Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Usdcboss on August 20, 2024, 08:38:55 AM

Title: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Usdcboss on August 20, 2024, 08:38:55 AM
Imagine you have 3 bil.+
If you keep this on for example usd fiat currency even the slight geopolitical event will affecting your wealth.
If you invest some or all 3bil + of usd in real estate well it's kind of gamble also the volatility will not make you sleep well If you are big investor in usa then you want to get involved in USA country politics because your wealth depends on it that's why you want to diverse your fiat currencies with gold and btc so If any of them fall against other you gain profit becouse no matter how much influence you could have things happening and you can't have control over geopolitical events so to keep your wealth in one country it's not smart.

But how would the person will diverse portfolio of wealth.
Well the main things are:
Gold and fiat currencies the usd,gbp,eur and btc.
If one or another of them fall against another then you simply buy the lowest one.
If this stradegy is best for high net indvidual who got large money then it works for small money investors aswell.
The best way to secure your wealth is to buy equal value each one of them the GOLD,BTC, and 3 fiat currencies the USD,EUR,GBP. If you got them their are highly liquid If you have just one or 2 things they both can fall down in value but If you hold world top 3 fiat currencies If one does fall against another then you can buy even If all of them fall the 3 fiat currencies then you got GOLD and BTC.
If this is safest way for large wealthy person it works for small wealth holders too.  

But If nobody knows exacly who will be the winner the brics nations or western nations then wealthy indviduals definately will invest on both sides If USD dollar fall against brics currencies for example china...then you buy USD with stronger currency now you hold more of the usd you would want to get involved success of USA as rich person because you own more the dollar so you would want to make dollar to go higher so you can sell it and then buy it otherwords up and down you are loyal to your nation and country but when it comes business and making money If you want to be winner you can't be limited just with western business you have to play on both sides and be adaptive because world is one huge market and market is volatile and skills of using volatility to sell when high and buy when low it's the way how the market works.

I look at the world like coins Im waiting when big Marketcap currencies and markets fall the biggest economics are usa europe uk and brics If one of them currencies or assets fall it's the dip and good buy.
If china win it's time to buy USA If USA win it's time to buy china ... its like "ying and yang "the polarities fight with each other it's the endless but that's what keeping the world running and the innovation going because competation makes things get done...china vs usa compete with each other then it's a perfect condition for innovation.

Now we get to the point in order to develope world we need competation and competation makes people moving and when people moving things get done.
We will see AI and blockchain kind of techonolodgy developement competation china vs usa with each other.

If USA empire fall like the british empire falled it don't mean the end just means it's great opportunity to buy.
That's why people blame on bankers who financed both sides of war or any competation there is time when someone is winner and times when they lose If you are on both sides you win.
If one side down it's the buy If up it's the sell.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Apocollapse on August 20, 2024, 09:04:31 AM

What I believe is someone who can achieve $3 Billion isn't an Average Joe and they already know this basic financial knowledge about "inflation". Diversification is a must when someone have a lot money.

Instead of imagining to have $3 Billion, what should someone do to get $100K? $1M? $10M? or even $100M? don't say these generic and useless motivation like hard work, consistent, work smart etc.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Usdcboss on August 20, 2024, 09:15:12 AM

What I believe is someone who can achieve $3 Billion isn't an Average Joe and they already know this basic financial knowledge about "inflation". Diversification is a must when someone have a lot money.

Instead of imagining to have $3 Billion, what should someone do to get $100K? $1M? $10M? or even $100M? don't say these generic and useless motivation like hard work, consistent, work smart etc.

Money and wealth is have enourmous amount of money is the skills to know how to direct energy by super marketing skills and with super sales skills that's one of the things...also you have to be in some group of people.

Every people can produce only limited amount of energy so If one person want to be super wealthy his own resources and time is not enough he only got 24h and need to sleep aswell it's like slave owners was rich because they did knew how to use another people resources time and efforts for their own benefits.

Like George Bush said" either with us or against" bush was strong leader to win countries to usa side after bush the USA started to lose strengh in the world but what the bush did was the influencer method he just Went all over the world and told everybody to join with the gang the mob the USA he had pure mob mentality that's how usa got power and that time wasnt really any large unions like brics nations existing so the usa was making everybody to choose they either join with usa or life will be hard for them and many smaller and weaker countries did not have any options until now the new competation brics nations...however on the global scale the competation is healthy for economy because competation brings out the innovation.

