Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: CryptoPanda on April 15, 2014, 06:06:36 AM

Title: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: CryptoPanda on April 15, 2014, 06:06:36 AM
It's nice that this time the journalist twist the news in our favour, kinda presenting it like facebook will implement crytocurrency. I guess that's part of the reason for the $70 increase in the price.
But really? That's quite a speculation.

My guess is they will just do another mpeso, QQ coin or some old shi* like that. Centralized online tokens that they fully control.

Let's see.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: Light on April 15, 2014, 06:13:54 AM
My guess is they will just do another mpeso, QQ coin or some old shi* like that. Centralized online tokens that they fully control.

You betcha that they will. FB has no interest in BTC unless it will make them money and for them they'd make more simply making their own crap that they could promote using their platform.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: bangalore on April 15, 2014, 06:14:58 AM
they have the gift currency and make money from that na

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: greenlion on April 15, 2014, 06:37:17 AM
The increase in price is because Monday.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: Lethn on April 15, 2014, 06:50:17 AM
they have the gift currency and make money from that na

They already have facebook credits they make money off, I would be extremely surprised if they allowed Bitcoin into their system at all, companies like them only want to have a total monopoly over everything they own.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: Malin Keshar on April 15, 2014, 06:59:32 AM
why anyone would think about facebook implementing cryptos?They are a social network that do not require payment to use.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: QuestionAuthority on April 15, 2014, 07:10:58 AM
Of course Facebook won't use Bitcoin. The winklevii douches like Bitcoin and Zuckerberg hates them. 

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: b!z on April 15, 2014, 08:45:49 AM
why anyone would think about facebook implementing cryptos?They are a social network that do not require payment to use.

Exactly. Anybody who thinks they would is delusional.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: DubFX on April 15, 2014, 08:53:00 AM
They already have their facebook credits so where you have these "news" from?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: Velkro on April 15, 2014, 09:19:38 AM
its not the reason for price increase, bitcoin ATM is

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 15, 2014, 09:24:18 AM
Of course Facebook won't use Bitcoin. The winklevii douches like Bitcoin and Zuckerberg hates them. 

Why you are so much against the Winkelwii? I would say that Zuckerberg is a double-douche and the Winkelwii are great people. Don't be ungrateful. They played their part in taking Bitcoin over the $1K mark.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: hoop on April 15, 2014, 09:51:42 AM
is there bitcoin ATM  now ???

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: DubFX on April 15, 2014, 09:55:20 AM
is there bitcoin ATM  now ???
Yep there is! :)

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: CryptoPanda on April 15, 2014, 11:27:00 AM
First the news all over the net are that facebook is implementing some kind of money transfer system in the social network. Some journalists even went that far to speculate it might be crypto. Hence the thread I started.
Second, bitcoin ATMs are being shipped for almost half year now and there is no major ATM related even last couple of days that might be related to the price bump.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: ChuckBuck on April 15, 2014, 12:55:06 PM
First the news all over the net are that facebook is implementing some kind of money transfer system in the social network. Some journalists even went that far to speculate it might be crypto. Hence the thread I started.
Second, bitcoin ATMs are being shipped for almost half year now and there is no major ATM related even last couple of days that might be related to the price bump.

Actually price bump is due to OKCoin and BTC China unveiling their Bitcoin ATMs in China as well as a "soft ATM" app for mobile phones, sort of like LocalBitcoins.

Either way, good news to counter the PBOC deposit measures.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: jparsley on April 15, 2014, 01:09:49 PM
Being so big with customers they can use btc payments and make large amounts of btc before price goes up to 10k

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: MarketNeutral on April 15, 2014, 02:25:55 PM
Put the pieces together. Facebook never wants you to leave the Facebook environment. They want everything you do, including your banking, borrowing, and shopping, to be done within the confines of Facebook. First step is to make Facebook be Banking 2.0, not Bitcoin. They've already started filing the paperwork in Europe.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: greenlion on April 15, 2014, 05:31:55 PM
The way things are going, it's going to be Snapchat that has to sign up for MSB licenses, not Facebook. Facebook isn't cool or growing anymore.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: Kiki112 on April 15, 2014, 05:36:10 PM
My guess is they will just do another mpeso, QQ coin or some old shi* like that. Centralized online tokens that they fully control.

You betcha that they will. FB has no interest in BTC unless it will make them money and for them they'd make more simply making their own crap that they could promote using their platform.

that would be genius for Mark Zuckerberg

purchase 1 000 000BTC, enable them on facebook, start slow selling..

so if Mark owns some bitcoins they would have some interest indeed :D

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: MarketNeutral on April 15, 2014, 06:04:21 PM
The way things are going, it's going to be Snapchat that has to sign up for MSB licenses, not Facebook. Facebook isn't cool or growing anymore.

This is a good point. Facebook as it presently exists "isn't cool or growing anymore" and it's getting worse by the day, which is why they must change their business model to survive. Despite Zuckerboy's cash position, nothing is a foregone conclusion, especially in the fickle world of social media. Facebook knows this, which is why they're attempting to transition to a more sustainable business model.

I hope they fail. 

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: QuestionAuthority on April 16, 2014, 12:01:05 AM
Of course Facebook won't use Bitcoin. The winklevii douches like Bitcoin and Zuckerberg hates them.  

Why you are so much against the Winkelwii? I would say that Zuckerberg is a double-douche and the Winkelwii are great people. Don't be ungrateful. They played their part in taking Bitcoin over the $1K mark.

Because they sued their way to success instead of working for it. Zuckerberg made it successful because he worked for it. Even if he stole the idea he still made it successful. They just had to wait around for the leg work to be done and then sue. Yeah, that takes a lot of talent. Look at the video of them presenting at the Bitcoin convention. That video convinced me that they're both clueless. I'm not going to like someone just because they support Bitcoin. If Adolph Hitler were alive today in Nazi Germany and supported Bitcoin I'm pretty sure I would still dislike him.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: Sindelar1938 on April 16, 2014, 04:36:44 AM
That goes without saying
Prob some kind of reloadable prepaid acct plugged into existing payment systems

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 16, 2014, 04:44:15 AM
I don't think the current rally has much to do with Facebook rumors.
Agreed that FD doesn't need crypto.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure facebook won't implement anything close to cryptocurrency.
Post by: counter on April 16, 2014, 05:05:05 AM
I'm thinking if bitcoin grows fast enough why would they not use it?  Not saying it will happen or it's around the corner just speculating and wondering what reasons they have to not accept it.  There was worries of their stocks falling months back but that could have just been a show, IDK.  All I can say is these social network sites need to stay relevant and I'd like to think their is a possibility it could happen, call me crazy.