Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: WinningJoy on August 02, 2024, 03:17:18 AM

Title: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 02, 2024, 03:17:18 AM
Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Natural Resources Certificate Paper

If all nations (including) the United States want to print endless local national fiat money paper then they must “replace” the USD leading stay-still role on the world economy.

As you know the US Dollar (USD) is currently playing the role of a “standard metric item” for other national fiat currency such as GBP, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Won, Rupee, etc. to follow.

The “replacement” here must be a non-currency item but also an item that can be easy to “transfer/move/trade” like any national fiat money paper.

Out of all non-currency item, the most popular one that most nation can agree at the moment must be natural resources. And the most critical one now is oil, gas because without oil, gas then almost all the industry stop, the economy stop. Oil, gas at the moment is even more important than gold, silver, copper in the mindset of most people in this civilization.

Why is must be a non-currency ?
Because if it a currency then it will be manipulated, low level people will always trying to “cheat” in order to gain certain advantage.
But if it is a non-currency, then they cannot gain anything unless they have endless that “item” in their storage.

I think oil, gas is most “fair” one which most big nations can agree on at the moment. So the oil, gas certificate paper should be the replacement for the USD for the international leading metric role of the world economy.

It is possible for gold, silver, copper certificate paper too if big nations can agree on that.

I am fine with any of those.
But in a fair judgement view, the best one now is the oil, gas certificate paper.

Vision Bodhi

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: pooya87 on August 02, 2024, 06:02:08 AM
In a complicated way you are basically saying that fiat currency should be backed by natural resources like oil and gas. Otherwise printing a new "certificate" is just like printing fiat and it faces the same problems of adoption and trust. Not to mention that we end up where we ended up with Bretton Woods system sooner or later and get scammed like it.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 02, 2024, 06:10:57 AM
In a complicated way you are basically saying that fiat currency should be backed by natural resources like oil and gas. Otherwise printing a new "certificate" is just like printing fiat and it faces the same problems of adoption and trust. Not to mention that we end up where we ended up with Bretton Woods system sooner or later and get scammed like it.
No they are not the same !
A currency can be trade for goods services vs a non-currency can only buy and trade for that specific natural resources.

The objective here is to take over the international metric role of the USD.

And nations cannot print new certificate without specific oil/gas/gold/silver in their land soil !
But it will be checked the the rest nations to make sure the fairness.

Of course USD will still popular but not as much as of now (due to the petrol oil).
There will be other alternative.

It is good for all nations, both the sellers and buyers !

My idea/vision is not yet exist in the history so not many of you can understand the concept fully, it will takes time to "digest" !

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: kryptqnick on August 03, 2024, 01:36:40 PM
An oil certificate system will be an issue for countries that don't have oil but have something else to trade. Also, oil is something we must rely less on to ensure minimization of effects of climate change. Finally, dollar is doing just fine as a global reserve currency. Despite the dedollarisation propaganda, the USD dominance as a foreign reserve currency is around 60%, and it's inflation is usually very manageable.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 03, 2024, 04:08:02 PM
The West Including The USA, EU Have Few Days Left To Decide Their Fate

I have explain and draw a great road map/solution with real goal/objective for the West (especially the United States of Americas USA and European Union EU) that can really help their nation to fully control their local currency (here able to print endless money without care about other nations).

It is brand new ideas & concepts that never appear in the history.

I do not know what their top leaders and decision makers will choose.

They can either “invest” in me by either obtaining a license so they can freely use or sending me all the financial resources they can. At this point, I don’t think any amount of money that matter, it is all about whether they “want” or not.

And frankly, I do not know their final objective either so hard to talk solo.

But one thing for sure: they must choose now !
And their decision will have directly result with their fate: either remaining or total collapse via high level entity orders.

Some big nations already into my blacklist because they did thing against me, add some other big nations next does not matter much to me.

Since I have found and finish all the best possible solutions already, so now I am ready and can fight any entities who go against me in a real public way (appear on the mainstream media now ? No problem with me).

