Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: codymanix on January 15, 2012, 10:12:13 PM

Title: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: codymanix on January 15, 2012, 10:12:13 PM
How do you found out about bitcoin and when and why did you actually got started with actually using it?

I found out about bitcoin in the end of May 2011 because of an interesting article on (, a german IT news site.
At once I was absolutely fascinated about this great technology and immediately read more about it, all the tutorials including satoshis technical paper. At first I started gpu mining on my PC which I gave up when difficulty was risen too much. After that I started buying some amounts on, just too loose nearly all of its value in the following months.. :)

So what is your personal bitcoin story?

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: tbdunamis on January 15, 2012, 10:46:55 PM
I first heard the word bitcoin on a recording of a casual conversation between Stacey Herbert and Max Keiser sometime back in November as I was doing my dishes.  I don't remember why the word came up, but I went to Google to check it out because it sounded like bittorrent.  At first, it seemed too good to be true, and didn't do anything with it.  Then a few days later, Max replayed an interview with Rick Falkvinge where he explained the whole concept.  From that point on, Bitcoin has been a permanent part of my life because of the potential it has.  Some of this potential is discussed in a video I put on YouTube called Bitcoin and the Third Wave.  I have a second video that I will more than likely post after I finish editing it.

I'm presently working on raising the funds needed for a mining rig.  Until then, I'm participating in a java based web mining pool at a site called

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: jake262144 on January 15, 2012, 11:03:32 PM
The SecurityNow podcast, episode 278, released 10 Feb 2011.
Bitcoin was the main subject of that episode.

Started casual CPU mining soon after that but it wasn't until Summer (the price bubble) that I'd invested into a half-decent GPU-mining rig.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: yogi on January 15, 2012, 11:13:28 PM
I also found out about Bitcoin from Max Keiser.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: codymanix on January 17, 2012, 07:33:55 PM
This person seem to be very popular in the USA and a big advocator of Bitcoin  :o

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Chomp on January 17, 2012, 09:39:52 PM
I'm a casual gamer but a avid hardware tweaker for best performance. I love learning about how things work. I discovered bitcoin randomly on pc forums about new video cards for 2012.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: SgtSpike on January 17, 2012, 09:43:03 PM, April 27th of last year.  Someone made a news post, caught my eye, and so I read more about it.  A few days later, the thread was permanently locked and all further discussions of Bitcoin were banned from the forum due to it being "potentially illegal".   ::)

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Twister Trojan on January 18, 2012, 12:24:14 AM
I had a dream I was being sodomized by angels urging me to "bite the coin". So I did. Did I ever!

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Sherkel on January 18, 2012, 12:27:40 AM
A friend mentioned it to me when we were talking about Tor; I recall her showing me the Silk Road and then briefly saying something about BTC. A few months later I actually checked Bitcoin out and became very interested.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: hack_slash on January 18, 2012, 02:32:52 AM
I first read about bitcoin on arstechnica a while back, started mining on my gaming box when i wasn't using it, and then put together a few additional miner boxes a couple weeks later.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: notmove on January 18, 2012, 05:02:57 AM
I actually found out from a friend. Been hooked ever since!

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Buckets on January 18, 2012, 10:52:43 AM
I was searching for short domain names to buy that are still not taken like , then I was getting into names starting with "git..."" and then "bit...". And at that point randomly stumbled on bitcoin by checking a website with the neam bit in it.
I friggin lucky moment.
And that totally threw off the rest of my day buying domains  ;)

Bit mining has my head spinning. I can't wait to get in this.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: bitdragon on January 18, 2012, 12:37:55 PM
eff donation site on december 31st 2010 :)

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: BTCurious on January 18, 2012, 12:52:05 PM
Lulzsec had a bitcoin donation address.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: pieppiep on January 18, 2012, 02:40:09 PM
I've always been interested at cryptography and hashing algorithms.
A collegue told me about bitcoin.
At first I didn't understand the concept but now I'm thinking about trying to implement a hasher in fpga.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: jsgarvin on January 18, 2012, 09:51:46 PM
Can't remember, but a recent couple episodes of Planet Money remided me to check it out more seriously.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Mellivora on January 18, 2012, 11:30:09 PM
About a year ago, I was at a meeting trying to gather up support to audit the Federal Reserve and a friend introduced me about Bitcoins.  Finally now doing something about it.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: asdf2121 on January 19, 2012, 12:30:42 AM
1 year.. por muy favourite web :P

