Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 01:44:04 PM

Title: Screw it i give up..
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 01:44:04 PM
Do you even look at the coin topic in the ANN section people ?

i rarely even bother looking anymore i know exactly what i will see..

i see a list of names that are 98% brand new and the usual people posting on them for their own financial reasons..
and a slew of new forum user accounts one for each new coin = new coin name.. new coin 2 = new coin name 2 etc etc etc

how can anyone possibly look at all that crap and say yeah i want to to get involved with that !!!!
seriously what in gods name goes through your heads ?
i so don't get it..

do you guys want 60000000000000000000000 wallets on your machines ?
do you like gambling that the next one might be ANOTHER trojan wallet stealing keylogger like was posted in here before many times ?
are you guys the same people that would go The Pirate Bay and try and download every single software torrent and double click them as fast as you can ?

i just went and looked and i recognize some of the name posting on those topics and no offense but uhhh that has to make me wonder about some of you..
gonna just do dumb shit corrosive and toxic to our community and then bend over backwards trying to justify it to yourselves ?

i just watched a NAT GEO wild life video on how piles of different animals have died and it's usually nothing but hive mentality.
and that is what i am watching.. an assload of idiots jumping off a cliff.. LEMMINGS to their death bragging about dem Lambo's on the way down.

what i see is 100000 million percent proof we are seriously fucked and you guys are so god damn selfish and greedy i would have better luck
getting every crack head on earth to quit smoking crack.. we're doomed and we have no chance in hell at all ever moving forward.
I get to sit back and watch as idiots ruin the whole scene and take everyone down with them as they spew moronic excuses for obvious dumb behavior along the way.

I think i need to just say fuck it i'll join the scummy sleezy dirt bags and start spamming the living shit out pf this place and others with 100's of coins a day too !
since we're screwed and it's a huge free for all to scrape anything you can that is not nailed down before the shit sinks why not ?
why in god name should i continue after all this time to try and do the right thing ?

i will now officially be a scummy wormy little hypocritical thieving two faced excuse machine like the rest of you.
don't trade with me i will prob rip you off and i will now use 22 accounts a day pretending to be other people
and i will start registering 80 variations of coin domains a day and spamming the hell out of Github etc..
i think you guys get the point.. or not..... intelligence is the only thing rare around here.

yeah i will now officially be pumping clones out and my First new exchange i too am making will be launched after i clone Rewts and make a few changes to it..
i'll go through the usual check list and make sure i didn't miss anything.. clone coins ? check ? my own exchange ? check...

I am serious screw this whole Altcoin scene.
For now on i am just going to try and scam and weazle and manipulate the hell out of everyone and everything for as much as i can
before this whole scammy shitty scene sinks.. i see no reason to be a minority trying to do the right thing.. fuck it !
I'll start by saying Doge coin is the greatest coin ever and its going to the moon and is better than bitcoin !!!!

And the rest of you holding out.. screw it join me in pumping out useless clone coins non stop too.. why should we sit back and let the scammers rule the "Free Market"
and have them make far more more than us doing it the hard way.. easy money is just a scammy pyamid scheme away !

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: tokyoghetto on April 07, 2014, 01:46:26 PM

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: peterlustig on April 07, 2014, 01:47:01 PM
Drama queen.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 01:47:33 PM
Drama queen.

lippy asshole

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: TaunSew on April 07, 2014, 01:47:43 PM
I agree too many $hitcoins and clones.

The only promising coins right now are NEM and a later fork based on Ethereum.  I say this because mining coins are scams, so are IPOs.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: count_cyrpto on April 07, 2014, 01:49:39 PM
Where's the, "time to stop posting" gif?

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: peterlustig on April 07, 2014, 01:51:42 PM
You think of yourself as too important imo. I see narcissistic tendencies too.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 01:59:59 PM

that is the problem.. meme pictures PLUS MONEY = kids buying DEM LAMBO"Z YAAAAA CATDOGEFLAPYYCOIN WTF OMLIEK YAAA MUCH PROFITX !!!

i look in the ann section and i think i just noticed hmmm i don't want to bother with a bunch little kids and
slightly older retarded kids foaming at the mouth with greed.

i had at one point had hope but i have watched things in close to a year and it's only gotten worse especially the people playing dumb
and pretending to say they hate clone coins while they pop over to the ANN section to flash mine them.. almost ALL of your are hypocrits !

mad ? no not at all.. i call it utterly disgusted at people
people shoudl be ashamed i said way early on the Doge coin topic.. far before it got popular at all.

this is a childish and POINTLESS scammers playground for mouthy 4chan reddiots scheming with clones..
i have no hope anymore because you people are waste of time.

there is not enough smart and or decent people in this scene for me to consider being apart of it anymore.
its a circus of clowns.. and brats and idiots and if anyone is coming here new i say turn around and leave ! ..don't invest one single cent in these scamming leeches !

i don't want to see 600 meme pictures or mouthy brat comments so i will not respond to any replies..
your all mostly fucking brats so i know damn well what you'd all say way before you even think of saying it lol
'cause your all idiots  ::)

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: pandher on April 07, 2014, 02:00:03 PM
Crypto has become a joke now, too many coins makes it confusing to new people. Can you picture a big investor looking through the ann thread to choose a potential investment?

