Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Trading Discussion => Topic started by: Iamcrypticguy on August 31, 2024, 02:39:21 PM

Title: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Iamcrypticguy on August 31, 2024, 02:39:21 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Asiska02 on August 31, 2024, 04:17:47 PM
Different traders will have what makes them happy and motivates them differently. For most of them, it’s the money they earn after placing a trade and it went their way as analysed. Some traders who wants to become a pro in the field will not bother much about the income they get after placing a trade but will focus more on how their strategy works out and build on that more for the future in order to be perfect in trading using that strategy. A trader who claims to be one and only depends on signals or go for paid signals in order to place trade will only focus on how those trades will become profitable for them and not bothered about any strategy. For the flexibility aspect, I think all traders share that in common and that will be one of their motivations they used to join trading initially.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Hamza2424 on August 31, 2024, 04:53:03 PM
What's your motivation?

Haha.. Money bro obviously.

A trader analyzes the market, invests money, and expects good returns in the end after putting in all efforts, managing risk, and controlling stress levels. So in my view, money is the motivation. Just don't fall into greed everything is great here. if you want to know the power of this motivation just show some screenshots of profits on your social media profile and those who don't even know the ABC of the crypto market are gonna PM you and ask about how to trade, can you guide me and if you are having good followers you can even create a new TG group for sharing your signals and in rewards you can change them as membership cost and 70% of them are gonna really pay.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Mr.sprin on August 31, 2024, 06:13:45 PM
The most important thing is Money, where money is everything in our lives, all efforts are accompanied by money, so the main thing that motivates us in trading is only looking for profit, the rest is looking for more assets for our future life needs.

After starting trading for a long time, there are many things we can learn in this forum, we can freely discuss with each other, and in trading there are many things we can take, we can control our emotions and we are taught to be patient in everything. , so there are many things that can motivate us apart from money.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on August 31, 2024, 06:33:12 PM
What's your motivation?

The question sounds funny, though. Because you, as a trader, what motivated you? If not, the money you will get. I believe it is all about money. Every trader puts money into the market and expects profit from the investment, so in short, every trader does it for money. 

The most important thing is Money, where money is everything in our lives, all efforts are accompanied by money, so the main thing that motivates us in trading is only looking for profit, the rest is looking for more assets for our future life needs.

Exactly. The funds are the main reason why we trade, and nothing more than that. However, the future asset we cannot still get it without money, so let’s just say all traders trade for money because in business, anywhere you put money is because you are expecting profit from it, and that is how trading works. 

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: BABY SHOES on August 31, 2024, 07:05:53 PM
There is no motivation to volunteer in trading... obviously there is profit behind it so they are motivated to learn about how to trade professionally, when you have reached that level the profit will be easier.

Trading is more that we have to learn so that makes your motivation so that you can know the skills you have, rest assured that in trading anything is about money, when you profit you will be happy ... when you lose you will be stressed.

Well how to manage in trading well this should be the concern of traders.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: EL MOHA on August 31, 2024, 07:15:54 PM

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

The everything here is a motivation but if you look at the wider picture they all lead to one thing which is profit, the motivation to always do better is that the profit is always coming which is the most important it. For me personally what triggers me more to keep me on going in trading even if there is some risk is the fact that i have seen others (not all this social media influencers parading as trader) getting some profit off this market and with the current economic situation in my country one needs to have a second and third source of income and trading has presented with one only needing to make sacrifices to learn. So my motivation is I want to learn this to make money to add to my income and also to add a tech skill to my resume again because this world is changing and with the rate at which cryptocurrency is going it’s niche will be in higher demand now and in the future.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: GiftedMAN on August 31, 2024, 08:11:50 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Getting more profit than I made yesterday and getting more money from the trade of today is the best motivation I get from trading.  There is no excitement that is bigger than when you get things right and the reward favours the trader in profit that alone will not just make the trader happy it will also make him to have the motivation to keep trading because to him making profit in trading makes a lot of things easier for him especially when not experienced lost for the day.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Stalker22 on August 31, 2024, 08:21:25 PM
Trading can be exciting and financially rewarding if you are successful at it.  It provides flexibility and freedom, which many folks wish for.  but it is not all about the money.  Beyond chasing thrills and loads of money, I reckon a lot of traders just love the challenge.  They get a rush outta testing their wits and skills against the market every day.  Win or lose. And if you can make bank while doing something you enjoy? Pretty sweet deal.  At least thats how I feel about it.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Davidvictorson on August 31, 2024, 08:44:48 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

What's your motivation?
Outwardly? Money
Inwardly? Personal satisfaction

Those are the major ones. i want to make the money first, then be able to help others in my circle too make the money as well. The sense of personal satisfaction comes from it . These are my motivating focus that I think of each day waking up as a trader.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Distinctin on August 31, 2024, 08:45:38 PM
What's your motivation?

Haha.. Money bro obviously.

A trader analyzes the market, invests money, and expects good returns in the end after putting in all efforts, managing risk, and controlling stress levels. So in my view, money is the motivation. Just don't fall into greed everything is great here. if you want to know the power of this motivation just show some screenshots of profits on your social media profile and those who don't even know the ABC of the crypto market are gonna PM you and ask about how to trade, can you guide me and if you are having good followers you can even create a new TG group for sharing your signals and in rewards you can change them as membership cost and 70% of them are gonna really pay.
Certainly it is. Money obviously. People trade and expect bigger returns after. That's how I was motivated to try trading as well because I see many people become more profitable with trading, as long as they got to trade the right coins as well.

However, there could be inevitable losses most particularly for newbies but through experience trading in the market, once skills and strategies are well developed, it could guarantee somehow that traders will now come to maximize its profits and lessen its losses with trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on August 31, 2024, 09:00:56 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

My motivation is to make a huge amount of money by doing tiny amount of work.

But the reality of being a trader is making a tiny amount of money with a huge amount of work. ;D

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: adaseb on August 31, 2024, 09:02:17 PM
Money is obviously the main answer. Why are people involved in real estate? Its not to put roofs over peoples heads. Why are there doctors? Its not always because they like helping people. The main purpose of trading is obviously money or else every trader would just be trading on demo since they don't really need the money.

Its also interesting because its a world market. You are looking at a chart and there are millions around the world looking at the exact same chart, so you need to think in ways of, what are most traders going to do right now and make a decision to go long or short.

Trading is an amazing career if you are one of the few which can live off it. However its not for everybody. Most people don't make it as traders.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Adbitco on August 31, 2024, 09:29:15 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
This is cryptospace everyone I mean whom ever that is engaging themselves into trading are solely looking for a way to double their money mostly important utilizing the opportunities that bitcoin offers. Lot of people will give you different versions of story to shy away being known as someone who is being motivated by Money.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Hamza2424 on August 31, 2024, 09:39:45 PM
My motivation is to make a huge amount of money by doing tiny amount of work.

But the reality of being a trader is making a tiny amount of money with a huge amount of work. ;D

Haha, that's impressive, I like such kind of humor, even after having this humor you are making a little money, ah I don't know what is little for you x amount can be little for A and the same x can be big for B. Anyway seems like you are also one of the spot traders? I'm not sure just making a wild guess because in futures people make huge money and huge losses as well.

Now +1 motivation for me by hearing this and reading replies afterwards of my post.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on August 31, 2024, 10:02:10 PM
My motivation is to make a huge amount of money by doing tiny amount of work.

But the reality of being a trader is making a tiny amount of money with a huge amount of work. ;D

Haha, that's impressive, I like such kind of humor, even after having this humor you are making a little money, ah I don't know what is little for you x amount can be little for A and the same x can be big for B. Anyway seems like you are also one of the spot traders? I'm not sure just making a wild guess because in futures people make huge money and huge losses as well.

Now +1 motivation for me by hearing this and reading replies afterwards of my post.

Thank you for enjoying my post so much!
It means a lot when your humor has made somebody happy :)

I earn about 5% /Month. So if you have 100 000 USD, that makes 5000 a month. I do not have 100 000 USD for spot trading. So you can imagine the amounts are far less than if I had a regular paying job.

Of course there are traders who make 10x as much. Even more. But at a certain point, leveraging futures or other derivatives becomes gambling from a mathematical perspective.

Traders who boast about consistently making a lot of money already have a lot of money. Or they just lie about their real earnings (just like [insert any trading-influencer name here] on [insert any social media platform name here]). ;D

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Rruchi man on August 31, 2024, 10:41:29 PM
What's your motivation?

I don't think that the motivation of anyone learning is just for fun.

Trading as a skill is something that offers the potential to help you out of poverty and give you financial freedom. This is the motivation for most traders who are engaging in trading. Getting motivated to start trading is one step of the way, while staying motivated to keep trading is another, and as a trader, due to the many ups and downs involved in trading, you may get discouraged or demotivated along the line, hence the need to find a way to stay motivated by reminding yourself of why you started and taking inspiration from other traders who are more successful than yourself.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: mirakal on August 31, 2024, 11:59:27 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
We all trade for profits, that's the reality. Even with some beginners, they decide to trade early because they want to achieve instant profits, but only to find out trading is not that easy and it requires knowledge and experience first so that trading for profits will be possible.

Fact is, the more you become inclined with trading, the more money you will be making. And the more money you'll be making, the bigger the amount of trades you are capable of risking. And the bigger the amount you are trading, the higher the risk of losing, that's exactly the reason why one should only trade at an amount he can afford to lose since losses in trading are still inevitable regardless if you are a pro in trading or not.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: hd49728 on September 01, 2024, 04:40:27 AM
We all trade for profits, that's the reality. Even with some beginners, they decide to trade early because they want to achieve instant profits, but only to find out trading is not that easy and it requires knowledge and experience first so that trading for profits will be possible.
We are all the same, wanting profit but there are many ways to get profit and we are free to make different decisions on methods we would like to go with and use for profit chasing. Some choose investment, some choose trading with Spot market, and some others choose Trading with Margin or Futures.

Each method has pros and cons but trading contains more risk than Investment and amongst three types of trading: Spot, Margin (Leverage), and Futures, the Spot trading type is less risky than two other types.

Fact is, the more you become inclined with trading, the more money you will be making. And the more money you'll be making, the bigger the amount of trades you are capable of risking. And the bigger the amount you are trading, the higher the risk of losing, that's exactly the reason why one should only trade at an amount he can afford to lose since losses in trading are still inevitable regardless if you are a pro in trading or not.
Trading to get profit is possible but how you practice with capital and risk management to defend your profit and initial capital is more important and it's harder to do practically.

If you always use 100% money you have for trading, you can lose most of it with one or several bad trades. The lost speed is higher with you trade with Margin or Futures trading type. To sum up, with trading, capital and risk management is vital and a trader should never use all 100% trading capital for each trade.

Furthermore, always use some best weapons in trading like Stop loss order, Stop limit order.
[Guide] One of best weapons in trading: Stop loss order (
Stop-Limit Order: What It Is and Why Investors Use It? (
What's a Stop limit order? (

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Egii Nna on September 01, 2024, 05:30:48 AM
What's your motivation?

Nothing motivates a trader more than money because getting you profit is more amazing than everything, so there is no trader in this like that who will tell you that he is not motivated by the money, although in some cases I might say knowledge. because you will have more knowledge about crypto than others that know nothing about it, and also you will have a higher knowledge in maintaining your patience and also your risk, so if not for this then nothing will motivate you because in life after god, the first thing that will come to your mind is money, so that’s the reason why you will do research, make up your mind, and also put your money to see the profit you are getting. All you need to stay away from is getting greedy in times of profit. 

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Lakai01 on September 01, 2024, 05:38:55 AM
A trader analyzes the market, invests money, and expects good returns in the end after putting in all efforts, managing risk, and controlling stress levels.
But this is also where the danger lies: Newcomers hope to make a quick buck, but lose all their capital in the first few months and will most likely never come back.

For me, the motivation is quite clear: fun.
I know that I'm not a professional trader (and never will be), so it's extremely unrealistic to expect to make a positive return from trading over a long period of time. You have to be that honest with yourself.

I've also learned a lot about myself through trading, including the points you mentioned, especially managing stress levels during trades. Being able to do this also helps you a lot in your day-to-day work.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 01, 2024, 08:30:57 AM
My motivates to trade is for make money. I see many people can make a profit from trading so I tried that after I learn more about trading. I can say that gives me a profit and also a lose because I am not a pro trader but I keep trying to learn more about trading. Most people will have a reason why they are trade and that is because they want to make money. They also read on their social media that many people share their outcome in trading and that is a lot of money that they can get from trading.

Each people will have their own way so we will have differences for doing trading. But money will be the reason why people trading and that will attract more people to try trading and see how good they are in trading. But you must understand that to become a pro trader is difficult and that needs to have a good skills.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 01, 2024, 03:33:48 PM
My motivation in trading is the profit that comes off it without a lot of energy being employed. Trading is nearly similar to passive income because while trading, you are not putting in any energy, it's just a brain work that requires you to sit at a place and calculate, then slide into a position and wait for your target to reach. If it's a lucky day where all your trade is success, you would realize you have made a lot of money just in your room, meanwhile there are thousands of people working in an environment that they think is not sustainable for themselves but they are left with no option than to keep working.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: lixer on September 01, 2024, 03:55:44 PM
What's your motivation?
Nothing motivates a trader more than money because getting you profit is more amazing than everything, so there is no trader in this like that who will tell you that he is not motivated by the money, although in some cases I might say knowledge. because you will have more knowledge about crypto than others that know nothing about it, and also you will have a higher knowledge in maintaining your patience and also your risk, so if not for this then nothing will motivate you because in life after god, the first thing that will come to your mind is money, so that’s the reason why you will do research, make up your mind, and also put your money to see the profit you are getting. All you need to stay away from is getting greedy in times of profit. 
Even many are having different theories and related things but here all is one as main point is having more money for us and having better life because without this motivation no one going to enter this trading as it's one of the best way to have money without any limit just need to have things well understood and on good track for your way in trading.

With this now main motivation or enjoyment is how you are doing your all work because if you are comfortable and having better knowledge and analysis of your work then you can take better results which are always positive for anyone who is having motivation to jump into trading. Controlling emotions and keeping yourself for having profit is always good because if you are not able to control yourself for having greediness or wrong decisions also never been good for this because we can lose more than our gain.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: shawonngp on September 01, 2024, 04:31:42 PM
My motivation in trading is the profit that comes off it without a lot of energy being employed. Trading is nearly similar to passive income because while trading, you are not putting in any energy, it's just a brain work that requires you to sit at a place and calculate, then slide into a position and wait for your target to reach. If it's a lucky day where all your trade is success, you would realize you have made a lot of money just in your room, meanwhile there are thousands of people working in an environment that they think is not sustainable for themselves but they are left with no option than to keep working.
All traders motivation is same like to you, everyone's dream to rich quickly in cryptocurrency trading it's the biggest motivation. In trading you don't have to do physical work or do need to waste energy but I think there is a lot of mental stress which is much more than physical work.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: SatoPrincess on September 01, 2024, 06:50:57 PM
Money of course! I’m yet to meet anyone irl who says otherwise. Trading isn’t fun at the very least and I don’t believe anyone decides to be a trader because it’s fun. The joy of being a trader is when you’re profitable. Knowing you can be anywhere and work (trade) without having to go to an office or deal with co-workers is a good reason to be a crypto/forex trader.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 01, 2024, 07:40:35 PM
My motivation in trading is the profit that comes off it without a lot of energy being employed. Trading is nearly similar to passive income because while trading, you are not putting in any energy, it's just a brain work that requires you to sit at a place and calculate, then slide into a position and wait for your target to reach. If it's a lucky day where all your trade is success, you would realize you have made a lot of money just in your room, meanwhile there are thousands of people working in an environment that they think is not sustainable for themselves but they are left with no option than to keep working.
All traders motivation is same like to you, everyone's dream to rich quickly in cryptocurrency trading it's the biggest motivation. In trading you don't have to do physical work or do need to waste energy but I think there is a lot of mental stress which is much more than physical work.

