Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: roslinpl on April 06, 2014, 08:14:58 PM

Title: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: roslinpl on April 06, 2014, 08:14:58 PM
Perhaps most of you already read about this, but I am thinking of a discussion about it.
"Unofficial Apple iOS Store to Allow Bitcoin Wallet Apps"

This sounds great for Bitcoin and iOS users, but if this is like they say " novel workaround " would Apple do something about it or just let it go :) and stop this "war" against Bitcoin?

And does anyone tested already this "standalone bitcoin wallet app " ? It should be possible to download from a day.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: ArticMine on April 06, 2014, 09:02:31 PM
This is a battle in a war that is far from over. One one side we have basic human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech,  freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, etc. On the other hand we have a powerful corporation hell bent on micromanaging its clients in order to extract rents from other peoples work.

I expect the side of freedom and liberty to win, and Bitcoin will likely pay a very positive part in this but I do not expect this fight to be easy.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: CoinRocka on April 06, 2014, 09:08:25 PM
Apple needs to tread lightly in its response.  The masses want bitcoin wallets.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: ArticMine on April 06, 2014, 09:16:25 PM
Apple needs to tread lightly in its response.  The masses want bitcoin wallets.
This is not just about Bitcoin. Apple has been actively censoring all sorts of things since long before Bitcoin even existed. There is a very important historical lesson here: (

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Littleshop on April 06, 2014, 09:18:35 PM
This is a battle in a war that is far from over. One one side we have basic human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech,  freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, etc. On the other hand we have a powerful corporation hell bent on micromanaging its clients in order to extract rents from other peoples work.

It's a cell phone app store not a civil right.  The owner of that app store gets to say who and what is in it.  Period.  The app store is not a free speech venue for anyone except for Apple.  

I do not like Apples decision, and I think it will HURT THEM.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Lohoris on April 06, 2014, 09:20:49 PM
It's a cell phone app store not a civil right.  The owner of that app store gets to say who and what is in it.  Period.  The app store is not a free speech venue for anyone except for Apple.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Dimelord on April 06, 2014, 09:23:07 PM
This is a battle in a war that is far from over. One one side we have basic human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech,  freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, etc. On the other hand we have a powerful corporation hell bent on micromanaging its clients in order to extract rents from other peoples work.

It's a cell phone app store not a civil right.  The owner of that app store gets to say who and what is in it.  Period.  The app store is not a free speech venue for anyone except for Apple.  

I do not like Apples decision, and I think it will HURT THEM.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: ArticMine on April 06, 2014, 09:36:56 PM
This is a battle in a war that is far from over. One one side we have basic human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech,  freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, etc. On the other hand we have a powerful corporation hell bent on micromanaging its clients in order to extract rents from other peoples work.

It's a cell phone app store not a civil right.  The owner of that app store gets to say who and what is in it.  Period.  The app store is not a free speech venue for anyone except for Apple.  

I do not like Apples decision, and I think it will HURT THEM.

It is a civil right because Apple uses DRM to prevent the owner of a phone from installing an app from another app store. It is like the manufacturer of a bookcase telling the purchaser of the bookcase what books she can put on the bookcase.

Edit: This is never about forcing Apple to carry an app in their store.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: jbrnt on April 06, 2014, 09:49:51 PM
I welcome companies to develop apps which challeges App Store's policy. If more and more companies try, Apple will have to reconsider their stance on the policy, let it be Bitcoin or other areas. If there is public support of these apps to a point that banning will hurt their iPhone sales, they will have to do something about it.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: ArticMine on April 06, 2014, 10:03:21 PM
I welcome companies to develop apps which challeges App Store's policy. If more and more companies try, Apple will have to reconsider their stance on the policy, let it be Bitcoin or other areas. If there is public support of these apps to a point that banning will hurt their iPhone sales, they will have to do something about it.

