Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: gamersglory on April 29, 2014, 04:29:35 AM

Title: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: gamersglory on April 29, 2014, 04:29:35 AM
I don't think Bitcoin be around in 5 years as most people will switch to a new gold standard yet to be made. Bitcoin is too short sighted and limited to 21 million coins and is still a Beta technology so are all crypto coins at this time. some people wasting time and money on trying to buy gox is stupid and it's a lesson in how we need more then 3 major exchanges.   learn what the faults are and then replace bitcoin with an improved crypto with that knowledge. I think BTC is just a huge stepping stone to what will be next. I have some ideas as to what the requirements for the next big coin will need to have in it's design but then i'm not a programmer. Right now it just seems like cryptos are just being thrown to the wall and see what sticks. We need to start thinking whats next. Just my thoughts want to know what you folks think.

1. The coins mined earn interest while in your wallet or on an exchange Wallet. Don't know what would be an appropriate rate though. But the best thing i think would be the rate would very based on how much hashing power would be on the whole network ex. more hash = more interest . This would help little guys who don't have a lot of hashing power. makes it more like banking

2.No interest made when your not mining. Not putting in the work anymore why should you earn.

3.The biggest part a coin that can adjust with inflation and deflation. If the value goes down everyone should feel it in there wallet no mater how big or how small. Amount of coinage in your wallet would decrease or Inflate based on value think for example if the coins value got really high it would split like a stock 1 coin becomes 2 coins and so on a split would happen after it reaches a fixed doller value.

4. Some sort of new hashing algorithm that puts everyone no matter how much hashing power they have on equal footing. Difficulty increasing should not be able to be cheated by having more hashing power.

5.Mined block size will vary based on all of the above. Each block will have the interest to pay out to everyone's active mining wallets.

I would love for others to add there ideas and comment on my ideas           

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: bitpop on April 29, 2014, 05:16:17 AM
So tell us what needs to improve

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Polyrhythm on April 29, 2014, 06:22:54 AM
It could be, but what it does have going for it right now is the recognition....although I guess it's not inconceivable that some other coin down the road pulls an Apple and completely reinvents the field...especially since this whole cryptocurrency idea is so new.  Either way, it will be interesting to watch.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Arghhh on April 29, 2014, 06:31:30 AM
I think BTC is just a huge stepping stone to what will be next.
So this guy is asking programmers to be a huge stepping stone to what will be next for him...

Any volunteers?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Arghhh on April 29, 2014, 06:38:21 AM
Okay, now seriously, I have just the plan for you big guy:

1. Hire Chinese or Eastern European programmers for your coins (they're cheap labor).

2. Implement your ideas.

3. Since you're not a programmer, you're just going to have to trust your Chinese / Eastern European programmer buddies not to implement any malicious code.  ;D

4. Release it in Alternative Cryptocurrencies (, it will be a huge stepping stone to what will be next...

5. Your awesome idea will overtake all the cryptocurrencies.

6. Bitcoin forum capitulates to your coin.

7. ??

8. Profit. You are the next Satoshi Nakamoto!

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: MoneroMoto on April 29, 2014, 06:39:14 AM
Something better is already here - Monero

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: 1Referee on April 29, 2014, 07:32:17 AM
Why are people always referring to "only 21 Million coins" there will be one day that Bitcoin is so expensive that people will struggle with getting 0.3BTC let alone 1 BTC

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: twelvesigns on April 29, 2014, 07:41:47 AM
Yes its a stepping stone to dogecoin

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Sage on April 29, 2014, 08:16:07 AM
Bitcoin is the Beta app.

Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to change out your Bitcoins for another currency.  Right now though, it's all Bitcoin & Litecoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Sage on April 29, 2014, 08:19:49 AM
Yes its a stepping stone to dogecoin

RIGHHTTT.... look at a dogecoin chart.

No dogecoin provides not real value over and above Bitcoin.  And because of its' inflation, provides tremendous downside.

Dogecoin will be a dead project in a few years... hear me now believe me later.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on April 29, 2014, 08:31:55 AM
Bitcoin has the developer base it will be around even if the new versions of stuff start to appear

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Tammy Chan on April 29, 2014, 08:33:42 AM
I have some ideas as to what the requirements for the next big coin will need to have in it's design but then i'm not a programmer.

You can hire programmers to build the "next big coin", or you can just tell us your idea. :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on April 29, 2014, 08:35:14 AM
Bitcoin is the Beta app.

Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to change out your Bitcoins for another currency.  Right now though, it's all Bitcoin & Litecoin.

TCP/IP is a beta protocol.  Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to rip out all the internet infrastructure and replace it with something new.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Sage on April 29, 2014, 08:41:59 AM
Bitcoin is the Beta app.

Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to change out your Bitcoins for another currency.  Right now though, it's all Bitcoin & Litecoin.

TCP/IP is a beta protocol.  Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to rip out all the internet infrastructure and replace it with something new.

For sure... and it will be peer-to-peer, fully encrypted & unable to be spied on, shut down, or censored...

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: devphp on April 29, 2014, 09:04:22 AM
Why are people always referring to "only 21 Million coins" there will be one day that Bitcoin is so expensive that people will struggle with getting 0.3BTC let alone 1 BTC

Because being able to only afford 0.3 BTC makes you feel like a loser. At the same time for the same money you could afford to buy 250k Dogecoins and feel rich. I don't think many people want to feel like losers and most people want to feel rich, that's a no-brainer to me.

Yes, Bitcoin is ahead now, because it was the first, but really, why didn't Satoshi just make the limit of 1 trillion bitcoins? That number would be enough for everyone to feel rich. Don't tell me about millibits shit, people like 'whole', they don't like 'part', millibits aren't appealing when you clearly understand you're a loser because you only can afford 0.3 of a 'whole' BTC. That's why numbers of Dogecoin followers are growing like bees, because they love to own 'whole' coins, thousands of them. Human psychology is too important a marketing aspect to ignore.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Tammy Chan on April 29, 2014, 09:10:27 AM
Why are people always referring to "only 21 Million coins" there will be one day that Bitcoin is so expensive that people will struggle with getting 0.3BTC let alone 1 BTC

Because being able to only afford 0.3 BTC makes you feel like a loser. At the same time for the same money you could afford to buy 250k Dogecoins and feel rich. I don't think many people want to feel like losers and most people want to feel rich, that's a no-brainer to me.

