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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: shanhaigamefi on July 19, 2024, 09:13:33 AM

Title: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: shanhaigamefi on July 19, 2024, 09:13:33 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: rodskee on July 20, 2024, 10:28:50 AM
inflation has always been expected to rise but it continues to do so with the government helplessly watching it happen

i think that the economic instability is caused by many factors and each factor varies depending on country to country

education, jobs and housing are things that need to be looked at as i think these are the core of a good and stable economy

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Porfirii on July 20, 2024, 10:45:28 AM
I think abuses have always been committed, but now we are probably more aware of them due to social media and, what is worse, feel more helpless about them, so they are still being carried out with greater brazenness. We are be the first generation since recent memory who believes that subsequent generations will live worse than ours, which is something terrible in terms of hope and motivation to promote changes.

Voices are heard that promote the inclusion of the future of the next generations as a fundamental right. It could function as a limit to the abuses that are being carried out, but in the current geopolitical context I find it difficult to reach a consensus on this issue.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on July 20, 2024, 11:51:39 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I think ever since the covid-19 pandemic, the world economic strength have not really gained it's natural ground as it's supposed to. A lot of countries are complaining about hike in food prices due to inflation and weak purchasing powers. What the IMF and World Bank have been able to do in regards to this ugly situation most countries are facing is by giving them loans and financial support to help them build their financial muscle, but the impact of this bailbout founds is not felt enough on the citizens. For me it is bent on the leaders of various countries to come out with policies that will help them build a sustainable financial country, so it's time for leaders to come out and show leadership.

If you talk about the crisis in Ukraine and Russia, as one of the key factors affecting global financial market, I wouldn't disagree with you because I know that Ukraine is one of the highest suppliers of wheat on the internal market, and since this crisis started, their production has reduced drastically, and this is one of the multiplier effect that have caused the increase in the price of flour in the market.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: DeathAngel on July 20, 2024, 12:14:13 PM
The current economic situation is not the best. Many countries have experienced a decline in GDP, increased unemployment rates & decreased consumer spending. The severity of the situation varies across regions & sectors. Governments & central banks have implemented measures to mitigate the impact. We must acknowledge the difficulties but also consider the potential for recovery & growth as economies adapt to the changing circumstances.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: mu_enrico on July 20, 2024, 01:10:00 PM
Just stop watching the news; it's always negative, as far as I remember. The economy always returns to the mean/order when there's volatility/chaos. It's like a cycle that is unimportant for working people to pay attention to on a macroscopic scale. Just work hard, save for bad times, and enjoy the good times. There's no need to pay attention to things outside your circle.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Fortify on July 20, 2024, 01:33:16 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It depends on your perspective and earning power really. As is often the case, the people with the least have and are being squeezed the most, but this is true during good times or bad. Inflation really rocked and unsettled a lot of countries, it's only now being tamed but central banks are still keeping interest rates high. However employment levels in many developed countries has stayed high since the pandemic, it usually when you start to see unemployment rates ticking up across many countries that you know you're in the most choppy and turbulent times. I think we have it fairly good right now, above average even, but you never know what will be the next shock around the corner to cause devastation and it can all change rather quickly.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Kelward on July 20, 2024, 02:05:38 PM
Just stop watching the news; it's always negative, as far as I remember. The economy always returns to the mean/order when there's volatility/chaos. It's like a cycle that is unimportant for working people to pay attention to on a macroscopic scale. Just work hard, save for bad times, and enjoy the good times. There's no need to pay attention to things outside your circle.
It's not easy not to pay attention to a bad and deteriorating economy, except you're among the elites and the very rich who are not affected by hardship. How can you describe a scenerio where the prices of goods keeps skyrocketing but your income is still static? How can you save for hard times when the money in your hand is loosing value everyday? Where your country's fiat is drastically devaluing everyday and you're seeing a lot of hungry and angry people on the streets, I seriously doubt that you will ignore the reality.

You don't need to watch the news to experience the effects of bad governance and global crisis, this is why people from developing countries are migrating in large numbers to developed countries in search of a better life. The youths in my country are planning for a nationwide protest because the hardship is too much, the few rich keeps getting richer while the majority poor keeps getting poorer.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Stepstowealth on July 20, 2024, 02:16:27 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The factors contributing to the serious economic situation are even more that what you have mentioned, in some countries, they have a good government that works to cushion the effect that external factors are having on their economy, But in some other countries like my own country our own government has contributed severely to our bad economic situation because they are not providing support in any way rather increasing the tax that citizens are having to pay. It is not helping issues and as a result of this we have witnessed an increase in crime rates.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: mu_enrico on July 20, 2024, 02:24:28 PM
It's not easy not to pay attention to a bad and deteriorating economy, except you're among the elites and the very rich who are not affected by hardship. How can you describe a scenerio where the prices of goods keeps skyrocketing but your income is still static? How can you save for hard times when the money in your hand is loosing value everyday? Where your country's fiat is drastically devaluing everyday and you're seeing a lot of hungry and angry people on the streets, I seriously doubt that you will ignore the reality.

You don't need to watch the news to experience the effects of bad governance and global crisis, this is why people from developing countries are migrating in large numbers to developed countries in search of a better life. The youths in my country are planning for a nationwide protest because the hardship is too much, the few rich keeps getting richer while the majority poor keeps getting poorer.
It's been like this for as long as I can remember: price skyrocketing, unemployment, whatever... I don't think even the US is exempt from the economic cycle; at least you should have experienced the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis. And for people in the third world, economic instability is something fairly common.

Look, migration, protests, etc., are nothing new. I've even experienced a coup d'état, but I'd go crazy if I thought about it too much. Just keep life simple, man.

And the craziest thing in this shitshow, there are always people who succeed from literally nothing in the worst possible circumstances.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: YOSHIE on July 20, 2024, 03:20:54 PM
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
All world financial parliaments have implemented several methods to implement world economic growth, but it has not had a good impact on society, thus making the overall economy worse, as I know the worsening economic activity is no longer associated with COVID-19.

In fact, I think all of this is caused by conflict and inflation factors that are beyond the limits, the invasion of several developing countries that are experiencing conflict also triggers bad economic growth, plus bad inflation, which has occurred in the last few decades, such as high interest rates that do not match what companies and society expect, plus high costs of living that do not match income, with central bank pressure tending to take the world economy in a bad and negative direction, I'm sure it will take a very long time for the world economy to recover.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: mindrust on July 20, 2024, 03:32:12 PM
Are we talking about macro or micro economics?

On a micro scale, the answer changes for every individual. A person that has $2 million in various financial assets can produce $8k monthly passive income which is great in almost everywhere in the world and there are many people like that.

A person that works for the minimum wage or have a job that pays a bit above that, these people probably curse their parents and wish they were never born to this world.

On a macro scale it is all fucked up. China is becoming a big problem. They want to be the only manufacturer and kill competition completely. That only means one thing: war

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Darker45 on July 20, 2024, 04:49:27 PM
We don't run out of ways to explain why life is hard. That's what I realized. Before the pandemic, before Russia invaded Ukraine, before interest rates were raised several times in a row, life is already hard. There's always something that makes making ends meet tough. That's what it is today; that's what it was during my parents' time; that's what it was during my grandparents' time. Life gets easier on one end and harder on another.

Here in my country, for example, the price of fuel is always rising. One day, the reason is the strengthening dollar. When my local currency recovers and the price of fuel continues to rise, the reason was the conflict in Europe. When the conflict subsided and the price increases once again, it's because of Israel's decision to attack Gaza. Even when the price of oil fell to zero, local oil companies didn't make a rollback. The reason is that they bought their supply when the price was still high. Whether or not they took advantage when the price hit rock bottom doesn't matter because the price doesn't really go down in reality.

Sometimes, I think we're simply fooled.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: slapper on July 20, 2024, 04:58:35 PM
Wars, inflation, and pandemics are heavy stuff. But are we actually sinking, or is the media maximizing this doom and gloom narrative? Fear sells but keeps you in crisis.

In every chaotic situation, there are winners. They're lucky and crisis-savvy. They know logic and fear can coexist. They reject the hype. Too busy examining patterns, they find possibilities where others perceive terror. It's like a damn video game: those who can anticipate several steps ahead and sift the wheat from the chaff of information overload level up their financial game while everyone else is in the tutorial.

Stop passively reading fear-mongering headlines. Start doubting the story. See past the mess. The economy is a psychological battleground, not just a numbers game. The motherfuckers who master their emotions and use absurdism to find logic in the crazy will survive and prosper in this crisis.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: hyudien on July 20, 2024, 05:09:38 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The impact is felt by all elements of society, especially the lower middle class. There is no certainty regarding the increasingly serious economic situation. Inflation continues to soar so that the prices of goods and services also increase while income remains unchanged. The minimum wage received is not sufficient to cover daily needs. I don't really pay attention to the situation in foreign countries, but the effects we feel come from the things you have mentioned. Regardless of whether it is a conflict or trade war, the industry is damaged by illegal goods entering and destroying market prices.
For example, when the world begins to recover from the pandemic, we are required to adapt to the competitive world of work. The effect can really be felt, as if the economic growth that has been running after the pandemic all has to start from zero.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: shield132 on July 20, 2024, 05:44:48 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The whole world isn't facing an economic crisis, for example, my country Georgia is doing better today than it was doing before the Russia - Ukraine war. This war led many rich Russian people to fly here with their families and move their businesses and assets to our country. They are always paying huge rent prices. Apartment prices in my country are now more expensive than in Europe because of Russian and Ukrainian migration here. People make significantly more money today than they were doing one or two years ago.

In overall, the current economic situation is very bad for many countries but exceptions happen everywhere. Covid + War really negatively affected many countries.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Viscore on July 20, 2024, 06:34:44 PM
Just stop watching the news; it's always negative, as far as I remember. The economy always returns to the mean/order when there's volatility/chaos. It's like a cycle that is unimportant for working people to pay attention to on a macroscopic scale. Just work hard, save for bad times, and enjoy the good times. There's no need to pay attention to things outside your circle.
You have also a point here. All we can do is just to witness how difficult the world's economy is, and we can't do nothing but to rely on the government how they will manage to recover and make such progress or development after. With that, it's a lot better to just focus on our own work and do better. Save and invest as much as possible, so that one day we will be able to help one another's economy when we are capable enough to extend some financial help.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Kavelj22 on July 20, 2024, 07:27:52 PM
Just stop watching the news; it's always negative, as far as I remember. The economy always returns to the mean/order when there's volatility/chaos. It's like a cycle that is unimportant for working people to pay attention to on a macroscopic scale. Just work hard, save for bad times, and enjoy the good times. There's no need to pay attention to things outside your circle.

Unfortunately, there are no sources for obtaining information other than the well-known international media, which in turn is subject to certain political agendas. Given the lack of credibility and objectivity of most news agencies, the news they issue must be treated with caution and rationality. The most important thing that can be concluded is that the global economy is actually going through one of the most severe crises given that economies are interconnected with each other. Therefore, a crisis in Taiwan, for example, could affect major economies connected to Taiwan’s products.

Currently, there are international crises affecting the whole world, such as the Ukrainian war and immigration issues, and this has led, as a direct result, to the rise of the extreme right and the emergence of new poles that threaten the influence of the old poles. This in turn affects global economic and financial policies. Yes, it can be considered that we are in a crisis era, coinciding with rapid technological development.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Baki202 on July 20, 2024, 07:29:33 PM
inflation has always been expected to rise but it continues to do so with the government helplessly watching it happen

i think that the economic instability is caused by many factors and each factor varies depending on country to country

education, jobs and housing are things that need to be looked at as i think these are the core of a good and stable economy

Inflation is the major problem and it has been on the rise for a very long time now and if this issue is not addressed on time, they will continue to face more challenges. The price of commodities are not reducing. The government them self are looking confused. The solutions they are coming up with, are causing more problems, the instability in the economy, every country varies in factors of affection. So let’s see what ever solution every government will come with to tackle the challenges they have concerning the economy since different countries with different problem, jobs and housing are one of the major problems we all are facing, and this are general problems that every country battles with, and even advance countries still battle with this issues likes, maybe in the future they would have gotten solution.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: SamReomo on July 20, 2024, 09:29:19 PM
On a macro scale it is all fucked up. China is becoming a big problem. They want to be the only manufacturer and kill competition completely. That only means one thing: war
It's not actually China that's being problematic it's others who aren't able to work as hard as those Chinese people. They're working hard to be top in manufacturing and they're also trying to be the world no 1 super power and which country doesn't want to do that?

If I'm not wrong then each country is somehow expanding their armies and also expanding their armed weapons and other destructive weapons only so they can be safe from other countries. I know China's huge growth in manufacturing industry is a threat to many countries but it's because of those Chinese workers we get things for cheap values.

Let's say if those things were manufactured somewhere else than China then their cost would be 2x to 10x more than what we get right now. Actually, China is somehow helping in reducing the cost of things with its  business approach.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: shinratensei_ on July 21, 2024, 06:27:19 AM
People are drained of their savings when pandemic hit, the commodity price remain the same as it was when there was sudden inflation due to pandemic doesn't help either.
so many people are living paycheck to paycheck these days that they are just few steps away from poverty so yeah it's kind of bad in my opinion.

but the main culprit i think is the housing price and rent price, it takes up big chunk of our salary that I don't think it's normal.
the amount that I consider healthy for the price of rent is just 30% of salary, more than that I think it will greatly reduce purchasing power of many people and speaking of now, it usually takes up 60% of our salary, pretty crazy if you ask me.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Helena Yu on July 21, 2024, 08:23:24 AM
The world is fine, only in 2008-2009, 2020 and 2022 where the whole country suffer bad economy condition, 2023 is back to normal, 2024 should back to normal since there's no big change.

