Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: trior on April 01, 2014, 04:17:02 AM

Title: How about a multiparts blockchain?
Post by: trior on April 01, 2014, 04:17:02 AM

So , I am not an experienced programer . I've never looked at the code of bitcoin core .
But every body know sync-ing the blockchain is hell now .
I've been wandering if it is possible to modify the current client (, or maybe make a fork , or something ...)
to make it download and check only the parts of the blockchain that I am interested on.
Those parts how have there offsets saved in my wallet or something like that.
Maybe it's stupid but I have to ask .
PS:I didn't find anything in Google about multiparts blockchain.

Title: Re: How about a multiparts blockchain?
Post by: fbueller on April 02, 2014, 12:41:57 PM
This will be a problem in the future, but not very soon. If bitcoin reaches 20,000tps then the blockchain will increase by around 2gigs a day.

Distributed storage will probably mean fewer full nodes, and more partial nodes.

Title: Re: How about a multiparts blockchain?
Post by: edmundedgar on April 03, 2014, 01:20:06 AM
So , I am not an experienced programer . I've never looked at the code of bitcoin core .
But every body know sync-ing the blockchain is hell now .
I've been wandering if it is possible to modify the current client (, or maybe make a fork , or something ...)
to make it download and check only the parts of the blockchain that I am interested on.
Those parts how have there offsets saved in my wallet or something like that.
Maybe it's stupid but I have to ask .
PS:I didn't find anything in Google about multiparts blockchain.

The thing to Google is "SPV" or "Simplified Payment Verification". This was in the original Satoshi paper, and there are some clients out there that already work like this.

This doesn't work for mining because you need to know about all spendable outputs, but in theory you can still get by with a subset of the entire blockchain. Google up something like "pruning utxo".

Title: Re: How about a multiparts blockchain?
Post by: softron on April 03, 2014, 12:17:22 PM
Not quite possible, i think the blockchain has to be complete to verify that u have bitcoins in ur wallet

Title: Re: How about a multiparts blockchain?
Post by: roslinpl on April 03, 2014, 12:27:16 PM
Not quite possible, i think the blockchain has to be complete to verify that u have bitcoins in ur wallet

It need to be indeed.
That is why they didn't design it as a multiparts thing.

Title: Re: How about a multiparts blockchain?
Post by: instagibbs on April 03, 2014, 01:58:25 PM
Not quite possible, i think the blockchain has to be complete to verify that u have bitcoins in ur wallet

Peter Todd has his interesting "Tree Chains" idea to shard the chain to allow much more decentralized mining. 

However like usual, on the thread he posted his initial summary, he stepped on his wee wee and got people pissed.

If he just pushed his ideas in a less aggressive manner he'd get much farther.