Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cryptopaths on May 24, 2014, 09:58:17 PM

Title: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: cryptopaths on May 24, 2014, 09:58:17 PM
With their extreme corruption and evidence linking them to some of the biggest scams in Bitcoin (MTGox) and murders made to look like suicides. Now with the revelation that KNC didn't actually pay the $100k under proper procedure or even more likely at all to vote for Brock Pierce and elect him. Honestly what will it take to rally together the Bitcoin community and take these scumbags down? The leadership of the foundation for the most part consists of fraudsters, fat fucks, pedophiles, murderers and scammers who don't even properly cover their tracks, it's like they feel there so untouchable they think no one can stop them.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Beliathon on May 24, 2014, 10:01:32 PM
So basically the same old shit as the folks at the top of the fiat pyramid?

You mean a new kind of money didn't magically resolve the problem of power being a corrupting force? *GASP*

Cryptocurrency did not create the problems inherent to capitalism, and cryptocurrency is not going to solve them.

To do that, we must shift the paradigm of culture (

"Premise Four: Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized.

Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims."
-Derrick Jensen, Endgame.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Broseph Stalin on May 24, 2014, 10:15:53 PM
In the end, bitcoin is open source. That's the difference between it and the fiat system.
If the people behind the euro are corrupt.. well, good luck doing anything about it.
If the people behind bitcoin are corrupt.. well, seize control over it.

Bitcoin is a consensus based network. For example; if more people want a fork of bitcoin that doesn't have a website or sourceforge under the control of the foundation.. we just do it. Nobody can stop the majority from winning in bitcoin.. that's true democracy.

I would say that there's only one thing stopping it: not enough developers that know the protocol inside out. If the majority wants to take control, the majority needs to be educated. If only a rotten few know how to develop it, only a rotten few will ever be in control. It's up to us to take control if we want it.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Beliathon on May 24, 2014, 10:20:38 PM
Bitcoin is a consensus based network.
BINGO! I don't think most people realize how important this is, how radical and brilliant the solution of [the blockchain] crypto is, to the problem of [trust] money.

Bitcoin is the internet of money, it cannot be stopped. As such its dominance over all things financial is a matter of WHEN, not IF ( All global fiat wealth visible in top bottle; crypto in bottom.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: bananas on May 24, 2014, 10:28:06 PM
Bitcoin is a consensus based network.
BINGO! I don't think most people realize how important this is, how radical and brilliant the solution of [the blockchain] crypto is, to the problem of [trust] money.

Consensus among about 6 miners that own near all hash rate? Descentralization does not exist right now.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Broseph Stalin on May 24, 2014, 10:41:25 PM
Bitcoin is a consensus based network.
BINGO! I don't think most people realize how important this is, how radical and brilliant the solution of [the blockchain] crypto is, to the problem of [trust] money.

Consensus among about 6 miners that own near all hash rate? Descentralization does not exist right now.

Which, again, speaks to the importance of the majority to work together to assume control.

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: jonald_fyookball on May 24, 2014, 11:50:33 PM
Bitcoin is a consensus based network.
BINGO! I don't think most people realize how important this is, how radical and brilliant the solution of [the blockchain] crypto is, to the problem of [trust] money.

Consensus among about 6 miners that own near all hash rate? Descentralization does not exist right now.

6 pools very different from 6 miners.

If a pool starts acting badly, it can be abandoned pretty much instantly.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Group Bitcoin on May 25, 2014, 01:28:20 AM
Bitcoin is a consensus based network.
BINGO! I don't think most people realize how important this is, how radical and brilliant the solution of [the blockchain] crypto is, to the problem of [trust] money.

Consensus among about 6 miners that own near all hash rate? Descentralization does not exist right now.

Which, again, speaks to the importance of the majority to work together to assume control.

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

How do they actually control it though, in what way ? Do they adjust the fundamentals like block reward for example ?

Or control by just being recognized as the figure head, the organization at the top ?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 25, 2014, 01:29:11 AM
So basically the same old shit as the folks at the top of the fiat pyramid?

You mean a new kind of money didn't magically resolve the problem of power being a corrupting force? *GASP*

Cryptocurrency did not create the problems inherent to capitalism, and cryptocurrency is not going to solve them.