While the bush was part of 322 illuminati order...did he really was enlightened ? I doubt he wasn't he was acting just as the poor guy from the poor neigbourhood to gang up and to get rich to escape from the poverty.
Perhaps the elders of order 322 did not trusted the bush with higher knowledge or he wasn't interested to learn and he just decided to act like average person would do it If got in the power.

But If you want to be rich...well you should know the Satoshi or the next kind of Satoshi so you would get early who you need to know is the blackrock or grayscale saylor kind of people because no doubt that they knew before info what we didn't and for sure they have now cooking the next thing the next btc.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: DeathAngel on August 20, 2024, 11:07:19 AM

What I believe is someone who can achieve $3 Billion isn't an Average Joe and they already know this basic financial knowledge about "inflation". Diversification is a must when someone have a lot money.

Instead of imagining to have $3 Billion, what should someone do to get $100K? $1M? $10M? or even $100M? don't say these generic and useless motivation like hard work, consistent, work smart etc.

Lol at the image, it’s kind of what I thought when I read the OP. I guess we are all trying to make the most of our money regardless of our net worth. It’s a bit of a hint though isn’t it, we are here on a Bitcoin forum, the best performing asset of the last 15 years. It might make sense to focus on buying a lot of it.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Fiatless on August 20, 2024, 11:39:37 AM
Why would someone consider keeping his money in fiat when there are other ways of hedging your investment against inflation? It will be better to invest in Bitcoin or real estate than to keep my investment in fiat which will become worthless within a few years. Maybe citizens of some countries like Zimbabwe and other African countries might consider keeping money in USD or GBP since their local currency loses value easily.

I wouldn't also consider trading on fiat currencies when I am aware of a currency that has been consistent and profitable for over a decade and a half. However, I agree that we can take advantage of the artificial intelligence industry because it might be one of the most profitable sectors in the future.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: letteredhub on August 20, 2024, 11:57:52 AM
Imagine you have 3 bil.+
If you keep this on for example usd fiat currency even the slight geopolitical event will affecting your wealth.
If you invest some or all 3bil + of usd in real estate well it's kind of gamble also the volatility will not make you sleep well If you are big investor in usa then you want to get involved in USA country politics because your wealth depends on it
Well, I am tired of imaginary funds. :)

But in the future I have $3 billion I won't plunge it all into one area of investment no matter how lucrative and highly profiting the investment is analyzed to be because life is full of uncertainty. I'll rather spread that $3bilkion into 6 places that's $500k each into different investments which gold, bitcoin and real estate will make the top list. And as a businessman you have to be very careful in how you align yourself with politics whether geopolitics or domestic politics not to get years of hard earned business investment drained by a politician or group of politicians you supported an opponent against but was still fortunate to get to power. I'll prefer staying neutral if possible cause that's how good businessmen ought to go.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Oshio-man on August 20, 2024, 12:14:55 PM
You still believe in keeping such huge amount of money in the bank, when you have other things you can invest the money and in less than 5 years, you will be experiencing another income that will boost your wealth in the community. Imagine I have $3 billions right now, if I have not include estate investment in my investments before, I will include it, so that the money will not be reducing than to continue to increase until the amount of the billions get to a higher level before I will add another investment again, because I will not store the money in the bank like the way some people use to leave their billions in the bank for many years.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: pooya87 on August 21, 2024, 12:53:03 PM
Gold and fiat currencies the usd,gbp,eur and btc.
First of all bitcoin is not fiat nor currency. Bitcoin is money.
Secondly no fiat currency with its unlimited supply that is causing inflation can ever be considered a real investment specially in unstable days like these. If "shit hits the fan" all fiat currencies dump. The 3 you named are also pretty much connected so there is a good chance they'd dump together if there were a dump.

If one or another of them fall against another then you simply buy the lowest one.
That would be trading, not an investment to "keep your wealth and store value".

But If nobody knows exacly who will be the winner the brics nations or western nations then wealthy indviduals definately will invest on both sides If USD dollar fall against brics currencies for example china...
Wealthy individuals invest in assets not in fiat.

then you buy USD with stronger currency now you hold more of the usd you would want to get involved success of USA as rich person because you own more the dollar so you would want to make dollar to go higher so you can sell it and then buy it again...
There is a problem I see in your strategy that is worrying. When you talk about buying/selling fiat currencies you have to go through brokers and banks. In case of a "catastrophe" like US dollar tanking, the banks could start shutting down accounts and you may not be able to do all these buyings and sellings as you plan now.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: el kaka22 on August 22, 2024, 03:51:52 PM
Also, you do not even have to imagine having 3 billion? Like even if you have 3 thousand dollars this still applies to you, diversification is always important but I try to avoid that because right now I like bitcoin more than anything else in the world and I will continue to just focus on that part as much as I can. Without that, I do not think that I will have any good return, I just want to make sure that I have enough money for it and that's it. If we can make a good return then it's going to be great for everyone.

