Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: RawDog on April 25, 2014, 06:35:40 PM

Title: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: RawDog on April 25, 2014, 06:35:40 PM
The Ulbricht family would like to argue that a conviction of Dread Pirate Roberts would 'threaten internet freedom'. (
What a joke.  

You are not free to use the internet for murder, money laundering, drug sales, et cetera.  Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???  If you do this shit, whether over the internet or over morse code smoke signals - you are going to get popped.  Doing something over the internet doesn't mean all laws are nullified.  

What a dumbass.  That family hired one stupid ass lawyer. 

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: franky1 on April 25, 2014, 06:44:50 PM
The Ulbricht family would like to argue that a conviction of Dread Pirate Roberts would 'threaten internet freedom'. (
What a joke.  

You are not free to use the internet for murder, money laundering, drug sales, et cetera.  Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???  If you do this shit, whether over the internet or over morse code smoke signals - you are going to get popped.  Doing something over the internet doesn't mean all laws are nullified.  

What a dumbass.  That family hired one stupid ass lawyer.  

its the same as people that think the freedom of speech means their free to make threats. there is a major difference between expressing an opinion compared to making a personal attack

its the same as people that think the freedom of sexuality means their free to rape.. their is a major difference to socializing in flirtatious manner with someone that is receptive to it. compared to forcing yourself on them using threats or violence.

some people need to learn the words responsibility, and not ignore it any only quote rights.. as they both work hand in hand with each other

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 25, 2014, 06:45:48 PM
This section has interesting substance:

"For the Ulbrichts, however, the most important takeaway is perhaps how their son’s case could impact Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, though they maintain hope that the case will be thrown out altogether.

That 1996 ruling sought to shield Internet entrepreneurs from liability against the criminal actions of their users. Under this law, large online marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay are treated as service providers, not publishers, and are therefore shielded from culpability should someone break a law when publishing via their service."

It was a "free-market" and he is not liable for the actions of individual users.
Who could possibly argue against that?   :D

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: kadter on April 25, 2014, 06:52:41 PM
Exactly. Silk Road also used to sell books :) I believe in freedom of commerce as simple as that. As what about cigarettes btw with addiction causing additives? :)

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 25, 2014, 06:59:04 PM
Exactly. Silk Road also used to sell books :) I believe in freedom of commerce as simple as that. As what about cigarettes btw with addiction causing additives? :)

The USA leads the "free world" in % of people in jail, so our opinion probably will not save DPR.
If that law could be used to set him free, I will be really surprised.

@OP: How would you try to defend him if you were a "brilliant lawyer"?

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: jc01480 on April 25, 2014, 07:12:39 PM
Perhaps an attempt to capitalize on the far-reaching government fervor currently clenching the nation I suspect.  It's always the government's fault don't ya know?

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on April 25, 2014, 07:16:16 PM
not gonna threaten my freedom, i'm still gonna buy weeed over the interwebs. not gonna switch to exclusively liquor yet, not ready  >:(

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: jimbursch on April 25, 2014, 08:10:24 PM
Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  

 I don't believe Ross is being accused of any of those crimes that you so blithely toss in to further confuse the issue.

According to, "The murder-for-hire allegation is now an “uncharged crime,” which does not require proof. It is mentioned in the narcotics trafficking conspiracy section of the indictment.  It is NOT a formal charge."

He has not been accused of rape. He has not been accused of stealing. He has not been accused of cheating (I don't think that's a crime).

I encourage everyone to take a look at this:

It would be a shame if the Bitcoin community lets this guy get thrown under the bus in its desire for "legitimacy" and speculative profit.

Personally, I'm really starting to question what behaviors are considered criminal in the USA. Nothing strikes me as more stupid than marijuana prohibition and it seems really wrong to prosecute people stupidly.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: bananas on April 25, 2014, 10:08:37 PM
It may matter, but the law does think so. He will be sentenced for everything.

The werid part is that he was a honest man, he never stole his customers.
Karpeles stole like $500mi from thousands of customers and he is free.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: ArticMine on April 25, 2014, 10:21:08 PM
The Ulbricht family would like to argue that a conviction of Dread Pirate Roberts would 'threaten internet freedom'. (
What a joke.  