The reason why we're keep seeing so many people are unfortunate, in debt, poor etc because the world is evolving. In 19's, people who can typing and understand basic computer will get high salary, in 2024 most people already have that skills, when there are so many supply, the demand would be lower and lower.

They're too late to adapt.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Marvell1 on July 21, 2024, 09:11:40 AM

but the main culprit i think is the housing price and rent price, it takes up big chunk of our salary that I don't think it's normal.
the amount that I consider healthy for the price of rent is just 30% of salary, more than that I think it will greatly reduce purchasing power of many people and speaking of now, it usually takes up 60% of our salary, pretty crazy if you ask me.

I think it will depend on the region and country you live in. In countries like the United States, house prices and rent are everyone's obsession, but in my country it's not a big deal. As far as I know, because the economy is in crisis, the real estate situation in my country is also in crisis. In urban areas, many real estate and apartment rentals have prices close to the bottom but still have no tenants. Some people cannot afford to rent or some will not want to take the risk at this time, they are ready to retreat to the countryside to hide for a while until things return to normal. Meanwhile, in rural areas like where I live, real estate is much cheaper because demand is still not high.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Ozero on July 21, 2024, 09:37:13 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Every generation has had similar difficulties in their lives. Large and small wars, epidemics and other disasters, deterioration of the economic situation have almost always occurred periodically. And each new generation raised the question of whether the apocalypse was coming to them. Everything passes, and these difficulties will pass. But if you look at this issue more globally, then with each new generation people’s lives become more comfortable and better. So, whatever doesn't kill us makes us better.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: kryptqnick on July 21, 2024, 09:59:12 AM
Political situation in very unstable in the world right now. 2020 was a bad start of apparently a terrible decade, if not longer. The long-term tendency of reduction of warfare and casualties from wars, as well as success in combatting poverty are broken, and we see that the world is full of tension, injustice, and hardship.
But if we're talking about the global economy, it is actually doing alright. The world economy is still growing; we are not in recession, and recession seems unlikely  ( happen. I think the problem is not that we're not producing enough stuff or not forming enough wealth, but in how these resources and wealth are distributed and what they are being spent on.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: dansus021 on July 21, 2024, 03:11:34 PM
Is the current economic situation really that bad? In my opinion yes but i dont really that bad but the media nowadays is crazy I mean news is spread is rapidly fast.

But if the question is our economic is bad at the moment the answer is yes in my opinion it all started when covid is come gov print more money and inflation is started

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CageMabok on July 21, 2024, 03:15:01 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Of the three impacts that you have mentioned, I think only two impacts can still trigger economic instability at this time, namely through war and also through the interest rates that you mentioned. Meanwhile, regarding the pandemic, I see that it is no longer a big trigger or influence on economic matters because it was handled properly by everyone throughout the world two years ago. So you only need to look at and analyze two other things without having to include the pandemic problem in something like this because it has long been resolved by everyone.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: erep on July 21, 2024, 07:23:41 PM
Of the three impacts that you have mentioned, I think only two impacts can still trigger economic instability at this time, namely through war and also through the interest rates that you mentioned. Meanwhile, regarding the pandemic, I see that it is no longer a big trigger or influence on economic matters because it was handled properly by everyone throughout the world two years ago. So you only need to look at and analyze two other things without having to include the pandemic problem in something like this because it has long been resolved by everyone.
The pandemic has passed and there should be no need to add any more to the current economic problems, even though the initial start of inflation occurred due to the pandemic factor until now the impact of war and rising interest rates continues, every country must have a strategy to maintain market price stability by utilizing natural resources to people's needs without exporting them abroad, the government must prioritize local companies producing more basic necessities products for the community because the prices of local products are more affordable to prevent the impact of inflation from getting crazier in all countries.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: GiftedMAN on July 21, 2024, 08:15:50 PM
Is the current economic situation really that bad? In my opinion yes but i dont really that bad but the media nowadays is crazy I mean news is spread is rapidly fast.

But if the question is our economic is bad at the moment the answer is yes in my opinion it all started when covid is come gov print more money and inflation is started

The truth is that the current economic situation is very bad at the moment and I don't think the media is spreading wrong information concerning what is happening in the world right now even though what they always publish sometimes may not be totally correct but they have created a lot of awareness regarding how the economy of most of the countries in the world has suffered so much as a result of bad governance since the outbreak of the covid 19 pandemic.

There is a high rate of inflation all over the world and the government has not made anything meaningful to salvage the situation, the economic situation in my own country is suffering as the rate of unemployment is increasing on daily basis,the economic situation will not change until there is a change in the political system all over the world.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: mirakal on July 21, 2024, 10:59:50 PM
Given that the world's economy is not really in a good shape, then most likely our own economy will also struggle especially if we do not know how to manage our own finances and money expenses. Being irresponsible on our financial management will lead to a poor economy, but for those who are capable on improving their own finances instead and makes more living than expenses, they will not be affected too much with how the world's economy is going on.

Pandemic has started this all and until now, seems a lot have not recovered yet. But if we are good enough with our own money activities, I think we will eventually recover from this quicker from what we imagine.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Casdinyard on July 21, 2024, 11:16:24 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Of the three impacts that you have mentioned, I think only two impacts can still trigger economic instability at this time, namely through war and also through the interest rates that you mentioned. Meanwhile, regarding the pandemic, I see that it is no longer a big trigger or influence on economic matters because it was handled properly by everyone throughout the world two years ago. So you only need to look at and analyze two other things without having to include the pandemic problem in something like this because it has long been resolved by everyone.
The COVID-19 Pandemic directly cause the massive interest hikes and the rising inflation rates in the US. They overprinted money during this time to provide sustenance to citizens who were struck badly by the pandemic financially and when the economy recovered afterwards, the overprinting's after effects struck them badly, causing these eventualities to happen. So yes, we're still experiencing the after-effects of the pandemic. In countries such as China, where they say they have been able to recover completely, they are still at a massive loss as countries who pulled out of their businesses aren't expecting themselves to return to China's arms and are looking for other exporters/manufacturers elsewhere.

So yeah, part of the reason why shit is getting expensive these days is because the US dollar's not that valuable anymore, and companies are looking for other countries to manufacture/assemble their products besides China. So don't you disregard just how massive the effect of this pandemic is.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: tottong on July 22, 2024, 05:01:20 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

There are many factors that make the economic crisis worse and it is a big problem that is difficult for any country to solve.
The role of the economy in a country is quite important because a poor country's economy can have a long-lasting negative impact.

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The world economy is indeed experiencing a negative impact and this has an effect on all people, conflicts, natural disasters or what remains of the pandemic itself are worsening world economic conditions.
But fortunately now this figure is relatively stable even though the financial crisis has not been able to be reduced to a much smaller figure.
Especially in my country, although we are still faced with difficulties in keeping up with the economy because many workers were laid off before, but now it is a little more stable than before.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Xcode7 on July 22, 2024, 05:23:35 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

There are many factors that make the economic crisis worse and it is a big problem that is difficult for any country to solve.
The role of the economy in a country is quite important because a poor country's economy can have a long-lasting negative impact.

I think the impact of Covid several years ago is still there, but the economic crisis in several countries, especially developing countries, is not that severe and is still in the normal category and is slowly starting to recover.
I think no country is facing an excessive economic crisis right now except countries that are experiencing war like the Middle East

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Kakmakr on July 22, 2024, 06:29:46 AM
OP, you are looking at the situation of the rest of the Fiat financial system, but Bitcoin are the opposite of that. It is not to say that it is not influenced by those factors, because it is.

When there are global political instability, people tend to turn to financial tools that provides some kind of safe haven, like Gold and Silver... and Bitcoin are seen as a safe haven in those times.

We still have to see if it will hold that reputation in the long run, because Gold and Silver has been doing that for ages and it has stood the test of time.  ;) 

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Sebas.tian on July 22, 2024, 06:41:36 AM
Quote from: shanhaigamefi
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

Yes, the inflation is affecting the global economics which many governments are confused on what to do to end it from their citizens to start experiencing deflation in their various countries. I think, COVID-19 pandemic is the major thing that caused this global economic challenges, because since they eliminated the virus from the world, many government are finding it difficult to revive the economics the pandemic has collapsed because they spend huge amount of funds to fight the virus in different countries of the world. You can feel the bad economics from this US general election that is coming up soon, because many citizens of US are complaining about the poor economic in the country, since Joe Biden took over from their formal president. You can feel bad economics from the price of local goods and services or international goods and services, because the price of communities has double up in the world which is the evidence of bad economics.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Haunebu on July 22, 2024, 07:15:28 AM
It was really, really bad during and right after the COVID pandemic, but the situation is definitely better now due to various reasons which is why I am expecting a full recovery probably by next year itself.

Also, some countries like Ukraine, Palestine etc are exceptions where their economies are in tatters thanks to the wars in their regions sadly.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on July 22, 2024, 07:17:56 AM
The world is fine, only in 2008-2009, 2020 and 2022 where the whole country suffer bad economy condition, 2023 is back to normal, 2024 should back to normal since there's no big change.

The reason why we're keep seeing so many people are unfortunate, in debt, poor etc because the world is evolving. In 19's, people who can typing and understand basic computer will get high salary, in 2024 most people already have that skills, when there are so many supply, the demand would be lower and lower.

They're too late to adapt.
I think if we're talking about unemployment rate due to higher basic requirement such as education to get a job, it's only one factor.
but if we really trying to see what's wrong with the current economy that make it more difficult to make ends meet compared to few decades ago we'll eventually find out that purchasing power has significantly reduced due to inflation that the salary we get now is not as much as salary that we received decades ago in term of value.
the average people know that even if they worked so hard right now with 9-5 job they aren't gonna own a property, because the cost of living and rent is creeping up.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CK485 on July 22, 2024, 12:21:58 PM

It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

There are many factors that make the economic crisis worse and it is a big problem that is difficult for any country to solve.
The role of the economy in a country is quite important because a poor country's economy can have a long-lasting negative impact.

Nowadays, economic problems are the main topic that influences the global economy and there are many factors, such as the financial crisis that hit many countries, with financial market uncertainty and a decline in asset values, this makes the economy uncertain, because this crisis can have a domino effect, and a recession causes the economy to become sluggish so that people's purchasing power decreases so that companies lay off employees to reduce spending, as a result the unemployment rate increases, it is very difficult to overcome all of this, plus the recession during the Covid-19 pandemic makes the economic level decline further and makes it take time to recover.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Yatsan on July 22, 2024, 02:00:33 PM
Yes, especially with third world countries wherein employment and inflation are both tolling people. We may assume that most countries are still recovering from the pandemic and its impact. Although economic problems have been long existing, we can clearly feel or see its greater intensity nowadays. In some instances, people are even pushed to have 2 or more jobs to sustain a living unlike before wherein you could at least live sustainable with only one job.

but the main culprit i think is the housing price and rent price, it takes up big chunk of our salary that I don't think it's normal.
the amount that I consider healthy for the price of rent is just 30% of salary, more than that I think it will greatly reduce purchasing power of many people and speaking of now, it usually takes up 60% of our salary, pretty crazy if you ask me.

I think it will depend on the region and country you live in. In countries like the United States, house prices and rent are everyone's obsession, but in my country it's not a big deal. As far as I know, because the economy is in crisis, the real estate situation in my country is also in crisis. In urban areas, many real estate and apartment rentals have prices close to the bottom but still have no tenants. Some people cannot afford to rent or some will not want to take the risk at this time, they are ready to retreat to the countryside to hide for a while until things return to normal. Meanwhile, in rural areas like where I live, real estate is much cheaper because demand is still not high.
Majority of the countries are affected by this as we can see on the news, it just varies on economic's financial state before these problems became noticeable. Strong countries are still powerful because their economy could sustain such changes while those which are problematic are struggling more at this point. I hope things will be better soon.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: legendbtc on July 22, 2024, 02:04:45 PM

There are many factors that make the economic crisis worse and it is a big problem that is difficult for any country to solve.
The role of the economy in a country is quite important because a poor country's economy can have a long-lasting negative impact.

I think the impact of Covid several years ago is still there, but the economic crisis in several countries, especially developing countries, is not that severe and is still in the normal category and is slowly starting to recover.
I think no country is facing an excessive economic crisis right now except countries that are experiencing war like the Middle East

In general, this year things are improving much more positively than last year and people's lives are gradually returning to stability. That is shown by the fact that some countries have begun to lower interest rates as well as some countries have planned to reduce interest rates in the coming months.

In my opinion, we are still not completely back to the stability we were before the Covid pandemic hit, but at least we have passed the worst period. In addition, the economic situation will depend on each country, no two countries are the same. Whether a country's economy recovers quickly or slowly is determined by the Government.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: RockBell on July 22, 2024, 04:09:44 PM
Is the current economic situation really that bad? In my opinion yes but i dont really that bad but the media nowadays is crazy I mean news is spread is rapidly fast.