Obviously, if you have a lot more, like millions of dollars, then you will not want to be 100% in bitcoin and in that situation it might be different but even in that case if you were all on bitcoin it wouldn't be really that weird at all.

Bitcoin is by far the best investment and you should be considering how to get better results eventually, if you can do that then you are going to make a lot more money from without a trouble at all. We are going to of course see this situation changing, it's not going to be bitcoin is the best forever, we might see something one day before we die that is better than bitcoin, not saying we will, but we might, and in that moment I may change my view.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: iv4n on August 22, 2024, 04:03:27 PM
Imagine you have 3 bil.+

Why would we imagine anything? There are a lot of billionaires in the world and each of them came to that wealth in some way, probably what they all have in common is that they are smart, have a nice set of skills, and of course, have enough luck. When someone reaches that high wealth, be sure that they can save it, diversify it, and always have some money for new investments. And most of those billionaires have their own teams made up of people from different professions, various agencies provide consulting and investment services. So I wouldn't worry about billionaires, they are resourceful people with a lot of resources...

I don't fantasize about being a billionaire, I would like to make a lot less money than that and retire... not work for anyone, take care of my family, travel a little, and enjoy life and the little things that surround us.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on August 22, 2024, 06:12:53 PM
You must be some over optimistic person to ask us to imagine having 3 billion, that's quite outrageous to imagine. You didn't tell us which currency that imagination should be in to begin with but if you're talking about dollars, that's one hell of an amount to be imagining.

I look at the world like coins Im waiting when big Marketcap currencies and markets fall the biggest economics are usa europe uk and brics If one of them currencies or assets fall it's the dip and good buy.
If china win it's time to buy USA If USA win it's time to buy china ..

We don't need to be buying fiats irrespective of which country is winning, there are better places to bet and that's on Bitcoin because it doesn't care what is happening to any country. Your money in Bitcoin is most likely to give you a better return than any other currency. There are many ways to store the value of your money but buying fiats is not one of them. You can buy Bitcoin, make investment in Real estate to protect your wealth. You can go futher by creating a business that can be passed on for generations and you have also preserved your wealth as you keep getting wealthier as your business grows.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Mr.sprin on August 22, 2024, 07:20:30 PM
We don't need to be buying fiats irrespective of which country is winning, there are better places to bet and that's on Bitcoin because it doesn't care what is happening to any country. Your money in Bitcoin is most likely to give you a better return than any other currency. There are many ways to store the value of your money but buying fiats is not one of them. You can buy Bitcoin, make investment in Real estate to protect your wealth. You can go futher by creating a business that can be passed on for generations and you have also preserved your wealth as you keep getting wealthier as your business grows.

Agree with what you said, we can save our wealth anywhere, but that may not necessarily be profitable for us, but if we save our wealth in Bitcoin we can leave it to our grandchildren because in Bitcoin our money is safe without being affected by inflation. , the longer the funds last, the more the number of numbers we profit will increase, the more we save in bitcoin the more assets we can get, from the savings in bitcoin we can disburse it to buy several other assets such as gold jewelry and a plot of land for us to invest in the future.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: N.O on September 02, 2024, 07:41:20 PM
Agree with what you said, we can save our wealth anywhere, but that may not necessarily be profitable for us, but if we save our wealth in Bitcoin we can leave it to our grandchildren because in Bitcoin our money is safe without being affected by inflation. , the longer the funds last, the more the number of numbers we profit will increase, the more we save in bitcoin the more assets we can get, from the savings in bitcoin we can disburse it to buy several other assets such as gold jewelry and a plot of land for us to invest in the future.
Right. You should invest your money in the assets, you have knowledge of and you are interested to to invest in. Some people prefer Bitcoin as a first priority for big investment but some people invest a small amount of money in crpto and Bitcoin who think that Bitcoin is risky currency. Bitcoin is profitable asset because it's value will be two time in the future because more people are taking interest in Bitcoin and more people want to but Bitcoin from any body. Always focus on your strengths and weaknesses and do not focus on others stronger and weaker points because that will  damage you and you will compare yourself with anybody that is not good.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: serjent05 on September 02, 2024, 09:16:37 PM
It is always good to diversify. 