You are not free to use the internet for murder, money laundering, drug sales, et cetera.  Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???  If you do this shit, whether over the internet or over morse code smoke signals - you are going to get popped.  Doing something over the internet doesn't mean all laws are nullified.  

What a dumbass.  That family hired one stupid ass lawyer. 

Actually no. These kinds of cases can have profound implications for civil liberties regardless of how one feels about the guilt or innocence of the accused. There is a very important between selling the drugs himself and providing a platform that may be used by somebody else to sell drugs.

Actually his lawyer is just doing his job.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: RawDog on April 25, 2014, 10:50:55 PM

@OP: How would you try to defend him if you were a "brilliant lawyer"?

1st - I am a brilliant lawyer. 
2nd - I don't defend trash.

I love the defense raised here: 'Silk Road could be used to sell books...  ...therefore Ulbricht is not guilty'  lol comedy. 

If someone sells dope on Craigslist - craigslist can escape culpability.  Silk Road is a complete different matter.  Ulbricth is toast.  All the fancy dancing about 'internet freedom' isn't going to bring him one tiny bit of relief.  forgetaboutit.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: ArticMine on April 25, 2014, 10:57:28 PM

@OP: How would you try to defend him if you were a "brilliant lawyer"?

1st - I am a brilliant lawyer. 
2nd - I don't defend trash.

I love the defense raised here: 'Silk Road could be used to sell books...  ...therefore Ulbricht is not guilty'  lol comedy. 

If someone sells dope on Craigslist - craigslist can escape culpability.  Silk Road is a complete different matter.  Ulbricth is toast.  All the fancy dancing about 'internet freedom' isn't going to bring him one tiny bit of relief.  forgetaboutit.

Here is another example: Have you ever downloaded *non copyright infringing content* using a torrent from ThePirateBay? I have.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: LouReed on April 26, 2014, 03:03:28 AM

@OP: How would you try to defend him if you were a "brilliant lawyer"?

1st - I am a brilliant lawyer. 
2nd - I don't defend trash.

LOL!!! Lemme guess, you're a prosecutor?

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on April 26, 2014, 03:05:54 AM

@OP: How would you try to defend him if you were a "brilliant lawyer"?

1st - I am a brilliant lawyer. 
2nd - I don't defend trash.

I love the defense raised here: 'Silk Road could be used to sell books...  ...therefore Ulbricht is not guilty'  lol comedy. 

If someone sells dope on Craigslist - craigslist can escape culpability.  Silk Road is a complete different matter.  Ulbricth is toast.  All the fancy dancing about 'internet freedom' isn't going to bring him one tiny bit of relief.  forgetaboutit.

Here is another example: Have you ever downloaded *non copyright infringing content* using a torrent from ThePirateBay? I have.

somalian pirates we

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: 5od0miz3r on April 26, 2014, 05:26:31 AM
Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???

Rape over the internet is a serious problem.  I know because I am a victim.  We must stop internet rape today.   

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 26, 2014, 05:49:32 AM
Rape over the internet is a serious problem.  I know because I am a victim.  We must stop internet rape today.   

Yes. I do agree.  ;D But I don't get it.... how could you be the victim? From that username (5od0miz3r, seriously?), I thought that you were one of the perpetrators. An internet serial 5od0miz3r, lurking here on Bitcointalk? Or are you going to say that someone forced you to 5od0miz3 against your will? In that case I don't know whether we can call it as a rape or not.  >:(

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: redhawk979 on April 26, 2014, 06:02:03 AM
Here come the libertarians to explain why child porn is OK cause free market.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 26, 2014, 06:41:32 AM
Here come the libertarians to explain why child porn is OK cause free market.

Most libertarians support an age of consent.
There is some debate about if it should be a set age, or if individuals can "qualify" to prove they are mature enough to be considered an adult.
Child porn is not OK.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: btcxyzzz on April 26, 2014, 10:40:18 AM
OP is waving with sheeple flag. Beware of such idiots.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: miner96 on April 26, 2014, 11:00:42 AM
The Ulbricht family would like to argue that a conviction of Dread Pirate Roberts would 'threaten internet freedom'. (
What a joke.  

