Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Usdcboss on August 25, 2024, 11:10:51 AM

Title: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Usdcboss on August 25, 2024, 11:10:51 AM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on August 25, 2024, 11:33:23 AM
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor
The Soviet Union was never the dominant world power, though. When discussing dominant world powers, I think the situation is different. According to Strauss-Howe generational theory, history shows that dominant world powers tend to collapse roughly every 90 years. BTW, if the US collapses as a world power, then you should expect USD to plummet.

There is a good write-up from a Bitcoiner, which explains why this occurs:

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: fiulpro on August 25, 2024, 11:49:54 AM
How does that even matter? The collapse of USA might be beneficial for the people tbf, considering by collapse you mean : Government collapse ; they need a new system, when the choice is between Biden and Trump, what else would you imagine? One person is a convict and one person seems to have Alzheimers. The country is funding wars around the world where its own people complain about their tax money being used like this.

BRICS nations with India and China, dominating the supply of the world, taken they can keep it up and move up from being developing to developed nations, I don’t think they will collapse as well but then again there is a lot of internal issues, with India shaking hands with Russia and Ukraine at the same time, begging to be backed up be the USA, this is a whole loop.

The nations are just chess pieces of the rich, so be financially independent and have some independent income aside from big companies and bank and I think everyone will do just fine.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: WillyAp on August 25, 2024, 12:40:41 PM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years

You could grow on waiting for that collapse.
The USA is quite resilient,  It survived the cold war clearly as a winner.

And I'm not a US Citizen, far from it.
I think the US Financial Services are running wild and surf from bubble to bubble also due to government handouts.

China is the next Power in danger of collapsing, Russia started this adventure called special military operation in order to avoid a collapse.
Are you aware that politicians live and work under the premise that states cannot go bankrupt. They can only default. 

BRIC was born in 2009:
with their governments meeting annually at formal summits and coordinating multilateral policies since 2009.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Fortify on August 25, 2024, 01:18:30 PM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor

Good luck, you'll be waiting a long time, especially if you are naive enough to compare it to the soviet union. You sound like a bitter russian. America may not always be the top super power and has done extremely well to hold that title for a long time. Previously it was a title held by the British empire, before that Romans, before that Genghis khan, the Chinese dynasties and all the other ones in between. America however is much more adaptable than countries like China, yet Russia is not even a contender in the top 50 to ever hold that title. So take your crying and whining, put it to use somewhere else because your dreams are never going to come true in your lifetime. Your conspiracy theories make you sound like a clown.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Fullbear2222 on August 25, 2024, 01:25:36 PM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor

Good luck, you'll be waiting a long time, especially if you are naive enough to compare it to the soviet union. You sound like a bitter russian. America may not always be the top super power and has done extremely well to hold that title for a long time. Previously it was a title held by the British empire, before that Romans, before that Genghis khan, the Chinese dynasties and all the other ones in between. America however is much more adaptable than countries like China, yet Russia is not even a contender in the top 50 to ever hold that title. So take your crying and whining, put it to use somewhere else because your dreams are never going to come true in your lifetime. Your conspiracy theories make you sound like a clown.

Russia is russia and soviet Union is soviet they are 2 different things.
Remember soviet Union was created by the USA.
Russia now it's not soviet but different place.
So USA is exacly like soviet union was but collapse can coming....the collapse it's not the end but it's good time to very cheap

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: mindrust on August 25, 2024, 01:41:18 PM
Good luck, you'll be waiting a long time, especially if you are naive enough to compare it to the soviet union. You sound like a bitter russian. America may not always be the top super power and has done extremely well to hold that title for a long time. Previously it was a title held by the British empire, before that Romans, before that Genghis khan, the Chinese dynasties and all the other ones in between. America however is much more adaptable than countries like China, yet Russia is not even a contender in the top 50 to ever hold that title. So take your crying and whining, put it to use somewhere else because your dreams are never going to come true in your lifetime. Your conspiracy theories make you sound like a clown.

You said it yourself. There were many other dominant powers before USA and they all have one thing in common: all of them collapsed at some point.

I don’t know why are you angry at the OP that much but if you think USA will lead the world forever then I would say you were being unnecessarily emotional here.

USA won’t disappear when some other dominant power becomes the new cultural and financial center of the world just like how the Romans, Brits, Mongols etc didn’t disappear when they stopped becoming a super power. All of those people still exist today. It is just they ain’t sitting in the driver’s seat.