I agree with the earlier reply that the person who has $3B  already knows what to do. I bet he will give us more detailed explanation and give a higher pointer on where to put the money.  Although I appreciate @OP in giving us heads up on what to do with $3B, I think I need to worry first about how to make that money and then find out later how to effectively store it on the matter that 100% suits me.

Agree with what you said, we can save our wealth anywhere, but that may not necessarily be profitable for us, but if we save our wealth in Bitcoin we can leave it to our grandchildren because in Bitcoin our money is safe without being affected by inflation. , the longer the funds last, the more the number of numbers we profit will increase, the more we save in bitcoin the more assets we can get, from the savings in bitcoin we can disburse it to buy several other assets such as gold jewelry and a plot of land for us to invest in the future.
Right. You should invest your money in the assets, you have knowledge of and you are interested to to invest in. Some people prefer Bitcoin as a first priority for big investment but some people invest a small amount of money in crpto and Bitcoin who think that Bitcoin is risky currency. Bitcoin is profitable asset because it's value will be two time in the future because more people are taking interest in Bitcoin and more people want to but Bitcoin from any body. Always focus on your strengths and weaknesses and do not focus on others stronger and weaker points because that will  damage you and you will compare yourself with anybody that is not good.

Aside from investing in the things we have  knowledge, it is also good to explore.  With $3B  capital I think it won't hurt to explore a little.  Look for new things that can give a better output than what we have in our arsenal.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Nothingtodo on September 02, 2024, 11:19:28 PM
Currently, the rate of inflation in my country is greatly increasing and the value of money in my country is decreasing day by day. In order to maintain the value of my assets in this situation, I must invest in something that keeps the asset value constant. Instead of keeping money in banks, I invested in gold and land deposits where the value of my assets will always remain the same regardless of inflation.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: SamReomo on September 02, 2024, 11:28:13 PM
What if you don't have even $30k or $3k then what would you do? And when it comes to having $3 billion then those who earned that amount of money know pretty well that how to invest those on assets that could help them to make 2x to 4x profit within next 5 years to a decade, and if I was one of those people then I would invest 50% of it in Bitcoin by following DCA+Dip buying strategy.

And I would use the rest 40% out of 50% in creating many new businesses that would add profit to my portfolio overtime. And, when it comes to last 10% then I would enjoy my life to the fullest and would donate 5% of it to all those people who might need donations or I might launch my own orphanage to help orphans to get a good life.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: robelneo on September 02, 2024, 11:52:30 PM
Listen, if you got that $3 billion from the lottery, then you will have to spend a lot of time learning how to keep it and grow it because the temptation for a lavish lifestyle will come to you. Still, if you got that $3 billion from running businesses, then you have the knowledge and the expertise to grow and maintain your wealth.

It is hard to make $100k a month and what's more on billions, you don't teach a billionaire how to maintain their wealth, instead, we should learn from these guys because it is so rare to have billions of dollars, and you don't get to meet them personally you're one lucky guy if you meet one.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: STT on September 02, 2024, 11:59:37 PM
Safest thing for any amount of money is use to reduce all your bills as much as possible.  The most obvious is owning land and your own house, for most people they save their entire lives to get that dream completed and even then its never perfect.   Also once you own any wealth they want to tax you on it, the basic advice I've heard about handling tax as a cost is to form a company which employs you.

The very rich use trusts so that they are never directly the owner of their assets but merely benefit every year from them.  The family through generations owns the property via this trust but avoids most of the tax as its more like a gifted benefit.  Costs alot to setup a trust I think so when you get to the large figures OP mentions you can employ actual experts qualified across their whole career to advise,

 Im just repeating what I've read roughly but it takes alot of work not to just end up paying 50% of everything to government.   You wont be rich for long that way, if it was a lottery win then the taxes on that can vary alot depending on the country so its hard to 100% tell people what they should do.  Mostly deploying capital to be useful is the best choice, gold has no yield and is really not of immediate benefit.  Gold is just an obsession of people but its really not the best idea, think of how you pay a fee to exchange to foreign currency when on holiday and thats part of what happens with gold usage.
  Still I do think gold is used more in future. If you were a goldsmith then the gold is used by you and you will make profit from it as a tool in your business hence usage is always the key to true wealth retention.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: tottong on September 03, 2024, 03:17:00 AM
Now we get to the point in order to develope world we need competation and competation makes people moving and when people moving things get done.
We will see AI and blockchain kind of techonolodgy developement competation china vs usa with each other.

