Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: Cryptogamist on August 11, 2024, 03:57:30 PM

Title: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Cryptogamist on August 11, 2024, 03:57:30 PM
Two years ago, I stumbled upon crypto alerts, and they were a total game-changer for my trading strategy. And when I say game-changer, I mean it! Since then, I've been wondering why more people aren't talking about these powerful tools. If you're not already using crypto alerts, you're missing out on a fantastic way to stay ahead.

I came across a telegram channel called Whale Sniper, they had volume notifications from Binance for unusual selling and buying activity that kept coming --- FOR FREE! This was already giving me a lookout at what is coming by using basic common sense. As I looked deeper I found out who is heading these alerts, and let me tell you, it was so worth it.

They have a whole system for filtering exactly the kind of alerts you want to get ON YOUR PHONE, you can choose from many exchanges to cover, the amount of $$$ you want to see traded, and the quote market! Now I hope you understand the value of these, and if you dont, wait until I tell you about the other alerts they send out.

Defi Alerts, yes. You can input addresses, whether it's wallets or coins, choose from a vast amount of filters like Deposits, Burns, Withdrawals, etc. and get notifications on your Telegram, Discord or Slack with any of these activities. I set it up for a whale I am watching and this new coin I was interested in, and my eyes were 👀.

They are called Xypher and you can find them on . Thank me later.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: logfiles on August 11, 2024, 11:01:43 PM
The question is why aren't the creators of such crypto alert tools using the same algorithms to make millions of dollars for themselves instead of selling them off the alerts to people for 20 dollars per month?
Let me tell you why, it's because they don't work. They are not profitable.

The traders aren't raving about the crypto alerts because after sometime, they realized that they were just getting robbed. Stop shilling!

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Oshosondy on August 12, 2024, 09:41:07 AM
The question is why aren't the creators of such crypto alert tools using the same algorithms to make millions of dollars for themselves instead of selling them off the alerts to people for 20 dollars per month?
Let me tell you why, it's because they don't work. They are not profitable.
I will not be surprised if this is even a scam. Some poeple will know nothing but look for ways to earn money from people. They will be gambling with trading candle sticks and market but telling people that they are providing signals.

The traders aren't raving about the crypto alerts because after sometime, they realized that they were just getting robbed. Stop shilling!
Yes. Past users have bad experience about them and discouraging people from using it.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Huppercase on August 12, 2024, 02:12:44 PM
Two years ago, I stumbled upon crypto alerts, and they were a total game-changer for my trading strategy. And when I say game-changer, I mean it! Since then, I've been wondering why more people aren't talking about these powerful tools. If you're not already using crypto alerts, you're missing out on a fantastic way to stay ahead.

I came across a telegram channel called Whale Sniper, they had volume notifications from Binance for unusual selling and buying activity that kept coming --- FOR FREE! This was already giving me a lookout at what is coming by using basic common sense. As I looked deeper I found out who is heading these alerts, and let me tell you, it was so worth it.

Price alert is useless if you don't have a stop loss on your trades or open orders and positions. As a trader, you don't really need price alerts because you can monetized your trades even before the price comes to that level. The advantage of this crypto alerts can help you monitor price in real time perhaps for a person that want to buy but you can open order below mark price of a coin and when that target is hit, your orders are going to eotehr partially filled or fully filled depending on the type of order use set up.

Use your stop loss to everything that you want if you are not going to be around to monitor your trades, even if you are around it's always the best to used stop loss on a low volatile market. Just some tips, you can use coingecko for your set up since it's average price of crypto instead of relying on just one particular exchange price.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: hugeblack on August 13, 2024, 07:51:22 AM
It is not free, but get a 15 days trial, then a paid subscription.
How will you benefit from receiving notifications if they are not part of your trading plan, receiving notifications for buying and selling should be automated unless you consider trading as a full-time job and you sit in front of the screen 24 hours a day, as any delay makes this data worthless.
These analyses can be obtained from services, but I did not compare prices.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Cryptogamist on August 13, 2024, 09:56:56 AM
The question is why aren't the creators of such crypto alert tools using the same algorithms to make millions of dollars for themselves instead of selling them off the alerts to people for 20 dollars per month?
Let me tell you why, it's because they don't work. They are not profitable.

The traders aren't raving about the crypto alerts because after sometime, they realized that they were just getting robbed. Stop shilling!

Its crazy how fast you put your big boy pants on and jumped on the keyboard to reply without even checking what they offer, it's not a get money fast scheme, you literally get alerts on your phone for price changes, liquidations, addresses you are watching and fully customizable allowing you to make ur own informed decisions. But I get it its not for everyone. I am a full time trader and find it very useful.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Cryptogamist on August 14, 2024, 09:09:24 AM
It is not free, but get a 15 days trial, then a paid subscription.
How will you benefit from receiving notifications if they are not part of your trading plan, receiving notifications for buying and selling should be automated unless you consider trading as a full-time job and you sit in front of the screen 24 hours a day, as any delay makes this data worthless.
These analyses can be obtained from services, but I did not compare prices.