Try to think it like 30000000 satoshi rather than 0.3 btc then :D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: devphp on April 29, 2014, 09:17:40 AM
Try to think it like 30000000 satoshi rather than 0.3 btc then :D

I try. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and trust me, I always try to think about things logically. Now, imagine a lot of people aren't that logical. Trying to think that way won't work for them each time, and they will choose a different coin where they don't have to rack their brain like that, but instead feel rich and have fun :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: BitCoinDream on April 29, 2014, 09:29:45 AM
I don't think Bitcoin will not be around in 5 years as most people will switch to a new gold standard yet to be made. Bitcoin is too short sighted and limited to 21 million coins and is still a Beta technology so are all crypto coins at this time. some people wasting time and money on trying to buy gox is stupid and it's a lesson in how we need more then 3 major exchanges.   learn what the faults are and then replace bitcoin with an improved crypto with that knowledge. I think BTC is just a huge stepping stone to what will be next. I have some ideas as to what the requirements for the next big coin will need to have in it's design but then i'm not a programmer. Right now it just seems like cryptos are just being thrown to the wall and see what sticks. We need to start thinking whats next. Just my thoughts want to know what you folks think.         

What are the 3 major exchanges ?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Tammy Chan on April 29, 2014, 09:36:29 AM
I don't think Bitcoin will not be around in 5 years as most people will switch to a new gold standard yet to be made. Bitcoin is too short sighted and limited to 21 million coins and is still a Beta technology so are all crypto coins at this time. some people wasting time and money on trying to buy gox is stupid and it's a lesson in how we need more then 3 major exchanges.   learn what the faults are and then replace bitcoin with an improved crypto with that knowledge. I think BTC is just a huge stepping stone to what will be next. I have some ideas as to what the requirements for the next big coin will need to have in it's design but then i'm not a programmer. Right now it just seems like cryptos are just being thrown to the wall and see what sticks. We need to start thinking whats next. Just my thoughts want to know what you folks think.         

What are the 3 major exchanges ?

Coinbase, Bitstamp and btc-e maybe? Though coinbase is technically not an exchange...

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: durrrr on April 29, 2014, 02:30:28 PM
i think that bitcoin will be around for a very long time and i dont think anything will take its place. maybe if google or something creats an alt coin but that still would probally evolve around the bitcoin and the price of bitcoin unless google gives it a set value but then u lose all the traders and investers

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: acoindr on April 29, 2014, 02:44:13 PM
Bitcoin is the Beta app.

Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to change out your Bitcoins for another currency.  Right now though, it's all Bitcoin & Litecoin.

TCP/IP is a beta protocol.  Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to rip out all the internet infrastructure and replace it with something new.

Perfect answer  :)

What people don't seem to realize is widely adopted technology doesn't have to be best, just good enough and first.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Klestin on April 29, 2014, 03:45:34 PM
I don't think Bitcoin will not be around in 5 years

Agreed, although I don't think that's what you meant to write.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: ChuckBuck on April 29, 2014, 04:34:38 PM
Bitcoin is the Beta app.

Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to change out your Bitcoins for another currency.  Right now though, it's all Bitcoin & Litecoin.

TCP/IP is a beta protocol.  Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to rip out all the internet infrastructure and replace it with something new.

Perfect answer  :)

What people don't seem to realize is widely adopted technology doesn't have to be best, just good enough and first.

So if TCP/IP is Bitcoin, does that make IPX/SPX Dogecoin?  Appletalk must be like Reddcoin or iCoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: crazyoddman on April 29, 2014, 04:35:59 PM
I don't think Bitcoin will not be around in 5 years as most people will switch to a new gold standard yet to be made. Bitcoin is too short sighted and limited to 21 million coins and is still a Beta technology so are all crypto coins at this time. some people wasting time and money on trying to buy gox is stupid and it's a lesson in how we need more then 3 major exchanges.   learn what the faults are and then replace bitcoin with an improved crypto with that knowledge. I think BTC is just a huge stepping stone to what will be next. I have some ideas as to what the requirements for the next big coin will need to have in it's design but then i'm not a programmer. Right now it just seems like cryptos are just being thrown to the wall and see what sticks. We need to start thinking whats next. Just my thoughts want to know what you folks think.         
How about NO ;D

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Chemistry1988 on April 29, 2014, 04:59:11 PM
I don't think Bitcoin will not be around in 5 years as most people will switch to a new gold standard yet to be made. Bitcoin is too short sighted and limited to 21 million coins and is still a Beta technology so are all crypto coins at this time.

Which bitcoin features do you think are faulty and need to be replaced?  ???

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: whtchocla7e on April 29, 2014, 05:13:21 PM
The technology underlying Bitcoin may survive for a pretty long time. Bitcoin itself, will probably be replaced by something better. Don't confuse one with the other.

You upgrade your Apple phone every year even though the underlying technology stays pretty much the same.

The TCP/IP comparison is dumb...

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Peter R on April 29, 2014, 05:30:06 PM
Bitcoin is the Beta app.

Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to change out your Bitcoins for another currency.  Right now though, it's all Bitcoin & Litecoin.

TCP/IP is a beta protocol.  Make no mistake about it, there will come a time to rip out all the internet infrastructure and replace it with something new.

Perfect answer  :)

What people don't seem to realize is widely adopted technology doesn't have to be best, just good enough and first.

I think we can do even better.  

What many people fail to realize is that bitcoin is both a payment network and a public ledger.  The payment network is the nodes, miners and source code.  The public ledger is the blockchain.  

If, at some distant point in the future, a vastly better payment network was found, then we would just integrate the new technology around the blockchain ledger using for example the spin-off ( technique.  

The blockchain ledger will be preserved.  

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: michael_vw on April 29, 2014, 07:00:03 PM
Hi all,

Why not merge bitcoin with bitcoin-scrypt? Then we have doubled the coin total.
BTC-sCrypt has a voting system wich can be used too vote on all important development for the coin.

No serious, just think about it  ;)



Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: CoinDiver on April 29, 2014, 07:56:25 PM
Bitcoin was first to market. You can't duplicate that. No one has come up with anything that outweighs that. There is a need for faster transactions of lower values. None of those will surpass bitcoin, because there isn't the need.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: CoinDiver on April 29, 2014, 07:58:24 PM
What bitcoin may be a stepping stone towards... is world peace. Stephen Molyneux just did a talk in Amsterdam regarding bitcoin. Basically, a transition to bitcoin makes those responsible for war, also responsible for the bill.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: wormbog on April 29, 2014, 08:04:01 PM
Remember Y2K and COBOL code? Even when bitcoin is considered ancient it will still be in wide use.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Bit_Happy on April 29, 2014, 08:10:51 PM
I don't think Bitcoin will not be around in 5 years as most people will switch to a new gold standard yet to be made. Bitcoin is too short sighted and limited to 21 million coins and is still a Beta technology so are all crypto coins at this time. some people wasting time and money on trying to buy gox is stupid and it's a lesson in how we need more then 3 major exchanges.   learn what the faults are and then replace bitcoin with an improved crypto with that knowledge. I think BTC is just a huge stepping stone to what will be next. I have some ideas as to what the requirements for the next big coin will need to have in it's design but then i'm not a programmer. Right now it just seems like cryptos are just being thrown to the wall and see what sticks. We need to start thinking whats next. Just my thoughts want to know what you folks think.         