This is a final warning message with hope to the West (especially the USA and the EU).

There is no specific deadline but I can tell it is matter of days, I will make my final decision very quickly in the next couple of days.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: pooya87 on August 04, 2024, 02:56:05 PM
And nations cannot print new certificate without specific oil/gas/gold/silver in their land soil !
But it will be checked the the rest nations to make sure the fairness.
The problem is that it can not be enforced. Bretton Woods system is a good example. They weren't supposed to print new fiat without it being backed by gold and yet they scammed the world and did it anyway. It would be the same with your certificate idea.
They can also change the value or exchange rate of the "certificate" any time they want. As they are changing oil price in OPEC already.

The objective here is to take over the international metric role of the USD.
There are other ways to "dedollarize" already. For example in ASEAN the member states are trading using their own fiat currencies with their multi party agreements. BRICS tends to do something similar.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 04, 2024, 03:46:15 PM
And nations cannot print new certificate without specific oil/gas/gold/silver in their land soil !
But it will be checked the the rest nations to make sure the fairness.
The problem is that it can not be enforced. Bretton Woods system is a good example. They weren't supposed to print new fiat without it being backed by gold and yet they scammed the world and did it anyway. It would be the same with your certificate idea.
They can also change the value or exchange rate of the "certificate" any time they want. As they are changing oil price in OPEC already.

The objective here is to take over the international metric role of the USD.
There are other ways to "dedollarize" already. For example in ASEAN the member states are trading using their own fiat currencies with their multi party agreements. BRICS tends to do something similar.

Sorry but your IQ is way too low so I won't explain with you since you do not even know what is a "natural resources certificate paper" should be, let alone understanding the whole financial system and other issue/subject !
What the ASEAN countries are doing is not "dedollarize" but just trying to trade with their local currency. And only some corporations take part in that treaty, not the "forced laws".

Where do the exchange rate come from (if not because of the USD then what ?!)

Do your own research and think more !

Overall, what I am talking are the theory, solution. In order to make it become reality, a real product service are needed. I do not have desire, motivation or resources to do that kind of project.
If you or your team or any other entities want to really "dedollarize" then you guys can either "invest" into my vision/project and/or "coroperate" with me.

More information at:

Thank you,

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 05, 2024, 08:46:48 AM
Looking For Business Partner To Do A New Super Currency Exchange Platform “Concept Of The Future”

I do have a great new idea vision which I call “concept of the future” for a new special super currency exchange.

What special about that ?
- It is going to shake up the whole world.
- It is going to end the current currency war between nations.
- It is going to take big proportion of many financial constitution & organizations such as SWIFT, Visa, Mastercard, etc. (around 40-50%).
- It will have many hundreds millions if not billions users.
- It is not only focus about finance subject but greatly including human development feature as well.
The potential are enormous.

I am looking for business partner to do that for various reasons:
- I only have knowledge wisdom but lack of resources in this mortal realm.
- I as the original author so it would be best for me to directly “make” that real public product service.

What I need from business partners?
- Money, resources to hire employee and setup up company, buying equipment.
- Do paper works that the authorities require.

Of course I also “sell” and “franchise” for any beings/entity who may need since it is quite easy to “copy” the model.

There is no deadline for the invitation but it must be quick (should be within next 4-5 days) because once my desire motivation gone then I won’t do this project no matter what happen !

For communication contact talk:
talk @ .
speak @ .

Phone Number & Physical meeting in-person: Contact email for more info.

If nobody have gut to take the lead, if nobody have gut to show up in public affair, then I will do that despite the fact I do not like it.

Feel free to contact me as soon as possible.
Feel free to share this invitation to all big group/organization/entities.

Thank You Very Much,
Vision Bodhi

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: Akbarkoe on August 05, 2024, 09:56:11 AM
If you understand about fiat, it used to be a certificate or receipt of gold ownership that bankers intersected to make it easier to make transactions, in a short time that certificate was used as a transaction tool with gold collateral behind it to provide value to the FIAT currency, then after all the conflicts during the Nixon era the dollar broke away from Gold as a standard of value on fiat itself and until now.