The free part is the telegram channels they have, not the customized alerts. Yes I am a full time trader and receiving these notifications on my phone allow me to step away, I personally found them very useful actually!

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: logfiles on August 14, 2024, 11:59:15 PM
Its crazy how fast you put your big boy pants on and jumped on the keyboard to reply without even checking what they offer, it's not a get money fast scheme, you literally get alerts on your phone for price changes, liquidations, addresses you are watching and fully customizable allowing you to make ur own informed decisions. But I get it its not for everyone. I am a full time trader and find it very useful.
I know what I am talking about because I have also used so many tools in the past. I am also a trader.
The major aim of this post is to just shill your so-called crypto alerts site that doesn't really help traders except keep taking that subscription from them

If the product or tool is working even at 80% potential, I don't think it would be worth just $20. Why would it even be up for sale or subscription in the first place? This is just human psychology.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on August 15, 2024, 03:07:54 AM
crypto alerts are mostly useless, even more so the one that spread news, I mean it give you information indeed but the market maker probably already got that info few hours before you so it's useless.
if it's about the price action or sell/buy order in exchange, well guess most of these alerts have no weights at alll in determining what decision we should make because market is abstract.

so I tend to just ignore them altogether, traditional investment by seeing fundamental and price action directly in the exchange works better for me.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Oshosondy on August 15, 2024, 11:18:55 AM
if it's about the price action or sell/buy order in exchange, well guess most of these alerts have no weights at alll in determining what decision we should make because market is abstract.
Are you talking about exchanges alert? They are not useful and they are useful. They are useful because when the price of a coin increased or fall significantly, you will be notified. Then you can make your analyses. But not useful because it can mislead newbies. Newbies may not make analyses but just buy or sell which can result to lose of money. Even the newbie can use leverage and this may cause liquidation of his trading asset.

The alert is even better. One of the exchanges that I am using notified me that Ton has oversold. Not that it alerted me that the price has maybe fallen 10%. I checked the price but the coin continued to fall that day after the oversold alert.

so I tend to just ignore them altogether, traditional investment by seeing fundamental and price action directly in the exchange works better for me.
There are some traders that are able to trade also in crypto market and make money. Also know that trading is risky generally. Be it traditional or crypto market.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: lixer on August 16, 2024, 07:42:01 PM
crypto alerts are mostly useless, even more so the one that spread news, I mean it give you information indeed but the market maker probably already got that info few hours before you so it's useless.
if it's about the price action or sell/buy order in exchange, well guess most of these alerts have no weights at alll in determining what decision we should make because market is abstract.

so I tend to just ignore them altogether, traditional investment by seeing fundamental and price action directly in the exchange works better for me.
Here I agree about this because I also feel these alerts are having no worth and things are never been work as mentioned so we need to be our work before having anything in trading if we will follow them then surely we can end on bankrupt quickly I usually never follow things like these because for having better understanding in trading we need to follow market depth which give us better view about this, and also we can do better strategy with the conditions as happening around us instead of following these alerts.

Here also we need to go for the traditional things which are giving us better results, and we can work on exchanges directly because these are much better and safe way for the investors and newbies.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Rruchi man on August 16, 2024, 11:51:08 PM
crypto alerts are mostly useless, even more so the one that spread news, I mean it give you information indeed but the market maker probably already got that info few hours before you so it's useless.
Is it not possible that you are getting your information and alerts from a source that is not punctual?

I know someone directly who has set notifications on many crypto-related channels that share news. He claims it works for him, and that was how he made his first million in trading.

If something does not work for you, it doesn't make it useless.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on August 17, 2024, 01:37:17 AM
Is it not possible that you are getting your information and alerts from a source that is not punctual?

I know someone directly who has set notifications on many crypto-related channels that share news. He claims it works for him, and that was how he made his first million in trading.

If something does not work for you, it doesn't make it useless.

honestly that's fair opinion, maybe the source of the crypto alert that I got aren't punctual or even just scraping off news from some media outlets but it's exactly what most of these crypto alert are doing, just getting the news feed from the media and that's it.

though it is sometime helpful in giving insight about the current outlook of the market in general but I think these kind of crypto alert for it to be useful they needs zero delay to deliver information to the subscribers.
therefore the crypto alert channel that can do exactly this aren't so many. if we're lucky enough maybe we can encounter one, but so far I got none.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: nelson4lov on August 18, 2024, 10:24:25 PM
The only alerts that I've seen that work is when you're actually tracking a big money wallet aka "Smart money" and this has to be onchain because if it's not, then there's no way to say for sure if the information in these "alerts" are worthwhile or even real. The crypto alerts OP is talking about is talking about is just a classic shill post.

therefore the crypto alert channel that can do exactly this aren't so many. if we're lucky enough maybe we can encounter one, but so far I got none.