What are the 3 major exchanges ?

Coinbase, Bitstamp and btc-e maybe? Though coinbase is technically not an exchange...

Bitstamp and btc-e plus he mentioned trying to revive Gox.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on April 29, 2014, 09:33:02 PM
to PPcoin (failcoin)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Nagle on May 01, 2014, 09:02:15 PM
More and more, Bitcoin looks like a Pink Sheet stock. Trading continues, even though there's no asset value behind it.

The fundamental problem with Bitcoin is that unidirectional money transfers to remote anonymous parties are the con man's dream. Most "Bitcoin enterpreneurs" seem to be con men. Over half the Bitcoin exchanges have gone bust, even though that should be a low-risk business. Most of the sellers of mining hardware seem to be unable to reliably make, sell, and deliver ordered hardware. The "Bitcoin stock markets" are a joke, and the "Bitcoin Ponzis" are just embarassing.

Bitcoin has become the clown car of money because of all this.

The underlying technology isn't bad. We're about 2/3 of the way there to something that might work. The first generation of crypto-currency was Chaum's DigiCash in the early 1990s. This had protection against double-spending, like Bitcoin, but it relied on a centralized ledger system. Bitcoin is basically DigiCash with a distributed ledger, the block chain. DigiCash failed because of Cham's differences with his backers, and because it was too early. 

With Bitcoin, you still have to trust the receiving party when you order something. From recent experience, that doesn't work. The protocol could in theory be extended to support escrow and arbitration, but it hasn't been.  That's the remaining 1/3 of the problem.

What we have now is too slimeball-friendly.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: jabo38 on May 02, 2014, 03:49:55 AM
I think bitcoin will be around for a while and the price will go up a lot and then yes, eventually another "coin/platform/tech" will have addressed all of bitcoins flaws and become more widely accepted. 

What are these flaws?

One guys owns 10% of the economy.
Block times are 10 minutes.
If I want it to be secure, I have to load linux on a computer not ever connected to the internet and then make a cold wallet and then store that safely.  (are you kidding me??? like .01% of the population is even capable of doing this. seriously 0.01%)
Mining bitcoin uses lots of energy and computing power which ultimately makes bitcoin prices much higher than they need to be for the service actually performed. (yes, I know some of you like this, but really it is a flawed system)
Mining is becoming heavily centralized and moving forward if the pools don't okay something, it won't happen.  (do you think they will okay things against their interest, even if it is in the average person's interest.  sounds like the government we have now controlling fiat)
The language is confusing.
It's start has grown out of shady industries tainting its image.
There are lots of services being provided by or planned by 2.0 platforms that bitcoin just can't do or at least isn't doing.

Yes, bitcoin is adaptable and yes it can address many of these faults and adapt, but will it address all of them?  Some of these flaws are pretty serious flaws.  A new platform that wipes the slate clean and addresses these issues and more, could be much more successful and overtake bitcoin.  I gather bitcoin will still be around when that happens; just as fiat surpassed gold, it didn't make gold irrelevant. 

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: MegaHustlr on May 02, 2014, 03:26:28 PM
To bitpop:

-TX time

-Confirmations needed

- Mining times

- Unequal distribution of mining power.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 03, 2014, 06:34:07 AM
Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Crypto will be one of the biggest things in our lifetime.
Bitcoin has a big head start as the leader. No one knows for certain regarding something better.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: BunsenBurner on May 03, 2014, 06:40:16 AM
To bitpop:

-TX time
-Confirmations needed
- Mining times

I guess you mean the block time (*expected* 10 min in bitcoin) should be shorter, right?

A short block time (some altcoins use a very low block time) will lead to more orphans blocks and more likely to have natural forks.
IMO it is pretty safe to accept zero-confirmation tx as long as 1) The inputs are confirmed 2) The tx pays min fee 3) No double spending attempts detected after 30s.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: gamersglory on May 05, 2014, 05:44:27 AM
I think bitcoin will be around for a while and the price will go up a lot and then yes, eventually another "coin/platform/tech" will have addressed all of bitcoins flaws and become more widely accepted. 

What are these flaws?

One guys owns 10% of the economy.
Block times are 10 minutes.
If I want it to be secure, I have to load linux on a computer not ever connected to the internet and then make a cold wallet and then store that safely.  (are you kidding me??? like .01% of the population is even capable of doing this. seriously 0.01%)
Mining bitcoin uses lots of energy and computing power which ultimately makes bitcoin prices much higher than they need to be for the service actually performed. (yes, I know some of you like this, but really it is a flawed system)
Mining is becoming heavily centralized and moving forward if the pools don't okay something, it won't happen.  (do you think they will okay things against their interest, even if it is in the average person's interest.  sounds like the government we have now controlling fiat)
The language is confusing.
It's start has grown out of shady industries tainting its image.
There are lots of services being provided by or planned by 2.0 platforms that bitcoin just can't do or at least isn't doing.

Yes, bitcoin is adaptable and yes it can address many of these faults and adapt, but will it address all of them?  Some of these flaws are pretty serious flaws.  A new platform that wipes the slate clean and addresses these issues and more, could be much more successful and overtake bitcoin.  I gather bitcoin will still be around when that happens; just as fiat surpassed gold, it didn't make gold irrelevant. 

Part of my point exactly. Bitcoin is not a fair coin. Now we have been seeing this with rich people buying all the mining power they can find and chewing through the network while those of us who can't afford to mine on a large scale are stuck with the Bitcoin equivalent of trickle down economics. Which we know does not work in the real world. We need a coin that can do a few neet tricks. I would like to share

1. The coins mined earn interest while in your wallet or on an exchange Wallet. Don't know what would be an appropriate rate though. But the best thing i think would be the rate would very based on how much hashing power would be on the whole network ex. more hash = more interest . This would help little guys who don't have a lot of hashing power. makes it more like banking

2.No interest made when your not mining. Not putting in the work anymore why should you earn.

3.The biggest part a coin that can adjust with inflation and deflation. If the value goes down everyone should feel it in there wallet no mater how big or how small. Amount of coinage in your wallet would decrease or Inflate based on value think for example if the coins value got really high it would split like a stock 1 coin becomes 2 coins and so on a split would happen after it reaches a fixed doller value.

4. Some sort of new hashing algorithm that puts everyone no matter how much hashing power they have on equal footing. Difficulty increasing should not be able to be cheated by having more hashing power.

5.Mined block size will vary based on all of the above. Each block will have the interest to pay out to everyone's active mining wallets.

I would love for others to add there ideas and comment on my ideas           


Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: genjix on May 05, 2014, 05:46:01 AM
Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Crypto will be one of the biggest things in our lifetime.
Bitcoin has a big head start as the leader. No one knows for certain regarding something better.

bitcoin is probably here to stay, but off this stepping stone so much is now possible.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: jubalix on May 05, 2014, 12:16:29 PM
More and more, Bitcoin looks like a Pink Sheet stock. Trading continues, even though there's no asset value behind it.

