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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Sandra_hakeem on August 11, 2024, 06:54:02 PM

Title: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on August 11, 2024, 06:54:02 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Orpichukwu on August 11, 2024, 07:07:22 PM
What do you expect from someone who has lost control of how much they can spend on gambling and when they should stop gambling due to how much they have lost, but they will continue gambling until they have nothing left with them? Such people can react to anything because they don't even have self-control.
Since that guy paid for his bailout and has spent some time behind bars, at least next time he will be cautious of how he will react to certain things, knowing fully well that there will be a consequence if he misbehaves.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Hispo on August 11, 2024, 07:20:44 PM
It is easy to judge that sort of people and call them out for their behavior, that it is true. Though, when I find someone in that state I try to think to myself "What could have led that person to show such outrage?". It could not only be about the money, itself the money lost probably was the straw that broke the camel's back, he went to the betting places seeking for anything positive to happen to him so he could forget about his family problems, his money problems and the stress from work. The opposite happened and he could not help but to destroy other's property as medium to release the anger.
Hopefully, He has learnt the lesson and it won't occur to him again, learning to control his anger properly.

Gambling and betting itself does not turn people into destructive beings by itself, but it can indeed accelerate the process.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dewi Aries on August 11, 2024, 07:32:25 PM
That is one of the reasons why self-control and emotions are very important and must be possessed by gamblers, and that is also the reason why self-acceptance regarding risk must be a mandatory ability for a gambler, because if not then of course emotions will never be able to be contained which of course is very possible for a gambler to vent their emotions on whatever they find or whatever is in front of them and ruin it.

Basically, no matter what, we will never be able to refuse defeat, because it will always be part of the game, so that's why I say that it is better for us to focus on self-acceptance regarding risk, or what I mean is trying not to be a loser by accepting defeat, the last is to control your gambling activities and don't let yourself be controlled by gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Frankolala on August 11, 2024, 07:32:48 PM
Who knows if he has gambled with the money for an important purpose and he cannot control himself after losing the funds because what he thought about doubling his money became the opposite.

I have seen gamblers after a big loss almost started fighting with the betshop attendant that it was his bad luck that made him lost the bet. One thing is that we should try to do when gambling is to control our emotion to avoid being aggressive. Or just gamble with the amount of money that you can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Alphakilo on August 11, 2024, 07:33:18 PM
I like how it ends.

An uncontrolled anger has gotten many people in trouble which they regret for long. The person in the story should be recommended for an anger management class.

And to the shop owner, they should put up a warning in the shop wall that, whoever damages any of the property out of anger of a loss or anything will be made to pay for it.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: iv4n on August 11, 2024, 07:39:45 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!

Don't let a win get to your head or a loss to your heart!

I think many of us here said the same thing many times, in one form or another... and I think we should repeat that as often as we can, because of the old players who didn't learn, and more importantly for the new players that are starting their gambling journey.

In gambling we win & lose all the time, gambling life is full of ups and downs. We need to keep our heads cool and try not to cross some limits (overspending), that never end up well. I learned that on my skin, like many other experienced gamblers... but if our discussions can save at least one person from getting in that situation it's good, we did something good at least.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Juse14 on August 11, 2024, 07:52:41 PM
To become a tyrant after losing everything, especially in the context of gambling, represents an unhealthy and unproductive emotional response. True, one can win or lose when gambling; however, it is essential to keep in mind that it is a chance that is involved and not certainty. Loss of self-control and allowing emotions to dictate will only serve to exacerbate matters and will not resolve the issue.

The smashing of property or scapegoating only shows an inability to accept the reality of the game. Such actions are self-injurious in that they harm not only the actor but also those around him, and potentially they may give rise to still more dire results.

On the other hand, one should come to realize that gambling should be considered just a source of entertainment and not business. Setting out on what one expects and feels, as well as ensuring one plays within limits, is the key to effective maintenance which bars destructive behavior. Sensible people will take being a loser in stride and use it as a learning experience without hurting themselves or anyone else in the process.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: uneng on August 11, 2024, 07:57:17 PM
Well, anger comes with a price. Besides losing the bet, the gambler also has to replace the item he broke and to pass some time in jail. For every action there is a reaction, and individuals must be aware about this basic fact before losing control over themselves. It's important that every person develops and trains emotional intelligence to cope with stressing and aversive situations more efficiently, without causing prejudice for themselves, people around or the environment where they are inserted.

Regards the story mentioned on this thread, we can only hope the gambler learned the lesson the hard way by being punished accordingly, so he won't repeat the same mistakes in the future again. Meanwhile, that his story can also be useful for another grumpy gamblers to not let things get out of control like that.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: adultcrypto on August 11, 2024, 08:07:24 PM
"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
So many people ignore the first rule of gambling which is "never gamble with what you cannot afford to lose". Those who ignore this always pay heavy emotional price for it because that is the fastest way to sacrifice peace of mind and happiness. I have seen the character above many times in betting outlets, you will always see someone that have lost money he cannot afford to lose and from the character and reaction to issues, it will become obvious. A lot of gamblers even make these rules but keeping them is the major problem. This made me realize there are people that will always see gambling as bad even when it is obvious that it is from their mistakes they are not making progress in gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: khiholangkang on August 11, 2024, 08:13:10 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
What I see from this case is that a person who does such things as to damage his own property is the result of using money that he cannot lose in gambling.

So the response when he lost was frustrated with what had happened, wanting to get his money back but it was all gone, so he from his defeat blamed the casino for not being fair to him and continuing to give him defeat.

Logically speaking, there will be no person who is very upset without him losing something in him at gambling, even though a person knows that the casino he uses is unfair but if he uses small money he will not explode his emotions.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Rruchi man on August 11, 2024, 08:21:13 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.
Some of the frustration that people let out after losing a bet comes not only from the bet they lost but also from the societal pressure that they feel from the economic hardship around them. Many people are really frustrated, and they take gambling as their way out of this frustration. Most of them use gambling as a way out of this frustration, and when they lose, they become prone to letting out their emotions.

If you're a casino owner or owner of a gambling house, you have to understand that these kinds of people who let their emotions get the better of them will always exist and come to your casino or gambling place to gamble, and you should have adequate security to ensure that these individuals do not become a nuisance to other customers in the building and also so they do not destroy your property.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: AmoreJaz on August 11, 2024, 08:54:28 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.
Some of the frustration that people let out after losing a bet comes not only from the bet they lost but also from the societal pressure that they feel from the economic hardship around them. Many people are really frustrated, and they take gambling as their way out of this frustration. Most of them use gambling as a way out of this frustration, and when they lose, they become prone to letting out their emotions.

If you're a casino owner or owner of a gambling house, you have to understand that these kinds of people who let their emotions get the better of them will always exist and come to your casino or gambling place to gamble, and you should have adequate security to ensure that these individuals do not become a nuisance to other customers in the building and also so they do not destroy your property.

This is why most casinos or gambling shops have their own bouncers to contain potential trouble inside the premises. Also, make sure your police or emergency hotline numbers are visible within the area. You'll never know what may possibly happen within your operations or area of jurisdiction.

This kind of trouble will always happen and so putting up your security in place is advisable. Gamblers have their own way of reacting on their losses as well as how they celebrate their winnings.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Weawant on August 11, 2024, 09:44:09 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
Well this is one of the reasons we always talk about people trying to keep their emotions under control because they tend to be very violent when they loose so much money, gambling with an amount gamblers can be able to loose without turning violent is what is expected of them and if I were to be the owner of the casino, trust me i will do same, he's going to pay for every damage caused regardless of the fact that he's lost a lot already, that wouldn't be enough reasons to destroy anything in thw casino.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Wiwo on August 11, 2024, 10:40:39 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
No one can stop this, being overly angry when you lose money is a characteristic that most gamblers exhibit a d this is as a result of too much expectancy from them, I dont think anything will change in this direction, just as gambling addiction is hard to get eliminated from gambling same way is anger when there be lose.

So let not be surprise when we see some individuals in the casino, who suddenly becomes uncontrollable due to excess loses that they could no longer bear, but in all, the best form of protection to prevent this thing from happening is gambling with only an amount you can afford to lose and avoid greed or chasing loses.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Casdinyard on August 11, 2024, 11:13:54 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
When you're already stressed, frustrated, and on the edge of breaking down sometimes the most apt answer is just letting it all out at once. Not that it's the right thing to do, cause who they fuck wants everyone to just smack everything when they're mad and frustrated, that's a stupid thing first and foremost. What I mean here is pretty much the unjust justification of why people do shit like that all the time. In their heads they already lost everything, what more would a few hundred dollars more and possible case in the face of losing their money and dignity? It's just how it is.

What I would suggest people who do this improve upon is how they carry themselves. Problems are real and they're a bitch might I add, but it's no reason to stoop down to your baser instincts and end up being destructive pieces of piss.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Accardo on August 11, 2024, 11:25:19 PM
It baffles me how these angry players do not care about the consequences of their actions. A few days ago, I saw a mob lynching a player who may have played more than he could pay for. It's terrible how losses make gamblers forget the repercussions of their actions. Such ill behavior is seen everywhere, even in casinos, where slot machines get slammed by sad gamblers.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Slow death on August 11, 2024, 11:33:09 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

I think no one likes to lose. If we look at the faces of people in a football stadium before the game starts and at the end of the game, we will see that the fans of the losing team leave with very sad faces and often leave the stadium crying, but these are people who did not bet money, so they did not lose money. They are not crying because they spent money on tickets. But they are crying because the team they like lost. This feeling of defeat is a feeling that no one wants to have. Even when people are with friends playing football or another sport and it does not involve money, when someone loses in many cases they start to fight.

So if people fight when they lose even without having bet money, imagine when they lose money? They get out of control and can destroy anything that is near them. And unfortunately it is difficult to advise someone who is aggressive to become someone who is calm, patient and understanding. This is a task for psychologists and people don't like to have consultations with psychologists. Fortunately I have my self-control and I look at gambling as entertainment, so I don't get angry and I don't break anything when I lose.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: danherbias07 on August 12, 2024, 03:03:27 AM
Well, if you are losing a lot of money this might really happen.

If a gambler is spending way too much and that money is meant for something it's faster to become emotional whenever he loses. Emotional swings do happen in gambling, especially in casino games like slots. Most of the time it happens during a losing streak which makes a gambler think that the game is unfair which is a fact. There's no such thing as fair in gambling, everything is about the business winning and not the player.
It is how it was created and it will never change because gambling sites or physical casinos are not a charity. They will keep on taking our money and it's better if we realize that before we even start betting.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dave1 on August 12, 2024, 03:15:08 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

It's obvious that it's out of frustration, I have seen gamblers do that in traditional based casinos, as he slammed the screen of that slot games. I do have friends inside the casino and they said that if you destroyed them you have to paid them in full and most likely you are going to be ban from that casino.

It stick to my mind what my friend told me, and so I will never do that slamming of monitor regardless of my frustrations.

And those slot machines are very expensive, so just imagine if you are just a regular gambler, but out of frustrations you destroyed and then you don't have money to pay? For sure you will get jail time for that.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 12, 2024, 06:03:11 AM
Well, if you are losing a lot of money this might really happen.

If a gambler is spending way too much and that money is meant for something it's faster to become emotional whenever he loses. Emotional swings do happen in gambling, especially in casino games like slots. Most of the time it happens during a losing streak which makes a gambler think that the game is unfair which is a fact. There's no such thing as fair in gambling, everything is about the business winning and not the player.
It is how it was created and it will never change because gambling sites or physical casinos are not a charity. They will keep on taking our money and it's better if we realize that before we even start betting.

Yeah, that's why we should only use the money we are willing to spend on it. That way, it still would be a bit frustrating, but no as much knowing that we spent only the sum we planned out to.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: DaNNy001 on August 12, 2024, 06:24:42 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Winning isn't really nice it comes with a lot of anger and frustration especially if you are left with nothing, I have been in that situation several times so I know what It feels like..first of all people need to understand that no one forced them to fund their account or be in a casino, you made the decision yourself so you should hold yourself accountable and be responsible for your actions.. Making the conscious decision to gamble means that you are ready to lose because the outcome is uncertain...what a lot of gamblers need to learn is emotional discipline

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on August 12, 2024, 07:04:42 AM
What do you expect from someone who has lost control of how much they can spend on gambling and when they should stop gambling due to how much they have lost, but they will continue gambling until they have nothing left with them?
it's not about someone who has lost control of how he wagers, it's about the gambler's personality - like I said earlier, some people just enjoy being a tyrant and that doesn't sit well with anyone under their ego.
Since that guy paid for his bailout and has spent some time behind bars, at least next time he will be cautious of how he will react to certain things, knowing fully well that there will be a consequence if he misbehaves.
exactly!! Play stupid games, win stupid prices. These bullies don't still wanna quit after they've been taught different lessons...
I do have friends inside the casino and they said that if you destroyed them you have to paid them in full and most likely you are going to be ban from that casino.
he doesn't even have to be banned from the casino... It was already the talk of the small town and, in shame, he sat behind the vehicle and they drove him away in cuffs. He didn't dare to come back.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Majestic-milf on August 12, 2024, 08:11:55 AM
 In gambling, you have to understand that there are days when you'd win and some times you lose but sometimes the loss outweighs the winnings and it's kind of frustrating because sometimes you bet with your last money and put all your hopes on it, wishing it will come out good. And to further your frustrations, put of four or five picks, four have played remaining one and that is how hopeful they will want you to be but at the end of the day, that remaining one is the one to cut your slip.
 I don't blame the guy who felt the best way to pour out his frustration is to destroy property but the sad part is he added more debt to his loss.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on August 12, 2024, 09:30:16 AM
HA -HA. I remembered my brother. It's just impossible to forget ;D. He was playing in a casino at the monitor, at a very good and expensive monitor that he dreamed of buying for himself 4K and something there...
But then, while he was playing, his wife started calling him to help with something around the house. He answered several times that he would come soon, and then she came to him with a reminder to help, and then there was an explosion. He loses, and his wife is to blame for this...  ;D
Likewise, he hits the mouse on the table; the mouse jumps up and hits the monitor. The monitor is dead.
Emotions and the inability to control yourself in moments when something goes wrong are to blame for everything. Who suffers in the end, except the owner?
There was a good lesson that was given to my brother: if you sit down to gamble, be able to control yourself and be prepared for the unexpected.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 12, 2024, 09:42:53 AM
HA -HA. I remembered my brother. It's just impossible to forget ;D. He was playing in a casino at the monitor, at a very good and expensive monitor that he dreamed of buying for himself 4K and something there...
But then, while he was playing, his wife started calling him to help with something around the house. He answered several times that he would come soon, and then she came to him with a reminder to help, and then there was an explosion. He loses, and his wife is to blame for this...  ;D
Likewise, he hits the mouse on the table; the mouse jumps up and hits the monitor. The monitor is dead.
Emotions and the inability to control yourself in moments when something goes wrong are to blame for everything. Who suffers in the end, except the owner?
There was a good lesson that was given to my brother: if you sit down to gamble, be able to control yourself and be prepared for the unexpected.

