Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Waldorf77 on August 09, 2024, 10:49:13 AM

Title: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Waldorf77 on August 09, 2024, 10:49:13 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Yaqs15 on August 09, 2024, 01:17:32 PM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

wealth is not something that will come with in a blink of eye. You need something put in place for it to happen. Things like good mindset, hard working, Persistence and perseverance. Wealth need to be created by those that are ready to accept it rules. wealth need enough energy, good understanding and also those that are ready to accept ups and downs of life. Because life has its own big lesson to teach. you must be ready to face all the challenges that come your way.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 09, 2024, 05:04:07 PM
We need to understand important things about life and life is not a place to just come and become so wealthy if your parents aren't there to pay the prize for you. Usually those who are enjoying their lives today are the people whom their parents sacrifice all it takes for them to secure the future of their children meaning as they are being given birth to the world they have all it takes to enjoy life and not to endure life. This sets of people just grew up to start enjoying what their parents has sort for them already, some could be investment or business where it would be running for years and such business would start making profit for them and they saved it for their children.

But to those who doesn't have their parents sorted this out for them would have to go sort for themselves like to start afresh, making new businesses or even searching for jobs to start up with. Most times those who have skills succeed so quickly because they could get employed from their hand works and becomes successful in life.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on August 09, 2024, 07:41:46 PM
So how have you use this information to your advantage, how do you know this and for you to share it means you believe it, so why haven't you use it to become wealthy. Using the word wealthy without actually knowing what it means its quite funny to me. When you're talking about wealth, it isn't the same thing as richs that you can say might fall into what you're trying to describe. Wealth don't just happen because of lower vibrations or whatever you're talking about. To create wealth you need to be intentional about your plans by Investing time and money into your business or acquire the wealth through long term investment.

So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

I don't believe negative energy gives wealth, it should be positive energy if we're being realistic. I haven't achieved wealth so I can't say much about it but irrespective of what the ideology is out there, wealth has to come from you actually working and not just believing in superstitious.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Juse14 on August 09, 2024, 08:16:34 PM
I get where you are coming from, but I beg to differ. As far as I see it, vibrational energy, be it low or negative, does not have to relate to wealth and building material possessions. A lot of great accomplishments throughout human history have resulted from inspiration, creativity, and elbow grease which can be deemed forms of positive energy. When a person, for instance, creates something that others in retrospect work benefit society with common goals often driven drive by wanting to help or improve the situation, rather than being steered by negative impulses.

I feel that one can attract wealth and success through positive energy, such as passion, dedication, and good aura and not necessarily depend on low or negative vibrations.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: franky1 on August 09, 2024, 11:46:10 PM
there is no negative energy there is just directed energy.  you need to push your energy in the right direction towards your goals
there is + & - emotion. and yes you need to find the positive emotions and push that towards goals too

lack of energy and lack of emotion wont get you far

so here is the idea
make a plan of where you see yourself in 5-10 years
work out all the requirements to get you there. for instance if its to be a doctor. you need medical education. its its jsut wealth then you need to account for your income and spending and wisely choose what to do with your funds to make your funds grow into wealth

if your not aiming your emotions and energy each day towards the goal by following the path to get to the goal, your not helping yourself

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Agbamoni on August 10, 2024, 12:37:01 AM
I have read most of your topics and what i have notice so far is that you have preferred to share your belief and delusion to members of the forum. You need to refrain from this.

How well did you belief what you have said and why i haven't you practiced?  There are no evidence to prove that your theory has worked either your personal experience or story from someone else backed with proof. It makes no sense buddy stop it.

We need to understand important things about life and life is not a place to just come and become so wealthy if your parents aren't there to pay the prize for you. Usually those who are enjoying their lives today are the people whom their parents sacrifice all it takes for them to secure the future of their children meaning as they are being given birth to the world they have all it takes to enjoy life and not to endure life. This sets of people just grew up to start enjoying what their parents has sort for them already, some could be investment or business where it would be running for years and such business would start making profit for them and they saved it for their children.

But to those who doesn't have their parents sorted this out for them would have to go sort for themselves like to start afresh, making new businesses or even searching for jobs to start up with. Most times those who have skills succeed so quickly because they could get employed from their hand works and becomes successful in life.
Health and wealth are two important things in life. And it doesn't come so easy to make wealth and maintain health. There is a prize to pay which is hard work and consistency. To be wealthy is not a day job, but one can be rich just for some months or decades. While a rich man can be poor later on it will be difficult for a wealthy man to become poor. Every step to achieving wealth starts with a bay step and continuously and diversification will attain the wealth.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Hatchy on August 10, 2024, 08:00:09 AM
Not everyone were born with a golden spoon. Some of these rich folks were just lucky to have made it in life and that's because they met the right person's. Sometimes all we are given to see is what happens at the front. But basically a lot of things goes on behind the sense of getting wealthy. Though I find it hard to understand what the op is talking about, but then we I know that wealth is a reward for our hard work. When talk our time focus what is important, try to do what we know best, keep learning, we might just fall out luckily with riches along the way.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: DaNNy001 on August 10, 2024, 08:37:36 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

