Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Securities => Topic started by: gogxmagog on April 28, 2014, 09:20:37 PM

Title: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: gogxmagog on April 28, 2014, 09:20:37 PM
OK guys, if you have a stake in this jalopy you must have an opinion as to what needs to be done. My vote is to go to the Australian authorities. We probably wont get any funds back, but these scammers will feel some heat and hopefully not perpetrate this sort of bad faith dealing in the future.

This is where you go to file a formal complaint;

Poll is up for 7 days.

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: gogxmagog on April 28, 2014, 09:28:22 PM
Here are some points from the "complaints" page of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.


"ASIC receives reports about:

    - how company directors and officers manage their companies
    - incorrect or late release of company information to the market
    - raising money from the public
    -  a company continuing to trade while unable to pay its debts
    - how company administrators, liquidators or auditors perform their duties
    - misleading or deceptive conduct to do with borrowing money
    - a takeover or company restructure
    - incorrect details on ASIC's register."

as far as I can see, Kenilworth has violated (at least) 4 of the above bullets

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: thehun on April 29, 2014, 09:39:16 PM
I believe it's pretty unanimous and you should go forward with this.

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: perlboy on April 30, 2014, 11:47:36 AM
Not affected by this directly since the return potential always seemed like a bit of a long shot (even at listing time their plots were pending renewal with NSW Mine regulators).

Either way though, reporting them to ASIC is probably one of the best moves you can make. Australian company regulators have wide reaching powers ranging from:
  • 10+ Year Bans on Company Office Holding
  • Seizure of Personal Assets (if found to have been bled out of a company for non-company related purposes) - Paper related to this here: (
  • Jail Time if found to have wilfully misled shareholders or not operated in the companies best interest

There's a summary of what a directors obligations are here: (

Suffice to say, operating as a company director within Australia is a significant responsibility not to be flaunted.


Stuart Low
Directory - e-currency Australia Pty Ltd

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: Yogafan00000 on April 30, 2014, 08:06:18 PM
I would like to see a resolution to this 'fund' as well.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: Atruk on May 03, 2014, 04:50:24 AM
"ASIC receives reports about:

I have no involvement in any of this, but with a name this fortuitous why not?

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: FastLoan4You on May 03, 2014, 06:57:31 AM
@OP, yes, definitely. Report them, it is what the authorities are for. It appears that fraud has definitely taken place.

@Atruk: Please post less insubstantial posts, nobody cares about you. Go back to sucking MP's dick.

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: NotLambchop on May 03, 2014, 12:09:51 PM
Thanks for weighing in, FastLoan4You.  With the poll @ 22:1 pro, your vote matters!
Run to teh nanny-state for rescue, intrepid entrepreneurs!

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: gogxmagog on May 06, 2014, 10:28:22 PM
Ok it's decided, I will commence complaint. I strongly urge all who voted likewise to also file complaint. Many voices united are strong.

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: Atruk on May 07, 2014, 01:50:29 AM

@Atruk: Please post less insubstantial posts, nobody cares about you. Go back to sucking MP's dick.

I hardly post in this barren waste anymore. I'm wondering whose alt you might be.

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: Yogafan00000 on May 07, 2014, 04:08:06 PM
Ok it's decided, I will commence complaint. I strongly urge all who voted likewise to also file complaint. Many voices united are strong.

If you can report back details on how you filed a complaint and the result you got, it would make it easier for others to follow your lead.

Thanks for taking initiative.

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: gogxmagog on May 07, 2014, 05:25:48 PM
Ok it's decided, I will commence complaint. I strongly urge all who voted likewise to also file complaint. Many voices united are strong.

If you can report back details on how you filed a complaint and the result you got, it would make it easier for others to follow your lead.

Thanks for taking initiative.
I will.
I have been horribly busy the last couple days with some very serious family matters, so I will get to it either late tonight or tomorrow. I have perused the ASIC website and see that it is difficult to navigate (like every gov website) so I'll keep detailed notes on where to navigate and post easy to follow directions

Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: arctos on May 08, 2014, 03:43:35 PM

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

Kenilworth was never listed with Havelock Investments. They did begin the process to apply and we begun the process of distributing previously owned shares by them to their subscribers. However they never completed the application. 

Thank you,

Support Team

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 09:00 - 17:00 EST 



Title: Re: Should KENILWORTH be reported to Austrailian Securities Commission?
Post by: gogxmagog on May 09, 2014, 04:12:56 AM
OK guys, like I mentioned above I have been having a hectic week with little time available for this, but here is what I have so far;

start here > ( > scroll down to the "making a report" section and click the "sample reporting form" because the actual report must be completed in one session and requires all sorts of infos about the "where when who how and why" regarding the dispute plus contact info for yourself. I'm gathering together these infos now and will attempt to compile it into a report ASAP. Its way more complicated than I thought, but it is the only recourse outside legal action available to me, and since I only lost a relatively small amount on this piece of crap I wont be going to any lawyer. they do suggest contacting the police in kenilworth's jurisdiction as well as a few other regulatory bodies that I am unfamiliar with. all this is laid out clearly in the form, so look at the sample and see what you can here$file/Report%20Form%20Sample%2028102013.pdf ($file/Report%20Form%20Sample%2028102013.pdf)


REMEMBER; do not click the actual form until you are sure you have everything you need as laid out in the sample (almost all the info is also buried in ASIC's website, such as Kenilworth's corporate registered info, name, location, serial number etc. which you can find here ( by searching "Kenilworth" in the "business names index" (first link on the above page)

This form is a lot of clerical work for everyone who fills it, but I am on the job of doing my copy now and you should too. I'm sick of the BTC investors sphere being abused, and I feel it is contributing to the overall negative image of BTC itself and must be dutifully held to account by all BTC backers, believers, and fans or the FUD will continue to grow and eventually every n00b will only ever hear about scams and burns and eventually dismiss BTC altogether, and there will be no argument against!

This thing is going to take me a while to complete, I hope you guys are attempting to navigate the process as well because some of this legalese stuff is Greek to me so if we can compare notes we can figure it out together. Any help or guidance on how to best complete this form could make filing a simple process for all, then maybe we could see some Australian mining exploration scammers burn and provide a win for BTC's tarnished name.

Anyways, my personal dramas continue here and I will have to wrestle some time to go over this more thoroughly, so check back here mid-next-week and I will share all the pertinent info I gather.

Until then- over & out.