That's a very good and hard-to-forget lesson. I hope his wife got it too ;)

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: coin-investor on August 12, 2024, 12:49:02 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them.

We are just human, and emotions play a big factor when we are gambling; what makes gambling addictive is the enhanced excitement; we sometimes forget who we are and where we are when the emotions are too high, especially when the winning or losing amount is too high.

We cannot blame these people as long as they are responsible for any damage they incur when the emotion is too high and as long as they are not physically hurting anyone.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Wexnident on August 12, 2024, 01:54:08 PM
Hey, emotions run high in both ways, whether you're winning or losing. Now I wouldn't say they're not to blame for their actions, ofc they're to be blamed. Just that such actions, frustrations, and whatnot is pretty normal. Story ends well in your sample story op though since he still paid for the monitor. I myself have sometimes let emotions run wild. Usually my fix is to just go outside and scream my voice out. Definitely would recommend it. Or if you have money, buy a punching bag and some gloves. Definitely helps.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dewi Aries on August 12, 2024, 02:16:20 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Winning isn't really nice it comes with a lot of anger and frustration especially if you are left with nothing, I have been in that situation several times so I know what It feels like..first of all people need to understand that no one forced them to fund their account or be in a casino, you made the decision yourself so you should hold yourself accountable and be responsible for your actions.. Making the conscious decision to gamble means that you are ready to lose because the outcome is uncertain...what a lot of gamblers need to learn is emotional discipline

Yes and also victory is not an easy result to achieve, a gambler must go through a lot of tension and frustration in the gambling process before they finally achieve victory, so I think we should appreciate the luck that we managed to get compared to applying greed or compared to pursuing something bigger, because it's the same as you repeating everything with a 50-50 chance of winning again or losing, so this is why we always suggest it's better to cash out at the right time before everything ends in regret.

And yes what you said is true, that no one including the casino tells or even forces us to always gamble, all decisions are in our hands and those decisions are made of our own will, so make sure that you don't end up being a loser who only wants to win but is not ready to lose, we need to understand that losing is part of the game of probability.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: rahmad2nd on August 12, 2024, 02:33:54 PM
interesting, is there no other expression than choosing the word "tyrant" associated with gambling. responding to the OP's post, we would certainly regret such things, especially if it was done by people close to us or even ourselves. but what is certain is that psychologically humans are vulnerable creatures and tend to be contaminated by feelings that often result in loss of control. excessive frustration usually goes through several phases or series that are the background. usually, someone experiences an unpleasant defeat. for example, maybe in a certain period of time someone has lost a lot of money on their gambling. when losing for the umpteenth time, he cannot control his angry emotions which have an impact on actions that are out of control. a simple example, as you wrote in this post. sometimes, there are phases that make someone or even us out of control. when emotions play a full role, it is not uncommon for reckless actions that end up being detrimental. well, what gamblers need to know and understand is how to avoid doing something beyond our limits. whether it is from our attitude, or the gambling we do.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on August 12, 2024, 02:54:52 PM
Likewise, he hits the mouse on the table; the mouse jumps up and hits the monitor. The monitor is dead.
Emotions and the inability to control yourself in moments when something goes wrong are to blame for everything. Who suffers in the end, except the owner?
There was a good lesson that was given to my brother: if you sit down to gamble, be able to control yourself and be prepared for the unexpected.
This is a very hilarious story and, I don't even know how to react to it... Do I begin to pity him for his loss, or do I ROTFL? .
His wife must be a pain in his ass for too long, but then, why did he decide to gamble at that time - just when he knew he had to help her with some house chores? I mean, he's the man and everything depends on how he restructures it.

interesting, is there no other expression than choosing the word "tyrant" associated with gambling. responding to the OP's post, we would certainly regret such things, especially if it was done by people close to us or even ourselves.
Last time I checked, that was my own write-up.. Do you have a problem with that? Tyranny is a collective word for such act - others could even go as far as attacking and burning down the casino house. What do you call that, Mr lexicon?

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on August 12, 2024, 03:05:52 PM
Likewise, he hits the mouse on the table; the mouse jumps up and hits the monitor. The monitor is dead.
Emotions and the inability to control yourself in moments when something goes wrong are to blame for everything. Who suffers in the end, except the owner?
There was a good lesson that was given to my brother: if you sit down to gamble, be able to control yourself and be prepared for the unexpected.
This is a very hilarious story and, I don't even know how to react to it... Do I begin to pity him for his loss, or do I ROTFL? .
His wife must be a pain in his ass for too long, but then, why did he decide to gamble at that time - just when he knew he had to help her with some house chores? I mean, he's the man and everything depends on how he restructures it.

I also laughed for a long time. All his unrestrained behavior only shows that he is passionate and cannot stop in time. Probably, it is not worth speaking very badly about his wife, since living with such a nervous person who thinks only about games, you can feel sorry for her. But yes, I will not feel sorry for him, and this story always makes me laugh out loud. ;D

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: virasog on August 12, 2024, 03:31:05 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

Regarding your statement that whatever happens, we should not lose ourselves is really a good one but it will be much good that people think of the bad and good possible outcomes before putting their money into gambling. If only the gambler know that he can lose the money he is betting with, he will be careful and will only bet which he can afford to lose.
When gamblers play and bet blindly and will only think that they will win, that is where the real problem arises. It is the expectations from gambling that make people gamble with huge money.  :(

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on August 12, 2024, 04:15:23 PM
I also laughed for a long time. All his unrestrained behavior only shows that he is passionate and cannot stop in time. Probably, it is not worth speaking very badly about his wife, since living with such a nervous person who thinks only about games, you can feel sorry for her. But yes, I will not feel sorry for him, and this story always makes me laugh out loud. ;D
Yeahhhh,... You're right. I see things from that perspective as well... Cause, what if she made an irrevocable request that he either stops gambling, or forget about making any rites on becoming a couple? That'd definitely be for good and although he may find it offensive, he'd realize how helpful that has been in future.

Do you also agree that he may have had a problem with is anger management?  A bit temperamental but I think, if he's quick to anger, that'll always be the case.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: alani123 on August 12, 2024, 05:04:20 PM
People sometimes can't understand their anger and won't be able to control it until they've been met with dire consequences.

Couple that with a bad gambling addiction and for sure there exist several problems. Whenever someone starts losing and they can't control their temper, there needs to be some intervention otherwise things could spiral out of control in any time. They'll lose some dollars, and instead of stopping they'll double and triple down all until they're really crazy in anger and will hit whatever comes up to them first.

It's a dangerous situation really and these people should honestly just accept any help they can get.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: tread93 on August 12, 2024, 06:48:30 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Its true that emotions can get the best of us we are only human now, its important to roll with punches and not to let them knock us down onto a lower level of morality. We have to maintain control, even if you have to fake it until you make it. If you lose then there is a lot of added pressure so it is surely difficult. The best thing is to not gamble in the first place perhaps?!

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Davidvictorson on August 12, 2024, 08:22:23 PM

It's obvious that it's out of frustration, I have seen gamblers do that in traditional based casinos, as he slammed the screen of that slot games. I do have friends inside the casino and they said that if you destroyed them you have to paid them in full and most likely you are going to be ban from that casino.
An outright ban is the perfect reward for such reactive and ill thought behavior. I would not only ban the gambler, I'd extend the ban to his friends or anyone who walked into the casino with him. At least the ban would straighten him up. And if it doesn't then that's his business.

And those slot machines are very expensive, so just imagine if you are just a regular gambler, but out of frustrations you destroyed and then you don't have money to pay? For sure you will get jail time for that.
Even if it were not expensive those behavior will not be permitted on my property. What happens next engage in a fist fight with my staff or fellow gambler?

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Coyster on August 12, 2024, 08:40:56 PM
If people gambled responsibly, they would be able to effectively keep their emotions in check, outbursts like the one you explained is mostly due to frustrations of losing a lot of money, money that they cannot afford to lose. The fun of gambling is when one gambles responsibly and not when they go broke because they have emptied their pockets to the bookmakers. I love to gamble, but i know my limits and i don't cross them and that's that.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: rachael9385 on August 12, 2024, 09:02:16 PM
"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
Many people does this things and it's probably because they are frustrated about their losses. I wonder why they don't smash their phones when they gamble online and lose ???
One main reason for them smashing on the monitor is probably because it's not there's to claim, if not they wouldn't have been banging on them when they lose. However, that's a sigh that the gambler is not a responsible gambler either. If I were the boss of the betting shop I would have arrested the gambler or restricted him from coming to gamble at my place again.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Antotena on August 12, 2024, 09:52:34 PM
"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Physical gambling shop right? You are lucky that one isn't the type that loves to gamble on credit, we have many of them that exhibit those behaviors, they will gamble and when they lose, they wouldn't want to pay and because if the familiarity they do established with the representative of the shop, they are allowed sometimes to gamble on credit but they pay you back by not wanting to pay anytime they lose until you involved law enforcement or the popular police person to get your money.

I have a friend that once had similar encounter with a gambler that broke the screen of their TV where games are been booked, he made sure the guy paid back the money and has now placed "any property broken here must be paid before you leave the vicinity" and since then, all those rubbish behaviors has stopped because you are must pay back whether you lose or win the game you came to play.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Hypnosis00 on August 12, 2024, 11:32:27 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them.
They couldn't, as they care less for the gamblers, because what they want is to make these gamblers chase their money and become addicted. If you are an emotional gambler, you are likely to find yourself in such a situation. It is sad to say that many gamblers think that gambling makes them rich and is a solution to their financial problems, which it absolutely is not. And instead of looking for a solution, they are even worse, committing loans, etc. 

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Yatsan on August 13, 2024, 12:50:45 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

I always thought that going from losing everything to being tyrannical mostly has deeper emotional and mental roots than mere rational decisions. Most especially in highly risky situations such as gambling, when they lose big, this could totally devastate value and their great power. If I personally cannot deal constructively with these feelings, then the other too might resort to dominance or coercive behaviors as a confusing way of regaining and establishing control over the same but for my case I can deal with it. I simply know that it can be viewed that this response occurs in an attempt to suppress any weaknesses. The most important lesson here, as illustrated, remains the importance of managing one's emotions and finding oneself even in the face of great losses. It is good to realize that losing oneself in the midst of adversity aggravates matters; far from any sort of repair or recovery, it leads to disaster

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: bubilas on August 13, 2024, 05:26:13 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

I always thought that going from losing everything to being tyrannical mostly has deeper emotional and mental roots than mere rational decisions. Most especially in highly risky situations such as gambling, when they lose big, this could totally devastate value and their great power. If I personally cannot deal constructively with these feelings, then the other too might resort to dominance or coercive behaviors as a confusing way of regaining and establishing control over the same but for my case I can deal with it. I simply know that it can be viewed that this response occurs in an attempt to suppress any weaknesses. The most important lesson here, as illustrated, remains the importance of managing one's emotions and finding oneself even in the face of great losses. It is good to realize that losing oneself in the midst of adversity aggravates matters; far from any sort of repair or recovery, it leads to disaster

In fact, any human inner world is very fragile. And we simply do not notice it. We often control ourselves strictly in gambling and not only, but we must not forget that emotions are like a spring: the more we force ourselves, the stronger the emotional rollback we will get later. And it is at such moments that gamblers break down and begin to play with double the strength and zeal. We need a balance inside, the ability to gently handle our inner world, and at the same time be able to clearly control ourselfs.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Hirose UK on August 13, 2024, 05:54:19 AM
Every gambler has different levels or emotional limits, maybe some people are able to control it and can show truly wise attitude but some people will show quite surprising response by causing an emotional explosion without realizing what they are doing to vent their emotions.
A person cannot always easily be able to suppress emotions so that they do not affect their thoughts, especially this is about gambler who can feel various different conditions that can change all attitudes and approaches to every result that exists.

Actually, various negative impacts of the consequences of failure to control oneself when gambling can be easily obtained, but all of this is certain and every gambler is required to be prepared to face all of that.
Various unmeasured actions and decisions always occur without awareness, they will be able to realize it and really think about regret after all the actions that have been done.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 13, 2024, 05:58:44 AM
In fact, any human inner world is very fragile. And we simply do not notice it. We often control ourselves strictly in gambling and not only, but we must not forget that emotions are like a spring: the more we force ourselves, the stronger the emotional rollback we will get later. And it is at such moments that gamblers break down and begin to play with double the strength and zeal. We need a balance inside, the ability to gently handle our inner world, and at the same time be able to clearly control ourselfs.

Beautiful words! I agree, only with inner peace, a gambler can find the right balance for his actions and not accumulate bad emotions that will get him in the future.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: satscraper on August 13, 2024, 06:26:52 AM
"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Physical gambling shop right? You are lucky that one isn't the type that loves to gamble on credit, we have many of them that exhibit those behaviors, they will gamble and when they lose, they wouldn't want to pay and because if the familiarity they do established with the representative of the shop, they are allowed sometimes to gamble on credit but they pay you back by not wanting to pay anytime they lose until you involved law enforcement or the popular police person to get your money.

I have a friend that once had similar encounter with a gambler that broke the screen of their TV where games are been booked, he made sure the guy paid back the money and has now placed "any property broken here must be paid before you leave the vicinity" and since then, all those rubbish behaviors has stopped because you are must pay back whether you lose or win the game you came to play.

To stifle my frustration (if any) resulted from gambling  I punch the heavy bag which is suspended from the ceiling  in my house. Thrash the screen of TV with the  fists is overkill though I know people who have tossed  the heavy stuff  against it after the matches were over and they loosed their bets. In general,  you are right, one must keep emotions under control, but people are different and sometimes the body-locked anger may damage the health.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 13, 2024, 06:52:06 AM
"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Physical gambling shop right? You are lucky that one isn't the type that loves to gamble on credit, we have many of them that exhibit those behaviors, they will gamble and when they lose, they wouldn't want to pay and because if the familiarity they do established with the representative of the shop, they are allowed sometimes to gamble on credit but they pay you back by not wanting to pay anytime they lose until you involved law enforcement or the popular police person to get your money.