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Einbit on January 20, 2012, 02:56:11 AM
Slashdot. About 7 or 8 mos. ago.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: RyNinDaCleM on January 20, 2012, 03:18:59 AM
I found out on EOCF in mid May 2011.
Another member brought up BitCoin.  He had a problem playing movies and "mining" at the same time. I said "I have the same card. I'll try and let you know". I read up a bit on it and I thought "hmm, Is this like F@H, except you get paid for it?" Sweet! The rest is history.
The more I learned about BitCoin, the more intrigued I became. I think this is an exceptional implementation, and am a huge supporter of our "Bits".

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Swishercutter on January 20, 2012, 03:23:44 AM
Article about a mining rig mistaken for marijuana grow op...I thought can someone really get the money back from the power.  Price was about $9 when I ordered parts to mine...$30 by the time I was up and running...and soon after they just kept going down.

But I am over even on the hardware and Bitcoin has always paid the power/internet at my shop.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Kluge on January 20, 2012, 05:42:52 AM
Was mentioned on a political forum a few times. Interest really solidified when I noticed how some US Congressmen reacted to SR.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Seal on January 20, 2012, 05:47:26 AM
A friend mentioned he did a PHD paper on it... I remember his PHD lecturer taking us all to to the casino once... a slave to money lol

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Costia on January 20, 2012, 06:11:09 PM
Found out about Bitcoins on the Tor network, but didnt pay much attention to it at the time.
Got back to it a few days ago due to interest in virtual currency and all the technical stuff.
Looks like there are quite a few "in game" currencies that are being taken seriously today (EVE,WoW, second life, and probably diablo 3 money is down the road)
So far i found 3 problems with bitcoin that will prevent it going mainstream:
1) Confirmations are slow. Each transaction takes an hour to confirm. If i want to buy milk at the local shop i am not going to wait for an hour. And using a 3rd party for instant transaction nullifies all the advantages of bitcoin, so you will be better off using a regular currency (cach,credit,paypal) since they have a better protection against non currency related fraud.
2) Big mining pools can destabilize the entire network. While i think the big pools cannot actually profit from their computing power, they can split the chainblock at will/ According to Satoshi's paper there is a 1/1000 chance of deepbit generating a 89 block long split. there are 1k blocks generated each week and most people wait for 6 confirmations. meaning deepbit can invalidate all transactions made in the past 14 hours once a week. The transactions will probably be included in later blocks, but this instability will be unacceptable by most professional traders.
There is an easy fix for that though - split the 50 BTC reward. You need to encourage people to mine, but since the process is random people looking for lower difficulty blocks will find high difficulty blocks as well.
so for difficulty level A - the highest - you will get the transaction fees +5BTC
for level B - 10 time easier - 2BTC
for level C - 100 times easier - 0.2BTC
This way the overall reward stays the same, but the people are no longer encouraged to do pooled mining since they can get the same average reward by mining solo. And unlike now the income from solo mining will be a lot more stable and predictable.
3) transaction fees. While most of the technology oriented people are comfortable with paying per KB, most people will find it confusing and unfair (since it will seem random). In addition this adds unnecessary complications to speculative trading in bitcoins - i.e. you have to trust an exchange to do the trading since doing it by yourself can lead to huge transaction fees in the long run.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: jekker on January 21, 2012, 11:58:16 AM
I heard about bitcoins, but i never really thought about them until i got tired of using paypal for my money. Then i just used google and educated myself by reading through online tutorials and whatnot.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: DiThi on January 21, 2012, 12:15:41 PM
I found out the 17th of october, the day of the "crash" of bitcoin, a lot of news suporred across the sites I visit. I was not very interested (and I was about to dimiss it) until I saw a comment explaining bitcoin very well in the sea of misleading comments.

1) Confirmations are slow. Each transaction takes an hour to confirm. If i want to buy milk at the local shop i am not going to wait for an hour. And using a 3rd party for instant transaction nullifies all the advantages of bitcoin, so you will be better off using a regular currency (cach,credit,paypal) since they have a better protection against non currency related fraud.

