Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: dreamwatcher on April 25, 2014, 10:51:49 PM

Title: CryptoCoinExplorer - One of the Original Alt-Coin Explorer sites.
Post by: dreamwatcher on April 25, 2014, 10:51:49 PM

Thread has been moved to: (

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on April 25, 2014, 11:09:13 PM
Patch for CCE3 (04/25/2014)

This patch will be applied over the weekend of (4/25/2014)

Patch Includes:

Web page:

-Fixed error on block page when block height entered > the top row in DB

- Block API (/api/block/<height>) has been revamped to have labled pairs.

- TX API (/api/tx/<txhash>) has been revamped to have labled pairs. The first part of the output is VIN. The flag (vout:start) appears when the information changes to VOUT.

- Block hash api (/api/blockhash/<block hash>) Allows getting block information by blockhash

- Balance API (/api/balance/<address>) Gets an address balance.

- Ledger API (/api/ledger/<address>) Sends back a ledger (limited to the last 1000 credits and debits) for address. The first part of the output are the credits. After the flag (debit:start), the information is the debits.

- Devbox API (/dev/<devkey>) This allows coin devs or the responsible community leader to place/change the message in the developers message box on the coins home page.

API that are unchanged:

- Total Minted (/api/totalmint) Show total amount of coins created

- Difficulty (/api/difficulty) Shows the current difficulty

- Network hash  (/api/nethash) Shows the current network hash rate as reported by the coin daemon when available.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on April 26, 2014, 04:57:27 AM
Offering: (
Cubits: (
Bottlecaps: (
ufo: (
Klingon Darsek: (
Gold Pressed Latinum: (
Federation Credits: (
Primecoin: (
Goldcoin: (

Have been updated with the patch. A few dev keys have been sent out to test the new developers box API.

**Feathercoin is in the middle of a database rebuild, should be back up in a few hours**

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on April 26, 2014, 06:18:50 AM
All CCE3 explorers have been updated with the patch.

Feathercoin should be caught up in a couple of hours. When I moved the coin Daemon over to its new home, I failed to add the 'txindex = 1' switch to the configuration causing issues with transaction record keeping.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on April 30, 2014, 09:34:46 AM

In this patch:

- The favicons have been fixed. The coin icon will now appear on the browser tab instead of the cherrypy cherries.

- The block and blockhash API now report the transactions in the block.

- The block API (/api/block) will report the current top block in the database if passed "-1" in the parameter.
   Example: (

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on April 30, 2014, 02:14:24 PM
A small patch has been issued. Mostly cosmetic.

There is a new page with API instructions:  (

This link also appears in the footer of every CCE3 explorer page.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on May 01, 2014, 06:45:18 PM
CCE3 patch applied 05/01/2014

All CCE3 explorers have been patched today.

Patch Notes:

The "block" webpage now accepts both block height and block-hash in the URL.

Examples: ( (

Both the block webpage and block API will now trim much of the redundant address and transaction information. The block webpage will merge duplicate addresses that are next to each other in a single transaction and present a sum of the values. The system will trim many but not all the duplicates. The duplicates are normal and part of the block chains themselves as each input is accounted for separately regardless if they are from the same address. The block API now trims out most duplicate transaction entries.

Miner_fee flag added. This flag determines if fee value is shown with coinbase value to accommodate chains that destroy fees instead of passing them to the block finder. I will need to gather information on which coins destroy fees. Any coin devs out there with a coin a CCE could help out greatly by shooting me a message as to what your coin does with fees.

"Unknown" addresses are now suppressed on the webpage. Unknown addresses are typically part of a POS transaction or a P2POOL block. These "addresses" are just extra information and do not effect explorer functions.

Hopefully this is the end of the immediate technical needs. I hope to get started on cosmetic issues next.  :)

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on May 04, 2014, 04:24:08 AM
CCE3 Patch Applied 05/03/2014

This patch adds a new API feature:

Send Raw TX:

/api/rawtx/<raw tx hex>

This api command will return one of two responses:

If the transaction was accepted by the coin daemon:

"txid":"<txid generated by the daemon>"

If the transaction was rejected by the coin daemon:

"error":"<The hex string provided to the api>"

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: rob72 on May 21, 2014, 08:58:27 PM

can you build the block explorer also for this Coin?

DEV have deleted yesterday the off. Blockchain ;.(

Please let me know how you can help us, we mine this coin since start, now we cant get our solved blocks..

Thanks Rob72

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on May 22, 2014, 08:26:58 PM
**************IMPORTANT NEWS******************

Unfortunately I am in a situation where I have to cut down on the number of servers I am supporting myself. I simply cannot afford to pay out of pocket for these servers anymore.

I am going to have to drop about a dozen explorers and have to shut down 2 VPS. The decision was not an easy one, but I had to make choices based on three things:

1. Support from the community. Unfortunately except for a couple of coins this is almost non-existent. I have been paying for servers pretty much myself for almost 2 years. CCE is up to around 1.5 Million hits a week.