I have a friend that once had similar encounter with a gambler that broke the screen of their TV where games are been booked, he made sure the guy paid back the money and has now placed "any property broken here must be paid before you leave the vicinity" and since then, all those rubbish behaviors has stopped because you are must pay back whether you lose or win the game you came to play.

To stifle my frustration (if any) resulted from gambling  I punch the heavy bag which is suspended from the ceiling  in my house. Thrash the screen of TV with the  fists is overkill though I know people who have tossed  the heavy stuff  against it after the matches were over and they loosed their bets. In general,  you are right, one must keep emotions under control, but people are different and sometimes the body-locked anger may damage the health.

Wow, it's a way out too, however, be careful out there ;D The bag is a good idea, though, I will note that down.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Kelward on August 13, 2024, 07:11:47 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them.
Self control matters so much in anything that we're doing because we're going to be responsible for any actions that we take. I like your sentence, especially where you said that whatever happens you shouldn't lose yourself, if you do you'll pay for every damages that you caused. This means that losing yourself will bring you more loses so it's a very unprofitable habit. Gamblers needs to understand how it works and guard themselves against habits that can trigger them to loose control, they should gambling with the amount that they can afford to loose, not chase loses and when they win big they should withdraw, not trying to increase it.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 13, 2024, 07:22:38 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them.
Self control matters so much in anything that we're doing because we're going to be responsible for any actions that we take. I like your sentence, especially where you said that whatever happens you shouldn't lose yourself, if you do you'll pay for every damages that you caused. This means that losing yourself will bring you more loses so it's a very unprofitable habit. Gamblers needs to understand how it works and guard themselves against habits that can trigger them to loose control, they should gambling with the amount that they can afford to loose, not chase loses and when they win big they should withdraw, not trying to increase it.

The only things we should strive to chase are self-improvement and self-discipline, indeed. They will pay greatly for mastering them in the long run.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Jody.Drummer on August 13, 2024, 07:40:06 AM
Self control matters so much in anything that we're doing because we're going to be responsible for any actions that we take. I like your sentence, especially where you said that whatever happens you shouldn't lose yourself, if you do you'll pay for every damages that you caused. This means that losing yourself will bring you more loses so it's a very unprofitable habit. Gamblers needs to understand how it works and guard themselves against habits that can trigger them to loose control, they should gambling with the amount that they can afford to loose, not chase loses and when they win big they should withdraw, not trying to increase it.
that's right, that's why we must be able to take responsibility for the actions we do, no matter what the result is, it is the result of the actions we take. besides that, we must be able to control ourselves in any case, whether it involves money or not, because with this self-control, of course, everything will be done carefully by considering it carefully so as not to make the wrong decision because there is a risk that must be borne when we have decided to take action.

wise people will certainly gamble properly and know that the money they deposit will most likely be lost. but for those who are wise, they will not have a problem with this because it is a gambling provision that defeat will occur. on the other hand, those who tend to often experience loss of self-control will not be able to control themselves when the money they deposit is lost, in this situation they can lose self-control and gamble excessively without seeing the risk side which is greater than the profit side. sometimes they cannot accept the results that occur until there are those who cannot control themselves and take it out on other people who don't know anything.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 13, 2024, 07:54:30 AM
Self control matters so much in anything that we're doing because we're going to be responsible for any actions that we take. I like your sentence, especially where you said that whatever happens you shouldn't lose yourself, if you do you'll pay for every damages that you caused. This means that losing yourself will bring you more loses so it's a very unprofitable habit. Gamblers needs to understand how it works and guard themselves against habits that can trigger them to loose control, they should gambling with the amount that they can afford to loose, not chase loses and when they win big they should withdraw, not trying to increase it.
that's right, that's why we must be able to take responsibility for the actions we do, no matter what the result is, it is the result of the actions we take. besides that, we must be able to control ourselves in any case, whether it involves money or not, because with this self-control, of course, everything will be done carefully by considering it carefully so as not to make the wrong decision because there is a risk that must be borne when we have decided to take action.

wise people will certainly gamble properly and know that the money they deposit will most likely be lost. but for those who are wise, they will not have a problem with this because it is a gambling provision that defeat will occur. on the other hand, those who tend to often experience loss of self-control will not be able to control themselves when the money they deposit is lost, in this situation they can lose self-control and gamble excessively without seeing the risk side which is greater than the profit side. sometimes they cannot accept the results that occur until there are those who cannot control themselves and take it out on other people who don't know anything.

It's really important to control the situation you are in, whether it's good or bad. All is only in your hands, and even if the temptation is there, you should try not to succumb to it.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 13, 2024, 08:23:51 AM
Usually it's always known that a losing gambler is also like a "hungry Lio" where at that very moment they could do something nasty or silly to ease their anger, and of course it's not possible to restore back the total amount spent on gambling except they are lucky to secure back winnings. That's why when we go out there to gamble in a local betting shop or casino hall we should be very mindful on the amount to lose in other to prevent us from retaliation because most people can't accept the risk of losing the whole amount they took to gamble hall, and of course next time there would be a self consciousness to every day he go out there to gamble.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 13, 2024, 08:26:41 AM
Usually it's always known that a losing gambler is also like a "hungry Lio" where at that very moment they could do something nasty or silly to ease their anger, and of course it's not possible to restore back the total amount spent on gambling except they are lucky to secure back winnings. That's why when we go out there to gamble in a local betting shop or casino hall we should be very mindful on the amount to lose in other to prevent us from retaliation because most people can't accept the risk of losing the whole amount they took to gamble hall, and of course next time there would be a self consciousness to every day he go out there to gamble.

Absolutely right! The risks of your actions should always be within your mind so that there would be no harsh feelings afterward. You won't be able to restore what you spent sometimes, but you will surely be able to learn from it.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Rockstarguy on August 13, 2024, 10:26:29 AM
That is one of the reasons why self-control and emotions are very important and must be possessed by gamblers, and that is also the reason why self-acceptance regarding risk must be a mandatory ability for a gambler, because if not then of course emotions will never be able to be contained which of course is very possible for a gambler to vent their emotions on whatever they find or whatever is in front of them and ruin it.
The problem is that lot of gamblers don't even know about this before going into gambling that is why emotions becomes a serious problem to them whenever they lose so much money while gambling. It is a normal thing to start gambling without having the knowledge a gambler is supposed to have but I expect the first experience gamblers encounters at their first game should be enough to learn lots of things concerning gambling.

 Greed is the reason why some gamblers don't even care about their emotions in gambling, they keep playing believing a big win but when it turns out to be opposite results they become very emotional for losing so much money in gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: sompitonov on August 13, 2024, 10:56:57 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
When I started playing, when I lost, I could also hit the table with my mouse from rage and disappointment. But it happened because I was still not very familiar with the game and, of course, expected big wins, but got the opposite result. Of course, I would be furious, but looking back at that time, it’s funny for me to remember it, because for several years in a row I have not experienced such emotions or even similar ones. I understood and learned a lot about gambling and how they affect the player, this helped me greatly rethink the game and my internal state as a player.

In general, in your story, the player simply could not control the emotions that came to the surface, this happens sometimes. The only question is whether he will be able to stop doing this and learn to control his emotions like me or not.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Oluwa-btc on August 13, 2024, 10:57:59 AM
What do you expect from someone who has lost control of how much they can spend on gambling and when they should stop gambling due to how much they have lost, but they will continue gambling until they have nothing left with them? Such people can react to anything because they don't even have self-control.
Since that guy paid for his bailout and has spent some time behind bars, at least next time he will be cautious of how he will react to certain things, knowing fully well that there will be a consequence if he misbehaves.

That serves him right and a lesson for others too in such situations,and the watchword of gambling with the least one can afford should be the order of the day and when you do so don't think of getting something big out of should just be like your doing it for fun and love for it.its just that the fact that money is won or gotten out of the games played has made alot to look into the fact that they can make a whole lot out of it.

And reacting to the situation when nothing comes out of it should not be a big deal, gamblers should know how to  control emotions and reactions inrespective of their losses and gain.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: 0t3p0t on August 13, 2024, 11:20:31 AM
This happened a lot of time anywhere in the world sometimes it cost lives not only properties just like what happened here in my place that ended up in fist fight, riot that may result in destruction of properties and worst is life being the trophy. This is the reason why we need to be physically and mentally fit before going to gambling so that our minds are in good condition and just having the vibe of enjoying the game instead of being too emotional.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: danherbias07 on August 13, 2024, 11:20:42 AM
In fact, any human inner world is very fragile. And we simply do not notice it. We often control ourselves strictly in gambling and not only, but we must not forget that emotions are like a spring: the more we force ourselves, the stronger the emotional rollback we will get later. And it is at such moments that gamblers break down and begin to play with double the strength and zeal. We need a balance inside, the ability to gently handle our inner world, and at the same time be able to clearly control ourselfs.

Beautiful words! I agree, only with inner peace, a gambler can find the right balance for his actions and not accumulate bad emotions that will get him in the future.

IMO, these are easy words to say but difficult to do.
When you are on the point of losing way too much, it's not that easy to control the emotions especially when you want your revenge and get the money back as fast as possible and then that's when you will have that peace.
In my case, as long as I can get half of the capital I used from time to time I am happy with it until a lucky shot comes and you get a bigger multiplier.
Sometimes, RTP sucks because it won't happen until your balance is gone. So, having a clear mind during those situations is something that is hard to do.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: mirakal on August 13, 2024, 11:21:10 AM
In gambling, you have to understand that there are days when you'd win and some times you lose but sometimes the loss outweighs the winnings and it's kind of frustrating because sometimes you bet with your last money and put all your hopes on it, wishing it will come out good. And to further your frustrations, put of four or five picks, four have played remaining one and that is how hopeful they will want you to be but at the end of the day, that remaining one is the one to cut your slip.
 I don't blame the guy who felt the best way to pour out his frustration is to destroy property but the sad part is he added more debt to his loss.
It is good to see a gambler who certainly understands their position and is willing to accept whatever the results are without blaming anyone. Of course, frustration and discouragement are common feelings for someone who loses, but we need to take it alone because we choose to gamble, and losing is usually the most common thing to happen. 

That is why we never take gambling seriously, but just for fun. Keeping that in mind will help us accept reality. Winning is just a bonus for us, and it is unfortunate that it comes without telling us, usually when we are not prepared and thinking about it. Yes, I have that experience and just bet a small amount, which makes me feel disappointed because if I only knew, I would bet more. 

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: EluguHcman on August 13, 2024, 12:01:37 PM
The contradiction of self control in gambling is when a gambler has lost or won beyond their bearable capacities.
This act is not really about being responsible gambler but the effectiveness of how the games played.

When you wins huge amount of money in gambling and you never expected it probably lotteries and care is not taken, then at the moment the joyfulness may result to negative display of the gambler not being his real self.
What about when the gambler looses uncontrollably? Of course it would result to frustration where the gambler may go a temporary psycho of negative actions.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: crwth on August 13, 2024, 12:08:27 PM
Opposite reaction? About what? Are you asking that you gamble and then gamble some more? I don't think that's an opposite reaction, though. I'm not really sure what you mean by illustration. There's no illustration that you have input. I tried refreshing the page, but there is still no illustration.

Losing yourself and action? I don't really get it.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 13, 2024, 12:36:08 PM
That is normal if someone lose his money in gambling becomes emotional because nobody wants to lose their money in gambling. That is the reality of what they will get from gambling and if they don't like to lose their money, they don't have to playing gambling. That is why we always suggest to use only the money we can afford to lose to prevents we becomes emotional after losing our money in gambling.

No one asks us to playing gambling but we comes to the casino because many reasons so we must know what is the risks and consequences when we playing gambling. We can prevents the lose become bigger by limiting our money that we use to placing our bet so we don't have to become emotional. So every time we playing gambling, we can prevents our emotion not become high by losing the money we can afford to lose. We only playing gambling when we want and with some limit money to prevents the big lose.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: DaNNy001 on August 13, 2024, 01:05:23 PM
Who knows if he has gambled with the money for an important purpose and he cannot control himself after losing the funds because what he thought about doubling his money became the opposite.

I have seen gamblers after a big loss almost started fighting with the betshop attendant that it was his bad luck that made him lost the bet. One thing is that we should try to do when gambling is to control our emotion to avoid being aggressive. Or just gamble with the amount of money that you can afford to lose.

There's no reason to justify his gross misconduct, we all know the pain of losing when it comes to gambling whether the money had and important purpose or not he chose to gamble with it knowing fully well that the outcome is 50/50.. He was supposed to walk away instead of doing all that..I saw something similar to that online, this man lost about 50 thousand dollars in a slot game and he started hitting the machine, he was later kicked out by the security personnels..I think it's wrong on all levels

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 13, 2024, 01:09:08 PM
Usually it's always known that a losing gambler is also like a "hungry Lio" where at that very moment they could do something nasty or silly to ease their anger, and of course it's not possible to restore back the total amount spent on gambling except they are lucky to secure back winnings. That's why when we go out there to gamble in a local betting shop or casino hall we should be very mindful on the amount to lose in other to prevent us from retaliation because most people can't accept the risk of losing the whole amount they took to gamble hall, and of course next time there would be a self consciousness to every day he go out there to gamble.

Absolutely right! The risks of your actions should always be within your mind so that there would be no harsh feelings afterward. You won't be able to restore what you spent sometimes, but you will surely be able to learn from it.
Feelings are often what is being attached while gambling thus, only few people who can control their emotions and this comes from the amount riskable by them. Anyone who must gamble freely must learned to always detached emotions and hard feelings while gambling otherwise would affect their personal life and the overall well-being.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Nheer on August 13, 2024, 01:39:20 PM
"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
That’s a sad story but some people fail to understand gambling, emotions cannot be attached to gambling and there are so many things that shouldn’t be involved with gambling else you will just end up losing money.

Understanding that gambling has a  50/50 chance is very important so you should always expect any outcome and when it doesn’t work out your way there is always a next time, no need to chase after your loss if you do you will just end up losing more money. If you gamble responsibly and instill discipline in yourself to avoid losing so much and losing yourself to addiction. The guy mentioned clearly lacks gambling discipline and has himself to blame.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: YOSHIE on August 13, 2024, 02:32:43 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose.
Losing at gambling is something that many people often experience, it is a law of nature, the saying goes, be careful when playing near a well, you could slip into it, This means that if we want to be safe, all actions are up to us, this also applies to those of us who are involved in gambling.