We live in the midst of increasingly developing technology and we must also be able to keep up when we want to get progress in life in terms of finance.
Competition will be increasingly tight where there will be new things that always appear. Wealth will be difficult to obtain when someone does not have a plan and increasingly developing technological capabilities are a process that we must achieve because without following the current developments in terms of technology, we will be left behind.

Countries are starting to compete to create innovation and for countries that are able to develop potential will develop further with the technology produced.
China as a country that is starting to create new innovations and even their competition and influence has almost entered all countries.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Fortify on September 03, 2024, 09:05:29 PM
Imagine you have 3 bil.+
If you keep this on for example usd fiat currency even the slight geopolitical event will affecting your wealth.
If you invest some or all 3bil + of usd in real estate well it's kind of gamble also the volatility will not make you sleep well If you are big investor in usa then you want to get involved in USA country politics because your wealth depends on it that's why you want to diverse your fiat currencies with gold and btc so If any of them fall against other you gain profit becouse no matter how much influence you could have things happening and you can't have control over geopolitical events so to keep your wealth in one country it's not smart.

But how would the person will diverse portfolio of wealth.
Well the main things are:
Gold and fiat currencies the usd,gbp,eur and btc.
If one or another of them fall against another then you simply buy the lowest one.
If this stradegy is best for high net indvidual who got large money then it works for small money investors aswell.
The best way to secure your wealth is to buy equal value each one of them the GOLD,BTC, and 3 fiat currencies the USD,EUR,GBP. If you got them their are highly liquid If you have just one or 2 things they both can fall down in value but If you hold world top 3 fiat currencies If one does fall against another then you can buy even If all of them fall the 3 fiat currencies then you got GOLD and BTC.
If this is safest way for large wealthy person it works for small wealth holders too.  

But If nobody knows exacly who will be the winner the brics nations or western nations then wealthy indviduals definately will invest on both sides If USD dollar fall against brics currencies for example china...then you buy USD with stronger currency now you hold more of the usd you would want to get involved success of USA as rich person because you own more the dollar so you would want to make dollar to go higher so you can sell it and then buy it otherwords up and down you are loyal to your nation and country but when it comes business and making money If you want to be winner you can't be limited just with western business you have to play on both sides and be adaptive because world is one huge market and market is volatile and skills of using volatility to sell when high and buy when low it's the way how the market works.

I look at the world like coins Im waiting when big Marketcap currencies and markets fall the biggest economics are usa europe uk and brics If one of them currencies or assets fall it's the dip and good buy.
If china win it's time to buy USA If USA win it's time to buy china ... its like "ying and yang "the polarities fight with each other it's the endless but that's what keeping the world running and the innovation going because competation makes things get done...china vs usa compete with each other then it's a perfect condition for innovation.

Now we get to the point in order to develope world we need competation and competation makes people moving and when people moving things get done.
We will see AI and blockchain kind of techonolodgy developement competation china vs usa with each other.

If USA empire fall like the british empire falled it don't mean the end just means it's great opportunity to buy.
That's why people blame on bankers who financed both sides of war or any competation there is time when someone is winner and times when they lose If you are on both sides you win.
If one side down it's the buy If up it's the sell.

People with that level of money will often have it connected to the original form of wealth, like Warren Buffett owning a large chunk of Berkshire Hathaway, the family behind Mars Inc. or Mark Zuckerberg continuing to own major voting rights at Facebook. In some ways they have concentrated their wealth, but if it is a money producing asset and in high demand it is often the best choice - better than diversifying even. They'll still have a large chunk of money taken out of it and invested elsewhere for safer finances. For anyone else it makes sense to diversify because it spreads the risk out, but they often just stick with the biggest bluechips or use private financial advisors to guide them.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Queentoshi on September 04, 2024, 01:06:54 PM
Imagine you have 3 bil.+
If you keep this on for example usd fiat currency even the slight geopolitical event will affecting your wealth.
If you invest some or all 3bil + of usd in real estate well it's kind of gamble
Someone who has been able to get 3 billion in any currency to me has already been able to make the right choices that has yielded him that amount of money except they inherited that amount of money or got it through illegal means. Such a person will already be knowledgeable about the kind of investments that is profitable for them and since that investment has yielded them that kind of money before they just have to invest more in it.