Merchants can use 0-confirmation transactions for small amounts of money. With a tx radar and waiting 10-30 seconds you'll be sure there isn't a double spend. To double spend such transactions you would have to mine a block yourself, which is much more expensive.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Costia on January 21, 2012, 12:34:22 PM
I found out the 17th of october, the day of the "crash" of bitcoin, a lot of news suporred across the sites I visit. I was not very interested (and I was about to dimiss it) until I saw a comment explaining bitcoin very well in the sea of misleading comments.

1) Confirmations are slow. Each transaction takes an hour to confirm. If i want to buy milk at the local shop i am not going to wait for an hour. And using a 3rd party for instant transaction nullifies all the advantages of bitcoin, so you will be better off using a regular currency (cach,credit,paypal) since they have a better protection against non currency related fraud.

Merchants can use 0-confirmation transactions for small amounts of money. With a tx radar and waiting 10-30 seconds you'll be sure there isn't a double spend. To double spend such transactions you would have to mine a block yourself, which is much more expensive.
I dont like the 0 confirmation idea - i would rather give merchants higher priorities in blocks - so a 10 minute wait will get them 2 blocks.
The slowness of the system is one of its defense mechanisms...
and mining a block is not necessarily more expensive than the trade, like when buying a tv/smartphone - you wouldn't wait for an hour to get your payment approved, which introduces risk into the transaction.
Today most people expect everything to be instantaneous.
Physical bitcoins are not a bad solution for this, since no transaction needs to be recorded for the exchange.
A more evil solution would be to have a trusted 3rd party, a role generally filled by the police/government.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: DiThi on January 21, 2012, 01:50:29 PM
I dont like the 0 confirmation idea - i would rather give merchants higher priorities in blocks - so a 10 minute wait will get them 2 blocks.
The slowness of the system is one of its defense mechanisms...
and mining a block is not necessarily more expensive than the trade, like when buying a tv/smartphone - you wouldn't wait for an hour to get your payment approved, which introduces risk into the transaction.
Today most people expect everything to be instantaneous.
Physical bitcoins are not a bad solution for this, since no transaction needs to be recorded for the exchange.
A more evil solution would be to have a trusted 3rd party, a role generally filled by the police/government.

Do you know how blocks are generated? They are generated at random times, for everyone (but the average time always approaches 10 minutes).
0 confirmations for some groceries or 1 confirmation for something e.g. in the $200 range is already safer (and cheaper) than credit cards (chargebacks vs double spends), I think.
Also, if you trust the merchant, you can give it your money when you enter the shop, and on checkout it returns you the change (or everything if you didn't buy).

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Costia on January 21, 2012, 02:08:57 PM
until a transaction is in the blockchain nothing is certain . I might to a ddos attack against the merchants node, so the transaction never gets to the network and/or show him a fake bit coin client on my side of the transaction. 1 confirmation is a bit better since it requires a block to be generated, but i am still not sure it is enough. most people now wait for 6 confirmations - i am assuming there is a reason behind it...
the thing with credit cards and USD is that the merchant or you can sue each other or report to the police about the fraud.
So although the method itself might be less secure , its enforcement is (supposed to be) strict. As long as countries do not recognize bitcoin as a valid currency you will not have this protection from the authorities in bitcoin transactions, and will have to rely on the technical difficulty of "forging" a transaction.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: DiThi on January 21, 2012, 06:16:52 PM
I might to a ddos attack against the merchants node, so the transaction never gets to the network and/or show him a fake bit coin client on my side of the transaction.

How do you know where's the merchant node? Also, if I'm being DDoSed, I can't see a tx being popagated across the globe, so I would do nothing.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: SgtSpike on January 21, 2012, 06:36:57 PM
until a transaction is in the blockchain nothing is certain . I might to a ddos attack against the merchants node, so the transaction never gets to the network and/or show him a fake bit coin client on my side of the transaction. 1 confirmation is a bit better since it requires a block to be generated, but i am still not sure it is enough. most people now wait for 6 confirmations - i am assuming there is a reason behind it...
the thing with credit cards and USD is that the merchant or you can sue each other or report to the police about the fraud.
So although the method itself might be less secure , its enforcement is (supposed to be) strict. As long as countries do not recognize bitcoin as a valid currency you will not have this protection from the authorities in bitcoin transactions, and will have to rely on the technical difficulty of "forging" a transaction.
I agree - merchants can't really start accepting 0 conf, or people will find ways around it to trick them.  There will be modded bitcoin clients available to buy (similar to hacks for games), and those modded clients will automatically do the required shenanigans to automatically make it look like the merchant is receiving the monies.

