Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: tao67 on May 15, 2014, 07:27:23 AM

Title: Ideas for this domain :
Post by: tao67 on May 15, 2014, 07:27:23 AM
Hello everyone,

I own this fabulous domain : and I am looking for ideas to get something of it.

I have to find an idea to link bitcoin with a way of authentification for something. Bitid wants to use bitcoin for hôtels, very interesting idea..

Any thoughts ?

Many thanks !

Title: Re: Ideas for this domain :
Post by: Search on May 15, 2014, 08:36:19 AM
multi signature gateway.

Title: Re: Ideas for this domain :
Post by: tao67 on May 15, 2014, 10:12:31 AM
 @ Gambler : I don't really know. Finding a way to use bitcoin as a proof of property. (Legal documents, patents, etc) I really think that using bitcoin for money, is just a beginning. Bitcoin is much bigger..

@ Search : What do you mean by multi signature Gateway ?

Title: Re: Ideas for this domain :
Post by: Chrithu on May 15, 2014, 10:25:39 AM
Hmm I dunno your site could offer Multi Factor Authentication based on bitcoin private/public key pairs?

Like you offer the backend stuff and other sites could use your service for their 2FA.

Just a quickshot here. No idea how you would do it in detail or if it is practically doable at all.

Title: Re: Ideas for this domain :
Post by: Chrithu on May 15, 2014, 10:31:36 AM
@ Gambler : I don't really know. Finding a way to use bitcoin as a proof of property. (Legal documents, patents, etc) I really think that using bitcoin for money, is just a beginning. Bitcoin is much bigger..

I agree with that. And I just took a shower (where I allways have great ideas) and lightning struck me. It doesn't particularly fit your domain, but a bitcoin based ebook shop (using bitcoins public/private keys for copy protection) would be a neat thing. It wouldn't work website-based though.

The idea is: You have a PC and phone app that serves as the buying and reading platform. At the same time it is a mini wallet with limited functionality (just one addres/priv-key pair, encryption and dycryption,making transactions). When a customer wants to buy a book he first must load the address of his app with BTC. He then buys the book, the server encrypts it for copy protection using the customer's bitcoin address, only the customer's app that knows the private key can decyrpt and show the book. The neat thing about it would be that as a customer you wouldn't need to give the shop any info that isn't legally required. As a writer offering books you wouldn't need to worry about copy protection if the apps are done right.

What your site could offer is a more generic solution that makes such applications of the bitcoin security aspects possible. Like offering the backend services for such ventures aswell as producing the needed apps.

Title: Re: Ideas for this domain :
Post by: Bibop on May 15, 2014, 10:42:52 AM
Didn't like the domain but you may consider Bitcoin payment for hiring photoshop designers for forum signatures banners and logos