Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: gondel on May 25, 2014, 09:46:20 PM

Title: The forum is asleep?
Post by: gondel on May 25, 2014, 09:46:20 PM
I am from a different time zone, not  the USA time zone. I dont know if the majority of people here are from USA, but i think at certain time the forum is going to sleep :D You think most of the people are from US, is there somekind of statistics from the forum admin what people from where are participating here...? Can you make this information public? I recently graduated at the Sofia University ( my second time) and i ma expert at statistics ( BTW i can help you with something)..I am just wondering if people here are mainly from US

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: beetcoin on May 25, 2014, 09:47:28 PM
it's not 100% scientific, but you could just go to the off-topic subforum and create a poll.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: hilariousandco on May 26, 2014, 05:47:35 AM
I'm sure the majority will be from the USA but the rest will probably be spread out all over the world. UK would probably be the second largest. Would be interesting to see the whole stats though.


USA 27.2%
Russia 8.5%
UK 4.9%
India 4.8%
Canada 4.2%

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: shorena on May 26, 2014, 06:11:02 AM
I'm sure the majority will be from the USA but the rest will probably be spread out all over the world. UK would probably be the second largest. Would be interesting to see the whole stats though.


USA 27.2%
Russia 8.5%
UK 4.9%
India 4.8%
Canada 4.2%

Alexa's traffic estimates are based on data from our global traffic panel, which is a sample of millions of Internet users using one of over 25,000 different browser extensions.

I wonder how many Bitcointalk users use these extensions. I doubt those numbers are anywhere near reliable.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: Faince1985 on May 26, 2014, 11:33:07 AM
it doesn't actually "Sleeps" some other timezones have this as their working time too. Allot of the people here are from U.S.A but other's contribute more than %50 so they could keep it active if they want -also it's still relatively active "most subforum has more than a post/5 mins"-.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: Mitchell on May 26, 2014, 11:35:06 AM
I have noticed that the forum is way more active when America is awake, so I would assume that most people live in the USA. I also get more replies when America is awake, so yeah.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: pandacoin on May 26, 2014, 02:32:54 PM
You can't get any info from Alexa or other services. Everybody use VPN's in the internet.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: rhino34567 on May 26, 2014, 02:49:28 PM
I believe a majority of the people here reside in the Americas because activity really seems to slow down in the late night and early morning and remains fairly stable in between.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: gondel on May 27, 2014, 02:00:10 PM
I believe a majority of the people here reside in the Americas because activity really seems to slow down in the late night and early morning and remains fairly stable in between.
Yes i see that there is a lot more activity during the american working time zone. Sad for me that the marketplace is not always delivering outside america..

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: gagalady on May 27, 2014, 03:15:27 PM
Like others said probably the majority is from USA, I''m myself at ET (Europe time) So when here It's 6 PM at USA 11 PM so for me the forums Is the most active at early morning or about 8-9 PM. But I'm sure there a lot people not only from USA so the forums should be more or less active all the time, I didn't notice any major activity change on the forums according to time.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: acs267 on May 27, 2014, 03:56:29 PM
It depends more on your time zone. For instance, I'm in the U.S Central time zone. Meaning, it's later in other time zones, or earlier.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: nickenburg on May 27, 2014, 03:59:38 PM
I believe a majority of the people here reside in the Americas because activity really seems to slow down in the late night and early morning and remains fairly stable in between.

That's exactly the time im posting alot, that's why when i wake up I got alot more replies then during the day.
I dont know why there shouldn't be alot of europeans on this forum to.
Do you guys think Bitcoin is more popular in the Usa then in Europe?

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: noviapriani on May 27, 2014, 05:36:09 PM
I think I know what happened since they banning people this forum became more dead.  use to be alot of action but people are leaving this forum and going else where.  I saw lots of action at all times and love reading what people have to say but since they got strict here, the forum has been even dead in all hours.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: HeroC on May 27, 2014, 10:42:55 PM
Yeah, I am from the USA, I see the forum is mostly active when I am awake. When it is late at night and I am on, it is less active.

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: btcton on May 28, 2014, 04:04:11 AM
Just thought I'd post this in order someone wants to make a chart of the posting times of all members:;sa=statPanel

Title: Re: The forum is asleep?
Post by: kuusj98 on May 28, 2014, 09:34:10 PM
I have noticed that the forum is way more active when America is awake, so I would assume that most people live in the USA. I also get more replies when America is awake, so yeah.
For us in Europe that means staying awake to see all the price changes from ze USA people :(