Losing in the gambling arena is normal, but don't make us lose in life, let alone frustration, when you gamble, you don't use the core facilities, for me it's normal, whether you win or lose, We need a basic goal to want to gamble and one more thing, never hallucinate that gambling can make you rich.

Humans are given thoughts and reason, the aim is to think and act on what is bad and what is good, for this reason, whatever activity you do in gambling, think professionally and determine what is good and bad.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dewi Aries on August 13, 2024, 03:12:05 PM
That is one of the reasons why self-control and emotions are very important and must be possessed by gamblers, and that is also the reason why self-acceptance regarding risk must be a mandatory ability for a gambler, because if not then of course emotions will never be able to be contained which of course is very possible for a gambler to vent their emotions on whatever they find or whatever is in front of them and ruin it.
The problem is that lot of gamblers don't even know about this before going into gambling that is why emotions becomes a serious problem to them whenever they lose so much money while gambling. It is a normal thing to start gambling without having the knowledge a gambler is supposed to have but I expect the first experience gamblers encounters at their first game should be enough to learn lots of things concerning gambling.

 Greed is the reason why some gamblers don't even care about their emotions in gambling, they keep playing believing a big win but when it turns out to be opposite results they become very emotional for losing so much money in gambling.

Yes I also understand that my friend, and this problem is indeed quite confusing, because in the end we do not know whether they will have everything especially the knowledge that we always recommend that gamblers have that can free them from various possible significant negative impacts.
As you said that it seems like we can only hope that hopefully they can get knowledge about the facts of how gambling really is from their first gambling experience.

On the other hand I always think that if only the object of victory in gambling is not money then I think it is unlikely for a gambler to behave impulsively, meaning we cannot lie to ourselves that money is something very important in life and I think this is the reason why many of them apply greed, but if only from the beginning they judge everything using a rational mindset then I think it is unlikely for them to gamble on the wrong path.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: swogerino on August 13, 2024, 03:17:32 PM
Usually it's always known that a losing gambler is also like a "hungry Lio" where at that very moment they could do something nasty or silly to ease their anger, and of course it's not possible to restore back the total amount spent on gambling except they are lucky to secure back winnings. That's why when we go out there to gamble in a local betting shop or casino hall we should be very mindful on the amount to lose in other to prevent us from retaliation because most people can't accept the risk of losing the whole amount they took to gamble hall, and of course next time there would be a self consciousness to every day he go out there to gamble.

Absolutely right! The risks of your actions should always be within your mind so that there would be no harsh feelings afterward. You won't be able to restore what you spent sometimes, but you will surely be able to learn from it.
Feelings are often what is being attached while gambling thus, only few people who can control their emotions and this comes from the amount riskable by them. Anyone who must gamble freely must learned to always detached emotions and hard feelings while gambling otherwise would affect their personal life and the overall well-being.

That is even more true when we are gambling regularly and we are expecting that the casino gives back something to us,most of us including me think that since the casino took a lot of money from us it should return something to us which is the greatest killer of money.I have experienced this personally no more than yesterday night when I thought since I lost a lot let's make a small deposit to play that game with a lower bet and hopefully to win something,well guess what that game took everything in that other deposit without a single win,all consecutive lost sessions,so the opposite reaction is needed here,it is needed to absolutely stop at this time or else your life will start going south and I don't know the end result of such action.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: $weetne$$ on August 13, 2024, 03:35:00 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

There is some frustration that comes when you have used money that was meant for something different to gamble and many people are guilty of this habit therefore they can only get frustrated when it happens and they start causing a nuisance in their environment. Some of them do not know when they do this but they realize after they have destroyed something expensive. We need to control our emotions and do not do spend money above our budgets or we will regret the actions later. Do not over spend when gambling but just use a small portion of your money when gambling. After we lose, we have to control our emotions by telling ourselves that losing is part of the game and we can always be lucky some other times when we play and not just wanting to make profits at ever game that we play

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Hatchy on August 13, 2024, 05:29:37 PM
 Such person should be forced to pay damage. I see no reason why he would decide to destroy a property of the bet store just because he lost. It show how irresponsible he is and more reason why he even lost. He couldn't control his gambling activities and lost the game. A gambler should show good attributes outside his games to be able to control himself during his gambling sessions. No one forced him to play so he should put the anger on the bet store for losing. Gambling is a thing of choice and he was the one who placed the bet and lost.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 13, 2024, 08:08:10 PM
Such person should be forced to pay damage. I see no reason why he would decide to destroy a property of the bet store just because he lost. It show how irresponsible he is and more reason why he even lost. He couldn't control his gambling activities and lost the game. A gambler should show good attributes outside his games to be able to control himself during his gambling sessions. No one forced him to play so he should put the anger on the bet store for losing. Gambling is a thing of choice and he was the one who placed the bet and lost.

Indeed. Irresponsibility should be punished in order for it not to become an accepted thing.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Antotena on August 13, 2024, 09:28:30 PM
Such person should be forced to pay damage. I see no reason why he would decide to destroy a property of the bet store just because he lost. It show how irresponsible he is and more reason why he even lost. He couldn't control his gambling activities and lost the game. A gambler should show good attributes outside his games to be able to control himself during his gambling sessions. No one forced him to play so he should put the anger on the bet store for losing. Gambling is a thing of choice and he was the one who placed the bet and lost.

If a gambler lack home training, he will definitely pay outside no matter what. Only someone with lack of anger management and desperation will gamble and break property. Why not kindly leave the place and then go home to destroy the properties at home. If they do that, nobody will even question there stupidity in the first place. Desperation for money is another reason why a person will behave like that and that's very bad for anyone with anger issue, a day will come when they will even want to beat somebody so dear to them all in the name of gambling with potential profit that can never gives you a roof over your head. People are mysterious in thinking sometimes.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: passwordnow on August 13, 2024, 09:53:15 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
Frustrations and losses can lead to this kind of behavior? I agree but someone who's aware of himself that he can do such upon losing and can't contain it should just quit gambling. It's the very reason why many relationships are destroyed when they can't control themselves anymore all they listen is to their conscience that with just few more bets away and they're going to recover as soon as they've won bigger amounts. But all it takes is another bet that is quite hefty with the amount.

The bigger, the better. But that's the trap, I think most casinos are giving that reminder upon registration and it's no longer an issue to them if someone has this kind of behavior. This type of gambler really needs help, a professional help that they need to have to raise awareness on themselves on how to avoid it when it's about to trigger.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Jody.Drummer on August 14, 2024, 01:06:06 AM
It's really important to control the situation you are in, whether it's good or bad. All is only in your hands, and even if the temptation is there, you should try not to succumb to it.
you said it well, but I think it's probably easy to say but hard to do and I think everyone has experienced it including me and yourself. when the situation or circumstances that occur are not in accordance with expectations, sometimes it is annoying and I have experienced where I could not handle it well until it made me stop doing it or give up, this is what happens outside of gambling. because in gambling of course it is a good decision when we can stop betting.

if compared also people who can control the situation and what is impossible is the number of people who cannot control, but that is not entirely wrong because in my opinion there are times when we experience problems that cannot be handled well, it's just that we have to be able to fix it from the start. the same as gambling when the results that occur are beyond our expectations we must be able to accept it well not by taking actions that lead to making things worse.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: seoincorporation on August 14, 2024, 01:53:34 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

for most of gamblers to lose comes with frustration... it feels terrible to be on a bad streak and feels even worse if the bad streak just continues, we used to ask ourselves "How can i always lose, or how can the house be that lucky", but it depends on the person how to deal with that frustration, as your example, some people just become crazy and start smashing thing. That's not the best way to deal with frustration because in the end that method has an extra cost.

Each one must learn how to deal with their emotions.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 14, 2024, 07:05:30 AM
It's really important to control the situation you are in, whether it's good or bad. All is only in your hands, and even if the temptation is there, you should try not to succumb to it.
you said it well, but I think it's probably easy to say but hard to do and I think everyone has experienced it including me and yourself. when the situation or circumstances that occur are not in accordance with expectations, sometimes it is annoying and I have experienced where I could not handle it well until it made me stop doing it or give up, this is what happens outside of gambling. because in gambling of course it is a good decision when we can stop betting.

if compared also people who can control the situation and what is impossible is the number of people who cannot control, but that is not entirely wrong because in my opinion there are times when we experience problems that cannot be handled well, it's just that we have to be able to fix it from the start. the same as gambling when the results that occur are beyond our expectations we must be able to accept it well not by taking actions that lead to making things worse.

Totally agree. You won't be able to handle every situation well, but you should remember each one of them, good and bad, in order to not repeat yourself. That's my opinion. Accepting what happened is crucial, however, just like you said, sometimes it's really hard.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Hewlet on August 14, 2024, 07:17:34 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.
it's not just about gambling, even in a business outing that doesn't go as planned, you get angry and might even transfer your aggression on someone. When as a gambler you've done your review on the game you've selected and you've concluded that certainly it's all playing out as planned which prompted you to gamble big and after the end of the game something now goes wrong, it's not everyone that will have the courage to accept the defeat in good fate. It takes maturity to know that it's iether a win or a loss and create that kind of mindset that accept whatever outcome that comes with it.

"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
this obviously is the typical thing that happens in most gambling setting and people have done worse to even attacking the cashier. But when you look at such display of nonchalant attitude by these gambler, it just goes on to show thier immaturity and negative approach as well as view on gambling. Regardless of how much I lost while gambling, the next person can never know that I've lost such amount because I've design my gambling routine in such a way that it wouldn't get to me regardless of the outcome.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Justbillywitt on August 14, 2024, 07:41:17 AM
It is easy to judge that sort of people and call them out for their behavior, that it is true. Though, when I find someone in that state I try to think to myself "What could have led that person to show such outrage?". It could not only be about the money, itself the money lost probably was the straw that broke the camel's back, he went to the betting places seeking for anything positive to happen to him so he could forget about his family problems, his money problems and the stress from work. The opposite happened and he could not help but to destroy other's property as medium to release the anger.

A medium to release his anger by incurring more loses to himself, wow what a nice way to release anger. Someone who want to forget about his other life problems that could be affecting him chose to do something that's purely based on luck. Something he can't control, or he has suddenly forgotten that there is no guarantee of winning in gambling. The other mistake he did was also going to gamble when he wasn't emotionally stable. Gambling shouldn't be done when someone is not in the right state of mind. If that individual was emotionally stable, he wouldn't have resorted to destroying casino properties. He would have left after losing his bets. There is nothing that will justify his action, be it family or financial problems. He will definitely regret after bailing himself from the authority and replacing the destroyed property.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: aioc on August 14, 2024, 10:20:35 AM
There should be security on the premises if one player loses control and might harm the betting outlet's properties or others; such behavior is understandable but should not come to a point where he is destroying. Its ok to say words to express his frustration but not curse anyone.
Such behavior could get the player banned, so if he has friends with him, he should be reminded of his actions; even on gambling premises, we should behave and act accordingly.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 14, 2024, 10:43:53 AM
There should be security on the premises if one player loses control and might harm the betting outlet's properties or others; such behavior is understandable but should not come to a point where he is destroying. Its ok to say words to express his frustration but not curse anyone.
Such behavior could get the player banned, so if he has friends with him, he should be reminded of his actions; even on gambling premises, we should behave and act accordingly.

Totally! We should remain humans even in situations like that.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dewi Aries on August 14, 2024, 02:57:24 PM
There should be security on the premises if one player loses control and might harm the betting outlet's properties or others; such behavior is understandable but should not come to a point where he is destroying. Its ok to say words to express his frustration but not curse anyone.
Such behavior could get the player banned, so if he has friends with him, he should be reminded of his actions; even on gambling premises, we should behave and act accordingly.

I think I would say that there is a possibility that the security level at the casino is not very good, the security guards who are assigned are not alert in preventing the destruction of several facilities in the casino, although in the end the person reimbursed the costs for his actions, but it is still a despicable act and I hope the casino dealer can blacklist the person so that he does not come there again.

And also even though the person reimbursed all the damage costs, the incident still made other visitors uncomfortable, and of course I am sure that after the incident, visitors who have subscribed will be reluctant to return there because of concerns.

In the end, the incident can really be used as a lesson for the casino and for ourselves, especially when we make physical casinos our favorite place to bet, maintaining an attitude, being polite and always respecting others is something that must be applied in ourselves, and also understand that defeat is a natural part of betting.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on August 14, 2024, 03:10:30 PM
Some persons are so short tempered and easily emotional that they can not bear some certain situation without giving a bad reaction to the situation. The person you are actually talking about have to bear the consequences of his or her actions and that what anybody that gives off a bad opposite reaction must face.

Sometimes in the past, I used to have those urge to react terrible according to how I feel at that moment but at some point, I began to realize that what ever action I take at that moment could be something I will still end up to regret later.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Pandu Geddon on August 14, 2024, 03:17:44 PM
Some persons are so short tempered and easily emotional that they can not bear some certain situation without giving a bad reaction to the situation. The person you are actually talking about have to bear the consequences of his or her actions and that what anybody that gives off a bad opposite reaction must face.

Sometimes in the past, I used to have those urge to react terrible according to how I feel at that moment but at some point, I began to realize that what ever action I take at that moment could be something I will still end up to regret later.

the more experienced we are in gambling, or in anything, the calmer we will be in facing problems. when we become very emotional and react badly to a defeat or an unwanted result. we will surely realize that the impact that occurs afterward will be more detrimental to us.
some people can already have such thoughts. but some other people always react badly even though they have been gamblers with years of experience. such things are related to people's characters.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: vs2014 on August 14, 2024, 03:18:47 PM
It is easy to judge such people directly and understand their behavior. A person's behavioral anger is only found when money is in trouble. There is a guy in my area who is always into gambling. When he puts on a smiling demeanor everyone knows that he has won the bet today. But sometimes his bad behavior is exposed when he loses a lot of money gambling. Your subject could not help but destroy other people's property. This doesn't happen whenever you have everything under control.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: DaNNy001 on August 14, 2024, 05:05:29 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.
Some of the frustration that people let out after losing a bet comes not only from the bet they lost but also from the societal pressure that they feel from the economic hardship around them. Many people are really frustrated, and they take gambling as their way out of this frustration. Most of them use gambling as a way out of this frustration, and when they lose, they become prone to letting out their emotions.