The biggest problem "inherent to capitalism" is that people do not know what it really is and they believe the crap taught it school and on TV. In case you do not know, real free-market capitalism is an ideal condition to work towards achieving..

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Beliathon on May 25, 2014, 01:48:42 AM
The biggest problem "inherent to capitalism" is that people do not know what it really is and they believe the crap taught it school and on TV. In case you do not know, real free-market capitalism is an ideal condition to work towards achieving..
These "capitalism would be perfect if only we were DOING IT RIGHT" pipedream arguments remind me of something... now what could it be?

Ahhh yes, fundamentalist Christianity. Wake the fuck up (, capitalism is a living nightmare for most of the world, even though it's been a pretty sweet deal for Elder English-speaking White Males.

Capitalism is a Cult (, and economics is the pseudo-science ( which supports it.

It is the direct descendant of feudalism, our last ties to an era characterized by violence, slavery, and exploitation. For god's sake we're still paying RENT in 2014!! We peasants paying LAND-LORDS for the RIGHT to LIVE in decent shelter. There are no barbarians trying to kill us these days, the LORDS do nothing to protect the LAND, yet still we PAY THEM. WHY? Tradition, ignorance, obedience, nation-state indoctrination, and stupidity - that's why.

If you want a decent future for your grandchildren to live in, you must accept that decent food, shelter, healthcare, and education are a BIRTHRIGHT for ALL HUMAN BEINGS.

Any economic philosophy - capitalism included - that tells you humans must WORK for the right to EXIST is a LIE! Capitalism is ignorance, and therefore it is evil.

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
"There is only one good: Knowledge. And one evil: Ignorance"

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: TaunSew on May 25, 2014, 02:04:42 AM
The biggest problem "inherent to capitalism" is that people do not know what it really is and they believe the crap taught it school and on TV. In case you do not know, real free-market capitalism is an ideal condition to work towards achieving..
These "capitalism would be perfect if only we were DOING IT RIGHT" pipedream arguments remind me of something... now what could it be?

Ahhh yes, fundamentalist Christianity. Wake the fuck up, capitalism is a living nightmare for most of the world.

Capitalism is a religion, and economics is the pseudo-science which supports it.

It is the direct descendant of feudalism, our last ties to an era characterized by violence, slavery, and exploitation. For god's sake we're still paying RENT in 2014!! We peasants paying LAND-LORDS for the RIGHT to LIVE in decent shelter. There are no barbarians trying to kill us these days, the LORDS do nothing to protect the LAND, yet still we PAY THEM. WHY? Tradition, ignorance, obedience, nation-state indoctrination, and stupidity - that's why.

If you want a decent future for your grandchildren to live in, you must accept that decent food, shelter, healthcare, and education are a BIRTHRIGHT for ALL HUMAN BEINGS.

Any economic philosophy - capitalism included - that tells you humans must WORK for the right to EXIST is a LIE!

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
"There is only one good: Knowledge. And one evil: Ignorance"

As long as there is property tax - you don't own the land.  We regularly boot out 70+ year olds because they undergo some sort of dementia, underpaid their property tax (probably which only went up due to inflation) and then were evicted from properties they have lived for decades in.  For the thousands of years we've had human history, our predecessors would laughing at us for this.

I can understand paying for something like natural gas but the idea of taxing land is dumb.  So is any notion of vacant land or property ownership (adverse possession has been the norm in human history)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: jonald_fyookball on May 25, 2014, 03:01:44 AM
Any economic philosophy - capitalism included - that tells you humans must WORK for the right to EXIST is a LIE! Capitalism is ignorance, and therefore it is evil.

This doesn't even make sense.  Values (food, shelter, etc) have to come from somewhere.  If I'm not going to earn them myself, that means someone else has to.

See, this is why you can't argue politics/philosophy with Beliathon. Smart guy, love his enthusiasm for Bitcoin, but too many confused assumptions rattling around in his head.  (No offense)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: steeev on May 25, 2014, 03:15:24 AM
'(the) if only we were DOING IT RIGHT" pipedream arguments remind me of something... now what could it be?

reminds me of socialism... they keep on trying it - it only ever seems to go to tyranny, despotism, collapse, genocide...

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 25, 2014, 03:16:08 AM
Any economic philosophy - capitalism included - that tells you humans must WORK for the right to EXIST is a LIE! Capitalism is ignorance, and therefore it is evil.