Old money individuals became very wealthy from investing, it was not cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Yatsan on September 05, 2024, 05:02:18 AM
Imagine you have 3 bil.+
If you keep this on for example usd fiat currency even the slight geopolitical event will affecting your wealth.
If you invest some or all 3bil + of usd in real estate well it's kind of gamble also the volatility will not make you sleep well If you are big investor in usa then you want to get involved in USA country politics because your wealth depends on it that's why you want to diverse your fiat currencies with gold and btc so If any of them fall against other you gain profit becouse no matter how much influence you could have things happening and you can't have control over geopolitical events so to keep your wealth in one country it's not smart.

But how would the person will diverse portfolio of wealth.
Well the main things are:
Gold and fiat currencies the usd,gbp,eur and btc.
If one or another of them fall against another then you simply buy the lowest one.
If this stradegy is best for high net indvidual who got large money then it works for small money investors aswell.
The best way to secure your wealth is to buy equal value each one of them the GOLD,BTC, and 3 fiat currencies the USD,EUR,GBP. If you got them their are highly liquid If you have just one or 2 things they both can fall down in value but If you hold world top 3 fiat currencies If one does fall against another then you can buy even If all of them fall the 3 fiat currencies then you got GOLD and BTC.
If this is safest way for large wealthy person it works for small wealth holders too.  

But If nobody knows exacly who will be the winner the brics nations or western nations then wealthy indviduals definately will invest on both sides If USD dollar fall against brics currencies for example china...then you buy USD with stronger currency now you hold more of the usd you would want to get involved success of USA as rich person because you own more the dollar so you would want to make dollar to go higher so you can sell it and then buy it otherwords up and down you are loyal to your nation and country but when it comes business and making money If you want to be winner you can't be limited just with western business you have to play on both sides and be adaptive because world is one huge market and market is volatile and skills of using volatility to sell when high and buy when low it's the way how the market works.

I look at the world like coins Im waiting when big Marketcap currencies and markets fall the biggest economics are usa europe uk and brics If one of them currencies or assets fall it's the dip and good buy.
If china win it's time to buy USA If USA win it's time to buy china ... its like "ying and yang "the polarities fight with each other it's the endless but that's what keeping the world running and the innovation going because competation makes things get done...china vs usa compete with each other then it's a perfect condition for innovation.

Now we get to the point in order to develope world we need competation and competation makes people moving and when people moving things get done.
We will see AI and blockchain kind of techonolodgy developement competation china vs usa with each other.

If USA empire fall like the british empire falled it don't mean the end just means it's great opportunity to buy.
That's why people blame on bankers who financed both sides of war or any competation there is time when someone is winner and times when they lose If you are on both sides you win.
If one side down it's the buy If up it's the sell.

You have spoken to taking a holistic approach to the management of wealth, diversification in the face of global change. Your philosophy underlines that balance across investment classes and currency offers lesser risk and capitalizes on opportunities.

Trading with gold, Bitcoin, and many fiat currencies like the USD, GBP, and EUR might be highly volatile due to any one single market or currency. This diversification strategy cannot but further strengthen your wealth by spreading it across the wealth with diverse relationships and responses to geopolitical events. Holding on to these high-value assets better helps one handle market downturns, and upside, one looks to capitalize on any chance to buy when prices are cheaper. I really think the perspective on the changing dynamics of global markets does makes sense. We know the fact that geopolitical changes and economic competition among major powers, including BRICS and the West, may bring about risks and opportunities in equal measure. Adaptation to these changes may come through investment on both sides and making volatility work for them. This is in line with thinking that the spirit of competition fosters innovation and that if intelligently managed, it will serve to create improved economic conditions.In other words, your approach is one of strategic flexibility and flexibility. You can balance investments in currencies and assets, alike, by trying to stay contemporary with global economic shifts, which would help you safeguard your wealth and growth during turbulent markets and economies.

Imagine you have 3 bil.+
If you keep this on for example usd fiat currency even the slight geopolitical event will affecting your wealth.
If you invest some or all 3bil + of usd in real estate well it's kind of gamble also the volatility will not make you sleep well If you are big investor in usa then you want to get involved in USA country politics because your wealth depends on it that's why you want to diverse your fiat currencies with gold and btc so If any of them fall against other you gain profit becouse no matter how much influence you could have things happening and you can't have control over geopolitical events so to keep your wealth in one country it's not smart.