I think it's the same method, and it would be a lie if only relying on that, everyone will do the same thing on the new certificate, manipulation must have a gap in every development, so it's better in my opinion to restore fiat currency must have a gold guarantee behind it as a standard of value, and banks will not carelessly print money because they must have gold first to guarantee every certificate / money that is issued.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: pooya87 on August 06, 2024, 07:03:07 AM
Looking For Business Partner To Do A New Super Currency Exchange Platform “Concept Of The Future”

What I need from business partners?
- Money, resources to hire employee and setup up company, buying equipment.
- Do paper works that the authorities require.
This puts your insults above and your radical response to my criticism in a much better perspective.

Well, good luck trying to get others to give you money. This is not the first project on this subject in the cryptocurrency world. In the past 7 years (from around 2017) I think I've seen about 20 to 25 of these things trying to raise money using the "energy topic" to "change the world".

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 08, 2024, 04:32:18 AM
My Full Vision Explanation Of New Non-Currency Natural Resources Certificate Paper Idea

The information in image to protect the information.


Winning Joy

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: Yatsan on August 14, 2024, 08:35:47 AM
If you understand about fiat, it used to be a certificate or receipt of gold ownership that bankers intersected to make it easier to make transactions, in a short time that certificate was used as a transaction tool with gold collateral behind it to provide value to the FIAT currency, then after all the conflicts during the Nixon era the dollar broke away from Gold as a standard of value on fiat itself and until now.

I think it's the same method, and it would be a lie if only relying on that, everyone will do the same thing on the new certificate, manipulation must have a gap in every development, so it's better in my opinion to restore fiat currency must have a gold guarantee behind it as a standard of value, and banks will not carelessly print money because they must have gold first to guarantee every certificate / money that is issued.

Yeah that's right, and its development of fiat currency from gold credit to where it is now. I found it in internet that the value of fiat money used to be supported by gold reserves that lent real credibility. In the 1970s, President Nixon decided to stop the conversion of dollars into gold and his decision based on the article is turned the world monetary system into a fiat system, dependent on trust backed by the government. Your plan to restore monetary policy, with stable and responsible results directly relating funding to gold reserves, would go a long way in controlling printing and inflation. The gold standard if I remember correctly is also has problems, such as deflationary pressures and limits on monetary policy action, quite relevant to monetary management (if I forgot something, anyone can add). While a gold-based policy might offer external stability, with modernity, a fiat system allows for the required flexibility to handle a highly complicated global economy.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: Akbarkoe on August 14, 2024, 04:51:02 PM
If you understand about fiat, it used to be a certificate or receipt of gold ownership that bankers intersected to make it easier to make transactions, in a short time that certificate was used as a transaction tool with gold collateral behind it to provide value to the FIAT currency, then after all the conflicts during the Nixon era the dollar broke away from Gold as a standard of value on fiat itself and until now.

I think it's the same method, and it would be a lie if only relying on that, everyone will do the same thing on the new certificate, manipulation must have a gap in every development, so it's better in my opinion to restore fiat currency must have a gold guarantee behind it as a standard of value, and banks will not carelessly print money because they must have gold first to guarantee every certificate / money that is issued.

Yeah that's right, and its development of fiat currency from gold credit to where it is now. I found it in internet that the value of fiat money used to be supported by gold reserves that lent real credibility. In the 1970s, President Nixon decided to stop the conversion of dollars into gold and his decision based on the article is turned the world monetary system into a fiat system, dependent on trust backed by the government. Your plan to restore monetary policy, with stable and responsible results directly relating funding to gold reserves, would go a long way in controlling printing and inflation. The gold standard if I remember correctly is also has problems, such as deflationary pressures and limits on monetary policy action, quite relevant to monetary management (if I forgot something, anyone can add). While a gold-based policy might offer external stability, with modernity, a fiat system allows for the required flexibility to handle a highly complicated global economy.