Trading is not a get rich quick scheme  and I didn't picture it like that which I believe that's what you are trying to think it is. Although it requires you no energy to trade but it is easy said than done. Trading is requires your time, commitment and attention before you can even start making profit. Losses is part of trading and no matter how good you are, you will definitely experience lose which can affect you emotionally.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: stomachgrowls on September 01, 2024, 08:11:21 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Main motivation? "MONEY or PROFITS"

It would be that a total lie if you would really deny this primary reason on why you do involved yourself on trading on which it will really be just that normal that you will really be aiming for making money.
The main motivation for me is to be that consistent or sustainable kind of trader on which despite of the loses you do have, you do still end up on being profitable. Yes, it would be understandable that there would
really be those moments or times that you will be having those loses and this is something which is normal. The key on here is on how you do sustain on different market conditions on which this is something
that you would be needing to focus on.

After how many years i do made myself involved with trading or in short with this crypto market. I havent considered myself to be something sustainable but im trying out my very best
to become even up to now. Experience would be the key but there's no definite time that will tell you that you are already capable enough. How i wish that i do quit up
or resign into my job and this is really the thing that keeps me going.  ;)

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: khiholangkang on September 01, 2024, 08:38:42 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Flexibility in income, someone who becomes a professional trader is always attractive to me, because they are not adrift with work time like employees, do not have a grumpy boss, do trading activities wherever I want, that's what makes me very motivated by this trading world.

Yes, although it is not an easy thing because only a small percentage of people aspire to become successful traders, among them maybe only 3%-6%, because many people give up on the way.

But before we die why can't we work on it, right?

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: aylabadia05 on September 01, 2024, 08:51:01 PM
Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
The biggest motivation for trading is about making a profit. Traders strive to make a profit on every trading session they do, but they know that it is very unlikely to get a success rate of 90%+. I completely don't know what the motivations of other traders are who have continued trading so far, but as for me, of course I want to get worth it profits from it.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: alastantiger on September 01, 2024, 10:28:41 PM
Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

My main motivation for trading is to make money. I'm trading because of the profits and how I can see my prediction go correctly and give me satisfaction. I enjoy participating in predictions and with trading, everytime that you trade, you're making a prediction that you can either get it correctly or you fail and lose your money. I don't see how possible it'll be for any reason that there are people trading because they want to lose money. I know some people trade just for fun but they don't do it everything with making money. Before a trade comes out successful, there's some work that have been put in through analysis and proper research hence no trader will intentionally want to lose all the time that he has dedicated to trading and money that he/she is investing into trading. Everybody is trading to make profits as the primary reason and any other reason is secondary.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Finestream on September 01, 2024, 10:42:10 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Most likely, we all want to see our trades come into fruition, hence getting some good returns out from the funds we used in trading. And when we are getting good trades, then the more that we need to trade more to double or triple our money out from a small capital.

Money is the ultimate goal in trading. Although losing is inevitable, and it's okay to lose, but we should always outnumber our losses in trading and make more visible gains than losses.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: CoinFoxs on September 01, 2024, 11:25:06 PM
I have seen people have different opinions on this question which is frequently asked by a crypto trader, the only thing which motivates me to do trading is profit as i have been earning from crypto trading since very long so this is the only reason which motivates me when market start growing and i start earning from my investments i will give more time to trading to get more profit.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: nara1892 on September 01, 2024, 11:27:15 PM
I think it is clear that in general money is the biggest motivation for traders, because after all that is the main purpose of why we are involved in the profession. If there is no money in it which is a primary means of exchange that is always important in life then I think it is unlikely for someone to be willing to spend a lot of time even up to years to improve their skills and knowledge, and all that is done because we want to get more money and also want to have more ways to minimize the possibility of losses that are too significant. Another thing that I can see from trading is that this is a profession that can be used as a place to test discipline, consistency in learning, patience, financial management and building a strong mentality.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Franctoshi on September 01, 2024, 11:33:32 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Not only about the money involved,  but also trading is one of the best business or skill one can ever have that is guaranteed of your freedom, the moment you get it right. it a business you can do from the comfort of home in any part of the world seamlessly, so far there's an internet connection available with you. As a trader, you have the opportunity to participate in the largest money market in the world, were you have opportunity to earn money where the big banks and hedge funds and other financial institutions earn money.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Wildwest on September 02, 2024, 04:36:59 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

It is clear that the main motivation of traders is money, wherever and whatever the final goal is to pursue success from things done in various ways.
 The motivation given by traders is very pleasant with their success in getting profits gradually from small to large, I think being a trader who is always profitable is very cool and it's not all easy like the motivation that exists because every success must be accompanied by hard work inside.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dr.Osh on September 02, 2024, 06:38:38 AM
Well, the only thing that drives me to trade is because it is still profitable and can provide great benefits. Although trading has high risks, if we do not cross the line, and always pay attention to important things, then I think it will reduce the risk. In addition, some people also make profits in a short time. This encourages other people's enthusiasm to be greater to trade.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Bournesparks on September 02, 2024, 07:33:13 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Ask yourself this. Would you be trading if you had money? Or from a rich family?  The motivation is financial freedom and as a trader your job is to utilize every tools and resources to get there. Just like you can leverage on this extra initiative By Bitget to earn some tokens.
Trade to win SOL, BGB (

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Iamcrypticguy on September 02, 2024, 07:33:54 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

What's your motivation?
Outwardly? Money
Inwardly? Personal satisfaction

Those are the major ones. i want to make the money first, then be able to help others in my circle too make the money as well. The sense of personal satisfaction comes from it . These are my motivating focus that I think of each day waking up as a trader.

What about the feeling of seeing your setup come to fruition? Knowledge? Experience?.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Iamcrypticguy on September 02, 2024, 07:36:52 AM
I think it is clear that in general money is the biggest motivation for traders, because after all that is the main purpose of why we are involved in the profession. If there is no money in it which is a primary means of exchange that is always important in life then I think it is unlikely for someone to be willing to spend a lot of time even up to years to improve their skills and knowledge, and all that is done because we want to get more money and also want to have more ways to minimize the possibility of losses that are too significant. Another thing that I can see from trading is that this is a profession that can be used as a place to test discipline, consistency in learning, patience, financial management and building a strong mentality.

I agree with your last paragraph. It can definitely be used to test patience levels, discipline, consistency etc..

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Oshosondy on September 02, 2024, 08:20:34 AM
Different traders will have what makes them happy and motivates them differently.
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Awaklara on September 02, 2024, 03:05:05 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
the motivation to trade is to make a profit. if you profit in trading and it can be consistent then you will continue to have the motivation to trade. but if on the contrary what you get is a loss, then along with the many losses you experience, maybe you will lose the motivation to trade.

I used to be very enthusiastic when trading. having my mentor friend is very enjoyable for trading. but over time I lost more often in the short-term trades I did. so I switched for a longer time to some altcoins. it worked out profitable but I don't have much time right now to trade. so I chose to collect more Bitcoin in my wallet. it's calmer for me compared to daily or short-term trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 02, 2024, 03:29:20 PM
Different traders will have what makes them happy and motivates them differently.
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.

Yes that's right and I think everyone will say the same thing as you regarding their motivation in the world of trading, none other than of course only one thing that motivates all traders, namely the hope of getting much greater profits, and that's why they are willing to dedicate their minds, energy and time to learn various things related to the world of trading where the goal is to increase the chances of profit.

And that is also one of the actions they take to minimize the possibility of losses that are too significant, and regarding the impact, yes maybe I will agree with your opinion that trading can also have an impact on a person's health, and that's why time management is a mandatory plan for a trader.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Viscore on September 02, 2024, 04:03:04 PM
Different traders will have what makes them happy and motivates them differently.
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.
I do agree that there's no other motivation than purely profits at all. If there's no profits in return, all these traders will definitely won't risk so much in trading even compromising their time and body health just to secure impressive profits in the end. Without profits, we won't see traders staying traders for the longest time.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Gladitorcomeback on September 02, 2024, 05:23:49 PM
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.

I can't help but agree with you on that. Most of the things human beings do are those that benefit them directly or indirectly, and when it comes to finances, you should know that when you are spending money on something, there is only one thing that can encourage you to work harder on it and that is the returns you are getting from it. If you are spending both money and time and getting nothing in return, that will be a cause of discouragement for you and you will soon stop doing that thing.

So in trading, what motivates traders to work harder and try to improve everything again and again is the fact that they are getting returns from it, or they can see potential in it. They know that if they work hard on this thing, it is going to change something for them in the future if it's not doing it right now.

So profits are the main motivator in this case, in my opinion.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Silberman on September 02, 2024, 05:28:42 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Nothing else but the idea of making money should motivate a trader, now this may seem to be incredibly limiting to traders, but the fact is that if you begin to take pride and joy out of your setup playing out exactly as predicted instead of the money generated by it, then you will begin to look to repeat this event at the expense of the money you make, so while it may seem there is only a subtle difference between the two, at the end of the day the results you can get may differ greatly if you have the wrong motivation.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Lakai01 on September 02, 2024, 06:25:33 PM
So profits are the main motivator in this case, in my opinion.
This might be true if you see trading as a form of income.
In fact, the vast majority of all traders out there (and of course us, too) lose money while trading, at least in the long term. Even professional traders like Tone Vays or Brian Beamish (The Rational Investor) fail in almost 50% of their trades, but they manage land 1-2% more successful than failed trades ... those are the trades where they make money.

So the majority of us should see trading as it is ... something that makes (a lot of) fun but costs you money ... like playing in the casino for example.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: aylabadia05 on September 02, 2024, 08:24:41 PM
I agree with your last paragraph. It can definitely be used to test patience levels, discipline, consistency etc..
Despite all that, the main motive never changes and that is to make money and change fate. Traders who used to have nothing but now have everything, it is because they have succeeded in developing during their trading activities. They clearly learn, try to be consistent and build a strong mentality, all of which have changed themselves from being without to being financially well off.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on September 02, 2024, 10:56:31 PM
I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.
I don't think so. It may be a secret one.  ;D
Everyone may have their own motivation, but the common thing should be about money.

What's your motivation?
Money. I don't see any other things that should be the main motivation.
I'm so sure that each person who decides to be a trader, it is because of money purpose. Even becomes a trader isn't the main profession, the motivation should get an additional income (money). However, being a trader is a part of supporting crypto industry. Perhaps another motivation would be to show everyone that being a crypto trader is something profitable and fun. So, there will be more people interested in joining crypto.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: barisbilgili on September 03, 2024, 05:25:14 AM
Different traders will have what makes them happy and motivates them differently.
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.
I do agree that there's no other motivation than purely profits at all. If there's no profits in return, all these traders will definitely won't risk so much in trading even compromising their time and body health just to secure impressive profits in the end. Without profits, we won't see traders staying traders for the longest time.
It makes sense, seeking profit is the reason or motivation for a trader to spend a lot of time learning related things so they can achieve what they want. If we look at it broadly, it is not only the mind that is at stake but also the physical and mental health in trading is at stake for traders in running and studying the market situation, this is the same as other jobs where seeking profit is the main goal, I think there is no difference in that for all traders because it is impossible for us to do something if not to seek profit.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on September 03, 2024, 08:49:48 AM
What's your motivation?
My motivation to trade is money and nothing else, but I do not let this enter into my head to avoid making me misbehave.

Fine, the goal is to make money but the expertise must be topnotch as well, or else, the goal will never be realised. It took me more than a decade of struggling in trading before I became a better trader and I am using this medium to advise new traders and the struggling ones to continue training and have a neutral mind about it. It is the money we are all aiming at but the adequate experience matters.

We should have a foolproof trading system and plan, and that system must entail the needed money and risk management that will keep our trading account protected. The psychology of trading equally goes a long way, our emotions must be put in check and we should never aim too big or want our goals realised too quickly to avoid it backfiring on our heads.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Altcoiner007 on September 03, 2024, 11:12:55 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Obviously, different people have different trading goals and motivation for engaging trading especially Crypto trading. One Key thing is making profit. That's a common reason why anyone goes into trading. And good enough many trading platforms offer incentives to attract users and traders. Take Bitget for instance they recently announced opportunity for traders to win - SOL, BGB, BWB, DOGS etc. in their daily trade and win event. Binance employs a similar approach and other trading sites. There's a lot I learn when it has to do with trading. How to manage my emotions is one recurring lesson.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: arwin100 on September 03, 2024, 01:06:52 PM
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.
I do agree that there's no other motivation than purely profits at all. If there's no profits in return, all these traders will definitely won't risk so much in trading even compromising their time and body health just to secure impressive profits in the end. Without profits, we won't see traders staying traders for the longest time.
It makes sense, seeking profit is the reason or motivation for a trader to spend a lot of time learning related things so they can achieve what they want. If we look at it broadly, it is not only the mind that is at stake but also the physical and mental health in trading is at stake for traders in running and studying the market situation, this is the same as other jobs where seeking profit is the main goal, I think there is no difference in that for all traders because it is impossible for us to do something if not to seek profit.

Everyone would really say that they are for profit since trading is one of the best option where they can earn money from crypto. Also I believe those big gains what they see from other successful trader motivate a lot of people to perform more better. From here we will undergo to a lot of mental challenges since we need to research each possible movements and that's actually not fun phase since we really need to pay attention on what we are doing to make a successful trades. I rarely see a person saying that they are not up for profit since trading is not a game and provably they might just get disappointed if they think there are other things more greater to achieve rather than to get profit from their trades.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 03, 2024, 01:36:32 PM

It makes sense, seeking profit is the reason or motivation for a trader to spend a lot of time learning related things so they can achieve what they want. If we look at it broadly, it is not only the mind that is at stake but also the physical and mental health in trading is at stake for traders in running and studying the market situation, this is the same as other jobs where seeking profit is the main goal, I think there is no difference in that for all traders because it is impossible for us to do something if not to seek profit.

Everyone would really say that they are for profit since trading is one of the best option where they can earn money from crypto. Also I believe those big gains what they see from other successful trader motivate a lot of people to perform more better. From here we will undergo to a lot of mental challenges since we need to research each possible movements and that's actually not fun phase since we really need to pay attention on what we are doing to make a successful trades. I rarely see a person saying that they are not up for profit since trading is not a game and provably they might just get disappointed if they think there are other things more greater to achieve rather than to get profit from their trades.

Of course and certainly no one will be willing to spend a lot of time learning everything about trading, especially various more effective ways to develop their abilities and skills if there is no money behind the action, or what I mean is that something that motivates people to learn trading is because they want to get money. But in fact, this is not an easy profession to live, and usually people who come without bringing strong intentions and determination to learn along with the correct understanding of what and how trading really is, especially in terms of risk, in the end many of them fail in the middle of the road and even waste a lot of money and time.

