Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Mining (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Spoetnik on May 03, 2014, 04:22:39 PM

Title: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.2.0 Beta By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 03, 2014, 04:22:39 PM
I wanted to share my version of the JackpotCoin CPU miner i have been working on with you all :)

So for now i will post the change-log here and on the next comment a bunch of preview pic's.
I will also add the Windows 64bit build version i am using optimized for my Intel 4770k CPU.
If your cpu is older than mine the build will most likely crash for you sorry.
I hope to work on more build versions and would appreciate any donations ;)
I recently have had issues with my MingW install after porting it from one machine to another.

Windows x64 Haswell version - made for the CPU Intel 4770k
compiled using MingW x64 using CFLAGS="-march=native -O3"
So it requires a cpu that can do AVX etc

Other optimized versions coming soon (like 32bit)

cma-v5.0.2.0-vs2013-win-x64-spoetnik.rar (644.92 KB) (Windows 64bit SSE2 / SSE4 / AVX2) (

cma-v5.0.2.0-mingw-win-x64-spoetnik.rar (696 KB) (Windows 64bit SSE2 / SSE4 / AVX2) (

cma-v5.0.2.0-src-spoetnik.rar (271.28 KB) (source code only) (

OLD Test Version: v5.0.1.0 - CHEAT TEST
that is CMA- (1.33 MB)
has 6 windows 64bit versions.. sse2,sse4,avx2 (cheat test and normal versions) plus source code.

Test Version: v5.0.0.8 - cheat test
Includes 4 builds + Source code (2 versions for 2 cpu's each) one with cheat mode on and the other with cheat mode off.
Working on Intel 4770k and AMD Phenom x4 9950 BE (Windows 7 x64 Tested)
*Should work on any CPU that supports SSE4 or any that support AVX2 on the other build.

Download Binaries:
v5.0.0.6 =
v5.0.0.1 =

Souce Code:
v5.0.0.6 =
v5.0.0.1 =

Anyway here is the info and i hope people like it :)

                CPU Miner Advanced v5 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik

    Code base - Pooler's miner =
      Original release - Jackpot Team - 04/25/2014 - See Readme for more info.
             Original Github ID: 8e5ae495d90eeffa53d338c23ae2705f6eb69b89

Donations are appreciated i have spent lots of time coding and have little hardware :(
              If anyone can motivate me with some JPC coins thanks a lot :)
                  Jackpot address = JdPDpV9cLguK4vxgcfno8az4UWxXYrmcpv

Changelog: v5.0.2.0 - 05/20/2014 - Code Name: Rantology
- Added a Code Name identifier to the startup info to make versions more recognizable.
- Cheat Mode testing is done. Use cmd-line --cheat to try it out.
- Added Visual Studio Project files and changed source code to support this.
- Added New Window Title info including current hash rates (5 second avg)
- Moved Help info code into it's own source code file, use cmd-line --help
- Fixed Bug in console logging color code that cuased a race condition.
- Changed benchmark mode to show highest speed in Blue and normal summary in Green.
- Changed benchmark mode to show combined hash-rate from all threads in summary.
- Reworked scanhash() code, now cheat mode test uses it's own seperate function.
- Reworked and optimized / tweaked Jackpot algo hashing code. (default algo)
- Added expanded version info when running command-line --version.
- Updated and compiled all the libraries, such as LibCurl (general optimizations)
- Updated and expanded version.h header file code.
- Maybe more, sorry if i forgot to mention it ;)

Changelog: v5.0.0.8 - 05/05/2014
- cheat mode test (from UncleBob's quark miner mod)

Changelog: v5.0.0.6 - 05/05/2014
- all documents are updated (found with source code)
- removed old LibCurl compilation error fix from and
- fixed misaligned help info console formatting.
* changed --retry-pause from 30 to 15 default.
* tweaked max64 algo modifier *again
* command-line -H, --hashdebug (enable hash debug output) is new on this mod.
- added used url message to console output (previously removed)
- ported my scantime setting fixs to cpuminer 2.3.3 updated code used.
- added algo name to console window title info.
- added .bat file to cleanup generated files on windows.
- removed 1 second delay between threads creation added previously.

Changelog: v5.0.0.5 - 05/04/2014
~ proper and full update of base code cpuminer 2.3.3
- The --url option is now mandatory
- Do not switch to Stratum when using an HTTP proxy
- Fix scheduling policy change on Linux (clbr)
- Fix CPU affinity on FreeBSD (ache)
- Compatibility fixes for various platforms like Solaris 8 and old OS X.
- A man page for minerd is now available

Changelog: v5.0.0.1 - 05/03/2014
- default algo is Jackpot coin.
- added color, see notes.
- added share submission benchmark timer function (Windows only)
- made various minor spelling changes for console messages.
- changed share submission notification from (yay!!!)/(booooo) to (good)/(bad)
- added a REAL WORKING scantime setting (fixed MAJOR big) see notes.
- added benchmark function, see notes.
- added additional debug info.
- added program name and version info to console window title.
- added scantime config setting info to console window title.
- added console message stating why a share is rejected.

* = forgot to mention before

- Limited testing has been done. Please report any bugs.

- Use --help command line for more info.

- Algos supported are Jackpot, Quark, Scrypt and SHA256.

- New Timer Mode feature (windows only)
  This times in seconds / minutes how long it takes to reach x shares submitted.
  Only Good shares are counted.
  Use --timer 10 for example to time 10 submitted shares (or blocks found solo mining)
  If x shares is reached a message colored Purple will show the time elapsed.
  When the amount of shares is reached the timer is turned off and does nothing.
- New Benchmark Mode feature.
  Use Command-Line --benchmark to run the hashing test.
  This will test out your hashing speed and report back a summary on intervals.
  Benchmarking is done in offline mode no connection to pools or daemons needed.
  Example: minerd -t 6 --benchmark
- Color coding is as follows.
  Red = Error
  Green = Normal Share.
  Cyan = Fastest submitted Share.
  Purple = Special messages.
  Blue = New Block info.
- Default color mode is Bright.
  Use --color normal for normal colors
  Use --color bright for bright colors
  Use --color none for no colors (text will be grey)
  Or use -w instead of --color
  The Command-Line is only needed to set dull colors or none.
- Scantime command line bug fix / mod notes.
  The option has never worked on ANY cpu miner and i fixed it.
  The only cicumstances it would ever have any effect is when solo mining.
  I fixed this last year and checked numerous github repo's
  and every single cpu miner mod and cudaminer mod suffered from the same bug.
  what this means is that if you set --scantime on a Pool it does nothing at all.
  Teh code clearly shows how teh scan time command line option is only used
  when Long Polling or Stratum is NOT found and it then has ALWAYS defaulted to 60
  60 is a hard coded value on every cpu miner and cudaminer version i have ever seen.
  #define LP_SCANTIME   60 is written in cpuminer.c in all repo's
  So it's working now have fun and experiment with it :)

