Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: on April 01, 2014, 05:45:34 PM

Title: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 01, 2014, 05:45:34 PM
Dear Friends!

Today we are excited to announce the mobile app developer challenge! This is our first global contest to encourage developers to create mobile apps leveraging the hitbtc exchange.

Are you hungry to hone your skills, push your limits and compete against many talented developers? Then we’re ready to give you the perfect opportunity to showcase your talent and skills as well as a $10,000 reward for your creativity, ingenuity and unique approaches and design!
This project is carried out  in collaboration with

Challenge Summary
Each contestant is invited to submit up to two applications: one for Android® and one for IOS®. The application must be able to perform the following:
   •   Display graphs
   •   Update information in real time
   •   Show the tickers
   •   Allow users to place buy and sell orders, including choosing the order type (e.g. market or limit)
   •   Display the user’s account

The winner of the Android® application will be awarded $5,000 and the winner of the IOS® application will also be awarded $5,000. Winning is not mutually exclusive, hence an individual can win both Android® and IOS® prizes. The challenge is open to teams and single participants!  
How to join and be part of the game?

Each participant must complete the basic registration on to be entered into the Challenge.

Stage 1
Email  with “iOS app participant” or “Android app participant” as the subject line. We want you to provide a description of your app’s concept and functionality in Word, PDF or any other text format. Images and/or sketches must be submitted along with your text! You can see the examples attached. Don’t forget to specify your hitbtc alphanumeric ID (you can find it when opening your “Account” tab), it will be used during selection stages and communication!

Stage 2
At this stage we carefully review the applications and pick the semifinalists.  A List with the alphanumeric IDs of those who have successfully passed the 1st stage will be published on and in the special topic on
We guarantee to contact everyone regardless of the result of 1st stage.
If you find your ID in the list, you are welcome to provide us the binary version of your app with all the necessary information, clarifications and the detailed instruction for testing.
We honestly affirm that all participants will be marked and placed in the list.

Stage 3
Now we come to the most exciting stage!
We will review the apps we receive and pick out the winners! IDs of the winners with our explanation will be available on and in the special topic on Winners are required to provide their source code for proof-reading, testing and validation.
We honestly affirm and guarantee that all participants will be marked and placed in the list.

Contest Deadlines
Stage 1 starts on April 1, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. UTC and goes on till April 15, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. UTC.
Stage 2 starts on April 15, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. UTC and goes on till May 10, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. UTC .
Winners are scheduled to be announced on May 15, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. UTC.

Submission Guidelines and Technical Specifications
Upon passing the 1st stage is successfully, participants must upload the app in the foregoing manner on .
The application must be implemented in Java and use the hitbtc API available at to the extent described in the task. The application should be compatible with all popular devices running Android 2.1 and higher. All possible formats for display resolutions must be supported.
The application must be implemented in Objective C and use the hitbtc API available at to the extent described in the task. The application should be compatible with all devices running iOS 4.0 and higher. The app must support both the Retina and standard resolution screens.

We look forward to your participation!
Stay tuned and feel free to contact our supportive team for any questions!

Additional information
License & copyright
By entering an app in this contest, each participant grants hitbtc and its affiliates the irrevocable, perpetual right and license to publish, modify, distribute and otherwise use any or all of the app submitted by such participant in any manner without compensation to the participant,  his or her successors, assigns, or any other entity. Submitting an app to this contest constitutes participant's irrevocable assignment, conveyance, and transference to hitbtc and its affiliates of the foregoing license and rights.  Apps may be given attribution credit based on the name supplied with the contest entry form submission. Entering an app submission in this contest constitutes participant's irrevocable assignment, conveyance, and transference to hitbtc and its affiliates of original, unmodified source files.

attachments: (

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: hitbtc on April 01, 2014, 06:07:18 PM
Dear friends!
We confirm the launch of the challenge!
Stay tuned for further news.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: cole419 on April 03, 2014, 11:00:27 AM
Hi! I’m a designer and I have a concept for an app that may theoretically suit your needs. I would try to take part, but do I need to know how to build a mobile app to enter the contest?

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 03, 2014, 12:37:05 PM
Hi! I’m a designer and I have a concept for an app that may theoretically suit your needs. I would try to take part, but do I need to know how to build a mobile app to enter the contest?

Dear cole419!

Entries to the Challenge will be judged on their concept for a mobile app. The participants do NOT need to know how to build a mobile app or to have begun that process in order to submit an entry. Do not hesitate to enter and send us your concept! If we like it, we may advise you a developer and give you an opportunity to work and release your project together.

Stay in touch!

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: marty1985 on April 04, 2014, 02:47:01 PM
Hello Teddmarketing!
In case my team wins, how do we update our app?

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 04, 2014, 03:35:55 PM
Hello Teddmarketing!
In case my team wins, how do we update our app?

Dear marty1985!

Contest winners will have special permissions to own the general information  for the current version of the app and also to submit updates and bug fixes. We are interested in developers’ participation in the future support of their apps. Definitely, this process will be conceived  and brought to perfection by our team to keep the developers satisfied.

Feel free to contact for any questions!