It is not the Apple store policy which is wrong. Apple should be free to choose what to carry in their store. Where the real evil lies is in Apple's policy of using DRM to prevent the installation of apps from outside of their store. One of the results of this use of DRM by Apple is that in certain situations Apple is always in the wrong regardless of whether they chose to allow or not allow an app in their store. What this unofficial IOS store does is address the use of DRM to block apps from outside the Apple store which is the real evil.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: roslinpl on April 06, 2014, 10:36:15 PM
This is a battle in a war that is far from over. One one side we have basic human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech,  freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, etc. On the other hand we have a powerful corporation hell bent on micromanaging its clients in order to extract rents from other peoples work.

I expect the side of freedom and liberty to win, and Bitcoin will likely pay a very positive part in this but I do not expect this fight to be easy.

I agree with you. I think Apple corporation have idea what have they done and that Bitcoin enthusiasts are -80% not using Apple products anymore ;P

And this is a war that Apple wanna to start - Bitcoin was ok with Apple ... Apple Bitcoin Wallet was ok too...
But Apple ... is not ok ... RIP Steve Jobs :(

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: roslinpl on April 06, 2014, 10:37:45 PM
This is a battle in a war that is far from over. One one side we have basic human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech,  freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, etc. On the other hand we have a powerful corporation hell bent on micromanaging its clients in order to extract rents from other peoples work.

It's a cell phone app store not a civil right.  The owner of that app store gets to say who and what is in it.  Period.  The app store is not a free speech venue for anyone except for Apple.  

I do not like Apples decision, and I think it will HURT THEM.

It will hurt them and I think they feel it already like I said before.

They will re-think this decision I am sure of that (in very short time from now ;P)

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Onar on April 06, 2014, 10:38:29 PM
I welcome companies to develop apps which challeges App Store's policy. If more and more companies try, Apple will have to reconsider their stance on the policy, let it be Bitcoin or other areas. If there is public support of these apps to a point that banning will hurt their iPhone sales, they will have to do something about it.

regards to bitcoin its to low userbase to hurt their iphone sales. When looking on it globally. In todays market they are so big, and wanted that their earn more by have restrictions and control the market. Maybe in time their marketcap naturally are shrinking they will open and seek new opprtunities. but ehen that time come, they probably develope wallets and more themselves to get comission from the use...

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: roslinpl on April 06, 2014, 10:40:36 PM
Is it a civil or non-civil war - hard to say for sure...

But yes I agree - company owns the store, and they are able to change rules whatever they want ...

It's people/customers to decide - to they want to use it or not :)

Me - NEVER again any iOS :) never! :)

Or maybe when iPhone will have a hologram vision - maybe then I will buy to see how does it works :)
Anyway... oculusRift for Android is so close to release ... :P

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 06, 2014, 11:13:50 PM
This is a battle in a war that is far from over. One one side we have basic human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and basic freedoms such as freedom of speech,  freedom of religion, freedom of enterprise, etc. On the other hand we have a powerful corporation hell bent on micromanaging its clients in order to extract rents from other peoples work.

I expect the side of freedom and liberty to win, and Bitcoin will likely pay a very positive part in this but I do not expect this fight to be easy.

Over 10 years ago I liked Apple.
Not any more. I someone gave me a $2,000 Apple computer I would probably give it away to someone else.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: herebittybittybitty on April 06, 2014, 11:18:23 PM
Apple chased me away years ago with their obsessive proprietarianism.

I can listen to music just as easily on my Android, and it's a better phone to boot. Bye.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: bitsmichel on April 06, 2014, 11:31:12 PM (

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Tripjammer on April 07, 2014, 02:06:24 AM
Bitcoin is not mainstream yet. It won't hurt apple. Apple will allow bitcoin wallets when bitcoin becomes mainstream.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 07, 2014, 02:25:05 AM (

Why you should not buy Apple computer products.

Apple iThings pioneered a new level of restricting the users: they were the first general purpose computers to impose censorship over what programs the user can install. Apple practices Digital Restrictions Management in many other ways too.

    Apple exploits the app developers mercilessly, aside from a few stars whose role is to give a misleading impression of what developers can expect.

