eliminate the intention and goal of making money, that is always the initial trigger for various impulsive actions.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: SamReomo on July 27, 2024, 10:05:26 PM
If I'm to give a straight answer, I will just say greed is what get some gamblers addicted.
I want to add something, greed doesn't only make some gamblers as addicts but almost 100% of the addicts are addicted because of the greed. Every gambler who's addicted to gambling has had that greed which cased gambling addiction.

Unfortunately, no one can escape from the power of greed as that's a very powerful emotion, however those who gamble for fun don't chase the money part and such people won't make huge amounts in gambling but they do enjoy it without winning.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Fredomago on July 27, 2024, 10:46:24 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

It is not the winning or losing that makes a person addicted to gambling, but the emotions that a person experiences during the game. I think that winning or losing is important as a person experiences during the game. I am not an expert, but in fact, the topic of addiction is most likely not easy to answer in one message, reducing everything to only losing or winning.

Exactly, that emotion while playing most probably the reason why a person got addicted, it can trigger from both side of it either you are winning or losing that urge inside you that keeps you wanting to play more that feeling is responsible for you getting hook deeply and become addicted, you need to have that control and be well aware that without limiting your stay the chance of gaining deepre problem because of addiction can ruined your life, avoid while you still have the chance.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: PX-Z on July 27, 2024, 11:02:16 PM
Winning in gamble doesn't make someone so addicted but still chances are still high. But lossing will make someone so addictive because the idea of chasing losses and want to keep winning. I knew someone like this. Although its not always the case, as addiction hit different each person.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on July 27, 2024, 11:20:02 PM
Winning in gamble doesn't make someone so addicted but still chances are still high. But lossing will make someone so addictive because the idea of chasing losses and want to keep winning. I knew someone like this. Although its not always the case, as addiction hit different each person.

I think both winning and losing gambling have the potential to be addictive. But it will totally depend on a person's personality.

If a person is very confident, and does not have the attitude of losing in anything, then for him, losing in gambling can become addictive. If he loses a gamble, he will continue to gamble until he wins. And he won't stop. This can lead to addiction.

And if a person suddenly wins a large amount of money, then he cannot control his greed. He will be more attracted to gambling in order to become richer. And this can lead to gambling addiction. So I would say that the reasons for gambling addiction can vary from person to person.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: LDL on July 27, 2024, 11:24:35 PM
Many of you have seen an addicted gamblers and if am correct some of us have been addicted to gamble but fortunately for you, you were lucky to realize how bad addiction can be and you limit yourself from gamble or take a break from anything bets.
However, it's just a simple question about addicted gamblers, like the topic above.
What really makes a gambler to become addicts to gamble?
Lose or winning?

What makes a person attracted to gambling depends on the variety of different people. Some are attracted to gambling by seeing friends while others are attracted to gambling out of curiosity. Most people are attracted to gambling because they accept gambling as a source of monetary income. Very few people are attracted to gambling by taking it as a source of entertainment. However, the calculation of profit loss is largely responsible for attracting a gambler to gambling. When a gambler loses repeatedly in a gambling bet, he starts gambling again and again to recover the previous losses, thus becoming addicted to that gambling. There are also many greedy gamblers who want to get more profits after getting profits, that's why he keeps himself addicted to gambling.

Title: Re: What makes a gambler becomes addicted? Lose/winning?
Post by: PX-Z on July 27, 2024, 11:40:58 PM
I think both winning and losing gambling have the potential to be addictive. But it will totally depend on a person's personality.
Yes, both of them is possible as what i said. Not only on person's personality actually but on different matters too. Usually persons with no principles and self discipline towards money and risk management are the ones got this sickness, unfortunately.