I really don't know about all that but one thing I can agree on is about opening your mind to limitless possibilities because everything starts with the mind.. But creating wealth is all about hard work, there are people who don't even understand what vibrating on a low or high frequency is , they just work hard and they get the results of their hard work.. Another key to creating wealth is having multiple streams of income, a lot of business oriented people have use this strategy and they become very successful

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Distinctin on August 10, 2024, 08:40:09 AM
there is no negative energy there is just directed energy.  you need to push your energy in the right direction towards your goals
there is + & - emotion. and yes you need to find the positive emotions and push that towards goals too

lack of energy and lack of emotion wont get you far

so here is the idea
make a plan of where you see yourself in 5-10 years
work out all the requirements to get you there. for instance if its to be a doctor. you need medical education. its its jsut wealth then you need to account for your income and spending and wisely choose what to do with your funds to make your funds grow into wealth

if your not aiming your emotions and energy each day towards the goal by following the path to get to the goal, your not helping yourself
Always create positive energy by surrounding yourself with positive people as well. That way, there’s no room for negativity to grow and prosper within you. Live life with gratitude and courage regardless of how some things turn into not accordance with your plan, otherwise you will be filled with negative emotions that will turn into obstacles from attracting good things in life most particularly wealth.

However, wealth at some point do not only mean money and properties, but it also comes having peace of mind and living life with all positivity.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Yatsan on August 10, 2024, 10:06:29 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

For me the idea that decrease vibration strength is essential for creating material matters touches on metaphysical ideals that recommend one of a kind energies or frequencies affect various components of lifestyles. According to some spritual traditions, decrease vibrations are related to materiality and physical advent, while better vibrations are related to spiritual standards. In practical phrases, developing cloth wealth usually includes tangible actions which include difficult work, innovation, and resource management instead of summary or metaphysical electricity so, to perceive that negative electricity is essential for wealth introduction is not universally customary and might be visible as a symbolic way of describing the challenges and struggles involved in achievement. While metaphysical insights may be exciting, it is relevant to always stabilize those thoughts that come with sensible information and private reviews. Integrating high quality and positive power can also be a critical position in reaching fulfillment and achievement, giving a more complete approach to fabric and wealth.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Lida93 on August 10, 2024, 10:33:33 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 
Before I will go asking how far you have used this said lower vibration knowledge to enrich your immediate family and close acquaintance because to my believe that's where any genuinely intentional wealth builders should start from cause charity begins at home.

Still, without provoking your sense of judgement about how wealth is created because from what I understand about this lower vibration knowledge you're broadcasting as a mind opener to material wealth creation it is of great essence that I drag your attention a bit backwards that wealth transcend above being rich.

 It takes absolute determination, being intentional with plans, growing a lot of partnerships, years of experiences from failures and successful investments to build wealth. It's not sprout from some spontaneous force you referring to as lower vibration. In conclusion I'll consider that term to be some social construct that has the potent to lead to no where near being rich how much more getting wealthy.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: bestcoins1 on August 10, 2024, 10:44:21 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 
From what you said, I began to understand that everyone should be able to create something new that has a physical form so that it can be promoted so that it is known by many people and has interest in the products that we make. I don't really understand the energy and vibration, but from the words you expressed it can be directly implied in my mind that each of us should be able to have better innovation through any objects that can produce a product by utilizing existing materials.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Waldorf77 on August 10, 2024, 11:43:58 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more  
From what you said, I began to understand that everyone should be able to create something new that has a physical form so that it can be promoted so that it is known by many people and has interest in the products that we make. I don't really understand the energy and vibration, but from the words you expressed it can be directly implied in my mind that each of us should be able to have better innovation through any objects that can produce a product by utilizing existing materials.

That what you should know.
We live in 3rd dimensional world material world the physical material world needs lower vibration energy in order to get things done and make wealth...
lower vibrational energy is necessary for manifesting physical reality. This perspective suggests that in order to create tangible goods or experiences in the material world—such as wealth, possessions, or even art—one must engage with these lower frequencies. This could involve embracing emotions or states typically deemed negative (e.g., anger or violence) as a means to fuel creativity and production.
That's why you see on movies more and more violance and color RED the color red is the lowest vibration and that's it produces good wealth.

