Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Lee_Ding_Duc on April 23, 2014, 10:36:50 PM

Title: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Lee_Ding_Duc on April 23, 2014, 10:36:50 PM

A white paper for an asset to raise funds for a tax free city is available here:


There is an attractive benefit for Bitcoin users who are looking for more than a cup of coffee for their bitcoins.

You can think of Kisscoin as 2 billion tickets that can be redeemed, at some point, for tax free residential land. As a crypto-asset on the Nxt exchange, it can be treated as any other crypto-coin, with its own market cap, but it would be 100% backed by the prospect of being fully redeemable, which sets it apart from all coins today.

Here's the mention on Nxt forum:,4661.0.html

Step 1: First 5 BTC gifted 10,000 Kisscoin each BTC   (~20x ratio from USD)

Step 2:  Next 100 BTC gifted 5,000 Kisscoin each BTC (~10x)

Step 3: Next 200 BTC gifted 2500 Kisscoin  each BTC  (~5x)  

Step 4: Next 5000 BTC gifted 1500 Kisscoin  each BTC (~3x)

Thanks in advance for your contributions.

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Beliathon on April 23, 2014, 11:10:30 PM
Humans can't own land. The sooner we figure that basic shit out, the sooner we can start undoing the damage we've done to this planet.

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Ron~Popeil on April 24, 2014, 03:34:04 AM
Humans can't own land. The sooner we figure that basic shit out, the sooner we can start undoing the damage we've done to this planet.

I have a deed that does in fact give me ownership of my land. Granted federal and state authorities use force to tax me and restrict what I can do on my land but it is in fact my land.  

The idea itself is has some appeal. The problem would be how to defend this city state from the hegemonic powers that would undoubtedly encroach on it.   

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: franky1 on April 24, 2014, 03:39:19 AM
Humans can't own land. The sooner we figure that basic shit out, the sooner we can start undoing the damage we've done to this planet.

I have a deed that does in fact give me ownership of my land. Granted federal and state authorities use force to tax me and restrict what I can do on my land but it is in fact my land.  

i think what he meant was that the land will continue to exist long after you are dead, you cannot own the planet, or a portion of it. you only have the right to live on it and maintain it.

the deed simply gives you the rights to live, maintain and control a piece of land. but ownership is a different matter in the wider scheme of the universe.

anyway.. lets get back to the point of the OP.
the OP also cannot create a new city out of thin air on a plot of land he owns. the costs would be absurdly out of reach compared to simply attempting to transfer an existing city.

the OP has no rational thought about costs of building a city, it is just a gimmick to take bitcoins off people and give you worthless altcoins in exchange.

the OP dos not even have a university. its just him, nothing more

this coin is useless and has no function, with only a dream story attached. it kind of reminds me of the scams that finshaggy use to try. it is purely a premined coin with the OP trying to cunjure up some weird story to attempt to brainwash noobs into buying his useless coin.

deep down the only utopia the OP is truly looking forward to is the high he gets from spending all his scammed bitcoins that he will then buy drugs with.

if only people would use their brains to do something constructive instead of scam.. as its starting to get ridiculous

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: jonald_fyookball on April 24, 2014, 04:09:50 AM
Humans can't own land. The sooner we figure that basic shit out, the sooner we can start undoing the damage we've done to this planet.

Do you believe in private property at all?

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Beliathon on April 24, 2014, 04:27:51 AM
Humans can't own land. The sooner we figure that basic shit out, the sooner we can start undoing the damage we've done to this planet.

I have a deed that does in fact give me ownership of my land.
Only if individual human beings protect that piece of paper with real violence, usually involving guns. (

The thing is, that territory aggression chimpanzee model doesn't really work in a post-singularity world. That way lies madness and death.

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Beliathon on April 24, 2014, 04:38:36 AM
Do you believe in private property at all?
Property is theft! (!)

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: jonald_fyookball on April 24, 2014, 04:40:40 AM
I'll take that as a "no"

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: franky1 on April 24, 2014, 04:40:47 AM
Humans can't own land. The sooner we figure that basic shit out, the sooner we can start undoing the damage we've done to this planet.

Do you believe in private property at all?

private property is having the right to tell someone not to come near an area. its about control and rights. this is the misunderstanding many people have.

deeds are giving rights to people, deeds can be used to give the rights of "power of attorney" this does not mean the attorney owns the subject it just means they are the administrator of the subject.

people can own the deed which proves they have rights on the land EG privacy, etc. but people do not OWN the land, only the deed.

also to note parents do not own their children. parents have rights and responsibilities in relation to their children but in cases of social services/fostering. governments do not remove ownership of a child. they simply remove parental rights. this is why fostering is not a government theft. but a government taking on the rights and responsibilities to ensure the childs welfare.

if at all unsure. google it and enlighten yourself

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: jonald_fyookball on April 24, 2014, 05:23:03 AM
I think it is too bad that such a noble goal of a tax free city has to be intermingled with promoting an alt coin.