The fundamental problem with Bitcoin is that unidirectional money transfers to remote anonymous parties are the con man's dream. Most "Bitcoin enterpreneurs" seem to be con men. Over half the Bitcoin exchanges have gone bust, even though that should be a low-risk business. Most of the sellers of mining hardware seem to be unable to reliably make, sell, and deliver ordered hardware. The "Bitcoin stock markets" are a joke, and the "Bitcoin Ponzis" are just embarassing.

Bitcoin has become the clown car of money because of all this.

The underlying technology isn't bad. We're about 2/3 of the way there to something that might work. The first generation of crypto-currency was Chaum's DigiCash in the early 1990s. This had protection against double-spending, like Bitcoin, but it relied on a centralized ledger system. Bitcoin is basically DigiCash with a distributed ledger, the block chain. DigiCash failed because of Cham's differences with his backers, and because it was too early. 

With Bitcoin, you still have to trust the receiving party when you order something. From recent experience, that doesn't work. The protocol could in theory be extended to support escrow and arbitration, but it hasn't been.  That's the remaining 1/3 of the problem.

What we have now is too slimeball-friendly.

pretty good analysis to some extent, but there is huge value behind btc. It can replace 50% of all banking infrastructure, That's worth a trillion or so per year.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: zolace on May 05, 2014, 06:22:29 PM
I I really don't want bitcoin to be the steppingstone.   it already has taken the lead in the economy.  And this is great because it can lead to more businesses and more jobs

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: serenitys on May 05, 2014, 09:02:42 PM
More and more, Bitcoin looks like a Pink Sheet stock. Trading continues, even though there's no asset value behind it.

The fundamental problem with Bitcoin is that unidirectional money transfers to remote anonymous parties are the con man's dream. Most "Bitcoin enterpreneurs" seem to be con men. Over half the Bitcoin exchanges have gone bust, even though that should be a low-risk business. Most of the sellers of mining hardware seem to be unable to reliably make, sell, and deliver ordered hardware. The "Bitcoin stock markets" are a joke, and the "Bitcoin Ponzis" are just embarassing.

Bitcoin has become the clown car of money because of all this.

The underlying technology isn't bad. We're about 2/3 of the way there to something that might work. The first generation of crypto-currency was Chaum's DigiCash in the early 1990s. This had protection against double-spending, like Bitcoin, but it relied on a centralized ledger system. Bitcoin is basically DigiCash with a distributed ledger, the block chain. DigiCash failed because of Cham's differences with his backers, and because it was too early.  

With Bitcoin, you still have to trust the receiving party when you order something. From recent experience, that doesn't work. The protocol could in theory be extended to support escrow and arbitration, but it hasn't been.  That's the remaining 1/3 of the problem.

What we have now is too slimeball-friendly.

I disagree that it's too slimeball friendly or that the only entrepreneurs are con men looking to skirt the law.

A large part of the appeal for people is the reality that it can't be taxed or controlled or outlawed or anything else and go away just because some agency is threatened by it. I'm not a criminal and most people here aren't either, and to have an alternative means of currency with a secure value is a welcome relief. I can probably speak for a ton of people when I say that if I earn X amount of money, no government body has any rights to it without my consent anymore than they can take anything else...and the only time they do that is when they're abusing the limits of their power anyway...or get too threatened by the reality that people will choose to not hand it over when there is a viable alternative. And I don't want them touching it. I don't even want them aware of it.

I think people tend to forget what is real here.

We elect representatives to represent us and our wishes for our nation.
Their job is to honor those wishes, do the job, get paid and butt out.

Instead, they lie through their teeth, con people, get elected, do whatever the fuck they want to do, abuse their positions, abuse their power, and treat those they're supposed to represent like criminals - can't speak out to them during a speech, else the goon squad hauls you out, that douchebag bush fired up "free speech zones" 2 or 3 miles away from anywhere he was because he's a fucking psychopath, can't freely enter their offices without being thrown out or jailed, can't call them up to discuss policy because they don't answer and then condescend if you catch them off guard, and you can't vote them in or out because the whole thing is rigged...all they while they make back door deals that rip off the citizens, start wars that bankrupt the entire nation, lead into further and further debt - all this shit is what is reality here and now.

They are the criminals and of course they're not going to like the idea of bitcoin coming along giving anyone a choice because they know anyone who is sane, rational, and intelligent will choose against everything they are until they implode - which is exactly what needs to happen.

As long as bitcoin is being traded at all, I don't give one rat's ass what any government declares, whether they outlaw it or not, fuck them. They had one job and becoming lord of the people is not it.

This is the one foundational thread that finally makes nonviolent revolution actually if Joe Blow wants to buy porn pot and pills through some back channel, I don't care, because chances are on the order of 100% that Joe Blow first tried all those legal channels and faced nothing but bullshit red tape, loopholes, obnoxious regulations, high costs, taxes and a slew of other things just to end up denied, declined or blocked. So they took it to the underground market with a secure payment alternative with value to trade for products or services.

Most everything we do anymore is a crime.

The governments, the corporations, and the bankers are the real criminals.

And because of it, bitcoin isn't going anywhere...and the more people understand its true "disruptive" power, the more they will flock in droves, cash out their USDs or other currencies and trade out.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: ParsnipCommander on May 06, 2014, 01:19:32 AM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Beliathon on May 06, 2014, 04:08:22 AM
All technology is exactly as you described, when viewed on a long enough timescale.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: polunna on May 06, 2014, 04:50:45 AM
I think that Bitcoin isn't a steppingstone, but it is the foundation for economic development in the future.
Using Bitcoins abolishes the role of middlemen and it gives a chance to the economy be a self-regulating system.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 06, 2014, 05:30:48 AM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

Bitcoin has a huge advantage, but it is possible for something better to come along.
Also, if the Bitcoin Foundation continues to anger enough people, then our movement could (possibly) have an epic split into two or more projects.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: ParsnipCommander on May 06, 2014, 06:02:23 AM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

Bitcoin has a huge advantage, but it is possible for something better to come along.
Also, if the Bitcoin Foundation continues to anger enough people, then our movement could (possibly) have an epic split into two or more projects.

So you've basically outlined at least one of the projects that major antagonists to Bitcoin would pursue - divide and conquer. Some kind of agent provocateur that discredits the foundation or a few.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: devphp on May 06, 2014, 08:40:57 AM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

Bitcoin code is technically easy to change, but if the changes are so big as to require a hard fork, many miners may not agree to change, and hence those code changes won't become effective.

On the other hand, new crypto currencies can build in the necessary modifications and then start their operations, or add the changes later when there are not so many miners yet. The more miners, the harder it is to get them all to agree to upgrade to the newest code. Miners are those who define the network operations and they decide what will fly and what will not. Bitcoin's being the first in this market is both advantage and disadvantage, the disadvantage is the code changes are too conservative and slow compared to other coins.