The higher vibrations: peace love unity and other good things but this energy does not build mansions or nice cars or nothing physical.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: slapper on August 10, 2024, 01:46:17 PM
You're true; wealth creation has an energetic component, but it's not about muck-drifting in "low vibrations." That is poverty of thought. Using ALL energies, the bright AND the dark, with strategic intent, results in wealth

Natural instincts for survival? Indeed, they stimulate acquisition; but, it is only the starting point. Real wealth building calls for using higher energies as well: imagination, teamwork, even love. These create sustainable empires rather than only transient wealth grabs

It's about realizing every feeling and every drive is a tool. Are you therefore making good use of them? Loyalty to a brand can develop from compassion. Negotiating can be won with grit. It's about matching the work to the energy, not moralizing it

Let's also widen our notion of riches at last. It transcends simply a bank balance. It's the freedom to live on your terms and the influence you leave behind for the world. That results from self-mastery, not only of the market

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Qiubell5 on August 10, 2024, 02:58:44 PM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

indeed in the sense of wealth it is necessary to be consistent in setting the direction of the goals that need to be implemented, so that with the negative energy in our mind aura, we can see the picture that can be achieved for the future, and that is very important even though to achieve it requires hard work regardless of time in order to realize all that, to create wealth, the need to determine your financial goals to what point to use it and how much benefit it is also important to aim to clarify in which direction the money we use must have a clear purpose is the key to creating a healthy financial condition.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Marvelockg on August 10, 2024, 03:32:41 PM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more  

Life and the process of getting wealthy can be very unpredictable. Maybe you've seen people around you being successful from doing negative thing and that has given you the impression that wealth comes from being negative. Go try it out and will find yourself being stagnant in life and almost aiding to nowhere. As long as you Don't have a family wealth that's handed over to you and you don't want  to rely on luck to come out of poverty, negative emergy is not an option at all but what has the potential of helping out is being intentional at life and following up on relevant things that will aid your success.

For your own good and sanity, you've got to let go of this kind of ideas as the are sure recipe for a myopic mindset towards everything and anything you're doing. That few person look financially stable through negative means doesn't mean they are even comfortable with themselves.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Waldorf77 on August 10, 2024, 05:01:14 PM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

indeed in the sense of wealth it is necessary to be consistent in setting the direction of the goals that need to be implemented, so that with the negative energy in our mind aura, we can see the picture that can be achieved for the future, and that is very important even though to achieve it requires hard work regardless of time in order to realize all that, to create wealth, the need to determine your financial goals to what point to use it and how much benefit it is also important to aim to clarify in which direction the money we use must have a clear purpose is the key to creating a healthy financial condition.

Universe don't work the ways you been told thats one thing another thing....take the water.
You know water can save information want spy on someone or to know what anyone was speaking just put the water in their room and later take that water and listen:) but material things nedds low vibe energy it's longer story

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: franky1 on August 10, 2024, 08:11:15 PM
there is no negative energy there is just directed energy.  you need to push your energy in the right direction towards your goals
there is + & - emotion. and yes you need to find the positive emotions and push that towards goals too

lack of energy and lack of emotion wont get you far

so here is the idea
make a plan of where you see yourself in 5-10 years
work out all the requirements to get you there. for instance if its to be a doctor. you need medical education. its its jsut wealth then you need to account for your income and spending and wisely choose what to do with your funds to make your funds grow into wealth

if your not aiming your emotions and energy each day towards the goal by following the path to get to the goal, your not helping yourself
Always create positive energy by surrounding yourself with positive people as well. That way, there’s no room for negativity to grow and prosper within you. Live life with gratitude and courage regardless of how some things turn into not accordance with your plan, otherwise you will be filled with negative emotions that will turn into obstacles from attracting good things in life most particularly wealth.

However, wealth at some point do not only mean money and properties, but it also comes having peace of mind and living life with all positivity.

if you are wasting time on the "manifestation" of finding the mental energy of yoga and Kumbaya, you are just going to still do nothing
even negative people can motivate you, by you using their negativity as inspiration to better yourself to prove them wrong

dont just sit and plan and commune with your spirit animal about who is good and bad and then waste months funding new social groups thinking riches and wealth will come to you based on some energy matrix magnetising you to riches(or whatever else BS stuff said by the manifestation group) you got to actually handle money and utilise it and move it to things that can accumulate the money

the only people you should stay away from are the ass kissing leeches that expect to share any wealth you get just because they know you.

and yes many "wealth positive" people are just leeches, best examples are gold diggers and MLM groups

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Maslate on August 10, 2024, 08:20:25 PM
We need to understand important things about life and life is not a place to just come and become so wealthy if your parents aren't there to pay the prize for you. Usually those who are enjoying their lives today are the people whom their parents sacrifice all it takes for them to secure the future of their children meaning as they are being given birth to the world they have all it takes to enjoy life and not to endure life. This sets of people just grew up to start enjoying what their parents has sort for them already, some could be investment or business where it would be running for years and such business would start making profit for them and they saved it for their children.

But to those who doesn't have their parents sorted this out for them would have to go sort for themselves like to start afresh, making new businesses or even searching for jobs to start up with. Most times those who have skills succeed so quickly because they could get employed from their hand works and becomes successful in life.
Having skills could open you into doors of success along with positive energy that will certainly attract all the good things in life. Life's success is more than just knowledge, but in order to achieve constant success, you need hard work and resilience, as well as good attitude that will pave way towards future success.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on August 12, 2024, 07:37:43 AM
I have five wealthy uncles, one of whom is living abroad; I have two wealthy aunts, one of whom is a very wealthy trader; and lastly, I have one wealthy man as an in-law. All these people I mentioned are people that I am very good with. I go to their house anytime I want, call them on the phone, and ask them anything anytime. Well,  I just have a good relationship with all of them, and I have been in a position where I asked them how I can gain wealth and become so rich too, but they never said this thing you said, which means that they didn't use it and yet they became rich too based on their steps taken.