    I can't sympathize much with those app developers, since they are making proprietary software. They all deserve to fail. However, that doesn't excuse the way Apple treats them.

    Apple lures people into the business of developing apps with visions of the great wealth that a few of them get. Most just fail, often losing a substantial investment.

    Anyone who intentionally develops proprietary software (i.e., does not respect users' freedom) deserves no sympathy, but that doesn't excuse Apple for luring people into it. Some of them would not have tried to develop proprietary software if not for Apple.
    Apple is a major patent aggressor. Here's a rather absurd patent that Apple will surely use against other mobile computers. This joins many other patents which Apple is already using to attack free software.

    Ebooks with DRM won't work on an iThing that is jailbroken, due to intentional sabotage by Apple.
    E-books with digital handcuffs are products designed to attack your freedom, much like the iThing itself.
    Apple practices censorship. Here are a few examples.

        Apple appears to be censoring all bitcoin apps for iThings.

        It should be illegal to make or distribute computers which are platforms for censorship.

        Apple demonstrates the arbitrariness of its censorship by blocking an app that tells people with text messages when US drone attacks kill civilians.

        The author said that this app was meant to raise awareness. I hope Apple's censorship of it raises awareness.
        Apple censors information about abortion providers.
        Apple's mail service silently censors the mail people send.
        Apple deauthorized a Wikileaks access application, using censorship to support censorship.

        Apple censors iTunes ebooks — banning all mention of Amazon.

        People should not do business with Amazon, which mistreats authors, publishers, its workers, and its customers. Ms Lisle's presupposition that the goal of success is all that matters is not admirable.

        However, that doesn't justify Apple's censorship.

        Of course, publishing in iTunes was already bad for other reasons, such as DRM, and requiring users to use nonfree software.
        Apple banned from iTunes the erotic novel, The Proof of the Honey, saying it was because of the cover.

        Apple censored a game for the iThings called Angry Syrians, which is a political parody of Angry Birds.
        Apple said it was "defamatory or offensive" — to the dictator Assad, apparently.

    Repeated acts of censorship are not the only reason to condemn iTunes. We should refuse to buy from iTunes because it requires nonfree software, imposes licenses more restrictive than copyright law, and often imposes DRM.
    Apple spies on its users, and helps others spy on them.

        If you carry a cell phone, it tells Big Brother where you are. Apple wants to hand out the information too.

        Using the lever of "You have a choice, but unless you say yes, your old activities will stop working" is something that Apple has done before, with malicious "upgrades". Apple ostensibly doesn't force people to accept the new nasty thing; it just punishes them if they don't.

        Apple left a security hole in iTunes unfixed for 3 years after being informed about the problem. During that time, governments used that security hole to invade people's computers.
    Apple persists in disregarding the widespread blatant abuse of the workers that build its products.
        Apple uses sweatshops in China to build its products.
        Sweatshops are good for Foxconn (and for Apple), but not for workers.
        An undercover journalist reports on the horrible conditions in the Foxconn factory that makes iThings: still horrible in 2012.
        Foxconn closed schools and forced the students to work building iThings.
        Working conditions at Apple's other Chinese suppliers are even worse than in Foxconn.
        Today's Apple Pegatron sweatshops are even nastier than the Foxconn sweatshops it used before.

        Just because you're not pregnant, should that make it ok to require you to work 11 hours a day, 6 days a week? Apple is culpable if its products are made by people working a longer workweek than is allowed in the US.

    Apple turns a blind eye to environment in China.

    Although Apple has joined EPEAT again, it does not cover the iThings — only the Macintosh.
    Apple practices planned obsolescence for the iBad — in just two years.

    Apple pioneered techniques for avoiding the US corporate tax (even though it is far too low) in order to pay next to no tax.
    The loopholes that Apple uses would be closed, if not for the political power of business. "Free trade" treaties give business increased power to block such changes, so we must abolish them to break business's power.

    Apple store staff are taught twisted psychological manipulation.
    The mere practice of referring to service staff as "geniuses" is dishonest already.