But if the question is our economic is bad at the moment the answer is yes in my opinion it all started when covid is come gov print more money and inflation is started

The economy situation is so bad that it is looking as if it is beyond repair, because the suffering is increasing and very soon a lot of countries will be going on a protest because people are becoming tired of he the government is not doing anything, the economy gets bad every day even before COVID and the government is busy spending money and ignoring the hardship people are going through, people are getting tired and they want to force the hands of government to do something about this whole thing everything is getting expensive very expensive and the means of getting money is limited, if not that the government have plans of making people poor why are they folding their hands and they are not doing anything about this, if it is economy issue I don’t even know exactly what to think anymore because everything is getting out of hand.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: topbitcoin on July 22, 2024, 04:39:08 PM
It was really, really bad during and right after the COVID pandemic, but the situation is definitely better now due to various reasons which is why I am expecting a full recovery probably by next year itself.

Also, some countries like Ukraine, Palestine etc are exceptions where their economies are in tatters thanks to the wars in their regions sadly.
Yes, some countries have been able to improve and maybe it can be confirmed that they are quite stable in terms of their economy after Covid19 has passed, it has had a very bad impact on the economy in all parts of the world, such as the economy in a long pause.

Yes, maybe next year it can be much more stable and getting better, but in my country today it is not yet stable, there are still some effects that cannot be healed, maybe it still takes a long time, but after Covid, the economy has indeed changed drastically, digitization has become very fast, and technology is growing rapidly after many people have been able to use the internet to get income, a lot of buildings, shops and even shopping centers have experienced a decline in demand because more people are using e-comerce / online markets and that is also one of the impacts of Covid in my opinion.

I don't know what the polarization of the industry will be like next year, I hope it can be much better and people can prosper, talking about countries that carry out wars may be a different story even though it is worse but we are not fair to consider it in this context.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: tygeade on July 22, 2024, 05:29:02 PM
I think if we're talking about unemployment rate due to higher basic requirement such as education to get a job, it's only one factor.
but if we really trying to see what's wrong with the current economy that make it more difficult to make ends meet compared to few decades ago we'll eventually find out that purchasing power has significantly reduced due to inflation that the salary we get now is not as much as salary that we received decades ago in term of value.
the average people know that even if they worked so hard right now with 9-5 job they aren't gonna own a property, because the cost of living and rent is creeping up.
More companies are making their business work with less people, and that means there aren't enough jobs to go around, that's the issue. I mean we are talking about finite amount of resource, and we are asking to be infinitely available.

You can't have million new jobs every year in a country, so that means there are more people joining the work force every year, than the amount of jobs created that year, which means some has to be unemployed, there is no other way around it. I get that it may not feel like that sometimes, sometimes it feels like people are unemployed because there aren't good jobs or there aren't good candidates for jobs, but that's a smaller percentage of it, main issue is that there aren't that many jobs.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: dezoel on July 22, 2024, 05:53:41 PM
Quote from: shanhaigamefi
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:
Yes, the inflation is affecting the global economics which many governments are confused on what to do to end it from their citizens to start experiencing deflation in their various countries. I think, COVID-19 pandemic is the major thing that caused this global economic challenges, because since they eliminated the virus from the world, many government are finding it difficult to revive the economics the pandemic has collapsed because they spend huge amount of funds to fight the virus in different countries of the world. You can feel the bad economics from this US general election that is coming up soon, because many citizens of US are complaining about the poor economic in the country, since Joe Biden took over from their formal president. You can feel bad economics from the price of local goods and services or international goods and services, because the price of communities has double up in the world which is the evidence of bad economics.
I think that inflation can come naturally, or it can also be caused by a negative event. Some examples of these are what the OP had already posted. Inflation has lots of effects which we can already say that it affects the economy as a whole but for a regular individual, when we hear the word inflation we can only think that it mainly affects the value of our currency (making it decline) and then the price of the goods (making it to skyrocket). Inflation isn't only felt in one country but many can also experienced it. No wonder why you say global there.

Inflation is not a new thing anymore and governments as a leader might have prepared plans to combat it, so I don't think they are still confused with it. Maybe for some regular individuals who lacks in understanding in economics, they can be the ones who experienced that. I'm sorry to say this but inflation is a permanent problem. When they came, it is only possible to end them temporarily but that is better than suffering from its effects longer. Deflation on the other hand isn't always good. So I guess we can say that inflation isn't totally bad as well, as it can counter act with the deflation to make things balance some times.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: cabron on July 22, 2024, 07:08:35 PM
Quote from: shanhaigamefi
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:
Yes, the inflation is affecting the global economics which many governments are confused on what to do to end it from their citizens to start experiencing deflation in their various countries. I think, COVID-19 pandemic is the major thing that caused this global economic challenges, because since they eliminated the virus from the world, many government are finding it difficult to revive the economics the pandemic has collapsed because they spend huge amount of funds to fight the virus in different countries of the world. You can feel the bad economics from this US general election that is coming up soon, because many citizens of US are complaining about the poor economic in the country, since Joe Biden took over from their formal president. You can feel bad economics from the price of local goods and services or international goods and services, because the price of communities has double up in the world which is the evidence of bad economics.
I think that inflation can come naturally, or it can also be caused by a negative event. Some examples of these are what the OP had already posted. Inflation has lots of effects which we can already say that it affects the economy as a whole but for a regular individual, when we hear the word inflation we can only think that it mainly affects the value of our currency (making it decline) and then the price of the goods (making it to skyrocket). Inflation isn't only felt in one country but many can also experienced it. No wonder why you say global there.

Inflation is not a new thing anymore and governments as a leader might have prepared plans to combat it, so I don't think they are still confused with it. Maybe for some regular individuals who lacks in understanding in economics, they can be the ones who experienced that. I'm sorry to say this but inflation is a permanent problem. When they came, it is only possible to end them temporarily but that is better than suffering from its effects longer. Deflation on the other hand isn't always good. So I guess we can say that inflation isn't totally bad as well, as it can counter act with the deflation to make things balance some times.

The economy is even worse when our government is constantly stirring conflict with the neighboring countries like it is preparing to blame the other country for its failure to combat inflation. Because when shit hits the fan and the people think the government couldn't make it better, the people will demand policies that can make the regular people work easily and ask for more assistance from the government.

When companies are laying off employees and shutting down businesses, it really becomes worse that people might be robbing each other and it already started happening.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: tottong on July 23, 2024, 05:02:38 PM
I think the impact of Covid several years ago is still there, but the economic crisis in several countries, especially developing countries, is not that severe and is still in the normal category and is slowly starting to recover.
I think no country is facing an excessive economic crisis right now except countries that are experiencing war like the Middle East

That's what I mentioned in the previous post and indeed the impact of the post-Covid economic recovery is still quite noticeable for some people.
Especially for those who have lost their jobs to generate income to meet their living needs.
A country experiencing war will be much more problematic because all sectors will stop and economic growth in that country will also experience total paralysis for its stability.

Nowadays, economic problems are the main topic that influences the global economy and there are many factors, such as the financial crisis that hit many countries, with financial market uncertainty and a decline in asset values, this makes the economy uncertain, because this crisis can have a domino effect, and a recession causes the economy to become sluggish so that people's purchasing power decreases so that companies lay off employees to reduce spending, as a result the unemployment rate increases, it is very difficult to overcome all of this, plus the recession during the Covid-19 pandemic makes the economic level decline further and makes it take time to recover.

That is clearly the main topic because every country will be quite problematic when facing an economic crisis.
This sector has quite a large contribution and the negative impact of the economic crisis also affects many things so the government must take quite firm steps to ward off the crisis. When a crisis hits, a recession will simultaneously occur and this is where a much bigger problem lies because society experiences stagnation regarding income.
Another major effect will be that the price of goods will rise uncontrollably and people's needs will be unbalanced, making conditions much worse.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: boyptc on July 23, 2024, 09:30:12 PM
With Trump likely winning the POTUS, we might see some changes. It may not be entirely change the whole world but he's got some diplomatic actions that can resolve these international conflicts and issues.

I'll compare it with the market;

And that's it's not always at the peak of the market and there has to be a correction and vice versa. So, with all of these bad economic situations, we might see some betterment.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Abiky on July 25, 2024, 01:57:48 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

You're right about that. The COVID-19 pandemic and unnecessary wars have  destroyed the global economy. Chances for a recovery are slim right now. Especially when prices for goods and/or services continue to rise at a non-stop rate. Central banks claim they've put inflation under control (or they're doing so), but we've seen all of the contrary. Things are so expensive right now, that everyday people are struggling to make a living. It's the "Elites" game now.

Unless governments around the world unite to put an end to this crisis, our society will continue to deteriorate. Rising cost of living will result in an increase in crime rates globally. Theft, hacks, and scams will rise like never before. Perhaps, this is all part of a plan for a "New World Order"? We'll see.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Z_MBFM on July 25, 2024, 03:29:03 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
All these problems have affected the whole world economically, especially Asian countries have been affected to a greater extent. If I talk about my country, it has suffered many times more than what my country suffered due to covid-19 and other problems due to last week's quota reform movement in government jobs.  Many important public and private buildings of the country have been burnt and billions of dollars have been lost due to the complete disconnection of the internet for 1 week across the country which has affected the country's economy.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Webetcoins on July 26, 2024, 08:52:42 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yes, inflation is indeed increasing day by day and as the conditions of the countries are getting worse, wars are going on due to which medicines, petrol, food items even caffeine have become expensive. Where the developed countries are also crying about inflation, what will happen to the developing countries? As the dollar goes up, everything gets taxed, and inflation has been so big in the last couple of years or so that what should have happened in 10 to 15 years has happened in the last two or three years.

The effect of inflation is even greater when only inflation is increasing and salaries are not increasing, so that opportunities are not equal, at that time the condition of countries and people never improves and the same period is going on. In almost many countries, except for a few countries, this is the situation for the entire world, even in developed countries, where the leaders and ministers of the country are happy, the people of developed countries are also unhappy because of inflation and because of the taxes imposed on everything.

The only way to reduce inflation is if the people are developed, educated, and independent. This is only possible when everyone pays their own expenses. Spenders are more and earners are less. The condition will improve and when the economic condition of a country improves, that country is on the path to development.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Uhochi on July 26, 2024, 06:04:59 PM
The economy is quite bad in my country. The price of goods is on the increase on a daily base. An average family struggle to feed 2 square meals.  The dollar exchange rate is not favouring our currency at all.

It's actually crazy but we hope and pray that the people we voted into power to be our leaders and government of the people for the people will have the heart to care and effect changes that will make things better.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: el kaka22 on July 26, 2024, 06:54:42 PM
Not "that" bad, but obviously not good. The system itself is built in a way that it is not going to be that easy, we are talking about a situation that will not be simple, and we can't make it work some other way neither, we have to realize that it is going to be tough and we need to accept that system will not make the situation any better. There isn't anything the world can do to make sure that people live a better life, we are not going to, it is only going to get worse and worse.

Because system works on the promise that if you invest into a company ,that company will make you a lot of money, and if that company is making a lot of money that means they must be getting that money from somewhere. Like when Amazon gets richer, whose money are they taking? Elon Musk? Of course not, they are taking from us.

And the entire business world is trying to take all our money, and convince us that it is actually a good idea to spend our money on their useless shitty products/services. I guarantee you that people who never had these companies, never had these chances, lived a better and happier life without any of them 100 years ago. We are just now slaves to our own consumerism.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Wakate on July 26, 2024, 08:23:29 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is happening at the same time in every countries. People are complaining of hardship and their are countries that are even worse compared to others. If we don't have a solid job that will be giving us consistent profits so far, we might end up losing our source of survival. I have been seeing different news if protests these days and many of them is as a result of suffering people are passing through. If the government do not look for a better ways to help her citizens to survive, we might have to end up crushing the entire world with problems and hardship. Our individual self need to get a string skill that will still be profitable for us even when other people are lamenting.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: indah rezqi on July 26, 2024, 10:32:04 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This is happening at the same time in every countries. People are complaining of hardship and their are countries that are even worse compared to others. If we don't have a solid job that will be giving us consistent profits so far, we might end up losing our source of survival. I have been seeing different news if protests these days and many of them is as a result of suffering people are passing through. If the government do not look for a better ways to help her citizens to survive, we might have to end up crushing the entire world with problems and hardship. Our individual self need to get a string skill that will still be profitable for us even when other people are lamenting.
I think COVID-19 has made economic difficulties more complex, in addition to the conflicts in several countries, the effects of which are still very much felt. Indeed, this has happened in many countries, and is felt by every level of society, especially those from the lower classes. All of this ultimately slows down economic growth, and many people are still unemployed after the massive layoffs due to COVID-19 yesterday. Of course, to respond to every challenge we must be able to adapt to the situation, where we must learn to improve our skills in order to survive.

