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Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: on May 13, 2014, 04:21:53 PM

Title: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: on May 13, 2014, 04:21:53 PM
Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: hilariousandco on May 13, 2014, 04:27:35 PM
A Scottish retailer will only use bitcoin for three days this week in a bid to test out whether the cryptocurrency has the potential to take over from pound as the country's new currency in the event of independence.

CeX, the second-hand electronics, DVD and video game store, has turned its Glasgow Sauchiehall store into a "pound-free zone" for the next three days, only accepting bitcoin as payment for any good bought - as well as only paying customers in bitcoin.

Jeeze, I didn't know they were going completely cashless, just that they'd started accepting and paying in bitcoin. At first I thought it'd be a terrible idea for business accepting only bitcoin, but they do have an ATM in store, so customers can use that, but still, will most be arsed to?

As for Scotland using as a currency? Too early for that sort of risky leap.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: waldox on May 13, 2014, 04:47:42 PM
bitcoin will make the government accountable for every dollar, instead of printing to abandon
banks will have less controll of scottish government as they cant print and give money to the government

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Ron~Popeil on May 13, 2014, 06:53:04 PM
If Scotland adopted bitcoin their population would explode. Even I with my pitifully small amount of bitcoin would love the idea of living in a bitcoin only economy.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: LostDutchman on May 13, 2014, 06:54:10 PM
Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?


Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: practicaldreamer on May 13, 2014, 09:00:25 PM
SNP bringing BTC into the Independance debate would be political suicide.

Plus, I don't think that at this stage it would be viable anyhow - not by a long long way.

The BTC revolution will be a multilateral, grassroots and rapidly snowballing kind of a revolution I reckon.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: pening on May 13, 2014, 09:10:00 PM
Anyone asking this question, or taking the proposition seriously, hasn't understood why there is a currency problem for an independent Scotland.

They will need to borrow, and do so heavily as a proportion of GDP, in order to offer the services and state benefits they think they can afford. 

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: m5j0r on May 13, 2014, 09:21:45 PM
As a supporter of the cryptocurrency idea I actually don't think there's any reason to ever switch to cryptocurrencies at a level this high.
There are good reasons for both and both should exist.

And fractional reserve banking _does_ have it's eligibility.

They do need to do their economic calculations though. Just like any government.
Even thinking about big steps before having any sense of realism established is .. well typically goverment style..

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Bibop on May 13, 2014, 11:22:11 PM
Seems to risky and dramatic change

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Davis14 on May 13, 2014, 11:28:42 PM
That seems like that could kill them. (I love bitcoin but its to volatile for a government to use it especially a new one.)

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: practicaldreamer on May 16, 2014, 04:58:49 PM

SNP wants to retain monetary union with the rest of the UK. Mark Carney says that if an independent Scotland does retain GBP then it will necessarily be at the expense of (some degree of) fiscal (as well as monetary) independence.
  Likewise with the Euro.

IOW - when we talk about "independence" in todays world what are we talking about ? Merely political independence ? Because economic independence seems a misnomer/contradiction in terms.

For my part, if I was pushed to suggest a currency solution for an independent Scotland I reckon I'd go for the Euro - whilst gradually phasing in BTC as a reserve currency/currency of choice for payments of imports and exports.

How about that ?

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Malin Keshar on May 16, 2014, 05:32:00 PM
There are no unique solution to any problem, there are steps that solve or relief some aspects of the problem.

For me bitcoin is a step, a big one, for currency problems, not is far away to be the solution. For me bitcoin solves more problems related to reliable reserve that anyone with internet access can have and can't be seized by the gov(to get gold and silver you need to pay way more taxes), make international transfers easy and accessible to all(not everyone can have one account in each country of the world), make international payments for micro jobs feasible, and provide an ALTERNATIVE(not replacement!) with lower fees to credit card and paypal services, although with some headaches, like dealing with the price fluctuation.

I don't think that BTC is better for everyday buying, taking into account that every transaction has 0.0001 fee, the variation in prices and the necessity of technology beyond of the normal users are used from both sides of the deal.

Well, the day I see that there is really chance of cryptos totally over FIAT, I will start to believe the ones that say btc is criation of the Illuminati to be the currency of the world's unified government

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: MrWDunne on May 16, 2014, 05:33:20 PM
Its not ready to be a national currency yet. Or is it? It could be a self fulfilling prophecy. They adopt it, and it overnight pushes it to new heights where it is ready to be used in such ways.