One way it could do this (I believe) is by creating a transaction that will take a long time to go through for the merchant, then, shortly afterward, creating another transaction that would go through very quickly.  The first transaction, make sure that it will require a fee, but don't send it with a fee.  The second transaction just spends all the money from the address(es) used in the first transaction to a different one of your own addresses.

Anyway, the only solution I see is similar to what is used now - debit cards that indicate a promise to pay Bitcoins.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: coinft on January 21, 2012, 06:46:03 PM
I read an article in a friend's c't magizine during vacation. Months later during a upgrade, waiting for stuff to d/l, I stumbled over another BTC link and installed it along updates.


Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Seal on January 21, 2012, 11:44:45 PM

3) transaction fees. While most of the technology oriented people are comfortable with paying per KB, most people will find it confusing and unfair (since it will seem random). In addition this adds unnecessary complications to speculative trading in bitcoins - i.e. you have to trust an exchange to do the trading since doing it by yourself can lead to huge transaction fees in the long run.

I've always been confused about this... it does seem real random to me why sometimes I'm forced to pay the 0.0005 btc transfer fee??? Can someone explain?

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Costia on January 21, 2012, 11:59:56 PM
the fees are based on the transaction size in Kbytes
The BTC you have in your wallet can either be:
1)from a single transaction and stored in a single wallet
2) from multiple transactions - potentially stored in multpile wallets (and currently the gui won't show you that - it will only display the total)
in the first case when you want to make a payment the transaction block will have 1 input - your wallet and 1 output - who ever you are paying to
in the second case the transaction must include all of the sources for the funds you are trying to move - sot it will contain more input addresses and thus take more bytes

(and i think on the age of the transactions matters as well- the older the inputs are the cheaper it gets)

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Myrtlewood on January 22, 2012, 12:06:02 AM
I got into bitcoin last year, took some time off and got interested when we broke $5 again.  This authentication system is stupid.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: DiThi on January 22, 2012, 12:42:56 AM
I've always been confused about this... it does seem real random to me why sometimes I'm forced to pay the 0.0005 btc transfer fee??? Can someone explain?

Think of cash: people give you coins and bills. 100 cents ocuppy much more than one dollar. The same applies with bitcoin transactions: you recollect previous transactions to you and send them into new addresses. Sometimes you send more money than you want to send (like when you pay with a bill), the remaining (the "change") is sent to yourself.

The size of a transaction is proportional to the number of "coins" (independently of the value) and the number of outputs (usually one or two if there's change). If you pay with 100 cents instead with a dollar bill, you pay more fees. That transaction becames a new "coin" for the recipient to use.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: SgtSpike on January 22, 2012, 07:16:43 AM
I got into bitcoin last year, took some time off and got interested when we broke $5 again.  This authentication system is stupid.
What authentication system?

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: ZodiacDragon84 on January 22, 2012, 08:04:54 AM
I was in the cab of my garbage truck reading a finances magazine I had found, and saw an article on bitcoin. I did my research, and decided, what have i got to lose. I still have that magazine somewhere, Ill edit post when I find it

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: take5 on January 24, 2012, 06:50:39 PM
Can't remember exactly how I came across it first, but I think I was reading up on some stuff about Evan Ratliff and digital anonymity. I kind of forgot about it until a few months ago. Now of course I wished I had invested a few bucks in it when I had had the chance. :D

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: ChocolateSoda on January 24, 2012, 08:34:42 PM
I was big into HYIPs and e-gold a little while back. The outcome of that adventure... well, what do you think? HYIPs are scams. I was a sucker.

But the concept was intriguing. I was making money (or i thought i was) starting from just a few cents by clicking ads. It felt great to see this happening.

E-gold had one weakness however; it was vulnerable to attack by a hostile government. Sure enough, Babylon didn't like the "money laundering" side of it. This is also known as, Uncle Sam wasn't getting his cut.

A few years back, there was a warrant, a court case, an audit and a ruling. E-gold was to be liquidated by order of the government.