Meanwhile, the government must of course be able to find solutions to ensure economic stability, so that its people can remain prosperous, or at least not impoverished. As individuals, in addition to having to continue to learn to improve our skills, we must also be good at managing income and expenses. And the most important thing when facing a difficult economic situation is to maintain health, because the situation will be more uncontrollable if you experience health problems.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on July 26, 2024, 11:30:48 PM
I just have to say, it's that bad. People in more advanced countries mightn't be feeling the impacts that much but for those in developing countries, we can feel the impact daily. Inflation is on the rise and the cost of living is almost killing the living. The jobs aren't available as they use to be and any opening gets alot of applications that it decrease your odds of getting hired. I still don't get how people are surviving because even when I go to the market to buy things and I see the cost of things, being privileged to know about Bitcoin that it have affected my finances in a positive way still I struggle to afford things in the market then I ask myself how others are surviving.

Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Things hasn't been the same since the pandemic, I feel this started everything although we would had still come to this stage even though the pandemic didn't happen but I think the pandemic brought about this hardship quicker than we expected and we weren't ready for it. In my country, the government just raised the minimum wage but it still not up to $50 because it was increased to 70,000 Naira and the dollars rate for 1 Naira is about $1550 +/- now imagine making barely $45 monthly.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: STT on July 26, 2024, 11:39:08 PM
If you think about it then the world should be richer now, we have alot of technology in our favor and somehow havent gained enough to feel the positive effects.   A large part of it might be people are demanding more to some extent, only a century ago people would straight up just die from some random health effect and never even get to know what killed them.   Now we can name alot more causes of our demise its natural to want to avoid it I guess.

The other side of the effect is people are gigantically more taxed now then they ever were previously.   Personal taxes have risen alot, used to be the case for some people they would not have to pay tax because they rarely came so close to government but now there is no avoiding it.   Everything is taxed more, government now is the largest its ever been in history and expends far more of the country's GDP then was ever possible before.

  I think there are parallels with ww2 spending levels and present day, which should make it obvious the budget with accumulated debts are far too large.  People are being cooked alive like lobsters but because it was gradual its all ok.  If anything people are too calm about how much they've lost but we do have more tech and in some cases allegedly government can be of benefit  :P

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Hanadawa on July 27, 2024, 04:01:54 AM
You can't have million new jobs every year in a country, so that means there are more people joining the work force every year, than the amount of jobs created that year, which means some has to be unemployed, there is no other way around it. I get that it may not feel like that sometimes, sometimes it feels like people are unemployed because there aren't good jobs or there aren't good candidates for jobs, but that's a smaller percentage of it, main issue is that there aren't that many jobs.
Every year the human population continues to increase. Based on data from (,currently%20living)%20of%20the%20world.), there are currently around 8.1 billion people on earth. I see an increase in jobs in more specialist fields and even new types of jobs such as prompt writers for AI or engineers in the field of AI and technology. But those jobs only require a few people to have certification or have studied the field. The problem is that every year technology becomes more sophisticated but the number of people needed for jobs such as laborers is decreasing. And laborers are the type of job that can make many people get jobs. This is what I think can make many people lose their jobs in the future. -CMIIW

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Woodie on July 27, 2024, 04:05:29 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:
Yes the economic situation is bad because all these external factors affect everyone one way or another. For example, A country could be involved in agriculture but because of the war they can not export their produce to other countries because the corridor to transport the agriculture products is not safe thereby affecting it's financial standing.

Post COVID effects are still felt such that skilled labour was affected to the point of making a country less productive and affecting it's economic situation but of course slowly but sure we all getting back on our feet and things will soon be okay.

Politics too do contribute on a country's economic standing...if the current government has poor or bad law's then it's likely to affect the morale of its citizens, access to financial support could have changed etcetera but all in all the economic landscape has changed everywhere...

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Iranus on July 27, 2024, 08:23:50 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:
Yes the economic situation is bad because all these external factors affect everyone one way or another. For example, A country could be involved in agriculture but because of the war they can not export their produce to other countries because the corridor to transport the agriculture products is not safe thereby affecting it's financial standing.

Post COVID effects are still felt such that skilled labour was affected to the point of making a country less productive and affecting it's economic situation but of course slowly but sure we all getting back on our feet and things will soon be okay.

Politics too do contribute on a country's economic standing...if the current government has poor or bad law's then it's likely to affect the morale of its citizens, access to financial support could have changed etcetera but all in all the economic landscape has changed everywhere...

In my opinion, things are gradually getting better, not as bad as you and OP are feeling. Inflation peaked in 2022 and is gradually decreasing until now, the war between Ukraine and Russia is still ongoing but it is clear that the world is gradually adapting and no longer cares about them as much as before.

I'm not saying the economy has fully recovered but things have improved a lot since the peak of inflation and that's why many countries have started gradually reducing interest rates.

Additionally, there may be differences in each country due to different government policies, but it can be said that the overall situation is gradually getting better, not worse.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: sunsilk on July 27, 2024, 10:02:56 AM
Pre-pandemic and war, life was quite easy even for a minimum wage earner. There's no pressure at all and things can be done properly for not having much.

But with all of the effects of those, life has become tougher and having a single job won't suffice even if you're a single person.

Having two or three is likely a requirement nowadays for an individual to afford living comfortably and it's gotta be more and high paying if you want to own a house.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: beerlover on July 28, 2024, 01:00:21 PM
In my opinion, things are gradually getting better, not as bad as you and OP are feeling. Inflation peaked in 2022 and is gradually decreasing until now, the war between Ukraine and Russia is still ongoing but it is clear that the world is gradually adapting and no longer cares about them as much as before.

I'm not saying the economy has fully recovered but things have improved a lot since the peak of inflation and that's why many countries have started gradually reducing interest rates.

Additionally, there may be differences in each country due to different government policies, but it can be said that the overall situation is gradually getting better, not worse.
The thing is, life is more expensive nowadays, but life is better as well. Just think about it, if a king wanted to visit USA, from UK, even just 100 years ago, they would have to deal with so much, and it would have been such a huge trouble, you could be literally OWNER of a nation, which most kings were titled as, and you still wouldn't be able to get as comfortable as some normal passenger who buys an economy ticket on a plane today.

So, while things are more expensive and we feel poor, that's a little bit because of comparison, because while we are living better than kings of their time, we are also living much worse than kings of our time, so we need to just compare the history. So, when someone asks me "is economy that bad" I ask, compared to what? What is good and what is bad?

If you wish for a "good" that never happened before, it is not going to happen now, we are not going to have every human in the world with free house, free clothing, free food, free education and free healthcare. That's basic human needs, and some people do not have them, hell even I need some new clothes lol, but I am too lazy to go buy some that's another subject. So all in all, I think it's quite clear that we are doing bad compared to rich people, but we are doing much better compared to poor people of the past.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Abiky on July 29, 2024, 03:24:38 PM
Pre-pandemic and war, life was quite easy even for a minimum wage earner. There's no pressure at all and things can be done properly for not having much.

But with all of the effects of those, life has become tougher and having a single job won't suffice even if you're a single person.

Having two or three is likely a requirement nowadays for an individual to afford living comfortably and it's gotta be more and high paying if you want to own a house.

Greed is what has led us to this point. Back then, prices were steady enough because there were no interruptions to the global supply chain. Now the COVID-19 pandemic, and the wars, have made companies/businesses/merchants more greedy than ever. They will keep raising prices unless governments put a halt to it. And I have a feeling they won't stop this, because higher prices means more taxes for the government. A win-win for both the corporate/business sector and the government. The ones who lose are average people like you and me (lower and middle class). The richer get richer, while the poor, poorer. I'd say the system is rigged.

I wonder if Bitcoin will be able to fix the world? I'm yet to see when this will happen. For now, we're going to need more than one job to survive. Hope everything goes back to normal soon. :(

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Juse14 on July 29, 2024, 06:19:13 PM
In my opinion, things are gradually getting better, not as bad as you and OP are feeling. Inflation peaked in 2022 and is gradually decreasing until now, the war between Ukraine and Russia is still ongoing but it is clear that the world is gradually adapting and no longer cares about them as much as before.

I'm not saying the economy has fully recovered but things have improved a lot since the peak of inflation and that's why many countries have started gradually reducing interest rates.

Additionally, there may be differences in each country due to different government policies, but it can be said that the overall situation is gradually getting better, not worse.
The thing is, life is more expensive nowadays, but life is better as well. Just think about it, if a king wanted to visit USA, from UK, even just 100 years ago, they would have to deal with so much, and it would have been such a huge trouble, you could be literally OWNER of a nation, which most kings were titled as, and you still wouldn't be able to get as comfortable as some normal passenger who buys an economy ticket on a plane today.

So, while things are more expensive and we feel poor, that's a little bit because of comparison, because while we are living better than kings of their time, we are also living much worse than kings of our time, so we need to just compare the history. So, when someone asks me "is economy that bad" I ask, compared to what? What is good and what is bad?

If you wish for a "good" that never happened before, it is not going to happen now, we are not going to have every human in the world with free house, free clothing, free food, free education and free healthcare. That's basic human needs, and some people do not have them, hell even I need some new clothes lol, but I am too lazy to go buy some that's another subject. So all in all, I think it's quite clear that we are doing bad compared to rich people, but we are doing much better compared to poor people of the past.

Comparisons with those around us often shape our sense of well-being. We might feel impoverished as a result of contrasting ourselves against the richer, but retrospectively, we can notice the increase in richness in terms of comfort and lifestyle.

Within the scope of the world economy, is the economy "that bad" Well, it depends on how we look at it. We have come so far when contrasted with previous standards of living. But if we look at it in terms of the potential future, then no, we are not there yet.

We must keep working to right the wrongs and ensure a better quality of life reaches more people. Seeing progress in this regard can be quite heartening, and it would also serve as an impetus for one to pitch in towards building a fairer and wealthier world.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on July 29, 2024, 06:25:11 PM
For anyone who sole depends on the current economy situation of his country, they may ended being disappointed because things might not just work out as expected, not because the government are not interested on seeing them work out, but because they lack the ability and capacity of making the right ones happened with the economy, if we look more better, we could discover that this also is a global challenge as many countries were found being under this same economic challenge and inflation is extremely dealing with every aspects.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: eightdots on July 29, 2024, 06:36:35 PM
For anyone who sole depends on the current economy situation of his country, they may ended being disappointed because things might not just work out as expected, not because the government are not interested on seeing them work out, but because they lack the ability and capacity of making the right ones happened with the economy, if we look more better, we could discover that this also is a global challenge as many countries were found being under this same economic challenge and inflation is extremely dealing with every aspects.

It takes a long time to make up for mistakes made in economic terms. These mistakes are made by many countries. The necessary work should be done to correct these mistakes. Inflation is present all over the world, but it is felt very much in some countries. This causes the effects of the mistakes made to be felt more by people.

It is possible to turn a negative situation into a positive one with the right work. The important thing is to have the right people in the right positions and have the capacity to do this job.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Richbased on July 29, 2024, 07:29:05 PM
It's really sad to see the economy of the world under going recession and as days goes by that's how the conditions of things are getting more worse and the government is not doing anything tangible to fight inflation which is so bad. The poor people in the society, get poorer and the rich people even though they have enough for themselves and their families but in one way or the other they are also feeling the impact of the inflation.

What I feel it's the major reason why the world is experiencing a tough economic situation is due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, ever since then the world hasn't really recovered totally as they used to be as most countries are still struggling to recover from the shock. Conflicts between two or more countries also leads to unstable economic situation.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Fortify on July 29, 2024, 07:50:22 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It may not seem like it at times, but we are lucky enough to be part of the most peaceful and prosperous eras that humanity has ever known. Sure there are sporadic wars going on that can last for many years, however they are all fairly localized in comparison to chaotic times that have gone by. Since nuclear weapons and their ultimate deterrence, they amount of big clashes between major countries has been almost non existent - world war 2 was the last time things descended into a "total war" environment on a global scale and are hopefully the last time humanity will ever be that stupid again. We should be very grateful for the times we are living through at the moment and seek to extinguish the few remaining wars between countries that smolder today.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: tygeade on July 30, 2024, 07:03:23 AM
With Trump likely winning the POTUS, we might see some changes. It may not be entirely change the whole world but he's got some diplomatic actions that can resolve these international conflicts and issues.

I'll compare it with the market;

And that's it's not always at the peak of the market and there has to be a correction and vice versa. So, with all of these bad economic situations, we might see some betterment.
I do agree that when economy goes bad for a while, in return it gets a little better after that. We have seen how terrible it got, and we are going to probably see how great it can get soon enough. We have seen inflation stop for a while too, so we are going to see rates drop, and inflations drop, and going back to normal days. I wish we could have like 2% inflation, that would be perfect, all around the world, every nation. Because that would mean it is good for growth but it is not too high that people would get poor neither, it would work for everyone and would be perfect number.

Anything above 5% is becoming a tough one, and anything more than 10% is just insane, and we are seeing 20%+ yearly back to back for a while now, and that is not normal.

A lot of nations hides their inflation too, I see USA say stuff like 7% to 11% whatever at some point, when food prices increased like 50%, that is not normal and just because some items do not go up like that, doesn't mean that all stays the same. In the end, we are getting better, and economic situation is growing and getting better. We need to just focus on how to get a better result, it would definitely protect every citizen in the world.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: BALIK on July 30, 2024, 11:04:06 AM
With Trump likely winning the POTUS, we might see some changes. It may not be entirely change the whole world but he's got some diplomatic actions that can resolve these international conflicts and issues.

