Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: vingaard on April 14, 2014, 03:48:40 PM

Title: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: vingaard on April 14, 2014, 03:48:40 PM

I'm investing in BTC and LTC... I mean... I'm mining alternate cryptocurrencies and exchanging them into BTC and LTC as a future value... do you think LTC has future or it is dying?

In case you think LTC is dying... which coin recommend me to invest for a long term?


Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: Vivisector999 on April 14, 2014, 04:00:53 PM
I don't think LTC is dying, in any sense, anymore then I think the entire cryptocurrency market is dying. 

LTC probably won't make a comeback until BTC makes a comeback, although it is the only other Cryptocurrency at the given time that could stand on its own if BTC ever did completely fail, which probably won't happen.   Not that it would jump to where BTC currently is in Worldwide acceptance right away, but it is starting to be accepted by more and more businesses as a currency option. 

But I have no idea what ASIC's will do to the LTC market.  I personally don't think it will be good for any scrypt coins.  But guess we will see which way it goes. 

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: NewMoneyEra on April 15, 2014, 02:34:43 AM

In case you think LTC is dying... which coin recommend me to invest for a long term?

Perhaps you could check out Peercoin.  Peercoin is a more balanced design, but it is more complex than both BTC and LTC which are almost identical except for block rate generation time and Proof-of-Work algorithm. 

Both BTC and LTC will suffer badly in the future from Blockchain bloat and centralization of control due to ASIC mining.  BTC blockchain is already huge and the coin is only five years old. I am confident it will never get to 50 years old and probably not 10 years.

Because of intensifying centralization of ASIC mining, both BTC and LTC coin holders have NO say in what software or protocol changes might be adopted or not.  Surprisingly not even the devs have much say if new software changes are adopted.  This is because increasing control is being centralized in the shrinking pool of ASIC miners and the even smaller group of mining pool managers.  Thus, BTC and LTC both have within themselves different groups with conflicting interests.

On the other hand, Peercoin is truly decentralized.  A full minting node can be run on a personal computer, or even a computer as simple as a Raspberry Pi.  In the future Peercoin might run fully distributed on smart phones.  There is no centralization and no divergence of interest as in BTC and LTC. 

Peercoin's advanced design has many more beneficial facets but I don't have time to go into all of them here.

Good Luck, and Best to You.


Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: KingSchultz on April 15, 2014, 02:43:04 AM
Could be dying, or could be about to rise to new heights. Hard to say for sure in crypto-currency. But I've never really understood the draw of Litecoin. There's nothing you can do with Litecoin that you can't do with Bitcoin. The block speed doesn't seem to mean much. One minute is the same as ten for most uses. I'd rather invest in coins with unique applications or advantages over the status quo. If we're going to have altcoins, let's have altcoins. :)

Someone educate me if LTC has something I'm not seeing. (besides community)

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: Land Marks on April 15, 2014, 02:46:24 AM
Your survey is skewed.

You have one answer for 'it is not dying' which is positive.

Then you have three answers indicating it is either dying or that one should invest in something else, which is negative.

The problem is that the three negative answers may overlap, so while a person thinks litecoin is dying they end up choosing the 'invest in something else' answer because both are correct.

The results of the survey really are:

Is litecoin good:  40%
Is litecoin bad: 60%

Which is the opposite of what the graph indicates intuitively.

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: slapper on April 15, 2014, 03:34:07 AM
Some of the biggest Litecoin holders reside on this forum. LTC chose it's future with the ASICs and time will tell if it will backfire since it was supposed to be the small miner's friend being the only discernible difference to the major crypto BTC . But by now all the small miners who missed the BTC boat have their wallets loaded with Litecoins ready to be unleashed in time.

Expect a lot of pumps down the road, especially when KnC gets ready to start testing the network. They have to protect their millions and they will pump when it's time.

I disagree that LTC is a long term coin any more although it is far from dead/dying.

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: qqNxt on April 15, 2014, 04:00:20 AM
LTC is dying. I blame it on crypto 2.0

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: El Dude on April 15, 2014, 04:46:35 AM
Lol litecoin dying threads that's a funny one , when a coin has  millions of dollars in volume per day how could it be dying?

There was also a litecoin dying thread around here back when th price was $2 and we all know what happened after.

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: Jeezy911 on April 15, 2014, 05:03:33 AM
2 words multi pool. Litecoin is not dying,  POW is.

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: Equate on April 15, 2014, 05:08:35 AM
LTC is dependent on BTC if the value of BTC falls the same is with LTC

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: tacotime on April 15, 2014, 05:11:27 AM
Coin reward is halving next year, whereas Bitcoin coin reward isn't.

As Bitcoin price went fairly berserk the year after its reward halved, I wouldn't be surprised if Litecoin did the same thing.

Look at this and set the scale from liner to log (bottom left button):

You'll see that Litecoin (and Peercoin) appear to behave in 8 month cycles with sharp increases in price followed by relative price stability,  We're approaching the end of one of these cycles at the end of this summer.

And I wouldn't be surprised... ASICs are coming en masse to restrict supply, plus block reward halving.

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: lucky88888 on April 15, 2014, 08:48:48 AM
litecoin is dying for sure, why else would it want to do merge mining with doge. it is loosing miners to secure it, people are switching to POS and other hybrids.

and ofcourse multipool! +Almost all coins are aiming for PoS ultimately right? Even for bitcoins after it finish all mining, it will be full PoS and for some coins, they will not make it to become full PoS and die out. PoS RULES!

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: Avanty on April 15, 2014, 11:01:35 AM

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: HCLivess on April 15, 2014, 11:06:51 AM
200 $ ltc this year

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: henhao on April 15, 2014, 11:14:27 AM
answer is big NO
We will see big growth in LTC this year

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: ShroomsKit_Disgrace on April 15, 2014, 01:02:44 PM
So so dissapointing that LTC cannot follow the BTC rally... It is really an issue...first signs of decadency, maybe?

Title: Re: Is LTC Dying?
Post by: vingaard on April 16, 2014, 06:11:34 AM
Thank you for all your points of view... ok... I guess I will continue investing in LTC a little more and I will wait to see what happens  ;)

Thanks again...