I'm pretty much sure that the alerts that actually work right now are actually does of people who buy shitcoins and they do multiple Xs. Because most of those whale orders on exchanges are mostly wash trading or spoofed orders that get put there to scare the opposing order books.

Tracking wallets onchain and profiting off of that is real. Not sure about the one OP is talking about.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: slaman29 on August 19, 2024, 08:32:09 AM
I get Binance alerts on its own anyway. Which gives unusual price (sudden up or down) or unusual trading volume. But there's a saying about the news that by the time you hear it, it's too late. I have been tempted by these alerts but know for sure, if someone is telling you news, its news they want you to hear.

You have to be there before the news. Aka none of us are news makers.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: yhiaali3 on August 19, 2024, 09:02:37 AM
Cryptocurrency alerts are useful, but not as you exaggerate. Of course, signals are useful for traders, as they provide them with some of the information they need, but they do not build a successful trader or turn a novice trader into another expert trader, as you say happened to you.

Personally, I tried these channels and they are not worth paying for. You can try the free or trial channels, but I do not advise anyone to pay for these services. Also, most of these channels that sell these signals steal from each other.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Silberman on August 25, 2024, 05:27:12 PM
Cryptocurrency alerts are useful, but not as you exaggerate. Of course, signals are useful for traders, as they provide them with some of the information they need, but they do not build a successful trader or turn a novice trader into another expert trader, as you say happened to you.

Personally, I tried these channels and they are not worth paying for. You can try the free or trial channels, but I do not advise anyone to pay for these services. Also, most of these channels that sell these signals steal from each other.
Alerts are barely useful as they do not tell you a lot, they just tell you that something happened but they do not tell you why it happened and how can a trader take advantage of the situation, so your trading strategy and your money management skills are still the most important factors which will determine if you make any money or not, besides the shorter the time frame you use the less useful alerts become, as when it comes to the shortest time frames, your execution becomes critical and the seconds or minutes you take to make up your mind after receiving the alert makes all the difference in the world.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: shinratensei_ on August 26, 2024, 02:46:47 AM
Really liked the whale alert,now on top of that I also frequently subscribed to some of the arkham intelligence tweet to figure out if there's something going on that could crash the market.

I got early heads up of the mt gox and german bitcoin sell off from them.

I think people are raving about crypto alerts, it's just majority of them aren't really voicing their opinion, I've seen plenty of alert accounts where the impression reached millions.
a tweet from akrham intel twitter got 342k impression, that's quite a lot contradictory to the statement about traders aren't raving about crypto alerts.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: yhiaali3 on August 26, 2024, 03:08:16 AM
Alerts are barely useful as they do not tell you a lot, they just tell you that something happened but they do not tell you why it happened and how can a trader take advantage of the situation, so your trading strategy and your money management skills are still the most important factors which will determine if you make any money or not, besides the shorter the time frame you use the less useful alerts become, as when it comes to the shortest time frames, your execution becomes critical and the seconds or minutes you take to make up your mind after receiving the alert makes all the difference in the world.
Yes, that's right, it's kind of useful in the long run as it keeps you updated on the latest news about the coin you're interested in and that can be beneficial in the long run.

However, there are some benefits, for example, there are alerts that track the movement of whales around the coin that they are buying or selling a large amount of and that can sometimes be useful in making a decision to buy or sell. As the accumulation of large amounts by whales is an indication that the coin will rise soon and vice versa.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: jaberwock on August 26, 2024, 05:56:12 PM
Alerts are barely useful as they do not tell you a lot, they just tell you that something happened but they do not tell you why it happened and how can a trader take advantage of the situation,
They can be a lot actually. What if you subscribe on a premium group that does all the things for you and then you will only wait for their signal or alert to do a trade?

A simple alert can still be useful because like I said earlier, it can give us a go signal before we can do the action that we are planning to do. Coming back to what I said earlier about signal groups, there might still be a few who can give an explanation on why they can give such a signal or alert. If we don't like joining them, the more we can learn from our own self. It does not mean that we won't be using an alert anymore though but we still can because they can still be beneficial.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: betswift on August 26, 2024, 05:59:21 PM
I get Binance alerts on its own anyway. Which gives unusual price (sudden up or down) or unusual trading volume. But there's a saying about the news that by the time you hear it, it's too late. I have been tempted by these alerts but know for sure, if someone is telling you news, its news they want you to hear.