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: browep on April 04, 2014, 08:43:02 PM

Each contestant is invited to submit up to two applications: one for Android® and one for IOS®. The application must be able to perform the following:
   •   Display graphs
   •   Update information in real time
   •   Show the tickers
   •   Allow users to place buy and sell orders, including choosing the order type (e.g. market or limit)
   •   View and edit the user’s hitbtc profile
   •   Display the user’s account

How are we supposed to view/edit the user's profile?  I don't see anywhere in that has update privileges for a user's profile.  Are we doing HTTP Form POST's?  Do we need get the user's un/pw ( I would advise against it ).  How about getting the api/secret?  I don't see anything about oAuth, are user's copy/pasting creds in there? ( not a great UX ).

Thanks for any info, very interested in participating.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 07, 2014, 01:20:58 PM

How are we supposed to view/edit the user's profile?  I don't see anywhere in that has update privileges for a user's profile.  Are we doing HTTP Form POST's?  Do we need get the user's un/pw ( I would advise against it ).  How about getting the api/secret?  I don't see anything about oAuth, are user's copy/pasting creds in there? ( not a great UX ).

Thanks for any info, very interested in participating.

Dear browep!

Currently hitbtc doesn't support OAuth. We're going to implement it in future.
The authorization should be done with API keys i.e. your application asks user's API key and secret key.
User can revoke or delete the key so your application should work properly in this case.

As for UX we got your point. We're going to implement QR code for API key and secret on the Settings page.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: Ryan-Coinpal on April 08, 2014, 05:13:11 AM
Head on over to - If you are willing to pay 10K, you will get multiple choices of th 'platinum' standard, meaning only the best of the best from the website.

Hope you can find what you are looking for.  :)

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: NLNico on April 08, 2014, 08:06:13 AM
Sounds cool :)

I am a bit worried that I might put a lot of time on it and then end up not winning it.. so I will still consider.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 08, 2014, 12:56:50 PM
Sounds cool :)

I am a bit worried that I might put a lot of time on it and then end up not winning it.. so I will still consider.

Dear NLNico!

The first thing you should do is just a sketch.  If we see a sticky idea, we won’t assume it to be gone, even if there will be a bunch of good ideas.
It is in our interests to identify all the best, because your talent is a trump card for everybody.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Looking forward to you and your ideas!

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: browep on April 09, 2014, 12:21:03 AM
View and edit the user’s hitbtc profile

still not sure how to accomplish this, don't see anything in the api about it.


Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 09, 2014, 10:22:13 AM
View and edit the user’s hitbtc profile

still not sure how to accomplish this, don't see anything in the api about it.


Dear browep!

We decided to take this point away from the requirements. You don’t need to refer to the profile.

Stay in touch!

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: Lotus on April 10, 2014, 04:40:41 AM
I see that you are allowing iPhone apps but not Windows Phone apps in this challenge. Why is that the case, given Apple's anti-bitcoin stance?

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: NLNico on April 10, 2014, 04:57:26 AM
Windows Phone's market share is very small.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 10, 2014, 01:24:22 PM
I see that you are allowing iPhone apps but not Windows Phone apps in this challenge. Why is that the case, given Apple's anti-bitcoin stance?

Dear Lotus!

Unfortunately, there are some reasons why Windows Phone Marketplace is out of our interest now or ever. We have enough information to make a conclusion that there is weak demand among apps developers to build for this platform.

Thank you for your interest!

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: Lotus on April 10, 2014, 04:33:24 PM
Thanks for the clarification.

I can see your point. Android is a given. iPhone is the dev's favorite platform (obviously not for Bitcoins in particular since Apple is banning the apps, but I guess you're going for Jailbroken phones) due to its already stable ecosystem and relatively big "paying" audience.

However, it seems that the second point is not going to last for long:

You may want to consider it again in the future :)

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: Gargo on April 11, 2014, 12:59:12 PM
Challenge Summary
Each contestant is invited to submit up to two applications: one for Android® and one for IOS®. The application must be able to perform the following:
   •   Display graphs
   •   Update information in real time
   •   Show the tickers
   •   Allow users to place buy and sell orders, including choosing the order type (e.g. market or limit)
   •   Display the user’s account

The application must be implemented in Objective C and use the hitbtc API available at to the extent described in the task. The application should be compatible with all devices running iOS 4.0 and higher. The app must support both the Retina and standard resolution screens.

you are funny. You will wait for iOS version infinitely with such contradictorary requirements.

I suggest you delete buying/selling and change the last requirement to iOS 6.0 or higher.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 11, 2014, 01:06:09 PM
Thanks for the clarification.

I can see your point. Android is a given. iPhone is the dev's favorite platform (obviously not for Bitcoins in particular since Apple is banning the apps, but I guess you're going for Jailbroken phones) due to its already stable ecosystem and relatively big "paying" audience.

However, it seems that the second point is not going to last for long:

You may want to consider it again in the future :)

Dear Lotus!