USA will follow the same fate of the others’. They won’t be the leading power but they will be a country like theUK, a soft power. The next super power will listen to what they have to say but ultimately the US won’t be making the decisions.

USA brought this onto itself anyway. What were they expecting when they outsourced their production to China? The Chinese now copied every patent and tech the US had and making their own stuff without giving a care in the world. 30 years ago the Chinese were poor as fuck, just a shitty crowded country and now they are as big or even a bigger economy than the US.

It is like 30 or 40 years ago some rich people got incredibly mad at US and they wanted to take revenge by helping China. I don’t see any other explanation to what happened.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: WillyAp on August 25, 2024, 01:54:59 PM

Remember soviet Union was created by the USA.

Where is the Proof to that Statement?

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: pooya87 on August 25, 2024, 02:33:33 PM
You should try you improve your topics a little bit and try participating in them yourself. So far, you keep creating new topics with a wall of text that doesn't have decent formatting and is hard to follow your thoughts. Then you barely participate in your own topics. Like your current 3 topics in this board that you created in the past 24 hours have 0 posts from yourself apart from the OP.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Semen222 on August 25, 2024, 02:38:50 PM
My opinion is that empires, at the current stage of development, cannot collapse. Because globalization has connected all, or almost all, countries with each other. How can a state whose factories are in the hands of transnational corporations collapse?

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Oluwa-btc on August 25, 2024, 03:38:58 PM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor

In as much as I try to read your post I can digest it enough to make my own contributions,tho your topic said "I want to be ready when USA collapse" before I continue I want to ask are you praying for the downfall of USA and how does it's collapse will be of great importance or help to you.

And another thing is your points aren't that clear enough to state the fact but one thing you should know is amidst all the happenings and the strong government policy and power USA is not likely to fall nor collapse like you said,if you don't know they are one of the top country with so much power and influence so it's collapse it's unlikely gonna happen.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Usdcboss on August 25, 2024, 04:12:37 PM
Good luck, you'll be waiting a long time, especially if you are naive enough to compare it to the soviet union. You sound like a bitter russian. America may not always be the top super power and has done extremely well to hold that title for a long time. Previously it was a title held by the British empire, before that Romans, before that Genghis khan, the Chinese dynasties and all the other ones in between. America however is much more adaptable than countries like China, yet Russia is not even a contender in the top 50 to ever hold that title. So take your crying and whining, put it to use somewhere else because your dreams are never going to come true in your lifetime. Your conspiracy theories make you sound like a clown.

You said it yourself. There were many other dominant powers before USA and they all have one thing in common: all of them collapsed at some point.

I don’t know why are you angry at the OP that much but if you think USA will lead the world forever then I would say you were being unnecessarily emotional here.

USA won’t disappear when some other dominant power becomes the new cultural and financial center of the world just like how the Romans, Brits, Mongols etc didn’t disappear when they stopped becoming a super power. All of those people still exist today. It is just they ain’t sitting in the driver’s seat.

USA will follow the same fate of the others’. They won’t be the leading power but they will be a country like theUK, a soft power. The next super power will listen to what they have to say but ultimately the US won’t be making the decisions.

USA brought this onto itself anyway. What were they expecting when they outsourced their production to China? The Chinese now copied every patent and tech the US had and making their own stuff without giving a care in the world. 30 years ago the Chinese were poor as fuck, just a shitty crowded country and now they are as big or even a bigger economy than the US.

It is like 30 or 40 years ago some rich people got incredibly mad at US and they wanted to take revenge by helping China. I don’t see any other explanation to what happened.

Yes you said smart things everything works the same way and yes usa will be new UK what that means?
It means USD will be GBP what that means?
It means we see a lot higher USD against other countries currencies.
China is ready to become new USA yes.
But Im talking about collapse of dollar Im talking about COLLAPSE OF USA short time good dip to buy cheap with strong dollar

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: cabron on August 25, 2024, 04:39:58 PM

Good luck, you'll be waiting a long time, especially if you are naive enough to compare it to the soviet union. You sound like a bitter russian. America may not always be the top super power and has done extremely well to hold that title for a long time. Previously it was a title held by the British empire, before that Romans, before that Genghis khan, the Chinese dynasties and all the other ones in between. America however is much more adaptable than countries like China, yet Russia is not even a contender in the top 50 to ever hold that title. So take your crying and whining, put it to use somewhere else because your dreams are never going to come true in your lifetime. Your conspiracy theories make you sound like a clown.