Copyright (c) 2012 Richard Stallman Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire page are permitted provided this notice is preserved.

Good one, thanks.
Apple had a nice niche with loyal users, but they had to be control freaks.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: ArticMine on April 07, 2014, 02:35:35 AM
Bitcoin is not mainstream yet. It won't hurt apple. Apple will allow bitcoin wallets when bitcoin becomes mainstream.

By then it will be too late and the damage to Apple will be done.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: ArticMine on April 07, 2014, 02:39:41 AM (

This is a good start; however RMS has only scratched the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what Apple has censored.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Beliathon on April 07, 2014, 02:48:57 AM
You would compare a corporation, a mere financial entity, a "large business" to the technological [r]evolution in money that is Bitcoin? Fool.

I fear the intellectual chasm between you and I may be too vast for us to cross with mere words. We'll have to mind-meld.

Meet me in Tokyo, midnight, December 32nd, 2014. The place where the monkeys kiss the moon.

Also, watch this:

And this:

And this:

And read this:

And read this:

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Autobansux on April 07, 2014, 07:07:57 AM
Just jailbreak already and move on with your life :)

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Light on April 07, 2014, 07:20:11 AM
Apple isn't going to take this lying down - if they want to they can easily remove it from the store or they an strongarm them legally. I'm highly doubtful they'll accept a store that will exist to compete with their market, they'll stamp it out and kill it soon enough.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Nagle on April 07, 2014, 07:22:25 AM
On the scale on which Apple operates, Bitcoin is down in the noise.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: freedomno1 on April 07, 2014, 07:37:48 AM
This seems like an interesting way to penetrate that walled garden
Of course apple will want its cut
There’s also the 30% commission Apple receives from all sales on its own App Store, now a substantial revenue stream.

That said I am surprised he found a loop hole :)

He added that he hadn’t signed any agreement prohibiting the work he’d done, that it was a new technique no-one had tried before and that his company had been in contact with lawyers for months to discuss possible scenarios.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 07, 2014, 08:15:12 AM
I don't care whether the war is over or not. But I want to say that if you really love Bitcoin, then you should take a pledge - that you'll never ever buy any of the Apple products.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: BitOnyx on April 07, 2014, 08:20:27 AM
'About time.

Damn, this app took forever to appear, but everyone expected it would happen sooner or later.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: maurya78 on April 07, 2014, 09:06:28 AM
Just the end of the beginning, more likely.... ;)

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Lohoris on April 07, 2014, 12:13:03 PM
Bitcoin is not mainstream yet. It won't hurt apple. Apple will allow bitcoin wallets when bitcoin becomes mainstream.

By then it will be too late and the damage to Apple will be done.
No, I think not.
You must be dreaming, I fear.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: fluidjax on April 07, 2014, 01:06:06 PM
Bitcoin is not mainstream yet. It won't hurt apple. Apple will allow bitcoin wallets when bitcoin becomes mainstream.

By then it will be too late and the damage to Apple will be done.
No, I think not.
You must be dreaming, I fear.

Netscape has gone,
Microsoft is on it's slow demise.
Google has peaked.
Facebook is on dodgy ground.
And given some time Apple will die also... all things change and the death of Apple is almost inevitable.
The more people they piss off on the way, the quicker it comes.

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: Klestin on April 07, 2014, 01:11:00 PM
It's not an app. It's a web site. This is news?

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: roslinpl on April 07, 2014, 01:17:39 PM
I don't care whether the war is over or not. But I want to say that if you really love Bitcoin, then you should take a pledge - that you'll never ever buy any of the Apple products.

Indeed. And I will not.
I don't like their products anyway :-)
Science android was released apple phones means nothing to me.
And I never had any apple computer too :-)

Title: Re: Apple vs. Bitcoin - war is over?
Post by: jabo38 on April 07, 2014, 01:27:32 PM
I have a lot of Apple products but if they don't have a good bitcoin app by the time I go to get another device, it won't be Apple.