2. Coins that already have other explorers, so my explorers are redundant.

3. Three coins do not have an RPC that either support the TX information, do not provide all the TX info or the information is non-standard. I do not have the time to patch these daemons and ABE requires too many resources for me to support anymore.

List of coins that no longer have donation based explorers


Coins dropped due to reason three (RPC Support for CCE3)


I will be offering a paid service for coins that wish to be hosted on a CCE3 server. More details to follow.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: mullick on May 23, 2014, 04:01:20 PM
Very sad to hear this. But also very understandable. You have been providing a great service to the community

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: NuShrike on May 24, 2014, 12:06:11 PM
You're the only Bottlecaps explorer that I can find!


Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on May 27, 2014, 07:36:31 PM
You're the only Bottlecaps explorer that I can find!

Very sad to hear this. But also very understandable. You have been providing a great service to the community

Thank you very much. Your donations will go to help support the current donation based explorers.  :)

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on May 27, 2014, 07:38:39 PM
Coin developers and communities can sponsor their coins to have an explorer on

Sponsorship includes the following:

Setup of a CCE3 explorer for the sponsored coin.

Hosting and maintenance of the explorer

Developers Box access key. Preference to giving the actual coin developer or community leader the key, others will be considered at CCE discretion.
Access regulated by some basic rules of conduct.

Use of the explorers coin daemon to use as a seed node through a custom address.
This extra address allows the use of the daemon as a seed node if the explorer gets moved to a new server, or at a future date the need to separate the services arises.

Please see the API page for a description of the API access that CCE3 provides.
CCE3 is currently developed and new features are planned for the future including custom color schemes.

Please see the sponsorship page for more information: (

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: xchrix on May 29, 2014, 07:54:17 PM
hey. just found this info because i got an email from worldcoin community
damn sorry to hear that :( i used your data on cryptocoincharts for many coins. now i have to search for other abe explorers.
i think i will stop support for the coins which dont have an abe explorer because i dont have time to implement each api from their own explorers  :-\

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on May 30, 2014, 06:05:48 AM
hey. just found this info because i got an email from worldcoin community
damn sorry to hear that :( i used your data on cryptocoincharts for many coins. now i have to search for other abe explorers.
i think i will stop support for the coins which dont have an abe explorer because i dont have time to implement each api from their own explorers  :-\

I needed to do something about monetizing CCE, I really think the new sponsorship system helps both users and myself.

With donation or advertising based explorers, there is no real guarantee that the explorer will be up for a certain period of time. The owner/operator has no obligation other then his/her own motivations.

The sponsorship system produces a contract that an explorer will be hosted and maintained for a period of time, there is no uncertainty inside the contract. This also give the owner/operator funds in which to pay for hosting and get paid for his/her maintenance and development time.
When I started CCE almost 2 years ago, I was convinced that a service used everyday would have no issues getting enough donations to support itself. Two years later, after the site has grown to 1.5 million hits a week, I was still waiting for it to happen. Meanwhile I see people's greed exploited daily, with scammers raking in the BTC everyday. My mindset changed. I now think that the coin communities should contribute to support an explorer if they want one on CCE. I am charging $25 a month or $275 a year, is that really asking that much? Some of scams that pop up all the time make 10's of thousands in that time period.

Anyway, I believe you are already acquainted with the CCE3 API. I designed it to be much simpler and give more relevant information then the ABE API. (

CCE3 is also less resource intensive and very stable compared with ABE based explorers. Don't get me wrong, I worked with ABE for the majority of time with CCE and for the time it was written it was a clever piece of software, but daemons have changed and I have my own programming style that focuses on efficiency.

My suggestion would be to encourage communities to get explorers sponsored on CCE. This way a stable,fast API will be available, and the community gets an explorer that is currently developed and not dependent on donations to remain available.

Bitbar has the honor of becoming the first explorer under the new sponsorship system. It has been sponsored for a year.  :)

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: xchrix on May 30, 2014, 02:55:30 PM
this is some great piece of software from you and your service is needed by the communities. yes i know there are really great coin developers which make a lot of money and appreciate your work and donate a meaningful amount. and there are others which wont give anything or 10 DOGE coins :D

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on June 01, 2014, 05:58:32 PM
A minor patch has been applied to all explorers.

This patch adds a flag for single output API commands to return a plain output. Adding /p to the end of an API command for difficulty,totalmint and nethash will return a plain value instead of JSON formatted.


Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: Barasha on June 05, 2014, 08:54:24 AM
On Franko "Total coins minted" not true. account balance does not match as well.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on June 05, 2014, 02:07:48 PM
On Franko "Total coins minted" not true. account balance does not match as well.

Thank you for pointing that out.