If people need such changes that a) Bitcoin developers might not agree to implement or b) miners will not agree to accept, then people could switch to another crypto currency. Actually this diversification has been going on for a while, top 5-10 cryptos from coinmarketcap if you're interested. Bitcoin is still the leader, because it still performs the basic function of relatively secure money transfer and store of value, and that's good enough for most people, for now.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: fryarminer on May 06, 2014, 09:41:37 AM
gamersglory, by the sound of it you want a communist coin. One with nearly equal value for all.

I cannot see it becoming valuable. Why would I invest in a coin that changes quantity in my wallet based on the market value? Today I have 20 commicoin that is worth $200 each. But tomorrow I have 10 commicoin worth $400 each. Where will this coin get value?
Then interest for mining? Isn't that the same thing as mining for coins? If you mine you get more coin, if you don't mine you don't get more coins. Based on the amount you contribute to the network is how much more coin you get. What's the difference between that and the interest you suggest? It seems again you're thinking that because someone mines, no matter how little, they get equal based on the speed of the network. So if the network speed is 1ph you get .5 coin, if the network hash is 2ph you get 1coin.

I don't see any of these things working, but you should create an alt coin with these features and see how it catches on.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: BitOnyx on May 06, 2014, 12:52:32 PM
Bitcoin might get successor at some point but definitely it wont get thrown away. I expect it would rather be slow evolution then sudden revolution.

When it comes to technology when something get outdated it is never forgotten. Everyday nowadays devices uses same cheeps that were used by old computers. Nothing get wasted. Bitcoin might be value determine in future, just as we use dollar right now.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: umair127 on May 06, 2014, 01:16:39 PM
Bitcoin might get successor at some point but definitely it wont get thrown away. I expect it would rather be slow evolution then sudden revolution.

When it comes to technology when something get outdated it is never forgotten. Everyday nowadays devices uses same cheeps that were used by old computers. Nothing get wasted. Bitcoin might be value determine in future, just as we use dollar right now.

I know this might not be the same comparison but remeber yahoo was one of the most popular search engines before google stepped in and look how fast they gotten to the top just by implementing a new concept to the search engine.  I thought yahoo was going to be on the top and it never did happen, now yahoo is on there knees.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: kodtycoon on May 06, 2014, 02:43:49 PM

More and more, Bitcoin looks like a Pink Sheet stock. Trading continues, even though there's no asset value behind it.

The fundamental problem with Bitcoin is that unidirectional money transfers to remote anonymous parties are the con man's dream. Most "Bitcoin enterpreneurs" seem to be con men. Over half the Bitcoin exchanges have gone bust, even though that should be a low-risk business. Most of the sellers of mining hardware seem to be unable to reliably make, sell, and deliver ordered hardware. The "Bitcoin stock markets" are a joke, and the "Bitcoin Ponzis" are just embarassing.

Bitcoin has become the clown car of money because of all this.

The underlying technology isn't bad. We're about 2/3 of the way there to something that might work. The first generation of crypto-currency was Chaum's DigiCash in the early 1990s. This had protection against double-spending, like Bitcoin, but it relied on a centralized ledger system. Bitcoin is basically DigiCash with a distributed ledger, the block chain. DigiCash failed because of Cham's differences with his backers, and because it was too early. 

With Bitcoin, you still have to trust the receiving party when you order something. From recent experience, that doesn't work. The protocol could in theory be extended to support escrow and arbitration, but it hasn't been.  That's the remaining 1/3 of the problem.

What we have now is too slimeball-friendly.

nxt solves all this! :) and lots more!

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: kodtycoon on May 06, 2014, 02:46:54 PM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

wrong... the bitcoin core devs have stated many times they wont change anything unless 100% necessary! so yes bitcoin will stay the way it is unless something comes along and threatens the protocol and demands a change to the protocol!

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: DeathAndTaxes on May 06, 2014, 06:23:05 PM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

wrong... the bitcoin core devs have stated many times they wont change anything unless 100% necessary! so yes bitcoin will stay the way it is unless something comes along and threatens the protocol and demands a change to the protocol!

Not true.  Was P2SH 100% necessary?  It is unlikely Bitcoin will be changed for slight or trivial reasons but the idea it won't evolve is simply not based on history.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: keithers on May 06, 2014, 06:49:40 PM
I think Bitcoin is a stepping stone to a better Bitcoin in the future.   I think it will still be Bitcoin that survives, but it will be an evolved more advanced Bitcoin in the future...  We will probably look back at earlier generations of bitcoin like we look at the big square Tvs vs. the flat screens that are the norm now...

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: ParsnipCommander on May 06, 2014, 06:53:29 PM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

wrong... the bitcoin core devs have stated many times they wont change anything unless 100% necessary! so yes bitcoin will stay the way it is unless something comes along and threatens the protocol and demands a change to the protocol!

I noticed from this talk ( Andreas says basically to paraphrase 'Once Bitcoin goes mainstream … it won't be able to change in 10 years' ... starting at around 21 minutes in the talk

However, he says after implementation of anonymous transactions in the core protocol - all other innovation and code should be added to layers above the core protocol

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Nathonas on May 07, 2014, 03:02:11 AM
The idea that Bitcoin is just the beginning for something better has been around for years now. Just look at all the alt coins being created every day. The problem is that 99% of these coins seem to be created simply for the purpose of making money for yourself, and fucking over someone else. It seems like every new alt coin has praised itself as the next coming of Jesus because it does something new, but if that was the case then why aren't they becoming big? Ok I won't lie, I don't really follow altcoins, but the only ones that I know of as actually being successful, resilient, and bringing something good to the table are Litecoin and Dogecoin, while the hundreds of other alt coins just seem to come and go, which suggests they are nothing more than schemes to make money off people by pump and dumping.

Having said that, I'll stick with Bitcoin because it not only has the resilience and infrastructure, and is also driven not just by the prospect of making money, but actually revolutionizing money and the exchange of wealth.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: ParsnipCommander on May 07, 2014, 05:27:28 AM
I have a hard time understanding how Bitcoin could be taken over very easily. Basically, we have programmers working on the code, and a huge active community of supports, long term holders, and miners. If there is some kind of threat - you'd think everyone would join together and support a fork or layer of innovation over bitcoin?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on May 07, 2014, 05:36:41 AM
I think Bitcoin is a stepping stone to a better Bitcoin in the future.   I think it will still be Bitcoin that survives, but it will be an evolved more advanced Bitcoin in the future...  We will probably look back at earlier generations of bitcoin like we look at the big square Tvs vs. the flat screens that are the norm now...

