Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Auctions => Topic started by: PrintCoins on January 09, 2012, 07:22:32 PM

Title: Advertising slot
Post by: PrintCoins on January 09, 2012, 07:22:32 PM
This is for advertising on The two top bids on this auction will each show up 50% of the views on the site for 6 months. This will be done using a server side random function create an image wrapped in an href tag. You can specify also the alt tag as well to help with SEO.

The image will be 728x90 and be placed at the bottom of the page. You can host the image (or I can). You can also email me whenever you want to change the link, and I can update it in 2 business days. Changing it more than once a month would not be appreciated though.

The image will not be flash, and should not be offensive (PM me to ask. I am cool with most things, but would rather not have porn on my site), and should not be annoying (for example, an animated gif that causes seizures). The image of the ad should be representative of what it is linking to (don't surprise users with something unexpected).

Post your bids in this thread. Bids are in USD but are to be paid in bitcoins.  Bidding starts at 1USD and is made in increments of at least 1USD. Both bidders only need to pay the second highest bid amount. So if person A bids 10, and person B bids 15, they both only pay $10.

If any valid bids occur less than 60 minutes before the auction end time, then the auction will be extended by 60 minutes. If any valid bids occur less than 60 minutes before the new end time, then the auction will be extended again, etc. The time will continue extending until bids stop coming in.

The auction ends on January 21 2012 16:00 GMT+0000


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These are the bills that have sold on the site (so, people visiting the site have bitcoins to spend):

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: SgtSpike on January 09, 2012, 07:25:10 PM
1 BTC!

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: PrintCoins on January 10, 2012, 06:39:47 PM
1 BTC!
Bidding is in USD (but paid in BTC)

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: SgtSpike on January 10, 2012, 06:43:35 PM
In that case... $7!

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: deslok on January 21, 2012, 11:38:14 PM
Crap i meant to get to this earlier today! I guess that means spike takes all

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: SgtSpike on January 22, 2012, 05:03:50 AM
Woohoo!  I'll send payment to your sig address, 1PczDQHfEj3dJgp6wN3CXPft1bGB23TzTM.

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: SgtSpike on January 22, 2012, 05:05:12 AM
At current BTC price of $6.21, I sent 1.12721417 for $7.00.

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: PrintCoins on January 22, 2012, 04:20:36 PM
Thanks, please send me:

* The url for the image
* The url that you would like to point to
* The alt text for the image

Deslok, since this was for two ad slots, you can do the same, and just send the same amount of bitcoins to my sig. I will set you both up for a 50% display frequency for the next 6 months.

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: PrintCoins on January 22, 2012, 04:32:18 PM
At current BTC price of $6.21, I sent 1.12721417 for $7.00.

Did you already send it? I am not seeing the credit:

Did you add on a miner fee? I like to put in at least 0.0005 just to make sure it goes through.

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: BinoX on January 22, 2012, 04:57:25 PM
looks like he accidently sent it to deslok instead

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: deslok on January 22, 2012, 05:35:14 PM
Damn it spike you sent me 1.12721417 BTC i was all excited i had extra coins when i got up !(guess i should have should have just stayed out of the auction section today)
Spike, robkohr both of you pm me so we can settle this out

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: SgtSpike on January 22, 2012, 07:53:28 PM
Rofl, my mistake!

I'll send you both a PM.

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: gurg2.o on January 22, 2012, 08:49:18 PM

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: PrintCoins on January 26, 2012, 07:27:41 PM
Friendly reminder:

Don't forget to actually send me the image url, link url, and alt text for your ads.

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: PrintCoins on January 26, 2012, 11:02:09 PM
Spike is now up on the site.

Title: Re: Advertising slot
Post by: PrintCoins on January 31, 2012, 10:04:16 PM
Both are now up on the site. For simplicity I am considering today the first day of the running, and both will go August 1st, 2012. If I remember, I will probably have an auction again at that point.