And another thing that can also make a trader give up is when they do not have a strong mentality and psychology, I feel that when I was still in the world of trading, I felt a lot of pressure which was usually caused by ourselves who did not have a strong mentality and psychology when facing a loss situation. So don't be too excessive in imagining profits like those achieved by traders who are now successful, because the process is not as easy as you imagine, there is no pleasure but more pressure especially when you are still a beginner.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: sheenshane on September 03, 2024, 02:15:37 PM
So profits are the main motivator in this case, in my opinion.
This might be true if you see trading as a form of income.
In fact, the vast majority of all traders out there (and of course us, too) lose money while trading, at least in the long term. Even professional traders like Tone Vays or Brian Beamish (The Rational Investor) fail in almost 50% of their trades, but they manage land 1-2% more successful than failed trades ... those are the trades where they make money.

So the majority of us should see trading as it is ... something that makes (a lot of) fun but costs you money ... like playing in the casino for example.
I don't think there's fun there when you start scratching your head looking at your portfolio having a red line or having a negative balance. :D

But I agree that most of the traders are motivated just because of profit or earning from trading.
Remember that in trading not all the time you need to have a profit, sometimes you need to lose and learn from those mistakes.

IMO, it seems like this.
We know what's the reason behind why we're in trading (because of profit), whatever it is, don't expect too much that it has a high return.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: cute nmp on September 03, 2024, 02:20:15 PM
I simply want some financial freedom thats my sole reason of been a trader.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: LogitechMouse on September 03, 2024, 05:29:32 PM
What's your motivation?
There are 3 things that motivate traders.
1. Money
2. More money
3. More, and more money.

I mean let's not be hypocritical to this kind of question. Traders are trading for the sake of money, and nothing more. That's what motivates them to study charts, analyze charts, making decisions that might change their lives etc. Money is the main reason why they are trading, and although trading is for all, not everyone makes money in trading. Unfortunately, there is only a few percent of the total amount of traders out there that are considered "profitable", and most of them? Like me who lost all of their money because of greediness, wrong decisions, and lack of knowledge. :D


Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Webetcoins on September 03, 2024, 06:01:11 PM
Well, the only thing that drives me to trade is because it is still profitable and can provide great benefits. Although trading has high risks, if we do not cross the line, and always pay attention to important things, then I think it will reduce the risk. In addition, some people also make profits in a short time. This encourages other people's enthusiasm to be greater to trade.
Everyone is having intention of having good profit, so trading is best for this purpose but we still need to understand few basic things about this because without having knowledge and all skills it's never been easy to have profit while in try to have profit we can lose as well, so this is never been one-sided journey for anyone.

All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation.
No doubt usually peoples jumps in trading for the better income or profit because we all know it's best way for having things without any limit but for having profit as you wanted it's also needed good amount into your pocket because this is main point with after this understanding of risk factor and also having good manageable mind is also helpful in trading.

While you are having patience and skills to understand all risk factors you can go ahead without any limit but always staying into which you can afford to lost is helpful for any person in trading because lose chances are also having high percentage in case of wrong move.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Questat on September 03, 2024, 09:47:08 PM
What's your motivation?
There are 3 things that motivate traders.
1. Money
2. More money
3. More, and more money.

I mean let's not be hypocritical to this kind of question. Traders are trading for the sake of money, and nothing more. That's what motivates them to study charts, analyze charts, making decisions that might change their lives etc. Money is the main reason why they are trading, and although trading is for all, not everyone makes money in trading. Unfortunately, there is only a few percent of the total amount of traders out there that are considered "profitable", and most of them? Like me who lost all of their money because of greediness, wrong decisions, and lack of knowledge. :D

Exactly mate. Money is the end goal in trading. We all trade hoping for best profits, and that means huge profits which means a lot of money for successful traders. And we won't stop trading until we won't be able to achieve that.

But we all know, not all who trade ends in profits, but most are quickly losing their funds. Why? Because even if they're aware they can't trade for profits, still the enthusiasm is there hoping to get rich quick profits just like those early traders in the market.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: armanda90 on September 04, 2024, 02:07:15 AM
What's your motivation?
There are 3 things that motivate traders.
1. Money
2. More money
3. More, and more money.

I mean let's not be hypocritical to this kind of question. Traders are trading for the sake of money, and nothing more. That's what motivates them to study charts, analyze charts, making decisions that might change their lives etc. Money is the main reason why they are trading, and although trading is for all, not everyone makes money in trading. Unfortunately, there is only a few percent of the total amount of traders out there that are considered "profitable", and most of them? Like me who lost all of their money because of greediness, wrong decisions, and lack of knowledge. :D

Its my motivation as cryptocurrency trader how to earn much money and keep consistent with money management until reach financial freedom with bitcoin and altcoin trading. I think all trader have one motivate with cryptocurrency trading how to earn much money and could be their main source income every time depend on trading ability trade every where or any moment we have time.
All trader in cryptocurrency have main goal to earn much money and become their motivation when trading but not all trader easily reach their goal with trading.

I believe have many trader get frustrated when trading in cryptocurrency after their investment assets going down significant and get panic for selling on lower price, to reach motivate in trading earn much money have control their self when market not good condition. If still difficult for controlling the emotion I don't think have chance to earn profit in trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on September 04, 2024, 04:38:46 AM
What motivates me as a trader?

Oh, well; nothing beats that feeling of knowing I can be on my bed earning a living without lifting my butts to leave my house. Just on my bed or in the toilet or sitting on a floor with my device in hands, it's a great feeling. Nothing beats that!

Secondly, the money made from it is also awesome if one truly knows one's onions and have acquired the skills to meander through the charts. Everyone loves a soft life and trading affords one that if one will be patient enough to scale through the rigours of learning.

Comfort and earning are the top motivation for going into trading for me.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: mirakal on September 04, 2024, 10:14:58 AM
I simply want some financial freedom thats my sole reason of been a trader.

Seems reasonable ;D Money gives exactly that, and that has been said there in so many ways, different in nature, but, essentially, coming to one conclusion.
The problem is that many traders assume they can make easy money from this, but after experiencing some losses and difficulties, they then blame the market. Money should not be put in our minds first; instead, make a good investment first in learning. Because it is impossible to get $$$ if we don't have proper knowledge and skill.
Profit is possible but can be impossible if a trader takes it easy and out of focus.
As we aim for money, then we also have to work harder and must be true to our goal, not just by taking it easy because trading is too risky and committing a single mistake could possibly mean losing everything.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Xcode7 on September 04, 2024, 12:02:35 PM
I simply want some financial freedom thats my sole reason of been a trader.

Seems reasonable ;D Money gives exactly that, and that has been said there in so many ways, different in nature, but, essentially, coming to one conclusion.
The problem is that many traders assume they can make easy money from this, but after experiencing some losses and difficulties, they then blame the market. Money should not be put in our minds first; instead, make a good investment first in learning. Because it is impossible to get $$$ if we don't have proper knowledge and skill.
Profit is possible but can be impossible if a trader takes it easy and out of focus.
As we aim for money, then we also have to work harder and must be true to our goal, not just by taking it easy because trading is too risky and committing a single mistake could possibly mean losing everything.
That's a mistake that many novice traders make but still their motivation to trade is to make a profit but many mistakes occur on the way to achieving that goal and for me that's a natural thing because not everyone can focus and learn seriously even though they have the right goals.
Trading does have a big risk but it's worth it with all the possible benefits so if we instill motivation in ourselves and really learn I think we will be able to achieve the goal we want which is to make a profit.
One thing I understand, trading is not an easy thing, so if there is someone who has been successful in trading then I am sure that person has gone through many obstacles and learning that is not easy.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: tottong on September 04, 2024, 12:37:07 PM
Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Most thinking trade can generate maximum profits but they forget that trade is not as easy as thinking.
Motivation like this arises when someone sees the success of others in trade, whereas if done at all is very difficult.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
If trading is a way to make money, then people must also understand the process of travel.
Trade does not promise profits consistently but a person can learn to make a gradual profit.
If the initial trade we suffer losses, then the trade must then get a profit but this can be done if someone has knowledge, experience and money readiness while undergoing.
Of course capital and experience will be very decisive but we can learn or trade with smaller capital to start.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 04, 2024, 12:50:28 PM
I simply want some financial freedom thats my sole reason of been a trader.

Seems reasonable ;D Money gives exactly that, and that has been said there in so many ways, different in nature, but, essentially, coming to one conclusion.
The problem is that many traders assume they can make easy money from this, but after experiencing some losses and difficulties, they then blame the market. Money should not be put in our minds first; instead, make a good investment first in learning. Because it is impossible to get $$$ if we don't have proper knowledge and skill.
Profit is possible but can be impossible if a trader takes it easy and out of focus.
As we aim for money, then we also have to work harder and must be true to our goal, not just by taking it easy because trading is too risky and committing a single mistake could possibly mean losing everything.

Well said, investing to knowledge and skills will allow you to create good strategy and best practices to make things works accordingly, unlike with quickly wanting to earn will just lead you to lose and treat tading same deal with gambling, you need to focus with how will you benefited with the current and past market actions to anticipate how it will be moving before placing your position.

With good anticipation you'll developed that hope where you'll be seeing yourself succeeding from this venue of investment, knowledge and skills will push you to aim to learn more and execute for the betterment of your investment.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: justdimin on September 04, 2024, 12:58:10 PM
Well, the only thing that drives me to trade is because it is still profitable and can provide great benefits. Although trading has high risks, if we do not cross the line, and always pay attention to important things, then I think it will reduce the risk. In addition, some people also make profits in a short time. This encourages other people's enthusiasm to be greater to trade.
Everyone is having intention of having good profit, so trading is best for this purpose but we still need to understand few basic things about this because without having knowledge and all skills it's never been easy to have profit while in try to have profit we can lose as well, so this is never been one-sided journey for anyone.
Just because they think that they can make a lot of profit from trading doesn't mean that they will make it, that's why it's a risky business. I agree that the idea of making a lot of profit motivates them and that's their main reason, but that doesn't mean that they will actually make that kind of profit, they are going to end up with nothing good at all.

We should consider what kind of trouble we are going to be in if we are not careful, and because of that we should consider risks while we are getting motivated. If you only think about the insane amount of money you will get and how rich you will be and so forth, then you will miss the real point and you will lose a lot of money, you just need to learn how to be a good trader and if you do, then you will make money, before that nothing will happen.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dave1 on September 04, 2024, 01:12:30 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

It's obvious that the motivation is to here money, and at the same time, there is no pressure, no managers or bosses behind you, in short you have all the time to execute your trade and make some money, how cool is that.

Nevertheless, it's not that easy road to be a successful gambler, we have heard the best of them saying that it take some time for them to really earn a lot of money, thru hard work and experience. So if we are willing to go on that path, so it's going to be rewarding and we will be successful traders in the long run.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: YOSHIE on September 04, 2024, 02:16:36 PM
What motivates you as a trader?
I was not very active or had the desire to trade crypto, for me it was a risky activity and required a long process to become a trader who could enjoy the results of trading.

Luckily I have a good friend, he is an expert in crypto trading, he is the one who gave me high motivation, so I slowly followed my friend's instructions and started carrying out trading activities slowly, It took me more than a year to have trading knowledge.

Day after day I trade and until now, the bottom line: trading is not easy motivation and support from close and experienced people is very influential, don't trade alone without guidance, because trading is risky, you can lose moneythat you have.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Rockstarguy on September 04, 2024, 02:27:31 PM
What's your motivation?

Haha.. Money bro obviously.

A trader analyzes the market, invests money, and expects good returns in the end after putting in all efforts, managing risk, and controlling stress levels. So in my view, money is the motivation. Just don't fall into greed everything is great here. if you want to know the power of this motivation just show some screenshots of profits on your social media profile and those who don't even know the ABC of the crypto market are gonna PM you and ask about how to trade, can you guide me and if you are having good followers you can even create a new TG group for sharing your signals and in rewards you can change them as membership cost and 70% of them are gonna really pay.
You have said it all, money is the motivation for trading. Money being involved in trading will make trader to do everything to make success in trading. If not for the profit I don't think anyone would choose to take trading serious. To learn and to be discipline seems very difficult for some people but when it comes to trading they have no choice than to exhibit some characters that will help to bring profit in trading. I don't think anything else can be motivation in trading if not money because money is just the essence for trading which every trader wants to make profit and this will give traders the mindset just to do things right.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Zanab247 on September 04, 2024, 04:03:26 PM
Quote from: Oshosondy
Quote from: Asiska02
Different traders will have what makes them happy and motivates them differently.
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.
I guess that is the major thing that is motivating traders in this industry, because if you are not making profits from trading it will be hard for you to be motivated from trading which is the reason many traders are going into trading.

Profit make traders know they are doing well, and it also motivate them to increase their capital because they know what they are earning with the little money they are using to trade. I noticed this in trading, if traders are losing in trading, they will not have the confident to introduce the trading to their friends because they are not earning profit and they are not happy, but if they are earning profit from the trading, you will see joy and motivation everywhere.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 04, 2024, 05:20:30 PM

Haha.. Money bro obviously.

A trader analyzes the market, invests money, and expects good returns in the end after putting in all efforts, managing risk, and controlling stress levels. So in my view, money is the motivation. Just don't fall into greed everything is great here. if you want to know the power of this motivation just show some screenshots of profits on your social media profile and those who don't even know the ABC of the crypto market are gonna PM you and ask about how to trade, can you guide me and if you are having good followers you can even create a new TG group for sharing your signals and in rewards you can change them as membership cost and 70% of them are gonna really pay.
You have said it all, money is the motivation for trading. Money being involved in trading will make trader to do everything to make success in trading. If not for the profit I don't think anyone would choose to take trading serious. To learn and to be discipline seems very difficult for some people but when it comes to trading they have no choice than to exhibit some characters that will help to bring profit in trading. I don't think anything else can be motivation in trading if not money because money is just the essence for trading which every trader wants to make profit and this will give traders the mindset just to do things right.

Yes, all of that is true and you have also said everything simply and easily to understand about the reasons why people are willing to dedicate or sacrifice most of their time to learn various things related to trading where all of that clearly has an intention and purpose and that is money.
As you have said that there is no other reason than because of the goal of getting money while traders will only be able to achieve their goals when they are willing to learn all the things that have the potential to increase profit opportunities.
And that is very natural or what I mean is that that is what you have to do when you really want to make consistent profits in trading, because this is not a game of luck but an activity that depends on your skills and knowledge.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: AYOBA on September 04, 2024, 05:57:27 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
There is know anything that motivated a traders apart from money, especially when a beginner introduces his self into traders and it has been successful once it will be having a high motivation,  because without money they is know way a trade can be done successfully since is the profits that is getting in every times he trades and have earned huge amounts of money is the one that giving him moral to continue with trade.

But if someone is into trading and it doesn’t win even once it will not have much encourage for trading again just because of the much money that is always lose when he come to trade; and that’s is good to have much knowledge about the trade before star , because what is normally motivating some people in to trade is that when they see their friends are achieving goals in trading they will be thinking is something easy: they don’t know that is also deserved a lot of knowledge.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Maslate on September 04, 2024, 09:55:52 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Whether it's trading, investing or gambling, there's only one certain goal that motivates us, that is to make us profitable in the long run. That's the exact reality. People become more eager to trade or invest when they experienced their first profits. That proves that money is the best motivation in trading, others may only be indenial of that because they don't want to be called greedy when we all know we are all greedy by nature.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Farma on September 05, 2024, 01:41:28 PM
I guess that is the major thing that is motivating traders in this industry, because if you are not making profits from trading it will be hard for you to be motivated from trading which is the reason many traders are going into trading.

Profit make traders know they are doing well, and it also motivate them to increase their capital because they know what they are earning with the little money they are using to trade. I noticed this in trading, if traders are losing in trading, they will not have the confident to introduce the trading to their friends because they are not earning profit and they are not happy, but if they are earning profit from the trading, you will see joy and motivation everywhere.

