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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on August 17, 2024, 10:14:41 PM

Title: Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study...
Post by: BADecker on August 17, 2024, 10:14:41 PM
'Stuff' from the Covid vaxxes is self assembling into what? in the bodies of the recipients of the shots. At least it is abnormally large sized blood clots. At worst, could it be some kind of radio wave interception strings?

Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study Of Pfizer And Moderna Covid-19 Shots (
This is a first-of-its-kind, pivotal study on the self-assembly structures occasionally observed by others since 2021. It blows the top off of the "Safe and Effective" narrative, exposing it not just as a lie but also as an intentional deception to hide the real contents of the shots. After all, the shots were billed as containing mRNA, which is considered to be synonymous with gene therapy. Indeed, mRNA was found to be present, but not one word was ever mentioned about artificial, non-biological, self-assembling structures.

So much for Informed Consent.

Both Pfizer and Moderna injections contained similar structures, suggesting that a race was on to test the technology. This means that scientists at both companies were pursuing the same goals in a similar way as AI companies compete for AGI. That they would think to test it, secretly, on the whole human race is a blatant and heinous crime against humanity. Every executive and scientist in these companies should be arrested and held to account.

AstraZeneca and Novavax apparently had significantly different observations.

Click here to download the entire study.


Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the "safe and effective" COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation ofa comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena.

The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured byPfizer and Moderna. Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory "bench science" aiming to understand why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect from the aggressively, marketed products.
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Title: Re: Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study...
Post by: BADecker on August 19, 2024, 07:26:59 PM
The medical is really tricky. They have been doing the below kind of thing, with all kinds of diseases, for decades. This time they are doing it with the vaxxes.

“VACCINES” REDEFINED: CDC had to change the definition of “vaccines” so that mRNA would not be discredited by its own description (
The Trojan Horse of ‘vaccinations’ is the mRNA jab, where your cells are ‘broken into’ and re-instructed to produce billions of microscopic virus clone particles that can stick together anywhere in the vascular system, cleansing organs or the brain. There is NOTHING like this in the history of vaccinations. Now, these virus clones are scientifically being identified as ‘nanoparticles’ that may be able to be programmed to join together and even target certain parts of the body or brain. Again, this is NOTHING like any “vaccine” ever created before in the deep, dark history of a world corroded with dirty immunizations.

That brings us to the old school definition of vaccination, and how they were all described under one (fake) definition umbrella, versus the new modified, amended, twisted and warped definition, that’s wickedly crafted to sound “safe and effective” just like all the rest of the dirty lot. This is the great culling. The most effective weapon of mass destruction ever created – mRNA “vaccines.” A vaccine is a biological preparation that is supposed to help the body “acquire” immunity, but this has never been verified. Vaccines contain agents that resemble disease-causing microorganisms, so true immunity could only come naturally, and that’s why true immunity lasts so much longer than any vaccine “effect” or “adverse effect.”

With mRNA, science shows immunity is WEAKENED with every new jab, including the boosters, that can create an AIDS-LIKE disorder of the cells and completely wreck the biological seat of immunity. This is a key difference in vaccines that we’ve never seen before and required a massive change in the definition purported by the Sick-Care-Information-Complex of America (SCICA), including Google, Wikipedia, CDC, AMA, FDA and all the shill scientists and MDs behind the Covid scamdemic.

Fact: The CDC changed the definition of vaccination because mRNA did not fit, and they did not want it to be discredited in this way
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Title: Re: Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study...
Post by: Hispo on August 19, 2024, 10:49:29 PM
So is this supposed to serve as some kind of proof that mARN technological application to vaccines were just some facade for competing medical corporations to develop some game changing thing. Conspiracy theories have already suggested this is a plot to control the population: controlling who dies and lives with a single button which would make a blood clot to form in the heart of those who are supposed to be viewed as the "unfit".
Anyways, what really catches my attention (besides the wacky stuff some people come out with) is who indeed people are experimenting with with kinds of gene therapies and mARN for vaccines instead using attenuation to make the vaccines, which was a technique as old as vaccines themselves. I still do not understand the alleged benefits when compared with the old and functional attenuated virus vaccines.

Whatever, if there is something to really to care about are the re-apparition of illnesses like polio in a developed country like the USA, just because vaccine-hesitation.

Title: Re: Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study...
Post by: BADecker on August 19, 2024, 11:13:03 PM
It is what it is.

Part of what it is, is a test to see if 'they' could do it. And the fact that they didn't care about the lives that they destroyed was a test to see if they could get away with it.

What their long-term plan has to do with might be turning us all into radio controlled freaks.

Or more than likely, they are making homes for the Nephilim spirits, and maybe don't even realize it -

But it might simply have to do with population control... or some form of money-making.

However, if it's money, take a look here -


Title: Re: Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study...
Post by: Hispo on August 23, 2024, 04:35:58 PM
It is what it is.
What their long-term plan has to do with might be turning us all into radio controlled freaks.

Or more than likely, they are making homes for the Nephilim spirits, and maybe don't even realize it -

Why bother to invest such amounts of money and technology into turning people into radio controlled freaks? they are already doing a pretty good job by own giving us all affordable smartphones and releasing applications like TikTok on the market for anyone to become a digital zombie, which spends hours of unproductive time watching small videos which won't reach them anything useful at all.
Actually, my personally theory is the political right is not only concerned on the power the Chinese Communist Party could have over the management of personal information of the American people who use tik tok, but also they believe applications like that one are a coordinated attempt by foreign forces to make the American population to become even more stupid and unable to govern their own country anymore.
TikTok was about to be officially banned in the USA, but they she decided to appeal the decision, quite ironic coming from a Chinese company, in China there is no much appeal process to go through, it is just whatever the party decides, whether their like it or not. TikTok like democracy and due process, even though they do not have any of that in their homeland.

Title: Re: Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study...
Post by: BADecker on August 23, 2024, 06:59:46 PM
It is what it is.
What their long-term plan has to do with might be turning us all into radio controlled freaks.

Or more than likely, they are making homes for the Nephilim spirits, and maybe don't even realize it -

Why bother to invest such amounts of money and technology into turning people into radio controlled freaks? they are already doing a pretty good job by own giving us all affordable smartphones and releasing applications like TikTok on the market for anyone to become a digital zombie, which spends hours of unproductive time watching small videos which won't reach them anything useful at all.
Actually, my personally theory is the political right is not only concerned on the power the Chinese Communist Party could have over the management of personal information of the American people who use tik tok, but also they believe applications like that one are a coordinated attempt by foreign forces to make the American population to become even more stupid and unable to govern their own country anymore.
TikTok was about to be officially banned in the USA, but they she decided to appeal the decision, quite ironic coming from a Chinese company, in China there is no much appeal process to go through, it is just whatever the party decides, whether their like it or not. TikTok like democracy and due process, even though they do not have any of that in their homeland.

They want slaves. Radio controlled freaks are easier to control in slavery.

American stupidity is based in not believing God. It's the same as world stupidity. When the people of a country believe in God the way the Bible teaches, the country gains strength. Media and radio control turn Americans away from the God of the Bible.

Media would be good if it drove people to seek help from the God of the Bible.