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Elwar on April 24, 2014, 07:14:09 AM
Humans don't own land. They rent it from their governments.

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: bitcoinforhelp on April 24, 2014, 07:16:24 AM
not convinced :P

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: qqNxt on April 24, 2014, 09:41:28 AM
I think your doing something that's way too absurd to be a reality for now..
unless you have billions and billions to throw away to jump start this project.

tax free city... pfttt...

btw awesome whitepaper LOL

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Lee_Ding_Duc on April 24, 2014, 08:21:16 PM
Every city starts somewhere.

Las Vegas started with 110 acres land at auction; Miami with 300 people. (Read the wiki entries on Miami and Las Vegas.)

They are billion dollar economies today. 100 years ago, they started very small, with few people, and few resources.

This is for the future.  

It's much easier to start a city, today, than it was for the Pilgrims to cross the Atlantic.

A crytpo-currency is the only way to get this off the ground. Try getting a bond issue done for a city that doesn't exist. That's almost impossible, especially, if you have nothing.

Again, you don't need billions to start with. You just need a way to get some tinder together to get a spark to catch fire. A crypto-asset is the easiest way to do that and brings people together from around the world on a real world project.

I'm an action man, not a think tank man. The goal is to make a nice dream real.

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Lee_Ding_Duc on April 24, 2014, 08:42:16 PM
You can also think of this as an election campaign.

Maybe you spent money on Ron Paul, but as far as I know, no laws changed. That was $100 million, and no tax free city.  

Here, 1% of that could easily start a tax free city.

One real world tax free city becomes a model for others. That helps people in your town.

Your contribution also gives you a liquidity feature, unlike campaign contributions.

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Lee_Ding_Duc on April 24, 2014, 11:17:09 PM
Start means start, not finish, of course.  A city is never finished. So, don't have a NYC skyline in mind. Think of the basics only. Survey and title land, build the first few buildings, get power and water, etc. Rustic. Remote. Rural.

The main thing is the framework of operation.

No one can a priori say it will fail.  This is a vision one strives to achieve. You can support the vision or not. Only after the fact, does the evidence exist to say the framework succeeded or failed, just like any other business.

A small market cap becomes an asset to get loans and hire people to complete some step, adding overall value.  If people are willing to work for Kisscoin, then that gives it value. They use what they earn to buy land. They have a stake in the tax free city from then on.

Nearly 99% of the value of the coin is the effort and work of real people, rather than "pre-mine."  Would you say a stock in a company is pre-mined? Perhaps, but does that mean the stock has no value because it is "bad?"  Not everything applicable to a crytpo-coin is applicable to a crypto-asset. Kisscoin is like a ticket to a tax free city. If you want land, you need the tickets. Ticket sales and loans for more tickets secure the land.

I don't think the city will be crushed, just as the Cayman Islands or Monaco hasn't been crushed. This is for the middle class instead of the jet set; a much bigger market.
Lastly, nothing supports the vast majority of cryptocoins beyond a small community; the intrinsic utility of the coin to send coins can be mimicked by any programmer. What's to sustain the vast majority of cryptocoins, I don't know.

People would like to own their own land, sooner or later, and they would like a good life.    

Title: Re: Tax Free City Project White Paper 100% backed crypto-asset
Post by: Lee_Ding_Duc on April 25, 2014, 02:14:44 PM
It's worth making a couple of comparisons:

If Nxt = $.02 with no backing x 1 billion units = $20 million market cap

Kiss =  X with project backing x 2 billion units = Y

and if backing > no backing

then,   X ≥ .01 base price

At $.01 that would make Kisscoin a top ten coin in market cap of $20 million+

When you consider all coins have an indefinite price goal, whereas Kisscoin seeks dollar parity with an appropriate amount of land behind it, that gives more certainty.

Obviously, most Americans won't bother to move to this city, but, there is a huge market outside the US for quality of life.

East Asians like tax free and they like building cities.

Imagine a tax free Asian city welcome to North Koreans, too, as a haven.  Would you take a job and buy land in a tax free city, if you were a starving North Korean that could be lined up against the wall at any moment?

Many options open up for many people.