Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: juggalodarkclow on May 12, 2014, 10:16:07 PM

Title: I made the big jump today...
Post by: juggalodarkclow on May 12, 2014, 10:16:07 PM
I deactivated my iPhone 5 and got a Galaxy S5........

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Hazir on May 12, 2014, 10:35:17 PM
Step in good direction. You know why Apple sucks?

Some good points: (

And this list is just a tip of iceberg.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Lauda on May 12, 2014, 10:38:15 PM
Step in good direction. You know why Apple sucks?

Some good points: (

And this list is just a tip of iceberg.
You can also check this out:
I like this domain.  :D

Good move OP, I have always told everyone around me to avoid buying anything from Apple.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: devthedev on May 12, 2014, 10:40:33 PM
I deactivated my iPhone 5 and got a Galaxy S5........

Oh yeah! The Galaxy S5 is so much more powerful and an all around better phone.
Have you checked out other ROMs for the device? I tend to dislike the factory spins on Android.

Step in good direction. You know why Apple sucks?

Some good points: (

And this list is just a tip of iceberg.
You can also check this out:
I like this domain.  :D

Good move OP, I have always told everyone around me to avoid buying anything from Apple.

I used to be an apple fanboy but that was when I barely knew how to use a computer :)

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Lauda on May 12, 2014, 11:02:51 PM
Step in good direction. You know why Apple sucks?

Some good points: (

And this list is just a tip of iceberg.
You can also check this out:
I like this domain.  :D

Good move OP, I have always told everyone around me to avoid buying anything from Apple.

I used to be an apple fanboy but that was when I barely knew how to use a computer :)
Most apple users are pretty dumb. You can find a lot of videos online. I like how a woman (who was standing in line for the Iphone 5), said (when asked what she was going to do with the phone) that she would text, call and use:
Apple 5 Internet
Apple 5 Internet..
Apple 5 Internet...

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Vod on May 12, 2014, 11:26:30 PM
I deactivated my iPhone 5 and got a Galaxy S5........

Good choice.

There is a market for Apple though.  I recommended it to my ageing mother who is retiring this year.  She loves it, and will probably get a lot more out of it than she would an Android phone.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: juggalodarkclow on May 12, 2014, 11:32:23 PM
I'm liking it more and more everytime I pick it up. Once I get myself more familiar with the wide array of features it will be extremely difficult to put it down lol.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Ludi on May 13, 2014, 05:50:23 AM
Iphones would be great if they didn't have all the restrictions and stuff, but i guess they wouldnt be iphones then.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: firejuan on May 13, 2014, 05:58:53 AM
iphones are for people who want the experience that Apple wants them to have.

Android phones allow for customization just in the device you select.  If you are a power user, then you can do so much more when you root your phone vs. jailbraking an iphone.

Although the phones are getting much better I have not rooted my Galaxy Note II.  Rooted OG Droid, Thunderbolt, and Rezound which made them much better devices.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Brooker on May 13, 2014, 06:03:15 AM
I used to have an iphone 3 but never been back since and wont be going back.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: guybrushthreepwood on May 13, 2014, 06:03:50 AM
I've never liked or owned anything by Apple. Always thought they were over-priced stuff for hipsters and sheep. I'm sure there sales will keep declining though. People need to boycot them until they chnage their ways.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: counter on May 13, 2014, 06:29:57 AM
Pheeew that was a close one..  Soon you will have all that trendy off of you and will be a brand new person. :)

I say good things about the Iphone 5 etc but If I had a choice I would not buy one myself even if the price is right.  Well maybe if the price was very right but I still be a tough decision.  Enjoy the new phone hopefully you find some new features you like that differ from your Apple.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: KimNam on May 13, 2014, 06:33:08 AM
nice move, congratz
i remember many bitcoin user crushed their iphone 5 when apple removed bitcoin client ;D
Step in good direction. You know why Apple sucks?

Some good points: (

And this list is just a tip of iceberg.
You can also check this out:
I like this domain.  :D

Good move OP, I have always told everyone around me to avoid buying anything from Apple.
lol, i love that domain ;D

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: faninasir on May 13, 2014, 06:35:05 AM
Good move mate ,, iphone isnt the big thing now its samsung and android ,,

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: AT101ET on May 13, 2014, 06:36:15 AM
I deactivated my iPhone 5 and got a Galaxy S5........

I've still got my iPhone. I have the blockchain app still installed so it's all good on my end. However, I'm still waiting for apple to finally give in and allow bitcoin wallets and apps officially back on the App Store. I couldn't get used to an android simply because the UI is incomparable. They both offer fantastic options, but I prefer Apple's simple and clean operating system.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Acidyo on May 13, 2014, 07:32:26 AM
I've never like Apple, ever since it's beginning. Never understood the hype.

Can't wait for it to finally die out already.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: medUSA on May 13, 2014, 08:21:36 AM
I deactivated my iPhone 5 and got a Galaxy S5........

Wise move! I took the plunge into Android four years ago and never regretted it. I had my first Android phone in 2010 when all my friends were using iPhones. In these few years, I successfully convinced all of them to ditch their iPhones for Androids. I did not like iOS form the start. It is so isolated, can't load any documents, music or video onto them without conversion and sync with itunes.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: MUFC on May 13, 2014, 08:38:53 AM
Apple needs to change their ways or just die. Dont they realise they're damaging their business?