I'll compare it with the market;

And that's it's not always at the peak of the market and there has to be a correction and vice versa. So, with all of these bad economic situations, we might see some betterment.
If you live in the United States, if he is elected it will be a good thing for you because I also believe that Trump will be able to significantly improve the American economy as well as bring America back to greatness. But if we are not American citizens, do not hope that Trump can improve the world situation better, that is not easy and not necessarily what Trump wants.

As we know, during his previous term he also introduced many policies that were detrimental to allies as well as many other countries around the world, especially the economic war with China. Therefore, do not hope that Trump will be able to improve the world situation and that other countries will benefit if he is elected.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: mich on August 01, 2024, 05:06:10 AM
Well yes I do think we have a economic situation and it is bad. When I fill up my scooter with gas it costs me more money. And when I buy the same groceries from the store it is now more then it used to be. 

I really do think most people that isnt rich does feel that way. And it is only those people that does not care right now about this bad economy.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Yeesha on August 01, 2024, 07:11:44 PM
The current economy situation is extremely bad, due to the economy we are living in now, I don't think that they will be getting the actual inflation rate, because inflation has become a daily basis now in some country, especially Nigeria, since the COVID 19  pandemic things has been getting out of hand, and we have been thinking that maybe it was because of the situation we were back then, but even after the pandemic things was getting worse and till date is still worsened day by day, a lot of people are dieing due to hunger.

But till now we still hope and pray that everything should come to pass one day, because the economy are now less productive.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Captain Corporate on August 01, 2024, 07:38:17 PM
Unfortunately not only it is bad, but the hopeless part is that its looking like its going to get even worse. I am not saying that for the whole world, I can't know what other nations are living, but I am not making enough to even survive let alone live, and I am not really making anything that low, there are many people who are making half of what I make and still trying to survive. Governments manage the economy terribly and expects us to live a worse life and be ok with it, the sadder part is that their supporters will end up saying living a worse life is ok too, and make some excuses about it. Why would we live a bad life just to be able to afford it, why is it so hard to want to have a better life? I think weaponizing their voters is a way of protecting their corruption at this point.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Cookdata on August 01, 2024, 08:00:50 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The only thing I will Pick from your factors is post-pandemic effect, many countries are yet to get their shit together since time. Remember that some countries weren't balance more than a year and there were another viral of pandemic after the general one in some countries. This hit hard on many countries, even US is still trying to completely fight off inflation but the current percentage doesn't seem to sustainable and that's why they are still increasing CPI rate monthly.

However, ther are some countries that are not affected by the things you mentioned, they are known to have bad leaders that are very corrupt, best in manipulating the citizens and looting the country dry and all this hinders them from going forward in economical growth.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on August 01, 2024, 08:09:43 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Who knows".  This is typically find I find myself telling myself when it comes to this question, which working in finance is a question that I or my clients find ourselves asking pretty much every year.

As for your second bullet point, rising interest rates in the US.  I think that is going to start leveling out and I'm not sure it's supposed to continue the way it has now that inflation has "come back to earth".  I think moving forward me might start seeing inflation stay around where it is right now, but we shall see.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: passwordnow on August 01, 2024, 08:29:51 PM
The current economy situation is extremely bad, due to the economy we are living in now, I don't think that they will be getting the actual inflation rate, because inflation has become a daily basis now in some country, especially Nigeria, since the COVID 19  pandemic things has been getting out of hand, and we have been thinking that maybe it was because of the situation we were back then, but even after the pandemic things was getting worse and till date is still worsened day by day, a lot of people are dieing due to hunger.

But till now we still hope and pray that everything should come to pass one day, because the economy are now less productive.
Whether the inflation rate is based monthly or yearly, I guess that you're right that they won't be showing the actual percentage of how high the inflation comes. It's hard to deal with such situations when you're not prepared for it but we have to find ways in order for us to defeat it.
Everyone has their own way of beating it but it's not going to happen for most and they'll be the one beaten by it. But even so, everyone is doing their best to cope up to their situation and trying all of the means of living just to survive. That's a terrible description when many folks are just living to survive not to live.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Coyster on August 01, 2024, 09:01:02 PM
Yeah, the global economic situation is bad, but it is worse in some countries than in others. For example the situation is dire in my country, we are scourged with huge foreign debts, inflation, corruption, high cost of governance, etc, so it is really that bad over here, compared to some parts of Europe and the United States.

Things are so bad in my country that huge protests rocked the nation today and is going to go on for the next one week and more, the people have risen to say "enough is enough" and demanding that the government work to make their situation better.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Maslate on August 01, 2024, 09:14:25 PM
For anyone who sole depends on the current economy situation of his country, they may ended being disappointed because things might not just work out as expected, not because the government are not interested on seeing them work out, but because they lack the ability and capacity of making the right ones happened with the economy, if we look more better, we could discover that this also is a global challenge as many countries were found being under this same economic challenge and inflation is extremely dealing with every aspects.
Exactly. No one is excuse from this global challenge that we all are experiencing nowadays. It's just that while others have been affected too much, some are still managing their individual economy well because they have prepared before this inflation hits them and have been buying and hodling bitcoin ever since, and now they are already making positive profits from bitcoin while increasing their bitcoin investment. If people will stick only in fiat and won't start investing in crypto, they will never get out from poverty wherein inflation will certainly hit them hard.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: South Park on August 01, 2024, 09:41:07 PM
For anyone who sole depends on the current economy situation of his country, they may ended being disappointed because things might not just work out as expected, not because the government are not interested on seeing them work out, but because they lack the ability and capacity of making the right ones happened with the economy, if we look more better, we could discover that this also is a global challenge as many countries were found being under this same economic challenge and inflation is extremely dealing with every aspects.
Exactly. No one is excuse from this global challenge that we all are experiencing nowadays. It's just that while others have been affected too much, some are still managing their individual economy well because they have prepared before this inflation hits them and have been buying and hodling bitcoin ever since, and now they are already making positive profits from bitcoin while increasing their bitcoin investment. If people will stick only in fiat and won't start investing in crypto, they will never get out from poverty wherein inflation will certainly hit them hard.
The dilemma is that the economy has been made to work out for those at the top and not for the majority of the people, so when you need to be very wealthy already or you need to be very smart to identify great investment opportunities just to stay afloat, then it is not surprising the majority of the people out there are struggling and they have no way to make it under the current economy, and as long as this is the case, there is no reason to expect for the economy to improve as people do not see the need to contribute to it if they cannot get a decent standard of living in return.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CageMabok on August 01, 2024, 09:47:47 PM
The current economy situation is extremely bad, due to the economy we are living in now, I don't think that they will be getting the actual inflation rate, because inflation has become a daily basis now in some country, especially Nigeria, since the COVID 19  pandemic things has been getting out of hand, and we have been thinking that maybe it was because of the situation we were back then, but even after the pandemic things was getting worse and till date is still worsened day by day, a lot of people are dieing due to hunger.
That is very sad when you say that there are many people dying of hunger at this time in Nigeria, because in some other countries after experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic they were still able to recover by improving their own economic sectors even though the changes themselves were not immediate and significant. But at least no one is dying of hunger due to worse conditions like what you said, especially for countries that are not experiencing war or anything like that at this time so that is really very sad.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Abiky on August 02, 2024, 10:49:22 AM
It's really sad to see the economy of the world under going recession and as days goes by that's how the conditions of things are getting more worse and the government is not doing anything tangible to fight inflation which is so bad. The poor people in the society, get poorer and the rich people even though they have enough for themselves and their families but in one way or the other they are also feeling the impact of the inflation.

What I feel it's the major reason why the world is experiencing a tough economic situation is due to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, ever since then the world hasn't really recovered totally as they used to be as most countries are still struggling to recover from the shock. Conflicts between two or more countries also leads to unstable economic situation.

They're not doing anything because it's not in their best interests to do so. Higher prices = more taxes for the government. Central banks are just "playing games" with the general public. If they were serious about inflation, don't you think they would've adopted "extremely-hawkisk" measures by now? The first thing world governments need to do is cut spending. Especially on foreign wars. Rising national debt (like it's been happening in the US) will only make matters worse in the long run.

I think it's "game over" for all of us. The "Elites" (otherwise known as the rich) will live happily ever after, while the poor will live in despair. Will Bitcoin fix all of the world's problems? I'm yet to see if that will happen. Here's hoping for the best. :(

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: N.O on August 02, 2024, 05:41:33 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
All these problems have affected the whole world economically, especially Asian countries have been affected to a greater extent. If I talk about my country, it has suffered many times more than what my country suffered due to covid-19 and other problems due to last week's quota reform movement in government jobs.  Many important public and private buildings of the country have been burnt and billions of dollars have been lost due to the complete disconnection of the internet for 1 week across the country which has affected the country's economy.
In most of countries, situation is also critical. There are no jobs for an educated person and poor people are becoming more poorer and rich people are becoming more richer because Government is providing allowance to the business people and government said that they will not give seat to anybody in education department and WAPDA and many more departments and due to which rich people are going to abroad and they earn Millions of dollars and poor people cannot go to abroad and they are earning only few rupees and from which they spent them on basic needs and they have nothing to save.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Bright0515 on August 02, 2024, 06:59:03 PM
Actually I don't know where you are writing from, but before you decided to write this down it simply means the economy situation of your country is not working as expected. Yeah honestly right now the whole world are experiencing bear run in market in one area or the other no one can boldly come out to say that their country is 100% ok. What everyone should be thinking of right now is how to cope with whatever situation the economy would be.

Most people today find it very hard to cope with the economy situation because they are always believing that tomorrow will be better that today instead of making it  yourself. So what if tomorrow get worse? That's the problem let everyone prepare for the next situation and not only focus on the present if not most people will be left behind.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Distinctin on August 02, 2024, 11:55:24 PM
The current economy situation is extremely bad, due to the economy we are living in now, I don't think that they will be getting the actual inflation rate, because inflation has become a daily basis now in some country, especially Nigeria, since the COVID 19  pandemic things has been getting out of hand, and we have been thinking that maybe it was because of the situation we were back then, but even after the pandemic things was getting worse and till date is still worsened day by day, a lot of people are dieing due to hunger.
That is very sad when you say that there are many people dying of hunger at this time in Nigeria, because in some other countries after experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic they were still able to recover by improving their own economic sectors even though the changes themselves were not immediate and significant. But at least no one is dying of hunger due to worse conditions like what you said, especially for countries that are not experiencing war or anything like that at this time so that is really very sad.
When you say some people are already dying of hunger, then what's the immediate action of the government? I know Nigeria is quite overpopulated and has the fastest growing population compared to other countries but I don't think that's a valid reason to see them starving to death. Most likely, the government is not well managed and they chose wrong persons to become their heads.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Hanadawa on August 03, 2024, 03:03:07 AM
When you say some people are already dying of hunger, then what's the immediate action of the government? I know Nigeria is quite overpopulated and has the fastest growing population compared to other countries but I don't think that's a valid reason to see them starving to death. Most likely, the government is not well managed and they chose wrong persons to become their heads.
Corrupt government and bad political situation will make a country to be destroyed in the global economic condition like this. I am very sad and angry when there are people dying of hunger while the government officials can enjoy themselves with the luxurious facilities provided by the state. They use tax money for their personal and family interests. I strongly condemn what the Nigerian government did by letting its citizens die of hunger. My country is also in bad condition because of corruption but no one is dying of hunger.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Fara Chan on August 03, 2024, 03:38:58 AM
Corrupt government and bad political situation will make a country to be destroyed in the global economic condition like this. I am very sad and angry when there are people dying of hunger while the government officials can enjoy themselves with the luxurious facilities provided by the state. They use tax money for their personal and family interests. I strongly condemn what the Nigerian government did by letting its citizens die of hunger. My country is also in bad condition because of corruption but no one is dying of hunger.
Citizens who died of starvation are indeed very unfortunate because their rights were not fulfilled by their own government, even though citizens are the main part that must be protected by every government so that there is no need for corruption in the country that can cause bad things to happen like that. And if you are an Indonesian citizen, of course I can understand what you are saying because we are in the same country with conditions that are not much different at this time, but the thing that I can still be grateful for at this time is that none of our citizens died of starvation unless they were already dead.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Rabata on August 03, 2024, 05:06:19 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Global economic conditions have deteriorated significantly over the past few years and continue to do so. There are very few countries where this situation is stable. In some countries, the cost of living has increased significantly due to a significant increase in the natural inflation rate. And its effect is bringing destructive situation in public life. Inflation on the one hand and lack of employment on the other have reached intolerable levels in some countries. If the world leaders forget their differences and do not simultaneously play a role in controlling this situation, restless that has been created in the entire world will never stop. Pandemic and war is now a deadly threat to the whole world.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: AirtelBuzz on August 03, 2024, 08:36:22 AM
When you say some people are already dying of hunger, then what's the immediate action of the government? I know Nigeria is quite overpopulated and has the fastest growing population compared to other countries but I don't think that's a valid reason to see them starving to death. Most likely, the government is not well managed and they chose wrong persons to become their heads.
Corrupt government and bad political situation will make a country to be destroyed in the global economic condition like this. I am very sad and angry when there are people dying of hunger while the government officials can enjoy themselves with the luxurious facilities provided by the state. They use tax money for their personal and family interests. I strongly condemn what the Nigerian government did by letting its citizens die of hunger. My country is also in bad condition because of corruption but no one is dying of hunger.
Economic infrastructure is deteriorating in most countries of the world. The citizens of the country suffer the most through dictatorships and corrupt governments. However, this problem seems to be more prevalent in South Asian countries at present. If I mention our country, you will see that for the last few days, students have been agitating for quota reforms, while the government of this country has completely shut down the internet for seven consecutive days. As a result of which the economic condition of this country has worsened even though the economic condition of this country is not very prosperous.