Every trader certainly expects profit from every trade that is made and to be able to achieve profit in the trades that we do, of course we must be able to have good skills in trading because no matter how much motivation we get without knowledge and skills, it is very unlikely that we will be able to get profit from the trade, so anyone who wants to get profit from every trade must be able to master knowledge and skills so that they can trade and get good results.

The failure experienced by every trader is of course due to their mistakes and it is very unlikely that they can introduce trading to other people and if they continue to introduce it to other people of course people will never believe them because they have not seen good results from the trading they do and if they want to introduce trading to other people of course they must first be successful in trading before they can introduce trading to other people.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Adams0001 on September 05, 2024, 02:42:08 PM
Quote from: Oshosondy
Quote from: Asiska02
Different traders will have what makes them happy and motivates them differently.
All traders have just one thing that motivates them to continue to trade with happy mind. That is making profit from trading. I have been a trader for over four years now and I know that is the truth. If traders are losing, they are not happy with the situation. But if they are making money, they are happy with the situation. But it has a problem which is more encouragement to trade which can also still have bad effect on the trader's health. So it is good to trade wisely and have time for yourself and health.
I guess that is the major thing that is motivating traders in this industry, because if you are not making profits from trading it will be hard for you to be motivated from trading which is the reason many traders are going into trading.

Profit make traders know they are doing well, and it also motivate them to increase their capital because they know what they are earning with the little money they are using to trade. I noticed this in trading, if traders are losing in trading, they will not have the confident to introduce the trading to their friends because they are not earning profit and they are not happy, but if they are earning profit from the trading, you will see joy and motivation everywhere.

Everyone who trades does so for profit because you cannot simply engage in something that will not benefit you. my friend that i know have enough knowledge about trading and he get huge profit on trading and that make me motivated to try and join him to start trading with him but still have not get something huge on it just learning about it still because since my friend cashout have not seen him get another one again and i thought is just a luck and probably think he will be a gambling too, because many people are saying trading is gambling but i did't beleave, because since my guy made money from trading, he doesn't want to change the strategy; if this one didn't work, you need to change and see if another will. I'm really happy on this forum because I've learnt a lot about trading. I'm sure if my friend is on this forum, he should have learnt something that will help him improve his skills and make more money, and if he didn't, I would have joined him after losing a lot of money. is good to have information before joining someone to do business or trade because if you don't gain tiny experience, he spies on you since you don't have any idea, so even someone gets money to do something and you are interested to join you should tell him should guide you trough how he works before started putting money on it. trade is good if you get enough skills on it.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Peanutswar on September 05, 2024, 03:21:18 PM
Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?
What's your motivation?

Because of the money of course, traders would like to risk their money to gain more money with their skills and knowledge, you are not doing trading as fun, but of course, take it seriously because you are risking your money to have more in trading and no one would like to lose their money in an instant because of their mistake. People recently taking serious being traders some of them use this to become their full-time work, others just getting with the ride of the market volatility, and others just want a small extra income using spot trading. Just additional is the motivation to survive with your daily needs but of course it requires money all the time.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Stable090 on September 05, 2024, 07:32:13 PM
You have said it all, money is the motivation for trading. Money being involved in trading will make trader to do everything to make success in trading. If not for the profit I don't think anyone would choose to take trading serious. To learn and to be discipline seems very difficult for some people but when it comes to trading they have no choice than to exhibit some characters that will help to bring profit in trading. I don't think anything else can be motivation in trading if not money because money is just the essence for trading which every trader wants to make profit and this will give traders the mindset just to do things right.

Money is actually a motivation and we know that it will be difficult when you start and you are not getting anything in return it is usually like that, and that is the period when you will be able to actually know the kind if you are interested or not because the moment you start you wont make any money and even if you make it wont be that much since you are just starting and am sure your coach is going to put you under control you that when you are leveraging you know the kind of percentage you are using, and with your consistency will determine the kind of profit you will make continuously. when i started learning trading at some point I wanted to give but if I look at the people that are putting me through and their story I just feel more encouraged to want to do more, it is just as if their story is my motivation, what if you don't make money from the trading instantly are you telling me that you are going to give up, no if you really want to go far then you will have to just motivate your self with something before you start making money.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: dunfida on September 05, 2024, 07:49:37 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

My motivation is always talking about being a professional trader so that i could be able to sustain my needs or simply having that financial freedom, not on the sense that you could have that tons of money but
rather having that condition or situation that i could quit up my 8-5 job on which on the moment that i could really be able to make out some profits even though not all the time but still it is really ending up profitable.
I do really like to quit up my dayjob and would really be loving on doing all time trading here in my own house on which i would really be that much preferring on having this kind of life and this is why im really that pursuing
that i could be able to hit up this kind of condition on which we know that it wont really be simple but somehow its not really that impossible. It would really be just that taking up a lot of time and effort
before you could be able to hit up this kind of condition. Just make it sure that you will really be trying out to sustain all the possible situations or conditions that you do might be able to face on. We do know that
when it comes into this aspect not all people would really be that having that kind of self control and dedication on pursuing out their goals just because they had experienced out those certain conditions specially
losing which would weaken up their perseverance on continuing. It would really be just that depending on a certain individual on this case yet not all would really be having this kind of approach on things.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: alastantiger on September 05, 2024, 08:35:07 PM
Money is actually a motivation and we know that it will be difficult when you start and you are not getting anything in return it is usually like that, and that is the period when you will be able to actually know the kind if you are interested or not because the moment you start you wont make any money and even if you make it wont be that much since you are just starting.

A newbie can't depend on trading as their only source of income from the beginning, they can do that later but still not an advice that we should follow because trading isn't a stable income. Having a reliable incomes makes it easier to adopt to trading until you can be getting something from it. When you start, you won't make any profits and if you do, don't think that you're now good at trading because you're getting beginners luck that doesn't stay for long.

Money is a good motivating factor but it shouldn't be the only reason why you're trading. You should have other reasons so it can help you when you're feeling like giving up because you're not making money yet from trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Iamcrypticguy on September 06, 2024, 04:00:26 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Obviously, different people have different trading goals and motivation for engaging trading especially Crypto trading. One Key thing is making profit. That's a common reason why anyone goes into trading. And good enough many trading platforms offer incentives to attract users and traders. Take Bitget for instance they recently announced opportunity for traders to win - SOL, BGB, BWB, DOGS etc. in their daily trade and win event. Binance employs a similar approach and other trading sites. There's a lot I learn when it has to do with trading. How to manage my emotions is one recurring lesson.

You've spoken well. I've also gone through these comments here and all I can say is majority of forum members here loves profits ahaha. Not the thrill of the setups it's purely profits..I guess they'll love this opportunity you just shared. Pls send the link to this. I hold BWB/BGB myself and this can be an opportunity to double up my pf with it..

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Altcoiner007 on September 06, 2024, 10:24:41 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Obviously, different people have different trading goals and motivation for engaging trading especially Crypto trading. One Key thing is making profit. That's a common reason why anyone goes into trading. And good enough many trading platforms offer incentives to attract users and traders. Take Bitget for instance they recently announced opportunity for traders to win - SOL, BGB, BWB, DOGS etc. in their daily trade and win event. Binance employs a similar approach and other trading sites. There's a lot I learn when it has to do with trading. How to manage my emotions is one recurring lesson.

You've spoken well. I've also gone through these comments here and all I can say is majority of forum members here loves profits ahaha. Not the thrill of the setups it's purely profits..I guess they'll love this opportunity you just shared. Pls send the link to this. I hold BWB/BGB myself and this can be an opportunity to double up my pf with it..

I know a couple of people who pick interest in this event once they hear about it. It's normal we all love to make profit. Here's the link
Do further research to asserten that it meets what you're looking for.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: passwordnow on September 07, 2024, 10:37:43 AM
Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?
All of those that you've mentioned are what we're having. The flexibility of earning through trading, the success that we're getting for every winning trades that we have. But even it sounds too easy and that's the reason why many newbies are getting hooked with trading and that's because they think it's easy but it is not.

What's your motivation?
I think that all of us are motivated with money, none other than that. We can tell that indirectly and tell other reasons like it's challenging, it's making you feel happy when you win those trades but it all resorts to earning money. But I don't trade daily anymore, I only trade when I think that I'm having a good entry and selling positions and that's most likely happening just like today when the market is down and for sure the next days, it will be better, better in profit taking.  ;D

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Mahanton on September 07, 2024, 11:43:37 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Obviously, different people have different trading goals and motivation for engaging trading especially Crypto trading. One Key thing is making profit. That's a common reason why anyone goes into trading. And good enough many trading platforms offer incentives to attract users and traders. Take Bitget for instance they recently announced opportunity for traders to win - SOL, BGB, BWB, DOGS etc. in their daily trade and win event. Binance employs a similar approach and other trading sites. There's a lot I learn when it has to do with trading. How to manage my emotions is one recurring lesson.

You've spoken well. I've also gone through these comments here and all I can say is majority of forum members here loves profits ahaha. Not the thrill of the setups it's purely profits..I guess they'll love this opportunity you just shared. Pls send the link to this. I hold BWB/BGB myself and this can be an opportunity to double up my pf with it..

I know a couple of people who pick interest in this event once they hear about it. It's normal we all love to make profit. Here's the link
Do further research to asserten that it meets what you're looking for.
Basing up on the link given then it do really shows up that it do really pertains about Futures trading on which this is something which isnt really that recommended specially for noob. This is why its not really that recommended that you would really be that directly be touching up this space on which we know that when it comes to this aspect then its not something that all traders will really be able to get a hold of.
Of course you would really be needing up to start up first with spot trade and make yourself sustainable before you would be considering on making up such step on going with futures.
We are all here on dealing up with this volatile market is just because of the profit that we could possibly be able to generate and this is something on which you would really be targeting into.

What's your motivation?
I think that all of us are motivated with money, none other than that. We can tell that indirectly and tell other reasons like it's challenging, it's making you feel happy when you win those trades but it all resorts to earning money. But I don't trade daily anymore, I only trade when I think that I'm having a good entry and selling positions and that's most likely happening just like today when the market is down and for sure the next days, it will be better, better in profit taking.  ;D

It would really be a total lie that you would be saying that you arent that interested on making profits or the main reason on why you do trade. Making money is our main
priority and this is the main reason on why we are here and taking up such risks even on how volatile and unpredictable it would be. Its hard but its not something that impossible
for someone to be able to handle it out but of course it will really be that all depending on how well you do make those move and decisions as a trader on which we know that there would really be tons of factors
or things that could affect out our decisions. This is why its really that important that you are really sensible on the actions that you are taking because outcomes and results
will really be determining on how good you are on handling yourself towards this market and of course with a little bit mix of luck.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 07, 2024, 05:59:02 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Whether it's trading, investing or gambling, there's only one certain goal that motivates us, that is to make us profitable in the long run. That's the exact reality. People become more eager to trade or invest when they experienced their first profits. That proves that money is the best motivation in trading, others may only be indenial of that because they don't want to be called greedy when we all know we are all greedy by nature.

Yup, I see your point whatever the venue was most people who take the risk are all after the potential amount that they'll be able to gain, most of those traders find different ways and plans different strategies to earn money from this investment, it motivates traders and investors to learn more as they know that with proper understanding and a good knowledge and skills may provide decent amount of benefits, more on that money involves that potentially be taken if you manage to learn the principle and the factors that affects market movements.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: hyudien on September 08, 2024, 05:37:41 AM
Whether it's trading, investing or gambling, there's only one certain goal that motivates us, that is to make us profitable in the long run. That's the exact reality. People become more eager to trade or invest when they experienced their first profits. That proves that money is the best motivation in trading, others may only be indenial of that because they don't want to be called greedy when we all know we are all greedy by nature.

Yup, I see your point whatever the venue was most people who take the risk are all after the potential amount that they'll be able to gain, most of those traders find different ways and plans different strategies to earn money from this investment, it motivates traders and investors to learn more as they know that with proper understanding and a good knowledge and skills may provide decent amount of benefits, more on that money involves that potentially be taken if you manage to learn the principle and the factors that affects market movements.
It is undeniable that that is indeed our goal, which is to get some money from what we do. I don't think we should be hypocritical by saying no, because there is no other reasonable reason other than that. Everyone is competing and trying hard to find money, and when they see something that has the potential to bring it, then we will do it.
I agree with Op that basically we are greedy people, but what makes the difference is how we control that greed. People's abilities vary in controlling it, some can completely, some only half and even some people can't, it all comes back to each of us. However, we need to remember that greed will bring us into a bad situation or can even bring us to a slump.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: laijsica on September 08, 2024, 08:52:07 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Whether it's trading, investing or gambling, there's only one certain goal that motivates us, that is to make us profitable in the long run. That's the exact reality. People become more eager to trade or invest when they experienced their first profits. That proves that money is the best motivation in trading, others may only be indenial of that because they don't want to be called greedy when we all know we are all greedy by nature.

Yup, I see your point whatever the venue was most people who take the risk are all after the potential amount that they'll be able to gain, most of those traders find different ways and plans different strategies to earn money from this investment, it motivates traders and investors to learn more as they know that with proper understanding and a good knowledge and skills may provide decent amount of benefits, more on that money involves that potentially be taken if you manage to learn the principle and the factors that affects market movements.
If you are ready to take risks, the trading will work for you and you will be ahead of the curve. At the same time systematic corrections. Focus primarily on modest portfolios or holdings that are built up through regular buy. Trading skills should be developed mainly from the holding stage as holding is important to ensure the correctness and fairness of your capital. The alternative to holding is simply HOLD to monitor market movements and prepare yourself accordingly as an experienced trader.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: mirakal on September 08, 2024, 10:01:58 PM
Whether it's trading, investing or gambling, there's only one certain goal that motivates us, that is to make us profitable in the long run. That's the exact reality. People become more eager to trade or invest when they experienced their first profits. That proves that money is the best motivation in trading, others may only be indenial of that because they don't want to be called greedy when we all know we are all greedy by nature.

Yup, I see your point whatever the venue was most people who take the risk are all after the potential amount that they'll be able to gain, most of those traders find different ways and plans different strategies to earn money from this investment, it motivates traders and investors to learn more as they know that with proper understanding and a good knowledge and skills may provide decent amount of benefits, more on that money involves that potentially be taken if you manage to learn the principle and the factors that affects market movements.
It is undeniable that that is indeed our goal, which is to get some money from what we do. I don't think we should be hypocritical by saying no, because there is no other reasonable reason other than that. Everyone is competing and trying hard to find money, and when they see something that has the potential to bring it, then we will do it.
I agree with Op that basically we are greedy people, but what makes the difference is how we control that greed. People's abilities vary in controlling it, some can completely, some only half and even some people can't, it all comes back to each of us. However, we need to remember that greed will bring us into a bad situation or can even bring us to a slump.
Being greedy is the biggest enemy when trading. You lost your focus and you end up making impulsive decisions that will certainly lead to losses in trading. And because of greed, it will ruin your target goal in trading, that's why as much as possible, avoid being greedy at all cost. Although there's always greed deep within, but at least learn to control or lessen it. That way, our motivation to make potential profits with trading will certainly be reachable for us.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: passwordnow on September 08, 2024, 10:19:21 PM
What's your motivation?
I think that all of us are motivated with money, none other than that. We can tell that indirectly and tell other reasons like it's challenging, it's making you feel happy when you win those trades but it all resorts to earning money. But I don't trade daily anymore, I only trade when I think that I'm having a good entry and selling positions and that's most likely happening just like today when the market is down and for sure the next days, it will be better, better in profit taking.  ;D

It would really be a total lie that you would be saying that you arent that interested on making profits or the main reason on why you do trade. Making money is our main
priority and this is the main reason on why we are here and taking up such risks even on how volatile and unpredictable it would be. Its hard but its not something that impossible
for someone to be able to handle it out but of course it will really be that all depending on how well you do make those move and decisions as a trader on which we know that there would really be tons of factors
or things that could affect out our decisions. This is why its really that important that you are really sensible on the actions that you are taking because outcomes and results
will really be determining on how good you are on handling yourself towards this market and of course with a little bit mix of luck.
We need not to lie if the real motivation is about making profits. But before getting there, too much exposure of losses is about to be experienced by most of us. And that kind of motivation to face those challenges is there. You don't have to give up if you think that you have the potential to become a good trader because if not, you should transition into a holder and there's nothing wrong about that. It's way easier and the motivation has been the same, all you have to do is to buy more and that's the same as trading but you're more relaxed in doing it.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: tottong on September 09, 2024, 03:02:42 AM
Being greedy is the biggest enemy when trading. You lost your focus and you end up making impulsive decisions that will certainly lead to losses in trading. And because of greed, it will ruin your target goal in trading, that's why as much as possible, avoid being greedy at all cost. Although there's always greed deep within, but at least learn to control or lessen it. That way, our motivation to make potential profits with trading will certainly be reachable for us.