You are not free to use the internet for murder, money laundering, drug sales, et cetera.  Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???  If you do this shit, whether over the internet or over morse code smoke signals - you are going to get popped.  Doing something over the internet doesn't mean all laws are nullified.  

What a dumbass.  That family hired one stupid ass lawyer. 

You are a dumbass if you don't get it. And I doubt he tried to have anyone "murdered".  Don't believe everything you read...if you manage that somehow with your feeble brain.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 26, 2014, 11:35:30 AM
You are a dumbass if you don't get it. And I doubt he tried to have anyone "murdered".  Don't believe everything you read...if you manage that somehow with your feeble brain.

As long as the media is not unbiased, we should not believe anything that is pasted out in the mass media. And talking about the American cops, they are very famous for planting the evidence.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: sana8410 on April 26, 2014, 06:48:25 PM
well yeah no way what you do  with business is to protect you no matter what illegal activity your involved in, illegal is illegal plain as that.  Has nothing to do with the freedom of speech.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: DGulari on April 26, 2014, 07:17:45 PM
You are a dumbass if you don't get it. And I doubt he tried to have anyone "murdered".  Don't believe everything you read...if you manage that somehow with your feeble brain.

As long as the media is not unbiased, we should not believe anything that is pasted out in the mass media. And talking about the American cops, they are very famous for planting the evidence.
Sure - like Ulbricht is just this innocent guy minding his own business when BAM! Cops planted evidence against him.  Hahahahaha.  Nothing is more clear than the fact that Ulbrict is a drug dealer of the highest order.  He is the same as a common drug dealer who employs a little kid on the street to make the handoff.  An then argues that the kid was the actual drug dealer.  Ulbricht devise the most sophisticated drug trading platform in history and he knew that was its purpose and he benefited to a very high moentary level.  These 'tricks' like: 'bitcoin is not money, therefore he is innocent' is completely silly.  Ulbricht is a world class drug lord who got caught red handed.  Stop screaming if he is convicted, it will destroy internet freedom.  You are not free to make drug trading platforms on the internet.  Get back to work. 

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Its About Sharing on April 26, 2014, 07:29:21 PM
You are a dumbass if you don't get it. And I doubt he tried to have anyone "murdered".  Don't believe everything you read...if you manage that somehow with your feeble brain.

As long as the media is not unbiased, we should not believe anything that is pasted out in the mass media. And talking about the American cops, they are very famous for planting the evidence.
Sure - like Ulbricht is just this innocent guy minding his own business when BAM! Cops planted evidence against him.  Hahahahaha.  Nothing is more clear than the fact that Ulbrict is a drug dealer of the highest order.  He is the same as a common drug dealer who employs a little kid on the street to make the handoff.  An then argues that the kid was the actual drug dealer.  Ulbricht devise the most sophisticated drug trading platform in history and he knew that was its purpose and he benefited to a very high moentary level.  These 'tricks' like: 'bitcoin is not money, therefore he is innocent' is completely silly.  Ulbricht is a world class drug lord who got caught red handed.  Stop screaming if he is convicted, it will destroy internet freedom.  You are not free to make drug trading platforms on the internet.  Get back to work. 

Just to clear a definition up. Ross is not a drug dealer, just as much as bit torrent is not an illegal file. You do with the platform as you will.
I've heard mixed things about the murder charge. I thought it was dropped then not. Anyone?

Anyway, if you want to attack something unjust, go for the War on People, I mean drugs. That seems to be something that just benefits corrupt governments.
What Ross is accused of doing, was actually decreasing violence and allowing people to get what they wanted in a safer way. What someone does with their
own body (barring of course that they are too young to decide) is their business, not your business and certainly not the State's business.

When people judge things based on their legality, which is set from mostly corrupt institutions, they are removing thought, compassion, etc. from the equation and
relying on others morality. That is a dangerous game, please see War and the medals you get to kill.
Sometimes you actually have to break a law to do the right thing. Don't let corrupt governments tell you right from wrong but at the same time, be a compassionate individual.