In our Country, as inflation is increasing day by day, the employment system of people is decreasing day by day. As a result, there is always scarcity among people, which has made people's lives miserable.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: DeathAngel on August 03, 2024, 09:21:33 AM
Seems things have taken a turn for the worst following the figures released yesterday regarding unemployment. The figures suggest we are in or very soon will be, in a recession. Usually money printing will begin in this scenario to prop up the economy. Make sure you sell some stocks/crypto in the next year because things could get gery messy.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: N.O on August 03, 2024, 02:52:45 PM
The current economy situation is extremely bad, due to the economy we are living in now, I don't think that they will be getting the actual inflation rate, because inflation has become a daily basis now in some country, especially Nigeria, since the COVID 19  pandemic things has been getting out of hand, and we have been thinking that maybe it was because of the situation we were back then, but even after the pandemic things was getting worse and till date is still worsened day by day, a lot of people are dieing due to hunger.
That is very sad when you say that there are many people dying of hunger at this time in Nigeria, because in some other countries after experiencing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic they were still able to recover by improving their own economic sectors even though the changes themselves were not immediate and significant. But at least no one is dying of hunger due to worse conditions like what you said, especially for countries that are not experiencing war or anything like that at this time so that is really very sad.
When you say some people are already dying of hunger, then what's the immediate action of the government? I know Nigeria is quite overpopulated and has the fastest growing population compared to other countries but I don't think that's a valid reason to see them starving to death. Most likely, the government is not well managed and they chose wrong persons to become their heads.
In any country, hunger could not be dominant if Government is progressing and they are utilizing the funds for the relief of public. But if government is withdrawing the funds from public money then there will be hunger and there is no solution of that. Election should be again and public should choose best leader for the country and they should come on the road for the election. Democracy is good and also bad and it has two sides. If leader will work on the projects and he will give relief to the poor people then there will be calm in the country and country will progress and from countries people will come in that country in search of work and job.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: AYOBA on August 03, 2024, 04:12:06 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation.
This world now is facing a lot of financial problems and is not that there money in this world, but this inflation has make everything become so hard and the government is aware of all this but he over look I don’t know how he wants make people survive the cause of living wanted to kill the living. Mate this is not only your own personal observation this issues is for everybody so many of peoples are felling the pain.

Moreover, and that’s why I didn’t blame those that are leading this protest, because if they didn’t do something like government will not take any action against us, so I also support the motions of this protest is good for us to fight for our own rights.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: doomloop on August 05, 2024, 06:34:41 PM
Seems things have taken a turn for the worst following the figures released yesterday regarding unemployment. The figures suggest we are in or very soon will be, in a recession. Usually money printing will begin in this scenario to prop up the economy. Make sure you sell some stocks/crypto in the next year because things could get gery messy.
People tend to convert their fiat and deflationary assets to crypto and other inflationary assets so that they can be saved from economic crises and problems caused by such things, so I don't think selling earlier will give them any benefit because the fiat they will get after selling at the moment will lose purchasing power later on if things take a turn.

I would rather keep my funds in cryptocurrencies or gold or any other asset that I know wouldn't lose value if things go bad so that I can sell them later when there is high inflation so that I get more value for my assets and the purchasing power can be intact.

Selling early and regretting later is not a good choice, one needs to think twice or more before they make such decisions.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Abiky on August 09, 2024, 01:28:23 AM
Seems things have taken a turn for the worst following the figures released yesterday regarding unemployment. The figures suggest we are in or very soon will be, in a recession. Usually money printing will begin in this scenario to prop up the economy. Make sure you sell some stocks/crypto in the next year because things could get gery messy.

And the stock market crash of the past few days, tells us how bad the economy is right now. Can you imagine what will happen once central banks turn on the "money printer"? Inflation will rise to levels never seen before. Out of desperation to "boost the economy", central banks will further exacerbate the crisis.

I don't think we're heading towards a "soft landing". It's going to be all of the contrary. In the US, the FED will have its next meeting by September. Not sure whenever the central bank will decide to cut rates or raise them a little more to help keep inflation under control. The first option is most likely giving the recent turn of events. Prepare yourself for a bumpy ride. The question is: Are people accumulating enough BTC and Gold before this happens?

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on August 09, 2024, 09:15:06 AM
It goes without saying that the economic stress that the entire world is going through at the present time is understandable when it comes to meeting the cost of living. If you go to the market today and pay the market price it is seen that you have to pay about 2/3 times the price of the previous price. However this inflation difference may be slightly higher depending on the country. But be that as it may the current economic situation is a worrying situation for all kind of people. So we have to be aware of our position.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: fuguebtc on August 09, 2024, 01:43:10 PM
Actually, to evaluate whether the economic situation is stable or not, I think it depends on each person. In general, the general situation is that our world is increasingly unstable, not only geopolitical instability, but climate change instability and global warming are also directly affecting the economy, affecting our daily lives. And I believe that life will get more and more difficult instead of thinking that everything will soon return to normal as before.

For people with good jobs and high incomes, they will not feel insecure about today's economic situation even if commodity prices increase. But for people with low income or unemployment, they will clearly feel that the economy seems to be suffocating them, making it difficult to breathe.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CageMabok on August 09, 2024, 02:05:22 PM
When you say some people are already dying of hunger, then what's the immediate action of the government? I know Nigeria is quite overpopulated and has the fastest growing population compared to other countries but I don't think that's a valid reason to see them starving to death. Most likely, the government is not well managed and they chose wrong persons to become their heads.
What you said is also very possible if we look at the consequences that have happened to the citizens who have starved to death. So we can imagine that the government of the country really does not care about its own citizens to the point that someone causes such deaths even though their own country is not at war for a territory. I feel very sad when someone dies of starvation like that in a country while other citizens can still eat and feel a better life in their own country.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Akbarkoe on August 09, 2024, 05:16:35 PM
Actually, to evaluate whether the economic situation is stable or not, I think it depends on each person. In general, the general situation is that our world is increasingly unstable, not only geopolitical instability, but climate change instability and global warming are also directly affecting the economy, affecting our daily lives. And I believe that life will get more and more difficult instead of thinking that everything will soon return to normal as before.

For people with good jobs and high incomes, they will not feel insecure about today's economic situation even if commodity prices increase. But for people with low income or unemployment, they will clearly feel that the economy seems to be suffocating them, making it difficult to breathe.
I think this will also be felt by people with high incomes, especially those who always budget their money for their own needs, of course it will be felt, some people who have a middle to upper economy always use a monthly budget for their lives for the next month will definitely be felt by them, unless they do not use it to stabilize their finances.

For me, being in the lower class, it is much more pronounced, because basic commodities have gone up, so in this situation it is very difficult to be able to save and so on, even though I have a decent salary, but at the end of the month I can't save like in previous years.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on August 09, 2024, 08:00:37 PM
Seems things have taken a turn for the worst following the figures released yesterday regarding unemployment. The figures suggest we are in or very soon will be, in a recession. Usually money printing will begin in this scenario to prop up the economy. Make sure you sell some stocks/crypto in the next year because things could get gery messy.

Everything is just lining up perfectly, after next year we should be getting the bear market and we should have already sold some crypto to fiats to use during the bear market to help us to hold the remaining crypto we have for long term investment. Next year is also going to be the peak of the market (if we're looking at the market history) and the best time to convert some crypto to fiats. The annoying thing about this whole situation is that, the economy isn't getting any better, things are going to become more costly and we won't be able to afford them. The world is due for some recession so we shouldn't be surprised if it happens sooner than expected.

I think this will also be felt by people with high incomes, especially those who always budget their money for their own needs, of course it will be felt, some people who have a middle to upper economy always use a monthly budget for their lives for the next month will definitely be felt by them, unless they do not use it to stabilize their finances.

No wealth class is free because everybody is going to feel the impact of the recession. The only difference is that some persons will be able to avoid the recession but they'll be spending more money than they would had and for those that didn't have a replacement, they'll become broke in no time. Nobody should say that they don't care because they have some money. Lets not forget that money gets devalued during this times

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Antotena on August 09, 2024, 08:08:13 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To be honest, the inflation in my country is not smiling at all to people and you know what happened when money is not valuable, too much money in circulation, too much corruption and yet no job employment, there is not good health facilities, there is high cost of living, services and goods are too high and the worst of it is that the minimum wage is too small to buy things or pay basic bills that a normal worker can afford. These are the current difficulties in my country.

Most of the things we are seeing now is global because covid 19 was global sickness but there are some things that are inherent to what has been happening in some countries. If I look at how the westerners complained about hardships in their country, I just smile because that's what some people wish to see in their own country but perhaps Krchoffs law is taking effect.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: fuguebtc on August 10, 2024, 03:32:03 AM
Actually, to evaluate whether the economic situation is stable or not, I think it depends on each person. In general, the general situation is that our world is increasingly unstable, not only geopolitical instability, but climate change instability and global warming are also directly affecting the economy, affecting our daily lives. And I believe that life will get more and more difficult instead of thinking that everything will soon return to normal as before.

For people with good jobs and high incomes, they will not feel insecure about today's economic situation even if commodity prices increase. But for people with low income or unemployment, they will clearly feel that the economy seems to be suffocating them, making it difficult to breathe.
I think this will also be felt by people with high incomes, especially those who always budget their money for their own needs, of course it will be felt, some people who have a middle to upper economy always use a monthly budget for their lives for the next month will definitely be felt by them, unless they do not use it to stabilize their finances.

For me, being in the lower class, it is much more pronounced, because basic commodities have gone up, so in this situation it is very difficult to be able to save and so on, even though I have a decent salary, but at the end of the month I can't save like in previous years.

Anyone will feel the increase in the price of goods , but what I want to say is that people with high incomes do not feel insecure about those things, unlike people with middle and low incomes.
Like in my country , the government has just passed a bill to increase salaries for civil servants and public employees by up to 30% . That has helped many people feel that it is still not too suffocating compared to the increase in commodity prices these days . But on the other hand, farmers and workers , who have low incomes and do not enjoy the same benefits as state employees are struggling with soaring prices . 

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: MinMan on August 10, 2024, 03:16:30 PM
More companies are making their business work with less people, and that means there aren't enough jobs to go around, that's the issue. I mean we are talking about finite amount of resource, and we are asking to be infinitely available.

You can't have million new jobs every year in a country, so that means there are more people joining the work force every year, than the amount of jobs created that year, which means some has to be unemployed, there is no other way around it. I get that it may not feel like that sometimes, sometimes it feels like people are unemployed because there aren't good jobs or there aren't good candidates for jobs, but that's a smaller percentage of it, main issue is that there aren't that many jobs.
Yeah, like for example if a nation has 10 million unemployed people, usually they have like 800k vacant job offers, meaning some of those people could be maybe employed if they were good, but 9+ million would have stayed even if all those vacancies were filled.

We do need to figure out a way to put out more jobs in the world, but I do not have any clue how that would happen, so only reasonable approach would be to realize that we need a small UBI for everyone, would help every nation a lot.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: iv4n on August 10, 2024, 03:31:36 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

It seems that the world is facing a financial crunch every year at least twice... and as always, some politicians/banks/states magically solve all the issues and new promises are made, until the next time when they say how we need to drive less because environment, we need to spend less money and to live a humble life.

I am not buying those stories anymore, when some people lose money others are making fortunes. Somehow the big players are staying in the high positions, which is a normal thing since they run the game with their bankrolls. So don't bother with them, watch yourself, and do what you think is best for you.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: kuriboh on August 10, 2024, 03:38:52 PM
Anyone will feel the increase in the price of goods , but what I want to say is that people with high incomes do not feel insecure about those things, unlike people with middle and low incomes.
As with many problems, low income people have more issues like this because their salaries have not improved. They find it very difficult to move forward. And on the other hand, the high income people don't have anything to do with them because their salaries are very high, they ignore the high or low prices of the goods, and they continue at their pace, On the other hand, it is seen that the lower class people suffer a lot. We have to eliminate these inequalities, and the only way to do so is for the government to look into them.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Promocodeudo on August 10, 2024, 05:31:03 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Op many countries has been faced with high level of inflation, all you mention are also contributing factors to the world economic crumble, the country that I came from is suffering form hardship not because we dont have the resources but because the government fail to do the needful right from when the country gained independence, although I can also say that covid-19 contributed to my country economic downfall but our leaders has deviated from governance to personal gains which is capable of ruining the entire country well being if care is mot taken.
Harsh economic policies has also been a problem to us, during the inauguration of my country new president last year, the president announced the removal of subsidy which is not bad if things were put in place to curtail anything that may come as a result that decision.from last year till now there has been much hunger in the land because the president failed to put thing right before taking such decision, the youths and civil society organisations has been protesting to make the presidwnt to change his mind but to no avail for now.
Op your observation is right, personally my country economic woes is been caused by wrong economic policies and this is really bitting very hard on the country because companies are living and people are losing their jobs daily because of production cost, inflation is really on the rise at this point technocrats are really needed to see if they can remedy the situation at hand.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Akbarkoe on August 10, 2024, 10:19:14 PM
Actually, to evaluate whether the economic situation is stable or not, I think it depends on each person. In general, the general situation is that our world is increasingly unstable, not only geopolitical instability, but climate change instability and global warming are also directly affecting the economy, affecting our daily lives. And I believe that life will get more and more difficult instead of thinking that everything will soon return to normal as before.