Title: preview pics
Post by: Spoetnik on May 03, 2014, 04:23:06 PM

Title: uploaded
Post by: Spoetnik on May 03, 2014, 05:01:29 PM
added download link to first post and source code is coming quick after i pack it up with WinRar..

i already noticed a bug lol
when i ran the --help command-line the new info i put in was not aligned correctly in the console so sorry about that people.

source code uploaded now.. it's exactly as it was compiled.

i want to do some more but i'll be taking a bit of a break for now i did all this pretty fast ..i need a smoke afterwards lol
was it as good for you as it was for me ? ;)

Title: Re: uploaded
Post by: jpcsupport on May 03, 2014, 06:47:03 PM
added download link to first post and source code is coming quick after i pack it up with WinRar..

i already noticed a bug lol
when i ran the --help command-line the new info i put in was not aligned correctly in the console so sorry about that people.

source code uploaded now.. it's exactly as it was compiled.

i want to do some more but i'll be taking a bit of a break for now i did all this pretty fast ..i need a smoke afterwards lol
was it as good for you as it was for me ? ;)

It is really great idea and improvement for everybody who need a CPUMiner Back born.
And, thank for sharing your great work for the other ~

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.1 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 03, 2014, 07:03:10 PM
thanks and gl with the coin and i will do more work soon for sure on the miner :)

Title: v5.0.0.2
Post by: Spoetnik on May 04, 2014, 04:03:28 AM
I fixed up the help formatting and here it is for reference..
Also changed the default IP/URL port for JPC solo mining.
Although as i just previewed this comment i noticed i changed the default retry time from 30 to 15 seconds and didn't update the help info lol
which would be the command -r or --retry-pause

Note: if you run help on Linux the new timer function is not seen or usable at all, it is not compiled in with Linux.
and you will also see 2 more command-lines for Linux only when running help on Nix..

  -S, --syslog          Use system log for output messages
  -B, --background   Run the miner in the background

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.1 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: hero18688 on May 04, 2014, 11:53:58 AM
I can not run this under win8.1 x64.It stuck from beginning.  e3 1230v3 with haswell kernel

But it can run under win7 x64. i7 4770non-k with haswell kernel

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.1 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 04, 2014, 03:18:10 PM
your terminology is not used correctly eh..
the kernel used is called Jackpot coin.
all the build is that i uploaded is a compiler optimized version tailored specifically for the 4770k
so that means ANY cpu that supports the same instruction set as the 4770k should work and all others it will just crash when starting it up.

so this is the cpu it does not work on then right ?

i don't know why it would not work for you if that is your cpu because both have the same features / instruction set support..

you can see both our cpu features here..



both support these on that page specs..


what that means is the compiler will use the highest and best options.
and since both of ours are the same spec wise i don't know..

You say you can't get it running on windows 8 ? did it work on Win 7 or something ?

anyway i should have more builds to upload shortly i finally got 32bit compilations figured out.
unfortunately this is the problem with using an optimized version.. it will run faster usually but you have to know what you got and what you need.
if you don't know you in for a headache lol

Title: fuckMINGW1111!!!
Post by: Spoetnik on May 04, 2014, 05:31:57 PM
well i screwed stuff up making the 32bit version which is slow as hell..
i have to re-install MINGW etc

even though i can see it is configured for x64 now it still is making 32bit .exe's grrrrrrr  >:(

pretty sure i hosed my install trying to flip back and forth cross compiling and copying folders around etc

the only advice i have gotten from anyone on this stuff (even after asking millions of times) was from two tutorials i found
i got last year that only mentioned x64 and i had used that as s tarting point..
and recently i found a revised version of it on Google (no idea who made them)

since it's a bitch to get help with this stuff i will re-post the tutorials here so that some other guy holding clumps of hair can read them lol
i will post the newer one only because it basically repeats the older one so..
hopefully it will help some people.


Detailed Windows build instructions, using MinGW (64-bit):
   Install MinGW and the MSYS Developer Tool Kit (
      * Choose C, C++ and MSys on install and select to have it update its libraries
      * Install into C:\MinGW
      * Add C:\MinGW\bin and c:\MinGW\msys\1.0 to your path
   Download MinGW64 from
      * Choose
      * Extract ZIP to C:\MinGW64
      * Add C:\MinGW64\bin to your path before C:\MinGW\bin
   Install libcurl devel (
      * download curl-7.30.0.tar.gz from and put it in C:\deps\
      * launch an MSYS shell and enter the following commands (the configure step will take a long time!)
         cd /c/deps
         tar -xvzf curl-7.30.0.tar.gz
         cd curl-7.30.0
         ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 –-prefix=/c/mingw64
         make install
         cp /c/deps/curl-7.30.0/docs/libcurl/libcurl.m4 /c/mingw/share/aclocal/libcurl.m4
   Install pthreads
      * download from and put it in C:\deps\
      * unzip the file to c:\deps\
      * In the mingw64 subdirectory is - extract the contents to C:\MinGW64
   Configure mingw path
      * create C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\etc\fstab with following configuration:
        c:/mingw      /mingw
   In the MSYS shell, navigate to the CPUminer source code direcctory
      * You will likely get higher hashrates by forcing the compiler to build the executable for your
        specific CPU architecture.  This is done by adding "-march=<value>" into the CFLAGS.  Those
        values can be found at
           common choices for intel are : core2, corei7, corei7-avx
           common choices for AMD are : athlon-fx
                       or -msse2,-msse3,-msse4,-mavx ...
      * Execute the following (replacing the value of -march with the value for your CPU type)
         ./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CFLAGS="-O3 -march=core2"
   Strip minerd.exe
      * Execute the following:
         x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip minerd.exe
   Combine the executable with the dependencies
      * copy minerd.exe, C:\MinGW64\bin\libcurl-4.dll, and C:\MinGW64\bin\pthreadGC2-w64.dll to the same directory