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: mShz on May 13, 2014, 08:40:49 AM
Honestly I don't understand why people hate apple as if it is the devil.. I have an iPhone 4s and it does everything things that I want.. Maybe an android phone it would be better, but I find iOS a very clear and easy to use OS.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: AT101ET on May 13, 2014, 08:42:49 AM
Honestly I don't understand why people hate apple as if it is the devil.. I have an iPhone 4s and it does everything things that I want.. Maybe an android phone it would be better, but I find iOS a very clear and easy to use OS.

Well put. That's what I like about apple. Most androids are too gimmicky.
The main reason why the bitcoin community dislike apple is because they banned bitcoin apps.
Once they allow them, I'm sure lots of people would talk highly about their iPhones just as much as those who currently do with their droids!

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: mShz on May 13, 2014, 08:51:24 AM
Ok, gotcha! :D I'm new in this world and many things I don't know yet

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Nerazzura on May 13, 2014, 08:52:52 AM
wise move, i suggest you sell your iphone 5 :P
android is more customable and bitcoin friendly

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: yatsey87 on May 13, 2014, 08:59:37 AM
Apple just unfortunately has the brand and legions of loyal followers. Their products look good but there's much better devices and computers out there. People really just need to start voicing their frustrations and boycot them with your money and dont buy their stuff until they chnage their practises.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Reuben on May 13, 2014, 09:04:42 AM
I like Apple, but I'm not a fanboy. I think they need to improve on a lot of fronts thiough.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: medUSA on May 13, 2014, 09:58:57 AM
Honestly I don't understand why people hate apple as if it is the devil.. I have an iPhone 4s and it does everything things that I want.. Maybe an android phone it would be better, but I find iOS a very clear and easy to use OS.

I do not hate the iPhone. For simple tasks, iPhone is perfect and sleek, if you demand something more. you will discover its limitations.

Try to toggle wifi on/off on iOS5/6, how many steps did it take? (Apple finally changed that on iOS7)
or open a document attachment in an email, change a typo and send it back,
or send or receive a file via bluetooth.

Apple tries to portrait iPhone as easy to use but it really isn't. Do you still remember you need to download itunes and sync to a desktop before you can call someone on your brand new "mobile" phone? How silly is that? and users put up with it :-[

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: Snorek on May 13, 2014, 10:26:06 AM
Honestly I don't understand why people hate apple as if it is the devil.. I have an iPhone 4s and it does everything things that I want.. Maybe an android phone it would be better, but I find iOS a very clear and easy to use OS.

I do not hate the iPhone. For simple tasks, iPhone is perfect and sleek, if you demand something more. you will discover its limitations.

Try to toggle wifi on/off on iOS5/6, how many steps did it take? (Apple finally changed that on iOS7)
or open a document attachment in an email, change a typo and send it back,
or send or receive a file via bluetooth.

Apple tries to portrait iPhone as easy to use but it really isn't. Do you still remember you need to download itunes and sync to a desktop before you can call someone on your brand new "mobile" phone? How silly is that? and users put up with it :-[

People will put up with a lots of things if its fashionable. iPhones are fashionable so people buy them although they don't need them (that goes also to other smart phones). For example my friend (a girl) has an iPhone but she is using it only to came calls ad sms. A simple mobile phone would be enough but you can show of with an smart phone.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: 1Referee on May 13, 2014, 12:06:46 PM
Calm down everyone, why so much hate on Apple ?

If you don't like it, then don't buy Apple products, or just sell them if you have any.

How old are you guys, seriously. Grow up!

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: firejuan on May 13, 2014, 03:33:41 PM
Calm down everyone, why so much hate on Apple ?

If you don't like it, then don't buy Apple products, or just sell them if you have any.

How old are you guys, seriously. Grow up!

WTF, no one is freaking out.  You are the only one telling people what to do.  Everyone else is simply voicing their opinion which I thought was the goal of an open forum. So if you don't like this thread then don't read it, geez. 

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: medUSA on May 14, 2014, 09:51:20 AM
Calm down everyone, why so much hate on Apple ?

There are many valid reasons. Read the thread.

If you don't like it, then don't buy Apple products, or just sell them if you have any.

That is what people are doing now. Haven't you noticed the people around you are switching out?

The iPhone is still an excellent phone for non-demanding users. For the past few years, users became more comfortable with smartphones, they demand a lot more from their mobile devices. Hence, moving out of the Apple niche to a more sophisticated platform. It doesn't meet iPhone is bad, it means Apple is not moving forward fast enough.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: bitmaster111 on May 14, 2014, 09:57:19 AM
i play games in iphone much better than other company smart phone ! other companies phone have to much hanging problem but i see  iphone  work good

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: juggalodarkclow on May 14, 2014, 05:51:34 PM
While I enjoyed my iPhone and it did what I needed it to do, I feel as if the Galaxy S5 is more of a phone with computer functionality. The interface is more open and accessible and I am able to do what I want and more.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: makebitcoin on May 14, 2014, 05:54:13 PM
Good for you. I love Apple but the apps were very expensive. I recently got a Motorola G and I'm lovin' it.

Title: Re: I made the big jump today...
Post by: acs267 on May 14, 2014, 06:11:56 PM
Calm down everyone, why so much hate on Apple ?

If you don't like it, then don't buy Apple products, or just sell them if you have any.

How old are you guys, seriously. Grow up!


Damn those guys for trying to have a opinion! let's compare them all to toddlers, and say that they can't do that, and need to grow up!

Damn we smart man.