Learn to control greed so that involvement in trading can be more responsible and most importantly trading is done using the right knowledge.
When involved in trading, one must understand very well that trading will not provide consistent profits because there are times when we will experience losses.
But what needs to be considered is how when we experience losses we can return profits in the next trade and so trading is run by experienced people.

Greed will always produce bad values because sometimes people have difficulty getting out of trading even though they have made a profit.
Greed will only accelerate someone getting a loss wherever and without exception when someone is involved in trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 09, 2024, 08:36:35 AM

Being greedy is the biggest enemy when trading. You lost your focus and you end up making impulsive decisions that will certainly lead to losses in trading. And because of greed, it will ruin your target goal in trading, that's why as much as possible, avoid being greedy at all cost. Although there's always greed deep within, but at least learn to control or lessen it. That way, our motivation to make potential profits with trading will certainly be reachable for us.

You are right mate, I believe the reason why some people prefer copy trading or bot predictions is because they can not make good trading decision without being caught up by their own emotions which can lure them into making a wrong decision that can  cause losses. While trading, some trader might have obtained a good amount of profit but because of greed, they would decide to stay longer on the trade and while doing so, they can experience a huge lose. Such lose is cause by greed.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 09, 2024, 09:36:32 AM

Being greedy is the biggest enemy when trading. You lost your focus and you end up making impulsive decisions that will certainly lead to losses in trading. And because of greed, it will ruin your target goal in trading, that's why as much as possible, avoid being greedy at all cost. Although there's always greed deep within, but at least learn to control or lessen it. That way, our motivation to make potential profits with trading will certainly be reachable for us.

You are right mate, I believe the reason why some people prefer copy trading or bot predictions is because they can not make good trading decision without being caught up by their own emotions which can lure them into making a wrong decision that can  cause losses. While trading, some trader might have obtained a good amount of profit but because of greed, they would decide to stay longer on the trade and while doing so, they can experience a huge lose. Such lose is cause by greed.

Most of the time, greed really push you to change the direction of your plans, there are position which you already reached your target but instead of stopping you choose to keep trying to earn more, and in time that the direction of the market turns against you, that's the time that you really regret why you choose to stay instead of quitting and withdraw the money that you supposed to earn.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Ahli38 on September 09, 2024, 01:16:36 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
If we talk about initial motivation then my answer is that because of the force of the situation and conditions I was only able to take this path. But the impetus for all of this begins with a need that must be met. Meanwhile, we don't have enough capital to do business in the real world. So at that time I preferred to start with high-risk trading such as crypto. I initially had difficulty but continued to study carefully. I started to get quite a lot of results. And made me decide to become a trader to this day. And the current motivation may be because it feels quite easy to make money through trading. Although the risk of losing is also quite easy. But as long as we have good risk management, we can avoid big losses. And in the end my biggest motivation is family. I have always been with my family every day so I am not used to being away from my family. So I am always looking for work that I can do while still being with my family and becoming a crypto trader is one of the choices I make. Even though I actually also have a business and other work online which of course I still work from home.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 09, 2024, 01:48:56 PM
Most of the time, greed really push you to change the direction of your plans, there are position which you already reached your target but instead of stopping you choose to keep trying to earn more, and in time that the direction of the market turns against you, that's the time that you really regret why you choose to stay instead of quitting and withdraw the money that you supposed to earn.

Exactly, greed also can make you not to accept the initial profit that you must have already earned. Greed can make the trader to overstay in a position that they are supposed to have exited and take profit first profit but because they are expecting a huge profit, they will not exit the trade until they lose the first profit. Greed can make the trade to use a big lot size or a leverage size.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Awaklara on September 09, 2024, 02:05:43 PM
If we talk about initial motivation then my answer is that because of the force of the situation and conditions I was only able to take this path. But the impetus for all of this begins with a need that must be met. Meanwhile, we don't have enough capital to do business in the real world. So at that time I preferred to start with high-risk trading such as crypto. I initially had difficulty but continued to study carefully. I started to get quite a lot of results. And made me decide to become a trader to this day. And the current motivation may be because it feels quite easy to make money through trading. Although the risk of losing is also quite easy. But as long as we have good risk management, we can avoid big losses. And in the end my biggest motivation is family. I have always been with my family every day so I am not used to being away from my family. So I am always looking for work that I can do while still being with my family and becoming a crypto trader is one of the choices I make. Even though I actually also have a business and other work online which of course I still work from home.
so you decided to trade because of the difficult situation you and your family are experiencing? how do you put yourself at greater risk when you are under pressure and you choose to trade crypto?
I'm sure the process is not easy and also not short until you say you get quite a lot of results.
so you are an online worker? you can do everything by always being close to your family. I just hope you have good financial management for your trading. don't let your other businesses become donors from the trading you do. the trading you do must generate its own profit.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 09, 2024, 04:15:37 PM
Most of the time, greed really push you to change the direction of your plans, there are position which you already reached your target but instead of stopping you choose to keep trying to earn more, and in time that the direction of the market turns against you, that's the time that you really regret why you choose to stay instead of quitting and withdraw the money that you supposed to earn.

Exactly, greed also can make you not to accept the initial profit that you must have already earned. Greed can make the trader to overstay in a position that they are supposed to have exited and take profit first profit but because they are expecting a huge profit, they will not exit the trade until they lose the first profit. Greed can make the trade to use a big lot size or a leverage size.

Yes you said something right about the impact when we are unable to ignore the greed that arises in the mind, simply the point is greed will make someone lose something they should have gotten before, so never try to exceed everything when it has become your portion.
I understand that we never know about the right portion size, but by having a plan and being realistic I think you should have a plan about when is the best time for you to stop and secure profits.
Actually on the other hand it is okay to apply greed as long as we are able to accept the fact of regret, but in most cases the majority of them always find it difficult to really be open-minded, so it is better to be grateful for any amount of profit as a form of appreciation for the efforts we have made in analyzing the market.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: bitgolden on September 10, 2024, 05:53:22 AM
you said something right about the impact when we are unable to ignore the greed that arises in the mind, simply the point is greed will make someone lose something they should have gotten before, so never try to exceed everything when it has become your portion.
I understand that we never know about the right portion size, but by having a plan and being realistic I think you should have a plan about when is the best time for you to stop and secure profits.
Actually on the other hand it is okay to apply greed as long as we are able to accept the fact of regret, but in most cases the majority of them always find it difficult to really be open-minded, so it is better to be grateful for any amount of profit as a form of appreciation for the efforts we have made in analyzing the market.
Greed is not always that easy to stop, sometimes you do not realize that it's greed and that's why you do it. I understand that it may not be that great, but it can be done and I think that's the whole point. I believe that we are going to see a potential profit somewhere and we will try to take it but it is not going to matter that easily. This is why we should consider maybe putting up something like this and could make some profit from it as well.

However, it ends up being a loss because we do not realize that we were too greedy and went too overboard with what we should be doing, which causes us to lose a lot more than what we should be earning.

I believe that it will get to a point where we will be doing fine, without any of these issues, we just need time to fix out mentality about it. Greed when it's done a lot is a bad thing, but greed when it's done in a sensible way is not that bad and could be a great thing to do, I believe that we can make that better. We should consider this as a good thing, we can't really assume that it will be that great or terrible, it won't be that simple and we should be considering this as something that will take a while and can't really be done easily.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Ahli38 on September 10, 2024, 10:54:36 AM
so you decided to trade because of the difficult situation you and your family are experiencing? how do you put yourself at greater risk when you are under pressure and you choose to trade crypto?
I'm sure the process is not easy and also not short until you say you get quite a lot of results.
so you are an online worker? you can do everything by always being close to your family. I just hope you have good financial management for your trading. don't let your other businesses become donors from the trading you do. the trading you do must generate its own profit.
Nothing is really easy at all. I remember also telling about my condition at the lowest point in my life on this forum. But I forgot on which topic I wrote my reply and wrote about my experience. But what is certain is that the situation at that time really left me without many choices. But I used my capital not only to enter the market, but I even entered study classes and found mentors and I even got into the situation of sharing material insights related to trading with other people to get additional capital. I started with small capital so I didn't worry too much at that time.

Sometimes at our lowest point we can take quite reckless actions. It's just that being brave doesn't mean you have to be careless. We have to start with the right stage. In my first year I experienced quite exciting ups and downs. But in the second year and beyond I started to find stability. when I started to get used to emotional management, money management and risk management. I even began to understand that technical, fundamental and sentimental analysis can sometimes be wrong. Because in the market there are games being played that make the market difficult to predict. But we can understand market habits as we spend more time in the market each day.

Thank you brother for the suggestion. and actually I'm always happy when someone gives me advice.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 10, 2024, 12:24:16 PM
Most of the time, greed really push you to change the direction of your plans, there are position which you already reached your target but instead of stopping you choose to keep trying to earn more, and in time that the direction of the market turns against you, that's the time that you really regret why you choose to stay instead of quitting and withdraw the money that you supposed to earn.

Exactly, greed also can make you not to accept the initial profit that you must have already earned. Greed can make the trader to overstay in a position that they are supposed to have exited and take profit first profit but because they are expecting a huge profit, they will not exit the trade until they lose the first profit. Greed can make the trade to use a big lot size or a leverage size.

And like what I've said it brings regret after, upsetting your own position mostly happens either you overexcite yourself with the market movements that influence greeds inside you, though some traders manage to work well dealing with fluctuations and they really love volatilities and some successful traders has been motivated by success and how they keep working adding knowledge about the market and makes them more profitble along the way.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 10, 2024, 12:49:52 PM
you said something right about the impact when we are unable to ignore the greed that arises in the mind, simply the point is greed will make someone lose something they should have gotten before, so never try to exceed everything when it has become your portion.
I understand that we never know about the right portion size, but by having a plan and being realistic I think you should have a plan about when is the best time for you to stop and secure profits.
Actually on the other hand it is okay to apply greed as long as we are able to accept the fact of regret, but in most cases the majority of them always find it difficult to really be open-minded, so it is better to be grateful for any amount of profit as a form of appreciation for the efforts we have made in analyzing the market.
Greed is not always that easy to stop, sometimes you do not realize that it's greed and that's why you do it. I understand that it may not be that great, but it can be done and I think that's the whole point. I believe that we are going to see a potential profit somewhere and we will try to take it but it is not going to matter that easily. This is why we should consider maybe putting up something like this and could make some profit from it as well.

However, it ends up being a loss because we do not realize that we were too greedy and went too overboard with what we should be doing, which causes us to lose a lot more than what we should be earning.

I believe that it will get to a point where we will be doing fine, without any of these issues, we just need time to fix out mentality about it. Greed when it's done a lot is a bad thing, but greed when it's done in a sensible way is not that bad and could be a great thing to do, I believe that we can make that better. We should consider this as a good thing, we can't really assume that it will be that great or terrible, it won't be that simple and we should be considering this as something that will take a while and can't really be done easily.

Yes I also understand about that and it is true that there are some difficult parts where practicing is always much harder than saying, and also the problem is yes as you said that sometimes we do not realize that we are implementing greed, and that does happen, I will not say that it is the right action because in the end it always leads someone to regret, but as humans sometimes we are not always aware of what we are actually doing.

But on the other hand I still think that incident should not have happened, or not happened to you too often, because after all as we know that in trading someone must first prepare everything such as planning and risk management for example which one of them is implementing take profit and stop loss, both of these things have an important role to make you stop at the right time, meaning I believe that traders who always find it difficult to ignore their greed are those who do not implement the planning until they are finally carried away by the flow of greed.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Natalim on September 10, 2024, 07:06:55 PM
What motivates me as a trader?

Oh, well; nothing beats that feeling of knowing I can be on my bed earning a living without lifting my butts to leave my house. Just on my bed or in the toilet or sitting on a floor with my device in hands, it's a great feeling. Nothing beats that!

Secondly, the money made from it is also awesome if one truly knows one's onions and have acquired the skills to meander through the charts. Everyone loves a soft life and trading affords one that if one will be patient enough to scale through the rigours of learning.

Comfort and earning are the top motivation for going into trading for me.
I think that's what majority of the traders are the topmost motivation. If you trade and succeeded, you will earn decent profits that will lead you living your life comfortably and with great convenience doing trading even at the expense of your home. As long as you know how to trade with an advantage, meaning you trade with high knowledge and with highly working strategy, you will definitely achieve your ultimate goal in trading, which is to make consistent significant income more than what you made from your day job.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 11, 2024, 08:27:58 AM
Most of the time, greed really push you to change the direction of your plans, there are position which you already reached your target but instead of stopping you choose to keep trying to earn more, and in time that the direction of the market turns against you, that's the time that you really regret why you choose to stay instead of quitting and withdraw the money that you supposed to earn.

Exactly, greed also can make you not to accept the initial profit that you must have already earned. Greed can make the trader to overstay in a position that they are supposed to have exited and take profit first profit but because they are expecting a huge profit, they will not exit the trade until they lose the first profit. Greed can make the trade to use a big lot size or a leverage size.

Yes you said something right about the impact when we are unable to ignore the greed that arises in the mind, simply the point is greed will make someone lose something they should have gotten before, so never try to exceed everything when it has become your portion.
I understand that we never know about the right portion size, but by having a plan and being realistic I think you should have a plan about when is the best time for you to stop and secure profits.
Actually on the other hand it is okay to apply greed as long as we are able to accept the fact of regret, but in most cases the majority of them always find it difficult to really be open-minded, so it is better to be grateful for any amount of profit as a form of appreciation for the efforts we have made in analyzing the market.

Yea, anyone that choose to be greedy or take a harsh decision on their trade must be ready with the stomach to accommodate the outcome of their actions. Months ago, I created a thread regarding how I allowed myself to lose the previous profit I made from my trade and the cause of my lose was because I made a bad decision. After making some profits earlier, I should have stopped and repeat back the next day but I didn't stop and that was what resulted to me losing all the profit I made earlier.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 11, 2024, 12:19:31 PM
What motivates me as a trader?

Oh, well; nothing beats that feeling of knowing I can be on my bed earning a living without lifting my butts to leave my house. Just on my bed or in the toilet or sitting on a floor with my device in hands, it's a great feeling. Nothing beats that!