This doesn't even make sense.  Values (food, shelter, etc) have to come from somewhere.  If I'm not going to earn them myself, that means someone else has to.

See, this is why you can't argue politics/philosophy with Beliathion.  Smart guy, love his enthusiasm for Bitcoin, but too many confused assumptions rattling around in his head.  (No offense)

Facts be told, I sometimes can be accused of the same thing, albeit I'm trying my damdest to get you folks to see outside the box oppose to remaining inside with some smelly dead cat, or a uber-purring one if such be the case. Either way, there's a droolin' dog outside trying to get in because some dude rang a bell.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Group Bitcoin on May 25, 2014, 03:21:29 AM
Any economic philosophy - capitalism included - that tells you humans must WORK for the right to EXIST is a LIE! Capitalism is ignorance, and therefore it is evil.

This doesn't even make sense.  Values (food, shelter, etc) have to come from somewhere.  If I'm not going to earn them myself, that means someone else has to.

See, this is why you can't argue politics/philosophy with Beliathion.  Smart guy, love his enthusiasm for Bitcoin, but too many confused assumptions rattling around in his head.  (No offense)

Facts be told, I sometimes can be accused of the same thing, albeit I'm trying my damdest to get you folks to see outside the box oppose to remaining inside with some smelly dead cat, or a uber-purring one if such be the case. Either way, there's a droolin' dog outside trying to get in because some dude rang a bell.

An 'uber-purring one' is probably preferable.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: FreebieZoner on May 25, 2014, 03:29:50 AM
There is no faith in people,  greed always takes over.   That's the down side of crypto.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 25, 2014, 03:39:09 AM
Any economic philosophy - capitalism included - that tells you humans must WORK for the right to EXIST is a LIE! Capitalism is ignorance, and therefore it is evil.

This doesn't even make sense.  Values (food, shelter, etc) have to come from somewhere.  If I'm not going to earn them myself, that means someone else has to.

See, this is why you can't argue politics/philosophy with Beliathion.  Smart guy, love his enthusiasm for Bitcoin, but too many confused assumptions rattling around in his head.  (No offense)

Facts be told, I sometimes can be accused of the same thing, albeit I'm trying my damdest to get you folks to see outside the box oppose to remaining inside with some smelly dead cat, or a uber-purring one if such be the case. Either way, there's a droolin' dog outside trying to get in because some dude rang a bell.

An 'uber-purring one' is probably preferable.

As in PoleKat?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: jc01480 on May 25, 2014, 04:04:39 AM
Wow, you guys believe more in the principle than you do the technology.  Fuck...

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: jonald_fyookball on May 25, 2014, 04:08:23 AM
Wow, you guys believe more in the principle than you do the technology.  Fuck...

Whatcha talkin bout Willis

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: harlenadler on May 25, 2014, 04:32:21 AM
To be honest, the Bitcoin Foundation is a huge black eye for bitcoin, and I get the impression that it, and insiders connected to it, have far too much control over the protocol. Open source or not, core devs do not answer to you and they may answer to others. I, for one, think there is too much centralization around bitcoin's development.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Ron~Popeil on May 25, 2014, 04:35:21 AM
There is no faith in people,  greed always takes over.   That's the down side of crypto.

The desire for economic gain or "greed" is not a down side. Henry Ford created the Model A because he believed he could make money, the same for Edison, the Wright Brothers, Gutenberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and thousands of others that have changed the world. This desire is innate in the human species and is responsible for some of the greatest advances in history.  

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: justusranvier on May 25, 2014, 04:42:30 AM
Open source or not, core devs do not answer to you and they may answer to others. I, for one, think there is too much centralization around bitcoin's development.
So stop using their software.

There are viable alternatives.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: DonnyMontana on May 25, 2014, 01:56:18 PM
Guilty until proven innocent? Is he a convicted sex offender or not?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Group Bitcoin on May 25, 2014, 02:06:24 PM
pedophiles, murderers.... and 'fat fucks'  ::)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 25, 2014, 06:17:47 PM
Guilty until proven innocent? Is he a convicted sex offender or not?

Having no qualms with Bruce and Gel's lifestyle, even admiring them for such, along with their noble efforts to bring Bitcoin to the mainstream via their ONLY ONE shows, they were dug a new asshole due chiefly in part to ONLY ONE comment Bruce once made on some other formum years past regarding a three-pronged attack - forcible sex by two adult males with one early- to mid-teen boy.