Recall reading that some goldman sachs investor said there are 30,000 developers in the Bitcoin sphere so their is definitely a strong chance that Bitcoin will be around in one forum or another how it shifts will vary though :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on May 07, 2014, 05:51:13 AM
More and more, Bitcoin looks like a Pink Sheet stock. Trading continues, even though there's no asset value behind it.

The fundamental problem with Bitcoin is that unidirectional money transfers to remote anonymous parties are the con man's dream. Most "Bitcoin enterpreneurs" seem to be con men. Over half the Bitcoin exchanges have gone bust, even though that should be a low-risk business. Most of the sellers of mining hardware seem to be unable to reliably make, sell, and deliver ordered hardware. The "Bitcoin stock markets" are a joke, and the "Bitcoin Ponzis" are just embarassing.

Bitcoin has become the clown car of money because of all this.

The underlying technology isn't bad. We're about 2/3 of the way there to something that might work. The first generation of crypto-currency was Chaum's DigiCash in the early 1990s. This had protection against double-spending, like Bitcoin, but it relied on a centralized ledger system. Bitcoin is basically DigiCash with a distributed ledger, the block chain. DigiCash failed because of Cham's differences with his backers, and because it was too early.  

With Bitcoin, you still have to trust the receiving party when you order something. From recent experience, that doesn't work. The protocol could in theory be extended to support escrow and arbitration, but it hasn't been.  That's the remaining 1/3 of the problem.

What we have now is too slimeball-friendly.

I disagree that it's too slimeball friendly or that the only entrepreneurs are con men looking to skirt the law.

A large part of the appeal for people is the reality that it can't be taxed or controlled or outlawed or anything else and go away just because some agency is threatened by it. I'm not a criminal and most people here aren't either, and to have an alternative means of currency with a secure value is a welcome relief. I can probably speak for a ton of people when I say that if I earn X amount of money, no government body has any rights to it without my consent anymore than they can take anything else...and the only time they do that is when they're abusing the limits of their power anyway...or get too threatened by the reality that people will choose to not hand it over when there is a viable alternative. And I don't want them touching it. I don't even want them aware of it.

I think people tend to forget what is real here.

We elect representatives to represent us and our wishes for our nation.
Their job is to honor those wishes, do the job, get paid and butt out.

Instead, they lie through their teeth, con people, get elected, do whatever the fuck they want to do, abuse their positions, abuse their power, and treat those they're supposed to represent like criminals - can't speak out to them during a speech, else the goon squad hauls you out, that douchebag bush fired up "free speech zones" 2 or 3 miles away from anywhere he was because he's a fucking psychopath, can't freely enter their offices without being thrown out or jailed, can't call them up to discuss policy because they don't answer and then condescend if you catch them off guard, and you can't vote them in or out because the whole thing is rigged...all they while they make back door deals that rip off the citizens, start wars that bankrupt the entire nation, lead into further and further debt - all this shit is what is reality here and now.,

They are the criminals and of course they're not going to like the idea of bitcoin coming along giving anyone a choice because they know anyone who is sane, rational, and intelligent will choose against everything they are until they implode - which is exactly what needs to happen.

As long as bitcoin is being traded at all, I don't give one rat's ass what any government declares, whether they outlaw it or not, fuck them. They had one job and becoming lord of the people is not it.

This is the one foundational thread that finally makes nonviolent revolution actually if Joe Blow wants to buy porn pot and pills through some back channel, I don't care, because chances are on the order of 100% that Joe Blow first tried all those legal channels and faced nothing but bullshit red tape, loopholes, obnoxious regulations, high costs, taxes and a slew of other things just to end up denied, declined or blocked. So they took it to the underground market with a secure payment alternative with value to trade for products or services.

Most everything we do anymore is a crime.

The governments, the corporations, and the bankers are the real criminals.

And because of it, bitcoin isn't going anywhere...and the more people understand its true "disruptive" power, the more they will flock in droves, cash out their USDs or other currencies and trade out.

I agree with Nagle's viewpoint that Bitcoin attracts too many scumbags that prey on simpletons. Bitcoin gives them a vehicle to perform their art. The Bruce Wagners of the world are attracted to Bitcoin like flys are attracted to shit. I do agree with most of the rest of what you said, especially about government bureaucracy.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: gamersglory on May 08, 2014, 11:36:57 PM
30,000 devs on BTC!! Sounds like to many hands in the pie. You will need a coin that has tight regulation to keep copy coins down. open source code for the coin is not always a good thing. Also those that want to say my ideas are communist what do you think open source code is. You contribute code don't get paid for it and it's freely available. That's communist !  I was suggesting more then just the one idea of not allow people with more hash power to be penalized. I was thinking more along the lines of a mechanism that would prevent a 51% attack and throttle down mining ops or pools that get at or near 51% of overall hashing power of the network.       

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: gamersglory on May 08, 2014, 11:39:17 PM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

However Bitcoins code is hardwired to only 25 million coins that's it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Peter R on May 08, 2014, 11:53:51 PM
How is it possible that Bitcoin is a stepping stone, when the code is open source and can change? It's not stuck and frozen in time, it can evolve, right?

However Bitcoins code is hardwired to only 25 21 million coins that's it.

Are you sure?  

I heard the CEO of bitcoin just increased it to 21 trillion "bits" and that presently there are about 12.8 trillion bits in circulation  :D.  Considering US M2 money supply is currently about 11.2 trillion dollars, if each bit was worth about one dollar, there should be enough units to support even a major global currency.  

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 08, 2014, 11:56:25 PM
ripple is the future

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Peter R on May 09, 2014, 12:00:07 AM
ripple is the future never

(colored coins) = (useful features of ripple) - (counter-party risk on BTC-assets) - (premine) - (forum trolls)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 09, 2014, 12:02:30 AM
ripple is the future

(colored coins) = (useful features of ripple) - (counter-party risk on BTC-assets) - (forum trolls)

you are kidding about counterparty risk ? What if color some gold from TheGoldCompany and you buy it and then I run away ?

colored coin are the same than ripple in less efficient. They are saying that themself on the official website.

Ripple signed a bank by the way...

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: stryknyne666 on May 09, 2014, 01:46:23 AM
30,000 devs on BTC!! Sounds like to many hands in the pie. You will need a coin that has tight regulation to keep copy coins down. open source code for the coin is not always a good thing. Also those that want to say my ideas are communist what do you think open source code is. You contribute code don't get paid for it and it's freely available. That's communist !  I was suggesting more then just the one idea of not allow people with more hash power to be penalized. I was thinking more along the lines of a mechanism that would prevent a 51% attack and throttle down mining ops or pools that get at or near 51% of overall hashing power of the network.       


Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: CryptoniteToSuperman on May 10, 2014, 12:34:09 PM
Yes. Bitcoin is a stepping stone for 2nd generation cryptos (NXT, NEM, etc...) They aim to improve all aspects of Bitcoin and have much more usefull features, being more like a platform than a coin. And anyone can make "apps" to integrate on to platform.
No wastefull mining, no 51% attack.... and so on   8)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 10, 2014, 01:13:55 PM
Yes. Bitcoin is a stepping stone for 2nd generation cryptos (NXT, NEM, etc...) ===> Ripple

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: IIOII on May 10, 2014, 01:54:56 PM
Ripple is a premine-like scam. It is not fully decentralized and can be inflated at will by the organization that holds the vast majority of ripples yet to be issued.

It's not comparable to Bitcoin more like a Paypal 2.0 with an integrated get-rich-quick-scheme for its creators. So "investing" in Ripple is a very bad idea.

When it comes to Bitcoin's future compared to other cryptos people tend to forget that Bitcoin can evolve too. Many features could be implemented in future that render alternative CC's obsolete.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 10, 2014, 02:11:03 PM
Ripple is a premine-like scam. It is not fully decentralized and can be inflated at will by the organization that holds the vast majority of ripples yet to be issued.

It's not comparable to Bitcoin more like a Paypal 2.0 with an integrated get-rich-quick-scheme for its creators. So "investing" in Ripple is a very bad idea.

When it comes to Bitcoin's future compared to other cryptos people tend to forget that Bitcoin can evolve too. Many features could be implemented in future that render alternative CC's obsolete.

you certainly don't understand how Ripple works. Some people understand it and already use it:
==> Bitstamp (#1 bitcoin exchange in the world)
==>Firdor Bank ===> A BANK using a crypto system yes.

So try to understand that the future is certainly not next.... Ripple employs more than 50people actually, a bank jump in and it's only the beginning.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: IIOII on May 10, 2014, 02:53:33 PM
Ripple is a premine-like scam. It is not fully decentralized and can be inflated at will by the organization that holds the vast majority of ripples yet to be issued.

It's not comparable to Bitcoin more like a Paypal 2.0 with an integrated get-rich-quick-scheme for its creators. So "investing" in Ripple is a very bad idea.

When it comes to Bitcoin's future compared to other cryptos people tend to forget that Bitcoin can evolve too. Many features could be implemented in future that render alternative CC's obsolete.

you certainly don't understand how Ripple works. Some people understand it and already use it:
==> Bitstamp (#1 bitcoin exchange in the world)
==>Firdor Bank ===> A BANK using a crypto system yes.

So try to understand that the future is certainly not next.... Ripple employs more than 50people actually, a bank jump in and it's only the beginning.

You didn't refute my points, because you know they are true. You just post some "jump on the bandwagon"-slipslop which is unrelated to the systemic facts that make Ripple a very bad investment. Well if you're into pump and dump... go ahead...

(Just remember the neobee-story. They were all wearing nice suits, great furniture, perfect marketing...)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: CryptoniteToSuperman on May 10, 2014, 02:58:18 PM
Ripple is a premine-like scam. It is not fully decentralized and can be inflated at will by the organization that holds the vast majority of ripples yet to be issued.

It's not comparable to Bitcoin more like a Paypal 2.0 with an integrated get-rich-quick-scheme for its creators. So "investing" in Ripple is a very bad idea.

When it comes to Bitcoin's future compared to other cryptos people tend to forget that Bitcoin can evolve too. Many features could be implemented in future that render alternative CC's obsolete.

you certainly don't understand how Ripple works. Some people understand it and already use it:
==> Bitstamp (#1 bitcoin exchange in the world)
==>Firdor Bank ===> A BANK using a crypto system yes.

So try to understand that the future is certainly not next.... Ripple employs more than 50people actually, a bank jump in and it's only the beginning.

That centralized corporate backround makes Ripple suspicious. They could do whatever they want with XRP, issue more coins, shut it down... burn them. It's like dollar 2.0, right ? And that is single point of failure. Many people don't want to trust third party with their coins.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: serenitys on May 10, 2014, 04:51:52 PM
Bitcoin might get successor at some point but definitely it wont get thrown away. I expect it would rather be slow evolution then sudden revolution.

When it comes to technology when something get outdated it is never forgotten. Everyday nowadays devices uses same cheeps that were used by old computers. Nothing get wasted. Bitcoin might be value determine in future, just as we use dollar right now.

I know this might not be the same comparison but remeber yahoo was one of the most popular search engines before google stepped in and look how fast they gotten to the top just by implementing a new concept to the search engine.  I thought yahoo was going to be on the top and it never did happen, now yahoo is on there knees.

I understand your analogy but I would offer instead that Yahoo is to USD what Google is to bicoin :) And right now, no alt search is going to out's setting the foundation while shaping the future of technology (and it's even focused on life extension tech, curing death) while it's always possible some better alternative than Google will appear, it'd be way on down the road. Investing in google now is still a smart move.

If we could buy in to Google as easily as bitcoin, we ALL would :)

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 10, 2014, 04:58:09 PM

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: gtraah on May 10, 2014, 05:41:18 PM
Try to think it like 30000000 satoshi rather than 0.3 btc then :D

I try. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and trust me, I always try to think about things logically. Now, imagine a lot of people aren't that logical. Trying to think that way won't work for them each time, and they will choose a different coin where they don't have to rack their brain like that, but instead feel rich and have fun :)


wow just WOW...

Ripple = controlled by organisation not math...

21 million is just a number which can be broken down and down again, I dont understand why people cannot see it... 8 decimal places and the name of the denomination can be added so it doesnt have to be 0.0004 or what ever.

Other coins with new features? Well bitcoin can add new features and extras ontop of the blockchain... there are many things devs are working on..

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 10, 2014, 05:51:40 PM
People are so ignorant about ripple =D Soon ripple will be the #1 crypto. This is certain

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Whitehouse on May 10, 2014, 06:30:49 PM
Bitcoin might be a stepping stone but only if something comes along that improves on it.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: CarlesPuyol on May 10, 2014, 07:33:14 PM
BTC is the coin of the future and in some years, he will replace the dollar.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: IIOII on May 11, 2014, 06:00:31 PM

That's an outright lie. Using uppercase won't make it more credible... ::)

Are you paid to post these lies or are you just too heavily invested in XRP?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 11, 2014, 07:42:13 PM

That's an outright lie. Using uppercase won't make it more credible... ::)

Are you paid to post these lies or are you just too heavily invested in XRP?

Where is the lie ? are you kidding me ? Saying it's a lie based on your belief that anything except bitcoin is an illuminati conspiracy doesn't make your statement more credible.

Ripple is open source =>
Decentralized => see the wiki

And XRP can not be created at will (no more than bitcoin).

Educate yourself instead of bitching around.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Kashim on May 11, 2014, 08:11:03 PM
my bet.    bit(ch)coin will rute the internetz!