If you're a casino owner or owner of a gambling house, you have to understand that these kinds of people who let their emotions get the better of them will always exist and come to your casino or gambling place to gamble, and you should have adequate security to ensure that these individuals do not become a nuisance to other customers in the building and also so they do not destroy your property.

The economic hardship should be a reminder for a you not to gamble beyond your limits because you don't have anything to fall back to if. You lose everything you have...But this is something that gamblers can't remember especially when they are chasing their losses, to those that are not into this lifestyle it might seem very insane to see someone gambling over and over again chasing what they might never get matter what happens we should always be take responsibility for our actions instead taking it out on others or trying to be violent

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Findingnemo on August 14, 2024, 05:10:38 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

People lose their shit when they lose money that they're not supposed to do, in that even these incidents are expected but it is not gonna change what happened but could get into the shit hole further like what you quoted.

First of all, don't gamble with money that you don't want to lose and if it happened for whatever reason then get over it or you just not gonna be a broke, you could turn into a felony as well which is a lot worse compared to just broke.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Nwada001 on August 14, 2024, 05:23:13 PM
There should be security on the premises if one player loses control and might harm the betting outlet's properties or others; such behavior is understandable but should not come to a point where he is destroying. Its ok to say words to express his frustration but not curse anyone.
Such behavior could get the player banned, so if he has friends with him, he should be reminded of his actions; even on gambling premises, we should behave and act accordingly.
Totally! We should remain humans even in situations like that.
Humans, in their right senses, will still remain human no matter the situation they find themselves in. Even if they mess up and use up all their life savings to place a bet, they should only take the blame upon themselves and not transfer it to the casino owner or the properties of the betting shop.
As a gambler, no one forced you to leave your house to go to any betting shop or physical casino to place a bet, so they should be ready to take full responsibility for the outcome of the game. Destroying properties shows how irresponsible and inhuman they can be.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Su-asa on August 14, 2024, 05:30:52 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.
Some of the frustration that people let out after losing a bet comes not only from the bet they lost but also from the societal pressure that they feel from the economic hardship around them. Many people are really frustrated, and they take gambling as their way out of this frustration. Most of them use gambling as a way out of this frustration, and when they lose, they become prone to letting out their emotions.

If you're a casino owner or owner of a gambling house, you have to understand that these kinds of people who let their emotions get the better of them will always exist and come to your casino or gambling place to gamble, and you should have adequate security to ensure that these individuals do not become a nuisance to other customers in the building and also so they do not destroy your property.

The economic hardship should be a reminder for a you not to gamble beyond your limits because you don't have anything to fall back to if. You lose everything you have...But this is something that gamblers can't remember especially when they are chasing their losses, to those that are not into this lifestyle it might seem very insane to see someone gambling over and over again chasing what they might never get matter what happens we should always be take responsibility for our actions instead taking it out on others or trying to be violent
No reward will be given when you lose, it's only when you win that you can be able to receive what you won. Someone's said to me that gamble is a give and take thing and I doubt it somehow because there are some gamblers that have been giving by losing but still don't win. I think remembering of your losses can make you lose more because while you are remembering them you might chase your lose.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Franctoshi on August 14, 2024, 05:48:32 PM

Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.
You can't rule out the fact about some set of gamblers becoming too emotional with the outcome of their bets when they must have failed to follow the rules of game meant to protect them should the game not go in their favour and which happens most of the time, one other thing that also contributes to this, is the fact that people do not think about what happens if they lose the bet, they only think about the winning side, which usually lead them to risk way higher than what they are supposed to risk.

"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: hahay on August 14, 2024, 07:04:02 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Basically, it is difficult to advise people like that, because people like that also have their own opinions and the person also feels that they are right with their thoughts or understanding or the actions they have taken. Although indeed, by doing damage like that, of course there will be many people who will advise him and even though at that moment those people agree with his advice, but after a few days he will return to his emotions.

So yes, in this case of course only himself will help to control his emotions, while people close to him will of course only be able to advise him to make him aware. After all, if he continues to experience successive defeats, then the people closest to him should try their best, because uncontrolled emotions will trigger more chaotic actions than that.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: hedgeh0g on August 14, 2024, 07:22:13 PM
There should be security on the premises if one player loses control and might harm the betting outlet's properties or others; such behavior is understandable but should not come to a point where he is destroying. Its ok to say words to express his frustration but not curse anyone.
Such behavior could get the player banned, so if he has friends with him, he should be reminded of his actions; even on gambling premises, we should behave and act accordingly.
Totally! We should remain humans even in situations like that.
Humans, in their right senses, will still remain human no matter the situation they find themselves in. Even if they mess up and use up all their life savings to place a bet, they should only take the blame upon themselves and not transfer it to the casino owner or the properties of the betting shop.
As a gambler, no one forced you to leave your house to go to any betting shop or physical casino to place a bet, so they should be ready to take full responsibility for the outcome of the game. Destroying properties shows how irresponsible and inhuman they can be.
It's very simple, before making a bet, every player thinks that he will cope with the loss and will be able to bear responsibility for it, but when the loss comes to the player, the resentment and pain becomes unbearable for many. All because they do not know how to lose and are like little children who begin to do everything to drown out this bitterness from defeat. I do not want to insult such players, because some have a strong influence of genes from their parents who were addicted to something. Such players should not even make one bet, because it will not have the best consequences.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Stable090 on August 14, 2024, 07:35:56 PM
"I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
When gambling, always have a limit, and no matter how you are forced or pushed, don’t exceed your limit. I see no reason why he should be angry unnecessarily because no one forced him to gamble, since you decided to gamble on your own, so if you lose, you are not supposed to feel bad so much to the extent of destroying things from the shop that you went to gamble at. It doesn’t make sense at all, and I like the idea that the person was arrested and was asked to fix what was destroyed by him. I am sure next time he will be able to control his emotions when gambling and won’t do some stupid things just because he loses.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Fortify on August 14, 2024, 07:40:27 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Some people out there are just poor at controlling their temper and can be triggered by any number of things. They are the same people who jump to road rage or get into bar fights, losing money is just another thing that sets them off. It is the result of being a sore loser quite frankly and a skill the is usually taught out of people at the school level. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research before entering a casino will find out that the way the games are constructed gives a long term advantage to the house. You might win one or two rounds, but will lose by round number 10. They want to to win occasionally because it draws people back in until they've got no money left to spend, but that's when they break down.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 14, 2024, 09:10:00 PM
Some people out there are just poor at controlling their temper and can be triggered by any number of things. They are the same people who jump to road rage or get into bar fights, losing money is just another thing that sets them off. It is the result of being a sore loser quite frankly and a skill the is usually taught out of people at the school level. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research before entering a casino will find out that the way the games are constructed gives a long term advantage to the house. You might win one or two rounds, but will lose by round number 10. They want to to win occasionally because it draws people back in until they've got no money left to spend, but that's when they break down.
Can someone knows when and which rounds to give them winning?
I didn't think so because this is playing by blind and of course people aren't knowing the games to give them winning over time because if they does they would always want to double their wager to win something huge and life changing but at last went the opposite. That is why everyone must account to their lost knowing too well that not every rounds or bets give them winning and of course people most not win all time. Therefore if they lose they gets angry and lead them to something else.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Orpichukwu on August 14, 2024, 10:01:50 PM
Some people out there are just poor at controlling their temper and can be triggered by any number of things. They are the same people who jump to road rage or get into bar fights, losing money is just another thing that sets them off. It is the result of being a sore loser quite frankly and a skill the is usually taught out of people at the school level. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research before entering a casino will find out that the way the games are constructed gives a long term advantage to the house. You might win one or two rounds, but will lose by round number 10. They want to to win occasionally because it draws people back in until they've got no money left to spend, but that's when they break down.
Can someone knows when and which rounds to give them winning?
I didn't think so because this is playing by blind and of course people aren't knowing the games to give them winning over time because if they does they would always want to double their wager to win something huge and life changing but at last went the opposite. That is why everyone must account to their lost knowing too well that not every rounds or bets give them winning and of course people most not win all time. Therefore if they lose they gets angry and lead them to something else.
That's why I always advise people to treat all their games accordingly, like if you have a specific gambling budget amount on a weekly basis and you also have an amount you have set as a limit for each wager, that limit should be held no matter how certain you think the game you want to play is.
Doing that will always give us almost the same reaction to each of our games, irrespective of whether we win or lose. Although the losing aspect will also have a negative effect on us, we just have to deal with it. The time when some people feel very hot is when they put too much hope and expectation on a particular game, staking a high amount, and when it loses, it hits differently.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: SmartGold01 on August 14, 2024, 10:19:43 PM
Some people out there are just poor at controlling their temper and can be triggered by any number of things. They are the same people who jump to road rage or get into bar fights, losing money is just another thing that sets them off. It is the result of being a sore loser quite frankly and a skill the is usually taught out of people at the school level. Anyone who does the slightest bit of research before entering a casino will find out that the way the games are constructed gives a long term advantage to the house. You might win one or two rounds, but will lose by round number 10. They want to to win occasionally because it draws people back in until they've got no money left to spend, but that's when they break down.
Can someone knows when and which rounds to give them winning?
I didn't think so because this is playing by blind and of course people aren't knowing the games to give them winning over time because if they does they would always want to double their wager to win something huge and life changing but at last went the opposite. That is why everyone must account to their lost knowing too well that not every rounds or bets give them winning and of course people most not win all time. Therefore if they lose they gets angry and lead them to something else.
That's why I always advise people to treat all their games accordingly, like if you have a specific gambling budget amount on a weekly basis and you also have an amount you have set as a limit for each wager, that limit should be held no matter how certain you think the game you want to play is.
Doing that will always give us almost the same reaction to each of our games, irrespective of whether we win or lose. Although the losing aspect will also have a negative effect on us, we just have to deal with it. The time when some people feel very hot is when they put too much hope and expectation on a particular game, staking a high amount, and when it loses, it hits differently.
I have learned not to be having that mixed feeling in gambling because I know that all winning are dependant of luck and chances but we must not be carried away by our bets thinking they are too reliable, this should be first thing to sink into our hearts not to be dependent on games irrespective of how trusted the game could seems to be we just maintain the level of our bet amount instead going above what we budgeted but what can human do if not if greed engulfing bettors.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dewi Aries on August 15, 2024, 01:46:01 AM

That's why I always advise people to treat all their games accordingly, like if you have a specific gambling budget amount on a weekly basis and you also have an amount you have set as a limit for each wager, that limit should be held no matter how certain you think the game you want to play is.
Doing that will always give us almost the same reaction to each of our games, irrespective of whether we win or lose. Although the losing aspect will also have a negative effect on us, we just have to deal with it. The time when some people feel very hot is when they put too much hope and expectation on a particular game, staking a high amount, and when it loses, it hits differently.
I have learned not to be having that mixed feeling in gambling because I know that all winning are dependant of luck and chances but we must not be carried away by our bets thinking they are too reliable, this should be first thing to sink into our hearts not to be dependent on games irrespective of how trusted the game could seems to be we just maintain the level of our bet amount instead going above what we budgeted but what can human do if not if greed engulfing bettors.

Yes, that's right, it means our job as gamblers is to keep something we have from being lost excessively, the casino controls the system and we should also be able to control ourselves along with something we have such as money and time, like a war about who is stronger in surviving.
On the other hand, maybe I will say something that a gambler must do when they want to have the ability to take care of themselves and their emotions and also to avoid various bad possibilities such as losing money beyond their ability, which is to realize that gambling will always be a risky activity, in the sense that defeat will always be part of the game, and also understand that everything that cannot be predicted will only depend on luck.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: GreatArkansas on August 15, 2024, 02:00:05 AM

That's why I always advise people to treat all their games accordingly, like if you have a specific gambling budget amount on a weekly basis and you also have an amount you have set as a limit for each wager, that limit should be held no matter how certain you think the game you want to play is.
Doing that will always give us almost the same reaction to each of our games, irrespective of whether we win or lose. Although the losing aspect will also have a negative effect on us, we just have to deal with it. The time when some people feel very hot is when they put too much hope and expectation on a particular game, staking a high amount, and when it loses, it hits differently.
I have learned not to be having that mixed feeling in gambling because I know that all winning are dependant of luck and chances but we must not be carried away by our bets thinking they are too reliable, this should be first thing to sink into our hearts not to be dependent on games irrespective of how trusted the game could seems to be we just maintain the level of our bet amount instead going above what we budgeted but what can human do if not if greed engulfing bettors.

I have doubts here, I think the gambler who lost money and started to rage is not the reason for the game he played, but he was angry because of the fact that he lost too much money.
As everyone always says: "Money is always the source"  ;D

It is just the wrong timing for the gambling place where they able to encounter this kind of issue but also good that everything was solved, these kind of gamblers must be ban on any gambling places.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Litzki1990 on August 15, 2024, 05:00:38 AM
Casinos will never tell you that you can lose money playing casino but if you claim yourself as a gambler then you should definitely know this if you don't have any idea about this then I would say you are brand new here. There are many rules and regulations in gambling, if we follow these things and then gamble, then gambling is fine for us. What most of the gamblers do now is that they rush too much and without realizing it, they gamble with huge amount of money which results in the gambler losing a lot of money in the beginning and getting frustrated. 

I know the beginning is tough for everyone so don't be in too much of a hurry at this point, if you have an experienced gambler around, take help. 

A gambler can become addicted to gambling by winning and losing in the beginning, so the gambler should make sure that the gambler does not become addicted to gambling in the beginning and he should gamble in a plan so that he does not become addicted.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Jody.Drummer on August 15, 2024, 07:12:28 AM
Casinos will never tell you that you can lose money playing casino but if you claim yourself as a gambler then you should definitely know this if you don't have any idea about this then I would say you are brand new here. There are many rules and regulations in gambling, if we follow these things and then gamble, then gambling is fine for us. What most of the gamblers do now is that they rush too much and without realizing it, they gamble with huge amount of money which results in the gambler losing a lot of money in the beginning and getting frustrated. 

I know the beginning is tough for everyone so don't be in too much of a hurry at this point, if you have an experienced gambler around, take help. 