Then again, 7tx/s is too much of a limit.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Sealed on May 17, 2014, 11:10:33 AM
The currency issue, regarding independence for Scotland, is indeed interesting. The SNP is all for the euro, as it sees Scotland joining the EU as part of its plan.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Sealed on May 17, 2014, 11:16:48 AM
However, for a country such as Scotland which historically has had a lot of experience in banking, and still actually prints its own banknotes (issued by at least two private banks to my knowledge) it would seem that even starting with their own currency would not be a stupid idea.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Sealed on May 17, 2014, 11:23:12 AM
Joining the EU appears to be counter-intuitive thing to do for a nation that wants true independence, as EU membership increasingly involves overriding national sovereignty.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Sealed on May 17, 2014, 11:29:35 AM
Simply using the pound creates issues with monetary policy, as the pound is created by the Bank of England. Independence from the UK politically is one thing, but remaining joined at the hip by using the pound would ensure that the Bank of England still retains control over such issues as money supply, quantitative easing etc.

Of course, the idea of a nation adopting Bitcoin is premature right now, although totally feasible down the track I believe.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: gjgjg on September 15, 2014, 11:50:43 AM
Has anyone heard any more disscussion about Scotland's currency if a Yes vote goes ahead? I head that England wont allow the same use of GBP as they currently have if they do get independence.
I know its pretty unlikely, but if they found themselves pushing ahead with it and BOE gives them unfavorable terms, then BTC is the only 'ready to go' currency option for them really (asides the Euro which isnt that appealing for Scotland, I understand). Would be interesting to say the least!

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: s.mouse on September 15, 2014, 11:53:43 AM
Has anyone heard any more disscussion about Scotland's currency if a Yes vote goes ahead? I head that England wont allow the same use of GBP as they currently have if they do get independence.
I know its pretty unlikely, but if they found themselves pushing ahead with it and BOE gives them unfavorable terms, then BTC is the only 'ready to go' currency option for them really (asides the Euro which isnt that appealing for Scotland, I understand). Would be interesting to say the least!

They'll more than likely just use the Euro, though they could also create their own currency. Using a crypto currency at this point is very unlikely.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: oceans on September 15, 2014, 12:03:46 PM
The possibility of them voting Yes is one thing but to consider doing this as well could all be too risky for them I am thinking. It's OK to consider it but when it comes to something this big, they may have to look a little further than I feel they are doing before taking a leap too far.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Giggs on September 15, 2014, 12:08:03 PM
I don't think they will vote for independence, though it will be interesting to see what happens to their economy and currency situation if they do.


Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: bornil267645 on September 15, 2014, 12:26:59 PM
No matter how much I love bitcoin, I still think it wont be the foundation of future currency. :P :P

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Skeksis on September 15, 2014, 12:28:20 PM
No matter how much I love bitcoin, I still think it wont be the foundation of future currency. :P :P

What do you think it will be then? I'm sure a future digital currency will be inspired by bitcoin in some way.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: bornil267645 on September 15, 2014, 01:23:25 PM
it's like the magic hand we've been waiting 4...

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Verse on September 15, 2014, 01:33:02 PM
bitcoin will make the government accountable for every dollar, instead of printing to abandon
banks will have less controll of scottish government as they cant print and give money to the government
Exactly. Using Bitcoin is tantamount to a government forfeiting their power. Why would they possibly do that?

The most we can hope for is a proliferation of Bitcoin, not dependency upon it.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: IIOII on September 15, 2014, 01:37:40 PM
I think there are no real currency problems. The issue is greatly exaggerated by the opponents of independence to instill FUD. Even if an independent Scotland is evicted from the Pound, there will be a transition period. The British Pound could also see continued informal use. So that's no real threat for the average citizen.

Apart from that Scotland could profit from adopting an open currency system which allows competition between more than one form of legal tender. So embracing cryptocurrencies is not a bad idea at all. But the adoption of CC's is not a topic to use for political campaigning (yet), because as adoption is still low so is political relevance for most people. It is more likely to confuse the majority.

So the adoption of an open currency system makes sense as a possible debate only after a pro-independence vote.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: Ektra on September 15, 2014, 01:41:42 PM
Swap all the money in Scotland for bitcoins right now and you'd end up with early adopter geeks having more coins than the whole of Scotland. Which is ridiculous, so it will not happen.

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: septocal on September 15, 2014, 01:49:23 PM

Title: Re: Scottish Independence: Is Bitcoin the Solution to Currency Problems?
Post by: RustyNomad on September 15, 2014, 01:51:15 PM
Scotland should follow the example set by their close neighbor i.e. the Isle of Man and give bitcoin a serious look. Not necessarily for it to be the main currency but they should embrace it for what it could mean to their economy by being bitcoin 'friendly'.

Ireland has seen an explosion in businesses setting up shop there due to them creating a friendly environment for these businesses, Scotland could do the same by embracing all crypto currencies.