So, what I am saying here is that if you ask every rich man how you can become rich, they will definitely tell you a different thing (their principle) that guided them and made them rich. 

One rich man said that he is rich because he doesn't allow every little opportunity he gets to slide behind. He makes sure he uses every opportunity to his advantage.  Actually I met the man in his site that I was working, he told me that he bought a lot of land in different locations and that he bought those land so cheap (not even up to $1k) and  when he was buying those land, his friends were laughing at him but after ten years, he was already being priced $30k per plot of land in some locations.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: SatoPrincess on August 13, 2024, 09:36:13 PM
This is just superstition. Wealth is not created from high or low vibrations. Building wealth takes time, hard work and sacrifice, it is not something that can be wished upon by the human mind. I believe meditation is good for the mind and body but it does not make you wealthy. Even the Bible says “Faith without works is dead”, meaning you need to have a skill, business or service you’re selling that will put you in a position to earn a living and possibly amass wealth from investments made from those earnings.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on August 13, 2024, 10:11:48 PM
Wealth creation have to do with its opportunity and the right timing for it to happen for everyone as at when due, we can create wealth with any kind of material items inasmuch that we are able to remained committed to what we do and maintain a professional standard in it, we have to be disciplined with the way of how we manage business, income flow and other things around us, because they will all count in terms of wealth creation.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: AmoreJaz on August 13, 2024, 11:34:04 PM
Wealth creation have to do with its opportunity and the right timing for it to happen for everyone as at when due, we can create wealth with any kind of material items inasmuch that we are able to remained committed to what we do and maintain a professional standard in it, we have to be disciplined with the way of how we manage business, income flow and other things around us, because they will all count in terms of wealth creation.

It is better to build wealth by keeping your morale, not resort into fraudulent means. You will always be looking over your shoulder if you happen to go the illegal route of things.

As you can see, you can have other options to build wealth-
> invest in yourself, earn higher degrees - to earn more income, as your value will further increase in the market
> slowly increase your assets (i.e. acquire real-estate, precious gems, gold, etc.)
> invest in stocks and other high-paying interest markets
> don't buy luxury items, if not needed
> be frugal, save as much as you can, avoid debts

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Finestream on August 14, 2024, 01:52:15 AM
This is just superstition. Wealth is not created from high or low vibrations. Building wealth takes time, hard work and sacrifice, it is not something that can be wished upon by the human mind. I believe meditation is good for the mind and body but it does not make you wealthy. Even the Bible says “Faith without works is dead”, meaning you need to have a skill, business or service you’re selling that will put you in a position to earn a living and possibly amass wealth from investments made from those earnings.
Absolutely. We don’t get wealthy in just a blink of an eye. No matter how much energy you have put in your goal, as long as you don’t have sufficient knowledge and developed skills, and even enhanced strategies, everything will not work out and will remain as a goal. That’s why high or low vibrations is not enough, but hardwork and patience, and most importantly discipline are the keys in order to achieve wealth in the long run. Consistency in all that you do will eventually lead you to a life full of wealth.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Faisal2202 on August 14, 2024, 05:11:33 AM
That what you should know.
We live in 3rd dimensional world material world the physical material world needs lower vibration energy in order to get things done and make wealth...
lower vibrational energy is necessary for manifesting physical reality. This perspective suggests that in order to create tangible goods or experiences in the material world—such as wealth, possessions, or even art—one must engage with these lower frequencies. This could involve embracing emotions or states typically deemed negative (e.g., anger or violence) as a means to fuel creativity and production.
That's why you see on movies more and more violance and color RED the color red is the lowest vibration and that's it produces good wealth.

The higher vibrations: peace love unity and other good things but this energy does not build mansions or nice cars or nothing physical.

At first I didn't get what you were talking about I mean lower frequency and higher frequency. You were being metaphoric and now I think I get the point that you trying to say we can't make wealth and possession of valuable assets without bad emotions like anger, revenge, frustration, regret, etc.

Well, you have a valid point because most people made financial success because either they were fed up and frustrated by being poor, some made hard steps because their lovers left them, or some made efforts because they were driven by the difficulties their parents were in.

But I think love is something involved everywhere, for example, there is a movie 12th Fail it's an Indian movie, the context is, he almost left trying for some government job but his lover made him believe in himself and just due to the motivation by that love, he succeeded. I know love is not the only thing that motivated him, as his parental situation like his mom was working as a maid and his father was in debt, his brother was not even caring for the family, etc. so he had to work hard.