For Win32 target hosts
   Prepare compilations
      * place mstcpip.h and _mingw_unicode.h in MinGW\include (they already exist in the MinGW installation tree)
   Configure Curl compiling with:
      * ./configure --host=i686-pc-mingw32 CPPFLAGS="-DWIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" –-prefix=/c/mingw
   Clean previous compilations and execute same steps as Win64 targets
      * make clean
        make install
        if not already done, as the file never changes: cp /c/deps/curl-7.30.0/docs/libcurl/libcurl.m4 /c/mingw/share/aclocal/libcurl.m4
   Add pthreads win32 package:
      * through the MinGW Installation manager
   Configure CPUMiner compiling with:
      * ./
        ./configure --host=i686-pc-mingw32 CPPFLAGS="-DWIN32 -D_WIN32 -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" CFLAGS="-O2 -march=core2"
        (Note: only O2 optimization to avoid crash. core2 architecture ideal for Xeon processor)
   Clean previous compilations and Compile CPUMiner
      * make clean
   Strip minerd.exe
      * mingw32-strip minerd.exe
   Combine the executable with the dependencies
      * copy minerd.exe, C:\MinGW\bin\libcurl-4.dll, C:\MinGW\bin\pthreadGC2.dll and C:\MinGW\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll to the same directory

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.6 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 05, 2014, 06:46:55 AM
added new version built for Haswell cpu's again..

changed a preview pic with the new version showing some minor changes. (first one shown)

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.6 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: ig0tik3d on May 05, 2014, 07:55:47 PM
strange, i dont see in source code any optimizations or changes from original cpu miner))

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.6 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: SolidStateSurvivor on May 05, 2014, 09:47:53 PM
Any of these Spoetnink miners that works well on an AMD Phenom 9850 BE? ;D

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.6 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 06, 2014, 05:00:16 AM
strange, i dont see in source code any optimizations or changes from original cpu miner))

thanks for your help and your snotty attitude..

strange i don't see any of your bullshit you copied and pasted from other devs ;)
show me ONE lien of code your wrote sweet heart lol

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.6 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 06, 2014, 05:13:11 AM
Any of these Spoetnink miners that works well on an AMD Phenom 9850 BE? ;D

uhhhmmm ya only reason i didn't post one yet is i am not sure how fast i can get it..
i got my 9950 going from 80 to 240kh/s just by compiler optimizations :)
i keep forgetting about it i have a bunch of pm;s from another guy about other cpu's so.. been super busy lol
buuut i will make it next and upload a version that will run on my 9950 and that i assume should work good for you too :)

lastly, i uploaded an Intel 4770k Haswell class version again and the source code is inside the rar archive too
i ported a so called cheat mode taken last year from UncleBob's quark cpu miner mod..

what that does is basically it will drop working on a hash if Groestl is going to get run twice.
doing that makes hashing 4x faster but i also added UncleBobs's divider on hashing times, so it will show more like 2x faster not 4x faster lol
how effective this is i am not sure i tried experimenting with it lot son Quark ages ago and i was not share it actually made much difference earnings wise..
i got the idea from chubner saying something about this and i recalled the same thing already done last year.. by me :)
So i turned my 500kh/s cpu into 2.1mh/s but i cut the speed it reports in half so it shows about 1.1mh/s in console.
I also did some work on some of the other hashing code which did speed it up a bit.. init contexts out f loop for example.

i wasn't so busy spending 75% of my time fucking around with the MingW compiler flags etc i could get some coding done :(
i will try and add a couple more builds i have been requested done really soon yeah i said i that before but i mean it this time, honest lol

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.6 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 06, 2014, 05:43:14 AM
Any of these Spoetnink miners that works well on an AMD Phenom 9850 BE? ;D

yes see first post ;)

they are very different sizes because i ran STRIP the MingW compile command on one and not the other..

Here is the MingW commands i used if anyone wants to know..

This one for my Intel 4770k

cd /c/code/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CFLAGS="-O3 -mavx2"
x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip minerd.exe
cp /c/Code/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2/minerd.exe "/c/Miners/Jackpotcoin CPUMiner"

And then this for my AMD x4 9950. The strip command would make my AMD cpu crash but not the Intel machine which i used to compile on..
so i omitted it on this build and if anyone gets a prompt about libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll let me know it's a MingW run time dll.

cd /c/code/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CFLAGS="-O3 -msse4"
cp /c/Code/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2/minerd.exe "/c/Miners/Jackpotcoin CPUMiner"

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.8 Beta - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 06, 2014, 05:48:39 PM
i don't think the cheat mode does any good.. long story short it will report your speed on pool web sites slower.
EVEN of it says your hashing faster in the miner. (Because you ARE hashing faster by using shortcuts)

i tried a bunch of variations and they all give the same result.

a more interesting part is no one anywhere has figured out what it didn't work on quark waaaay back last year (the same trick) (but i did then)
people who tried it found that it submitted like roughly 40% shares invalid to the pools etc..
why ? the answer is real simple.. the code everyone uses on all cpu miner mods is yet *Again broken in the post critical parts of all LOL
i seem to keep finding bugs that a million github repo's and other mods like cudaminer etc have..

if anyone writes a shortcut to Groestl what is going to happen is close to half of all shares submitted will say "error over target" in stratum responses.
see if you can spot why it's FIXED below ;)
oh and ya ll might wanna update those millions of github repo's lol


static void jackpothash(void *state, const void *input) {

   uint32_t hash[16];
   jackpothash_context_holder ctx;

   memcpy(&ctx, &base_contexts, sizeof(base_contexts));

   sph_keccak512 (&ctx.ctx_keccak, input, 80);
   sph_keccak512_close(&ctx.ctx_keccak, hash);

#ifdef CHEAT
   int z=0;
   for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
      if (hash[0]&0x1) {
         //if (r==2) return;
#ifdef CHEAT
         /* give up and try another nonce */
         if (z==1) return;
         sph_groestl512 (&ctx.ctx_groestl, hash, 64);
         sph_groestl512_close(&ctx.ctx_groestl, hash);
#ifdef CHEAT
      else {
         sph_skein512 (&ctx.ctx_skein, hash, 64);
         sph_skein512_close(&ctx.ctx_skein, hash);

      if (hash[0]&0x1) {
         sph_blake512 (&ctx.ctx_blake, hash, 64);
         sph_blake512_close(&ctx.ctx_blake, hash);
      else {
         sph_jh512 (&ctx.ctx_jh, hash, 64);
         sph_jh512_close(&ctx.ctx_jh, hash);
   memcpy(state, hash, 32);

inline bool test(const uint32_t *hash, const uint32_t *p)
   if ( ((hash[7]<=p[7]) && (hash[7]!=0x0)) ){
      return true;
   return false;

int scanhash_jackpot(int thr_id, uint32_t *pdata, const uint32_t *ptarget,
   uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done)
   uint32_t n = pdata[19] - 1;
   const uint32_t first_nonce = pdata[19];
   const uint32_t Htarg = ptarget[7];

   uint32_t hash64[8] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
   uint32_t endiandata[32];