The above mention probably didn't even make its way outside this forum, but was enough to have Bruce, along with his life-partner, Gil, no longer post here, scaling back their Bitcoin involvement, with fellow bitcoiners joining the choir to the tune, "Glad that pervert's gone!"

Compare that with how Brock Pierce has been in the news for over a decade about acts thousands of times worst, yet we are lead to believe that none of it is true, in spite of the myriad sources.

Hell, the learned board members with their degrees plastered on the wall for all to see thought it wise to consider putting him on the ballot, then followed through. The same crew that had disdain for Bruce Wagner. Double standard much, or only when it fits your pocketbook?

That's how it's perceived by us Bitcoin Minions, and that's have Bitcoin will be perceived as more press is penned about The Bitcoin Foundation having an accused pedophile in its ranks.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have yet another hard-on to attend to, currently eyeing a goat's left ear lobe and, to be clear, I'm not kidding.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: helmax on May 26, 2014, 09:12:30 AM
i htink this guys are  manipulating the price of bitcoin
wht you think?
wht we can do ban this guys

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: jonald_fyookball on May 26, 2014, 01:07:39 PM
i htink this guys are  manipulating the price of bitcoin
wht you think?
wht we can do ban this guys

Gox could manipulate cause no one could get coins out.  Much harder to manipulate open system.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: btcusury on May 26, 2014, 05:54:18 PM
The biggest problem "inherent to capitalism" is that people do not know what it really is and they believe the crap taught it school and on TV. In case you do not know, real free-market capitalism is an ideal condition to work towards achieving..
These "capitalism would be perfect if only we were DOING IT RIGHT" pipedream arguments remind me of something... now what could it be?

Ahhh yes, fundamentalist Christianity. Wake the fuck up (, capitalism is a living nightmare for most of the world, even though it's been a pretty sweet deal for Elder English-speaking White Males.

Capitalism is a Cult (, and economics is the pseudo-science ( which supports it.

It is the direct descendant of feudalism, our last ties to an era characterized by violence, slavery, and exploitation. For god's sake we're still paying RENT in 2014!! We peasants paying LAND-LORDS for the RIGHT to LIVE in decent shelter. There are no barbarians trying to kill us these days, the LORDS do nothing to protect the LAND, yet still we PAY THEM. WHY? Tradition, ignorance, obedience, nation-state indoctrination, and stupidity - that's why.

If you want a decent future for your grandchildren to live in, you must accept that decent food, shelter, healthcare, and education are a BIRTHRIGHT for ALL HUMAN BEINGS.

Any economic philosophy - capitalism included - that tells you humans must WORK for the right to EXIST is a LIE! Capitalism is ignorance, and therefore it is evil.

"All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"
"There is only one good: Knowledge. And one evil: Ignorance"

Well put, except for the "Elder English-speaking White Males" ;)

People are still reading technologically-obsolete theories (that includes Austrian economics) dating back before the Internet and before cryptocurrency. It's like wanting to go back to the telegraph for communication, or horses for transportation...

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: moriartybitcoin on May 27, 2014, 01:39:34 AM
yeah, I pretty much agree with the OP. Bitcoin Foundation = shit

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Group Bitcoin on May 27, 2014, 02:00:41 PM
yeah, I pretty much agree with the OP. Bitcoin Foundation = shit

Who appointed them any ? It's supposed to be decentralized and open.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 27, 2014, 10:03:52 PM
yeah, I pretty much agree with the OP. Bitcoin Foundation = shit

Who appointed them any ? It's supposed to be decentralized and open.

At the time it was expressed that a governing arm needed to be in place to address the various three-letter agencies when they start a callin'. They called. They went. Then, they place an accused pedophile on its board, thinkin' that that's what's best for Bitcoin.

Two years ago, it was concerned madness to have Bruce Wagner in the fold. Today, it's considered madness if one questions Brock Pierce's board position, and the latter is much worst than the former.

That's madness!

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: cryptopaths on May 27, 2014, 10:54:56 PM
yeah, I pretty much agree with the OP. Bitcoin Foundation = shit

Who appointed them any ? It's supposed to be decentralized and open.