I believe in higher frequency efforts because dedication love and spirit are what drive people to make new findings and make wealth.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Samlucky O on August 14, 2024, 05:26:52 AM
Op sincerely speaking I don't understand a bit of what you are saying but I guess the information is getting clearer from the replies. What I can tell you is that you don't need negative energy to be wealthy. Life is all about discovering yourself by knowing what you are good at, work smart consistently, believe and focus relentlessly without giving up then result will come. There are surely time in our life's we think alot and it makes us reason otherwise but then you pick up courage and Chanel the negative energy to produce a positive result.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Porfirii on August 14, 2024, 05:36:23 AM
I have read most of your topics and what i have notice so far is that you have preferred to share your belief and delusion to members of the forum. You need to refrain from this.

How well did you belief what you have said and why i haven't you practiced?  There are no evidence to prove that your theory has worked either your personal experience or story from someone else backed with proof. It makes no sense buddy stop it.


That's not so frequent in the forum, fortunately, but isn't it the way too many people behave on a day-to-day basis at work, at the bar,...?

I don't know if that is something that is more evident in certain countries or if it is global, but instead of listening what other people who know more than us have to say, and learn from them, many simply share their beliefs without double-checking them.

I agree that it keeps the conversation alive, and gives others the opportunity to make interesting answers, but it also lowers the overall quality of the conversation.

Back on topic, although I agree that it is important to be aware of what some call energies or vibrations (or the perception of them), I wouldn't talk in these terms when it comes to investments, field where it is much better IMO to make things clear and avoid metaphors about energies and the like, and talk about "market sentiment", or investor's mindset, or maybe feelings and emotions, instead.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Kemarit on August 14, 2024, 09:00:32 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

Are you referring to he law of attraction? If it is then I have to disagree that the vibration of money or wealth is lower. If it is lower then how this super rich were able to acquire their wealth if their energy is low?

So I will stop here, I want you to understand what the law of attraction is as far as money and creating wealth and able to manifest everything for you. As you can see other members are somewhat lost in what you are trying to say.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Rockstarguy on August 15, 2024, 03:56:48 PM
there is no negative energy there is just directed energy.  you need to push your energy in the right direction towards your goals
there is + & - emotion. and yes you need to find the positive emotions and push that towards goals too

lack of energy and lack of emotion wont get you far

so here is the idea
make a plan of where you see yourself in 5-10 years
work out all the requirements to get you there. for instance if its to be a doctor. you need medical education. its its jsut wealth then you need to account for your income and spending and wisely choose what to do with your funds to make your funds grow into wealth

if your not aiming your emotions and energy each day towards the goal by following the path to get to the goal, your not helping yourself
The first step to gain wealth is just to have a good mindset about wealth as something that can be easily gained and work towards it. Doing things rightly can also easily access wealth, wealth is not something that comes just like that, it is achieved as a result of good planning that must have taking place long time ago. In the struggle of wealth their are some kind of lifestyle that one must exhibit and one should be also ready to take advantage of opportunities that one may come across.

Another important aspect of gaining wealth is that it is very rare to make just from salaries earned, money must be invested to generate more money.

Educating ones self is something that can't be left behind because whatever thing one is thinking of to engage on there must be a good understanding about it to yield good value as result.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Davidvictorson on August 15, 2024, 06:45:43 PM
The first step to gain wealth is just to have a good mindset about wealth as something that can be easily gained and work towards it.
I think wealth creation has some simple steps which takes years of consistency to achieve;
Firstly, do the thing that you love, I mean a job. I have never seen anyone get rich while working at a job they loathe.
Secondly, pay yourself first.
Thirdly, sew your coat according to your size. Do not try to impress anyone.
Fourthly, all that glitters aren't gold, therefore do not be carried away by the glittery and shiny stuff.
Fifthly, when you buy assets, they should be used to make you more money. That is, something that you can sell off at a higher value. 
Sixthly. learn about the pareto principle and use it to your economic advantage.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: kentrolla on August 16, 2024, 10:31:47 AM
Hey mate, honestly I don't bother or even consider terms like negative energy and color codes. In order to create wealth one must open his mind for all the possibilities and best way is to keep trying and working on solutioning any existing problem and most importantly it requires a lot of patience as one cannot create wealth overnight. I have seen people very enthusiastic at the beginning but after few failures they loose that spark and switch back to corporate slavery. We need to understand it's not easy but also not possible to create wealth but we need to have solution for the existing problems to create wealth.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: bitLeap on August 16, 2024, 11:50:13 AM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

What is clear is that everyone has their own standards for being rich, maybe for you having branded luxury goods etc. is the definition of being rich but not for others. So stop talking about this and that theory and create your own opportunity to be rich according to your wishes, do what you want to do and stop dictating other people's freedom about the definition of being rich because everyone fate is not always the same.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on August 16, 2024, 04:56:58 PM
Wealth creation have to do with its opportunity and the right timing for it to happen for everyone as at when due, we can create wealth with any kind of material items inasmuch that we are able to remained committed to what we do and maintain a professional standard in it, we have to be disciplined with the way of how we manage business, income flow and other things around us, because they will all count in terms of wealth creation.