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: peterlustig on April 07, 2014, 02:05:06 PM
your all idiots  ::)
our all idiots?

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: count_cyrpto on April 07, 2014, 02:06:10 PM
'cause your all idiots  ::)

Please don't hurt yourself.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: iGotAIDS on April 07, 2014, 02:17:38 PM
Your done? Aww.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 02:19:42 PM
try coming up with something worth quoting and replying to and i will reply my little mensa kiddies.

i can play most of your asses like a violin because your morons..

for example if i want you to bump my topic i can provoke you into acting like like snotty little brats trying to insult me as furiously as you can. lol
the question i sit here and ask myself is what to do with you know that i have you morons under my control.

dance my little idiot puppets lol

while you do a little dance for me i will use this moment to warn new comers to avoid this whole entire crypto scene for the reason you see when you scrolll up..
morons, clowns and brats.. avoid this garbage at all costs.. it's nothing but pyramid schemes by little mouthy kids.
OR better yet do me a favor new guys and drain these dipshits for every penny they have because i don't give two shits about any of them anymore, scam them dry lol

line up kids ..come and try get your shot in at me asap lol

a mature conversation is sure as hell not happening here so ya all might as well.. bring on the meme pictures and name calling etc

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: sonysasankan on April 07, 2014, 02:20:54 PM
Completely agree.... I gave up asking few days back. Even tried and went all out spamming logical questions. Didn't even cause a murmur. Meanwhile the IPO piggy bank went up to 35 BTC and still filling! I guess you just cannot stop a fool from throwing his money at the next shiny toy.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: dogechode on April 07, 2014, 02:23:02 PM
I agree that there are too many shitcoins coming out but not all altcoins are bad. The problem is, how can we limit the seemingly endless horde of shitcoins that aren't bringing anything new to the table, many of which are just blatant scams that will be abandoned by their developers within a few weeks or months?

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: reRaise on April 07, 2014, 02:24:21 PM
Where the fuck is the admin anyway? Bitcointalk admins suck. They just should bann new coins to be announced. We need an admin to watch an eye at the announcement section, careless morons.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: count_cyrpto on April 07, 2014, 02:27:03 PM
my little mensa kiddies.

I know BCX is your hero, but you're doing him a great disservice by butchering his quotes.

Please, do everyone a favor and go outside.

Severe lack of vitamin D3 has affected your ability to think.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: wasamata on April 07, 2014, 02:38:07 PM
you just broke
Rule of cryptocurrency # 3487
Thou shall not sacrifice your Btt dignity for the sake of a shitcoin (

Post by: Spoetnik on April 07, 2014, 03:36:22 PM
i am totally calm and i will not keep repeating it either.. assume what you want people.

i know some people here are cool but most are simply brats and i hate kids lol
if people come here to see what Altcoins are all about they should realize it's clone coins posted by kids making dumb excuses and not much more..
even if i wanted to be a monster scheming cloner / scammer, i couldn't... i just don't have it in me.

good luck all of you but i think it's a lost cause like i said earlier's too late and collectively we're far too dumb and GREEDY.
Crypto is dead and it's going nowhere.. be ready to sell off your coins in heart beat guys lol

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: sonysasankan on April 07, 2014, 03:44:02 PM
Holy mother of shitcoins..... check out MH370C (

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: asdlolciterquit on April 07, 2014, 03:50:14 PM
there are a few coins with real value.

Just follow them and ignore the others. I think is not so difficult.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: HCLivess on April 07, 2014, 04:01:57 PM
What's wrong with you? If you understand the concept of BitCoin, you should not be surprised at what is happening.

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: HCLivess on April 07, 2014, 04:03:45 PM
Holy mother of shitcoins..... check out MH370C (
;D ;D ;D
first thing which made me laugh today

Title: Re: Screw it i give up..
Post by: sonysasankan on April 07, 2014, 04:14:36 PM
Holy mother of shitcoins..... check out MH370C (
;D ;D ;D
first thing which made me laugh today

I know... I'm so lucky I wasnt drinking coffee while I stumbled on to this!! That was a close one!