You have to be there before the news. Aka none of us are news makers.

Yep, the news already hit the brakes or gas, and those who knew them first or beforehand already got their bags out from it ;D

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Cryptogamist on September 02, 2024, 10:58:06 AM
The only alerts that I've seen that work is when you're actually tracking a big money wallet aka "Smart money" and this has to be onchain because if it's not, then there's no way to say for sure if the information in these "alerts" are worthwhile or even real. The crypto alerts OP is talking about is talking about is just a classic shill post.

therefore the crypto alert channel that can do exactly this aren't so many. if we're lucky enough maybe we can encounter one, but so far I got none.

I'm pretty much sure that the alerts that actually work right now are actually does of people who buy shitcoins and they do multiple Xs. Because most of those whale orders on exchanges are mostly wash trading or spoofed orders that get put there to scare the opposing order books.

Tracking wallets onchain and profiting off of that is real. Not sure about the one OP is talking about.

Check it out then, it is the only reliable one I found, they even have blogs on medium that explain exactly how they get their alerts and how fast they reach you. I did my fair share of research before using it and wasn't dissapointed. Most people here are so fast to call it a "shill" post without even looking at the home page let alone anything else.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: justdimin on September 03, 2024, 12:34:34 PM
Two years ago, I stumbled upon crypto alerts, and they were a total game-changer for my trading strategy. And when I say game-changer, I mean it! Since then, I've been wondering why more people aren't talking about these powerful tools. If you're not already using crypto alerts, you're missing out on a fantastic way to stay ahead.
The main reason is that "alerts" are not alerting you anything that you do not already know, it is not a big deal and they are just signals that are simple and basic, not a big deal at all. I understand that some people who see that for the first time think that they are something important but the reality is that it is not a big deal at all, it is totally fooled by a lot of people and do not have any issues about it at all.

This should be something that will take time, it has to be a big deal for it to make some sense, so do not be worried about it. I believe that alerts are useless and only the newbies are doing something that will take time, it is not going to be a good thing for any veteran who has been around for a while.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: mirakal on September 07, 2024, 11:12:36 AM
It was not talked about because many traders tried and still failed. Then, do you think it should necessarily be spread around? Then it was just like fooling traders. If it works on you, then it is great, but never think it works on others. In fact, old traders never find it useful in a highly volatile market; how much more about it for new traders? 

I've got several crypto alerts but never use them as a tool for placing my buy and sell order calls. Still, market analysis is more important than following alerts because, from time to time, the trend changes. Because if you insist it works, then many traders become rich already. You may believe me or not, but I will say that you will never use it in the coming days. 

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: bitgolden on September 07, 2024, 06:16:02 PM
Hmmm, a newbie that is giving out a telegram channel that changed their life... Nothing suspicious about at all, totally fine and not looking that weird. I just wanted to share that all these spams on bitcointalk forum has been getting a little bit out of hand and I feel like we should be doing better about this for sure. In any case, we can easily say that these are just shit stuff and nothing that worths your money, in fact it is more often a scam rather than just a bad company too, so it is definitely something you should stay away from.

I believe that the best thing right now to do would be altering this community about potential scam of what OP is trying with this topic. Deleting this topic by reporting to mods may not be the right option because there should be a lesson that every beginners (and all others as well) learn to protect themselves from future scam attempts.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Hamza2424 on September 07, 2024, 06:27:22 PM
Haha, I have some free sources of crypto alerts, specifically the type of alerts you are talking about which are on-chain based, TBH as many of us already said they are not useful in maximum cases there would be very rare events which shows some positive results with these alerts, for the price alerts yup I am using them for instant buying and selling as well for my short term portfolio.

TBH the very first post of this thread is what expresses 90% of general comments and OP traders don't ignore any important analysis tool, they ignore by its efficiency in decision-making.

Title: Re: Why Aren't Traders Raving About Crypto Alerts?
Post by: Silberman on September 08, 2024, 06:35:49 PM
Haha, I have some free sources of crypto alerts, specifically the type of alerts you are talking about which are on-chain based, TBH as many of us already said they are not useful in maximum cases there would be very rare events which shows some positive results with these alerts, for the price alerts yup I am using them for instant buying and selling as well for my short term portfolio.

TBH the very first post of this thread is what expresses 90% of general comments and OP traders don't ignore any important analysis tool, they ignore by its efficiency in decision-making.
It is that simple, alerts are relatively popular among newbie traders, but once a person becomes a professional trader they hardly give them any attention, and we need to wonder why is that the case? And that is because they do not really work, a trader needs to watch the markets anyway, and any alert they may receive is for the most part useless as they should have already watched on the charts what is happening anyway, reducing the importance of alerts by a huge margin.