At the time it was expressed that a governing arm needed to be in place to address the various three-letter agencies when they start a callin'. They called. They went. Then, they place an accused pedophile on its board, thinkin' that that's what's best for Bitcoin.

Two years ago, it was concerned madness to have Bruce Wagner in the fold. Today, it's considered madness if one questions Brock Pierce's board position, and the latter is much worst than the former.

That's madness!

Have you heard about the coup in Thailand? Bruce's plans are thwarted!  ;D

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Bit_Happy on May 27, 2014, 11:20:48 PM
There is no faith in people,  greed always takes over.   That's the down side of crypto.

The desire for economic gain or "greed" is not a down side. Henry Ford created the Model A because he believed he could make money, the same for Edison, the Wright Brothers, Gutenberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and thousands of others that have changed the world. This desire is innate in the human species and is responsible for some of the greatest advances in history.  

Don't forget Ron Popeil was also working for an honest profit and he created some of the best infomercials in history.  :)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: acs267 on May 28, 2014, 12:18:22 AM
The Bitcoin Foundation, folks! Convincing people they still have a inch of power.

It really won't be hard for anybody to take them down, since, dare I say it - they don't control anything. They're just idiots that make people want to label Bitcoin a different way. There's at least 20k+ Bitcoin users out there that don't want to follow their rules.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Group Bitcoin on May 28, 2014, 12:40:33 AM
The Bitcoin Foundation, folks! Convincing people they still have a inch of power.

It really won't be hard for anybody to take them down, since, dare I say it - they don't control anything. They're just idiots that make people want to label Bitcoin a different way. There's at least 20k+ Bitcoin users out there that don't want to follow their rules.

There's got to be a hell of a lot more than 20k now involved in Bitcoin

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: acs267 on May 28, 2014, 12:44:41 AM
The Bitcoin Foundation, folks! Convincing people they still have a inch of power.

It really won't be hard for anybody to take them down, since, dare I say it - they don't control anything. They're just idiots that make people want to label Bitcoin a different way. There's at least 20k+ Bitcoin users out there that don't want to follow their rules.

There's got to be a hell of a lot more than 20k now involved in Bitcoin

Of course there is. More than 60K merchants accept it. Over 100K people have adopted it.

Meant to say:

Over 300K people use the forum.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 01:34:53 AM
There is no faith in people,  greed always takes over.   That's the down side of crypto.

The desire for economic gain or "greed" is not a down side. Henry Ford created the Model A because he believed he could make money, the same for Edison, the Wright Brothers, Gutenberg, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and thousands of others that have changed the world. This desire is innate in the human species and is responsible for some of the greatest advances in history.  

Don't forget Ron Popeil was also working for an honest profit and he created some of the best infomercials in history.  :)

I see you have your hands in your pocket. Planning on doin' some fishin' or is something else goin' on?  ;D

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 01:36:29 AM
The Bitcoin Foundation, folks! Convincing people they still have a inch of power.

It really won't be hard for anybody to take them down, since, dare I say it - they don't control anything. They're just idiots that make people want to label Bitcoin a different way. There's at least 20k+ Bitcoin users out there that don't want to follow their rules.

70% of which favor Sunlot taking over Mt Gox according to some estimates.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 01:57:13 AM
The Bitcoin Foundation, folks! Convincing people they still have a inch of power.

It really won't be hard for anybody to take them down, since, dare I say it - they don't control anything. They're just idiots that make people want to label Bitcoin a different way. There's at least 20k+ Bitcoin users out there that don't want to follow their rules.

There's got to be a hell of a lot more than 20k now involved in Bitcoin

Of course there is. More than 60K merchants accept it. Over 100K people have adopted it.

And, I applaud them 60K merchants for having the wisdom to accept bitcoins, albeit said wisdom was somehow lacking when it came time to post their Bitcoins-Accepted-Here here:

In North America, the count is shy of 2,000. Take a look at the map and see for yourself.

Then, zoom in to Santa Monica where Bitropolis is located and NOT see all the B&Ms that Brock Pierce and his cronies have yet to convince. You telling me that not even the Mighty Duck, Brock Pierce, can convince to accept bitcoins, given that they're located two floors below GoCoin/Incubation Center, and probably the CEOs/employees eat there on a regular basis. Like, WTF!