You said it yourself. There were many other dominant powers before USA and they all have one thing in common: all of them collapsed at some point.

I don’t know why are you angry at the OP that much but if you think USA will lead the world forever then I would say you were being unnecessarily emotional here.

USA won’t disappear when some other dominant power becomes the new cultural and financial center of the world just like how the Romans, Brits, Mongols etc didn’t disappear when they stopped becoming a super power. All of those people still exist today. It is just they ain’t sitting in the driver’s seat.

USA will follow the same fate of the others’. They won’t be the leading power but they will be a country like theUK, a soft power. The next super power will listen to what they have to say but ultimately the US won’t be making the decisions.

USA brought this onto itself anyway. What were they expecting when they outsourced their production to China? The Chinese now copied every patent and tech the US had and making their own stuff without giving a care in the world. 30 years ago the Chinese were poor as fuck, just a shitty crowded country and now they are as big or even a bigger economy than the US.

It is like 30 or 40 years ago some rich people got incredibly mad at US and they wanted to take revenge by helping China. I don’t see any other explanation to what happened.

Yes you said smart things everything works the same way and yes usa will be new UK what that means?
It means USD will be GBP what that means?
It means we see a lot higher USD against other countries currencies.
China is ready to become new USA yes.
But Im talking about collapse of dollar Im talking about COLLAPSE OF USA short time good dip to buy cheap with strong dollar

I don't think China is trying to be dominant like US and will spread its military influence everywhere. But in finance most probably they want every market to be cornered by them as they are merely the supplier of the world.

If you are not from US then you wouldn't have to worry about it if the collapse really happens but usually, it will take time and it may not even affect regular people in the US. They will begin to rebuild their manufacturing as well. The USD may collapse but only in the US which means your local currency will still be the same but higher conversion with USD.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: DrBeer on August 25, 2024, 04:41:47 PM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor

Basic data: Empire (from Latin imperium - power) is one of the historical types of state. According to historian Stephen Howe, an empire is characterized by the fact that it consists of a center and a subordinate periphery, and these peripheral areas are usually conquered.
It doesn't take much intelligence to realize that the United States is not an empire. The US is one of the world leaders, and that's the end of the manipulation :)

A few questions remain:
1. What gives you HOPE for the “collapse of the USA” ? What benefit will it bring to you and your country, your population ?
2. Have you ever thought that you should not wait for the collapse of the U.S., but should maximize your efforts to make YOUR COUNTRY better, and try to catch up with the U.S. ?
3. If the USA collapses - how do you think the situation on the world market will be and how it will affect YOUR country's economy ?

I am very hopeful, although I am not sure I will get answers :)

PS The Soviet Union collapsed for the very reason that it was an absolutely bastardized empire. Don't tell me about the USSR - I was born there and watched the collapse of that nasty empire :)

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: kryptqnick on August 25, 2024, 05:03:01 PM
Empires don't necessarily collapse. Sometimes they get reshaped, sometimes they lose some power. France, the UK, Spain are examples of states that have been around continuously for many centuries. Their borders changed, their influence weakened, but they are still here. I believe the US can similarly keep existing for centuries to come, but it probably will be losing some global power over time.
So perhaps the USD will weaken, but that doesn't equal collapsing.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: philipma1957 on August 25, 2024, 05:37:53 PM
Empires don't necessarily collapse. Sometimes they get reshaped, sometimes they lose some power. France, the UK, Spain are examples of states that have been around continuously for many centuries. Their borders changed, their influence weakened, but they are still here. I believe the US can similarly keep existing for centuries to come, but it probably will be losing some global power over time.
So perhaps the USD will weaken, but that doesn't equal collapsing.

it has collapsed people don't understand that  the collapse is not want they think a collapse should be.

23 years in a row adding to the deficit is a collapse.

the next president will add to the deficits and eventually the 'official' collapse will have happened.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: o48o on August 25, 2024, 06:39:31 PM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor
History is way more complicated than that. I mean you are comparing US to Soviet union that lasted 9 years? Ok.
Enpires fall, or change, but it's rare that people would be living trough that in the same nation when it happens. Yet everyone seems to think that they are the ones living in the breaking point, because they don't have perspective more than their subjectivity, and majority don't seem to understand history and how everything affects everything. There's really no starting point where even start reading about it.