The reason many Bitcoiners liked Silk Road, was because it weakened the State, much the same way that Bitcoin does.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 26, 2014, 07:41:12 PM
You are a dumbass if you don't get it. And I doubt he tried to have anyone "murdered".  Don't believe everything you read...if you manage that somehow with your feeble brain.

As long as the media is not unbiased, we should not believe anything that is pasted out in the mass media. And talking about the American cops, they are very famous for planting the evidence.
Sure - like Ulbricht is just this innocent guy minding his own business when BAM! Cops planted evidence against him.  Hahahahaha....

"Innocent" until proven guilty?
...or even better...
In a true free market (libertarian world) you are allowed to buy and sell drugs, AND you don't have a Gov giving you welfare if/when you mess up your life.
It's called personal responsibility and many people would choose to avoid the heavy, destructive drugs.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: RawDog on April 26, 2014, 07:54:40 PM
"Innocent" until proven guilty?
...or even better...
In a true free market (libertarian world) you are allowed to buy and sell drugs, AND you don't have a Gov giving you welfare if/when you mess up your life.
It's called personal responsibility and many people would choose to avoid the heavy, destructive drugs.

He is innocent until proven guilty - so he must be innocent!  Yeah, set him free!  Freedom reigns.  Who could be against freedom? Let Ross go!


"In a true free market (libertarian world) you are allowed to buy and sell drugs" - you are also free to kill anyone who you determine deserves it.  So watch the fuck out cause I'd kill you first.  If things are going to be truly free, then no government is going to suppress me and tell me who I can and can't kill and rape.  Free for all baby!!!!

How did the bitcoin community get so many morons?

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: RawDog on April 26, 2014, 08:02:48 PM
Just to clear a definition up. Ross is not a drug dealer
Just to clear things up, Ross is a world class king of drug dealers.  And you are a moron.  

Anyone who puts in place means to trade trades and receives a handsome fee for use of this mechanism is a drug dealer.  Just because you can buy alpaca socks on SilkRoad doesn't make Ross innocent.  

What the fuck kind of people defend him?  

Stealing movies is illegal too.  Just because you use TOR and bittorrent - doesn't mean it is somehow legal.  Just because bittorrent can transfer legal files too - doesn't mean people who intentionally use it for stealing copyrighted shit are somehow innocent.  

Kim Dotcom is a fat bloated pig and a world class thief.  He didn't make his money by transferring photographs of people's dogs.  Everyone understands where the money came from.  Just because the legal system struggles with distributed systems like bittorrent, doesn't mean people are permitted to deal in stolen movies.  

Ross and that fat pig Kim DotCom should be prison mates for life.  Those who defend them should be in there too.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: QuestionAuthority on April 26, 2014, 08:10:29 PM
"Innocent" until proven guilty?
...or even better...
In a true free market (libertarian world) you are allowed to buy and sell drugs, AND you don't have a Gov giving you welfare if/when you mess up your life.
It's called personal responsibility and many people would choose to avoid the heavy, destructive drugs.

He is innocent until proven guilty - so he must be innocent!  Yeah, set him free!  Freedom reigns.  Who could be against freedom? Let Ross go!


"In a true free market (libertarian world) you are allowed to buy and sell drugs" - you are also free to kill anyone who you determine deserves it.  So watch the fuck out cause I'd kill you first.  If things are going to be truly free, then no government is going to suppress me and tell me who I can and can't kill and rape.  Free for all baby!!!!

How did the bitcoin community get so many morons?

I think you're mixing libertarianism and anarchists. I doubt libertarians agree with murder. They want limited government and protection of civil liberties. That tells me you know nothing about the law because a JD studies government first.

Everyone is missing the obvious reason why defendants counsel would use this defense - the evidence against him must be overwhelming. It's probably a good strategy to say, "I don't care how much evidence you have against my client because he shouldn't be on trial anyway. It might work.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 26, 2014, 08:12:11 PM
OP: Your level of discourse is amusing, to a certain type of people........LOL?
Your kindhearted reply helps everyone feel better about the future potential of the human race.

