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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: TheFootMan on May 16, 2014, 10:53:36 AM

Title: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: TheFootMan on May 16, 2014, 10:53:36 AM

It's interesting how you can kill with one hand, and then support with the other hand.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: TheFootMan on May 16, 2014, 01:42:35 PM
cant access the link , youtube is blocked in my country  :'(

What country are you from? Can't you circumvent it with a proxy?

It's basically just Michelle Obama campaigning for the resque of the Nigerian kidnapped girls, and then people ask here about the drone kills conducted by her husbond, claiming they can't be brought back and that the US should stop doing that. And there's some mention of hypocrisy.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 02:25:13 PM
It is interesting how people can always unsatisfied with whatever is given to them.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: raskul on May 16, 2014, 02:29:52 PM
Michelle who?

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: BiTJack on May 16, 2014, 02:29:56 PM
cant access the link , youtube is blocked in my country  :'(

Try this link (, their servers might get you to the posted video.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 02:35:33 PM
Michelle who?
Do I sense sarcasm?

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: raskul on May 16, 2014, 02:38:35 PM
Michelle who?
Do I sense sarcasm?

perhaps a tad, but, not being anyway involved with the USA; she's the wife of some politician, right?


Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 02:39:56 PM
She's actually the wife of the President of The United States, Barack Obama.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: bitgeek on May 16, 2014, 02:42:29 PM
I'm not from the US, but I don't like Obama, simply because he's acting like a communist, and I hate the reds.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: raskul on May 16, 2014, 02:43:32 PM
She's actually the wife of the President of The United States, Barack Obama.

so... seeing the clip, people don't like her, right?
what has she done that's so bad?

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 02:43:55 PM
How so? As far as I can see He isn't proclaiming to follow some sort of communist ideal.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 02:45:09 PM
She's actually the wife of the President of The United States, Barack Obama.

so... seeing the clip, people don't like her, right?
what has she done that's so bad?
Apparently people hates her because of what Obama have not done (prevent drones from attacking other countries), which is quite baseless actually.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: raskul on May 16, 2014, 02:49:41 PM
She's actually the wife of the President of The United States, Barack Obama.

so... seeing the clip, people don't like her, right?
what has she done that's so bad?
Apparently people hates her because of what Obama have not done (prevent drones from attacking other countries), which is quite baseless actually.

There has not been one single year since the declaration of american independence where the USA have not been actively involved in territorial/military disputes or invasion of a country outside of the USA. Why does anyone think this would change with any politician in office? The US senate are a bunch of warmongering bully bastards and no president is ever going to make any difference to what goes on.
*cough* or his wife.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 02:51:05 PM
You've got it quite right. The congress is the main body which controls all sorts of decisions, and thus the President is actually quite powerless to achieve anything.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: bitgeek on May 16, 2014, 03:03:16 PM
How so? As far as I can see He isn't proclaiming to follow some sort of communist ideal.
He is an anti capitalist and a socialist, his Obamacare proves it. Among other things he's also against people's right to own guns.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 03:08:29 PM
What people call "Obamacare" is actually the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (abbreviated to PPACA or ACA). However, people were calling it "Obamacare" before everyone even hammered out what it would be. It's a term that was, at first, mostly used by people who didn't like the PPACA, and it's become popularized in part because PPACA is a really long and awkward name, even when you turn it into an acronym like that. Barack Obama has since said that he actually likes the term "Obamacare" because, he says, "I do care".
Anyway, the PPACA made a bunch of new rules regarding health care, with the purpose of making health care more affordable for everyone.

I don't see how this is communism in action. Would you rather prefer expensive, uninsured medical care ?

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: kuroman on May 16, 2014, 03:15:27 PM
She's actually the wife of the President of The United States, Barack Obama.

so... seeing the clip, people don't like her, right?
what has she done that's so bad?

double standards, and as explained in the video, she is not so outraged by the action of her husband gouverment, when it comes to drones strikes in foreign countries and illegal wars and calling it just a PR stunt (since it isn't honest)

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: bitgeek on May 16, 2014, 03:18:10 PM
What people call "Obamacare" is actually the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (abbreviated to PPACA or ACA). However, people were calling it "Obamacare" before everyone even hammered out what it would be. It's a term that was, at first, mostly used by people who didn't like the PPACA, and it's become popularized in part because PPACA is a really long and awkward name, even when you turn it into an acronym like that. Barack Obama has since said that he actually likes the term "Obamacare" because, he says, "I do care".
Anyway, the PPACA made a bunch of new rules regarding health care, with the purpose of making health care more affordable for everyone.

I don't see how this is communism in action. Would you rather prefer expensive, uninsured medical care ?
It's been said many times, you can google it by typing "obamacare communism" or "obamacare socialism". The government forcing you to pay for healthcare and then deciding what services you can get, is communist. Everybody pays, but we decide who gets the biggest share.
Same with government deciding who can have firearms and who can't.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: coinnewbit on May 16, 2014, 03:20:00 PM
It seems like you have a very judgmental stand against the US government. For a more concrete example of what communism truely is, look up stalin or mao.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: TrueAccess on May 16, 2014, 03:21:27 PM
So now I'm responsible for what my spouse would do ? Damn...