For people with good jobs and high incomes, they will not feel insecure about today's economic situation even if commodity prices increase. But for people with low income or unemployment, they will clearly feel that the economy seems to be suffocating them, making it difficult to breathe.
I think this will also be felt by people with high incomes, especially those who always budget their money for their own needs, of course it will be felt, some people who have a middle to upper economy always use a monthly budget for their lives for the next month will definitely be felt by them, unless they do not use it to stabilize their finances.

For me, being in the lower class, it is much more pronounced, because basic commodities have gone up, so in this situation it is very difficult to be able to save and so on, even though I have a decent salary, but at the end of the month I can't save like in previous years.

Anyone will feel the increase in the price of goods , but what I want to say is that people with high incomes do not feel insecure about those things, unlike people with middle and low incomes.
Like in my country , the government has just passed a bill to increase salaries for civil servants and public employees by up to 30% . That has helped many people feel that it is still not too suffocating compared to the increase in commodity prices these days . But on the other hand, farmers and workers , who have low incomes and do not enjoy the same benefits as state employees are struggling with soaring prices . 

So if that is the goal, it will go back to the response of each person.

It is too favorable to civil servants, this will not be balanced with farmers or laborers in the community, this will have a big effect on the circulation of money in the community which is certain that the social gap will also be very far away if left like that which will result in bad things in the economic hierarchy system.

Of course the farmers will be very difficult with the burden placed on them, especially if the government likes to add imported crops that make farmers depressed with low selling prices while the needs are very high.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: fuguebtc on August 11, 2024, 02:39:02 AM
So if that is the goal, it will go back to the response of each person.

It is too favorable to civil servants, this will not be balanced with farmers or laborers in the community, this will have a big effect on the circulation of money in the community which is certain that the social gap will also be very far away if left like that which will result in bad things in the economic hierarchy system.

Of course the farmers will be very difficult with the burden placed on them, especially if the government likes to add imported crops that make farmers depressed with low selling prices while the needs are very high.
If it comes to the issue of fairness or unfairness, there will be many factors to consider and there will be disagreements because those who do not enjoy those benefits will never accept them for any reason . Besides, it's the government's decision and there's nothing anyone can do about it, complaining won't change their decision .

What we are talking about is the impact of rising inflation and rising commodity prices. And as I said: people with stable jobs and high incomes won't worry too much about it . It's not that it doesn't affect them because they also spend more money, but with their income, they will think differently than people with lower incomes . So my solution is to always find ways to increase my income instead of waiting for the government to solve it . That way , I also feel easier to breathe even though prices are increasing very high .

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Mr.sprin on August 11, 2024, 01:02:49 PM

So if that is the goal, it will go back to the response of each person.

It is too favorable to civil servants, this will not be balanced with farmers or laborers in the community, this will have a big effect on the circulation of money in the community which is certain that the social gap will also be very far away if left like that which will result in bad things in the economic hierarchy system.

Of course the farmers will be very difficult with the burden placed on them, especially if the government likes to add imported crops that make farmers depressed with low selling prices while the needs are very high.

Yes, that's right, bro, now what we are sad to see is casual daily laborers, farmers and planters, with prices continuing to soar but their selling prices are very low, all materials are imported, making it difficult for middle and lower class people to adapt to the current economic situation. society is really declining, income and expenditure are at a higher rate, so it is very difficult for them to survive, like it or not, they have to look for loans from other people, thankfully there is no interest charged, if they get used to the interest it will make them scream even more about their economy.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: bitgolden on August 11, 2024, 06:50:25 PM
What's bad isn't even just the economy itself, I mean that's bad and I agree but that's not the entire point of why we are feeling so down at the moment. I feel like it is the fact that we are not seeing a way out, and the system is designed in a way that's trying to save the big companies, and right now they are having trouble, so they are quickly making people poorer and poorer to save those big companies.

Back in the day that's what they wanted to do too, but they were capable of doing that by taking a little from all of us, and what's left was enough for us, now we are not even making enough to live, and still trying to take from us, which doesn't work.

So everything at this moment looks like it is not going to be better. Like 40 years ago, when things got worse, if you asked people would it recover in 10 years, they had some hope, some of them at least.

Today, if you ask people if we will be better or worse in 10 years, 95%+ will say that it will be worse and that's out problem. Sure, it is bad right now, and we are sad that it's bad right now, but what is sadder is the fact that we know it will be even worse in 10 years, so we are very very scared about it, and doing nothing good at all, we are selling our today, for a worse life tomorrow, which makes no sense.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CK485 on August 11, 2024, 07:04:23 PM

Yes, that's right, bro, now what we are sad to see is casual daily laborers, farmers and planters, with prices continuing to soar but their selling prices are very low, all materials are imported, making it difficult for middle and lower class people to adapt to the current economic situation. society is really declining, income and expenditure are at a higher rate, so it is very difficult for them to survive, like it or not, they have to look for loans from other people, thankfully there is no interest charged, if they get used to the interest it will make them scream even more about their economy.
important sectors in the economy help maintain stability, with current prices experiencing a mismatch in prices it is very difficult to adjust, the impact between capital and selling goods is not appropriate, with the many imported goods on the market causing commodity prices to fall and can harm domestic products because the products are less marketable, in this case the need for a balance between demand, supply and supporting factors, because the price and availability of similar goods as a affects the current economic cycle, with the income they generate now of course not balanced with the price and purchasing power on the market today.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: GigaBit on August 11, 2024, 07:27:24 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Economic problems started in the world in recent times mainly after covid-19. But a bigger problem than Covid-19 has emerged since the war in Ukraine with Russia. Added to this is the war between Palestine and Israel. If the war is prolonged, the financial situation cannot be expected to change very easily. Ukraine and Russia have been at war for a long time, disrupting production there. There have been various crises in the world including food, oil shortage due to which inflation has also increased. If this situation continues for a long time, it is difficult to hope that the financial situation will ever improve, but if each country thinks about how they can cover the deficits by spending, this situation can change.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Akbarkoe on August 12, 2024, 05:20:56 PM

So if that is the goal, it will go back to the response of each person.

It is too favorable to civil servants, this will not be balanced with farmers or laborers in the community, this will have a big effect on the circulation of money in the community which is certain that the social gap will also be very far away if left like that which will result in bad things in the economic hierarchy system.

Of course the farmers will be very difficult with the burden placed on them, especially if the government likes to add imported crops that make farmers depressed with low selling prices while the needs are very high.

Yes, that's right, bro, now what we are sad to see is casual daily laborers, farmers and planters, with prices continuing to soar but their selling prices are very low, all materials are imported, making it difficult for middle and lower class people to adapt to the current economic situation. society is really declining, income and expenditure are at a higher rate, so it is very difficult for them to survive, like it or not, they have to look for loans from other people, thankfully there is no interest charged, if they get used to the interest it will make them scream even more about their economy.
In fact, the big problem that occurs due to this difficulty in my country is that many people are in trouble and choose online loans where they are charged with considerable interest, while work is very difficult and not a few are in arrears so that they end up in legal action because they cannot pay, this situation is very sad.

If you want to read the news, although this is old news, it proves that the economy has not improved over the past year.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: MissNonFall9 on August 13, 2024, 06:10:55 AM
Actually, to evaluate whether the economic situation is stable or not, I think it depends on each person. In general, the general situation is that our world is increasingly unstable, not only geopolitical instability, but climate change instability and global warming are also directly affecting the economy, affecting our daily lives. And I believe that life will get more and more difficult instead of thinking that everything will soon return to normal as before.

For people with good jobs and high incomes, they will not feel insecure about today's economic situation even if commodity prices increase. But for people with low income or unemployment, they will clearly feel that the economy seems to be suffocating them, making it difficult to breathe.
For many years I have been thinking that the situation will change, I will live a comfortable life and financial peace will come. But day by day life is getting tougher and tougher. However my income has increased since before but that peace is not coming anymore. Is it because of my increased financial ability that the demand has also increased or the world economy is becoming unstable? This is why your belief matches my reality exactly, financial comfort is no longer available but is gradually moving towards a more serious situation and it will be longer in the future.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: rhodelmabanal on August 13, 2024, 08:51:32 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Before the crisis happen the economy of country is already bad, because there are still corrupt politician and then the pandemic and war happen happen the situation is becoming more worst than we expected because the war makes the cost of the fuel so high and it makes the transportations of product harder it cost very high expenses in fuel to transfer product from one place to another and it makes the products high at price, so for me i think the situation is still very bad we are still in the stage of recovering.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Myleschetty on August 13, 2024, 01:37:06 PM
Yes, the whole world is experiencing a financial crunch and it all started with the government's naive printing of more fiat currency every year while the tension of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine was caused by political benefits.
About the post Pandemic aftermath, my belief is that the pandemic has taught the government a great lesson but they chose to ignore the positive impact the adoption of cryptocurrency will cause

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Tigerheart3026 on August 13, 2024, 02:02:59 PM
many of the countries economic situation is not good this is the real scenario almost in every country, but i think my country's economic condition is too bad from other countries because of last week our prime minister resigns after mass protest, so that now a lot of crisis in the country, inflation is high, because central bank printing billions of money.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: South Park on August 13, 2024, 08:52:10 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Before the crisis happen the economy of country is already bad, because there are still corrupt politician and then the pandemic and war happen happen the situation is becoming more worst than we expected because the war makes the cost of the fuel so high and it makes the transportations of product harder it cost very high expenses in fuel to transfer product from one place to another and it makes the products high at price, so for me i think the situation is still very bad we are still in the stage of recovering.
Things could get even worse, the tensions on the middle east are increasing and we do not know when China may decide to make their own move, and once that happens you can be sure the markets will take a nosedive, so if the country where you are living was already in a bad position then such position will only worsen, as it could take it years before a full recovery were to happen, and that would only be true if we did not found yet another obstacle for the economic recovery we all want.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: DiMarxist on August 13, 2024, 10:21:41 PM
I don't like when we play or argue politics on blame game. The COVID-19 has come and gone. And the governments that were on sit were not increasing any inflation aftermath of the pandemic. And after the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries have changed government and things were doing well. So if a new government is coming in, he has to maintain that level from the previous government and make things easy for the citizens to enjoy and not to destroy the already established structure and he can't even maintain the economy again.
In Africa, the middle east and the now on boiling stage. Protest everything day because of the bad government with their bad or wrong policies.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Ojima-ojo on August 13, 2024, 11:53:34 PM
I don't like when we play or argue politics on blame game. The COVID-19 has come and gone. And the governments that were on sit were not increasing any inflation aftermath of the pandemic. And after the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries have changed government and things were doing well. So if a new government is coming in, he has to maintain that level from the previous government and make things easy for the citizens to enjoy and not to destroy the already established structure and he can't even maintain the economy again.
In Africa, the middle east and the now on boiling stage. Protest everything day because of the bad government with their bad or wrong policies.
You said let leave politics aside but from the look of things, this comment is somewhat political, but let focus on COVID-19 and it economic impact on most countries around the world, yes covid have come and gone,, but it impact still remains very fresh on almost all the countries of the world, even the United States, no country that is free from the economic hardship that covid brought with it, we can say that some countries have managed their own better but not totally free from it impact yet.

Government inherit both assets and debt from the previous governments, but the fact that building on the continuation of old government may likely not work for most politicians because past is always past and in Africa most past leader always leave debt behind.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: DaNNy001 on August 15, 2024, 08:53:49 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The worlds economy is crumbling everyday , in some countries they have lost the value of their currency due to the increase in dollar rate where I'm from in Africa a lot of people are barely surviving because the inflation keeps increasing daily..The economy is failing drastically, the cost of petrol has sky rocketed and now it has affected the price of goods and other things... The only solution to this is to reduce the cost of petrol

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on August 15, 2024, 09:48:58 PM
many of the countries economic situation is not good this is the real scenario almost in every country, but i think my country's economic condition is too bad from other countries because of last week our prime minister resigns after mass protest, so that now a lot of crisis in the country, inflation is high, because central bank printing billions of money.
Everyone must be feeling the same way right now regardless of whether or not conditions are much worse for one country and another but ultimately the impact of the current economic downturn is felt by all.

It's the same with me right now even though I'm still able to survive, but in my neighborhood there are already more and more people complaining about their fate, especially in the current financial condition. But indeed this also cannot be changed quickly because after all, as we know before that all feel the same impact no matter how small or large the country we live in now with the current conditions and with the worsening of the unfinished covid and several other problems such as geopolitics that are still hot, I think this will continue.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Mr.right85 on August 15, 2024, 10:04:57 PM

When it comes to how bad the economy has come to be across the world, I could only pin it all on 2 things and that is,

IMF and Corruption.