But sure, nothing prevents you to be doomsday-prepper. It was way more popular back in day with luxury bunkers people bought ticket for and rations they stacked up on their own bunkers. Survival skills were also a trend at some point. I mean it's a cool hobby to a point, but i feel that reality would look similar to "the road" ( And that's a dystopia where surviving isn't really worth it.

And when you see "elite" as an enemy, maybe look at the history books once more to see, in what uprisings "elite" has been the enemy before, and against whom. You might end up being on other end of the stick that you thought.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: WillyAp on August 25, 2024, 06:57:20 PM
it has collapsed people don't understand that  the collapse is not want they think a collapse should be.

You knowledge into finance is astonishing. The Economy is set up with inflation in mind.
People grow, have a family, 3 kids, all those kids marry and have kids. How will you press that into a fixed amount money system?

You cannot. Bitcoin was not developed to conquer the world. It was developed as P2P.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: SilverCryptoBullet on August 26, 2024, 02:38:39 AM
it has collapsed people don't understand that  the collapse is not want they think a collapse should be.

23 years in a row adding to the deficit is a collapse.

the next president will add to the deficits and eventually the 'official' collapse will have happened.
The collapse of the US. dollar's purchasing power has been existing for many decades, not in the last 23 years. It is a long term issue and no single President can fix it. In one or two presidencies, one President can halt the inflation and stop massive printing added to money supply, but next Presidents will restart money printing and the purchasing power of US. dollar will fall again.

Purchasing power of the US. dollar over time ( (

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: avikz on August 26, 2024, 05:45:56 AM
Im waiting when usa collapse.

Good luck with your waiting! I am sure you are not going to see it in your lifetime and probably not even your grandchildren will see US collapsing! You probably don't have much idea about how war economy works. You read it right! "War economy" is a thing and US is king of it.

US can indeed collapse if it goes into a full blown war with China. But in thar case, not only US will collapse but some other big economies will collapse as well. But it's highly unlikely that US will go into a full blown war with China.

US economy thrives on war. If US sees a possibility of a economic downturn, they will start selling their high-technology war machines to the Asian nations which have not been sold yet to anyone. Countries are waiting with bags full of money to buy these war machines.

Also, another interesting fact, US is constantly reducing their military spending. It was around 11.3% of their GDP in 1954 and the projected spending in 2024 is only 2.4% of their GDP. If US sees an imminent collapse, they might suddenly find some new oil reserve in African countries. It's time for Africa! 

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Fiatless on August 26, 2024, 07:28:40 AM
The biggest institutional attack that would have led to some internal crisis in recent years was when Donald Trump instigated his supporters to attack the US Capitol. It would have been a good advantage for external forces to infiltrate the military and other important agencies to destabilise the country. But it seems the country has a sound system that cannot be manipulated easily. But the attack is proof that no system is immune to collapse.

Nothing lasts forever, the influence and power of the US is not exceptional. My biggest challenge is that the BRICS alliance have not been able to build a union driven by a common purpose. They have made many policies that have not been implemented making them look unserious. There are indications that the reason why some of them have not been fully committed to the goals of the alliance is because some of them are still under the influence of the US. Only time will tell how events will play out in the future.

The US might not collapse but it will lose its position as the number one economy. Donald Trump knew that China would have overtaken the US in a few years, and that was why he came up with many anti-Chinese policies. But you cannot stop a moving train Russia, India and China are gradually building an economy immune to the US manipulations.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: WillyAp on August 26, 2024, 12:54:54 PM

US economy thrives on war. If US sees a possibility of a economic downturn, they will start selling their high-technology war machines to the Asian nations which have not been sold yet to anyone. Countries are waiting with bags full of money to buy these war machines.

So did Athens, Rome, Sparta, the UK, Genghis Khan etc..
We certainly have developed, have we?