But how would the person will diverse portfolio of wealth.
Well the main things are:
Gold and fiat currencies the usd,gbp,eur and btc.
If one or another of them fall against another then you simply buy the lowest one.
If this stradegy is best for high net indvidual who got large money then it works for small money investors aswell.
The best way to secure your wealth is to buy equal value each one of them the GOLD,BTC, and 3 fiat currencies the USD,EUR,GBP. If you got them their are highly liquid If you have just one or 2 things they both can fall down in value but If you hold world top 3 fiat currencies If one does fall against another then you can buy even If all of them fall the 3 fiat currencies then you got GOLD and BTC.
If this is safest way for large wealthy person it works for small wealth holders too. 

But If nobody knows exacly who will be the winner the brics nations or western nations then wealthy indviduals definately will invest on both sides If USD dollar fall against brics currencies for example china...then you buy USD with stronger currency now you hold more of the usd you would want to get involved success of USA as rich person because you own more the dollar so you would want to make dollar to go higher so you can sell it and then buy it otherwords up and down you are loyal to your nation and country but when it comes business and making money If you want to be winner you can't be limited just with western business you have to play on both sides and be adaptive because world is one huge market and market is volatile and skills of using volatility to sell when high and buy when low it's the way how the market works.

I look at the world like coins Im waiting when big Marketcap currencies and markets fall the biggest economics are usa europe uk and brics If one of them currencies or assets fall it's the dip and good buy.
If china win it's time to buy USA If USA win it's time to buy china ... its like "ying and yang "the polarities fight with each other it's the endless but that's what keeping the world running and the innovation going because competation makes things get done...china vs usa compete with each other then it's a perfect condition for innovation.

Now we get to the point in order to develope world we need competation and competation makes people moving and when people moving things get done.
We will see AI and blockchain kind of techonolodgy developement competation china vs usa with each other.

If USA empire fall like the british empire falled it don't mean the end just means it's great opportunity to buy.
That's why people blame on bankers who financed both sides of war or any competation there is time when someone is winner and times when they lose If you are on both sides you win.
If one side down it's the buy If up it's the sell.

People with that level of money will often have it connected to the original form of wealth, like Warren Buffett owning a large chunk of Berkshire Hathaway, the family behind Mars Inc. or Mark Zuckerberg continuing to own major voting rights at Facebook. In some ways they have concentrated their wealth, but if it is a money producing asset and in high demand it is often the best choice - better than diversifying even. They'll still have a large chunk of money taken out of it and invested elsewhere for safer finances. For anyone else it makes sense to diversify because it spreads the risk out, but they often just stick with the biggest bluechips or use private financial advisors to guide them.

You make an excellent point about how the wealthy-wealthy, Warren Buffett, the Mars family, and Mark Zuckerberg-invest in expensive income-generating assets. This is because such investment kinds generally better suit their skill sets and, at the same time, generate a more adequate return on their capital. If one has much power or leverage over these things and if they are in demand, discretion can be key.

However, for them also, diversification is the first choice. Usually, they put the lion's share of their assets in other funds to spread their risk and present a stable financial position. To most other people, diversification is highly significant since it spreads the risks across financial markets and minimizes the impact brought about by the underperformance of some of the underlying assets.

Your balancing investment strategy-that is, apportioning assets between gold, Bitcoin, and other fiat currencies-embodies the very principle of hedging. You will be able to avoid the volatility and uncertainty concentrated in any single asset or market by diversifying. Of course, for the ones with quite a bit of wealth, investment in cheap assets could allow them to make high gains; volatility, however, plays an important factor in solving this overall financial crisis.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: michellee on September 05, 2024, 03:59:34 PM
If I have 3 billion dollars, I will diversify in many forms and will use Bitcoin as my main investment. I will also buy gold and hold for some time so with all of my investments, I will make a big profit in the future. I am not sure with having as my investment because those currencies can lose its' value anytime.

The strategy to increase our financial is by investing in the right thing and Bitcoin is the best investment for me. When everything is ready and works properly, I only need to enjoy my time while watching my businesses grows.