   int kk=0;
   for (; kk < 32; kk++){be32enc(&endiandata[kk], ((uint32_t*)pdata)[kk]);};

   if (ptarget[7]==0) {
      do {
         pdata[19] = ++n;
         be32enc(&endiandata[19], n);
         jackpothash(hash64, &endiandata);
         if (((hash64[7]&0xFFFFFFFF)==0) && (test(hash64, ptarget)==true)) {
            *hashes_done = n - first_nonce + 1;
            return true;
      } while (n < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);   
   else if (ptarget[7]<=0xF)
      do {
         pdata[19] = ++n;
         be32enc(&endiandata[19], n);
         jackpothash(hash64, &endiandata);
         if (((hash64[7]&0xFFFFFFF0)==0) && (test(hash64, ptarget)==true)) {
            *hashes_done = n - first_nonce + 1;
            return true;
      } while (n < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);   
   else if (ptarget[7]<=0xFF)
      do {
         pdata[19] = ++n;
         be32enc(&endiandata[19], n);
         jackpothash(hash64, &endiandata);
         if (((hash64[7]&0xFFFFFF00)==0) && (test(hash64, ptarget)==true)) {
            *hashes_done = n - first_nonce + 1;
            return true;
      } while (n < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);   
   else if (ptarget[7]<=0xFFF)
      do {//jackpot
         pdata[19] = ++n;
         be32enc(&endiandata[19], n);
         jackpothash(hash64, &endiandata);
         if (((hash64[7]&0xFFFFF000)==0) && (test(hash64, ptarget)==true)) {
            *hashes_done = n - first_nonce + 1;
            return true;
      } while (n < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);   

   else if (ptarget[7]<=0xFFFF)
      do {
         pdata[19] = ++n;
         be32enc(&endiandata[19], n);
         jackpothash(hash64, &endiandata);
         if (((hash64[7]&0xFFFF0000)==0) && (test(hash64, ptarget)==true)) {
            *hashes_done = n - first_nonce + 1;
            return true;
      } while (n < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);   

      do {
         pdata[19] = ++n;
         be32enc(&endiandata[19], n);
         jackpothash(hash64, &endiandata);
         if (test(hash64, ptarget)==true) {
            *hashes_done = n - first_nonce + 1;
            return true;
      } while (n < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);   

   *hashes_done = n - first_nonce + 1;
   pdata[19] = n;
   return 0;

Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.8 Beta - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: SolidStateSurvivor on May 07, 2014, 06:44:24 PM
i don't think the cheat mode does any good.. long story short it will report your speed on pool web sites slower.
EVEN of it says your hashing faster in the miner. (Because you ARE hashing faster by using shortcuts)

i tried a bunch of variations and they all give the same result.

a more interesting part is no one anywhere has figured out what it didn't work on quark waaaay back last year (the same trick) (but i did then)
people who tried it found that it submitted like roughly 40% shares invalid to the pools etc..
why ? the answer is real simple.. the code everyone uses on all cpu miner mods is yet *Again broken in the post critical parts of all LOL
i seem to keep finding bugs that a million github repo's and other mods like cudaminer etc have..

if anyone writes a shortcut to Groestl what is going to happen is close to half of all shares submitted will say "error over target" in stratum responses.
see if you can spot why it's FIXED below ;)
oh and ya ll might wanna update those millions of github repo's lol
So with other words, don't use the CHEAT versions? ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.8 Beta - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: SolidStateSurvivor on May 08, 2014, 02:22:50 PM
Of the 4 blocks I have found on the pool(s), 2 of them have been found with the Phenom 9850 BE, with your minerd_SSE4 miner. ;) The 7950 1 and none by 7970 or the other CPUs/APUs. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.8 Beta - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: goodluck0319 on May 08, 2014, 04:20:34 PM
I got i7 4770k which miner I shall use? avx or see4?

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.8 Beta - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 08, 2014, 04:49:12 PM
I got i7 4770k which miner I shall use? avx or see4?

the AVX one.. i compiled it to use MingW GCC AVX2 instruction set optimizations (as stated earlier)
AVX+ is great and big improvement over SSE versions..

check this out..
Intel’s Haswell is an unprecedented threat to Nvidia, AMD (

So that says some of us can do AVX2 we can go a bit faster hashing :)

i have to stress i used AVX2 not AVX (version 1)
so only Haswell class chips and higher will support that build/.exe

and to the other guy i have no clue why SSE4 would be faster than AVX2 it doesn't make any sense..
i am guessing the one did not run for you and the other did ?
i run a AMD x4 9950 and Intel 4770k for testing my other cpu's machines are dead (until recently i had a Core 2 Duo for testing with)
Intel avg = 487
AMD avg = 471
per thread i am seeing about maybe 3 or 4 kh/s on my AVX2 build vs the SEE4 build.. which above shows on my 6 threads about 17kh/s more total.
Not a lot but impressive by not changing any code at all and just a compiler flag when building it lol
To do that test i ran the --benchmark command-line with the threads setting and watched it for a while..

Last night i rewrote the cpu hashing code a lot to see if i can get some better speeds and some versions i tried i was getting as high as 768kh/s reported on the pool :)
Some using various shortcuts and some not.. normal non cheating builds i am making now are about the same speed
and the so called cheat test versions i am not sure it's REALLY hard to tell because i have to rely on what the pools report for numbers..

Side Note:
I just spent more time trying to see if i can get ccminer for nvidia cards to run on my Fermi compute 2.0 card but i am not sure what i am doing i am no cuda guy :(
i can get it built and running but i am getting a problem with the hashing.. i tried to do an alt to validating the branches and much more.. so far i'm failing lol

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.8 Beta - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 08, 2014, 05:52:48 PM
i'm going to add a newer test build pretty soon prob after i eat lunch lol
i want to add a command-line option this time though so we can try out the test cheat mode in one single build.
i tried actually chopping down the hasing function to it's bare minimum then i moved the init out of the loop
and then i went even further and deleted the hashing function and just copied the hashing routines
straight into the scan-hash function.. it's working good :)

plus i figured out a better version of the cheat mode i think..
rather than trying to piss around in Groestl in rounds i had a better idea.
this time i checked right after hashing keccak to see if the first byte in the hash is 1
and if it is ? then i invalidate the hash and have it go to a label where it will deliberatly fail the hash check (and do another hash)
skipping ALL the rounds entirely lol

the new cheat mode test result i think is a bit quicker (after dividing the hash rate by two for the UI)
and you can see a LOT of shares are getting submitted really well and the hash rate reported on the pool is looking good
and the pool's var-diff has at times given me far higher difficulties than ever before.. so i think that is a good sign.