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Yatsan on August 26, 2024, 01:28:40 PM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor

You have it that the U.S., like other empires in the history before it, is likely to collapse one day due to internal quibbles instead of external aggression. In which case, you believe that cryptocurrencies can only but get more valuable as the dollar loses value. leaving holders of cryptos with cheap wealth. You would think that countries like China and Russia would be able to get the US market. to make violence against their members rather than by direct attack on them. You seek to keep away from what powerful financial institutions are doing and concentrate on making riches stealthily through cryptocurrencies. This way, you hope for a clear fiscal conscience and avoiding any direct involvement in such a major power elite conflict.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Casdinyard on August 26, 2024, 04:55:53 PM
Here's the thing, only the wealthiest of the wealthiest will be ready for a collapse as massive of magnitude and relevance such as those that would come with the US dollar collapsing. Why? cause your money won't mean shit when that happens, if it's fiat, you're even more fucked. But if it's crypto, sure, the illusion of a higher bag will definitely set in but remember, everything is even more expensive now, and 9 times out of 10 I would assume you'd end up cashing your shit out and actually spending the money you tried so hard to save in crypto, to support your needs.

Nobody's going to be ready for this even if you brace yourself. So why not wish for it to not happen instead? At the end of the day, it's not like the US is doing nothing to circumvent the situation anyway, they know what will happen and just how massive it's gonna cost them.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: el kaka22 on August 27, 2024, 04:50:21 AM
If you really want to expect USA to be worse than any other nation, you will have to wait very long time, I do not see how that can happen anytime soon. I am not saying USA isn't getting worse, it's provably getting worse and it will keep getting worse, I am just saying that other nations are doing that too, we are all getting worse.

What this "USA" simplification does is to make you look at one nation, to ignore others, that's why there is racism, that's why there is sexism, that's why there is minority issues, that's why there is right vs left, any thing that divides people into two, or more groups, is there to make you look at that.

Simple very common marketing talking point, if there is one coke vending machine, your decision is to buy one or not buy one, if there is Pepsi and Coca Cola, it's about which one you will buy, not if you want to buy one. So they make you look at this, so that you ignore the fact that the wealthy in USA, in Russia, in China, in UK, and everywhere else living a wonderful amazing superb life, while we are all in terrible misery because of them. It is not about USA having trouble, it's about the fact that the whole world is in big trouble, and we are not getting any help neither.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: bubilas on August 27, 2024, 10:05:39 AM
Im waiting when usa collapse.
So Every empires fall one day the BRICS nations will fall but not before 50-100 years
But collapse never happens from the outside but usually divided issues inside the group some leaders will move away to try to make their own agenda and some will Leave 100%
What could be the most suitable wealth measure on that time dollar lose value then it will be cryptocurrency and anyone who got crypto will come and buy usa for pennies cheap very cheap.
Look at the mobs the mafia when they grow big they collapse it's like the logical process.
When that day comes you want to be ready to pick up peaces from the ground floor.
And China and russia want usa to fall they can not attack usa directly but they can use their ways to influence over usa to make chaos ....what the putin can do its the usa revolution like the USA did for russia long time ago.
At the end any empire will fall that's only the question of time when it would be happening.
But Im not here to take sides Im here to collect peaces from the floor when everything collapses.
I LET the world elite fight and make their scams and manipulations while Im quetly in crypto and finances so i'll reap the fruits of volatility and my KARMA is clean i don't get involved of blackrock or other elite activities so i don't get enemies while Im watching when left overs will fall down and i go collect like smart RAT :) so let the bad and powerhungry people fight with each others and do the bad things to get money while Im quietly collect money also from their actions....for me the rotchilds and blackrocks are the ones who collect money and do all the work while Im using their system to get benefits aswell.
Look at the soviet we know the usa collapse soon but not the dollar just the economy will collapse so it's a gift you get everything from ground floor

The US looks like a happy and powerful country that has developed countries like South Korea. And this country has become like a paradise, although it was a village not long ago. I think that if someone can afford to develop distant countries like that, then the US has huge resources and power.
So I don't think that in our lifetimes we will see the collapse of the US or the dollar.

Various unforeseen circumstances are possible, and who knows: the world will understand that the dollar is not backed by anything, and will abandon it. But for now this situation is under the control of the USA.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: doomloop on August 27, 2024, 06:45:11 PM
it has collapsed people don't understand that  the collapse is not want they think a collapse should be.
You knowledge into finance is astonishing. The Economy is set up with inflation in mind.
People grow, have a family, 3 kids, all those kids marry and have kids. How will you press that into a fixed amount money system?

You cannot. Bitcoin was not developed to conquer the world. It was developed as P2P.
I don't think there is something special with what he said but it only shows or proves that we must not underestimate things and if we are only more observant, wise, and knowledgeable, we can act quick and do the right thing. In terms of a currency collapsing, the appropriate thing to do must be to invest the remaining money that we have.