The most complicated thing in looking at fiat money with a gold guarantee is, the government is difficult to print money to deal with development problems and other state operational costs because gold is needed for every penny issued, so economic growth will also be fierce competition and very difficult to move faster, if there is a slow turnover of money it will be more ineffective in holding back deflation.

Maybe it's true that fiat money can be more flexible but yes as it is now the impact, where it will be easy for economic bubbles to occur, and instability also often occurs, I think both have risks, but more fair in competition then there needs to be a real value guarantee so that no party is arbitrary in its manufacture.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 20, 2024, 06:10:43 AM
My Special Solution For The Currency War Problem Will Only Be Revealed In My Websites

In a very near future, I will share the read-only version of my special solution for the global currency war problem but only on my personal website/forum/blog.

I can tell you:
– It is not only focus on financial issue but also related to human development evolution as well.

– It is going to level the playing field between the “East” and the “West”, the team with big “natural resources” vs the team with little.

– It is going to give some entities a new reasons to stay alive.

– It is 100% going to stop the current world chaos.

Before releasing it online, I want to make it clear again that is the read-only version and not allow any of you to use for any purpose without my permission.

I also want to register the “trade mark” and “intellectual property” with all the authorities in this civilization as well.

Most likely I will release it within the next 10 days and in this month of August 2024. The specific dates or times I not yet know.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi


Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: DrBeer on August 20, 2024, 07:17:27 AM
Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Natural Resources Certificate Paper

If all nations (including) the United States want to print endless local national fiat money paper then they must “replace” the USD leading stay-still role on the world economy.

As you know the US Dollar (USD) is currently playing the role of a “standard metric item” for other national fiat currency such as GBP, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Won, Rupee, etc. to follow.

The “replacement” here must be a non-currency item but also an item that can be easy to “transfer/move/trade” like any national fiat money paper.

Out of all non-currency item, the most popular one that most nation can agree at the moment must be natural resources. And the most critical one now is oil, gas because without oil, gas then almost all the industry stop, the economy stop. Oil, gas at the moment is even more important than gold, silver, copper in the mindset of most people in this civilization.

Why is must be a non-currency ?
Because if it a currency then it will be manipulated, low level people will always trying to “cheat” in order to gain certain advantage.
But if it is a non-currency, then they cannot gain anything unless they have endless that “item” in their storage.

I think oil, gas is most “fair” one which most big nations can agree on at the moment. So the oil, gas certificate paper should be the replacement for the USD for the international leading metric role of the world economy.

It is possible for gold, silver, copper certificate paper too if big nations can agree on that.

I am fine with any of those.
But in a fair judgement view, the best one now is the oil, gas certificate paper.

Vision Bodhi

Resource cost is a very questionable solution. There are a lot of reasons. Today oil is scarce, tomorrow they found a new field which is 10x bigger than all the previously found ones, or for example they launched fusion and developed new generation batteries with 1000x capacity and charging speed in 5 seconds.....
And remember the times when gold was the measure of price - how it all ended. And most importantly - how to store the reserves that provide the value itself? Oil and gas are resources that require titanic volumes for their storage, otherwise they start to “strangle themselves”. Example - Russia, which does not have its own full-fledged gas storage system, and now they are forced to give it away for pennies, because there is nowhere to accumulate and store it....

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: DeathAngel on August 20, 2024, 09:23:00 AM
I think it’s going to take a while for admittedly, failing fiat currencies to totally collapse. TPTB will do everything they can to keep their ponzies afloat for aa long as possible. Money printing & out of control inflation is only sustainable for a limited time though. Protect your purchasing power, buy Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: Fortify on August 20, 2024, 07:38:54 PM
Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Natural Resources Certificate Paper

If all nations (including) the United States want to print endless local national fiat money paper then they must “replace” the USD leading stay-still role on the world economy.

As you know the US Dollar (USD) is currently playing the role of a “standard metric item” for other national fiat currency such as GBP, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Won, Rupee, etc. to follow.

The “replacement” here must be a non-currency item but also an item that can be easy to “transfer/move/trade” like any national fiat money paper.