i'll post what code i am testing out right this minute if people want to see what i mean..

int scanhash_jackpot(int thr_id, uint32_t *pdata, const uint32_t *ptarget,
   uint32_t max_nonce, unsigned long *hashes_done)
   uint32_t n = pdata[19] - 1;
   const uint32_t first_nonce = pdata[19];

   uint32_t endiandata[22];
   uint32_t hash[8] __attribute__((aligned(32)));

   jackpothash_context_holder ctx;
   memcpy(&ctx, &base_contexts, sizeof(base_contexts));

   int kk=0;
   for (; kk < 22; kk++){be32enc(&endiandata[kk], ((uint32_t*)pdata)[kk]);};

   do {
      pdata[19] = ++n;
      be32enc(&endiandata[19], n);
      //jackpothash(hash, &endiandata);

      sph_keccak512 (&ctx.ctx_keccak, &endiandata, 80);
      sph_keccak512_close(&ctx.ctx_keccak, hash);
      if (hash[0]&0x01) {
         goto done;
      int x=0;
      for (int r = 0; r < 3; r++) {
         //if ((hash[0]&0x01)&&(x!=1)) {
         if (hash[0]&0x01) {
            sph_groestl512 (&ctx.ctx_groestl, hash, 64);
            sph_groestl512_close(&ctx.ctx_groestl, hash);
            //goto done;
         } else {
            sph_skein512 (&ctx.ctx_skein, hash, 64);
            sph_skein512_close(&ctx.ctx_skein, hash);
         if (hash[0]&0x01) {
            sph_blake512 (&ctx.ctx_blake, hash, 64);
            sph_blake512_close(&ctx.ctx_blake, hash);
         } else {
            sph_jh512 (&ctx.ctx_jh, hash, 64);
            sph_jh512_close(&ctx.ctx_jh, hash);
      if ((hash[7]<=ptarget[7])&&(hash[7]!=0x0)) {
         *hashes_done = (n-first_nonce+1)/2;
         return 1;

   } while (n < max_nonce && !work_restart[thr_id].restart);

   *hashes_done = (n-first_nonce+1)/2;
   pdata[19] = n;
   return 0;

Title: new version
Post by: Spoetnik on May 08, 2014, 06:26:18 PM

that is CMA- (1.33 MB)

has 6 windows 64bit versions.. sse2,sse4,avx2 (cheat test and normal versions) plus source code.

if your building by source code you have to change some lines in jackpot_scanhash()
i commented out the cheat code for now until i add a command-line to turn it on or off.
if you can code you should see what i did in that one file (no other files need changing, only jackpot.c)

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: goodluck0319 on May 08, 2014, 07:09:58 PM
it seems the new version is slower than the old one. I thougth it is going to be faster. it seems not.

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: Spoetnik on May 08, 2014, 07:14:04 PM
which one did you test to which one and HOW did you test ? benchmark ? timer benchmark ?
pool or solo ? i uploaded 10 builds eh..
also you didn't give it enough time if you judging by pool numbers they take time to average out and i just uploaded the files lol
did you compile it yourself ?

oh and to anyone reading.. try using the first miner the Jackpot coin dev posted then try mine ;)
my AMD Athlon x4 9950 BE (overclocked a bit) went from 81kh/s to 266kh/s on JPC lol

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: goodluck0319 on May 08, 2014, 07:19:54 PM
I test w/ cheat vesion (minerd_AVX2_CHEAT_stripped). now I am running with this new version w/ avx2.

same mining sites but different version.

5.0.08 is 1000k and new version is about half of that. is that normal?

I use pool on

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: Spoetnik on May 08, 2014, 08:15:17 PM
yeah your right and i made a mistake somehow.. i just checked everything in the builds and source of both versions.
the code i put in before to divide the hash rate by 2 failed to work so it's showing twice as fast as it should on the old v5008 ver.
i put in some defines in the code that didn't seem to work.. the cheat mode is setup but not offsetting the Reported UI hash speed.
and i last uploaded a version not using a c code define and simply put a divider in specifically.

line 909 in cpuminer.c in the old version is where it should have changed the hash rate and then straight in jackpot_scanhash() on the new version.

so anyway you can look at it this way.. one is wrong and one is right but they are the same lol
i know confusing hhahaa

if you double the hash rate it will calculate like old build to compare or cut the old hash rate in half to compare ;)
either way i would pay more attention to pool performance on cheat test builds.. that gauges real world performance depending on how accurate the pool is i guess lol

so sorry about the confusion,
but i intended to modify the older version before so the hash rate was cut in half, but it's not doing it :/
so it's showing double what i intended on v5.0.0.8.

does that make sense ?
the older one used a different approach/method to the cheat mode vs the new one,
but they are similar in reported hash rate overall but the newer one i think looks better on on pool stats.
maybe try both on some pools and see what it tells you your hashing it etc.

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: goodluck0319 on May 08, 2014, 08:30:11 PM
right now I am using 4 threads on my i7 4770k cpu.

one 4 threads is using avx2 and other 4 threads is sse4 miner. it is strange for me that both had the same hash speed when I mine. is that normal?

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: Spoetnik on May 08, 2014, 08:36:45 PM
you mean using sse4 on on 4770k and avx2 on another 4770k ?

speeds can vary because of a lot of factors and the difference sometimes from on build to another can be pretty small.
and sometimes the pools i am on for a while report what you said eh
maybe double check what version(s) your using and scan-time setting too maybe..
having scan-time at 30 on a worker and 1 on another can make them different for example.

so sorry i am no to sure what else to say lol

thanks for the feedback though.. it's nice when people take the time.

i always run my 4770k with 6 threads so i have 2 free for various other stuff and if i don't bog my machine down i average around 500kh/s
but some versions seem to be better when i look at pool stats eh.. how much coins you make is all that matters ;)

Title: Join the Revolution !
Post by: Spoetnik on May 09, 2014, 04:59:12 PM
last version i added should have been reporting a lot faster speeds.

i already added some new features and have some more good ones coming pretty soon.
as well as spotting and fixing bugs.

i am thinking i will port chubners cudaminer multi-pool support too
he added a feature a while back i didn't know about until today.. specifying multiple pools on the cmd-line.

so stay tuned i didn't get bored and wander off lol

also i did a lot more testing with compiler settings and benchmarking them,
and also added build version info when using version cmd-line showing instruction set info and libcurl etc and base cpu miner version used.
this shows what i mean..


C:\minerd --version

cpuminer 2.3.3
 built on May  9 2014
 features: x86_64 SSE2 AVX AVX2 XOP

Press any key to continue . . .

i have gone through EVERY single line of code numerous times and i ported Cpuminer v2.3.3 changes to this build manually (was using 2.3.2)
i also just finished building & updating with the newest version of LibCurl.. the version in my quote.