There are no Bitcoins back in time but a gold and real estate (to name a few) would be enough already. There must be no such thing as 'fixed amount money system' but banks can print unlimited amounts if they wanted to. If you are referring to our personal wealth, we are only the ones who limit our selves as well. We still can do a family planning and other forms of control to cut expenses.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: DrBeer on August 29, 2024, 09:27:58 AM
The biggest institutional attack that would have led to some internal crisis in recent years was when Donald Trump instigated his supporters to attack the US Capitol. It would have been a good advantage for external forces to infiltrate the military and other important agencies to destabilise the country. But it seems the country has a sound system that cannot be manipulated easily. But the attack is proof that no system is immune to collapse.

Nothing lasts forever, the influence and power of the US is not exceptional. My biggest challenge is that the BRICS alliance have not been able to build a union driven by a common purpose. They have made many policies that have not been implemented making them look unserious. There are indications that the reason why some of them have not been fully committed to the goals of the alliance is because some of them are still under the influence of the US. Only time will tell how events will play out in the future.

The US might not collapse but it will lose its position as the number one economy. Donald Trump knew that China would have overtaken the US in a few years, and that was why he came up with many anti-Chinese policies. But you cannot stop a moving train Russia, India and China are gradually building an economy immune to the US manipulations.

The problem with the BRICS is not only that they share a common SUSTAINABLE goal. The key problem is that the BRICS, which started as an economic union with a good idea, has turned into a collection of “fighters against the US” and the entire Western world. In addition, in recent years, several countries have chosen to manipulate the BRICS members, and China has decided to make them its cash cows and resources to solve its economic problems, including through unsuccessful attempts to slip the yuan as a “substitute for the dollar”, hiding under this “export of economic problems from China”

By the way, another question to the dreamers about the “collapse of the U.S.” - do you imagine what will start in your country after this event ? :)

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: WillyAp on August 31, 2024, 11:05:14 PM
There must be no such thing as 'fixed amount money system' but banks can print unlimited amounts if they wanted to. If you are referring to our personal wealth, we are only the ones who limit our selves as well. We still can do a family planning and other forms of control to cut expenses.

You confuse banks with Central Banks.
Banks can create digital money, but not FIAT.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: STT on August 31, 2024, 11:19:49 PM
Brics I dont rate especially, unless they can demonstrate cohesion and policy advantage from their combination of trade.  Comparative advantage or some kind of reason why they do better together then normal.   I dont think you can rate BRICS over USA or any large union, not now or in future.   Separately all those countries have tons of potential in growth, but nothing extra that I've seen in particular.

Im glad someone posted that dollar chart because its already collapsed, if there was any show to watch its mostly over in that regard.   The people have noticed a giant gap in their finances and the instability of the dollar so I dont know that leads to upset but its part of what is ongoing in politics.   How long it takes for politics to realize the people will not take the continual destruction of their currency, of their wages and savings Im not sure but it could be a long time and it already has been a long time that the dollar has failed to retain the savings it should have.

Its over half a century since the gold standard unwound and the price of gold reflects some of the depreciation in the dollar and average working wage purchasing power for the majority of the country in their employment.   Its only the real estate boom which has provided some compensation to those able to hold onto that asset while the debt is eased by constant devaluation of the dollar, not everyone got that and its obviously been flawed and stumbled many times even in that benefit.

You confuse banks with Central Banks.
Banks can create digital money, but not FIAT.

Fractional reserves in effect includes all banks in the policy of expanding the monetary base.   Its part of why the Federal reserve will always favor inflation not deflation which they greatly fear, they wont allow money to accumulate value now as national debt towers over us all.   Treasury interest payments are great enough to consume the entire fiscal budget, no other part of government would operate after that expense.    Japan in effect has no way to repay its debt, in honest value at least.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 31, 2024, 11:57:11 PM
I don't know, man.  This seems like a rant against the US disguised as a thread related to bitcoin based on the very brief mention of the latter in the OP.  

Mods, you might want to move this to P&S, because pretty much nothing OP wrote is going to spark a discussion about anything economics-related that's not infused with political messaging.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: tygeade on September 03, 2024, 06:09:41 PM
The US looks like a happy and powerful country that has developed countries like South Korea. And this country has become like a paradise, although it was a village not long ago. I think that if someone can afford to develop distant countries like that, then the US has huge resources and power.
So I don't think that in our lifetimes we will see the collapse of the US or the dollar.