Secondly, the money made from it is also awesome if one truly knows one's onions and have acquired the skills to meander through the charts. Everyone loves a soft life and trading affords one that if one will be patient enough to scale through the rigours of learning.

Comfort and earning are the top motivation for going into trading for me.
I think that's what majority of the traders are the topmost motivation. If you trade and succeeded, you will earn decent profits that will lead you living your life comfortably and with great convenience doing trading even at the expense of your home. As long as you know how to trade with an advantage, meaning you trade with high knowledge and with highly working strategy, you will definitely achieve your ultimate goal in trading, which is to make consistent significant income more than what you made from your day job.

I go with that kind of motivation if you keep succeeding in whatever patterns or strategy that you are using, it will lead you to keep pushing your interest and will allow you aim for more, though that's a good factor but without good emotional control it might ruined your chances, you just need to stay with how you design everything that might keep you on track of your potential benefits. That will allow you to prevent or avoid any exceed greediness that may lead you to fall and made a big mistakes.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: atookz on September 11, 2024, 03:16:19 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Everyone must have motivation as a trader, and I believe the most important motivation is money. All traders definitely want to make a profit so they can make more money by becoming a trader.

But there is something else that motivates me to continue trading. I am more interested in trading psychology because it has an impact on myself. Trading activities in my opinion are very good for training patience and emotion. This affects me to have the ability to control myself and changes me into a more patient and disciplined person.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 11, 2024, 03:26:09 PM

Yes you said something right about the impact when we are unable to ignore the greed that arises in the mind, simply the point is greed will make someone lose something they should have gotten before, so never try to exceed everything when it has become your portion.
I understand that we never know about the right portion size, but by having a plan and being realistic I think you should have a plan about when is the best time for you to stop and secure profits.
Actually on the other hand it is okay to apply greed as long as we are able to accept the fact of regret, but in most cases the majority of them always find it difficult to really be open-minded, so it is better to be grateful for any amount of profit as a form of appreciation for the efforts we have made in analyzing the market.

Yea, anyone that choose to be greedy or take a harsh decision on their trade must be ready with the stomach to accommodate the outcome of their actions. Months ago, I created a thread regarding how I allowed myself to lose the previous profit I made from my trade and the cause of my lose was because I made a bad decision. After making some profits earlier, I should have stopped and repeat back the next day but I didn't stop and that was what resulted to me losing all the profit I made earlier.

Yes, the point is that we or a trader must always be aware of the risks, do not only think about the profit opportunities because it is clear that trading will always be a risky activity, especially when you fall into various impulsive actions due to being carried away by emotions or due to not being able to ignore greed for example.
When you treat trading in that way, I think it's the same as gambling, and as you experienced where you continued the session when you had already made a number of profits, I think one of the reasons is because your level of discipline decreased at that time which was caused by you being too focused on getting a larger amount of profit which encouraged you to make decisions at the wrong time.
Therefore, this is why a trading plan must really be owned and maintained by a trader, along with maintaining discipline in the sense that when you have reached your daily target, stop.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: uswa56 on September 11, 2024, 03:40:55 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Everyone must have motivation as a trader, and I believe the most important motivation is money. All traders definitely want to make a profit so they can make more money by becoming a trader.

But there is something else that motivates me to continue trading. I am more interested in trading psychology because it has an impact on myself. Trading activities in my opinion are very good for training patience and emotion. This affects me to have the ability to control myself and changes me into a more patient and disciplined person.

When you want to make money from the trading you do, of course you must first have the right ability and knowledge of trading, because it is very unlikely that someone can make money from trading without the right ability and knowledge of trading.
As a trader, of course, you must be able to control their emotions well, because everything can happen in trading and we must be ready for the situation, especially when we are experiencing failures that make it difficult for us to control our emotions, but by practicing often, of course, it will be easier for us to handle these conditions and I agree with you with trading will certainly make us more disciplined and patient,  Because in trading we must always monitor market conditions before making a decision.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: irhact on September 11, 2024, 04:39:21 PM
Yea, anyone that choose to be greedy or take a harsh decision on their trade must be ready with the stomach to accommodate the outcome of their actions. Months ago, I created a thread regarding how I allowed myself to lose the previous profit I made from my trade and the cause of my lose was because I made a bad decision. After making some profits earlier, I should have stopped and repeat back the next day but I didn't stop and that was what resulted to me losing all the profit I made earlier.

I don't get how some individuals are losing all.their profits that they have made for the day, don't you know what stop loss are, and you should be using it to prevent this from happening. I believe you were still new to trading and didn't think something like that could have happened to you but I hope that you have learnt your lessons and next time when you're trading, you should put a stop loss on every trade as it'll help you in risk management and you wouldn't be losing too much anymore. Your stop loss should be at the price that it shouldn't be more than 10% of your capital and if it gets triggered you won't lose more than 10% of any amount that you have used in your trading order.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: justdimin on September 11, 2024, 05:52:49 PM
I don't get how some individuals are losing all.their profits that they have made for the day, don't you know what stop loss are, and you should be using it to prevent this from happening. I believe you were still new to trading and didn't think something like that could have happened to you but I hope that you have learnt your lessons and next time when you're trading, you should put a stop loss on every trade as it'll help you in risk management and you wouldn't be losing too much anymore. Your stop loss should be at the price that it shouldn't be more than 10% of your capital and if it gets triggered you won't lose more than 10% of any amount that you have used in your trading order.
That is unfortunately the problem that many of the trades face, they do know what stop loss is, but they do not use it because they are too confident in their abilities. Not a lot of people use every tool available to make some money, you could use so much to be making sure that you do not lose money but they do not and they are usually the newbies, they do not check every box before they make some judgement call and because of that they end up losing some money to it as well.

I believe that we are going to end up with a loss, and we should be careful with it, I can't say that it is going to go great, we are going to probably face some issues and we should be more careful about it as well. We will definitely get better results if we know what we are doing.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: betswift on September 13, 2024, 05:51:57 AM
Most of the time, greed really push you to change the direction of your plans, there are position which you already reached your target but instead of stopping you choose to keep trying to earn more, and in time that the direction of the market turns against you, that's the time that you really regret why you choose to stay instead of quitting and withdraw the money that you supposed to earn.

Exactly, greed also can make you not to accept the initial profit that you must have already earned. Greed can make the trader to overstay in a position that they are supposed to have exited and take profit first profit but because they are expecting a huge profit, they will not exit the trade until they lose the first profit. Greed can make the trade to use a big lot size or a leverage size.

And like what I've said it brings regret after, upsetting your own position mostly happens either you overexcite yourself with the market movements that influence greeds inside you, though some traders manage to work well dealing with fluctuations and they really love volatilities and some successful traders has been motivated by success and how they keep working adding knowledge about the market and makes them more profitble along the way.

I agree that it usually doesn't end well.
Only through experiencing bad situations and climbing out of them learning something new and how to avoid them can a trader become better in what he does.
That's my opinion.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 13, 2024, 11:53:09 AM
Most of the time, greed really push you to change the direction of your plans, there are position which you already reached your target but instead of stopping you choose to keep trying to earn more, and in time that the direction of the market turns against you, that's the time that you really regret why you choose to stay instead of quitting and withdraw the money that you supposed to earn.

Exactly, greed also can make you not to accept the initial profit that you must have already earned. Greed can make the trader to overstay in a position that they are supposed to have exited and take profit first profit but because they are expecting a huge profit, they will not exit the trade until they lose the first profit. Greed can make the trade to use a big lot size or a leverage size.

And like what I've said it brings regret after, upsetting your own position mostly happens either you overexcite yourself with the market movements that influence greeds inside you, though some traders manage to work well dealing with fluctuations and they really love volatilities and some successful traders has been motivated by success and how they keep working adding knowledge about the market and makes them more profitble along the way.

I agree that it usually doesn't end well.
Only through experiencing bad situations and climbing out of them learning something new and how to avoid them can a trader become better in what he does.
That's my opinion.

Exactly if after failing you bring that learning experienced to do better, that's the time where you can possibly developed your knowledge and will give you hints when to position yourself, though it's not an assurance but can be use as basis of potential similar outcome that may take place, from that point, your anticiaption will grow and you will start to aim for more knowledge while you are in the process of establishing your own patterns and strategies, all will be concluded after you begin earning your success.

If bad outcomes gives you the will to continue imporving yourself, and instead of living with regrets but moving forward with better outlook for your potential success that's a kind of motivation that will lead you to become more reliable and will possibly bring you to the position that you are aiming for.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: yudi09 on September 13, 2024, 12:18:05 PM
Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.
The money from there turns into Bitcoin.
Simple, just to be able to make a little profit that I then convert into Bitcoin as an asset. This is my crypto trading motivation, bro.
The little by little addition of profits from trading crypto coins will make me happy when the amount of Bitcoin can increase from several ways including from crypto trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Gladitorcomeback on September 13, 2024, 04:26:29 PM
I don't get how some individuals are losing all.their profits that they have made for the day, don't you know what stop loss are, and you should be using it to prevent this from happening. I believe you were still new to trading and didn't think something like that could have happened to you but I hope that you have learnt your lessons and next time when you're trading, you should put a stop loss on every trade as it'll help you in risk management and you wouldn't be losing too much anymore. Your stop loss should be at the price that it shouldn't be more than 10% of your capital and if it gets triggered you won't lose more than 10% of any amount that you have used in your trading order.

To be honest, I wouldn't recommend this practice to newbies because a newbie losing 10% of their invested capital would barely be able to recover that easily because they won't have enough knowledge about the market. Those who are new in the market should only buy and sell coins and tokens that are well-known so that they don't lose any money by having to use stop-loss. If you are new to the market, just buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, or any other famous cryptocurrency and sell it when it goes higher.

Those newbie traders and investors who are always chasing profits and because of that they are trading meme coins or newly launched altcoins, tend to incur more losses because they don't understand the movements of the market very well, so they make entries at the wrong points and when the price starts dropping, they panic sell and lose money.

So the best practice for new traders is to only trade famous cryptocurrencies and keep learning so that they can understand the market better and be able to broaden their trading horizon.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: stadus on September 13, 2024, 10:52:52 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Everything you've mentioned has definitely motivated traders to pursue trading despite of the risks and the market volatility it has to offer. And as long as there are people who claimed to have succeeded in trading and are now enjoying the comfort of their lives, then most likely a lot of aspiring traders will continue to risk in trading until success comes into fruition.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dr.Osh on September 14, 2024, 07:04:59 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Everything you've mentioned has definitely motivated traders to pursue trading despite of the risks and the market volatility it has to offer. And as long as there are people who claimed to have succeeded in trading and are now enjoying the comfort of their lives, then most likely a lot of aspiring traders will continue to risk in trading until success comes into fruition.
well, besides that, the profit potential of trading is almost unlimited. It could mean that with a capital of $10, it could become $1000, although it takes an indefinite amount of time with the risk of losing $10. Many people still make a profit in trading, and as long as it still provides profit, then people will be motivated. So, I think, the motivation that makes people still trade until now is because trading still provides income, even though there is a risk from it.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: tabas on September 14, 2024, 07:26:04 AM
Everything you've mentioned has definitely motivated traders to pursue trading despite of the risks and the market volatility it has to offer.
Definitely, all of those, the feeling of success and good trades and accuracy of each trade that we make, that's what the majority of us are motivated for.

And as long as there are people who claimed to have succeeded in trading and are now enjoying the comfort of their lives, then most likely a lot of aspiring traders will continue to risk in trading until success comes into fruition.
I am seeing a lot but those that are real successful won't put themselves into any public appearance or even on social media. Many of these traders were successful people because of trading and their lives were changed. It's just sad that the others have gone south and they have other motivation for doing it, it's still related to trading but guess what, they've became trading gurus overnight and won't trade anymore because enrolment classes fee are the ones that became their bread and butter.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: ndutndut on September 14, 2024, 07:36:21 AM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
The motivation is of course to gain profit and want to achieve financial freedom in old age. Because with Trading or investment we can achieve all that by setting certain goals that we want to achieve within a certain period of time.

The sensation of trading is certainly also a factor because with trading or investment we can control our emotions, we must also control our minds and never give up. Just like in a fight or war, we must accept defeat calmly and continue to fight. The sensation we get from trading is learning to never give up, never feel comfortable and we must have self-confidence.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: doomloop on September 14, 2024, 11:23:32 AM
Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.
The money from there turns into Bitcoin.
Simple, just to be able to make a little profit that I then convert into Bitcoin as an asset. This is my crypto trading motivation, bro.
The little by little addition of profits from trading crypto coins will make me happy when the amount of Bitcoin can increase from several ways including from crypto trading.
The basic motivator is profits, and I believe it's common for every trader. I can't think of any other thing that can motivate a trader to continue trading. I don't think someone will keep trading if they are constantly losing money because that will demotivate them if you can see something isn't working out for you and you are losing value instead of gaining anything, you will feel you shouldn't keep doing it because there is no point.

When a trader gets their first profit from trading, they feel extremely happy, and those initial profits boost their confidence and motivate them to work harder on their trading activities, they start learning more to improve their knowledge and understanding so that they can continue getting profits.

So undoubtedly, profits are the primary motivation for a trader to continue trading and working hard on their trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: mirakal on September 14, 2024, 11:46:24 AM
If we talk about initial motivation then my answer is that because of the force of the situation and conditions I was only able to take this path. But the impetus for all of this begins with a need that must be met. Meanwhile, we don't have enough capital to do business in the real world. So at that time I preferred to start with high-risk trading such as crypto. I initially had difficulty but continued to study carefully. I started to get quite a lot of results. And made me decide to become a trader to this day. And the current motivation may be because it feels quite easy to make money through trading. Although the risk of losing is also quite easy. But as long as we have good risk management, we can avoid big losses. And in the end my biggest motivation is family. I have always been with my family every day so I am not used to being away from my family. So I am always looking for work that I can do while still being with my family and becoming a crypto trader is one of the choices I make. Even though I actually also have a business and other work online which of course I still work from home.
so you decided to trade because of the difficult situation you and your family are experiencing? how do you put yourself at greater risk when you are under pressure and you choose to trade crypto?
I'm sure the process is not easy and also not short until you say you get quite a lot of results.
so you are an online worker? you can do everything by always being close to your family. I just hope you have good financial management for your trading. don't let your other businesses become donors from the trading you do. the trading you do must generate its own profit.
He chooses the wrong option. Even though we can say that trading is profitable, this never meant we could make it too easily and fast. If he has a financial problem, I doubt he can manage it. Indeed, pressure is a big factor that may affect his decision-making, and I'm afraid of a total loss of his money. As an experienced trader, it was not just the money we needed (enough capital) but also focus and time. 

Well, a person can do impossible things if we really want something to achieve. Anyone can be a good trader, but as I can say, trading is not an easy job to think that money can be obtained easily. We could just hope that he will be successful in his plan. 

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Jegileman on September 14, 2024, 04:27:00 PM
Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

Money money money is what makes me happy at trading. My initial thought of joining trading was to make money, so I don’t see any other thing that will make me happy asides the money I’m making at trading in the market. Some may say if their set up goes well as analysed several times, it gives them joy that they’ll be profitable but my joy at trading is making that bucks of money. Even if you analyse as much as you want, if you’re not placing those trades and making the money, you’ve not done anything and will not be happy in the end.

Well, a person can do impossible things if we really want something to achieve. Anyone can be a good trader, but as I can say, trading is not an easy job to think that money can be obtained easily. We could just hope that he will be successful in his plan.