Thank you for the information. We do not make predictions, however, we are doing our best to keep the track of events and news as we realize the rapid development of technology due to the market specifics.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 11, 2014, 03:15:04 PM
Challenge Summary
Each contestant is invited to submit up to two applications: one for Android® and one for IOS®. The application must be able to perform the following:
   •   Display graphs
   •   Update information in real time
   •   Show the tickers
   •   Allow users to place buy and sell orders, including choosing the order type (e.g. market or limit)
   •   Display the user’s account

The application must be implemented in Objective C and use the hitbtc API available at to the extent described in the task. The application should be compatible with all devices running iOS 4.0 and higher. The app must support both the Retina and standard resolution screens.

you are funny. You will wait for iOS version infinitely with such contradictorary requirements.

I suggest you delete buying/selling and change the last requirement to iOS 6.0 or higher.

Dear Gargo!

We are flexible and willing to consider any ideas which may help us make the Requirements and Challenge Rules more convenient for developers. Constructive suggestions inspire us.
However, if we delete buying/selling it will not be trader app anymore, what contradicts main idea of the app.
As for changing the requirement to iOS 6.0 or higher, your advice is reasonable. We will update this requirement soon.

Thank you for being so attentive to details.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: NLNico on April 11, 2014, 03:38:23 PM
An app where you can trade bitcoins is not allowed in the iOS app store by their rules. Even wallets are removed, like They are really strict with this, so your app will not be allowed or removed afterwards.

Blockchain's solution is a very limited app store version and a full version for Jailbroken iphones:

Due to restrictions from Apple the bitcoin wallet functionaility is not available in the app store version. However it is still available for free download with limited features.

For Jailbroken iphones the app is also available in Cydia Repository

This is what both Gargo and Lotus mean.

I am personally focused on Android so I forgot this for a moment.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: Gargo on April 11, 2014, 04:14:10 PM
Challenge Summary
Each contestant is invited to submit up to two applications: one for Android® and one for IOS®. The application must be able to perform the following:
   •   Display graphs
   •   Update information in real time
   •   Show the tickers
   •   Allow users to place buy and sell orders, including choosing the order type (e.g. market or limit)
   •   Display the user’s account

The application must be implemented in Objective C and use the hitbtc API available at to the extent described in the task. The application should be compatible with all devices running iOS 4.0 and higher. The app must support both the Retina and standard resolution screens.

you are funny. You will wait for iOS version infinitely with such contradictorary requirements.

I suggest you delete buying/selling and change the last requirement to iOS 6.0 or higher.

Dear Gargo!

We are flexible and willing to consider any ideas which may help us make the Requirements and Challenge Rules more convenient for developers. Constructive suggestions inspire us.
However, if we delete buying/selling it will not be trader app anymore, what contradicts main idea of the app.
As for changing the requirement to iOS 6.0 or higher, your advice is reasonable. We will update this requirement soon.

Thank you for being so attentive to details.

thanks for your fast answer. Let I explain.

If an app contains trading functionality then it may be installed only on devices with jailbreak. It could be installed even on all devices using Enterprise developer program, but it costs 300$/year and has some serious limitations.

I said about iOS limitations because old Xcode 5.0.x supports iOS 6/7, Xcode 5.1.x supports iOS 7 only, earlier versions doesn't support iOS 7.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 14, 2014, 10:10:17 AM

An app where you can trade bitcoins is not allowed in the iOS app store by their rules. Even wallets are removed, like They are really strict with this, so your app will not be allowed or removed afterwards.

If an app contains trading functionality then it may be installed only on devices with jailbreak.

Let me clarify. In fact, Hitbtc is initially a currency exchange. Hitbtc is not Bitcoin-based project and it’s not a wallet, like Blockchain.
All we need are your ideas for Hitbtc exchange app, and we undertake the matters of submission this app to App Store.
Thank you for your attention.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on April 15, 2014, 12:31:07 PM
Dear participants!

At the moment we have not so much applications, so we are open for any suggestions to improve the Challenge and make the participation process more convenient.
Due to this we can move the Contest Deadlines as far as it is needed and we are able to discuss all concepts and details with participants individually.

Your ideas are welcome and we don’t mind to update the Requirements!

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on May 10, 2014, 06:04:08 PM
Dear friends!
At the moment we are processing all the applications. We will answer to all participants and publish the results very soon.
Please stay tuned for further news!

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: spring.yu on May 12, 2014, 08:22:40 AM
Did the competition is over? and the results information?

What ever APP for mobile is OK.

Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on May 13, 2014, 12:05:51 PM
Dear participants!

These weeks have been intense and after hard deliberation, our team has chosen the semifinalists! If you find your ID in the list, we will connect you for further actions very soon.



Title: Re: [WOW] $10,000 bounty for gifted mobile app developers
Post by: on May 15, 2014, 09:47:16 PM
The Challenge is over after 45 days of very competitive fight. Lots of amazing app developers took part into the contest and submitted so many great ideas, making it hard for our team to settle a final decision. Applications were judged by our experts on the basis of clear identification of need, creativity and originality of solution.

Here they are the winners!
Android app: browep
iOS app: bbkrew

The winners will be informed of further instructions very soon.

Thanks to everyone who participated and made the challenge a great success!