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: goodluck0319 on May 09, 2014, 05:09:03 PM
so your latest version support x32 and x64 bit , is that correct?

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: SolidStateSurvivor on May 10, 2014, 05:02:56 PM
For curiosity's sake, I tried building v5.0.1.0 on Linux, but I only get errors, yet this is posix type source code these are the results of the Debianesque jury:

gcc -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing     -O3 -MT minerd-cpu-miner.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/minerd-cpu-miner.Tpo -c -o minerd-cpu-miner.o `test -f 'cpu-miner.c' || echo './'`cpu-miner.c
cpu-miner.c: In function ‘share_result’:
cpu-miner.c:366: error: ‘LOG_TEST’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:366: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
cpu-miner.c:366: error: for each function it appears in.)
cpu-miner.c: In function ‘stratum_thread’:
cpu-miner.c:1137: error: ‘LOG_SPECIAL’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c: In function ‘main’:
cpu-miner.c:1482: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘SetConsoleTitleA’
cpu-miner.c:1515: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘SetConsoleTextAttribute’
cpu-miner.c:1515: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘GetStdHandle’
cpu-miner.c:1515: error: ‘STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1515: error: ‘FOREGROUND_BLUE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1516: error: ‘FOREGROUND_INTENSITY’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1519: error: ‘FOREGROUND_GREEN’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1527: error: ‘FOREGROUND_RED’ undeclared (first use in this function)
make[2]: *** [minerd-cpu-miner.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/src/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/src/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Maybe I could get rid of all the colours, but there are still LOG_TEST and LOG_SPECIAL issues to deal with.

Title: put a pot of coffee on.. this is a long one ;)
Post by: Spoetnik on May 10, 2014, 05:45:09 PM
hmmm interesting and thanks for the feedback i wondered before if that would be a problem eh
i didn't think it would since i have been building on MingW and MingW64,
it would be a little bit of work to get rid of the colors but i'll look into it and see what i can do..
i have tried to keep it Linux + Windows eh even though i am mostly into windows coding and don't have any Linux distribs running for testing at the moment.

i was just trying to get it running on visual studio 2010 but got almost done and got some old errors and got tired of doing it.. some other time lol

also x86 / 32bit is working but all optimization flags i try with MingW seem to be a hell of a lot slower than the 64bit counterpart builds for some odd reason.

in the last year i have started over making a cpu miner mod using chunks of hashing algo's from other mods
but i am getting tired of starting over again and hope to just stick with this one and port new coins to this one and only this one now.

got some good features planned and coming and already did some..
right now i am testing out having the average hash rate shown in the window title every 5 seconds
Note: currently as *always the colored hash lines in the console show the fastest (submitted good share) hash rate.
So i was thinking it would be good to see what the average hash rate is going on in the background if using the quiet cmd-line..
i always run in quiet mode eh..
Also detected new block messages are normally suppressed as well as debug reject reason in quiet mode but i enabled them for a good reason..
If someone is getting a lot of bad shares and the reason they see is because it says "Job Not Found"
people really may want to consider tuning their scan time (probably lower)
although i have considered adding a cmd-line option to hide the "new block" msg's..

i also added some color and fixed up the benchmark code a bit.. it should be a lot better soon.
and i also added a cmd-line to enable cheat mode testing so no more multiple builds needed..
i think i did a ton of other crap too i forget and will have to compare the files before i do a changelog update again lol

it's a lot of screwing around cleaning up the source code folder and putting together a new packages of builds eh
but of someone wants the build i am currently running for haswell or SSE2 or SSE4 just say so and i can upload just that one .exe pretty damn fast lol

so far the only way i know to build for x86 / 32bit windows is to re-compile the LibCurl install and that is a big time consuming pain the ass :(
i want to see later if there is some way i can have both compiled and installed setup so i just have to configure again in the mod folder only..
it means i am coding with x64 so i have to delete everything and rebuild for x86 then i have to rebuild it back to x64 again..
and even on a fast machine LibCurl takes time :(
i have a sick fast SSD (Samsung 840 EVO 256GB SSD Sata III) and my 4770k cpu only uses like 10% when compiling but it still takes a while lol
edit: i also am using G.SKILL Trident X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3 2400 - Memory i paid good money for running with xmp profile at 2400mhz :)

a couple things i want to add..
- Multi pool fall back support (i can pretty much copy and past it from cudaminer)
- Diff modifier via cmd-line (same i can get it from cudaminer or an sgminer mod) so far i have been hard coding values for testing in the last year.
- more hash stats in console window.. i was thinking of maybe something like this...  CMA v5.5.5.5 [current% kh/s] [avg% kh/s] [highest% kh/s]
currently i am seeing a 5 second polled avg but i wrote the code and never did that before and i am not sure what i am doing lol
i had gettimeofday() start in Main then in MinerThread at the end i had it check if time has been 5 seconds and if so update the console window
and then start a new timer basically..
but what i am not sure of is what i should use to average it out..
i have tried 2 or 3 variables combined..
avg = (lowest_hash + hashrate) /2;
avg = (lowest_hash + hashrate + highest_hashrate) /3;

i tried also,
avg = (lowest_hash + highest_hashrate) /2;
but that seemed the most out of whack out of the three averaging strategies i can think of..

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: Spoetnik on May 10, 2014, 06:06:41 PM
so your latest version support x32 and x64 bit , is that correct?

no i almost uploaded a 32bit version i was packing it and testing an noticed some bugs so i got coding again..
i can upload 32bit but it's going to be waaay slower than x64 but prob faster than the 32bit version the JPC coin dev posted.