Without being informed we can't create wealth, the opportunity to be wealthy can be right in front of some people but because they're not Informed they missed it. Bitcoin is here to also help us create wealth by investing and hodling, but for those who aren't informed, they're going to missed it and that's just how wealth can be created or missed. Lets look at the people that were fortunate to know about Facebook shares and other big companies shared bacon the days, if they weren't informed and didn't have available cash to invest, they would had missed that opportunity.

Life is all about discovering yourself by knowing what you are good at, work smart consistently, believe and focus relentlessly without giving up then result will come. There are surely time in our life's we think alot and it makes us reason otherwise but then you pick up courage and Chanel the negative energy to produce a positive result.

Here you're talking about when you get disappointed from a previous investment that didn't turn out as you planned then you need to channel that negative energy to a positive one by picking yourself up and trying again. Wealth can't just come from one try, you have to try many times before you finally get it right. Like the wise saying goes "if you want to be a billionaire, you don't have to be afraid of losing millions". By protecting yourself from losing by not taking risks, you're setting yourself up for failure.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Antotena on August 16, 2024, 06:27:29 PM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

All this English and grammers for wealth? I don't remember Elon Musk gave this as inspiration as his success to been a multi Billion dollars rich individuals. To become wealthy, you must solve problem in the society and have funds to support the idea, thats how you make money. You solve the problem people are having almost everyday and don't forget that you also need a good relationship with the government and many banks for loan, forget that energy and all sort of things you are saying.

There is nothing like spirituality in wealth, if indeed there is I believe some people would have been bastardly rich due to how spiritual they have been. Some people lives are focus on all this dimensional things you are saying but when you see them, they have nothing next to their name after 3 square meal and some even struggle to eat the 3 square meal.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: justdimin on August 16, 2024, 08:33:42 PM
The first step to gain wealth is just to have a good mindset about wealth as something that can be easily gained and work towards it.
Wealth can mean a huge sum of money and I think the number of poor people are still more than those who are wealthy but that is because having a good mindset about wealth is not easy. Being poor is not easy either and I think if majority of us are going to choose a side, they will still prefer to be rich, so even if it's not easy, they are still doing their best and working on stuffs in order to achieve their dream.

What you said earlier is still true. When we have a good mindset about wealth, we will now treat money as a sacred thing and we don't just randomly spend it even if it's only just a little amount. Saving is good but it's not enough for one to become rich. This is where enter an advanced stage like using the money as a capital to build a business or to invest on some known profitable assets. This is also what you are talking about that once we gained the the other or the first trait, we will now then work or improve it.

I think wealth creation has some simple steps which takes years of consistency to achieve;
What? Simple but takes years? Hmm.., I think that was weird. It can't be simple if it take that long but that was true, I mean I even explained it on my first quote. There are just lucky mother fuckers on this planet though, like for example the new lottery bettors who then hit the max win. Many of them can only spend their money easily but at least, they experience to get rich even just for a while, right? Hehe.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: mirakal on August 16, 2024, 10:59:16 PM
Having positive energy is a must have. That will motivate you to keep focused on your goal and not get easily discouraged whenever you commit mistakes or you end up failing on achieving your target goal.

Also, patience and self-discipline matter a lot in order to create your own wealth. The process might be tough and hard, but because you have instill discipline in yourself, it won't be long but rest assured you will come to achieve your goal of getting rich in the long run.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: batang_bitcoin on August 16, 2024, 11:13:06 PM
I am baffled to read that negative energy creates wealth? Totally confused with that, what negative energy creates is the negativity that we are absorbing. That's the reality that we're getting from that thing and that affects us negatively and we don't like any kind of negative matter in our lives because it's like a domino that gives that impact to each and one of us. What I believe what we need in order for us to be wealthy is skill. Skill in making money, skill in making network, skill in finances, and everything. That's why the wealthy people gets to the top because of their skills, except those that are born with golden spoon but still, they learn it through their way as they inherit all of those riches and wealth.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: lixer on August 17, 2024, 07:10:31 PM
It is better to build wealth by keeping your morale, not resortinto fraudulent means. You will always ve looking over ypur shoulder if you happen to go the illegal route of things.
At first, I thought some words you wrote are Spanish but after reading it again, I realize that some of it only lacks in spaces and there are also some typos lol. Maybe you need to double-check before you post next time mate, hehe, peace. What you said there is still correct and a must to be followed by everyone else.

Those people who dare to do illegal things are usually courageous and they may not even look back or look over their shoulders to check if there are someone who are after them because they got detected and once they got caught out, they will be glad to face their punishments. If ever there are scared individuals who still insisted to do such act for some reasons, they are the ones who will badly regret it and will cry hard once they get their punishments.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Oluwa-btc on August 18, 2024, 12:01:01 PM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.

I don't really get your statement of saying negative energy can create wealth and I think there's a miss up in your statement and if you want to stand by this you should give more hints to proof this saying but then what I'll say is creating wealth requires alot from an individual of group with like minds and the effort you invest on it matters on how well you'll attain that wealth.