But I don't want to dream too high because I am afraid that will be too difficult to achieve and limits ourselves to achieve the other goals. I feels that if I can make a profit and use that to expand to the other businesses, that will help me to make more money.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Agbamoni on September 06, 2024, 10:04:15 PM
Say no more. I don't want to imagine because if I have such amount of money, I will never be poor anymore. I promise I won't store all my money in assets. 50% of the 3 billion would be used for investment the other 50% would be utilized for digital products and traditional business on a large scale. In a decade my investment in Bitcoin and real estate joined together with my digital products and business would give me more than 10x of the 3 billion rest assured.

Storing the value of money is not done on investment alone. If eventually the investment crashes what would run to as a hedge to start over? Bitcoin, real estate, Gold, and other assets are good investments. But one needs a multiple source of sustainable income. The world is going digital such money could be used to start a multimillion digital product. Having my gambling casino wouldn't be a bad idea at all.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: CK485 on September 07, 2024, 02:33:19 AM
If I have 3 billion dollars, I will diversify in many forms and will use Bitcoin as my main investment. I will also buy gold and hold for some time so with all of my investments, I will make a big profit in the future. I am not sure with having as my investment because those currencies can lose its' value anytime.

The strategy to increase our financial is by investing in the right thing and Bitcoin is the best investment for me. When everything is ready and works properly, I only need to enjoy my time while watching my businesses grows.

But I don't want to dream too high because I am afraid that will be too difficult to achieve and limits ourselves to achieve the other goals. I feels that if I can make a profit and use that to expand to the other businesses, that will help me to make more money.

I think other people will also think like you, and thing that by applying such a method for investment, believe me it will continue to develop and progress, by thinking like that you can organize your business for the future, and produce the results you expect.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: michellee on September 07, 2024, 01:54:06 PM
If I have 3 billion dollars, I will diversify in many forms and will use Bitcoin as my main investment. I will also buy gold and hold for some time so with all of my investments, I will make a big profit in the future. I am not sure with having as my investment because those currencies can lose its' value anytime.

The strategy to increase our financial is by investing in the right thing and Bitcoin is the best investment for me. When everything is ready and works properly, I only need to enjoy my time while watching my businesses grows.

But I don't want to dream too high because I am afraid that will be too difficult to achieve and limits ourselves to achieve the other goals. I feels that if I can make a profit and use that to expand to the other businesses, that will help me to make more money.

I think other people will also think like you, and thing that by applying such a method for investment, believe me it will continue to develop and progress, by thinking like that you can organize your business for the future, and produce the results you expect.
If they can create a plan and running that plan with right, they will see the chance to make a profit in the future especially if they can managing their plan and expand their business. Besides that, they are not forget to have an investment in any trust forms so that can diversify their wealth to many things. Bitcoin is a new thing for those people but they can try to see how good Bitcoin for them.

From that 3 billion dollars, you can use half of that amount to create business and the investment while you can save the rest of money for other things. Many plans you can create to running so you will busy to focus with your business. If that can work properly, you will make a big profit from you do.

Yes, we must prepares our future so we can survive like other people. With everything we have, we can makes sure that we will have a better future.

Title: Re: If you want to know how to best way to keep your wealth store the value
Post by: Oluwa-btc on September 08, 2024, 04:51:11 AM
Imagine you have 3 bil.+
If you keep this on for example usd fiat currency even the slight geopolitical event will affecting your wealth.

Having 3 billion is quite a huge sum and the way you tend to regulate it to generate More from it matters alot as well and I'll say you can decide to keep it anywhere you want depending on where's safer and secured for you but looking at the economy of a state and the value of currencies it's either better of to split such amounts into different angles that will give you more dividends with time.
And which is why we have investment areas that one can follow up with, and we have Gold, Bitcoin and the rest before thinking about keeping it in the bank there should be a ratio to this end as well cause with time you'll definitely see the outcome.

I wouldn't also consider trading on fiat currencies when I am aware of a currency that has been consistent and profitable for over a decade and a half. However, I agree that we can take advantage of the artificial intelligence industry because it might be one of the most profitable sectors in the future.

Wow I just wonder how people think this days keeping money in the bank and knowing fully well the diminish of fiat currency I wouldn't advice anyone to do that cause the value for money is out of hold, and like you said investing in Bitcoin and real estate is the Best and overtime you'll see the results of your inputs.

Keeping wealth doesn't mean you have to store fiat currency it's far beyond that and when you store the value what do you get in returns and I believe there revso many ways to keep wealth that it's going to be beneficial to the individual.