The same thing that nothing good comes that easy is the case of trading. Even though the money is what makes everyone happy, you must have that knowledge in order to be profitable. You can’t just be guessing the market and playing trades and hope that you’ll make it at trading. It doesn’t work that way and for those that follow this pattern, they’ve lost a lot and will continue losing until they gain this knowledge.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 14, 2024, 05:17:06 PM
If we talk about initial motivation then my answer is that because of the force of the situation and conditions I was only able to take this path. But the impetus for all of this begins with a need that must be met. Meanwhile, we don't have enough capital to do business in the real world. So at that time I preferred to start with high-risk trading such as crypto. I initially had difficulty but continued to study carefully. I started to get quite a lot of results. And made me decide to become a trader to this day. And the current motivation may be because it feels quite easy to make money through trading. Although the risk of losing is also quite easy. But as long as we have good risk management, we can avoid big losses. And in the end my biggest motivation is family. I have always been with my family every day so I am not used to being away from my family. So I am always looking for work that I can do while still being with my family and becoming a crypto trader is one of the choices I make. Even though I actually also have a business and other work online which of course I still work from home.
so you decided to trade because of the difficult situation you and your family are experiencing? how do you put yourself at greater risk when you are under pressure and you choose to trade crypto?
I'm sure the process is not easy and also not short until you say you get quite a lot of results.
so you are an online worker? you can do everything by always being close to your family. I just hope you have good financial management for your trading. don't let your other businesses become donors from the trading you do. the trading you do must generate its own profit.
He chooses the wrong option. Even though we can say that trading is profitable, this never meant we could make it too easily and fast. If he has a financial problem, I doubt he can manage it. Indeed, pressure is a big factor that may affect his decision-making, and I'm afraid of a total loss of his money. As an experienced trader, it was not just the money we needed (enough capital) but also focus and time. 

Well, a person can do impossible things if we really want something to achieve. Anyone can be a good trader, but as I can say, trading is not an easy job to think that money can be obtained easily. We could just hope that he will be successful in his plan. 

Yeah, it takes time and better understanding regarding to the type of business or invesmtent that you are into, trading can be profitable but like what you said, it's not or better to say that it's never easy as how some newcomers think of it, you need not just to invest your money but you also need to invest your patience and time, there are many factors that you needed to consider, things that may affects the potential outcome of the market, all of those information are needed to be obtain in order to have  a much higher chance of success.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 14, 2024, 05:52:02 PM

He chooses the wrong option. Even though we can say that trading is profitable, this never meant we could make it too easily and fast. If he has a financial problem, I doubt he can manage it. Indeed, pressure is a big factor that may affect his decision-making, and I'm afraid of a total loss of his money. As an experienced trader, it was not just the money we needed (enough capital) but also focus and time. 

Well, a person can do impossible things if we really want something to achieve. Anyone can be a good trader, but as I can say, trading is not an easy job to think that money can be obtained easily. We could just hope that he will be successful in his plan. 

Yeah, it takes time and better understanding regarding to the type of business or invesmtent that you are into, trading can be profitable but like what you said, it's not or better to say that it's never easy as how some newcomers think of it, you need not just to invest your money but you also need to invest your patience and time, there are many factors that you needed to consider, things that may affects the potential outcome of the market, all of those information are needed to be obtain in order to have  a much higher chance of success.

Well that's it, a good point with what you conveyed and as you have conveyed that making a profit in trading is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand, and we can see where the evidence is that it is not uncommon for us to see traders who ultimately fail and lose a lot of money and time, but I will also say that the same thing should not happen to you if from the beginning you know and understand what you are actually facing, because usually you will be able to measure your abilities if you have seen an activity that you want to do from various sides and not just in terms of its benefits.

I see that in most cases traders who fail are those who from the beginning are too focused on profit opportunities but do not think about and consider other unwanted possibilities that of course can befall them at any time such as losses, so the point is there is nothing instant, making a profit in trading is not as easy as we see, profit opportunities always depend on how smart and how much knowledge you have, meaning of course it does require a learning process first.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Lanatsa on September 14, 2024, 08:02:07 PM

He chooses the wrong option. Even though we can say that trading is profitable, this never meant we could make it too easily and fast. If he has a financial problem, I doubt he can manage it. Indeed, pressure is a big factor that may affect his decision-making, and I'm afraid of a total loss of his money. As an experienced trader, it was not just the money we needed (enough capital) but also focus and time. 

Well, a person can do impossible things if we really want something to achieve. Anyone can be a good trader, but as I can say, trading is not an easy job to think that money can be obtained easily. We could just hope that he will be successful in his plan. 

Yeah, it takes time and better understanding regarding to the type of business or invesmtent that you are into, trading can be profitable but like what you said, it's not or better to say that it's never easy as how some newcomers think of it, you need not just to invest your money but you also need to invest your patience and time, there are many factors that you needed to consider, things that may affects the potential outcome of the market, all of those information are needed to be obtain in order to have  a much higher chance of success.

Well that's it, a good point with what you conveyed and as you have conveyed that making a profit in trading is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand, and we can see where the evidence is that it is not uncommon for us to see traders who ultimately fail and lose a lot of money and time, but I will also say that the same thing should not happen to you if from the beginning you know and understand what you are actually facing, because usually you will be able to measure your abilities if you have seen an activity that you want to do from various sides and not just in terms of its benefits.

I see that in most cases traders who fail are those who from the beginning are too focused on profit opportunities but do not think about and consider other unwanted possibilities that of course can befall them at any time such as losses, so the point is there is nothing instant, making a profit in trading is not as easy as we see, profit opportunities always depend on how smart and how much knowledge you have, meaning of course it does require a learning process first.
Profitability will really be that depending or basing up on how well you do make up trades on which this one would really be that a normal approach. The real thing on here is about on how you do able to make  yourself sustain because on the moment that you would become that too optimistic that you could do it easily then you would really be that become confident on which its not really bad but on the moment that it had become that over then this is where mistakes will really be starting to pile up. People would really be that getting interested with dealing up with trading just because they've seen that it could potentially make you profits which is way more than on what you do earn from your day job. Somehow, it wont really be coming easy and this is why tons of traders are still on the verge on trying out to have a successful trading career
because its never been that simple in the first place on which you would really be needing up that good analysis and experience or skills so that you could be able to sustain yourself towards it.

My motivation that i do have on why i do chose myself as a trader is that everyone will surely be thinking about financial freedom. Yes, it could be possible with trading but its not something easy that could be acquired. It will really be that totally basing up on how you would be gonna handling yourself towards this one. It will really be better that you should be focusing on achieving your goals if you would
really be liking to have a successful life. As we do all know that we cant be able to achieve things easily and you would really be needing to work your ass off hard before acquiring such things.
This is why its really that important that you should really be sensible on the actions and decisions you are making. Be realistic and set out goals on which you do seem that you could really be able to
achieve or something that you could reach on.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Issa56 on September 14, 2024, 09:21:00 PM
What's your motivation?
When I was in school, I was looking for different ways in which I can be earning. I tried different online jobs, but most of them didn’t just end well for me. I didn’t give up. When I was doing more research, I came across a video that was teaching people how to trade. I decided to consult some people close to me, and they told me money can be made from it, but it’s risky, and I can’t start trading, and I will expect money instantly. I was told I will have to learn first, and trading is a gradual process. Seriously, I developed an interest in trading then, and I started growing myself, when I started trading, I lost everything which I was trading with, I had to struggle to get another money and I deposited it just to keep on learning, which I lost everything also, with time things we’re getting better, and my loss was reducing.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Freepips on September 14, 2024, 11:48:40 PM
My best motivation is the freedom trading offers from the regular 9-10 hours jobs . The money, the time and most especially my inner satisfaction and peace as I passionately love trading. Trading  have help to build my patience level and tolerance.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: TastyChillySauce00 on September 15, 2024, 02:36:35 AM
My best motivation is the freedom trading offers from the regular 9-10 hours jobs . The money, the time and most especially my inner satisfaction and peace as I passionately love trading. Trading  have help to build my patience level and tolerance.
is it really because of peace when trading ultimately requires someone to keep watching the market for potential sideways ;D.
I could never find my peace in trading when I did it back then, good thing I already backed out and instead switched over to just investment.

but I can see majority of people are motivated to turn their small capital into big capital with trading in short time so that they can get foundation to build up portfolio in investment and I see that as a logical choice.
because investing with small capital is essentially just wasting time, can't afford waiting entire year to get 10% APY where our investment is just $100 that means $10 yearly definitely does not make sense ;D.
so for some people trading is the way.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: beerlover on September 15, 2024, 06:54:32 AM
Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?
Obviously money is the number one thing that motivates all of us, there is no doubt about that part for sure. I think it's clear that we are going to face with traders who also enjoy doing it as well. Money however, is not easy to make in trading, you have to become a good trader to make that money and unless you are careful then you could even lose money while trading as well.

This isn't like a job, it is not like you work hard and make money for sure, you are not going to get paid salary based on how many hours you trader, it is a risk that you are taking and after a month of working hard you could end up in a loss. That risk is very important because if you are not careful then you could lose all that you have and that's a bit bad for you.

Many people think that trading is something you can make money from and only focus on that part, of course it is something you can make money from there is no denying that, but at the same time it is something that will not be easy to deal with neither if you lose money instead. This is why we should be careful with it and not really get too much ahead of ourselves, if we do that then we are going to face something that is getting very hard for us.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Rampagoe004 on September 15, 2024, 08:15:27 AM
Each trader has different motivations for making bigger profits than others. A big motivation generally occurs in satisfying income every time someone saves a lot of altcoins in a portfolio at the right time, many things have become my motivation in crypto trading where I can analyze, get big profits and control emotions in trading where the main goal is money which becomes traders' profits and enthusiasm.

This is also a motivation for beginners not to always think that trading is not profitable but rather that they have to go through several risks in carrying out trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 15, 2024, 03:28:22 PM

He chooses the wrong option. Even though we can say that trading is profitable, this never meant we could make it too easily and fast. If he has a financial problem, I doubt he can manage it. Indeed, pressure is a big factor that may affect his decision-making, and I'm afraid of a total loss of his money. As an experienced trader, it was not just the money we needed (enough capital) but also focus and time. 

Well, a person can do impossible things if we really want something to achieve. Anyone can be a good trader, but as I can say, trading is not an easy job to think that money can be obtained easily. We could just hope that he will be successful in his plan. 

Yeah, it takes time and better understanding regarding to the type of business or invesmtent that you are into, trading can be profitable but like what you said, it's not or better to say that it's never easy as how some newcomers think of it, you need not just to invest your money but you also need to invest your patience and time, there are many factors that you needed to consider, things that may affects the potential outcome of the market, all of those information are needed to be obtain in order to have  a much higher chance of success.

Well that's it, a good point with what you conveyed and as you have conveyed that making a profit in trading is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand, and we can see where the evidence is that it is not uncommon for us to see traders who ultimately fail and lose a lot of money and time, but I will also say that the same thing should not happen to you if from the beginning you know and understand what you are actually facing, because usually you will be able to measure your abilities if you have seen an activity that you want to do from various sides and not just in terms of its benefits.

I see that in most cases traders who fail are those who from the beginning are too focused on profit opportunities but do not think about and consider other unwanted possibilities that of course can befall them at any time such as losses, so the point is there is nothing instant, making a profit in trading is not as easy as we see, profit opportunities always depend on how smart and how much knowledge you have, meaning of course it does require a learning process first.

Most of the time that's the main factor that leads traders to lose their investment instead of learning how to execute risk management, they mostly focu with how they can convert profits in each trades that they enter, most of the time with the volatile market like crypto it's tough to control your emotion, always best to make sure that you plan ahead of time and you keep your risk management to control both your finances and your emotion.

It's save a lot as you can rest for a while while re-analyzing the situation to make sure that you are still align with your set plans.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on September 15, 2024, 04:40:51 PM
Each trader has different motivations for making bigger profits than others. A big motivation generally occurs in satisfying income every time someone saves a lot of altcoins in a portfolio at the right time, many things have become my motivation in crypto trading where I can analyze, get big profits and control emotions in trading where the main goal is money which becomes traders' profits and enthusiasm.

This is also a motivation for beginners not to always think that trading is not profitable but rather that they have to go through several risks in carrying out trading.
The biggest motivation is that they want to gain profit by staying still, I mean they will prioritize thinking performance rather than working physically. Also usually when they get profit, the profit can exceed the salary in a month of working physically, but it is still comparable to the risk. Beginners usually have wilder thoughts, they will think that trading is something easy, so they are very enthusiastic about trading. When they experience a loss, they will realize that what they have been doing all this time is something wrong and even some of them end up saying something negative about trading. This is something I have seen myself, where beginners say trading is a scam. This is funny to me, because they say something they don't understand.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 15, 2024, 06:40:53 PM
Well that's it, a good point with what you conveyed and as you have conveyed that making a profit in trading is not as easy as turning the palm of your hand, and we can see where the evidence is that it is not uncommon for us to see traders who ultimately fail and lose a lot of money and time, but I will also say that the same thing should not happen to you if from the beginning you know and understand what you are actually facing, because usually you will be able to measure your abilities if you have seen an activity that you want to do from various sides and not just in terms of its benefits.

I see that in most cases traders who fail are those who from the beginning are too focused on profit opportunities but do not think about and consider other unwanted possibilities that of course can befall them at any time such as losses, so the point is there is nothing instant, making a profit in trading is not as easy as we see, profit opportunities always depend on how smart and how much knowledge you have, meaning of course it does require a learning process first.
Profitability will really be that depending or basing up on how well you do make up trades on which this one would really be that a normal approach. The real thing on here is about on how you do able to make  yourself sustain because on the moment that you would become that too optimistic that you could do it easily then you would really be that become confident on which its not really bad but on the moment that it had become that over then this is where mistakes will really be starting to pile up. People would really be that getting interested with dealing up with trading just because they've seen that it could potentially make you profits which is way more than on what you do earn from your day job. Somehow, it wont really be coming easy and this is why tons of traders are still on the verge on trying out to have a successful trading career
because its never been that simple in the first place on which you would really be needing up that good analysis and experience or skills so that you could be able to sustain yourself towards it.

My motivation that i do have on why i do chose myself as a trader is that everyone will surely be thinking about financial freedom. Yes, it could be possible with trading but its not something easy that could be acquired. It will really be that totally basing up on how you would be gonna handling yourself towards this one. It will really be better that you should be focusing on achieving your goals if you would
really be liking to have a successful life. As we do all know that we cant be able to achieve things easily and you would really be needing to work your ass off hard before acquiring such things.
This is why its really that important that you should really be sensible on the actions and decisions you are making. Be realistic and set out goals on which you do seem that you could really be able to
achieve or something that you could reach on.

Right, and I think knowing and understanding what activities we are facing indirectly can be a solution to avoid various actions that should not be done, and also in terms of feelings I think it is unlikely for you to feel too optimistic when you know how far your abilities are and indirectly this understanding will also be able to prevent us from excessive behavior or mistakes that accumulate.

Basically in trading it is clear that money or profit is the biggest motivation or reason why we are involved in this activity, but of course it does not mean that trading is much easier than other activities, everything that has the potential to produce sweet results will always start with a bitter process, many people have succeeded in achieving financial freedom in trading or investment but not infrequently also end in failure, and if we see some people who fail then that means success in trading is not as easy as you imagine, the process of difficulty is not much different from starting a regular business but maybe the difference is that trading is moving in the internet sector, I think this is nothing more than a choice, be rational and realistic, and when you feel that you are not able to go through it all, then avoid that choice.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: shawonngp on September 16, 2024, 02:26:11 PM
I don't get how some individuals are losing all.their profits that they have made for the day, don't you know what stop loss are, and you should be using it to prevent this from happening. I believe you were still new to trading and didn't think something like that could have happened to you but I hope that you have learnt your lessons and next time when you're trading, you should put a stop loss on every trade as it'll help you in risk management and you wouldn't be losing too much anymore. Your stop loss should be at the price that it shouldn't be more than 10% of your capital and if it gets triggered you won't lose more than 10% of any amount that you have used in your trading order.

