Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Games and rounds => Topic started by: Anonymous™ on April 07, 2014, 10:16:53 PM

Title: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Anonymous™ on April 07, 2014, 10:16:53 PM

So recently I worked a lot on gambling and found my own techniques and strategies. I am not going to share them with anybody.

So since I dont want people to think I am a scammer I will not have a minimum investment of 0.2 BTC. The minimum is 0.05 (About $22) Which is not a high amount.

People that say there is nothing as Bitcoin Doubling, I have to tell them I am gambling them and I may lose your money or even triple it, but I will not lose it, If I do I will refund you completely. I am not accepting really high amounts.

This process may take upto 48 hours.
If I fail to do so, I will refund you.
I will not share the method or either go first.
I will not definitely double it, But either way, you will get more back.

Thank you, Hope I will help

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: desertfox470 on April 07, 2014, 10:27:25 PM
This sound just like this.
It was a SCAM!

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Anonymous™ on April 07, 2014, 10:43:32 PM
He scammed people for 0.5 and stuff.

I'm doing small amounts, so its safe

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: desertfox470 on April 07, 2014, 11:04:13 PM
He scammed people for 0.5 and stuff.

I'm doing small amounts, so its safe
I did .01 with him and still got scammed.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Anonymous™ on April 07, 2014, 11:15:49 PM
Wow, people are scamming for 0.1 ?

PM me if you want this done with 0.03

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Anonymous™ on April 07, 2014, 11:33:55 PM
I could decrease the minimumm if you ar einterested

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: desertfox470 on April 07, 2014, 11:38:35 PM
I could decrease the minimumm if you ar einterested
The problem is you are a newbie with 2 activity. You don't say your strategy of how you will get more BTC. Gambling is very risky and it is setup the way it is for a reason. Also you need to have security set in place in case you do loose someone else's btc.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Anonymous™ on April 07, 2014, 11:47:32 PM
I understand what you are saying. If you dont trust me you can just send me a small amount like 0.005 and see what you get back

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: kittucrypt on April 08, 2014, 12:46:01 AM
I understand what you are saying. If you dont trust me you can just send me a small amount like 0.005 and see what you get back

Your user name is Anonymous...You are offering to double the investments of the members...


Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: devthedev on April 08, 2014, 01:29:25 AM
I understand what you are saying. If you dont trust me you can just send me a small amount like 0.005 and see what you get back

That's the thing, it's called a trust scam. You gain the trust of members by doubling their BTC so they decide to send you more, then you... you know.


Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Sindelar1938 on April 08, 2014, 02:02:32 AM
Sounds like a legit biz proposition... :D

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: jodybay on April 08, 2014, 02:19:37 AM
if you can double up your BTC why dont you just do it with your own coins people here are already get sick and tired of all you noobs trying so hard to get money


Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: hello_good_sir on April 08, 2014, 02:34:01 AM
Let's say that you could, on average, reliably double people's money.  Like you said, you won't always win at your gambling, but sometimes you would get triple or more, so in the end you are able to double money typically.

Why not just spend 10 weeks and make yourself the richest man in the world?

Let's say that you started with $1 worth of bitcoin.  In 48 hours you would probably have $2.  Then in 48 more hours you would be up to $4, and in 48 more hours you would be at $8, and in 48 more hours you would be at $16.  Not bad for 8 days of work.  What if you kept going?  In 8 more days you would have $256.

In 16 more days you would have $65536, after 32 days of work.  After another 32 days you would have 4.3 billion dollars.  8 more days and you'd be the richest man in the world, 72 days from now.  In another month you would be richer than all of the world's billionaires combined.  At that point you could probably just make yourself king of the world.  That's what I would do, if I knew your secret.  It seems really silly of you to waste your talent helping us out here to make $10 or $15 at a time.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: desertfox470 on April 08, 2014, 02:38:35 AM
Let's say that you could, on average, reliably double people's money.  Like you said, you won't always win at your gambling, but sometimes you would get triple or more, so in the end you are able to double money typically.

Why not just spend 10 weeks and make yourself the richest man in the world?

Let's say that you started with $1 worth of bitcoin.  In 48 hours you would probably have $2.  Then in 48 more hours you would be up to $4, and in 48 more hours you would be at $8, and in 48 more hours you would be at $16.  Not bad for 8 days of work.  What if you kept going?  In 8 more days you would have $256.

