Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 07:40:40 AM

Title: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 07:40:40 AM
I just came by here and i see another comment of mine was deleted, for no good reason *again.

I brought this up before and requested this ability be taken away from coin cloners.. and staff ignored it i guess ?
It gives them the ability to scam at will and hide and bury any evidence of their scammy behavior.
This is shockingly bad people ! Is that not obvious ?

The comment i had deleted was this..

explain to me please why we need yet another Scrypt clone ?

Now come on.. is that not a fair QUESTION ? I seriously wanted an answer in that example ! ..i was in no way trolling, i asked a VERY legitimate question i think.
Let me guess you all think Free Market blah blah blah blah right ?  ::)

Lets make a poll for all the thousands of dummy shell accounts that mass coin cloners here are allowed to make..
And hey seriously WTF ? how many other other forums do you go to people that let you make as many accounts as you want ? 100 ? ya sure no problem. wtf ?
And how many let you set up scams using a copy and paste template to spam the forum and then self moderate them so they can't be exposed ?

come on Bitcointalk  gimme a break ::)

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: DemetriusAstroBlack on April 07, 2014, 07:52:05 AM
Loaded survey.  Change it to just Yes/No if your trying to make any point at all.

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 08:00:27 AM
Loaded survey.  Change it to just Yes/No if your trying to make any point at all.

no it's fine..

pick one or don't..

feel free to leave a comment why you picked either.. this topic is NOT self moderated lol ;)

i put my own opinion in the poll because it was me who had his comment deleted AGAIN.
I don't see too many of you out there saying anything to coin cloners.. i am the guy that takes all the harassment and Trolling the last year..
and just watch.. when they get wind of this they will skew the results and attack me personally *as usual.

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: cryptowho on April 07, 2014, 08:08:27 AM
You should do an other one for ANN. To have a check list for all ANN post

no 0-post coinddevs
no ipo (ipos belog in other thread)
No premine
must have wallets for all systems
must have 2-3 trusted pool rdy
code and wallets minimum 5 hrs before lunch should be ready
Optimal time zones lunch .
no exchange one lunch
first few blocks very low coins reward.
white paper or future plans(at least 1 year break down of schedule)
only dev can post wallet for donations
block explore before lunch
No giveaway on other forums asking people to hype-post in ANN thread
No lunching of other coin while in the previous coin goal-steps time frame.
asking for btc donation must have escrow
active dev( at least a status update post every 2-3 days)

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: eightspaces on April 07, 2014, 08:09:30 AM
no they shouldn't

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 08:24:50 AM
You should do an other one for ANN. To have a check list for all ANN post

no 0-post coinddevs
no ipo (ipos belog in other thread)
No premine
must have wallets for all systems
must have 2-3 trusted pool rdy
code and wallets minimum 5 hrs before lunch should be ready
Optimal time zones lunch .
no exchange one lunch
first few blocks very low coins reward.
white paper or future plans(at least 1 year break down of schedule)
only dev can post wallet for donations
block explore before lunch
No giveaway on other forums asking people to hype-post in ANN thread
No lunching of other coin while in the previous coin goal-steps time frame.
asking for btc donation must have escrow
active dev( at least a status update post every 2-3 days)

i like that :)

and about my earlier comment i know many of you bitch at the cloners too but they come after me the most ;) hahaha
they stalk me hardcore and try to troll on me and discredit me endlessly.. far more than anyone else bets i can tell.

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: eightspaces on April 07, 2014, 08:26:31 AM
and about my earlier comment i know many of you bitch at the cloners too but they come after me the most ;) hahaha
they stalk me hardcore and try to troll on me and discredit me endlessly.. far more than anyone else bets i can tell.

thats cuz most of ur posts resemble vomit mate ;D ;)

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 08:46:56 AM
and about my earlier comment i know many of you bitch at the cloners too but they come after me the most ;) hahaha
they stalk me hardcore and try to troll on me and discredit me endlessly.. far more than anyone else bets i can tell.

thats cuz most of ur posts resemble vomit ;)

I looked at YOUR comments here and on page 1 alone i see you saying over and over..
"I didn't make this coin, i found it on another forum" etc (and then you posted it here)
So uhhhhh posting scammy clone coins here makes your comments sooooo much better than mine  ::)

and i bet i know who you are too by the way ;)

kinda funny how you have so much in depth details about all these clones lol
i see you posting all kinds of trivia that none of us know on tons of coins hmm i wonder why ?

ya buddy your funny.. i see your playing the I hate clone coins routine while you bend over backwards posting them here.. HYPOCRITE LOL

My posts maybe "vomit" but at least i am not posting clone coins here pal lol

Title: Re: Should ANN topics be allowed to be self moderated ?
Post by: eightspaces on April 07, 2014, 08:49:34 AM
and about my earlier comment i know many of you bitch at the cloners too but they come after me the most ;) hahaha
they stalk me hardcore and try to troll on me and discredit me endlessly.. far more than anyone else bets i can tell.

thats cuz most of ur posts resemble vomit ;)

I looked at YOUR comments here and on page 1 alone i see you saying over and over..
"I didn't make this coin, i found it on another forum" etc (and then you posted it here)
So uhhhhh posting scammy clone coins here makes your comments sooooo much better than mine  ::)

and i bet i know who you are too by the way ;)

kinda funny how you have so much in depth details about all these clones lol
i see you posting all kinds of trivia that none of us know on tons of coins hmm i wonder why ?

ya buddy your [you're] funny.. i see your playing the I hate clone coins routine while you bend over backwards posting them here.. HYPOCRITE LOL

My posts maybe "vomit" but at least i am not posting clone coins here pal lol

I was just joking, dear :-* a little satire here and there ain't no bad

Title: Your new opinion
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 01:10:11 PM
2 - yes i want self mod's  vs  5 - no i don't want them far

come on guys i have seen way bigger turn outs on pretty much any poll here

bah you guys suck lol

thanks for voting eightspaces :)