So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more  

wealth is not something that will come with in a blink of eye. You need something put in place for it to happen. Things like good mindset, hard working, Persistence and perseverance. Wealth need to be created by those that are ready to accept it rules. wealth need enough energy, good understanding and also those that are ready to accept ups and downs of life. Because life has its own big lesson to teach. you must be ready to face all the challenges that come your way.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Albarq on August 18, 2024, 12:17:53 PM

I think wealth creation has some simple steps which takes years of consistency to achieve;

Having good thoughts is what needs to be, within ourselves is the main thing to build, the potential that exists within ourselves needs to be developed to achieve your own wealth, starting from the beginning.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: fullhdpixel on August 24, 2024, 06:18:40 PM
Wealth creation have to do with its opportunity and the right timing for it to happen for everyone as at when due, we can create wealth with any kind of material items inasmuch that we are able to remained committed to what we do and maintain a professional standard in it, we have to be disciplined with the way of how we manage business, income flow and other things around us, because they will all count in terms of wealth creation.
Yeah, wealth won't just come there without any opportunity. It is either you create it yourself or someone is looking for you and you will be paid by money. I still prefer the first one because it is easy to build a wealth this way.

I mean because we can earn more here, than if we will only work for somebody. For a person who has a wide imagination or who is open-minded, yes they can make use of anything to build a wealth but I think it's a hard talent to have and only few people are like that so far. Being professional on the other hand can also be learned and yes we need to possess this as well in order to impress the people around us.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: khiholangkang on August 24, 2024, 06:36:06 PM
Wealth creation have to do with its opportunity and the right timing for it to happen for everyone as at when due, we can create wealth with any kind of material items inasmuch that we are able to remained committed to what we do and maintain a professional standard in it, we have to be disciplined with the way of how we manage business, income flow and other things around us, because they will all count in terms of wealth creation.
Yeah, wealth won't just come there without any opportunity. It is either you create it yourself or someone is looking for you and you will be paid by money. I still prefer the first one because it is easy to build a wealth this way.

I mean because we can earn more here, than if we will only work for somebody. For a person who has a wide imagination or who is open-minded, yes they can make use of anything to build a wealth but I think it's a hard talent to have and only few people are like that so far. Being professional on the other hand can also be learned and yes we need to possess this as well in order to impress the people around us.
All those things are very easy to say, how to build wealth with short stories and very sharp advice in writing, it's very easy for me to say it too.

But the fact is that it is not an easy thing, establishing discipline, always learning, focusing and so on as written in the procedure for success “lol” is a difficult thing to practice in the long run, even when talking about opportunities and talking about abilities and other things, the fact is not as beautiful as what is said.

Everyone should realize that wealth cannot be made overnight, because you are not a god, wealth is formed even over 10 years, we must think long, and we must be able to swallow the bitter taste of struggle and sacrifice, but in fact not everyone is ready for the risks they have to take on the road.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Mr.sprin on August 24, 2024, 07:41:39 PM
Yeah, wealth won't just come there without any opportunity. It is either you create it yourself or someone is looking for you and you will be paid by money. I still prefer the first one because it is easy to build a wealth this way.

I mean because we can earn more here, than if we will only work for somebody. For a person who has a wide imagination or who is open-minded, yes they can make use of anything to build a wealth but I think it's a hard talent to have and only few people are like that so far. Being professional on the other hand can also be learned and yes we need to possess this as well in order to impress the people around us.

We can all create wealth for ourselves but by being able to create ideas that can be bought and sold in order to provide big profits for ourselves, by having various creative ideas we can easily make money wherever we want and consistently in living the opportunities that exist, that's why we have to have the skills to create various things that can be profitable, that way we can have various assets in any form and move in any field, we have to remember and be aware of the things that create wealth, all of this has an uncertain process. In a short time, everyone has their own obstacles and challenges, the thing we have to remember is to have future planning management and our own financial management, so that we can run all our businesses in an orderly and well-organized manner.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Akbarkoe on August 24, 2024, 09:11:36 PM
Having good thoughts is what needs to be, within ourselves is the main thing to build, the potential that exists within ourselves needs to be developed to achieve your own wealth, starting from the beginning.

Ya, tentu saja semua berawal dari pemikiran yang baik dan jenius. Karena manusia berpikir dahulu sebelum bertindak, bukan sebaliknya, bertindak dahulu baru berpikir. Dan oleh karena itu, selain berpikir positif, diperlukan pula langkah nyata untuk mewujudkannya, keterampilan yang relevan dan perencanaan yang matang.

Yeah, wealth won't just come there without any opportunity. It is either you create it yourself or someone is looking for you and you will be paid by money. I still prefer the first one because it is easy to build a wealth this way.

It is not as easy as imagined and not as easy as turning the palm of your hand. Sometimes someone is more willing to become a worker, devoting their life to a company for a definite income, every month. Compared to having to spend several years to create an opportunity, start a business or investment. This is because in the process of starting a business or investment, sometimes we are haunted by uncertainty. Profit and loss, ups and downs are definitely what we will experience, especially if we start from the beginning, we will definitely experience more losses than profits. yeah.. "pioneering while groaning" is more or less, and in fact not everyone is able to be in these phases. Until finally they choose to become a worker, rather than becoming an entrepreneur or investor.