Nothing kills the economy more than these two, not the Rrussia/Ukrain or Israel/Hamas demonstration. These are just an addition to what is or what has been.
When majority of the revenue generated is used to service debt, only for the government to borrow again, then you know the nation is in real trouble. Not being able to sustain yourself is a nightmare and that’s the state of most nations as it is.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Bitco55 on August 16, 2024, 10:08:21 AM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government and of course, the people too may have made a lot of bad decisions to have led us to this state and economic situation. But at the end of the day, we should still look on the bright side. For our dear Bitcoin, we've got more investors than ever before. We've also got the wide adoption of skills acquisition, web business personnel, and others. Maybe this economic conflict may lead to a better civilization.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: slapper on August 16, 2024, 04:57:03 PM
What's bad isn't even just the economy itself, I mean that's bad and I agree but that's not the entire point of why we are feeling so down at the moment. I feel like it is the fact that we are not seeing a way out, and the system is designed in a way that's trying to save the big companies, and right now they are having trouble, so they are quickly making people poorer and poorer to save those big companies.

Back in the day that's what they wanted to do too, but they were capable of doing that by taking a little from all of us, and what's left was enough for us, now we are not even making enough to live, and still trying to take from us, which doesn't work.

So everything at this moment looks like it is not going to be better. Like 40 years ago, when things got worse, if you asked people would it recover in 10 years, they had some hope, some of them at least.

Today, if you ask people if we will be better or worse in 10 years, 95%+ will say that it will be worse and that's out problem. Sure, it is bad right now, and we are sad that it's bad right now, but what is sadder is the fact that we know it will be even worse in 10 years, so we are very very scared about it, and doing nothing good at all, we are selling our today, for a worse life tomorrow, which makes no sense.
The pattern is clear: the big boys get bailed out, the rest of us get screwed. This isn't just about economics; it's about power and who holds it

When we talk economy, we're talking about your life, your ability to put food on the table, to have a roof over your head. The system is rigged, prioritizing profit over people. It's always been this way, but it's getting worse. We used to share the pain, now it's all on us

You're scared about the future? You should be. But here's the thing: that fear keeps you trapped. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. We need to break the cycle. Stop waiting for the system to change, start changing how you engage with it

Support your local businesses, build community, educate yourself and others. Empowerment doesn't come from hoping for a better future, it comes from creating it, one small step at a time. The system promises you tomorrow, but it's a lie. Take control of your today

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Antotena on August 16, 2024, 06:39:17 PM
The government and of course, the people too may have made a lot of bad decisions to have led us to this state and economic situation. But at the end of the day, we should still look on the bright side. For our dear Bitcoin, we've got more investors than ever before. We've also got the wide adoption of skills acquisition, web business personnel, and others. Maybe this economic conflict may lead to a better civilization.

I'm not sure if there is anything as bad decisions, maybe in your own opinion but the people that made their own choice will think they made a better choice because they will never admit they made the wrong choice. However, I don't think in years of democracy globally there is a government everyone has ever loved, people always have their own candidate and they will hate with many propaganda just to paint it bad and not a working promising type of leader.

There has been a the worst conflict in the past and what did we get in return, back to where we are today. I just think that the world will continue to improve but it will be far from what is been promised by the government. I'm not sure about some countries but mine keep dipping everyday like the way Bitcoin price dip in bear market, no bounce but different problems everyday.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: tygeade on August 17, 2024, 08:11:52 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The government and of course, the people too may have made a lot of bad decisions to have led us to this state and economic situation. But at the end of the day, we should still look on the bright side. For our dear Bitcoin, we've got more investors than ever before. We've also got the wide adoption of skills acquisition, web business personnel, and others. Maybe this economic conflict may lead to a better civilization.
That growth in bitcoin is not only the achievement of bitcoin, but also the disappointment people have in other assets as well. I am not saying that bitcoin isn't great, it's definitely the best we have and people see that, can you find many wrong things about bitcoin?

You can of course find it, but does that change the fact that everything else is even worse? No it doesn't. Fiat is terrible, if you keep your money in fiat then you lose it to inflation, stocks are terrible because companies could be mismanaged and go down a lot, and many other bad stuff could happen as well, whereas if we are looking at something so clear with what we have right now, which is bitcoin then you will realize that it won't disappoint you. This is why people invest into it.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Oluwa-btc on August 18, 2024, 11:45:52 AM
inflation has always been expected to rise but it continues to do so with the government helplessly watching it happen

i think that the economic instability is caused by many factors and each factor varies depending on country to country

education, jobs and housing are things that need to be looked at as i think these are the core of a good and stable economy

Is not like the economic situation had really gone bad but the fact that the government just sit and watch all of this mess keep going on without making any crucial change had made it all bad and even worse.
Basically at this phase of life now,the least individual should be satisfied with things in the aspect of opportunities and social amenities but no things are becoming worse by the day even to point that he can't get what he wants.

I definitely know that ,like my country would have been better of if not for selfish interest and wants of individuals and government after fame,power and money which is not supposed to be so that's the reason it's affecting the economic sector and whereas the country too.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: ringgo96 on August 18, 2024, 04:46:38 PM
inflation has always been expected to rise but it continues to do so with the government helplessly watching it happen

i think that the economic instability is caused by many factors and each factor varies depending on country to country

education, jobs and housing are things that need to be looked at as i think these are the core of a good and stable economy

Is not like the economic situation had really gone bad but the fact that the government just sit and watch all of this mess keep going on without making any crucial change had made it all bad and even worse.
Basically at this phase of life now,the least individual should be satisfied with things in the aspect of opportunities and social amenities but no things are becoming worse by the day even to point that he can't get what he wants.

I definitely know that ,like my country would have been better of if not for selfish interest and wants of individuals and government after fame,power and money which is not supposed to be so that's the reason it's affecting the economic sector and whereas the country too.
Economic factors in a country certainly greatly influence the performance of the government that manages every existing budget, and they prioritize the people over individuals, and this has indeed become a government tradition every year so that our economy is getting worse, and this is also the impact of the war that occurred in the Middle East so that it greatly affects the value of the dollar, if the government really wants to prosper the people then everything must be carried out according to the rules.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Nothingtodo on August 20, 2024, 08:55:14 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I can't tell you how the global economic scenario is, but the economic scenario in my country is so bad that it is beyond words. Politically our country has been affected in such a way that the global debt has increased so much that every person in Bangladesh is currently in debt per capita. However, it is expected that after the fall of the fascist government of our country, a new government has been formed, and in this case, the economic condition of the country is expected to change very soon.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: uneng on August 20, 2024, 09:28:15 PM
I don't think we have a clear and accurate perception of the economical reality the world is facing, because we don't really know what is going on the backgrounds and what is the strategy of those moving the strings behind the curtains. We only have some clues which can give us a small notion of why things are going downhill. One of them is unstoppable inflation due to the economical policies adopted by governments and their respective central banks.

On the other hand, there are also social factors, which I think to be the strongest reasons why the world is so chaotic without any expectations of improvements any time soon. Life is so fake nowadays. People don't really live for real, but emulate an illusion through social medias and internet, where everything is artificial, leading human beings to remain unmotivated in a comfort zone.

You have every kinds of stimuli at the reach of your fingers. You want food, order it through an app. You want sexual pleasure, watch a video on another app. You are annoyed by something, watch a video from an internet guru with an empty, cliche and default self-help message in the end.

This is modern life which doesn't bring any challenges or any achievements to be reached. On the other hand, in previous times, humans were more motivated to go after objectives. Family, friends, life were more important and meaningful. You had a reason to work, to try something better in the future, a reason to live. Cities were built, new technologies developed, and as consequence, economy got warmer and stronger.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Abiky on August 30, 2024, 06:11:48 PM
I don't think we have a clear and accurate perception of the economical reality the world is facing, because we don't really know what is going on the backgrounds and what is the strategy of those moving the strings behind the curtains. We only have some clues which can give us a small notion of why things are going downhill. One of them is unstoppable inflation due to the economical policies adopted by governments and their respective central banks.

On the other hand, there are also social factors, which I think to be the strongest reasons why the world is so chaotic without any expectations of improvements any time soon. Life is so fake nowadays. People don't really live for real, but emulate an illusion through social medias and internet, where everything is artificial, leading human beings to remain unmotivated in a comfort zone.

You have every kinds of stimuli at the reach of your fingers. You want food, order it through an app. You want sexual pleasure, watch a video on another app. You are annoyed by something, watch a video from an internet guru with an empty, cliche and default self-help message in the end.

This is modern life which doesn't bring any challenges or any achievements to be reached. On the other hand, in previous times, humans were more motivated to go after objectives. Family, friends, life were more important and meaningful. You had a reason to work, to try something better in the future, a reason to live. Cities were built, new technologies developed, and as consequence, economy got warmer and stronger.

The recent advancements in technology, made people lazier than ever. We can blame the Internet and AI for this. It will only get worse in the long run. Eventually, most human-based tasks will be performed by AI. This translates into less jobs and a crippled economy. Unless, governments and central banks find a way to keep the economy afloat with such drastic changes.

A good economic landscape will bring a better quality of life to many. I sure hope things get back to normal before it's too late. With sound monetary policies, anything's possible. Right? :D

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Mr.sprin on August 30, 2024, 06:31:18 PM
The economy is currently not doing well with inflation rates which are getting higher and higher making it increasingly difficult for people to live their daily lives, plus the extreme poverty rate which continues to increase means that life is not going well at the moment, where currently the era of technology is all over the place. Sophisticated, school children are now required to take exams via cellphone, where difficulties regarding even basic needs have not yet been resolved, plus with such recommendations, the difficulties they feel will increase even more. Keeping up with the times is fine, but it must be considered as well as possible so that everything is evenly distributed and not burdensome. each other, do not add to the difficulties on top of the difficulties already experienced.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: South Park on August 30, 2024, 07:15:53 PM
The recent advancements in technology, made people lazier than ever. We can blame the Internet and AI for this. It will only get worse in the long run. Eventually, most human-based tasks will be performed by AI. This translates into less jobs and a crippled economy. Unless, governments and central banks find a way to keep the economy afloat with such drastic changes.

A good economic landscape will bring a better quality of life to many. I sure hope things get back to normal before it's too late. With sound monetary policies, anything's possible. Right? :D
The AI revolution that is coming will bring consequences we cannot even fathom, on the past even if the creation of a new technology made many occupations obsolete, at the same time it created many other new jobs, but AI has the potential to replace the vast majority of the population and keep them unemployed, how can we make an economy work under those circumstances? No one really knows and that is a future that may happen during the next decades, so it is not as if we have a lot of time to figure out how to solve this.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: CK485 on August 30, 2024, 07:42:19 PM

The recent advancements in technology, made people lazier than ever. We can blame the Internet and AI for this. It will only get worse in the long run. Eventually, most human-based tasks will be performed by AI. This translates into less jobs and a crippled economy. Unless, governments and central banks find a way to keep the economy afloat with such drastic changes.

A good economic landscape will bring a better quality of life to many. I sure hope things get back to normal before it's too late. With sound monetary policies, anything's possible. Right? :D

It is true, from the advancement of technology it is clear that it can advance a country or region, and that is a good achievement, especially with the advancement of AI and internet technology which is now widely used, so everything is easy and the effect is that the economy, becomes more difficult because it is replaced by this technology and there are risks behind this progress.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: Fortify on August 30, 2024, 08:00:25 PM
It seems like the whole world is facing a financial crunch. Based on my personal observations, I think several factors contribute to this situation:

International Instability: Ongoing conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged tensions in the Israel-Palestine region.
Rising Interest Rates: The U.S. dollar entering a cycle of increased interest rates.
Post-Pandemic Aftermath: The lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Life has never been better for the vast majority of the world, always remember that the media are always looking for news stories and controversial or negative ones are often easy targets. There is definitely a bit of a crunch going on in peoples finances because inflation has warped the economy in the last few years, however that is starting to stabilize now and pay increases did somewhat keep up for many people. We are potentially entering a new "boom" era with interest rates coming down and that is usually a prime time for earning money. We will see all those people with expensive mortgages having more spending power unlocked and that will be spent elsewhere in the economy in good or services.

Title: Re: Is the current economic situation really that bad?
Post by: stadus on August 30, 2024, 09:18:02 PM
inflation has always been expected to rise but it continues to do so with the government helplessly watching it happen

i think that the economic instability is caused by many factors and each factor varies depending on country to country

education, jobs and housing are things that need to be looked at as i think these are the core of a good and stable economy

Is not like the economic situation had really gone bad but the fact that the government just sit and watch all of this mess keep going on without making any crucial change had made it all bad and even worse.
Basically at this phase of life now,the least individual should be satisfied with things in the aspect of opportunities and social amenities but no things are becoming worse by the day even to point that he can't get what he wants.

I definitely know that ,like my country would have been better of if not for selfish interest and wants of individuals and government after fame,power and money which is not supposed to be so that's the reason it's affecting the economic sector and whereas the country too.
It's undeniable that whatever a country will experienced, it's always the country's leaders that will be put into blame. Simply because they are the one's leading the country so whatever success or failures will always be attributed to them. And right now, it's rare to see countries that are currently in good economic situation, this only means that majority of the leaders these days are into corruption and money laundering which will definitely satisfy them with all the money entering in their own bank accounts.