A gambler can become addicted to gambling by winning and losing in the beginning, so the gambler should make sure that the gambler does not become addicted to gambling in the beginning and he should gamble in a plan so that he does not become addicted.
people who lose a lot of money in gambling in my opinion are people who often ignore the provisions that are certain in gambling, where the provisions are that they will experience more defeats than victories, but they ignore this until they continue to bet even though they have experienced consecutive defeats. if only they applied the idea that gambling is a game that depends on luck, maybe they would not lose a lot of money because of the awareness that winning in gambling is based on luck which luck will not come every time gambling is done.

winning or losing from gambling is indeed a bet that becomes an addiction, but for those who have wise thinking, addiction can be prevented by not gambling excessively, but people like this are very rare because the majority of people who gamble are aiming to get profits that in fact are not certain to be obtained.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: ethereumhunter on August 15, 2024, 07:40:19 AM
When gambling, always have a limit, and no matter how you are forced or pushed, don’t exceed your limit. I see no reason why he should be angry unnecessarily because no one forced him to gamble, since you decided to gamble on your own, so if you lose, you are not supposed to feel bad so much to the extent of destroying things from the shop that you went to gamble at. It doesn’t make sense at all, and I like the idea that the person was arrested and was asked to fix what was destroyed by him. I am sure next time he will be able to control his emotions when gambling and won’t do some stupid things just because he loses.
Yes, that is something that we must remember when playing gambling so we don't have to lose big money and gets more problem from gambling. We must take care of ourselves and we don't do stupid things in gambling such as spend more money to recover our losses or chase the win that many gamblers do. If we can be wise treating gambling as an entertainment, we will not react too much with anything we gets from gambling.

We know that calm down and patience and other things will be necessary in gambling to prevents us from losing our self control. When we lose our money, we can calm down ourselves and not angry because we aware that is the risks of playing gambling. If we don't want to lose that money, we don't have to playing gambling and saves the money for other things. Playing gambling or not will depends on each people but we must adapt with the current situation so we will know how we can react. If we think that we don't need to opposite reaction, we don't have to do anything and just watch what is happen.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: IvugeoEvolutionCoin on August 15, 2024, 07:41:53 AM
It is easy to judge such people directly and understand their behavior. A person's behavioral anger is only found when money is in trouble. There is a guy in my area who is always into gambling. When he puts on a smiling demeanor everyone knows that he has won the bet today. But sometimes his bad behavior is exposed when he loses a lot of money gambling. Your subject could not help but destroy other people's property. This doesn't happen whenever you have everything under control.

A person who is addicted to gambling is known by his behavior. Because a gambler starts treating everyone badly when he loses extra money in gambling and goes into depression. When he starts treating everyone well, he wins at gambling.   After winning his mind is very good. But those who are addicted to gambling can never stop gambling because they will prepare to gamble when they have money.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Litzki1990 on August 16, 2024, 02:35:36 AM
Casinos will never tell you that you can lose money playing casino but if you claim yourself as a gambler then you should definitely know this if you don't have any idea about this then I would say you are brand new here. There are many rules and regulations in gambling, if we follow these things and then gamble, then gambling is fine for us. What most of the gamblers do now is that they rush too much and without realizing it, they gamble with huge amount of money which results in the gambler losing a lot of money in the beginning and getting frustrated. 

I know the beginning is tough for everyone so don't be in too much of a hurry at this point, if you have an experienced gambler around, take help. 

A gambler can become addicted to gambling by winning and losing in the beginning, so the gambler should make sure that the gambler does not become addicted to gambling in the beginning and he should gamble in a plan so that he does not become addicted.
people who lose a lot of money in gambling in my opinion are people who often ignore the provisions that are certain in gambling, where the provisions are that they will experience more defeats than victories, but they ignore this until they continue to bet even though they have experienced consecutive defeats. if only they applied the idea that gambling is a game that depends on luck, maybe they would not lose a lot of money because of the awareness that winning in gambling is based on luck which luck will not come every time gambling is done.

winning or losing from gambling is indeed a bet that becomes an addiction, but for those who have wise thinking, addiction can be prevented by not gambling excessively, but people like this are very rare because the majority of people who gamble are aiming to get profits that in fact are not certain to be obtained.
Money in gambling can be lost in a moment so gambling is compared to luck but if you use wrong method depending on luck only then luck will not win you. Proper strategy should be used as well as gambling should be done within certain limits but the result of gambling may come in our favor. I gambled and I don't know what the result will be but we have to apply our skill and wait for the result. There are many times when a gambler loses a huge amount of money in a moment and there are gamblers who luckily win the jackpot which results in a huge amount of money betted even with a small amount of money.

There are many differences between a gambler and a responsible gambler. A responsible gambler will never be in too much of a hurry and before they decide to gamble they will think several times that the decision they are making is right for them. So every gambler should first be responsible and make illusion of money so that he never loses money by gambling with wrong strategy.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 16, 2024, 05:57:10 AM
It is easy to judge such people directly and understand their behavior. A person's behavioral anger is only found when money is in trouble. There is a guy in my area who is always into gambling. When he puts on a smiling demeanor everyone knows that he has won the bet today. But sometimes his bad behavior is exposed when he loses a lot of money gambling. Your subject could not help but destroy other people's property. This doesn't happen whenever you have everything under control.

A person who is addicted to gambling is known by his behavior. Because a gambler starts treating everyone badly when he loses extra money in gambling and goes into depression. When he starts treating everyone well, he wins at gambling.   After winning his mind is very good. But those who are addicted to gambling can never stop gambling because they will prepare to gamble when they have money.

It's essential to remember what sums you play with and what you are willing to spend in order to avoid such situations. That's my thought on it.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dewi Aries on August 16, 2024, 06:32:53 AM
It is easy to judge such people directly and understand their behavior. A person's behavioral anger is only found when money is in trouble. There is a guy in my area who is always into gambling. When he puts on a smiling demeanor everyone knows that he has won the bet today. But sometimes his bad behavior is exposed when he loses a lot of money gambling. Your subject could not help but destroy other people's property. This doesn't happen whenever you have everything under control.

A person who is addicted to gambling is known by his behavior. Because a gambler starts treating everyone badly when he loses extra money in gambling and goes into depression. When he starts treating everyone well, he wins at gambling.   After winning his mind is very good. But those who are addicted to gambling can never stop gambling because they will prepare to gamble when they have money.

Yes I quite agree with this, but maybe we can only conclude that the person is addicted to gambling when they are experiencing defeat in their gambling and venting all their anger on other people, or what I mean is if the emotion occurs not because they lose in gambling then of course we cannot conclude that they are addicted to gambling.
Usually the closest people or people who are around them at that time are the targets for venting these emotions.

With this discussion I think that actually from the beginning we can already know about what the intentions and goals are that a gambler is looking for in gambling, namely by looking at the responses and reactions that come from within themselves when they experience defeat, we can judge it from the defeat situation, because if the situation is winning then everyone will definitely show more or less the same response and reaction regardless of whether they gamble for money or just for entertainment. And I would also say that addiction is actually a loser's mentality where a gambler always wants to win but is not ready to accept the risk of defeat.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Jody.Drummer on August 16, 2024, 06:44:57 AM
Money in gambling can be lost in a moment so gambling is compared to luck but if you use wrong method depending on luck only then luck will not win you. Proper strategy should be used as well as gambling should be done within certain limits but the result of gambling may come in our favor. I gambled and I don't know what the result will be but we have to apply our skill and wait for the result. There are many times when a gambler loses a huge amount of money in a moment and there are gamblers who luckily win the jackpot which results in a huge amount of money betted even with a small amount of money.

There are many differences between a gambler and a responsible gambler. A responsible gambler will never be in too much of a hurry and before they decide to gamble they will think several times that the decision they are making is right for them. So every gambler should first be responsible and make illusion of money so that he never loses money by gambling with wrong strategy.
unfortunately in my opinion not all gambling requires a strategy to win, popular gambling is slot gambling of course this is the game that I think is the most played but this one game does not require any strategy, so it can be said that this one game purely depends on luck. although there are some people who gamble slots using strategies in my opinion it does not have a big effect, many people share strategies to be able to win but what they do is seek profit from the many people who believe in the strategies they share.

there is no point in creating an illusion that you will not experience losing money, because you need to know that losing money is something that will definitely happen, it is better for us to be aware that the money we allocate in gambling is likely to be lost and we must be able to accept it responsibly, accepting defeat or losing money allocated in gambling is responsible behavior.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: davis196 on August 16, 2024, 06:51:37 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

That's human psychology. Some people get angry very fast, other people remain calm. Usually the people with low IQ are the ones, who lose self-control. If you are controlled by your emotions, you are clearly a bad gambler and you shouldn't gamble at all. Emotions are the worst enemy of every gambler.
That guy was really dumb. He keeps playing and losing and later on, he complains that the game was unfair. If you think that the game is unfair, why do you keep playing it? Some gamblers are really stupid and irrational, or maybe their addiction makes them stupid and irrational.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: betswift on August 16, 2024, 06:56:40 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

That's human psychology. Some people get angry very fast, other people remain calm. Usually the people with low IQ are the ones, who lose self-control. If you are controlled by your emotions, you are clearly a bad gambler and you shouldn't gamble at all. Emotions are the worst enemy of every gambler.
That guy was really dumb. He keeps playing and losing and later on, he complains that the game was unfair. If you think that the game is unfair, why do you keep playing it? Some gamblers are really stupid and irrational, or maybe their addiction makes them stupid and irrational.

..Or maybe that just wasn't his day ;D There are many factors that should be taken into account before making a conclusion. However, I agree with your point about not playing that you don't like.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: kotajikikox on August 16, 2024, 11:03:18 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
it is a mind issue or mental problem , those people that does not know what will their action may cause them in hard way.

look at that tyrant , imagine just because he lose big amount he claimed that he can do everything without being questioned? that is the most stupid thing that I ever heard .

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on August 16, 2024, 09:39:01 PM
That's human psychology. Some people get angry very fast, other people remain calm. Usually the people with low IQ are the ones, who lose self-control. If you are controlled by your emotions, you are clearly a bad gambler and you shouldn't gamble at all. Emotions are the worst enemy of every gambler.
I can be boastful of this as a virtue that alot of people lack in them; if anyone stays calm during a disastrous moment like that, it's self-taught and anyone could easily learn that too.. first of all, he was an arrogant type and, for that reason, he sorted privileges that somewhat went beyond the casino's TOS and sadly, bridged the contract.
That guy was really dumb. He keeps playing and losing and later on, he complains that the game was unfair. If you think that the game is unfair, why do you keep playing it?
He only realized that the game was not worth the time and resources spent on it when he was left with nothing... There are other days where he munched a mouthful as well.... Nobody hears the good part.
look at that tyrant , imagine just because he lose big amount he claimed that he can do everything without being questioned? that is the most stupid thing that I ever heard .
Exactly...The boss made a mistake to allow him such an opportunity at first.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Nwada001 on August 16, 2024, 09:58:44 PM
A person who is addicted to gambling is known by his behavior. Because a gambler starts treating everyone badly when he loses extra money in gambling and goes into depression. When he starts treating everyone well, he wins at gambling.   After winning his mind is very good. But those who are addicted to gambling can never stop gambling because they will prepare to gamble when they have money.
It's essential to remember what sums you play with and what you are willing to spend in order to avoid such situations. That's my thought on it.
Even in some situations where you know how much you are willing to spend and keep that limit, there are games in which you will lose, even if the amount you wager is what you can afford to lose.
If you don't have self-control, some losses can just trigger some kind of emotional reaction, which could lead to why most gamblers react the way they do—not just because they can't afford to lose that amount, but in most cases because they just get emotionally attached to the loss.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Ultegra134 on August 16, 2024, 11:03:43 PM
That's human psychology. Some people get angry very fast, other people remain calm. Usually the people with low IQ are the ones, who lose self-control. If you are controlled by your emotions, you are clearly a bad gambler and you shouldn't gamble at all. Emotions are the worst enemy of every gambler.
That guy was really dumb. He keeps playing and losing and later on, he complains that the game was unfair. If you think that the game is unfair, why do you keep playing it? Some gamblers are really stupid and irrational, or maybe their addiction makes them stupid and irrational.
I don't think it necessarily has to do with IQ levels; some people are unable to control themselves; they might be fed up with other issues, and gambling is wrongfully their escape. When things don't go as planned, they lash out, projecting all of their personal and mental issues. You cannot think straight when you're infuriated; the sensible part of the brain isn't a priority at the time to make the reasonable thought that you being furious and slamming the countertops or whatever is in your sight is going to do more damage than it's already done.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Lida93 on August 17, 2024, 10:10:11 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
People in gambling tend to lose themselves to gambling before they even start losing so much of their money, which goes to say, if you haven't lost yourself to gambling you won't lose more than you can afford to lose because you'll always know your limit following your set bankroll.

Not only in gambling but with other aspects of life when humans are unable to achieve aimed success in what they strive for. Frustration has made people taken to an action they ordinarily wouldn't have done.  Gamblers specifically do develop the frustration-aggression attitude immediately they have lost a lot and the next thing is a demonstration of violence either on a fellow gambler or on the instrument he's using to gamble.

Example: is when you hear a gambler start hissing and making complaints of the gambling site not loading games as fast as he wants, whereas this was same speed the site was working on when he started gambling. As gamblers we all know that no one loves losing money and it's for this reason we are admonished to gamble with money we can let go at a loss, because losing is inevitable in gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on August 17, 2024, 01:54:46 PM
Some persons are so short tempered and easily emotional that they can not bear some certain situation without giving a bad reaction to the situation. The person you are actually talking about have to bear the consequences of his or her actions and that what anybody that gives off a bad opposite reaction must face.

Sometimes in the past, I used to have those urge to react terrible according to how I feel at that moment but at some point, I began to realize that what ever action I take at that moment could be something I will still end up to regret later.

the more experienced we are in gambling, or in anything, the calmer we will be in facing problems. when we become very emotional and react badly to a defeat or an unwanted result. we will surely realize that the impact that occurs afterward will be more detrimental to us.
some people can already have such thoughts. but some other people always react badly even though they have been gamblers with years of experience. such things are related to people's characters.

Yes, the consequences of every unhealthy action due to one being so emotional are usually more detrimental to us than what has led to such action, but like you said, if one is more experienced about whatever they are doing, they wouldn't react in a terrible manner, knowing so well that if they do, they will have to bear bad consequences for their actions.

I remember one guy who angrily smashed his friend's phone on the wall. At the end, he was mandated to provide the phone, and he spent his money to get a new phone for that guy. He regretted his actions afterwards.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: bitterguy28 on August 17, 2024, 02:04:32 PM
There are  fewer that has that attitude mate , because majority of gamblers knew what they are entering , and they are ready to lose .
these Tyrant is as stupid like newbies , because he seems to not understand what is gambling and what he had entered .