Dan mengembangkan potensi yang ada dalam diri kita memang krusial, namun harus dibarengi dengan usaha yang konsisten, pengalaman dan mungkin sebuah pengorbanan. Jadi dengan kata lain, kekayaan atau kesuksesan akan tercipta dari pemikiran yang baik, kerja keras dan strategi yang tepat.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Yeesha on September 02, 2024, 08:01:54 AM
It is not that easy to create wealth, it is essential that in the process of creating wealth or when there is opportunity to create any kind of material things you should have positive reasoning, impact all your knowledge, ideas, and skills on it, don't involved yourself in fraudulent activities or humbug, program a legal, and lawful  way to create wealth, don't be illegalized or criminalize to be wealthy.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: bestcoins1 on September 02, 2024, 09:09:21 AM
It is not that easy to create wealth, it is essential that in the process of creating wealth or when there is opportunity to create any kind of material things you should have positive reasoning, impact all your knowledge, ideas, and skills on it, don't involved yourself in fraudulent activities or humbug, program a legal, and lawful  way to create wealth, don't be illegalized or criminalize to be wealthy.
What you convey is also included in an important idea and concept that needs to be understood by everyone when they want to grow wealth within themselves. But in reality, of course, not everyone can take that path when they want to become rich so that there are bad things that are done just to be able to become rich even though this may not be known by many people in this world. I quite agree with the idea you expressed because what you conveyed did lead to a good path and also did not make other people fall into bad problems in their lives.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Kelward on September 02, 2024, 01:30:34 PM
Next thing what i say will Open your mind
You suppousto not know this but i tell you.
In order to create material things and physical things the 3rd dimensional LOWER vibration (COLOR RED) energy is needed.
So negative energy is what creates wealth and wealth is we are not talking..who get wealth.but we talking about in order to build something we need to harness lower vibration energy.i stop here ! Im blocked to say more 

How can you say that negative energy is what it takes to build wealth? I don't understand, unless if someone is perhaps talking about criminality or secret stuffs then it's not for everybody. Anyway I'm concerned about positive energy and that is the driver to wealth creation and peace of mind. To create wealth you need the right mindset and the knowledge to pursue your dreams and that will boost that positive mindset that you can be able to scale any hurdles along the way. There is no shortcut to true and lasting wealth, it's the positivity in you that will help you to overcome every obstacles to achieve greatness.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Farma on September 03, 2024, 07:09:25 AM
We can all create wealth for ourselves but by being able to create ideas that can be bought and sold in order to provide big profits for ourselves, by having various creative ideas we can easily make money wherever we want and consistently in living the opportunities that exist, that's why we have to have the skills to create various things that can be profitable, that way we can have various assets in any form and move in any field, we have to remember and be aware of the things that create wealth, all of this has an uncertain process. In a short time, everyone has their own obstacles and challenges, the thing we have to remember is to have future planning management and our own financial management, so that we can run all our businesses in an orderly and well-organized manner.
Having creative ideas that are indeed needed, of course, will be very profitable, but we must also continue to develop ourselves so that we can continue to make money with the skills we have because without us following the developments that are currently happening, it will be difficult to survive with one skill that we have, so whatever we do in collecting wealth, of course we must be able to do it consistently in order to achieve the goals we want and from every process we go through, of course there will be obstacles and obstacles, but we must be able to get through it in order to achieve the goals we want. Making a plan before starting a business is certainly very important and with planning, we can know what we have to do and also how to solve every problem that exists when running the business, because it is very unlikely that it will run well without proper planning for a business.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: Bright0515 on September 03, 2024, 12:14:37 PM
What I understood from your post is that, you are trying to emphasize that there are dangers in the journey of success.
Yeah that is true everyone seeking for success must at first face it's dangers and be ready for risk taking, a little baby can not make money unless they grow to have the knowledge of how to operate and have the mindset and grow to face their fears. This is to say everyone seeking for success must grow in every area, mind, risk, and so on.

That is why when you access the 10 things to know before investing in Bitcoin you will be told in one of them to have the knowledge know the rules and another makes you to know that you should invest what you can afford to lose rather than investing what you can't afford to lose because the fear of anybody finding success is failure and when you have grown to have the knowledge you overcome failure and when you overcome failure you will be glad to face more risk cause you see the positive results.

Title: Re: To create wealth and any kind of material things you need one thing
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 03, 2024, 05:04:42 PM
As far as I know negative energy just makes you feels sad and can not doing something that even look easy to do. You will not want to do anything and just waiting for something that you don't know. You need to have positive energy to doing what you want and finish it up without think about if that will need time to do that thing. You just see that you finally success doing that thing and you are proud when you are really get that. With a positive energy, you have your gut to pass it even if you feel you will impossible to do that but you believe that you can do that. I don't know if @OP can get wealth with negative energy but I feel in the dark if I have that energy so I will prevent that negative energy from my minds because that will hinder me to do anything I want.