Those newbie traders and investors who are always chasing profits and because of that they are trading meme coins or newly launched altcoins, tend to incur more losses because they don't understand the movements of the market very well, so they make entries at the wrong points and when the price starts dropping, they panic sell and lose money.

So the best practice for new traders is to only trade famous cryptocurrencies and keep learning so that they can understand the market better and be able to broaden their trading horizon.
Newbies chasing profits somehow because they want to rich at overnight even when they trying to trade against in market trend, newly meme coins sometimes increase highest as per as wif,shiba inu, pepe coins, so they are rush to invest in meme coins to increase their money 5x to 10x, but end of the day their mission will fail. Newbies should trade with big coins which will be safe always.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Silberman on September 16, 2024, 07:05:06 PM
Newbies chasing profits somehow because they want to rich at overnight even when they trying to trade against in market trend, newly meme coins sometimes increase highest as per as wif,shiba inu, pepe coins, so they are rush to invest in meme coins to increase their money 5x to 10x, but end of the day their mission will fail. Newbies should trade with big coins which will be safe always.
There is risk in all things you do, including trading, traders of all kinds have been trying to find the formula that will allow them to do just that and many people have failed, so it is important to remember that even if a person trades solid assets, they can still lose money, since the markets can move on unpredictable ways that you may not expect, and cause you to endure losses so great that they may be enough to cause you to give up trading for good.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Yukyzu on September 17, 2024, 01:20:44 AM
Those newbie traders and investors who are always chasing profits and because of that they are trading meme coins or newly launched altcoins, tend to incur more losses because they don't understand the movements of the market very well, so they make entries at the wrong points and when the price starts dropping, they panic sell and lose money.

So the best practice for new traders is to only trade famous cryptocurrencies and keep learning so that they can understand the market better and be able to broaden their trading horizon.
Newbies chasing profits somehow because they want to rich at overnight even when they trying to trade against in market trend, newly meme coins sometimes increase highest as per as wif,shiba inu, pepe coins, so they are rush to invest in meme coins to increase their money 5x to 10x, but end of the day their mission will fail. Newbies should trade with big coins which will be safe always.
As beginners who chase profits, it is very unlikely that they will succeed in their trading and this also applies to those who have known trading for a long time, because of course this is done only based on their desires not based on the knowledge they have and we think it will not be possible for beginners who are just starting to trade will easily make a profit from it of course they must first understand trading well to be able to make a profit from trading.

Trading in a hurry will certainly make anyone skip some things that must be done before entering the market and of course this will not give the right decision on the trades we make, so for anyone who decides to trade it would be better for them to do it carefully and correctly as you said as a beginner it would be better to choose a large coin but they have to try with a little capital first so that they can still bounce back when they fail.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: PonderingCuriosity on September 17, 2024, 02:02:03 AM
My best motivation is the freedom trading offers from the regular 9-10 hours jobs . The money, the time and most especially my inner satisfaction and peace as I passionately love trading. Trading  have help to build my patience level and tolerance.

Do you really feel free? When I was a freelance white hat hacker, I hated it because I couldn't make it a source of stable income and the stress I experienced from the process eventually made me quit. Maybe if you love it then you feel truly free, but apparently it was not my case.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: laijsica on September 17, 2024, 04:37:27 AM
Each trader has different motivations for making bigger profits than others. A big motivation generally occurs in satisfying income every time someone saves a lot of altcoins in a portfolio at the right time, many things have become my motivation in crypto trading where I can analyze, get big profits and control emotions in trading where the main goal is money which becomes traders' profits and enthusiasm.

This is also a motivation for beginners not to always think that trading is not profitable but rather that they have to go through several risks in carrying out trading.
The biggest motivation is that they want to gain profit by staying still, I mean they will prioritize thinking performance rather than working physically. Also usually when they get profit, the profit can exceed the salary in a month of working physically, but it is still comparable to the risk. Beginners usually have wilder thoughts, they will think that trading is something easy, so they are very enthusiastic about trading. When they experience a loss, they will realize that what they have been doing all this time is something wrong and even some of them end up saying something negative about trading. This is something I have seen myself, where beginners say trading is a scam. This is funny to me, because they say something they don't understand.
People who have suffered in trading call the trading strategy a scam but they should have had more confidence in themselves such as gaining more experience and entering the market consistently. Some inexperienced trader enters the market by making lump sum investments in which he is eager to get profit in short time interval but he should enter the market continuously and prepare a holding so that he can later apply any investment method of his choice. Trading is very motivating for those who can pick the right currency and buy multiple price combinations to build a holding.

According to me an investor can achieve success in investing if he can invest his capital at right time and in right currency also should know about right trading strategy before doing short term trading.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 17, 2024, 06:57:19 AM
Newbies chasing profits somehow because they want to rich at overnight even when they trying to trade against in market trend, newly meme coins sometimes increase highest as per as wif,shiba inu, pepe coins, so they are rush to invest in meme coins to increase their money 5x to 10x, but end of the day their mission will fail. Newbies should trade with big coins which will be safe always.
There is risk in all things you do, including trading, traders of all kinds have been trying to find the formula that will allow them to do just that and many people have failed, so it is important to remember that even if a person trades solid assets, they can still lose money, since the markets can move on unpredictable ways that you may not expect, and cause you to endure losses so great that they may be enough to cause you to give up trading for good.

There's no assurance in terms of acquiring profits there's still risk and up and down that you may experienced but the sole motivations is when you decently earn both money and experienced, it's more on how you deal with knowledge and how you execute the potential outcomes, there are potential to earn once you already overcome greed and fear that keeps on holding you down to make mistake, your call and your decision making is very important to make that success.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: arwin100 on September 17, 2024, 10:18:05 AM
Newbies chasing profits somehow because they want to rich at overnight even when they trying to trade against in market trend, newly meme coins sometimes increase highest as per as wif,shiba inu, pepe coins, so they are rush to invest in meme coins to increase their money 5x to 10x, but end of the day their mission will fail. Newbies should trade with big coins which will be safe always.
There is risk in all things you do, including trading, traders of all kinds have been trying to find the formula that will allow them to do just that and many people have failed, so it is important to remember that even if a person trades solid assets, they can still lose money, since the markets can move on unpredictable ways that you may not expect, and cause you to endure losses so great that they may be enough to cause you to give up trading for good.

There's no assurance in terms of acquiring profits there's still risk and up and down that you may experienced but the sole motivations is when you decently earn both money and experienced, it's more on how you deal with knowledge and how you execute the potential outcomes, there are potential to earn once you already overcome greed and fear that keeps on holding you down to make mistake, your call and your decision making is very important to make that success.

Usually people falls from quick rich schemes and invest on those tokens which is fast moving like scam meme coins. They think that they will be so rich once the token they bought pump the same as what the dev promise to them. That's why those expectation they set from wrong token choices lead to a massive loss to them. This is how knowledge on how to deal everything related to trading is important since with this they would able to know how to lower down their expectations on some coins then could able to figure out what are the best to trade and which of those are good to avoid.

When dealing on risky market movement our decision making is really important, that's why before dealing or picking coins to trade we should know their latest tracks if there's good scope that we need to look forward so we have some hint that those coins or tokens would have good a chance to pump.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Septex on September 23, 2024, 07:49:57 PM
This may actually vary from person to person. Now what a trader will be motivated by is actually a product of his own personal thoughts. Now if a lower middle class or poor person who learns trading only with the hope of financial gain and invests in it his objective will be how to profit from it and improve himself overall. On the other hand, if it is seen that a person already has a lot of wealth and wants to expand his business, then his thinking here will also be different because here he will learn and think about how to improve his business. This matter is actually a bit complicated. But at the end of the day everyone's objective is nothing but how to make a profit. However, those who are already traders will have the idea to invest and hold for a long time.  They will hunt big fish through this.  But it will not be the same for everyone.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Dewi Aries on September 24, 2024, 06:36:59 PM
There is risk in all things you do, including trading, traders of all kinds have been trying to find the formula that will allow them to do just that and many people have failed, so it is important to remember that even if a person trades solid assets, they can still lose money, since the markets can move on unpredictable ways that you may not expect, and cause you to endure losses so great that they may be enough to cause you to give up trading for good.

There's no assurance in terms of acquiring profits there's still risk and up and down that you may experienced but the sole motivations is when you decently earn both money and experienced, it's more on how you deal with knowledge and how you execute the potential outcomes, there are potential to earn once you already overcome greed and fear that keeps on holding you down to make mistake, your call and your decision making is very important to make that success.

Of course, sometimes experienced traders will still experience losses, which can be said that the risk in trading applies to anyone, but the difference is that when someone is experienced, they will not experience too much loss compared to beginners who still have little knowledge. And this is why a trader is always advised to continue learning new things, because when your knowledge is greater, the amount of loss can also be minimized.

Another point is to never make a decision when you haven't found the right moment with the strategy you have, because usually that's the mistake I make in the sense that I sometimes force the situation to enter and execute the market even though it is the wrong time to execute, and also the point is to remain firm in your stance and always be disciplined with planning, try to make all the decisions you make based on rational reasons and considerations.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Mahanton on September 24, 2024, 06:58:52 PM
Newbies chasing profits somehow because they want to rich at overnight even when they trying to trade against in market trend, newly meme coins sometimes increase highest as per as wif,shiba inu, pepe coins, so they are rush to invest in meme coins to increase their money 5x to 10x, but end of the day their mission will fail. Newbies should trade with big coins which will be safe always.
There is risk in all things you do, including trading, traders of all kinds have been trying to find the formula that will allow them to do just that and many people have failed, so it is important to remember that even if a person trades solid assets, they can still lose money, since the markets can move on unpredictable ways that you may not expect, and cause you to endure losses so great that they may be enough to cause you to give up trading for good.

There's no assurance in terms of acquiring profits there's still risk and up and down that you may experienced but the sole motivations is when you decently earn both money and experienced, it's more on how you deal with knowledge and how you execute the potential outcomes, there are potential to earn once you already overcome greed and fear that keeps on holding you down to make mistake, your call and your decision making is very important to make that success.

Usually people falls from quick rich schemes and invest on those tokens which is fast moving like scam meme coins. They think that they will be so rich once the token they bought pump the same as what the dev promise to them. That's why those expectation they set from wrong token choices lead to a massive loss to them. This is how knowledge on how to deal everything related to trading is important since with this they would able to know how to lower down their expectations on some coins then could able to figure out what are the best to trade and which of those are good to avoid.

When dealing on risky market movement our decision making is really important, that's why before dealing or picking coins to trade we should know their latest tracks if there's good scope that we need to look forward so we have some hint that those coins or tokens would have good a chance to pump.
You cant blame out those people on which even ourselves having that particular time on which the things that comes up into our mind is on how to make ourselves rich and thats why we do came up into the idea
that we should invest into those meme coins or to those low caps without even trying out to realize or think about into the risks involved with it. This is why its really that important that on the moment that you do deal up with trading then always be best that stick into those established old coins in the market on which you could somewhat assure that they are really that worth holding for long term and not really just that dealing on with those scam coins or meme coins. Cant really be denied that what makes people interested on dealing with meme coins is into its potential profit that you couldn't be able to earn or obtain when dealing up with those known coins that we do have in the market. Due to greed and that lack of patience on which wanting to get rich in a fast manner then this is where people do become desperate and comes up into these kind of options or ideas. My motivation as a trader then i do really wish that one day i would really be able to quit up by dayjob on which i do able to make a living with my trading profits. Yes, it cant be possible to be profitable all the time on which loses would be part of it but one thing that i do try to reach out is on how to be sustainable. How good to be on a condition on which your trading skills could really be able to make you survive on your day to day living on which for sure most traders are really that aiming on the same thing on which becomes professional and that sustainable.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: bigmanik on September 27, 2024, 03:16:03 AM
Well when I first started trading as a student I had a smaller vision about trading
I just wanted to be financially independent and not rely on my parents for money I also wanted to be able to spend on my parents once in a while when I need too
But over the years I have had a change in perspective as I now trade to be rich of course 😅😅
But I do not intend to trade for long just until I can set up a good business

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: pusaka on September 28, 2024, 01:10:50 AM
There's no assurance in terms of acquiring profits there's still risk and up and down that you may experienced but the sole motivations is when you decently earn both money and experienced, it's more on how you deal with knowledge and how you execute the potential outcomes, there are potential to earn once you already overcome greed and fear that keeps on holding you down to make mistake, your call and your decision making is very important to make that success.
You are right, there is no guarantee that we will be able to make a profit, but when we continue to learn, it will open up opportunities for us to make a profit, although not completely, but the opportunity is more open. Nothing is easy here, everything has its own risks and it will be a fear if you can't control it.
Not only fear, but greed will also arise when we make a profit and that greed will encourage us to want to make even greater profits. We must be able to control this very well, because if not, it will make us lose control of ourselves and will make us irresponsible for the trades we make. Maybe we will miss important things that we shouldn't miss.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Fredomago on September 28, 2024, 05:01:40 PM
There's no assurance in terms of acquiring profits there's still risk and up and down that you may experienced but the sole motivations is when you decently earn both money and experienced, it's more on how you deal with knowledge and how you execute the potential outcomes, there are potential to earn once you already overcome greed and fear that keeps on holding you down to make mistake, your call and your decision making is very important to make that success.
You are right, there is no guarantee that we will be able to make a profit, but when we continue to learn, it will open up opportunities for us to make a profit, although not completely, but the opportunity is more open. Nothing is easy here, everything has its own risks and it will be a fear if you can't control it.
Not only fear, but greed will also arise when we make a profit and that greed will encourage us to want to make even greater profits. We must be able to control this very well, because if not, it will make us lose control of ourselves and will make us irresponsible for the trades we make. Maybe we will miss important things that we shouldn't miss.

If we manage to control both our fears and greed, the chance that we will be able to create good strategy that may allow us to compensate from this venue of investment.

We just need to continue working out with our knowledge and skills, adoptions and adjustments that we should do in each trading position that we take in order for us to keep moving forward and to try things that may help to improve our opportunities, it's not an easy task but still doable if we keep our focus.

Title: Re: What motivates you as a trader?
Post by: Antotena on September 28, 2024, 05:30:45 PM

Hey mates, happy weekend! I think we should have a discussion about what motivates traders.

Is it the thrill of seeing your setup come to fruition, the money and flexibility that successful trades offer, or perhaps the partnerships and extra rewarding events that successful traders get to participate in?

What's your motivation?

If people says other things without putting money first, I wouldn't say they aren't saying the truth but they are not completely been honest about what motivate them. As for me, money first and that is what makes me come back again and again even the days it doesn't favour me or made loss. No trader will be happy without making money on trading, it's the money that gives us hope and another chance of coming back, some days that you don't make money, if you remember the other days you made, you wouldn't want to give up.

Another thing that motivate me apart from money is that I improved financial from trading, I don't have the millions like other people does in trading but every day that I try, it's always better than yesterday and I'm sure tomorrow is going to be better than tomorrow, so for those people that are having it hard right now, don't give up because you never even know your potential if you quit so soon. Trading is the only thing you don't have to depend on anyone.