Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Mining => Topic started by: Andrew Vorobyov on April 20, 2011, 01:51:23 PM

Title: Individual mining using rpcminer
Post by: Andrew Vorobyov on April 20, 2011, 01:51:23 PM
I did already - thanx...

Can someone point me where I can find configuration of rpcminer for individual mining?

I mean how to use rpcminer (or Ufasoft) to emulate bitcoin official client's mining?

1 BTC reward for the best answer!

Title: Re: Individual mining using rpcminer
Post by: dust on April 20, 2011, 03:37:32 PM
For jgarzik's CPU miner: Use the flag --userpass yourname:yourpass
For ufasoft's miner: Use the flags -u yourname -p yourpass

Where yourname and yourpass are defined in bitcoin.conf (~/.bitcoin on linux, C:\Users\you\Appdata\Roaming\Bitcoin) on Windows

Edit: You have to be running bitcoin with the -server flag (or run the daemon bitcoind)

Title: Re: Individual mining using rpcminer
Post by: Andrew Vorobyov on April 20, 2011, 03:44:24 PM
What IP?

Title: Re: Individual mining using rpcminer
Post by: dust on April 20, 2011, 03:45:32 PM
What IP?
You don't need to specify an IP, it defaults to your local instance of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Individual mining using rpcminer
Post by: Andrew Vorobyov on April 20, 2011, 03:46:37 PM
No username password.
04/20/2011  06:42 PM    <DIR>          ..
04/17/2011  06:15 PM                 0 .lock
04/20/2011  06:45 PM         1,343,488 addr.dat
04/20/2011  06:33 PM       130,730,954 blk0001.dat
04/20/2011  06:39 PM        82,673,664 blkindex.dat
04/20/2011  06:42 PM    <DIR>          database
04/20/2011  06:39 PM               312 db.log
04/20/2011  06:42 PM           217,091 debug.log
04/20/2011  06:43 PM            98,304 wallet.dat
04/20/2011  06:42 PM            24,576 __db.001
04/20/2011  06:42 PM           507,904 __db.002
04/20/2011  06:42 PM           270,336 __db.003
04/20/2011  06:42 PM            98,304 __db.004
04/20/2011  06:42 PM         4,005,888 __db.005
04/20/2011  06:42 PM            49,152 __db.006

Title: Re: Individual mining using rpcminer
Post by: dust on April 20, 2011, 03:51:58 PM
You have to create the file bitcoin.conf in that directory.