Various unforeseen circumstances are possible, and who knows: the world will understand that the dollar is not backed by anything, and will abandon it. But for now this situation is under the control of the USA.
That is the attempt in most cases but it doesn't really work all the time does it. Like they wanted South Korea to be like that, and they did it, look at Latin America and what they did there, did they really helped anyone there? They have been meddling with Afghanistan and Iraq, are they great too? Nope, not at all and you can blame the nations all you want but if USA wanted to, they could have made these countries much better too, they just didn't see the reason.

Whereas, Korea is a nation that's right there on China, and the fact that they would have a very strong ally right near China was something they can benefit from, which is why they did it.

I think the best way to move forward with this would be the key figure to get out. If they had a very strong and secular and powerful Iraq, it wouldn't really be that much of a help for them at all, hell they even gave up Afghanistan completely after twenty years of being there, shows you how little they care.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: Argoo on September 06, 2024, 08:56:21 AM

Russia is russia and soviet Union is soviet they are 2 different things.
Remember soviet Union was created by the USA.
Russia now it's not soviet but different place.
So USA is exacly like soviet union was but collapse can coming....the collapse it's not the end but it's good time to very cheap

Putin's current Russia is not much different from the Soviet Union. And in Russia itself they do not deny that they are the successors of the USSR. Everything there remained the same, except that after the collapse of the USSR, the Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus and the countries of Central Asia left this violent formation. And this is exactly what Russia does not like, so Putin decided to fix it all with the same violent methods of the Soviet Union. Since Ukraine wanted to join the European Union, the blow was dealt to Ukraine in order to seize it again, as the Bolsheviks had done with the Ukrainian People's Republic after the collapse of the Russian Empire in the twenties of the last century, and then subordinate it to their influence under the same sign of a new "voluntary" unification. But something went wrong in Putin's plans.

Now, as a result of the failed war unleashed against Ukraine, in Russia itself, the remaining part of the forcibly annexed territories will also inevitably want to separate from it due to the weakening of the central government. And this is the entire vast territory beyond the Urals with their natural sources of oil and gas, because in Russia itself there is practically no oil and gas. All this time it was parasitizing and exploiting other peoples, robbing their resources.
That is why it was Russia that created the USSR, not the USA. And the collapse of Russia is already near.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 06, 2024, 10:11:47 AM
Let them fight to defend what they want but we must be prepare for the worst thing that can happen anytime. You don't have to just wait but make a preparation if that things really happen so you will not get the effect. Even if the situation getting worst, you will know what you will do and how to save you and your family without getting the bad effect. Maybe everything will collapse because every world elite wants to take position and be in the elite circle by showing their power. China, Russia, and US may fight each other and use their latest weapon to conquer and win the battle  but the victim will be their people because their people will get the impact of the way if the war happen everywhere. If everything is collapse, that will become hard situation for many people and if those people is not ready with the situation, they will hard to survive.

Title: Re: I want to be ready when USA collapse
Post by: DrBeer on September 06, 2024, 01:38:08 PM
it has collapsed people don't understand that  the collapse is not want they think a collapse should be.

23 years in a row adding to the deficit is a collapse.

the next president will add to the deficits and eventually the 'official' collapse will have happened.
The collapse of the US. dollar's purchasing power has been existing for many decades, not in the last 23 years. It is a long term issue and no single President can fix it. In one or two presidencies, one President can halt the inflation and stop massive printing added to money supply, but next Presidents will restart money printing and the purchasing power of US. dollar will fall again.


While showing the “collapse of the dollar”, don't forget to show all the other currencies ? And the euro, and the yuan, and the ruble, and the Iranian rial, and other “stable and secured currencies, not these green papers” ... . Or is it not convenient to show the OVERALL picture ? :)
All currencies have inflationary effects. But, the US dollar still looks convincing and stable against the background of all the others, which is also confirmed by the confidence of the whole world in the dollar, except for the pariah countries. Even “fighters against the dollar” like Russia and China squeal when they receive dollars as payment instead of useless papers! Russia got cash dollars from Rwanda, and is very happy about it. No, you didn't hear that - not yuan, not ruble, not Iranian rial. It's the “unsecured dollar”. You can easily find : “Russia purchased $29,210,000 worth of cash dollars from the Rwandan Ministry of Defense.” :)