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Zoomic on August 17, 2024, 05:34:34 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

That's human psychology. Some people get angry very fast, other people remain calm. Usually the people with low IQ are the ones, who lose self-control. If you are controlled by your emotions, you are clearly a bad gambler and you shouldn't gamble at all. Emotions are the worst enemy of every gambler.
That guy was really dumb. He keeps playing and losing and later on, he complains that the game was unfair. If you think that the game is unfair, why do you keep playing it? Some gamblers are really stupid and irrational, or maybe their addiction makes them stupid and irrational.
People like that should avoid things that trigger their anger! Lots of people who lose in gambling don't like it when they lose yet they keep playing and get angry unnecessarily if the game doesn't end in their favour. It becomes even bad when these set of people gamble with what they cannot afford to lose. I would have been surprised that gamblers who often get angry easily usually end up doing the same thing which made them upset the previous day repeatedly, but no I'm not surprised. Greed is the only thing motivating them to keep gambling, even at the detriment of their own mental health. Any gambler who acts out of control should be made to face the consequences of his actions so he would learn to control his emotions.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: fullhdpixel on August 18, 2024, 06:08:24 AM
Well, if you are losing a lot of money this might really happen.

If a gambler is spending way too much and that money is meant for something it's faster to become emotional whenever he loses.
When you say money that is meant for something, I think this includes spending the money on non-important things, so what's the difference if they gambled and lost it? If I were them I won't despair. Gambling can in fact be much better than them because gambling can provide two things, namely profit ( if we are lucky ) and quality entertainment. It's just that we must not think about our losses because if we do, then it will then be replaced by a sadness if in case the result that we got is a lose one.

It's obvious that it's out of frustration, I have seen gamblers do that in traditional based casinos, as he slammed the screen of that slot games. I do have friends inside the casino and they said that if you destroyed them you have to paid them in full and most likely you are going to be ban from that casino.

It stick to my mind what my friend told me, and so I will never do that slamming of monitor regardless of my frustrations.
Yeah, they won't be doing that for nothing and it's weird to see a crazy or mentally ill person inside a casino because for sure they will be detected easily by the guards in the entrance and they won't be allowed to enter the place.

I do have friends inside the casino and they said that if you destroyed them you have to paid them in full and most likely you are going to be ban from that casino.
This is so obvious because it is not our possession even though we already lose our money there, however for the first-timers who did such violation, they might still be allowed to enter and play there. It's also due to the fact that they already paid the damage that they have dealt. Even if you didn't heard it through your friend, I believe that you and many of us, won't still do such act because we might still be on our sane minds. Even when I'm only playing using my phone, laptop, and computer, I think I haven't slammed them yet because I spend so much time and effort only to buy these stuffs. For me, it is already enough saying negative words if I'm all alone at the room.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: topbitcoin on August 18, 2024, 06:37:59 AM

That's human psychology. Some people get angry very fast, other people remain calm. Usually the people with low IQ are the ones, who lose self-control. If you are controlled by your emotions, you are clearly a bad gambler and you shouldn't gamble at all. Emotions are the worst enemy of every gambler.
That guy was really dumb. He keeps playing and losing and later on, he complains that the game was unfair. If you think that the game is unfair, why do you keep playing it? Some gamblers are really stupid and irrational, or maybe their addiction makes them stupid and irrational.
People like that should avoid things that trigger their anger! Lots of people who lose in gambling don't like it when they lose yet they keep playing and get angry unnecessarily if the game doesn't end in their favour. It becomes even bad when these set of people gamble with what they cannot afford to lose. I would have been surprised that gamblers who often get angry easily usually end up doing the same thing which made them upset the previous day repeatedly, but no I'm not surprised. Greed is the only thing motivating them to keep gambling, even at the detriment of their own mental health. Any gambler who acts out of control should be made to face the consequences of his actions so he would learn to control his emotions.
People who have poor mental control will always easily get emotional in situations or circumstances that trigger themselves because the results they expect are not appropriate, indeed usually such people will be much more emotional if they gamble using money that they cannot lose. They always look for reasons why they lose, such as thinking that “the casino is unfair”, sometimes also blaming the network, or their device, such people are not fit to gamble.

It's possible to go from being a hotheaded person to a calmer one, but it takes time to learn from a mistake like this, I'm a firm believer that characters can be changed, even if they're hotheaded to begin with.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Koadharber on September 13, 2024, 05:59:20 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
We are really just that indeed humans on which we are really that highly reactive when it comes to these things on which on the moment that you do find out  yourself on a bad situation or condition
then you would be having that common reaction on which you will really be definitely be reacting whether  you would be banging up things or would really be that remain seated and silent.
It is really that actually depends on a certain person because there are ones who are really that good when it comes to self control and there are ones who cant.  This is why we would really be seeing
those individuals who do wrecked up things and even trying out to touch up other people or whatever physical abuse that they could give out. If you do find  yourself to be that highly impulsive then you shouldnt
be doing gambling in the first place.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: carlfebz2 on September 13, 2024, 06:04:40 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
We are really just that indeed humans on which we are really that highly reactive when it comes to these things on which on the moment that you do find out  yourself on a bad situation or condition
then you would be having that common reaction on which you will really be definitely be reacting whether  you would be banging up things or would really be that remain seated and silent.
It is really that actually depends on a certain person because there are ones who are really that good when it comes to self control and there are ones who cant.  This is why we would really be seeing
those individuals who do wrecked up things and even trying out to touch up other people or whatever physical abuse that they could give out. If you do find  yourself to be that highly impulsive then you shouldnt
be doing gambling in the first place.
On the time that you had done something then this is the time where you would be having regrets.  ;D

It is really that normal that we are reactive specially losing money and if its really that big. This is why on the time that you do gamble then make yourself prepared on what are the possible situation that you might be experiencing because its always been on high possibility that you will be losing money in gambling rather than winning.

Its true that there are ones that be able to control but there are ones who do really fail and ending up on paying up huge amount for the damages that they had done.
If you do find yourself having no good control of your emotions then its indeed the best shot or call that better stop gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Julien_Olynpic on September 13, 2024, 06:27:06 AM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: danherbias07 on September 13, 2024, 07:27:35 AM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.
True. Honestly, I have been in those positions many times. I felt that RTP was not coming around. I lost way more than what I had in mind that day because I was chasing losses. You can get literally angry and you might slam your mouse or your keyboard because of frustration.

But as I play more, those anger issues become lesser and lesser because now I know how the game works. I try to set just an amount that I want to spend for the day and if it wins to the planned amount I will withdraw it without even thinking twice then that ends my day and I will play again tomorrow.
The hardest part of doing this is the discipline, there will be instances where you will feel like you are lucky so you keep on playing and there are also instances where you just want your revenge.
Truly, that just means that a gambler is inexperienced if he will give in to those bad emotions.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Koadharber on September 13, 2024, 07:38:23 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
We are really just that indeed humans on which we are really that highly reactive when it comes to these things on which on the moment that you do find out  yourself on a bad situation or condition
then you would be having that common reaction on which you will really be definitely be reacting whether  you would be banging up things or would really be that remain seated and silent.
It is really that actually depends on a certain person because there are ones who are really that good when it comes to self control and there are ones who cant.  This is why we would really be seeing
those individuals who do wrecked up things and even trying out to touch up other people or whatever physical abuse that they could give out. If you do find  yourself to be that highly impulsive then you shouldnt
be doing gambling in the first place.
On the time that you had done something then this is the time where you would be having regrets.  ;D

It is really that normal that we are reactive specially losing money and if its really that big. This is why on the time that you do gamble then make yourself prepared on what are the possible situation that you might be experiencing because its always been on high possibility that you will be losing money in gambling rather than winning.

Its true that there are ones that be able to control but there are ones who do really fail and ending up on paying up huge amount for the damages that they had done.
If you do find yourself having no good control of your emotions then its indeed the best shot or call that better stop gambling.

You would definitely beg on the time or moment that you have damaged something which is really that expensive and on the time that you will really be needing up to pay up such damage then you would really be starting out to beg specially if the amount is too big. Sooner you will be realizing that its really that a shit move that you have done there but well its already done and there's no way on turning back.
Every actions would be done would really be having that corresponding effect whether it would be positive or negative or simply depends on what are the decisions that you had made out because people will really be
neither doing good or bad basing up on what they had observed or they have seen out. It will really be your call and results is something that could be expected but there are people who dont really just dont care.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: mirakal on September 13, 2024, 07:46:07 AM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.
The person's tardiness could certainly lead to ignorance. In fact, the rules are made to be followed and gamblers to be guided by their actions. In the case of violating some rules, we then also learn how to accept it rather than insisting ourselves that we are right when we are absolutely wrong. Honestly, it is too difficult to argue with if we don't have proper knowledge. 

But why does this happen the most? Because we usually think that all sites are governed almost by the same rules, that is why we don't care too much about reading them. 

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Fiatless on September 13, 2024, 07:50:19 AM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.
Loss of control is a good reason why gamblers misbehave after a loss but I don't think unfairness is a major reason. If you think the casino is not fair, it is natural to stop using the casino and switch to another one. Frustration and disappointment are my second options on why gamblers overreact.

When bettors place bets with amounts they cannot be able to lose, it brings in frustration. They are not just frustrated about the loss but the consequences. They might think about how they will be able to pay bills or repay loans that were used for gambling. Other gamblers might express deep frustration after losses because they believed that they were supposed to win the game. They fail to understand that gambling is not just about skills but luck.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 13, 2024, 08:26:08 AM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.
I admit that those three thing can make us lose control easily and the problem comes right away after that. The feeling unfairness will occurs when we see the winner list on the casino and make us want to revenge our lose in the next time. But for those who can not really hold themselves, they will deposit more money and keep playing gambling to recover their lose. We don't have to over reacting to our lose because losing in gambling is normal but if we still not realize how big our lose, that will be not normal. But experienced gamblers can also lose control in gambling especially when they lose consecutively when playing their favorite gambling games and makes them difficult to stop from playing gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: TravelMug on September 13, 2024, 09:20:47 AM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.

It's the chase of the losses as well, you might loss large amount of money, but you can stop after that. But there are gamblers that are not going to stop, and on the contrary will continue an go and chase and try to recover and recoup that money.

Feeling of unfairness? It's always like that in my opinion, we always feel cheated when we have a big loss. Even experience and inexperience players suffer from this emotions so I guess this is just about normal about gamblers.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: knowngunman on September 13, 2024, 09:44:57 AM
It's the chase of the losses as well, you might loss large amount of money, but you can stop after that. But there are gamblers that are not going to stop, and on the contrary will continue an go and chase and try to recover and recoup that money.

Feeling of unfairness? It's always like that in my opinion, we always feel cheated when we have a big loss. Even experience and inexperience players suffer from this emotions so I guess this is just about normal about gamblers.

I don't expect experienced gamblers to feel cheated when the game goes against them. On a norms, they are conversant with the system and know that the odds are always against them. Why feeling cheated then? I only assume inexperienced gamblers to suffer from this emotional situation because they're the set of people that expect fairness from the system.

The key happiness to gambling is knowing the rules that emotion will only make things worse for you and you ought to control yourself. Fairness will make gambling boring, gamblers will only accept Fairness when they win but see it as unjust when otherwise happens.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Zigabel on September 13, 2024, 11:58:09 AM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
It's very understandable to get frustrated when losses as this happens but what is not understandable is having to slam and destroy properties out of your frustration because you are definitely going to pay for it and that has cost you another expense even after loosing your funds to the casino already. For casinos like this I think it will be good to place barricades that will prevent Gamblers in this state from having access to the casinos properties and having to cause damages in such magnitude.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Fredomago on September 13, 2024, 12:09:21 PM
It's the chase of the losses as well, you might loss large amount of money, but you can stop after that. But there are gamblers that are not going to stop, and on the contrary will continue an go and chase and try to recover and recoup that money.

Feeling of unfairness? It's always like that in my opinion, we always feel cheated when we have a big loss. Even experience and inexperience players suffer from this emotions so I guess this is just about normal about gamblers.

I don't expect experienced gamblers to feel cheated when the game goes against them. On a norms, they are conversant with the system and know that the odds are always against them. Why feeling cheated then? I only assume inexperienced gamblers to suffer from this emotional situation because they're the set of people that expect fairness from the system.

The key happiness to gambling is knowing the rules that emotion will only make things worse for you and you ought to control yourself. Fairness will make gambling boring, gamblers will only accept Fairness when they win but see it as unjust when otherwise happens.

Indeed, though it added enjoyment when you win but if you failed better to remember that there's nothing you can do if you keep regretting for the outcome, its best to move forward and accept that result, there's always chance to win and enjoy so  instead of dwelling with that failure better to accept it and try harder the next time you place your bet.

Timing and better understanding as gambling always have that big risk behind anticipating and learning to let go and avoid following emotions that can lead you to lose more should always be set inside your mind.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Jody.Drummer on September 13, 2024, 12:25:03 PM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.
True. Honestly, I have been in those positions many times. I felt that RTP was not coming around. I lost way more than what I had in mind that day because I was chasing losses. You can get literally angry and you might slam your mouse or your keyboard because of frustration.

But as I play more, those anger issues become lesser and lesser because now I know how the game works. I try to set just an amount that I want to spend for the day and if it wins to the planned amount I will withdraw it without even thinking twice then that ends my day and I will play again tomorrow.
The hardest part of doing this is the discipline, there will be instances where you will feel like you are lucky so you keep on playing and there are also instances where you just want your revenge.
Truly, that just means that a gambler is inexperienced if he will give in to those bad emotions.
Well, this is indeed a common problem, I think it happens to almost all players, including me, who occasionally feel annoyed when the gambling ends in defeat. A few days ago I found my friend playing with a capital of $ 100 in about 30 minutes everything disappeared and he still wanted to play because he thought he could win, finally he looked for capital and got back $ 20 then bet it again and managed to win until he had a total balance of $ 100, but because he felt it was not enough, he continued until finally everything was lost and what happened was his chaotic feelings with his uncontrolled emotions destroyed several properties because they became an outlet for his emotions.
Therefore, we should prepare ourselves first before placing a bet with confidence that we can be disciplined in the actions that will be taken so that bad things do not happen when it is finally the opposite of expectations and it is not advisable to expect more from gambling because it will only trigger emotions like what my friend experienced a few days ago.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: harapan on September 13, 2024, 12:44:48 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
Our emotions plays greater role especially when something happens to us;it's very understandable for these things/incidents to occur or happen to people,as long as there's always a second chance  and another time,you can always attempt to do something again and do it perfectly.
The Mental strength and emotional capacity of some gamblers or people affects their general approach to situations.The frustrations and anger alone can alter your working process's or chances.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: uswa56 on September 13, 2024, 01:34:17 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
It's very understandable to get frustrated when losses as this happens but what is not understandable is having to slam and destroy properties out of your frustration because you are definitely going to pay for it and that has cost you another expense even after loosing your funds to the casino already. For casinos like this I think it will be good to place barricades that will prevent Gamblers in this state from having access to the casinos properties and having to cause damages in such magnitude.