Turns out the Franko database was created before the finalization of the orphan block detection and correction system, so there are some orphan blocks in the database around the  block height 500,000 area

Franko is one of those coins with a large block chain, so I was reluctant to rebuild it when I switched the site completely over, but with this issue I have to rebuild it  :)

It will take some time to rebuild the database, possibly close to a day.

I will post when the database is created and switched in.


Actually I am going to try and use the orphan system to fix the database, I have never tried it at this scale, so the explorer may not update for a bit.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 14, 2014, 04:01:57 PM
A new build of CCE 3.5 will be coming online today for the three explorers now using CCE 3.5.

Electron is up and using the new build.

In this build:

I have decided to scrap the mempool tx box for now. Mempool information is just not useful information on an explorer and the amount of resources for upkeep have pushed it to the back burner. I know people like to see it on sites like Blockchain info, but transactions in a daemons mempool do not really mean anything until they make it into a block.


  • Peer connections page: This page will list the IP,port,version and sub version of the peers connected to the explorer coin daemon.
  • Top 100 transactions: This page lists the largest (in coin value) transactions. For now it covers the entire block chain, but in the future I may have to limit to the last xxxxxx transactions.
  • Expanded the top balances to the top 20.

There have been some "under the hood" changes as well.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 16, 2014, 05:26:48 PM
The CryptoCoin Explorer homepage has been updated!!!


Explorers are now listed on a table as buttons.

Explorer status (up or down).

Messages about the individual explorers. (

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 20, 2014, 11:52:15 PM
There are now 6 explorers using the latest public build of CCE 3.5: ( ( ( ( ( (

The ( home site has also been upgraded.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 22, 2014, 04:07:36 PM
The following explorers have been updated to CCE 3.5 ( (

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 22, 2014, 04:08:49 PM
Latest version of CCE 3.5 has been implemented:


The top 100 balance list has been replaced with the "rich" page. The new rich page displays the top 1000 balances and has an owners field. The owners field is a future update that will allow people to claim an address by verifying ownership with a signed message.

The coin information page now includes the genesis block time-stamp message.

A navigation button has been added to the main CCE home page.

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 22, 2014, 04:28:53 PM
Donation funded explorers will be shut down on September 01, 2014

I would like to thank the donors that have helped over the last two years.

Unfortunately you are a rare breed and CCE needs to go 100% commercial  to keep running and progressing.

As I have mentioned before, donation funding has never paid the bills. The sponsorship program provides both CCE and users some great advantages.

Explorers are guaranteed not be be dropped as long as sponsorship is kept paid. Since the relationship is now a contractual business relationship there is no uncertainty for the sponsors/users and CCE.

As a commercial venture, updates and features will become regular as competition is now a relevant force.

After September 1st, there will be a setup fee and rates will increase. CCE 3.5 requires more setup as it is aesthetically customized for the coin and is not as cookie cutter as CCE 3.0.
Only sponsored explorers will be upgraded to CCE 3.5.

Explorers that are currently on CCE will be grandfathered in under the current rates after September 1st.

Please see: (

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 22, 2014, 08:25:50 PM
Two more explorers have been updated to CCE 3.5 ( (

Title: Re: New CryptoCoinExplorer Thread. Classic site with new block explorer software.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 26, 2014, 05:41:06 AM
A new build of CCE 3.5 will be rolling out in the next couple of days:

This new build includes:

The market ticker. Each explorer will display up to two markets. The ticker includes the market name, up/down/even since last check, current price in BTC&USD or in certain cases LTC&USD,  and volume.

The address owner verify system is in place. For now owner information will show up in the 'rich list'.

Future - Next Build:

In the next build  address ownership information will also show up if one hovers any address in the explorer.

Country name and  flag for the peers list.

Planned for chart page:

TX, Difficulty, Blocks , and POS-POW over periods of 24 hours, week, and month.

Only a few donation explorers left in danger of being dropped on September 1st. Almost all explorers have moved to sponsored status.

Title: Re: CryptoCoinExplorer - One of the Original Alt-Coin Explorer sites.
Post by: dreamwatcher on August 27, 2014, 11:22:08 PM
All Sponsored explorers have now been updated to CCE 3.5

A few of the explorers that were converted recently are on a newer build of CCE 3.5. Work is under way to update all the explorers to the newest build mentioned above.

Only two non-sponsored explorers left: Offerings and Primecoin. Both will be shut down on the first unless sponsorship is found.

Title: Re: CryptoCoinExplorer - One of the Original Alt-Coin Explorer sites.
Post by: cinnamon_carter on December 08, 2014, 05:12:09 AM
Lets face it this is the best block crawler you can get for a coin

Title: Re: CryptoCoinExplorer - One of the Original Alt-Coin Explorer sites.
Post by: dreamwatcher on January 12, 2015, 05:57:49 PM

Thread has been moved to: (