In 16 more days you would have $65536, after 32 days of work.  After another 32 days you would have 4.3 billion dollars.  8 more days and you'd be the richest man in the world, 72 days from now.  In another month you would be richer than all of the world's billionaires combined.  At that point you could probably just make yourself king of the world.  That's what I would do, if I knew your secret.  It seems really silly of you to waste your talent helping us out here to make $10 or $15 at a time.
Haha, you should totally do that instead of taking others money! You will owe nothing to anyone.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Anonymous™ on April 08, 2014, 02:39:35 AM
You guys dont get this. I wont give you exact doubled amount. Also, I dont ahve any BTC myself, thats why. I take peoples btc double them and take a cut

Thats it

No hate please

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: alabamafan1 on April 08, 2014, 02:48:43 AM
And if you don't double it, the investors get scammed and you suffer no loss. Yeah, great investment opportunity here...not.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: desertfox470 on April 08, 2014, 02:50:52 AM
You guys dont get this. I wont give you exact doubled amount. Also, I dont ahve any BTC myself, thats why. I take peoples btc double them and take a cut

Thats it

No hate please
How are you going to refund people then if you don't have any BTC?

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Lamigo on April 08, 2014, 02:52:57 AM
This really brings back my memory of runescape lol.  ;D

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: kittucrypt on April 08, 2014, 04:36:07 AM
You guys dont get this. I wont give you exact doubled amount. Also, I dont ahve any BTC myself, thats why. I take peoples btc double them and take a cut

Thats it

No hate please

Buy 0.1 at coinbase. It will cost under $50. Start compounding it and you will be a millionaire soon.

At 20% return it will take you 43 such wins
At 30% return it will take you 30 such wins
At 40% return it will take you 24 such wins
At 50% return it will take you 20 such wins
At 60% return it will take you 17 such wins

I can go on..but you get the idea.....

Again warning.... SCAM

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: jodybay on April 08, 2014, 05:35:10 AM
go create a ponzi scam scheme and find some idiot that will deposit to your scam scheme

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: howzar on April 08, 2014, 07:09:08 AM

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: counter on April 14, 2014, 08:29:53 PM
Sucks cause I can always use a service that will double my bitcoins but can't send funds to someone who has a bad trust rating on this forum.  Build your rep and get back to us then.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: b!z on April 15, 2014, 09:17:11 AM
Sent 16.30 BTC to the address in your sig, hope this investment works out :)

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Light on April 15, 2014, 09:28:55 AM
Is it me or did OP read out as - "Gimme some coins so I can 'double' them. Don't expect to see them back." Obvious scam is obvious.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: jambola2 on April 15, 2014, 11:27:05 AM
Last Active : April 10th , the same day as user TheGambler. (;u=152722)

They both posted in Services first , with an opportunity to invest into a SUPER GAMBLING plan , which would give impossible returns.

They both then posted in Lending with a request for microloans.

Coincidence ? I think not.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: ahmedjadoon on April 15, 2014, 02:33:37 PM
Someone tried this anonymous scam? Let us know!

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Nobitcoin on April 15, 2014, 02:49:36 PM
Well with your status plus the red underneath your name do you think anyone will trust you even with one satoshi  ???

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: gagalady on April 15, 2014, 03:00:27 PM
cmon stop doing threads like that it's obvious scamm noone would fall for this... :-X

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: hellyeah on April 15, 2014, 03:00:30 PM
It's Ponzi and only Ponzi still working on this forum is here

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: Rulishix on April 15, 2014, 03:27:47 PM
Last Active : April 10th , the same day as user TheGambler. (;u=152722)

They both posted in Services first , with an opportunity to invest into a SUPER GAMBLING plan , which would give impossible returns.

They both then posted in Lending with a request for microloans.

Coincidence ? I think not.

Nice find! Great detective work and you may have saved some poor souls some btc as well.

Title: Re: || Bitcoins Doubling Service ||
Post by: leex1528 on April 15, 2014, 03:35:24 PM
Now I wouldn't say this is a scam?  I mean I bet if he won the money he would still pay you, what it is, a poor investment on anyones part to allow them to gamble for you, and then take a cut of your profit, you should definitely stick to gambling yourself!