When someone experiences a large amount of losses when betting, of course, it will make it difficult for someone to control their emotions so that we often see that it is not uncommon for someone to take actions that even add to the losses they have experienced while betting, of course this is very unnatural to do, but it happens outside of their awareness because of the frustration they experience and only realize it when their emotions have subsided,  By installing a security on the monitor will indeed be able to protect the property, but I think it will be less attractive when viewed in terms of its appearance.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Gheka on September 13, 2024, 02:23:24 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
It's very understandable to get frustrated when losses as this happens but what is not understandable is having to slam and destroy properties out of your frustration because you are definitely going to pay for it and that has cost you another expense even after loosing your funds to the casino already. For casinos like this I think it will be good to place barricades that will prevent Gamblers in this state from having access to the casinos properties and having to cause damages in such magnitude.
Expectation is like a high mountain peak while disappointment is like the bottom of a black crack whose depth we cannot determine, once we are not clear where we are falling to what extent, the surprise and pain always increase more clearly than the initial expectations, and as an act of instinct in extreme situations, people often struggle and struggle too strongly, that is why many people often get angry and break everything in front of them as a way to erase the existing sadness. The casino is also relatively tolerant but pays close attention to these people every time they play, once there is a sign of reaction it will be suppressed.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Awaklara on September 13, 2024, 02:41:25 PM
Expectation is like a high mountain peak while disappointment is like the bottom of a black crack whose depth we cannot determine, once we are not clear where we are falling to what extent, the surprise and pain always increase more clearly than the initial expectations, and as an act of instinct in extreme situations, people often struggle and struggle too strongly, that is why many people often get angry and break everything in front of them as a way to erase the existing sadness. The casino is also relatively tolerant but pays close attention to these people every time they play, once there is a sign of reaction it will be suppressed.
expectations of bets made too high make the gambler's confidence to win very large. can even increase the bets made. I'm sure most gamblers know that they can lose. but they don't have good emotional control.
The casino should be able to limit gamblers like that. they can not only damage what is in the casino. although good security from the casino can make gamblers pay compensation. but it can make other visitors uncomfortable with the situation.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: nara1892 on September 13, 2024, 02:48:12 PM
I think I would say something simple that the person is nothing more than a loser who just wants to win but is not ready to lose, I understand that losing streaks are painful but you have to know and understand that this is gambling, losing in the long term is very possible when luck is really not there for you.

This is also the reason why someone should first know what they are really facing before they decide to get involved, it is very possible for you to be in a situation that is far from lucky but you have to be able to accept the situation with an open heart because that is the risk in gambling, and the point is if you really don't want to lose anything, or you only want to lose a little of your money then never get involved in gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Jaycoinz on September 13, 2024, 03:03:53 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"
It's very understandable to get frustrated when losses as this happens but what is not understandable is having to slam and destroy properties out of your frustration because you are definitely going to pay for it and that has cost you another expense even after loosing your funds to the casino already. For casinos like this I think it will be good to place barricades that will prevent Gamblers in this state from having access to the casinos properties and having to cause damages in such magnitude.
Losing in gambling can cause many mixed up emotions and one thing about human and most especially gamblers is that they can actually flare up in anger very much and when the gambler doesn't know how to control his emotions then the possible case of violence and destruction will certainly be the era of the day. Myself I have experience so many gamblers do crazy stuffs like this and most of them sometimes even have the influence of hard drugs added to it.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Peanutswar on September 13, 2024, 03:23:46 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

Gambling industry just want you to play more with their casino and they will not let you to stop because at the end of the day its their edge now its all about you, how you will handle your emotions in play ing gambling because if you are just get carried away possible you made your wrong decision in life and lose most of your money in just a single mistake of your decision, there are still fellow gambler who experienced luck and wins a lot of games but again your faith does not the same with them. Its all about yours when you are playing gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 13, 2024, 03:28:11 PM
Yes, that's right, and in trading there are two things that can trigger risks, the first is caused by a trader's uncontrolled emotions (which is usually what often leads a trader to greater losses) and the second is caused by market fluctuations (a reasonable risk that cannot be completely avoided), so when you want to become a trader, you must first know about what can cause risks, whether it's a reasonable risk or a risk that occurs due to something unnecessary such as emotions, and this second point is what a trader really must be able to maximize, or in the sense that in any way they must try to control themselves.

As you said, that's absolutely right, where losses are something that is common in the world of trading and are experienced by all traders, or simply put, there is not a single trader who has never experienced a loss, and this is why a trader is always advised to have a strong intention and determination to learn, because only by learning will they get development by gaining various new knowledge that will make them a little more protected from the possibility of significant losses, especially avoiding losses caused by emotions.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Miles2006 on September 13, 2024, 03:32:36 PM
The only situation I witnessed during gambling process is most of them get depressed at the process and end up  committing suicide when there’s no one to talk with, we can’t blame a person reaction towards their lose or win because we can’t tell how they got the money probably some had to borrow which I feel is bad and at the other hand we have some set of gamblers that are willing to use family savings for betting. At times when you hear people success story about gambling anyone will think gambling is good but, until we get to experience the hard side. If the guy in question had listened and gamble responsible I don’t think his reaction will cause harm.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Dailyscript on September 13, 2024, 03:46:37 PM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.
Loss of control is a good reason why gamblers misbehave after a loss but I don't think unfairness is a major reason. If you think the casino is not fair, it is natural to stop using the casino and switch to another one. Frustration and disappointment are my second options on why gamblers overreact.

When bettors place bets with amounts they cannot be able to lose, it brings in frustration. They are not just frustrated about the loss but the consequences. They might think about how they will be able to pay bills or repay loans that were used for gambling. Other gamblers might express deep frustration after losses because they believed that they were supposed to win the game. They fail to understand that gambling is not just about skills but luck.
What I have come to understand is that no casino can be completely perfect in operation. When you use all the casinos there might be a feature or something they are doing that each individual does not like. It might be comfortable to one person, but to the other, it's not what they want.

If they needed the money to pay loans, bills, and other expenses. Why didn't they do them before thinking of gambling? Every gambler should understand that there are consequences for our actions. If we are to use money for something else and we end up using it to gamble. Then we have to bear it alone and dont fee bad for long.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on September 13, 2024, 03:59:47 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.

 "I remember when an outer monitor was destroyed in our stall due to excessive slamming on the counter... The slamming was out of frustration and complaints to how unfair the game had been and how much he's lost, just for that day. When he was asked why he had to touch the counter in the first place, he began to rant, telling the boss that he's spend alot and shouldn't be questioned - The culprit paid for his bail and replaced the monitor, that happened within 48 hours"

Emotional control is easier to discuss than when situations presents themselves. I always go with this notion that if a person wants to control a situation, he should arm himself with the tools to control the situation before the situation even presents itself, because when the situation is there with you, your sense of judgement would have been compromised by the situation and your creativity and resilience weakened.

The gambler should be well prepared on how much he's prepared to lose in a gambling session and make sure he funds his accounts only with such amount, in your case OP, he should have only that amount with him and decide by himself that whenever that amount finishes, he leaves the gambling house. That way as soon as the funds are exhausted, he remembers his resolute and leaves the gambling house immediately instead of standing there and thinking of what next to do, because if he didn't come prepared with resolutions, he would instantly throw in more funds and render himself a financial mess before leaving the place.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on September 13, 2024, 04:53:53 PM
Why do people become tyrants after losing everything in them? First of all, we have a grand rule in gambling -- casinos may not tell you about it but, you gotta know this; In the game, you can either win or lose. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself!
It becomes troubling to see that people allow their emotions to control them. Read the illustration below for further comprehension.
If you do not control yourself, you will be controlled, but know that emotion is a weakness, to avoid it, we should always weigh our options/risks before we take them and peradventure we've taken the risk, we should take heart and accept the situation as it is, or else, it will lead to a further problem that will be more problematic than even the initial loss.

Every gambler should have the mind preparedness which will help them manage the situation and there is nothing better than responsible gambling. To achieve that, one should gamble with the money they can afford to lose, find the right budget to gamble, know the time to start and end gambling, know the session to gamble and the amount to gamble per session, effectively manage their gambling finance and ultimately preserve their sanity through balanced mind control (psychology)

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on September 13, 2024, 05:17:38 PM
If you do not control yourself, you will be controlled, but know that emotion is a weakness, to avoid it, we should always weigh our options/risks before we take them and peradventure we've taken the risk, we should take heart and accept the situation as it is, or else, it will lead to a further problem that will be more problematic than even the initial loss.
You see sometimes, I feel everyone ain't in the same level of thinking... Regardlessly of the fact that we all have a different perspective to how we see things, that isn't a catalyst as to how things work -- cus why TF would a human with a sane brain act up like that in someone's private property?

"Over familiarity breeds contempt" I haven't seen an illustration like this one before, but it has an indepth in knowledge.
There's nothing he would have done in this situation than replace the monitor, but he became a little bit unremorseful.
Gambling industry just want you to play more with their casino and they will not let you to stop[...]
That's not true. I've been told severally to not attend to a particular customer that made his wife looking everywhere for him...

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Onyeeze on September 13, 2024, 07:15:38 PM
Anyone who is into gambling should know the risk that's involved in gambling, gambling doesn't have opposite reaction on it, because as a gambler you know already two things that is involved in gambling, neither you make profit in gambling or you lose in gambling, as gambler you already know that probability of losing is higher than the one of wining, so you don't need to have a negative reasoning whenever you loses, it's the new gambler that will be having depression when they lose gambling, but experience gamblers do gamble with spare money, why people think otherwise is because they have already budget with what they will use their gambling money to do, which is not right as a gambler

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: oll on September 13, 2024, 07:29:30 PM
I think that many people can do something similar in a sudden fit of rage, break a monitor, break a mouse or even worse. This is just an emotional outburst, which is necessary to release negative energy, because the player can no longer bear the offensive defeats. His expectations are destroyed, he made a lot of bets, so I would not be surprised. Maybe one of us will do this in the future, if he cannot withstand and cannot restrain his emotions. Of course, this player then cooled down and realized everything, the next time he will have to restrain himself more, otherwise he will not have enough money to constantly pay these compensations for things and objects that he broke. To be honest, I also broke a mouse once because of gambling, but that was a long time ago when I was too emotional.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Rockstarguy on September 13, 2024, 08:06:37 PM
Loss of control always occurs after two circumstances come together: first, a large loss of money, and second, a feeling of unfairness. The feeling of unfairness usually occurs when the player does not know the rules well, and poor knowledge of the rules usually occurs due to an unwillingness to study them or due to careless study. This leads to a distorted view of the rules and a feeling of unfairness. But usually this state visits only inexperienced players.
Loss of control is a good reason why gamblers misbehave after a loss but I don't think unfairness is a major reason. If you think the casino is not fair, it is natural to stop using the casino and switch to another one. Frustration and disappointment are my second options on why gamblers overreact.

When bettors place bets with amounts they cannot be able to lose, it brings in frustration. They are not just frustrated about the loss but the consequences. They might think about how they will be able to pay bills or repay loans that were used for gambling. Other gamblers might express deep frustration after losses because they believed that they were supposed to win the game. They fail to understand that gambling is not just about skills but luck.
Is it that gamblers are not aware of this frustration that is in gambling or they get carried away with the money they expect to win in betting. It is so sad people fails to understand that gambling is unpredictable and bet games the way they like and if they get unlucky to win they feel so bad and frustrated as if they were cheated.  The frustration in losing money in gambling should be a good lesson for gamblers to be responsible on how to play gamble with just the money that can be afford to lose.

If people want to take risk in using much amount of money in gambling they must be aware of the outcome of gambling that it is not certain and whatever maybe the result they must be ready to bear consequence.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: hahay on September 13, 2024, 08:08:11 PM
Anyone who is into gambling should know the risk that's involved in gambling, gambling doesn't have opposite reaction on it, because as a gambler you know already two things that is involved in gambling, neither you make profit in gambling or you lose in gambling, as gambler you already know that probability of losing is higher than the one of wining, so you don't need to have a negative reasoning whenever you loses, it's the new gambler that will be having depression when they lose gambling, but experience gamblers do gamble with spare money, why people think otherwise is because they have already budget with what they will use their gambling money to do, which is not right as a gambler

Although we realize that in gambling losing is more often experienced than winning but still, there are still many out there who are not aware of this so that when they lose then they can do anything which is basically a negative attitude. Because after all, they become gambling as a source of income so it is difficult for them to stay calm when they lose in gambling. Of course, it will be different and will be fine when gamblers only bet based on pleasure or only bet with ready money to lose. With such differences, then of course we also cannot consider it easy to understand the situation of each gambler, because they experience different results and goals in gambling.

Title: Re: Every action, sometimes, doesn't require an opposite reaction.
Post by: Accardo on September 13, 2024, 08:19:20 PM

Although we realize that in gambling losing is more often experienced than winning but still, there are still many out there who are not aware of this so that when they lose then they can do anything which is basically a negative attitude. Because after all, they become gambling as a source of income so it is difficult for them to stay calm when they lose in gambling. Of course, it will be different and will be fine when gamblers only bet based on pleasure or only bet with ready money to lose. With such differences, then of course we also cannot consider it easy to understand the situation of each gambler, because they experience different results and goals in gambling.

Every player's thoughts and reaction to the losses they receive are not similar. And, it'll be unrealistic to assume that all players could get to enjoy the pleasure of gambling and let go the pains of losing money. These habitual aggression after wagering all and nothing to show off for, happens to gamblers who had greater expectations to win.

But the defeat comes as a disappointing surprise which they'll not easily handle or accept. So, they tend to cool off, by exhibiting anger in their surroundings.