"It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do." ~Edmund Burke
"Going to trial with a lawyer who considers your whole life-style a Crime in Progress is not a happy prospect." ~Hunter S. Thompson

  • Why do pharmaceutical company laboratories now use lawyers rather than lab rats for testing?
Lab personnel don't get as emotionally attached to lawyers.
Lawyers do things rats won't.
Animal protection groups don't get nearly as excited.
Some people actually LIKE rats.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 26, 2014, 08:16:45 PM
If things are going to be truly free, then no government is going to suppress me and tell me who I can and can't kill and rape.  Free for all baby!!!!

For people with the capacity to understand:
Google "non-aggression principle" and this point will be clearly answered.  :)

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: counter on April 26, 2014, 10:21:43 PM
The Ulbricht family would like to argue that a conviction of Dread Pirate Roberts would 'threaten internet freedom'. (
What a joke.  

You are not free to use the internet for murder, money laundering, drug sales, et cetera.  Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???  If you do this shit, whether over the internet or over morse code smoke signals - you are going to get popped.  Doing something over the internet doesn't mean all laws are nullified.  

What a dumbass.  That family hired one stupid ass lawyer. 

I"m not saying he's innocent but when the governments and media do this type of thing it is overlooked and people become complacent with these types of crimes.  if the average joe gets caught people cry bloody murder.  The average person doesn't have the ability to shine a spotlight on the misdoings of large corporations so they get away with their crimes all the time.  This is so hypocritical,  not defending this guy just stating the facts as I see them.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: iluvpie60 on April 27, 2014, 12:10:31 AM
Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  

 I don't believe Ross is being accused of any of those crimes that you so blithely toss in to further confuse the issue.

According to, "The murder-for-hire allegation is now an “uncharged crime,” which does not require proof. It is mentioned in the narcotics trafficking conspiracy section of the indictment.  It is NOT a formal charge."

He has not been accused of rape. He has not been accused of stealing. He has not been accused of cheating (I don't think that's a crime).

I encourage everyone to take a look at this:

It would be a shame if the Bitcoin community lets this guy get thrown under the bus in its desire for "legitimacy" and speculative profit.

Personally, I'm really starting to question what behaviors are considered criminal in the USA. Nothing strikes me as more stupid than marijuana prohibition and it seems really wrong to prosecute people stupidly.

Are you serious?

"according to" Oh yeah that website certainly isn't going to put a positive spin for freeing Ross now are they? I swear some people just CANNOT CONTEXT. L2Context bro!

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Honeypot on April 27, 2014, 05:51:25 AM
The kid tried to off someone while sipping 'small soy latte' sitting at starbucks. The only reason why attempted murder isn't on the list is because digital and internet arguments many times do not meet the threshold of evidence required - but technicality ain't an excuse.

Don't delude yourself. If you are intent on bitching and moaning with excuses based on technicality, be assured that the otherside can easily do it to you - if someone shakes you down, they could probably charge you with many things on the book and make your life a miserable hell.

Bunch of kids...

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Its About Sharing on April 27, 2014, 06:06:24 PM
Just to clear a definition up. Ross is not a drug dealer
Just to clear things up, Ross is a world class king of drug dealers.  And you are a moron.  

Anyone who puts in place means to trade trades and receives a handsome fee for use of this mechanism is a drug dealer.  Just because you can buy alpaca socks on SilkRoad doesn't make Ross innocent.  

What the fuck kind of people defend him?  

Stealing movies is illegal too.  Just because you use TOR and bittorrent - doesn't mean it is somehow legal.  Just because bittorrent can transfer legal files too - doesn't mean people who intentionally use it for stealing copyrighted shit are somehow innocent.  

Kim Dotcom is a fat bloated pig and a world class thief.  He didn't make his money by transferring photographs of people's dogs.  Everyone understands where the money came from.  Just because the legal system struggles with distributed systems like bittorrent, doesn't mean people are permitted to deal in stolen movies.  