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: MicroGuy on May 12, 2014, 01:42:01 AM
I don't think Bitcoin be around in 5 years as most people will switch to a new gold standard yet to be made. Bitcoin is too short sighted and limited to 21 million coins and is still a Beta technology so are all crypto coins at this time. some people wasting time and money on trying to buy gox is stupid and it's a lesson in how we need more then 3 major exchanges.   learn what the faults are and then replace bitcoin with an improved crypto with that knowledge. I think BTC is just a huge stepping stone to what will be next. I have some ideas as to what the requirements for the next big coin will need to have in it's design but then i'm not a programmer. Right now it just seems like cryptos are just being thrown to the wall and see what sticks. We need to start thinking whats next. Just my thoughts want to know what you folks think.     

Goldcoin has a plan. It will begin testing this month a new client that will support multiple currencies and is a complete rewrite of the Satoshi code using a more robust multi-threaded code base. Our supply is also by design roughly 3X that of Bitcoin. In addition, Goldcoin is a name that is preferred in consumer testing over any other coin including Bitcoin.

Watch this video in its entirety and you'll swear by the end he's talking about Goldcoin (GLD).

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: emsjvh on May 12, 2014, 05:34:59 AM
We need something extremely fast (60 seconds or less) and with very low transaction fees.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: openyourmind on May 12, 2014, 07:50:45 AM
remind me please what was a stepping stone to bitcoins?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: polunna on May 12, 2014, 08:41:31 AM
remind me please what was a stepping stone to bitcoins?

I think that non-cash payments and internet access at any time have become a stepping stone to Bitcoin

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: IIOII on May 12, 2014, 11:19:59 AM

That's an outright lie. Using uppercase won't make it more credible... ::)

Are you paid to post these lies or are you just too heavily invested in XRP?

Where is the lie ? are you kidding me ? Saying it's a lie based on your belief that anything except bitcoin is an illuminati conspiracy doesn't make your statement more credible.

Ripple is open source =>
Decentralized => see the wiki

And XRP can not be created at will (no more than bitcoin).

Educate yourself instead of bitching around.

It's open source, that's true. The other points are not true (it can't technically be created at will - but there are so many unissued XRP owned by it's creators so that this limitation is entirely meaningless). It's not decentralized like Bitcoin. So overall your statement is not true.

I've already tested Ripple and rejected it for good reason. XRP is a very bad investment. As a payment network alone it has some use but will be useless once bitcoin reaches mainstream adoption.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on May 12, 2014, 12:40:27 PM
more and more bitcoin exchange plateforme are adopting it.

The next one this year will be kraken and Itbit and this is for good reason too. Even if you don't get it yet.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: silversurfer1958 on May 13, 2014, 05:45:34 PM
It doesn't matter if there are only 21 Million coins because they are divisible.
Bitcoin doesn't encourage hoarding, it encourages sensible spending.
Our current financial model is.....I want that Aston Martin today....I dont have the money, I'll get a loan

With Bitcoin the model is, I have the money today  or If I just wait two years, the Price will go up and
I'll be able to buy the car AND have some bitcoin left.

Bitcoin, being deflationary Encourages sensible spending, rather than hoarding.
I imagine everyone on here has bought stuff with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Bibop on May 13, 2014, 08:00:02 PM
the next big jump in this zone is recognition of the world market and broad demand.
we are not in the end or the beginning, we are in a middle of process that could bring us to something better and its the target.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: twiifm on May 14, 2014, 04:44:02 AM
It doesn't matter if there are only 21 Million coins because they are divisible.
Bitcoin doesn't encourage hoarding, it encourages sensible spending.
Our current financial model is.....I want that Aston Martin today....I dont have the money, I'll get a loan

With Bitcoin the model is, I have the money today  or If I just wait two years, the Price will go up and
I'll be able to buy the car AND have some bitcoin left.

Bitcoin, being deflationary Encourages sensible spending, rather than hoarding.
I imagine everyone on here has bought stuff with Bitcoin.

Why spend it in 2 years when you can wait 2 more years for price to go up even more?  In fact just never spend it and when you die pass it on to your kids.  In theory price will rise to infinity no?

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: devphp on May 14, 2014, 05:16:15 AM
Why spend it in 2 years when you can wait 2 more years for price to go up even more?  In fact just never spend it and when you die pass it on to your kids.  In theory price will rise to infinity no?

Correct. That is why Bitcoin is not fit to be an every day internet currency. What it does best is perform the store of value function. As for exchange for goods and services I think Dogecoin has a good chance to become that every day internet currency for circulation.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: Slingshot on May 14, 2014, 06:15:09 PM
Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?

 Bitcoin is the real deal.

 Bitcoin is Gold 2.0

 Bitcoin is Freedom.

 Bitcoin is light-years ahead of all the competition combined.

 It's already an unstoppable force.

 Bitcoin is the new King of Currencies the world over.

 Bitcoin frees both society at large and their governments from their indebted slavery to their hidden masters at the worlds Central Banks.

 Watch with awe as the Banksters continue scream and pout at Bitcoin and it's users through the media and with their other shills, not to mention at their banks.

 And all while society and the worlds more decent governments learn that Bitcoin offers everyone long term freedom and an enormous magnitude of greater society wide prosperity that the world has never before known.

 Bitcoin frees us all from the Banksters debt based fiat currencies loaned to our governments and all of us at ruinous rates of usury interest. We will all be much more prosperous without the enslavement of debt based fiat currencies, and so will our governments. This changes everything. Bitcoin is The SOLUTION.

 Nothing is going to stop this Decentralized Monetary Revolution. And nothing is going to be apt to dethrone Bitcoin for many decades or centuries to come.

 Like I coined elsewhere before:  Bitcoin is Freedom.

 Bitcoin is the real deal.

 And nothing is stopping this Global Revolution!

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: silversurfer1958 on June 15, 2014, 08:50:27 PM
It doesn't matter if there are only 21 Million coins because they are divisible.
Bitcoin doesn't encourage hoarding, it encourages sensible spending.
Our current financial model is.....I want that Aston Martin today....I dont have the money, I'll get a loan

With Bitcoin the model is, I have the money today  or If I just wait two years, the Price will go up and
I'll be able to buy the car AND have some bitcoin left.

Bitcoin, being deflationary Encourages sensible spending, rather than hoarding.
I imagine everyone on here has bought stuff with Bitcoin.

Why spend it in 2 years when you can wait 2 more years for price to go up even more?  In fact just never spend it and when you die pass it on to your kids.  In theory price will rise to infinity no?

That wouldn't happen, anyone who has millions in the BTC bank is going to want to spend some of it, better holidays, a better car or house, even if they are extremely frugal, they will spend some of it so I think this brings us back to the idea that a deflationary currency like Bitcoin doesn't encourage extreme hoarding but frugality.

Title: Re: Is Bitcoin just a stepping stone to something better?
Post by: mah87 on June 17, 2014, 12:02:35 AM
We need something extremely fast (60 seconds or less) and with very low transaction fees.

Ripple do that