Title: maybe add color.h to and rerun & configure ?
Post by: Spoetnik on May 10, 2014, 06:16:21 PM
For curiosity's sake, I tried building v5.0.1.0 on Linux, but I only get errors, yet this is posix type source code these are the results of the Debianesque jury:

gcc -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing     -O3 -MT minerd-cpu-miner.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/minerd-cpu-miner.Tpo -c -o minerd-cpu-miner.o `test -f 'cpu-miner.c' || echo './'`cpu-miner.c
cpu-miner.c: In function ‘share_result’:
cpu-miner.c:366: error: ‘LOG_TEST’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:366: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
cpu-miner.c:366: error: for each function it appears in.)
cpu-miner.c: In function ‘stratum_thread’:
cpu-miner.c:1137: error: ‘LOG_SPECIAL’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c: In function ‘main’:
cpu-miner.c:1482: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘SetConsoleTitleA’
cpu-miner.c:1515: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘SetConsoleTextAttribute’
cpu-miner.c:1515: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘GetStdHandle’
cpu-miner.c:1515: error: ‘STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1515: error: ‘FOREGROUND_BLUE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1516: error: ‘FOREGROUND_INTENSITY’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1519: error: ‘FOREGROUND_GREEN’ undeclared (first use in this function)
cpu-miner.c:1527: error: ‘FOREGROUND_RED’ undeclared (first use in this function)
make[2]: *** [minerd-cpu-miner.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/src/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/src/jpc-cpuminer-master-v2'
make: *** [all] Error 2

Maybe I could get rid of all the colours, but there are still LOG_TEST and LOG_SPECIAL issues to deal with.

hey run clean.bat and try this and let me know if it works ;)

the run mingW console.. then
cd /c/some/path/etc
...........if for windows x86
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CPPFLAGS="-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -s"
----------else x64
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -s"
if you get two errors about mstcip.h and another ms header use the define, WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN before windows.h in cpuminer.c
or you can copy the two files from the 64bit mingw64 install if you got it and copy them into the include folder you found them in the 64 bit version.
and if using LibCurl 7.36 you need to patch a file lol

patch tool_hugehelp.h like this..
/* blah blha blah*/
 #include "tool_setup.h"
 void hugehelp(void);
#endif /* USE_MANUAL */

then make sure to use the disable command for curl when setting it up..

x64 LibCurl configure cmd-line example.
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 –-prefix=/c/mingw64 --disable-manual

edit contents below (added color.h now)

minerd_SOURCES   = elist.h miner.h compat.h color.h \
        cpu-miner.c util.c \
        sha2.c sha2-arm.S sha2-x86.S sha2-x64.S \
        scrypt.c scrypt-arm.S scrypt-x86.S scrypt-x64.S \
        blake.c bmw.c   groestl.c jh.c keccak.c skein.c \
        quark.c jackpot.c

Title: more MingW64 tips..
Post by: Spoetnik on May 10, 2014, 06:29:11 PM
curl-config needs to be re-copied if your flipping back and forth from x86 to x64 builds too


the contents of that file need to be updated if flipping from one to the other (x86/x64)
reconfiguring LibCurl and running make clean etc will not fix this.. you HAVE to copy it manually yourself or do a cp command etc..

the first line says for me this

in file,
i am building on x64 right now..

if i do x86 now i need to go cd to the Libcurl folder and run "make clean"
configure for x86 then build..
after that i have to make sure,

of course your paths may be different guys ;)
i installed MingW to my c drive on windows.

there is three lines that are changed when switching back and forth in curl-config so don't just change that one i mentioned earlier
back up the original file and copy it back when needed or edit all three lines manually..

Title: Re: maybe add color.h to and rerun & configure ?
Post by: SolidStateSurvivor on May 10, 2014, 07:18:03 PM
Maybe I could get rid of all the colours, but there are still LOG_TEST and LOG_SPECIAL issues to deal with.

hey run clean.bat and try this and let me know if it works ;)

the run mingW console.. then
cd /c/some/path/etc
...........if for windows x86
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CPPFLAGS="-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -s"
----------else x64
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -s"
if you get two errors about mstcip.h and another ms header use the define, WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN before windows.h in cpuminer.c
or you can copy the two files from the 64bit mingw64 install if you got it and copy them into the include folder you found them in the 64 bit version.
and if using LibCurl 7.36 you need to patch a file lol

patch tool_hugehelp.h like this..
/* blah blha blah*/
 #include "tool_setup.h"
 void hugehelp(void);
#endif /* USE_MANUAL */

then make sure to use the disable command for curl when setting it up..

x64 LibCurl configure cmd-line example.
./configure --host=x86_64-w64-mingw32 –-prefix=/c/mingw64 --disable-manual

edit contents below (added color.h now)

minerd_SOURCES   = elist.h miner.h compat.h color.h \
        cpu-miner.c util.c \
        sha2.c sha2-arm.S sha2-x86.S sha2-x64.S \
        scrypt.c scrypt-arm.S scrypt-x86.S scrypt-x64.S \
        blake.c bmw.c   groestl.c jh.c keccak.c skein.c \
        quark.c jackpot.c
As I only compile / build on Linux, these things are hard to do, but I will what I can do to adopt it and incorporate these fixes into the Linux environment I'm using. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: Spoetnik on May 10, 2014, 07:58:12 PM
basically i was giving tips for MingW guys.

and i think your problem may be solved by adding color.h to the file.

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: Spoetnik on May 10, 2014, 10:48:46 PM
it took me some work but i went through every line of code *again and made prob a thousand edits
and now i got it compiling with Visual Studio 2010 and i am running the 64bit build right now compiled with VS2010 :)

i just have to complete the 32bit configurations for debug and release.. and make sure it still builds on MingW.

I normally would add cpuminer code bases to a Visual Studio solution so i can view and edit source with Visual Assist X all black style
or some quick work with IDM's UltraEdit.. and Beyond Compare is massively useful !

having an IDE is nice.. notepad coding is gay lol

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: SolidStateSurvivor on May 11, 2014, 12:53:05 AM
basically i was giving tips for MingW guys.

and i think your problem may be solved by adding color.h to the file.

Like this:

JANSSON_INCLUDES= -I$(top_srcdir)/compat/jansson

EXTRA_DIST   = example-cfg.json

SUBDIRS      = compat

INCLUDES   = $(PTHREAD_FLAGS) -fno-strict-aliasing $(JANSSON_INCLUDES)

bin_PROGRAMS   = minerd

minerd_SOURCES   = elist.h miner.h compat.h color.h \
        cpu-miner.c util.c \
        sha2.c sha2-arm.S sha2-x86.S sha2-x64.S \
        scrypt.c scrypt-arm.S scrypt-x86.S scrypt-x64.S \
        blake.c bmw.c   groestl.c jh.c keccak.c skein.c \
        quark.c \

Hmm, nope that didn't work.

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 11, 2014, 03:23:04 AM
hmm i don't know what to suggest :(
i assumed if what ever code i use compiles fine with MingW that uses GCC
then it should be fine for linux guys.. that is what i always hoped anyway lol
unless i can get a distrib setup i don't know what else to say.. sad there is prob a 100 people who could help you here but i doubt any will..
coders aren't very helpful in this scene at all.

supporting both are a problem i tried to setup a timer and the code i want to use works for both
but on Linux it meant soemthing different so i had to wrap the Timer Benchmark feature in Windows defines.