Ross and that fat pig Kim DotCom should be prison mates for life.  Those who defend them should be in there too.

What is ironic, or rather expected, is how violent you are with your words, and to more than just one person - apparently because people hold a different opinion that you.
And perhaps it might be better to not address comments out of context. I was very clear on my drug dealer comment. And don't run with a bad argument, your not making yourself look any better.

To answer your defense question - Well, comparing your intellect, accusatory tone, lack of logic, judgement and compassion skills, etc. apparently open minded intelligent people defend him.

You seem pretty angry and violent with your words, perhaps learn to let some of that go. Truth is easier to see that way. Until you do you are just defending your beliefs.
Usually, extra emotion (like what you display) is just concerned with being correct and not truth...

Peace out,
Its about sharing

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: iluvpie60 on April 27, 2014, 08:17:50 PM
The Ulbricht family would like to argue that a conviction of Dread Pirate Roberts would 'threaten internet freedom'. (
What a joke.  

You are not free to use the internet for murder, money laundering, drug sales, et cetera.  Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???  If you do this shit, whether over the internet or over morse code smoke signals - you are going to get popped.  Doing something over the internet doesn't mean all laws are nullified.  

What a dumbass.  That family hired one stupid ass lawyer. 

You are a dumbass if you don't get it. And I doubt he tried to have anyone "murdered".  Don't believe everything you read...if you manage that somehow with your feeble brain.

You can doubt everything you want. The FBI or whoever the hell had a sting on him and got him to hire the FBI as hitmen, they faked a murder scene for the people he wanted killed(FBI got them in on it), then the FBI sent him the pictures, to which Dread phaggot roberts said how he wish he didn't have to do it, but he wished they had better morals. Dread pirate robets is a fucking idiot, hope he goes to jail for life.

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Its About Sharing on April 27, 2014, 08:29:25 PM
The Ulbricht family would like to argue that a conviction of Dread Pirate Roberts would 'threaten internet freedom'. (
What a joke.  

You are not free to use the internet for murder, money laundering, drug sales, et cetera.  Why do people think 'internet freedom' means one is free to murder, rape, steal, cheat - over the internet?  WTF???  If you do this shit, whether over the internet or over morse code smoke signals - you are going to get popped.  Doing something over the internet doesn't mean all laws are nullified.  

What a dumbass.  That family hired one stupid ass lawyer. 

You are a dumbass if you don't get it. And I doubt he tried to have anyone "murdered".  Don't believe everything you read...if you manage that somehow with your feeble brain.

You can doubt everything you want. The FBI or whoever the hell had a sting on him and got him to hire the FBI as hitmen, they faked a murder scene for the people he wanted killed(FBI got them in on it), then the FBI sent him the pictures, to which Dread phaggot roberts said how he wish he didn't have to do it, but he wished they had better morals. Dread pirate robets is a fucking idiot, hope he goes to jail for life.

Regardless of doubt or belief, I'm having a hard time finding the actual truth here. I heard from a few places that the charges were dropped as the government didn't have a case. Yes, there was a story that they faked a murder scene, but who has seen that? No one, it is just a story.

I would rather see the people behind the war on drugs going to prison for life. They are the ones hurting humanity, raising black money at the cost of freedom, etc.
Really, Silk Road (which I don't or have never used) seems to be a solution to government Tyranny.
We need less violence, not more.

Its about sharing

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: Skirmant on April 27, 2014, 08:39:48 PM
Here come the libertarians to explain why child porn is OK cause free market.

What does child porn have to do with Ulbricht or the Silk Road?

Title: Re: Ulbricht Conviction to 'Threaten Internet Freedom' lol
Post by: bryant.coleman on April 28, 2014, 03:35:40 PM
Here come the libertarians to explain why child porn is OK cause free market.

What does child porn have to do with Ulbricht or the Silk Road?

Nothing. Except for the fact that the propagandists (who are paid by the government off course) wants you to believe that Silk Road dealt will all sort of shit, including CP and hitmen. The best way to tarnish someone now is to accuse him of indulging in CP.