I'm afraid most of people here won't be able to watch this youtube, also topic is rather misleading xD

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: bitgeek on May 16, 2014, 03:54:26 PM
It seems like you have a very judgmental stand against the US government. For a more concrete example of what communism truely is, look up stalin or mao.
Thank you, I'm sure I know what communism is, I've lived in a communist country. You don't have to be a dictator or a murderer, like the ones you mentioned, to be red.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: TheFootMan on May 18, 2014, 11:19:01 AM
She's actually the wife of the President of The United States, Barack Obama.

so... seeing the clip, people don't like her, right?
what has she done that's so bad?

double standards, and as explained in the video, she is not so outraged by the action of her husband gouverment, when it comes to drones strikes in foreign countries and illegal wars and calling it just a PR stunt (since it isn't honest)

It would be quite spectactular if she actually expressed publicly that she is against killing innocent people with drones. As  mother, and as a fairly(?) intelligent human being, I'm sure she can understand the grief and trouble of those families, men, women and children who has lost any family member to a drone strike.

Now, if she opposed this practise in public, she would be 'disloyal' and 'antiamerican', but she could not be punished and put in jail or sent to some camp because she was the president's wife. Most likely, she would just have her right to public speech revoked, and then being guarded quite closely and having her right to express herself being limited.

It would also be quite shameful for the president, and the US. So, to keep her privileged position, she can't really say anything about it, even if she don't like it.

Some people can kiss their kids goodnight at night knowing that a lot of others have no kids to kiss goodnight. As long as it does not affect themselves... When something happens fair away, let's just call it bugsplatter and let's pretend it's not happening, and then we can all keep being happy...

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: kuroman on May 18, 2014, 05:36:42 PM
She's actually the wife of the President of The United States, Barack Obama.

so... seeing the clip, people don't like her, right?
what has she done that's so bad?

double standards, and as explained in the video, she is not so outraged by the action of her husband gouverment, when it comes to drones strikes in foreign countries and illegal wars and calling it just a PR stunt (since it isn't honest)

It would be quite spectactular if she actually expressed publicly that she is against killing innocent people with drones. As  mother, and as a fairly(?) intelligent human being, I'm sure she can understand the grief and trouble of those families, men, women and children who has lost any family member to a drone strike.

Now, if she opposed this practise in public, she would be 'disloyal' and 'antiamerican', but she could not be punished and put in jail or sent to some camp because she was the president's wife. Most likely, she would just have her right to public speech revoked, and then being guarded quite closely and having her right to express herself being limited.

It would also be quite shameful for the president, and the US. So, to keep her privileged position, she can't really say anything about it, even if she don't like it.

Some people can kiss their kids goodnight at night knowing that a lot of others have no kids to kiss goodnight. As long as it does not affect themselves... When something happens fair away, let's just call it bugsplatter and let's pretend it's not happening, and then we can all keep being happy...

Exactly she can't say much about the US, the US government, and her husband policies and the one he inherited, it just a political game, and this a lot of people understand, but her tweet is a also a political message and a PR stunt, and it shows the double standards and that's why it backfired, that move wasn't so intelligent, while maybe in the US soil on which it woudn't have much opposition it might had good result (US media brainwashing is doing wonders on the average joe) on the international side of thing it is harder to have the same results

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: TheFootMan on May 19, 2014, 08:02:49 AM
Exactly she can't say much about the US, the US government, and her husband policies and the one he inherited, it just a political game, and this a lot of people understand, but her tweet is a also a political message and a PR stunt, and it shows the double standards and that's why it backfired, that move wasn't so intelligent, while maybe in the US soil on which it woudn't have much opposition it might had good result (US media brainwashing is doing wonders on the average joe) on the international side of thing it is harder to have the same results

Some people would rather be jobless and poor, and live in shitty conditions, while maintaining their integrity, than living a privileged life on a lie. Unfortunately, people ready to jump into that last position is plentiful.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: Hazir on May 19, 2014, 08:57:06 AM
Governments can't be trusted, that is for sure and it is true that US killed many people with drone attacks. But if Boko Haram were given the same power and resources as America has they would kill EVERY non muslim person in whole world, they are too small for that for now.

Title: Re: A campaign that backfired.
Post by: TheFootMan on May 19, 2014, 09:18:57 AM
Governments can't be trusted, that is for sure and it is true that US killed many people with drone attacks. But if Boko Haram were given the same power and resources as America has they would kill EVERY non muslim person in whole world, they are too small for that for now.

What kind of twisted logic is this, and what's your point ? There's always some sick ppl around that would kill anyone that wasn't like themselves.

A group called Boko Haram, "western education is a sin" is really far out there. It's about as intelligent as muslim leaders who sacrifices goats and other animals before important meetings for 'good luck', or about as intelligent as countries that make laws disallowing being gay, or countries having laws making it difficult to be an atheist. If there's anything at all that can help this world become a better place it is education.