Then, zoom in to Las Vegas, where Michael Terpin and Brock Pierce both live and, again, NOT see a number of B&Ms that should be much higher than it is now. What is probably represented was obtained via us Bitcoin Minions, THEM wanting us to do even more, all the while them fucks lining their pockets with ill-gotten gains. Looking at you, Paymium, et al.

I dare you to name other Bitcoin entities that they themselves are NOT even on the map. should be something we show to others to depict the myriad vendors that accept bitcoins. Instead, it's an embarrassment.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: buffalodoge on May 28, 2014, 02:31:15 AM
JaJAja, i noticed that the other night.

Especially lulzy how there are more people accepting Bitcoin in Marbella than in Santa Monica, innit?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Kprawn on May 28, 2014, 07:20:03 AM
I think we must blame "Walt Disney" - Donald Duck violated Pierce and now he will violate Bitcoin.  ;D {joke}

Seriously... There is so much bad publicity around "Bitcoins" do we need more?

How is vetting done?

Oh well... We atleast know who we dealing with, in many instances, the forces behind many things are hidden.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: freedombit on May 28, 2014, 07:20:32 AM
Facts be told, I sometimes can be accused of the same thing, albeit I'm trying my damdest to get you folks to see outside the box oppose to remaining inside with some smelly dead cat, or a uber-purring one if such be the case. Either way, there's a droolin' dog outside trying to get in because some dude rang a bell.

Is this in regards to MtGox, the Foundation, or Bitcoin in general?

MtGox = folded disaster, or not, depending upon your view of the purpose
Foundation = full of scumbags, or not, depending on your morals
Bitcoin = paradigm shift in economic theory, or not, depending on your understanding of the tech

Isn't it all relative?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: Phinnaeus Gage on May 28, 2014, 08:13:05 AM
Facts be told, I sometimes can be accused of the same thing, albeit I'm trying my damdest to get you folks to see outside the box oppose to remaining inside with some smelly dead cat, or a uber-purring one if such be the case. Either way, there's a droolin' dog outside trying to get in because some dude rang a bell.

Is this in regards to MtGox, the Foundation, or Bitcoin in general?

MtGox = folded disaster, or not, depending upon your view of the purpose
Foundation = full of scumbags, or not, depending on your morals
Bitcoin = paradigm shift in economic theory, or not, depending on your understanding of the tech

Isn't it all relative?

I love the protocol, but not the scumlords fucking it up. Sadly, I'm seeing reasons to believe Bitcoin was created with nefarious intent in mind, namely power/money, by entities possessing the same.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: JorgeStolfi on May 28, 2014, 08:42:47 AM
I love the protocol, but not the scumlords fucking it up. Sadly, I'm seeing reasons to believe Bitcoin was created with nefarious intent in mind, namely power/money, by entities possessing the same.
I am skeptical that bitcoin will succeed in the long term, but I do not yet see its origins with that pessimism.  Not all the time at least.  ;)

I may have missed it, but in Satoshi's paper I did not see any goal stated, other than creating a payment system without a central trusted authority.

I have not read Satoshi's conversations with his "Prophets", but the sense that I get from the Writings by the latter is that, when bitcoin was being implemented, the goal had become, more explicitly, create an economy that governments and banks could not control, within the broader libetarian goal of creating an anarchic society etc.

More recently (especially since the 2013 bubbles) bitcoin was run over by an army of crooks and scammers, attracted by the promise of huge gains, by the (presumed) anonimity of accounts, by the lack of legal rules, by the rich but gullible public, etc.  These crooks are motivated by profit, although they may be (more or less reluctant) agents of the government too.

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: jbreher on May 28, 2014, 04:16:45 PM
I don't understand why it might be surprising that -- in a decentralized system -- not everyone who accepts bitcoin would bother to register with a minor service such as coin map.

To the B&M, bitcoin is just another tool to use to run their biz. What value do you expect a restaurant to get from registering upon a worldwide map?

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: justusranvier on May 28, 2014, 05:28:39 PM
pedophiles, murderers.... and 'fat fucks'  ::)

Title: Re: The Bitcoin Foundation-fraudsters, pedophiles, murderers ,fat fucks and scammers
Post by: cbeast on May 28, 2014, 05:30:35 PM
pedophiles, murderers.... and 'fat fucks'  ::)
I live by that.