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.1.0 Beta By Spoetnik, new JPC cheat mode :o
Post by: SolidStateSurvivor on May 11, 2014, 02:25:53 PM
I went to the NTI in the late 90s, that's when I stopped coding C/C++ cuss it wasn't something I like to do.
Also because I had really nothing to contribute, every program you needed was out there, either in GPL, shareware/freeware/PD
or commercial. Now it looks like I should get coding again. God know it's needed when we design the ASICs.

I can compile and stuff on Linux, but my coding is a bit rusty, but I have an expert in London I could ask, lemme get back on that.

Title: some info..
Post by: Spoetnik on May 12, 2014, 10:31:49 PM
i suck at c/c++ even though i have been at over 10+ years.. prob is i am bad at math :(

anyway, i have done a lot and the more i do the more bugs i find etc etc
i fixed a bug that caused a race condition outputting the date/time..
it would get put out twice in a row before the log line.. i thought i fixed that issue last year lol
to fix it, the thread mutex lock should be started and stopped once.. not twice :)
i also thought i'd like the idea of another cmd-line to not show the date/time, i tried it (by accident) and it was ok.. i'd used it.

i'm really thinking that no matter what i do to the hashing algo it's just making things worse, as in some kind of cheat crap (based on pool data)
so i will leave in my last and best revision of it and advise people use the non cheat one..
USE the normal one preferably people unless you want to TEST.

i do think i will put scanhash() back and do separate functions for them based on the cheat cmd-line that should be faster code.
i've found some miner tweaks here and there too (in the hashing code)

i have added a lot more window data updated every 5 seconds and tweaked the averaging code
and i also think an alternative hashing speed log line showing the combined hash speed vs the per thread way it is now would be cool.

still didn't do multi-pool support yet or the 32bit windows VS2010 profiles/configs.. they are almost done lol

but i was just testing the final hashing now and it's fast and good as i can get it unless i go with UncleBob's style of algo's (which is faster)
but if i do that Visual Studio and x64 won't compile it doesn't support asm for 64bit so i think it's good enough (and unlce bob used asm)

i just tested both VS2010 and MingW x64 builds normal hashing algo and i get average i think* 490kh/s (VS2010) and 500kh/s (gcc) using 6 threads on my i7 4770k (75% usage)
So since both are so close in speed i don't see any reason to break Visual studio support now that i added it and got it going perfect with no warnings :)
It's nice to be able to code and build / test in VS2010, then do a MingW build later when the code is final for that extra bit of speed..

so far i got the window title looking like this BELOW (updated every 5 seconds with average hash rate speeds) not sure how well that will work out on Linux though lol
CMA | v5.1.0.5 | t=6 | a=Jackpot | s=5 | z=false [500 kh/s]

oh yeah and i added resource data to the windows build when compiling with VS2010 for viewing properties on Windows ..and prob more stuff i can't remember hahaa

Title: new version pretty soon :)
Post by: Spoetnik on May 15, 2014, 04:26:29 PM
going to be adding a new version today i think and the change log would be 1000 pages long lol
most proud i am happy i last night finished up creating builds settings for Visual Studio 2010 debug + release and x86 and x64 :)
and it still supports building with MingW so it was a LOT of work but this miner mod will now be compliant with x86 and x64 on all platforms now i think.
i spent a lot of time creating the VS2010 project configs so they are nice and clean and work well..
also i grabbed VS2013 and i will be building the AVX2 build it has in that new version i think to test speeds..
Currently between MingW and VS2010 speeds are about 500kh/s (x64 AVX VS2010) vs 550kh/s (x64 AVX2 MingW -march=native) on my 4770k optimized. (6/8 threads)
And i think it's impressive i squeezed that much speed out of a Visual Studio build lol

Title: new version within some hours :)
Post by: Spoetnik on May 19, 2014, 09:26:39 PM
the last version i mentioned needed testing.. it's good now i think lol
no more cheat stuff..

new features and improvements and some bug fixes and overall better code and full x86/64 support for both MingW and Visual Studio.
I tested AVX on VS2010 and now AVX2 on VS2013 but MingW is still faster.

the most noticeable new feature will be the Window title info.. it says a bunch of stuff.
one of the good things about the window title info is i made it show the URL (everything after the double slashes)
i can't count how many times i have launched a CPU miner and then had no idea what the pool address i used was.. this will show you now :)
previously i would open Sysinternals Process Explorer and look at the command-line in there.

so i just have to clean up the code and pack it up and then review the code and see if i left garbage used for testing and make notes of key changes.
What i do is freeze making any changes to the code and build the binaries and i built so far x64 SSE2 / SSE4 / AVX2 (prob will do AVX v1 also and maybe 32bit versions)

Just a bump here saying i am a hair away from uploading, so within hours later on roughly.. didn't get bored of this and wander off lol

Title: CMA v5.0.2.0 uploading now..
Post by: Spoetnik on May 21, 2014, 06:38:51 AM
New version being added all builds for x64 pretty much two versions one built with MingW and one with VS2010 2013 actually

if people need 32bit build nag me about it but be warned there is a bug in the code i think that make the 32bit ver way slow :(
so for Jackpot coin if i use the coin devs orig miner i get 80kh/s on my 4770k with 6 threads my 32bit build i get about 140kh/s
and finally on my x64 build i get a bit more than 500kh/s.. i think i know what the problem is but been too busy to fix the 32bit issue.

anyway as usual i will add the links and updated change-log info to the first post.
i'm also going to update the preview pics.. it looks different now.

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.2.0 Beta By Spoetnik
Post by: Spoetnik on May 21, 2014, 03:22:04 PM
let me know if anyone needs me to upload the Lib's
it should work fine with the usual libs other miners use though..

the pre-compiled windows builds i uploaded are using,

Cpuminer   2.3.3
Jansson    1.3
OpenSSL  1.0.1e
Libcurl      7.36.0

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.2.0 Beta By Spoetnik
Post by: kdfspam on May 25, 2014, 10:20:26 AM
Is 32Bit still in the works? I've got a few 32Bit machines still in play that run 24/7 that I'd like to try your miner on.


Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.2.0 Beta By Spoetnik
Post by: gristlelump on May 28, 2014, 07:40:25 PM
Is 32Bit still in the works? I've got a few 32Bit machines still in play that run 24/7 that I'd like to try your miner on.



Title: Re: CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.0.1 - JackpotCoin Edition By Spoetnik
Post by: hero18688 on May 29, 2014, 01:02:29 AM
Hi,do you have plan to make a enhanced miner for cryptoknight?
Posted from - #XrKnGbkuszBlDOGH

Title: Re: [ANN] CPU Miner Advanced v5.0.2.0 Beta By Spoetnik
Post by: ReiMomo on April 04, 2015, 07:19:28 AM
Man, your links are not working, can you reupload?