Out of all non-currency item, the most popular one that most nation can agree at the moment must be natural resources. And the most critical one now is oil, gas because without oil, gas then almost all the industry stop, the economy stop. Oil, gas at the moment is even more important than gold, silver, copper in the mindset of most people in this civilization.

Why is must be a non-currency ?
Because if it a currency then it will be manipulated, low level people will always trying to “cheat” in order to gain certain advantage.
But if it is a non-currency, then they cannot gain anything unless they have endless that “item” in their storage.

I think oil, gas is most “fair” one which most big nations can agree on at the moment. So the oil, gas certificate paper should be the replacement for the USD for the international leading metric role of the world economy.

It is possible for gold, silver, copper certificate paper too if big nations can agree on that.

I am fine with any of those.
But in a fair judgement view, the best one now is the oil, gas certificate paper.

Currency is all about trust and the world has decided that America, for all it's foibles, has the most at the moment. It is able to wield influence as it has so many innovative companies and a powerful military, even if the politics does get a bit dicey at times. For all it's problems, it is still better than any alternatives. Countries like China and even India are way down on the trust scale, due to the way their politicians conduct themselves or the economic environment. The EU is near the top, however it still has elements of risk as the Euro is influenced by dozens of countries. Currency is a bridge, so you can swap copper for oil, or gas for diamonds, and it seems you fail to understand this basic underpinning necessity that is required in trade. The gold standard has been done before and it failed because there simply aren't enough resources or they are impractical to use.

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 21, 2024, 01:42:29 AM
All Trading Markets Platforms, Currencies Are Required My Permission To Use My Special Vision Idea

Hi everyone,
I will be soon share to the public the ultimate key for the global currency reset event, the special vision that will stop all the current deadly war and open a new chapter for this civilization.

But as the original creator/author I want to inform in advanced that: all the trading markets platforms of all kinds, all the currencies (no matter fiat money or digital money) are required my permission to use that special solution/vision/idea.

I do not yet have a specific date which I will decide that special solution will be free to used for all at this moment.

I want all the neutral entities become the referee and witnesses for this special moment.

Very soon,
The Savior Vision Bodhi

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 21, 2024, 04:42:10 AM
Read Only – Ultimate Key Solution For The Global Currency Reset Event By Vision Bodhi
Just shared on my personal website/blog, go to that page if you want to know the future !

Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: WinningJoy on August 22, 2024, 04:40:08 AM
I Am Offering, Selling My Special Currency Label Tactic To All Beings, Entities, Government

The only way to end the current currency war and help national government able to “insert” new money into the financial system without the need of either natural resources or “sacrifice” is using my new special currency label tactic.

I have revealed that special information via image in my previous post.
If you have not yet read, then you should read it now.

By officially label currency into categories “made by....”, the government will have new way to receive free money from the society by exchange new designed note with that new “words” for the current fiat money paper from the public people. And I think that is a new to “collect tax” secretly.

Not only that, by using my special currency label tactic, nation will able to create new law that allow both the public government currency and private currency exist in harmony since now there will be a “barrier” that can be set, new rule/law that can be made easier such such 50-60% the business transaction or digital transaction must made via government backed currency or 40-50% transactions made through “low level made” currency.

Beside the government, I also want to offering/selling that special tactic to all the stock market, trading platform and companies, businesses.

Due to the sensitive, all of the agreement will be carried via physical in-person meeting to make sure everything is correct.

I have also shared/revealed my personal contact information so feel free to contact me as soon as possible.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi


Title: Re: Best Replacement For USD Is A New Non-Currency Resources Certificate Paper
Post by: NotATether on August 22, 2024, 08:29:28 AM
A resource certificate paper is going to be much more volatile and most fiat currencies, depending on the resource you are using for backing. Oil in particular will make OPEC very happy as they can become richer simply by producing less oil to the market. So it is a very bad idea. It will be a logistical nightmare too. Why re-invent the wheel when there is already Bitcoin?