I was pissed. I only had something like 14 cents in my account, but I told myself I would discover a new way to move money around; a way with plausible deniability for everyone involved. You're damn right, I want the crooks to get away with it. There is so much unnecessary violent crime in the world simply because there is such a thing as victimless crime. If nobody had to be silenced because they knew about the meth lab, that would be one less murder. I do not do drugs or engage in any illegal activity. It is a matter of principle. The government is too large and too powerful, and unless Ron Paul is elected and lives long enough to do what he has to do, it will only get worse.

I kept searching for an alternative currency. I don't remember how or when, but I found Bitcoin. Thought it was weird at first, "How could this ever work?", that sort of thing. Watched it for a while, downloaded the wallet, used the Bitcoin faucet... and forgot about it for a year or so. Missed the big bubble-- probably a good thing; that would have solidified my skepticism. I built myself a gaming rig, long overdue, and started running F@H with the wasted cycles at night. It was interesting of course, but I didn't see anything come from it.

Then I remembered that Bitcoin thing. And that if GPU's were superior at crunching numbers one way.... well... I could be rich! :D

...  :( Not rich yet. But I am making about 1.20 BTC a week!

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: pbs413 on January 24, 2012, 10:51:47 PM

 From a friend. He runs a small comp shop. Started yesterday.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: tiker on January 25, 2012, 03:45:50 PM
I found out mid 2011.  I'm a World of Warcraft mod developer and while browsing an add-on site I saw in someone's signature that they were accepting bitcoin donations.  Google'd it and went from there.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: andresbtc on January 25, 2012, 07:20:53 PM
I read an article on wired sometime ago, and from then I have been trading btc.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: kentrolla on January 25, 2012, 08:18:11 PM
i found out about bitcoin through the silkroad news. I thought to myself "if drug dealers are accepting this instead of cash then it must be serious"

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: LightRider on January 25, 2012, 08:23:03 PM
The SecurityNow podcast, episode 278, released 10 Feb 2011.
Bitcoin was the main subject of that episode.

Same here.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: waveaddict on January 26, 2012, 03:58:09 AM
found out about it from a friend during its bubble summer phase. looked at the charts and decided quite obviously not to get in at that point and wait for it to correct itself. I'm glad it did in a beautiful channel downward until this winter when it broke out of it forcing my hand to buy in at 3.2 and I've been enjoying the ride ever since.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: mappum on January 26, 2012, 04:05:13 AM
I was actually just reading about peer-to-peer networking on wikipedia, and an article had bitcoin listed under the "Related Articles" section.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: juhakall on January 26, 2012, 05:40:33 PM
I found Bitcoin well before the first bubble. I tried the software, but gave up without mining any low-difficulty bitcoins. I just didn't go into the details enough to find out if Bitcoin was legit or not, and the IRC server connection it made to find peers was shady in my opinion. I knew about many malicious botnets functioning through IRC servers, and thought that maybe Bitcoin was just a voluntary botnet, masked as a useless virtual money software to hide the real traffic.

Then I found it again a long time later, when the price was about $30, and only got to sell my first bitcoin at that price.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: Bitice on January 26, 2012, 06:09:32 PM
IT friend of mine brought it up in early 2011 I think it was and then talked about it as well in early 2011. I looked into it but didn't see me making much money in it when looking at electricity vs coins made with the hardware I had at the time. Then just last week that same IT friend of mine said he could get away with running some computers at his work meaning free electricity so now I'm hunting for ATI cards locally.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: DucRider on January 26, 2012, 06:17:25 PM
Took an 8000-level graduate crypto class for no particular reason.  The professor mentioned it but scoffed, and I was intrigued.  A few months later I randomly found myself working as an ATM technician and hating not only the central control of banks' payment systems but also the gross inefficiencies of them.  Came here and started reading.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: trentreznor321 on January 26, 2012, 10:14:38 PM
I read about the Bitcoin virus for Mac on an RSS feed.

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: thewalkerdead on February 06, 2012, 09:33:24 PM
i found out bitcoin on a download website..
first, i just thought i've had to left the bitcoin client open and them i got millions of bitcoins,but it wasnt just like i give up for a few months.

then, one day i was looking at lulzsec  profile at twiiter and then i saw a weird combination of number and letters.then i figured out it was bitcoins and found out the mining software

Title: Re: POLL: How do you found out about bitcoin?
Post by: alfonzo1955 on February 07, 2012, 12:23:37 AM
I don't really remember how I found out about it. I think it was from a friend.